#sirona rabbit
maybelsart · 3 months
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New OC refs for Artfight!
I'm team stardust this year! in a surprise to no one hehe
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expecto-kedavra · 1 year
The Healer, pt. 2
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Heyo! Here's part two. My brain went down some rabbit holes while I was drafting, so it may steer away from the original idea, especially in future parts. Hope you still enjoy!
Pt. 1
Pt. 3
Pt. 4
Sebastian spent most of his time in the Undercroft. When he walked in, my heart sank. He looked even worse than when I last saw him, thinner, ragged. His cheeks were sunken and his eyes were bloodshot. I hoped to all things magical that this would help. "Hello, Sebastian." Ominis said nonchalantly. "Nice to see you here." I stifled a giggle. Sebastian glanced at Ominis, and made a small grunt in response. "You know, I never noticed before, but that shade of green really brings out your eyes. It compliments your skin tone quite nicely." Sebastian turned, and looked at Ominis. "Very funny. Now leave me be." It was at that moment that the sun shone in just well enough to brighten the dark room. Sebastian looked into Ominis' eyes. And Ominis looked back, grinning from ear to ear. Sebastian shot up. "Ominis. Can you see me?" he asked, peering into Ominis' eyes from different angles. "That I can. But with the state of your hair, I wish I couldn't." Sebastian let out a joyful cry and grabbed Ominis, dancing him around the Undercroft. I laughed, and joined in. "How? Why? Huh?" Sebastian rattled. "Miracle Tears." I said proudly. Proud of the potion, not the name. "Hmm. Name needs some work." Sebastian laughed, and my heart soared. It was amazing. It seemed that a glint of our old friend had returned. "Come, Ominis. We must show you the world!" He said, and looped his arms through ours. "Sebastian, wait. I believe this could heal Anne." I said. He froze. "After all that has happened." He said softly. "I would always give anything to have her healed. Even though she's left me." He straightened. "The time for that will come. Now, we need to show Ominis how unbearably ugly Duncan Hobbhouse is."
The day was filled with laughter and fun. Everyone we passed stared at us, confused. They had never seen Ominis so cheerful. Poppy and Natty stopped us in Hogsmeade. "Woah." Ominis blurted when Poppy ran up to us. "What?" She said defensively. "MERLIN OMINIS YOU'RE LOOKING AT ME!" She shouted, realizing that Ominis was looking at her and not above her. She got up on her tiptoes to stare into his eyes. Natty, Sebastian and I laughed at her behavior. "Yes, I am. I didn't quite expect you to be so...well, small." She placed her hands on her hips and glared up at him. "Just cause I am so happy for you, I will let it slide. This time" She said through gritted teeth. We all laughed and headed into the Three Broomsticks. Sirona was delighted to hear the news, and treated us to complimentary Butterbeer. "May you view the world with wonder and awe." she toasted, and we followed suit. It was wonderful to see Ominis so happy, but even better to see Sebastian's smile again. It had been so long, I had forgotten the sound of my old friends laugh, and it put me at ease knowing he was improving. I knew he was avoiding the Anne topic, but for now he deserved to be happy. He was able to show his best friend things he could only describe before, and I knew it was just as amazing for him as it was for Ominis.
We informed Professor Weasley of our wonderful news. She too was delighted to see my two best friends both happy. We returned to the Undercroft, and sat down by the triptych. Unfortunately, not all the professor's viewed our remarkable breakthrough with enough awe to give us less homework. As I opened my Astronomy notebook, my brain drifted to other topics. I knew that the Anne conversation had to come sooner or later. I hadn't spoken with her since Ominis and I visited her in Romania. Learning about dragons, she was. The truth was that she missed us all dearly, Sebastian most of all. But she knew what he had done, and was desperately trying to stick to her guns. She had taken to travelling the world in an attempt to learn more about it, saying it distracted her from the missing piece inside of her. The piece that was her brother. That was several months ago. This had to work. I didn't know if it would convince her to come back, to return to Hogwarts. I hoped it would, but I was unsure if it would heal the rift between her and Sebastian. "Can I meet the Unicorns?" Ominis' voice snapped me back to reality. "Well, technically you already have." Sebastian said sarcastically. Ominis glared back. "You know what I mean." I laughed. 'Of course! You'll need to thank Diana for her contribution." The three of us spent the next several hours in the Vivariums with Poppy. She'd never pass up a creature related adventure. She pointed out all the different and incredible features on each of the beasts, and Ominis was loving it.
Later that night, in the common room, Sebastian had an idea. "What if we healed Sharp's leg?" Ominis choked on the apple he was eating. "You despise Sharp!" He said, spitting out the chunk of fruit. "Well, yes, but maybe this would help him be a bit nicer!" It was a good idea. "I'll brew some more, if Helios and Diana are willing to share. For now though, let's get some rest." We all needed it. Ominis had been dragging us all across the Highlands, demanding to know what everything was. "Good idea." Sebastian agreed. As we climbed into our beds, Sebastian and I lay awake for a moment. "You know, I truly am sorry. You had every right to turn me in. I killed an innocent man." I could tell he truly felt the guilt. "Ha. You can make it up to taking Ominis to the Mooncalf Den in the Forest tomorrow. It's a full moon and he'd love to see them dance." I knew that he knew that wasn't enough. It would be for now. He agreed with a laugh, and said good night. I sat there, thinking about his words. Killed an innocent man. Innocent. Something felt off with that. I shoved the thought to the back of my head and drifted off into sleep.
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themculibrary · 8 months
Armor Kink Masterlist
1,2,3 Switch (ao3) - StarkLover3000 tony/stephen E, 2k
Summary: What happens when the student becomes the teacher? Tony takes control of his Doctor Strange.
down the rabbit hole (ao3) - starvels (dinosaur) iron man/steve/tony E, 25k
Summary: Steve spends an entire afternoon at the mercy of the Iron Man armor.
He gets exactly what he asks for, and then some.
Hold Me Down (ao3) - tinystark616 steve/tony E, 1k
Summary: Steve asks Tony to wear one of his iron man suits and hold his wrists down during sex.
Tony gives Steve what he wants, and more.
in all and any of your skins (ao3) - Anonymous steve/tony M, 1k
Summary: Steve has a thing for Tony.
Steve has a thing for Iron Man.
This is a problem, until it really isn't.
In Every Way That Matters (ao3) - Sineala steve/tony M, 8k
Summary: There are bright things about the future, and Steve's friendship with Iron Man is one of the brightest. So what if he doesn't know who the man under the mask is? That's not going to stop Steve from wanting his friendship, or even from wanting something more.
Lust’s Effect is Tempest After Sun (ao3) - xDinahQueenx steve/tony E, 4k
Summary: Steve gets dosed with sex pollen, Tony is there for him.
Mark Sixty-Nine (ao3) - Amuly steve/tony, iron man/steve/tony E, 4k
Summary: Tony is irritated that Steve's first hug-and-fly wasn't with him. As the source of many of Steve's other "firsts", Tony has a brilliant idea of how he could take one more. Specifically, Steve's first time being fucked by a machine.
Mark XXX (ao3) - Robin_tCJ steve/tony/iron man (armour) E, 4k
Summary: Oh, look, another filthy, filthy threesome porn. This time, it's Steve/Tony/Iron Man Armour. No plot, mostly porn with a little bit of cracky humour. It's dirty, and I'm sorry.
No I'm not. I'm not sorry. You know what, you're all down here in the muck with me.
not the last time (ao3) - tinystark616 steve/tony E, 1k
Summary: Tony finds out about Steve's armor kink and gives Steve exactly what he wants.
Prototyping (The Make the Sparks Ignite Remix) (ao3) - Sineala steve/tony E, 1k
Summary: Tony is an excellent boyfriend and an excellent engineer, and so there's no way he's going to let his brand-new sex armor fuck Steve without him trying it out himself first.
Sharp Dressed Man (ao3) - copperbadge steve/tony E, 3k
Summary: There are a lot of things you can do with a personalized suit of armor and a naked super soldier.
So turn around and I'll pick up the slack (ao3) - sirona jarvis/tony E, 4k
Summary: This… was not what Tony had in mind when he decided to design himself a new dildo. You won't hear him complaining about the results, however.
Thank you, villain! (ao3) - Just_Bill steve/tony M, 1k
Summary: Steve and Tony are hit by a truth spell. Tony finds out how much Steve likes the armour.
The Blacksmith's Tale (ao3) - buckybarnesdeservestobehappy (hutchabelle) bucky/tony E, 7k
Summary: As the local blacksmith in King Rogers’ kingdom, Tony Stark is highly skilled and in high demand for his ability to forge weapons and armor. Bucky Barnes, the king’s best friend and most talented knight in the realm, not only recognizes Tony’s skill but also commissions special armor to protect him when he rides into battle. As rumors of an impending war reach the kingdom, Tony realizes how important the armor is. Not only will it keep Bucky alive, but it might also save his heart.
The Worst (Thing You've Ever Caught Me Doing) (ao3) - tisfan iron man/tony stark E, 1k
Summary: Impulse control; that was decidedly one of Tony Stark’s biggest problems. As in, he didn’t fucking have any. Which was how he ended up spread out on his workshop table, missing most of his clothes, and being rawed by his own armor.
Torque and Friction (ao3) - BewareTheIdes15 steve/tony E, 4k
Summary: The armor is his religion. And, c'mon, does anyone really expect that Tony Stark wouldn't want to have sex with his religion? He's just never found anybody before who could handle it.
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ladies-of-fiction · 4 years
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Ladies of Seduce Me: The Otome
Heroine Mika Anderson
Eris, Laura Anderson, Lily, Lisette White
Mrs Phillips, Ms Gordon
Sirona, Tiffy
Available Routes Suzu Cappini, Naomi Patterson  
Aezera, K
Carrie, Irene, Iridessa
Noryn, Twila
Available Route Diana
Rabbit, Mirth, Fae
Repost from my general blog.
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houndofbel · 7 years
Is there a Moon goddess among the gaulish deities?
Thank you so much for your question, I’d be more than happy to help you out with this one.
Keep in mind, Gaulish gods aren’t typically in the Greek or Romans sense but instead they function slightly differently. For example, while Jupiter is the god of thunder, Taranis IS Thunder. They are themselves represented rather than aspects represented. 
That being said, to tie this back to your original query there isn’t necessarily a Goddess in the terms you might think one to be in but there is one that fufills the same type of role.
Sirona Is the Night Sky and everything the Night Sky represents, a shifting, slithering shape in the darkness speckled with starlight, but also the warm light of the Moon.  
You can learn more about her in Segomaro’s article  (in a link you won’t see on mobile) and following his listed sources at the bottom further in the rabbit hole of Academic Research.
I hope this helps!
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