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theloulouge · 2 years ago
Reminder Reflections 06
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu
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elysiumacademy · 1 year ago
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A journey of a thousand miles begins with a singlestep, Start your firststep Today 👣
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nimixo · 1 year ago
Take the Step…
The journey of thousand miles begins with a single step. -Lao Tzu #laotzu #journey #singlestep #takethestep #Nimixo #motivation #motivationalquote #MotivationBlowByBlow
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nozerotoday · 1 year ago
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"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" -Buddha #Hinduism #Buddhism #Journey #ThousandMiles #SingleStep #Religion #Mindfulness #Enlightenment #PurposeOfLife #ScienceOfSoul #Mysticism
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humanconnection88 · 2 years ago
#quote #humanconnection #takingsteps #journey #travel #travelquotes #journeyofathousandmiles #singlestep
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thetshirtlady · 5 years ago
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Good morning! 🖤🌱 🙏🏽 It all begins with one step, one thought or one a action but you have to start. What are you waiting on? . . . . . #TheTShirtLady #Create #Inspire #TheTShirtLady™️ #Progress #Process #KeepMoving #DontStop #SingleStep #KeepMovingForward #Journey #Destination #Goals (at The T-Shirt Lady & Son) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Wh8ruhRqB/?igshid=dxecp3awse93
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cpsresumes · 3 years ago
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ralibo · 6 years ago
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Ladies and Gentlemen I'm glad to present to you the Tea Reflection full edition finally published! It is 212 pages with extras and double cover. You can buy it now on the website of Single Step or on the stand of the Manga Academy on Aniventure/Comic-Con Sofia. Link in the bio... . . . #comic #manga #teareflection #published #shonenai #romance #sliceoflife #gay #boylove #DanielandPhilip #comics #love #SingleStep https://www.instagram.com/p/BndlinWhGr6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1b77u7fjc1fv5
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livinhealthee · 3 years ago
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When you're trying to get to a goal, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer size of that task. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. That is as true in business as it is for any other endeavor. If you think about your goals and ambitions this way, you can break them down into manageable pieces and take action on one piece at a time. If you want something big, start small. Break down your goals so they are bite-sized chunks that are easy to tackle one at a time towards the larger goal. Then take action on those steps every day until they become habits that lead you closer to achieving your bigger aspirations! #coachmelonie #journey #journeyoflife #journeyofathousandmiles #onesinglestep #asinglestep #singlestep #womenhelpingwomen #womenhelpingwomenwin #womenempowerment #womenempoweringwomen #womenempoweringwomen💯 #womenempowerwomen #womenhealth #womenhealthcare https://www.instagram.com/p/CVVvGzcAbUF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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chocolate66 · 4 years ago
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#singlestep #steps #inspirationalquotes #instagramphotos #instagram #inspiration #instapic #may2021 (at DeMotte, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPIpdidLAJR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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itzy-bella-23 · 4 years ago
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A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step... . . #thousandmiles #singlestep #behidthescenes #lenses #placestogo #inthecity #havingfun #wanderlust #thursdayvibes #painduchocolat #cafetime #somewhereonlyweknow #inthemiddleofnowhere #oneofthosedays #justlikethat #notlikethis #be #like #create #inspire #motivate #dream #believe #imagine #live (en Mexico City, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CICftbCjDdY/?igshid=16pnlb28x1bwk
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jaimevizcarrondo · 5 years ago
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I love a good Monday!! Sleep with your dreams, or get up and chase them!! #wordsmith #extremeownership #getafterit #pushforward #tenacity #resolve #intensity #indomitablespirit #determination #persistence #purpose #strength #focus #character #commitment #impact #goals #driven #sticktoyourguns #singlestep #goforward #NeverStandStill https://www.instagram.com/p/B334_9hni01/?igshid=614etozfb5br
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saorsacoaching-blog · 6 years ago
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A thousand miles or one mile. No matter how long our journey is, each single step is important. Every learning, every human connection, every discovery, every understanding. They are all steps on our journey and no two journeys are the same. I wish you the best outcome on every single step of your journey. It all begins with the first step. #journey #singlestep #travelforwards #progress #learning #connecting #discovering #understanding #facethefeardoitanyway #bestoutcome #beginning #lovetocoachlivetocoach #thanksforsharingsaorsacoaching https://www.instagram.com/p/BxVggMelmC0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mrf43d8v9rsb
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mullaninc-blog · 6 years ago
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You have to start somewhere! If you're looking towards making a change in your life, all you have to do is take one step. #SingleStep 👣
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thetshirtlady · 2 years ago
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Thankful & Grateful For Another Day To Take Another Step Towards My #Journey! 🙏🏽🌱❤️
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