#skinny jeans are out of style
hyperblue · 11 days
some random WE employee: hey drake your boy-toy's at the reception
tim: bitch that's the mother of my children
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ERRA - Snowblood [LIVE 2021]
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thatlittledandere · 5 months
Did you know that if someone doesn't like something that is currently fashionable they don't have to wear it? Did you know being "out of fashion" is neither illegal NOR physically impossible? Did you know that?
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boltlightning · 7 months
What is a fashion item you think should make a come back or be more socially accepted. And one that you don't care for
cloaks and capes are my easy answer! my alternative would be dramatic billowing sleeves but those are coming back!! just...not in the 18th century styles i want. a shirt with frilled sleeves is at the very top of my purchase-when-you-have-the-cash list. and just behind that are working aprons for everyday use — if you're going to prevent women from having pockets you might as well let us wear aprons instead of carrying bags. i hate carrying bags. if it doesn't fit in my pocket i'm not taking it. give me aprons back
i'm not fashionable enough to say that i dislike any style of clothing honestly???? i will say i am glad we moved on from the low-rise skinny jeans of the late aughts. i hope that doesn't come back
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mayplantstarrwaters · 9 months
teenagers are always fun and wear fashionable clothes you guys just hate to see the younger generation having fun without you
#writing this to remind me to not hate younger people or younger generation#especially when i get older a few years from now#kinda an out of nowhere rant but i been seeing alots of street interview about fashion with teen or young adults#and it pissed me off so bad seeing all the adults and elder millenials in the comment saying that this generation got trashy taste#trashy taste stealing style from other decade and also they love to be so defensive when someone mentioned that they hate skinny jean#personally i hate skinny jean too as a plus size girlie so its so pleasing seeing many people nowadays kinda go against it now#god please forbid that shit#anyways back to the main thing im saying here is that#fashion is a circle it came back and forth for many years so i dont see any point in the discussion about “gen z fashion is unoriginal”#as in the 70s there was a medival dresses revival trend#and in the 80s mod and 50s house wives dresses made a comeback#fast forward into the early 2010s we saw the hippie style suddenly became fashionable again#(though it was far from the “original hippies” from the 60s)#and now in the 20s y2k became trendy#so i just see no point in being noisy about nowadays fashion being so random#at the end of the day what everyone should do is that we should let whatever people want to wear instead of pointlessly critisizing them#people have different taste in fashion its not so hard to learn abt that espesially for older figures#rant ended please dont read these they are kinda pointless and incoherent since i have been wanting to rant abt fashion for a while#anyways peace#rant
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khytal · 3 months
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I wish I could dress more like both of them 😔 (not this specific outfit of eiji's but he wears a lot of loose shirts, which I like)
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sodrippy · 4 months
netflix costume department is it really so fucking difficult to find nondescript black pants whyve you got my man in the 2016 grey denim-chinos hybrid
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britneyshakespeare · 1 year
i don’t care how many people on the internet say it, low rise jeans are not back. they’re back for influencers and models doing 2000s nostalgia fashion and that’s it. for us normal people living in harmony, a-free of passing clothing trends if we wish to settle for the more comfortable, practical, and frankly more timeless side of dress, our belly buttons are safe and secure under our reasonably-high waists. your buttcrack thanks you.
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lastoneout · 1 year
so I checked over my notes and I was wrong, Eugene was actually sealed away in 1922, not 1932, and somehow this has made me desperate to draw him and Ophelia in clothing from that period as a fun little thing
uh but I'm not great at researching clothing and I'm even worse at drawing it so....ahaha guess they get to stay in their modern clothes for now
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waugh-bao · 1 year
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rogersstevie · 1 month
have placed a few orders in the last week and there's more i could place, i usually spread them out but i've just been like no let's do this thing especially bc so many of them are ones i've been wanting to do for a while and just haven't done it BUT at least i really cut down on what i started with in my cart and at least unlike with my recent discovery with starting to try out abercrombie most of them do have stores near me so i can always return
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kaydear · 3 months
trying to work through some of my ebook Backlog and wow I still can't believe 16 year olds party the way they did in some YA books
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redsray · 4 months
Batkids playing any kind of board game but make it extra competitive because whoever wins gets to choose what Bruce wears for the next gala.
Bruce, in a sparkly top and skinny jeans:
Reporter: Ah, who chose your outfit tonight, Brucie?
Bruce: That'd be my eldest, dear!
Dick, behind him, full into the gala persona: Flattering, isn't it? He should wear it more often, don't you think, sweetheart?
Reporter, flushed: Oh, absolutely.
Bruce (to Dick): Get a new fashion style. Please.
Dick: Never.
Reporter: Who would be responsible for your wardrobe tonight, Brucie? It's certainly a statement.
Bruce, head to toe in a pink suit and Hello Kitty accessories: Gorgeous, isn't it? All the credit will have to be given to Jason, though, I'm afraid.
Reporter: Your second son, if I'm not mistaken?
Bruce: The very one.
Jason from across the gala hall, trying to not cough up his drink with laughter:
Tim, next to him: He's pulling it off, though. Little spins and everything.
Jason: Still ridiculous. That's Batman right there, Timbo.
Tim, snickering: The Dark Knight, huh?
Bruce, dressed in a collared white shirt, sweater and skirt, looking like he just came out of a light academia novel:
Reporter: Wow, Brucie. Who do we thank for that wonderful outfit choice?
Bruce: Ah, flattering, is it not? Tim's choices when it comes to fashion are wonderful, if not a bit simple.
Tim, nodding from behind him: Only the finest satin skirts. Charming, right?
Tim, to Bruce: Don't call my style simple, Mr. all I wear is black.
[Jason handing Dick $10 in the background because Bruce does, in fact, pull off a skirt.]
Reporter: Oh lord, what a gown! Who influenced your fashion choice tonight, Brucie?
Bruce, in a long green and black gown with gold accessories, nothing short of royal-looking: I fear only one person I know could choose an outfit as gorgeous as this one.
Damian, proudly next to him, in a smaller, matching gown: Only the most exquisite. You lot in this flimsy country cannot compare.
Bruce: Yes, Damian has a fine taste in fashion. He gets it from his mother.
Damian, quieter: Well certainly not from you.
Bruce, dressed in an elegant white dress shirt, long black pants and a corset with red accessories, a fan in his right hand:
Reporter: What an entrance! Anyone to give credit to for the wardrobe, Brucie?
Bruce: That'd be my daughter, she certainly shines with her choice of clothing.
Cass, grinning with a matching fan: Very pretty.
Bruce: Thank you, Cass.
Reporter: Woah, that's certainly new. Any reason for this choice of clothes, Brucie, dear?
Bruce, in a snapback cap, loose jeans and a band t-shirt, complete with rings and a chain around his neck: Well, all of my children are creative, but... Duke might just take the cake for this one, love.
Duke, losing his absolute shit next to Jason, Dick and Tim: You look great, B.
Steph doesn't usually go to galas, but she participates in the game nevertheless. If she wins, god help Bruce, because it's a gamble with her. He either ends up wearing a gorgeous outfit with eccentric and trend-setting accessories or literal checkered pyjamas. Worst yet, he has to say he picked it himself, since he can't directly blame Steph.
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tauruswiftie · 1 year
screaming crying throwing up bc i ordered my first pair of ~curvy~ jeans thinking they would actually fit me and like. the waist/hip fit is perfect but then they went and made the thigh fit HUGE so it still looks disproportionate 😭 at this point i might just get all my jeans tailored or sth like clothing companies need 2 PAY for the war crimes they have committed against the curvy girl community i’m being soo fr
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tenacityreturns · 2 years
official art has plunged me into a pit of depression
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linos-luna · 8 months
{ Deleted Request: who in Skz is into boobs, butt, or thighs?}
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Perv!Boyfriend!Stray Kids: Boobs vs. Butt vs. Thighs ❣️
Skz x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+, Spanking? Groping?
Butt and Thighs
Chan loves all of your body but there’s something special about your butt and thighs. He’s a pretty dominating guy and he always has his hands on your hips. He loves manhandling you and will find any excuse to bend you over his lap and spank you.
If you ever say anything about being insecure, he’ll quickly shut it down. Chan wants you to love yourself as much as he does. He practically worships your body and leaves gentle kisses along your inner thighs to tease you.
Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be. He’s loves your ass. Constantly spanks you at random or just grabs it from behind. Sometimes he’ll “accidentally” drop something so you can bend over to get it.
Minho will fuck you doggy style. He loves making your ass perk up as he rails you. He’ll spank you until your ass is red then gently rub it to soothe you. He’s not afraid to pat your ass in public either. Encourages you to wear skinny jeans or shorts skirt for his pleasure and lowkey teases his friends for not being able to touch it.
One of Changbin’s favorite things to do is to kiss your breasts over your shirt. Usually you don’t wear a bra when around him and he loves leaving wet spots on your clothed nipples.
He loves it so much. He’s very rough when grabbing your breasts. He’ll manhandle you during sex and leave marks on your soft flesh. He’ll pinch and twist your nipples, suck and lightly nip them. He’s obsessed.
Squish him with your thighs, he won’t mind. Heck, he wants you to do that. He’s always poking them or patting them. He loves when you wear thigh high socks so he can see the material squeeze against your thighs.
In the bedroom, he likes to nip and suck bruises on them, almost as if marking you as his. He can’t help slapping them or holding on tight.
Something about your boobs just makes him drool. He’ll grope them with no shame. When falling asleep, he just wants to hold onto one like a stress ball.
He doesn’t mind small breasts but the bigger the better. Han loves when you ride him so he can see them bounce. Oh he looooooooves that! It drives him nuts.
He’s obsessed with your boobs. He can’t help it. You’d be in public and he’d be staring. He loves when you don’t wear a bra and encourages you to not to wear them under the guise of it being “liberating”. He just wants to see your nipples poke through your shirt. He doesn’t care if your breasts are big or small.
He wants to grope them and kiss them. He wants to lay between them. He isn’t ashamed to call you mommy and you’re always surprised by his boldness.
Seungmin is too shy to fully admit how much he loves your ass but you know. He loves touching and squishing it. Once you mentioned wanting to lose weight and he was worried that you’d lose the fat and muscle in your ass. But he didn’t say anything. It’s your choice.
But you love teasing him. You’ll purposely bend over when wearing a short skirt and even shake a little to get his attention. You love sitting on his lap and moving around to fluster him. It takes everything in him not to spank your ass red everyday…
Jeongin is obsessed with your thighs. He always finds an excuse to grab them or even slap them. He just wants you to sit on his face so you can nearly suffocate him. He’s happy to die like that. Once you let him do whatever he wants, he’ll get all giggly. It’s cute actually.
He’ll squeeze your thighs when eating you out and take you from behind just to slap them multiple times. He’s pretty unapologetic about it. He loves leaving them red and sore.
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