#siobhan i love you
embraceweird · 4 months
Siobhan is one of us fr
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yourhoneyisquiet · 1 year
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No I will not shut up. About her.
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qquell · 7 months
“i was thinking it’s because he was a straight man wearing pride armor.”
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glassrooibos · 8 months
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Everything stays right where you left it huh guys
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moonlightperseus · 5 months
siobhan physically pushing zac away from her podium is SUCH sibling behavior
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vampirehayfever · 6 months
"adaine is so excited that fabian is using her solstice present" i love these two so much
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mazeyphaedra · 6 months
love seeing brennan get rocked so hard in the dome that he has to physically sit back down
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chaoticentitled · 7 months
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the fact that she thought the drinking age would be different for pirates and the fact that he had to put things in perspective by bringing up the multiple counts of manslaughter and the fact that she is the very same pc who killed a lunch lady with a ladle on her first day of school and the fact that no one at that table mentions that they've all drank and/or done cocaine before and the fact that
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robindaydream · 9 months
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“Adaine is a little guy now. Like a little guy guy. Like she has lots of little guys.”
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olauivers · 4 months
i want a billion seasons of fantasy high (junior year) purely cause of how the players act with each other???
the dice throw from Brennan after the first Box Df Doom role, them all clapping when someone roles well, "spring break, i believe in you", Blimey, ect
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snowfallnight · 4 months
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spiralsublime · 1 year
imelda was from the get go supposed to be the femme fatale but that makes her quick marriage to lance even more important to me
the femme fatale is often characterized as a someone that draws the detective into a mess of shit that usually gives “self destructive”, and originally this is set up to be hunch as her connecting detective but LANCE MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE
hunch has his own arc, the detective taking himself more seriously, a detective who makes himself known and finally gets proper recognition. meeting imelda didn’t ruin his life, nor does he revolve around her storywise.
so imelda hits all other femme fatale beats and doesnt Need a male counterpart but we also get TROPES!! she, a wanted woman who is known to the police as a mad-woman who turned from an honest life to crime, meets a police captain (basically stand in chief of police currently) and immediately smooth talks circles around him. lance questions his boss, his job, and his life to chase after this sudden Excitement that he hadn’t allowed himself. literally, brennan says that lance has never felt so Alive.
imelda, the true version of femme fatale, finds her cynical and disillusioned “right side of the law” man, lance, and immediately they run together. then we learn that lance’s concerns is the reason that copper is so easily found in mentopolis doubling down on the “morally ambiguous” trope. she doesnt look at lance and go, actually dont be so wary of everyone, she (because she is impulse and because of how aware she is of the situation they are in) connects to him on his need to just Act.
imelda pulse is such a good femme fatale character and her moment with lance has lived in my head all this week. i cant wait to see how fast this marriage falls out once elias is no longer in that all or nothing space, though trauma, maybe they will stick together for a little longer than any of us are ready for.
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bitchthefuck1 · 7 months
Tom's line about Shiv being selfish and "find[ing] it very hard to think about me" is actually so telling because while it's absolutely true that she rarely takes his position into consideration, Tom never once thinks about what he can do to help Shiv unless it also benefits him.
Every single time he makes a move or sacrifice that might help her, it's always something that he thinks will give him a leg up. He volunteers to take the fall for cruises, not for Shiv, who is in no way implicated, or even for Waystar, but because he thinks it'll ingratiate him to Logan, and the second it seems like he might have to actually follow through on that, he immediately tries to get out of it and even throws Shiv under the bus. Meanwhile, for all that Shiv disregards his interests, there are a number of things she does that only help him, and she's the one who actually sacrifices something and undermines her position with Logan to beg him not to let Tom go to jail.
It just makes it so clear that no matter how much he might love her (and I think he does, in his own compromised way), for him their relationship was always built on the underlying assumption that it's her job to prop him up, but it's not his job to help her.
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spot-semiconlon · 8 months
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Me when I lie
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shivroy · 11 months
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shiv w/ baby
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i enjoy these lines
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