#sirens lament au
ghost-bxrd · 3 months
-ore I cannot agree with the proposed hypothesis on swarm behavior amongst mer species. Too little is known of how the frequencies of the sounds tentatively dubbed as “siren song” affect the human nervous system. And nothing at all suggests that mer are similarly affected by this frequency as humans.
Lamentations therefore seem to be an occurrence not only dictated by the sirens themselves, but also by the various congregating mer species that may gather at the site without attacking one another, despite being natural enemies.
Sirens may-
File Notes:
Recovered physical fragment on the refutation of swarm behavior in mer species, as well as several hypotheses on the effect of Siren Song on the human brain. See data file 3184 for full version. Researcher: [REDACTED], status: deceased
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spookystar29 · 1 year
"Siren's Lament" cover
by the amazing @nitemirz
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candycryptids · 4 months
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Found it ~ this is from November ‘22 I was visually exploring au’s for Chuu and Talia 🥰
“You can’t be real. This has to be some sort of hallucination because I spent 36 consecutive hours staring at schematics and putting together a Node, and finally went outside for a breather to get Cid off my blasted back.”
“We could always find out. If it’s a dream, you’ll wake up before you drown, right?”
“….. and if it’s not a dream?”
“Take my hand and find out.”
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luniise-kel · 9 months
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yuri shuake au,,, theyre mermaids, its like siren’s lament but someone tries to kill akiren by pushing him into the water (i havent finished siren’s lament)
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jadededge · 10 months
Siren | Christian Yu - Ch. 2
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Pairing: Christian x You
Genre: Demon AU, Romance, Smut, slight Horror
Rating: M
Summary: That voice. It started calling me during the darkest moments of the night, like a siren luring me further into the deep and it has continued for weeks.
Wattpad | AO3   (will likely always update these 2 places first)  
Navigation: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
I'm awake. "I'm awake. What was that?" My heart was racing as I tried to cling to the details of what I'm sure was just a dream. A very vivid dream. But it felt so real. As I tried to sit up, I wince. My body is sore all over but I can't remember what happened to me.
After laying for what felt like hours, I got up to get ready for work. I slowly make my way to the mirror and take a look at myself. "What is that?!" I zero in on a strange bruise just below my right breast. It's got a funny shape, but I cant remember exactly how it got there.
In the distance of my mind I vaguely recall bits of what happened in the dream but with every passing moment I forget more and more, including his name. I can only see clearly his eye, his eyes. And that voice.
Shrugging off the unease that crept up my spine, I continued my routine, inspecting my body for anymore abnormalities. I wasn't looking forward to going to sleep that night but I told myself, just get through today and worry about that later.
Though, since that day, I stopped hearing the voice. The first couple of nights, I was afraid to fall asleep. I was afraid I would be lured back into his or its lair. But nothing. I slept peacefully for quite a few days. On the sixth day, I chalked it up to my imagination. The bruise disappeared, and I slowly began to go back to normal. His eye, his eyes, and that voice were the only memories of the dream that remained.
On the 7th day, however, my literal world turned upside down.
"I'm exhausted. How much longer must we carry this load." My coworker Kira laments as we chat during lunch at a café near the office. "It's been 3 weeks since Jason got fired and we're still carrying these extra assignments."
"I know. I didn't think he was the type to steal. He's honestly the best director I've worked for. You know, other than the stealing thing." I add.
She nods, "Same! I heard they may be close to finding someone. They need to hurry it along. We've got a deadline and a butt load to go."
I nod in agreement.
Once we arrived back at the office, we noticed quite a few people up and gathering around one of the manager's door. Another coworker Andrew is hanging back and looking on.
"What's going on?" I ask.
"Boss found a replacement for Jason. Guess they finalized everything over lunch." He whispers to Kira and I.
"Oh wow! I wonder if he's cute." Kira says excitedly causing Jason to roll his eyes.
I can't clearly see the new person from where we're standing. But just as the crowd parts slightly, I get a clear view, and my heart stops.
I gasp and freeze in place. "You okay?" Kira asks.
I can't answer and my vision tunnels. As if he sensed me, he turns to me and stares directly into my eyes and smiles slowly, a bright devious smile. I start to panic.
"I'm uh. I'm okay. I just need to sit down for a second." I retreat to my office quickly and shut the door.
"It's him. I- I can't remember what he did but it's him. How?" I start panicking. I really wanted to go home. I can't think straight and there's no way I'm going to get any work done. "Let me at least email Kira and let her know I'm working from home the rest of the day." And tomorrow.
As I'm packing my things to go, a knock at my door broke me out of my thoughts. "Come in."
I don't know why I didn't expect him to walk in, because of course.
"Hi." He steps in smiling brightly at me. Something about it was sinister. "You must be..."
"You." It slips out before I'm able to contain myself.
He tilts his head to the side, still smiling. "Me?"
"Yes. Y- you" I'm stuttering I never stutter. I realized I'm scared, but I cant scream. I can't ask for help. His voice sounds similar but not the same. It's not as deep. Am I imagining things?
"Yes I'm Christian. Your new supervisor." He steps further into my office, not closing the door completely. That does little to comfort me. "You must be..." he extends his hand to shake mine.
The way he sounds when he says my name makes my head spin. It was much deeper. Guttural. Just like that voice. Deep down, I know it's him. But he shows no signs of skipping a beat. I feel like I'm losing it again. I quickly stand trying to grasp my sanity. I place my hand in his and it all comes back to me. The dream I had mostly forgotten. I've got to get away from him. I pull my hand back quickly.
"I'm uh-sorry, I was leaving early for the day. I'm not feeling well and I really need to leave."
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you get some rest." He's just smiling.
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grandlinedreams · 10 months
hi hi before your requests close, i was wondering if you’d write something super angsty- maybe with a happy ending? i don’t have a prompt, just love angst and hurt/comfort
Hiya papaya! Thinking about the modern au, so have some EMT!Ace
[Heads up!: angst, hurt/comfort, mentions of passing out, CT scans fucking suck]
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When he hears the radio clipped to his belt crackle to life, Ace doesn't think much of it as he stirs from the light, sleepy daze he'd been drifting into in the back of the ambulance.
"Gonna have to repeat that," he answers when Sabo's voice is garbled, smacking the radio against his palm. Damn thing has to be at least ten years old ㅡ and no sign of them getting new ones, either. He holds it to his ear, rubbing at his eyes, though he stills as he hears the address.
It's familiar, as is the description of the patient ㅡ and he suddenly feels sick, staring at the radio in his hand. Surely Sabo'd said a digit of the address wrong, or gotten a description eerily similar ㅡ because Ace has a horrible, sinking feeling that the patient they're going to collect is you.
"Ace? You good?" Marco is talking, trying to get his attention, and he shakes his head to snap out of it.
"Yeah, yeah, Iㅡ" He swallows, fishing for his phone. "Sorry, but that call out just now...that's [Name]'s apartment." His fingers are shaking a little as he finds your contact, typing a text to send.
[Is everything okay? Call me when you get this.]
"I'm sure it's nothing," Marco tries to soothe as Ace all but slams the bay doors shut as the garage opens, siren already light and flashing as Marco pulls out and heads down the road.
Ace stares at his phone, willing you to answer. That this isn't for you, it's for a neighbor. A friend. Hell, he'll take a stranger over something happening to you.
He's out of the ambulance before Marco even pulls to a complete stop, heart hammering in his chest as he listens to the cop who's waiting for them at the entrance to the apartment complex.
"Neighbor found them unconscious on the floor, said they were conscious now but didn't want to move them."
"Thanks, man. We'll take it from here." Ace feels like he's underwater as he moves towards the open door, wishing that this apartment wete anything but as familiar to him as it is. He'd been here this morning, tangled up with you and lamenting the fact that he had to leave.
Ace has seen a lot of things in his time as an EMT ㅡ bones jutting out where they shouldn't, exposed viscera, and even an enchanting conversation with a man who seemed wholly unaware of his unintentional diy tracheotomy. None of it makes him feel as untethered and scared as seeing you on the floor does.
You're paler than you should be, and he hurries to stop you when your head turns towards him. "Ace?"
"Hey, sweetheart." He kneels, takes the neckbrace from Marco, sliding it beneath you and into place. "Can't have you moving your head like that until we know what happened. Can you tell me what today is?" He waits to get your answer, then continues. "What year is it?"
You frown. "I'm fine," you protest, "let me get up."
Ace shakes his head. "You passed out, sweetheart. We're taking you to the hospital." He watches as Marco grabs your wrist, eyes flicking to the watch on his wrist. "I'll get the backboard."
He needs something to do, to dispell the nervous jitter as he runs through all the things that could be wrong, running from mildly inconvenient to terminal diagnoses. By the time he makes it back and they load you onto the board, Ace is trying to stay positive for your sake.
"This is unnecessary," you whine as you're loaded into the bay, pouting at Ace. "Really? I passed outㅡ"
"And hit your head," he protests. "You need to be looked at." He shifts to professional mode as he picks up his radio, rattling off your vitals and brief description of what the situation had been.
"Ace?" He turns, finds you watching him.
"I'm sorry," you say and his chest aches as he brushes hair out of your face.
"Don't be," he murmurs, "you'll be fine, okay? We'll get you checked out, figure out what happened, then get you home."
"For cuddles?" You sound hopeful, and Ace grins.
"Of course."
Ace doesn't get to see you much further than your admission, and by the time he finishes his shift, you're already in a room that he's pointed to by the night shift nurse at the desk.
You're sitting up when he enters, cup of jello in hand, though you light up as you see him. "There's my baby," he coos, grinning as you roll your eyes. "What'd they say?"
"They ran a CT to make sure I didn't have anything abnormal going on," you report, "and it came back clear. My blood sugar was just really low, so I guess I passed out because of it. They're sending me home with a modified diet."
"Good," Ace says, tucking himself into the bed beside you despite your protest. "You scared me, babe."
"I'm sorry," you say as you let him tug you down, arms wrapped around you. "They'll be mad if they come in and you're asleep in this bed with me."
Ace presses his face to your chest. "Let them," he mumbles. "Don't care, I'm gonna nap with you."
"Brat," you tease, and he sighs.
"I'm your brat."
You hum, kissing the top of his head. "That you are."
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call-sign-shark · 11 months
The Woods Whisper ||Part 1/2
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Summary: After a terrific nightmare, your and Arthur’s life change for good. You start to suffer from a mysterious and excruciating hunger, which always seems to lead you to the forest.
Words: 3.2k
TW: Extreme violence, angst, cannibalism, graphic depiction of mutilation, blood kink (wow no one is surprised), piv, rough and unprotected sex but it’s short, supernatural AU.
Notes: written for @peakyswritings's 2k celebration and Halloween. Nina belongs to her. + important notes at the end of the post.
Reader is Heaven from the series Heaven in Your Eyes.
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Since the first night they shared together Arthur knew of his wife’s violent nightmares. It seemed that the demons of your past waited for you to close your eyes in order to plague your dreams with the terrific memories of your family's murder and the men who hunted you down in the woods. After a while, Arthur became accustomed to your sudden screams at night and helped you calm down when you thrashed your limbs, fighting against some malevolent ghosts only you could see. When it happened, the tall gangster secured you in his strong arms and gently forced you to rest your head against his lean chest. With his long fingers lost in your snow-white mane, he would then cradle you with indescribable tenderness and whisper in your ear with his hoarse voice, rendered even more raspy by sleep. He didn't stop until your whole body relaxed, sinking in the soothing combination of his warm skin, chest hairs, lean muscles, and musky perfume. A familiar cocktail you assimilated with love and protection: as long as he was here, you knew that the monsters that were lurking in your most twisted nightmares wouldn't hurt you. Or at least they didn't until that one night.
This time you struggled with such violence that you threw a nasty punch to his face when Arthur pinned you against the mattress in a desperate attempt to calm you down. Taking advantage of his confusion, you jumped from the bed with supernatural agility, hurtled down the stairs at lightspeed, and ran outside, barefoot in the dawn-sprinkled weeds. The only thing covering your delicate frame was the thin and immaculate bedsheet that floated behind you at the winter wind's discretion.
“Angel!” Arthur yelled, running behind you as he saw your frail silhouette reaching the vast and dangerous woods that were at the edge of your property. The gravel of his voice echoed with the rumble of the thunder as he called your name, but the savage drums you heard in your trance were louder than him. Arthur had no other choice than to pounce on you before you disappeared into the frozen forest all naked, that was why he shoved you to the ground. A chilling scream escaped from your plumped lips as you fought under his grip but fortunately enough he had more strength. Keeping you pinned on the muddy soil, he tried to make you come back to your senses by shaking you “Wake up! Please, Heaven, wake up! This is just a bloody nightmare!"
“They whisper to me! They whisper to me!” You cried out, moving your head from left to right and fighting like a demon, eyes still shut.
“Fookin’ who?!” Arthur shook you a bit more bluntly, panic kicking in him as he realized that you were still deeply embedded in a profound sleep he couldn't pull you from.
“The woods whisper to me!” You whimpered, your inexhaustible and unusual strength mysteriously increased by your psychosis, “They are calling me home!” Your siren-like voice turned into a banshee's laments and, with one powerful push, you suddenly managed to turn around to lay flat on your stomach and dug your nails into the ground in a desperate attempt to crawl closer to the forest. Overwhelmed by the situation, Arthur had no other choice than to resort to physical violence.
"For fuck's sake, Heaven!"
He didn't know how he managed to throw you over his shoulder just like a floor bag but he did and, wasting no time, he brought you home without minding how hard your tiny and muddy fists banged against his back or how you tried to kick him by thrashing your legs like a wild animal fighting for its life.
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“Sleepwalking it is.”
“I don’t sleepwalk.” You mumbled, hands cupping your warm mug filled with hot cocoa, and your knees, which were pressed against your breasts, tightly glued together. Nina got up from the sofa and walked towards the gargantuan dining table of Arrow House’s living room to grab a plate of homemade biscuits she had baked for Tommy even though her husband thrived off whiskey and cigarettes rather than edible and healthy food. As she did, your crystal eyes followed your new sister-in-law’s every move, losing yourself in your thoughts as you watched the Sicilian girl’s elegant gait. With her beautiful tan skin, honey-pooled eyes, and long black hair, Nina Ferrante was your strict opposite. She was made of sun and fire, lava probably running through her veins. When she put her warm hand on the frozen and porcelain skin of yours, you batted your Bambi lashes to shoo your thoughts away and looked at the young Sicilian woman.
“It's nothing but sleepwalking and it tends to get better with time. Maybe Arthur and you should spend a few nights here, away from the forest?”
“Hm.” You replied absentmindedly, putting the mug on the coffee table only for your fingers to reach for the delicious biscuits Nina had made, “I don’t think it would solve the problem. Even when I’m not sleeping at home I still hear them at night.” You took a bite of the biscuit, its hard dough crunching under your sharp teeth. The sweet flavor of sugar and strawberry jam melted on your tongue -- You closed your eyes and hummed with satisfaction.
“What do you hear?” Nina inquired, visibly worried for you for your angelic complexions were undermined by the red bags under your eyes and the weight you had lost. In truth, you had always been thin and tiny, but your adorable cheeks and the voluptuous curves of your thighs proved you were in perfect health. That was just your body shape. Yet, since the night of this horrific nightmare, you had started to lose a great deal of weight and looked more and more gaunt.
“Drums. I mainly hear some odd drums coming from the woods,” You ate another biscuit, “And there are the whispers. It's not someone whispering to me but it’s more like an unintelligible mix of people murmuring incomprehensible things together.” Another biscuit, they were good, “Maybe I’m just becoming crazy.” You finally said, attempting to lighten the tense atmosphere with a joke and a small shrug. Your glossy lips curled in a faint, reassuring smile but it didn’t work: Nina still looked deeply concerned.
“At least you’re eating well.” She said encouragingly when she noticed you had just eaten the entire plate of biscuits by yourself.
“Fuck. I’m sorry.” Surprised by your own appetite, you brought your hand over your mouth, aquamarine eyes wide open in shame.
“Don’t be. I’m glad someone ate them ‘cause Tommy doesn’t anyway. And you know… My aunts used to tell me that eating is a sign of good health. But that's an Italian thing.” Nina’s beautiful smile shone as bright as her honey eyes, but the worried glow in her iris betrayed how serious she thought the matter was.
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A few days passed and Arthur noticed brutal changes in your habits. It started with snacking between meals and, even if it seemed to be anodyne, it was something you never did. While not particularly picky with food, you were careful with your diet, taking care of always eating very balanced meals that would suit your small appetite. At first, Arthur thought that your insatiable hunger was due to an unexpected pregnancy. Maybe the baby and your hormones asked you for more energy? But your snacking habit soon took another extreme turn. Constant cravings turned into frenzy binge eating. You ended up waking up in the middle of the night and emptying the kitchen's cupboards. Anything edible disappeared crushed under your teeth as you compulsively ate until your jaw ached. But no matter the amount of food you ingested, nothing seemed to fill the void inside of you. You ate, you ate, and you ate but you were never full.
Moreover, this ravenous hunger wasn't confined to food only. The gaping hole inside of you craved sex. Unhealthy, messy, and nymphomaniac sex. A restless rhythm even Arthur had trouble keeping up with, and God knew he had stamina. The oldest Shelby brother had barely hung up his long black coat when you threw yourself in his arms and devoured his lips, drool running from your chin. You didn't leave him time to catch his breath or to reach the bedroom. In fact, your sly and cold fingers were already tearing his shirt apart and unbuckling his belt while your whole body quivered with excitement. To hell with the bed, the floor would do the trick: you wanted him now.
Adrenaline shot through your veins and gave you enough strength to push him on the ground. Confused but equally aroused, Arthur's back leaned against the couch and he let you rid him. A cry of pleasure escaped from your starving mouth as you took him entirely inside of your tight core with one brutal thrust. He stopped breathing for a short while and dug his nails into the flesh of your hips, starstruck. Considering your size difference, your husband knew that you usually needed a bit of time to adjust to the sensation of his cock stretching your throbbing walls, even after years of marriage. Sometimes he used this characteristic of you to his advantage when he wanted to see you scream his name between two sobs. And yet, you didn't seem to mind the pain anymore. On the contrary, you immediately went for a furious pace, hopping on his lap with your small and round breasts bouncing. With his mouth agape, Arthur's calloused hands clenched on your pale flesh and he closed his eyes, letting out a compendium of moans, grunts, and cuss words. That was fine with him -- he liked it rough and he knew that his angel-looking wife could be the naughtiest whore.
The simple sight of you fucking yourself on his hard shaft, growling like an animal, made him higher than the purest opium he had shot in his veins. He only started to understand the extent of your despair and greed the moment you kept moving your hips fiercely even after you both came. The gangster had done his best: he had worked you with his long fingers, buried his face between your legs until his jaw hurt, and filled you countless times in every position he knew, but you had never enough and it was starting to become painful for him too.
"Easy angel, ay? Easy -- oh fuck." He threw his head back, his lower lip trembling and his mustache twisting from time to time, "L-last round ay? I'm fookin' empty." But you weren't listening.
"More! More! Need more, Art! Please..." You begged. In the depths of your soul, a voracious maw of desire yawned. It was a starving abyss, a giant crevice in your being nothing could ease. Making your two bodies snap faster, you didn't notice the thin trickle of blood that had started running down your inner thighs. The pain should have made you stop but you couldn't. "I'm gonna --" When Arthur felt your pussy clenching around him, he worked you through your orgasm despite being a breathless and sweaty mess. Closer, closer... The moment the knot in your stomach snapped, you instinctively sunk your teeth into Arthur's freckled shoulder.
"Fuck!" Arthur grunted through gritted teeth, a searing shock of sensation coursing through him. The piercing pain that followed, acute and unexpected, made him reach the stars. He came in a long and raspy groan, releasing his load for the umpteenth time deep inside of you. "Heaven!" Pleasure exploded in you like fireworks, resulting in you rolling your hips and biting Arthur even harder. His blood brimmed over your mouth, gushing from the wound in long crimson trails. Your teeth were so deep into his flesh that you could have ripped a chunk of him. Silent fell again in the living room, only broken by the fire crackling in the hearth and the melody of your panting breathing. You remained like this all the while you cooled down, breathing fast through your nose as your starving tongue still licked the blood of your husband, relishing its metallic and slightly sweet taste. "'S'Alright, love." Arthur's shaky hand gently stroked your back to tame your wild spirit. "Your Arthur's here." He whispered softly, tenderly, for you had started to quietly sob in agony.
"M-More..." Tears fell down your rosy cheeks as you realized that something was definitely wrong, "Fuck me more. Hurt me, breed me, I don't care but please... Please do something I can't take it anymore..." You whispered with your bleeding mouth, exhausted, your whole body sore, but still starving.
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Arthur had told the family you were sick to keep up appearances and explain your absence. No one asked any questions nor showed signs of doubt except for his cunning sister-in-law Nina, who would stare at him in disapproval. But how could he explain what was happening to you now that the situation had worsened? In fact, Arthur would frequently find you nestled in the middle of the kitchen at night, your delicate form cradled in a graceful curl and your knuckles met by your tender lips as you bit them until crimson tears trailed down your porcelain skin. You did so only to hush the unrestrained, agonizing crescendo of hunger that writhed within you, rendering your sobs into whispers only the silent home and your helpless husband could fathom. The lanky gangster had tried everything to help you alleviate the pain but nothing had worked so far. The one and only trick that would get you relaxed for one to two hours was when he allowed you to take a bite of him. So each time he would find you crying, he wouldn't think twice. Arthur slowly unbuttoned his shirt and opened it, exposing his chest to you as you both sat on the kitchen floor.
"Go ahead, love. Bite me."
“No!" You protested, anger flashing in your crystalline eyes. As much as your husband's support helped you go through it, you hated the idea of hurting him. An intense feeling of shame and sorrow would shake you when you looked at his scarred body. His freckled skin was littered with deep and swollen bite marks, which constantly reminded you of how monstrous you were. But Arthur wouldn't have it — seeing you in pain was torture to him. He would give everything he had and never had only to content your bottomless hunger, even if it meant sacrificing his own flesh. His strong and calloused hands grabbed you by the hips and pulled you to him. Nestling your nose in the crook of his neck, you let out a shaky sigh at the soothing sensation of Arthur's fingers massaging your scalp and bringing your face closer to his skin in a silent invitation. The delicious scents of his natural perfume intoxicated you, leading you to take a long inhale of him. You wanted to resist, you really did, but all your goodwill couldn't compete with your husband's exquisite taste, a taste that was already making you salivate. Finally, you abandoned yourself to your vices and gave Arthur's neck a few little licks before diving your teeth into his juicy flesh. His body jerked a bit against yours but the stinging sensation quickly released endorphins in him and turned the experience pleasurable. Or maybe he was just completely fucked up.
"A good girl you are, eh." A gravelly moan escaped from his mouth as he felt you lapping the blood that was gushing out of the fresh bite like a famished kitten licking milk. The relief you would feel following your twisted cannibalistic ritual would only be momentary, but at least you might enjoy the luxury of a good nap. After a short while, you eventually pulled your head back from his neck, your otherworldly pale eyes staring at his complexions with great attention. His dark blue iris met yours as your frozen fingers ghosted over his face, tracing the lines of his appetizing lips and the crowfeet at the corner of his eyes.
"I don't deserve you." Your hypnotizing siren-like voice was mainly a whisper. Arthur laid a tender kiss on your fingers before arching one of his thick eyebrows, "Look at me, I'm a fucking monster."
"Ye ain't a monster, angel." He immediately corrected you, leaning over your face to steal a kiss from your bleeding mouth. Far from being disrupted by the crimson hemoglobin he smeared on his own lips doing so, the lanky gangster kissed you again but with more passion this time, tongue waltzing with yours. A shiver of desire ran through your famished body at the dizzying taste of blood and whiskey. When he broke the kiss, your breath was slightly hitching. "You're the most dazzling creature I've ever seen, and I promise I'll do everything in my power to find a solution to soothe yer hunger." Arthur swore, the glow of a mad and obsessive love dancing in his eyes, "That will be our secret ay."
"Our secret." Your mouth, painted in a gruesome shade of crimson, curled into a wicked and enamored smile. The blood, thick and vicious, clung to your lips and stood against your otherwise delicate and angelic features.
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Dead branches cracked under your feet but apart from them, a stern silence lingered in the forest, only disrupted by the eerie howling of the wind. Your pale locks seemed to shimmer and merge with the ethereal glow of the night, casting an unsettling radiance on their fresh-fallen snow color. As you walked all naked with a haunting grace, your steps echoed softly in the silence of the woods. A winter breeze caressed your bosom, making your nipples harden, but you didn't react, unable to feel cold anymore. Surprisingly enough, no animal had dared cross your path, as if they sensed what kind of lethal and inhumane creature you had become. The only exception was the majestic deer that was by your side, accompanying you like a silent sentinel with ashen fur. The black pools of darkness that constituted its eyes contrasted with yours, glassy like the clouded gaze of a corpse. Yet, you still bore one common feature: an uncanny malice shone in them. In your trance, you reached for the deer antlers, your fingertips gently stroking its bony texture. Guided by the drums and the whispers, you disappeared into the depths of the woods, tired of fighting against this alluring call.
How long did you wander in the woods? And what had happened in there? No one could knew. What Arthur knew though was that when he woke up, you were sitting on the edge of the bed, wrapped in the sheets, and your tiny shivering being painted in red.
"Arthur... I think I did something bad..."
"What... The bloody hell..."
He mouthed, his steel blue eyes gawking in shock at the majestic and bony antlers on your head.
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notes: While this is mainly a supernatural AU written for both Halloween and my lovely moot’s celebration, the myth of the Wendigo is one of the inspirations that brought the character of Heaven to life. From her aesthetic (forest, antlers...) to the whole atmosphere and story of her hunting down men in the woods prior to her coming to Birmingham, the myth of the Wendigo is embedded in the essence of her character. This is partly due to the fact that it’s my favorite creature along with the myth of the boogeyman, but also because of my long-term fascination with cannibalism. Admittedly, the myth of the Wendigo is Algonquian and has been twisted a lot by Western media. Yet, I tried to respect some aspects of the original beast the best I could and sincerely hope it won't pass for cultural appropriation.
✞ Any comment, review, reblog, or constructive criticism is welcome. Your reactions really motivate me and keep me alive, so please don't be shy. English is not my first language.
✞ Taglist: @adaydreamaway08 @theshelbyclan @jomarch-wannabe @esposadomd @zablife @woofgocows @anathemasworld @anastasia000 @kate654 @kxnnxy @babayaga67 @meowtastick @shelbyssins @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @bluevenus19 @raincoffeeandfandoms @kishie8 @zablife @alexandra-001 @dearshelby @alexizodd @helen06dreamer @kmc1989 @emotionalcadaver @peakyswritings @peakyltd @chaosinkest1996
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atiny-piratequeen · 1 year
𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚 𝑳𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒔 𝑪𝒉.𝟓 (𝑷.𝑺𝒉)
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✧.*Summary  ✧.*-Due to olden traditions, you’re sent off to be a sacrifice to an unseen beast on an island far from home. You’re not exactly the one to go down without a fight and you promise when you get yourself out of this situation, you’re going back for revenge.
After an encounter in the ocean and arriving on the island in question, you collect yourself and begin making preparations to get yourself off of this island.
All while being watched over by a pair of unfamiliar, narrowed emerald eyes.
✧.*Pairing  ✧.*-Siren!Park Seonghwa x Fem!Reader
✧.*Genres  ✧.*-Angst, Romance, Smut, Action, Fantasy, Survival, Slight Horror Elements, Hurt/Comfort, Revenge, Siren AU, Monster AU, Enemies to Lovers
✧.*TWs  ✧.*-Guilt, Intimidation, Stabbing, Blood, Biting, Pregnancy (Oh Look, the Consequences to our actions-)
✧.*Sws ✧.* - Creampie, Chase Kink, Cunnilingus, Breeding Kink (Yall look what all that stuffed poosi did-), Double Penetration, Monster Anatomy (Double Cocks), Scent Kink, Fingering
✧.*Rating  ✧.*- Explicit (18+)-Minors DNI
✧.*WC  ✧.*-+ 11.9k
✧.*Previous Chapter
✧.*Next Chapter
✧.*A/N  ✧.*This was originally a 3k+ paid commission thanks to the lovely @jacksons-goddess-gaia​​ but I loved the idea so much that I decided to make this into a short series! Thank you again for allowing me to turn your comm into something of a bigger scale and I hope you and everyone else also likes this little series! Just a note of warning, the ending of this series does have a pretty dark ending so please be mindful of the tws of each respective chapter (tbh I don’t think its any darker than the shit I make yall suffer through write anyway but just a fair warning, you are not ending this as any kind of pacifist lol)
✧.*Series Playlist ✧.* (I keep fidling with this one so dont be surprised if songs are added lmao)
✧.*  AO3 | Ataraxia Info| Taglist Form | Commission Sheet  ✧.*    
✧.*  ©atiny-piratequeen. do not repost, translate, or use my works. Minors DNI✧.*
✧.*Network Pings- @kwritersworld | @kdiarynet | @k-vanity
Divider Cr.- @benkeibear (tysm ily)
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“It’s time to wake up, my love.” 
You feel lips against your head and grumble, tucking yourself firmly against the warmth pressed against your cheek. There’s a deep chuckle that rattled your bones and for a moment, you are under the wrong assumption that you’d be able to go back to sleep. 
Instead, you’re lifted clean up, and your eyes snap open, large and silver as you scramble to hold onto the giant so rudely mocking you with his dumbass handsome face. 
“Good morning, Y/n.” 
You stare at him, unimpressed, and for a moment you lament not being able to shift into your SeaBorn form at will. You’d found slapping Seonghwa with your tail was surpiringly effective when it came to him teasing you. 
You could only do it when wet, though. 
For now. 
Speaking of wet, you blush feeling a distinct wetness run down between your legs, reminding you of last night's messy love making. You huff, crossing your arms as Seonghwa held you up off the ground. 
“How wrong are you going to hold me up?” 
Seonghwa looked at you for a moment in confusion before he chuckled. 
You arch a brow. 
“Yes, you’re wrong.” 
He shook his head, gently, touching your lips. 
“You’re still getting used to your new language. Here, follow me.” 
Seonghwa repeated the sentence and you flush, realizing your clicks had, in fact, been off. You’d come a long way since you and him mated a week ago, but you still found yourself stuttering over your clicks or holding down a note too long occasionally as you spoke to him. 
As flustered as it made you, Seonghwa found your pattern of speech rather cute, calmly helping you every time you stumbled. 
He’d actually been pleasantly surprised when he found out you wanted to talk to him only in your new language, and for the first three days after you’d mated, you couldn’t understand a damn word he was saying. 
Seonghwa had been surprised by how adamant you had been to understand, fumbling through your tones and hums until he’d perked midday through the third day, hearing you call to him and ask him for a kiss because you were frustrated. 
The look on your face when you’d gotten the desired kiss all but made him fall in love all over with you again.
“I dod it!”
“‘Did’ it, baby.”
“I did it!”
Back to the present, Seonghwa walked you to the beach, the salty air blowing his bangs as he looked out at the ocean. You look up at him and then follow his gaze. 
“...Wanna go tell Hongjoong the good news?”
You don’t miss the way he perked, his eyes lightening, excited as he nodded. You kiss him, cupping his jaw lightly before he walked you to the water.
“Remember, don’t panic. I have you, and I won’t let you drown. Ever.” He assured you. You smile and kiss him gently. 
You hadn’t gotten the hang of holding your breath quite yet. Seonghwa had assured you the more you did it, the longer you’d be able to do it, and you’d be able to talk freely as well. 
For now, all of your focus usually went into not panicking while underwater. 
Seonghwa waited until you were ready and gently waded into the water, holding you bridal style so your legs would shift, the dark grey speckles of your legs stretching up to your torso, a thick, rather smooth tail forming. Seonghwa ran his fingers up the speckles, smiling to himself despite the shiver that ran through your body at the intimate touch. 
“Sorry, I got distracted. Let’s begin. If you do well, we’ll go down and visit Hongjoong.” 
You smile and nod, floating vertically with your head above the water as Seonghwa let you go. You drifted a bit from him before gently keeping yourself in place, your hips working gently as you watched his tail slap the surface in his usual fashion. 
You feel his hand lace into yours and dive in, smiling as he pulled you lower. 
The water is pleasantly cool, but you find yourself marvelling at Seonghwa’s tail. 
While yours was a simple grey, dotted with different colored splotches, and much rounder and thicker than his, Seonghwa’s tail had definitely gained some color since you both had mated. 
Before his tail was a simple, yet elegant ombre of platinum and gold, now it held many intricate designs and colors along the expanse. 
Thick, brown stripes started along the midway point of his tail, with beautiful orange and yellow dots speckling the space along the stripes, all the way down to his tail, which was a contrasting black with a single, distinct electric blue stripe going along the tips of his tail fin. 
You found yourself mesmerized by the upper half of his tail, which was the same electric blue as the tips of his tail, a series of mesmerizing (and sometimes glowing) platinum rings drawing your gaze directly to him. 
He smiled at you and swam backwards, encouraging you to follow after him, and you clumsily do so before you get into the groove again. 
The two of you swim in tandem, twirling around one another, swimming through reefs and enjoying each other. Seonghwa didn’t rush you, and instead waited until you took your breaths before continuing. Each time, he’d keep you for longer and longer, encouraging you with clicks and words of affirmations. 
After the fith dive, you hear a loud, distinct bellow that drew your attention. 
“My, look at this.” 
You look down and find Hongjoong casually circling you, his expression interested as he eyed your tail. You smile and wave at him. 
He blinked before chuckling and swimming closer, greeting Seonghwa with a gentle nudge. 
“Hello, Y/n. You’re learning the language a lot quicker than any human I’ve ever met, besides myself. How are you handling swimming?”
You purse your lips, frowning for a moment. 
“I still can’t stay underwater indefinitely.” 
He chuckled and crossed his arms. 
“You wouldn’t be able to, anyway. It’s the Landling in you. We are Reborns. Humans turned Seaborn. We have to come up for air eventually. It's just a matter of perfecting closing down one breathing system and using the other.”
You blink slightly and tilt your head at him. 
“‘We’ have to? Hongjoong? Were you also-”
“A story for another day, but yes. I was.” There’s something…dark in his eyes the moment you mention him previously being a human, and you immediately decide it’s none of your business to pry. 
Hongjoong seemed to appreciate you not doing so, and in an instant, you watch his eyes lighten back up as he looked at Seonghwa. 
“You’re doing a wonderful job, Angelfish.” 
Seonghwa’s scales tinted pink for a moment before he coughed and looked away bashfully. Both you and Hongjoong noticed immediately, matching grins on your faces. 
“Cute~” You both chirrup. 
“Oh oceans no, please don’t start ganging up on me” Seonghwa immediately half heartedly complained. You laugh, raising yourself to the surface for a fresh breath of air with both of the men trailing behind you. 
When your head surfaces, you find its night out, the stars twinkling in the sky as a crescent moon illuminated the surface of the water. 
The three of you don’t say a word, simply bobbing in the water as you enjoy each other’s company. Seonghwa kissed the top of your head, a calm smile on his face as he hugged you close to his body. 
“I think it’s about time she meets the others, don’t you?” Hongjoong inquired sometime a while later. You hadn’t even realized you’d been nodding off, your head resting on Seonghwa’s chest as he held you from behind to keep you from drifting. 
Seonghwa let out a nervous laugh that made your head perk up. 
“I’ll call them, Wooyoung probably will need to be warmed up first.” 
You frown and turn your head to look at his expression. His eyes were tinged white around the edges, something you’d never seen before. 
Was he…afraid?
“Who is Wooyoung?” You quietly speak up, reminding both of the men that you were not only right there, but able to understand them through the bouncy notes and hums of their conversation. 
Seonghwa looked at you and gently rubbed your hips. 
“He’s our best friend. One of them.” 
You purse your lips. 
“So why do you look afraid?” 
Hongjoong chuckled quietly. 
“Because he’s worried Wooyoung might not exactly take it kindly knowing you stabbed Seonghwa and nearly killed him.” he answered honestly.
You feel the weight of the world slam into you. Your lips part and you find yourself unable to speak. It hadn’t came up again since you’d dragged Seonghwa to the ocean to save his life. You glance at him again, and Seonghwa doesn’t respond, staring at the dark inky waves as he held your hips, the cogs in his head turning quickly. 
“What…what exactly does ‘not take kindly’ mean?” You ask slowly, putting your hand over Seonghwa’s. Hongjoong clicked his tongue, floating past both of you, looking at the sky. 
“Do you want to tell her?” He looked at Seonghwa but the SeaBorn simply shuddered and kissed your head. 
“It’ll be fine. I’ll talk to him tonight using the resonance stone.” He muttered. You could smell his scent, tinged with anxiety and fear, and press yourself back into his chest more to comfort him as much as you could. Even though you had no idea what was going on. 
Hongjoong hummed and gently flicked his tail hard enough to send both of you drifting to the left. Seonghwa sent him a curious look before Hongjoong waved his hand dismissively. 
“Go to sleep. I’ll check back on you both tomorrow.” He encouraged before he dove down, disappearing into the dark waters. Seonghwa took your hand and guided you to the shore, carrying you once you got there. 
You cup his chin and kiss his cheek several times until you make him turn his gaze down to you. When he does, you steal a kiss from his lips. 
“I really am sorry I hurt you.” You whisper. He nodded.
“I’ve long since stopped being angry and hurt about it. You were scared and defending yourself.” 
You nod and then gently press your forehead together with his. 
“I’ll explain myself to this friend of yours. Even if they yell at me, I deserve it. So don’t look so sad. We were having such a wonderful day, tomorrow will be the same.” You encourage and Seonghwa sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. 
You had no idea the beast of a man that Wooyoung was, but Seonghwa would undoubtedly handle the man’s ire first that way you could meet everyone worry-free. 
It’ll be fine. 
When he opened his eyes again, they were back to their normal emerald, and he gently walked you back to camp, settling you in your bed. Since you couldn’t hold your breath as long as Hongjoong could, you still preferred to sleep on land and Seonghwa didn’t mind accommodating you. 
You find yourself drifting once more against his neck and he gently sung, soft, airy notes swirling through your mind. Seonghwa rubbed the space between your shoulders, kneading out any tension his fingers found there. 
“Just rest. Tomorrow I’ll make a big breakfast for us.” He promised. You smile and let the embrace of sleep pull you under. 
For the briefest of moments, you feel as if you’re being watched by the sky itself, but you pay it no mind and drift off.
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
Something warm began to rouse you from your sleep the next morning. There are undeniable puffs of air blowing directly onto your face, and while tinged with the scent of amber, you couldn’t help the way the hair at the back of your neck stood on end. 
You should wake up. 
The moment you hear a growl, your eyes fly open, and in an instant, you’re greeted with a mass of hair, a GIANT canine standing over you with blazing, molten eyes that looked like fire peering out at you past their undeniably bear-esque face. 
You stare up at them in horror, your voice caught in your throat. The canine doesn’t move from their spot above you, though you watch where you assume the ears are under all of that fur twitch and rotate, listening. They raised their head, looking North East before looking back at you, letting out a bark that rattled your bones. 
You scream and scramble up to your feet, grabbing your knife in a hurry, but the dog made a snap at your heels, and you decide running is much more viable for you in this moment. 
“SEOGNGHWA” You scream, rushing into the trees with the giant dog on your heels. Every time you moved to make a turn and shake them off, they threw their massive body in that direction, howling and barking and forcing you to pivot in the opposite direction. 
Had you had been a bit of a calmer mind, you’d realized this demon dog was much faster than you, and seemed to be corralling you in whichever direction they wanted you to go in. 
You, however, are not of a calm mind, and keep running for your life, screaming Seonghwa’s name, panic flooding into your system when you realize he hadn’t came for you yet. 
Above you, the sky is blotted out for a brief moment as something humongous flew overhead, obscuring the sun for a few seconds before it was gone, also heading in the direction you were running in. There’s the sound of a primal roar that vibrates the air. 
You pay none of that any mind, nearly tripping over your own feet as you catch a root on your ankle. The dog grabbed your dress in their jaws and spun their body, nearly hurling you in the direction you were running in. Surprisingly, the maneuver doesn’t tear your dress, and you keep sprinting after the close call, finally breaking the treeline. 
Seriously, where the fuck is Seonghwa?!
“SEONG-”You stop yourself, eyes wide as you finally see your lover. 
Your stomach drops in an instant. 
He’s being held above the water of the ocean by his throat, a different man staring at him with an unimpressed look in his eyes. They were glowing a shifting deep purple and blue. 
In an instant, all of your fear melted away, your claws elongating and your eyes bleeding red. Seonghwa looked in your direction, and threw his hands up. 
“Y/n, wait, no!”
You don’t heed his words, rushing over, tossing the sheath to your knife away, your feet moving faster than they did even with the dog on your heels.
You don’t ask questions, driving and twisting the knife hard into the man’s back, throwing your body between them as much as you could and biting down on his forearm, tearing the skin and crunching down on bone. 
Seonghwa paled and the man hardly flinched, his gaze, once fixed on Seonghwa’s face, now snapped down to you. 
You don’t back down, your nose scrunched as you lock your jaw, biting harder. His blood runs down between your lips, into your mouth. You ignore all of it, glaring hateful daggers at the unmoving and infuriatingly smug looking man. 
“So. You’re the mate, hm?” 
“Wooyoung, listen to me, calm down.”
You don’t hear anything but the blood rushing through your own ears. Wooyoung smiled at you, but you can see a wild look in his eyes as he cocked his head ever so slightly to the left. 
“Is this how you did it? Did you stab him the same way here? Or was it a little higher? How about to the left? Mm? Hit any organs? How about we try again? I don’t quite feel like I’m getting the full experience, little seal woman. Though, the bite is certainly new.” 
You hear a bark from somewhere behind you and Seonghwa reached to touch your head and try and push you off. 
“Y/n, baby, my angel please I’m begging you, let go. You’re making it worse.” He genuinely looked terrified, his eyes pale platinum as he glanced at you and Wooyoung.
“No, no, Seonghwa. Let her do what she wants. I’m finding out every little thing I need to know here.”  
You hesitate and Wooyoung’s arm flexes in your mouth, in a moment, he lets Seonghwa go, grabbing your jaw and leaning into your face. 
“I don’t take too kindly to having harm fall upon my loved ones. So, what should I do, seal woman? I’m facing a dilemma.” He sighed dramatically, ignoring Seonghwa’s rapidly protesting and trying to separate you both. 
Suddenly, he perked, looking at the tall SeaBorn for a moment. 
“My, that was a dangerous thought, Park Seonghwa. Were you thinking of biting me too? Putting your fist through my chest? Are you sure that’s what you want to do here?” 
Seonghwa froze and you frown. He hadn’t said anything threatening. Hadn’t even moved. But the look on his face told you everything you needed to know. 
Who is this guy?
Instantly, purple and blue eyes are back on you, as deep as the night sky, speckled with stars. 
What is this guy?
“Jung Wooyoung. Eldritch god. Any other questions? I’d be careful, if I were you. I’m not sure how much of my blood you’ve consumed~ Who knows what could happen to you consuming the blood of a god like this.” He teased. 
You let go in an instant, and everything hit you in an instant, horror crossing your face. 
This was the friend, the one Hongjoong mentioned. You look at Seonghwa and he looked distraught, reaching for you. Wooyoung narrowed his gaze, and a barrier instantly separated him from the two of you. 
“Haven’t I let you do whatever you want for too long, dear Hyung?” He inquired, though the honorific sounded more like teasing venom with his tone of voice. Seonghwa locked his jaw, red bleeding into his pale eyes as anger began to swell in him. 
“Wooyoung, that’s enough.” 
“Is it? You nearly die, don’t call me even once to save you, and now you think the person responsible can suffer no consequences? When you fell, did you crack your head, perhaps? I gave each and every one of you a resonance stone and instead of it being anywhere near you for a case of emergency, where is it? Hm?” He turned his gaze to you, and you shrink back from the overwhelming pressure coming from him as he looked at the peridot earring dangling from your ear. 
“I was hoping you’d help protect her from harm in case I wasn’t enough.” 
“Protect her? She almost killed you.” 
“The spider almost killed me. The toxins would have killed me before I bled out.” 
Wooyoung looks infuriated, turning his head in an instant. 
“And WHO could have avoided all of that if he’d just called me? Are you out of your mind, Park Seonghwa? Do I need to remind you of how important you are to m-”
You can see he’s about to lay into him, and before you can think, you reach out, grabbing his face and forcing his head back to look at you. 
“I’m sorry. Whatever it is, I’ll take responsibility, just…please, enough of this. My mate is upset and I hate this. You think I don’t already feel horrible for what I did? I did then and I do now, every time I see him, I see the scars he got from that day and it won’t go away, it never will. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love him. So whatever it is that you’re going to do, whatever punishment you feel I need or deserve for it, just do it already so I can go back into his arms. This has been a very long and fucking chaotic morning.” You speak a mile a minute and Wooyoung stared at you with a half lidded look once more. 
“So, you’ll die? Because that’s what I deem appropriate for hurting one of my seven.” He answered flatly, all emotion gone from his voice. You hear a bark again, and a different noise that sounds like a growl, but you don't tear your eyes away from Wooyoung. Seonghwa pounded on the barrier, frantic and enraged. 
You feel his killing intent, but don’t look away from him. 
“If that’s what you think I deserve. Just make sure he’s not hurt.” 
Seonghwa’s voice nearly breaks from the sheer rage in his voice as he slammed on the barrier, and for a moment, you think you hear a crack. Wooyoung looked into your eyes for a long moment before looking down at your stomach, cold fingertips pressing against your abdomen. A thoughtful hum left his lips. Seonghwa’s enraged voice grew louder. 
Wooyoung looked up, meeting your unwavering gaze. You were terrified, but you didn’t back down. A long pause stretched between the two of you.
Then, he chuckled. 
“Welcome to The Fold, Seal.” 
He snapped his fingers, and in an instant, you feel the world rush by. Colors and scents whirl past you until-
-you jolt upright, heart hammering. You’re back in your hut. 
…what were you doing?
Seonghwa startled from beside you, and the moment you lay eyes on him, you burst into tears, kissing and embracing him tightly. 
“Y/n? Why are you crying, my love?” He inquired. You open your mouth to ask him if he was alright after seeing…who, again? 
Why are you crying? 
Seonghwa looked at you, checking your head, your face, and your neck for any injuries. You relax the moment you feel his touch, putting your hand over his. 
“I guess I had a bad dream. I’m okay as long as you are.” You kiss his nose and smile. He sniffed gently, making sure you weren’t hurt before he kissed you deeply, hovering over you. 
You run your fingers down his abdomen, smiling at the way he rumbled and shuddered into the kiss. Seonghwa’s scales turned pink around the edges of his eyes and he smiled. 
“Oh? Is this how you want to start your morning?” He purred, pressing his hips down and grinding between your legs. You smile and thread your fingers through his hair, intending on pulling him into a kiss when a bone-shaking bark drew a loud scream out of you. 
Instantly both of you jolt up and Seonghwa looked perplexed for a moment, standing and sticking his head out of the hut. 
It took a brief second before a black and red blur tackled him back into it. You scream again, reaching for your knife and then frowning when you note it definitely wasn’t where you’d left it last. 
When the hell did it get so far from you?
You turn your head to the sound of your mate's voice, and in an instant, you relax when you hear Seonghwa laughing.
Your gaze falls upon this massive mass of black and crimson fur. They appeared to be a canine, and you got the confirmation when they licked Seonghwa’s face, nudging his hand until he began roughly rustling and ruffling their fur. 
“Y…Yunho?” You parrot, slowly coming closer, the knife forgotten. Yunho turned his head towards you and keened. 
“This is one of my best friends. What are you doing here?” Seonghwa inquired. Yunho wagged his tail, sitting straight. You were amazed at his massive form, and you nearly forgot to wave in greeting to the canine. 
“Wooyoung said we had to meet your partner.” Yunho spoke despite his form. Seonghwa paused, and you could smell the twinge of anxiety in his scent. 
“Oh, please. Just come outside, we made this feast for you and it's going to be eaten completely the longer we wait.” 
You hear a voice seemingly coming from the sky and Yunho made a gruff keen before turning himself around and lowering himself, seemingly waiting for you both to get on his back. 
“Yunho, I’m too big to be riding-”
You jolt as Yunho let out a dramatic yowl, slamming his weight playfully against Seonghwa and nearly knocking him over. Seonghwa caught himself and sent him a scandalous look. 
“Fine!” He huffed and turned to you, smiling sweetly and picking you up. He kissed your nose and raised you high, setting you carefully on Yunho’s shoulders. He rumbled and you smile, gently scratching his ears. He radiated warmth, but he wasn’t uncomfortably hot to the touch. Seonghwa mounted him next, wrapping his arms around your waist. Yunho rumbled and stood up to his full height. 
If you weren’t tightly clenching your thighs to keep yourself in place, you're sure you’d fall right off. Falling from this height would hurt like a bitch.
Was Yunho as tall as Seonghwa on all fours like this? Was he taller? 
"Hold on, I'm going to go fast." He warned before he walked outside. Seonghwa tightened his grip on you, kissing your head before Yunho broadened his stance and took off like a shot. 
You let out a scream before you cover your mouth and burst into joyful laughter as Seonghwa held you. Yunho wove through the trees as if he’d done it a thousand times before. 
When he stepped foot on the beach, he slowed down to a trot, walking over to a group of men talking amongst themselves. 
“I brought them.” Yunho keened, closing his eyes and wagging his tail as the tallest of the group, a man who towered over the others, scratched below his chin. 
“Good job. I hope you didn’t startle our new friend too bad.” the man with the golden hair with the deep orange tips spoke. Yunho nudged his hands. 
“I didn’t mean to, if I did.” 
You look at the two of them and then take the time to survey your surroundings. 
Hongjoong is here, his arms crossed as he looked down at a man who was sitting on….air? His legs crossed and a cup of tea to his lips. A man with long hair and a ponytail stood with them, seemingly scolding the man sitting on nothing with his quiet gaze. 
There was a fire pit on the beach, and beside that was another man clad in tight, form fitting black clothing. He had part of his pendant in his mouth, and he seemed to be focused on getting the food on the fire cooked to the perfect degree. The man beside him watched on quietly, though he cast you a few cautious glances, the scorpion tail swaying behind him twitching every now and again. 
Seonghwa got off first, gently letting you down and smiling before he looked over at the man floating in air. He took a breath, seemingly steadying himself. 
“Just wait here, I’ll go talk to-”
“There’s no need.” 
You’d blinked, and in an instant. The man with the teacup was floating in front of you, his blue and purple eyes twinkling like the night sky itself. You startle, Seonghwa’s hand instinctively goes in front of you. 
“Wooyoung, I want to-”
“I said there’s no need. I’ve learned everything I needed to know already. Isn’t that right, Seal? Or, rather, Y/n?” He inquired, offering his cup to you. You blink at him and then gently take the cup, sniffing. 
It smells sweet. 
Seonghwa looked stunned, watching the two of you and the look of joy bloom on your face as you sip the tea. Wooyoung smiled casually and leaned back, sending Seonghwa a mysterious smile. 
Seonghwa pursed his lips. 
“Did…did you do something? You’re taking this a lot…calmer than I expected.” He admitted. Wooyoung shrugged a shoulder. 
“Have I done anything? Is there something wrong with me greeting one of my seven’s partners with open arms and a cup of healthy, immune system boosting tea?” He inquired, looking in your direction as you drank another sip, peeking over the rim of the cup at the two of them. 
Something about him seemed familiar, but you couldn’t put your finger on it. Seonghwa touched his abdomen subconsciously but then he relaxed, putting an arm around you. 
“Y/n, these are my seven. They’re…the most important people in my life. I didn’t know everyone would come to greet you.” He shied, rubbing his neck as he looked at the others. Hongjoong shrugged, wearing attire you weren’t familiar with, though he looked comfy as he approached you. It dawned on you that you hadn’t seen him on land until today. 
The man who was beside him followed and stopped in front of you, a row of freckles stretched across his cheeks and nose, and a nearly heart-shaped, splotchy birthmark at the corner of his left eye. You stare at him for a moment, taking in the unique look of his eyes. They were an interesting mixture of blues and pastel yellow and they glittered in the morning sun as he smiled sweetly at you. 
“My name is Yeosang. I’ve heard you’ve had quite a rough time. If there’s anything I can help you with, please let me know.” He greeted, glancing at your stomach for a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment before looking back at your face.
The man with the gold and orange hair towered above you, smiling and extending his hand. 
“Name’s Mingi. The weather is quite nice out here today.” 
You took his hand, marveling at how huge every part of him was. Two thick horns sprouted from his forehead and the moment you nodded and greeted him back, you noticed his massive tail swaying to and fro behind him. 
Speaking of massive, the dog you’d come to know as Yunho shifted before you all, standing taller than Seonghwa, as well. 
The corners of his crimson eyes had smudges as if left from the cinders of a once-burned fire and he smiled from ear to ear as he offered his hand to you, as well. 
“Hi, Yunho. Thank you for carrying us here.” You smile and hand Wooyoung back the now-empty teacup. Yunho’s tail wagged so fast, it thumped into Yeosang’s hips. 
“Who are they?” You inquire, pointing to the men by the fire pit. Seonghwa took your hand and gently brought you over to the two. 
The man with the scorpion tail tensed for a moment before relaxing the moment Mingi sat to his left and Yunho to his right. His ears, rounded, yet cat-like, twitched and swiveled. 
“Good morning.” He quietly greeted. You nod and sit across from him. 
“Good morning..uh…sorry, what is your name? My name is Y/n.” 
He didn’t meet your eyes, but you found Mingi subtly opening his posture so the man could press closer. The small, yet familiar action made you smile. 
‘He must be nervous because of something.’ You think, not realizing you’re doing the same, leaning into Seonghwa’s chest as your eyes fall upon the last man. 
The one with the black clothes and hazel eyes. He had a laser focus on the food in the fire, his pendant firmly in his mouth as he turned the fish and gently stirred the pot that had what looked like a stew inside of it. 
Where on earth did he get that on this island?
“Jongho, baby bear, you’re being rude.” Yeosang gently scolded, touching the back of his neck to get his attention. 
He tensed in an instant, his spade-shaped tail sticking straight up. That was the only indication of him being startled aside from his wide eyes. In an instant, he relaxed and looked over the fire at you, smiling. 
“Oh, uh. Sorry. I spaced out. My name is Jongho. It’s nice to meet you.” He greeted. He smelled incredibly sweet, almost mouth wateringly so.
You waved at him and introduced yourself, looking at the group. 
“To what do I owe the pleasure of meeting all of my mates…seven?” You’re not sure what the significance of them calling each other their ‘seven’, but you don’t pry. They all seem very close with one another, no matter what. 
“We figured we might as well stop by and say hello just in case a certain angelfish decided to not bring you around to greet any of us.” Yunho answered, staring as Jongho finally finished one of the bigger pieces. He nodded in his direction and he picked it up right out of the fire, seemingly unbothered by the flames nor the heat of the fish as he immediately tore into it. Mingi followed suit, splitting his piece with San and continuing between bites. 
“Our den isn’t exactly ready for other people to be in it.” He rumbled. San made a sour face before biting into his fish to seemingly keep his comment to himself. 
He didn’t seem privy on you being in their ‘den’ yet.
You hummed and accepted a cooler piece of fish on a stick Seonghwa had passed over to you. It was full of flavor and you can’t help the seal-like bark of joy that came out of your mouth. 
All eyes land on you and you blush, clearing your throat and looking away. 
Wooyoung smiled smugly as Seonghwa gently broke off more of his fish to hand to you. 
“Jongho, make sure to give our lovely new friend extra.”  He instructed. Jongho nodded and handed you a bowl. 
You look down into it and tilt your head. 
“It’s full of protein, and I brought some freshly harvested veggies to stew in there. I added some spices, too. Not too many, though, I promise. It's very good for you.” Yeosang smiled softly and handed you a spoon. You sniff gently, the aroma smelling slightly spiced and savory. You take a sip with the spoon and smile, going in for more. 
Seonghwa leaned over your shoulder, blinking owlishly. 
“I want some.” 
“It’s not for you.” Hongjoong muttered flatly. Seonghwa gasped in horror while Wooyoung laughed, leaning on Yeosang. 
“Why not?! There’s a whole pot full of it!” He complained. Hongjoong arched a brow at him and San eyed the two of you before speaking up. 
“Y/n needs the extra protein.” He spoke gently, wiping his mouth. He seemed to be trying to convey something, but it seemed to have gone over Seonghwa’s head.
Instead, you tilt your head and look at the bowl before sneaking him a spoonful anyway. 
“It’s okay. I know I’m still growing into my size now that I’m SeaBorn, but I still will share with him, and you all, too. I can’t possibly eat an entire pot full of food all by myself.” You tell them. 
They seem to exchange a look with one another before Yeosang sent you a gentle smile. 
“Well, it’s alright. We’ll all eat until you’re full. If you want more, just call us back and we’ll be happy to make more. Or, Seonghwa can bring you around The Whetū Faewilds and I can cook something different, but just as nutritious for you.” He cooed, and you can see the freckles along his skin twinkle and glitter. 
“I’d love to visit everyone’s home one day. Maybe I can make some food from my old home for you all….”you trail off, thinking about your village. 
You’d been so engrossed in your new life, you forgot your promise of revenge. You stare idly into your bowl of food, brows pulled together. 
Wooyoung looked at you from across the pit, eyes narrowing for a split moment before he gently was slapped on the back of the neck. 
“Stop reading the poor girl’s mind.” Yeosang scolded him, his voice low. San, Mingi, and Yunho perked regardless, looking over at you as you nurse your bowl in your hands, unbothered by the heat. Your eyes had begun to bleed into a deep red color.
“Not my fault her thoughts are so loud. That woman’s mind has a storm just festering below all the goody goody emotions Angelfish is giving her.” 
Yeosang blinked before he looked over at you, as well. A stormy expression crossed your face before it disappeared the moment Seonghwa kissed you. Your grip on the stone bowl in your hands loosened and you relaxed once more into his grip, clicking and purring as he peppered kisses all over your face. 
“Give it a few months, tops. She’ll call us. I’ll bet on it.” He rumbled, leaning on Yeosang. The faerie exhaled and looked at him. 
“True as it may be, you need to let it come to pass naturally. For now, stop prying.” 
“Yeah, yeah. You’re no fun.” 
You eat and listen to the stories of the group of unlikely friends until you feel yourself dozing off, your eyes growing heavy. Seonghwa wrapped his arm around you, smiling softly. 
“I think it’s time we head to bed, everyone. I promise I’ll be better about visiting.” 
San sent him a look and then looked at you instead. 
“....I’ll let you in our den if you make him stop by. This one is terrible at keeping his word. He gets too comfortable on this island taking care of sea turtle babies and monkeys and neglects us.” 
“I do not!” Seonghwa gasped, scandalized. Jongho snorted and Mingi arched a brow. 
“You haven’t stopped by in months.” 
“It was during Season! You two were-” His cheeks flared red before he cleared his throat, San's face igniting as well while Mingi stared back, unbothered.
“And I told you, you could have joined. I have two-”
“I’llDoBetterLet’sJustDropIt.” Seonghwa muttered quickly, his face dusted with pink scales. You looked at him before snickering. 
“It’s a promise. I want to visit, anyway.” You tell them through a yawn. Hongjoong gently motions with his hand. 
“Go rest. We’ll clean up.” 
You wave goodbye to them and get on Seonghwa’s back, your limbs dangling as he chuckles and disappeared back into the trees. 
The seven remaining men watched the two of you leave and Yeosang glanced at Wooyoung. 
“I know what you did in the first meeting, Wooyoung. Must you threaten people like that all the time? What if the stress was too much?” He scolded. Yunho sent them a curious look before tilting his head. 
“Did you do something? Is that why I have this weird sense of deja vu?” 
Wooyoung yawned, stretching his limbs before he flopped back, his head resting on San’s thighs. San gently ran his fingers through his hair, looking down at him. 
“If anyone intends to get near you, they go through me. I needed to see if she was worthy. Besides, she’s not nearly at the point where overstress would be a concern. If I were you, I’d worry about that hatred she’s got in her pretty little head instead of me testing her.” Wooyoung checked his nails before locking eyes with a concerned Yeosang. 
“That woman has murder on her mind. It’s below the surface, quieted only by her love for him, but it’s there. All we need is one monumental event, and it’s all over for that sorry-ass village. And when that time comes…”Wooyoung trailed off, humming softly. 
“We help. Where she goes, Seonghwa goes and where he goes, we go.” Hongjoong cut in. 
In an instant, all of their eyes hardened. Wooyoung’s lip quirked. 
“Now who’s the one who’s being threatening?”
Yeosang looked at him flatly and threw a ball of magic his way. It exploded into dandelion-esque puffs and Wooyoung instantly began sneezing. 
“Oh, shut up, you sound like a damn villain. Help us clean up the beach.” 
 .·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈*¨¨*:·.
1 Month Later
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈*¨¨*:·.
You feel the wind blow by you, and your lungs protest from the strain as you rush through the trees. 
Several tree branches snap behind you, but you pay it no mind, rushing faster through the island’s forest. 
You’re almost there. You’re so close. 
Goodness, you’re a bit more winded than usual today, aren’t you? 
In the briefest of moments, as your mind trailed off, you feel yourself get swept off of your feet. 
“I caught you.” 
You look up, sweat running down your temple as you meet Seonghwa’s gaze. He’s looking at you with deep magenta eyes, his chest rising and falling as he catches his breath. 
You smile. 
“You won this round. I won before. That means we need a tie breaker.” You tell him through pants, reaching to wipe his face. Seonghwa gently set you on your feet and held you close to him instead, burying his face in your neck. 
You look at him, smiling softly. He’s breathing in your scent deep, and with him so close, you find yourself doing the same, grazing your fangs over his shoulder, pressing yourself against his sturdy body. 
“How about we do something else?” You coo, running your fingers through damp blonde locks and tugging. Seonghwa purred deep from his core, his cock hard against your thigh as he tilted his head back. 
“Kneel for me.” 
Seonghwa doesn’t make you ask twice, getting down on one of his knees before you and looking up. You run your fingers through his hair, pushing it back before you lift your thigh and set it on his shoulder, smiling sweetly. 
“Go ahead. Enjoy your meal.”
Seonghwa let out a keen, grabbing both of the globes of your ass and pulling you flush against him after muttering a soft ‘thank you’. 
You clench and sigh, feeling him work his tongue into you, his claws leaving indents in your skin as he curled his tongue. 
You move his head, thigh flexing every now and again as the sparking pleasure from his saliva started to creep into your system. 
“Don’t make me cum yet, I want to make a mess of your cocks.” 
You watch his pupils dilate, a reverberating growl tearing from his lips as he looked up at you. You smile, sweet as nectar as you push his face flush between your legs, challenging both him and yourself to actually fulfill that wish. 
Seonghwa, for his own credit, ate you out slower and more deliberately than he usually did, kneading and panting against your pussy as your juices ran down his chin. 
You don’t think you’ll ever get tired of the look on his face when he’s between your legs, dazed with his eyes deep and pink. 
He could be there for hours, if you let him. You’d tested that one day and he’d only stopped because your eyes were full of pleasured tears and your legs were trembling. 
You pull and tug at his hair and grit your teeth. Reluctantly, he stilled all movement, looking up at you with half lidded eyes. 
“Where?” He growled, short and simple. You growl back at him, trembling and impatient. 
“Right here. Both.” 
He stared at you for a moment before he chuckled and pulled away from you, letting your thigh down and slowly licking his lips. He stood to his full height, backing  you against a tree and leaning into your space, tilting your chin up to make you gaze deep into his eyes. 
“My, you haven’t had a single time where you didn’t ask me for both.”
You stare back at him, brow arching. 
“Why should I? You’re mine and that means both of them are mine too.” You fire back, running your fingers down the expanse of his abdomen until you stopped over the slit at his pelvis, smiling at the way his eyes darkened. 
“You’re insatiable.” He whispered, though it distinctly lacked any real reluctance. You smile, regardless. 
“Am I?” 
You pretend to think for a moment before nodding, kissing the tip of his nose. 
He blinked, head tilting, and in an instant, you bolt back through the trees, leaving him stunned in your wake. 
“I’ll take care of myself, then~” You call over your shoulder. 
It took another second, and you fight the urge not to laugh as you hear the loud, undeniable roar of your name come from behind you. 
The birds in the trees squawked and flew off as Seonghwa tore through the island, chasing you with renewed vigor. 
“Seonghwa~!” You mock him lovingly, calling his name as you make sharp turns and pivots through the familiar terrain. This island had become your home in your time here, you were more than familiar with all it hid.
Seonghwa, of course, knew this place like the back of his hand and in no time he skid into your view, scales shimmering and glittering beautifully in the sun as he laid eyes on you. A smile stretched across his face as you rush to the left, giggling to yourself. 
You find yourself at a familiar rock formation, the same from when you first arrived on the island, and realize with a pout that you’ve hit a dead end. 
The sound of Seonghwa growling behind you confirmed it and you don’t even get the chance to turn around before you’re being embraced from behind. Seonghwa purred, planting kisses upon your shoulder and up your neck and ear before he nibbled the shell of it, clicking slowly. 
“I caught you again. What do I win?” He purred. You smile and turn your head to kiss him, taking one of his hands and guiding it between your legs. He got the hint, long fingers working you open while he held you flush against his body. 
You sigh and relax into his grip, moaning as your head rolled onto his shoulder. Seonghwa kissed you with an urgency his fingers did not share, and the mixed speeds made your head spin. 
You move his other hand to your breast, smiling as he kneaded it in his free hand, rutting his cocks against your ass. You can feel him dribbling against the dimples at the small of your back and you have a passing thought. 
‘He’s wasting it.’
You’ve long since stopped being flustered about these thoughts, and cup your hand over his, pushing your own fingers in beside his as you kiss him with a tad more aggression. 
“Want you.” You growl, hoping he gets the hint. Seonghwa moaned into the kiss and pinched your nipple between two fingers. 
“Bend over.” 
You pull your fingers from yourself, sending him a searing look over your shoulder as you lick them clean. Seonghwa followed the movement with his eyes before they drifted up to yours.
“Ah ah, down here.” You spread your legs and hold your folds open, your core aching. Seonghwa pressed himself against you in an instant, slowly guiding his cock coated in essence into you first. Your eyes nearly roll back at the pleasure of finally having his warmth inside of you. A shaky gasp left your mouth as he held your hip, pushing the other into you once he was sure you’d adjusted to the first properly. 
Seonghwa waited until you were ready, kissing your head and singing sweet nothings into your hair. 
“Put your arms back.” He instructed and you do so, feeling him work one of his arms through both of yours, pinning them back as he slowly rolled his hips forward and keeping you arched. 
“You’ve become such a fast baby, Y/n. I wonder what you would have done if you got away from me. Maybe I should’ve let you this time, just sit back and watch you pleasure yourself just right.” He growled against your ear, taking your earlobe between his teeth. You whine, clenching down possessively on his cocks. 
He noticed, a deep, throaty groan ripping from his chest as he snapped his hips up before reminding himself he wanted to drive you crazy, slowing himself back down. 
“I would have called to you-ah…faster, it’s too slow-” You whimper, trying to rock your hips back. Seonghwa’s arm flexed between yours as he held them back, clicking his tongue in your ear. 
“I’m enjoying my mate. Be still.” 
You shudder and feel yourself gush around him. Your body is getting hotter again, and you loosen up. Feeling precum run between your thighs as he moved faster over time. 
You stand on your tiptoes as he rocked into you, moaning his name like a chorus as he nuzzled your neck. 
“Sweet…you smell so sweet.” He panted, both of his cocks rocking hard into your gspot at the same time. 
You feel your brain disconnect for a moment, your mouth falling open before a guttural moan of pleasure fell from your lips as Seonghwa repeated the action. Encouraged by your song, he angled his hips, focusing on making you melt in his arms, his teeth sinking into your shoulder. 
Beautiful, glittering silver droplets run down as you feel him let go of your arms, pressing them above your head on the smooth rock wall as he thrusted into you. 
“Seonghwa! S-seonghwa slow down I’m gonna cum-” You try fruitlessly to drag it out for longer. Seonghwa had other plans, his free hand finding its way between your legs, rubbing your clit in rapid circles as he licked your shoulder bites closed. 
“Cum for me, then. You sound s-so pretty for me, clenching me like a vice….c’mon, don’t hold back. Make a mess. That’s what you want right? To make a mess of your mate’s cocks?” He chuckled into your ear, both of his cocks throbbing deep inside of you. You can feel them, and your mouth waters at the undeniable need to be bred swirling in your mind. 
“K-kiss me?” You plead, nearly crying in relief as he immediately tilted his head to do so, his tongue melding against yours as you feel yourself standing on your tiptoes due to the force of his thrusts and his heights. 
Your stomach bulges from the size of his cocks and the moment you hear him growl ‘I love you’ into the kiss, you feel yourself clench down, fingers flexing and clenching as you came with a spine-shaking orgasm.
Seonghwa moaned, your scent flooding his senses as he sped up his own thrusts, cumming deep inside of you and keeping himself still as he kissed you, keeping you pinned between him and the wall. 
“Love you, I love you.” You pant, mewling as you look back at him, your eyes no doubt matching his in their magenta color. He smiled and hugged you close, keeping himself inside of you. 
“I love you.” He rumbled, letting both of you catch your breaths and settle down before pulling out, watching as his cum and essence roll out in thick pearls, leaving a glittering puddle on the stone between your legs.
You pant, and for a moment, you consider cupping yourself to keep it inside, but you blush and perish the thought, instead.
Seonghwa picked you up, kissing your temple and carrying you off to the waterfall where you both had first gotten intimate. He gently guided you into the water, chuckling at the way your legs instantly shifted into your tail. 
You look down and he ran his fingers over your tail, smiling fondly. 
"Your tail really is beautiful."
You look at the gray speckles and purse your lips. 
"Yours is stunning. Mine is just…"you trail off and Seonghwa clicks disapprovingly.
"Beautiful." He ran his fingertips in small loops, tracing words of love and patterns of lace along your tail and chuckling as you shudder.
"You can always tell the difference between a Seaborn who was born that way and one who used to be human. We call them Reborns, at least, the older generations did. As Hongjoong told you, humans who were turned into Seaborn will retain mammal traits. Namely, the tail." Seonghwa hummed, drumming his fingers along your tail. You look at his face, watching the cogs turn. 
"Everything else is basically the same no matter the type. Our strength, our longevity, our basic anatomies, how we give birth, it's very similar regardless of being Reborn or Seaborn." He continued, beginning to wash your tail with long caresses after opening the container of self-made soap he'd left at this particular waterfall since it held sentimental value for you both. 
"How do Seaborns give birth?" You inquire. He blushed and rubbed his neck. 
"Laying eggs and keeping them warm? 
You blink at him.
"Laying eggs…and then keeping them warm after that?"
"Like a chicken?"
Seonghwa gave you a funny look, his eyebrows and nose scrunching up.
"....did you just compare us to chickens?"
"....its kinda chicken-like"
He stared flatly at you and pushed you into the water further, face deadpan as you came back up laughing.
"Seonghwa! I'm right!"
"No, wash yourself, chicken girl"
You snicker and come close to him, resting your arms on his knees as you feel him work his hands into your hair, gently washing and scratching your scalp.
“Our village is fortunate. There is an underwater volcano within our territory. There is a nursery nearby that is protected by magic and round the clock security. This is for couples who are active in hunting or may not have time to incubate them above water, in sand. During particularly busy egg hatching seasons, Yunho will come and stay within one of Hongjoong’s gardens and use his body heat to keep them warm. We have had our numbers quadruple and our success rate for hatching guppies almost perfect itself because of him and Yeosang enchanting our nursery gardens for Hongjoong." Seonghwa explained, purring softly as you close your eyes. 
You don't even realize the way your tail slapped the surface of the water, just enjoying the feeling of him taking care of you. He chuckled and reached in, picking you up out of the water as he continued to wash you. 
His hand wanders as he sings and hums to you, but so do your lips, and it takes but a few minutes of him cleaning his essence and cum out of you before you press your face into his throat, kissing and nibbling at his pulse. 
Seonghwa opened his mouth to tease you again, but paused. Once again he can smell it. That sweet scent lacing your usual one. 
His fingers twitched. As you place nips and kisses along the edges of some of his scales, you can hear him rumbling. 
You look at him, blinking. 
"Yes. You smell sweet."
You blink before you hum quietly. Your eyes drift between your legs.
"Your fingers are still inside of me."
Seonghwa’s platinum scales along his cheekbones and the corners of his eyes turn a dusty pink, but all he did was hold you close. 
"Yes, Seonghwa?"
You can tell there was nothing to panic about-yet-Seonghwa had spoken in a calm tone, his scales never paling or his scent tinging with fear. 
Instead, excitement? Nervousness?
"I think you're pregnant."
You stare at him. 
He stared back.
For a while, you think the world had stopped, had it not have been for the rushing sound of the water behind you and the gentle, steady sound of splashing as he continued to wash you with gentle, reverent hands. 
Then, your eyes well up. Seonghwa bit his lip and smiled as you bring your hand to your stomach. 
“Your scent has changed. It’s sweeter than usual, gentler.” 
He gently ran his hand over your stomach, landing on top of yours. 
Tears roll down your cheek as you pull him down for a kiss, feeling like you were floating. He smiled into it, holding you securely as you both sang and purred words of love and adoration to one another. 
That would explain…a lot, actually. The hunger you felt growing steadily, your portions growing significantly, getting winded easier while doing work around the island and in the ocean, and the increased clinginess from Seonghwa. 
You two clean up and Seonghwa held your hands in his, smiling softly. 
“How about we visit The Whetū Faewilds tomorrow? Yeosang may be able to help us out. He’s really good at helping out new families and I want him to give you a protection enchantment. I need to see if I can have my own seagarden somewhere here for our eggs so you can lay them separate from everyone elses. Maybe if Yunho brings a magma stone we can keep them warm on our own and-”
You watch fondly as Seonghwa excitedly chattered on about setting up your own nursery for your eggs. You cup his cheek minutes later and he stops mid-sentence, looking into your eyes. 
Neither of you say a word and he simply pressed his cheek into your palm, smiling. 
“Let’s get settled into bed early. We’ll leave for Yeosang’s early tomorrow.” Seonghwa suggested. You nod and smile, letting him carry you off to bed, a new kind of joy settling in your body as you cuddle into his arms that night. 
“So how are we getting to Yeosang’s faewilds? Do we swim?” You inquire, looking over at Seonghwa the following morning as you both stand on the beach. 
Seonghwa fiddled with his ear, blinking as they brushed against a peridot earring. 
He had a feeling something had been misaligned, but couldn’t put his finger on what. Instead, he gripped the earring and called out to the ocean. 
There’s a silence that stretches between you both. The ocean swayed calmly, unbothered. 
Seonghwa furrowed his brow and opened his mouth. 
“I’m right here. What do you need?” 
Both of you look behind you, finding Wooyoung standing on the air above both of you, looking down as you clutch your chest, startled. Seonghwa rubbed the small of your back and Wooyoung cocked a brow. 
“You two don’t look like you’re in danger. What do you want?” He yawned, stepping off of whatever invisible platform of air he was standing on, getting right in both of your faces. 
“We need a lift to The Whetū Faewilds, please.” Seonghwa informed him, smiling in greeting. Wooyoung blinked before looking at you. 
Whether you noticed or not, you’d been idly rubbing small circles along your stomach, taking note of the subtle bulge forming. 
“Oh, good. You both realized she’s pregnant. I see.” Wooyoung stretched and ignored the stammering coming from Seonghwa. 
“You knew?”
“We all knew. Now, c’mon before I change my mind. I don’t recall when it was I said I was suddenly a transportation service.” Wooyoung grumbled. He took a few steps towards the ocean, and you could see trails of stardust glinting with his every step. 
You blink. 
His feet never actually made contact with the sand, now that you looked closer. 
Wooyoung made a sweeping motion and in an instant, a tear appeared before you all. You frown, looking at the unnatural tear space and peer through it, holding Seonghwa’s hand. Through it, you can see a lush forest. 
“I don’t have all day, go on.” Wooyoung urged, nodding towards the tear. Seonghwa smiled at you, kissing your knuckles before he pulled you towards the spacial tear, guiding you into it. 
Immediately, the aroma around you changes. 
The smell of sea salt disappeared into the distance, now replaced with fresh rain and flowers. You breathe deep, smiling as it caresses you and brings about an instant calm. The forest seemed to welcome your presences, and you watch as a tiny, cotton ball shaped entity bounced over to you. 
It made a noise you could only describe as a puppy-like squeak before it ran down a row of fragrant plumeria and gardenia bushes. 
“That’s a faerie, they’re leading us to Yeosang.” Seonghwa explained. You smile and turn to thank Wooyoung, but find him already missing. 
“Oh-uh, okay, let’s go.” You take Seonghwa’s hand and follow the fae through the forest. You are careful not to step on any flowers along the way. A few other fae peeked out of the bushes, watching you before they began following you both, some of them cooing and climbing up Seonghwa’s body with a sense of familiarity. 
You smile, watching as the small glowing puffs dot your mate. One of them crossed the bridge between your and his shoulders, squeaking as it pressed against your cheek and began to shake in what you assumed was excitement. 
“Ah, you’re here. Welcome.” 
You look up and blink in surprise, finding yourself standing in front of a beautiful hut in the center of a village you don’t remember walking into. You look around, lips parted as you spy faeries of all shapes and sizes, looking curiously at you as they held fruit and flora in various baskets. 
Your eyes drift back in front of you and you find Yeosang smiling softly at you both, his hair secured back in a clip and a dangling jewled hairclip catching your attention as he walked closer. 
“You kept your word and stopped by. I appreciate it. We’ve missed you,Seonghwa, and my people have wanted to greet you, Y/n.” He gently gave Seonghwa a hug. Seonghwa closed his eyes and leaned down, pressing his forehead to Yeosang’s. Yeosang closed his eyes back, gently holding Seonghwa’s forearms. 
When they pulled away, Yeosang muttered something in a tongue you couldn’t understand, smiling softly before he looked at you. 
“Do you mind?” He asked, holding his arms open. You smile and lean into his embrace without a second’s hesitation. Yeosang smiled and hugged you back. He pulled away after a moment or two and you follow what Seonghwa had done, closing your eyes and tilting your head up slightly. You miss the small look of surprise on Yeosang’s face before it melted into a fond look, with him leaning down to press his forehead to yours, breathing gently. 
A sense of warmth and welcome washed over you, and just like with Seonghwa, Yeosang pulled away and muttered something. This time you could understand him. 
‘Welcome home.’
Seonghwa put his arm around you and guided you into Yeosang’s home, sitting down first and patting his lap. You sit down with a small blush, settling into his embrace as Yeosang began to move about his home, grabbing some decorative cups and setting them in front of you both before he set down a few small ceramic bowls. 
“So, I can smell the excitement on you both, and I noticed you had Wooyoung bring you here instead of making the day-long swim…I’m assuming you both have come to realize you are with children, yes?” Yeosang inquired, his movements graceful as he removed the lids of each bowl. You lift your head to peek, seeing dried flowers and fruit inside of each one, as well as the one at the end having some form of glittering powder. 
“Was I really the last to know?” Seonghwa frowned. You laugh behind your hand and kiss his jaw after turning your head and Yeosang chuckled, gently adding certain petals and leaves to a small bag, tucking them carefully into it. 
“It’s alright. Love is as exhilarating as it is blinding.” Yeosang mused, looking at both of you with a gentle fondness in his eyes. 
“How are you feeling, Miss?” He inquired. You wave gently. 
“Y/n is fine, Yeosang. I’ve been slowing down a bit but I’m okay. I imagine in the next eight months that may change drastically.” 
Both he and Seonghwa looked at you curiously before Yeosang hummed gently, adding dried apple and lemon to one bag. 
“Seaborns do not hold their eggs for nine months like humans do their young. You will probably need to lay in about two or so months. You’re a month in, so you’ll notice your body adjusting and changing fairly quickly from here on out.” He explained. You feel your lips part, staring at him in surprise. 
“Two months?” 
“Or somewhere about that time, yes. I recommend you keep your stress levels down and try and stay away from dangerous situations until then.” He met your eyes and you feel like there’s something he’s not saying in this moment. You don’t look away, rubbing Seonghwa’s knuckles as he adjusted his embrace. 
“What would I be doing that’s dangerous, Yeosang?”
Yeosang’s eyes didn’t betray anything in his head, and instead he only shrugged a shoulder. 
“I don’t know, I’m just warning you regardless.” 
He put the bags in the cups and gently poured the water into them. A pleasant aroma flooded the room and you find yourself sniffing eagerly, watching as he covered each cup with a small lid made of some kind of wood. 
He closed his eyes and took a moment, seemingly thinking before he looked at you both once more. 
“You would like me to place a protective enchantment on your womb, correct?” Yeosang inquired. You and Seonghwa nod in unison and Yeosang hummed, staring at the cups. 
“Have you chosen a place to lay your clutch?” He inquired, looking into Seonghwa’s eyes. 
“On the island, in a mini spring with a waterfall.” 
“Is it deep enough to have a magma stone placed in it without overheating it?” 
“I would need a smaller stone than usual, but yes. It's a good twenty-five feet deep. At least.” 
Yeosang tapped his lip and nodded quietly, humming to himself. He took the lid off of the cups and gently grabbed some of the glittering dust from the final ceramic bowl, sprinkling it into your cup before smiling softly and handing it to you. 
You take a moment to take a deep breath, enjoying the aroma of hibiscus mixed with dried fruit. You sip gently and lean back against Seonghwa’s chest fully. 
“How many guppies do Seaborns usually have?” 
Yeosang looked at Seonghwa, arching a brow. Seonghwa rubbed your hips, putting his chin over your head. 
“If all goes well, usually two or three. If they aren't incubated properly, they won’t make it. We also would have to watch for predators. Usually, the creatures of the ocean stray clear of Seaborns but nurseries that aren't properly guarded have been known to have opportunity hunters go after the eggs.” he sighed. 
The sound of a growl drew both of their attention to you. A deep leer settled on your face, your eyes bleeding into crimson as you gripped the cup tight. 
“I’ll kill anything that comes near my fucking babies, Seonghwa.” 
He blinked in surprise before he rubbed your hips and kissed your cheek. 
“I know, baby. Nothing will get close to our nursery.”
Yeosang watched the two of you and moved closer, sitting in front of you. 
“Can you lift your shirt? Just so I can see your stomach?” He inquired. Seonghwa moved his hands away from yours so you could decide and after you sit up a bit, you lift your shirt up until it was bunched over your belly. 
Yeosang’s eyes gleamed, and he held his hand over your stomach, fingertips glowing. He blinked for a moment before he exhaled, laughing to himself. You frown at him, worry settling in your brow. 
“What? What’s wrong?” You ask quickly. He waved and pressed his palm firmly against your belly. 
“Nothing, just thinking. Hold still for a moment.” He instructed. You hold your breath without thinking. Yeosang’s fingertips begin to glow with a soft, pastel yellow twinkle, small symbols appearing around the curve of your stomach before he pulled his hand away and gently lowered your shirt. 
“I’ve put some protective magic over your womb. Remember to be careful, it doesn’t make you immune to injuries, but it simply makes it easier for you with carrying and eventually when you lay. I’ll send you both home with some fae meals to keep your energy high and boost your health. Because you are a Reborn, you will find that your body will most likely begin to lactate, as well. Only Reborns can, seeing as you hold onto your mammal genetics to some extent. You can come back to me when your guppies are born and I will provide you with more Fae meals in order to keep your body healthy and cleansed of toxins so you can nurse them…if you choose to do so.” Yeosang explained, moving to sit back down, taking a sip of the tea in front of him. You touch your stomach ever so slightly and looked over at the kind Fae man. 
“That’s so kind of you…all of this is…Is there anything I can to repay you for your kindness?” 
Seonghwa kissed your head and pressed a kiss to your temple. 
“Yeosang, I’d like to show her around the village and your forest. Is it alright if I do it alone? I want her to see the Vermillion Gardens. If you don’t want anyone there, I understand, too.” Seonghwa spoke gently, and you could tell from the way Yeosang had paused his drinking, this was something of a special place. 
He rose his gaze up to the two of you before he smiled, his nose scrunching slightly. 
“Just be mindful of the flowers. Do not stray too far from them. My Faewilds may be friendly towards those I welcome here, but that does not mean you shouldn’t watch your own back.“
Seonghwa smiled wide and took your hand, pulling you out of the hut and guiding you through the beautiful village. 
Yeosang watched the two of you leave and sat down, bringing a cup of tea up to his lips. 
“I never expected you to be such a softie for an addition of The Fold.” He spoke into the brim of the cup. For a moment, there was no response in the seemingly empty room. 
“A ‘softie’? You wound me. I don’t give a damn about that woman or those kids, I just want to make sure-”
“There was an Eldritch rune on her womb long before I touched her. I wonder who that came from.” Yeosang cut him off and motioned to the empty spot beside him, his fingers glowing as a second cup of tea began brewing. Sure enough, Wooyoung emerged, taking a seat beside him, pouting. 
“I really can’t hide a thing from you, huh?” He grumbled. Yeosang sent him a smile, eyes twinking with mirth. 
“No, you can’t. I don’t even know why you try at this point.” 
You step carefully as you trek through the Vermillion Garden, the petals of countless spider lilies tickling your ankles as you walk beside Seonghwa. There was a gazebo in the center of the field and Seonghwa carefully helped you sit in a bench, touching you with added care, as if you were to lay at any moment. 
It was as equally adorable as it was endearing. 
Seonghwa put an arm around you, looking at the illuminated flowers as he took a deep breath. You admire your surroundings, holding Seonghwa’s hand. 
“This flower field…is it special?” You inquire. Seonghwa nodded, looking up at the stars above. The sky was a much different color than the one back on the beach. 
Instead of a pitch black or a deep blue, the night sky was a deep purple. A shimmering aurora flowed through the sky above the two of you, and for a few moments, you forget to breathe, simply taking it all in. 
“The heart and soul of the Faewilds. It all started here. Yeosang always brought us here when something good would happen in our lives. Something about the flowers helping lift the soul and spirit. So…its only right I bring you here.” 
You blush and smile, kissing him slowly. Around you, the flowers begin the glow, wisps of light dancing around the night sky like fireflies. You cup Seonghwa’s face, feeling like you were floating. 
Everything was going to be alright. 
@kimnamshiks @angel0taiyo @atiny-dazzlinglight @jacksons-goddess-gaia @smallfrye @daniblogs164 @daisyhwa @yunhofingers @xlilehx @violetwinters @jess-1404 @perfectlysane24 @babiebumm @bangteezbaby @skmoonchild @universe-sighted @seomisaho @sanraes @asyamonet22 @drunk-on-hwa @shingisimp @yungiland @serialee @justatiredhuman @heesuncore @twistedsiren @xuxibelle @delphinium3000 @horizonmoonfics @cookiechristie @stardragongalaxy @ateezwonderland @spooo00oky @shymexican
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drgnflyteabox · 27 days
⋆⭒˚.⋆ masterlist ‧₊˚✩彡
-> general writing tag
-> general disclaimer: i usually write fem readers, neutral (please hmu if i ever miss!) in everything outside of usually being fem
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simon "ghost" riley
can't get much better [oneshot] ↪ simon is forced to take some time off - he makes the most of it ↪ fluffy, softdom!simon, pregnant reader, oneshot
the lusty cabin-dweller [oneshot] ↪ your life gets wider when you find an injured man outside of your cabin ↪ or, your goat adopts a pet man. softdom!simon, some angst, oneshot, skyrim!AU
kyle "gaz" garrick
postcards from the coast [series] ↪ kyle x single mom!reader ↪ or, kyle garrick is prescribed a year by the sea to cure his melancholia
john price
lament [series] ↪ john price x fem!reader ↪ as you recover from prolonged illness, you meet a man on a hike in the woods just as strange things begin happening around you
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drabbles (various);
gaz comes home desperate for this mean office siren gf<3↪ or, a drabble about coy reader making gaz work for it a little ;)
dirty ruffian western!ghost↪ i need dirty farmhand simon so bad
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nobodys-hekatonchires · 6 months
A Snippet From My Jazz & Ironhide TFP Au
This is snippet from the first chapter, if anyone wants to have a read :)
Ironhide, as the war continued on, missed a lot of things. But at this current klick, he painfully missed the Ark and all its systems. That ship had been wonderful, armed to the teeth with so many weapons that left the Weapon’s specialist’s intake drooling. It even had its own energon bar! Filled with premium high-grade and everything. But that ship was long gone, along with it many mecha that Ironhide hadn’t seen in vorns, and a proper system that functioned. The current shuttle he was crammed into was nothing more than a glorified waste bin, hardly a spaceship, let alone a functional one!
“Jazz, you rusty bolt! Where in all the Pits did ya’ manage to find the most scrapped ship?!” Ironhide demanded, vocaliser growling over the cacophony of endless warning sirens and blaring emergency messages. Taking an astrosecond to let go of the steering console, Ironhide slammed a fist down on a bunch of buttons to hopefully shut something up. The system whined but spluttered out, although the shuttle was still a loud mess.
“This was all I could find!” Jazz yelled back, visor flashing with indignation at Ironhide’s accusatory tone. The shorter mech was doing his very best to stay upright, digits clinging to the command console in front of him as he looked for any button they might deploy missiles or even a space bridge to get them out of the trouble they were in. Unfortunately, they’d both found that most of the controls were useless, not even wired up to any function. A couple were simply just stickers or painted on to make the whole thing look more high-tech than it was. Ironhide was lucky he even had a steering column and a pilot’s seat to begin with. Jazz’ chair had long since ripped itself out of its struts, clattering somewhere behind them both in the tiny storage area onboard. Anything that wasn’t strapped down had joined the chair in the mess it was creating, thrown around as Ironhide flew like a two-wheeler on too much Vosnian high-grade.
“It ain’t ma’ fault ya’ twisted th’wires of just ‘bout everybot on that planet!”
Ironhide would give Jazz that, but nothing more. He had unfortunately angered a lot of mecha and organics by winning (fairly!) at astro-poker. It probably hadn’t helped that he’d also punched the first organic to try to demand their credits back. But what was a mech to do? Ironhide had won them fair and square, not his fault some mecha couldn’t keep their gears from exploding because they lost about a hundred thousand credits.
And Ironhide didn’t even get to keep the cursed things, losing them all when one very large mech had flipped the table…
Gritting his dentae so hard he thought the metal might bend, Ironhide steered the shuttle to the side sharply to avoid a cluster of asteroids ahead. The only good thing about their ship was it was small, easily manoeuvrable, even in an asteroid belt. He just wished all the engines actually worked and that the cannons hadn’t been dismantled for scrap pieces.
A dangerously close blast knocked their shuttle to the left, narrowly scraping a huge asteroid. Jazz cursed, and Ironhide almost smacked his own helm on the console. He didn’t need rear cameras to know that their pursuers were gaining on their tailpipe. Their ship was big enough to just shoulder the asteroids out of the way, and they had working guns!
“Primus, I wish I was back on th’Ark!” Ironhide lamented loudly, engines rumbling in agreement. At least on the Ark he wouldn’t be the one driving either. And that ship had had stasis pods!
“Hey! That ain’t ma’fault.” Jazz protested just before he lost his footing and crashed into a wall somewhere. Ironhide didn’t have the opportunity to go help him. Suddenly, another load of lights and sirens started up. It was like some weird disco, if you enjoyed deafening alarms and optic-piercing light shows. This was far worse than one of those clubs that Jazz had dragged the older mech too on Cybertron. He’d take that any cycle now.
“Yeah, an’ we both know whose fault it is!” Ironhide yelled back at his companion. There was a bunch of cursing and scraping of metal behind him, until Jazz appeared at Ironhide’s side again, a few more dents in his plating but luckily still alive.
“He better be on this ‘Earth’. I’ve got some scrap to hammer inta that helm’a his.” He mumbled mostly to himself, ignoring the alert about another fire starting up on the shuttle. Jazz rushed off to go sort out the blaze, mostly tumbling through the ship as Ironhide took another sharp turn. He forced his vents to exhale and keep cooling his systems down while it mitigated battle protocols. Sooner or later they’d probably be engulfed in an explosion, especially if the other ship hit their energon lines…
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oohbuggypie · 6 months
"and as he wept, he wept and said, 'Oh, my.. Oh, my.. Would to God I had died for He'"
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this is fully inspired by @goferwashere 's PO!! Monster Hunter AU 🩷 depicted is Don Flamenco in his monster form being held in his last moments by Joe. the writing that describes their fight, Don's death, and Joe's regret are all below the cut as its very long. but WOW i just could not get this idea out of my head . thank u soo much Gofer for the amazing AU and thank u to the whole community for being my courage to be brave and release something a little less cutesie than usual ! 🥹 additional details i rlly want to be known::
-the tattoo on Don' torso is an altered version of that in the regular PO!! universe; the one depicted reads "COLOSSIANS 3:2" :: the verse's meaning is "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things". this is meant to reflect his disdain for humans, and how he views them as lesser
-the stab wound placement is below Don's right pectoral; this is in reflection of Jesus Christ's 5th wound he suffered whilst being crucified. additionally, it is said that what seeped from the wound wasn't only blood, but water as well; i found this very fitting for his character for obvious reasons lol
-the lyrics above the drawing are a condensed / altered version from the choral piece "David's Lamentation", one of my favorite songs ever !
phewph okay writing time ! unfortunately i have never written angst, let alone fighting OR death .. this is also being released about half an hour shy of midnight on bad sleep so proofreading is out of the question.. this is prob a hard read but I STAY CONFIDENT ! here we gooo 🩷::
Don hissed and swung his fist in an aimless direction, hearing the collision's result come in the form of an agonized grunt from the man near him. Blind rage mingled with fear consumed Don's body in a way God himself forbade, yet he continued to batter any flesh that came into contact with his.
Joe's entire being ached, his eye now burning from the knuckles that dug into it just moments ago. He clenched it shut and let the obscurity of his vision drive his instincts to wherever they were necessary. He aimed to return the punch with his own fist plunging to meet Don's stomach, momentarily knocking the air from his lungs. As Don's arms instinctively lowered to gaurd where his sore flesh was struck, Joe snarled and drew his left arm back to slam a fist into Don's cheek. The siren felt a coursing agony not only externally, but through his heart. He knew what would come, yet he continued to bare his teeth. He ripped apart anything which bothered him and felt no haunting ring in his mind. Though this time, he feared that the bells would toll.
Joe took full advantage of the temporary stun he inflicted upon Don and wrapped his hands around the man's throat. Joe kicked Don's ankle in so that he buckled beneath his own weight, dropping them both to meet the floor. Joe felt a shake within his bones, like the structures in his own body didn't want him to do this. He didn't want to. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. Yet his body moved now without his mind, pressing his entire weight into the neck of the helpless man below him. Don couldn't stand the desperation that racked his body, and above that distaste, he couldn't bare to look up at the deathly eyes staring into his own. The man who he called a friend held less semblance to a human and now closer to a wraith, some wretched figure distorted by horror. His skin appeared a sickly gray in the darkness of the gym's room, and had his hands always been this coarse and cold? Nonetheless, for the present time Don disregarded the friend he once had and viewed him now as a step above a pet; competition.
Don snarled and thrashed beneath the body of Joe and locked his hands around the arms above. His brain felt like a searing gas within his head, but that lack of consciousness was immediately replaced by instinct. Don slid his hands down to grip Joe's wrists and ripped them outwards with a fell swipe. Joe wasn't spared a second to process the motion before his nose was slammed by Don's forehead. A pained cry was all his voice could manage before his vision flickered black.
When he awoke, only seconds has passed since he blacked out. With a horrified start, Joe began to thrash his arms through the water engulfing him. His legs kicked in the same motion, his left heel slamming into an excruciating pressure seeming to bind his right ankle. The force released as soon as it felt his bruising strike against it. Joe desperately made strokes with his arms upwards, looking for any form of light to signify what differentiated the surface from the bottom. Joe felt a darkness reigning upon him as another figure trailed close behind, its presence growing heavier with each struggling wave of his arms throughout the pool.
Joe's face broke the surface. Without a second to catch his breath, he began scanning the area with bewildered eyes for the nearest edge. His loafers felt like bricks tied to his ankles, and the turtleneck he donned was quickly becoming suffocating. A short distance behind him, a splash breaking the water's tension drove Joe into fight or flight. His arms clawed in front of him with strokes large enough to leave his arms aching the next day, yet that same pain was his drive to reach the edge quicker. He gripped the ledge of the hard floor and hoisted himself above the edge, rushing into a position where his knees and one arm balanced his body upright. With his unoccupied hand, he reached where the bells tolled and the colors sank. Joe frantically patted his pocket for where the knife's sheath bulged.
Don arose from the water he resided in just seconds after his former partner. Joe ripped the leather from his pocket and reached into it, gripping the handle as if he was warding death itself away. His knuckles were white with pressure, and his wide eyes locked on the man inches from himself. Don's eyes were sickly and no longer passing as human; the bags beneath them were a bruised purple, and where the whites of his eyes should be were replaced by a glassy blue. His brows dug wrinkles into his forehead like malicious scars upon skin. And the worst of it all was the death-like frown that crumpled his entire facial structure; it drew his eyes in a downward spiral, and his lips curled against his flesh like desperate hands digging into anything for hold.
With his chest exposed and either arms beside him as means to lift himself, Joe raised his blade and drudged it into Don's flesh.
Don's eyes fell like the world's light upon an empty room, and the sharp inhale in his throat thrummed akin to the death rattle. Despite the metal lodged deep within his chest, he managed the strength to drag himself from his home's grasp and to lay on the freezing tile below him. Joe's hands left his mouth as he let out some visceral shout that made cherubs above weep. He scurried across the soaked floor to examine the man before him. Joe slammed himself down upon the floor and struggled to lift him, eventually draping Don's being across his own. Don's arms rested against Joe's bent knees, and his head tilted into his chest with slowing breaths beating against his sweater. The remaining warmth of his breath settling on his own shoulder resembled the comfort of a blanket upon a child's cold body. Joe felt static piercing through his brain and throughout his ears.
He slid his trembling hand to grab the hilt of his blade, yanking it from between Don's ribs with a crumbling expression upon his face. Where the stab wound remained open, Joe rested his hand on its opening and let the blood seep onto his skin. He lowered them to graze the rest of Don's torso, creating an up and down rhythm almost as if to comfort him. He felt a dread in his stomach nothing in his life had ever compared to; he had killed numerous times before this, and for pettier reasons. But the understanding of what he had just done settled upon him like the smothering embrace of a rotting being. Joe lost any remaining thoughts in his mind as small, breaking moans passed the pursing lips of Don.
Don's body felt washed by shades of baby blue. His eyed fixated on an empty and quickly fading horizon. The right side of his body held a sensation that reminded him of familiarity; dripping water and warm waves caressing his flesh. Though this time, the sea seemed to be accompanied by rainfall. Don couldn't muster the strength to look up, let alone turn his head, but he felt warm droplets fall upon his hair. The fog that began swallowing his mind didn't allow him to understand where the water's source was coming from. They dropped rapidly now, dripping enough so that they slid across his own cheeks; they made up for the lack of his own tears. The air that was becoming increasingly hard to keep in his grasp now filled with a tune, a rhythm similar to those he practiced when dancing.
"Je suis désolé, je suis vraiment désolé, oh..."
Don couldn't understand the words, couldn't sing along to the beautiful tune that seemed to hail from Heaven itself. It broke his heart a bit, seeing that one of his greatest attributes was his ethereal singing voice. But the words soothed his soul, and held this wonderous ability to make his eyes feel comfortable closing.
"Oh, mon Dieu... Oh, mon Dieu, pardonne-moi... Pardonne-lui aussi..." Joe heaved, his hands clutching the bloodied skin of Don's torso. His body shook with a might that caused Don's own body to tremor along with his.
Don wished he knew what those words meant. Don wished he could hear the voice sing in his ears forever, let the melody echo throughout the chambers of his fading mind every second of every waking moment. Don's face fell cold, and his body felt as if it was losing its occupation; but fear never crossed his mind when his vision finally began to fade. He loved the hands running up and down his body, loved the warmth cascading against his side, loved the song, he loved this moment. He let his breath soften and slip from his mind's priorities, and now focused on shutting his eyes to rest.
The last thing Don truly felt was the slipping of beads across his collar bones.
Joe removed the rosary from around Don's neck and let its wooden roses slide into a pile inside his unused pocket. He vowed that the blade would make no contact with the necklace.
Joe couldn't and didn't think as he laid the body of his sweet friend down to rest away from his own. He looked once more into the drained yet softened features of Don's face; his lips looked soft against his chin, and his brows no longer furrowed in such a dreadful way. Joe stood for moments, spending minutes staring down at the body now devoid of life on the floor. The worst sight of the entire night was the wound beneath the right side of Don's chest. And even upon staring at it, running his eyes over it again and again, Joe just couldn't think deeper about it.
He turned his back from the death that loomed behind him and exited through the double doors of the room. Joe stalked off into the night, letting the world's air solidify the agonizing tears that stained his cheeks, down to his neck.
END !! thanks 4 reading if u did and thank u 2 anybody who sees this !! now im gonna go ahead and pass out it's 11:45 PM and im sick 🩷
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Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
Thank you so much to @kitkatt0430 for tagging me <3
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
Well, I got back into Coldflash in a big way a couple years ago, and kind of got frustrated not really seeing anything new in the tag, lol. Desperation is usually my biggest motivator to do anything. If I had unlimited new Coldflash fics coming out, I probably would never have written my own tbh.
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
Just the one. I used to do translations for a different fandom, though, so maybe two depending on if translating counts.
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
My own? Only a year and a half. Translating, maybe roughly ten years.
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I probably write more now, but you wouldn’t know it because I’m such a slow writer!
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
Oh, I feel like my English has definitely gotten better since I started writing regularly. I always felt obligated to put a little disclaimer at the bottom, like please be nice to me, this isn’t my first language, lol. I feel a little bit more confident about it now (although I still obsessively google every sentence and word).
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I mean, thanks to Chapter 4 of What Happens in Vegas I know now way more than I ever needed to know about tornado sirens, considering we don’t have them in my country, lol. I also ended up doing extensive (and totally pointless) research about the ancient Sumerian city-state of Ur (located in the South of what is now modern-day Iraq), which is where Len/Cold was supposed to be from in my AU where he was a genie. For those who are unaware, Ur fell in about 2000 BC and had a very famous poem written about it. Here is the cheery opening of 11 stanzas of misery:
For the gods have abandoned us
like migrating birds they have gone
Ur is destroyed, bitter is its lament
The country's blood now fills its holes like hot bronze in a mould
Bodies dissolve like fat in the sun. Our temple is destroyed
Smoke lies on our city like a shroud.
blood flows as the river does
the lamenting of men and women
sadness abounds
Ur is no more
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
I always appreciate when people point out the parts they liked. But honestly I’m happy for people to comment at all, especially on older fics :)
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
I don’t know that anything I’ve written can be considered fringe, lol. I do have a Lisa/Iris WIP, which I assume would be more of a rarepair, but I only have one scene written for it so who knows if I’ll ever finish it. I guess the Genie AU was kind of strange.
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Longfics ;-; God, I’ve gained so much respect for people who can do that consistently for 60+ chapters, or over multiple fics in a series. My longfic isn’t even that long, comparatively, and I still feel like I will never get it done.
10. What is the easiest type?
One-shots, my beloved.
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
On my laptop. I just use Word and I prefer to write in the morning, which isn’t super ideal because it only leaves me the weekend to really get into it.
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
I’m too nervous to start more longfics at the moment because I feel like two is my absolute limit but I’d love to be able to write both the TATBILB-inspired fic I had in mind and the Future Fic that I sometimes play around with. I’d have to finish at least one of my longer projects first, or maybe try to get the whole thing written before posting it but I’m usually too impatient to do that!
13. What made you choose your username?
My username is captainicecube and I picked it because it’s roughly how Captain Cold was translated in the French dub. They translated it as Captain Glaçons (Captain Icecubes), which always makes me laugh whenever I think about it because it’s so stupid XD
Tagging @crestfallercanyon @joanthangroff @tiger-in-the-flightdeck @softboydepot and @moriavis
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One Captain to Rule Them All
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Prompt: Royal!MC Beating Lucifer in a sword fight because little did he know, they’ve been privately trained in combat for years prior to being kidnapped! (Pirate AU)
Pairing: NA
Genre: NA
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Lucifer and his brothers were skilled pirates, having spent much of their youth plundering the high seas and striking fear in the hearts of everyone who heard of them. The brothers were just as talented as eccentric they were. Mammon had an uncanny ability to find treasure, no matter how well hidden. Levi was a natural sailor, leading most of the crew to believe he carried ocean water instead of blood in his veins. Satan’s knowledge of the trade routes and the ships using them had been what made so many of their exploits fruitful. Asmo could be compared to a siren, his soothing voice and delicate physique fooling many greedy, filthy merchants into crashing their ill-earned money right into their hands. Beel was the strongest fighter they had onboard, and Belphie took care of any prisoners they had to extract directions or other information from. And Lucifer?
Lucifer was the best captain and the swordsman the Ship of Lamentation had ever had.
Which was why the metallic sound that rang across the room, courtesy of his sword which now lay on the ground, startled him and the audience. Garnet eyes looked up to meet those of the one responsible. Familiar eyes, that had for some unfathomable reason haunted him in his dreams, held what he recognized as pride. “I win,” they mumbled breathlessly, their chest heaving slightly from the fast paced fight that had ended moments ago.
Maybe they had seen his disbelief on his face, for as they sheathed their sword and lent a hand to help him up, they explained, “I was taught swordsmanship by the best swordspersons on the continent. I’m glad all of that didn’t go to waste.” They ended their sentence with a grin and a cheeky wink, making Lucifer suppress a grin. Truly, they were something else.
Lucifer watched them carefully as they suddenly seemed to realize that they had become the centre of attention, their head bowing down slightly as a hand came up to rub the back of their neck. Despite being promoted to Lucifer’s right-hand person (a role previously held by Mammon, who was surprisingly not too huffy about his demotion), it seems they still got shy every now and then. A quick glance from their captain had the crew going back to their work, and soon, they were left alone.
Lucifer let out a chuckle, making the royal look up to him. “What’s so funny?” they asked.
“What is funny is that it seems you have forgotten what you said before.”
Their cheeks darkened slightly, and Lucifer once more had to suppress the urge to reach out and pinch them, see if they would turn even darker. “T-that was just- you can forget about that!” they squeaked out. What had possessed them to challenge Lucifer to a duel for captaincy, they would never understand. Maybe it was the way he’d taken a joke too seriously? Or maybe it was the rage that threatened to burn them from the inside out when he insinuated that their hands wouldn’t possibly be able to hold, let alone swing a sword.
But now they had defeated the captain in a mock-duel. If it was a real one, it would have ended with him being killed, but thankfully the two weren’t on opposing sides. And according to the agreement, he would have to give up his position as captain to them.
“You beat me fair and square. And I’m not one to go back on my word,” saying so, Lucifer got down on a knee in front of them and held out a hand to them, a silent gesture for them to offer one of their own. Holding their hand, he pressed a gentle kiss to the back of it, smirking when he heard a tiny gasp. “I look forward to the bright future we will have under your captaincy, MC.”
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a-dream-bookmark · 5 months
a dream bookmark presents: JAN 2024
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mythology (noun)
the myths dealing with the gods, demigods, and legendary heroes of a particular people
Welcome to A Mythical Bookmark, our January 2024 recommendations list with a theme around mythology fics. From the start of the month of January, we have compiled a list of fics the community has given and prepared to give to you. We would like to provide our biggest appreciation to the people contributing to the making of this list. Thank you so much and we will post February 2024's list soon!
Do you want to know more about us? Check this out!
The list is below the cut!
|| When the Sea and the Mountain Met by @sanjoongie | requested by @writingmochi
This fic has dark/mature themes
Pairing: Njord! Prince! Jeong Yunho x Skaldi! Princess! Reader (f)
Genre: smut, angst (happy ending), fluff, Norse mythology au, njord and skaldi au, mythology retelling au, royal au, medieval au, historical au, strangers to lovers, opposites attract
Synopsis: upon your father's murder, a council allows you to choose a husband as recompense--based on what his hands look like. Yunho, a prince of the sea, and you, a princess of the mountains, are as opposite as you can get, so can you make the marriage work?
What they said about the fic: norse myth is so underrated tbh especially when you go past the whole spiel of thor, loki, odin, ragnarok, and valhala
|| Siren's Lament by @yyunari | requested by @writingmochi
This fic has dark/mature themes
Pairing: Kim Sunoo x Fem! Siren! Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff if you squint, greek mythology AU, highschool AU
Synopsis: From the day she got her powers, Y/N knew they were given to her because she was meant to use them to get what she wanted. After all, sirens were notorious in Greek Mythology for hypnotizing sailors and leading them to their deaths. She would be a fool to waste her abilities. If you were gifted like her, wouldn’t you do the same?
What they said about the fic: a greek myth creature set in a modern setting? let's go
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aurumacadicus · 2 years
For @winterironmonth!
SFW Saturday: Trope/AU, Word
I’ve been kind of a downer the last few days huh 🤔 Time for some humor. Star Trek AU: Tony is descended from aliens who have made a home on Earth who get along with humans but have their own strong culture. Which is to say: Tony is a cat. Anyway look out for under the cut!
It always amazed Bucky, how Tony could fall asleep anywhere. As anxious as he was, if he had something to use as a pillow, he could be out like a light in seconds. He chalked it up to his abysmal sleeping habits in favor of getting to spend his time engineering or working in the labs. He’d been trying to sleep more regular hours since they’d gotten together, but even kisses and cuddling couldn’t defeat the siren song of working out the kinks in a revolutionary piece of equipment.
He was asleep now, though. He looked beautiful, curled up under the blankets, one arm tucked under a pillow. The starlight from the window illuminated him in a way that made him look… almost ethereal. Glowing, if Bucky was in the right position. He took a moment to admire him and lament that he had to wake him up. They were going to be late for their morning shift, and Steve would glower at them and follow Bucky around the deck being annoying because ‘you harassed me when I was mooning over Peggy so it’s my turn to be absolutely insufferable.’ They hadn’t even gotten to do anything, so it would sting that much extra.
“Tony,” Bucky said, gently shaking Tony’s shoulder. “It’s time to get up.”
Tony snorted awake instantly, eyes darting around the room to gauge for danger, before he realized he was safe. Then his sharp eyes went bleary, and he blinked at Bucky slowly, smacking his lips together. “Hmm?”
“What the fuck,” Bucky muttered, because he’d heard that Tony’s race had evolved from cats, but it was only times like this that he really believed it.
“Is it morning? Coffee. Oh wait!” Tony exclaimed, sitting up straight so fast that Bucky had to dodge backward or have their skulls collide.
He turned toward his bedside table, where there was a cobbled-together machine that Bucky had noticed but had had the sense not to touch until he learned what it was for. He slapped something on top that could be generously described as a button. The machine whirred and sputtered, a few lights on the side blinking. There was a loud squeak, which made Tony scowl, and Bucky suspected that he’d be fine-tuning whatever it was over the next few days.
Then there was a familiar sound, and a bowl appeared on the machine’s shelf. A bowl of oatmeal, topped with peaches, slivered almonds, and a drizzle of molasses. Bucky’s favorite breakfast.
“Did you make a miniature replicator for our room?” Bucky asked, aghast, as Tony proudly handed the bowl over to him. It was the perfect temperature against his flesh palm. He took the spoon Tony handed him and gave it a stir—perfect consistency. He took a bite. Perfect flavors. Even the peaches were at the perfect ripeness. “Holy shit. Tony, this is delicious.”
“I wanted us to be able to have breakfast in bed,” Tony said proudly. “The rest of the crew always talks to us. I understand that I must be friendly to them,” he added, taking a moment to sulk before he happily continued, “But! Sometimes I want to just have a meal with the two of us.”
“We can always order a special meal from the dining hall and an ensign will deliver it,” Bucky replied slowly.
“Then everyone gossips about our romantic date,” Tony complained, slapping the replicator again. It began replicating a plate of chicken and waffles. “Sometimes I like to have sex without everyone knowing about it.”
Bucky looked down at his bowl, then sighed, circling the bed so he could sit down. At least this way they wouldn’t have to scramble for food before their shift. “We don’t have time for sex before work today. I let you sleep as long as I could.”
“We don’t have to have sex every time we use the replicator for breakfast in bed or a romantic dinner,” Tony said, brows furrowing together in confusion. “In fact, it’s better we don’t, otherwise I’m gonna get horny every time I hear food being replicated.”
It would be funny, Bucky thought, but wasn’t stupid enough to say so out loud. It would also be incredibly inconvenient, because he knew he didn’t have the self-control to not respond in kind. They had work to do, and as much as he’d like to get handsy during work outs, Tony’s work had the tendency to explode if not tended to with his full attention, and as Steve’s second-in-command, he was also constantly in physical danger. Mostly because Steve had stopped pulling his punches when they were fifteen but also because he had dirt on Natasha somehow and she was willing to stab him, and Tony always got fussy when he was injured, so.
“I have a feeling you’re going to abuse the coffee function liberally,” Bucky said, instead of telling him any of that. He sometimes misunderstood ribbing for bullying and got aggressive. “You barely get enough sleep already.”
“I’m a paragon of perfect health,” Tony began, sharp teeth crunching through chicken bone.
Bucky stared at him, frowning. “You know, suddenly I don’t know how I feel about breakfast in bed. I didn’t think about the bone crunching.”
Tony blinked at him, then looked down at his plate, then at the blankets, which now had a fine sprinkling of chicken breading, waffle crumbs, and even a few bone fragments. “…Hmm, maybe,” he agreed after a moment, looking very put out that his plan had not been executed perfectly on the first try. He looked down at his plate, narrowing his eyes. “I’m still finishing my food though because it’s here and I don’t believe in waste.”
“I know,” Bucky sighed, shaking his head fondly. “Thank you for breakfast in bed, Tony. I do appreciate it, even if we have to wash our sheets ahead of schedule.”
“Ugh,” Tony bellowed, scowling, and nearly made Bucky pitch his bowl across the bed. “People are going to assume we had sex when I order clean sheets anyway! So annoying. Are you sure there’s no time for a quickie?”
Bucky ran a hand down his face, laughing. “I hate that you learned that word.”
“It’s one of the best Terran words!” Tony exclaimed, turning his scowl on him. “It can mean having sex quickly and savory custard!”
Bucky paused around another spoonful of oatmeal, narrowing his eyes at Tony as he obliviously continued chowing down on his waffles. He pulled the spoon from his lips slowly, chewing through a peach as he considered what exactly the fuck he might mean. Then it struck him, and he almost spit his food right back out. “Tony, who told you that’s how ‘quiche’ was pronounced?!”
Tony blinked up at him, raising an eyebrow. “Steve and Natasha.”
“Oh, I bet they did,” Bucky growled, and was thankful that Tony had said it to him and not some important alien dignitary. He told himself he wasn’t actually upset about it, though. Tony had little shame and would have laughed off the foible easily. Then he would have made sure all the furniture in their rooms was moved one inch to the left, even the stuff that was bolted down. He turned to look at Tony again. “They were trying to embarrass you, Tony.”
Tony wrinkled his nose, brows furrowing with confusion. “Oh? Well, that’s foolish. I don’t get embarrassed.”
“I know,” Bucky said, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek. “I like that about you.”
Tony took another bite of his waffle. “And now I’m gonna move everything in their rooms an inch to the left, just so they know not to cross me.”
Bucky set his bowl on his lap. “God, I love you,” he said, reaching out to cradle Tony’s head in his hands and pull him in for a kiss.
“Why,” Tony mumbled against his lips, then dropped his plate so he could focus on kissing him back, not caring that the food spread over the blanket across his lap. It was going to be washed anyway.
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frying-panties · 9 months
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Tommy's Lament
this is mostly an updated version of another Siren!AU Maze Runner piece I drew a few months back. When in doubt, draw Janson and some pretty blues 💙
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