#siren jimin
themininthemoon · 1 year
Cooking up a yoonmin as X-men mutants au
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houdikoo · 4 months
The reckoning of desire | Prologue PJM FF
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"Greedy, that's what everyone is, I mean who could resist this dashing face" Pairing: Siren!Jimin x Esther(reader)
Summary: When Esther Devereux's brother gets suddenly poisoned, there seems to be no hope for his recovery. Out of nowhere a commoner in the name of Jimin, a practising swordsman, explains to know where the antidote might be and is willing to take her there. Sadly, she missed to see the true reason behind Jimin's "help", as she didn't realise all of this might just be a distractions. Will she find the true intentions of her mysterious helper, or will it be already to late?
Warnings: Siren jimin(yes, it's a warning), betray of trust, cold/mean Jimin, revenge, cursing, slightly dumb oc
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The dark crimson blood decorated the rock pawment. He stared at the body of his now dead brother.
His hands twitched, as he turned his gaze to the man standing in front with a simple pocket knife in his shaking hand. 
In just a few seconds the man was on the ground, shaking his head and yelling for help. It was to late, as the stained knife was now deep inside his chest.
Once he was sure the man was forever gone, he stood up panting staring  straight ahead. The sound of guards footsteps came closer, he knew what's next.
He was tackled down harshly right beside the man he just killed. His right side was pressed down roughly against the ground as he stared at the shining marble mansion in front of him. 
His raven locks were covering his sight and his eyebrows furrowed. The people responsible for all of this were sitting behind those walls having the time of their life without caring for anyone else.
Just thinking about it made his rage grow, as his hate for people rose even more from this day on. He yearned for revenge. The reckoning for their greed was close, and he would make sure of that…
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jimin-updates · 5 months
Siren eyes
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We are captivated no matter the look!
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lesovoj · 9 months
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putting jimin and his angel face next to statues like this is 10/10 move. thank you. peace and love on planet earth.
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staykookedsuga · 8 months
Jungkook’s adlibs in ‘letter’ are so heavenly
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xanni-devito · 1 year
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Witch Seokjin
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Dragon Hoseok
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Siren Yoongi
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Dragon Namjoon
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Fae Jungkook
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Dragon Taehyung
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Fae Jimin
Moodboards for a VERY long running RP, Summer Thunder, where dragon coven Joon, Hobi, and Tae kidnap for ransom in order to survive as the last living dragons. They fall in love with their most recent catch, though, and a whooooole lot of shit happens, including but not limited to, Yoongi reaching maturity via soulmate bond, Taehyung becoming consort of a fairy kingdom, and Jin and Joon reviving a dead language. Also, a fuck ton of heinous smut.
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mieanme · 1 year
[Closer] - Jikook art for Cottagecore Jikook Fest
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Jimin finally managed to buy the small cottage by the sea he kept his eye on for the last few years. He’s so happy he can be closer to Koo again - showing the merman his new home is only the beginning of their story 🥰
Koo hates it when Jimin insists on brushing his hair, because it hurts a little. 😡 However, he allows that, because afterwards Jimin teaches him about the Land world and gives him pretty hairpins! 😊 He loves Jimin's bathtub and every time they're not busy, he comes to the little pier behind Jim's cottage and crawls his way to the door, so that Jimin can help him get to his favourite place 🥺
And when Koo's not there, Jimin baths, looking at the strange, emerald crystals he collects from the floor, where Koo's tail usually rests. He stores them by the window and every time he pays them even the smallest glance, he feels like the merman is right there, beside him 🤗
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hybearchive · 1 year
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drenix004 · 1 year
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Los seres humanos, impulsados por el deseo de poder, poco a poco se fueron extinguiendo a causa de las constantes guerras por el control de Territorio; siendo la codicia la principal causa de su extinción como raza. Pero ellos no eran los únicos que habitaban la Tierra ademas de los animales.
Había Seres, conocidos como mágicos, Seres sobrenaturales que tiempo atrás solo fueron mitos y leyendas. Estos vieron desde las sombras como se fueron extinguiendo.
en poco tiempo Proclamaron nuevamente las tierras que Milenios atrás les pertenecían 
Los mágicos se dividían en tres partes.
Los OXîs, Seres mágicos y cambia formas, hijos de una sola especie y de distintas razas y elementos. Estos representaban la mayor parte de la población.
Luego estaban los Eyârk, un grupo pequeño que estaba en el poder, eran lo más parecido a una corte judicial, seres conocidos por su naturaleza cruel y sangrienta. su procedencia era todo un misterio, son cazadores de una sola raza, los Xirabs, a la cual desprecian por su linaje impuro o mestizo.
En último estaban los híbridos, nacidos de dos especies diferentes, eran mejor conocidos Como Xirabs . Por su linaje impuro,Sus vidas estaban en constante peligro al ser considerados una amenaza. había muy poca información sobre estos seres debido a que se la pasaban huyendo de los Eyârk ya que, en muchas ocasiones, los que quedaban vivos eran capturados y usados como experimentos.
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—no me vas a morder, Kim—gruñó exasperada por la insistencia del contrario.
Su paciencia se había ido a la mierda desde hace mucho tiempo, algo que la caracterizaba era su poca paciencia con cierto tipo de personas y el joven de tan solo cien años era una de esas personas.
—no te va a doler, Dalia—se le acercó, invadiendo su espacio personal. El dulce aroma de la joven llegó a sus fosas nasales, provocando en el un escalofrío placentero.
Él sabía que ella era su soulmate, lo sabía desde que la vio entrar por las puertas del palacio, y su olor se lo confirmaba.
Ella era de él.
Solo suya.
—vete a la mierda Namjoon—se alejó incómoda por la intromisión a su espacio personal—vete a joder a alguien más.
Le dio la espalda, queriendo largarse de ese lugar, tener un momento de tranquilidad sin tener que estar pendiente de que el maldito acosador de Namjoon estuviera cerca.
Namjoon sin poder contenerse más, se abalanzó sobre Dalia, mordiéndole el cuello. La contraria golpeó fuertemente al más alto cuando sintió que este le encajaba los colmillos; se separó bruscamente cuando dejó de sentir la presión en su cuello.
—¡idiota! —gritó frunciendo su ceño. Vio como Namjoon se relamía los labios, saboreando la sangre, su sangre. —¡Tu! ¡Hijo de la remil...
Se calló de repente cuando sintió un ardor de los mil demonios en su cuello.
La marca había quedado incompleta.
Para acabarla de joder, se escucharon gritos de horror por todo el lugar, ella y Namjoon corrieron en dirección a los gritos, quedando en segundo plano el asunto de la marca.
Llegaron a la entrada del palacio, viendo todo era un verdadero caos. Los Eyârk habían roto la barrera mágica que los protegía y mantenía ocultos. Los Xirabs corrían por todas partes, siendo asesinados y los que se salvaban terminaban siendo capturados para experimentos.
—tengo que ir por mi arco—Dalia retrocedió. Tenía que ayudar, no los podía dejar morir.
—¡No! —Namjoon agarró su muñeca, impidiendo que se fuera de su lado. No la quería lejos de él en esa masacre.
—¡mierda, suéltame! —forcejeó, para que este la soltara.
—¡Dalia! —le fémina se liberó de su agarre dándole una mordida a su mano, la joven desapareció de su campo de visión.
Namjoon, sabiendo que no la volvería a ver por un largo tiempo, suspiró, sintió algo fino y delgado en su mano; su vista se posó en la delgada pulsera plateada que había quedado en su mano cuando la joven se liberó. Recordó que ella cuidado esa pulsera con su vida así a qué él también lo haría, se prometió a si mismo que la encontraría.
Sin poder hacer nada más hizo aparecer una lanza, comenzó a matar la mayor cantidad de Eyârks que podía, mientras ayudaba a los suyos a escapar.
Las horas pasaron, y por fin la masacre había terminado, pero a cambio, todo el lugar quedó destruido. Namjoon miró con impotencia el Reino que sus difuntos padres habían construido con esfuerzo, sangre, sudor y lágrimas, ese hermoso lugar que lo vio crecer durante años, ahora estaba reducido en cenizas. Pero, ahora no tenía tiempo para lamentaciones, tenía que poner a su gente a salvo y para eso tendrían que desaparecer por el tiempo que fuera necesario, su prioridad ahora era ellos y solo ellos.
Comenzó a caminar con su gente hacia uno de los portales de emergencia para salir de aquel  triste lugar. Namjoon fue el último en pasar dicho portal, mientras este se cerraba, dio una última mirada al palacio destruido.
Él se encargaría de recuperar lo que se había perdido ese día, volvería a construir el Reino, costara lo que costara. Quién se atreviera a volver a lastimar a su gente, sufrirían en la peor agonía posible, no tendría piedad por nadie. Si tendría que mancharse las manos de sangre por el Reino, lo haría sin duda alguna.
Pero, sobre todo, buscaría en cada rincón hasta encontrar a Dalia, buscaría debajo de las piedras con tal de encontrarla.
Si era necesario quemar el mundo para encontrarla, pues...
Que arda el mundo.
Dos almas se habían separado.
Una marca incompleta de por Medio.
Una promesa por cumplir.
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red-pandaaaaaaart · 2 years
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chuugiya · 7 months
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all avaiable, will be updated when things change
willing to trade to any wishlist
condition video will be sent when interested
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crybabychim · 8 months
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hottest thing so far i've written for kinktober. i'm gonna be real disappointed if y'all don't like it. stop being a stuck-up and come read some monster fucking <3 *picture made by AI.
☆ pairing: siren!jimin x human!reader
★ warnings: smut, non-con.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏ ♱ 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐌.𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ♱
Jeju is a pretty island. It's rainy around the lower areas due to the warmer temperatures, but you can see a bit of snow in Hallasan at the beginning of November.
You thought taking a walk around the island would be a good idea, kind of therapeutic in a way. There are a lot of clouds darkening the sky, a thunder probably approaching Jeju. It pleases you to know it'll rain. Rainy days are your favourites, even though a sunny day is always ideal to go swimming.
Then some rapid movements in the water make you halt your steps. You turn your head to look at the ocean, seeing nothing at first, but bright blue scales catch your eyes.
Your heartbeat accelerates, your brain already thinking you're in some sort of danger. Are you?
Unexpectedly, a head comes out of the water, looking very much like a young man. You lose your balance and fall on your butt out of surprise, eyes widening as the person swims to you with a grace you've never seen in a human before.
It's like the water parts for him, letting him go everywhere he wants. He seems so majestic, his pink hair wet, some strands dangling in front of his eyes and sticking to the side of his face.
As he comes closer to the beach, you notice he has a beautiful pair of full lips and high cheekbones, being the most handsome man you've ever laid eyes on. His perfect structured face isn't the only thing you notice; you also see his blue fish tail, his scales shining brightly.
Half human, half fish.
A siren.
"Hi." A sweet smile appears on his lips, eyes scanning your form from head to toe until coming back to your face.
"Hi..." You stutter, still not quite believing there's really a siren in front of you, talking to you as if this is a completely normal encounter.
His smile transforms into a grin, finding funny how scared you seem to be, yet still curious enough to stay here. He lays down, leaning onto his elbows, showing his really defined chest, the muscles of his biceps bulging slightly.
You gulp, watching his tail flap against the water, reminding you of how humans would sometimes kick their feet in the air while lying on their stomach.
"I'm Jimin, what's your name?" He asks and you're baffled at how soft his voice sounds, so sultry and flirty, but still manly, his tone deeper than yours. You tell him your name, still bashfully stuttering, face on fire. "What a pretty name for a pretty girl."
"Thank you," you reply, sounding almost like a whisper at how low you speak, but he still hears you, somehow. Perhaps his hearing is really sharper than humans.
"What are you doing here alone, pretty thing?" He questions, his teasing grin still plastered on his face. "You seem a bit ... fearful," he chuckles, his eyes looking at you playfully for some reason.
You shake your head, getting back up on your feet. You're not wearing any sandals, liking how the sand feels when you walk on it. "Just... Just taking a walk," you answer him, "I'm a bit surprised, that's all," you laugh nervously, wiping the grains of sand off your white sundress.
"Never seen a siren before, I suppose?"
"Not really," you faintly smile, agreeing with him.
"Not really?"
"Well, I've seen movies about mermaids... Heard legends, stories," you explain to him, stepping close to the edge of the water without realizing it — to his great pleasure.
"Mermaids are boring," he smirks, "Sirens are way better, don't you think?" He flirts and it does something to you. It's nice talking to him, you think.
You don't really know the difference, to be honest, but you agree, nonetheless. "I guess so."
"You're a good guesser," he flirts again and he does it so well, it's nice, really pleasing. "Why don't you come closer, hm? Wanna take a closer look at your beautiful face," he proposes, but suddenly something feels off. You don't know what exactly.
"R-Really?" You question, frowning your brows, a bit hesitant. Jimin isn't dangerous, nobody as pretty as him would ever hurt you, right?
"Yes," he breathes out, "Wanna know what colour are your eyes."
You nibble on your bottom lip, stepping closer to him, feeling the wet sand under your naked feet. The cold water touches your toes, standing inches away from Jimin.
But then, without suspecting anything, he grips one of your ankles and pulls harshly on it, making you fall backward. You let out a scream, hearing your heart beating loudly in your chest, ready to come out.
You try to crawl away, but he pulls you back with his tight hold on your leg, bringing you up to him. "W-What... What are you- Stop!" You yell, feeling betrayed, feeling trapped.
He manages to position you right in front of him, your thighs on either side of his head. "Do you know how much I crave the sweet taste of a pussy?" He tells you while holding your legs apart, your white dress now wet and transparent, the bump of your cunt covered by your baby blue panties.
You attempt to fight again, but he's way stronger than you. You start to cry, too vulnerable to not show your emotions.
"It's hard these days to get my hands on a little female human like you." His eyes are strained down on your covered core, his hands coming to get you rid of your flimsy pair of panties, throwing it away on the sand. "Not a lot of girls go on a walk on this part of the island. I must be lucky," he softly laughs, his hot breath fanning across your now naked pussy.
He looks at you, licking his lips like he's about to devour his meal. And that's pretty much what he's going to do. Eat you out till you can't think straight anymore.
"Sirens don't have that cute little thing," he says while passing his fingers through your folds, feeling a bit of your wetness. "They're not docile and innocent like you... They're not soft and warm," he purrs, grinning maliciously.
He traces the plush of your inner thighs and goes up to your tummy, feeling how hot your skin feels. It isn't as smooth as his own, but that's how he likes it. He loves the patch of hair on your cunt, it makes you even more adorable.
"Bet your little pussy tastes as sweet as you sound, pretty thing," he compliments, the hands laying on your hips making you shiver.
It's all he says before he dives in, burying his head between your thighs. His pink muscle toys with your clit, his index and middle finger playing with your slicks, spreading your arousal over your pussy.
The pads of his fingers dip into your hole, loving how wet you are already. He flickers your little bud with his tongue, eliciting high moans out of you, making you squirm under him, fingers sinking into the brown sand.
He flattens his tongue over your clit — keeping it kind of soft, not too sturdy — then moves it from side to side to create good friction. Your moans resemble screams, parting your legs wider unconsciously, bucking your hips upwards onto his face.
He groans lowly against your pussy, the sound coming from his throat, sending tingly vibrations through your body. The material of your dress is sticking to your skin, your nipples hard and perky, breasts falling on each side of your torso due to your lying down position.
The next thing he does makes your eyes roll back into your skull. He wraps his plump lips around your bud of nerves, sucking it avidly. It all feels ten times more intense when he circles your dripping entrance with the pad of his finger, teasing your pussy, feeling your hole quivering pathetically.
He senses your urge to be filled up entirely, be stuffed full of cock, but he unfortunately can't ease this desire of yours. Not at the moment, at least, he tells himself.
That might be the only reason he wishes he was human, sometimes. He's always wanted to be able to be inside of a woman, make her orgasm this way, feel her clench around him. Maybe if he trades his tail for legs, but he doubts life on earth will satisfy him as much as life underwater does.
You soon cum on his tongue, thighs shaking beside his head, pink muscle lapping at your sensitive clit to drive you off your high. You softly moan his name, probably in the sweetest tone he's ever heard a girl say it before.
After that, he doesn't waste anytime to lift your dress over your chest, immediately taking one of your nipples in his mouth. You cry at the new sensation — a bit too much for you and your tolerance, but it's not like you have the strength to push him off.
You feel his scales touching your thighs, his abdomen laying over yours. You let him play with you, this being clearly more pleasuring to him than to you. It does feel good, but Jimin is the most satisfied one with the situation, obviously.
He lets go of your tits to hover over you, looking into your eyes, as if searching for something — an answer, a decision. He wants you, wants more, but it isn't possible.
"We'll see each other again, pretty thing," he promises, his breath hitting your skin, giving a warm kiss to your cheek.
He goes back into the water, leaving you breathless and absolutely braindead on the beach, pussy ruined. The rain comes shortly after his departure, droplets of water falling onto your face.
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cybsoo2 · 3 months
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a bleeding bruise (pt.2)
╰┈➤ synopsis — The aftermath of the 'accident' stirs up suffering in all of you. How will you handle the pain? How do these three survive with the shame? And what will be the outcome of your relationship?
╰┈➤ pairing — yandere!vminkook x reader
╰┈➤ word count — 3.2k
╰┈➤ content warning — yandere behavior, injury, past abuse, vomiting, they're such little liars, needles, angst
ੈ♡₊˚。 back to ⇢ pt.1
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The rush to the hospital is a blur of blood. Stained hands, soaked in sin, carry you out to the car. Clarlet carnage covers everything it touches; their skin, the midnight air, it even seeps into the seats. 
Jimin and Jungkook are frantic to force themselves into the backseat. They sit side by side with you laying limply over their laps. Your head is held in Jimin’s hands. He cradles you with care and caresses your soft skin. You’re turnt to face the front of the car in case you spit up any more scarlet. The cold air creeps into your lungs. It’s a comforting contrast compared to the fiery heat that incinerates your insides. 
Taehyung speeds down the streets, missing multiple turnoffs in his mindless panic. Every bump he hits along the road results in cruel curses and scolding from the boys in the backseat.
The night sky looks like an inked artwork. Blue stars bleeding out into the black; their loss of light mirroring your own. It rushes by in a restless haze. Blots of blood stain your vision. The starry sky keeps you company as you sink further into a fatal sleep. 
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The first time you wake, you’re blinded by everything at once. The white-hot overhead lights burn your retinas. Their image lingering even as you screw your eyes shut. You blink back the burn and let your eyes scan over the unfamiliar room. White walls stare straight through you. An alcoholic taste burns at the back of your throat. A sterile smell makes you sick. All these unknown sensations swarm you at once. 
The heart monitor picks up the pace, sending sirens off in the two men’s minds. Jimin tightens his grip on the hand he was already holding. He squeezes three times and watches while you panic, feeling frozen from your unexpected awakening. Your eyes roll rampant in their sockets; overwhelmed with information and foreign feelings. Taehyung takes over, forcing your attention on him instead. He pushes back the sweaty strands of hair that stick to your forehead. Then he grabs your jaw in a gentle grasp, whispering words to calm the chaos.
“Shhh, sweetheart, go back to sleep.” He cradles your cheek in his hand, creating a makeshift pillow for you to lean into. “The doctor said you shouldn’t be awake so soon. Go back to sleep, we’ll still be right by your side when you wake up.”
Jimin pulls up the blankets to sit at your shoulders. He lays on the edge of the blue bed; head having sunken into the side of your pillow. His hair is sprawled out everywhere, tickling your neck when he attempts to crawl closer. He puts his hand over your face, slowly passing over you to shut your eyes.
You’re dragged back off to dreamland by their sweet songs. They sing lovesick lullabies that send you off to sleep in seconds. The last thing you spot is Jungkook walking into the room. His face is sunken with a certain type of sadness. A doctor lingers out in the hall, clipboard and consoling frown falling off his face. 
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The second time you wake is much more tranquil than the first. This time, the lights are dimmed to drench the room in darkness. The steady beat of your heart monitor gives you something to focus on. The air lingers with the lasting scent of Taehyung’s cologne. You lift your head up from the pillow, trying to pull yourself up to look around. Two sets of hands push you back down.
“Hey, hey, hey, don’t rush. You’ll end up straining yourself.” Jungkook stares at you while he speaks. A pitiful smile pulls at his lips. Trying to act as if the isolating room isn’t alive with pain and panic. “How you feeling?”
“Are you hurting at all? Do you need a doctor? Never mind, I’ll get one anyways.” Jimin’s words are tangled with terror. He tries not to show it on his face, but his words are weak and erratic. Before he can get up to go grab a doctor, you tighten your hold on his hand, keeping him sat in his seat.
“No, I’m okay. Just a bit sore.” The words claw themselves up your throat in a croaking tone. You swallow against the dryness and wince with discomfort. 
With the help of Jungkook, you sit up to take in more of your surroundings. All three of them sit in front of you. Jimin sitting at your side, Jungkook standing with your hands still interlocked, and Taehyung laying down at the foot of the bed. All of them watch with worry, waiting for what you’ll say next.
“What happened?” It’s a simple start, and you can already assume the answer, but the suffocating silence pushes you to speak.
Taehyung tries to speak his thoughts, but he ends up sputtering like a fish out of water. Jimin takes a look at Tae and tries not to tear up. Sick memories massacre his mind. His nose twitches as stray tears swim in his eyes. He attempts to hide his emotion, turning away from your questioning eyes.
Jungkook jumps in when it’s obvious the silence has been strung out for too long. “You just got out of surgery and the doctors said it was internal bleeding.” He skirts around the obvious accident that caused it. “They also said you’ll be in here for a couple days at the least. Just so they can keep an eye on you and make sure you don’t tear open your stitches.”  His line of vision lingers on your stomach. 
You follow his lead and look down. Although, you can’t see the damage stuffed under your scratchy hospital gown, you can still feel the strike of pain. White bandages that wrap around you like rope and silver stitches pulling at your sickly skin. Thoughts of the damage hiding in the dark bring a grimace onto your face. Your injuries are all stashed away on the inside. Your only though is that you feel worse than you look.
“Was it that bad?” You turn your eyes up to stare at Jungkook.
He hesitates for a solid second. Your words have whispers of a deeper, more dreadful meaning. His head twists your words into a torturous truth. Because you aren’t really asking about the accident. You may have asked him ‘Was it that bad?’, but all he can hear is ‘Are you that bad?’ He hurt you so horribly that it almost invoked the dawn of death. This torturous truth is too much for him to handle, too much for any of them, including you… so he lies.
“It’s nothing to worry about. We’ll take care of you, like we always do.” Jungkook speaks his sweet lies with a sorrowful smile. Everyone else mimics the same miserable grin. You listen to his white lies, but this time you’ll try to trust them. 
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You eat a somber dinner of things that are barely solid. A simple soup, soggy bun, and jello that’s supposed to serve as a delicious dessert. You poke at it with your fork, watching as the red blob bounces around. Taehyung nudges your shoulder, silently telling you to stop. You can feel his watchful stare straight through your skull, actually, you can feel all their eyes at once. Their anxious eyes only settle when you start picking away at your plate. The food tastes like poison as it passes through your throat. Your appetite has slipped away from you ever since the surgery. But, with the boys acting all antsy and irritated at everything that hurts your health, you force down the food in order to ease their anxiety. 
Each man nurses their own coffee in their hands. Taehyung watches the hot liquid swirl around in his cup. He’s reckless with the way he handles it, anxiety jumping at the slightest sound and spilling the drink down his hands. Red and angry marks wrap around his arms. Blisters burned deep into his skin; yet he doesn’t seem to acknowledge the pain. He keeps his attention towards you. Trying to be subtle, stealing glances at you every so often. Watching for any discomfort, making sure you eat at least half your food, and studying the bittersweet sadness staining your face. 
Jimin downs his 4th drink before you’ve finished your food. You make a mixture of your meal, poking and prodding at it. Sometimes Jimin has to hold himself back from force feeding you. Stress stretches him apart, tearing at his mind, his lungs, and his heart. He hates seeing you so pale and so sad. So he helps out with hidden motives. He takes bits and pieces off your plate, eating small bites before holding the rest up to your mouth. He doesn’t let you shrug off his advances, so you end up eating more than you’d like.
Jungkook stirs up his coffee into something sweet. 6 packets of sugar and sweetener sink into the bitter blackness. He adds cream to his concoction and stirs until the sour taste dies down. 
You stop eating when everything is half of what it once was. Not too sure how much more your stomach can handle. You push away your plate, trying to pass it over to Taehyung to get rid of. 
“Just take one more bite.” He tries to encourage you, pushing the plate back into your arms. He takes a scoop of the jello with your spoon, the easiest to eat, and holds it in front of your mouth. 
“I don’t think I can.” You look down at the plate, feeling intimidated by such a simple task.
“Just one more.” Taehyung stares straight into your eyes. His insistent nature has become normal for you. Normal enough to know that he won’t take ‘No’ for an answer.
You let out a soft sigh and take the spoon in your mouth. It's a difficult task to force the food down your throat. The texture and taste turns your stomach. As soon as you swallow it down, you know you never should have. Regret almost comes rushing out as you struggle to stand and run to the bathroom. The boys fall behind, faces clouded in confusion. 
Your knees hit the floor with a heavy fall. Fragile form collapsing under the weight of your weakness. You hug the toilet seat tight to your body and hang your head over the inside. Within seconds everything you ate is spilling out of you. The sight of scarlet jello mimics blood from the present past. 
A crash is heard out in the other room. Taehyung comes in, colliding with the door and dropping down to his knees. He acts out of adrenaline, gathering your hair in one hand and resting the other on your back. He rubs soothing circles into your skin, whispering words of encouragement.
“It’s alright. Just let it out.” He locks eyes with Jimin as he enters the room. He sits down at your side, pressing a peck against your temple. He hushes your cries and keeps trying to tame the trembles that rack your body. 
Jungkook gets a glimpse at the sorry sight and is immediately scrambling out of the room and screaming for a nurse. Head spinning with imprinted images of your red and raw lips. A bloody tint that throws his mind back to before.
Even after you’re sure you’ve thrown it all up, you gag on the metallic taste that lingers in your mouth. A rotten taste that tangles with your raspy cry and tints your teeth. 
There are tears streaming down your face. Throwing up everything you just ate has left you feeling empty and aching. Jimin and Taehyung still stroke soothing motions down your back. Jimin pries your hand away from where it grabs the porcelain bowl in a death grip. He intertwines his hand with yours and lets you squeeze it wherever another sense of nausea rolls around. 
Two nurses come running into the room. Unfamiliar faces set the two boys on edge. Jimin clutches your hand closer to his heart. Taehyung shifts his body in front of you, trying to keep you out of sight.  Jungkook is the one to push them both out of the way so they can help you, but he never strays far, always hovering with a possessive stance and protective eyes. 
The two nurses appear anxious in the presence of such intimidating stares. They’re hands sweat and shake as they offer up more painkillers and check to see if your stitches have torn. And when the nurses have nothing more to help you with, they’re fast to flee the room.
You’re settled in bed once again. You find yourself falling asleep as an IV drip digs deep into your arm and the painkillers put a heavy haze in your head. 
Jimin squeezes in at the side of your bed, Taehyung crawls in close, and Jungkook holds your hand. They cradle you close. You’re smothered to sleep by careless kisses and whispered wishes. You’re sent off to slumber chasing a delicate dream of a different life. 
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The rest of your stay at the hospital looks relatively the same. You’re smothered with affection in the form of sweet sorrys. The three men do everything they can to make up for the incident, everything but actually acknowledge it. No one speaks a word of that night. Nothing goes past a simple sorry when alluding to it. Instead, they’re eager to show their remorse through action and affection.
Jimin hasn’t left your side since the surgery. He lays beside you in the bed, having squeezed in during the dark silence of your dreams. You wake every morning only to end up caged in his iron grip. 
Sometimes he sits in the steel chair at your side. Cast aside whenever Taehyung or Jungkook has decided he’s pestered you enough. He never backs down without an argument. But one look at your exhausted expression and his angry words begin to die down. He taps the metallic chair in time with the clock. The tuneful ticking and copious amounts of coffee are how he distracts himself from drifting off into a dream. In all honesty, he’s been scared to sink back to sleep. The last time he found himself falling asleep, he woke to you bleeding out on the bathroom tile. 
Taehyung takes most authority when it comes to distracting you from your discomfort. He turns your attention to the shows playing upon the TV. He gives you his portions of pudding at meal time. And drowns out any signs of discomfort with his tender touch. 
Jungkook is the only one who acts the most distant. A simple side effect of taking on the brute end of your beating. His shame feels like the same shackles used to hold you down. A cold chaos harrows at his heart. He feels the bitter burden of his wrongdoings with every breath he breathes. He turns over his thoughts in the silence, and sorts through his sinful emotions while you sleep. He refrains from talking too much. Only chiming in on conversations when it includes your health or happiness. 
He listens to the doctors lecture him on how to take care of you, sinking further into his shell with every sentence because he’s only done the opposite thus far. He watches while the nurses talk him through how to re-wrap your bandages when needed. He struggles to keep his hands to himself. Biting back his tongue whenever they touch your blooming bruises and you flinch. The nurses nurturing hands roam your body with innocent intentions. Applying balm to your bruises and wrapping you up in white. But when your eyes twinkle with tears unshed, the three men shout and shut them out of the room without any rebuttal. 
They take matters into their own hands, knowing their tender touches are still too tense. You shed some tears and take your lips between your teeth, trying to hide the pain that’s more prominent than before. 
They take matters into their own hands, knowing they’re worse for you than anyone else. But they’re blinded by love and can’t let their butterfly fly away. 
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The day you’re told you’ll finally be discharged is one you’ve all been looking forward to. They carry you out to the car once again, this time with much less gore and guilt. The scenery blurs by from where you watch out the window. The spring season seems to melt together with the high speeds Jungkook is driving. 
They’ve all been acting more restless and rash as the days go on. Impatient and eager to keep you hidden in their home. Protected from prying eyes and devils in disguise. Naive to the fact that they themselves are the real mask-wearing monsters. 
The rest of the drive drones on. Each building that passes more boring than the last. Instead, you fix your focus on the three men that surround you. Taehyung wouldn’t take no for an answer when he insisted you sit on his lap. So now you rest against his chest with his arms wrapped around your waist. His fingers skim across your stomach, soothing away the sickness that still remains. He does anything to avoid the white wraps that stick to your stitches. A pang of pain hits him in the heart every time he’s reminded of that night time nightmare. He walks his fingers across your waist, trying to kill time and relax his restless nature. Sometimes his hands stray away from your stomach and shove Jimin instead. 
In his sleeping state atop your legs, he tries to catch up on the sleep he’s missed before you get back home. Too hysterical in the hospital and too obsessed over your well-being, he developed a sort of insomnia. However, this tiny sliver of sleep he finally gets is full of disturbances. As his dreams drift into a tortured terrain, his body begins to tremble in terror. Shifting in his sleep and almost smacking his arm into your stomach if Taehyung wasn’t there to pull him away. 
During the rest of your drive, each man continues to fight their angry and anxious feelings. When you arrive at your house, nothing much has changed. They cling onto you like a second skin and still struggle with their self-loathing. 
Yet their sorry words and tear-stained eyes will never be enough. Not when they know you both are bound to destroy each other. Not when this cycle of crimson chaos will continue till the end. 
Even when they love you the most, stricken with guilt and grief, willing to do anything you ask, their lovesick obsession only serves to make matters worse. They hold you too tight, kiss you too rough. Their love is slowly sending you to an early grave. Yet you chose to be ignorant to their insanity. Developing tunnel vision to their love and ignoring all else.  And when you slip up again, when they snap again - you’ll pretend it never happened. Harbouring hope in a broken heart. Trying to be someone you aren’t in order to survive. Their love is like poison and their hate is like hell. Staying alive with three lovesick psychos, all you can rely on is hope.
© cybsoo2 2024, all rights reserved
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lesovoj · 1 year
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me with this blog
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andy-wm · 7 months
Please love me is Jimin's line today
The hardest few seconds for me to watch, were these...
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Jimin was absolutely dreading appearing on screen without his trademark beautiful hair.
We know he left it as late as he could and didn't want to show anyone.
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He looked like he was barely holding it together when he called attention to his hair being shaved. He must have genuinely been scared of the reaction he would get, even from Kook.
"It looks good on you"
Jungkook, you absolute fucking LEGEND 💜
He knew exactly what to say.
When Jungkook told Jimin he looked good (even with no hair) Jimin turned his face away <those feels choking him up> and when he turned back, the almost desperate look of gratitude mixed with relief was so clear.
Please love me is Jimin's line today.
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This is not about vanity, ego or pride.
It brings home how fragile his confidence is. His need for approval and the assurance of being loved is strong. It’s so heartbreaking, but we know he hasn't had an easy road.**
Thankfully he did stand a little bit taller once JK reassured him...
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But it wasn't an easy moment for Jungkook either.
Whether because he had to witness Jimin's fear and could do nothing more than pet his head, or because he was facing his own misgivings (probably both) he looked equally lost in that moment.
Remember that these boys have left their home once before and journeyed to a place that was less than welcoming. They've had to face the grim, disproving faces of unkind critics and a system that didn't support or value them.
I don't doubt there were echoes of that feeling on this day, that same sense of trepidation they've known before.
We know how the military treats men like them.
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And then...
we got this:
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You can take the boy out of Busan but you can't take Busan out of the boy.
(People say this about my home town too...)
The shadow of fear is still there in his eyes but.... he looks like a (very hot) backstreet thug who will absolutely fuck you up no questions asked.
It does occur to me that MS might be the reason Jimin has been learning to fight.
I mean really learning to fight.
Yes he's probably doing boxing too but i suspect something more than that ... you shouldn't get torn knuckles from boxing lessons unless you aren't wrapping your hands properly, just saying.
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<Gotta love a person who can hold you and cradle your head, and also knock down an aggressor when they have to.>
If all else fails (words before fists, right?) I hope he can handle himself.
If he must defend himself, and someone (not him) looks like they've had a close encounter with his fists, I saw nothing.
I hope for both of them, their background will serve them well. In any case they will support one another and their love will see them through this. It's exactly why they are enlisting as companions.
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This is no easy journey, for these young men (all seven of them) or for their families, their friends, and their loved ones. Yes, it's reality of life for every person in Korea, but that doesn't make it easier when it's YOU or YOUR person who is going away.
I am seeing them off with an in ache in my chest - I know we all are. But I'm toasting their successful military service, and their quick return.
짠 지민아, 정국이! We love you 💜💛
See you soon, Angels.
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** 'Hurry up and be me soon' ...
Some of us know how much it costs to put our authentic self out into the world. The sacrifices you have to be willing to make are huge. You're not only exposing your own vulnerabilities, but the flow on effect for your family and friends is real.
<talking specifically about Jimin here... how many times do you think his parents will have to say 'no, Jimin doesnt have a girlfriend, and no he isn't looking for one... No he doesn't plan to marry'.>
It's a long journey to self love and acceptance...
We know Jimin has been through a number of iterations of himself. He's been through the tough guy phase, the closed book, the siren, aloof and sophisticated, and the gently feminine.
The image he presents to the world is as much a construct as any person's is - and whether you're aware of this or not, all our public selves are social constructs.
"One size does not fit all" for queer people
For cis gendered heterosexual people, society has a few different ready-made constructs you can adopt, and the rest of society automatically understands the message you're sending. Most of them maintain the status quo of heterosexual cultural norms.
For anyone who DOESNT fit those norms, it's honestly never going to feel good expressing an image that isnt really you. Its like trying and make your circle self fit in a square box.
But theres nothing else that's readily available...
You really have to construct your public image from scratch.
When you aren't part of that typical demographic, figuring out how you want to be seen by the world can be an arduous and complex process.
How much do you reveal? How much do you risk?
You'll experiment with styles, behaviours, and social groups until you find a safe space you can occupy.
Jimin's safe space is with ARMY or his members, but it requires looking perfect.
Think about Jimin's hesitance to appear on camera without makeup. How carefully he chooses his clothes - whether for airport appearances, stage performance or out on the street. He usually has a team of people making sure he looks perfect. His hair is a trademark feature. It's always beautiful.
Remember that he's used to EVERYONE LOOKING AT HIM, ALL THE TIME.
Imagine how it feels to go out in public - against your will - with a shaved head.
Without hair, he would have surely felt naked. Plus, he's no longer in the safe embrace of ARMY, and his buffer of security and managers keeping him out of danger is gone.
He's immensely famous, but not universally loved (don't even go there) and bald, and small, and an IDOL, and very gay ... lets go with unlikely to be heterosexual.
No wonder he was feeling vulnerable.
Ngl, it broke my heart to see him so afraid but I'm sure he'll have a substantial group of supporters around him. I can only hope.
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yoongsisbae · 1 year
Bon Voyage: Into the Sea - Chapter 6
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A storm capsized your boat and looks like you were the only survivor. Somehow you made it to shore, but where? Stranded, you suddenly find out you are not alone, and now you’re stuck in the middle of a centuries old conflict between 7 monsters.
BTS fantasy AU. OT7 x reader. werewolf!Namjoon x werewolf!Hoseok x werewolf!Jungkook x siren!Yoongi x vampire!Jimin x vampire!Jin x whatis?Taehyung.
If you enjoy this series and want more updates, please leave a comment or reblog!
Warnings: smutty content, mind control, blood-drinking cause vampire things, dubconish, light yandere, voyeur, lots of neck licking lol
Word count: 12.1k
“You are going to be the reason we all die.”
“Jimin, stop,” Jin says. “Dove, we need to know what Taehyung said to you,” he asks, much more diplomatically. 
You shake your head, trying to make your way closer to the vampires, but the men around you have made an impressive barrier. How are you going to explain the lost months you experienced, the things you witnessed in Jimin’s memory? You stare at the angry younger vampire, how are you going to convince Jimin to help you?
“Jimin, you need to bite me.”
“What did you do to her?!” Hoseok roars at the vampire in question, who looks equally as shocked and offended at the accusation. 
“Nothing!” you interject, but your words fall on deaf ears.
“He did something to her to make her act like this!” Hoseok yells louder, turning his frustrations onto his pack leader.
“She has been calling out to him since we found her,” Yoongi tells Namjoon, confirming Hoseok’s accusations.
“What?! What did you do!” Jungkook growls out. “I’ll kill you-”
“It’s my fault that she's obsessed with me?” Jimin crosses his arms, looking away like the entire display was beneath him.
“Do you want to stop Taehyung or not?!”
The men exchange looks. “We need a plan, a real one,” Yoongi says, dismissing you. “The longer we wait-”
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“And how the hell did they break?!” Hoseok yells accusingly.
“Don’t look at me!” the merman counters, “There should have been no fucking conceivable way to break those spells,” he glances towards the youngest vampire who furiously glares back.
“Well it happened, okay, and now is not the time to argue about it, we need to work together to stop him, there is no telling what he is capable of now.”
“Hello!? I have a way to stop him!”
“What is it, Dove?”
“I told you! Jimin needs to bi-”
“No! No way in hell.”
“Oh I am going to kill you!”
“Everyone, silence!” Namjoon bellows and a tense silence settles in the air.
You speak up first, desperate to make them understand you. “Jin, why exactly did you forbid Jimin to bite me in the first place? Huh? Why?!” you challenge him.
Everyone stares at the eldest, even the vampire in question himself. Seokjin’s finger runs over his forehead, moving a stray lock of hair back in place. He clears his throat, “I did not want to cause him any pain-”
“What do you mean pain?” Jimin asks, repulsed. “She can’t hurt me!”
You huff, “Your memories, Jimin, your life-”
“There are certain memories better forgotten,” Seokjin interjects.
“No, no,” you say shakily. You had wished to forget this place so many times locked up in the vampire’s lair, and then when you did, you lost more than just the memories, you lost yourself. “No.”
And Jimin, he too, is lost. 
You glance over to the defiant vampire. “You have to bite me, you’re the only one who can stop Taehyung!”
Jimin looks around at everyone’s concerned faces, growing more irritated. Why does he have to be the one to stop Taehyung? Jimin never agreed to even help! And what makes you even think he has that kind of power? 
“Why?” It was Hoseok who questioned you angrily, upset at the way you are treating Jimin with such fondness. “Why him?!”
“Because he knows magic,” you say simply, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“I d-don’t know magic,” he spits out. You couldn’t be any more wrong, Jimin thinks, who the fuck do you think you are, acting like you know so much about him, better than himself!
But everyone is silent, eyes full of guilt and remorse, looking at him as if they know something he doesn’t. The kind of look that Jimin despises.
“You do,” you say with more conviction. “When you were human. I can show you.” You hold out your arm to him as the pack tries still to barricade your body away from the vampires.
“What is she talking about, Jin?” he turns to the eldest. 
“Jin, we don’t have time, you need to be honest with him!”
“Shut up! You are the reason we are even in this mess to begin with, you know that? Just how many times did we tell you to not get so comfy with Taehyung. You let him use you, because you’re weak, you’re-”
“And what about you?! You let Taehyung use you too, didn’t you?!” you scream, your anger getting the better of you.
“Stop!” Namjoon bellows, “Everyone, stop!” He looks furious with you, his hard glare instantly making you feel small and apologetic.
“Don’t order me around, you filthy beast!” Jimin hisses at Namjoon, deep and threatening, his eyes glowing with rage.
“We don't have time,” you whimper desperately. 
Your head is pounding. You feel it…
…inside of you, in the back of your mind…screaming, wrapping around your bones…
…the dread of something horrible coming for you all.
Jimin can’t believe he’s stuck here until sunset! Inside this idiot infested house with the biggest of the idiots telling him the most ridiculous things he’s ever heard. It’s insufferable, you’re insufferable, the way you stare at him now. Whatever spell Taehyung inflicted on you has only changed you for the worse.
“Jimin, I’m afraid we need to work together on this.” The younger vampire yanks himself away from Jin’s comforting hand. He’s beginning to think Seokjin is equally to blame as much as you. He’s beginning not to trust him…
“I’m not fucking helping any of you,” he stares at you, glowering. “Let Taehyung tear you apart,” he growls, baring his fangs.
You shake your head in disbelief. “You wanted to be a doctor, you loved helping people, you became a medic in the military. You fought for your country, you saved people,” you ramble on and on, hoping to convince the vampire to listen to reason. You’re angry that no one has told him, they should have, this shouldn’t be coming from you!
Jimin yells, picks up and throws a wicker chair in your direction in his anger, which Jungkook stops with ease, the chair exploding when it hits the youngest’s shoulder.
Hoseok has had just about enough of Jimin, he hasn’t forgotten the scars he witnessed across your body, he hasn’t forgotten the way you looked so fragile when he found you. This was all the vampires’ fault, and Jimin most of all. That arrogant, cruel, deceptive little-
Hoseok transforms instantly, pouncing on Jimin.
Yoongi pulls you back as the others transform as well. You’re both thrown to the ground as they fight, as they tear the house apart from the inside, unable to cohabitate any longer.
You groan, rolling over, still attempting to get to the headstrong vampire, your hand pressing into broken glass and blood escaping.
At the smell it wasn’t Jimin, but Jin who lost control. So many days drinking from you, addicted in more ways than one. His eyes glow red, searching out your blood. 
Namjoon’s large snout sinks its teeth into the eldest vampire and the fighting only escalates tenfold. Everything is loud, everything is chaos. You try to keep moving closer to the chaos still, until you notice something familiar in front of you. 
You notice the redness of the gem that had fallen out of Yoongi’s pack in the chaos, now shining brighter than ever.
Oh no. You can feel it again, pulling you in. You shuffle backwards, clutching your chest, closing your eyes tightly as the gem burns brighter, glowing like the vampires’ eyes then glowing even more until it envelops the entire home.
“Do you all want to stop Taehyung or not?!”
The men exchange looks. “We need a plan, a real one,” Yoongi says, dismissing you. “The longer we wait-”
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“And how the hell did they break?!” Hoseok yells accusingly.
“Don’t look at me!” the merman counters, “There should have been no fucking conceivable way to break those spells,” he glances towards the youngest vampire who glares back.
“Well it happened, okay, and now is not the time to argue about it, we need to work together to stop him, there is no telling what he is capable of now.”
“Hello!? I have a way to stop him!”
“What is it, Dove?”
“I told you! Jimin needs to bi-”
“No! No way in hell.”
“Oh I am going to kill you!”
“Everyone, silence!” Namjoon bellows and a tense silence settles in the air.
This is getting you nowhere. Good God, how are you supposed to make six stubborn beings listen to you?! Think, y/n. Think! You try to come up with a plan, but your head is throbbing in pain.
Jimin speaks up first, “Just what are you playing at, pet?”
You look up at him. “Pull my memories. You’ve already done it once. Just do it again.”
Seokjin looks over at the younger vampire in disbelief.
“I have not,” Jimin looks at you furiously for getting him in trouble over a lie. “She’s obviously suffering from some delusional episode! Listen, you wretched human girl! You’re nothing to me, you mean nothing, so stop these fantasies! right! now!”
“You have, and we saw your mother. You just, ugh, don’t remember because it happened in the future, ugh, just-” you groan, clutching your head. It’s pounding more than ever, and you feel it, inside of you, in the back of your mind screaming, wrapping around your bones, the dread of something horrible coming for you all. Your body starts shaking and Jungkook wraps his arms around your waist to steady you.
Jimin can’t believe he’s stuck here until sunset! Inside this idiot infested house with the biggest of the idiots telling him the most ridiculous things he’s ever heard. His mother? You saw his mother? How dare you even talk about her! Like you know anything about her, like you know more than Jimin, who well, knows nothing about his mother…and he doesn’t care to know! 
Who the fuck do you think you are, acting like you know so much about him, better than himself! It’s insufferable, you’re insufferable. Whatever spell that Taehyung inflicted on you has only changed you for the worse. “See! She’s lost it,” he yells, pointing at you. “So weak!”
“Please, I’m not lying,” you cry out. You feel sick. You just want to save them, why won’t they listen to you?! Jungkook holds you tighter as your legs give out.
“What’s happening to her!” Hoseok looks over to his leader worriedly, holding onto your shoulders to keep you upright as you slump forward.
“I think it has something to do with this,” Yoongi pulls the red amulet from his pouch, holding the necklace up and letting it dangle for everyone to see.
“No!” You can’t stop it, it’s already starting again, the red glow emanating directly from the gem, covering everyone and everything in that same red hue, until that’s all you can see.
You clutch your chest, closing your eyes tightly as it burns brighter, until it envelops the entire home. 
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“And how the hell did they break?!” Hoseok yells accusingly.
“Don’t look at me!” the merman counters, “There should have been no fucking conceivable way to break those spells,” he glances towards the youngest vampire who glares back.
“Well it happened, okay, and now is not the time to argue about it, we need to work together to stop him, there is no telling what he is capable of now.”
“Hello!? I have a way to stop him!”
“What is it, Dove?”
“I told you! Jimin needs to bi-”
“No! No way in hell.”
“Oh I am going to kill you!”
“Everyone, silence!” Namjoon bellows and a tense silence settles in the air.
You feel your stomach turn again. You feel winded, like you’ve been running. You massage your temples, wiping away the accumulating sweat. God, how are you supposed to make six stubborn beings listen to you?! Think, y/n. Think!
“Why?” Jungkook speaks first, voice full of pain. “Why Jimin out of all of us?” Your heart drops at his hurt expression. You don’t know the right way to explain to Jungkook, to all of them, why this needs to be done, especially now when your head feels like it’s about to explode. When did you become so jittery? What is happening?! You try to concentrate and think, but where do you even begin? 
“W-We all know the power they have, right?” You gesture to the vampires. “The way they can look into your memories when they…but Jimin has never bitten me,” technically that is correct in this point in time, “only Jin-”
“Yeah, and just why is that?” Jimin looks at the eldest vampire pointedly, crossing his arms, fed up with Seokjin’s obtuse answers. “Explain.”
Seokjin sighs, straightening the wrinkly shirt Namjoon had given him to wear. “It was for your protection,” he addresses Jimin.  
“Protection from what?!” Jimin asks, repulsed. “She can’t hurt me!”
“We don’t have time for this,” you mutter. You feel it, inside of you, in the back of your mind screaming, wrapping around your bones, the dread of something horrible coming for you all. “Seokjin, make Jimin bite me!”
“SEOKJIN DOESN’T MAKE ME DO ANYTHING,” Jimin roars. You couldn’t be any more wrong, Jimin thinks, who the fuck do you think you are, acting like you know so much about Seokjin, about him, better than himself!
“THEN JUST BITE ME!” You scream back. “You’ve been wanting to all this time!”
The pack watches you argue, stunned into silence. This is news to everyone else; Jimin hasn’t bitten you? And furthermore, Seokjin didn’t want him to bite you. Seokjin had found Namjoon and explained most of what happened, but not that. 
“Stay here, in case Hoseok returns.” That was a direct order from his pack leader, and as much as Jungkook wanted to disobey and run towards the thundering noise that had rattled their home, the older shapeshifter was leagues above the young wolf in strength and dominance.
It was luck that Namjoon encountered the pair of vampires instead of his brothers. If it had been anyone else, the vampires might not have made it out with their heads. But Namjoon was always the type to observe first, take everything in before making any rash decision, it’s what kept him alive this long and made Namjoon a leader.
Jin and Namjoon were talkers. They were, even in their wildest days, the best at beguiling, enticing, drawing in others with their words, and upon meeting, they realized they had finally met their match. Namjoon’s most favorite nights were conversations with Seokjin, picking apart the intricacies of the humanities. Two beasts had become obsessed with learning and gaining a humanity of their own.
Namjoon would have torn them apart otherwise. But the magical blasts had knocked the younger more confrontational vampire out, and Seokjin pleaded with Namjoon to listen to his story. “Taehyung has escaped.” With a start like that, Namjoon couldn’t resist not learning more.
With the sun soon rising and Taehyung out there somewhere, Namjoon had little options left but to invite the wounded vampires into his home.
While you were in another part of the island healing and trying to bridge the peace amongst two headstrong beasts, Namjoon and Seokjin were coming to their own kind of peace, a détente at least for the time being, an opportunity to speak to each other like old times now that they had a bigger enemy then themselves.
“Well now I don’t want to.” Jimin crosses his arms, looking away.
You look at him in disbelief. Ugh. This is driving you crazy, there is no time to be like this. ‘Fucking Jimin,’ he really knows how to push your last button. Fuck, you are so over this!
You think about the crying man on the floor, covered in your blood with a broken expression on his face, you think about that sweet boy, crying for his mother. Somewhere deep inside Jimin is that sweet boy who cried.
You look down at your nails with one last hope remaining. You’ll just have to make him drink from you.
You dig your nails into your forearm, scratching your skin as deep as you can. 
But it was Seokjin who lost control. So many days drinking from you, addicted in more ways than one. His eyes turning red, searching out your blood.
Fur envelopes you, Jungkook and Hoseok shielding you with their large canine bodies while Seokjin lunges for you, stopped short by Namjoon’s fangs.
Jimin throws the beast off the older vampire. Jimin, full of rage, tears his sharp nails into Namjoon’s coat. Yoongi screams for Jin, his influential words finally knocking him out of his blood stupor. Then he calls out to the younger vampire, “Jimin, stop.”
But Jimin is already too full of rage to listen to reason. He can’t stand being stuck in this idiot infested house any longer. It’s insufferable, you’re insufferable, the way you stare at him now. Whatever spell that Taehyung inflicted on you has only changed you for the worse! He should have never listened to Seokjin! He’s beginning not to trust him-
Seokjin addresses the two wolves next to you as the younger vampire lashes out. “Take her out of here, hurry!” he yells, attempting with difficulty to retain the younger vampire with Yoongi’s and Namjoon’s help. 
“No!” you scream at the top of your lungs, “You don’t understand!”
A deep growl from Jungkook frightens you into silence. His fangs are around your stomach, only holding you still, not puncturing into you, but it’s terrifying nonetheless as he yanks you backwards, his hind legs digging into the earth.
You cry once outside, unable to pull yourself together. You pull at Jungkook’s fangs, attempting to unlock his jaw from your side and the large beast begins to whimper in anguish at your attempts to flee from him, extinguishing the fight inside you.
Nothing is working! Nothing! It’s hopeless, you’re all going to die, you think, either by Taehyung’s hands or by each others. You cry harder into Jungkook’s fur, who has wrapped his large canine body around yours.
“…what?” You see it from the open door and your body acts on impulse as you claw at the ground, trying to move closer, uncaring if Jungkook’s teeth tear at your skin. Tears dry up as you watch the house start to glow red, brighter than anything you’ve ever seen before. 
No, that’s not quite true. You’ve seen that red glow befo-
“We need a plan, a real one,” Yoongi says, dismissing you. “The longer we wait-”
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks. “Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” you murmur to yourself. Jungkook and Jimin glance towards your way.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“And how the hell did they break?!” Hoseok yells accusingly.
“Don’t look at me…” you whisper. “Don’t look at me!” the merman counters, “There should have been no fucking conceivable way to break those spells,” he glances towards the youngest vampire who glares back.
“Well it happened, okay, and now is not the time to argue about it, we need to work together to stop him-”
“There is no telling what he is capable of now,” you say in unison to the leader, finally aware this is not just some strange case of deja vu. All eyes turn to you. Jimin scoffs, just like he did before, pulling on Seokjin’s shoulder. “...I-I want Jimin to bite me!” you yell. 
“No! No way in hell.” “No! No way in hell.”
“Oh I am going to kill you!” “Oh I am going to kill you!”
“What the hell are you doing?!” Jimin screams accusingly.
You look around, your gaze stopping on the eldest. “Seokjin, make Jimin bite me!”
“SEOKJIN DOESN’T MAKE ME DO ANYTHING,” Jimin roars. “Seokjin doesn’t make me do anything!” you yell back in unison, a satisfied smirk on your face, pointing directly at Jimin.
“How the fuck are you doing that?” the merman questions.
You rub your temples, trying to make sense of it all. ‘This happened before, why has this happened before? This has to be Tae’s doing!’ “I don’t know, I don’t know, but we’ve already had this conversation, and I-I think, I can’t remember, something must have went wrong...Jimin, you need to bite me, right now!”
“Well…” he clears his throat, looking around as everyone has gone deathly quiet, “now I don’t want to,” Jimin crosses his arms.
Ugh! ‘Fucking Jimin,’ he really knows how to push your last button.  “Listen, you’ve already done it once! Just just do it agai-wait, no, we did this already…something is wrong…” 
“Maybe it’s you!” Jimin accuses. “Taehyung has already gotten in her head, how can we trust her?” he warns the others.
“Jimin is right. I can feel him,” you shudder. “Which is why you need to bite me, because I know for certain, Taehyung doesn’t want you to.” You hold your hand to him.
“And if this is a trick?”
“Ugh, I’m not tricking you! I want to stop Taehyung for you, you idiot!”
‘Idiot’?! How dare you call Jimin an idiot, when you’re the biggest of the idiots in this idiot infested house! “And suddenly you have my best interest at heart?!” Jimin yells back, disgust evident.
Ugh, your head is killing you, and you feel it, inside of you, in the back of your mind screaming, wrapping around your bones, the dread of something horrible coming for you all. 
You try to think about everything that has transpired since you met Taehyung, trying to see if you missed anything-
“Wait, wait, wait…ugh, let me go!” you yell at the pack surrounding you. You press yourself against the door, opening it quickly and falling into the sand. 
You look up at the sky, taking a deep breath of fresh air to calm yourself. It’s still daytime, but not for much longer, and you’re scared of what night will bring.
Yoongi is by your side, lifting you up. “Y/n,” you think he is about to dismiss you like he always does, but instead he says, “tell me what I need to do to help you.”
“Yoongi...” You’ve never seen him so sincere before. “Do you think you can use your siren song on Jimin to-”
“I can hear you, pet! It doesn’t work! And I should kill you for even suggesting it.”
“Touch her and I will kill you!”
“Ugh,” you groan, turning your back as the group of stubborn monsters in front of you begin to bicker, deja vu hitting you hard again. “What am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to change?” You ask yourself out loud, head in your hands.
Yoongi holds you steady. “Something definitely is up, and I have a feeling it has something to do with this-” Yoongi looks through his pack.
“T-That’s it! Wait! No!” You yell as Yoongi pulls the gem out of his pack, letting it dangle in his hand.
But it’s too late. You can’t stop it, it’s already starting again, the red glow emanating directly from the gem, covering everyone and everything in that same red hue, until that’s all you can see.
‘Y/n, take it.’
You fall back to the ground and clutch your chest, dismissing the words inside your head, closing your eyes tightly as the gem burns brighter.
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“And how the hell did they break?!” Hoseok yells accusingly.
“Don’t look at me!” the merman counters, “There should have been no fucking conceivable way to break those spells,” he glances towards the youngest vampire who glares back.
“Well it happened, okay, and now is not the time to argue about it, we need to work together to stop him, there is no telling what he is capable of now.”
“Hello!? I have a way to stop him!”
“What is it, Dove?”
Okay, this is it. “Seokjin, you need to bite me.”
“What!?” Jimin yells angrily.
You look into Seokjin’s eyes, silently pleading with him. “The memory pull, it’s going to work now. Please,” you urge, holding out your arm to him as the pack tries still to barricade your body away from the vampires. “Look into my memories and you’ll understand!”
Jimin pulls the eldest back as he advances. “You’re really going to obey her command? Just like that! Taehyung might have already gotten to her, how can we trust her?!”
“You’re right! Jimin is right. I can feel him. Which is why…” you swallow, looking at Jimin, remembering this same conversation said just another way, wondering just how many times you have tried to convince them. “Which is why, you need to bite me.” You move your eyes to Seokjin, staring ahead steadfast. “So you can see the truth!”
“Why?” Jungkook speaks up, voice full of pain. “Why Seokjin out of all-”
You grab the youngest’s face and kiss him abruptly, silencing his worries.
Hoseok’s stares at you, mouth agape. He doesn’t know whether to be furious with you, or satisfied that Jimin and Yoongi both look so furious with you for kissing the youngest shapeshifter.
“Trust me, please,” your hands shake in your desperation, squishing his cheeks as he looks at you in shock and awe. 
“O-Okay,” Jungkook nods.
The eldest vampire sighs and starts to move closer much to Jimin’s astonishment and disgust. You try to push past the pack’s strong bodies. It hurts them to see you try to go to their enemy, but they let you pass.
Jimin crosses his arms, scoffing as the eldest meets you in the center of the room. Jimin can’t believe he’s stuck here until sunset! Inside this idiot infested house with the biggest of the idiots telling him the most ridiculous things he’s ever heard. Suddenly you want Seokjin to bite you now? When you were just throwing yourself at Jimin! Why?! What happened? What’s the reason? You’re so annoying, you’re insufferable, the way you look at Seokjin with so much hope and trust.
Jimin grinds his teeth together in anger, so hard his fangs begin to pierce his bottom lip.
Seokjin puts his hands up, glancing towards the pack leader, meaning no harm before he bends his head closer to your neck.
“Wait!” Jimin speaks up. “Y/n, you wanted me to bite you, didn’t you? So come here then!”
“Jimin, I-”
“Don’t you dare say it,” Jimin cuts Seokjin off. “You didn’t listen to me about Taehyung, about her, and then you made a truce with them without even asking me! You’re lucky I even speak to you at all!” Jimin is furious with Seokjin, he’s beginning not to trust him...
You raise your eyebrows. “Really? Are you sure?”
“Don’t make me say it again,” Jimin seethes.
You smile, running past Seokjin. You hold out your wrist to Jimin, looking up at him hopefully. 
Jimin scoffs again, gripping your arm painfully and yanking you closer. The wolf trio begin to growl in anger, baring their fangs.
“I choose where I bite you, pet.”
You try to remain calm as the trio behind you let out low threatening growls. Jimin smirks, spinning you around by your arm, hugging you against his body like a shield and snickering at how angry it makes them.
The pack looks ready to attack. Yoongi begins to step forward in his growing anger.
“No!,” you stop him, “J-Just let him do what he wants,” you mutter.
Jimin smirks. “If it was what I wanted, you would be on your knees with your mouth shut.” He sneers, gripping your chin painfully tight and yanking your head backward. “And your head down, thinking about how stupid you are for walking right into Taehyung’s trap.”
‘Like you did,’ you think, keeping your temper in check.  “I know you’re scared, it’s okay.”
“I am not scared!” he hisses, nails digging into your side. You wince. Namjoon’s growls become louder.
“Namjoon, stop!”
Jimin smirks again. “Yeah, listen to her, dog. Since we are all at this human’s mercy,” he scoffs. “You seem to know so much about what happens next, so tell me, is it going all according to your little plan?” He presses his body against yours, holding you tightly.
“You like this, don’t you?” he whispers in your ear, obscenely grinding himself against your backside. Jimin rests his chin on your shoulder, arm still secure around your waist, smirking, intent on drawing this out for everyone involved, “them watching.” His hand grabs your breast roughly. 
Your eyes meet Yoongi’s eyes, dark with anger, and you shut them in shame.
You breathe through your nose as he fondles you for everyone to see, letting out short breaths when he rests his hand over your throat, choosing to submit in hopes he’ll eventually do what you want.
Jimin’s fangs scrape across your shoulder as he revels in the intoxicating feeling of power he has over you and everyone else, finally feeling better about his new situation. He breathes in the anger emanating from everyone in the room, inhaling your sweet desperation most of all.
His fangs scratch the surface of you, up the sensitive skin of your neck until you bleed.
Seokjin drops to his knees, panting heavily, addicted to your blood in more ways than one. Jimin stops, looking over to the older vampire. “I’m fine,” Seokjin pants. “I’m fine.”
Jimin looks coldly down at him, how disgraceful that he’s let you affect him so much. That’s what he gets for drinking from you all the time, for not letting Jimin! He licks the blood off your neck and you shudder. Jimin moans loudly, tasting your blood again finally.
The pack looks ready to kill, they bare their fangs, the restraint in their growls long gone.
“I’m sure they can all smell you from here, I can,” Jimin whispers in your ear, hand pressing down on your lower stomach, taunting you, “You’ve learned to be a good little pet, hmm? Here’s your reward.” Jimin presses his fangs into the column of your neck, directly on your pulse.
“What the hell?” the merman mumbles. There is something glowing in Yoongi’s pack. He fumbles with the latch to inspect it. Yoongi yanks out the red glowing gem, confusion evident on his face.
Oh no. You can feel it again. A familiar voice starts to call out to you. If it wasn’t for the pain in your neck keeping you present, you surely would have lost control.
You clutch your chest as the gem burns brighter. “Jimin! You-”
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?” Jimin roars, advancing on you and the pack.
“You saw– You know–” you look at Jimin in disbelief. You reflexively cover your throat, the punctures are gone, but your heartbeat is still fluttering. “It wasn’t me!” you yell back.
The younger vampire yanks himself away from Jin’s protective hand. “Taehyung…” Jimin growls. “And you!” He points an accusing finger at the merman. “Give me that gem in your pack right now!”
“How did you know about that?” Yoongi glares at the younger vampire.
He scoffs, “I don’t have to explain myself to you!”
“Well then fuck off,” Yoongi spits out.
Jimin can’t believe he’s stuck here until sunset! Inside this idiot infested house with– ‘Wait,’ He feels it, he can’t explain it, but it’s there, all around him, an inevitability that he can’t control, and it pisses him off! Jimin spins around, baring his fangs, claws ready to strike. 
The group watches Jimin spin around angrily like a confused dog chasing its tail.
“See,” you glare at Jimin, “See how annoying it is!”
Jimin rolls his eyes. “Taehyung. The gem is his. And it seems he’s still using it somehow.” Jimin reasons, looking around at the familiar scene. “Give it, we need to destroy it,” Jimin holds out his hand impatiently. “DAMMIT YOONGI! We don’t have time for this!”
“That’s what I’ve been saying,” you huff.
The merman holds onto his pack defensively. He doesn’t trust Jimin, but he knows they have to work together to stop Taehyung. Jimin is untrustworthy, but Jimin is powerful, more than he even realizes. So Yoongi holds his tongue and relents. 
You clutch your head in your hands. It’s pounding more than ever, and you feel it, inside of you, in the back of your mind screaming, wrapping around your bones, the dread of something horrible coming for you all. “Get it away from me!” you cry out. 
You press yourself against the door, opening it quickly and falling in the sand. Jungkook and Hoseok follow you out, worried for your safety and your quickly declining state of mind.
Jimin scoffs again. Pathetic, he thinks. Humans are scared of their own shadows. He turns his attention on the merman, waiting impatiently. He tries to ignore how close the others are to him as the men huddle around to look at the necklace. 
Jimin holds the gem in his hand, inspecting it. The weight of it in his palm is heavy. He touches the smooth rock, the gem itself is small, but the energy surrounding it is immense, a familiar power the vampire can’t quite put his finger on. ‘Why isn’t it glowing?’ he thinks, and as soon as the thought enters his mind a slow bright red light begins to emanate around the gem. 
“What’s going on?” The pack leader questions, staring at the gem, ready to strike anything that appears. 
“I don’t know.” Jimin doesn’t know how to stop it, but he wishes for whatever is happening to halt.
And as soon as the thought entered his mind the glow begins to recede back into the gem.
“Jimin, you should hold onto that necklace for now.” Seokjin speaks.
Jimin looks up and the expression on Seokjin’s face surprises the younger vampire. He’s seen that hardened look before from Seokjin, in moments when the older vampire begins to feel sentimental. Most recently, the night you came to them. Jimin never questioned it before, but now he wants to, he wants to know all the secrets Seokjin is keeping from him. Jimin is beginning not to trust him-
He grabs the eldest’s shirt collar, yanking him close. “You know what this is?”
Seokjin remains unaffected by Jimin’s outburst, covering Jimin’s hand with his own. “Now that I’ve looked at it up close, yes, I’ve seen it before. I believe, that necklace,” he sighs, “used to be yours. A long time ago, I saw you wear it. Or something very similar,” he swallows.
But before you, Jimin has never seen this necklace before in his life! He stares at the gem. That familiarity he feels can’t be– no, that feeling is just like the other moments of deja vu he has been experiencing, it’s not because…is it? Does this necklace belong to him?
You stare at the wolves’ den, refusing to move any closer. Nothing has happened yet, there is no red glow, and no immediate danger, but you feel at any moment everything could change. You look up at the sky, it’s still daytime, but not for much longer, and you’re worried-
“Y/n?” Hoseok shakes you when you don’t respond.
“Hoseok…” You wonder how many times this moment has repeated itself. Has Hoseok looked at you like this before, his care for you evident in his soft gaze? You try to remember and make sense of what is real. “That necklace, Taehyung used it to escape. I-I don’t know how, I don’t know why. I– Ahhh!”
Your nails dig into your scalp as you desperately try to claw away at the pain. The pain is radiating at your temples, just behind your eyes, in the back of your head, behind your ear-
“Hey, y/n, hey!” Hoseok holds your trembling body, patting your cheek, reminded of the moment he found you on the beach. Your eyes stare at the sky, far away, like you’re lost in your head, unable to hear him.
“W-What’s happening to her?!” Jungkook whimpers. You just came back to him and now he fears he might lose you completely.
Hoseok picks you up into his arms, holding you securely to him. “I don’t know, Namjoon will know. I’m taking her back inside.”
You want to tell him no, you want to tell him to wait, you don’t want to go back in, but you can’t find the energy to open your mouth to speak the words. Your body is betraying you, your vision starts to cloud, and you realize darkness is coming for you, even with the sun still high up in sky. You wish more than ever, you could start over again-
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“Oh,” you groan, falling forward, unable to hold yourself up. The youngest of the pack wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into his embrace before your knees hit the ground.
Jimin looks around, the gem still heavy in his palm. “The necklace,” he murmurs. It didn’t glow red this time and yet-
“Jimin!” The merman hisses, glaring at the vampire who has somehow taken the gem from Yoongi without him noticing, “Don’t move.”
Jimin’s body, and mind, suddenly feel sluggish. It lasts only a moment before the vampire is shaking himself out of the merman’s mind control. Jimin can’t help but laugh at his weak attempt. 
“DON’T MOVE,” Yoongi bellows, his words echoing throughout the wolves’ den, and everyone, including Jimin, freezes.
“What are you doing, Yoongi?!” Namjoon grunts, stuck in place by the merman’s words.
“I don’t know how, but he stole that from me, from my pack.” The merman walks with purpose while Jimin struggles to move. 
Your eyes go wide when you notice what’s happened. “It’s not his fault,” you mumble, glancing at Namjoon, your eyes and mouth the only part of you able to move, “I think...w-we’re stuck in a time loop.”
“A w-what?” Hoseok grunts, trying with all his might to turn his head.
“W-Well...it’s a lot t-to explain and you’ll probably forget it all anyways,” you whine.
Namjoon raises his brow. He can only slightly move his neck now, and struggles to turn his head to look at you. “Perhaps you should explain anyways. Now.” His tone is serious, potentially menacing if you were being honest.
“I know it sounds crazy, and I know you don’t want him to, shit, what haven't I explained to you yet? Jimin hasn’t actually bitten me yet, well, technically not yet, he has, but it was before I came back, from the future, into now-another time thing.” You start to remember clearly now, though it seems to be still very hard to explain, “Anyways, I know about Jimin’s past! And everything, and-”
“Is she making sense to you?” Hoseok mutters.
“Oh you’re so lucky we haven’t had this conversation before or I would be really blowing your mind,” you grunt.
Jimin’s arms jerk backwards as he fights the merman’s impressive mind control. “It’s mine! Give it back!” Jimin hisses as Yoongi plucks the gem out of the vampire’s hand mere seconds before Jimin regains control of himself again.
“Jimin, we don’t have the time,” you groan, your limbs finally moving again. “Jimin!” you yell, pulling the vampire’s attention away before he attacks the merman in his anger. 
You struggle in Jungkook’s arms, holding out your wrist to Jimin hopefully. “You know what you have to do, before it happens again!” 
“No!” Jungkook barks, lifting you off your feet to end your advance. 
Jimin exhales. This is insufferable, you’re insufferable, you’re, fuck– It’s happening again. He bares his fangs, letting his anger simmer over this constant deja vu. 
“Wait! Let me see it, that necklace,” Seokjin steps forward curiously.
Yoongi throws his arm backwards out of the vampire’s reach, the gold chain accidentally hitting your outstretched hand.
The gem touching your finger.
It felt like just a graze, so quickly it couldn’t have been longer than a second. Yet you felt it through your whole body.
And then pulling right behind your ear. 
And finally you understood as the brightest flash of red light quickly comes and goes. You hear his voice again, commanding you to do something else, something horrible...
You want to tell them all to run, to escape, but the only words your lips can speak are-
“Taehyung, come in.”
The door shatters, knocking everyone inside to the ground.
The back of your ear feels like it’s on fire and like you summoned the devil himself, Taehyung appears behind you, lifting you up. “Ahh princess, now where did you put my jewel?”
You stand paralyzed by fear, as if gravity chained your limbs to your body.
“Taehyung, leave her alone!” Jungkook roars, and he somehow looks more imposing than the pack leader himself.
Taehyung laughs, looking around incredulously at the monsters surrounding him. 
“I’m saving her from you!” He pulls you close and despite your fear, you gravitate to him. It reminds you of Yoongi’s siren song, but more painful, dark, like ropes around your limbs, a noose around your throat. “You would rather use her, draining her life away because you want a pretty pet-” he looks at Seokjin, “-or keep her here on this island, chained like a prisoner, like you did to me! You just can’t see her potential!”
“You...betrayed Jimin...this is all your fault,” you grunt, barely able to speak the words out loud. 
Taehyung looks at you, eyes softening. “Your loyalty to my brother is sweet. After everything they did to you. You really are perfect. I knew it when I first met you, we were fated to meet. You were the one who was going to save me, and now I can save you.” He holds you close, embracing you how he always wanted to, no chains or shackles between you anymore. “You saw Jimin’s story and believed him. I’ll show you mine, y/n. You’ll see once and for all.”
Yoongi’s nose is bleeding from the explosion. He has the gem hidden in his palm. He doesn’t quite understand how Taehyung appeared so suddenly, or what the gem has to do with it, but he figures no good will come from Taehyung having it, and he intends to risk everything to keep it away from Taehyung. 
He looks at your pain stricken expression and suddenly realizes, no, he can’t risk everything.
“They should have cut off your hands,” Yoongi mutters, wiping away the dried blood from under his nose and standing up. “Thy were too nice to you. When I defeat you I’ll make sure your next cell is underground and twice as small,” the merman tries to goad Taehyung away from you.
“Monster,” Taehyung frowns. “Do you know how many humans he has killed, y/n? How many they’ve all killed? Have I ever killed anyone!” he yells.
“You were going to kill Seokjin!” Jimin argues.
“Seokjin is evil!” he yells back. “And not a human.”
“Okay, Taehyung, you want retribution, we’re all here now. So let y/n go, can’t you see how scared she is?” Namjoon questions, crouching low in fighting stance. His calmness is even more menacing than his anger, you think.
“She doesn’t want me to let her go,” Taehyung smiles, his chin pressing into your shoulder as he continues to hug you close. “Tell them you want to be with me.”
“I want to be with Taehyung,” you cry out, terrified how the words left your lips so quickly, of the way your control is slipping away.
“See, she’s my destiny.” He grins, triumph dripping from his words.
No, no, no. You clutch your chest, where the pain emanates the most, right over your heart.
“Oh, that’s where it went.” Taehyung sighs, petting your head softly. “I’m sorry, one of my attacks must have hit you hard. Let’s go back, out of reach this time. Now, where is my necklace? Tell me, y/n.”
Yoongi, Yoongi has it. It’s Yoongi. It’s Yoongi. It’s Yoongi. Yoongi.
You clench your jaw so tight your teeth begin to hurt. “Who took it?” he asks sweetly.
“Yoongi...” You begin to cry. “Please don’t hurt him!”
The merman speaks up, “Oh, he won’t hurt me.”
“You haven’t changed at all, so arrogant, acting like you’re better than everyone else!” Taehyung says, staring at Yoongi’s closed fist. He flicks his wrist over, fingers pulling at the air. 
A glowing red light starts emanating from Yoongi’s palm, an inescapable power ready to burst from the tiny gem, red streaks of light between his fingers cut through the wolf’s den, knocking back anything it touches.
Yoongi yells in pain, but he refuses to let go of the necklace. 
Unlike the others, when the red light hits Taehyung, he can easily redirect it with his hand, and his beam hits Seokjin, knocking the vampire right in the chest.
You see singes across the eldest vampire’s body, his clothes tattered and deep burn scars across his skin. Yoongi’s hand looks charred too, he yells and doubles over in pain, still fighting to hold onto the necklace. The others are fast, dodging the attacks, but how long can they last? 
Hoseok is hit next, he turns into a wolf instantly, charging towards you. Namjoon runs in to attack Taehyung, who shifts your body in front of the leader. 
The wolves are trying so hard to save you from Taehyung, it breaks your heart to witness the pain they are going through. How can you save them? Protect them? You feel so useless, so human and fragile. A mere pawn in a game played between kings.
If only there was a way to restart this day again.
“Y/n, don’t,” Taehyung whispers in your ear.
The wolves are too worried for your safety to use their full force, something Taehyung uses to his full advantage as he moves closer to the merman still fighting to hold onto the gem.
Jimin doesn’t care about your safety. He crashes into both of you.
You feel the weight of both men on top of you, suffocating you as Taehyung covers your body with his to take the brunt of the vampire’s wild attacks.
However, Taehyung’s physical strength seems to be unmatched, he throws the vampire as if Jimin weighed nothing with only one arm, the other holding your wrist so you can’t get away.
He moves closer to the struggling merman.
This can’t be happening, it can’t end this way, after everything you’ve been through.
Perhaps it was how close to victory Taehyung had been, so close he was only thinking about the outcome of his winning, the great future ahead of him. He was distracted just enough, and the reigns he had held over you loosened just a bit. It cleared your mind just enough, made you hope, wish for help to come for Yoongi and the others.
Your wish fluttered inside you like a heartbeat, pulling you, and this time, pulling everyone…
Through time…
To a place where the merman had an advantage. Your wish was granted.
The thumping receded and seawater filled every space around you suddenly. You were underwater, deep in the sea. You looked around and saw red and blue flashes of light, the shadows of the beast’s bodies around you, blood like red ribbons leaving their wounds. You slowly kick towards the sky.
How deep are you? You don’t know if you can make it to get in air in time.
You scream, the sound muffled underwater, when fingers reach for your hair, jerking your head down.
It’s Jimin. By the look in his eyes you think he might drain you right here, let you drown in a sea of blood, but he reaches for your hand instead and pulls you to the surface at inhuman speed. 
Spluttering, you gasp in air as the ocean lights up the night with streaks of power flashing under water.
“You’re coming with me,” he grunts, dragging your body back to land.
“Yoongi! The others!”
“Hold your breath!” Jimin pulls you back under when Taehyung resurfaces.
You inhale in quickly. You see the sparkling merman’s tail reflecting under water as he attacks Taehyung again.
Red light explodes underwater. Pulsing through the ocean, knocking you back into Jimin. He pulls you away from the fighting, closer to shore until you can stand above water.
You try to keep up, but the night waves crash into your body knocking you off your feet. Jimin drops you into shallow water. You gasp for breath while he looks over you. It reminded you of when you first met him, the way his body is over yours. But his eyes aren’t the same, there’s no hatred in them like before, Jimin looks lost, Jimin looks…sad.
He grabs the front of your dress and rips it, exposing your cleavage. Your arms cover your chest and he yanks those away too. You almost scream, but he doesn’t do anything but look at you. Then his finger traces the scars on your chest, making you shudder. The scar lines form a deep v across your chest, connecting around your neck.
“It was you.” He grips your neck, startling you. “Fix it. Now!”
Moonlight is speckling the ocean’s surface. The water calmer than usual. “Take us back to before Taehyung arrived. Before…” he shudders, looking out at the ocean, up towards the moon angrily. “This is your fault.” Jimin lunges for you, his claws pulled quickly away by Jungkook rushing to your side. Jungkook picks up your exhausted body, wading deeper in the water, glaring at the vampire. “Let’s go.”
“Follow me.” Yoongi yells, further out.
When you reach Yoongi, the youngest reluctantly hands you to him. “Where’s Taehyung?”
“He…took the necklace,” Yoongi says bitterly. “Ready?”
You look at the dark water all around you. “W-Where are we going?”
“My home.”
Yoongi swims down to the sea floor. You hold his hand, let the current and his strong fin lead you to the furthest depths of the ocean.
There’s no light, only the faint sparkling reflection of Yoongi’s tail is visible to your human eyes.
Your feet touch the sandy floor. The pain in your ears lessens the longer Yoongi breathes air into you. It’s an odd feeling, walking the sea floor, a place certainly no other living human could walk alone.
‘Jin.’ Your body stiffens in fright. You see the vampire, lying suspended upon the ocean floor. It frightens you how dead he looks, floating there, but for as long as you’ve known him, Jin has always been dead, hasn't he? Jimin passes, hooking Seokjin’s floating arm over his shoulder and pulling the vampire along.
You reach an underwater cave and swim inside. It’s tunnels are vast. The coral crevices hold things, some are man-made items, some magical.
The coral of the cave winds around, creating tunnels that are compact, walls that are cramped together. It’s dark and lonely inside, there is no light, no warmth. Is this where Yoongi stayed? It makes you feel sorry for the merman, makes you want to fill his life with warmth. He swims around quickly pulling things from inside the pockets of coral.
It’s impressive how the wolves can hold their breath, but even at this depth for so long they are having trouble. Even you are almost out of the air Yoongi gave you.
The merman swims to the cave’s bottom. There’s a purple wooden door situated at the cave floor with a spoked handle. The color reminds you of the one in Seokjin’s office. He begins to turn the vault handle quickly, unlocking the door. You watch, holding your body against one of the coral walls, making sure you don't float away. 
You begin to choke on water. The door opens finally and the others rush inside, quickly escaping down into the depths. Yoongi finds you, kissing you. Slowly, taking his time now. 
Submerged in the water, floating, he became the only thing that grounded you. You wish you could speak underwater and tell him how sorry you were for letting Taehyung inside, for causing this all to happen. You kept your lips pressed to his, hoping to convey how apologetic you felt. Yoongi hugs you close and dives into the vault.
You break the surface of the water, somehow right side up now. You wipe the water away from your face as Yoongi holds you to him. You look around the small cave, a part of the underground cave system inside the island. You look down at your bodies still submerged in the water, you should be upside down. How is that possible?
It never ceases to amaze you, the magicalness of this place.
“How is he?” you call out.
“I’ve seen better days.” The vampire in question grunts. Seokjin has definitely seen better days, the usually put together vampire is the most beaten you’ve ever seen him, lying on the cave floor unable to move.
“Jin, would it help?” you offer your wrist to him. You were the only human here.
Seokjin swallows, “Yes.”
“Let me help him,” you beg the others. Namjoon lifts you out of the cave pool. Everyone looks so beaten they don't fight you, they stay silent as you make your way to Seokjin.
“Are you sure, Dove?” he grunts.
You nod, lying against him, finally letting your tired muscles relax. Seokjin drank from you countless of times before, what’s one more?
Jimin breaks Seokjin’s jade statue, smashing it to pieces.
“Get away from me!” he screams, “w-who are you?!”
You see Seokjin and Namjoon standing next to him. And you see Hoseok. You see Taehyung.
“Is it normal to forget?” Taehyung asks, watching Jimin curiously.
“No…no,” Seokjin swallows. Had Seokjin really been too late to save Jimin?
Jimin screams and screams, clawing at his throat. It’s dry and itchy, he feels like he’s burning from the inside out. “Stop. Stop it!” The pain won’t stop!
“He needs blood,” Hoseok says, his tone urgent and worried.
“If we bring someone to the island, he’s not going to be able to control himself.”
“I’ll find someone no one will miss,” Hoseok suggests.
“No, it’s still a life.” Namjoon interjects, watching the display, clenching his jaw when Jimin screams again.
“And what about Jimin?!” Hoseok argues. “What about his life?!” You can feel his anger, you feel it too within Seokjin.
“If it’s someone who deserves it, someone bad?” Taehyung speaks up, wincing as he watches his friend writhe in pain.
“Let’s go hunt one last time, old friend,” Seokjin mumbles, unable to look Namjoon in the eyes, watching instead the horrible state Jimin is in.
“Okay, okay.”
It was an easier find than they had thought. During a dark club night, the music boomed as a regular flirted with a young woman. Upon entering the club, Namjoon and Seokjin noticed all the tell tale signs immediately, the signs of a predator..
While Namjoon bumped into the couple, and riled up the man by cozying up to his unsuspecting victim, Seokjin quickly switched their drinks, the one the man had spiked for his date switched with his clean one. While the drug worked its magic, you looked around the club, listening to old music. You watched the bodies on the dance floor move together in almost one fluid motion. You missed it, realizing how long it’s been since you’ve had that kind of fun. Your heart raced as the beat of the song quickened, as urgency ran through the vampire’s cold veins instead of blood. You want to dance. You want to kill that man. You want to save Jimin. Complicated emotions filter through Seokjin and into you.
Your mouth goes slack as you press your body closer, your hands fisting Seokjin’s tattered shirt. “You’re taking too much!” Namjoon barks. 
“I’m sorry.” Seokjin licks your wounds clean as your vision goes hazy and you slump against him. No, you wanted to see more, to listen to more-
“Where are you, sweetheart?”
Taehyung covers your cheek with his hand. “Tell me where you are so I can find you, get you away from them.”
“No! You stay away from them!”
Taehyung’s arms cage you in, his body above yours. “Y/n, please,” he begs, lowering himself over you. “I can leave the island now, but I don't want to go, not without you.” He wraps his arms around your body, hugging you close to him in a suffocating embrace. “Please come with me, I don’t want to be alone anymore.”
Despite everything, you feel sorry for him as he shakes against you.
No, no, no! He’s the same man who tried to betray Seokjin. What would he have done to Jimin if he had succeeded? What is he going to do to you? You press against his shoulders, trying to push him off of you. Taehyung covers your lips with his own, lessening your resolve.
His lips work a different kind of magic, he presses his tongue inside your mouth, runs it over your own, tilting his head and deepening the kiss. You grip his shoulders, unsure whether to push him away or closer. He kisses you for so long you wonder how he hasn’t broken away to take a breath, you wonder why you don’t have the need to either.
You gasp when Taehyung decides to move lower down your body, his lips licking across your neck. By now, he’s made sure to keep you locked to him, holding onto both your wrists so you can’t push against him. Even when he shifts his digits and intertwines your fingers, he keeps his weight heavy on you.
“It’s not fair, I can only have you in my dreams like this,” he chuckles against your skin. “Please be with me. Together we can explore the whole world, do whatever we want.” Taehyung was so excited to see all the new technology you had described to him during your long visits. He wants to experience it all with you.
You take in a ragged breath, suppressing a moan every time he sucks and rolls his tongue over your skin. “Promise me you won’t hurt them.”
“I promise.”
You don’t believe him.
You can’t believe him.
It feels like a lie, it all feels like a lie.
“Where are you?”
“In a cave.”
“There are thousands of caves on the island, do you know where?”
“I d-don’t know.”
It’s true you don't know, but there are words you could use to describe the cave. You could tell Taehyung how you got there, about Yoongi’s magical door. But you bite those words down, hiding the whole truth.
“Don’t worry, I’ll find you.” He rests his forehead against yours, runs his thumb over your kiss bitten lips. He can't wait to have you, to mark you, to make you like him.
You touch the necklace dangling from Taehyung’s neck, and he rips your hand away, gripping your wrist so tightly you can feel the pressure in your bones.
Fear trickles down your spine and catches in your throat once you realize how entangled you are to him, how easily he could hurt you if he wanted to. The Taehyung you knew had been so unthreatening, like a lonely puppy tied to a tree, only wanting attention.
The shackles took away any threatening aura, you only ever felt safe with him, you hadn't yet known what he was capable of...
Taehyung feels your heart beat jumping against his lips. “You’re scared of me, why?” he frowns. “Have I ever given you a reason to believe I would ever hurt you? Jimin hurt you, Seokjin hurt you,” he adds.
You swallow, unable to answer him. He’s right.
“If you hated Seokjin so much...why did you want to become like him?”
Taehyung holds you loosely now, smiling softly. “You know...Namjoon, Hoseok, Jungkook, their powers slow their aging, but one day, they’re going to grow old, they’re going to grow weak. They’re going to die,” he hums.
“T-That’s no excuse-”
“Sometimes we have to lose everything to gain everything.”
“Is that what you told Jimin before you took everything from him?!”
“Seokjin’s affliction really did rub off on you. What will you say when you make him remember and he still wants to rip your throat out?”
You swallow, silenced by his words.
“Tell me where you are so I can protect you,” he presses his lips upon the column of your neck tenderly.
“T-The cave-”
“Yes?” Taehyung runs his tongue along your throat, enjoying the way you tremble against him.
“-a d-door-”
His hands knead your side, up your body, gripping your mounds, caressing your suppleness.
“A door? Invite me in then, sweetheart.”
Your fingers tangle his hair, pulling him closer to you. Then run down his neck, slipping under his necklace.
You yank the gold chain, screaming.
“You’re awake,” Jungkook says happily. You’re lying nestled in between bodies, warm in the otherwise cold and dark cave. “Are y-you okay?”
You close your eyes, calming down, shaking your head, worried your words won’t be your own.
Namjoon holds your hand, “Y/n, can you tell us anything about what happened to the watch I gave you?”
Your hand cups your neck, where Seokjin’s bite is now healed over. “T-Taehyung, he said he would ‘fix’ the watch for me. He must have, because...it must have been, three months ago? I found that red amulet, it was from Seokjin’s shop, it appeared in my hand and then I heard Taehyung’s voice in my head, and…and I-I had no control...” You remember it clearly now, “The watch took me back in time and broke as soon as I used it.”
You look down at your hands. “But I still had the one I hadn’t used yet, from this time…” you say, absentmindedly touching your collarbone out of reflex. “When the explosion happened, I-I don’t know, I-I lost them.” Namjoon inspects your neck, gently adjusting the torn fabric of your dress.
He looks over his shoulder, where the merman lazily swims in the cave pool. “Yoongi?” he asks. 
“The stronger the magic, the more uncontrollable it becomes. If Taehyung’s attack hit her...and the watch…anything could be possible.”
“What do you mean?” you ask.
“Does that human brain of yours not work at all anymore?” Hoseok complains, sitting at the top of your head, looking down at you with crossed arms. “The watch’s magic, it’s inside you.”
“...what,” you ask horrified. You trace the scars across your chest, running up your clavicle and around your neck.
“You were trying to protect yourself from Taehyung,” Yoongi says knowingly. “You took us forward in time.”
Yoongi had noticed the stronger tides, looked up at the moon, and realized the phase had shifted 4 days ahead.
But how could that be? Then when he mentioned it to the others, they all realized…
“I-I can’t control it.”
“And we’re not even sure what it does to her when she uses it,” Hoseok says, concerned, thinking the worst. There is no telling what will happen to you in the end, are you losing hours off your life? Days? 
“Where’s Jimin?”
“Cooling off, taking a late night swim.” Seokjin sighs. “Dove, what happened between you and Jimin in this future of yours that makes you think he will be so cooperative?”
It felt wrong, telling his story, intimate memories that he didn’t even have the chance to see yet. “His past…”
“You know his whole past?” Hoseok asks. You nod. “And you trust him? After everything you know?”
“You don’t know what he’s been through! Taehyung-”
“They worked together to betray us all,” Hoseok scoffed.
You shake your head. “Taehyung knew Jimin before he knew you, Hoseok.” You’ve seen enough of their memories together to see how protective Hoseok had been over Taehyung. But the secrets Jimin and Taehyung had kept weren’t even knowledgeable to Jimin anymore.
“Did you know about this?” Hoseok turns to his pack leader. 
He shakes his head no, “They acted like strangers. Did you know?” Namjoon turns to Seokjin.
“He didn’t speak much of his childhood, even when he was human.” Seokjin hums, “The few memories of his childhood I pulled did not have any indication they knew each other. They had only become close after Jimin was turned.”
“No, they were always close.” you say, sure of yourself. “I can’t prove it, yet, but I don’t think what happened was an accident,” you look at Hoseok. “It wasn’t your fault you lost control, Hoseok.”
Hoseok's eyes start to shine in the shadows of the cave as tears well up. “No,” he says in disbelief. It was his fault. He turned Taehyung into a beast like him, and he’s never forgiven himself because of it.
He shakes his head, unable to let your words really hit him.
“Well, we can only learn the whole truth from Jimin himself. Help me this time, please?”
Jimin returns later than usual, right before sunrise, his mind no less at ease.
“Well, it almost worked last time.” 
Has Seokjin been drinking from you this whole time?! Jimin scoffs, settling himself away from you and the others. 
Seokjin does it messily, letting the blood drip down your shoulder, covering your chest in the red liquid.
You let a soft whimper escape your lips, moaning. Seokjin’s hand moves from your hip to resting between your legs
“Are you going to be doing that all day?!” Jimin barks, his words echoing in the small cave.
“You haven’t drank in a while, brother. Come drink.” Jimin swallows hard, smelling your blood, the sweet iron scent fills the cave. He remembers the previous time loop, the taste of your blood still a strong memory. It never happened, he hasn’t really tasted you, yet that’s now all he can think about. He remembers it distantly like a dream. Or rather a nightmare, how can you possibly be this annoying to him without even trying? Jimin silently seethes as his throat becomes itchier and drier.
Jimin looks over at the wolves, who seem to be minding their own business. There is no way they are not affected by this...lewd display! He narrows his eyes on Hoseok, the jealous one, who sits crossed-legged and crossed-arms, eyes closed and jaw clenched.
“You’re joking?”
“No, I saw them do it before with other girls,” you mutter, unable to meet Hoseok's eyes, “in Seokjin’s memories.”
Jungkook rests his head against the pack leader’s shoulder, shaking his legs to a song in his head he is using to distract himself, and Namjoon acts completely unaffected. Jimin scoffs, Namjoon sure has the best poker face, but Jimin knows this is bothering the pack. They probably finally figured out they’re weaker ones amongst them, Jimin thinks.
“Well if you won’t, then I will.” Namjoon speaks up.
Namjoon pulls your leg, pulling you closer to him as he crawls over you. His strong hands press your legs open so he can settle in between them.
“You know my kind bites too. We don’t do it to suck blood, our bite is different. But, I wouldn’t mind eating you up,” Namjoon teases, his deep voice even deeper in his gruffness.
You know this is just an act, but your heart escalates at the thought, remembering the younger werewolf acting so brazenly. Devious suits Namjoon so well, the roughness in his nature is so attractive.
Jimin grits his teeth at such a revolting thought.
“You’re just going to let him put his filthy paws all over her? You’re going to hand her over just like that?”
“I haven’t let her go.” Seokjin caresses your temples, smearing blood across your face. “We used to do this all the time. I’ve gotten used to Namjoon’s scent.”
Jimin looks away, looking for the merman, someone else he can yell at.
“Joon, wait. Jimin, did you want to drink from me instead?”
“No thanks,” Jimin hisses.
You look back at Namjoon. Seokjin lifts your hand to his mouth, biting down on the fleshy part of your palm. It hurts, he is usually better at making the pain feel pleasurable, but his objective isn’t your pleasure, it’s to cause maximum blood flow, to make you cry out in pain, knowing your whimpers will entice Jimin the most.
Namjoon’s lets his teeth scrape across your thigh. “Shh little Dove.” He uses the pet name Seokjin gave you. “Don’t cry, I’ll make you sing.”
It’s so hot in this goddamn cave. The smell of everyone’s arousal is assaulting, inescapable.
“My turn next,” Hoseok calls out.
“I’m going to mark her as my mate,” Jungkook growls, eyes darkened at the sight of you writhing in pleasure and pain.
Jimin has had it. He has had to endure being in their company for this long, but now the dogs want to defile what is his? Yes, you are his and Seokjin’s! They paid fairly for you, you would be dead if it were not for them. You are theirs! You are his. And you are the only human left on this damned island, Jimin had searched all night for any signs of life to no avail.
“I’m going to rip out your teeth,” Jimin threatens lowly.
“Did you say something?” Hoseok says flippantly.
“You don’t think I know what you’re all doing?”
You look between yourselves in silence.
“You’re just giving up! Taehyung really turned you into a bunch of cowardly dogs. You’re just gonna stay in this cave like a bunch of animals in heat while Taehyung does god knows what!?”
You continue to look between yourselves in silence.
He points at you. “She said if I bit her, we could stop Taehyung!” He yanks you to your feet so hard you feel the whiplash in your bones. “Isn’t that right? SO WHY ARE YOU WASTING YOUR PRECIOUS TIME WITH THEM?!” Jimin yells so loud his words echo over and over again.
You blink. “You’re right, Jimin.”
Jimin moves behind you, tilting your head. He licks the old blood off your shoulder, suppressing a groan at the taste. “If this doesn’t work-” he growls.
“It will.”
“Then I wont stop until it does.” All your blood will be Jimin’s one way or another.
He licks his lips before sinking his teeth into the column of your neck.
Just like that, you and Jimin revisit his bedroom, a memory you both shared, your past and his future had Taehyung’s plan not have worked.
Jimin roars, pulling away. Your body spasms with too much blood loss. Jimin looks down, your blood covering his body, his pants undone. How is he in bed with you? He was just in the merman’s cave, drinking your blood.
No, he is in the merman’s cave. This is a memory.
Jimin remembers. 
He gently turns your body over. Your breathing is ragged, strained, your eyes try to focus on the vampire above you.
Now you remember, it was the first time Jimin looked at you without hatred in his eyes. Tearing the flesh from his arm, he puts the wound over your mouth and you drink until your body relaxes. Then cautiously, Jimin lowers himself over you again, ready to see more.
Jin steps closer, followed by the rest of the men. 
Was Jimin still drinking from you?
Neither of you made any movement.
You both fell to your knees with Jimin’s fangs deep in your neck, your eyes glazed over and out of focus. 
“What happened?” Namjoon whispers to the eldest vampire. He wasn’t quite sure, neither of you were responsive, both lost in your heads. 
“Little Dove?”
I am so excited to write some backstory finally!!! Are you excited for the next chapter?
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