wrenrix · 10 months
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something something , endless devotion to each other
something something , talking and being heard so much that someone becomes aware
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swimmingtrunks · 7 years
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At some point these stop being sketches, but shhhhhh. 
Thanks for the requests, @princevolker2788 and @sirenship! 
Honestly, it’s not the fighting that drains these two; it’s the diplomacy. 
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valtheimm · 7 years
sirenship: 🎉🎉🎉 but where's the good stuff abt Rhea after she moves in Skyrim? 😏
oh god, oh wow, you’re playing with fire here :0
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The blue heron was apparently forced into sirenship what are your thoughts on that?
He shook his head, anger clearly visible in his eyes. “Monstrous. It’s no better than slavery. It IS slavery. And it most be stopped.”
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b-raypokemontime · 7 years
❝ did you hear that? ❞ Miio asks. ((How about a quick Halloween thread while there's still time?))
@gijinkapile ((There’s always time! xD I’d be doing Halloween asks through November if I could. xD ))
“Hear what?” Balia gasped a little and turned her head to look around them. It was getting dark and she was easily spooked in the dark. She moved a little closer to Miio out of instinct.
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b-raypokemontime · 7 years
A Milotic gijinka approaches. "Excuse me, but what is this beautiful island called?" The oceans have carried Miio to many places, but rarely somewhere as lovely as this.
Balia turned from what she was doing, which was watching her team have a fun day at the beach. They all had worked hard with training and she’d accomplished a lot with her work. She figured everyone deserved a break for a while.
“Good Morning. This is Akala Island of the Islands of Alola.” her voice was a sweet soprano and her smile was gentle. Her bright green eyes looked up at this incredibly tall stranger with innocent curiosity. She knew she’d never seen this person before… but something at the back of her mind… her psychic senses were telling her that maybe she had met them before….? But when?
She didn’t want to say anything. She didn’t like broadcasting to strangers that she could feel things about them….. maybe if the feeling persisted she’d ask.
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b-raypokemontime · 7 years
!! from Miio (Exclamation description drabble meme)
Arceus…. what can’t I say about Miio? He has these big expressive eyes and they’re red. Just like his long hair. I really want to see if it’s as soft as it looks. And I’m itching to braid it back for him since he’s constantly pushing strands of it out of his face. And he’s so tall! Oh my goodness! I don’t know why but I feel like tall people could give really great hugs! And I want to hug him SOOOO MUCH
And he’s so graceful! I mean even on land. I can’t even believe any guy could be that graceful. But, well he’s a Milotic gijinka. And seriously they are gorgeous! I kind of feel like a bumbling idiot beside him sometimes.I love how gentle he can be, and his curiosity about everything new is amazing to see.
This is going to be really amazing between him and me, or it’s going to hurt like heck. And I’m so afraid of that.
He’s already so special to me. And I feel just a little less afraid of the ocean because he’s in it.
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b-raypokemontime · 7 years
📝 (Dear Diary ask meme)
Dear Diary,
I can’t seem to stop thinking about Miio. He’s very nice and I really enjoy talking with him… But I don’t understand what keeps making him upset and angry. I know it has something to do with me. I can feel that. But I can’t, for the life of me, think of what I’m doing that could be making him react like that.
I should ask him. Because whatever it is I should stop doing it. I don’t want him to be uncomfortable around me.
I… also think …. maybe I like him more than a friend. 
Why do I do this to myself? I don’t understand why I have to fall for people so fast. It always ends badly. Always.
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b-raypokemontime · 7 years
§§ (Random facts about the muse meme)
Balia can open a door with her toes if she has to. Like if she’s carrying something and can’t use her hands.
And she’s strong enough that in a desperate situation she could pick up and carry Miio to safety. xD 
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b-raypokemontime · 7 years
Send for my muse's reaction meme: ✮, ▤ from Miio
@gijinkapile Stargazing+falling asleep on them
It was a beautiful Fall evening. The moon and stars were bright and the sky was clear of clouds. And Balia and Miio were to be found on the beach. Stargazing. It was one of her favorite things to do. And as a child it never failed to calm her down. She had one or two hazy memories of sitting on her grandpa’s knee and looking up at the stars through an old telescope. One of her few memories of the quiet man who’d shared her vocal abilities. 
She was sharing what she remembered of the constellations with Miio. Smiling and speaking softly. Making a precious new memory with him.
Balia was just about to ask Miio a question when she felt something heavy fall against her, and the surprise of it sent her tumbling backwards to the sandy dune they were sitting against.
It was Miio. Miio’s head was flopped on her and she could hear light snoring from him.
“Oh…. oh boy. Miio? Miio wake up~?” she could feel that he was pretty tired. He must have swam a long way from wherever he lived just to get here to where she was. Balia wasn’t sure what was the best course of action here… but she sighed and just decided she was here till he woke up. She blushed and gently moved some strands of his hair out of his face.
“Sleep well Miio. Quiz could you pop back to the suite and get one of the blankets? He get’s cold easy.”
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b-raypokemontime · 7 years
▲ 8. kissing their neck from Miio
He was constantly surprising her! It had to have something to do with the fact that he was an ocean dweller. And the ocean was nothing if not unpredictable.
There was a storm brewing on the horizon as Balia felt Miio’s presence coming up behind her. She could smell the sharp tang of Ozone and rainwater on the breeze. And she smiled to herself. For the storm and for the wonderful person coming to meet her here. Balia loved storms. Darkness she would always be afraid of. When she was little it brought ghouls out to chase her and mess with her dreams. But Storms were comforting. 
As was Miio. For all he was a creature of the wild; Balia felt comfortable in his presence. Safe even. There was a little thrill in her as he stood behind her. Because this was still new to her and it was…. bewildering to know that he reciprocated her affections. That he saw her in the same light as she saw him. As someone to love. He, a force of nature, loved her. A small little human.
That in of itself was a surprise she was slowly getting used to. But what surprised her this time was when his long arms wrapped around her from behind, pulling her back against him. And then felt his lips press against her neck. She squeaked and shuddered slightly in his embrace. Her neck had always been super sensitive. Almost as sensitive as her back.
“M-m-miio~??” she made a stuttering question out of his name, her face bright pink.
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b-raypokemontime · 7 years
Headcanon meme! ♥ for sirenshipping
headcanon about our muses’ love life (romantic/sexual/fluffy)
It’s awkward at first. Because she being a human and Miio being an ocean creature they have different romancing rituals. So I feel like there might be a lot of asking questions about certain things and surprises. Not to mention Miio’s fear of falling/ being in love with someone. And the fear of him being hurt by that someone. Balia has that fear as well considering her father. He was a very bad person and hurt his wife and children for years. Making them feel unwanted and fearing for their lives after the divorce till they moved to One of a Kind Island.
While Miio is struggling with his anger and fear at being in love with someone Balia will be dealing with her fears of rejection and issues with self worth in regards to being in a relationship with someone. It’s going to be quite the roller-coaster. Especially if Miio pushes her away a lot while he deals with his emotions. It’s going to hurt her something awful every time. But she wouldn’t want to push him into anything he wasn’t ready for. So she’ll probably back track and try to figure out what she did wrong.
Just hug and kiss her a lot Miio. And tell her how you really feel. The good and the bad. She’s not going to hurt you. Ever. She’s going to understand better than most. And she’s the staying kind. And when they both get comfortable with each other she’s the kind that doesn’t take her partner for granted. 
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b-raypokemontime · 7 years
Whats this? It's... Suddenly Spooky! Curtains of dark seaweed cover the windows, not allowing any light in. Instead, what little light there is seems to be coming from large, purple pearls scattered across the house. There are fish bones hanging from the ceiling, because obviously that was the same thing as skeleton decorations. Miio doesn't quite understand Halloween, but he has tried his best.
At first when Balia wakes up she isn’t sure where she is, but it is definitely spooky up in here. She pulls the sheet over herself in a flash. Only to peek out from under it with the flashlight function on her phone turned on.
Balia started laughing eventually. 
“Oh my gosh, it looks like Sebastian the crab decorated the place for Halloween! Miio? Where are you? This is great! Hahaha!”
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fourthage · 6 years
Tagged by @blithers
Rules: Post 10 gifs from your favorite tv shows without revealing their titles, and tag 10 people.
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Tagging the last ten people in my activity feed: @agentzaftig, @lorna-ka, @evildespotfrommoon, @yoruhiiragizawa, @ferociousqueak, @keroseem, @sirenship, @geth-outta-here, @probablylostrightnow, @feishade
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valtheimm · 7 years
look who’s back from under their rock! *yells*
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