#skeletons vs birds
respawningjupiter · 1 year
That feeling when you and Sans undertale plan a war against birds.
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This is the Area 51 raid all over again 😭
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bufffox · 2 months
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This is spookiest creepypasta ever made!
I was walking around in a city because my dumb 🌮ss grandma told me to get exercise cuz im dummy THICC! the streets are fill with rats. Trash and hobos. There was one hobo walked up too me and told me if he liked seseme street! I told him yes cuz I was... well... a big man child! He told me that he was gonna give me the disk for $1. Well darn it! All I have is a $5 bill! Is I gave him my five dollar!
I went back to my house and got the disk and I was surprised that it was surprisingly clean when I got it from that hobo! I put the DVD in the DVD player, grabbed some snacks and soda and sit back and relax! I realized that it only has one episode! "Well that sucked" I said to myself, the intro has spooky Mexican music and the title says "COOKIE MONSTER GOES TO TACO BELL!" and it says that it's the 666th episode! (The devils number! dun dun DUUUNNN!!!)
The episode started with the cookie monster digging around a bunch of garbage while annoying Oscar the grouch! "WHAT THE FREAKING H🌮LL ARE YOU DOING?!?! shouted the grouch! I was shocked when Oscar said the word h🌮ll in a baby show! Anyways the cookie monster asked Oscar what he was eating and told him it's a taco from taco bell. "OOH! THAT TACO LOOKS TASTY AND CRUNCHY LIKE COOKIE!!!" shouted cookie monster! The cookie monster asked where the taco bell and Oscar pointed out the location and then cookie monster runs so fast! "HAHAHA! what a sh🌮t head!" Said Oscar. I can't believe that he said the word "SH🌮T"! yeeeaah... I don't think this was meant for kids.
The scene changes to big bird who was trying to do a magic trick to impress a bunch of children. Big bird called up one of the kids up stage and the kid seems to be a little jerk! He starts kicking Big birds leg! "OW that hurts! Stop that" Said Big bird, but the kid continues kicking! The actor or puppeteer was getting pissed off and started talking in a gruff voice while being out of character! "HEY! You better cut that out right now or your gonna regret it!!!" Said Big bird. But then the kid has a sinister smile on his face and gave two middle fingers at big bird! "THATS IT!!!!!!!!!!" screamed big bird as his eyes started glowing red and started to breathe fire at the freaking kid as he melted into nacho cheese and the other kids celebrated and started eating the melted cheese on the stage! I can't blame big bird cuz that kid was a freaking jerk, though. I thought the scene was awesome!
So the scene returned to the cookie monster carrying a big tray of tacos and burritos and he starts munching and crunching on the large amount of Mexican food with beef, cheese, lettuce, baked beans, sour cream, taco shells and burrito wrap flying everywhere! a title card shows said 20 minutes later and shows the cookie monster sitting while holding his stomach! but then, his stomach begin to gurgle really loud! "UH OH! ME TUMMY NOT DOING TOO GOOD" Said cookie monster as he let's out a BIG, WET, SLOPPY FART and the fart came alive! The fart has blood shot eyes, sharp teeth and a cool lookin Mexican mustach! The fart starts talking to cookie monster "hey amigo! You better get to the bathroom before I will stab you to death you peice of tonterías! Adios!". The fart poofs away and the cookie monster was trembling in fear and looks at the veiwer!
The next scene changes again and it shows ernie jumping on a trampoline! Ernie said "hey kids! Today I was going to jump so high up in the heavens to beat up Mr. hooper for making my sandwich extremely expensive!" To make ernie jump high, he told me to say alot of swear words out loud and he starts jumping extremely high! As he got to heaven, he finds mr. Hooper was dressed up like like an angel with wings and a halo. Ernie went up to Mr. Hooper and kicked him in the groin! ernie was falling down to earth as he broke through his roof and landed on Bert, breaking his spine! "Oh hey Bert! Thanks for breaking my fall!" Said ernie as he snickered. "AAAAHH! ERNIE! YOU BROKE MY BACK! CALL A DOCTOR!" Said Bert, and ernie said "doctor WHO?" As ernie started to laugh as a blue phone booth magicly appeared out of nowhere! I cringed so hard from that stupid doctor who reference!
The scene returned to cookie monster was walking slowly to the bathroom as he was farting while he was holding his stomach! Elmo went up behind cookie monster. "Oh hey cookie monster! DO YOU HAVE TO GO POO POO TOO?" Said elmo laughing like a gremlin who snorted freaking cr🌮ck! But then cookie monster just sh🌮rted on elmo! The liquid p🌮🌮p was steaming boiling hot, it started to burn off elmos red fur and his flesh started to melt away into a skull like acid! "OOPS! sorry elmo!" Said cookie monster as he watched elmos melted body on the floor twitching! I felt sick to my stomach when I saw that scene!
The cookie monster ran to the bathroom, sit on the toilet and let it rip! The sounds of cookie monster screaming in agony while the explosion of di🌮rrhea sounds like W0rld War ll in the freaking toilet! Cookie monster was looking at me and said "k-kiddies! Me not gonna make it because this evil toilet is taking me freaking soul to h🌮ll! AAAAH!!!!" as the cookie monster released a huge explosive d🌮mp! It is so loud it made my whole house shake! Then cookie monster was relieved that the pain was over! He got up from the extremely full toilet and tried to flush! When suddenly, the toilet can't flush! Cookie monster was scared and said "UH OH! ME THINK ME ANGERED THE TOILET GOD!!!".
When suddenly, the bathroom began to shake and then it stopped until a giant green pipe bursts out of the ground and someone came out of the pipe and it was non other than... captain luo Albano! (The voice of mario from the super Mario bros super show!) He was dressed up like Mario from the live action scenes from the show! "HEY PAISANOS!" Said captain luo as he happily waves to the veiwer while the ground theme from SMB2 starts playing a little! But then... captain... y-you know what, I'm just gonna call him Mario cuz it's much easier say. So Mario look shocked what cookie monster did in the toilet while the castle theme from SMB starts playing!
Mario walked up to cookie monster who was behind the dirty toilet! "HEY BLUE FURBALL! how dare you ruin a perfectly good looking toilet?!?!" Said mario shouted at cookie monster for what he has done! "Uuuuhhh... it was an accident?" Said the cookie monster as he shrugged like it was nothing! "Oh really, well looks like your going DOWN!" Said mario as he picked up cookie monster and did a pile drive move on him! DANG! I know captain luo was a wrestler, but this is getting really cool! Then there was en extremely awesome rock metal version of the ground theme from SMB starts playing while Mario starts doing other wrestler moves to beat up the cookie while jumping on his head, Throwing turnips, alot more other moves with a bunch of SMB and SMB2 sound effects! Then mario saw a few floating blocks in the air and he jumped and hit the blocks and grabbed a fire flower and changed his clothes from a red and blue color to a red and white color! He throws a fire ball at cookie monster as he burns into ashes! Mario said "never ever disrespect someone with pasta power!"
I celebrated for mario for defeating cookie monster because he was my most favorite show growing up! Mario walked in front of the camera and said this to me! "Remember kids! Never go to taco bell! And if you're not watching the Super mario bros super show, you're gonna turn into a goomba!" I was confused! "Wait WUT?" I said to myself. But then I magicly turned into a goomba! As looked at my whole body, I looked at the TV and mario said "see I told ya!" Said mario as the dvd player freaking EXPLODED!!!! Since I'm a goomba, I'm ne never ever EVER watching seseme street ever again! Oh... and I'm never going to taco bell, and that's why I switched to McDonald's instead!
THE END!!! :)
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eighthdoctor · 4 months
everyone is aware that fossils don't just give us the skeleton of an animal, right? like even from a fossilized bone you can conclude all kinds of interesting things like how much muscle the animal carried there and whether they were likely to be a sprinter or endurance runner. from teeth you can get sooooo much. from skin impressions you obviously get feathers vs scales vs fur, but you can also do some genuinely insane shit with feather color analysis???
footprints and nests tell us about social groups. pathologies on the bones tell us about injuries, disease, and predation. preserved stomach contents are amazing when we get them, and fossils of multiple animals joined together (as in the Fighting Dinosaurs) are literally invaluable.
and that's just sticking within paleontology!
paleoecology plays with ethology, ecology, and evobio to reconstruct ecosystems and behaviors. rules of behavior, of energy transfer (eg, via eating!), and of evolution (eg, sexual selection vs natural selection) remain in play 65 million years ago or 500 million years ago or yesterday.
we either know so many, many more things about prehistoric animals than just "this is what their skeleton looked like" or we can make very accurate inferences based on modern animals.
for example: both birds (basically the whole clade) and crocodilians put on noisy, energetically expensive displays for mate selection. there's a range of ways in which this appears, but it is the simplest possible answer to conclude that most if not all nonavian dinosaurs engaged in some degree of dramatic yelling & posturing at individuals in order to influence their sexual choices.
(this is not a requirement! off the top of my head tigers do not do this. humans do it, a lot of other mammals do it, and birds do it at 5 am outside my window every morning.)
for example: large herbivores living in ecosystems with predators who are big enough to kill BABIES but not ADULTS tend to run in social groups where the adults form a protective circle around the babies (bison, elephants). again it is reasonable to conclude that sauropods would have done similar. (if predators are big enough to kill adults, flight is a much better option for everyone.)
like. every time i see that fucking "there's no reason to think t rex didn't look like a giant fuzzy sparrow" post i lose my mind. people have invested decades of their lives to conclude with pretty substantial evidence that t rex absolutely did not look like that.
quit writing off knowledge because you hate the shrinkwrapped dinos from the 90s. don't worry, everyone else hates them too! we have moved on to bigger and better reconstructions. t rex still looks like a goddamn predator though. and acts like one too.
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animalshowdown · 6 months
Phylum Round 3
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Chordata: All animals with a backbone (Vertebrata), but also some invertebrates. Chordata includes fish, birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians, but also sea squirts and lancelets. All Chordates have a notochord (supportive rod-like structure), a hollow dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal slits (for filter feeding/breathing), a post-anal tail, and an endostyle (feeding organ) or thyroid (hormonal gland). Interestingly, many Chordates have overcome the need to raise their young in water by laying shelled eggs or carrying young within the womb. Fur, feathers, and scales are all unique adaptations found within Chordata. This phylum exhibits remarkable diversity overall.
Echinodermata: Sea urchins, sea stars, sea cucumbers, brittle stars, and feather stars. This widespread phylum can be found near every continent, including Antarctica, where they are particularly dominant. They are distinctive for their radially symmetrical body and skeleton located between the outer skin and inner body cavity. They move by hydraulic power using a "water vascular system" which pumps water throughout their body. Hundreds of tube feet extend and retract using this system, allowing them to crawl on the seafloor. These organisms play important roles in the food chain of their habitats, like sea urchins grazing in kelp forests.
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starkdirewolflove · 5 months
So much happening in X-Men ‘97 this week.
Blue and Gold Team, original suits, Storm and Forge joining the team, Rogue and Roberto leaving to join Magneto, Muir Island, Asteroid M and Sinister controlling Cable.
Magneto had so many great points and lines in this ep, when he told Xavier he only had two words for him I thought he was gonna say “fuck off” instead of “shut up.” Also “your Shi’ar bird queen” is up there with “Milky Way ghetto” for species insults.
Fucking hell those battles at the end of the episode: Morph as the Hulk “Morph smash!” Jean vs Sinister, Beast slapping down sentinels, the blackbird going down with Forge in it, Storm being hit into the ocean and Sinister controlling Cable to attack Jean with his telekinesis. The battle on Asteroid M: Rogue vs Wolverine, Sunspot vs Jubilee and everyone else trying to get Magneto’s helmet. Cyclops showed his true loyalty by stopping Xavier to give Jean and the others more time to stop Bastion but it put them all in the difficult position of having to face Magneto’s wrath.
Holy shit, Wolverine for the win trying to kill Magneto while the others were all restrained but to quote Thanos “you should’ve gone for the head.”
Magneto was taking no shit from anyone anymore “this feud ends,” then he rips the adamantium from Wolverine’s skeleton.
How are they gonna top this with next week’s finale? I can only guess that once Bastion is dealt with that the cliffhanger will be that Apocalypse is back and (fingers crossed) he brings Gambit back as Death.
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bestdriltweet · 3 months
Dril Tournament S2 - Round 2
big bird was obviously just a man in a suit. but the other ones were too small to contain men. so what the fuck
if your grave doesnt say "rest in peace" on it you are automatically drafted into the skeleton war
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kisiel-z-kosmosu · 14 days
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The two types of biology fans (I am both of them)
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additonal design doodles^
This wasn't supposed to be botany vs zoology, but it turned out like it did. It isn't! I remember she has a lot of peas and other plant experiments in her room! Yeah, and they on the other hand cant stop spying on bird nests like a creep. HEY!! you the one digging skeletons!!.... Ok, I blocked you, that's mine narration here. Anyway their names are Danny and Konstancja/Kostka (Constance but has a pl bones joke inside).
Oh, they already friends again.
I found the meme that inspired this!!!
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 2 years
Suskityrannus vs Maip
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Suskityrannus hazelae 
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Artwork by Andrey Atuchin, written by @zygodactylus
Name Meaning: Hazel Wolfe’s Coyote Tyrant 
Time: 92 million years ago (Turonian stage of the Late Cretaceous) 
Location: Moreno Hill Formation, Zuni Basin, New Mexico 
When you follow the progress of paleontology long enough, you start to see things that were previously left undescribed actually get names and the respect they deserve - whether its the “putative screamer” Anachronornis or the “Zuni Coelurosaur” Suskityrannus, you’re sure to get a nice moment and a sense of satisfaction from it. Suskityrannus has been well known for a while due to it being featured in both When Dinosaurs Roamed America as well as Planet Dinosaur. Thought at various times to be a basal Coelurosaur or Tyrannosauroid, its official description placed it somewhat derived within Tyrannosaurs, showcasing the evolution of the Tyrannosaur group as it transitioned from the smaller more speedy forms (like Suskityrannus) to the giant murder birds we know and love later in the Cretaceous. In fact, Suskityrannus lived in an ecosystem that highlighted its changing world, with many early representatives of the later iconic North American Cretaceous ecosystems showing up in early forms in Moreno Hill. Suskityrannus was about one meter tall and three meters long, and already had many adaptations known from later tyrannosaurs. In the forested coastal ecosystem at Moreno Hill, Suskityrannus would have been neighbors with Zuniceratops, Nothronychus, Jeyawati, ankylosaurs, fish, and turtles. 
Maip macrothorax
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Artwork by @i-draws-dinosaurs, written by @zygodactylus
Name Meaning: Long-chested Shadow of Death 
Time: 72 to 66 million years ago (Maastrichtian stage of the Late Cretaceous) 
Location: Chorrillo Formation, Patagonia, Argentina 
Megaraptors, a group not even really understood a few decades ago, just keep having more and more interesting members added to this group - Maip, a recent addition known from many bones of the trunk and tail, help fill out more of this picture with remains not known from other Megaraptors, and als having the most complete Megaraptor skeleton known. Maip was also interesting in having a very long, thick torso, leading to its specific name. It probably reached 9 to 10 meters in length in life, making it the largest Megaraptor known (literally reaching carcharodontosaurid size), and it may indicate that megaraptors rose to high-level predator status as other top predators went extinct in the region. It had a respiratory system similar to modern birds, with unidirectional air flow, much like other Saurischian dinosaurs. Living in southernmost South America, Maip would have had to deal with a variety of harsh climates, and may have been covered in feathers in order to keep warm. In addition to mosasaurs, snakes, turtles, mammals, fish, and frogs, Maip lived with other dinosaurs such as Nullotitan, Kookne, Yatenavis, and Isasicursor. 
DMM Round One Masterpost
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o-craven-canto · 4 months
What is your position on the debate between contingency and convergence in evolution? As a creator and enjoyer of speculative evolution, I imagine you might fall more towards contingency, but I'd still be curious on your overall thoughts on it, and on how different a separate run of evolution on an earthlike planet would really be.
Biologists usually distinguish two types of resemblance among organisms: analogy, which mostly regards general function and appearance and is driven by common conditions, and homology, which mostly regards deep structure and is driven by common ancestry.
All the limbs of land-dwelling vertebrates and their descendants are made of one long bone, followed by two parallel long bones, followed by a maximum of five (except in ichthyosaur flippers) series of digit bones. This you see from frogs to seagulls to horses to manatees to moles -- the descendants of proto-amphibians such as Ichthyostega -- but not in any other animal group. This is the canonical example of homology: there is no reason for such different limbs with functions so different to share the same 1-2-n pattern except inheritance from a common ancestor. On the other hand, the wings of birds and those of insects, or for that matter their eyes, are so different because they arose independently. The common features in the wings of a hummingbird and a dragonfly are due to the same physical constraints, and that is analogy.
Sometimes it depends from the level of analysis: bird wings and bat wings are analogous as wings -- their flight surface is achieved by different means, feathers in one and skin in the other -- but homologous as vertebrate forelimbs -- they have the same 1-2-n sequence of bones, and their development is regulated by the same genes.
There are, of course, physical reasons for structures to resemble each other: everything that moves quickly through water needs to be more or less spindle-shaped; everything that grows past a few hundred grams on dry land needs some sort of rigid support; photosynthesizers and filter-feeders need fractally branching structures; and so on. Compound eyes and exoskeletons really are more efficient at smaller sizes, camera-type eyes and internal skeletons at larger, so that's a reason other than ancestry for insects and birds to be so different; but the largest butterflies are bigger than the smallest hummingbirds, so it's not just a matter of scale; and the eyes of tunas are more like the eyes of eagles than like the eyes of squids, so it's not just a matter of environment.
Some classical examples of convergent evolutions overstate their case a bit: sharks, ichthyosaurs, and dolphin all started from the same aquatic vertebrate chassis, so their similarity is not pure environment-driven convergence. (But it is a bit: from the same chassis you can also make a turtle or a crane.) Similarly for marsupial mice and moles vs. their placentate equivalent, none of whom gets that far from the original mammal model to begin with. When you get a bit farther, you find that the Australian equivalent of a horse is not an almost identical "marsupial horse" but a kangaroo, for reasons that have to do with marsupial birth. It's the same for the now-famous case of carcinization, which only applies to decapod crustaceans -- it's not even universal for crustaceans in general! If you try over and over to make an open-water pursue predator out of the vertebrate plan, you'll get similar results: the shark, the tuna, the ichthyosaur, the dolphin. But try the same with the mollusk plan, and you get a squid.
Now, convergence is likely to occur on other planets, because anything recognizable as life will have similar requirements and meet similar challenges. But it will be much more subtle than making planets full of blue horses and humans with weird eyebrows (I can't overstate how complex and specific the history of our body shape is). Assuming an Earth-like planet, for example, I'd expect its surface ecosystems to be overwhelmingly based on photosynthesis, its "plants" to have branching shapes with flat light collectors, and its largest "animals" to be bilaterally symmetrical with eyes, intestines, and skeletons of some sort. But that still leaves an enormous amount of variety, based both on ancestry and on smaller-scale micro-environmental constraints: note that the description of "animal" I gave fits equally a tarantula, a giraffe, a snail, and an axolotl.
TL;DR: many important traits of living organisms are made necessary by physical and environmental constraints, but there's an immense variety of ways to develop them, and that is mostly going to be driven by contingencies in ancestry. In my opinion, that is.
As readings, I'd recommend The Equations of Life: How Physics Shapes Evolution (Charles Cockell, 2018) and Convergent Evolution on Earth: Lessons for the Search for Extraterrestrial Life (George McGhee, 2019) as summaries of the physical constraints and useful strategies that are going to arise over and over in living systems, as well as this brief paper on the evolution of complexity in alien life. Note how much similarity they predict, but also note how much they don't!
Thanks for the question! <3
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justslowdown · 11 months
I think the closest I've come to falling in love was with someone who ended up moving to Norway to study bats
We met interning at the zooarchaeology lab--our university's comparative collection of thousands of boxes of skeletons. She was cataloging every bone on every box in the bat section, and I was working through the birds
She raised rabbits and trained her dog to detect bat scat
The impulsive adventures she took me on woke me up. To go out caving or to go hiking out in actual the middle of nowhere, with just her GPS system she used when she did field work in the summers
I have such sharp clear memories of the little moments--we saw a barred owl in the rain once, so close because it couldn't hear us coming.
Once, she saw me out walking my dog (we lived nearby) and asked if I wanted to come along to a poetry reading of her published stuff that she'd been asked to do, at some slam poetry meet up an hour away
I remember one of them was an intimate one about her abortion, and I was so struck by the vulnerability and honesty in front of strangers. I felt so much in her I wanted to be more like. So uninhibited and joyful to get to experience existing, and so certain what she had to bring was good and worth it.
I'm glad she had a partner up until right before she moved. We had a quasi-romantic friendship but didn't need to have the awkward conversations around attraction. It's beyond frustrating... my romantic attraction vs sexual attraction rarely lines up and people deserve to feel wanted, if that's a need they have... but I do wish I'd been able to show her how special I felt she was
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shuttershocky · 6 months
actually this is a good chance to get to know you a bit better. top 3 animals, top 3 colors, top 3 games
Top 3 Animals
1) Crocodiles — There used to be many saltwater crocodiles back in my mom's province. These are the largest reptiles in the world so just seeing them (from a very far, safe distance away) is pretty awe-inspiring. One of these was so gargantuan we put a replica of its skeleton on display in the national museum in Manila, hung over the lobby. We also have Philippine Crocodiles which are endemic to the country, but I've only seen juvenile ones at a zoo since they're endangered and all.
2) Turtles — There are very few experiences like being on the beach and seeing a sea turtle in the wild. One time we were on a fishing boat and someone screamed, I thought for sure it meant someone spotted a shark, but when I leaned over to look, there was a sea turtle poking its head out right above the coral reefs to watch us. There's not many perks to living in the tropics, but this is one of them.
3) Kulasisi — These are very tiny parrots (I think the smallest in the world even?) that aren't common, but can be found virtually anywhere. One of my favorite classes back in college was birdwatching, where one of our sessions found a couple nesting pairs right outside one of the buildings. It was because of that class that I realized it was a Kulasisi that was making the bird calls I would hear when getting up in the morning to go to class
Top 3 Colors
1) Purple — My grandmother's favorite color, and mine eventually. I used to be a blue person until I shifted to darker purple and violet as I got older
2) Blue — I still like it
3) Black — I really liked the Matrix
Top 3 Games
I'm a big gamer (enough that I went into gamedev for a living despite everything) so this is probably the most malleable list. I'm not difficult to please and generally like a lot of stuff, so a top 3 favorite games list could look very different each time, barring one game.
1) Dota 2 — I have over 5000 hours in my favorite game of all time. Picked it up in 2012, and then it was all over for me. I can go stretches of up to 6 months without touching the game, but when I reopen it, the hype comes flooding back.
2) Devil May Cry 5 — I continue to hold the opinion that DMC5 hit the platonic ideal of stylish action game design, V's lack of depth notwithstanding. The game has been out for 5 years and people are still uploading new runs, finding all these tricks and secrets in the game just as they did with DMC3 and 4 before it. If Dante only got wall running and Wild Stomp back from 3, it might be as close to perfect as you can get. Devil Trigger and Bury The Light are also among my favorite video game songs of all time, among the likes of Killer Instinct's or Metal Gear Rising's
3) Metal Gear Solid 4 — MGS3 is the better game, MGS1 and 2 are more iconic, but MGS4 rescued the PS3 from irrelevancy before Uncharted 2 made it big. Holy shit that game looked unbelievably good when it first came out. The way Snake would lie still and camouflage into the floor while bullets sprayed the ground right in front of him while mooing mechs and soldiers were mere feet away blew my mind.
Games like Resident Evil 4 three years earlier really popularized making cinematic cutscenes that were rendered in-game rather than pre-rendered, but I didn't realize the possibilities behind it until MGS4's Raiden vs Vamp. A complex action scene where Raiden and Vamp had a sword duel would always be cool, but what pushed it over the top was that you kept playing the whole time it was happening. MGS4 would split the screen, playing the cutscene in one half, while in the other you had to carry on with your mission, and goddamn that sure was a moment of thinking "Wow this really is next gen"
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fr-likes-chocolate · 9 months
Interesting things about the QSMP
Rubius being an angel and demon
Bad being a reaper vs foolish who is a totem of undying
Cellbit, who uses unethical means for a good cause vs forever who had good intentions but is often used for evil
Phil, who refuses to die vs the already dead Missa (he is a skeleton)
Cucurucho vs evilrucho
Eye vs federation
Quackity vs ElQuackity
(this is a kind of personal one that I just think is interesting because there are parallels between them but-) Spreen, forced to be with Fit vs Pac, Who wants to be with Fit
Tallulah’s daddy problems vs Tilin’s daddy problems (vs Pepito’s daddy problems...)
Egg island vs quesadilla island
Phil is a free bird forcibly caged vs Baghera being caged all her life
Phil kills Tubbo, making Bolas win, vs Phil saves tubbo by flying him to the boat
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tma-entity-song-poll · 6 months
Battle of the Fear Bands B3R2: The Flesh
Eat You:
Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vestal, NY:
"bones bones bones! let me see your bones!"
Lyrics below the line!
Eat You:
Cause you're my chocolate covered strawberry Cause you're my piping hot pastry Dreaming about the moment that I own you Love you to the bone Cause you're my vicious but delicious cheat A heart attack lip smacking sweet I don't deserve you either way I'll serve you Finally I got the nerve I go hungry every night Not this time around I'm gonna eat you, you're my desire I'm gonna sharpen all my teeth and build a fire I'm gonna eat you, cook and defeat you I'm gonna breathe you in my lungs and make you mine 'Cause you've been sticky with your tricky words And I would crumble like a humble bird But now you're so tender with an ear I can bend and Tell you how I feel I go hungry every night Not this time around I'm gonna eat you, you're my desire I'm gonna sharpen all my teeth and build a fire I'm gonna eat you, cook and defeat you I'm gonna breathe you in my lungs and make you mine You delicate young delicacy You consummate hot consommé You grossly beautiful grocery You exquisitely sweet cuisine I go hungry every night Not this time around, not this time around! I'm gonna eat you, you're my desire I'm gonna sharpen all my teeth and build a fire I'm gonna eat you, cook and defeat you I'm gonna breath you in my lungs and make you mine
Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vestal, NY:
To cut down on my silhouette My favorite foods are smoke and hearts My leftover frets forget stiletto-self vendettas While my cracking backbone lacks but backs up my false starts All nightmares start as dreams and I hear my subconscious screaming They say that beauty's just skin deep So naturally, please show me your Bones, bones, bones, let me see your bones Well, I don't wanna know if the feeling follows home Bones, bones, bones, hell, we're all alone If I come home, baby, will you show your bones? Lumps in throats and petticoats Your baby teeth would pray for you A selfish book is always open and some of the best liars only want the truth All love starts as a scheme So wake me up, I'm tired of sleeping They say that beauty's just skin deep So obviously please show me your Bones, bones, bones, let me see your bones Well, I don't wanna know if the feeling follows home Bones, bones, bones, hell, we're all alone If I come home, baby, will you show your bones? All nightmares start as dreams, all love starts as a scheme Give me all your LSD so I can feel my mind unweave again They say that beauty's just skin deep So Ana stands and rends the rancid meat from her Bones, bones, bones, I can see my bones Well I don't wanna know if the feeling follows home Bones, bones, bones, hell, we're all alone If I come home, baby, will you show your bones? My bones, your bones Tell me you can see my bones My bones, your bones Tell me you can see them
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Disney Parks Animatronic Tournament Match ups: Round 1
Should start tomorrow!
Bracket A/Tier 1:
Hondo Ohnaka vs Beast
Davy Jones vs Disco Yeti
Lava Monster vs Kylo Ren
Anna (Hong Kong version) vs Mr. Potato Head
Jack Sparrow vs BB8
Stitch vs Hopper
Lumiere vs Sven
Belle and Prince Adam vs Tiana
Stunt Spiderman vs Clawhauser
Wheezy vs Tiki Room Stitch
Rocket Raccoon vs C3PO
Shaman of Songs vs Elsa (Hong Kong version)
Ursula vs Lieutenant Bek
Dragon under castle vs Olaf
Hatbox Ghost vs Lantern Belle
Albert vs Dwarves in Mine Train
Bracket B/Tier 2:
Madame Leota vs Fantasmic dragon/Murphy
Giant from Sinbad's Storybook Voyage vs Swedish Chef
Finale conductor Sebastian vs Big Al
Roger Rabbit vs Br'er Porcupine
Dreamfinder vs Constance Hatchaway
Redd vs Munchkins
Skippy vs DJ R3X
Singing Geese vs 1900 Patricia
Daisy Duck vs Mary Poppins
Trixie vs The Five Bear Rugs
Jack Skellington vs Carnotaurus
Buzz Lightyear vs John
Aladar vs Zazu
RX-24 vs John Wayne
Max, Buff and Melvin vs Teddi Berra
Iago vs Panchito
José vs Uh-oa
Sun Bonnet Trio vs Br'er Raccoon
Figment vs Little Leota
Horned King vs Roz
Malestrom trolls vs Donald Duck
Abraham Lincoln vs Q’aráq
Statler and Waldorf vs Gene Kelly
Marshmallow vs Wicked Witch of the West
Will Rogers Jr/Lasso cowboy vs ExtraTERRORestrial Alien
Farming bunnies vs Frank
Timekeeper vs VR Grandma
Luggage Scanner Droids vs Railway end Mickey
Scuttle vs Bean Bunny
S.I.R.(Tim Curry robot) vs Liver Lips Mcgrowl
Buzzy vs Phantom
Ellen Ripley vs Sonny Eclipse
Bracket C/Tier 3:
Hitchhiking Ghosts vs Blue Fairy
Mr Bluebird vs Hag with apple
Richard the pineapple vs Sea Serpent
The Muppet Penguin Orchestra vs The Lost Safari
Horizons Robot butler vs Girl with goose
POTC Donkey vs Goat with dynamite
Jessica Rabbit vs Tiki room birds
Evil queen in window vs dancing Ariel
Puffins vs Mickey Mouse Review Alice
Little Red vs Unnamed laundry girl
Computer engineer woman/Foxy vs Indiana Jones snake
Hula Girls vs Disappearing butterfly
Splash Mountain finale chickens vs Sauropod
Tiger with umbrella vs Br'er Fox and Bear end scene
Donald's butt vs Drunk hats stealing pirate
Xenomorph vs Sally
Drew Carey vs Figaro
Rover vs Nemo seagulls
Exercise Patricia vs Tiki room Jose
Rosita vs Small World hippo
Darla vs POTC prison dog
Beating heart bride vs Barnstormer chickens
Boothill Boys/Vultures vs Ballroom dancer ghosts
Pansy, Poppy and Petunia (Splash opossums) vs Pig pirate
"Here kitty kitty" pirate vs Evil queen turns into hag
Skeleton ship pirate vs Small World cowboy
Singing birds of paradise vs Primeval World diorama
Jungle cruise elephants vs Barker Bird
Uncle Orville vs Granny ghost
Carlos' wife vs Energy dinos
Rabbit family with carrot vs jungle cruise hippos
Dirty foot pirate vs FSU gopher
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irlcats-bracket · 1 year
Bracket 1 Round 1 Poll 6
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Rusty vs Baccara Rose
Rusty used to be a stray and then he had An Accident and now he has three legs (he had been living at a vet's office for a month when submitter adopted him). But he's doing great! Submitter taught him how to climb stairs and built him some steps out of cardboard boxes so he can get on their bed whenever he wants. They think he could be anywhere from 6 to 12 years old, it's hard to say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. To their pleasant surprise, he does not mind wearing a harness at all, which is good because he still loves the outdoors. He often gets his ear turned inside out while bathing and weirdly prefers dry food over wet.
She's submitter's precious old little kitten, and she shares the same birthday as them (she's exactly ten years younger than them) (: She's an absolute cutie who loves cuddling in the morning when they're supposed to get up, and sometimes she gets so caught up in birdcatching that she catches more than she can eat, and then submitter's brother gets to steal some bird skeletons and display them.
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Magical Boy Tournament: Round 2
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Entrant Propaganda:
Dark Magician
A powerful mage with just a ton of support in the card game.
Have you ever wondered what if classical composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a pink haired magical boy with a weird hat? What if he could summon a giant skeleton? Or what if he could turn people into birds? Well congratulations because now he can!
Please god I want him to get to the next round. PLEASE
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