#sjm website
starlightbooklove · 8 months
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Bro just described my man suffering and then went sexy
Really shows how bestsellers this days put too much value in the steamy part of any book
Which ends up playing against them because if you didn't know the context of these books and read that, you wouldn't take them seriously at all.
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 months
The same Noa wheeler who has edited sjm’s last three (bad) books also worked with Leigh bardugo on six of crows and I need to ask… how
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secret-third-thing · 3 months
I hate to brag, but my fated mates quiz is 1000% more well thought out than what we got on that SJM website. 💀
Can’t wait to drop it here for yall to take.
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freyjas-musings · 7 days
The ACOTAR article today is definitely a reason for all Gwynriels to cry.... but not for the reasons our elite bread and roses advocates and SJM personal email recipients think ..... infact I think the entirety of ACOTAR fandom should be crying because now these shady gossip coloumn like websites have realised the sheer potential for click bait this fandom presents ....and these stupid , inaccurate , low quality articles will be a regular .... 😒
The inaccuracy and ridiculous nature of the article from today had me cringing ... I shall present some below... just to give people an idea of the quality of this article and whether or not anyone with even 1 braincell would ever take it seriously...
The Power of Truth and its Role?
Fourth trove item( I face palmed myself with this ) ... you mean Bryce who is back in Midgard ... Happy with her mate ?
New magical creatures... wow that is such an educated deduction of the plot ... it requires such deep understanding
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SJM has "assured" her readers that the delay is because of "quality" .. to meet readers expectations.. have you ever seen any professional person say this in such a crass way ?
I swear to God it's getting worse everyday ... while I laugh at these most of times ... sometimes it's just exhausting.
I wonder when this horrible phase of the fandom will end ... or will it ever ? I just feel people are being taken advantage of for the passion they have for these books and it's just really sad .
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nikethestatue · 3 months
Salted Cashews
Despite all the ickiness in this fandom, my Elain Archeron Week continues.
This little fic was based on the quiz that is found on SJM's website.
Happy Summer Solstice!
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June was in full bloom across Velaris. The city was always a thing of beauty, but springtime and early summer were especially lovely. The sea took on a special cerulean colour and all the parks and boulevards were clad in blooming flowers and trees of every hue and blossom.
The River Estate of the High Lord and High Lady of Night Court was swathed in blue and white. These were the colours that Elain Archeron had decided on for the garden’s colour palette. There were fat, shaggy hydrangeas of every shade of white and blue, beds of violets, rows of forget-me-nots, tall stalks of grape hyacinth, a smattering of bluebells, and plenty of white and cream peonies. She had taken special care to plant blue wisteria around one side of the estate, and jacaranda trees had been delivered from Day Court and replanted here. 
Currently though, all the beauty around her was lost on Elain. She was, what one might call, hate gardening. Whether that was a real thing or not, Elain didn’t care. She was hot, the soil was giving her pushback, her knuckles were skinned, something was digging into her knee and her dress was sticking to her back. Also, she was giving real serious consideration to just cutting off her hair and going with a nice, short haircut. The heap that was currently baking her head was enraging her. Even in a tight braid, the hair was still hot and uncomfortable.
She was almost elbow deep in the ground, sweating and cursing under her breath, when finally there was some relief from the sun. A cloud covered the blazing rays and offered a bit of shade. Elain sighed, wiped her brow and continued to dig and pull. 
It was Summer Solstice and she wished that there was something interesting and entertaining happening in the city today, but there were only smaller, localised celebrations happening, and she didn’t want to go alone anyway.
“Cauldron damn it to Hel!” she groaned, when she pulled on a weed, but it didn’t budge, and instead, she rolled back on her ass and jerked like a fish.
To her utter horror, she heard a hearty snort, followed by a chuckle.
She scrambled to her hands and knees and looked up. 
Azriel stood above her, arms folded on his broad chest. He was dressed in a simple shirt and light jacket, instead of his leathers. A day at the office then…She already knew what he typically wore, depending on what he had planned for the day. If the day demanded a lot of flying, he usually dressed in his leathers. If he spent most of the day with the High Lord or in Velaris, dealing with his informants, then he typically dressed in a simple tunic, or a shirt and a jacket. And if, by some miracle, he ever had a day off, he just wore a black, knit shirt. Elain wouldn't admit it, but those shirts were her favourite–the way they draped over his immense, muscular form, subtly emphasising every curve of his biceps and his shoulders, not to mention the perfect washboard stomach that he possessed so casually. 
Which brought Elain to her current reality–she was on her hands and knees, her breasts straining the neck of her dress, her ass up in the air. Like she was ripe and ready for mating. Azriel was watching her with a smirk, his massive wing stretched out and blocking the sun.
“It was…you…you,” she muttered, embarrassed. 
“Gave you a bit of shade? Yes,” he confirmed.
“How long have you been standing here?”
He smiled.
“A while.”
Gods. He was standing there, watching her for however long, shading her from the sun.
“Well, you shouldn’t do that!” she said primly.
“Oh?” he cocked his head, “which part? The shading? The standing? The watching?”
“All of it!” she exclaimed, blushing like a strawberry. “You...you shouldn't sneak up on people.”
“Spymaster, remember? It’s kind of my job. To sneak up on people.”
“Well…well, you shouldn’t! And also, you shouldn’t use your wing like that,” she scolded him.
“Why not?”
“Because it can burn!” she said firmly.
“And you are such a wing expert?”
“I know enough. You shouldn’t sneak up on unsuspecting people.”
“Did you not enjoy a bit of a cool down?”
“Maybe. But that’s not the point!” she insisted.
She didn’t like being alone with him. It confused her.
He said that they were a mistake.
Which was his right, of course.
But then he shouldn't have been chasing after her in his own way. He shouldn't be here right now, shading her from the sun and watching her.
He was always watching her. She knew it. She could feel his eyes on her, even when she was in the garden, or in the kitchen. Once, she noticed a blob of shadowed darkness in the corner of the kitchen. She wouldn’t have noticed it, if it weren’t for that blob reminding her of something. She had continued shelling peas, and then sliced the green beans, and went to fetch basil from the garden. When she returned, the blob was still there. It hadn’t moved. And just when she began telling herself that it was nothing more than shadow play, and nothing to worry about, she remembered. In the recess of her mind, an image came to her–a memory–of the same dark shadowy blob keeping vigil in her room, right after she was Made. Typically, only Nesta would come and visit her. Sometimes the twins, who became her friends, because they brought food. But no one else really visited her in those miserable weeks. No one. But she’d noticed the darkness in the corner. And for some reason, when it had gathered there, and stayed, ever watchful, she didn’t feel quite so lonely.
Azriel was watching her face and then commented, “Seems like something just dawned on you.”
She didn’t answer, shocked by her realisation. Was it true? Did he hide himself within his shadows and did he watch her? Has been watching her since day one?
“What might it be?” he pondered.
He made a sound, but didn’t push. Instead, he extended his hand to her.
“Not that I mind watching her like that,” he teased and she coloured even further at the remark. “But I think that you should probably get up, lest someone gets the wrong idea.”
She was scandalised by his implication, but took his hand and he lifted her with alarming ease. 
“You sure you don’t want to tell me what it was that you had suddenly realised?” he probed.
She shrugged impudently and said, “no, not at all!”
“Shame,” he murmured to himself. 
She smoothed her dress on her hips and legs and muttered nervously, “I have to go…go see about dinner.”
“Well then,” he announced jovially, “then we are going in the same direction.”
His broad warm hand lay on the small of her back and she had no other choice but to walk next to him. 
“Do you, by any chance, keep a journal?” he asked suddenly.
“Umm, no. I don’t. Why do you ask?”
“If you did,” he said with chilling honesty, “I would’ve wanted to read it.”
Her head whipped to him and she asked, shocked, “what?!”
“Yes, I would’ve loved to be a daemati–and believe me, I wouldn’t have been asking anyone for permission to read their thoughts, unlike Rhys–but I am not a daemati. And as much as my shadows provide me with useful information, reading someone’s thoughts must be incredible.”
Elain glared at him in disbelief.
“Wait a minute!” she cried. “That’s horrible! That’s utterly dishonourable too! You cannot read people’s thoughts or their diaries!”
“You can, and you should,” Azriel contradicted her ruthlessly. 
They entered the quiet, cool mansion and walked towards the kitchen. Everyone was out, and it was just the two of them. The twins were probably around somewhere as well, but they didn’t make themselves known.
“See, if I had that information,” he continued nonchalantly, “I would’ve known how often you think of me. What you think. What worries you. What excites you.”
She paused by the cupboard, as she took out two bowls and turned away from him, so he wouldn’t be able to see her face.
“I don’t think about you,” she whispered.
He didn’t say anything for so long, that she thought he’d left. So when she turned around, she was faced with his wide chest and the fact that he was standing almost right next to her.
“Gah,” she gasped.
“We both know that’s a lie, don’t we, Miss Archeron?” he breathed, bowing to speak into her ear.
“No,” she shook her head, breathing heavily. “No it’s not. I…I don’t think about you.”
“I, I need to cook,” she stammered. Despite the coolness of the house, she was feeling very hot.
“Cook then. I will help,” he offered. 
“Umm, you don’t have to.”
“Why not? If I am going to eat, I might as well cook as well. What will you have me do? I am putty in your hands,” he opened his arms widely in invitation.
She sighed dramatically, and then dumped a bunch of cucumbers in front of him and said, “you may slice these. Not with Truth-Teller!” she added quickly.
He chuckled and took a knife, and then began slicing.
She pulled a fresh chicken out of the ice box and placed it in a baking dish, before grabbing a bulb of garlic, some onions, lemons and fresh thyme. 
Glancing discreetly at where he was standing, she noted how precise his slices were, as he ran his knife through the cucumbers with ease.
“You know,” she said suddenly, “I don’t need to read your diary to know everything about you.”
He looked at her in amusement and inquired, “is that so?”
“It is,” she nodded. 
“And what do you know about me?”
“If you listen closely enough, and observe, you can find out everything you need to know,” she said confidently.
“Alright then, indulge me,” he welcomed.
She minced garlic on the chopping board, and said, 
“Fine. Here it goes: You are haunted by your past and cannot reconcile your need for peace with your warrior nature. You cherish the gifts that you receive from some of your friends–and strangely, you like jewellery. You have silver rings and your syphons that you tend to closely, polishing and cleaning them often, you wear leather bracelets and a silver forearm band, and you have a pierced ear. You don’t show it to others often, but sometimes, you wear an earring.”
At her words, Azriel stopped slicing and just listened, his face inscrutable.
She continued, 
“You have a terrible sweet tooth, because you didn’t have sweets when you were a child. However, your favourite snack is salted cashews. What’s more, you like reading people’s diaries, and when you cannot find what their thoughts or motivations are, it frustrates you.”
“Anything else?” he asked, his voice stony.
“Sure,” she nodded. “You are loyal to a fault, but your loyalty battles the need that you have for freedom and independence. It’s a constant struggle. You like to eat. You especially like to eat what I’ve cooked,” she said the last part so quickly, it came out slurred. “And you don’t realise what others value in you the most. And it’s not your bravery, or your acerbic humour, or your shadowsinging abilities,”
“What is it that they value then?”
“Your incredible kindness.”
She finally looked at him. 
His face remained expressionless.
“How did I do?”
“Wrong about everything,” he told her tersely. 
“Except one thing.”
He got up and laid the knife down.
“I just remembered that I had to be somewhere,” he lied.
She knew it was a lie.
“Alright, thank you for your assistance,” she said simply.
“But I do like eating what you cooked,” he said at last.
Elain watched him, her big brown eyes following his every move.
“I will see you later,” he said and headed for the door.
“Wait!” she called out, and hurried to the cupboard.
He stopped, a slight expression of annoyance on his face.
“I have something for you,” she said, wiping her hands on a towel. The next moment she emerged from the pantry, holding a packet.
She walked over to him and then extended her hand, so he had no choice but to take the packet.
“I know I was wrong about everything, but I still got you this. Happy Solstice.”
He looked at her for a long time.
“Happy Solstice, Elain.”
With that, he turned and walked out of the kitchen.
The moment he was out, he shot into the sky, his breathing heavy. 
She…she saw too much.
Too much.
Once high up in the air, he soared over the roofs of the buildings and then curious, he opened the packet. Inside, he found a bag of salted cashews.
His favourite snack indeed.
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lainalit · 3 months
I know the new mates quiz on sjms website misses a lot of characters from the books but is it too much to ask that I wanted my summer daddy Tarquin as my mate?
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violetasteracademic · 5 months
I know people are already discrediting Sarah's instagram post today, which is perfectly fine. Of course an author should be able to post about a new album they are enjoying and have that be it. And people are welcome to interpret this however they wish. Confirmation bias is a real thing, and none of us are above it.
For example, I myself am a writer. I spend a lot of time curating playlists that remind me of my characters and help me get in their headspace. I truly believe a lot of writers connect deeply to music and lyrics and poetry that hit deep on themes they explore. So this confirms my bias that Sarah is extremely excited about an amazing song that just dropped by a massive artist that reminds her of her work. That is truly one of the best feelings in the world.
Ana Huang curates playlists for every single one of her couples and books. She both posts them on her website and at the beginning of her books:
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These photos were pulled directly from my kindle from her website.
Sarah does have a book announcement coming soon. One of the biggest stars in the world and one of her favorite artists released a song that has an uncanny amount of similar themes to a couple that every major news outlet covering the topic in the past months have suggested is "suspected or likely to be next" and Sarah was genuinely so excited about that song (out of 31 tracks) and said "Thank you for this GIFT."
Just a few weeks ago SJM made a big post about Spring. It was full of flowers, blushes and pinks, and BAKING! All of those things scream Elain, however there was a huge surge of "Sarah is so intentional, she does everything for a reason. There is no way this isn't confirming Lucien or Tamlin endgame." Those same people are now saying that this very pointed instagram post is meaningless and let the woman just post fun stuff that she likes. Sarah also loves flowers and baking in her real life, so that also *could* have just been things Sarah loves and just general ACOTAR buzz since there are new readers every day and the series starts in the Spring Court.
Another important major thing to note is that Sarah frequently states she does not have social media on her phone, she stays out of theory spaces, and she likely does not run her own socials. Most, if not all of her posts are directly related to her books and generating buzz. Her last feed post was about writing the ACOTAR book, and now a song came out that is potentially a perfect fit. This all falls within marketing and generating buzz and conversation. Sarah likely didn't just download instagram to her personal phone, which she avoids like the plague, just to post this one song and then delete it again. It is more likely it fits in with marketing themes.
The truth is, we, as the consumer, do not get to decide the intentions behind a public persona's social media behavior. But when it comes to Sarah's last two instagram stories, it's either both or neither. Either Sarah's flower and baking filled springtime post meant something AND this means something, or neither meant anything.
Sarah is aware everything she does gets dissected. I'm not making a definitive statement whether or not she leans into that, since she hasn't made an outright statement like the queen of easter eggs herself Taylor Swift has.
But there is only one character relevant to both of her instagram stories: Elain Archeron.
Flowers. Baking. Forbidden love.
We don't have to change up the rules or remove anything from the equation to show all signs point to Elain.
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lemonsandlilac · 4 months
One of the questions on the Fated Mates Quiz on SJM's website is "What do your friends love most about you?" To get Azriel as your mate, you have to chose "My kindness."
This seems counterintuitive for Az himself, but much less so for his love interest (and probably mate), Elain.
So, is this a hint toward Elriel? ...Maybe!
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sexcromancy · 7 months
young adult, new adult, and fantasy fiction: the audience of a book is who reads it
title clumsily based on the purpose of a system is what it does.
before we begin, I want to focus a bit on defining our terms. young adult, new adult, adult, science fiction/fantasy, speculative fiction, contemporary romance - all of the terms I will use in this post are created by marketing companies and readers, and all of them have fuzzy and subjective applicability to any given book. there is no objectivity in cataloging, which is the lens through which I approach knowledge organization projects like this. there is no definitive answer to what any given book or genre "is", because these categories are not fixed values. instead, their values are expanded and developed by what gets placed in which category, by whom, and what criteria they base that decision on. that's what I want to discuss.
to provide some context: debates over age categories and who is reading what books for which age ranges currently dominate discussions among publishers, authors, librarians, and readers. ages of characters in YA are skewing up, sales are slowing down. young adult as a category has existed for 50+ years, but it is currently undergoing some growing pains. here's one more article for good measure. new adult is a term created by the publishing industry in 2009, which developed in fits and starts despite multiple bestselling authors publishing under the category. oh well. in 2015, sarah j mass published her new book, a court of thorns and roses, which is widely regarded as a turning point for the popularity of new adult (more on the classification of ACOTAR itself in a moment). NA stalled out for many years, but has recently very quickly grown in popularity, especially for romance readers on booktok. some of the most popular books listed under new adult on goodreads are colleen hoover's it ends with us and it starts with us, ali hazelwood's check & mate, and rebecca yarros' fourth wing.
I want to look at two of these currently very popular authors as case studies to really dig into what new adult has come to mean.
in this 2014 interview, SJM discusses her currently running throne of glass series and the upcoming release of ACOTAR in 2015. she notes that the book is intended for "a slightly older YA crowd (aka steamy times ahead!)". earlier in the interview, she dodges a question about whether throne of glass will be YA or NA by saying she appreciates her teen and adult readers - if I had to guess, the label was still too new and publishers didn't want to alienate anyone. in 2023, I can't find anything on her website or bookseller sites that specifically identify the series (or any of her series) as YA, NA, or adult. however, Goodreads (which relies on user generated tags and is, to put it lightly, a mess wrt information organization) firmly classes ACOTAR as YA - almost 9k tags in young-adult and ya (lack of authority control is just one aspect of the mess), as opposed to about 3.5k new-adult. the thing is, though, ACOTAR comes up in essentially every blog post and article I read on the definition of new adult. it is a flashpoint in the discussion: it either did or didn't restart the term, it is or isn't too sexually explicit to be classed for teens, the writing is filled with young adult tropes and this does or does not matter. the answers to these questions aren't particularly important to me, but it's very interesting to see how people are attempting to draw those boundaries. I took a quick census of how SJM's series are classed in my library system. her throne of glass series is uniformly shelved in YA; ACOTAR is mostly YA with a few copies in adult, and her newer crescent city series is mostly adult with a few copies in YA. I do think that any discussion of ACOTAR is partially colored by this divisive relationship to the new adult category itself, so I'd also like to bring in a much newer book facing similar conversation.
if you follow this blog you might already know that I have an entirely non-neutral relationship to ali hazelwood; I love her books both as books and as cultural objects deserving of study. previously, she published three adult romance novels and a set of adult romance novellas, which all fall firmly and inarguably into those defined categories, based on age range and content (I have an argument for the love hypothesis being a horror story, but that's a different conversation). last year, she published her newest book, check & mate, as a young adult romance. it was widely marketed as such by the young readers imprint at putnam. however, on reading it, I (and many goodreads commenters) were surprised to find that it aligned more with some hallmarks of new adult. the characters are out of high school, and the challenges and growth moments are more focused on evolution, rather than coming of age. one blog post I read made the argument that YA is about high school firsts and NA is about adulthood firsts. this is amorphous, partially because there is no real one life path into adulthood by which to judge this, so let's switch focus to something more concrete: sex. in each of Ali's adult novels, there are a few explicit sex scenes. they're not as explicit as other romance novels, but they're definitely not fade-to-black. in check & mate, characters have sex, but it happens entirely off-screen and any discussion is fairly chaste or, at most, relying heavily on implied content. this is a real disconnect to me. much of NA lit (ACOTAR included) is quite sexually explicit. among those most popular NA books on goodreads, there are many books that get marketed specifically for their sexual content (spicy🌶️ to the tiktokers, smut to everyone else). to me, this cements check & mate as a YA novel - if she was going to write a book with explicit sex, like her others, she could've. she's mentioned in interviews that her chess novel concept originally featured older characters, and she aged them down once she realized what kind of story she wanted to tell. to me, it is telling that moving from adult to YA creates more clumsy caution around the handling of sex, as opposed to SJM, whose books "aged" upwards over time.
another interesting example I've noticed in the emerging NA space is how the age category intersects with genre. YA as a category has a pretty expansive genre playing field - we've all read YA fantasy, contemporary romance, historical fiction, action/adventure, issue novels, etc. NA so far seems pretty exclusively limited to romance as a main focus, especially in the most popular offerings as discussed above.
I've seen many a tiktok alleging that despite the drawn out fight scenes, extensive lore, and huge interconnected web of characters, the ACOTAR books are not "real fantasy." even more so for the fourth wing books. I've seen these books compared to Tolkien, as if to say, well, if you didn't invent a language, you're not really on the same level. that's entirely unfair, imo - plenty of fantasy doesn't engage at that level. but there is a wide array of contemporary fantasy I do think we can contrast with ACOTAR and other popular NA series.
we've discussed some of the hallmarks of YA and NA as categories: the age range of characters, coming of age, explicit sex for NA. i'd add fast-paced, immersive writing, especially in first person or close third, because so much of the appeal described on booktok is a book sucking you in completely. now, i want to bring up a few books that, on the surface, might check several of these boxes: dune by frank herbert has an 18yo protagonist, and the first book is very much a coming of age story. eragon (christopher paolini) and the name of the wind (patrick rothfuss) focus on a young person coming into their magical abilities through school/mentorship, a similar setting to many YA series. mistborn (brandon sanderson) and game of thrones (george r.r. martin) both have prominent protagonists that are 18 or younger when the story starts. of all these series, only eragon has young-adult as its most popular age-related tag on goodreads, and eragon was, at the time of release, very specifically marketed to and shelved in young adult in bookstores and libraries. some of these books have explicit or non-explicit sexual content, but only GOT has even close to as much as your average NA novel (to my knowledge).
i am not alleging that any of these books should be classed as YA, necessarily. but the glaring difference in their marketing and readership does point to one thing: these books are largely about men, and they are all written by men. i am not the first person to point out this gender gap in fantasy writing, and i don't have anything particularly new to say about it, except to bring it back around to my original point. none of these novels "are" adult fiction, and plenty (plenty!) of teenagers read them, in an interesting reversal of the trends in YA. who is making the decisions about where these books go, and why? what can we draw out about the books and their marketing? how is the future of "adult fantasy" shaped when these are the benchmarks by which we measure new entries?
i did also look into a few of my own favorite sci-fi series by women to see how they ranked by similar parameters. parable of the sower by octavia butler, featuring an 18yo protagonist and sexual content, has no age category at all in the top 20 most popular goodreads tags. it's in adult fiction in every library in my system that owns a copy. ive seen gideon the ninth (18yo protag, and yeah lets go ahead and say explicit sexual content) on YA shelves in bookstores, but its adult tag on goodreads is more popular, and almost every library in my system has it in adult. in my opinion, these books are important in rejecting the "women write YA, men write adult" narrative around speculative fiction, but they're not necessarily an exception to a different trend. it is not difficult for me to think of more adult scifi/fantasy books by women, because i actively seek them out. however, almost every single one of them has a protagonist under 25, as is the case with so much of the adult fantasy written by men listed above. last year, i read the adventures of amina al-sirafi, by s.a. chakrabotry, which was (i believe) the first non-contemporary/realistic fiction book ive ever read with a middle aged mother as the main protagonist. the book club at my library branch, mainly composed of middle aged and older women, read it, and expressed such genuine joy and excitement over a fantastic, adventurous book featuring a woman they saw themselves in. representation really does matter, and it matters to everyone, not just young people. but that's a different soapbox.
young readers are extremely picky. i've watched many a teenager (or younger) browse the YA section and turn up their noses at books with a cringey cover, an overly dramatic blurb, or just because. marketing books to teens is hard. booktok is an incredibly powerful marketing tool and divisive social force. it skyrockets an author one day and by the next week, other accounts are tearing that same author to shreds. in this environment, its no surprise that the sensationalized books - extremely good or extremely bad, blatantly sexual, shocking, consumable - become flashpoints of discussion. who should be reading ya? who is it for? what is inappropriate for young teenagers to read? what is inappropriate for adults to read? i think about these topics a lot, especially as what the publishing industry terms a "gatekeeper" - i'm a children's librarian; i control the access teenagers in my community have to these books. i take that role seriously, and i want to be thinking deeply about the books i put in my YA section and who will read them. our decisions, about where we class books, how we label and present them, how we discuss them: that is part of what dictates what genre and age classification a book "is", in addition to marketing.
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acourtofquietdreamers · 4 months
There’s a fun little quiz that was just added to SJM’s website! I got Elain as my fated mate 🙌💕 The quote chosen for her is perfect!
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starsreminisce · 3 months
90% of the time I see people making posts about Lucien's eye, calling it disgusting, calling him Mad Eye Moody and laughing...it's always an E*riel.
They need to stop being so obviously bitter, it's clear why Lucien being canonically hot bothers them 🤭
I sense their frustration amping up seeing we're close to the announcement
Not to mention the fact Lulu won the Hot One slot in the recent reddit post, oh they're big mad
Lucien is undeniably handsome.
Based on words, actions, and implications, Feyre, Cassian, Amren, Ianthe, and the King of Hybern have all acknowledged his attractiveness.
Lucien is canonically so hot that the creepy Hybern female twin told Feyre she'd pick Beron's son, noting that Autumn Court males have fire in their veins and they fuck like it. Nesta reminded us of this again in her own book.
Lucien is canonically so hot that three humans widened their eyes at his cruel beauty and then fell to their knees.
Lucien is canonically so hot that something Elain thought of or felt made him blush when he tried to use the bond he shares with her to see what was amiss with her.
None of the characters have an issue with his scar, only curiosity and sympathy that he has it.
Feyre: "The metal one spun as if set wild; his brutal scar was stark against his pale skin. Again he was to be Amarantha’s toy to torment."
Nesta: "Azriel and Lucien were two of the few who bore scars, both from traumas so terrible Nesta had never dared ask for details."
Ever since SJM posted that "Guilty as Sin?" song, Bloomsbury hosted a Spring Court-inspired event for ACOTAR where the Autumn Court was also featured, a Bloomsbury video discussing names mentioned the meaning of Lucien's name and hinted at his secret ancestry, her website has a "Who is Your Fated Mate?" quiz, and the song she dedicated to her husband for Father's Day, whom she felt was fated to meet, is a nod to Like Calls to Like.
SJM's latest post celebrates reaching a huge follower milestone and expresses her excitement for what's to come. Elain and Lucien's mating bond is still left to explore.
And if HOFAS tells us anything, SJM is confident in who she pairs up as mates, whether readers agree with her decisions or not.
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starlightbooklove · 8 months
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Is there anyone near Venezuela by chance?
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shansenfan · 4 months
The ACOTAR Fated Mate quiz on sjm’s website—
I won the JACKPOT!!!!
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acourtofthought · 8 months
The description of ACOFAS on SJM's website:
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"She finds those dearest to her have more wounds than she anticipated - scars that will have a far - reaching impact on the future of their court"
"She" as in Feyre.
ACOFAS excerpts:
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We are told that ACOFAS bridges the gap between ACOWAR and future books. That those future books have something to do with those dearest to her who have more wounds than she anticipated - scars that will have a far-reaching impact on the future of their court.
And who are the characters who are the primary focus of Feyre's worries?
Elain. Lucien. Nesta.
Not Az.
It is their trauma that is Feyre's focus in ACOFAS.
Nesta as she hides herself away from the others.
Elain as she spends hours mourning Graysen, her father, her lost human life.
Lucien who she admits that she is partially to blame for the rift between he and Tamlin, Lucien who she apologizes to for being an asshole, Lucien who she again offers a home in the NC too.
Lucien, Nesta, and Elain who she tells Mor she wants to be happy.
Lucien who she tells Elain is a good male, twice.
Lucien, whose gloves to Elain she thinks about in SF.
And whose scars might have a far reaching impact on the future of their court?
"You ruined any chance I have of going back to Spring. Not to Tamlin, but the court beyond his house. Everyone either still believes the lies you spun or they believe me complicit in your deceit".
"You will need Tamlin as an ally before the dust has settled. Tread carefully".
Spring is key because of its location.
Yet in SF, we have the IC continue aggravating Tamlin when Nesta visits his lands.
Also in SF:
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It sort of sounds like the problems with Tamlin and Spring are a pretty major concern, do they not? Something that they addressed as a major concern in the novella and continued on in SF?
Problems that might have a far reaching impact considering Beron wants to take over its weakened lands. Far reaching when there was the concern of what might happen to the humans now that the wall is down, the human lands which border Spring. That those on the continent are still looking to make trouble.
Is Az connected to Tamlin or Spring in any meaningful way?
Who did we later learn as being made for Spring? Whose scent is a promise of spring?
Which character was later stationed in Spring to be the eyes and ears of the NC?
In the novella, Feyre wanted happiness for Nesta, Elain and Lucien. Her worry was for them, not Az.
It's not that Az won't get his HEA, of course he will, but I doubt he'd be getting one with Elain when it was Lucien that Feyre was worried about in the novella and Elain and Lucien who were tied to Spring in a major way in the most recent book. A court we know they need as a strong ally but do not have with Tamlin in his current state, a court we know Lucien still has sadness over because of the events of ACOWAR.
It was Lucien who Feyre told Elain of being a good male.
It was Lucien and Elain that she wanted happiness for and Mor who offered Feyre "a kernel of truth" when she told them all they needed was time.
It's been over a year since Mor spoke those words to her.
Bring on the Elucien endgame.
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wingsdippedingold · 5 months
Please remember SJM is a terrible writer
and that's why there's huge divides about characters and plots. It's not that we all interpret things differently, its that she didn't think that far ahead - or behind since she regularly retcons, SOMETIMES WITHIN THE SAME BOOK
She has old posts about romance stuff but that's it. The actual plot is secondary to her fantasy couples. Ofc its a romantacy so it'll focus on that, but you still need to have the basic skills of writing down, which she very clearly does not (despite it being 12 years since your first published book, seriously wtf are you doing??)
She's good at storytelling, she made cool characters and a cool setting, but she cannot write them
I love discussing characters, but with hers it's useless half the time because she cannot write consistent characters nor a cohesive narrative. She regularly changes character traits on the fly, and bends the narrative to serve her favs.
If you find yourself pulling your hair out, just know, so are her editors (whom she does not take feedback from, so really why are they there) 👍
Conclusion: ACOTAR (and her other books) weren't written to be books, they're just shared pieces of her personal fantasy and diaries, which would be fine if she didn't perpetuate terrible stereotypes and harmful relationships. - i also touch on the books being her personal self-inserts here but it's more jokey
It was clearly not meant to be a series, but with the success she made with the first, an edited (albeit very slightly) version of an old draft, she made more hence the latters being very disjointed.
I'd like to end with another reminder that SJM is a bad person, please do not support her upcoming books, if you really want to read them they'll be uploaded to some website after like 2 weeks anyway
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illusionovertime · 2 months
Haven’t seen anyone really mention this on Tumblr, so here I am putting on my clown mask hoping for an announcement soon teehee
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SJM’s website has been updated with a “Reading Guide” section under her About header. It lists all her books and series in pub order (TOG, ACOTAR, CC). Then, at the end of the page it has this lil’ tidbit about following her insta to find out what’s coming next.
me thinks announcement soon??
Jkjk, unless👀
Info: tagging all ships for visibility, pls no fighting I don’t post like ever and just wanna engage in our collective delulu
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