#describes banyon)
archersgoon · 2 months
every time these books piss me off gender-wise i make perri more androgynous
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Average Joes’ ‘Mud Digger 12’ Compilation Album Set To Drop July 2nd
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“Mud Digger 12,” Average Joes Entertainment’s15-song collection of high-octane, hard-hitting country rap/hip-hop party jams, is scheduled for release on July 2, 2021. Pre-order the new collection here and instantly receive, “Outlaws Never Die” f/Big Murph,” a featured track by the hot new duo, Long Cut. Check out the “Outlaws Never Die” f/Big Murph music video here. Country’s Colt Ford kicks off “Mud Digger 12” with mega-star, Uncle Kracker, on “When The Summertime’s On,” a celebration of the joys of summer. The gold-selling duo, The LACS, brings it back to the ‘dirty south’ with their hit “Feels Good,” and country singer/songwriter Sam Grow contributes his recent hit, “Me And Mine” to the new offering. Also featured on “Mud Digger 12” are country-rap stars Nappy Roots, Sarah Ross, the “Mud Digger King,” Lenny Cooper, and more of the genre’s top-selling artists. Introduced on “Mud Digger 12” is the genre’s next generation of hot up-and-coming artists including Shelbykay on the hell-raising, “Ain’t No Southern Belle,” Camo Brian on “Country Soul,” Tik Tok viral star, Austin Tolliver on “Lifestyle” f/Colt Ford and J Rosevelt on the grove-laden, “Get Loud.” For a dozen years, the top-selling “Mud Digger” series has become a sizzling summertime staple and go-to party playlist for legions of country rap fans. The “Mud Digger” series consistently lands on Billboard’s Top Country Albums chart, and the popular compilations have collectively sold over 500,000 units and have hundreds of millions of streams and YouTube views. Popular long before country rap moved into the mainstream, the fusion of genres has been lauded by major media outlets including the New York Times that described the musical style as “two great tastes that taste great together.” “Mud Digger 12” Tracklist: 01 Outlaws Never Die – Long Cut f/Big Murph 02 When The Summertime’s On – Colt Ford f/Uncle Kracker 03 King Of The Pines – Tommy Chayne f/Upchurch 04 Fire Up – Lenny Cooper f/Hosier 05 Feels Good – The Lacs 06 Country Boy Return – Nappy Roots 07 The Dream – Cypress Spring 08 Me and Mine – Sam Grow 09 Toast To The Country – Sarah Ross 10 Lifestyle – Austin Tolliver f/Colt Ford 11 Ain’t No Southern Belle – Shelbykay f/Stormie Leigh 12 Fit In My Truck – J Hollett 13 Country Soul – Camo Brian 14 Get Loud – J Rosevelt 15 Drop It Low – Dj Cannon Banyon f/ Samroc, Tj Freeq, The Stixxx & Shamu the Panda Read the full article
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Cambodia: From Pain to Pride
The year is 1975. There has been a civil war raging in the countryside of Cambodia for five years between the weak monarchy in power and the communist regime known as the Khmer Rouge. The monarchy was made up of mostly educated and wealthy Cambodians working in the government/military, while the Khmer Rogue base was predominantly farmers and rural villagers. On April 17, 1975, the Khmer Rouge overthrew the monarchy and took control of the capitol, Phnom Penh.
Over the next four years, two million people were killed under the Marxist leader Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge. In a dramatic effort to force Cambodia back to the Middle Ages and create an agrarian utopia, one-fourth of the population was tortured, starved and murdered. Intellectuals were the target. Cities were emptied. Currency was abolished. 
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We spent a day at the S-21 jail in Phnom Penh, learning about the horrors of just one of hundreds of torture camps in Cambodia during this time. 
Communication to the outside world was completely cut off. One Swedish photographer and his team were invited into the country, and Pol Pot put on a grand show for them… making it seem as though everything in Cambodia was picture perfect. The team returned to Europe and reported to the rest of the world that there was nothing to worry about in Cambodia, and that Pol Pot was a beloved leader taking care of his country.
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Meanwhile, 17,000 prisoners were being tortured and killed in the heart of Phnom Penh. Only twelve people who entered S21 survived. 
The Khmer Rouge were eventually overthrown by the Vietnamese in 1979, but the horror would live on in the lives of Cambodians for generations to come and the effects of the war are easily visible today. When you spend time in Cambodia, you’ll quickly notice that you don’t see many old people; it’s rare to see someone over the age of 60 out and about. The U.N. continued to recognize the Khmer Rouge as the governing body of Cambodia until 1991, even though they were no longer living in Cambodia and were hiding in exile in the hills of Northern Thailand. Pol Pot wasn’t brought to trial until 1997, and only then was he sentenced to house arrest where he died a year later.
If any of this intrigues you, I recommend reading First They Killed My Father -- one of the only first person accounts of the genocide, told from the perspective of 5-year-old Loung Ung. She was separated from her parents and six siblings and sent to a child soldier camp, miraculously survived the war, and eventually made her way to America where she began telling her story to anyone who would listen. 
In my research on Cambodia, I came across this quote from Joseph Mussomeli, a former US Ambassador to Cambodia: 
“Be careful because Cambodia is the most dangerous country you will ever visit. You will fall in love with it and eventually it will break your heart.” 
I couldn’t describe the feeling any better. In many ways, our time in Cambodia was like other the SE Asian countries we’ve visited -- markets, temples, beaches, and bungalows -- but what made us feel more connected to this special place was the people. Despite the tragedies they’ve endured in quite recent history, they have the friendliest attitudes and most positive outlook on life. While it continues to be one of the poorest nations in the world, the people have fully embraced tourism as their fastest growing industry and exude hope and optimism with every interaction. 
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And with that, I’ll leave you with these photos + captions of our four glorious yet heart wrenching weeks in Cambodia:  
Angkor Wat: The Largest Religious Monument in the World
First up was Siem Reap, a charming city home to Angkor Wat - the largest religious monument in the world. We spent two days exploring the Angkor Archaeological Park, which spans over 400 acres of Cambodian jungle. 
Originally built as a Hindu temple in the 12th century, Angkor Wat was converted into a Buddhist temple in the 14th century, and served as the capital of the Khmer Empire through the 15th century. At it’s peak, the complex was home to 1 million people (!!) making it the largest city in the world until the Industrial Revolution. Today, it’s protected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, welcoming several million visitors per year.
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Watching the sunrise with 1,000+ fellow travelers. 
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Garrett and Sarafina (who we met in Laos) traveled with us throughout Cambodia, making our time in this lovely country that much sweeter. 
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According to inscriptions, the construction of Angkor Wat involved 300,000 workers + 6,000 elephants, and took over 30 years to complete to it’s current state. However, it was never fully completed and no one knows exactly why... 
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The faces of Angkor Wat, otherwise known as The Banyon. Two-hundred and sixteen faces make up the only Mahayana Buddhist shrine in the Angkor Wat complex. The faces are said to belong to the Bodhisattva of compassion, who has mastered the soft smile. 
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The Khmer architecture was shaped to express the Hindu vision of the relationship between nature and humanity... creating a strikingly beautiful dichotomy between crumbling stone and thriving forest.
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10 Days in Otres Beach 
Next on our list was Otres Beach. We arrived in the port city of Sihanoukville via a 12-hour overnight bus from Siem Reap and walked straight to the beach to find a home. We snagged a private bungalow at Sea Garden Guest House for 10 USD per night. What sold us was the large vegan menu, real coffee and the fact that they delivered your food straight to your beach chair. The employees at Sea Garden were all fellow travelers, working a few hours a day in exchange for free food and lodging.
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W quickly learned that Otres Beach moves at it’s own pace and attracts and a very unique type of long-term traveller. We heard this line time and time again: “I planned to stay for 3 days, but now it’s been 3 weeks.” Soon enough, we were saying the same thing; we planned to stay 3-4 days and finally left after 10.
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Our days were nearly identical to our week in Goa, India... morning runs, afternoons spent reading and tossing the Frisbee, sunset yoga and reiki and evenings playing trivia next door. The guesthouse next door had a small library that rented books for $0.25/day and boasted a huge collection of Beat authors (Kerouas, Ginsberg, Kesey). If we didn’t have a 30-day visa, I think you’d find JJ still reading at the beach six months later. 
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Otres Beach is around 3 miles long, with a large stretch of sand splitting the guesthouses and spanning 1.5 miles of emptiness. Ten years ago, this stretch was full of bungalows just like ours, but they have since been torn down by the Cambodian government to make room for new Chinese development.
The properties on Otres (including our beloved Sea Garden) have already received their eviction notices, and will have to vacate their land sometime in the next three years. Maybe that’s why people stay Otres so long... because they know this hippy paradise of cheap vegan food and unobstructed sunsets is coming to an end very soon. 
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One night, we decided to venture out from the safety of our beach and check out a sunrise party in the jungle called Kerfuffle. This jungle rave happens every Wednesday night, and doesn’t kick off until 2am. In an effort to get nearly a full night’s sleep, we went to bed at our normal time (9pm) and set our alarms for 2am, hopped in a tuk-tuk and got to the rave around 2:30am. We boogied until sunrise, making it back to our beach for a nap around 7am. 
The set-up was reminiscent of a music festival... with a DJ stage, Ferris wheel, tree-house behind the dance floor and lights twinkling in the trees. At one point it started pouring down rain and we all huddled underneath one of the carnival rides until the DJ started playing again. 
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We’re unable to capture the highlight of Otres Beach in photographs, because it involves seeing the ocean glow. The coast of Cambodia is known for it’s bio-luminescent plankton that glow a bright green color when disturbed. All you have to do is swim out into the ocean in the middle of the night (one of my worst nightmares) and make a lot of movement. After a few minutes of splashing around in the dark, JJ said “look down.” And there it was... thousands of glowing green stars moving with our bodies underwater. It was magical and we spent hours mesmerized by how cool our planet is. 
After swimming with the plankton, it was finally time to leave Otres. Our minivan to Kampot picked us up right on time and then made one additional stop to snag another round of passengers. We pulled up to a nearby hotel and the driver got out of the car to help the guests with their bags. However, he forgot one minor detail of putting on the parking brake... and the van started rolling forward, heading straight for the hotel pool. JJ and I stared at each other in horror while the driver nonchalantly made his way back to the van, put it in park and laughed uncontrollably. He then went back to get the bags and the van started rolling forward AGAIN. This time we jumped out of the van, landing safely on the ground and refused to get back in until the driver promised not to leave his seat. 
Oh SE Asia... always keeping us on our toes. 
Kampot + Kep
We spent the next week exploring the waterfront towns of Kampot and Kep... living in tree houses, eating very mediocre crab and tasting the “world famous” and incredibly over-hyped Kampot pepper (ever heard of it? neither had we).
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 . Cambodia in the clouds. 
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Funky bathroom art: say hello in your language :) 
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What may appear to be a peaceful sunset scene is in reality a fleet of Vietnamese fishing boats that have encroached upon Cambodian waters using illegal fishing practices (electrified nets) to steal the catch of the day. The police department and fishing authorities have very little control, which has led to a vigilante war between the two fishing communities and caused nearly irreversible ecological destruction.
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Once a charming coastal town frequented by French vacationers, Kep is now trying to regain it’s status on the backpacker trail as the place to go for fresh crab. Twenty-five stalls line the beach with signs proclaiming their fish superior to all the others. While the flavors were quite underwhelming, watching these two play with their food more than made up for it. 
Rabbit Island: More Hammocks Than People
As if our time in Cambodia hadn’t been relaxing enough, we retreated to a tiny island off the coast of Kep for a few days. What we found was more hammocks than people, the best curry of our entire trip, and lots of Vitamin D.
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Forever chasing cairns.
Phnom Penh: Our Favorite Big City in SE Asia
This city blew us away with it’s sense of community, vegetarian food, and booming infrastructure. At one rooftop bar, we counted 40 cranes on the horizon. The smells, sights, sounds, markets, and nonstop dodging of motorbikes reminded us of India, and we quickly took a liking to it. 
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Cambodia (especially Phnom Penh) is known for it’s knock-off name brand shopping game. You can get anything from iPhones to Levis to designer bags… and we dedicated an entire day to exploring these markets. JJ hit the jackpot at this little air conditioned store where these five Cambodian women dedicated two hours to finding him the perfect pair of paints. He walked out with three new pairs, all perfectly tailored to his body, for a whopping $32.
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In the heart of the market, just when you think you may pass out from heat exhaustion... you’ll find Mr. Al Bounnarith, who makes the self-proclaimed (and rightfully so) “best iced coffee in Phnom Penh.” He started this venture right after the Khmer Rouge in 1980 when coffee was a foreign concept to Cambodians, used all of his profits to care for his sick mother, and now spends his days entertaining travelers and leaving us feeling refreshed and WIRED. 
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Finding good, cheap, vegetarian food in SE Asia is difficult... so we were thrilled to find a spot with $0.50 pumpkin juice, $1 fried mushrooms, and $2 veggie noodles. Naturally, we ate here four times in three days. 
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If I could capture the essence of modern-day Cambodia in one place, it would be at the Olympic Stadium. Ironically, Phnom Penh has never hosted an Olympics... but nevertheless, our hotel was just a few blocks from here, and we read online it was a good place to run. Little did we know it was also home to the number one place to work out in the city. We went running there twice, once in the morning and once at night... each time marveling at the sense of community radiating from this place. There were street-side market vendors selling fruit and fried noodles at every turn, sand volleyball games, paralympics events, tennis matches, Taekwondo tournaments, zumba classes, and hundreds of people just hanging out. We were the only westerners there both times, and we loved it. 
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Photo courtesy of Google. 
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Towards the end of our time in Cambodia, we met a fellow traveler who shared our love for the country and had spent way more time there than our 30-day visa would allow. As we said goodbye to him, he left us with this: “The best places in Cambodia have yet to be discovered.” 
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So my advice to you is... go to Cambodia! Embrace it’s history. Let your heart break. Support the local economy. Exchange smiles with every person you cross. Discover those undiscovered places. 
We can’t wait to go back one-day soon.
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teresahudd6189-blog · 7 years
J Street looks for effectively limitless negotiations" over Iran's advancement of nuclear tools, and also decideds not to determine an opportunity when that tactic must be switched out along with, as US Secretary from State Hillary Clinton has asked for, debilitating sanctions." Iran positions a direct as well as immediate risk to Israel as well as merely eventually, but most unquestionably, one to the US. As the street food items weblog Sticky Rice (the very same one that led our team to the bún cá under the Banyon tree) describes, "A lot of versions possess 2 suspicious characters, a fried secret cakey variety as well as filleted chunks of a company white colored swimmer, occasionally steamed, in some cases seared." Like so numerous Vietnamese foods, the bún cá we ate possessed an edge platter from natural herbs for boosting the soup along with the clean flavors of mint, coriander and Thai Basil, among others. At the various other side is actually Wonderful Winchester Street which is house to Deutsche Banking company's London HEADQUARTERS. One of the art work in their lobby is just click the up coming internet page one of Damien Hirst's multi-coloured dot efforts (additional from him eventually). At the moment from the street's calling there certainly currently existed a Jones Street in Greenwich Village so the adjective Great" was contributed to create an accolade. It is interesting to take into consideration an opportunity when Morton Road was not as that is today, a site from a few of New york's most expensive realty, an aesthetically satisfying block that uses a mixture from magnificently contemporary apartments as well as managed brownstones and also loft spaces, mixed in with the occasional office building. New York is actually a metropolitan area where land is frequently being actually reappropriated; the procedure from tearing buildings down and creating new ones moves forward each and every day. Excellent day, everybody, and also welcome to this Apple Incorporated 2nd quarter 2017 revenues release teleconference. If I bear in mind the story properly, the huge engine in the basement was actually rolled in on the monitors and the property set up around it. I remember actually riding on it. They began this a few opportunities a time and also rolled it to and fro. But in extra recent opportunities the place has been claimed by innovative craft students which have actually adorned blank walls and shutters around the university location. Gradually as I transform my portfolio, the lasting growth price are going to likely fall to regarding 7% to 8%, which is my long-lasting objective standing for 5% to 6% rising cost of living adjusted income development. The tulip fad hit its own height throughout the winter season of 1637 when bulbs changed palms as frequently as ten opportunities a day. Whether a broad scope of security or otherwise, intelligent capitalists carry out deny equities based on market ecstasy. This has actually left behind today's loved as well as towering stock exchange hyper-risky, along with significant selloffs looming sizable. Our company leave the marketplace by means of Whittington Avenue and also, turning exactly on Leadenhall Street, pass the Lloyds of Greater london structure (not to be baffled with the Lloyds Sign up property which our experts ran into earlier).
Nevertheless, corporate files and sources showed Cohen established a company got in touch with Necessary Consultants LLC in Delaware in October 2016 and also sent out the $130,000 coming from a financial account in the business's label to an account urled to Clifford's attorney, according to the Diary.
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