a-v-j · 11 months
Drawing request: This
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(Side note: I believe that they're relationship wouldn't change much compared to the originals.)
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susartwork · 1 year
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Happy Birthday @nyxus-nyx !!!
Fjdkd best boy with a bouquet of flowers. Who could have given him this? 👀
Thanks for all your kindness, you're so sweet! Get a well deserved fanart (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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dreamsb0u · 1 year
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I like drawing little interactions from character ai
Nyxy belongs to @nyxus-nyx
Split belongs to me
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masked-artist-xp · 1 year
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Nyxyverse just gives me such brain rotttt- it's too cuteee- AAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHHH- BDIWBODBDKS- plz ignore how shitty it is- I'm tired and it's like 2am- and I suck at drawing dudes and I suck at drawing skeletons 😔😔😔
Nyxy belongs to @nyxus-nyx
Averse belongs to @a-v-j
OH YEA- Here's the inspo ✨
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creativeflowers87 · 8 months
febuwhump 13 I have no energy anymore
CW: Injuries, slight self-deprecation(?), non-graphic violence
AN: this chapter did not vibe with me tbh but it's FINE
To be fair, Nyxie did not, in fact, try to get into this situation.
It's usually her friends that do dumb stuff and end up in the middle of nowhere with no reception, for goodness' sake! She's usually the one to sigh at them and pick them up, or something.
Nyxie huffs, staring at the tree in front of her in annoyance. She looks around at the forest around her, as if she glares hard enough she can somehow force nature to spit her back out onto her couch or on her friends' doorstep.
Predictably, it doesn't work.
She sighs, starting to pace a circle around the tiny opening she found. Nyxie glances up to the sky, before wincing and staring down again at the ground. Probably midday, then. That's definitely enough time to get home, then. She'd just have to keep moving.
It was not enough time to get home.
Nyxie slid down to the ground, holding up her vaguely box-shaped dirt hole she'd made herself. A small hole in the ceiling showed her that it was still dark. Groans and strange clacking noises echo from either five metres or five kilometres away from where she was sitting.
Apparently, the noises were coming from five metres away because as she twisted to become more comfortable, she hears a zombie way too close to her, and before she can react, a clawlike hand drags itself down her arm.
Nyxie hisses, quickly stabbing a dagger into its brain and watching it turn to dust. She takes a moment to breathe, before packing more dirt into the gap in the wall. She would take longer, if there isn't apparently a skeleton outside her shelter with a not-almost-broken bow.
After making absolute sure that there isn't anything that something can shoot or hit her through, she slumps down against the wall, sucking in a breath through her teeth as her injured arm hits the floor. Taking the hint, she starts to inspect it.
There's three deep gashes trailing down her arm. There's a couple other scratches from just her general inability to pay attention to unfamiliar environments, but the gashes are the most prominent. She winces again as she twists her arm so she can see it better.
Nyxie looks around her shelter for her bag, so she can patch herself up, but as it turns out, she seems to have left her bag outside as she was panic-building a shelter.
She shuts her eyes and leans back. She wasn't supposed to be getting hurt! If anyone, it was Emery, or maybe even Calixto if it was unlucky, who would get into stupid situations, not her! She was supposed to help them!
Before Nyxie can get herself into even more of a crisis, though, her adrenaline from the past few minutes crashes, and she flops sideways onto the ground, and she goes unconscious, just as the sun begins to rise.
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
Like Father, Like Daughter
Killer invites himself into Nyx’s castle, which would be his first mistake. His second mistake is demanding answers from her. The third mistake is when he threatens her kingdom’s people
He learns very quickly that she can be just as bitter as Nightmare, given the right circumstances, and for the first time in quite a while, she leaves him genuinely terrified
((Slight warning here for some mature subjects being mentioned and death threats, but that’s about it))
Nyx couldn't believe what she was seeing right now.
The bastard knew he wasn't allowed inside her castle, but it seemed that he didn't care. He'd invited himself in, acting like he owned the place, and then he had the audacity to approach her in the throne room. He stared at her with those empty sockets she'd grown to hate, visibly pleased with himself for causing a disturbance and finding her so easily.
Nyx remained where she sat, her violet and grey eye lights locked on him. She scowled, narrowing her sockets and snapping, "Just what in the hell are you doing here, Killer? Did you forget about the rule my father and I set in place for you?" He shook his head, completely casual as he hummed in acknowledgment, "Nah, I didn't forget." Her tone gained a bitter edge as she hissed, "Then why are you here? Last time I checked, I never called for you." He hummed again, drawing closer to her despite her piercing glare, "Well, I thought I'd drop in for a visit. After all, it's been a while since I've seen ya, Nyxie. I was even starting to miss you."
The princess scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest, "Right, I really believe that." He grew closer to her throne and she held a hand up, the silent command registering in his scattered mind. He stopped at the bottom of the steps that led up to her seat and tilted his head, arching a brow bone and grinning slightly to himself, "What's the matter, princess? You know I don't bite... Well, not unless you want me to." Nyx felt her cheekbones heat up the slightest bit and she shot a look of disgust his way, "It's nothing. I just don't want you anywhere near me. If you have any respect for my wishes, you'll leave."
Killer let out a deep sigh, "After all the time we spent together, you still don't know me at all, do you?" As he began to ascend the steps and slowly closed the distance between the two of them, Nyx curled her hands into fists, "Killer, what the fuck do you think you're doing? What part of 'stay the hell away from me' didn't you get?" The male skeleton chuckled in amusement, now almost directly in front of her, "Oh, will you stop it already? You act like I'm gonna hurt you or somethin'." She narrowed her eyes at him again, raising her voice a bit, "How am I supposed to act, then? After you cheated on me with nearly all of your teammates, got 406 pregnant, and then slept with my FATHER?! You're an idiot if you think I actually WANT to see you."
He hummed in consideration, "Well for starters, you could be a little less hostile." Nyx hissed at him, her words laced with venom as she spoke, "Fuck. You." Killer leaned down, his hands gripping the armrests of her throne, "Hmm... That could be arranged, y'know. All you gotta do is ask nicely." Nyx leaned as far back in her seat as possible, trying to keep distance between them as she spat, "You're the most disgusting, ignorant, self-centered man I've ever met." He snorted, clearly amused by her response, "I'll take that as a 'no' then... That's a damn shame." As he began moving even closer to her, she placed a hand over his face and pushed him back, "Tell me why you're here, that way I can get rid of you faster."
A single ringed eye light flickered to life in his left socket and he hummed, grabbing her wrist and peeling her hand away from his face, "It's about my kid... I want you to tell me where they are." Nyx stared at him in disbelief for a moment, yanking her wrist out of his grip, "First of all, they're not YOUR kid. Second, why would I ever tell you their whereabouts? That information is not yours to possess, and because you've been deemed a threat to them by their mother, you're never to see them. Not EVER." Killer rolled his eye light and groaned, "Oh, come on, I can't believe Glitchy would say I'm a danger to our kid like that."
Nyx's stare hardened, "406 had a hand in that decision, yes, but that's not who I was referring to." He arched a brow bone in interest, "I see... So they've been adopted out then. Guess I'll just have to start killing off your people until you tell me who they were sent to." The princess's eyes widened the smallest bit in shock at the threat, "You wouldn't DARE." Killer made a sound in confirmation, firmly gripping her jaw and forcing her to maintain eye contact with him, "Oh, believe me, I would. No one needs to die, though... Just tell me who took my kid in, and I'll be on my way." She was silent for a few seconds before she glowered, her eye lights slowly shifting from violet and grey to a vibrant cyan, "I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request."
Killer paused, noticing immediately as her eye lights changed colors. That was new, and he wasn't sure what it meant. He opened his mouth to respond, intent on pushing her until she was forced to comply, but he was interrupted, his body tensing as each of the doors around the throne room slammed shut. There was a loud 'click' signifying that they'd all locked, and he looked around, unsure what was going on. In front of each door was a silhouette, and he took a moment to piece together their identities; The first one had a trident, so it was most definitely Kali. The second silhouette was noticeably smaller, and the only feature he could make out were two glowing, yellow eyes. Judging by the height, that one must've been the imp she'd oh-so-kindly taken in.
The third silhouette was one he didn't recognize. Its height and blocky shape suggested it belonged to a man, and there was the unmistakable shape of a knife in one of its hands. The silhouette in front of the fourth door was featureless and humanoid, and Killer furrowed his brow bones. Nyx continued to stare at him, her gaze turning cold, "Leave, Killer. Surely you're smart enough not to do anything you'll regret." He refused to move, all traces of lightness vanishing from his tone, "Tell me where my kid is. Last chance." She arched a brow bone at him, her expression blank, "Is it really, though?" The shadows behind her began to form a shape, and Killer froze, his sockets widening as it opened a pair of solid white eyes and stared at him. Nyx was entirely unphased as the shadow Papyrus began to approach her throne from behind, and Killer watched him, breathing out, "W-What the hell is that?!" Nyx tilted her head, "Don't be so rude, Killer. Don't you recognize your own brother?"
Killer shook his head and began to back away from her throne, "That ain't him... It ain't real... You're just tryna get into my head, aren't you?!" The princess sighed, a hint of sarcasm in her voice, "Why would I ever do that? There's nothing in there that'd be of any value to me." Once some distance was created between the two of them, Nyx slowly rose from her throne, her cyan eye lights continuing to bore into him. She lifted a hand, signaling for the shadow Papyrus to stop. The being's movement came to a halt and Killer stared at it for a moment before shifting his attention back to the princess. He raised a shaky hand, gesturing to the shadow behind her, "Nyx... Nyxie, please. What the hell is that?! There's no way that's my Papyrus! He's been dead for a long time, and there's no way he should even be here right now!"
Nyx kept her icy gaze fixed on him, her tone even despite all the rage that Killer knew was lurking just beneath the surface, "Is that what you think?" He held a hand out to the princess in a gesture of surrender, taking another step back away from her, "Nyx... Moonbeam, please-" Her perfect composure immediately snapped upon hearing the nickname and she scowled, raising her voice, "Don't you EVER call me that. Never AGAIN. I don't want to constantly be REMINDED of how you lovingly gave MY FATHER the very same name." Killer's body jerked in surprise at the change in her disposition and he swallowed nervously, "Princess... I think you need to take a deep breath, ok? There's no need to get upset. Look, if you don't want me to call you that, I won't."
Her scowl hardened, "I'll do whatever I damn well please. Now, if you value your life, you'll get out of my fucking sight, and you'll never come back." He nodded, "I-I will, promise. Just... My kid. Please. I just wanna know where they are so I can go see 'em. I don't mean nothin' bad by that, I swear." The shadows began to gather on the wall behind Nyx, and as they joined with her own shadow, they began to take four very familiar shapes. Killer's eyes widened as a set of tendrils formed, appearing attached to her shadow. They writhed on the stone wall behind the enraged princess, and she curled her hands into fists. Her magic began to shroud her in darkness, and to add to the effect, she closed her right eye, now staring at Killer with only her left one, which remained a bright cyan.
He was frozen, a look of terror settling on his face as she took a few steps closer to him, her normally smooth tone warbling now as she hissed, "Unless I call for you, you are to stay the hell away from me. For your sake, I hope I never see you again." Killer began backing away from her again, his mouth opening and closing as he desperately searched for an adequate response. As soon as he felt himself back into a wall, he cursed under his breath. Shrinking down the smallest bit, he stared at Nyx with wide eyes. He hadn't told Nightmare or any of his teammates that he planned on going to her castle. None of them knew where he was right now, and he highly doubted anyone would come to his aid if she attacked him.
The princess narrowed her eye at him as he gawked at her, and she growled, "You might be strong, and you might satisfy your numerous partners well enough when they want it, but you're worse than scum. You're an irredeemable piece of shit, and that's all you'll ever be." She placed a hand on the wall next to his head and he attempted to shrink away from her again. Seeing this, she scoffed, "Now, I want you to run away like the coward you are, and never come back. You had better pray that I never see you again, because be it here or anywhere else, I WILL kill you. Am I clear, Killer?" He immediately nodded, "Y-Yes ma'am. Crystal."
She moved her arm, gesturing to the nearest door, "Good. I suggest you leave before I rethink my decision to let you live." Killer nodded again in understanding, his eyes wide. Without another word, he bolted for the door, nearly breaking the knob as he gripped it. Nyx watched as he threw open the door and vanished, and she shifted her gaze to the massive shadow that stood beside her throne. When she spoke, her tone was even, and seemingly void of the rage she'd just been harbouring, "Papyrus." The shadow fixed its glowing white gaze on her, and she lowered hers, keeping it settled on the floor in front of him, "Harm and Discard." She was met with silence, and then in response to the command, the shadow began to move. At first, he took a few slow, deliberate steps toward the now open door, and then he sprung forward. As he flew past the princess and out the door, he produced no sound whatsoever, and Nyx hummed.
Any second now.
Right on cue, Killer let out a pained and startled cry, and she felt the corner of her mouth twitch, almost curling upward into a smirk. Sure, she wanted Killer gone, but the fear he was giving off was incredible. Feeding off the emotions of others wasn't something she liked doing, but right now, she was ready and willing to make an exception.
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daddymus-papatron · 4 years
17 questions, 17 people!
I was tagged by @holdurhuxbby
Nickname: Pinky, Nick, Nicky, Nyxy
Zodiac: Leo
Height: 5"3ish
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff/Grifindor
Last thing I googled: brian fuller
Song stuck in my head: Breaking the Habit - LP
Number of followers: 52
Amount of sleep: 3 to 6ish hours
Lucky numbers: 1, 3, 6, 9, 13
Dream job: podcaster
Wearing: skeleton body suit, knee brace + oversized shirt/dress
Favorite Author: bernard werber/alexander dumas
Favorite instrument: kazoo
Aesthetic: Pink cute princess bdsm goth rainbow queer
Favorite song: Animal I've become - TDD
Favorite animal noise: kitty purring
Random: im missing an organ
No pressure tags!:
no just do it idc
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me-and-my-gaster · 5 years
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Fireflower Mead
Because @nighttimepixels fantastic fic and headcanons cannot leave my mind, so here’s Pepper and her home-brewed mead... in clothes that supposed to look like a cultural thing for her. I tried making something a little more feminine than the usual male nordic clothing but still keeping it short and easy to move in. Also layers.
I love drawing fell skeletons being happy or at least content, sue me, I can’t draw her looking cool like Nyxie did. She’s happy and proud and sharing her mead with friends!
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messedupessy · 5 years
8 and 20 please! =D
8. Bed sharing or roommates AU?
Frikking both??? I am such a sucker for bed sharing like the whole “there was only one bed” it’s my lifeblood! and roommates omg they were roommates like frikking yeesssss its such a good trope like srs so many funny things can happen like two ppl been roommates and like friends but then becomes more and its just YES   
20. Do you have a favorite fanfic or author? If so, tag them/post a link and share the love!
Oh fuck my dude my sweet mysterious anon I have so fucking many fave authors like you can’t believe because god there so many but I’mma try to name as many as I can, not sure if I should tag them eh fuck it will tag them all anyway bc why the fuck not pfft
@me-and-my-gaster my sweet bestest neighbor srs if you have yet to read any of her works you are srs missing out on some of the best stuff ever man srs go read Thunderstruck its amazing af, also Dumb its so good grngnerkjgjker
@tyranttortoise my soulmate if you don’t know about her by now then I’m sorry for you bc you need to go and check her the fuck out man yes she amaze af
@nighttimepixels Night is frikking amazing af and her Lilytale girls her genderbent takes on the skeleton boys are literally the best like holy shit i get gayer just by thinking about them
@jolie-in-the-underground Jollie is so frikking good too she might not write much UT stuff anymore as she is all about Detroit: Become Human which is prolly good af too, but still super good stuff ye
@torrikor nyxie yeeesss their stuff is so good and I am gay af for their human gal versions of the skeleton boys like srs ri ri is my wife ok fewknkjfwekj
@thefloatingstone puffythat sansby fic you got going is so srs good and I adore it to bits bc shit its so good njrgegekgkjegnjek 
ok next list of ppl are mostly fontcäst etc so if that’s not your thing then I guess don’t check them out, also some write allot of naughty stuff too ye
@megalotrash megalo bb yes they are like so frikking good man just so frikking good njjfkkejkjegkjeajnjfer
@counterfeithypocriteholyshit ael bb yes their stuff is extremely dark af but god do I love it so much and they have like just barely started writing properly and its amazing af like srs you need to be stopped ael bc you are way too good too quickly and i love it jgknkwfjfkjfwe
@fresh-draws freshie can’t find your writing blog for some reason grknegjekgkjer but god his stuff is good af like srs he has so many ideas and so many boys and so darn talented bless
@ollie-oxen-free ollie you fucking shit no matter what you say you tsundere piece of shit so is your stuff like so srs fucking good and I love it af man fuck you
@alicedragons ali holy shit her stuff is amazing I was like there when she like just started and its amazing to see how far she gotten and her stuff just gets better and better and its so frikking good holy sheit man
@itsladykit Kit fucking hell your stuff is amazing af and I adore it to pieces so frikking much knfergekwgkjjekge like srs I don’t even know what to say that’s how good it is grjegnkjer
@sesurescue sesu omg she is the one who made me start to ship papby I used to not be very interested in that ship at all but now i’m just frikking sold af bc god its so good and she just amazing af yes
@keelywolfe keely is amazing af like srs so fucking good kjrjengkjkeakk and i am in awe at how fast she writes bc how the fuck can you pretty much post a chapter a day like how???? i have yet to get around to start reading her main story bc its just so much of it but the rest that i have read its really fucking good bless
@captain-shitpost cap you cappy shit your stuff is amazing af like srs luve u u meme and ur writing so good yes
And that is all I can think of at the moment I prolly got a bunch more but these are the one’s that comes to mind grkjengkegwkjngkjn xD 
Tho want to give @popatochisssp and @cocofinny a special little shoutout, I have yet to properly read any of their works but I have seen other ppl’s reaction and the little bits I have actually read is srs so good and I rly need to go read your guys stuff man gerkjgnkjge
fic asks here ye
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torrikor · 6 years
Sup Nyxie cutie (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) for that fandom ask thingie, could I get B, R and Z :D
b // a pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
mm,,, probably most of the cross-universal skeleton ships, to be honest. i wasn’t keen on any of the aus when i first came into the fandom, but,,, welp, here we are :D
r // a pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
papyrus x being treated like an actual adult & not an innocent harmless baby.
also us!papyrus x sf!papyrus, either romantically or platonically. i don’t see enough of them genuinely getting along, a lot of the time people kinda pit them against eachother? why can’t they be friends, fandom. also sf!sans x ut!papyrus, and sf!sans x us!papyrus. actually, y’know what? let’s upgrade that to ut!papyrus x sf!sans x us!papyrus
z // just ramble about something fan related, go go go-
my mind’s lowkey blank right now so i’m just gonna go back to the papyrus x being treated like an adult thing. cause i might’ve over exaggerated a bit? i actually don’t see too many innocent uwu baby interpretations anymore, but i dunno if that’s just because i follow certain people who have good interpretations & don’t really look through the undertale tag unless i’m bored. still, though, the guy’s not a baby? he’s the younger brother in like 99% of interpretations, sure, but not a baby (unless like,, babybones au. but that’s an au). and he’s most definitely not an idiot. d’you think an idiot could make all those advanced puzzles & traps? make that goddamn gauntlet of death that damn well could’ve skewered the player if he hadn’t called it off? being kind & having integrity does not equate to being a naïve idiot 100% of the time. everyone’s an idiot sometimes, but to insist that papyrus is too innocent, or too dumb, or too clueless is just ignoring his character in the game completely. thank you for coming to my tedtalk
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nya-random-nya · 8 years
A Meeting of Shape Changers
The human formed Nyxie roamed around the area Random was in, confused about his surroundings. He had been following a quite unique magic signature and ended up in this very surface exclusive world. He tried following the magic, not expecting to bump into the one who had it. He yelped, and looked down. “I-im sorry about that, I didnt mean to…” Once he looked up he seemed very confused. A skeleton? Why had he been meeting so many skeletons? “U-um.. If its alright for me to ask.. Whats your name? @magiccon
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creativeflowers87 · 8 months
CW: Injuries, blood, joking about death(?)
If there was ever a time when Nyxie really needed someone to come and save her, it was now.
Considering the arrow sticking out of her side, the blood loss resulting from it and the tiny little hidey-hole in a cave that she'd made to hide themself from the various zombies and skeletons and creepers that had come across her while caving, she's probably at least a little tiny bit screwed.
At least she admitted it. She knew of multiple people that would rather die than accept that they needed help. Like, seriously, how dense does one have to be to completely ignore that they aren't infallible, and when it comes up pretend it doesn't apply to them?
And now she was rambling.
She is definitely delirious by now.
Nyxie huffs, wincing when the movement jostles her wound. Frowning, she glances down to inspect it.
The arrow is pretty deeply imbedded into her side, but as far as she can tell, it hasn't hit anything too important, thank the Universe. Still, though, there is a pretty obvious trail of blood dripping down her torso and onto the stone floor of the cavern, and her brain was already a little fuzzy from the bloodloss.
Oh, how she would die for a regen potion right now.
That's probably a terrible joke to make at the moment.
Oh well.
Nyxie hums a tuneless melody to herself, not really knowing what to do. After a while, however, she ends up sitting down in the one-by-one-by-two gap in the floor she made for herself, trying her best not to hit the arrow on the tight wall next to her, or really to jostle it in general.
Finally, she finds a position that only hurts to sit in a little bit without been too uncomfortable in general. She grabs her comm —how in the world did she forget about her comm— and sends a message to the world chat. She drops it back in her pocket immediately after.
Nyxie sighs.
Now to wait for someone to pick her up.
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ask-the-riders · 4 years
One in the Same (ending scene with Nightmare and Nyx)
I wanted to at least post the ending of this fic here, for anyone who might be interested in it but didn't wanna read the full thing (since it's a smutfic and all ^^")
Night's a very overprotective dad and has to make sure Nyx isn't running off to go do certain things (if you catch my drift) with a guy, so yeah, it might be just a smidge suggestive in terms of the subject they really briefly discuss, but if anything, it's more or less her saying "ew gross why would you even think that"
Also,, pretty much anytime they refer to Connie, they call her Chimera (since that was her name before she became a rider)
In his castle, Nightmare sat in his personal library, nestled on one of the end cushions on his sofa. With a book sitting open on the coffee table in front of him, he sighed deeply, his teeth upturned into a wicked grin. That was certainly an eventful "meeting" he'd just witnessed. Now that he knew how easy it was to make Conquest cave, he was beginning to consider going to visit her dreams again, sometime in the future. Thanks to Shattered, he now knew that she could give him the exact combination of negative feelings he'd been searching for, and now he had no real need to pursue anyone else for it.
"Father, I thought we agreed that you wouldn't bother any of my followers." 
Upon hearing the unannounced female skeleton's voice, Nightmare lifted his gaze to the doorway, finding his daughter staring at him with cold violet eye lights that were ringed with grey. Her arms were crossed over her chest, and by her posturing, she was genuinely irritated with him. He arched a brow bone, attempting to feign ignorance, "Oh, I'm sorry, she was one of your followers? I had no idea." Nyx narrowed her sockets at him and scoffed, "Bullshit. You had an ulterior motive, and for your own benefit, you ignored our agreement."
Nightmare hummed, entirely unapologetic, "Well I wouldn't say I 'ignored' it... It was more like I 'forgot'." Nyx invited herself into the library, sitting in a chair across from her father, "Oh, please. You? Forgetting something? I highly doubt that." The guardian of negativity snorted in amusement, "Well I mean... I've been around way longer than you. I'm allowed to forget things sometimes." Nyx rolled her eye lights, not even the slightest bit convinced, "Father, don't. Don't even start. This is coming from you, someone who remembers nearly everything he reads in almost full detail. You also happen to be the one that swears up and down that he remembers everything about the first shadow I gave life to, back when I was only four years old." Nightmare couldn't help but chuckle softly; Despite not looking as monstrous as him, what with her clear lack of black goop and all, she was definitely his child. That snarky attitude was recognizable anywhere. 
He sighed, his smile almost pleasant as he tilted his head and looked at her, "And I do. It was just a tiny little thing. No bigger than my hand. It had free will, too. It wasn't like the ones I made." Nyx stared at him intently, her arms folded neatly in her lap, "You didn't allow them to possess free will. That's why. My followers though. Chimera. How about we discuss her some more?" Nightmare's pleasant smile fell and he let out an exaggerated groan, his tentacles swaying and flicking in agitation, "Fine, fine. What all do you plan on lecturing me about today?" 
His daughter chose to ignore the tone he spoke in, responding in as flat a tone of her own as she could manage, "Chimera is mine. She follows me for a cause completely different than yours. For someone who has no problem invading territory that belongs to others and helping himself to their personal belongings, you're possessive, and you always throw a fit when someone invades your space and touches your things. A bit hypocritical, don't you think?" 
Nightmare blinked, surprised at how she'd so casually called him out. Trying to force back the surprise and remain neutral, he rolled his eye light, "And? This castle and the surrounding land is mine. Everything within these walls is mine. All the staff I've gathered? They're mine too, and I'll do as I please. Chimera is a reincarnation of Dream, and anything pertaining to him has nothing to do with you." 
Nyx arched a brow bone, "She's not a reincarnation of your brother, though. She's an alternate. Therefore, she's technically not the Dream you've been trying so hard to murder, all these years. Also, Father, consider: I met her before you. She followed me before she knew you even existed. She would dismember a thousand people if I told her to. She has no personal ties to you, which means the agreement we made was broken, thanks to you." 
The guardian of negativity scowled; There had to be a loophole to the agreement. There HAD to be. Without giving him a chance to argue, she spoke again, "If you touch her, be it real life or within the dreamscape, I'm taking one of your staff as my own. Touch her child, and I'll take them all. Maybe you don't take me seriously because I'm your daughter and I'm quite a bit younger than you, but I'm warning you. What I lack in experience, I make up for with my resources. You rule a castle, and have control of... what is it, seven people now? I have an entire kingdom, with a population of more than ten thousand."
Nightmare gawked at her, in shock that she'd even consider threatening him. He wanted to be outraged and he wanted to snap at her, but his anger quickly fizzled out and he burst into hearty laughter, a wide grin plastered on his face as he leaned back in his seat, "Shit, Nyx. I think you might've watched me a little too closely when you were a kid. Not that threatening me was a good idea, but I'd expect no less from you, at this point." 
Nyx couldn't help the tiny smile that tugged at her teeth, shattering the dead serious look she'd just been wearing only moments ago. She shook her head and sighed deeply, "What can I say? Nobody in the multiverse can yell as loud as you. It just made it easier for me to listen and take notes." Her father beamed, almost appearing proud, and she fought the urge to laugh at how ridiculous he looked.
She stood from her seat, taking a moment to smooth out her dress. Quickly piecing together that she planned to leave, Nightmare almost seemed disappointed, "Leaving so soon, are we?" Nyx merely nodded, offering him an apologetic smile, "Unfortunately, yeah. I've got followers to look after, a kingdom to rule, business in the dreamscape, all that good stuff." The guardian arched a brow bone, watching her curiously, "Business in the dreamscape? You never use the dreamscape. What kind of business could you possibly have there?" 
The princess sighed, shrugging her shoulders, "Oh, nothing too important. I just have some cleaning up to do, since you decided to go and make a mess of everything." He stared at her intently, "Nyx, how do you intend to access the dreamscape? She's awake now." Nyx arched a brow bone, wearing the smallest of smiles, "Who said I was going to see her? I had someone else in mind." Nightmare pushed further, almost intrigued, "Such as...?" His daughter offered him a completely innocent smile, her tone teasing, "Oh, no one important. Mmmn... let's see, I think his name was Retribution." 
Nightmare's stare hardened and his tentacles flicked again, the tips sharpening, "Of all people, why him? You could pick literally anyone else." Nyx hummed, "Um... Because I want to?" She started making a beeline for the doorway but stopped as one of his tentacles wrapped around her arm, "Nyx, I need you to swear to me that you're not planning on doing something weird." 
Nyx hissed, swatting at his tentacle as if trying to make it release her, "Like what? You honestly don't think I'd have sex with him or anything, right?" Nightmare growled, "Nyx, swear to me right now that that's not what your plan is." Nyx threw her arms in the air dramatically and groaned, "I SWEAR that's not what I was gonna do. To be honest, it's gross that you would even think that, Father. He's another version of you, so ew, no, I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole." The guardian's grip on her began to loosen and she scoffed, "And besides, he's not even my type." 
Nightmare sighed deeply, "That's right, I forgot. I'm assuming your type consists of idiots named Killer." Nyx's cheekbones gained a faint purple blush and she rolled her eyes, "Oh please, don't insult me like that. I wouldn't touch Killer with a ten foot pole either." Her father hummed, clearly not believing her, "Uh huh, sure. Whatever you say, my little hellion." Nyx let out an irritated huff, her cheekbones still flushed a faint shade of violet as she opened a portal, vanishing through it without looking back. Nightmare was silent as the portal closed behind her, feeling pretty at ease until he heard someone rapidly approaching the open doorway, calling out, "Nyx... Nyxie, hang on a minute, you forgot your-" Killer appeared in the doorway, immediately freezing in place as he noticed Nightmare staring at him, his voice much softer, "...Garter." 
He quickly stuffed the lace garment into his pocket, praying his boss hadn't seen it. Judging by the scowl he was wearing, however, he had seen it. Just great. Nightmare growled lowly in agitation, a clear warning that he wasn't in a joking mood, "Tell me, Killer. Do you want to die?" Killer shook his head, "No, Boss." He'd usually pick and tease a little, but when it came to the guardian's daughter, he was completely serious. There was no room at all for any sort of joking, and if Killer tried, the consequences would be deadly. Nightmare hissed, "Then toss that in the trash and get out of my sight." Killer was quick to pull the garter out of his pocket, dropping it into the nearest trash bin before shortcutting away.
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torrikor · 6 years
*slides in* (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) hello nyxie cutie, it's me Essy who is always here whenever you are open for drabble requests etc, anyway you wanted something to write i will give ya something! so some shenanigans with Azu and Hunter, maybe a cooking accident or something but I demand that Hunter's leg is been thrown at someone or something at least somehow, and whether you want to make it selfshippy or shipping between the two if you are into it is up to ya, also Hunter laughing would be hella sweet yo
i know you wanted shenanigans but this turned out majorly fluffy in the beginning oops dfrgthtgfrd there’s shenanigans by the end i swear
He’s doing it again. He does it every goddamn day, and every goddamn day Hunter can’t help but stare adoringly. It’s gross, he’s like a lovesick puppy - and yet he can’t bring himself to be angry about it.
While Azu goes about gathering supplies from various cupboards and drawers for dinner, Hunter stays sat at the table, with his skull propped up on one hand. It’s hot out, even as the evening draws near, so Azu’s still got his shirt tied in a way that shows off the majority of his spine and his lowermost ribs. It’s almost hypnotising to watch him move, to watch him reach up and stretch to reach the higher cabinets, to watch him crouch and bend to see if there’s anything he can use in the fridge. It’s over all too soon, he’s soon gathered everything he needs to start.He doesn’t quite get chance to, though.
“Hey, come here”
He looks over his shoulder as Hunter beckons him over, and raises a bonebrow at him. “WHY?”
“Just come here”
Setting down the pan he previously had in his hands, he does as he’s told. As soon as he’s within grabbing distance Hunter pulls him down onto his lap, keeping him in place with an arm draped over the crest of his pelvis. Azu just snorts at the new position, shifting a bit to get more comfortable. He then grins down at the skeleton he’s now sat on, “DID YOU WANT SOMETHING?”
An affirmative hum is Hunter’s only answer, before he uses his free hand to direct Azu’s face downwards, meeting him halfway with a short kiss. And then another. And then a third one is all it takes for Azu to start laughing. He misses the lopsided smile Hunter gives him, but he doesn’t miss the sound of his partner’s laughter joining his.It’s a rare thing, to hear Hunter laugh openly. Rare to people who are just friends, at least - Azu has the privilege of hearing it quite often these days. He’s yet to get tired of it; it’s surprisingly soft, and calming, and if he listens close enough he can hear the quiet purr underscoring his voice.
With a final clank of his teeth against Hunter’s forehead, Azu goes to stand and resume making dinner, but-
“Wow. Gay”
“GOOD EVENING TO YOU TOO,” He slides off the other’s lap before turning to Nyx, leaning against the doorway and grinning at them. Without a second of hesitation, he continues, “NOW GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN”
A bark of laughter is the first answer he gets, and the second is from someone else. “can’t we be allowed in just this once? ain’t fair to keep all the kisses to yourself, y'know” G appears behind them, and is about to enter before Hunter kicks his leg out to block the path. The two share a brief moment of eyecontact before the intruder looks to Azu and points to Hunter. “he’s allowed in”
“ ‘He’ doesn’t start fires and create messes whenever he steps foot in the kitchen” Hunter’s grin is goodnatured, but there’s a tone of ‘you know I’m right’ to his voice. “You two, on the other hand-”
“That was one time!”
“two times”
“Two times!”
“TWO TIMES TOO MANY! OUT, BOTH OF YOU” Azu shoos his two other partners out of the room, and Nyx laughs as they disappear around the corner, but G stays long enough to try and snag a packet of crisps from one of the nearby drawers. In response, Hunter goes with the simple solution of mild violence. There will be no crisp stealing tolerated before dinner.
“Out!” With practiced movements, he detatches the prosthetic from the remains of his left leg and promptly throws it before G even has chance to retract his arm from the drawer. It hits the cabinet beside him - granted, Hunter hadn’t actually been aiming for him - but it’s enough to startle an ‘ack-!’ out of him and get him to drop the snack.As he teleports away, defeated, Azu plants his hands on his hips and looks at the prosthetic on the ground, then Hunter.
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