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chronicbeans · 8 months ago
Candle Cove Headcanons
Just a bunch of randomly assorted headcanons from a fella who, somehow, HAD NO IDEA THE WIKI EXISTED ALL THESE YEARS. So, these headcanons only really include Janice, Percy, the Laughingstock, Horace, and the Skintaker lol. So these are some of my thoughts during the last 12 years of only having the original Creepypasta and the Channel Zero show to work with.
TW: Skintaker doing his skinning thing, Paranoia, Good ol' Betrayal, Children in Distress
• Some people remember a pilot or prototype of a pilot, where instead of Janice, there was a unnamed boy. He was taller than basically every puppet, since it seemed like whatever studio or being that was making the show hadn't figured out perspective illusions to make him look shorter than them. The only puppet that was different was the Skintaker, since he was a life-sized Halloween skeleton prop tied to strings, in order to make him taller than the boy. The main storyline of that episode was Percy being frightened, thinking that due to the boy's size, he was in some way related to the Skintaker. During the episode, there'd be times where they'd stop acting and try to calm the boy down, because he kept breaking down from distress, scared that the people watching would think he's related to the Skintaker.
• Percy's voice is actually a bit deeper to medium in pitch. The creators tried a higher pitched tone, but found it too grating to listen to, and were scared kids or their parents would find the protagonist insufferable. So, they gave the high pitch tone to Horace the Horrible, because he's a villain, and gave Percy a more soothing voice to listen to. The Skintaker has a very, very deep voice to try to indicate that he's a villain, which was made by using some voice effects on top of an already naturally deep voice actor. Janice just uses actress's her normal voice, since she's already a child and probably wouldn't be good at keeping a fake voice on for long.
• The Laughingstock crew consists of Percy, the Laughingstock, and Janice. After the first three episodes, however, there's always a "guest" on the ship that only appears during that episode and leaves at the end. Percy does often talk about "his previous crew", claiming they betrayed him, so he started his line pirating career. However, whenever Janice tries to ask more about them, he refuses to answer.
• The Skintaker is after Percy, specifically. Sure, if he can get somebody else and knows he can't get Percy, he'll go after them. However, if he thinks he can get to Percy, he'll ignore everyone else and go after him. Percy is well aware of this, and that's a large part of why he's so cowardly.
• The Studio making Candle Cove had tried to make an excuse for Percy being made of multiple different, clearly not meant to be put together, doll parts. They did so by saying Percy is made of different parts of different people. They also said this is why the Skintaker goes after him so often, since the Skintaker sees it as being like skinning multiple people at once. This was never clarified, so the audience just has to live with the knowledge that, for whatever reason, Percy is made of multiple people. It's also why some people mistake him for being the villain, as the Skintaker skinning people could be mistaken for Percy's... Whatever Percy has going on.
• Janice tends to stay safe from actual sword fighting in the show. Usually, Percy fights for her because she's very young and is still learning how to fight. However, she's always present during sword fights, and does get involved in other types of fighting, like fist fights and whatever else the show can come up with. The only person in the show she's never fought is the Skintaker, since he doesn't want to skin her at the moment.
• The Laughingstock only talks to Percy. Janice doesn't seem to hear it talking. Neither does Horace, or the Skintaker. The other characters even show confusion whenever Percy starts talking to the Laughingstock. There was even a gag where Percy would even break the fourth wall and ask the audience if they could hear it, and when he'd turn and tell the others we hear the Laughingstock talking, they'd just look even more confused and ask who he's talking to. This is in spite of the fact every character breaks the fourth wall at least once during the show.
• The Skintaker doesn't want to skin Janice. This isn't out of the kindness of his nonexistent heart. He just wants to wait until she's older and has thicker skin so it'd be easier to grind, which seems to be a nod to the fact that the skin of children is actually a bit thinner than adults.
• Horace shows up more often than the Skintaker in the show. He also never calls Percy or Janice by their real names, besides his last ever time talking to Percy, when he finally does. He calls Janice "Brat" and Percy "Coward".
• Percy, Horace, and the Skintaker are shown to drink root beer often. However, Percy is always shown to drink to most root beer, with Horace even commenting that he might have a problem. The Skintaker claims that he has technically never drank root beer, because it goes right through him, but he likes the taste.
• Throughout the show, Percy grows more and more cowardly, to the point his fear just turns into a full-blown paranoia. This is another reason why some people remember Percy being the villain, since in the last episode, he grows so paranoid that Janice might betray him that he turns on her by attacking her at a cave.
• That was also the episode where Horace finally refers to Percy by his name, with most people who do remember this episode remembering Horace confronting Percy by saying "Again, Percy? Really?" The line seemingly implies that Percy has done such a thing before, possibly to his last crew. Horace then went to tell the Skintaker that the Coward had done it again, only for the Skintaker to laugh for a minute straight.
• The show ended on a cliffhanger. We don't know if Janice survived or not, but considering the episode ended with a "To be continued...?" screen, she was most likely intended to. That, or the studio chose to leave it up to interpretation in case they were not renewed, which ended up being the case, as no more episodes of Candle Cove aired.
• The Screaming Episode randomly aired off and on again. Nobody knows where it would've gone in the timeline, if anywhere at all.
• The episodes always ended with Percy and Janice going to sleep. Percy would call asleep at his desk, in the Captain's Quarters, and Janice would like down in a hammock below the deck. During episodes that included Horace or the Skintaker, it'd show them going to bed, where Horace would curl up in a sleeping bag and the Skintaker would just kind of... stare at the screen for a minute or two. Then, after everybody went to bed, there was footage of a live action candle being blown out. The only episodes that didn't end this way were The Screaming Episode, which cut off abruptly, and the final episode, which has Percy sitting on the Laughingstock alone before the "To be continued...?" screen popped up.
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ozzy-lot · 1 year ago
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To grind your skin!
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uncannyencore · 10 months ago
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The SkinTaker is one of my favorite creepypastas ngl. you can ask him if you want, I wanna draw him more anyway :3 SkinTaker supremacy.
also don’t mind the drawing at the bottom of the screen…My adhd was taking over.
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mewpirate · 5 months ago
General Skin-Taker headcanons !
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- he can fit his entire body into his hat .
- he has a passion for baking , even though he cannot physically eat them . The most common little pastries he makes are muffins and cinnamon rolls . He feeds them to his pet cat or the Rubberfishes .
- he and Janice wear outfits that parallel each other throughout the show
- at the start of the series he wears more cartoonish / exaggerated clothing ( like a typical cartoon villain ) but somewhere in the middle and end of the series he wears more formal / clothing that is similar to the time era Janice lives in . It's a way of telling her that he's close to her home world and will get her and Melrose so he can sew their skins onto his cape . Meanwhile Janice will have breakdowns on what is reality and what isn't . It's his way of messing with her , but with STYLE 😼
- he wears zoot suits sometimes
- Skin-Taker as a classical / symphony music fan is great but hear me out . he also is an avid enjoyer of blues / jazz music with a hint of gospel into it . The type of gospel music that's usually sad and used to portray sad emotions about death usually played in funerals .
- this one was taken from @emerson-grimes-apologist , he has long Spidey leg fingers , like the other mother from Coraline . He even prepares his sewing just like her at the start of the movie .
- he has a collection of eyeballs that he just likes to swap around with his own eyes , free eye contacts basically .
- Mrs . Skin-Taker isn't her own person , she's more of a different alias / dragsona to Skin-Taker . Like he sometimes pulls it out for disguise like Bugs bunny style and fails miserably at it for comedic effect, but he also uses it just for the fun of it . ( I was thinking that she can be her own separate person in an au but idk )
- he views the Rubberfishes as a parallel to the Tarantula crew , he can see the similarities to them so clearly that he breaks down sometimes over it .
- yea a few scenes involving him will have him just stare at the camera while someone's talking to him or when he's witnessing a memory flashback . He just stares at the screen for a few seconds standing still until he gains consciousness again . It's never discussed by him or the crew and it's brushed off as nothing .
- he sometimes flicks his ribs up and down like what people do with combs just for the fun of it .
- he has a little chest full of trinkets , most of it are shells and crystals like a Rose quartz for example , which is commonly used to mourn the death of a loved one .
- idk if I said this before but he has a bunch of taxidermy in a room right next to the room of ceramic cats . Both human and animal .
- imma say it again but he prefers using body language than speaking , he uses gentle glances and whatnot
- in one certain scene in an episode he and Horace have manipulated Poppy into thinking he'd murdered his own crew . Shit goes on from there and the episode was never mentioned again .
Slight mention of PTSD warning :
- he is terrified of Red Mary , he has really awful memories of her and would scream at the slightest mention of her .
- surprisingly , when he joined alliances with Horace , the Rubberfishes started getting better and living in better conditions . Even black teeth has developed better cooking skills due to Skin-Taker teaching him .
- he takes his fashion skills very seriously , like full on MIRANDA style from " The devil wears Prada " . Where he can go on full rants about a crew member wearing clothes that do not match . These skills are first introduced and put to skill in an episode where he took over on decorations and dresses for Sunny's quinceanera .
- I've got so many voice claims for the guy but I'm only settling on either Michael from TMA or Will Wood's "Dr . Sunshine is dead" song . Idk I Invision him as a funky but menacing guy .
- at the back of his cave theres a greenhouse where there are butterflies and exotic plants he's planted . It turned into the Rubberfishes hangout .
- people will suddenly run into the cave and will vandalize it for fun . Like y'know kids throwing eggs and toilet paper at an old man's house for funsies ?
- he's like the scary villain character that has so many random moments where it becomes funny at certain times . He's like Jim Carrey in "The Mask " at certain times or Mike Myers in Cat in the Hat live action .
- he loves poetry and singing .
- he has kidnapped Melrose once when she first went to candle cove but then soon dropped her off on a shore because of how annoying she was .
- he loves admiring himself and his clothing , despite other's negative response to it . He's not egotistical , he just finds beauty in death and he is an embodiment of that in the world of CC . He's got some self love for some apparent reason .
- he's kept some pet tarantulas and spiders and rescues them , it's supposed to be a symbol ( Or whatever it is idk ) to Lillian . Like an Ode or whatever , he started doing this in the middle of the series when he starts gaining flashbacks of his previous crew .
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candlecovewiki · 2 years ago
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sorry he’s been on my brain (based off of that one image, courtesy of @stalwolf)
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stochastique-blog · 1 year ago
Experiment - Automatic Random_Reblog - Ask me !
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aby boy, baby (?)
commission for @boodraws! thank you!! :D
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tixuctoad · 2 months ago
Wooo first three sketches of batch 3!! Will get the other two sketches out soon hopefully!!
Depending on if the speed of requests keeps up I'll boost each batch to 6 7 requests instead of the current 5 idk we'll see
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theroboticscientist · 18 days ago
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If i think too hard about how percy lost his whole family in the tarantula crew fire I start to loose it- so art of the horrors instead.
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sceneweekly · 5 months ago
I was in @xx-may4-malic3-xx 's 5k subscriber live & we talked about Halloween costumes! I mentioned the year I dressed as Skintaker from Candle Cove & said I'd post the pics! It took me 2 days to find them but finally here they are!
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The hat & cape were both handmade, the fabric cut, dyed, stitched, and painted by my amazing partner! The make up took forever & I was stained grey with greasepaint for like 3 days lol x3
I wanted to paint a shirt with like a ribcage & such but didn't get it done in time.
It was a super fun costume tho! I actually have a tiktok I'll post too, that I did with the one candle cove song by madame macabre ^-^
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ivy-ghost · 6 months ago
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Does anyone remember this kids show?
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chronicbeans · 8 months ago
Skintaker Headcanons
Our favorite skeleton.
TW: Skinning, Murder, Mentions of Skin Conditions, Skintaker is weird about skin in his own way, Eye Injury, Manipulation, Mentions of Harm to Children
☠️ The Skintaker treats skin the same way we would treat clothes, a lot of the time. He'll happily walk right up to somebody and tell them that they have "such lovely, high quality skin" and go into very weird detail about the smallest little marks, scars, and moles that the person has. That'd be completely normal to do for a nice dress or suit, and because he sees human skin as being more akin to skeletons wearing clothes, he seems it normal to do the same for skin.
☠️ Because he sees skin more like clothes, he can get very, very strange about people with skin conditions, or any conditions that change the appearance of your skin. He sees it not as something to be ashamed of, but more like somebody has a nice, rare, and beautiful outfit. He doesn't understand why humans get so embarrassed, ashamed, or self conscious about having something visibly different about the skin. This also, unfortunately, results in him targeting them whenever he comes across someone that has a skin condition. He wants it for himself, so he can flaunt the "pretty patterns" on his cloak. Some fans of the show like to joke and say that The Skintaker was very progressive for his time, but in the worst way possible.
☠️ The Skintaker's lair is in Candle Cove. See, the show takes place on the large island called Candle Cove, but the island was named after a small cove where there was a lot of supplies used for making scented candles, which was named Candle Cove. The Skintaker lives in the small cove, in a cave that is partially flooded with water at the entrance. His cave is filled with candles, which he claims are all vanilla scented, because that is his favorite smell. He used the scented candles to try to flush out the smell of decay, due to him skinning his victims there.
☠️ The Skintaker cannot swim. Bones sink, and because he's a skeleton, he sinks to the bottom of any pool of water he steps into. He also cannot drown, because he doesn't need to breathe. So, he can, technically, walk below the water. He doesn't do so, though, because he still has eyes and no eyelids to close them to protect from the water. When exiting his lair, he walks across some stepping stones to avoid sinking.
☠️ The Skintaker is much kinder to animals than humans. He has a particular fondness for black cats, claiming that they are good luck where he's from. Much like how people have speculated on Percy, people have speculated on why The Skintaker would be fond towards animals but not humans. Many animals, including cats, have skeletons. So, theoretically, he should be jealous of them having skin and organs. Many have pointed out that The Skintaker is specifically a human skeleton, so he might not process animal skeletons the same way as himself, probably seeing them as animal skeletons wearing cute little sweaters. Much like how you might dress a dog in a cute raincoat and booties. So, he'd have no reason to want to wear their skin, since it wouldn't be human skeleton skin. Some have pointed out that he might not even see them as skeletons in the first place, because he doesn't talk about their fur, skin, or scales the same way a person might talk about a pet's outfit.
☠️ Outside of the skinning and killing, The Skintaker is actually a very polite and chivalrous individual. He's well-spoken, uses manners whenever applicable, and acts a bit like your stereotypical nobleman. During the few times where the Skintaker invites Janice and Percy over to his lair, he even makes sure Janice enters first (usually while saying "Ladies first!"), and that she has a chair to sit in. Granted, that shit is usually made from human bones, but the thought is what counts. He also had a few scenes where he tried to flirt with a few of the ladies in a nearby town, only for them to either be unnerved by the fact that he's a walking, talking skeleton wearing skin clothing, or for Horace the Horrible to come in and ruin it for him.
☠️ He drinks any drink in a teacup while sticking his pinky out. Even while at the tavern, he brings his own teacup for the bartender to pour his root beer in. He doesn't even need to drink, just liking the taste of the drinks. The same goes for food, where he'll bring his own silver fork, knife, and spoon, holding them with his pinkies sticking out and taking dainty bites.
☠️ He has a code to never hurt children. Not because he cares about children, but because their skin has thinner than that of an adult's. So, it's more likely to tear when he grinds it between his teeth. Which would mean tears in his coat and cloak he could've avoided. So, basically, he's voiced to never harm children because hypothetically, in the future, it could inconvenience him by causing him to have to see more than he'd like. He loves sewing, but even he has his limits. However, he's more than willing to watch or hear about other people harming children. He sometimes even orders Horace to go and antagonize or scare Janice just for fun and to make himself seem better and more trustworthy compared to Horace.
☠️ The Skintaker does not just like sewing, but he also likes crocheting and knitting. He seems to like clothes in general. Oftentimes, before he goes on his eerie rants about people's skin, he'd start it off by admiring and complimenting their outfits. It might also be why he sees his victim's skins into a cape and top hat, instead of wearing it like some sort of skin suit.
☠️ People have spotted parts of his cloak that seem to have been made from someone with vitiligo. That alone would not be that notable, since he has shown an intense interest in such people's skin in multiple episodes. However, the more interesting part is that they've noticed those parts of his cloak are symmetrical, in that there'd be a patch of skin on one shoulder, then on the other shoulder there'd be another patch that is the same, mimicking how most forms of vitiligo actually work. Some have taken this to be a sign that the Skintaker not only admires the look of the skin conditions he talks about and shows admiration for, but he also researches them and admires their intricacies, enough so to make sure he includes a detail like that into his cloak.
☠️ He loves weird things. That's how he words it. He actually has shown that he loves certain things about Percy besides his skin, such as his love of merfolk. He describes it as "obsessive and strange", and mentions that he's "thankful such unnerving, man eating creatures are getting the love they're due". It's also implied that his love of the weird is why he's taken in Horace as a sidekick, since the Skintaker would affectionately call Horace a "strange fellow that has a lot of heart".
☠️ On the subject of the Skintaker and Horace, it was subtly implied from time to time that the Skintaker might be the reason why he only has one eye. Whenever Horace would mention something being wrong with his monocle or vision, even if it's just him not being able to see something in the distance, the Skintaker would get frustrated and say "If you don't get it working I'll pluck it out, too. I need more eyes for my collection, anyways.". It was always played for laughs, and although many viewers did not get the implication of him having already removed an eye, many viewers found it to be scary that the Skintaker would do so and had a collection of them. Some even took it as the Skintaker's eyes not being his own, but instead as him wearing the eyes of others, like he does with skins.
☠️ The Skintaker is the most calm and collected character in the show, with him only having three times where he broke his polite facade, not including The Screaming Episode. One was when Horace failed to inform him of the fact Janice had joined Percy's crew until the second episode, another was when Horace ripped his cloak, and the final time was when Horace informed the Skintaker that Percy attacked and possibly killed Janice during the final episode. The first two events caused him to flare up in a fit of rage, but the final event caused him to burst into maniacal laughter, which was, shockingly, very uncharacteristic of him. Usually, when the Skintaker laughs, it's an eerily polite and quiet laugh. Not a loud, maniacal and unhinged one, like the final episode's.
☠️ People have come up with a way to describe the biggest difference between the Skintaker and Horace: The Skintaker pretends to care about Janice, but truly doesn't. Horace pretends to hate Janice, but actually cares about her. The Skintaker manipulates Janice by acting nice, in the hopes that it'll make it easier to trick and skin her in the future. Meanwhile, there's been times where Horace acts reluctant to hurt her, even when the Skintaker tells him to.
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ozzy-lot · 1 year ago
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All 31 assorted Creepypastas
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cyberfox123 · 5 months ago
Creepypasta gif
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mewpirate · 9 months ago
Reason ehy I wasn't posting obscure lore in a long time was because i have no idea if I've posted the same facts before or whatever but anyways Skin-Taker has horrible fashion taste confirmed
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Like why the fuck are you wearing BOOTS with a top hat and cape man ???? While wearing a basic shirt with a skull and crossbones???
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sweetie1728 · 6 months ago
So, I just finished getting caught up with the fic, "Back to the cove" cause I saw a few others talking about it and I was curious! Erm so I’m in shambles rn why would you do this to me? ITS SO GOOD AND THE CHARACTERS ARE PORTRAYED SOOO WELL BUT IT MAKES ME SO SAD BRO.. the writing is absolutely god tier in my opinion I love love love it sm. I really look forward to future updates!!!
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slightly-gay-pogohammer · 4 months ago
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i used to think it was so strange that you said ‘i'm gona go watch candle cove now mom' and then you would tune the tv to static and juts watch dead air for 30 minutes. you had a big imagination with your little pirate show.
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