#sisi talking
sisi-sarsoura · 2 months
Warning: this is an emotional writing about me failing my bachelor and what happened to me today (there will be some little disturbing stuff, you've been warned)
Today was the most heart breaking day I've ever had in my life with the bachelor, not because its the first time I've failed it, that was not the problem I don't care if I failed it again, I've got a shock attack of what happened before me knowing that I failed
so I was waiting for the official site of the bachelor result to open, as I got a call from my father that my school got some results early and they got mine, and they said that I had a 13.08/20, and I was overwhelmed by the happiness as I rolled in tears and got on the ground smiling as my mom cried with me joy tears, I was so happy I've never got a 13 before since I was a middle school, as I believed that I really worked on this year's bachelor, but after exactly 40 minutes, something happened
My father called again, as he said that the result that my school gave him was a mistake, they said that they've been wrong with my name and they gave me my cousin's result that lives right down my feet, since we share the same family name...
I had a shock attack as I heard my mom said: SHE DIDN'T GOT IT??! I fell on the ground half unconscious, as my mom panicked as she yelled at my father for not telling us sooner, she was way weaker than me she doesn't know how to handle these kind of situations, right now she is still trying to hold her tears and trying to calm down for the past 7 hours from what happened
As for me, I was on the ground as my younger brothers helped each other laying me on the wall, I couldn't move, I couldn't talk, I couldn't cry, I couldn't do anything, I only tried to move my eyeballs only slightly trying to look and process what was happening around me, which I didn't, my father came and tried to calm my mom, as he was shocked to see me on the ground sitting and unable to move, both of my grandma and aunt tried to talk to me, I couldn't listen, they tried to wake me up from the ground, that didn't work either, my dad even slapped me to gain some conscious, that didn't work too and didn't even felt the slap, I was on the ground only looking at the wall beside me, not even trying to blink for an hour and a half, as my mom stoped crying loudly and only swinged back and forth, I got up, gave my father my laptop to double check on my actual result, and went to my room, layed on the bed on the opposite side, I finally felt the pain from the shock earlier, it was painful, really painful, but luckily my other aunts and uncle called me from the US and canada and told me that all my aunts and uncles redone their bachelors more than two times when they were on my time and age, they convinced me that faillng mine is not really something to be really worried, and everything should be okay you really don't have to be worried, I wasn't shocked about the fact that I failed it, what I was shocked about is that me thinking that I got my bachelor was a lie, this was gave me a heart attack and almost died at this point
I am fine right now, only my eyes tired from crying both from happiness and pain i felt before as i am writing this, sorry if i made some of you upset from reading this, and i know that some of you dosn't understand why all of this happened from a bachalor degree and why am i crying over it, as i learned that both Americans and Europeans doesn't necessarily need a bachalor degree to go to university, as for me as an algerian, i need to have a bachalor degree for every specialty that exist in a university that i attend to, and if i don't have it, i either drop out from school, or redo my bachelor without school or with it, so that's why i'm sad and shocked
thanks for every friend that suported me with my bachelor, i've got a 9,80/20 (which its close to the passing degree 10,00/20) , its sad that i lost this one too like last year, but i'm not giving up yet, i am redoing it again next year, but without school this time
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maddiesbookshelves · 3 months
I was supposed to read a silly little historical romance about Sisi on my trip to Vienna, but instead I read a book with an ending so frustrating that I went to bed angry last night and woke up still grumpy about it
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minophus · 2 months
sisyphus would probably get SUCH a kick out of poking fun at gabriel and joking about his decapitation
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laurapetrie · 2 years
She was a princess in a snow globe, a cream puff in fabric form.
Gigi Griffis, The Empress
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
Niche history ramble(also boy king mention at the end ofc) //
I was reading abt Maximillian I today, the second Habsburg emperor, bcs ive prev read about his father who I think is very interesting. But omg somehow this guy is even more interesting, but in a completely different way(I like his father Frederick III bcs I think his life is very funny ooc, but Maximilian I is genuinely really cool!) Also it's surprising to me that it took me this long to read about him, considering I very vividly remember seeing his portrait in a museum in Vienna. It's weird looking at it being used as the display pic for his wiki page bcs im like ...I've seen that in real life omg....
He's referred to as "The Last Knight"(as well as being nicknamed "Heart of Steel") And god I love now having random knowledge, cause I'm reading this like "ha, how very Don Quixote of him" and then the very next line in the biography was like, historians question whether he genuinely was like a knight or if he was a Don Quixotic figure 😭😭 glad to see I was on mark. Anyways, I wonder if Cervantes knew abt this, like I wonder if him being popularized as the last knight was a widely known thing back then. It's funny how Don Quixote was written at the end of the 16th century, but even back in the beginning of the century, being a knight was still kinda an outdated thing. I like how the two views on Maximillian I are either that he was the Last Knight or the first Rennaisance prince who had Machiavellian ideals. It fits into my weird obsession w those two works(The Prince and Don Quixote)
Anyways that being said. Boy King au Fernando is def like this, except he has literally nothing to back it up djfkkglg. Like at least Maximilian I was actually out there being insane. Fernando just sits in his cozy reading room, fantasizing while reading The Prince, and commissioning suits of armor as decoration(thats what he says. The real purpose is to dress up in them so he can feel cool.) I think this is honestly a reason he goes along with the marriage. He begrudgingly finds Seb's family history to be very cool and interesting, and he isn't opposed to being around it 🤭 Well, begrudgingly isn't the right word. He's very earnestly obsessed with it, but he can never tell Seb that bcs Seb will literally never let it go.
Seb just finds him staring up at paintings of Seb's ancestors, and Fernando, tears in eyes, hand on his heart, proclaims "I'll continue your legacy!!!" Seb is both mocking him like "he's not even your relative" but also has tears in his eyes like omg he's my family 🥺 he's accepted being my family 🥹
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bunniesandbeheadings · 9 months
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I don’t even go to Empress Sissi school, but I’m still so hyped for this to drop on Lingopie. I just thirst for them to get more historical anything content and when they finally feed me a scrap I get enthused.
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kris-the-yan · 5 months
Neurodivergent characters in Super Monkey Ball
Only one of these has a canon name for their disorder, the rest are implied so much that they may potentially be canon too
1. Doctor
-> Out of everyone, Doctor is the only character who has a label for his disorder, which is amnesia. And although it isn't entirely accurate representation of amnesia, it also isn't terrible as they don't portray him in a way that creates a mockery of amnesiac people in general.
-> besides that, he's also incredibly smart, so his IQ has to be through the roof practically, so maybe giftedness? Either way, he is portrayed as someone who is well-respected among individuals (hence the name Doctor, which was given by the public) (also I imagine when he was in school he was super popular due to his high intelligence)
2. YanYan
Probably not canon, but then again she litterally shows these in the games so it may be so
To start I would say she possibly shows **a few** signs of autism and although they never said anything about her having it, I feel like she probably does
-> For one thing, she **absolutely cannot sit still, AT ALL.** as seen in the games, she's constantly moving around, even when sitting down, something some sensory-seeking autistic people experience
-> Another thing, she is canonically described as being "fearless," which gets me thinking, maybe she doesn't fear anything even when it potentially puts her life in danger (for example a moving car headed her direction) (they probably mean she doesn't fear any bad guy she faces, but still).
-> Oh yeah SUPER MONKEY BALL BOUNCE AND she's the only one out of everyone who cries when she was kidnapped. Not just teary, watery eyes, I mean FULL ON WAILING which is kind of surprising because for someone who's supposedly "fearless," she's just there letting her emotions out. But why does she cry this much? Maybe it was the feeling of that green gooey web that she's tied up with, perhaps she hates the feeling of it and it upset her to the point of crying?
-> Also she's apparently shy, which honestly contradicts her actually being "fearless," but anyway, some autistic people are shy (depends on where they are on the spectrum), and although not all shy people are autistic, she could be since she experiences some of the other things (the constantly moving around is a big thing)
-> Also I think she has a lack of social awareness because she canonically has a crush on AiAi and even flirts with him even though their biological son is **right there** so shouldn't she be aware of that already? My prediction is that they throw hints and cues that any allistic person would understand and go "ok so I guess I can't date him because he's married and they have a son from the future" but YanYan doesn't seem to understand any of that, instead thinks she can still have a chance with him
3. Jam
-> Ok so this one's rather short but absentmindedness and hyperactivity are both signs of ADHD and since Jam shows both of these... :)
4. Pospos
-> I've went in-depth with this but he canonically shows signs of anomic aphasia or dysmonia, which is when you have trouble retrieving the correct words from memory, which happens to him a lot. He has trouble remembering names, which actually interferes with his job and ability to communicate overall. This is shown in-game when he struggles to remember the names of people he has to deliver mail to. He also seems to not make very good eye contact and shows signs of being shy, which I believe his disorder leads to.
5. Sisi
-> So, normally people wouldn't have to have pictures of everyone they meet to tell whether or not they exist, but just that one like tells everything ("I take pictures of everybody I meet, it's the only way I know they really exist"). The only explanation I can think of is he deals with hallucinations, specifically people. It may be only one line but he could possibly be schizo-spec because again, that piece of dialogue implies he hallucinates people and therefore takes pictures of everyone as the only real way of knowing whether they're real or not
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archduchessofnowhere · 9 months
Episode 4 done! This series just dgaf anymore about anything lol
I have a lot of thoughts but I'm going to boil it down to the one thing that has been bothering me since the beginning of the season: I can't stand Sisi. She has become the charicature many authors make of the real Elisabeth, the utterly selfish woman that only lives for pleasure and thinks of no one but herself. Which would be fine as a character arc (I don't love it but character regression is an arc nonetheless) but I just don't feel that is how it's being presented. Sisi taking Rudolf in the middle of the night without even a lady to help her was stupid, her trusting a random woman and agreeging to travel with her was even more stupid, her leaving Rudolf with the father of the random woman while she goes out is the most stupid thing. But the way things so far have been framed, Sisi is in the right because we know (solely because of hindsight) that the military training is going to be awful for Rudolf. It's only in episode 4 where Sisi's actions have been presented as, if not wrong, at least mistaken, but to me she has been wrong the entire season. But let's see how they wrap this up in the next two episodes.
The only positive thing I can say is that this is at least consisting with the way her character has been since season 2, in which she also made impulsive desicions without thinking on the consequences. The problem is that so far there hasn't been any consequences lol no wonder she just does whatever she wants at this point.
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labyrynth · 2 years
let’s be real for a sec: if rusong were still alive, nhs wouldn’t have hesitated in killing him
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sugaroto · 7 months
Fight scenes in action films are what songs are to musicals
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deadtothebones · 7 months
hoy me compré un perfume y conseguí el labial de nivea, blackberry shine, que no se veía hace mil años!!! peace and love on faggot earth (mi mente)
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rainofthetwilight · 8 months
biden calling egypt mexico....like omg bro we were mexicans this whole time, wallahi??? damn
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cylonbarnes · 2 years
i think my big gripes with vampire academy the show are just that everything is so rushed that no storylines, relationships, characters have any time to breathe. we have no time to understand any of this before they blast the plot forward. i've read all the books and understand everything that they're throwing in this blender, and i have to shut my brain off when watching rather than try to follow along. so many of the characters just seem completely watered-down to me, just made completely bland in this process of making Everything Happen So Fast With No Earned Character Or Relationship Development
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1-800-minji · 1 year
hi love!! how are u??? It's been a while, I hope ur doing okay ^^ I missed u a lot <3 make sure to take care of yourself and stay healthy -🥐
lili 10:46pm
MY SWEET💋 I've missed you sooooo much 😭😭 I'm doing great! how have you been? you as well hon, take care of yourself for me 🤍 sending you my love and kisses sisi💋🤍
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museenkuss · 2 years
It’s so absurd to see Sisi on my dash. It’s like tumblr took a peek into 12 year old me’s mind and went “yeah, that unlikeable eating disordered horse woman with the bad teeth and the Heine obsession sounds like the perfect it girl”
Then again, tumblr WOULD think that.
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skywarpie · 2 years
Watching The Empress on Netflix and *deep breath* yall already know what I'm gonna say
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