#sinister dads
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angerydj · 1 month ago
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Electric protection bubble
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wishfulsketching · 3 months ago
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normalbrothers · 8 months ago
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CHARLIE: She came back with a white pony. The one she gave to you. You used to ride it around, remember? [Tommy shakes his head] Well, she seemed happy for a bit watching you ride it. And then she was gone. And none of it made any sense. Afterwards, whenever I looked at that white pony, I saw her ...
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sp4rkstorm · 2 months ago
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Ah yes my two moods: gay and sad
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1nt3rnalpu7ref4ct10n · 4 months ago
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redladydeath · 4 months ago
imo, i prefer the idea that vox went through some pretty intense moral decay during his time in hell. he was never a good or upstanding guy, but he was a very normal man when he first arrived, who, over the decades, has become more and more callous and desensitized.
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catominor · 10 months ago
there needs to be more gay sucking and fucking in ancient rome media. this is the truth
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angerydj · 1 year ago
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greetingfromthedead · 8 months ago
Trying to balance between my projects
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amor-godess-of-love · 1 month ago
TW: mention of COVID-19
So in regards to my post on crows vs bats war I came up with idea for actual comic regarding it.
It all starts with Bruce sitting alone in batcave with few of his bats sitting on his shoulder. He is concerned, because of recent rumours that started to thrive in public in regards to bats.
Rumours that used bats relation to recent pandemic, about them being carriers of many diseases, of being aggressive to people, of sucking blood..... Are using actual facts about them like fact that they can give rabies to people and pets. All this puts public into state of panic and turns them against bats.
Ofcourse why some are real concerns, but this panic causes people to being actively hostile to bats, destroying they roost and safe places where they can sleep, leaving deadly traps for them, throwing rocks at them. It's all war on bats.
Ofcourse Bruce gets concerned, he makes public appearance where he address people concerns, but also advocates for bats, specially that they are protected species. He also start program to build safe places for bats to sleep in.
Even with Bruce speech, all laws regarding protection of bats and all city officials trying to stop a panic, they are still unease in regard to bats.
That unease soon moves to Batman himself. After all, Batman is not only themed after them, but I can imagine public seeing him use bats few times during his years of protecting the city. So ofcourse rumours start about Batman being possible carrier of diseases. Some people become afraid of him. This forced Batman to seek root of all this rumours.
And ofcourse who else but Scarecrow is source of most of them.
But to Bruce suprise when he questions Jonathan, turn out his motivation wasn't actually to hurt him or his imigine in any way, in fact he wasn't one to come up with rumours about Batman being potential carrier, he only fuel it. But once he saw the opportunity, he jump right in to turn city into fear driven chaos and used it against Batman. But in fact he started with only wishing to turn public against bats and why?
Because bats were driving out corvids from safe birdhouse he built for them around the city.
To Jonathan this made bats a bullies who were hurting his feather family. So ofcourse he took actions to protect his crows, by turning public against them and driving them away, so his crows could reclaim they homes.
Batman defeats Scarecrow no big suprise there and delivers him back to Arkham, but before he lock him up he ask Jonathan for location of all birdhouses he builded...
Bruce takes this matter seriously. He continues his project of building houses for bats, but this time making sure there are no birdhouse in area. He even makes special devices that scare off bats, while not doing them any harm and install them on birdhouse. This way, bird have they safe places to nest, while bats get safe places to sleep.
And Scarecrow reaction to all the aftermath? He is actually delighted as he reads about it in the newspaper at Arkham. Because all he wanted in that situations was for his beloved friends to be safe. Now not only they homes are safe, but Wayne foundation will provide free presentation on corvids and bats living in Gotham and how to coexist with them.
I want the comic to end up on shot of both Jonathan at Arkham courtyard and Bruce in his cave petting they respective animals.
I really would like this kind of story, I want to see Batman being worried for his flying friends. That also would show his Bruce Wayne persona and how he helps city.
But also I think it could be good Scarecrow story. Because instead of just using fear toxin, he would use his knowledge on fear to cause mass hysteria around public, using real worries to stir it against target of his choosing. But also I think it would show bit of his character. Because why yes, he used his plan to causes fear and hurt Batman.... It all started with him wanting to protect crows he sees as his family, from what he sees as "bullies" that attack them for no reason. Was there better way to do it? Yes, but it's Jonathan Crane his way of dealing with bullies is to use fear against them...
But that's just my silly creative idea in the end ^^
"Batman: The sinister stalking crow"
Would actually be a good title for that comic @jonathan-cranes-mistress-of-fear if you don't mind me using that idea
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as-thra · 3 months ago
my acc has been deprived of art posts recently:']]] have some reaaaaally old oc art .. only none hpma related art post i'll make here i think ... just need something here bc it's been itching my brain ....
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potatobugz · 2 years ago
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south park but they are like teen agers (warning: scarey warning: frightening)
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vosquitransitis · 4 months ago
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this guy remains one of my favourite aspects about durge runs "hat happened with piles of corpses master you used to love piles of corpses!" awful i love sceleritas so much
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absurdist-hyena · 4 months ago
no dude the real reason the american economy is so fucked is there’s not enough of man in cardigan moving his family to a suburban murder house chasing a mirage of what he once was, searching for lost children in box of home movies as he closes the door on his own child offering him the coffee he is so particular about, messing with the settings on his MacBook Pro to reveal video of the demon he’ll never meet but was always there, finally doing the right thing not out of love for his family but fear for himself, answering the call from the deputy that will tell him it’s too late, his child will enter hell through the hole he bore, like if we had at least 17 more of these guys everything would be just fine
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angerydj · 1 year ago
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peculiardollart · 2 years ago
POV: You are Jin Guangshan, and it turns out your eldest son is a lot more like you than you ever gave him credit for.
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... You should have listened when he asked you to be nicer to his brother.
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