#singing dancing physical media...
party-gilmore · 2 years
The thing is i have absolutely no issue with abstract works, even the "simplest," being considered fine art.
The issue i have is those works pullings tens of thousands if not HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars based purely on the name and fame of the person who painted it, while other artists with comparable if not better skill get paid pennies on the dollars spent on materials alone and struggle to get their foot in the door of an industry "inner circle" that should never have been allowed to turn into the nepotism riddled capitalist show pony for the wealthy that it's become.
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teaboot · 4 days
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gracefully33 · 8 months
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🛸Venus in Houses/Signs🛸
~ Venus represents our love language, fashion, beauty, dancing, attraction, lovers, self love, luxury items, music, etc.
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Venus in Aries/1h:
| You could be attracted to people who are very fiery, bold, athletic, dominant, masculine, etc. Your love language could be acts of service like doing adventurous activities and more. You could be seen as very beautiful, talented, someone with self love. Your fashion could be very bold, very out there, you could wear athletic clothes, bold colors, and more. You could practice self love by building your confidence, upgrading your looks, working out, and more. You could listen to rock music, rap music, music that is energetic and upbeat, etc.
Ex: Rihanna has Aries Venus conjunct ASC
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Venus in 2H/Taurus:
| You could be attracted to partners/people who are very patient, stand on their values, have self-love, determined, and more. When it comes to your fashion, you could wear tones of green, tones of earth colors, you could wear designer items, your fashion could be very laid back, etc. When it comes to your beauty, people could value your beauty, see you as high maintenance, very pretty, you might have soft features, you could really keep up with yourself, and more. Your dancing style could be very smooth, effortless, you could really take the time to learn the choreography, and more. You could practice self love by taking yourself shopping, buying high quality material things, singing, upgrading your self worth, creating stability for yourself, and more. Your music type could be very laid back, something that makes you feel valuable or good, you could listen to songs about material things, self worth, patience, love songs, etc.
Ex: Rich Girl ~ Gwen Stefani
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Venus in 3H/Gemini:
| You could be attracted to partners/people who are talkative, know how to communicate, intelligent, playful, share interests with you, younger than you, you could meet your love interests in your neighborhood, school, social media, through your siblings, at a train station, bus, and more. Your love language could be words of affirmation and physical touch, because Gemini is Mercury ruled and Mercury represents communication and rules the hands. When it comes to your fashion, you could switch up your aesthetic a lot, have several aesthetics, versatile, tones of yellow, youthfulness, and more. When it comes to your beauty, you could be seen as younger than your age, youthful, baby face, and more. When it comes to learning choreography, you could have fun with it, you could play too much which could hinder you from learning the choreography😂, you could learn choreography very quickly, learn serval choreographies at the same time, and more. You could practice self love by having fun with yourself, upgrading your intelligence/knowledge, reading books, probably validation from social media which is dangerous, clearing your mind of negative thoughts that hinder your self worth, etc. You could listen to music that is playful, not serious, songs that stimulate your mind, songs about being strong minded, being playful, neighbors, traveling, etc.
Ex: Jennifer Lopez has her Venus in Gemini
Venus in 4h/cancer:
| You could be attracted to partners/people that remind you of home, your family, comforting, emotionally intelligent, sensitive, aware of their emotions, probably on the feminine side, you could meet your person through your family, hometown, during your self care procedure or journey, real estate industry, looking for homes, and more. Your fashion could be very feminine, soft, you could wear tones of blue, tones of white, long flowy dresses, and more. When it comes to your beauty, you could have very feminine features, your mom’s twin, soft features, and more. When it comes to choreography, you could put a lot of emotion into the moves, you could dance with emotion, your mood could affect the way you dance, you could do a lot of feminine choreography, dance with your family, etc. You could practice self love by being around your family, nurturing yourself, taking beauty advice from the women in your family, addressing your emotions, and more. You could listen to sad music, slow paced, music that brings out your emotions, brings out your inner child, remind you of your childhood, you could listen to songs about the mother, childhood, self care, and more. The luxury items you have could’ve been passed down through your family, from your mother, your father, etc.
Ex: Blue can be associated with Cancer
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Venus in 5h/leo:
| You could be attracted to partners/people who are entertainers, pursuing music, pursuing acting, loyal, have a passion for acting, entertaining, creative, dramatic, romantic, and more. Your language could be gift receiving and acts of service, because you want your partner to prove themselves to you, show you that they want you instead of words, and more. When it comes to fashion, you could wear pieces that make you stand out, flashy outfits, glittery outfits, dramatic pieces, tones of oranges, and more. When it comes to your beauty, you could have big hair, stand out a lot, you shine from your beauty, cat like features, cat eyes, and more. You could receive luxury items that are well known, famous, make you stand out, and more. You could practice self love by indulging in your creative passions, having fun with your friends, indulging in things that bring out a child like spirit, learning to be in love with yourself, and more. You could listen to songs that are upbeat, extremely popular, songs that are about being loyal, prideful, relate to your pleasures, drama, romance, etc.
Ex: Someone could gift you a Chanel bag because it’s a well known brand
Venus in 6h/virgo:
| You could be attracted to partners/ people that are athletic, into fitness, consistent, get to be with everyday, analytical, humble, perfect, innocent, you could find love in the work place, gym, through your step family, and more. Your love language could be acts of service, because the 6h also represents services. When it comes to your fashion, you could wear neutral colors, girl next door aesthetic, earthy tones, earth aesthetic, and more. When it comes to beauty, you could look very youthful, soft features, smaller features, delicate features, and more. You could practice self love by investing a lot of time into yourself, fitness, health, and more. When it comes to music, you could listen to earthy type of music, indie, soft rock, music about fitness, health, things that relate to your everyday life, and more, Etc.
Ex: You could work out at the gym to build confidence in your body
Venus in 7H/Libra:
| You could be attracted to partners/people who very romantic, husband material, you could build a partnership with you, good looking, into fashion, beauty, and more. Your love language could be physical touch and gift giving. When it comes to fashion, you could wear tones of pink, Barbie aesthetic, baddie aesthetic, and more. You could be considered very beautiful or good looking because Venus represents beauty. When it comes to self love, you could invest into your makeup, clothes, nails, beauty, and more. You could listen to tons of love songs, artist collabs, songs about partnerships, when it comes to your music taste there could be a balance, and more. You could be gifted luxury items from your partner, husband, makeup, beauty products, etc.
Ex: Beyonce has a Libra Venus
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Venus in 8H/Scorpio:
| You could attract partners/people who are extremely seductive, magnetic, into the occult, magic, investors, and more. When it comes to fashion, you could wear tones of black, dark clothing, gothic, alt, and more. When it comes to your beauty, you could have darker features, sharp features, seductive, magnetic, and more. When it comes to dancing, you could do sexy choreography, your dancing could be sharp, you could dance to songs about Scorpio themes, and more. You could listen to songs about sex, seductiveness, dark themes, occult, brave, power, obsession, metal music, rock music, etc.
Ex: Obsessed ~ Mariah Carey
Venus in 9H/Sagittarius:
| You could be attracted to partners/people who are adventurous, funny, wealthy, wise, photogenic, photographers, lawyers, different culture from you, and more. When it comes to fashion, you could explore a lot with your fashion choices, wear oversized clothings, and more. When it comes to your beauty, you could have larger features like bigger eyes, bigger forehead, lips, nose, and more. When it comes to dancing, you could explore different dancing styles. You could practice self love by traveling, increasing your knowledge, going on adventures, and more. You could receive luxury items that are from different countries, over the top expansive, receive more luxury items than usual, and more. You could listen to foreign music, popular/well known songs, songs about traveling, being adventurous, relate to your beliefs, etc.
Ex: Kpop aka Korean Pop
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Venus in 10h/Capricorn:
| You could attract partners/people who are authority figures, CEOs, your bosses, seen as a higher status, and more. When it comes to fashion, you could wear business attire a lot, professional clothings, tones of brown, tones of gray, basic, and more. When it comes to beauty, you could be on the smaller side, strong bone structure, bare face beauty, and more. When it comes to learning choreography, you could take longer to learn choreography, have issues with learning it, work hard to get it on lock down, and more. When it comes to self love, you could invest into your career, legacy, status, and more. You could listen to rnb, alternative, old school class music, songs about being a boss, authority figure, legacy, and more. You get receive luxury items that are hard for people to get their hands on, etc.
Ex: You could be with a CEO of a banking company
Venus in 11h/Aquarius:
| You could be attracted to partners/people who are in your friend group, associates, social group, engineer, politicians, dream man, humanitarian, rebellious, unique, and more. When it comes to fashion, you could wear unique pieces, you could wear pieces that go against fashion norms, your friend group could influence your style, and more. When it comes to your beauty, your beauty could be very unique, out the word, and more. You could practice self love with your friends, be in a self love group, being nice to yourself, and more. You could receive luxury items that are unique and innovative. When it comes to your dancing, you could have a unique dancing style, sometimes you could switch the choreography up, and do your own thing. You could like EDM music, electronic music, futuristic music, songs about helping others, being rebellious, friend ships, etc.
Ex: You could indulge in futuristic fashion and trends
Venus in 12h/Pisces:
| You could attract partners/people who are glamorous, ethereal, spiritual, self sacrifice a lot, creative, could be delusional about your partners, and more. When it comes to fashion, you could do mermaid core, tones of people, y2k, old school trends, and more. Your beauty could be seen as unreal, ethereal, glamorous, siren like beauty, and more. You could practice self love by indulging in spirituality, isolating yourself, taking care of your mental health, reflecting on your past, cutting off people or things that don’t serve you, and more. You could receive luxury items that people do not know about or that are hidden. You could listen to indie, electronic, rnb, alternative music, songs that make you forget about your reality, mental health, hidden things, isolation, etc.
Ex: Y2K/MC Bling
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littletism · 4 months
🎀🧁 little rules and chores to give yourself when you don’t have/want a caregiver! 🧁🎀
- firstly, make a sticker chart for yourself! every time you follow a rule or complete a chore, give yourself a sticker! and be honest! give yourself a big reward at the end of the week, like a toy from the store!
- no swearing! every time you swear, mark it down in a journal and reflect on that at the end of the week. did you swear too much? think about how you can do better next week. did you not swear at all? reward yourself!
- set a “clean up alarm” on your phone! ideally this would be about an hour before your bedtime. when it goes off, it’s time to put everything away!
- set your bedtime alarm! when the alarm goes off, it’s lights out! make sure you’re getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep! for instance, my bedtime alarm is at 10:30 on weekdays, and i wake up at 6 for work! no screens during bedtime unless it’s to help you sleep.
- portion your food properly! make sure it’s the proper, healthy amount! nothing to little or too much. i have a binge eating problem, so this rule greatly helps me portion better!
- put your dishes in the sink when you’re done, throw away your garbage, and recycle your plastics and cans!
- do the dishes, if you’re able! put on your favorite song and sing along to it while you clean your dishes to make it go by faster. and make it more fun!
- don’t be rude or a meanie! practice kindness with your toys or stuffies if you struggle with attitude problems. there’s no shame in having an attitude problem, i struggle with it sometimes too! practicing manners can really help.
- do some worksheets! there’s so many you can find on tumblr using the agere classroom tag! download them (or print them out) and get to work! set a goal for yourself, and reward accordingly. (ex: 3 completed worksheets = 1 sticker on your chart)
- do something active at least once a day, if you are able! go for a walk, go swimming, play a sport, do yoga, play an active video game like wii sports or just dance, do jumping jacks, etc! if you can’t, that’s okay! i’m physically disabled and can’t be active for long periods of time, so i get it!
- limit your screen and social media time! when your screen time is up, go play with your toys instead!
- if you have a job or go to school, reward yourself for doing well! if you accomplished a lot of work, give yourself a sticker. if you didn’t, give yourself a sticker anyway for trying your hardest!
- read something once a day! if you’re a baby/toddler, read one picture book a day. if you’re a kiddo/middle, read one chapter of your favorite book a day!
- try to do something educational at least once a day! google facts about your favorite animal and write it down, play math games online, watch an educational children’s show, etc!
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aikunik · 5 months
Yandere Male idol x GN reader
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another view of the writing
warning: yandere tendencies, delusional yandere, nsfw
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Sol always had eyes for you, you were his first supporter, even amongst the largest crowds of more than one thousand people he could still sense if you were in the crowd or not, he would panic, and start hyperventilating if he couldn't see you amongst the crowds, once it got so bad that he had to go backstage to avoid the paparazzis surrounding him.
He didn't know how overly obsessive he was with you. he knew but wanted to play hard to get, that was until you looked at someone else or started going to other band's concerts.
It started a while ago, in highschool where you were Sol's classmate, the pretty classmate who sat at the back of the class, always staring out the window. Back then in highschool, he had already developed strong feelings for you. You were the colour to his world, one day, you acknowledged him for his singing and dancing skills. He was ecstatic from your reaction. So much so that he applied for one of the biggest idol companies in the world. Then he trained, for a year or two and rose to stardom, you were his biggest supporter from the start.
You didn't know he was your classmate, since he changed so much, his personality changed and so has his physical appearance, he died his hair a platnium blonde and worked out during his whole trainee period, so there was no way you could recognise him. He wanted to change since you had always regarded him as a mere classmate.
You called yourself Sol's no.1 defender, you would always defend Sol in arguments, like when they called Sol a coward for hyperventilating on stage, being his long-time supporter, you couldn't stand the hate and decided to shut them down yourself. Sol would always see you on social media, commenting and praising him for his dancing skills and amazing charisma on stage. whenever he saw your posts about him or your face he always busted a huge load to it, covering his entire phone screen hot strips of cum, he would always go to the bathroom and jerk off to you when hes stressed.
"m-my darling must love me s-so much! ha... oh!"
Everytime there was a meet and greet he would always look for you, but there was this time when there was no you, he searched through the crowds panicking..
"m-my.. darling.. is not here today?.. ha.. maybe they were too busy with school work! yeah! they're playing so hard to get for my attention"
Sol was just being delusional. You had no feelings for him at all and only regarded him as your role model.
Sol wanted to think this was just a slip up, but his eyes were on the edge of giving out for the whole meet up, he had almost started crying right there on the spot, but his manager told him to go to the bathroom for a while, to freshen himself.
He used that order as an excuse. He wanted to find you. Where have you been? You've been wanting for him to find you right? just like hide and seek. Until he couldn't find you. He started immediately breaking down onto the streets after he checked your instagram and your latest post was at another band's concert. He started suffocating, he started feeling uneasy in his stomach he couldnt bear it he sobbed right in the middle of the busy streets, many fans walking by tried to help him, but he was too lovesick, sitting on the bare concrete floor.
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reminder to hydrate
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the-overanalyst · 2 months
my favorite project sekai au has got to be n25 as an idol group, or as i like to call it, idol shinitai
kanade was hired as a songwriter for an idol company after her talent became known to her father's acquaintances from the music industry. but she decides she wants to reach people more directly with her music so she becomes an idol herself. the physical training takes an enormous toll on her health, but she never lets herself rest because she knows her fans are counting on her to "save" them.
mafuyu started auditioning when she was very young because her stage mom wanted to live vicariously through her fame. she was the first of the group to become an idol, and she's maintained that public persona (cultivated by her mother) for so long that she's forgotten her true identity. but that starts to change when she meets kanade and is inspired to write her own songs.
ena was scouted after her selfie account on social media took off, and she agreed to become an idol because all the attention from fans helps lift her ego. however, she still feels jealous of more popular idols and worries that she hasn't worked hard enough to earn her success. what's more, her father thinks being an idol is a cop-out for someone without real talent. she joins kanade's unique new group in order to prove him wrong.
mizuki is an idol because, quite simply, it's fun. she gets to dress up in cute clothes, dance, sing, and interact with fans. however, beneath it all there's always an undercurrent of dread. the more popular she gets, the more she worries about what will happen when the world learns her secret. just finding the courage to tell her friends is hard enough, but to tell thousands of people whose support she depends on to keep doing what she loves? it's terrifying.
it's just crazy how much the context of fame and celebrity serves to highlight and intensify the existing themes of niigo's story.
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lambtotheslaughterr · 5 months
One Way Or Another
A Rafe Cameron Oneshot
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WC: 16.5k (just for a second, holy fuck. spent all day writing this. from 10 am to 8pm. i am feeling good & feel like i'm on a writer's high. thank you to all of you who made this happen: 62 pages of pure dark fiction)
Dividers provided by @firefly-graphics
request for anon
requests are currently CLOSED
Summary: Reader's life couldn't be any better. She's working her dream job, living with her best friend, & may have met the one... but none of those things matter when her bestfriend/roommate begins seeing a volatile man from reader's past...
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            It was Coyote Ugly night at your work, & you made sure to request the night off weeks in advance. There would be nothing to stop you from singing your heart out to the soundtrack of the movie as it played in the bar or dancing on the bar with your friends, not even having your coworkers & boss witnessing it all unfold. Ever since you were a little girl, you wanted to be a bartender all because of the film. It inspired your fashion choices, your music tastes, & most importantly, your attitude.
            As soon as you turned 21, you applied to every single bar in your area. And before that, you practiced your cocktail making, just enough to at least get hired. You knew without experience, it was difficult to land a job as a bartender. If you had to accept a position working at a hotel bar or fine dining bar, you’d take it, anything to get the experience, but your long-term goal was to find a bar with the same energy & vibes as your favorite movie. Your wish came true a year later.
            The Garage was just that. It was inside an old auto-shop with three large garage doors. During summer nights, those doors would be raised & they led out into the enclosed patio area where a stage had been built for nights when live music would be happening. The owner, as much as you wanted it to be a tough-as-nails woman like Lil in Coyote, was an older man in his 50’s named Rosie. Yes, Rosie. His full name Roosevelt but he had been going by Rosie since he entered the bar business. It was your first favorite thing about him.
            Rosie ran a tight-knit crew at The Garage. He was a no-bullshit haver but knew how to have a good time. It was him who trained you behind the bar, switching you up from making prissy, fancy shit & teaching you how to make a real drink, as he said. You loved him. And you loved your family there. Everyone accepted you & welcomed you with open arms & cold beer. It was all you could have ever dreamed for. And now, you were going to live out your ultimate fantasy.
            It thankfully didn’t take a whole lot of convincing on your part to get Rosie to agree to a Coyote Ugly night. You advocated for how it would bring in a good crowd, good money, & good times. Moreover, you promised to do all the leg work. You would take it upon yourself to work alongside the social media handler, Rosie’s daughter Angie who worked in the office alongside her father, to get word out & generate interest. A week before the event was supposed to happen, you had a guaranteed 100+ people wanting to attend. There was no RSVP, but just an event page on Facebook, & your work had paid off. The night was happening, & you would be at the center of it all.
            At your apartment that night, you got ready for the night. You admired your look in the mirror, scenes from the bar film playing through your mind. You smiled proudly at yourself. You look damn good.
            But your night would only be complete if you convinced your best friend, & roommate, to come with. As far as that morning, she was still on the fence. But the time was now. She was either coming or not, & if you had anything to say about it, she would be forced along.
            Leaving your room, you skipped down the hallway before turning a corner & entering the living room. Jules’ room was just off the living room, kitty corner from your room on the other side of the apartment. You were grateful for the distance, but only because you both were sexually active women & didn’t need to hear each other get your kicks in.
            Jules’ door was open & you swung around the frame, poking your head in.
            “Tell me you’re coming!” You hollered, noticing the door to her en suite bathroom was open & the light on, but she was out of sight.
            “Uhhh.” Jules laughed awkwardly, “No?”
            No? N O ?Well. You wouldn’t be having that.
            Entering her room, you marched up to her bathroom entryway, prepared to bribe her into coming, but before you could get a word out, you felt your jaw drop onto the floor.
            Jules stood in the center of her bathroom, posing with her hand on her hips & hiding her coy smile behind a lifted shoulder.
            “Wow.” You grinned, impressed, “You look fucking hot.”
            She was wearing a torn cropped lack crop top, the sleeves & hem shredded, & a mini, mini black leather skirt. To bring the whole look together, she wore a pair of black cowgirl boots & a black cowgirl hat. You giggled at the bolo tie around her neck.
            “Do I look like someone not to be fucked with?”
            “Hundred percent.”
            Jules scrunched her nose cutely, turning to look at herself in the mirror, “Good.”
            You joined her in the mirror, double checking your own look. You definitely didn’t look as man-eater as she did but you were still happy with what you wore. The two of you would undoubtedly be some of the hottest women there tonight.
            “Ready?” You questioned as you applied some of her lipstick to your mouth.
            Jules winked at herself in the mirror, “As I’ll ever be.”
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            The night was in full swing as you danced among people. Dirrty by Christina Aguilera vibrated the room as you swung your hips & ran your hands along the length of your torso. Never before have you felt more like yourself than you did in that moment. Everywhere you looked there was women in backless tops, leather pants or denim skirts, a plethora of country rock fashion choices, & plenty of good-looking men. The only thing that would make this night better was bringing a stranger home for the night.
            Sweat coated your skin as you moved off the dance floor between songs. You had curated the playlist for the night. There was over 150 songs on the queue, all of which were either from the soundtrack or had a similar, fitting feel for the night. You knew that any moment Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leppard would come on & you were determined to drag Jules onto the bartop with you.
            Sliding between the sea of people, you eventually spotted Jules standing at a tall table near the patio entrance. She was facing you but hadn’t noticed you yet as she spoke flirtatiously with the man standing across from her. He had his back to you & was leaning over the table to hear what your roommate was saying. Jules laughed, smacking him gently on his arm. You knew that you wouldn’t be the only one bringing a man home tonight.
            As apologetic as you were to break up their conversation though, you had a goal in mind, & no potential suitor for your roommate was going to stop you.
            “Jules!” You greeted happily as you jumped towards her, “It’s almost time.”
            “Oh, hey, _____.” Jules smiled at you, “_____, this is Rafe.”
            But before she had even said his name, you were already looking him over & felt your world slow down at the familiar face standing before you.
            It had been a couple years since you last saw Rafe Cameron. You two were in the same grade in high school & attended a lot of the same parties, but you two never spoke to one another. He had a reputation in the halls as a cokehead & was known to snap at a moment’s notice & get into a brawl over the smallest of things. Definitely wasn’t the kind of person you wanted to hangout with. But you had to admit he knew how to throw good parties.
            “Rafe, this is my roommate _____.”
            Rafe smirked at you before offering his hand, “Nice to meet you.”
            You took his hand, ignoring the static shock you received when touching your palms together, “Likewise.”
            Jules was about to say more but the opening instrumentals to your most-anticipated song of the night began playing over the speakers.
            “Sorry, Rafe. I gotta steal her for a couple minutes.” Before Jules could resist, you began dragging her towards the bar.
            “Hey! I was talking to him!”
            “Talk to him later, this is way more important.”
            Jules then realized what was happening & started shaking her head knowingly, “You’re lucky I fucking adore you.”
            “The luckiest.” You smiled back.
            The two of you were quick to climb onto the bar where a few other women were already dancing to Pour Some Sugar On Me. Jules & you were naturals at dancing, having many dance nights in your living room. You danced sensually to the song as it blared over the speakers. Your cheeks hurt from smiling as hard as you were, enjoying the ooh’s & awe’s of men & women alike as they cheered all the women on. You spotted a few of your coworkers behind the bar filming you on their phones. You’d be sure to get those videos sent to you before the night was out.
            Jules slowly fell to her knees to whip her hair around her as she bumped & grinded the air to the music. You reached behind the bar to grab a pitcher of water & did the honors of pouring water on her as the first chorus blasted. Jules’ dancing & your pouring elicited an eruption of cheers. When the first chorus was over, Jules returned to her feet & the two of you danced seductively against one another. All eyes were on the two of you as you stole the show. Your lifelong dream of being a Coyote was coming true before your own eyes.
The song continued & by the time the final chorus came it was your turn to have everyone cheer for you. Jules’ was handed another pitcher of water & as the famous Pour Some Sugar On Me chorus began, you modeled yourself atop the bar. Your butt was down & your legs extended out the length of the bar. You were facing up, your arms holding you up behind your back, your legs bent at the knees. Then as the titular moment of the song happened, Jules poured the ice cold water over you.
A wave of cheers & enthusiasm erupted throughout the bar. When Jules finished pouring the water, you repositioned yourself to crawl along the length of the bar, catching eyes & stealing hearts. You spotted one man sitting at the bar, his eyes never leaving your own. He was cute, more than cute, he was Kevin O’Donnell cute. Your Coyote Ugly dreams were demanding you to end your performance in his lap.
The man grinned to himself as you swung your legs around to dangle off the bar on either side of him. He leaned back in his seat to stare up at you, a closed smirk across his handsome features. As the song closed, you slid off the bar & into his lap. With no introductions needed, you tangled your fingers in his hair at the nape of his neck & brought his mouth to yours, sealing the night with a kiss from a perfect stranger.
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            His name was Jack. He was new to town. You were happy to be his welcoming committee.
            “What you did up there was…” He laughed, raising his brows in knowing.
            “I know.” You giggled, nursing your drink.
            After your kiss, Jack insisted on buying you a drink & you couldn’t say no. Jules’ hugged you once before returning to her object of desire. You were too distracted by your own man to question her own.
            “So, you work here?” Jack asked, looking around the place.
            You nodded proudly, taking in the environment, “It’s my second home.”
            “I like the energy. Seems fun.”
            “It is.” You confirmed, “Couldn’t have asked for a better place to work.”
            The two of you talked for a bit longer before you were interrupted. Jules slid in beside you at the table you & Jack were sat at, & her man for the night, the reputable bad boy from your high school, took the spot opposite her. You didn’t miss how his eyes lingered on your face for some time. You frowned internally but ultimately ignored it as you turned to your best friend.
            “Are you drunk?” You asked incredulously. It took a lot to get Jules drunk, she was a prime time heavy weight, & she was fine when you saw her only ten minutes ago.
            Jules pressed her lips together, smiling knowingly up at you, “Maybe.”
            “What the hell did you drink?” You chuckled as she rested her head on your shoulders.
            “We took a couple shots at the bar.” Rafe added to the conversation. You flashed your eyes towards him, taking in his appearance.
            “You look fine.” You pointed out, yet your heavy weight best friend was growing more drunk by the second.
            “I just hide it better.” Rafe smirked. His face was flushed. And after working in the bar industry for the last two years, you did know men’s bodies handled liquor better than women’s. So, you let it go.
            “Do you wanna head home?” You shook Jules.
            She shrugged but her eyes were fluttering closed.
            You felt disappointed but didn’t show it. The night was still young, you had yet to even partake in the karaoke aspect of the night, but Jules wasn’t going to last much longer, chugging water be damned.
            “Jack,” you glanced across to him, “I’m sorry, I’m gonna have to get her home.”
            “I understand.” He nodded, pulling out his phone, “Let me at least get your number. Maybe you can give me a tour of town.”
            You smiled at that, sharing your number to him out loud. Once he entered it into his phone, you told him you looked forward to his call & began to get out of your seat. But as you did, your world began to spin.
            “Whoa.” You mumbled, catching yourself on the table. You must’ve had more to drink than you thought.
            “You alright?” Jack asked, rising to his full height to help stabilize you.
            You nodded but you weren’t, “I’m a lightweight. Guess I drank more than I thought I had.”
            Jack grabbed your jacket, “Do I need to order you a Lyft?”
            You shook the offer away. But you couldn’t drive. Jules didn’t have a car so it was you who got the two of you there tonight. You glanced over your shoulder at the bar, wondering if maybe you could convince one of your coworkers to give you a ride but they were still slammed. The bar wouldn’t die down for a couple more hours.
            “I’m sorry, Jack. Would it be shitty of me to ask you to drive my drunk ass & my roommate’s drunk ass home?”
            Jack chuckled at that but ultimately shook his head no, “I don’t have a car. Don’t really need one here, ya know.”
            You nodded at that. It was true.
            “Fuck.” You moaned. Your head was growing dizzier by the second.
            Most times you would bite the bullet & cough up the money to pay for an expensive Lyft, but with rent due in two days, you didn’t have the funds. And you didn’t work tonight so no tips would help.
            “I can drive you.” A voice sounded from the other end of the table. Both you & Jack looked towards Rafe as he pulled out his keys.
            “I thought you had a lot to drink, too?” Jack questioned. You were relieved he wasn’t too trusting of Rafe immediately either.
            “Not really.” Rafe returned, his eyes on you though, “You want the ride or not? She looks like she’s gonna be sick any minute.”
            At that statement, you bent over to look at Jules. He was right. Her skin was looking ashen & she was frowning in her sleep. The last you wanted to worry about was her puking before you got her to her bed with a bowl on the floor.
            “Okay.” You nodded, accepting your jacket from Jack’s hands. “Thanks.”
            Jack helped you gather the rest of yours & Jules’ things. He attempted to help you carry her outside but your legs were beginning to grow weaker, your strength quickly dissipating.
            “I got it.” Jack reassured you as he lifted Jules into his arms cradle style.
            “Hey, uh.” Jack looked towards Rafe.
            “Rafe.” He shared his name. Jack nodded then gestured to where you stood leaning against the wall, “Wanna help her?”
            You raised your head at that. Rafe approached you, offering his hand.
            “I got it.” You faked, forcing yourself to stand up. Rafe made an unimpressed face but you ignored it. Just outside the door to the parking lot though you felt your knees buckle. Before you could hit the ground, you felt a strong & firm arm catch you around the waist.
            “Just lean on me. My truck’s right there.”
            As much as you didn’t want Rafe’s help, still unsure why you were feeling hostile towards him, you knew you needed to. Accepting his help, you leaned into his side as he kept you on your feet. A truck a few feet away beeped & the headlights flashed. Jack was ahead the two of you, waiting for Rafe to help him get Jules’ into the back seat.
            Rafe first brought you to the passenger side, helping you up into the cab. Your movements were slow & languid, like you were already half asleep. You shook your head, trying to clear your mind enough to fasten your belt, but before you could, Rafe reached across your front to secure the protective strap.
            “Thanks.” You mumbled, avoiding his eyes.
            “No problem.” He shut your door gently before joining Jack on the other side. You vaguely listened as the two men got Jules into the backseat before the door shut.
            By the time they finished, Rafe was quick to hop into the driver’s seat. You were holding your head in your hands, trying to keep your vision from swimming. Fuck, you really needed to keep better track of your drinking, but you were just having too much fun.
            The door to your side opened & Jack was there, “You gonna be okay?”
            You hummed in response, not trusting yourself to speak, worried that your speech would be slurred.
            “Okay. Text me when you make it home safely. I’ll text you right now.”
            All you could manage was to give him a thumbs up.
            “Alright.” Jack nodded then he looked towards Rafe, “Make sure they get home safe, man.”
            “Yup.” The engine roared to life as he pressed a button on the dashboard.
            “I’ll see you later, _____.”
            You wanted to return the parting but Jack closed the door. The truck jostled beneath you as Rafe drove through the gravel lot.
            “What’s your address?” Rafe asked.
            Pulling out your phone, you languidly types in your address into the maps app. You hit ‘start’ & handed your phone to Rafe.
            The ride was mostly silent until the final couple minutes of it.
            “I remember you, ya know.” Rafe commented. You forced your eyes open at that. It wasn’t that you thought he would remember you or not, but you didn’t want to have one of those walk-down-memory-lane conversations with someone you knew was problematic in high school. Times changed everyone, you supposed. You weren’t always the confident & extroverted woman you were today. Perhaps Rafe had changed, too.
            “Yeah?” You responded. Thankfully, you didn’t sound as drunk as you felt.
            “Yeah, you dated that Junior kid for a while.”
            “Mm.” You had forgotten about Junior. You weren’t one of those people that considered high school boyfriends as real relationships. After all, the two of you only dated for two months your senior year.
            “What I remember most is your guys’ dramatic breakup at Phil’s prom after-party.”
            You frowned at that. That whole night was a messy blur in your memory. You remembered prom fine but the after-party was another story. You had always been a lightweight, but as you thought on it, you vaguely remembered catching Junior dancing with another girl that night.
            The memory resulted in a light chuckle from you, “Oh, yeah. Well…he was an asshole.”
            Rafe shared in your chuckle, nodding in agreement, “Yeah, he was.”
            “So, Jack, huh?”
            His sudden change in conversation made you finally look at him in the dark. The streetlights you passed under were doing little to light his face.
            “Think he’ll be any better than Junior?” Rafe questioned.
            What did that even matter?
            Searching for the right words through your addled brain proved difficult, but you eventually found them, “I don’t know… not like I’m going to date him seriously.”
            “No?” Rafe flicked his eyes to yours, “Why not?”
            Okay, you were not going to have this conversation with Rafe of all people.
            Ignoring his question, you were relieved when Rafe pulled into the parking lot of your apartment complex. But the night wasn’t quite over. You knew you wouldn’t be able to get Jules upstairs & into your apartment on your own.
            But as if he was reading your mind, Rafe switched the truck off & unbuckled his belt. He hopped out & you watched through the windshield as he rounded to your side. When he opened the door, you moved to get out but was stopped by the belt you still wore. Oh, right.
            Rafe beat you to it though, reaching around your front for a second time to release the buckle. You felt a chill riddle up your spine when his thumb grazed against your front, just above the top of your shorts. Rafe then placed a hand on your hip & guided you out of the truck. Even though it wasn’t a lifted truck, it sure felt like it as Rafe helped you climb out & down.
            You nodded in response, wanting to keep your words few & far between.
            Next, you followed him around to the other side of the truck. You noticed that you weren’t as drunk as you were when you left. Your head was still pounding & your vision was still swimming, but at least you could hold yourself up now.
            Rafe swung open the door to the back & began gently pulling out Jules. She mumbled in her drunken sleep as he slung her over his shoulder.
            “If you want to lead the way, I can carry her.”
            “Thanks.” You sighed, desperate to get inside & crash into your bed.
            Inside the secure building, you used your key fob to alert the elevator of your presence. When the three of you loaded on, you pressed the lit up button for 5.
            “Thank god for elevators, right.” Rafe joked as he shifted Jules to piggyback him. Fortunately, she hung on.
            Once you reached your floor, you sped walked ahead to your door & swung it open. Rafe passed you by.
            “Take a right at the corner & her bedroom is at the end, off the living room.”
            Rafe followed your directions in the dark. You turned on the lights behind him as he went, hoping he didn’t bump into anything or accidentally drop Jules because of it. He managed to swing her door open & enter her room, you were right behind them.
            Rafe turned to face you before bending his knees to lower Jules closer to the bed. Once she was close enough, Rafe let her go. Jules groaned again at the sudden drop, her eyes fluttering open briefly before closing again. You entered her bathroom to dampen one of her hand towels.
            When you re-entered her room, you paused, watching silently as Rafe tucked Jules’ legs under the covers of her bed. He glanced up, likely having feeling you watching him, & shrugged.
            “I can’t sleep without a blanket of some sort when I’m drunk.”
            You nodded, mustering a smile. Approaching Jules, Rafe moved out of the way. You placed the damp rag on her forehead, hoping it’d help her feel less sick if she did end up throwing up in the middle of the night.
            “Would you mind doing me a favor?” You asked Rafe, glancing at him over your shoulder.
            “Sure, what’s up?”
            “Above the fridge in the kitchen are big bowls. Can you bring one?”
            Rafe nodded & left the room. You listened intently until you heard him in the kitchen.
            “Grab a glass of water, too, please!” You hollered.
            The faucet began running in the distance, so you took the time to lift Jules’ sheets. You overlooked her body, ensuring that Rafe didn’t do any weird shit when you were in the bathroom. But nothing looked out of place. Even her cowgirl boots were still on. Chuckling lightly to yourself, you quickly removed them from her feet before tucking her legs back under the covers.
            It wasn’t that you were a man-hater, you loved men. But recalling all the rumors surrounding Rafe in high school, & how even despite that he was a stranger, you didn’t want to take any chances. So far he had been helpful & friendly enough so you didn’t want to be quick to stuff him into a box labeled ‘creep’, but you’d certainly keep your eye on him.
            You heard his footfalls coming nearer so you stood up. When he entered the room again, he carried a large bowl in one hand & a glass of water in the other.
            “Thank you.” You offered him a small smile when taking the objects from him.
            Once you got Jules settled, you turned to face him, gesturing for the two of you to leave the room. You closed the door quietly behind you. In the living room, you eyed the kitchen on the opposite end of the space.
            “Did you want anything to drink? It’s the least I can do for helping.”
            Rafe sighed, contemplating your offer, “An energy drink if you got it. Feel like I’m gonna fall asleep behind the wheel if I keep going like this.”
            “I don’t have any of that, but I can make you a coffee?”
            “Yeah, sure, thanks.”
            You nodded, walking towards your kitchen. Rafe followed behind you, taking a seat at your small two person table in the corner. You felt him watching you as you pulled out the coffee grounds & began putting them into the coffee maker.
            “Thank you again.” You repeated, tossing him a look over your shoulder, “For helping.”
            “No problem.” He repeated, “Again.”
            You laughed quietly & softly at that. Once the coffee began brewing, you pulled out two mugs & left them by the pot. Then you turned back to face him.
            “How are you feeling?” He asked.
            You felt your brows crease, “What do you mean?”
            “Well, you couldn’t walk at the bar, but now you seem totally fine.”
            “Oh.” You straightened up that, also then realizing how much better you were beginning to feel, “Better, yeah. Must’ve just been a wave.”
            Rafe nodded at that but said nothing.
            “So.” you began, shrugging your shoulders. Small talk wasn’t your forte. It made you feel awkward.
            “So…” Rafe repeated.
            The two of you shared an uncomfortable laugh.
            “You looked really hot on the bar tonight.” His sudden & unsolicited comment surprised you. There was no hiding the shock on your face.
            “What?” You laughed, really believing you misheard him.
            “You heard me.” He smirked at you, his eyes trailing the length of you. You shifted under his gaze, shaking your head, “Thanks? I guess.”
            Fortunately, the coffee pot finished & you were able to distract yourself with pouring the two of you a mug of coffee. You brought Rafe’s his before returning to the fridge to pull out some French vanilla creamer.
            “Want some?” You shook the carton. Rafe waved his hand in dismissal.
            After flavoring your coffee, you joined him at the table.
            “So, what have you been up to since high school?” You finally asked, forcing yourself to partake in a dreaded topic of conversation.
            “Not a whole lot.” Rafe blew out air, “Working for my dad mostly.”
            “And what’s that?” You blew on your coffee before taking a sip.
            “Business. Real estate development. That sorta shit.”
            You nodded, “That’s good money though, right? You rolling in dough?”
            “Why? Want me to take you out on a date?”
            He was teasing but you still laughed uncomfortably, “Not exactly.”
            “No? Not the dating type?”
            Shrugging, you made a face that confirmed his suspicions, “Not really, no.”
            “Why’s that?”
            You sighed, leaning back in your chair, “No reason, really. Just haven’t met the right person, I guess.”
            “Having too much fun stealing & breaking hearts at the bar?” Rafe smirked.
            You rolled your eyes, “Something like that.”
            “You stole mine. Watching you up there…”
            The way he looked at you made your skin erupt with goosebumps. You bit your lip & Rafe’s eyes flicked to the movement. You shook your head, unable to hide your embarrassed smile, “You’ve always been a flirt, ya know?”
            Rafe’s eyes widened at that, “What does that mean?”
            You shook your finger at him, “We may not have talked in high school but you had a reputation. You were ‘the bad boy’. Breaking hearts and faces.”
            Rafe scoffed at that but chuckled nonetheless, “I won’t confirm nor deny.”
            A silly giggle left you but you immediately reeled it in the second you heard it. Were you…flirting with Rafe Cameron? Jesus. If someone had told you earlier that day that you’d end your night flirting with Rafe Cameron in your own apartment you’d say bullshit. It was funny though sometimes how the world brought people in & out of your life.
            “Oh, c’mon.” You shook your head, “All the girls wanted to date you & all the guys wanted to either be you or beat you.”
            Rafe laughed at that, nodding in agreement, “Maybe.”
            You lowered your eyes, memories of high school passing you by.
            “What about you?”
            You raised your eyes to meet his, “What about me, what?”
            “Did you want to date me?”
            There was no helping the sudden burst of laughter at his question. You bit your lip again, shaking your head, “Actually, no. If anything, I was scared of you.”
            Rafe’s eyes glinted playfully, leaning across the table, “That so?”
            “Mm.” You nodded, “I saw a few of your fights. You’re pretty hot-headed, ya know. All I wanted to do was not piss you off.”
            “You couldn’t even if you tried.” Rafe eyes lingered to your lips.
            A part of you was undeniably enjoying his apparent attraction to you. You didn’t care if it was the alcohol or whatever it was that was sexually charging the energy in the room. After all, you did want to take a man home tonight. Rafe isn’t who you had in mind, especially since he started out as Jules’, but Jules’ was lax. If you did end up sleeping with Rafe, she wouldn’t care. All she’d be interested in was how he was in bed. And now, you couldn’t help but wonder yourself.
            Inhaling sharply, you pushed your coffee to the side so you could place your elbows on the table, leaning forward so there was only a few inches between you.
            “But I’m sure I can make you happy.” You flirted suggestively.
            “I think you can, too.” Rafe stared at you through hooded eyes. Yeah. He wanted you, too.
            That being the only confirmation you needed, you rose from your seat, offering your hand to Rafe, “C’mon then. Let’s go to bed.”
            Rafe grinned up at you with that. Then he rose to his full height, but he ignored your hand. He towered over you, your head only reaching his shoulders. Before you could say or do anything, Rafe suddenly had his arms around your butt, lifting you until you were forced to wrap your legs around his middle.
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            A week passed before you saw Rafe again. And you honestly never expected to see him again. After the night you two spent together rolling around in your sheets, you passed out. When you woke the next morning, Rafe was gone. It wasn’t the first time, & likely wouldn’t be the last, that one of your hook-ups escaped into the night, but you’d be lying if you thought Rafe would be different since you two went to high school. But alas, Rafe only proved to be like most men. You weren’t miffed though. You moved on fast.
            As far Jules, her reaction to learning about you two hooking up wasn’t what you quite expected. She laughed it off at first but you could see that she felt something about it. You eventually got it out of her. She said that she actually liked Rafe. Unlike most of her conquests, she felt a natural draw to him & had thought that perhaps Rafe could be someone she’d date. It all surprised you.
            Jules, of course, didn’t blame you whatsoever since she had only met Rafe that night, & after you explained your history, or lack thereof, with him, she understood. But you could tell that she was disheartened to not get to know him more. But as the week passed, she got back into her usual good spirits.
            As for you, you heard from Jack a day after you met him. He started out giving you a hard time for not letting him know you made it back home safely that night, & you thought it best to lie & say that you passed out as soon as you got into bed rather than telling me the truth. The two of you texted for the whole day & before you knew it you had scheduled a date.
            The date itself was fun. You took Jack to some blacklight mini golf then the two of you had a couple beers at one of your favorite bars. The night ended with a hot make-out session in your car. After that, you two saw each other practically every day. Tonight would be no different. In fact, Jules was going out to the bars & you were staying in, wanting Jack to come spend the night with you. It wasn’t like you to wait to have sex with someone you were interested, so Jack was a rare case.
            But with Jules being out of the apartment for most of the night, you thought it an opportune time to have him over & you two could be as loud as you wanted.
            It was almost nine at night when Jules finally left. Jack was supposed to be there around that time, as well. But before she left, she poked her head into your room. You did a little spin for her as she tried to pick her jaw off the floor.
            “Damn, _____. Jack isn’t gonna know what hit him.”
            You smiled happily at that, admiring your lingerie in your full length mirror.
            “I hope so.” Jack was quickly becoming your Rafe. By that, you meant that you enjoyed his company beyond more than just the sexual tension. He made you laugh, carried a conversation, showed interest in your life but also wasn’t afraid to share details of his own. Plus, he was hot as fuck. The more you hung out with him the more he reminded you of a young James Franco. And Franco was always cute to you.
            “So, I wanted to talk to you about something really quick.” Jules revealed, stepping further into your room.
            You tossed her a confused but wary look, “…Okay. Everything alright?”
            “Yeah, at least, I hope so.” She laughed sheepishly, “I’m going to bars tonight, as you know, but…I’m not going alone.”
            You reeled back at that, but were smiling nonetheless, “Okay, babe, if it’s a date you know we trade info incase the guys are creeps.”
            “Yeah, I know.” She sighed, avoiding your eyes, “That’s kind of why I didn’t say anything to begin with. You already know him…”
            Done admiring yourself in the mirror, you sat on your bed, staring up at her in waiting.
            Jules moved forward to join you on your bed, “It’s with Rafe.”
            The revelation wasn’t what you expected but you nodded hesitantly, “Okay… that’s okay?”
            “I don’t know, is it? We’ve never really navigated these waters before.”
            You rolled your eyes at that, “Oh, my god, Jules, it’s okay! I have no claims to him. If you want to see him then see him.”
            She frowned at that, not entirely buying what you were selling, “Are you sure? I know we have a pretty lax friendship, but it’s not weird. I’ll admit, I did feel weird after you told me you guys hooked up last weekend.”
            A pang of guilt hit your chest, but you dismissed it with a forced smile. You had no interest in Rafe. He was a decent fuck, but that’s all he was. If Jules was serious about him, the last you wanted to do was have her thinking you were standing in her way.
            “God, I’m sorry. I’m such a slut sometimes.”
            Jules giggled at that but shook her head, “That’s not what I’m saying. I just want to make sure that you & I will be okay. And, obviously, if it gets weird or messy having Rafe around then I won’t mind kicking him to the curb.”
            You laughed at that, “It won’t come to that. Besides, I have my own man coming over tonight. Rafe…feels like it was ages ago at this point.”
            “Okay.” Jules grinned, her dimples appearing. You could tell she was really excited about this date. You only hoped that Rafe didn’t disappear in the middle of the night on her like he did you.
            “Okay!” You exclaimed, standing up. Jules stood with you. You hugged her, “Thank you for telling me. I’ll make sure Jack & I are all finished by the time you get home.”
            “No worries.” Jules pulled away, grinning at you, “If we do end up wanting to hook-up I’m going to try to get it done at his place, that way you two can be alone all night.”
            “Well, thanks, I appreciate it.” You smiled, letting her go, “But if you do go there, you know to text me where the address is.”
            “Yes, mom.” Jules rolled her eyes.
            With that, you exited your room & walked with her to the door. Jack would be there any minute & you still wanted light some incense & candles.
            You were unlatching the door & swinging it open, preparing to wave Jules off but a yelp escaped you at the tall, looming presence just on the other side.
            “Rafe!” Jules shrieked. The both of you were not expecting him on the other side, let alone anyone.
            Rafe’s eyes danced amusingly between the two of you as you both recovered from the jump scare but when his eyes stopped on you, staring at your chest, you glanced down. It was then that you realized you were still only wearing your lingerie.
            “Oh, fuck.” You muttered, quickly standing just behind the door out of sight as you tied the thigh length silk robe around your body. Jules realized what was happening by the time you finished & glanced up.
            “Sorry ‘bout that.” You laughed sheepishly as Jules stepped out.
            Rafe said nothing but was staring at you like he was trying not to respond.
            “Oh, jesus, let’s just get this over with.” Jules finally spit out, “You guys fucked. It’s nothing he hasn’t seen before. Right?” She looked at you to which you nodded quickly.
            “Right?” She focused on Rafe. He only mustered an awkward smirk.
            “Great. Now that that’s over with, _____...” Jules eyed you, “Have fun with Jack. I’ll see you either tonight or tomorrow.”
            At the mention of Jack’s name, you felt Rafe’s eyes flash to yours in curiosity. You blatantly ignored his wonderous gaze & waved at Jules, “Bye, have fuuun!”
            Then you hurriedly slammed the door. As much as you loved Jules for her direct nature, you sorely wished she hadn’t mentioned the two of you hooking up while you were standing there in practically nothing. But, fortunately the moment was over & you could focus on the task at hand: Jack.
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            It was nearly three in the morning when you tip-toed into the kitchen to heat yourself up some leftovers. Jack had passed out. You had tired him out. You had always considered your endurance your best quality in the bedroom. It wasn’t often when a man could keep up with you. Jack was no exception, but he was fun, nonetheless. The sex was rushed at first. The second he saw you he couldn’t keep his hands off you. The after having sex that lasted for roughly fifteen minutes, you two relaxed & laughed about it.
            Then you ordered the two of you some food & while waiting for the food to come the two of you hung out on the couch watching an episode of The Boys. After eating & another episode, Jack gathered you in his arms & carried you into your room for second round. The second round was a lot more sensual. Now that the two of you had had sex in a hurry, you two were able to slow down & really learn each other’s bodies. You were winded by the time that session ended. You fell asleep as he scratched your back & when you woke up an hour later, he was still awake watching videos on his phone. You knocked his phone out of the way & straddled his lap. The third time was even more mind-blowing than the first two—being the perfect mixture of animalistic & intimate.
            After that, it was Jack’s turn to pass out. He had commented on your skills in bed & you kicked your feet about it. It wasn’t that you felt validated by hearing a man’s thoughts about what you could do but you also wouldn’t deny how good it still felt to hear.
            You tried sleeping yourself, getting only ten or so minutes when your stomach growled you awake. There would be no good night’s rest until you ate. So, that’s when you decided to go heat up some leftovers from yours & Jack’s order.
            Your apartment was quiet save for the metallic hum of the microwave. You stared at Jules’ closed bedroom door, & it was only then that you realized you hadn’t checked your phone whatsoever since Jack arrived. There was still a minute left on the microwave. You decided you’d go snatch your phone from your room really quickly then give Jules a call while you ate. But just as you entered the hallway, you heard the familiar sound of her keys in the door.
            As quietly as you possibly could, you backed up back into the living room then raced across the room to the kitchen, trying to look as natural as possible. But as you listened for Jules’ footsteps, you picked up on another.
            She wasn’t alone.
            You glanced down. You were in your robe but only your robe. Jack made quick work of discarding your matching bra & underwear. There was a throw blanket on the back of the couch. You made to move towards it, hoping to get it wrapped around you since the robe did little to really cover you, but just as you did, two figures appeared on the other end of the room.
            “Jules?” You frowned. She was slumped against Rafe.
            Your eyes flashed to his, your state of dress forgotten, “What the hell happened?”
            “Yeah, I don’t think she’s much of a heavyweight anymore. She was falling asleep at the bar.”
            Shaking your head, you approached the two of them. Rafe still held her up as you patted her cheeks, “Jules, babe, wake up.”
            But she only moaned & swatted your hand away, “Sleepy.”
            “Okay, okay.” You couldn’t help the glare you threw at Rafe. Whether or not it was his fault, she had only gotten this drunk in the last week while in his presence. You hoped it was just a coincidence but you wouldn’t settle on it quite yet.
            “Can you get some water, I got it from here.” You told Rafe before slipping her into your arms. Jules managed to use her feet to assist you in assisting her as you brought her back to her bed. Jules sighed happily at the sight of her bed before throwing herself down on it.
            You knelt beside the bed, tucking her hair behind her ear, “Did you drink a lot again?”
            “Mmm. Probably.”
            You sucked on your lip, “Jules, you can’t be drinking like that. You gotta be safe.”
            “Safe…very safe.” She mumbled, turning her head away from you as she curled into herself.
            The air in the room shifted as Rafe entered behind you. You stood up, taking the glass of water from him none-too-gently & putting it on her nightstand.
            “You can leave.” You told him without looking at him, “Thanks for getting her home.”
            Rafe scoffed behind you but said nothing. You listened as you heard his steps leave the room. Releasing a breath of air, you stared at your best friend as she slept soundlessly.
            “Jules…” You whispered to no one. Taking her shoes off, you threw one of her loose blankets over her & switched her light off. You’d be talking with her in the morning. You had to make sure that her getting so drunk was her doing & not Rafe’s.
            A muffled gasp escaped you as you closed her door, not expecting to see Rafe leaning against the wall just on the other side.
            You had your hand over your mouth to keep from waking Jules or Jack, but you glared hotly at Rafe over your hand.
            Closing Jules door, you stepped closer to him, hissing, “I told you to leave.”
            Rafe frowned, “Okay, sorry. I thought you just meant the room.”
            “You knew exactly what I meant.”
            You turned away from him, quietly stomping towards the kitchen. Rafe followed behind you.
            “What’s your problem? I thought you’d thank me.”
            “And I did.” You bit back. You were struggling to contain your anger. You had no proof that Rafe actually did anything, after all, he was helpful just last weekend & brought Jules back home tonight, but it still didn’t sit well with you. And your mom always taught you to trust your gut.
            “So why the hostile attitude? Did I do something wrong?”
            Inhaling sharply, you yanked open the microwave door. The food was steaming. But you had lost your appetite.
            “No.” You replied shortly, uncaring if you sounded convincing or not.
            You touched the plate but as you did, you hissed in pain. You were too caught up in your frustrations to remember to grab the plate of food with a hand towel.
            “You okay?” Rafe moved closer, peering down at you as you stuck your thumb in your mouth, sucking on it.
            You grunted in response. But Rafe just stared at you in disbelief.
            “If you run it under cold water it’ll help better.” He told you, his voice flat.
            “I know that.”
            Instead of approaching you, he backed up to the sink, flicking the faucet handle. Then he gestured to the sink, “Well.”
            Biting your lip in mild irritation, you neared the sink & stuck your thumb under the water. It wouldn’t burn, not visibly anyway, but it still hurt like a bitch. The cool water helped though.
            As the water cooled the sensation of your pulsing thumb, so did your anger. Shaking your head, you finally looked at Rafe over your shoulder, “I’m sorry. Thank you for helping her home.”
            “You’re welcome.” He returned, but the nicety has left his voice. He was as irritated as you had been.
            “It’s just, she doesn’t get drunk like this.” You told him, “I mean, she does! But it takes a lot. Like a lot, a lot. So, seeing her get this drunk twice in one week, just has me concerned.”
            “Well, I was there, & I’m telling you, she didn’t drink a lot. I don’t know, obviously, what her ‘a lot’ is, but it wasn’t a lot to me. A beer, three cocktails, & two shots.”
            You thought on it. That was still excessive, at least in your opinion. Jules could normally handle a bit more than that but perhaps Rafe was right. Maybe her tolerance was just changing for some reason all of a sudden.
            “Guess it makes sense.” You mumbled. Your thumb felt better at that point so you turned the faucet off.
            “So, what’s a lot to you?” You asked him, wanting to shift the negative energy between the two of you.
            Rafe glanced at you in momentary confusion before shrugging, “More than that.”
            “Guess that makes sense, too.” You chuckled softly, “You were a big partier in high school.”
            Finally, Rafe’s stone expression cracked as a smirk tugged on the corner of his lips, “Yeah, true.”
            The room was silent for a beat until your stomach growled. Your appetite had returned. Turning your back on Rafe, you went to the microwave & tapped the plate, testing the heat. It was grabbable now. You removed your food from the appliance then took your plate to the table. Rafe watched you silently before slowly approaching you.
            “So, you & Jack, huh?”
            “Hmm?” You flicked your eyes to his, before realizing what he had asked, “Oh, uh, yeah.”
            Rafe nodded, slowly dragging out the chair opposite you before sitting down.
            “And you & Jules.” You added, not wanting you or Jack to be the focus at that point in time.
            “Mhmm.” Rafe pursed his lips, cocking his head as he peered at you, “And you & me.”
            You scrunched your nose in discomfort, but offered an awkward smile nonetheless, “Yup.”
            “Does Jack know?” His question surprised you.
            You glanced away to cut into your enchilada, blowing on it, then placing it in your mouth. You chewed, staring back at Rafe. Then you shrugged.
            “I take that as a ‘no’.”
            “Well, it’s not like we’re together, him & I. He doesn’t need to know about my hook-ups. I don’t ask about his.”
            “But you want to date him.” It wasn’t a question but you still treated it as such.
            “Um, no? I don’t know. Why do you ask?” You took another bite, a lump forming in your throat at Rafe’s invasive questions.
            “Ah, well, Jules was saying that she thought you really liked this Jack guy, more than normal. Said you guys have been seeing each other pretty much everyday since last weekend.” For some odd reason, you felt like you were being interrogated, like a parent trying to get to know their teen daughter’s boyfriend before ultimately deciding that they weren’t good enough for her.
            You shrugged, “Yeah, I guess. But, same could be said about you & Jules.”
            Rafe raised his brows at that, “Yeah?”
            You nodded, “She almost lied to me tonight. Didn’t tell me who she was seeing. She’s never done that before. Plus, she admitted as much that she liked you more than just for hooking up.”
            “Hmm.” He looked away, deep in thought.
            “How does that make you feel?” It was your turn to interrogate him.
            “Not a lot.” Rafe returned quickly. His cold response had your earlier anger become lightly reignited.
            “And that means…?”
            Rafe leaned forward, his elbows on his knees as he gazed at you, “She’s nice, hot, fun. But…she’s not you.”
            The sound of your fork clattering against the plate as it slipped from your fingers made you jump slightly. Your body felt tense at Rafe’s confession. But you had to play it off. Quickly snatching the fork back up, you brushed off his comment with a sheepish chuckle, “Funny.”
            But Rafe didn’t share in your amusement. His unwavering stare was only evidence of his seriousness.
            “What are you trying to say, Rafe?”
            He sighed, his eyes dropping to the opening of your robe. You glanced down & quickly snatched the fabric closer to your chest. He smirked at that.
            “I’m saying that I know you’re wearing nothing under that & I want to see what you’re trying to hide from me.”
            You sputtered in shock, staring at him wide-eyed, “Are you fucking serious?”
            Rafe raised his eyes to yours, “Deadly.”
            “Alright, okay.” You stood up, your half-eaten food forgotten on the table, “I don’t know what the hell you think—’
            But Rafe stood too, quickly invading your space as you stood there attempting to talk him down. He pressed his chest against you & you didn’t have time to create space before he gripped one of your hips. A surprised hiss escaped your lips at his abrupt manhandling.
            “I think that dumbass in there can’t please you like I can.” Rafe spoke lowly, his voice even but firm.
            You swallowed, putting your hands on his chest in an attempt to push yourself away from him, but Rafe was quick to snatch both your wrists in his other hand.
            “What are you doing?” Panic flooded you. If Rafe was fucking with you, you weren’t finding it very funny.
            “I told you.” Rafe then quickly yanked on the ties of your robe & your robe fell open.
            You gasped as cool air suddenly brushed over your exposed front. You instinctively made to cover yourself help but Rafe still held your wrists in his hand. You were breathing heavily, watching in a daze as Rafe’s eyes darkened, staring at your body.
            Then, just as quickly as it happened, Rafe looked back up at you & smirked. Then he let you go.
            “Have a good night.”
            Like whiplash, Rafe was there one second then gone the next. You stood there in the center of your kitchen staring into the direction of the hallway where Rafe disappeared to. The front door to your apartment closed in the distance & you finally released a breath of air you had been holding.
            Then everything that just occurred finally hit you.
            “What. The. Fuck.”
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            The next couple months were weird, to say the least. After Rafe revealed yourself to him he was around way too much. He & Jules began spending a lot of time together & before you knew it, they were dating. DATING.
            You sat on what he had done for a couple days before you finally told her about it. Or least, a little bit about it.
            First, you started by asking her if she was really serious about Rafe, like had real feelings for him. When she admitted that she did, you felt torn on telling her the whole truth or just a version of the truth. You eventually settled on just telling her variation of it.
            What you ended up telling her was that he came onto you again but you had rejected him & then he left. That was basically what happened, but you didn’t mention him undoing your robe, & you weren’t sure why. Rafe was no friend to you so you had no need to protect him, but Jules was your friend, & you had never seen her hung up on someone the way she was about Rafe.
            You had seen Rafe multiple times in the window between his harassment of you in the kitchen to telling Jules about it, & in that time he never said or tried anything again. He hardly even looked at you. You reminded yourself that he was an asshole in high school & that he likely viewed what he did as just a humiliating prank. But it wasn’t. Had you not already hooked-up with him you likely would’ve told Jules the whole truth, but since Rafe had already seen you naked & was just pulling one of those idiotic Alpha moves on you in the kitchen, you figured as long as it never happened again you could deal with seeing him & Jules together all the time.
            But it still ate away at you. It bothered you that he had the audacity to not only do that but then move forward & decide to date your best friend. But Jules was happy, more so, she was drinking less. It was the least you could ask for in her questionable relationship with Rafe Cameron.
            On the bright side, Jules wasn’t the only one to enter into an official relationship. After a few weeks of hanging out with Jack & having some of the best sex of your life, you & Jack progressed into a relationship. It felt like ages since you last had a boyfriend, but it felt nice. He was quickly becoming one of your favorite people. Even better, he & Jules got along great. She’d often join you guys on the couch when you watched a movie or show or even help out in the kitchen as the two of you made dinner. They were all good times, but they were often soured by the presence of Rafe.
            Now that you & Jules were in relationships, there was an ungodly amount of times when all four of you would hangout. It was like double dating all the time. If Jules & Rafe wanted to go out to the bars, they’d always convinces Jack to convince you. And then on nights when you worked, Jack would sometimes come in to see you, & right behind him would be Jules & Rafe. Your apartment with Jules was quickly becoming a home to your respective boyfriends.
            Your relationship with Rafe was interesting, too. Though he never made comments or did anything like he did that night in the kitchen, he still always found a reason to talk to you. It was never about anything especially important or engaging, but always just enough to have you two at least carry a conversation for some time.
            Jack still never knew about you & Rafe hooking up the night you all met & you wanted to keep it that way. In fact, you made Jules promise that she would tell Rafe to keep his mouth shut because if ever said anything, even eluded to it, you would make sure he’d regret it. And so far, Rafe never peeped a word about it. The only downside to Jack never knowing about your tryst with Rafe was that they too became good friends.
            Oftentimes, you’d see them laughing loudly with one another, like slapping each other laughing, & always having each other’s back on nights out if for some reason they came across a belligerent asshole. A small part of you was relieved that everything was seemingly working out, but a majority of you knew everything was too good to be true. It’d only be so long before the other shoe dropped. And what kind of shoe it would be had you constantly on the edge…
            But that was the least of your worries as you rushed to get ready. That morning, your mom called you to remind of the charity gala that was being hosted in her name & how you promised to be there. The event had completely slipped your mind. So, all day you were frazzled with that now being your mission. You were forced to call Rosie & explain everything to him, apologizing that it slipped your mind & you would be able to come into work. Fortunately, Rosie said he’d take care of it & that he would see the following night.
            After that, you drove to the shopping district hoping you’d find a dress that would be appropriate enough for the gala. These gala’s your mom attended were high class. No ball gowns or anything extravagant like that (though some people did wear stuff like that), but it was definitely an excuse for those in attendance to show off some of the nicer items in their closet. You had none.
            You got lucky when you found a dress that you could keep & wear again. It was equally elegant as it was just the right amount of sex appeal. Unfortunately, due to the short notice, Jack would not be able to come with you. You learned early on in your relationship that Jack moved to town to open his own café. It had a rough start but once the warmer months came it became a huge hit so he was spending a lot of his time there to help out. And tonight they were having an open mic night for comedians, poets, musicians. It was their first one so he couldn’t miss it.
            You were going to ask Jules next if she wanted to be your date but when you went to her room earlier that day, you could hear her throwing up in the bathroom. She had come down with the flu. So, she was a no go. It bummed you out that you wouldn’t have a date but it was your own fault for completely forgetting about it.
            It was thirty minutes before the gala started & you had just finished getting ready. You still had to drive 20 minutes to the venue so you would be cutting it close but at least you’d be on time. Before you left, you sped-walk to Jules’ room to check on her. She was sound asleep in her bed, a humidifier next to her bed billowing warm, wet air. You quicky stepped into the room & kissed your fingers before placing them on her forehead. You couldn’t afford getting sick after bailing on Rosie tonight.
            Then, you were out the door.
            You recognized the address as being somewhere in the industrial district on the north side of town. That thought made you groan, you hoped they had valet parking.
Traffic was a bitch but you made it with two minutes to spare. Thank you, Valet.
            Once you were inside, you sought out your mom. You found her in the middle of greeting guests as they entered the building.
            “Oh, honey!” She exclaimed, “I’m so happy you could make it.”
            “Of course, Mom. Is there an open bar?” You asked once she pulled away.
            Your mom rolled her eyes knowingly, “So much of your father in you. Yes, yes. The venue is up those stairs there, the bar portion is in a separate room across from it.”           
            “Great, thank you.” You kissed her on the cheek, antsy to at least get a glass of wine in your system.
            She waved you off to continue welcoming guests while you went to go retrieve a drink. After you succeeded in getting your wine, you entered the gala. You nodded impressively. There were a few faces you recognized as close friends of your mom’s & forced yourself to make small talk as you mingled your way over to a table by the windows. Once you made it through, you took a moment to yourself to relax. Your whole day had felt rushed & chaotic so you were happy to finally be off your feet with some sort of alcohol before you to keep you going.
            The charity event started soon thereafter, & before you knew it, you were enjoying your drink, watching as a couple hundred middle aged rich folk raised their hands for the auction portion. Once the auction was through, the host announced that dinner was served & to help yourselves & to enjoy the night while it was still young. You checked the time on your phone, noting it was only 8 in the evening. Your mom begged you to stay at least until 9 that way she can finish making her rounds then she could focus her time on you. You begrudgingly promised you would.
            When she disappeared, you decided to get your glass refilled. You were snaking your way between bodies, aiming for the doors that would lead you to the bar when you abruptly ran into another person.
            “Sorry!” You exclaimed, feeling embarrassed for not watching where you were going. But when the person you ran into turned around, the apologetic expression on your face fell.
            “Well, well. Fancy seeing you here, huh?” Rafe grinned, clearly not expecting to see you either.
            “Fancy.” You deadpanned, turning away to continue on your way. What the hell was he doing there?
            Once you made it to the edge of the room though, you felt a slight tug on your elbow, deterring you from your destination. A curse died on your tongue as you glared at Rafe dragging you through a set of glass doors & onto a patio. You didn’t even know there was a patio. Had you, you would’ve hidden out there all night to avoid Rafe,
            “What are you doing here?” He asked, admiring your outfit.
            “You first.” You battled.
            Rafe chuckled but answered, “Networking.”
            Rafe rolled his eyes, sighing, “My dad’s business?”
            You pursed your lips. You supposed it made sense. But Jules hadn’t mentioned it.
            “Why isn’t Jules here then?” You knew well enough that she was sick & resting at home, but since she had never mentioned it, you wondered if Rafe had even bothered to mention it to her.
            “Because I didn’t ask her.” Rafe responded like it was the most obvious answer in the whole world. But you wouldn’t accept.
            “God, you are such an asshole. She’s crazy about you, ya know. And you treat her like crap.”
            Rafe bit his lip in though, narrowing his eyes at you, “You sure about that? Pretty sure I actually spoil her. More than she’s worth.”
            “Oh, you—” All the possible offensive terms you could think of threatened to spill out but this wasn’t the time or the place, “That’s it. When I get back home, I’m telling her everything.”
            You spun on your heel then, prepared to go find your mom & apologize but you had to leave early. You couldn’t stand to be here for a second longer knowing Rafe asshole Cameron was present.
            But when you left the patio & entered the hall, where there was conveniently no one was around, Rafe snagged you by the waist before shoving you into a bathroom.
            “Rafe, goddamnit!” But Rafe shook you to your core when he pressed your back against the wall & covered your mouth. His hand going to the handle on the door & locking it.
            “I’m gonna take my hand off now, think you can shut the fuck up for two seconds?”
            You glared at him but nodded once. Rafe removed his hand but only stared at you.
            You slapped your hands together, waiting for him to get it over with.
            “I don’t know what the fuck you want, _____. You’re so annoyingly confusing. More than most women.”
            You frowned at that. What was he talking about?
            “You come onto me the night we meet then you suddenly want nothing to do with me. I never asked you out on a date because you said you weren’t interested in dating. I was fine with that, though. I could live with just hooking up. But then come to find out you’re dating Jack, fucking him, too. So, now I look like an idiot because you told me you don’t date. And that’s a lie. So, when I found out & tried coming onto you again that night in your apartment, you rejected me. All for that dumbass in your bed. I mean, what is a guy supposed to think? I’ve been very patient, waiting for you & Jack to get through whatever it is you guys think you’re doing but nope, nope, Jack’s here to stay, Jack’s such a good guy, Jack’s the one.”
            All of his words were becoming jumbled together in your brain. You could do nothing but stare at him wide-eyed & in shock.
            Rafe was huffing, his lips in an upside down smile as he stared through you, “What do you have to say, huh? Because now, all this time, pretending to be into Jules, I’ve just been trying to get close to you. To show you that I’m who you want. That you regret rejecting me. And you can’t say I haven’t been good because I have been. I don’t touch you, flirt with you, make it obvious that I want to fuck your brains out, that I want to beat Jack to a pulp every single time I see him put his hands on you. It should be me, _____. You know that.”
            A surprised but unamused sigh left you. Everything you thought about Rafe was true, but just much worse. He was only dating Jules because of you. Only hanging around because of you. You needed to snuff this man out.
            “Rafe…” You licked your lips, struggling to find the words, “I don’t know where, at any point, you got into your head that we were something more than just a spontaneous, convenient hook-up but that’s all it was. Okay? That’s it. There was sexual tension & I acted on it. Simple as that. I mean, you were gone the next morning! We had nothing more than just casual, one-time sex.”
            Rafe’s eyes narrowed as you spoke.
            “And as far as Jack goes, that’s none of your damn business. I meant what I said when I told you I don’t date but things change, & I don’t care how fast they change, I don’t owe you anything. I’m not some fucking prize that you are competing against Jack for, & even if I was, let me tell you, he is by far a better man you will ever be. A real man doesn’t use a woman to get closer to her roommate, to try & make her roommate, I don’t know, fall for him? That’s some psycho sociopathic shit, right there. Okay?! So, what you’re gonna do now, is you’re gonna call Jules & you’re gonna break up with her. I don’t care how you do it, but you’re gonna get it done. I would love nothing more than to tell her myself about how much of a piece of shit you are, but she’s my friend. My best friend. And I don’t want to hurt her. So, the least you can do is soften the blow.”
            It looked as if he wasn’t listening anymore, his eyes glazing over, but you knew he was. He was hearing every single world.
            “Man up.” You stepped forward, “And give her what she deserves.”
            His eyes finally shifted back to yours, “Careful what you wish for.”
            The look in his eyes sparked a bout of fear within you.
            But then Rafe was unlocking the bathroom door & next thing you knew he was gone. Your heart was racing, the interaction an explosion of emotions. But with him gone, you were finally able to relax against the wall. You placed your hand on your chest, willing your heart to slow down. Jesus. This day just wouldn’t give you a break, would it?
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            Unfortunately, your night never improved. When you got home later that night, you could hear Jules crying in her room. As relieved as you were that Rafe called her, you were still disheartened to hear her sobs from the front door. Stopping by your room first, you kicked off your heels & tossed your keys on the bed. Then you hesitantly walked towards her room. Her door was cracked open.
            You were about to enter her room but another’s voice stopped you.
            “I’m sorry, Jules.” Rafe.
            What the fuck was he doing here?!
            Not waiting to get answers from Jules, you slapped her door open, standing angrily in her doorway. Jules & Rafe were on her bed & Rafe was holding her as she cried into his chest.
            “What the hell’s going on here?”
            Jules looked up then but her solemn face quickly turned to one of anger as she set her eyes on you. She stood up, looking you directly in the eye, “I should be asking you that! I trusted you!”
            You stared at her in confusion before glancing at Rafe who sat smugly on the edge of her bed.
            “Jules, look, I don’t know what that fuck told you but he’s ly—”
            “Lying?!” Jules questioned, her voice growing louder, “Yeah, he said you’d say that. But he told me everything!”
            You crossed your arms over your chest, glaring at the unapologetic look on Rafe’s face, “And what was that?”
            “That you’ve been coming onto him for months!” Jules screeched, “I knew bringing him around was going to be weird but if you still had feelings for him then you should have told me! Now you’re telling him to break up with me so you can have him. I can’t believe you would do that!”
            “What?!” You raised your voice, “No, no, that is not what’s happening. He’s the asshole, the creep!”
            “Oh, shut up, _____!” Jules glared at you through her angry tears, “He has proof of you saying so!”
            You stumbled at that, “Proof? What? What proof, Jules?”
            She spun around, snatching a phone that wasn’t hers off the bed before raising it up between the two of you. She clacked on it & then turned the volume up. It was your voice that came out.
            So, what you’re gonna do now, is you’re gonna call Jules & you’re gonna break up with her. I don’t care how you do it, but you’re gonna get it done.
            “Motherfucker…” You whispered in disbelief. But then the recording stopped. Jules played it again.
            You shot your eyes between the two of them before settling on Jules, “That’s all he recorded? You don’t think that’s weird, Jules? There’s nothing before, nothing after, it’s all out of context. Yes, I told him to break up with you but so I could have him! He’s a fucking psycho!”
            Jules shook her head, chuckling darkly as she tossed the phone back on her bed, “I want you out of this apartment. Tonight. And then I never want to see you again.”
            “Jules! No, what? Wait!” But she was shoving you out of her room & before you could get another word out, she slammed her door in your face.
            “Rafe, you fucking asshole! Tell her the truth!” You beat against the door but all you could make out on the other side was Jules bitching about you before her room started blaring music.
            You couldn’t believe this was happening. Rafe had gotten to her. Turned your closest friend against you. Well. Fuck him. He wasn’t going to win. Not that easily. Jules wanted to never see you again, that’s too damn bad. Because you weren’t going anywhere, not as long as Rafe was in her ear feeding her lies.
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            You walked into work angrily the following night. Your coworkers greeted you but you could only manage a grunt. Jules was far from happy to see you when you came out of your room that morning but you needed to show her that you weren’t going anywhere.
            “My name’s on the lease. I pay rent. I’m staying.” You told her to which she sneered at you before grabbing her coffee & disappearing in her room.
            Her door was closed but you told her through the door that you would never betray her like that. That the person who was lying to her was Rafe. She never responded, & you never saw her again before you left for work. But you wouldn’t give up.
            You threw on your outfit for your shift then left in poor spirits. Working helped you distract yourself from the bullshit of your disastrous home life & potential friend break-up. It was busy & your regulars listened to you as you told a few of them about few details of your dilemma. They all held hope for you & Jules to figure things out. That left you feeling slightly better. But around midnight, an unexpected guest appeared at the far end of the bar. You smiled for the first time in 24 hours but your smile quickly fell at the furious expression on Jack’s face.
            “Hey.” You said warily, flipping over a 16oz to pour his usual beer.
            “I’m not staying.” Jack told you, his voice hard.
            That wasn’t a good sign.
            “I just came to tell you that Jules told me everything. The recording, everything.”
            “Jack.” You sighed exhaustedly. After last night’s intense fallout, you didn’t think to call Jack & tell him what happened. But you never thought Jules would reach out to him herself.
            “Save it.” He held up his hand, “I just wanted to tell you in person.”
            Before you could try to defend yourself or even explain a little bit, Jack was out the door. You watched tiredly through the windows as he sped off.
            Jack didn’t understand either. He would, but not yet. First, you had to get Jules to know the truth, get Rafe out of the picture, then after all that, you & Jules would tell Jack the truth together. You just had to be strong.
            “You alright, kid?” Rosie’s voice sounded behind you.
            You pressed your lips together, feeling them shake. You felt like crying but you forced yourself not to. Rafe couldn’t get away with this.
            Turning around, your head hung low, you simply nodded to Rosie.
            “Why don’t you take a ten. I can man the bar, start closing duties.”
            You didn’t have the energy to debate it. You exited the bar & went to sit at the far end. Pulling out your phone, you hoped to see any messages from Jules but there was nothing. You tried calling her but your call went straight to voicemail. She likely blocked you. Good thing you lived down the hallway from her.
            Holding your head in your hands, you thought about how you got here. How the fuck did you get here? Everything was fine & then suddenly it wasn’t. You realized you should’ve told Jules about Rafe from the beginning. Told her about how he came onto you in the kitchen that night. If you had, Rafe wouldn’t be in the picture, you & Jules would still be friends, & Jack would be drinking a beer less than 10 feet from you.
            “Fucking Rafe…” You muttered out loud.
            Could this night get any worse?
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            Unfortunately yes, yes it could.
            You kicked at the tire of your car, frustrated that it suddenly wouldn’t start. Rosie had already left. He closed up The Garage with you & walked with you to your vehicles. But while he started his up & pulled out of the parking lot, you sat behind your wheel staring mindlessly out the windshield. You so desperately just wanted to talk to Jules, to just tell her everything. It had only been 24 hours & all you wanted was your best friend back.
            So, when you finally broke out of your thoughts & went to start your car, it only added to your shitty night that the engine sputtered then died.
            “Fuuuuuuck!” You screamed, beating your hands against the dashboard. Your hands were throbbing afterwards but you could barely feel it. And if you thought it still couldn’t get any worse, pulling out your phone & finding it dead only proved you wrong.
            “’Course.” Tossing your phone back into your bag, you glared at the bar across from you. There was chargers inside, but Rosie had the keys to get in & you had no phone to call him.
            Getting out, you locked up your car before rounding to the front. There was no point in checking under the hood, you would have no idea where to look first. You had always said that one day you’d learn car stuff for shit exactly like this, but you had yet to do it. It would be next on your agenda. After getting Jules back.
            You glared into the darkness of the road. The Garage was on a long stretch of a two-lane highway. During the day it was used regularly, but as soon as night came, the only reason people were on it was to come to your place of work. There would be no one. It was then that you decided you were going to be forced to walk back home. It was only a mile or so walk, most of it being spent on the highway, but you weren’t stoked about walking down a dark, desolate highway in the middle of the night.
            But what choice did you have?
            Facing your car once more, you kicked at her tire, “See you in the morning, princess.”
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            You were only about ten minutes into your walk, your jacket wrapped securely around you as you stomped along the pavement, when you heard an engine in the distance. Now, you weren’t one of those girls who thought to yourself ‘oh, kidnapping wouldn’t happen to me, that’s only in the news’. So, you had no plans to put your thumb out & hitching a ride. Even if it was a nice elderly woman. You had seen too many true crime documentaries. It was better to be distrusting then it was to trust the wrong person.
            Unlike Jules, you thought bitterly. But it wasn’t her fault. It was all Rafe’s.
            When the engine grew closer, you moved off the highway. There were no streetlights on this stretch of the highway, so the driver wouldn’t spot you until they passed you. It also helped you were wearing darker clothes. Otherwise whoever it was might get some sort of idea. And if they did spot you whether before or after they passed you, you were mentally preparing yourself to launch yourself into the woods & make a run for it.
            You glanced over your shoulder as you walked, spotting two headlights in the distance. You hoped they would hurry & pass you by so you could walk freely again without worrying about getting snatched off the road. You already had enough stress on your plate.
            The engine grew closer but as it did you could hear begin to slow down.
            Still walking, not wanting to let whoever it was get closer, you spun around expecting to see a middle-aged man giving you a toothy smile. But the lights were so bright you couldn’t make out anything. All you could see was the silhouette of someone sitting in the drivers seat. They didn’t move closer, they didn’t signal for you, they didn’t do anything. Just idled there in the middle of the highway.
            “Alright…” You could feel panic begin to grip you. “That’s not a red flag.”
            But it didn’t stop you. You just kept walking. And as you did, you heard the truck begin to roll closer. As it did, you moved further off the highway until you were forced to walk on the dirt along the tree line.
            You breathing fast at that point. As subtly as you could, you reached into your bag, looking for your taser. You had never had to use it before but you always kept it charged in the off chance you’d need to. And now seemed like it would potentially be that time.
            The sound of your name horrified you, but more than that, it was the voice that carried it.
            You spun around on your heel, staring wide-eyed as Rafe hung an arm outside his window, his eyes dead set on you.
            “What the fuck do you want?”
            “Need a ride?” He asked, ignoring your question, but there was no sense of wanting to help you in his tone.
            “Fuck no.” You spit, glaring hotly at him, “I am walking home. Carry on.”
            “I’m heading there anyway.” Rafe smirked, “Booty call. You know how it goes.”
            You made a face of disgust. He still had the audacity to talk poorly about Jules even after convincing her that you were the bad guy. But were you surprised? No, no you weren’t.
            “Just fuck off, Rafe.” You dismissed him with a flick of your hand before marching ahead. Much to your chagrin, Rafe only followed alongside you in his truck. You made sure to keep a good distance between where you walked & where his door was. If he decided to jump you again like he had at the charity gala the previous night, you wanted a head start into the woods.
            “We can talk.” He stated, “Work something out. I can get Jules to forgive you.”
            You shook your head in disbelief, running your tongue along your teeth in annoyance. He was just egging you on, wanting to get a rise out of you. Like always.
            “C’mon, you know you’re tempted.” His voice grew lower.
            “The only thing I’m tempted to do is rip your fucking throat out & shove it up your ass so you can taste your own shit.”
            “Well,” Rafe chuckled darkly, “I’d need my throat to taste it, wouldn’t I?”
            Stamping your foot against the pavement, you finally stopped to face him again, “God, can you just leave me the fuck alone?! You got Jules, you won, she fucking hates my guts. I’m the bad guy in this story, I get it. Your narrative is working out great for you, Rafe. So if you’re done boasting, please! Leave. Me. Alone.”
            He peered at you through heavily hooded eyes, an unimpressed smirk appearing on his face, “I didn’t win, _____. Jules isn’t who I want. You know that.”
            His words chilled you to your core. It was then that you were reminded of where you were, or weren’t, which was pretty much in the middle of nowhere. Just you & Rafe.
            “I just want to walk home, okay?” You felt your voice shake with fear. Rafe smiled then. He heard it, too.
            “Ad I’m offering you a ride.”
            You felt your eyes begin to water as you stared past him into the cab. If you got in the cab, there was no saying what he would do to you. Your chances were better outside of the truck.
            “I’m not gonna ask again. Get in the truck, or I’ll fucking make you get in the truck.”
            You shook your head, taking a step back. His eyes flashed to the movement before flickering back up to yours. His gaze hardened, “Fine. My way it is.”
            Before he could shift his truck into park, you were already diving into the trees & running at a full sprint. It wasn’t a second or two later when you heard Rafe’s door slam shut before the sound of foliage being crushed sounded behind you.
            “_____!” Rafe yelled, “Get back here!”
            His voice, full of anger & determination, bounced off the trees as you ran past them & further into the woods. You couldn’t see shit in the dark & you could feel your ankles stumbling & whining in discomfort as you tried to keep your feet ahead of you on the uneven earth. Scared tears coated your cheeks as you pumped your legs, begging to any god anywhere to please get you out of there. But no divine intervention intervened.
            It was the worst feeling you could imagine when you felt a hand grip the fabric of your jacket & yank you backwards. The wind was knocked out of you when Rafe threw you to the forest floor.
            “We coulda worked this out.” Rafe huffed as he stood over you.
            You rolled onto your side, desperate for your lungs to open so you could breathe. But Rafe circled around you like a vulture getting ready for the kill. You weren’t sure you’d even get another breath of air before he stole whatever you had left.
            “We coulda talked, came to some sort of agreement!” He yelled in frustration, “But you’re just so fucking stubborn, so fucking defiant. You like that with Jack?”
            Rafe laughed darkly to himself, “Something tells me you’re not. You’re probably the most perfect woman with him.”
            You gasped sharply, painfully, when your lungs finally opened. Then you were coughing. But as you were coughing, you were searching for your bag in the dark. The taser. If you got your hands on that, you may have a chance.
            “Looking for this.” Rafe questioned.
            In the dark, you peered over at him as he held your purse by a single finger. He shook his head knowingly before gathering it in the palm of his hand & chucking it into the forest. You heard it thud somewhere in the distance. Fresh tears escaped you as Rafe used his shoe to roll you over onto your back.
            “Please, Rafe, don’t. I’m sorry for running.” You weren’t, but it was survival now to kiss up to him.
            But Rafe just stared down at you, “It’s too late for your apologies.”
            He bent at the knees then before grabbing a fistful of your hair & forcing you upwards into a sitting position. A pained whimper parted your lips, forcing you to bite your lip to stifle them.
            “What do you want then?” You cried out, your hands clinging to the grip he held on your hair.
            “Same thing as before.” Rafe responded, his voice flat & emotionless. You stopped crying to stare at him. He only gazed at you unfeelingly.
            “No.” You shook in his hold. “No!”
            You screamed & thrashed, trying to kick at him but Rafe easily overpowered you, forcing you back on your back as he climbed on top of you.
            “No! No! No!” You screamed, cried, begged over & over again. But all of your fight was falling on deaf ears. You beat your fists against his chest & back as he wrestled with you to get your jeans off. The chill of the forest erupted your skin with goosebumps & you felt like your heart was going to burst outside of your chest.
            Rafe was quick to remove his own jeans, shoving them down his thighs. Once he did, he focused on your upper half, yanking your arms out the sleeves of your jacket before pulling the top of your tube top down. You were practically fully naked in the middle of nowhere with Rafe Cameron on top of you.
            But that didn’t matter. You never stopped resisting him, never stopped trying to get him off you or hurt him. Everything you did though, it was like it didn’t register to him. Like he didn’t feel any of it. You knew Rafe was scary but this was a new level. He was a fucking monster.
            His fingers hooked around the fabric of your underwear & tugged on it until you heard the seams snap & tear. You desperately reached for the back of his hand, grabbing two handfuls of his hair before yanking as hard as you could.
            It was the first reaction Rafe gave. He hissed in response, ripping his head out from under your grasp. It was a short-lived win before you saw him raise the back of his hand & whip it across your face. A sharp gasp left you at the assault, & you tasted blood on your tongue as your lower lip burned.
            “This is what you said, _____.” Rafe snarled as he finished tearing your underwear from your body, “’Man up & give her what she deserves’. Those are your words.”
            Sobs racked your body as he repeated back to you your own demand of him.
            “That’s exactly,” He snatched you by the throat & raised you up enough until his face was only an inch away from your own, “what I’m doing. I’m giving you exactly what you deserve. What I should’ve done from the beginning.”
            He released you, & your head smacked against the soft earth but it did little to comfort the blow.
            You whimpered like a beaten & abused dog as Rafe wrestled your legs apart to fit himself snugly in between them. You placed your hands on his chest, using all your strength to prevent him from crushing you with his body but your strength was nothing compared to his. He forced your elbows to bend as he lowered himself on top of you until your chest were pressed against one another.
            “Don’t cry.” He kissed you on the side of your mouth, forcing you to whip your face away from him, “It’s nothing we haven’t done already.”
            A sharp pain shot up your spine as Rafe forced himself inside you. He chuckled darkly to himself as one of his hands caught you by your chin, forcing you to look at him. You desperately searched for anywhere else to look that wasn’t him but he was all you could see. That smug & evil smirk, the glint & prideful glow in his eyes. It only grew worse when he began to groan as he snapped his hips against yours.
            Your fingers dug themselves into the earth as Rafe raped you on the forest floor. You were hyperventilating beneath him, unfeeling from the waist down, but it was a nightmare you couldn’t wake up from. You wished you could do what some women had reported happening when they were raped & how they were able to shut off their mind & go anywhere else, but yours wasn’t doing that. It was happening & you couldn’t stop it.
            Rafe tucked his face into your neck as he moaned loudly & freely, like a predator having caught his unwilling prey in the world of beasts. No one was coming. No one could hear your cries. This was Darwinism at it’s finest. Only the strong survived.
            Your tears had stopped but you were still panting, staring past Rafe’s head at the tops of the trees. You couldn’t make out the night sky beyond them. Everywhere you looked was pitch darkness, & you saw it most whenever Rafe forced you to look at him while he fucked you to his hearts content.
            It felt like hours before he finally came. He growled like the beast he was as he thrusted himself inside you as deep as he could go. You groaned in pain as your hips flared at the stretch of them. Your body shook beneath him as he stilled completely above you. But you could still feel his cock spitting his seed inside of you. The fact of that made bile rise in your throat.
            Rafe rolled off you a second later, hissing as his own body shook with the aftershocks of his orgasm. An ungodly burning & stinging pain originated from between your legs & you were terrified to see what he did to you.
            Then he started laughing. It wasn’t the loud, jovial kind you often heard in your bar, but the snarky, cocky kind that reminded you exactly of who he was in high school. You had heard it plenty of times.
            “God, that was good.” Rafe breathed out, “My imagination whenever I fuck Jules doesn’t even come close to that.”
            Jules’ face flashed through your mind & you rushed upwards. You turned to the side, holding your stomach as you bent over & vomited. Tears returned to your eyes, blurring your already dizzying vision as you emptied what little contents were in your stomach. As you continued to only throw up stomach acid & a few bites of food, you felt a hand on your back.
            A fit of fury came over you & you lashed out at Rafe as he attempting to comfort you. After he just raped you! It was a joke.
            But Rafe yowled as you swung your arm at him. This stole your attention & you peered through your dirtied hair as Rafe held his face. When he removed his hand to inspect his hand, you marveled at the three scratch marks going from his forehead down over his right eye & ending on his cheek.
            All you could do was start laughing. And then you couldn’t stop. You were laughing hysterically, pointing at Rafe like he was a kid on the playground who just got humiliated in front of everyone. He snarled at you, knocking your hand away & catching you by the throat.
            “You think that’s funny?” He sneered.
            You grinned, still laughing despite your air being restricted. Rafe growled before throwing you back to the forest floor.
            “I’ll tell you what’s funny, _____.” He yanked on your shoulder, turning you over to face him, “Here’s the deal. And its your only two options so I’d listen real fucking close.”
            You glared up at him, wanting nothing more than to finished what claws did & tear his skin completely from his face.
            “You’re gonna get in my fucking truck, we’re going to the apartment, & you’re going to go to your room. I’m going into Jules & I’m either going to A. break up with her & tell her we’re together or B. do to her what I just did to you. And I’ll do far worse to her.”
            The threat forced your panic riddled body to leap upwards, “Don’t!”
            “I won’t, unless you make me. That’s your choice, _____. I either stay with her & hurt her every fucking day, or I get you & I’ll never lay a finger on her.”
            You shook your head, staring up at him, “Please, Rafe, you got what you wanted. Just leave us alone.”
            He sighed, kneeling down to be eye level with you, “I want you. All of you. All the time. And for everyday I go without that, Jules will suffer.”
            Imagining Rafe doing to Jules what he just did to you forced fresh sobs from you. You covered your mouth to stifle the cries. You couldn’t let him do that to her. You didn’t care if it meant she’d hate you forever. You just couldn’t let him hurt her. No one deserved that. Not even you. But were strong. You may have been Rafe’s prey that night, but you were a survivor. But if you knew what Rafe was doing to Jules every day in & night out, you’d never be able to live with yourself. One way or another, someone was getting hurt. You knew it had to be you.
            “So?” Rafe tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, “We have a deal?”
            You leaned away from his touch, but peered up at him through your wet lashed.
            Rafe saw the resolve in your eyes. He grinned devilishly.
            Only the strong survive, you repeated to yourself.
            Only the strong survive.
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i'm fuckin' whipped, babes. like whhhhhiiiipped. i cannot believe i cranked this out in less than 12 hours but fuck. i. did. it.
this is 3/10 requests from my 500 followers celebration request opening!
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astrosky33 · 1 year
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Using Derivative Astrology the 3rd house can tell us what talents we have that we can profit the most on for wealth
The 5th house does represent talents but it can’t tell us which ones we specifically gain the most money from
The 11th house represents monetary gains and the 5th house represents talents so using Derivative Astrology you count 5 houses (including the 11th) 11, 12, 1, 2, and 3
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Celeb Ex: Cristiano Ronaldo
》 Talents involving beauty/fashion that can make you lots of money. This could be at makeup, fashion designing, modeling, etc
》 Talents involving physical fighting that can make you lots of money. This could be at boxing, wrestling, jiu jitsu, karate, etc
》 Talents involving athletics/sports that can make you lots of money. This could be in sports such as football, soccer, basketball, etc
Celeb Ex: Harry Styles
》 Talents involving finances that can make you lots of money. An example could be talent at being an accountant
》 This could indicate singing talent that could make you lots of money
》 Talents involving material possessions that could make you lots of money. An example could be an auctioneer
Celeb Ex: Doja Cat
》 Talents involving using your speaking voice. Examples would be rapping, motivational speaking, etc
》 Talents involving writing/literature that can make you lots of money. An example may be writing books
》 Talents involving transportation (not air only ground) that can make you lots of money. An example could be auto racing
》 Talents involving social media. You may have a real talent for attracting followers on social media and influencing people that could help you make lots of money
》 Talents involving comedy. You could profit a lot off of being a comedian
Celeb Ex: Drake
》 Talents involving homes/houses. You may be able to make lots of money from designing houses or from real estate/selling homes
》 Talents involving baking/cooking. You may be able to make lots of money from starting your own bakery or entering in some type of cooking competition
》 Talents involving emotions. You may be able to profit off of expressing your emotions through work
Celeb Ex: Timothee Chalamet
》 Talents involving self expression/drama. You may be able to profit a lot off of things like acting
》 Talents involving entertainment/entertaining. You could profit a lot off of your ability to entertain others especially performing at concerts (singing/dancing) since the 5th house represents concerts or theater since the 5th house represents drama
》 Talents involving pleasures. This can indicate profiting a lot off of things like onlyfans or being a p*rn star
Celeb Ex: Emma Chamberlain
》 Talents involving helping or helping others improve themselves. You could profit a lot off of spreading positive messages to others somehow (ex: through social media)
》 Talents involving health/fitness. You could profit a lot off of healthcare or being a personal trainer
》 Talents involving animals. You could profit a lot off of work involving pets/animals
Celeb Ex: Kendall Jenner
》 Talents involving attractiveness can make you lots of money. An example could be profiting a lot off of modeling
》 Talents involving negotiations. An example would be that you could profit off of being a lawyer
》 Talents involving marriage/long term romance. Examples could be profiting off of marriage counseling or being a wedding planner/designer
Celeb Ex: Noah Schnapp
》 Talents involving dark/eerie energy. You could profit a lot off of being involved in dark projects (ex: stranger things)
》 Talents involving mystery/crime/death. You could profit a lot off of private investigating/being a detective
》 Talents involving sex. You could profit a lot off of being a p*rn star
》 Talents involving surgery. You could profit a lot off of being a surgeon
》 Talents involving psychology. You could profit a lot off of being a psychologist
Celeb Ex: David Letterman
》 Talents involving interviewing/media/news. You could profit a lot on being a talk show host, interviewer, or news anchor
》 Talents involving the law. You could profit a lot on being a lawyer
》 Talents involving education. You could profit a lot off of being a teacher/teaching people
》 Talents involving television. The 9th house represents tv so you could profit a lot off of being on television or having your own tv show
Celeb Ex: Jeff Bezos
》 Talents involving gaining publicity. You may have a talent for constantly keeping yourself relevant and attracting attention. This placement is great for fame and can indicate profiting a lot off of it
》 Talents involving business. You can profit a lot off of making your own business
》 Talents involving being a boss. You could profit a lot off of being a manager, ceo, boss, or being in charge somewhere. People with this placement make great movie directors
Celeb Ex: Donald Trump
》 Talents involving technology. You could profit a lot off of online jobs, being an engineer, or creating things through technology
》 Talents involving film. You could profit a lot off of creating/producing films
》 Talents involving politics. You could profit a lot off of being a politician
》 Talents involving invention. You could profit a lot off of being an inventor/inventing new things
Celeb Ex: Paul Wesley
》 Talents involving impressions/illusion/lies. You could profit a lot from acting
》 Talents involving healing. You could profit a lot off of working in jobs that heal others. Many singers have this because they heal others through their music
》 Talents involving spirituality/the future/the universe. You could profit a lot off being an astrologer, psychic, or tarot card reader
》 Talents involving hypnotism. You could profit a lot off of being a hypnotist
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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acealistair · 1 year
RPG Character Development Questions!
Trying my hand at making one of these, specifically aimed towards D&D characters but it should also work for other TTRPGs and video games like Dragon Age.
Send me any number of emojis for any of my characters! Anyone is welcome to reblog! 😊
👀: Describe their physical appearance in as much detail as possible. Facial features, colors, height, build, etc. 👄: How do they talk? What's their vocabulary like? What does their voice sound like? Any accent, verbal tics, etc? 👃: Do they smell like anything in particular? Why do they smell like that? 🏷️: What is their full name? Do any of their names have any special meaning? How did you come up with them? 🌳: What physical traits did they inherit from their biological parents? Do they look more like one parent than the other? ♦️: Are there any motifs you associate with them? What do those motifs represent thematically? 🎨: What is their color scheme? Or at least colors you associate them with? 🔮: If they were to feature in the art of a tarot card, which one would it be and why? 💭: What was the original concept for your OC? Has it changed at all since then? 📺: Is your OC inspired at all by characters from other media? Which one(s) and what traits do they have in common? 🛡️: How does their class inform their characterization? How does their personality match or clash with the stereotype for that class? 📖: Describe your ideal character arc for them. How do you envision them changing by the end of the story?
📊: What is their best stat? What is their worst/dump stat? How do these affect how you roleplay as them? 🗡️: What type of weapon do they normally use? Is there a particular reason for it? ✨: Are they a magic user? If so, how did they come to learn it (born with it, studied, acquired, etc.)? What does their magic look like when cast? If not, what is their attitude towards magic? 🖌️: What is their go-to hobby? When did they start learning it? Why do they like it? 🔨: Do they have any practical skills they wouldn't consider a hobby? What sorts of skills and how/why did they learn them? 🍳: Are they good at cooking? Do they like to? Why and how did they learn to cook, or, if they didn't, why didn't they? 🎵: Are they any good at singing? What situations do/would they sing in? Would they sing in the shower? 🎻: Do they know how to play an instrument? If so which one(s)? Do they enjoy music in general? 💃: How do they feel about dancing and are they any good at it? Do they prefer solo, partnered, or group dancing? 🚗: In a modern AU, what kind of job would they have, if any? 🎁: If they needed to give a friend a gift, how would they go about choosing one? Would they buy it, make it, or do something else? Would others consider them good at gift-giving? 📚: Do they like to read books? If so, what sorts of books do they prefer to read? If not, why don't they like reading? ✍: What does your character's handwriting look like? Do they write letters often? What other contexts do they usually write in, if any?
🙂: What are three of their personality traits that others would generally consider positive? 🙁: What are three of their personality traits that others would generally consider negative? 😱: Do they have any irrational fears/phobias? How do they cope with them? Has a phobia ever impacted the game you play them in? 😭: How easily do they cry? Do they ever cry in front of other people? When was the last time they cried? 💢: How quick are they to anger? What is a surefire way to piss them off? What do they act like when angry? 😄: How can you tell when they're really happy? What sorts of things make them happy? How often do they smile? 😳: How easily are they embarrassed/flustered? What sorts of things catch them off-guard and make them lose their cool? 🏁: What do they consider to be their main goal in life, the thing that motivates most of their actions? 🤲: Do they have any deep desires that they don't talk about and/or don't even realize they have? Do these desires conflict with their main goal at all? 🗣️: How social are they? Do they speak to strangers because they like to or only when necessary? How differently do they act with strangers vs. friends? 🐾: How do they feel about animals? Do they have/want any pets? Do they have a favorite animal?
😬: Did they ever make a major decision in their past that they regret? How are they handling it now? 🙏: What are their feelings on religion? If they are religious, what do they practice? How much of an impact does it have on their daily life? 🎓: What was their education like? Do they have any favorite subjects? What is their preferred learning style? 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦: What is their family like? Are there any family members that are particularly influential and/or important to them (whether in a positive or negative sense)? 🛝: Do they have any childhood friends? If so, are they still in touch with them? What is their relationship like now (or why did it end)? 🧸: What was their favorite childhood toy and why? 🚸: Would they consider their childhood to have been a happy one? Why or why not? Does their perception of that differ from yours as their player? 🌹: Are they experienced romantically? How many romantic partners have they had? How has this affected their view of romance? 😡: Do they have any enemies and/or rivals from their past? How serious of a threat are they to your OC?
💘: Do they have a "canon" romantic partner? If so, who is it and what is their relationship like? If not, what kind of person would be the optimal romantic partner for them (the most interesting narratively, not necessarily the healthiest/what they think their preferences are)? 😍: What traits, physical and/or mental, do they find attractive in other people? 💒: How does your character feel about marriage? Have their feelings on marriage ever changed? 🎉: Who are their party members/companions? Describe each of their relationships with your OC (however brief or detailed you want). 💍: Among their current companions, are there any that are narrative foils to your OC? How so? 🍼: How do they feel about children in general? Do kids get along with them? Do they have/want kids of their own (now or down the line)? 🤝: How do they express platonic affection? When does an acquaintance become a friend for them? 🥰: Who do they currently consider to be their best friend and why? Has their best friend changed over time? 🫂: How are they with casual physical touch? Do they have different boundaries based on how well they know a person? Is there a specific reason behind their comfort level?
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muddy-water-1997 · 4 months
𝖠𝗀𝖾𝗇𝖼𝗒 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖡𝖾𝗇𝖾𝖿𝗂𝗍𝗌
𝖳𝖶: 𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍 𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍 𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍, 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿, 𝗂𝗍'𝗌 𝖺𝖼𝗍𝗎𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝖼𝗎𝗍𝖾. 𝗆𝖺𝗒𝖻𝖾 𝗐𝖾 𝗐𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗎𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝗀𝖾𝗍 𝖺 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗈𝗅𝗎𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝗍𝗈 𝗌𝖾𝗎𝗇𝗀𝗆𝗂𝗇 𝗂𝗌𝗌𝗎𝖾?
Chapter 23 - An Arrangement
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It had been a few weeks since that night in your apartment, and things had gradually cooled. Although you hadn't had direct contact with Seungmin, Chan ensured you stayed busy by dragging you to dance practice to keep you from going stir-crazy. While there was no way you could keep up with the group's rigorous routines, it was fun to try. Hyunjin spent hours patiently trying to teach you the simplest choreography, but it always ended with you doubling over in laughter. He was convinced you were purposely messing up, only to realise you truly had no rhythm.
Chan also brought you to the studio with 3RACHA, trying to show you the basics of producing and letting you watch the creative process unfold. Changbin thought getting you into the recording booth would be hilarious, attempting to teach you Korean and how to sing simultaneously. Predictably, it went as well as expected, with the four of you ending up in fits of laughter whenever you mispronounced something, inadvertently giving the lyrics a completely different meaning.
It was nice to hang out with Chris and the group like friends, without the looming threat of a media scandal. Chan maintained regular contact with the company execs, trying to gauge how the situation was unfolding back home and how likely it was that you'd be able to return. A part of you didn’t want to leave anytime soon; things had never been better. However, there was one aspect that felt off—Chris.
Despite the fun and camaraderie, Chris hadn't made the slightest move on you since that night, which felt strange. You were used to the intense affection and attention from the guys, and the abrupt shift from 100 to 0 was jarring. Chris wanted to take things slow, but after three weeks of dates and loving gestures, he hadn't confessed his feelings or tried to be intimate. You missed the connection, the physical and emotional intimacy that had once been so intense.
It left you in a state of confusion and longing, wondering why he was holding back and if he felt the same aching void you did. The uncertainty gnawed at you, making the days blur together in a mix of joy and frustration. Despite the laughter and lighthearted moments, the absence of his touch and the unspoken words weighed heavily on your heart.
“Hey, babe?” Chris called from the sofa of your apartment into the kitchen, where you were preparing some snacks for the movie night you had planned. While the movie was a good front, there was a real reason you had invited him here tonight. You wanted to cut the bullshit. Sure, the comeback was around the corner, but it had been three weeks since Seungmin had cornered you in your apartment and three weeks since Chris said he liked you and wanted to take things slow. You’d been patient; you’d been the perfect non-girlfriend-girlfriend to him, but besides the odd cute nickname, he treated you more like a mate than someone he had actual feelings for.
“Give me a sec, Chris,” you called back, emphasising his name instead of the usual Chan, Channie, or Babe, hoping it would signal the seriousness of why he was really here.
You took a deep breath, gathered the snacks on a tray, and entered the living room. Chris was lounging comfortably, but there was a slight tension in his eyes as he watched you approach. Setting the tray down on the coffee table, you turned to face him, your heart pounding in your chest.
"Chris," you began, your voice steady but soft, "we need to talk."
“That’s almost as bad as calling me Christopher,” he laughed lightly. You smiled, trying to keep the conversation light despite the weight in your heart.
“What’s going on?” he asked gently, taking your hand in his.
“It’s been three weeks…” you began, your voice low. His expression shifted to one of understanding.
“Are you horny?” he asked with a chuckle, and your eyes widened in shock.
“No! I mean, yes, but that’s not the point I’m trying to make,” you said, playfully hitting his shoulder. “I’m starting to wonder if you’re regretting what you said that night,” you added tentatively.
“Regret it?” he repeated, his eyes full of concern as he shifted closer to you. “Regret telling you that I’m falling for you? Baby, no! Why would you even think that?”
“Apart from the occasional nickname and hand-holding, you haven’t really tried to ask me out or even get close to me…” you mumbled, your eyes flickering to where your hands were intertwined. “If you see me as more of a friend, that’s okay! I’d just rather know so I can protect my own heart.” You say with a sad smile.
“Y/N, look at me,” Chris pressed, and you lifted your eyes to meet his. “You’re right; I haven’t been as involved as I should have been. After that night with Seungmin and seeing how you’ve been with everyone since then, I could tell that part of you might be unable to give up what you had with the rest of the boys.” He brought a hand up to your face, caressing your cheek tenderly.
“I’d give it all up for you,” you said, leaning into his hand, savouring the touch, the most intimate you had been in weeks.
“I know you would, beautiful, but I want you to be happy too,” he said softly, his thumb stroking your cheek gently. “So I’ve been distant because I’ve had to think long and hard about what to do.”
“Are you going to leave me?” you asked, your eyes sad and searching his.
“No, baby, not at all,” he reassured you, his voice low and steady. “I was thinking that maybe we could come to an arrangement?”
“An arrangement?” you echoed, confused.
Chris took a deep breath. “I want us to be together, truly together. But I also understand that you have a connection with the other guys. What if we find a way to balance everything, to make sure you’re happy and fulfilled without losing what we have?”
“So I get to have you, and we can play around with the others if we feel like it?” you asked, needing clarification.
“Yeah, essentially. But there would have to be some ground rules moving forward because, for all intents and purposes, you are mine. I’m nice enough to share with the others, only for your pleasure.” He said the words with such certainty, and you closed your eyes, savouring the possessiveness and affection in his voice.
“I’m yours,” you repeated, opening your eyes before crashing your lips onto his.
The kiss was intense, filled with all the pent-up emotions and longing you had felt over the past weeks. Chris pulled you closer, his arms wrapping around you as if he never wanted to let go. He swiftly picked you up, your lips never leaving his skin as your legs wrapped around his body, and he walked you into the bedroom. 
Laying you on the bed, he continued his assault on your lips. 
“Since you’re mine, I get to enjoy you alone,” Chris murmured, his eyes dark with desire. The shift in his tone sent a shiver down your spine, and you could feel yourself getting wet from just the way he was looking at you. Finally, after three weeks, you were going to feel him.
“All yours, baby,” you confirmed, your voice barely above a whisper.
Chris pressed another passionate kiss against your lips, his hands roaming your body with reverence. He treated you gently like you were made of the finest china, his touch worshipful. Each caress sent waves of pleasure through you, making your breath hitch.
He slowly undressed you as if unwrapping a precious gift, taking his time with each article of clothing. His fingers traced the curves of your body, lingering over every inch of skin revealed. The intensity of his gaze made you feel cherished and adored.
“God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered, his voice husky with emotion and desire. His hands continued exploring slowly, setting your skin ablaze with every touch.
You moaned softly, your body arching into his touch, craving more. “Chris...”
“Shh, baby,” he soothed, kissing a path down your neck. “I want to savor this.”
His lips followed the trail his hands had made, leaving a path of fire in their wake. When he finally had you completely bare, he took a moment to admire you, his eyes drinking in every detail.
“You’re perfect,” he murmured, and you felt your heart swell with love and desire.
He joined you in your nakedness, his body pressing against yours, skin to skin. The feeling was electrifying, a perfect blend of intimacy and lust. As he settled between your legs, his eyes met yours, and you saw the depth of his emotions there.
“I’ve wanted this for so long,” he admitted, his voice raw. “Wanted you.”
“Then take me,” you urged your hands tangling in his hair, pulling him closer.
You didn’t have to ask him twice. Chris ran his cock through your folds, covering himself in your slick before pushing into you gently. Your breath caught in your throat as he slowly pushed more of himself in.
“So perfect, so tight,” he growled, and you pulled his face down to meet your lips, desperate to have as much of him on you as possible. When he had finally buried himself to the hilt, you took a moment to adjust to his size while he kissed your neck, leaving little marks to make it known you were his.
“Chris…” you arched your back slightly, desperate to feel some friction.
“That’s not my name, princess,” he chuckled against your neck.
“Baby, please…” you corrected yourself, attempting to move yourself on his cock, causing his breath to hitch.
“Good girl,” he praised before he started moving at a slow pace. This wasn’t a quick fuck; he wanted to make love to you, to show you how much he truly treasured you. “God, you’re going to be the death of me. How am I ever going to leave this bed?” he growled, picking up his pace slightly.
You moaned, your body responding to his every touch, every thrust. His slow, deliberate movements were driving you wild, each one bringing you closer to the edge. Chris’s hands roamed your body, caressing your breasts, your hips, every part of you that he could reach.
“Chris… I need more,” you begged, your voice breathy with desire.
“Anything for you, baby,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. He picked up the pace, his hand finding your clit and rubbing slow, agonising circles as his thrusts became more intense, more urgent.
Your bodies moved in perfect sync, the room filled with the sounds of your shared pleasure. Every touch, every kiss, every thrust brought you closer to that blissful edge. Chris’s name fell from your lips like a prayer, your hands clutching at his back, desperate to hold on to this moment.
“Come for me, baby,” he whispered in your ear, his voice sending shivers down your spine.
His words pushed you over the edge, and you came undone around him, your body trembling with the force of your orgasm. Chris followed soon after, his own release intense and powerful. He held you close, his lips finding yours in a tender kiss as you both came down from the high.
As you lay there, entwined in each other’s arms, you felt a sense of completeness, of being exactly where you were meant to be. Chris brushed a strand of hair from your face, his eyes filled with love and adoration.
“I love you, girlfriend”, he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity.
“I love you too, boyfriend”, you replied, your heart full.
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𝖶𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝗆𝗈𝗋𝖾? 𝖳𝖾𝗅𝗅 𝗆𝖾! 𝖬𝗒 𝗂𝗇𝖻𝗈𝗑 𝗂𝗌 𝖺𝗅𝗐𝖺𝗒𝗌 𝗈𝗉𝖾𝗇, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖨 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗀𝗎𝗒𝗌!  𝖶𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗃𝗈𝗂𝗇 𝗆𝗒 𝗍𝖺𝗀 𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍? 𝖣𝗋𝗈𝗉 𝗆𝖾 𝖺 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝗈𝗋 𝖣𝖬!
𝖳𝖺𝗀 𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍 𝖼𝗎𝗍𝗂𝖾𝗌 @fr34k4c1dr41n @rylea08 @stellasays45 @darthmaddie25 @whatsk-poppinhomies @minnieprincess85 @purp13st4r @livixcore @hyun-hwanj @0325tiny @privhace @goldilovesharry @jisunglyricist @gloriajovicc @mimililylupinblack @laney1488 @missbangtangirl @palindrome969
Orange means I couldn’t tag you!
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wonwooslibrary · 8 months
svt as boyfriends ♡ seungkwan edition
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member: seungkwan x gn!reader genre: fluff, bullet points, established relationship word count: 834 summary: seungkwan's boyfriend things <3 warnings: mentions of kissing & mentions of food author's note: today is a sad day :( happy moonbin day & i hope he is resting in peace. in honor of moonbin day and woozi releasing what kind of future, here is some small seungkwan things to cheer everyone up. please take care of yourself!
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He is the soft and cuddly teddy bear boyfriend and I love him for it 
There is this one guy on TikTok who like…gets dressed in front of the camera and shows his outfits as a plus-size man and istg that is Seungkwan’s vibe and !!! 
He also gives coffee dates and light academia and book boyfriends 
Quality Time 
Loves scrolling through social media with you before bed 
Dates! Oh gosh he loves taking you out and getting boba or ice cream :3 
Seungkwan’s definitely a big fan of watching a series with you too - like you would go to Netflix or something and find something you both want to watch but haven’t started yet and it becomes YOUR show 
Prefers to go out and explore with you rather than stay in (he’s an extrovert, what can I say?)
Loves teaching you things he loves! Like, for example, he would try to teach you a Wonder Girls dance and you guys would have so much fun with it 
Also loves being with you in moments of sadness - you’re his person and you make him feel strong, so he’s not ashamed to be with you and cry around you
At first, he would be super embarrassed to meet your friends, but after a while, they’d love him and he would be more comfortable around them
Words of Affirmation
Is always saying stuff like “You worked so hard!” or “I’m so happy that you are the one I get to spend my life with” 
I feel like he is very picky with his nicknames…like he would never use food related ones like “cutie pie” because they are overused, but he would love something like “sweetheart” brb sobbing 
Seems to enjoy receiving compliments too! Like you tell him that you loved the singing cover that he did and he’ll scream 
Also uses songs and lyrics as a way to express his love for you! Nothing fits more than music 
Was really shy when you first got together and would blush any time you spoke to him or even looked in his direction
Totally keeps a photo of you guys as his lockscreen on his phone, but one that he edits with cute stickers (aka he always places his phone screen-up so if someone asks about it he can talk about how much he loves you) 
Physical Touch
He is a clingy bf but in the way that if he has the chance to cozy up with you under a soft blanket with a movie playing in the background, he totally would go for it 
Loves when you play with his hair, but always manages to mess yours up and then feel super bad about it 
If he wants a kiss or something and you say no, he’ll be really pouty and sad about it until you agree, but of course with that look on his face, you can’t say no for too long! 
At the beginning of your relationship, he would try to hold your hand but get embarrassed but you love it 
Rests his head on your shoulder a lot :( 
Man survives on back rubs and hugs 
Acts of Service 
Loves turning on the shower or setting up a cozy bath for you <3 
Always offers you his coat when you go on walks together because he is afraid of you getting sick 
If you’re in pain or sick he’ll always do small things like brushing or tying your hair up, tying your shoes or even zipping your coat up 
Asks if you’re drinking water and making sure to eat throughout the day because it makes him sad when you forget and then are living off of snacks 
Likes making you calming tea before bed and makes sure that you take your vitamins/medication every morning/night
In the winter, he’d always shovel or clean off your car for you, so you don’t have to get up early and do it because he knows how much rest you need :((( 
Always sends good morning and good night texts when you are apart, just to let you know that he is thinking about you 
Gift Giving 
LOVES giving you his hoodies, as it makes him feel warm on the inside he’s so cute 
Also loves the idea of having those matching hoodies or phone cases, but when you tell him that those are too embarrassing, he’ll settle for something small like just wearing the same colors scheme or having matching bear keychains 
Makes you playlists when he finds a lot of songs that: he wants to show you, reminds him of you, or makes him feel strong emotions 
If he goes on any trip without you, he’ll always bring you back something cute, like a seashell or a snowglobe
Goes all out for your birthday or holidays that you celebrate - he is not afraid to spend hundreds of dollars on squishmallows if that is what you like 
He’s a simp when it comes to gift giving
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chaos-bites · 6 months
☀️ Subtle Baldr Worship 🌱
@broomsick helped a lot with this list!!!
Drink herbal tea or tea that you like; raise a glass to him!
Take an herbal or relaxing bath/shower
Grow your own herbs or produce
Collect flowers; press flowers; decorate with flowers; make a flower crown
Have a candle that reminds you of him (no altar needed)
Keep a picture of him in your wallet
Wear jewelry that reminds you of him
Have a stuffed animal of animals that you associate with summer; keep childhood stuffed animals or ones that comfort you
Have symbols of sunrises, sunsets, summer, flowers, citrusy fruits, or anything you consider beautiful around
Decorate using fairy lights or lanterns
Practice writing if you'd like (poetry, stories, etc.); read your old writing, and celebrate any improvements you notice!
Sketch or draw - any sort of creative expression
Practice forgiveness and compassion, especially towards yourself
Set time aside to relax and decompress
Take a walk/hike in nature/a forest, especially on a sunny day
Meditate or sit in the sunlight
Fall asleep/meditate to the sound of birds or ambient forest sounds
Eat fruit, especially citrus fruits
Nurture and express your wonder towards the world around you; let yourself view the world from the perspective of a child; find the beauty in every day things
Practice emotional regulation as well as feeling your feelings
Find healthy emotional outlets; drawing, boxing, dancing, singing, etc.
Cloud-watching and star-gazing
Camp in the forest; sit in nature for awhile
Listen to music that calms or comforts you
Spend time with loved ones or pets
Support humanitarian or environmental preservation organizations
Cook yourself a delicious meal
Cook a warm meal for someone in need
Donate clothes, food, blankets, hygiene kits, etc. to homeless shelters
Take care of yourself physically and emotionally
Exercise; get some movement throughout your day, even just stretching
Play with your pets
Engage with childhood media/activities
Keep a self-care/self-love journal
Keep a personal diary filled with both positives and negatives; sketch in it, add stickers to it, make it your own!
Make a list of things you enjoyed and things you disliked about the day at the end of it
Make your space comfortable for you; make it your own!
Hang your accomplishments, drawings/paintings, or creations on your walls
Celebrate your achievements, even the little ones
Dance to music you enjoy, especially if it makes you feel lively
Light a bonfire for him; sit alone or gather around it with loved ones
Make s'mores or similar treats on a summer night
Tell stories around a fire
Try new things; take risks, and go outside of your comfort zone; be spontaneous
Visit an amusement park, local fair, or local festivals; engage with celebration and fun!
Learn about the local flora and fauna
Learn about herbs and their different properties/usages, especially in a Norse/Viking context; try to use them in those ways
Clean trash in your neighborhood or environment; recycle if you can
Feed neighborhood birds, cats, dogs, etc.
Practice mindfulness; try meditation if you can
Try bird-watching or wildlife watching
Practice open-mindedness; try to comprise with others; agree to disagree
Honor your ancestors or passed loved ones; learn about your family history
I may add more later on! For now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Baldr. I got a lot of help from @broomsick who is extremely knowledgeable on Baldr and other Norse gods. I recommend checking them out if you have any questions! Thank you, and I hope this post helps! 🧡
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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aphfroghat · 3 months
𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏 𝑫𝒖𝒎𝒑 - 𝑵𝒐𝒓𝒘𝒂𝒚
Physical features
Norway is somewhat chubby, the kind you'd have to see him naked or squeeze him to notice. He's 179 cm tall and his complexion is pale. He has dimples only a few people know about and his hair is very fluffy, wavy and well kept. His curl, beyond its purpose of representing his fjords, also reflects his feelings; it takes different shapes as he feels different things:
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He's touch-avoidant most of the time, but he doesn't mind being cuddly with Iceland.
Health & Psyche
Norway is generally healthy, he barely ever gets sick, and when he does it's never too bad. When sick, he becomes much quieter than usual (so he's pretty much silent) and he begs specifically Iceland to cuddle with him. This is a bit of a strategy to make Ice sick and have a good excuse to baby him and take care of him. It doesn't work much. He's myopic and uses strong prescription contact lenses.
He used to smoke, but he quit recently.
He fears speaking in public, thunderstorms and being forgotten. He sleeptalks and occasionally sleepwalks too (he has baked cakes in his sleep a bunch of times). His dreams are either unsettling or weird, and he frequently has nightmares about poverty and losing his loved ones. He's autistic and he particularly despises loud noises and some textures. His coping mechanism of choice is zoning out.
Despite being naturally aloof and reserved, Norway tries his best to be a tiny bit more open to his close friends and family, failing miserably. It takes him years to open up to someone and become comfortable with touch. He's very good at self-control and hates losing it. He's mostly calm so he has a hard time staying angry at someone, annoyed at max. He can be very blunt but he doesn't intend to offend most of the time. He dislikes crowds, parties and world meetings.
Hobbies and interests
Norway is an active person: he practises figure skating and skiing, and he likes hiking and fishing. He's very good at chess. He tried to teach Iceland too, but the latter is hopeless. He plays the violin well and he does duets with Iceland (pianist) often. His singing voice is also good. He stares at snow or rain as a hobby, sometimes he accidentally stares at people while spacing out. He's skilled at Just Dance but he will never be as good as Sweden. Norway is particularly into black metal and he's a hardcore Vundabar fan.
Norway isn't much of a social kind of person, in fact he mantains a minimal presence on the few social media accounts he has: Facebook, a rarely used Instagram, and a forgotten Tumblr he used one time in 2014. He also downloaded TikTok to try it out with Iceland's suggestion but he deleted it in less than 10 minutes. He matches profile pictures with Denmark on every social media he has.
He barely ever uses his phone anyway, in fact it's better to call him than text him as he forgets to check his messages a lot.
He's in a fake polycule with England and Romania. He spoils Ladonia and Sealand with sweets and gifts, though sometimes his gifts aren't very appreciated because he's stingy. He got Ladonia coloured pencils for five birthdays straight once. He somewhat enjoyed the pandemic for the enforced isolation, a good excuse to avoid physical contact and world meetings.
Norway is a half fae. This gives him an average fae's features (pointy ears, shrinking in size, wings, a glow in their eyes when exposed to darkness, purring), with a milder shrinking and a better control over them. As a child, his control on those features– and on magic at all –wasn't very good, in fact he seemed to purr for no reason and to sneeze and emanate sparkles as an early display of magic.
- He's never sure about his gender and uses any pronoun.
- During an emo phase in his Viking years, he dyed his hair with blood.
- He has a very calming aura.
- He has a massive sweeth tooth.
- Cuddles make him sleepy.
- He always arrives to places 10 minutes early.
- He's not a morning person.
- His blood type is A.
- Despite being photogenic, he's insecure about having his picture taken.
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leafith · 5 months
🌌IᑎTᖇOᗪᑌᑕTIOᑎ ᑭOᔕT🫀
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Hello! This is the main blog of Leaf and Judith, two random creatures from an unknown world. They are just sharing their content there, to make someone smile and to find other weirdos like them.
Do they have a physical look? Yeah, they just don't share it. Why? Because they want curiosity and dramatic mystery, lol.
But you can have their info right here:
Enjoys writing, dancing, reading books, dreamy/mysterious/magic music (examples: ᗩᑌᖇOᖇᗩ, Melanie Martinez, MARINA, Yaelokre);
Has deer horns and ears, she's a quite mysterious figure;
She doesn't like much social media, so she'll be barely seen or heard;
The symbols she uses when she writes are 🌿📜🫀 ;
She can be found on these sites: Quotev (https://www.quotev.com/Leaf17467), Wattpad (https://www.wattpad.com/TheLeafFromQuotev?utm_source=web&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share_profile).
Enjoys drawing, reading random fanfictions and book, rock/grunge (examples: Chris Cornell, Pink Floyd and Cranberries);
Elf. She considers Leaf as her sister, but it's unknown if Leaf reciprocates;
She loves social media and mostly takes care of the blog;
The symbols she uses when she writes are 🍄‍🟫🔷🪻;
She can be found here, and here only!
Other blogs:
@the-leafith-duo-reblogs (reblogging stuff)
@leaf-is-singing-covers (leaf sings covers of songs)
Leaf is a writer of original stories and fanfictions. You can find her works on Quotev and Wattpad!! For now, she has written a Sky: CotL Fanfiction called Fly Until You See The Light, or just FUYSTL or Phewstel, and an original story called Remyandre's Keepers. She plans to make sequels of these stories!
Plots of the stories:
🕯️🪽🪶Fly Until You See The Light (FUYSTL/Phewstel):
Sentinekka, on her thirteenth birthday, the date known for the start of the typical journey in the seven realms, decides to bring her best friend, a fifteen year old who was never allowed to start her journey, through the exploration of the Isle of Dawn onwards...
But different and unexpected, positive and negative, heartbreaking and hilarious things can happen during every journey... What could our girl possibly encounter?
Well, why not find out?
☄️🏔️❄️Remyandre's Keepers (Remyandre/Risk):
Remyandre is a really weird place in a too much normal world, a place where nothing good is seen as a negative trait and where you can finally see yourself as the miracle you are. Or, at least, that's what everyone feels about Remyandre. Only one boy, so different and unsettling, feels scared and confused about himself even in the most welcoming place. And that's what makes him leave. In the meanwhile, his friends and the other Keepers of Remyandre, the creatures who own powers, must find him and complete more missions during a long journey that will change their lives.
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Friends List:
@lunaglitchercc @flamy-t @weirdboi @jassygay @wowiexist0 @askthealphabet @the-doodle-bugs @sophia-does-skits @rosegacha11 @screwzara @crowcussion @moonzie-does-tag-games @sophie-avocado-girl @tsutsuji-picrew @alexandra537264 @hearthstonealderman16pollsblog @2laffy2 @ambertheartist @fretriftle @archerofunspeakablelove @revived-a-skykid @eminsunnytoons123 @heavily-traumatized-kyle @anomaliesincats @alaskathestereodemoness @sailorygnim
To be added you just need to become our friend! :)
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Sky: Children of the Light (obsessed!!);
Hazbin Hotel (they like it!);
Leaf is a Warrior & Weirdo (AURORA fan)!
Judith is an Earthling (Melanie Martinez fan)!
The Amazing Digital Circus (they find it interesting);
Gacha (Judith was a Gacha User once);
Five Nights at Freddy's (they love it!);
Many other fandoms... Too lazy to add more, honestly.
(credits to user boxes creators!!)
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Dividers graphics: @saradika-graphics
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vivmaek · 2 years
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Happiness is found when we are in touch with our higher selves. Look to the giver of life within your natal chart to come into alignment with joy. 
Aries - Workout, chase after truth, surround yourself with people who match your energy, tap into an adrenaline rush, smile at yourself in the mirror everyday, don’t wait for desire to pass, take a hot bath, write out all your flaws on a piece of paper and then burn it, play video games, listen to loud music, do a face mask, eat tomatoes, do something you’re afraid of. 
1st House - Write out all your best attributes, keep up with your appearance, find new beginnings within the everyday, take care of your body, meet someone new, showcase your identity, march to the beat of your own drum.
Taurus - Go for a hike, solve a puzzle, go to the art museum, eat a home cooked meal, buy yourself flowers, snuggle with something soft, wear your favorite perfume or cologne, clean your house, watch that tv show you’ve already seen a million times, get a neck massage, write an appreciation letter to yourself, create something with materials that can be found at home, eat fresh fruit. 
2nd House - Keep a money jar, show up to work on time, show gratitude, keep up with a daily routine, write out all your values, take good care of your material possessions, make a list of priorities and stick to it, form healthy habits.
Gemini - Read a book, go on a spontaneous trip, watch something that makes you laugh, buy a concert ticket, run errands, put on some headphones and go for a walk, google questions, journal, dance to your favorite music, get a manicure, try out a new restaurant, rearrange your room, do yoga and practice breathwork, make a collage using cut up magazines, take a class on one of your favorite interests, smell some lavender. 
3rd House- Write daily, keep up with your communications, always check your email, take special care of your siblings, don’t make a habit of turning down social events, be friendly towards your neighbors, try to learn something new everyday. 
Cancer - Call family, put on pajamas, watch a movie that will make you cry, sit in the rain, drink something warm, cuddle with a pet, wear your favorite sweater, have a stash of goodies on hand, go home, read a fantasy novel, give someone a hug, eat seafood, go stargazing and have a picnic, stick your feet in the stream, write poetry. 
4th House - Keep a tidy home, check up on family, daily hygiene, keep a mood journal, have some privacy, show kindness towards children, mother yourself.
Leo - Look at old childhood photos, brush your hair, lay out in the sun, put on an outfit that makes you feel your best, listen to music that boosts your confidence, daily affirmations, eat oranges and lemons, light a candle, hang out with your best friend, put on a performance when no one is watching, watch a dramatic romance movie, sing in the shower, get a back massage. 
5th House - Romanticize your daily life, focus on what your love, chase after your passions, make time for play, showcase your creativity, connect to your inner child, make art, don’t be afraid to be dramatic.
Virgo - Create a new playlist, go to the craft store, tend to a garden, do your laundry, play the sims, watch video essays on youtube, join a book club, talk about your current interests with friends, make jewelry, hangout at a coffee shop, eat fresh veggies and clean food, talk to your plants, go for a walk and take pictures of whatever your find interesting, go to the farmers market.
6th House - Eat healthy, keep up with fitness and physical activity, have a daily system in order, showcase a healthy amount of criticism, take care of a pet, keep an organized house, find ways to be useful everyday, be of service to others 
Libra - Grab dinner and drinks with your favorite people, write a love letter to yourself, have a shopping spree, post your thoughts on social media, stand up for someone when no one else is, invest in skincare, wear sunglasses, re-organize your room, lather your body with lotion and oils, eat cheese and yogurt, go to the gym, watch an old hollywood movie, buy a present for someone you love.
7th House - Focus on forming relationships, don’t rely on codependency, keep up with healthy boundaries, read over contracts carefully, be someone people can rely on, always be fair, share with people.
Scorpio - Watch a true crime documentary, make an offering to your ancestors, write your deepest thoughts in a journal and then keep it hidden, go skinny dipping, listen to music in the dark, spend time in nature to gather gems and crystals, play card games, do in depth research on your favorite artist, tend to your alter. 
8th House - Don’t run from intimacy, keep up with your debts, take care of your property, discover mystery within the daily, keep a clean bathroom.
Sagittarius - Spend time by a campfire, book a plane ticket to somewhere, go out and party with your best friends, learn how to cook your favorite foreign meals, massage your legs, go thrift shopping, invite people over for a barbeque, read translated books, wear rings, eat plums and cherries, drink plenty of wine, have deep discussions over dinner.
9th House - Travel, ask for advice, pursue education, follow your own personal laws, appreciate different cultures, learn a second language, have strong ethics.
Capricorn - Sneak away for a well deserved break, buy something expensive, brush your teeth, go to a fancy restaurant by yourself, wear tailored pants, read a lengthy novel, give yourself a scalp massage, have a drink at the end of a long day, stay up late into the night, write out all your goals, eat lots of protein, be naughty when you can get away with it.
10th House - Keep a good reputation, follow through on your goals, focus on your career, implement structure within your daily life, be disciplined, use your expertise when appropriate.
Aquarius - Buy something you’ve put a lot of research into, go to the restaurant that only you seem to know about, write out everything you wish for, eat peaches, wear turquoise jewelry, design your own clothing, spend time on the computer, ghost everyone for the day, watch that tv show you’re newly obsessed with, join an exclusive club. 
11th House - Be a good friend to people, belong to something larger than you, be socially aware, focus on humanitarian efforts, show respect to the technology you own, always look to the future.
Pisces - Go for a swim, have music constantly playing in the background, write out all your fantasies, get a pedicure, eat berries, do volunteer work, take up painting, wear silk, sleep in all day, daydream freely, lay on your back and cloud gaze, pray, make eye contact with people, wear warm socks, appreciate the background details. 
12th House - Spend time alone, welcome endings with open arms, find closure, take up spiritual practice, show respect to the elderly, keep things hidden, maintain a dream journal, don't limit yourself .
Someone in my ask box sent me this really thoughtful question about how to use a natal chart to find happiness and I accidentally deleted it! My apologies!
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marcellaasblog · 1 year
Head cannon's for Joseph Quinn
(idk these where fun to think of lol)
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Physical touch and words of affirmation are definitely his way of showing love.
Definitely snore .
Like realty tv but gets Easily annoyed .
He said he can Cook but he probably can't bake .
Definitely likes Spanish music .
Loves cuddle .
After care (ifykyk).
Sings in the shower.
Likes art but isn't very good at it.
His favorite subject when he was in school was probably social studies.
Watches sports but will never do them.
Rages when he looses in board games.
Definitely a dog person.
Dances while he is alone.
Definitely will buy you flowers every time the other ones die.
Loves cooking for you to show off his skills .
Will burn himself while cooking lol.
I believe his favorite season is fall (Autumn).
He said he never watched the notebook but If he does I believe 100% he would cry after watching it.
He definitely into reading .
Will definitely try to jump scare you threw out the day and when you don't get scared he get all upset and whiney about it " wait no let me try again please".
Will take it very defensively when you talk bad about yourself.
Will try to match his outfit to your cause he thinks it cute but then try's to play it off like he didn't do it on purpose "look where matching love isn't that just SO random?"
He's not a big social media guy So i feel like when you show his video,memes,or even TikTok of him, he would get very concerned.
If your short he would definitely hide all your personal belongings or favorite snacks some where you can't reach just so he could watch you get frustrated and whiney.😏
Shower together? um hell yeah he definitely loves those.
Helps you find an outfit for the day .
Loves making breakfast in bed for you.
Loves holding your hand for his comfort .
Always asked you for your opinion on things cause that's the only opinion that would matter to him.
Loves seeing you happy it makes him happy when he is talking care of loves on's .
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