#sister and my niece r coming to live w us so that might change when im online :)
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wackywatchdotcom · 5 days ago
ive posted so much every single day on this blog for weeks now i feel weird having barely posted today . ive been busy but uhhh heres a random image i never posted from my tadc art folder?
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#i know i dont need to post a lot or anything and im deliberately not gonna make that some sort of rule for myself#can post whenever i want to. its just become smth i do so much that it feels strange that i didnt today#worked on that image then complained abt smth silly to my friends for like an hr and then did smth i cannot remember anymore#then watched some circus videos from my playlist again#and now its 11.... i still need to finish the art#i think im at the intimidated stage of it#bc everything i have to do for it is so finicky#im putting off some parts of it bc idrk how to render a hammer and ribbons realistically#using some ref images but theyre at diff angles of diff colors and w diff lighting...#but. yeah. i made sure i did draw pomni today though. keep my bones safe#(its not the image in the post. its in my sketchbook#this image is from a while ago... back when i was playing around w pomnis design still)#(i played around a while w the idea of one of pomnis eyes being upside down but it never actually read right or was clear#that thats what was going on so i gave up)#but gonna spend some more time on the image. its hard but itll haunt me more if i put it off#also actually a quick note:#my posting habits will prob change next month#sister and my niece r coming to live w us so that might change when im online :)#and around may/june im gonna be back in the ento labbbbbbbb#so. expect activity to go down in the summer#oh and this is too many tags uhhh but i dont feel like making it its own post either:#that like. asks r open and if were muts i have a discord. uh thaats it#im not in any silly circus servers but some day id like to be#idk why im saying that now. but i like talking to people but idk how obvious i make that#i mean. im inconsistent sometimes w replying but. grims and sniles ok
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danurso · 5 years ago
Salem's favorite butler - Part 3
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
(Took some time, but the ending is here)
Jaune: *walking with the group through the corridors*
Yang: so, what's the plan?
Ruby: i don't know yet.
Nora: why don't you blast salem with your laser eyes or something like that?
Ozcar: it would be useless, she would just come back to life like she did countless times before.
Weiss: then what are we going to do?
Jeanne: i don't know, all i know is that we need to find a way to destroy salem.
Weiss: easier said than done, we have no idea how to defeat her remember?
Jeanne: i know but we have to find a way to destroy her, she's been acting odd for a long time now, and we have no idea what her real plans are.
Jaune: *chuckles*
Yang: something funny?
Jaune: yes, you whispering plans to destroy my queen is quite amusing, specially since you have no idea on what to do or is going on.
Jeanne: then tell us what is going on? I think is pretty obvious that Salem is evil and is trying to wipe mankind away from earth.
Jaune: you don't need worry about that, mankind will still live to see another day.
Ruby: what do you mean?
Jaune: my queen has more important things to deal with right now than our pitiful race. *stops in front of a large door*
Ozcar: and what would be more important to salem than destroying mankind?
Jaune: you'll see. *opening the door*
Salem: *on the bed with her hair down* jaune?
Jaune: *walking in and bowing* yes my queen, i brought your guests as you requested.
Salem: *sighs* how many times do i have to repeat myself. . .
RWBY/JN_R/Ozcar/Qrow: *walks in the room before freezing and gasping, some of them even letting their jaws fall to the ground*
Salem: *holding a blonde baby in her arms while having a small white haired girl clinging and sleeping on her arm* . . .you're my husband, you don't need to act as my butler anymore.
Jaune: *chuckles* i may be your husband, but that doesn't take away my responsibilities as your butler.
Salem: i should punish you for ignoring what i say.
Jaune: and as your loyal butler, i'll gladly accept the punishment my queen.
Salem: . . . *sigh* i'm too tired to punish you, it took some time for saphir to fall asleep, blanc at least fell asleep as soon as she hugged me.
Jaune: *smiles* of course she did, you have a soothing motherly aura afterall.
Salem: giving me these sweet words and this idiotic smile won't spare you from your punishment, are you aware of that?
Jaune: *still smiling* of course i am my queen.
Salem: now, *looks at the still extremely shocked group* it took you all long enough to reach this place.
RWBY/JN_R/Ozcar/Qrow: . . .
Salem: Jaune? what is wrong with them? Do they not talk?
Jaune: i don't know my queen, they were quite talkative a few moments ago.
Jeanne: j-jaune. . .
Jaune: yes?
Jeanne: a-are these. . .your. . .y-your k-k-ki-
Jaune: my children? Yes they are.
Jeanne: *gets struck by a imaginary lightning*
Jaune: *smile widens* the girl clinging on my queen is blanc while the boy sleeping on her arms is saphir.
Jeanne: i-i. . .why. . .when. . .how!?
Jaune: *raises eyebrow* our parents never told you about that? Well, it's fairly simple, when a man and a woman really love each other they-
Jeanne: *blushes* i-i know how that works you idiot!
Jaune: really? Then i don't get your question.
Jeanne: you don't get it!? I'M ASKING WHY DID YOU AND THIS MONSTER-
Jaune: *flames on his eyes flare, giving her a cold look*
Jeanne: *shivers*
Jaune: *flames fade, and still smiling politely* i will have to ask you for silence once more my dear sister. As my queen just said, it took a lot of time for our children to fall asleep, and so i would rather avoid loud noises to not wake them up. Also. . . *vanishes*
Jeanne: wha-
Jaune: *re-appears right in front of her, giving her a freezing glare and dropping for the first time his polite smile, replacing it with a way more somber expression* don't think for a second that i will spare you just because you are my sister, my queen is everything to me, so if you lack respect with her once more, i will end you.
Jeanne: *shaking terrified*
Jaune: *turns around and walks back to salem's bed, turning back to them with his polite persona back in place*
Salem: you know, sometimes you're scarier than me.
Jaune: i'm sorry if i scared you my queen, but you know i tend to lose my temper whenever anyone insults you.
Salem: you are forgiven, but for now try to hold your temper, these people are bound to hate and despise me, so much that i don't even know if they'll accept my proposal.
Ozcar: proposal? What kind of proposal?
Salem: a truce, at least for the time being.
Jaune: *eyes flare* mind your volume, please.
RWBY/JN_R/Ozcar/Qrow: *shivers*
Salem: i said i wanted to propose a truce, it's the reason i didn't let anything hurt you on your way here and why i suspended my operations awhile ago.
Ruby: are you. . .are you really proposing that?
Salem: yes. . .being a mother again made me reconsider a lot of things, as did my marriage with jaune. I still see mankind as a worthless race who deserves to be wiped away from remnant, but at least some of them have their own worth, and both me and jaune wanted to raise our children teaching them about this worth.
RWBY/JN_R/Ozcar/Qrow: *speechless*
Salem: so i will make this proposal, all of my agents will go out of the field and my grimm will stop pushing against the walls of your kingdoms. Of course the grimm won't stop, they are a natural force of destruction after all, but without me controlling them they will get less aggressive and coordinated.
Ozcar: and what do you want in exchange?
Salem: Peace. For me, my husband and my family. I'm honestly tired of this war, and what i have with Jaune is way more important to me than our pointless fight, so now all i want is to live in peace with my husband and my children.
Yang: oh really? And how do we know you're not going to go berserk when your kids and jaune grow old and die? It already happened twice with you, how do we know it won't happen a third time?
Salem: you can't, it's as simple as that.
Ruby: then-
Salem: but i doubt that will happen, since by the time they perish i will most likely have perished as well.
Jeanne: cut it out, we know you're immortal.
Salem: i was immortal.
Ozcar: what do you mean with that?
Salem: the god of light cursed me with immortality a long time ago, saying it was a punishment that would only go away when i learned the value of life. . .a lot of things changed when i got pregnant with blanc and had to confront a lot of feelings i kept buried for more than a millenia, i'm aware of how ridiculous and impossible it might sound to you ozma but i changed, for once i decided to focus on the life inside my belly instead of the death of the race i hate so much, i forgot about my revenge, and one day i realized that something was different.
Ozcar: what exactly?
Salem: well, i thinks better to show instead of telling. *raises her hands, one of her nails getting sharper and sharper before she uses it to cut the palm of her hand* see?
Jeanne: and what exactly does this-
Ozcar: wait a second mrs.arc.
Jeanne: what?
Ozcar: . . .
Salem: *with blood coming out of her hand*
Ozcar: *with wide eyes* it's not closing. . .
Jeanne: what?
Ozcar: the wound on her hand. . .it's not closing.
Weiss: wait, does that means she-
Salem: yes, to answer your questions, i am mortal. The curse was lifted some time ago, though i can't say for sure when it happened exactly.
Jaune: *coming in with a first-aid kit and patching up her hand* and while i know you're happy about it my queen, you shouldn't hurt yourself like that every time you want to check your mortality.
Salem: you worry too much about me.
Jaune: *smiles* because i love you my queen.
Salem: *smiles* i'm aware.
Jeanne: what do we do now professor? Now that she's not immortal anymore we have a chance.
Ozcar: . . . . .salem.
Salem: yes?
Ozcar: *looking directly into her eyes* . . .
Salem: . . .
Ozcar: . . .farewell, we accept your proposal.
RWBY/JN_R: w-what!?
Blake: are you serious!?
Weiss: after everything she did, we're just going to let her go like that!?
Ozcar: there's no point in fighting anymore, salem's curse was lifted but we don't know if it can come back, so just leaving her alone now is our best option.
Jeanne: our best option? *clenches jaw* pyrrha is dead because of her!
Ozcar: and a lot more people will end up dying if we keep going, we have an opportunity to get peace, we shouldn't throw that chance out of the window because we want revenge.
Yang: we're not throwing that chance out of the window. *deploys ember celica and eyes shift to red* if we kill her right now we'll still get peace and also avenge our friends.
Ozcar: miss xiao long, we-
Ruby: she's right professor, we have a chance to end everything right now and also avenge our friends *unfolds her scythe* we should take it.
Yang: it's because of her that our world is such a mess! and i'm not letting her off the hook because she's saying that she changed! *an aura of flames starts covering her*
Jaune: *eyes flare with magic*
Saphir: hmnn. . .wah. . .wha!. . .WHA!
Salem: oh heavens. *starts rocking the baby* calm down darling, everything is gonna be okay.
Jaune: *standing between the group and salem*
Salem: calm down jaune.
Jaune: i am calm my queen, and i will remain like this as long as they remain the same.
Yang: shut up! I'm gonna kick your ass and your queen is going next!
Qrow: *stands in front of ruby and yang*
Ruby: uncle qrow? What are you doing?
Yang: don't tell me you're siding with that psycho!?
Qrow: no, you're my nieces, i'll always be on your side.
Yang: then get out of the way!
Qrow: look girls, i know you're angry and want to avenge your friend-
Ruby: if you know that then get out of the way!
Qrow: i will, but let me ask you something first. Even if you manage to kill salem, will you be able to live with that weight on your consciousness? Knowing what you did?
Yang: knowing that i killed a monster? I think i can live with that.
Qrow: knowing that you killed a mother.
Yang/Ruby: *flinches*
Qrow: can you do it? Kill her knowing that these children will have to grow up missing their mother? *looks at yang* while one of them doesn't even know her yet?
Yang/Ruby: *eyes wide, looking down and clenching jaws in frustration*
Qrow: *looks to the rest of the group* the same goes to all of you, can any of you live a normal life knowing you ruined the lives of two innocent children?
_WB_/JN_R: . . . .
Qrow: *draws scythe* if you don't mind that then i don't mind either, i've done enough bad things in the past so one extra sin weighting on my mind wouldn't be a bother.
RWBY/JN_R: . . . . *stores weapons*
Qrow: *sighs* that's what i thought. So? What now ozpin?
Ozcar: . . .
Jaune: *goes back to salem* let me deal with him. *picks saphir up and starts rocking him*
Saphir: *calming down*
Salem: *giving him a small smile* only you to calm him down so easily.
Jaune: *smiling back at her* i could say the same thing about you with blanc.
Salem: *stroking her hair* heh, i guess you're right.
Ozcar: *sighs, staring at the couple* now we leave qrow, there's nothing else to do here. *leaves*
Qrow: okay. *follows*
_WBY/_N_R: *leaves as well*
Jeanne: . . .
Ruby: jeanne?
Jeanne: *staring at jaune*
Jaune: *looks back at her, getting up and walking to her* i remember this face, it was the same face you made when mom and dad decided to take me to their travel instead of you.
Jeanne: it's just. . .i can't believe you're alive, not only that but you're a father now, married to the queen of the grimm, it's just too much for my brain to process in such a short amount of time. . .i don't know how i should feel about it, still, i didn't wanted this to be the last time i see you.
Jaune: it won't be. Me and my queen don't want our children to grow up trapped in the grimmlands for their whole lives, we want them to see the world in its entirety, and maybe even see the rest of their family.
Jeanne: i can't say much for our parents, but i'll try to keep an open door for you, well, for you and them. *boops saphir's nose*
Saphir: *giggles*
Jaune: i'll keep that in mind.
Ruby: jeanne, we need to go.
Jeanne: *smiles* okay. . .goodbye jaune.
Jaune: goodbye sister.
Ruby/Jeanne: *walk away*
Qrow: are you sure about this ozpin?
Ozcar: yes, i'm sure.
Qrow: alright, if you're sure then i won't question. But can i ask you something?
Ozcar: i can't promise i'll answer, but you can still try.
Qrow: what made you change your mind?
Ozcar: what are you talking about?
Qrow: don't play dumb, you know it doesn't work with me. When you decided to come here you were decided to put an end in this war, and i'm pretty sure the end wasn't going to be a peaceful one, what made you change your mind?
Ozcar: . . . . . *sighs* she was miserable. . .
Qrow: ?
Ozcar: a long time ago, when she was still trapped in the tower, salem had a miserable life filled with sadness and sorrow, she was a prisoner in the hands of her own father and had to deal with suffering every single day since she was born. . .but when i saved her, she gave me a look filled with so much life and happiness, she looked at me like i was some sort of messiah, someone invincible who could conquer the world when all i really did was free her from a bad person. . .
Qrow: and what does that hast to do with what happened today?
Ozcar: . . .she was giving ms.arc's brother that same look. . .the same look she used to give me after i saved her. . . *hands start shaking* he is her world now, and while he's on her side everything will be fine to everyone.
Qrow: ozpin?
Ozcar: . . .can i ask you something old friend?
Qrow: uhm. . .sure.
Ozcar: *looks back to him with tears running down his cheeks* do you think i made the right choice? On the day i abandoned her, do you think that was the right thing to do? Or maybe i should have stayed with her and tried to change her for better like jaune arc did?
Qrow: . . . *sigh* honestly? I have no idea. Usually you're the one giving me advices, so i don't really know what to say to help you.
Ozcar: . . . *looks back ahead* i see.
Qrow: *places a hand on his shoulder* but. . .
Ozcar: *looks back to him*
Qrow: one thing you always told me was that there's no point in thinking so much about a past you can't change when you have a future that you can still shape ahead of you.
Ozcar: . . . *takes in a deep breath before letting it out* you're right, there's no point in thinking so much about it, especially now that our future looks so bright. *wipes his tears* Thank you old friend.
Qrow: anytime oz.
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thelastspeecher · 7 years ago
Avian Again
Yet another installment in the Phoenix Enchantment AU, something that I have sunk far too much time and effort into, given that I have zero (0) plans to turn it into a legit multichap.  This is basically the follow-up to this ficlet, in which Ford and Fiddleford find out who the phoenixes Prometheus and Pele really are.  This particular ficlet right here takes place the day after Angie and Stan have reverted to phoenix form again, and are still trying to get things arranged for themselves and Molly.  Enjoy.
              “Tate’s been dropped off at daycare,” Ford said, walking into the living room, holding a bag from the game store.  “So, we can figure out a method of communication that doesn’t involve hundreds of dollars’ worth of damage.”  Ford looked meaningfully at Stan.  Stan, who was on the seat of the armchair, ruffled his feathers and squawked.  “By the way, Stan, why aren’t you standing on the arms of the chair?  Or the back? Those seem like better locations to perch.”  Stan looked at Ford and lifted his wing, revealing Molly huddled close to him. “…You like sitting there because it’s more comfortable for Molly?”  Stan nodded. “Fair enough.”
              “Stop arguin’ with Stan and come over here,” Fiddleford said.  He was at the table with Angie, scanning a book on bird training.  Angie turned the page with her beak.  “Thank you, Banjey.”  Fiddleford scratched the crown of Angie’s head.  She trilled happily.  Ford walked to the table.  He frowned.
              “I thought Stan and Angie refused to be treated like pets.”
              “Yes, but I thought this book might have tips fer teachin’ birds how to talk. Since the phoenixes are sort of like parrots, the idea was that they might be able to talk like ‘em.” Fiddleford sighed.  “But it’s just sayin’ things that don’t work fer sentient birds like Stan ‘n Angie.”  Angie cawed at him.  “Yeah, if you could talk, ya prob’ly would’ve done it by now.”
              “I swear, it seems like you understand them,” Ford said, taking a seat next to Fiddleford.  Fiddleford shrugged.  
              “I’m good at readin’ bird body language.  And I’ve known my sister her whole life.”  Angie cooed.  Fiddleford smiled warmly at her.
              “Talking is out, but what about the other methods we discussed?” Ford asked. Angie walked over to a piece of paper, picked it up in her beak, and brought it over to Ford.  “Oh.  Thank you.” Angie ruffled her feathers happily. “You and Stan are clearly excited about being treated properly again.”  Stan let out a loud crow.
              “As you can see, the method with usin’ a pen ‘n paper didn’t work out too well,” Fiddleford said.  Ford squinted at the piece of paper.
              “I can make out…cricket, Molly, daisy, and some swears.  And is that part of the word ‘cinnamon’?”
              “Angie gave up ‘fore she could finish writin’ it, ‘cause Miss Molly needed to be fed. You can prob’ly guess who wrote what.”  
              “It’s quite obvious.”  Ford sighed. “But the penmanship is horrific.”
              “And it took ‘em ‘bout fifteen minutes per word.  In an emergency, writin’ words won’t work.  Did ya get the other thing we thought of?”
              “Yes.”  Ford took a Scrabble board out of his bag.  He placed it on the table.  Angie squawked loudly.  “Be patient.” As Fiddleford got the pieces out, Ford looked over at Stan.  “Stan’s enjoying television privileges.”
              “So’s Molly.  I set Molly on the table with Angie at first, but she wanted her dad.  Wouldn’t stop her adorable screamin’.”  Angie clacked her beak.  “I know her screeches ain’t adorable, I’m just bein’ nice.  Anyways, I brought her over to Stan, and right away she snuggled up next to him.  Stan tried to change the channel a lil bit ago, but she weren’t havin’ it.”
              “That explains why he’s watching Animal Planet instead of football.”
              “Here ya go, Angie,” Fiddleford said, dumping the bag of Scrabble pieces onto the table.  “Go ahead, tell us somethin’.”  Angie cocked her head at the tiles for a few seconds, thinking.  She nodded and began to pick them up with her beak.  
              “By the way, you never told me how the conversation with your parents went, after I broke the news about the enchantment being permanent,” Ford said to Fiddleford.  
              “It went all right.  Some more scoldin’ ‘bout not recognizin’ Stan ‘n Angie, questions about the setup fer the phoenixes, and when they should visit.”
              “Uh, visit?”
              “They’re insistin’ on it.  Angie and I were tryin’ to figure things out earlier.  Maybe we should throw a belated baby shower of sorts fer Molly, on the next full moon.  That way everyone can see Stan ‘n Angie ‘n Molly in human form.”  Angie squawked.  Fiddleford and Ford looked down.  Angie took a step away from her message.
              “‘Mating season’,” Ford read out loud.  He frowned at Angie.  “What are you getting at?”  Angie huffed. She nudged a few tiles around. “‘When’.  But without an H and the W is an upside-down M.”  Angie hissed at him.
              “It got the message across, Stanford, don’t be so judgmental,” Fiddleford scolded.  “She wants to know when the next matin’ season ‘ll be.”
              “Um, I’m not sure.  The bestiary said it starts in March, but didn’t explain whether it’s an annual occurrence.  The best way to determine when mating season will be is probably by keeping an eye on Stan.” Angie cocked her head.  “He lost his extravagant tail shortly after Molly was laid.  It takes a while to grow a tail that long and ostentatious.  When his tail starts getting larger, that will indicate another mating season approaching.  His tail is still rather short, so I doubt there will be one this coming March.”  Angie nodded.  She paused for a moment, then began to move the Scrabble tiles again.
              “So, is your entire family going to visit?” Ford asked Fiddleford. Fiddleford nodded.  “How many of them know the true situation?”
              “All of ‘em.  Well, all my siblin’s and my parents.”  
              “Fantastic,” Ford muttered.  He rubbed at the scar on his hand.  “Your brothers will want me hanged, drawn, and quartered after what I put Angie and Molly through.”  Stan squawked.  “Yes, I put you through difficult things as well, Stanley.  But I think Lute would reserve most of his righteous fury for protecting his niece and younger sister.”  Stan cawed in agreement.  Angie nudged at Ford’s hand.  He looked down at her message.  “‘Molly ID’.” He frowned.  “What?”  Angie turned to Fiddleford.
              “Sorry, sis, I don’t know what yer gettin’ at, neither,” Fiddleford said. Angie rolled her eyes and moved a few more tiles.  “C…E…R…T…” Fiddleford read out loud.  “I don’t know what that means.”  Angie cawed loudly at him, frustrated.  “Angie, use the tiles.  We don’t speak bird.”  Angie looked down at her feet.  “I’m sorry. I know yer tryin’ yer best.  This can’t be easy fer ya.”
              “Here.”  Ford grabbed a handful of tiles and placed them in front of Angie.  She began to busily sort through them.  Ford and Fiddleford watched.  “B…I…R…T…H.  Birth?” Angie nodded eagerly.  “Birth cert- birth certificate?”  Angie hopped up and down.  Fiddleford chuckled.
              “Yer too dang adorable,” Fiddleford said.  Angie clacked her beak at him.  “Yer wonderin’ ‘bout Molly’s identification?  She hatched from an egg, she don’t have a birth certificate.  Or a social security number.”  Angie nudged three tiles together.  “‘Get’.  You want us to get identification for Molly?”  Angie nodded.
              “Why?” Ford asked.  Angie looked over at the tiles and huffed impatiently.  She flew away from the table.  “What’s going on?”  There was a clatter in the kitchen.  Ford began to get up, but Angie landed on the table again, a piece of paper in her beak. She dropped it in front of Fiddleford. Fiddleford frowned.
              “This is the flyer fer the open house at Tate’s preschool.”  Angie tapped the paper with one of her talons.  “Yer pointin’ at the word ‘school’?”  Angie nodded.  “…Oh.”  Fiddleford leaned back.  “You want Molly to go to school.”
              “But she’s a bird,” Ford said slowly.  Angie hissed.  “You can be angry with me if you want, that doesn’t change her species.”  Angie deflated and let out a small, defeated croak. “She can be homeschooled.  Between the four of us, she’d get an excellent education.”  Angie cooed softly.  Stan abruptly took flight from the armchair and landed next to Angie.  He nuzzled her.  A small tear traced its way down Angie’s face.  Ford looked at Fiddleford nervously.  “She’s crying.  I didn’t know she was that upset.  What- what do-”  Fiddleford reached forward and wiped the tear away.
              “Ya don’t want to homeschool Molly?” he asked gently.  Angie and Stan both shook their heads.  “Stanford’s right, y’know.  She’d learn a lot from us.”  Angie croaked.  Fiddleford sighed.  “I- I still can’t understand ya.”  Stan walked over to the Scrabble tiles and moved them around.  Angie glanced back at the armchair, where Molly was still crouched, her eyes glued to the television.  “‘Deserves better’,” Fiddleford said in a low tone, reading Stan’s message.
              “Molly deserves better than what?” Ford asked.  Stan moved a few more tiles.  “‘Bird’.  Oh. Oh, dear.”  Ford swallowed.  “Molly deserves better than to be a bird?”  Stan nodded. “You two want Molly to have more opportunities than a bird gets.”  Stan and Angie nodded silently.  “I- I don’t know how much we can control that.  So far, it seems like she’ll only be able to turn human when you do, during a full moon.  If that’s the case, I doubt she can go to school.”  Angie let out a loud, despairing screech.  Ford and Fiddleford winced at the noise.  Fiddleford stroked Angie’s back in a reassuring manner.
              “I know ya want yer baby to have a good life,” Fiddleford said.  “And we’ll do everything we can to help that happen. She’s our niece, after all.  We love her, too.  But I think- I think yer goin’ to have to accept that she might not get to do all the things ya want fer her.”  Stan croaked quietly at Angie.  She sighed and chirped a short response.  “I’m not sure what ya just said to each other.”  Angie ruffled her feathers.  “How about this?  We wait ‘fore we make any big decisions.  By the time Molly’s old enough to go to school, things might’ve changed.”  Stan and Angie nodded.  “I’m sorry that things ‘re so difficult fer-”  Stan cawed loudly.  “What?”  Stan pointed a talon at Angie’s “Molly ID” message.  “Yes, we’ll try to get some identification fer Miss Molly.”  Stan bobbed his head.  
              “I’m not sure how to go about doing that,” Ford mumbled.  Angie grabbed Ford’s wallet, which he had placed on the table. “Hey!”  She opened it and tugged a picture out with her beak.  “Angie, be careful!  That’s a picture of Tate, shortly after he was born.”  Angie cocked her head at him meaningfully.  “What?”  Angie pointed at the tiles reading “ID”, then at the picture of Tate.  “Tate’s identification?”
              “Tate’s identification wasn’t as simple as it could’ve been, since he wasn’t born in a hospital,” Fiddleford said.  “He was a home birth.”
              “You want us to claim Molly was a home birth, as well?” Ford asked.  Angie nodded.  “Oh.  That’s easy enough to do.”  Stan cawed. Angie frowned at her mate and hissed softly.  Stan merely chuckled in response.  “Wait, did Stan say something that was in poor taste?”  Angie nudged a tile with a Y on it.  “I assume that means yes.”  A loud screech began to emit from the armchair.  Stan squawked in distress and flew back to Molly.  Once she was comfortably nestled under Stan’s wing again, Molly became quiet.
              “That lil girl of yours is keepin’ ya on yer toes, huh?” Fiddleford said.  “Or should I say talons?”  Angie rolled her eyes.  “Are ya done usin’ the tiles?”  Angie sighed. She moved a few tiles around.  “‘Hard’.”  Fiddleford ran a hand through his hair.  “Yep, this is still pretty difficult.  It’s better ‘n nothin’, though.”  Angie shrugged.  “I think Ford said somethin’ the other day ‘bout workin’ on some way fer us to understand ya in bird form.  Verbally.” Angie’s eyes widened.  She chirped inquisitively at Ford.
              “I’m still in the brainstorming phase, unfortunately,” Ford said.  Angie moved some of the tiles.  “‘Watch’.  You want to watch me work?”  He waited patiently for Angie to respond.  “‘Bored’?”  Angie nodded. “I can imagine that being stuck in the nest with Molly 24/7 would be rather boring.  Particularly given that you were brooding her for so long without any outside form of intellectual stimulation.”  Stan crowed. Angie let out a burbling laugh.  “Was Stan insulting my manner of speech?” Angie nodded.
              “I don’t see why ya couldn’t sit in on some of Ford’s lab work,” Fiddleford said.  Angie ruffled her feathers eagerly.  “And maybe we can try to find some books or magazines to bring up to the attic. Somethin’ a bit more interestin’ ‘n the ropes ‘n mirrors we have up there right now.”  Angie looked at Stan and cawed.  “…I certainly hope that ya were just teasin’ Stan fer usin’ the bird toys.” Angie nodded, chuckling.  Stan squawked in dismay.
              “We recorded the three of you up until five days ago, Stanley,” Ford said.  “We know full well that you like to play with your own reflection in that mirror toy.”  Stan squawked again.
              “Aw, no need to be upset,” Fiddleford said.  “It weren’t like there was anything else fer ya to do.  It’s only worth teasin’ ya over if ya do it after gettin’ some activities what better suit humans.”  Stan was silent.  Angie sidled over to Fiddleford and chirped quietly at him, then laughed uproariously.
              “I wish I’d understood that,” Ford muttered.  “Apparently it was hilarious.”
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