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Explorando Sintaxe e Morfologia: A Base da Compreensão Linguística
No emocionante mundo da linguagem, dois campos desempenham papéis cruciais: sintaxe e morfologia. Vamos mergulhar neste capítulo para desvendar os conceitos e interfaces dessas disciplinas, que nos ajudam a entender como as palavras e frases se unem para criar significado e comunicação. Prepare-se para uma viagem ao coração da estrutura da linguagem! Sintaxe: Desvendando a Estrutura das…
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#Ensino de Línguas#Estrutura da Linguagem#evolução da língua#Formação de Palavras#morfologia#Norma Linguística#sintaxe
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Vamos jogar um joguinho? É bem simples
Faça uma linguagem de programação do zero até amanhã se não eu te assassino <3
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Long live the king: page 58
Page 1: https://msnana.tumblr.com/post/690304727800545280/long-live-the-king-page-1-tw-this-hq-will
• Tw: this HQ will discuss some sensitive topics. Such as trauma, abuse and murder.
• Also include blood and some impacting imagery. Viewer discretion advised
• Press the image to have a better resolution!
Sintax error au by: @msnana
Comment and like so i keep doing this! Thank you, i love you all 💕
Authors note: is that? Is that a DYNAMIC PAGE???????
(I had so much fun, but it took too long god)
#nanainani#au undertale#undertale#new au#comic undyne#new comic series#papyrus undertale#new hq#alphys undertale#sintax error au
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Un vistazo a los nuevos 4 outfits/conjuntos en el próximo DLC (sintax error)
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Cow, shoe, nose, brain (full album) by Sintax Error
#punk#1986#musicposting#sintax error#youtube#canadian music#acadie#acadian music#obscure media#canadian punk#cassette#lost media#or like. almost lost. had to dig like hell to find this#eighties punk#rémi belliveau#hier semble si loin#Youtube#musique#musique acadienne#new brunswick
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Friend convinced me to get instagram
You would not believe the methed out opinions on that app. I am genuinely convinced they have worse reading comprehension than this website.
#Instagram#Reading comprehension#Do they not understand how sintax works#It's like that one Tom Scott video
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Curso online com certificado! Sintaxe Analítica da Língua Portuguesa
Conceitos de sintaxe da análise da língua Portuguesa. Procedimentos de análise portuguesa: o nível oracional e Supra-oracional. Sintaxe aplicada ao ensino da língua portuguesa. Tópicos de gramática e de sintaxe da língua portuguesa. Faça sua inscrição:
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having such big and huge thoughts about sevenn and sonati
#sintax too but. as always hes just kind of in the background#i am gently shaking the two of them around. if anyone wants to send asks to either of them. Bigly Appreciated.#i have a few old asks but most of those r for ask memes. ill see if i can bang those out but yeag
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Fonte: Changes
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Dialeto meu e seu
Promete que não vai esquecer o que te permiti saber sobre mim? Aqueles medos que te disse, as histórias que guardo na ponta da língua , meu gosto -inusitado- de saborear a vida ... Algo que com certeza me encantaria seria ver tua dominância sobre as minhas entrelinhas. Consegue me ganhar por elas? Conhecer mais de mim? Prever meu passos, gestos e sentimentos? Essa pergunta é totalmente retórica. Sei que é capaz disso, de me ler, me investigar....Decifrar tantas das minhas palavras e códigos. Procurar entender.
Vamos criar um dialeto só nosso? Ninguém mais precisa traduzir, ler ou interpretar a não ser eu e você. Faria isso por mim? Aprenderias comigo?
Se empenharia em ser fluente em mim como já é em outras línguas? Me falar todos os dias, pensar e repensar em sinônimos que me representassem, errar na minha sintaxe as vezes mas, compensar ,lendo como ninguém minha semântica.
Vai procurar me acertar sempre? Ser claro comigo, me escrever frequentemente, me ler com atenção?
Cada palavra que sair da sua boca vai ser minha?
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How do native English speakers study English?
I'm curious because at my school we had two separate classes: Language and Literature. Well, actually we had four because we are bilingual, and then two more for English and French respectively, but anyhow. Literature was mainly about reading books, discussing themes and narratives, studying history, and learning about stylistic writing instruments. Language was all about grammar exercises, sentence structure, rules of phonetics, morphology, and sintax. Was it the same for you with English? It sometimes sounds like the Language aspect of your education is neglected entirely but I don't want to be presumptious.
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Ok, but ain't Freeing Chloe vs Not Freeing Chloe interesting?
First cuz she resets herself to not bother us with her desires. Like, would androids that really like 'em masters start detecting signs or a desire for autonomy and just reset themselves to not bother the master or maybe even cuz they're afraid of it?
Also, wouldn't we agreeing to "free" her basically trap her? After all, if she asks us to leave and we let her leave she'll be obeying our orders to leave. She ain't disrespecting anything. But i think what happens here is about sintax:
Androids can't NOT have a master. The moment were agreeing in freeing her we're giving up our status as her master and leaving everything with her even tho she asked for it and we accepted. So I guess that's where the "deviant" status starts? That's the most peaceful deviancy process u can have, man 🫡
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Como vocês sabem, Slimes possui uma forma completamente sólida, sendo um fluido não newtoniano, por causa disso, programar para eles costumava ser um trabalho difícil.
Era extremamente complicado conseguirem apertar teclas de computador, e por isso, tecnologias focadas em slimes foram criadas, recebendo entrada através de sinais enviados através do slime e da forma que formam no receptor.
Entretanto, seres não slimes possuem certa dificuldade em compreender código criados nessa língua, e algo semelhante pode se afirmar para slimes, que possui dificuldade em códigos não-slime.
Por causa disso, venho aqui sugerir algo. Uma linguagem funcional tanto para slimes quanto para não-slimes. Uma linguagem que possa ser programada em teclados ou em receptores de Slime. Chamo essa linguagem de
Linguagem Orientada a Slime
Aqui estão alguns exemplos de sintaxe utilizadas nessa linguagem, e seu significado e como utiliza-la em um receptor de Slime, apenas tendo que a escrever para funcionar em um teclado normal.
slime <== soma um ao valor. No receptor de slime, o Slime se torna líquido para colocar esse termo.
massinha <== multiplica por 2 o valor. No receptor de Slime fica no estado entre solido e líquido.
solido <== subtração. No receptor de Slime, o Slime fica o mais solido possível.
boink <== mais. Enquanto sólido, o Slime deixa parte de si sair no receptor.
Bleh?? <== Recebe input em ascii do usuário. Enquanto está no estado entre sólido e líquido, o Slime deixa parte de si cair no receptor.
Green?? <== Recebe input em float do usuário. O Slime altera sua cor para verde.
BLAH!n <== Da Output em ascii da variável. Enquanto líquido, o Slime deixa parte de si cair no receptor.
AZUL!! <== Da output em Inteiro da variável. O slime altera sua dor para azul.
SPARKLES JOY? <== If. O Slime altera sua cor para dourado.
DOESN'T <== Else. O Slime altera sua cor para cinza.
BOUNCE TIL YOU <== while. O Slime deixa sua parte de si cair e pular no receptor.
MORRA <== da valor 0 para a variável. O slime deixa parte de si ficar no receptor.
LIVE <== declaração de nome da variável, variáveis podem ter nome de [a-b]+, desde que não conflitem com outras palavras. Iniciam inicialmente com 0. O Slime coloca parte de si no receptor e a faz se mexer, e então dita o nome.
Algo semelhante acontece com números, com eles podendo ser ditados ou com múltiplos pedaços de Slime sendo colocados no receptor.
?= <== Comparação. O Slime deixa parte ondulada de si cair no receptor.
=> <== Igual. O Slime deixa parte de si, em linha reta, cair no receptor.
. <== Fim de linha. O slime deixa parte circular se si cair no receptor.
( <== abre parênteses. O Slime faz um meio círculo para a direita e deixa no receptor.
) <== fecha parênteses. O Slime faz um meio círculo para a esquerda e deixa no receptor. { <== Abre colchetes. O slime faz um meio quadrado para a direita e deixa no receptor.
} <== Fecha colchetes. O slime faz um meio quadrado para a esquerda e deixa no receptor.
O fato de essa linguagem misturar termos em inglês e em português vem do fato de muitos programadores não-slime estarem acostumados a programar em linguagens com termos em inglês, enquanto Slimes, sendo em sua maioria do Brasil, não possui tanto conhecimento, essa mistura veio para auxiliar a compreensão e diminuir a estranheza de ambos.
Termos que não afetam diretamente o valor de uma variável são escritos totalmente em maiúsculo, além daqueles que dão valores diretos. Além disso, Bleh!!. possui esse nome pois seu E significa encaixar, portanto insere valores na variável, enquanto Blah!! possui esse nome pois Apresenta o valor.
Aqui está um código exemplificando o funcionamento desta incrível linguagem:
LIVE primeiro.
LIVE segundo.
primeiro slime.
segundo slime.
BOUNCE TIL YOU (primeiro ?= 64){
primeiro massinha.
BOUNCE TIL YOU (segundo ?= 16){
segundo massinha.
segundo => segundo sólido (slime slime).
primeiro => segundo boink primeiro.
primeiro => primeiro sólido segundo.
primeiro slime.
SPARKLES JOY?(primeiro ?= 65){
primeiro = primeiro boink segundo.
segundo massinha.
segundo => segundo boink (slime slime massinha).
primeiro => primeiro solido (slime massinha).
primeiro => primeiro solido (slime massinha massinha massinha).
primeiro => primeiro boink (slime massinha massinha massinha).
MORRA segundo.
segundo slime.
BOUNCE TIL YOU (segundo ?= 8){
segundo massinha.
segundo => segundo boink (slime massinha massinha).
primeiro => segundo boink primeiro.
primeiro => primeiro boink segundo.
primeiro => primeiro boink segundo.
primeiro => primeiro solido (slime massinha massinha).
primeiro => primeiro solido segundo.
primeiro => primeiro solido segundo.
primeiro => primeiro boink (slime massinha massinha).
MORRA primeiro.
MORRA segundo.
#HAP DESCULPA NO MEIO DO CAMINHO COMECEI A TER *IDEIAS* E DEU NISSO ALAMALSKSSL#Não me mata pfvr 🥺🥺 tenho tantas coisas a adicionar ao meu testamento ainda
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Sintax error AU- Chapter 1. Part 3.
Uncommon ally
Alphys, papyrus and undyne stand still, looking at the foreing placed door. The more undyne looked at it, the more she felt uneasy.
Something about that door, other than the fact it wasnt even supposed to be there in the first place, made a cold sweat go down her neck
"Since when theres a door here?" She asks
"It looks weird..." papyrus asked, looking just as nervous as her
"I found it has been some weeks, but thats not what i wanted to show" Alphys aproaches the door, opening it
Inside theres an impossible pitch Black void. Its sight filled undyne with a weird sensation. The felling of dread, and hopelessness
"Its inside it, i want you two to take a look at"
Undyne hesitates for a moment, not sure about entering whatever that was. She could fell papyrus behind her, waiting for her move.
As the Royal captain, she could not show fear, specially not in front of papyrus.
Holding her head high, she got trought the door, alphys and papyrus right behind
Inside there was an impossible big room, lit dimly even tho no light were able to be seen.
The room is filled with a variety of objects. A table with sealed flasks, the remainer of the content still on the bottom of each. A shelf filled with old cassete tapes. A broken glass dome sat in a table, burned papers on its side, an old bookshelf, and at last, a giant computer screen, connected to several other computer bases.
"What is this place?" Undyne asked, felling uneasy but morbidly curious. Everything seemed to move on its own, not always looking quite right.
As if not even the objects knew exactly where they should be.
"My recurring theory is that this place is some sort of pocket dimension, but i am not sure" Alphys around the room, wobbling around sure of her path "since i found this place, i have come quite frequently"
Papyrus looks around, tiping his hat nervous
"This place fells weird..." his voice trembles with uncertanty
"And how will this place help us exactly?" Undynes walk to the table with the flasks, taking one filled with a thick Black goo, looking at everything moving started to make her fell sick. Focusing on something would prevent the felling to get worse
"I dont know yet" alphys said, her voice sounded far
"You dont?!" Undyne put the flask down, trying to locate alphys, withouth success
"Not yet" she grabs a book off the bookshelf, briging it for undyne to see.
"This place have tons of book and reports, all filled by hand from someone unnamed"
She opens the book showing to undyne. The pages have long turned yellow, the ink faded leaving but a small trace of its existence.
"Whoever they were" alphys continues "made hundreds of books around the study of human and monster souls, mostly of it is in an old alphabet. I have been in the work of translating some of it"
Undyne takes a closer look. The ink appears do make some scriptures, made out of a diverse range of drawings. She couldnt read any of it, or even think how this could mean something
"I have only been into a small portion of it, but have already found a lot of new information" alphys closes the book, her blue eyes looking deep into undyne's "if i have extra help, im sure we can find something useful"
Undyne hold her breath. There it is, the woman she fell in love with. Pure determination flamming inside those deep blue eyes.
"You can count on us"
Suddenly, all the computer bases lit up, beeping with life. The giant screen lit showing only a small message
[ i n s e r t d t ]
Bent onto the keyboard was papyrus, his head down, hat on the buttons, not looking well
"Papyrus!" Undyne rushes to him, cursing to herself for leaving him alone
She grabs papyrus by the shoulder
"Paps? Are you ok?" He raises his head, confused and appearing sick.
"Ugh.. " He mutters, putting his hand on the head " evrything.. spinning"
Undyne holds him, sitting him carefully on the ground, keeping close. She wasnt the only one felling sick with this place.
"Papyrus you're a genius!" Alphys runs to them, shoving the hat to the side uncovering a small little hole that glowed strongly.
"I didnt knew it could be turned on!" Alphys looks at the buttons and screen in a misture of surprise and excitement, a smile plastered on her face
"Alphys-" something felt really off, as much as undyne didnt wanted to admit, she was scared.
This place wasnt suppose to exist, she could fell in her soul. The longest they stayed, the stronger it felt
"What is dt..?" Papyrus muttered, his eyes locked at the screen
"Its--" alphys began, but was cut Short by another voice
"Ị̑t̖͊s͙̔ ͎̋b̲̄ṷͮt͍̅ ̫͆t̗͛h̤ͯe͚ͮ ͉̄m̮̾o͓ͫs͎̅t͙̆ ̠̓ị̓m̘̑p̫͂o̮̔r͙̍t͕̾a͉͛n̰ͣt͔ͣ ͙̓t̖̅h͔̽i̝̎n͌ͅg̺̿ ̱̊ò̮f̥̂ ͎̑o̥ͥu̦ͫrͦͅ ̰͗e̘ͦx̳͗i̫͛s͕ͩt̮́êͅn͉̆c̟͊e̥͌!" A robotic squeaky voice boomes, the screen turns into a horrendous laughing face
Plant roots filled with thorns materialized around the screen, wobbling around withouth any type of sense.
In a single second hesitation, undyne evoked her Spear, pushing alphys back pointing at the screen ready for attack
"W̱͑ȍ̩ȁ̟h̞ͧ ̳̽w̼̿o̲̍ ̤̚ẁah there captain haha" the face boings around the screen, as if to imitate trembling, putting its roots up "no need go get a͓̽ ̜ͨg͎ͬ ͕̇r͇̒ ̘ͭe̤̓ ̖̉s̲̈ ̪̉s̹̋ ̘́i̞ͯ ͖̑v̫͒ ̰̃ȅ̩ ̬̀ now do we?"
"As MUCH as id love to smash your faces, i am here to simply talk" the face smiles, putting the roots down
"Who are you? What are you?! Are you in change of this place?!!" She demands loudly, putting her spear closer to the screen
It smiles smugly
"Howdy! Im Flowey, Flowey the flower! And i am here to help you guys!"
"Im sure y'all must be confused, but trust me. You're all going to love i have to say"
Is smiles confidently, undyne was more thsb ready to explode that thing in half out of pure spite
"Let him talk" papyrus says now standing up, he still looks weak, but his intentions are filled with anger
Undyne bites her lips, but lower the weapon
"Speak then, flowey"
"Finally, was felling a bit treathed back there!" it laughs, patting the roots on the ground
"Anyway- i know you guys are trying to find a way to.. well, kill the human"
"And dont get me wrong, i totally support killing that piece of shit. Buut you guys will never succeed at this rate." It snarks
"So, i decided to give a little help. By telling you guys where to actually start. Which iss-"
It moved the roots, poiting at the tiny shining hole
"Right here!"
It smiles proud of itself, ankward silence remains
"Ok i heard enough" undyne brings her weapon up again, ready to jam it on the keyboard
"heyͬ ͒h̓E̲̔Y̭ͤ ̣̍H̱̊Ė͚Y̜͋ ̘͗H̤͛E̼͐ỴͨH̬͆Ḛ̎Ȳ̮H͂ͅE̗̒Y͕̓ ̣̾N͈ͯO͔͂ ͓̌N͔ͭḘ̑E̘̓D͕ͧ ̩͊T͍ͯŌ͓ ̠ͧG͓̿É͓T͕͒ ̝ͩÂ̠G͔̽R̝̽E̲͊S̥͐S̱ͨǏ͙V̯̍E͇͌!̖ͦ!̯ͮ" The voice squeals, the face getting smaller trying to 'get away' of undyne
"Ī͉T̘̏ ͙̎M̱ͯA͖̽Y̱ͣ ̰ͩL̰͂O̦͐O͇̅K͙̎ ̰͒S̪͑T̼̍Ü͓P̟̌I͇ͭD̗ͨ ̦ͫḆͯU̼ͭT͓̅ ͖ͬL̻̓I̫͒S͛ͅT͉ͦE̳̚N͎͑.̓ͅ ̱ͣA͖ͫL͉̓L͓ͫ ̳ͦW̖͊Ė̦ ̻ͨN̺̔E̹ͧE͚̔Ď̺ ̼̄A̔ͅ ̺̔S̠̚M͍ͪA͍ͯḶͧL̃ͅ ̮̀L̠͌I̟̚Ṭ́T̮ͩL̙̈́Ē̟ ͕͋P̗̃I̦ͯE̦̓C̩̃E̝̎ ̫̎Ö̰F̦͂ ͆ͅT̺̐Ȟ̭E̮̎ ̦̓H͚̅U͔͋M̤ͥAͥͅN̫̍ ̙̍D̩ͤE̖̓T͙͐Ë̤́R͕̐M̞ͩI̫̔N̯͐Ả̭T̫́Ì̼O̝͒N̺ͯ,̳́ ̦̽T̗̍Ő͍ ͈̈́S̹ͪH͚̃ẠͦT̬͗T͉̾E͍͗R̯͌ ͚́İ̗T̤͆S̳̊ ͍ͪS̻̒O͎̿U̙͐L̞ͦ!!"
"Determination? Are you crazy?!" Alphys go in front of undyne, almost getting blastered making undyne jump back
"C̹ͧr͓ͫa̲ͯz̜̏ỹ̞?̘̀ ̞̅Ḿ̦a̩̿y͔̒b͔ͮe̙͗, l̯ͯȳ͉i̬ͦn͖̐g͕ͧ?̼̉ ̗̓N͖͛o̜̒t̟͑ ̘̔a͇̍t̗ͨ ͔ͦa̰̓l͇ͣl̰̏"
"Think with me. What's the only thing that can kill a human? Another human. But since we can't really get a human here, we just need something strong like one"
"But DT its stupidly hard to get, and my lab, even if i knew how to use the old machinery, is looked over 24/7 by the human. And even then we'd need to reach its soul!"
Alphys voice squeals as she get more and more agitated.
"Not exactly!"
"With only a drop of its blood, im sure we can get DT. As long as we drop it here"
Flowey points at the little hole again, grinning
"Still really hard to, dont you know what that thing is capable of?!" undyne sweat runs cold, what was that thing thinking?
"Oh i know silly" flowey snarks "thats why i will help to trap him if necessary. Of course i will be counting on you guys to bring him to the flower patch, on the ruins. To give the first attack and to do all the hard work, buuut im sure yall can handle it"
Flowey blinks it eyes rapidly, as if trying to imitate a cute face. Failing miserably
"Why should we trust you?"
Papyrus sound angry, he holds himself on undyne, who is more than happy to fell him close
"Ẉ̷͐h̴̭̀a̧̞̒t̨̗ͫ ̵̙̂o̥ͭ͟t̂͟ḧ̵́e͂҉r̢ͫ ̷̳ͭcͤ͜ȟ̷o̊͢i͌͠cͨ҉e̥͐͡ ̡͈̃dͥ͜o͒҉ ̭͆̕ỹ͡o̢̥̽u̵ͭ ͎ͫ͘h̸̤ͯa̛͌vͥ͏ē̴?͆͡" Flowey laughs as everything fades away
When they came back to their senses, they were back at the original door, now with the familiar floor and walls they were used to.
Papyrus promptly bends down and throws up, shaking like a bamboo stick.
Undyne assists, not really know what to do other than give support. She herself was confused and still processing what happened.
The face, that place, so many things felt off.
And flowey the flower didnt looked nothing like a flower
"Lets do this" alphys looks at them serious "theyre right, what choice do we have?"
"We may not have another choice for now-" papyrus cleans his mouth with the back of the hand "doesnt mean we wont find any other!"
"I dont trust that guy, not at all"
Hes angry, looking at undyne intensely
"Do you undyne?"
She blinks for an instant, thinking.
It is truth that the whole thing was a mess
That place made no sense in any type of way, and the weird giant talking computer.
Attacking the human... getting its blood. Even with help she was sure they couldnt make it, no way they could defeat the human.
Yet, something burned inside her.
The honor of a knight, the vow to protect no matter what. The weight she swore to carry, until her body turns into dust.
"I dont trust the 'flowey' guy, but shes right. We need to try"
Undyne set her hand on papyrus shoulder, trying to comfort him
"You dont need go come, it will be dangerous, suicidal, and you have a brother to come back to"
She smiles
"Its not a shame to go back"
Papyrus look at her with suprise at first, then anger, then understanding
"No we.. we need to do this together"
He looks at undyne, not a single doubt in his voice
"Its settled then" she gets up, looking at both of them " tomorrow night we reunite at papyrus house, be sure to not get followed"
They both nods in agreement and a knot get made on her stomach.
What if she just sealed their deaths?
#i have finished it like#a week ago#but then i was fixing my writing mistakes and i thought#“you knwo what? this is shit”#and re wrote it#so yeah lmao#also mu wiritng isnt good? so any tips are very welcome#sintaz error is back! ....kinda#still jo time. but i am inspired#😎😎😎😎#nanainani#sintax error au#writing#undertale au#eeeeeeeee#long post
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Quero é o esplêndido caos de onde emerge a sintaxe, os sítios escuros onde nasce o «de», o «aliás», o «o», o «porém» e o «que», esta incompreensível muleta que me apoia. Quem entender a linguagem entende Deus cujo Filho é Verbo. Morre quem entender.
Adélia Prado – Antes do Nome
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The pain is stronger than ever. I've seen bit of lost Paradises and I know I'll be hopelessly tryng to return even if it hurts. The deeper I swing into the regions of nothingness the further I'm thrown back into myself, each time more and more frightening depths below me, until my very being becomes dizzy. There are brief glimpses of clear sky, like falling out of a tree, so I have some idea where I'm going, but there is still too much clarity and straight order of things, I am getting always the same number somehow. So I vomit out broken bits of words and sintaxes of the countries I've passed through, broken limbs, slaughtered houses, geographies. My heart is poisoned, my brain left in shreds of horror and sadness. I've never let you down, world, but you did lousy things to me. This feeling of going nowhere, of being stuck, the feeling of Dante's first strophe, as if afraid of the next step, next stage. As long as I don't sum up myself, stay on the surface, I don't have to move forwards, I don't have to make painful and terrible decisions, choices, where to go and how. Because deeper there are terrible decisions to make, terrible steps to take. It's at forty that we die, those who did not die at twenty. It is at forty that we betray ourselves, our bodies, our souls, by either staying on the surface or by going further but through the easiest decisions, retarding, throwing our souls back by thousands of incarnations. But I have come close to the end now, it's the question will I make it or will I not. My life has become too painful and I keep asking myself, what am I doing to get out of where I am. what am I doing with my life. It took me long to realize that it's love that distinguishes man from stones, trees, rain, and that we can lose our love and that love grows through loving, yes, I've been so completely lost, so truly lost. There were times I wanted to change the world, I wanted to take a gun and shoot my way through the Western Civilization. Now I want to leave others alone, they have their terrible fates to go. Now I want to shoot my own way through myself, into the thick night of myself. Thus I change my course, going inwards, thus I am jumping into my own darkness. There must be something, somehow, I feel, very soon, something that should give me some sign to move one or another direction. I must be very open and watchful now, completely open. I know it's coming. I am walking like a somnambulist waiting for a secret signal, ready to go one or another way, listening into this huge white silence for the weakest signal or call. And I sit here alone and far from you and it's night and I'm reflecting on everything all around me and I am thinking of you. I saw it in your eyes, in your love, you too are swinging towards the depths of your own being in longer and longer circles. I saw happiness and pain in your eyes and reflection of the Paradises lost and regained and lost again, that terrible loneliness and happiness, yes, and I reflect upon this and I think about you, like two lonely space pilots in outer cold space, as I sit here this late night alone and I think about all this.
Jonas Mekas (As I was moving ahead occasionally I saw brief glimpses of beauty)
#jonas mekas#as I was moving ahead occasionally I saw brief glimpses of beauty#snow#snowscape#childhood#neighbourhood#nature is a poet#winter#and also the trees#universal emptiness#Youtube
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