holographicbutch · 7 months
The world does not want me to go to my favorite restaurant
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rhondafromhr · 5 months
Max and Steph roleswap AU where Steph’s the school bully/self-proclaimed God of Hatchetfield High. She started dictating what everyone can and can’t do and who’s cool and who’s a nerd and whether Kyle can date Brenda (the answer’s still no, by the way!) to gain a sense of control. Solomon scrutinizes her every move and doesn’t let her do ANYTHING that might make him look remotely bad and affect his reelection prospects. Her mom dissapeared after winning the Honey Queen pageant (but as far as Steph knows she just up and left). She has absolutely no control in her home life and had to find it elsewhere.
Do you see my vision?? We’d get a sapphic Stephgrace version of Dirty Girl. We’d get Mariah as the villain. She’s the star QB. To impress the high school football obsessed voters, Solomon forced her to either do that or cheer. It turned out she was actually really good at it and she started getting praise and admiration for once (she also gets none of that at home). Between that and being the mayor’s daughter, nobody can stand up to her. Kyle and Jason are her lackeys. Kyle still gets punched in the face for calling Grace a two bagger. Max is around and he’s like “no, I agree with Steph, Grace is kinda cute” he gets decked in the face too because he BETTER not be thinking of asking her out (poor Jason has to carry them both out).
Max is still a jock, but he plays a sport nobody at Hatchetfield High really cares about (idk lacrosse maybe), so he’s more of a fringe cool kid. Not having the power over the school he has in canon, he had to find a different way to cope with his Whole Deal so became more apathetic and adopted a cool/tough guy persona instead. He usually manages to fly under the radar, but Steph does pick on him occasionally - she copes with Solomon constantly insulting her intelligence by doing the same thing to others and Max “I’m so fuckin’ scared of skele-uhns” Jägerman is an easy mark. Kyle usually joins in out of desperation for Steph’s approval. Jason will too, but only when the others pressure him into it.
Max needs to get his grades up or he’ll be kicked off the team, so he cheats off one of the nerds, gets caught and eventually asks them to tutor him. Doesn’t matter which one, pick your poison depending on which ship or friendship you want to be the Lautski of this universe. I’m gonna make it platonic and say Richie because I love their potential friendship dynamic, I love aroace Richie and I love treating friendships with the same narrative weight as romantic relationships. Steph says hell no, the Pasqualli’s incident happens and Grace convinces them all to plan the prank.
Of course, Steph wouldn’t fall for it like Max did. She realizes what they they’re up to almost immediately, but she’s still delighted. She finds it kind of funny and endearing that they thought they could scare her with cheap costumes and creepy music. She likes that they planned the prank to get her to change her ways because it means they still think she has the potential to be good. Then she falls and they do Grace’s bury the body plan, but this is the mayor’s daughter and the police can’t write it off like they do most disappearances in Hatchetfield so they’re hot on their trail.
Also, I’m losing it thinking about how powerful Solomon’s death would be. And how fucking scared Max would be during the summoning.
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spooky-magnolia · 2 months
Me, just walking to Serana's mom in the soul cairn: *goes to smack a skele*
Taliesin: *runs in front of me*
Me, knocking his ass down: Dammit Tally-
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sopiao · 1 year
can i request a young teen reader (like 15-16) being watched over and taken care of by their body guards, the 141. like. they’re sick and is part of a dangerous chain, they get hired to take care of you and just overall body guard you???
pls ignore this if this is too much or if you don’t feel like it! be safe!
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this idea is actually so cute. i struggled trying to think for this 🤐
Tossing and turning in your hospital bed, you already read every book that was gifted to you and brought from your home. Already watched every show on the TV. Already made like a couple hundred paper cranes out of boredom. Hell, you’ve been here so long the flowers you got, when you were first admitted, has already wilted and died due to lack of sunlight. That’s how you felt
A soft knock on the door made you sit up immediately. You saw your doctor, your mom, and four strange men. Your mom never explained what she did, expect that you could never get involved in it, and never know what she did. All you knew is that it was dangerous, but she made lots of money from it so she could give you a comfortable life.
As always, she gave you a short and subtle explanation, as always. She introduced the men, but you took little to no interest in this. All you know was that you weren’t safe in a public hospital and had to stay somewhere more private and secluded.
Something like “Mommy got caught up with some people and you need to take a trip” You hated every time she baby explained something to you. You aren’t 5.
The car ride there was quite, Ghost having to hold his arm up the entire ride to keep your IV running. You already knew that you’d never be alone from that point on, always being monitored and with someone.
“We already prepared a room for you” Price explained, only earning a hum from you as a response. They didn’t find your silence and lack in response or communication rude or ignorant, just understood that some people like to talk and some don’t. Your room was right in the middle of the hallway, in between everyone else’s, assuming it was for your safety in case anyone found you.
Price let you open the door to see your reaction. The room was.. cozy. In a way. You can tell they tried. There were soft white fairy lights across the lining of the ceiling. It was a quilted comforter with many different patterns. Books laid out in the bed side table for you, ones you never read before. Soft rugs, and a huge and a plushy bean bag.
But what caught your attention the most was the overwhelming amount of stuffed animals that littered the bed. You wanted to laugh but only let out a little chuckle, the only other sound from you the entire time you were with them, aside from the occasional hum response.
They all watched cautiously as you slowly entered the room, looking around and inspecting each little trinket of the room they added, Ghost having to follow behind to keep your IV bag dripping.
“Is it okay for you?” Soap is the first to speak up, all watching how you just sit at the foot of the bed and just look around, noticing something new each second. Wow, they even got you the white princess canopy you wanted when you were like five. Even the skele-animals plushie you wanted six years ago. Most likely your mom told them about this. A for effort.
“Yeah, its… good” You softly nod, Soap and Gaz smile to each other.
“Told ya” you heard subtly from Gaz who stuck his tongue out at Ghost who just rolls his eyes and turn away, who starts to attach your IV bag to the metal pole. They’re hesitant to leave you by yourself, but you insist that you’ll just take a nap for a little bit.
A couple hours later, lunch, Price reminds Ghost to go in and ask you what you’d like for lunch. They can eat whenever they want, their more concerned for you. When he hears silence after knocking four separate times, not wanting to intrude on you. He just assumes that you’re still sleeping.
His heart drops to his stomach once he sees the bed empty, and you’re IV pole gone. He rushes into the house’s living room, alerting his teammates. First they do a scan of the house, maybe you wanted to use the bathroom, or check out the other rooms. When the rooms are empty they start to check out the outside, spreading out.
Price finds you in the backyard. Sighing as he relaxes and un-tense his body, slowly making his way towards you. You’re crouched in the ground, back facing him, with your IV pole standing beside you. His shadow looms over you, signaling you that there’s someone behind you, though you don’t say or do anything, just continuing watching the ants climb in and out of the small ant hill.
His shadow looks over you, signaling you that there’s someone behind you, but it doesn’t alarm you. You just continue staring how the ants follow in one singular line.
“Gave us a scare there, kid” Price grunts as he crouches down next to you, wondering what’s so interesting about them, earning the usual hum in response, the only time you’ve acknowledged his presence.
“What’re ya’ lookin’ at?” Price turns to look at you, hugging your knees and chin resting atop of them. He watches you use a twig to push a stray ant back in line.
“Y’know if you wanna go out, you should come and tell us, bring us along” He says in a tone that tries to convince you that they wanna spend time, but is really so you won’t be alone.
Day 2. And you’re still stuck in this hospital gown. You try to look through the dresser and drawers for any clothes, or at least fresh underwear, or clean socks. But when you find the wooden drawers empty you escort yourself and the metal pole, you’re growing used to, to the living room where they’re all playing card games.
They don’t notice your presence yet, focusing on whether the other has the card they need or not. So, you just stand and stare at them, for a good 4 minutes until Gaz catches you in the corner of his eye. Jumping and dropping all his cards face up on the table.
They all laugh then turn once they realize that Gaz is staring at the hallway. Soap clears his throat and asks what you need while Price puts out his cigar to keep you from inhaling the fumes.
“I need clothes” Is all you said. The same expression plastered on their faces, just remembering that they forgot something.
“That’s what it was” Soap mutters.
“Told you we were missing something, idiot” Ghost scolds him, seems like a usual occurrence.
They end up having to drive to the nearest Goodwill to buy you some clothes. They knew that if your mother found out she’d be displeased, but you insisted that it’s where you wanted. You couldn’t leave and go around public in your hospital gown since it’ll raise suspicion.
Which caused you to have to borrow some of their clothes for the time being. Had to borrow Gaz’s pants since he’s the shortest from all of them, thought by only an inch, it was the closest size to you. It draped over you and covered your shoes. Soap offered his shirt which reached your thighs. Had a tear in the bottom.
Ghost decided to stay and stick with you while you picked up clothes, watching intently in what you picked out and what you looked at, holding up your IV, but not too high to make it that noticeable. Noting what you took interest in, processing your style.
“Didn’t know these still existed” Price came up to the two of you with Soap behind him, holding up a cassette player in his hand. Soap had an old digital camera, looking through the photos.
“You should get it, Cap’” Soap suggests, getting bored with the camera. You’re still looking through clothes, but still listening to them talk.
“What the hell would I even do with this?” He chuckles, inspecting the inside and each button to see if it’s functional— and not laced with crack.
“Mm-mm Just to have it?” Soap shrugs, taking the clothes out from your arm to hold for you, and to look at.
“That’s stupid”.
“They have cassettes at the front” You speak up, making them all look at you, since you never speak unless absolutely needed. They’re happy that you’re slowly getting comfortable to speak but don’t want to say anything to jinx it. Price just makes his way towards the front to look for them, you can tell by the little rushed way he walks that he’s enjoying himself.
You find a Dio shirt in the racks, their band dates and locations on the back, like something you’d by from a concert.
“Do people still listen to them?” Ghost whispers, mostly to himself, you can tell his interested. Never would’ve thought that he’d be into that band. You add it into your stash, laying it on your arm. When you get back to the house you end up giving it to him since ‘It doesn’t fit. Too big’ by what you said.
Gaz couldn’t sleep at all, it was way too hot. He walked out of his room, using the bottom of his shirt to wipe his face. He entered the kitchen to grab a glass of water but almost screams when he sees you by the counter, sitting on the edge with a sandwich in your hand.
“If you were hungry you should’ve woken one of us up” He sighed, hand on his chest to calm himself down, worried when he saw the knife next to you covered in nutella.
“No. Too much work. Didn’t wanna bother” You shook your head, already half way through your sandwich. He chuckled, looking through the fridge for the water pitcher.
“What did ya’ make?” Gaz asked, leaning against the counter next to you, taking a long gulp from his glass.
“Nutella and Cheerio’s” You take another big bite from your sandwich. He cringes at how sweet it must be but laughs at how often he’s tried it late at night too.
You two sit together in silence, occasional crunch from you eating your sandwich and a watery sip from Gaz. After you finish he asks if your full, shaking your head he offers to make you something. Looking up at him then nodding while muttering a thanks.
He makes you go sit in the living room and watch TV while he prepares something. There wasn’t much in the house but he made do with what he had in the house. After an episode and a half of The Amazing World of Gumball he came to the couch with two BLT sandwiches and two cans of soda.
“Didn’t even know we had bacon” You mutter to yourself as Gaz already starts eating, a muffled response you couldn’t really make out. You both just sit in silence once again, less awkward and more comfortable this time, as you both ate the food he prepped.
It was nice. Just eating sandwiches while watching cartoons at 2:14 in the morning.
You felt weak today, more than usual. Deciding to take a quick 20 minute nap, you wake up to loud talking, occasionally arguing accompanied by laughing, which made you a little irritated but you felt more energized.
Taking your IV pole with you, at this point you considered it a friend that followed you, you make your way to the living room, they’re all circled around the coffee table, either on the couch or on the floor.
You take a minute to watch before speaking up. Making them all jump when they notice your presence.
“What’re you doing?” You take a couple steps forward to look over their shoulders and see a Monopoly board and Monopoly money spread across the table.
“Wanna play?” Soap cocks his head to the side, scooting over to make room for you.
“I’ll watch” You take the empty spot next to him as they begin playing, less profanity and vulgar language this time, but still the same energy. Slowly you started to grow used to them. Laughed at how Gaz made Ghost pay up every time he hit his property, how Soap would take at least a minute to calculate his money for a deal, how Soap always got the short end of the straw, how they’d always fuck him over.
After a round they played again, but this time you were the banker. Handing out loans and taxes while you sipped on your juice box.
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(I'm pretty sure I accidentally sent an unfinished version of this ask if I did my bad)
Skele is at S/O's hometown to visit family for the weekend. Skele hears S/O call them from another room. They see S/O on the floor with horrible head pain, they look deathly pale, and can’t move properly.
At the hospital they are told that have no available rooms so S/O is forced to walk a bit with nurse's help and put into a wheelchair in the waiting room. S/O who is in clearly in a lot of pain is desperately trying to lie on the floor because it "makes their head hurt less". S/O is also a little humiliated because they were in middle of getting ready for bed so they are half-dressed in front of everybody in the waiting room.
After a couple of hours S/O is finally seen by someone. They have to be transfered to another hospital via helicopter because this one can't help. Skele and S/O's family drive an hour to get there.
Turns out S/O had a brain aneurysm. They have tubes in their head to drain the blood and can't move much to prevent brain damage. S/O's mom is telling the doctors about what happened at other hospital and their horrified because everything the nurses did was dangerous and could've hurt S/O more. S/O's sister is angry and says she used to intern at the hospital and says the people there discriminate and treat everyone who comes in like a "drug addict" (their hometown has a lot of them) and isn't careful with patients. Even though drug addicts shouldn't be treated poorly either S/O's family has recovered/recovering addicts so they experience. Family insists last hospital did have a room and just didn't give it to S/O, they're mad.
S/O will have to relearn to walk and will fully recover but it could've been really bad.
How does Skele react when they find S/O? How do they act at the first hospital? How do react at the second hospital when they find out about everything? How is recovery?
(Sorry this is so specific based on real events, love your stuff btw I check in on your blog every day 💞💞💞)
Undertale Sans - Well that was for sure not a good day. Sans bottled all of his feelings to focus on his S/O, and made sure to be there every step of the way. He had a feeling the first hospital didn't think you were serious, but he's not a doctor, he didn't know what else to do. After discovering you almost die and that the first hospital made things worse, he actually feels guilty because he didn't say anything and maybe you wouldn't be that bad now, and ok, maybe he's thinking this too much. He's just relieved you're finally having a treatment and he assures you he's not moving his butt from that chair in your room until you feel better. He tries to help the best he can through the recovery, giving you support and comfort. He's good at that.
Undertale Papyrus - He's a bit shaken at the end of the day because DAMN that was scary. Papyrus tried to argue with the doctors in the first hospital, and was so relieved when the helicopter arrived, before panicking again when he realized it meant he had to let you go because he couldn't go with you. Then when he arrived, the doctors refused to let him see you for long hours, and that for sure didn't help his anxiety. Papyrus looks like he hasn't slept in an entire week even though it's just one day. He's exhausted, and he hates all those tubes in your head. He can't sleep that night, nor the three nights after. Actually, he doesn't sleep at all until his body gives up on him, forcing the doctors to hospitalize him as well so he rests. Thank Asgore, things will get better with time. Papyrus is supportive and tries to help with the recovery. He's always optimistic which definitely helps. He can't wait for all of this to be just a nightmare though.
Underswap Sans - He got incredibly frustrated in the first hospital. He knows drug addicts, he's a police officer, and he could tell the doctors were treating his S/O like one. Blue tried to insist, he really did, but that didn't really work. He was only relieved once after arguing for two hours, you finally able to go to another hospital. He's worried when he sees you with all the tubes, but at least you're saved. He will definitely report the first hospital for abuse and ask for reparations as you struggle in your everyday life to get better. He's there for you though, even switching to a part-time police officer job to take care of you.
Underswap Papyrus - That was a horrible stressful day. Poor Honey completely panicked when they refused you in the first hospital, because what the hell, you can't stand up??? And then he finds you later with tubes literally INSIDE your head and that was way too much for him. He passes out lol. He's going to be anxious all the time you recover. He wishes he could do more for you, but he can't really do more than what the doctor did so... He does his best to stay by your side and help the best he can.
Underfell Sans - He got so angry in the first hospital that the security had to drag him out. He almost assaulted a nurse and two doctors who shook your problem away like it's nothing when he's on the verge of having a mental breakdown because of how scared he is for you. He calms down when you're finally taken care of elsewhere, even though he's really not ok finding you in an even more horrible state than when he brought you there. Red is going to be overprotective while you recover. He's terrified to lose you and the whole process kinda traumatized him a little, even though he says it's not true. He's going to have some bad nightmares the nights that followed.
Underfell Papyrus - He's furious about how you were treated in the first hospital. Edge argued really loudly with the medical team, to the point it was possible to hear him from outside the building. He's actually the one who struggled to get you to another hospital as fast as possible. Once he knows you're out and safe though, he's not holding back and says straight to the medical team that he's going to sue each and every one of them for endangering his S/O's life. That's only that they start to argue to calm him down because Edge is the best lawyer in town and none of them has enough money to pay someone to fight against him, really. Edge then calls your family to explain the situation and joins them to the other hospital, calmer. He's relieved you're going to be ok, even though hard days are coming. That's fine, he's good with taking care of people through hard days. Like Red, he gets very protective during your recovery. He can get a little pushy as well, but he really wants to help you feel better.
Horrortale Sans - All of this story will for sure not help him to like hospitals better. He tried to help you with Toriel's magic to avoid going to the hospital, but since it didn't work, he took you there himself. He probably didn't help the first medical team to help you as he growled at each person with a white coat passing too close to him. He got mad when you had to take the helicopter without him, and you actually had to call Willow because he was ready to fight the doctor if they dared to take you away. He calms down once his brother convinces him it's for your own good, and he lets you go, kinda with a heavy heart. Oak is definitely not ok when he sees you again long hours later, with all these tubes everywhere. He immediately gets protective and just puts his big head on your chest so he can rest while making sure you're still breathing. That's going to be complicated for Oak during your recovery, but you will get there eventually and everything will be better.
Horrortale Papyrus - Well, he went there. He knows what it is to wake up one morning and your body isn't responding anymore. Willow stays calm through the whole process. He didn't agree with how they treated you in the first hospital, but ironically, he got treated the same way in that very same hospital the first time he reached the surface. He immediately asks the doctor to take you to the hospital he's going to usually. He knows the team better and it comforts him to know you'll be in good hands there. He tells you not to worry as you leave in the helicopter, and takes care of all the papers for you, and warn your family. He's a bit in shock when he sees you again, as he didn't expect this to be that serious, but he's glad you're ok. He doesn't worry too much for you recovery, as you kinda have a specialist in that in the house. He's going to help you with all he learned those last years, which actually helps you to recover twice faster than what the doctors planned.
Swapfell Sans - Rus took you to the hospital. Nox was too scared you might die. He just couldn't. He's taking news thanks to his brother, but he's really not feeling well, roaming the house anxiously. He can't take it eventually and comes to join you when he learns that you had been taken to another hospital after the first one treated you horribly. He apologizes for not being there sooner and tries to push away his terror to support you. He still looks a bit miserable, but it will get better as doctors say you're out of danger. He promises to be there for you through your recovery and even argues with the Queen to have free time so he can take care of you. He's not losing you too.
Swapfell Papyrus - Rus tries his best to distract you while you're waiting for long hours in the first hospital. He's nervous, and he can see you're reacting less and less, but he's still talking, the voice shaking, trying to comfort you and, well, himself as well. He's so relieved when you can finally join another hospital. He's not too happy he can't go in the helicopter with you, but it left him some time to befriend your family, while waiting for you in the waiting room of the second hospital. He's happy to see you again. He doesn't really care about all the things planted in your head. He goes back to talking to you, to calm his anxiety. He refuses to leave your side though. Even if the doctors tried to get rid of him several times, he teleported right back into your room ten minutes later lol, so they gave up and let him stay. He tries to be here while you're recovering, even though he's distracting you maybe a little too much during your exercises lol.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Wine is a little stressed. He doesn't like that you're not ok. He doesn't like those doctors who act like you're lying. So he gets angry and yes, a gun gets involved somewhere on the road. He threatens the doctors to get more angry if they keep ignoring you. He gets you a helicopter in less than an hour so you get treated properly. He doesn't care if he gets in trouble as long as you're fine. He calms down once he's sure you're ok and starts to chill a little, to help you through your recovery. He's still mad at the first hospital, and will definitely sue them, but he's glad you're ok.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He's completely lost, but he tries to help the best he can. He's really stressed out, but he doesn't really have the knowledge of what he can do to make the situation better. With all the people around, he's really not feeling ok and yeah, he might have a few panic attacks through the day. He's sorry he can't be there 100% for you and he feels horrible for annoying you with his anxiety in such a moment. You have to flick him behind the head a few times to tell him to stop devaluing himself. He keeps a brave face when you abandon him to go to another hospital, and then he breaks down again. Your family supports him on the way to the second hospital. He feels a bit better when he sees you're still alive, and actually out of danger. He does his best to refrain from his need to hug you tight and never let you go, and simply crush your hand into his lol. You're not sure how you're going to do with your recovery. But then you remember you have Mr. Follow-All-the-Rules-Wine home to discipline you lol. Don't worry, you'll be fine.
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I took notes on my thoughts while watching Nerdy Prudes Must Die because I did the same for Black Friday
DAMN Jon said “I am a TENOR”
I literally can’t get over how good he sounds
Bro these songs SLAP
Damn Mariahs hair is so long
Pete is such a mood
I’m literally terrified of being pantsed so bad
Omg hey Kim
When Cory enthusiastically agrees I’m dying
Omg Max likes Grace???????
Wait that’s so cute
Wait why’s he kinda fine
“His name is Jesus Christ” HELP 💀💀💀💀💀
It’s giving Apex Predator (from Mean Girls)
My jaw is on the floor the way Cory is talking to her
“How am I supposed to study without listening to Spotify?” ME LMFAO
The way hes like “this is about thermodynamics” me me me. I hate when people make jokes about the things we’re not even talking about.
Study date????????
Joey Richter my beloved ❤️❤️❤️
When Max enters and the crowd cheers
Max literally has a God complex
Why is Kim everyones mom?
“Walen place”?????
“Mom will you pass the butt stuff????” HELP SHES BEEN CORRUPTED
Awwww Grace is experiencing Catholic Guilt™ ❤️❤️❤️
Girl wdym “he’s gotta go”???
Laurens character is bisexual???????
“WAIFU MATERIAL”?????? I literally can’t get over Jons character
Wait Grace is a little fucked up actually
Wait since the Waylons built hatchetfield high and the starlight theater, could they have cursed the town somehow? Like I know about the evil brothers or whatever, but I’m not super familiar with the lore
Wait I kind of love Grace now
Mariah slays
“Am I reading as Ghost, or Lin Manuel Miranda?” AWWWWWW❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
“Your fucking useless Pete.” Tgwdlm???? In MY npmd???? It’s more likely than you think
I’m very suspicious about how fast they seemed to put the plan together…
I know the plan wont work and Im so nervous I’m getting secondhand embarrassment so bad rn
I need Max Jagerman actually
Awwww Max is a Theater Kid ❤️❤️❤️
I love how upbeat this song is
Omg Dan and Donna!
Slay Mayor Lauter
His reaction to being asked to the game is giving- “she asked me for the time” “no way” “way :D”
I like that the football team has only 2 players
I love when actors walk through the audience, but ESPECIALLY here when hes stalking Richie bro looks so good
Listen I know he’s about to kill Richie but HES SO FINE HELP
Im literally so Gay bro
When she says hes not hot anymore girl speak for yoursef
Please let Grace swear
Oh fuck they’re giving themselves away
Grace Chastity said “acab”
Cory needs more songs
Damn who is this girl in a trenchcoat 😍😍😍
Random side note but what happened to Robert? I was just thinking about how I wish we could see Hidgens again but is Robert still a part of Starkid anymore? Is he on to Bigger and Better things? Does anyone know what those are? I’d love to continue to support him.
The invisible bird. Literally high school theater
“Heahs the thang about ah bahbecue”
“Ah wawna remember who ah ayum”
Ruth is so real for not know when to do the lights bc the cue lines were wrong
Ugh Laurens voice is so good and I know ive said that about pretty much everyone but it’s true
I know shes about to die rn
The red lighting gave it away
Why did Kim scream like that
Awww Grace has religious trauma now ❤️❤️❤️
He gave her his number❤️❤️❤️
Hot chocolate boy!!!!!!!! I knew Peter was the hot chocolate boy but still
This duet is EVERYTHING
Obsessed with the fact he called MARIAH ROSE FAITH a MEAN GIRL
“Axe wielding maniacs?”
The Waylons did not dig that shit very deep…
im so sorry Zombie Max is So Fine
“Let me check my Christmas list”
“What do you want steph?” MORE tgwdlm? In MY npmd?
I feel bad for not knowing all their names
Max says bitch a lot
Damn this show is long
Omg this is so sad im tearing up a lil
Max is so fucking funny
Damn Grace is seducing Max this is hilarious
Fuck Grace Chastity or kill some nerds? One of the many difficult decisions in life
He decides to fuck Grace Chastity
Thats some fuckin Macbeth level shit
Kims teacher character is so cute awwwww
Paul and Bill dance Chaperones??????
Oh nvm that’s Jason
I don’t think I ever mentioned it but the dancing is really good
It’s very clean and crisp
In the last 2 hours I very quickly developed a massive crush on Will Branner
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themagicalkidproject · 8 months
could i request a rotmistress magical boy? thank you in advance!!
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This Magical Kid was requested by Anonymous! Alt Text done by my friend @nerdiwolverine, I only edited it!
Rotmistress is a term and flag coined by @gender-darling describing a gendermistress subset wherein one’s gender is related to being a rot mistress, a rotting mistress, a mistress of rot, etc!
This Magical Kid has a Eveningwear/Morbid Theme! He uses They/He Pronouns and Rot/Rots/Rotself, Gore/Gores/Goreself, Slash/Slashes/Slasheself, and Skel/Skele/Skels/Skeles/Skeleself Neopronouns!
Rots name is Havok, after horror author Rayne Havok! They can rot anything they touch- living things start to fester and rot, concrete crumbles, food spoils, etc. this only happens if skel wills it tho, which is good because otherwise they’d be rotting their teammates left and right. Havok’s surprisingly touchy feely for someone with a ‘Morbid’ theme.
Rots Magical Kid weapons are ten throwing knives somehow hidden in their garters. Havok can summon the knives back to his garter after they’ve made contact.
A useless fact about slash is that slash is fiercely protective of slashes teammates, to the point that they’ve been affectionally dubbed a mom friend. Havok doesn’t usually get along with other Magical Kids, however, but that’s due to his own awkwardness talking to strangers or people younger than him.
This Magical Kid was Saved!
The Magical Kid Project is a project wherein I steadily turn Pride Flags into Magical Kids! Requests are closed for now! Commission info is under the #commissions tag, I have a deal on Magical Kid Portraits!
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ratsoh-writes · 4 days
and yes I am that anon who asked you what hair color I should dye my hair
And i dont know why i decided to ask you 1 hour before my appointment like i already discussed about with myself and friends but to be honest I just wanted to send you something ANYTHING(ok this just made me realize that i am the worst at beginning new relationship...)
I asked my friend to choose between blue or purple, and she chose blue and as a good friend I dyed my hair purple—PURPLE :D (tbh was already planning to dye it that color BUT i just wanted to see which color she’d choose—same thing with you (i am not sorry))
Also you just made me realize I have never dyed my hair a natural color before... but tbh I was considering dyeing my hair brown in the future maybe after a few months when I get bored with my current hair color.
Also.. Ahem.... ahem...again i am realy disappointed in myself bc I was about to make stupid decision by LITERALLY dyieing my hair ORANGE, and no, I’m not talking about something like ginger hair.. I was about to dye my hair AN OBNOXIOUS SHADE OF ORANGE. Thanks to God my mom smacked some sense into me before it was too late. (OK i gotta be honest there is something attractive about bright colors they just grab my attention easily and orange is one of my favourite color soo🤷‍♀️)
Aside from that, I felt and still feel kind of shitty for not introducing myself or even saying "hi" in my previous ask, so hii! Even though it’s kind of late.
Also congratulations to myself for finally picking up the courage to send you whatvere is this not that I’m shy or anything it’s just my usual ✨️procrastinating self✨️ I have been following you for quite a long time. ok maybe not that long BUT I’ve been following you since April I think still call it long though because I’ve been fighting with myself for months about texting you, sending you something, or even just saying hi, until I randomly popped up out of nowhere and decided to ask you what hair color I should dye my hair
Also there is something important that i want to say and NEED to say... ahem, ahem... I ADORE the way you portray your characters especially papyrus definitely not because he is not so clearly my favorite skele
I also realized that i also say also a lot. ALSO Since I’m going to send you random stuff occasionally hope you are ready for that and since i am going to stick with being an anon for a while if not forever I should cho
And wow I just realized I wrote a whole paragraph that i had to delete some parts of the text to not make it long. But it isn't my fault that I talk alot. still tho i feel bad for you for reading all of this especially with how bad my english is (I am sure you already definitely could english tell is my second already language)
OK so back to the name.... tbh I don't trust myself with names sooo.....
-hehe fart💨
Sjdhdhdhdhd anon you’re a perfect fit! We’re all welcoming you with open arms~ but please not fart anon 😭😭. What about gust? Cloud? Smoke?
Also are you the one asking about noir?
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neatoburrito12threeto · 5 months
When I’m biggering, I’m triggering my enemies to panic
And I’ve got a niggling suspicion that my rhymes’ll make yours vanish by comparison 
When I assemble my machines like a garrison
And I industrialize your whole underground 
Tell Asgore move over ‘cause a new king’ll be crowned 
You’ll choke on smogulous smog and in shloppity shlop you’ll drown
The dust will mix with smoke and your bones will never be found
‘Cause I’m the original, the prototype, tumblr’s first crush 
And no little bag of bones’ll make me lose my touch
You know I gotta axe where you’re coming from when you step to me with rhymes that whack
I’ll judge you for your sins, and I’ll give you flack, then go back to the grease cart to relax
I’ve seen timelines stop and start, we’re in the sea of time and space 
And if the game’s cards then I’m an ace
What I’m saying is you’re swimming with a shark, chum
Don’t like my puns, tough luck, got a skele-ton more where that came from.
I’ll know what happened, and even if you atone, 
You’re gonna get dunked on, or in a word: Boned
I’m an OG cautionary tale about greed, filled with lessons more applicable than even a thneed.
You thought you could win against the Truffula kingpin
Need more crawling on my back ‘cause I’ve accepted my sins
You’re just a trash bag with a rigor mortis grin
Gonna throw you out, no recycling bin
Some judge you are, in most runs you let no mercy go how far? 
Even with a dead brother you usually just give some cross words.
Guess you got a bit invested in Junior Jumble v. Crosswords
Oh? Did that hit too close to home? Didn’t save Papyrus, guess you really are a lazy bones.
Sans: Hey, don't talk about my brother. I did the best I could
Keeping a promise, something you never would
Say you changed your ways, but it’s a bit suspicious
how you only went environmentalist after you’d collected all your riches
And you only realized when they cut down the very last tree
Thinking now how blind can I possibly be
I’ve got AUs to excuse it, don’t know why they turned you to self-cest, but looking at that fit
Maybe it’s the way you’re dressed
Why’d you do it, all the smog and the greed? 
Did you really want to sell thneeds, embrace the market?
Or was it your family that pushed you down that darkest path
Once I’ve befriended your mom, I’ll make sure to ask.
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krow-draws · 1 month
Felt sad so I’m playing with Ohio the skeleton now (my 5 year old brother named him)
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Bro is shaken his skele cheeks!!!
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Oh no, it seems Ohio got a woman bonegnant!! He works at a dead end job taco truck business to take care of the baby and mom
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Here’s Ohio, time 4 AM EST. Sonic the Hedgehog lunchbox’s mother told him to take care of the crying baby. Now he’s sat here, thinking about where he went wrong in life
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A single tear comes from his black sockets
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To be continued…
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derangedanomaly · 3 months
I made a thing.
✨What would the MTT (+ Chaos) think of Smile!sans (my skele girl)✨
Would you like to hear it?
If yes, HERE IT IS
Ace: he's fine, i guess. He managed to control me and beat me.
Ted: Smile? Love that guy! he's Funny and he cooks very Well! | Started liking him when he didn't judge me for what I truly am, It doesnt happen often that someone accepts us For what we are.
Blade: ... he scares me. he’s like the voices transtormed in a guy, his aura sends me chills down my spine even If i'm being myself. | once stabbed him, and as comeback, he smiled. We’re never going to get along.
Chaos: She's the compete opposite of all of the girls I’ve ever met, And i like that Fact! Plus, she’s like a mom sometimes and personally. I would Like her as a mom.
(How they met: She slapped him with her slipper and made him cry, after she got immediately worried and she calmed him down, apologising.)
(Of course I can say none of this is canon, but you can choose if it’s canon or not ^^ I just wanted to show you ^^)
Lmao- This is awesome. Some things aren't really canon-like, like Chaos saying he'd want her as a mother- but still! I like it! Very unique lol.
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groovygladiatorsheep · 11 months
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Do not separate !!
Meet my two redesigned ocs - Misfortune n Asper ! Yes, they’re a couple ! Have a few kids together :3
I love them SO MUCH
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Credits -
These twos belongs to me !
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Info -
• Misfortune
- Both his parents are dead- His mom was Prim, of an unknown specie, and his father was Caer, who was a bunny skeleton.
- Matching earring with Asper ! The scale is a scale the other lost when shedding..
- Honestly a sweetheart but has also a lot of physical strength.. surprisingly considering he’s smaller than most people due to genetics.
- Probably doesn’t pay taxes
- « I’m tough to protect. »
• Asper
- He got a passion for collecting random keys.
- Has a matching earring with Mist !
- Small snake tail <3
- The scales shines rainbow when under the light :3
- got two moms !! One was a skele and the other a snake monster heehee
- Knows a bit of martial arts !!
- « I like challenges. »
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thetrinitywcrp · 8 months
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Only three days left for member applications!
The Trinity is an 18+ WCRP Discord server set in Ireland in the mid to late Middle Ages. It has influences from Gaelic mythology and has unique roles, festivities, and lore.
Our first wave of applications are open until the morning of February 4th. For more information and how to apply, click here!
Character by @skele-mom!
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gonorrhea-mama · 2 months
Gonny I want Ann to be like a found mother for Ozzy. He’d literally live her like a mom if they ever met. Also make the most atrocious jokes about their respective skeleton’s pps
Then Ann is your lady! Skele pps are best pps
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potatobugz · 2 years
holy crap lois is that sans undertale......
Sexuality Headcanon: your skeleton is ASEXUAL (laughs devilishly whilst lighting flashes in the bg) idk about romance wise though. . . maybe biromantic
Gender Headcanon: I hadn't thought of this b4 really but thinking abt it now I think Sans being a trans man could be fun. (hehe that kinda rhymed) also bc "Sans" sounds like "trans" to me so I keep saying "sansgender"
Ship I Have With Said Character: I think Sans x Toriel is very nice! they are very silly.... Sans Undertale did my mom ☹️
BROTP: That one post abt Chara and Sans being friends actually was so so true omg. ehehehheh that would be awesome.. also Sans & Frisk being friends is equally as good
NOTP: Obviously i dont like anything thats weird but especially anythin w frisk. as number one frisk fan I really really do not. like it.
Random Headcanon: *dies* I don't think I have any random headcanons 😔
General Opinion: to be honest I have not thought all that much about Sans but I still think he's pretty swag, and a very very good character. thank you Toby fox for inventing skeling tons
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S/o and your bonefriend were having a nice picnic and S/o is happy eating a sandwich until a wind blows and the sandwich falls to the ground
S/o gets so sad that they sandwich is dirty and impossible to eat and starts crying, what does the skele do?
Undertale Sans - Aw :( That's ok. He teleports home to make you another one and brings it back to you. Here you go. He just forgot the ingredient on the table in his hurry and now all is dead :D But that Sans, don't ask too much of him.
Undertale Papyrus - Well luckily for you, Papyrus is like a mom and always prepares more things in case accidents happen. He gives you another sandwich from the basket. He knew that skill would come in handy one of these days.
Underswap Sans - He gives you half of his sandwich. He's not that hungry anyway. If you're still hungry, he can pay you some ice cream after.
Underswap Papyrus - His heart breaks seeing you sad. He looks around him frantically, before running to buy french fries in the nearest shop. He brings them back to you. He knows it's not a sandwich but maybe it can do? He offers you a hug after all that stress, he needs it too.
Underfell Sans - "sucks to be you.", then he keeps eating. Asshole. You go to buy some food and eat in the restaurant, abandoning him in the park to teach him a lesson. Red has written twenty apologies post-it when you're coming back because he knows he fucked up lol.
Underfell Papyrus - He gives you his sandwich, no hesitation. He doesn't look you in the eyes, and blushes like hell doing so, but here he is, being nice. He's starting to realize you domesticated him and he's not sure how he's supposed to take it.
Horrortale Sans - He's quite distressed as you start crying and he goes in the basket to feed you. He gives you the three remaining sandwiches he was saving for later and watches you intensely to make sure you're eating them well and that you're not starving. He will do that for three days lol, just to be sure you're not dying, you know?
Horrortale Papyrus - That's fine, he always has extra sandwiches in case he's more hungry through the day, he gives you one back. You can see he's still cringing a bit looking at the dead sandwich on the floor though. He's going to feed the pigeons with it because he can't just let it there. He still has some trouble with wasting food.
Swapfell Sans - Welp. That's probably a sign of fate to tell you this picnic had to end. Not three minutes later, it's raining. Nox stares at you suspiciously. Did you try to warn him about this? How? Are you a witch? Are you going to eat his toes? Because he can defend himself you supernatural shitty beast, just so you know. You're so done.
Swapfell Papyrus - That's fine. He gives you his sandwich, picks the one that falls on the floor and eats it. You stare at him in disbelief. What? He's a skeleton, it's not like he could be ill. Famous last words before three days lying in bed with a bad fever and a terrible stomachache. But that's his fault.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Sandwiches are for peasants anyway. He's inviting you to a luxurious restaurant as a payback. He'll make sure you eat the most expensive sandwich you've ever eaten in your life. That's work too, you guess.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - When you drop your sandwich and start to cry, he panics and drops his sandwich as well. Now you're both sad and mad, looking at your deceased sandwiches on the floor. Why can't you use your hands like normal people? It's always happening to both of you. Not fair.
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