#sj ask game
I think that Binghe started out completely heterosexual, totally straight guy, and then SY-SQQ turned him gay during the skinner demon mission. And the reason Bingge isn’t gay is because he did not have that experience. But then after meeting SY-SQQ in that one extra he did turn gay because of it so now he’s got all these wives and he can’t even get it up for them anymore. The whole harem is gonna have to become gay now
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miixz · 2 years
🔥🔥gimme a spicy svsss opinion!
SQQ is the villain of SVSSS, and by that I mean SY as well as SJ, though obviously in different ways.
SJ was the irredeemable villain of PIDW, which sadly doesn't get acknowledged often enough (I cannot describe how much I wish I could find more fics with him there in which he's allowed to be the main villain tether than sad and deserving of nothing but sympathy)
But I also feel like we ignore SY's role as the redeemable villain of SVSSS.
If you take him out from the plot, it's amazing how much of the conflict can't really happen. He's allowed to redeem himself because not only did he raise Luo Binghe into someone who could forgive him, but he also seeks that forgiveness. He might not have meant to hurt him, and he had his reasons, but he did do so and he admits his wrongs on the end, wanting to do better by Binghe. But he did make the mistakes that led into the biggest messes on the plot and he knows it too.
I suppose you could argue it's on the system, who forced him into that role, but Shen Yuan/Shen Qingqiu himself realizes later that even his task of making sure Luo Binghe entered the abyss could have been handled differently, that he was needlessly cruel there.
To me that's a very interesting dynamic they have, that SQQ(SY) manages to fulfill the role of both love interest and villain at once. I really like it, but I don't see it much in the fandom, at least The corners I've been to.
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frevandrest · 1 year
Hello! I've been backreading a lot of your blog to learn more about Saint-Just, and first of all let me just thank you for having posted so much amazing info! If it's alright, I had two questions. You said Saint-Just had a nickname, Florelle. What does it mean and are there any further details on that? Secondly, I heard that Saint-Just increasingly mentioned his father in his writings closer to Thermidor. Is that true, and are there any other details on his relationship with his dad? Thank you!
Aww, thanks!
Florelle seems to have been a pseudonym that he gave himself. I assumed it was for his early literary writings, but there seems to be a document from Blérancourt with that signature. It's been suggested that "Florelle" comes from the Greek word for flower, "anthos", which, if true, would suggest that he used Antoine as his name earlier than we thought. But there is no proof that this is indeed why he chose Florelle.
For second, he mentioned his father only once, but it's significant because it's the only time he mentioned him, like... ever. It was in a draft of his 9 Thermidor speech. He didn't include it in the speech itself. It remained in his notes, and it was eventually published as part of "Les Fragments sur les institutions républicaines", even though it's not really part of that (there are also his notebook notes).
The father mention is in the fragment 55. Soboul quotes it as:
l'âme que le ravissement de mon bonheur en me sacrifiant pour la patrie et je n'ai plus devt les yeux que le chemin qui me sépare de mon père mort et des degrés du panthéon
And my French sucks, so I offer a translation from here (idk how good it is tho):
The soul that the ravishment of my happiness is sacrificing myself for is the patrie; and I do not have before my eyes but the path that separates me from my dead father and the steps of the Pantheon.
(there is more in the fragment; I can share it in a followup post. It has a very "preparing to die" approach)
SJ's father, Louis-Jean, died when SJ was 10 years old. So... there wasn't much of a relationship to know about. There is only limited info on how SJ felt about his father. Stuff like: he took his father's pistols when he ran away to Paris at 19, but didn't sell them even though he was broke. (And he ran away shortly after the anniversary of his father's death, though that could be a coincidence). Or the possibility he did not stop using "Louis" for a long time during the revolution, because it was his father's name (idk how much truth there is to this, but I've seen it mentioned). And, of course, this quote.
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peach-pot · 5 months
“Back then I was dauntless”
“Five days”
“My feet planted in different realities”
“True names, stopped clocks, wildest dreams”
“Go bright light”
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bronzebluemind · 1 year
It’s been 0 weeks since the World Cup finale, 12 weeks to go until sgp and 34 or 35 weeks to go until next season.
(depending on whether the fis games will take place or not)
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chaos-has-theories · 6 months
11, 34, 48, 49 for the asks!
Weirder Asks
11 - Favorite extracurricular activity? I recently started a course in swordfighting, so I think that's first place for now. It's interesting and fun and outside my current routine, AND i get sore muscles in new and exciting ways.
34 - Is there a song you know every word to by heart? Oh, tons. But I'd say this one applies best - I intentionally learned it word-perfect at some point, and tried to use it to time myself when I was in the shower. This did not work well, but it's still one of my favorite songs.
48 - When did you first try an alcohol beverage? Oh, boy. My first proper experiment was no more than two years ago, with a single can of hard seltzer. I never quite saw the point of it. I've tried a very few more drinks by now, and I've always felt that they'd be better without the alcohol. The only exception is the party where we had café de l'amitié from my friends' grolle. That was pretty amazing, but admittedly that's because I have a fondness for weird old traditions.
49 - Can you skip rocks? Badly, but yes.
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kasper!!! this is not a gift i thought i was going to receive many many thanks
of course my friend!! if I cannot evangelize the terrible horrible no good very bad news of the Cuda, what am I even doing on planet earth. if anyone has any other games they want me to archive for posterity, send a dm or ask. I only have an away game pass but I'm willing to shell out for home games bc now that I have figured out this is possible I feel absolutely mad with power
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transrevolutions · 11 months
trick or treat
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you get an old-ass drawing of camille desmoulins from a bigger project that I never finished!!
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breadandblankets · 11 months
deacon passes the harkness test?? (sfw????)
I wanted to ask about the brain jar so bad but I will resist, shen jiuisms are the little death, I will let them pass through and around me....
okay this was mostly a joke about the harness test and there will be no actual harkness testing more that deacon just Can't Die and it's supposed to be a 5+1 or smthin about 5 times deacon dies and gets better and 1 time someone else does
bonding with the sole survivor about dying and getting better but theirs are like Universe resets
Under normal circumstances, that would be an event most people expect to not wake up from.
Johnny had not yet learned that the world is, in fact, about half a bubble off plumb.
So instead of going off to that great farm upstate, Johnny woke to the sound of Mr. Jeffries shouting for a doctor.
Johnny was mighty confused. Mr. Jeffries was alway a quiet man, and Johnny didn’t think he’d ever heard the old man so much as raise his voice much less shout.
Someone must be in danger!!
Like he was made from whip leather himself, Johnny was up like a crack to go find the problem.
also it was an excuse to talk all country like
brain jar shen jiu I believe you've already read but yeah he is harvested for parts in a sci Fi au and the only but that's left is his brain
When he was placed on this workbench he had taken the liberty of integrating himself into the systems of the building. Not much all in total, the paranoid bastard never keeps too much connected to the web.
It’s quaint in a way, a remnant of old times. Doors with handles that turn, a thermostat with buttons, lights with switches, hell even the cameras are closed circuit.
T minus 49 seconds. . . .
The cameras were easy enough to access, he’s still cracking at the lights.
It may simply be easier to ask permission, but that was the boring way out. Twenty years in hell means you’d rather be anything but bored.
Correction, hell was three of the worst weeks of his life. This is purgatory.
Hell is fire and brimstone, purgatory is patient.
That almost makes it worse.
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drinkthemlock · 1 year
i actually have an assumption of you so ill sent it cause of the post, in my head youre FILTHY rich like millionaire rich went to private international school rich
OMG no :(
i did go to a local private school (with a fat scholarship lmao) as a teen but definitely not the kind you’re imagining. sorry to break the illusion bby 💔
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kits-ships · 1 year
filling out the entirety of this ask game for Olive because i love having fun and getting silly
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1. what are the basics of your self-insert? name, date of birth, height, etc.?
Name: Olive Madison Birthday: Sept 14, 1947 (Jumped 44yrs into the future) Height: 5’3 Current home: Maine Birthplace: Cincinnati, Ohio
2. when in canon does your self-insert come in? do you have a scene in mind for your entrance?
Between ‘The Ark in Space’ and ‘The Sonatran Experiment!’ The Doctor drops off Harry + Sarah Jane to do whatever they need to do and goes ‘ok I’ll pick you up in a day!!” 
But, when he’s by himself, the TARDIS dumps him in the middle of Ohio and he finds Olive injured after a protest. They go on a single adventure after the Doctor patches her up before she becomes a companion. <3
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self-insert?
Olive is very sisterly/motherly towards other companions, so she’s generally well-liked by them. Some are confused as to why she married the Doctor, others feel the need to stand up for her when she can’t do it herself, and others are like, “How did you get the Doctor to even flirt with you? Hold on, let me get out a pen and paper-”
Some of the villains are intrigued by her, while others only see her as something they can use to manipulate the Doctor. The alien villains in particular see her as weak because she’s a human- including the Master- but he quickly regretted underestimating her after he tried to kidnap Olive and she bit the ever-loving shit out of him.
4. would you be considered a main character, side character, villain, or something else?
She would be a main character for the twelfth season but, after that, she’s a side character with a few appearances a few times each season. There are a few AUs where she might appear more often than that, though!
5. does your self-insert have any special powers or abilities?
No, not really! She majored in botany and minored in culinary arts, but that’s about as far as her ‘special abilities’ go. I’ve considered having the Master try to turn her into a Time Lord as well, but I like that she’s just a lil human :3
6. does your self-insert have any pets?
Olive had a long-haired, black cat when she was little. It grew up alongside her until she was sixteen!
When Olive graduated college, she adopted a kitten named Celeste a month or so before she met the Doctor. Celeste got to live in the TARDIS for a bit and even came to the future alongside Olive.
In a Doctor/Olive/Master polycule, the two Time Lords adopt two ragdoll kittens for Olive! I haven’t named them yet.
With Olive/Master, they come across two orphaned kittens that Olive bottle raises. The Master named them Artemis and Apollo.
7. would any other characters (besides your f/os) have a crush on your self-insert?
I don’t think too much about this, but Harry and Bill might have little puppy crushes on her that they never act on. River having a crush on her would be cute, too!! (Jack has a crush on everyone so he doesn’t count.)
8. what is your self-insert’s orientation?
Olive is bisexual and polyamorous!
9. who are your self-insert’s closest friends?
Excluding the Doctor/Master: Sarah Jane, Jamie, Donna, and Yaz.
10. how do the other characters feel about your self-insert and f/o’s relationship?
Copy and pasting from before: Some are confused as to why she married the Doctor, others feel the need to stand up for her when she can’t do it herself, and others are like, “How did you get the Doctor to even flirt with you? Hold on, let me get out a pen and paper-”
When she’s with the Master, they’re worried and confused. Did he hypnotize Olive? Is she safe? Should they try to help the Doctor win her back? Only Graham ever gets to see how happy she is with the Master after she showed up at her house one day.
With the Doctor/Olive/Master, they are so confused, but they do their best to trust Olive and the Doctor when they say that he’s changed for the better. Still, though, they’re a bit wary of it all.
11. what kind of outfit(s) does your self-insert wear?
Olive enjoys wearing sweaters, t-shirts, jean shorts, skirts, and short overalls! Her style focuses on being comfortable and being able to garden in outfits without ruining them entirely. She also likes to wear sandals but will put on a pair of boots if she really needs to.
12. how would the fandom view your character?
I like to think that they’d see her in a similar light to Rose and River! You either really like them or you pretend they don’t exist so you can focus on shipping Thoscei.
13. does your self-insert have any information about their family?
Olive does not get along with her parents. They took care of her physical needs when she was little, but were not affectionate or very empathetic. When she went off to college, they tried to get her to major in financial accounting so that she could follow in their footsteps, but Olive just moved out and cut ties with them. Her parents had even offered to pay for her classes if she switched majors, but she didn’t wanna!! She wanted to study plants and bake cakes, goddammit!
14. what hobbies does your self-insert have?
She likes to bake, garden, and dabbles in various forms of fiber arts! Olive also enjoys fostering animals.
15. how does your self-insert play a role in the plot of the story? do they help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc.?
Olive is just there to help the Doctor and be cute.
16. freebie! name a fact about your self-insert that you want everyone to know.
I don’t always draw her as such, but Olive is a redhead! Her hair is a very dark copper color but she always assumed it was just brown. It was Donna who pointed it out to her and Olive was so confused. 
(I think an explanation for this would be books and audio dramas describing her as a brunette despite the fact that she’s a redhead.)
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focsle · 2 years
Generally, i can't stand horror movies bc i am a huge wimp, but i gotta say: when it comes to Spooky Cults, the best iteration was in Wicker Man (the original from the 70s). Very spooky, very good
I have yet to see the original Wicker Man! I don't take issue with spooky cults as a plot per se, but it's gotta be like...IT'S GOTTA BE PRESENT rather than something used to explain away or give motive to various Scary Things out of nowhere. Which I imagine the Wicker Man probably does, if it's an effective Scary Cult Film.
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For the ask game Raspberry, Charcoal, and lilac
Thank you 🥺🥺🥺
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ishikawayukis · 2 years
btob <3
ali hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <3
my bias order: sungjae > hyunsik = ilhoon (yes i'm including him i'm very sorry) > changsub = minhyuk > eunkwang > peni
my current favourite song by them: i am once again obsessed with yes i am so that's the answer LMAO
send me a kpop group!
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c2-eh · 2 years
i wasn't on anon.
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cakesdown · 1 month
Bingo : The SJ Twins
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The TWINS??? okay actually YOU get the veterans discount holy shit
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