#sissy xo
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sissy xo at redgate on january 20th. Finally got around to editing these photos. Their music is on spotify and they're on instagram. Ive started using adobe lightroom to edit and ive figured out how curves work so i can work fast and make much more specific lighting and coloring choices.
#photography#punk photography#live music photography#music photography#trans punx#trans punk#tattoos#sissy xo#queer punk#queer punks#redgate#my photography#punk scene#vancouver punk scene#punk fashion#moshing#punk show#punk#up the punx#Spotify
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Q: Pussyfree Diaperinas
Is there anything sweeter and more glorious than staying pussyfree in diapers, forever?
🍼 @incognitoelizabeth 🩷@sissymissyxo ✨ @2inchchelsea 🍼 @balletbettydoll 🩷 @sissy-xo-ix 😓
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Part of Your World - George Weasley
Chapter 19
pairing: George Weasley x fem!Muggle!reader
installment list / previous chapter / next chapter
word count: 468
content: family fluff! so cute!
One evening after the opening night of Wicked on the West End, where you played Elphaba, you crouched down with open arms as a now nearly four year old Fred sprinted into your embrace and gave you the biggest hug he could muster! “You did good, Mummy!” He exclaimed, his little voice muffled by the fabric of your costume. You were worried about him being afraid of you with all of the hair and makeup you had on for the production, but to your surprise, he didn’t seem phased by it.
“Thank you Freddie!” you told him as you held him tight. “What was your favourite part?”
You felt his head rise off of your shoulder and you assumed he was looking for George as he whispered, “Daddy said all of it. I like the flying broom! You were like Aunty Ginny!”
You giggled and asked, “Is Daddy here?”
Fred nodded. “He has sissy too!”
“Oh, Sissy’s here?” you asked as Fred released you and let you stand back up to your full height. You looked up to see George walking over with your baby girl, Louise, snug in her pram sleeping soundly. You leaned up to kiss George quickly before asking, “Couldn’t get anyone to watch her?”
George shrugged and replied, “It was no big deal. She got a little fussy, but when she heard you singing, she calmed right down. She’s been out ever since.”
Tears filled your eyes, and you blinked rapidly so they wouldn’t fall and ruin your makeup. “I guess using her bedtime as partial rehearsal paid off then yeah?”
“Seems like,” George agreed with a chuckle. He ruffled Fred’s hair as he pulled the two of you into a little family hug before the four of you left the venue for the evening after you got out of your costume and makeup.
The first stop before heading home though, was, of course, you and George’s favourite tea and bakery spot. The very same one George had taken you on your first date. The nostalgia always hit you, but it did especially tonight as you walked in with your husband and two lovely children. The owner greeted you and George as she always did, but when she noticed the pram, she was all over your precious cargo, careful not to disturb her, but swooning over her nonetheless. By the end of your visit, your bellies were full of pastries and tea, and Fred was practically falling asleep on your shoulder as you carried him home.
Later, after getting both kids settled in, you snuggled into George’s side and whispered, “Thank you so much. For everything. I love you.”
“I love you too,” he replied as he kissed your forehead before waving his wand to turn the lights off so you could finally rest.
a/n: so, i originally had the role Reader played as Elsa, but with us holding space for Wicked since it came out in theaters, as well as Elphaba being able to be played by a more wide variety of people, the change was a welcomed one! also, soft launching the new baby! so precious! we didn't get a whole chapter about her like we did with Fred, but there will be something special for her coming up!
as always, likes and comments are appreciated! xo, brooke <3
taglist: @willowlovestheweasleys @v1ckycheesue @superduckmilkshake @5starl1ght @oneandonlybbygrl
#george weasley#george weasley fluff#george weasley x reader#harry potter fanfiction#george weasley romance
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Just A Number
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Reader meets Bucky at a party and the attraction is more than either one of them wants to resist.
Notes: Since most stories are younger readers I felt like having a more mature reader could be a nice change of pace. Especially since I'm creeping up on senior discounts and want to believe Bucky could fall in love with someone like me.
I try to keep my readers description vague but, as always, she's female, tall and this one is obviously 40+
**I'm so sorry this has taken so long. Life has been rough and I've had a hard time focusing on anything besides survival.
I hope it was worth the wait.
Chapter 7
Bucky shot up out of bed at the sound of his phone ringing. "Fuck" he grumbled when he saw it was 4am and Sam was calling.
"Hey terminator, we have work to do. Meet me at Fort Hamilton asap."
Bucky grunted "Yeah." And went to take a shower and gear up. He was about to board the plane when he remembered he was supposed to see Y/N this week.
"Fuck" he swore to himself and pulled his phone out to send her a text.
'Sorry for the early morning text, doll. Sam needs me. I'll call asap. XO'
Bucky shook his head to clear his thoughts of her and focus on what Sam was saying as they boarded. All he caught was "-I don't like him either but we need to play nice." before he looked up to see his worst nightmare.
John looked up from his phone and grimaced when he saw Bucky. That look improved Bucky's mood instantly and he grinned at John.
Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.
"Morning Johnny! Long time no see! How the Hell have you been?" Bucky almost giggled as he slapped John's shoulder a little too hard.
John shot him a foul look "I don't know what you're so happy about. My nephew isn't going to put up with you ruining his mother."
Bucky's smile grew "He doesn't really have much say in the matter."
John scoffed "It figures you're ok with breaking up a family, taking a mother from her children."
Bucky couldn't help the laugh that broke through "From her children? They are both adults. He's 30 and his sister is looking forward to meeting me."
He looked John in the eye and winked "Better me than you."
Sam chuckled under his breath, happy to see Bucky's confidence up after his time with Y/N. Making John Walker squirm was just icing.
Before John could come up with a decent comeback, Torres came out to tell them they were taking off and to buckle up.
Once they were airborne Sam cleared his throat as he pulled up a map on the table and they started working out a strategy. John challenged everything Bucky said, throwing out some backhanded compliments for good measure. Bucky couldn't wipe the smirk off of his face which only angered John more, until he slammed his fist against the table, cracking the screen and reaching the end of Sam's rope.
"ENOUGH!" Sam shouted and turned to glare at John. "I don't give a single fuck about your problem with Bucky or what he's doing with your adult sister or how her adult kids feel about it. We're here to do a job and you need to get it together!"
John snapped "Fine" and looked at Bucky "But we need to talk once this is done."
Bucky shrugged "Whatever you say." still grinning.
Sam shook his head and finalized their plan.
Y/N stepped out of her shower and got ready for work before looking at her phone to see if Pepper had any requests before she made it to the office. Her heart sped up when she saw there was a text from Bucky but fell when she read he was on a mission. She shook it off, Pepper usually kept her too busy to let her thoughts wander away from work.
When she went for coffee Dawn was at the table. Y/N told her about the text from Bucky which brought a laugh out.
Y/N glared at her "That's not very nice!"
Dawn coughed "On no, sorry Sissy. I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at our dear brother. I got a text from Olivia and Johnny was called in for a thing with Sam. Johnny must be thrilled to spend the next week with the two of them. I hope he doesn't let his temper get him into more trouble." She sighed "Anyhow, she's coming for dinner tonite. Poor thing sounded desperate to get out of the house."
Y/N shook her head "I'm sure he keeps her on a tight leash. Of all the people you and Johnny brought home during high school, I really thought she was smart enough to see through him. Love really can make us stupid."
Dawn nodded "Stupid, blind, insane. Since her parents are too blinded by Johnny playing Captain America they don't seem to care how he treats her. We're all she has."
Y/N nodded "So you gonna cook?"
Dawn nodded "Of course. Im certainly not letting you near anybfood I plan to eat."
"Hey! My baking is top notch."
Dawn nodded, smirking "Yeah but your cooking, not so much."
They arrived at Stark Tower 20 minutes early so Y/N grabbed coffee for Pepper and herself.
When Pepper came in they sat in her office to chat about their weekend, Pepper grilled her about the date and tried to be supportive when she learned Michael's reaction to Y/N's new beau.
"He's a grown man and will adjust. He's never had to deal with a parent dating someone different but I'm sure he wants you to be happy."
Y/N smiled "I hope so, he really was out of line last nite."
"So when are you seeing him again?"
Y/N shrugged "He texted me early this morning to let me know Sam called for his help and he didn't know how long it would be."
She smirked "The fun part is that Johnny is apparently on that same mission with them. I'd love to be a fly on that wall."
Pepper laughed "Hopefully they don't hurt each other."
"I wouldn't hold much hope of that." she laughed softly before her smile fell. "I guess I should let you know. Johnny said he would get me fired if I kept seeing James. Something about telling his friends at S.W.O.R.D. that I'm a security risk. I don't know if he actually has any friends that would do that or if any of them are powerful enough to do anything but if you hear anything negative about me it's probably from him."
Pepper smiled "Don't worry, we have contracts with S.W.O.R.D. but they don't have any say in how I run things or who I hire."
After 9 hours in the air they arrived in the Belgian countryside to follow up on a tip Sharon gave them on the Power Broker.
They spent 2 days straight looking and seemingly just missing them everywhere they went.
All three men had frayed nerves caused by the frustration from missing their target but even more because of John's attitude and constant trash talking.
"This place is bullshit. I'm starting to wonder if the Power Broker actually exists. Or maybe Sharon is giving us crap intel because she's mad her fuck buddy found a new, older and uglier plaything?" John taunted.
Bucky's jaw clenched and the whirring from his prosthetic could be heard as his hand stretched and clenched.
He shook his head
"Nice try Johnny but Sharon was Steve's mistake, not mine. And if your sister is so nasty, why are you working so hard to get into her pants?"
Sam chuckled "You two really need to shut up about Y/N. When we get home you can fight or whatever to get it out of your system."
Bucky gave Sam a big smile "Sure thing pal."
John grumbled but helped finish searching the seemingly abandoned building.
Dawn was finishing dinner and Y/N set the table when the doorbell rang.
Dawn looked to her sister "Must be Olivia, I'm stuck here can you-"
Y/N laughed "Already on my way, can't disturb the artist."
When she answered the door Olivia smiled at her and they hugged.
"You know you can just come in right?"
Olivia chuckled nervously "I know you said I could but John-"
Y/N made a face "Fuck Johnny"
Olivia flinched but tried to hide it.
Y/N laughed "Sorry, I know you don't like my language."
Olivia quickly replied "No, it's ok. John just doesn't..Sorry, I'm doing it again. I love him but he can be a little overbearing."
"A little?"
They both laughed.
Y/N headed for the kitchen "Well, come in and have a glass of wine. I think Sissy is almost done with dinner. We're having Mama Walker's beef stroganoff."
Olivia shook her head "John doesn't like me drinking. He says it's not ladylike."
Dawn smirked and handed her a glass "Don't worry, we won't tell. Have a seat."
Olivia tentatively took the glass "Alright, just one." and sat at the table while the sisters served dinner.
Once they all sat they started talking, catching up and eating. Olivia ended up having 2 more glasses of wine before the meal was done and they were all laughing at a story Dawn shared from her work.
Once the table was cleared they nibbled on some holiday cookies Y/N made and Olivia got quiet.
Y/N put her hand over Olivia's "Is everything alright? You clammed up on us there."
Olivia looked at her nervously "I have to tell you something but I'm a little scared."
"Hey, we're family here. You can tell us anything." Dawn encouraged.
Olivia cleared her throat. "Well, I don't think I'm supposed to know about this but." She paused and took a deep breath "Well, Michael came by the house last week. Which was strange because I don't think he really likes John. But they were in the den talking and I wasn't trying to listen but they were both pretty loud and" she paused and looked at Y/N who nodded. "I didn't hear the details but they were going to try to do something to get Sargent Barnes pardon revoked. Make it look like he caused some kind of trouble" her words rushed out.
"I don't know exactly but it's not right. He paid his dues for something that wasn't his fault in the first place and Y/N you deserve to be happy and loved after everything with Mike. I don't know why John hates you so much or wants to interfere but I felt like you should know, maybe you can warn him. I know they're on the same mission right now." She looked at them, then at her hands in her lap and whispered "Please don't tell him I said anything"
Y/N and Dawn looked at each other and sighed. Y/N took Olivia's hand "Don't worry, we have a lot of experience keeping secrets from Johnny, you're safe."
Olivia teared up "You two have always been here for me, even when John has been so awful and I thought I needed to say something to you."
Y/N smiled "Thank you for telling us. I haven't spoken to James since he left but when I do I'll tell him to watch out." Her expression became angry "I'll find a way to get Michael to confess at dinner on Sunday. I might have to kick his ass myself."
Olivia looked shocked "Oh please don't hurt him. I know he's doing it out of love, he's just misguided."
Y/N sighed "That may be but sometimes a slap upside the head is necessary to get his thinking right. He truly is his fathers son. Stubborn and can't admit he's wrong. Don't worry, I won't hurt him too much"
They cleaned up and Olivia called a cab to go home.
After she left Dawn and Y/N smoked a joint and discussed the situation, working on a plan to get Michael to spill his secrets.
@supraveng @cjand10 @440mxs-wife @kandis-mom @dtba-grey81 @calwitch
Chapter 8
#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes fanfiction#james bucky barnes x reader#james bucky barnes#bucky barnes x you#angst with a happy ending#just a number
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Hey sissy
Spill your favorite Munkustrap designs NOW
Normal and fancy ones
JJ what is the point of going Anonymous if your just going to tell me it's you.....
Anyway here he is
Broadway 1996 (Michael Gruber)
Hamburg 1991 (Tee Jaye)
Paris 1989 (Matthew Jessner)
1998 Film (Michael Gruber)
Nagoya 1999 (Shoichi Fukui)
Yokohama 2009 (Kiyomichi Shiba)
Berlin 2002-04 (Jack Rebaldi)
Copenhagen 2002 (Mats Hellgren)
Moscow 2005 (Ivan Ozhogin)
South Korea 2008 (Hong Gyeong-su)
UK Tour 2018 (Jak Skelly)
UK Tour 2019 (Luke Fraser Yates)
Asia Tour 2020 South Korea 2020 (Rafe Watts)
Gothenburg 2006
Kilworth House Theatre 2019
Tecklenburg 2015
santiago 2024
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Every sapphic movie, show or book I like:
(* = favorites)
Bend It Like Beckham (lesbian/trans coded)
Black Swan
*Bodies Bodies Bodies
But I'm A Cheerleader
Dating Amber
*Death Becomes Her (sapphic coded)
Do Revenge
*Everything Everywhere All At Once
Fear Street
Fucking Åmål
*Ginger Snaps (sapphic/queer coded)
Hearts Beat Loud
Heart Shot
*Jennifer's Body
Joy Ride (I think one of the MCs is sapphic?)
My Days Of Mercy
*My First Summer
Nope (Sapphic sister I think?)
Polite Society (either a lesbian or aroace mc)
Princess Cyd
Rye Lane (Sapphic coded MC)
Saint Maud
Saving Face
Set It Off
*Shiva Baby
The Fallout
The Half Of It
The Handmaiden
The Incredibly True Adventure of 2 Girls In Love
*The Miseducation Of Cameron Post
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
*A League Of Their Own
Adventure Time
*A Kind Of Spark (Keedie is not hetero)
*Anne With An E (sapphic coded)
American Horror Story
Black Cake
Derry Girls
Druck (seasons 5&6)
Everything Now
Everything Sucks (problematic actor age gap)
Everything's Gonna Be Okay
Faking It
First Kill
Gap: The Series
Gentleman Jack
*Good Omens
Grease: Rise Of The Pink Ladies
*Heartbreak High
I Am Not Okay With This
Killing Eve
Little Fires Everywhere
Motherland Fort Salem
One Day At A Time
Our Flag Means Death
*Paper Girls
Sex Education
Stranger Things
*Such Brave Girls
Teenage Bounty Hunters
*The Boys + Gen V
The Formal (tiktok/youtube series)
*The Good Place
The Haunting Of Bly Manor
The Last Of Us
The Legend Of Korra
*The Owl House
*The Power
*The Sex Lives Of College Girls
The White Lotus
*The Wilds
Warrior Nun
We Are Lady Parts
*What We Do In The Shadows
While The Men Are Away
Wo der Egg Priority
Xo, Kitty
Ace Of Spades
*A Dowry Of Blood
Black Cake
*Black Girl, Call Home
Burn Down, Rise Up
Cinderella Is Dead
Clap When You Land
Crier's War
Dear Medusa
Girls Of Paper And Fire
Hani And Ishu's Guide To Fake Dating
*Her Body And Other Parties
Honey Girl
House Of Hunger
If You Still Recognise Me
It Goes Like This
In The Dream House
In The Ravenous Dark
I Who Have Never Known Men
You're Not Supposed To Die Tonight
*Keedie + A Kind Of Spark
Last Night At The Telegraph Club
*Legendborn (Sapphic SC)
Loveless (Sapphic SCs)
Music From Another World
Nothing Burns As Bright As Her
Not My Problem
Our Wives Under The Sea
Parachutes (Sapphic SC)
Perfect On Paper
Radio Silence
Rise To The Sun
She Gets The Girl
She Drives Me Crazy
*She Who Became The Sun
Siren Queen
The Chosen And The Beautiful
The Falling In Love Montage
The Girls I've Been
The Henna Wars
The Jasmine Throne
*The Kyoshi Novels
*The Locked Tomb Series
*The Mirror Season
The Nature Of Witches
*The Priory Of The Orange Tree
The River Has Teeth
*The Unbroken
These Witches Don't Burn
Graphic Novels:
*Are You Listening
Hi-Fi Club
Jook Joint
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me
*On A Sunbeam
*Paper Girls
The Avant-Guards
*The Tea Dragon Society
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Sissy XO performing at red gate on january 20th. theyre a really awesome cybergrind band.
Heres their bandcamp!
#punk#diy#diy punk#queer punk#trans punk#jisei grind#local punks#vancouver punk scene#vancouver punk#vancouver bc#live music recording#live music#moshing#mosh pit#punk show#my videos#Bandcamp
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4 Cool Gay / queer artists and for pride this year (2023)
I wanted to help some queer and ally musicians boost their songs. As a trans-woman I think its important to understand that pride is important as much as change. Focusing on the hardships we have faced is very important but our victories are much more. So here are some (4) artists I (rose) recommend for pride.
Mikie mayo (any/all pronouns).
Mikie mayo (aka bunny boy) is a definitely hard to pin down Philly musician and occasional roller-coaster content creator. Mikie can be seen dabbling anything from indie pop, easycore, scene metalcore with bay area and internet rapper legend Lil B, scene electropop hyperpop, eurodance and dance pop about roller coasters and go karts, to beach pop, generally being pretty much a banger machine. Mikie's music is like ice cream w/ your favorite toppings on a warm summer day, very good and sugary sweet.
(photos by cam.i.z on ig)

these are my favorite songs / music videos by mikie mayo
Mikie has requested I let you know they have a new song about their partner and the couch they have.
click here to pre-save.
(photo by @ h0t_t0xiic on IG, couch and art by mikie's partner @ HoneyHatCompositions on IG )

FFO: eichlers, falloutboy, I set my friends on fire, dynasticc, dreamrats, cedar point amusement park, glaive, 100 gecs, etc.

(photos by rae mystic)
We Are The Union
I'm gonna cut to the chase on this one. If you want an emotional experience as a trans woman / transfemme or really any trans person to make you not feel alone and like ska / ska punk listen to Ordinary Life by we are the union. the first time I heard morbid obsessions I was working a part time (as full time really) at home depot in my small hometown in pa. I felt like as a trans woman and generally depressed person I couldn't be myself and go back to school. My boss there was the most transphobic piece of shit, and he always misgendered me and but me down. it wasn't until I quit that job and when I shifted to being myself inspired by my thoughts at the time that I accepted that I was fully a trans woman. I really related and still relate to Miss Reade Wolcott and her struggles with gender identity and be a trans woman in a transphobic world but also like her I am who I am. I would also could relate to jer and their struggles of being boxed in music genres and having what they love constantly undermined and diminished / not taken what I have to say seriously as a queer person.
FFO: New Tone, hoity toity, catbite, Eichlers, Bad operation, Kill Lincoln, etc.
Genres: ska pop, ska punk, alternative ska.

(photo by jtphotos)
Jisei (leda xo its/its and alexis she/they)
Jisei are the best queergrind band I have ever heard. the most raw queer emotions I have ever heard. Some of the best riffs I have ever heard. Imagine deathcore for the girls and the gays. The duo also make the most real lyrics I have heard in a while. For example one of I think the most topical songs they have had is "Pull Yrself Up by Your Pleasers". Pull Yrself Up by Your Pleasers being about christian nationalism and the alt-right abusing and tearing away the seperation of church and state without seeing a hint of irony. I hate the "Just asking questions" transphobia , and even though that might seem like solely a usa proving that Jisei hailing from vancouver proves that transphobia is a worldwide issue and if so called "cis allies" aren't for us 100+ %, fuck 'em.
FFO: Thotcrime, Sissy xo, hopscotch battlescars, Suicide Silence, and a lovely day for bloodshed.
Genres: Cybergrind, cyberdeath, deathgrind, deathcore, queercore and queergrind

(band photo by shutter happy jose)
last on the list here we have the one of the most popular queer scenecore bands ever. see you space cowboy. the most gay and hard band at the same time they well as sass as much as hardcore. Picture if saosin, the devil wears prada, or thrice, and/or attack attack! were queer and trans and say exclaimed faggot as fun mosh call. That would be see you space cowboy, started by brother and sister connie and ethan, seeyouspacecowboy is one of the most popular bands in screamo, metalcore and hardcore, and scenecore all at the same time. will excellent songwriting and angsty queer lyrics complimented with crushing riffs and piercing panic chords, seeyouspacecowboy will worm your way into your heart and crush your rib-cage at the same time. As a fan of vocalist connie sgarbossa, she was one of the people who helped me come out as a trans woman in the first place. The fact that a queer trans woman who screamed and force herself to the front inspirational. Yeah the fact we have to be forced to be heard kinda sucks, but it can be done and her presence in the scene made that very well known. Also it kinda helps that they spread the word on trans liberation and mental health from and trans and queer perspective and what can be done to combat transphobia in a very passionate and heartfelt way. I highly recommend their whole catolgue from their sass/whitebelt eras, to their metallic hardcore stuff, to mall scenecore era currently.
Genres: Scenecore, sasscore, whitebelt, queercore, "screamo", mall screamo, metalcore, scene metalcore, hardcore, metallic hardcore.
FFO: attack attack!, tdwp, i set my friends on fire, lacerated, thrice, norma jean, and underoath etc.
pride should be celebrated.
one last thing from a trans woman,
gender doesn't always equal sex.
gendered pronouns / pronouns in general have existed since the beginning of time.
drag queens aren't always trans.
trans people don't care about where you pee and where you are, they just wanna pee in their gendered bathroom.
cis isn't a slur.
terf isn't a slur.
leave trans people alone.
#Youtube#Bandcamp#mikie mayo#we are the union#jisei#see you space cowboy#post-genre#post hardcore#indie music#folk#beach#scene rap#scenecore#scene kid#hyperscene#hyperpop#eurodance#europop#lilbfeature#ska#skapunk#gender stuff#gender affirming care#queer stuff#trans stuff#gender identity#trans ska#queergrind#queercore#queer music
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As you can see, Sissy Missy is a model student at Diaperina Academy 😭 🥰
@sissymissyxo @incognitoelizabeth @2inchchelsea @friendzoneloser @sissy-xo-ix @balletbettydoll 🍼
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Send me a text sissy slut and you’ll never regret it☺️
Hmm, big promise....but I'm here to play.
That said, I'm not paying for anything. xo
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Happy happy birthday @sunflowergirl73! Thank you for being such a lovely friend with a big heart! What a year it's been and I'm proud of you for rising above it all and also of your success with @dad-bod-tuesday! ❤
This anon is redeemable for some great drama-free shenanigans and celebrations with this hoe! *wink wink* 😉🎉🎉

Hello there and thank you so much for stopping by SS today to wish my Sissy @sunflowergirl73 a Happy Birthday week. ❤️🤗😘
GUESS WHO Sissy 🤔😁
#Secret Sunday
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EP(S) of the Year - Rose
5. sysc/iidf - A Sure Disaster
Post-Hardcore mall screamo IS back (while I classify sysc as scenesass but whatever). at least that's what the homies at seeyouspacecowboy, and if i die first would like me to believe. and I AGREE! This one of my favorite splits this year. with clean choruses and skronky mathy panic chords this ep has something for every emo boy and girl.
4. converge/chelsea wolfe - bloodmoon: 1
I really loved last month (as of writing this) I thoroughly enjoyed listen to the converge / Chelsea Wolfe split (collab album?). similar to the Lou Reed and Metallica album ”lulu”. this collab see a similar purpose to “lulu” in the sense that it takes a metal or heavy rock artist and pairs them with an artists outside of there genre. this time its the pairing of metal/mathcore legends converge and gothic folk and doom metal singer and multi-instrumentalist Chelsea Wolfe. I didn't have many criticisms for this collab, the writings good, the mixes and instrumentation are fantastic! The only criticism is the album while nice and good is slowed to a glacial pace in certain spots of the record. I know this a sludge and doom record. I just would rather not listen to an hour of doom. otherwise good start and I’m looking forward to part 2
3. Glaive // EricDOA then I’ll be happy / / Glaive - All dogs go to heaven.
with both eps back to back coming out, hyper pop legends glaive and ericdoa have coming out with bangers back to back from august to october of this year. All dogs go to heaven goes in a twinkly midwest emo, bass heavy, indie rock direction, with then I’ll be happy going a more synthpop, r&b, pop rap direction. while I prefer all dogs go to heaven and for the sake of argument and listings I combined them, then I’ll be happy has bangers too such as “mental anguish”, ‘fuck this town”, and Cloak and Dagger”.
2. DREG - Praxis I: Turbine Blade Gore
I might be biased that my two favorite eps this year were my friends but I’m not wrong. my number two is dreg. dreg is a band I became friends with via the cybergrind scene. Devin and the gang are immaculate at there song composition and song structures. I love there technological imagery connection to the music. Devin said (interview soon) that this choice was inspired by the lyricism of coheed and cambria, and it shows. other comparisons on tracks “Turbine Blade Gore”, are often compared meshuggah, blind equation who features on that track even commented... “I didn’t know I needed sassy meshuggah-esque hardcore but now I know.” So if you enjoy proto-djent and sassy vocals this is definitely for you.
and NUMBER 1
1. SISSY XO - the first set ever (live ep)
the smashing, screeching/scratching and noise experimentation of leda’s mac book while captured on video will never be matched to seeing it live on the alien heart records twitch. all improvised by the duo. it (leda goes by it/its ) & nikko (nikko by they/them). the first set ever is a ethereal, otherworldly yet insane and crazed live experience. songs such as “keep staring at me like that and I'll fuck your dad.“ is a cry for white/cis allyship to be normal occurrence out of love and not for token ally brownie points. I’d recommend using a good pair of headphones for this one sis. thank you leda for being a great friend - rose.
#sludgemetal#screamo#emo#sasscore#poppunk#hyperpop#glaive#if i die first#see you space cowboy#a sure disaster#bloodmoonpart1#chelsea wolfe#twinkly emo#r&b/hip hop#indie#midwestemo#synthpop#2ndwavehyperpop#dreg#cybergrind#cybersass#sissyxo#BIGMONEYCYBERGRIND
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