#sincerely your fellow Latine
findusinaweek · 2 years
Guava is the cure to depression
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nicosraf · 1 year
You liked a Tweet about saying how wanting to dismantle the Christofacist System is genocide. Xtianity is and always has been genocidal to people like me you bigot. You can hide behind your book being Queer but we know
I wasn't going to respond because I'm still not convinced you're being sincere, but I'll be sincere! I can't find the tweet I liked, but I remember it, I think. This is the last time I'm going to respond to you. But I do hope you read this.
On Twitter, someone shared that a Tiktok user supposedly dreamed that all the Christians were taken away in a Rapture and the world became a better place. Someone quoted that tweet saying that wishing an entire religion was gone was a fascist/genocidal position, which it is! Even if the religion is awful, it's genocidal to want a group of people dead, you know, for what they believe. It's just the definition of the word. Don't be afraid of it.
I'm really fascinated by your use of "people like me" and "we know." Why do you think I'm not like you? You don't know anything about me. I don't know anything about you. I could ask, but you could lie, so I won't. I know that you know yourself though. So, why aren't I like you? And who is we? You are you in community with?
Is that community stronger than the one you hold with me? If it is, why?
Do you think I'm a Christian? I've never said I am. I've never talked about my beliefs. And I won't because they're personal to me.
"Genocidal to people like me" - I keep coming back to this. You know, I really know genocide. I worked as a reporting fellow, and I met a journalist from Kashmir that wrote about the ethnic cleansing conflict. We had a good discussion making comparisons between the militarization occurring there and with the displaced people I was working with at the time along the Mexico-America border. I've seen genocide. I'm familiar with the de-humanization, the treatment like your people are dirty and need to be kept out and eradicated.
In Mexico, priests are murdered a lot. Sometimes it's really violent. Dismemberments and hangings and all that. It's really dangerous to be a priest in Mexico, but in some communities, they run the migrant homes, argue with paramilitaries. You ask, "Why are you doing this?" And they'll say it's their faith, it's why they became a priest. They believe in goodness.
I knew a priest who was threatened by organized crime. They told him to hand over the Cubans in his care. He said he wouldn't. And then he was "disappeared", and it's been 2 years now. We'll probably never find him. I can still see him really vividly in my head. His glasses, his hands clasped together.
At the same time, my poor Mexico has only adopted Christianity through genocide, right? I've written about that too. The Franciscans and the children of the noble Nahua-indigenous people who worked together to destroy the indigenous religion; they ran into the villages and stole the wooden figurines and burned them. And, you know, when Hernan Cortes introduced a statue of Mary to the indigenous people, it's said that they took her and put her beside a statue of an indigenous goddess. Cortes was so mad that he threw a violent tantrum.
Historically, Latin Americans have been seen as bad Christians. I've seen why. In my home town, there is a statue of the goddess of death. Her name is Santa Muerte. At the same time, most people who worship her will call themselves Christian. Christianity means different things to different people, religion usually does.
Christianity is not fascism, actually. I guess I'll die on that hill. Christianity isn't the white American evangelicals you might know calling for rapture and apocalypse. To me, it's been priests in migrant shelters, it's been Latin Americans clutching their rosaries because they spent days kidnapped and tortured. It's also been something that is deeply heretical – a death goddess – but still Christian because this person has decided it is.
It's also a horror to me. I was put in conversion therapy. I will never be a regular person because of what was done to me. I was put in a Christian school where I was harassed over my clothes by nuns, saw violent homophobic and transphobic attacks in front of me routinely. I will never be comfortable with my identity because of Christianity. I will spend the rest of my life suffering because of what was done to me, by people I trusted.
But I know genocide. I know what it looks like, I know what it is. And if you want 2.6 billion people dead, then I'll say that's a lot of innocent people dead. That's genocide. A lot of those in the third world, a lot of colonized people who've made Christianity their own.
I don't know how old you are. For your sake, I'll assume you're my age. In which case, I'm not going to say "touch grass." Instead, just, please, volunteer at a migrant shelter, volunteer at a soup kitchen, work to protect the rights of un-housed people, organize a strike. Speak with your neighbors and ask them if they ever want to hang out, how their jobs are going.
A book written by a trans gay Mexican poking fun at Christian lore and exploring his interest in angels is not.... worth saying all this. Again, I'm not going to reply if you send me anything like this again. But I hope your week goes well. I hope that you go to sleep cozy. And if you're afraid of how scary things are for queer/trans folk, then I'm with you. I really am. You know, I self-published to avoid the book getting banned by fascist-Christians, and when I first announced ABM, I was harassed by Christians; they told me they would burn my book.
I hope you can find some peace in between all the fear. I wish that for both of us.
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winttrader · 2 years
Fr. isaac mary relyea sspx
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Fr. isaac mary relyea sspx full#
This was explained by Cardinal Ottaviani to Cardinal Bea during the debate on religious toleration: "First of all, I must quite confidently assert that I do not concede that the Theological Commission is required to discuss doctrinal matters with the other Commissions. Practically all the other commissions had some areas that overlapped its purview, but the Theological Commission alone was entitled, by its very object, to rule on everything pertaining to the purity of Catholic doctrine. The drafting of studies in preparation for the Council was entrusted to several commissions, but the leading role was naturally given to the Theological Commission. They give us an idea of what the Council might have been. In the mind of Archbishop Lefebvre, the schemas of the Theological Commission clearly presented Catholic doctrine. The cluster of three has shared one priest, and their plan reads as follows: I am quite concerned as to what this means for them. There is Mass on Monday evenings and on special feasts during the week, as well as the Triduum, if I recall. It offers many of the same things using the 1962 as does Grotto, with the main exception being that they don't have a daily TLM. Josaphat, which is about a 10-15 minute drive from Grotto. However, even Good Friday's Tre Ore service uses the 1962 Missal.
Fr. isaac mary relyea sspx full#
One of the challenges though, is allowing people to follow the full calendar, rather than having just a weekly or monthly chance to worship in this way, if they are partial to it.Īssumption Grotto is the only parish in the Archdiocese which offers the Traditional Latin Mass 364 days yearly, the exception being Good Friday. In the future, it could mean more opportunities in the suburbs to experience the TLM. There is interest among some seminarians and I believe Archbishop Vigneron will work to address this. Long Term Impact on Traditional Catholics in Detroit? One of the things I have been concerned with all along is that there is no provision to ensure that the Archdiocese of Detroit has a long-term plan for Catholics attracted to the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM). In such a way, the entire Christian community can come to recognize its own call to assist its brothers and sisters, without deluding them or isolating them.Įnough is enough. The neglect of the Church's position prevents homosexual men and women from receiving the care they need and deserve.Īn authentic pastoral programme will assist homosexual persons at all levels of the spiritual life: through the sacraments, and in particular through the frequent and sincere use of the sacrament of Reconciliation, through prayer, witness, counsel and individual care. Only what is true can ultimately be pastoral. But we wish to make it clear that departure from the Church's teaching, or silence about it, in an effort to provide pastoral care is neither caring nor pastoral. We would heartily encourage programmes where these dangers are avoided. A truly pastoral approach will appreciate the need for homosexual persons to avoid the near occasions of sin. No authentic pastoral programme will include organizations in which homosexual persons associate with each other without clearly stating that homosexual activity is immoral. We encourage the Bishops, then, to provide pastoral care in full accord with the teaching of the Church for homosexual persons of their dioceses. The same document selectively and deceitfully quoted by +Laodicea is quite clear about what programs can be put forward by Bishops: The video above, which is just one single tiny example of what goes on in those celebrations, is quite open and direct about "pride" and the "season of pride" and the need for "diversity". Clerics in the Westminster diocesan chancery, allow and promote evil and perverted things at your own spiritual peril - but, please, do not treat your fellow Catholics as gullible simpletons. Allowing them is disastrous - equivocation and tergiversation about their content, when it is there for all to see, is unworthy of any honest human being, cleric or layman, and gravely disrespectful of the Holy See. No, the whole text is a sad exercise in deception: the "Soho Masses" are about the promotion, "advocacy", and celebration of "lifestyles".
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Jayson, part One
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Rating: SFW Length: 1690 Pairing: Male Croc Lizardman x Male Reader (both cis)
It’s Latin night at the local community centre, and you’re not sure if the earth is shaking or if it’s just your nerves. It’s your turn to dance with Jayson tonight, the handsome crocodilian lizardman who’s been the centre of attention since your dance classes began. He’s experienced at all sorts of dances, more agile than you’d expect for someone almost eight feet tall, and he’s been sweeping the little old ladies right off their feet—sometimes literally.
You’d initially joined the yoga classes held at the centre, but the time slots didn’t line up with the dance classes, so you never saw head or tail of the lizardman before the night poor old Mr. Grims slipped a disc doing an advanced pose at the end of the session. You decided to stick around with him until the ambulance came, keeping him company until he was loaded up and carted away from the centre towards the hospital a few blocks away.
That’s when Jayson approached you, coffee held in a delicate pincer grip in one hand and speakers held in the other, to ask you what had happened. He had deep green scales and brilliant golden-green eyes, with a body that looked like he could bench you in his sleep. He had a ready smile when he introduced himself to you, and the sympathy in his voice when he learned of Mr. Grim’s accident sounded sincere.
It was no surprise that you gravitated to the event hall after yoga let out that night, and what you saw made you wonder why you’d never considered dancing before. People of all ages and species crowded into the event hall, swing dancing at all skill levels and laughing throughout. It looked fun, and of course Jayson was at the centre of it all, bopping and weaving through the dancers and calling out encouragement and playful critiques. He was one of the instructors, you realised, and on impulse, you signed up for the next week’s class.
Flexibility, you quickly learned after Mrs. MacDougall bent you backwards over her knee, was invaluable in Jayson’s dance class. You thanked your lucky stars that you had decided to take yoga first, or you think you would have ended up in Mr. Grim’s place. Each week, you dance to a different genre, though Jayson always finds a way to put a spin on it. Last week you learned the choreography that Jayson and his fellow instructor Lindsa put together to Doja Cat’s Boss Bitch, which starred some impressive ballet on Lindsa’s behalf. They each pick a different dancer to give special instruction to each week, and this time, it’s your turn to be what feels like the sole focus of the big reptilian man you’ve developed a weak-kneed crush on. When the trumpets start blaring in Ilegales’ song Como Un Trueno, you almost jump out of your skin, and judging by the way Jayson laughs, he’d noticed.
“Alright, from the top!” Jayson calls, his gravelly voice warm and rough with amusement. “Loosen up, Ilario. Greta, sweetheart, go easy on him.”
“He’d better keep up!” Mrs. MacDougall says instead, earning herself a rare laugh from Lindsa on the other side of the room. You watch with sympathy as she drags the aforementioned man out onto the dance floor, looking more like a prisoner gamely meeting his end at the gallows than a willing dance partner.
“Ready?” Jayson asks you, and you wonder how you ever took your eyes off the charismatic reptile.
“As I’ll ever be,” you say, smiling cheerfully up at Jayson and taking his proffered hand.
“You’re shaking like a leaf,” Jason laughs, his feet starting to move along with the serpentine motions of his hips.
“I can’t help it,” you reply around a laugh of your own, following his lead and allowing him to dance you around the room. “I’m nervous.”
“Nervous?” Jayson eyes you incredulously. “You?”
“Yes, me! Everyone’s looking at us.”
“I’m an instructor,” Jayson preens, his pride in his position making you smile again. “They have to look at me.”
“Well, yeah,” you say, concentrating very hard on not stepping on the larger man’s feet. “You’re hard to look away from.”
Jayson grins at this slip. “Am I?”
You curse your distracted tongue, but you don’t regret having this conversation. Yet. “Oh, definitely,” you shoot back, and the smug gleam in Jayson’s eyes makes you want to swat him and kiss him all at once. “You’re so big, how could I miss you?”
“Larger than life, baby,” Jayson replies, picking up the pace and twirling you like a top around him. You’re a little dizzy by the time he urges you into another set of moves, pliable with disorientation and the thrill of letting such a big man take control of your body and manhandle you however he likes. “Just let it happen,” he says in your ear, and he clears a space in the hall for you two to take centre stage.
His hands on your waist are the only warning you get before you’re airborne, your body weaving over his shoulders and between his legs in a way that makes your head spin. You somehow manage to make your feet keep moving when they find their way to the floor again, though it isn’t long before you’re twirled and spun and tossed this way and that. The feel of his muscles through his clothing is a sensation that you’ll not soon forget, and his hands feel like brands wherever they touch, hot and huge and capable. You’ve never trusted someone this implicitly with your safety, and the thrill is enough to leave you breathless.
The song ends in a sharp crescendo of brass and with your body dipped between Jayson’s muscular thighs. Your heart is pounding so hard that you barely hear the applause from the other dancers, your chest heaving and your eyes locked on Jayson’s handsome face. “You okay down there?” he asks, and you want to swat him all over again.
“Thinking I should have worn anything but sweatpants,” you quip back, drawing his eyes down to your erection between you. He straightens and manages to discreetly shield you with his bulk as you rearrange yourself. Jayson seamlessly draws attention to himself and critiques dancers nearby, moving to adjust positions and laughingly reminding others to be more careful of their partners’ feet.
You move away to hide, hydrate, and watch Jayson work the room, so you miss the way that Lindsa weaves toward you until she’s leaning against the wall beside you, asking, “You and Jay-Sun, huh?”
You nearly jump out of your skin. As it is, the water in your mouth goes the completely wrong direction, and you have to accept her help pounding it out of your lungs. “Me and what?” you choke out, eyes watering.
“Oh, don’t jerk me around,” Lindsa says with a sharp smirk, tawny eyes gleaming. She’s unnaturally beautiful even for a harpy, with sandy yellow feathers that match her hair and wide, egg-bearing hips. She’s canny and clever, and though she’s a good and patient teacher, there’s a ruthlessness about her that makes you feel as though you’d be hunted before you’d be courted.
You frown. “I guess,” you say with a shrug. “I like him. What of it?”
“He’ll want to date you,” Lindsa replies without ceremony, idly preening her wing feathers and watching you with unblinking eyes. “I happen to like the guy. Hurt him, and I’ll read your entrails for filth.”
This exchange leaves you entirely flabbergasted—so much so that you spend the rest of class distracted by your thoughts. Jayson notices, and his personality turns up to 11. You find it hard not to smile at his antics and his peacocking amuses you, though you catch Lindsa eyeing you both more often than not for the rest of the session. At the end of the class, Jayson makes a beeline for you and you struggle not to flee under his almost predatory gaze, standing your ground and smiling up at him.
“What’s going on?” he asks without preamble, resting a hand on the wall high above your head. “You’ve been out of your head since we first danced. Did Lindsa get hold of you?”
Your smile falls, and you feel more than a little exposed. Were you that easy to read? “Am I that obvious?” you ask, laughing nervously.
“Hardly,” says Jayson, grinning widely and displaying all his sharp teeth. “More like she’s about as subtle as a brick to the head. She threaten you?”
You nod, speechless.
Jayson snorts and shouts, “Lindsa!” over his shoulder, earning himself a cool look from the intimidating harpy. “Stay out of my love life!”
“I will when you make good decisions,” Lindsa drawls back, and you frown. Are you not a good choice?
Jayson shakes his head, dismissing her and turning his attention back to you. “Don’t listen to the old bird.”
“I’ll turn you into a handbag, Sunny,” Lindsa says without lifting her eyes from the gym bag she’s packing. “And a new pair of boots.”
“As if any part of me could handle those thighs,” Jayson scoffs, waving his hand and smiling down at you. “Like I said, don’t listen to her. She’s just protective of me because I’m younger. Are you free this weekend?”
“Um, yeah,” you say, caught off guard by the banter between the pair and looking between them with something like wariness. Was this going to be an issue?
Jayson notices your unease and leans in close enough that you can look into his eyes and smell his cologne, lowering his voice so only you can hear. “Hey,” he murmurs. “It’s really not a big deal. She does this to everyone I wanna date. Just ignore it and focus on me. Can you do that for me?”
The way he seems to have eyes only for you brings you out of the mire of your thoughts, and you find yourself smiling up at Jayson all over again. “Yeah,” you say. “I can.”
Jayson grins, and you’re surprised to find that lizardmen can have dimples. “Perfect.”
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srbachchan · 4 years
DAY 4705
Jalsa, Mumbai                    Jan 16/17,  2021                  Sat/Sun 9:00 AM
Birthday  EF - Ayush Mehta .. Siddharth EF .. Sunday, January 17 .. greetings and the flood of flowers for this special day .. love from all the Ef .. stay safe and protected .. ❤️❤️
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To them the gratitude and love for the efforts they make in designing the face of the blogmaestr , a word I have been unable to find either a correct meaning or a correct spelling .. perhaps they that are proficient either in Latin or German may have some educative inputs ..🌹
But sincerely your affection is beyond description , and one has been so overwhelmed by the continuity of , not just the gibberish that comes out each evening, morning afternoon and night from this page, but the dedication with which each one of you have stayed with me all these four thousand seven hundred and five days .. 🥰🥰
It is to be understood that there must be some hasty impressions on other mediums that have a personal view-age for me on the ‘forgotton to press the post button’ or too ‘tired’ to get into that slumber mode .. or as the ‘breakings’ would have their warped way , to have ‘retired’ from all this caboodle ..!!🤪🤪 
But no, none of the prior is in its truest .. there was an explosion within the system .. one that sets you down in some reflective stage or shall we say onto a stage that has relentless capacity to just slump upon whatever is being said done or seen and be in unconcerned motives and intent to ‘do what the hell one wants to do , say what ever the hell one wants to say’ and ... YA ..  !!
You know what I mean .. 
Its those moments ..
BUT .. the morning is good and bright .. the warmth of the Mumbai sun, in its winter, is reflective of the temper of the Ef - ever accommodating, understanding & forgiving , towards this ‘ol man , who I have to admit has spent a rather disturbed night , getting up several times out of the bed, to get to the desk to write to give reason for this delay and seek forgiveness .. !! 🙏
The process of preparation for the next begins and in a few days there shall be back to the Studio details and visuals as the next operation work gets initiated .. a short appearance for friend and neighbour, Ajay and his film ; so far , carrying the title ‘May Day’ .. as the alarm code for a flight in distress, or in crash mode.
Then soon after a host of other shoots on line .. the details of which can only be discussed once they get on the floor of the house , which sounds so Parliamentary .. doesn’t it ?!
.. and work continues .. along with the anxiety of the pandemic, the course of action, the inoculation the effects and so on ..
.. but one has to give it all to humanity .. they always find a way out !
Yes the pandemic has been devastating , not just for those that fell ill , but for those unfortunate souls that found themselves without job, without work and without a living .. 
Somehow some of them fought it .. fought the virus, fought the circumstances, developed and designed other modes of existence and just continued to keep their heads and noses above the water levels .. 
They were and are true champions .. apart from those that came forward as true warriors , up front fighting for us not just at the borders protecting our sacred land , but those that risked life and living to save the lives and living of others .. other fellow humans .. 
Such pride .. 🙏🙏🌹
They found a way .. they decided not to give up in trying circumstances .. they just kept moving .. and moving on well .. finding other means of earning a living .. other means of keeping themselves and their families in wellness and safety ..
Staying confined to their homes or in the living has not been seen by many as a discomfort .. yes it is unnatural , but other modes have given hope to them and they have adjusted so beautifully .. despite all the encumbrances and the continuous informations of uncertainty and ill advised perceptions ..
We are human .. we live and breathe human .. and we honour and give pride to HUMANITY ..
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Amitabh Bachchan 
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Kiro’s R&S - Youthhood (Eng Translation)
🍒This R&S (少年时代) was part of the Dream Heart Lake event which will unlikely come to EN🍒
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Cancelled Kiro’s R&S:
> top experimental subject (by another user)
> stunning young idol
> youthhood ♡
> heaven’s home for children (by another user)
[ Chapter 1]
Kiro sits on the highest flight of steps of TKTS. With the scorching sun directly overhead, he’s queuing to purchase discounted tickets to “Wicked” with Pei En.
TKTS, which sells discounted tickets, is located in the bustling Times Square in New York, USA. Behind it is the NASDAQ screen, and on both sides are shops selling Disney products and all sorts of fast fashion brands. The buildings in front and in the surroundings have gigantic, neat and pretty advertisements.
Among them, a gigantic “The Avengers” poster above the subway is the most attention grabbing.
This is a representation of the era. It’s a symbol of the 20th century, and is also similar to the cyberpunk world of “Blade Runner”.
“I’ve got the tickets!”
Pei En waves the two tickets to “Wicked” in his hand. Pei En is the guitarist in his band. Kiro’s agency formed a band for him, and most of the band members are French locals. Only Pei En is of mixed blood like Kiro - a child from a Jew and an Asian.
“If the performance had gone smoothly, we would have reached earlier!”
They have a final performance in New York as part of their tour, and would have to leave after, rushing to Los Angeles, California.
“This time, I’m going to hide the donuts in an even more secret location so the person who inspects the tickets wouldn’t discover them!”
While Kiro says this, he finishes the donut in his hand.
Donuts from Dunkin’ Donuts are very sticky. Only Kiro can treat such things as delicacies.
His ringtone sounds. With a glance at the number on the screen, he hangs up immediately. Pei En is very curious to know who the caller is. He has expressed curiosity regarding everything involving Kiro, and Kiro knows why.
“Is it that fellow Lawrence again?” Pei En asks. Lawrence is the agent of their band.
“Nope, but it’s definitely a harassment call.”
“It should be.”
Pei En seems to be a carbon copy of Kiro. Aside from his hair not being golden coloured, he is extremely similar to Kiro in terms of bubbliness and openness, and how simple-minded he is. 
[ Chapter 2 ]
After purchasing the tickets, both of them return to the agency. Lawrence is at the side, looking through the program booklet for their performance tonight. Lawrence is overwhelmingly ambitious. He won’t give up until he bags a Grammy Award for the band.
“Did you know? Another group of strange people came to look for you again.”
The moment Lawrence sees Kiro, he pulls the latter to a corner. Pei En curiously watches on.
“What kind of people did you provoke? They look like they shouldn’t be trifled with.”
Kiro shakes his head. “What do you mean by ‘they’? Fans?”
When Lawrence sees the innocent and harmless expression on Kiro’s face again, he knows that his questions wouldn’t get him anywhere. Kiro always manages to find ways to conceal himself.
“How’s the preparation for the concert? You’re the lead singer, and all the girls are flocking here for you!”
“I’ll definitely perform even better than usual!”
Kiro looks to be full of zest and in high spirits. He genuinely loves being on stage, and loves how he radiates brilliance. Who doesn’t like seeing fans go into a frenzy over them and be captivated by them? It enables Kiro to fully feel that he is still living on this earth. And that on this earth, there are still so many people who like him...
“I’m guessing you went to buy a souvenir again today.”
Lawrence comes to such a conclusion after glancing at Kiro’s bag. Kiro has a hobby - to buy some souvenirs wherever he goes, whenever convenient.
From Paris to Munich, Zurich to Stockholm, Vancouver to Montreal - wherever he goes on tour, he would buy local fridge magnets and postcards, and he would always buy two sets.
He wants to collect these things, so if a day comes when he can meet her again, he would show them to her, and say:
“Look! This world is so beautiful, and you no longer have to be afraid.”
But till now, he has yet to find her. He remembers her eyes. One day, he will find her in a vast sea of people. 
“Did you know that the agency from China has sent someone to negotiate with us? They want you to sign on with them, and the amount they’re giving you is basically--”
Lawrence’s tone is exaggerated. “How are people in China so wealthy!”
“What if I said that I wanted to go to China?”
“Hey, buddy, the band can’t do without you.”
“Haha, Pei En is much more outstanding than I am.”
At this point, Pei En is still watching them. Kiro understands him too well. He’s much too curious. Also, he’s only curious about Kiro, which could very quickly expose Kiro’s hidden identity.
Did that group of people actually send Pei En to monitor him...
He kind of underestimates Pei En though.
“But that fellow is always so absent-minded. God knows what he’s thinking about.”
[ Chapter Three ]
Americans enjoy overstating things. At one moment, they go “only God knows...”, and at another moment, they go “for the sake of God...”. Some people can’t stand it, but Kiro finds it very interesting.
Very quickly, Kiro begins rehearsing with the band. His style of singing changes a lot. When they were in Europe, they mostly played rock music. When they reached America, they started playing country or jazz music.
Kiro likes the southern accent of the keyboardist from California. But Lawrence prohibits it. “The southern accent is the most crude and coarse form of English! Why can’t you learn the way the British speak?”
Lawrence has always favoured people who can speak eloquent British English - to him, only such people are refined and elegant. But Kiro grew up in France. When he first started learning English, he tended to pronounce “ch” as “sh”. Actually, French is genuinely elegant and pleasant to listen to. And English tinged with a slight French accent can make one absorbed in it.
The concert ended smoothly.
The fans are cheering in a frenzy outside, wanting them to perform one more song. But the agent has already told them to leave.
Pei En and Kiro take a car and rush to the theatre to watch “Wicked”. This is the final Broadway show they want to watch, and it was a shame that Kiro didn't get to watch the well-known Hamilton.
At the entrance, that group of fellows stopped him again. 
The person standing at the forefront is a Caucasian woman. She walks up to Kiro elegantly and greets him, signalling for the person next to her to bring Pei En away.
“I’ve already given you a response through e-mail, and I hope you won’t disturb me again.”
The Caucasian woman proceeds as usual, showing him an FBI ID.
Kiro grumbles in his heart.
“I swear I won’t disclose the contents of ‘The Avengers’. Even though I’ve already watched it on my laptop, I’ll definitely watch it again in the cinema!”
The Caucasian woman laughs.
“Mr Kiro, you’re very humorous. Even though we know that apart from Disney, you’ve also hacked into Universal Studios and Paramount Pictures, we’re not here to talk about this.”
She continues: “KEY - that’s you, isn’t it?”
[ Chapter 4 ]
Kiro doesn’t respond, his eyes widening as he glances around. 
“In order to track down your IP address, we had to destroy four computers.”
“Are you looking for me to make compensation for the computers?”
“Mr Kiro. Ten years ago, you expended no effort to hack into our computers, and left behind a string of mysterious characters.”
The Caucasian woman smiles at him amiably. Kiro’s expression grows serious. Ten years ago, that KEY who hacked into their organisation wasn’t him...
“Ten years later, you’re back again. I think you're trying to provoke us.”
“I don’t have such an intention.”
“Whether or not you do, we can’t let you continue this way. Mr Kiro, this is a serious issue. We are now sending you a sincere invitation, and we hope to work together to do more noble things.”
Kiro is silent. He had previously found a clue leading to his own master. Finding out that he had entered the American FBI website and left behind a series of symbols - he thinks this is message to him from his master. As such, he entered it as well, and found that series of symbols, but until now hasn’t been able to decipher it.
It’s a series of very strange symbols, reminiscent of a new language formed using Latin and Roman symbols. He managed to decipher it a little, and it appears that the series of symbols seem to be pointing him to a location.
And the FBI had found him quickly, sending him an e-mail. It was a solemn reminder that if he was unwilling to be enlisted by them, he would lose his rights to use a computer forever.
“You’ve stated these things clearly in the e-mail, and I’ve already replied.”
“I don't think you have considered the severity of this matter. Mr Kiro, we can detain you.”
"In that case, I’ll just sing in jail then!”
Seeing the displeased look on the Caucasian woman’s face, Kiro continues smiling simple-mindedly.
“I hope you wouldn’t regret this in the future.” The Caucasian woman leaves a final statement that is often found in a script for a classic villain. She leaves with the large group of people. 
Pei En walks over frantically, and Kiro walks towards him as well.
“Tell them that I’ve met with some trouble, and will need to leave America immediately.”
Pei En pretends to be puzzled.
“You understand the meaning in my words, don’t you?”
For the first time, Kiro looks at him seriously. During serious moments, he doesn’t smile. 
“Where do you plan to go? We can send you to Russia.”
Pei En is no longer smiling. His expression changes, along with his entire aura.
As expected, Pei En is much too similar to him. If Kiro were to leave the band, Pei En could take over his position as the lead singer, and that group of people had considered this fact too.
[ Chapter 5 ]
The face of the little girl surfaces in Kiro’s mind again. 
The girl is lying with him, and is all smiles as she looks at him.
“Don’t be afraid. When I’m out, I’ll buy you donuts, okay?”
The girl draws the shape of a donut in the air.
Back then, Kiro didn’t speak. He just stared at the ceiling in a dazed state.
“Don’t worry that I won’t have enough money. My dad will give it to me.”
Kiro remains wordless, quietly listening to the little girl speak.
The little girl struggles to pull on his hand.
Their fingers lace together, the warmth from her palm gradually coursing into Kiro’s heart.
“Don’t be afraid. I’ll protect you.”
Kiro turns to look at her - to look at her determined brown eyes, to look at how the corners of her lips angle upwards. Kiro slowly learns how to curl the corners of his lips from her. It’s the first smile to appear on his face. 
Suddenly, the door is flung open. A group of people wearing doctor’s coats enter and drag him away. The little girl watches him in a daze, and he stares back at her. They agreed to go out to have donuts - can they still eat them?
“I want to return to China.”
Pei En shakes his head, alarm in his eyes. “Why? There’s so much freedom here, and I’m the only one who monitors you. And I’m inclined to trust you more now. You won’t betray us.”
“No... I still want to go back.”
Not just for the little girl. The symbols left behind by his master seem to point to a certain location in China... Where exactly is it? And why did he leave the symbols with the FBI? Could it be the place he’s hiding at right now?
No matter what, he wants to solve this riddle.
“All right. I’ll handle it for you as soon as I can. I think you’d have to use a false identity this time.”
“As long as everything goes smoothly, it’s fine.”
“Don’t worry, there’s nothing they can’t do.”
He wants to wait till he returns to China before telling Lawrence about what happened. Lawrence will definitely be extremely frantic. After all, he’s been following Kiro ever since he debuted in France.
And Pei En will definitely be happy. He can finally take over Kiro and become the favourite member of the group, and obtain love from the fans.
Kiro is someone who doesn’t lack love. But he always subconsciously wishes that he could obtain even more love. More and more...
[ Chapter 6 ]
Before Kiro retuned, Pei En gave him materials pertaining to the agency in China.
“Your agent is called Savin. He doesn’t seem as eager for instant success and quick profits as Lawrence. Mr Savin is a very amiable person, and you should be very happy interacting with him.”
“Is he one of your people?”
“I don’t know.”
“You really don’t know?”
Pei En shakes his head. “I rank too low, so I don’t have the right to ask. I’m just an elementary spy.”
Kiro nods, taking his luggage and preparing to leave. He’ll set things straight eventually.
“Kiro, I don’t think you’re transparent. They say that what’s in your heart is easy to guess, which is why they put me by your side. But I think they have underestimated you.”
Kiro looks at Pei En’s troubled eyes, then showcases his signature sunny smile.
“How can that be? Do you want a postcard? When I get to China, I’ll mail you one. I also want to mail them to Lawrence and the members from the band. Treat it as an apology.”
Like Kiro, Pei En showcases a sunny smile. “In that case, we’ll wait for your news. You’ll definitely be at the height of popularity in China.”
“Let’s work hard together.”
After parting with Pei En, who has been with together with him from morning to night for so long, Kiro lifts his luggage and embarks on an unknown journey. 
As what Pei En said, he isn’t transparent. His brilliant smile conceals something underneath, just as the brilliant sun shrouds darkness underneath.
Hidden in the depths of his secrets are things even darkness doesn’t know of. If darkness had a mind of its own, it might think it doesn’t fit with this pure and simple youth.
Just as how everyone think he’s a simple, innocent Kiro, the sunlight casted on him can pierce through him completely, the rays of light refracting onto the floor. 
Actually, since a very long time ago, he was no longer a youth...
But, for her sake, he's willing to become a youth again.
“Don’t be afraid, I’ll protect you.”
He once again recalls what the girl said to him.
“This time, I’ll be the one protecting you.” Kiro says excitedly. He stands outside the JFK Airport, his eyes staring directly at the sun.
“I’ll find you, and protect you. I even have a mountain of souvenirs stored in my luggage. I’ll give them all to you. And my purest heart - I’ll give it to you too!”
Other cancelled R&S: here
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The Sylvester’s Invocation [Fanfiction]
1457 words, oneshot, reader insert (gender neutral), 100% sfw. Something light (just a little bit scooby-spooky) with your fav Ghoul and the Emeriti. Spontaneously written by me, carefully translated and corrected with @a-ghoulette-named-wave help!♥
I hope you’ll enjoy it~!♥
It’s been some time since you joined the Clergy. How long? It doesn’t matter. The Clergy knows your values and motivations, you showed it thanks to your implication. So you are sitting on your bed, letting this envelope slide between your fingers while your fellow Sisters and Brothers of Sin are surrounding you, sincerely happy for you. Some jokes are coming too, the main one consisting in asking you how it feels to be a soon-to-be parent. «Parent» is not a so wise word, but you surely answer that it wasn’t one of your short term life goals. And the Lord of Darkness and its Clergy prefer to use terms like godfather and godmother, which will certainly never stop to make them snigger.
A handwritten letter from Sister Imperator lies inside of the envelope. Here is what can be read on it:
Dear Sister, dear Brother
Since your arrival into our Clergy, we have continuously worked together to make it flourish. Your devotion is invaluable to us, we are counting you among our most valuable members. Therefore, the Clergy is pleased to invite you to the annual Sylvester’s invocation.
We are fully trusting you and we are convinced that you will successfully achieve this both honorrific and essential task, guiding our congregation toward the new year, connecting closer to our Dark Lord. 
Make sure to show yourself at the entrance of the crypts one hour before the beginning of the invocation accompanied by the Ghoul of your choice. (N.B: choose wisely in order to avoid any incident !)
Imperator’s signature adorns the bottom of the letter. A chills runs through your body. Attending the Sylvester’s summoning is a tremendous honour since it’s the only one Sisters and Brothers like you are invited to and get an essential role to play. It’s also a huge responsibility because this rite is very special : it’s an offspring invocation, a summoning of young ghouls. Most of the time Ghouls and eminent members of the Clergy are too busy to introduce demonic newcomers to every aspect of their new life. Thus, Brothers and Sisters of Sin are regularly asked to help them familiarize with their new environment. It allows humans to get used to demons and vice versa. So when Hell gifts its offsprings, the Clergy needs the help of its most faithful members. A young Ghoul requires attention and grows quickly -it takes less than a year for them to be independent-. There is something very instinctive in a Ghoul’s development, that’s why both a human and a demonic figure are needed: one to acclimate them to life on Earth, the other to teach them how to deal with their primitive impulsions. These cubs are offered by their parents to show their support to the Clergy, or they are orphans. They are given to Brothers and Sisters each supported by a Ghoul of their choice to raise these exceptional beings. 
The news spread fast in the Clergy’s dorms, and you hear that about ten people have been called, some of them are friends. You also think about the Ghoul you will choose. The theory says that the element of the Ghoul who will accompany you must fit your personality in order to guarantee a strong bond between you, the offspring, and its new environment. (Otherwise, an unfortunate «incident» can occur, like what happened last year when a Sister was eaten alive by her offspring before it liquefied into what remained of her. The Ghoul who came with her reportedly told they didn’t knew her, but accepted to follow her anyway because she smelled good). All of this, as often with these creatures, remains very instinctive. It’s also a chance to build a unique relationship between you and them, the assurance of being well-seen by the prominent members of the Clergy and by Satan himself. 
Therefore, you go find the Ghoul of your choice. It’s your favourite one and it’s kind of mutual. According to the glow emerging into their eyes, you know you made the right choice. 
At night, you walk together through the vast corridors of the Church. That night, the Clergy is feasting, eating and drinking, dancing and laughing, playing and kissing. Joyful exclamations raise from the gardens as music and chants echoe in every corner of the old building. Without surprise, Ghost’s sounds can be heard along with music from other bands appreciated by the Emeriti and their entourage. 
The atmosphere is radically different between the surface and the crypts. The air freshens, colours cool off. The Clergy’s vaults are vast, it’s the best place to go if you want to get lost. Guided by more experienced Brothers and Sisters and some Ghouls, you follow the others guests into one of the cellars you walked by, where the invocation takes place. You shape two circles, humans in the front and demons behind, circling an impressive but still incomplete summoning sigil, cautiously stating a few meters afar from it. Eminent members of the Clergy are working. Dressed in their cassocks, the Emeriti are easily recognizable. They’re silently pacing up and down the place. The First is stoic, staring at the most agitated Ghouls. The Second has his eternal grumpy look on his face while checking that your circle formation is perfect. The Third is almost hopping, wandering in a light step through the room and trying to lighten up the atmosphere by giving smiles and winks -which brought some cluckings and emphasized his brothers’ seriousness-. Nihil is sitting in a carved wood armchair, near the wall in front of you, the two children assisting him at his sides. Imperator’s strong voice is guiding a mass of confirmed disciples and Ghouls finishing to draw the sigil, or filling small metallic cases -some kind of kits to take care of a devil’s spawn- which are then placed at your feet. Finally, few cardinals lead by the cardinal Copia diffuse some incense around the future «parents». Their presence is essential during the summoning as they assure the stability of the door.
When everything is finally ready, candlesticks are blown off. The room is now merely litten by candles held by the Clergy assistants standing still, lined up against the walls. As a result, shadows are stretching to reach the sigil, fusing together to create a deep black pulsing stain in the center of the room. A heavy silence surrounds the room, only broke by your Ghoul’s breath behind you and Nihil’s laborious respiration. His young assistants leave his sides to light up the candles surrounding the sigil. Your heartbeat fastens increasingly when the Emeritus’ sons take place between you and the seal. 
In the first place, the Popes’ latin incantations echoe against the room’s walls, deafening you more and more to the point when you don’t hear your heartbeat anymore. Then, the flames flicker, and a crackling raises. Suddenly, a blast of warm air blows in the room, extinguishing all the candles. This sulfured blow of air emanates from the sigil, causing the mystic light of Hell’s door to paint the whole room with a blazing colour. You feel something landing on your shoulders. The hands of your Ghoul. In unison with the others, they’re reciting some litany in a strange language, the dialect of demonic creatures (also known by Clergy members bold enough to learn it).
After a few minutes, a dense strange-looking smoke is covering the door. Finally, the young demons appear. They emerge from the mysterious fog as you would emerge at the surface of water. Besides, they seem to floatin it before a Clergy member takes them out. Some of the offsprings are peaceful, and they peacefully curl up into their adoptive human parent’s arms. Others are agitated, their faces wrinkled by a huge frustration, or they cry. May Satan pardon us for the expression, but God how infernal are the cries of a young Ghoul, a mix of human and bestial sounds accentuated by the cavernous acoustic of the crypt.
Doubts fill your mind. You surely wonder if you made the right choice, if you would be able to do it, if the spawn would accept you. But a soft yet firm pressure on your shoulders is telling you to relax, that everything will be fine. You have someone you can count on by your side to progress through this new chapter. 
That’s when a Sister draws near to you, a crying offspring in her hands. Instinctively, you reach your arms to it. The small Ghoul curled up against you, all your doubts disappear for good. It stops crying, still sniffing loudly. It opens its eyes and you let yourself getting lost into them. They reflect the colour of the Ghoul’s element, which is the same as your Ghoul purring behind you. 
Having been chosen to take care of a Hell spawn is not a burden. Once the summoning is over, Imperator herself orders you -and she says «I order you»- to enjoy yourselves and to celebrate this coming new year appropriately, may it be full of learnings for you and for those dear to you, and for all the new things you will undertake.
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ecc-poetry · 4 years
covid updates: do something positive!! and call for latine artist recs
Hey all, I have some requests to put out there, which I’ll rank from GRAN EMERGENCIA to menor emergencia.
1. Emergency letter-writing to free detainees (deadline 7pm EST, 3/28)
Via New Sanctuary Coalition: 
As you may know, ICE is still keeping our Friends in custody despite the rapid spread of the coronavirus. 
More than ever we need to demand the release of all detainees. We are getting reports of solitary confinement with 23 hours lockdown and 1 hour to shower, drink water and call family. We are also receiving calls that the jails are running out of food and there's not enough soap. 
News continues to circulate that judges, lawyers, jail staff and detainees have contact with persons with the virus or they themselves have tested positive. Please visit our website www.newsanctuarynyc.org/freethemall to find ways to advocate for our Friends' release. 
Thank you for all you do!
Please email letters to [email protected]
Here’s my version of the form letter:
Date: 3/28/20
Dear Honorable Judge,
I am a U.S. citizen and a member of the New Sanctuary Coalition. I am writing on behalf of a fellow member and friend, who remains in a detention center during this unprecedented pandemic.
-- {You may rearrange the words and add more} --
My friend must be released immediately. They know there are people detained with them who have tested positive for COVID-19. And they know that as long as they are incarcerated, they won't have the space or supplies to practice the personal hygiene and social distancing recommendations we know to be life-saving. 
The only "social distancing" available in detention is solitary confinement, which is torture. There is only one practical, responsible, and moral alternative in the midst of this public health crisis: their immediate release.
Thousands have died from the coronavirus. No one should be left in a jail cell to die alone. My friend remains isolated, with exposure and condition unknown. 
In this time that has made us realize how vital our connections are, my friend's family, community, and loved ones need them as much as we are needed. I am asking you to grant the release of my friend immediately from crowded and unsafe conditions to a community that will support their needs, and where they will be safe from greater danger. 
{full name}
I drafted in Google Docs > Saved to PDF. If you want to see what it looks like, voila!
2. Rec me WOC owned small businesses
I am trapped in my mother’s apartment and I need cute clothes. Who are your favorite WOC artisans, jewelry-makers, fashionistas, and designers?
Here is a Pinterest board of what I’m into.
3. Call for Latine illustrators!
I would like to pay a Latine/Latinx/Xicanx/however you self-ID to do Miss Translated illustrations. AT THIS TIME I don’t have grant money on hand, because I’d like to base my budget in an application on the artist’s rate.
So if you know any Latine artists/painters/illustrators/tattoo artists who’d like to be part of a project like Miss Translated (or are one), tell me about them! Link me to their portfolio, their Insta, whatever. 
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pamphletstoinspire · 5 years
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Story of St. Maurus - Feast Day - January 15th - Latin Calendar
Life of St. Maurus (Maur) (Order of St. Benedict)
St. Maurus, abbot and deacon, son of Equitius, a nobleman of Rome, was born about the year 510 and died in 584. When he was about twelve years old, his father placed him under the care of St. Benedict at Subiaco, to be educated in piety and learning. When he had grown up, St. Benedict chose him as his coadjutor in the government of the monastery. He was a model of perfection to all his brethren, but especially in the virtue of obedience.
St. Placid, one of his fellow disciples, the son of the senator Tertullus, going one day to draw water, fell into the lake, and was at once carried away by the current. St. Benedict saw this in spirit in his cell and bade Maurus run and draw him out. Having asked and received the holy Father's blessing, Maurus hastened down to the lake, walked upon the waters, thinking he was on dry land, and dragged Placid out by the hair, without sinking in the least himself. He attributed the miracle to the command and prayers of St. Benedict; but the holy abbot, to the obedience of the disciple.
St. Maurus was sent to France in 543 to propagate the order of St. Benedict in that country. He founded the famous abbey of Glanfeuil, over which he ruled as abbot for thirty-eight years. In 581 he resigned the abbacy, built for himself a small cell near the church of St. Martin, so that in solitude and prayer he might prepare himself for his passage into eternity. After two years he fell sick sof a fever: he received the sacraments of the Church, lying on sackcloth before the altar of St. Martin, and in that posture expired on January 15, 584.
Gift of Miracles
St. Maurus was favored by God with the gift of miracles. To show in what high degree the Saint possessed the gift of miracles, it will be sufficient to cite a few examples of how he miraculously cured the sick and restored to health those who were stricken with a grievous affliction. It has already been stated, according to the testimony of Pope St. Gregory the Great, in the Second Book of his Dialogues, how when a youth, St.Maurus rescued St. Placid from drowning.
A few more examples of miracles wrought by the Saint, as related by the monk St. Faustus (Bollandists, Vol. 2), who accompanied St. Maurus to France and later wrote his life, will be given here. They were invariably wrought by means of the sign of the Cross, and the relic of the true Cross, which he had taken along to France.
When St. Maurus, at that time prior of the abbey of Monte Cassino, was returning with the brethren from gathering the harvest in the fields, he met a boy who was mute and crippled, accompanied by his parents. When the father and mother of the boy cast themselves at the feet of the Saint and implored him to cure their child of his maladies, St. Maurus, having for some time given himself to prayer, imposed upon the head of the boy his levitical stole, for he was a deacon, and made the sign of the Cross over him, saying to him: "In the name of the most holy and undivided Trinity, and supported by the merits of the-most holy Father Benedict, I bid you to rise, stand upon your feet and be cured." And forthwith the boy arose, walked about, and with a loud voice praised and glorified God.
A certain Vicar, Ardenard, had been sent by Innocent, the Bishop of Mans, to Monte Cassino, in order to petition St. Benedict to send some monks to France. Arriving at a place called Vercella, the Vicar fell down headlong from a high stairway in the place where he was lodging. His body was so crushed by the fall that his life was despaired of. His right shoulder, arm and hand had so swelled with inflammation, that amputation of the arm was deemed necessary. Recourse was then had to their companion, St. Maurus, who was engaged in prayer in the oratory. Moved by the earnest supplications of his brethren, and the misery of the sick man, the Saint cast himself prostrate at the foot of the altar, pouring forth his soul in fervent prayer. Having finished praying, he took from the altar the case of relics which had been sent him by his master, St. Benedict, and went to the bedside of the sick man. Having exposed the relic of the Cross, he made the sign of the Cross over every part of the arm from the shoulder to the fingers, saying:
"O God, the Creator of all things, You ordained that Your only Son should take flesh of the Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit for the restoration of your people, and You deigned to heal the wounds and infirmities of our souls by the redemption accomplished upon the sacred and glorious wood of the life-giving Cross: do You also vouchsafe through this powerful sign to restore health to Your servant."
His prayer being ended, all the poisoned blood, by which the Vicar's arm had beer inflamed, began to flow off from three different places in his arm, and his arm was cured.
While continuing their journey and reaching the Alps, one of the servants, Sergius, riding on horseback, fell from his horse and struck his leg against a huge rock, and so crushed it that it was but one bruised mass. Whereupon St. Maurus went up to the unfortunate man, seized his crushed leg with his left hand, and with his right made the sign of the Cross over it, saying: "In the name of almighty God, arise and be cured," and immediately, to the joy of all, his crushed leg became whole and sound.
When St. Maurus and his little band came to the church of the holy martyrs Sts. Maurice and his companions, they entered it to pray. At the entrance of the church sat a certain man who was born blind, begging alms from those who entered and left the edifice. He had learned that Maurus, the disciple of the holy man Benedict, had arrived, the fame of his sanctity having already preceded him. When Maurus and his companions had finished their prayers and left the church, they found the blind man lying prostrate on the ground, begging and imploring the Saint to obtain for him by his prayers the light of his eyes. Maurus commanded him to rise, and pressing the fingers of his right hand upon his eyes, he imprinted on them the sign of our redemption. Thereupon the blind man instantly obtained his eyesight.
Maur Rescues Placid
Since St. Maurus miraculously freed many persons from their bodily afflictions through the sign of the Cross and the relic of the true Cross of Christ, in many monasteries of the Order of St. Benedict from time immemorial, after the example of this miracle-worker, the custom of blessing the sick with the relic of the true Cross, has prevailed, in order to restore their health. But until recent years, there was no uniform and approved formula of blessing of the Church. There existed a number of old and new formulas, which were essentially the same, but differed from each other in many details. Some formulas were exceedingly lengthy. In the face of these facts, the Rt. Rev. Dom Maurus Wolter OSB, President of the Beuronese Congregation, petitioned Rome for an approved and authentic formula. A carefully prepared and much abbreviated formula was therefore presented to the Sacred Congregation of Rites for its approval.
This formula was approved by the Sacred Congregation for all priests and deacons, secular as well as regular clerics, to impart the blessing, provided the formula approved by the Sacred Congregation is used.
Nihil obstat: John Eidenschink, OSB JCD, Censor deputatus. Imprimatur: + Peter W. Bartholome, DD, Bishop of St. Cloud, March 3, 1963.
The Blessing of Saint Maurus over the Sick
with a Relic of the True Cross or the Medal of Saint Benedict
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Since it is frequently impossible to have a relic of the True Cross, the Sacred Congregation of Rites granted on 6 March 1959, at the request of Benno Cardinal Gut OSB, then Abbot Primate of the Order of St. Benedict, the permission to use the medal of St. Benedict in place of the relic of the True Cross to confer the Blessing of St. Maurus with the approved form as given below.
Efficacy of the Blessing
The blessing of Saint Maurus has its efficacy through the power of the sign of the Cross, the veneration of the relic of the true Cross of our Redeemer, the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Benedict and St. Maurus, and the blessing of the Church. Innumerable facts attest that where the blessing of St. Maurus has been received with a lively faith, sincere contrition, and firm confidence in God, persons have been relieved of their bodily ills, sicknesses have been cured, and evident miracles have been wrought.
Form of the Blessing
Before the blessing is imparted, the relic of the true Cross of our Lord or the medal of St. Benedict is exposed, at least two candles having been lit. Acts of contrition and firm confidence should then be excited in the sick person, so that through the merits and intercession of St. Benedict and St. Maurus, if it should please God, health may be obtained. Three Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glory be's are recited in honor of the Blessed Trinity. Then a priest or deacon, having put on a stole, and with his right hand holding up the relic or the medal of St. Benedict before the sick person, says the following prayers:
V. Benediction and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, honor and power and strength to our God forever and ever. R. Amen.
V. My foot has stood in the direct way. R. In the churches I will bless You, O Lord.
Invocation Through the invocation of the most holy name of the Lord may that faith, in which St. Maurus, by employing the words that follow, healed the sick, and in which I, though an unworthy sinner, utter the selfsame words, restore your health as you desire:
In the name of the most holy and undivided Trinity and supported by the merits of the most holy Father Benedict, I bid you, N., to rise, stand upon your feet and be cured, in the name of the Father and of the Son + and of the Holy Spirit.
R. Amen.
Antiphon. Surely He has borne our infirmities and carried our sorrows: by His bruises we are healed.
V. He that forgives the iniquities of his creatures. R. May He heal your infirmities.
V. O Lord, hear my prayer. R. And let my cry come to You.
V. The Lord be with you. R. And with your spirit.
Let us pray
O God, the Creator, of all things, You ordained that Your only Son should take flesh of the Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit for the restoration of your people and You deigned to heal the wounds and infirmities of our souls by the redemption accomplished upon the sacred and glorious wood of the life-giving Cross: do You also vouchsafe through this powerful sign to restore health to Your servant N.
Through the same Christ our Lord. R. Amen.
Let us pray
Lord Jesus Christ, You conferred upon the master, blessed Benedict, the privilege of obtaining from You whatsoever he might ask in Your name: vouchsafe, through his intercession, to heal all the infirmities of this Your servant: in order that, being restored to health, he (she) may give thanks to Your holy name.
You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. R. Amen.
The Blessing Through the invocation of the Immaculate Mother of God and ever Virgin Mary, and the intercession of Saints Benedict and Maurus, may the Power + of God the Father, the Wisdom + of God the Son, and the Strength + of the Holy Spirit free you from your infirmities. Amen.
May God's holy will be done, and may it be done to you as you wish and pray, for the praise and honor of the most holy Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The priest then blesses the sick person with the relic of the Cross or the medal of St. Benedict saying:
May the blessing of Almighty God, of the Father and of the Son + and of the Holy Spirit descend upon you and abide with you forever. R. Amen.
The sick person then kisses the relic or the medal of St. Benedict.
This blessing, if need be, may be repeated three times; also three votive Masses may be celebrated, namely in honor of the Passion, of St. Maurus, Abbot, and for the Poor Souls; otherwise the fifteen decades of the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary are to be prayed according to the aforesaid intentions by the sick person, or by others in the person's name.
Devotion to the Cross
The cross of Christ is the symbol of our redemption. By His death on the Cross, Christ redeemed the world and procured for us all blessings. We need not then be surprised to find among the Apostles a great love and veneration for the Cross. St. Paul says: "With Christ I am nailed to the Cross" (Gal. 2:19). And again: "God forbid that I should glory, save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified to me, and I to the world" (Gal. 6:14).
This reverence for the Cross was passed on by the Apostles to the early Christians, for whom the Cross of our Savior was the special object of devotion. They carved it on their tombs, marked it on their houses, imprinted it on their clothing, and on household articles. They signed themselves with the sign of the Cross on coming and going, before beginning any work and upon ending it, and in all trials and dangers. They expected to obtain through the instrument of our redemption every blessing from God, especially protection against the assaults of the devil and all dangers of body and soul.
As the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ was the chief object of devotion among the early Christians, so it was also with St. Benedict, the Patriarch of Western monasticism, and his disciples. St. Benedict often used the sign of the Cross to work miracles and to overcome the devil and his temptations; and it was this devotion of the Saint to the Cross that gave rise to the Cross or Medal of St. Benedict. The sons of St. Benedict have inherited this veneration and love of the Cross from their spiritual Father. We see this especially exemplified in the life of St. Maurus, a disciple of St. Benedict, who cherished a great devotion to the Cross of Christ, and who employed it as powerful means for curing the sick.
Nihil obstat: John Eidenschink, OSB JCD, Censor deputatus. Imprimatur: + Peter W. Bartholome, DD, Bishop of St. Cloud, March 3, 1963. HTML version: Tom Gillespie OSB; graphic: Placid Stuckenschneider OSB. Copyright 1963 by The Order of St. Benedict, Collegeville, Minnesota.
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The Historical past Of Jamaican Rocksteady Music
Massive Room Home is the ‘pop music' of our generation. First exposure: Rock radio stations have missed out on a ton of exhausting rock performers in the 2010's. I will name some names. Sasquatch, All Them Witches, Mos Generator, http://www.audio-transcoder.com/ Elder, Duel, Gary Clark Jr, Torche. Now fashionability: Here are some bands with either female or non white singers which have gotten some airplay: Wolf Alice, Dorothy, Sevendust, Halestrom. Loud distorted electrical guitars aren't modern proper now. The younger Millennials and older Gen Z kids like elevator music like Glass Animals in comparison with the Alt Rock from the ninety's and 2000's. Music followers all have our favourite genres — the ones that almost all resonate with our private style, and that we all the time return to. Hip hop fans, metalheads, EDM fanatics, nation fans, rockers, reggae lovers, and so forth. may dabble with different genres, as a result of there's simply too much amazing music out there. Still, we come back to our favorites. These days, individuals also relate nation music to Pop music, as the music industry is pushing some nation composers' careers ahead, and making it extra business and accessible. Kirsty Brown is the Govt Officer of MusicNSW , the peak physique for up to date music in NSW, and www.goodreads.com a member of Australian Music Business Network (AMIN). Kirsty comes from a background in music journalism and pageant occasions, and is the former Managing Editor of street press The Brag, which she referred to as house for four years, whereas modifying the annual Massive Day Out program and contributing to magazines like Rolling Stone and Demo. Kirsty has labored across such festivals as Flickerfest Worldwide Quick Film Competition, Big Day Out, This Is Not Artwork and most recently, because the Co-director and Basic Manager of Sound Summit. Deathcore isn't very good to be sincere. Every on occasion, there is a good Deathcore band, like Despised Icon, Veil Of Maya, Born Of Osiris, and Oceans Ate Alaska, however a breakdown for a complete tune is not what I consider after I consider music. I'm TAKING A LOOK AT YOU OCEANO. Melodic demise steel and death steel are much better. STYLE (in music) is the bed-rock, the DNA if you'll, that a derivative fashion is derived from. Eg. Rock and Roll, is a TYPE of BLUES MUSIC. The derivative type must elementarty depart from a style to develop into a style of it is personal. If this summoned visions of bopping round your lounge to the Sonic soundtrack, put together to be dissatisfied (though you can do that should you go to Spotify's gaming portal Learn how to Find the Excellent Music to Listen to While Gaming How to Find the Perfect Music to Take heed to Whereas Gaming Video games are actually thought-about an artform, and their soundtracks are an essential component. Nevertheless, sometimes you need to hearken to something else whereas gaming, which is where Spotify comes into its own. Read Extra ). Borrowing influences from music types reminiscent of hip-hop, rap, and reggae, Latin urban music has experienced important modifications during the last twenty years. From the original sounds of the reggae fusion created by Panamanian artist El Basic to the reggaeton fever of the late Nineties, Latin urban music has continued to evolve into a complex genre that features every kind of tropical rhythms, pop and dance music. ÜT: forty.745021,-seventy three.729404 About Weblog Devoted to music discovery. EARMILK serves the latest music news, streams, downloads and more. We cowl every little thing we love, these include dance, hiphop, and digital, indie rock, trap, witch-house, edm, submit-dubstep, dreamwave, various and probably about 500 others - at EARMILK you get the gambit. The mainstream rock comeback will happen Joan: Vinyl information proceed to extend in gross sales and recognition because they sound warmer to the younger person's ears. Vinyl gross sales are at present beating streaming sales within the UK. The digital Scandinavian middle-aged male-written laptop pop music is okay for streaming but in case you expect vinyl heat actual instruments will have to performed. People who learn real instruments study from classic rock. The companies will have to find music that matches the vinyl medium and Kesha will get her chance. (Sometimes also referred to as New York hip hop) A mode of hip hop music that originated in New York Metropolis during the late-Seventies. East Coast hip hop emerged as a definitive subgenre after artists from other areas of the United States (chiefly the West Coast) emerged with completely different styles of hip-hop. It has since grown into a major subgenre of hip hop, and has performed an instrumental role in hip hop history. East Coast hip hop has developed a number of inventive epicenters and native scenes within the Northeastern United States, most of that are primarily situated within African-American and Hispanic urban centers.
Of the four Roles, Sentinels solely came first in their appreciation of two genres: country (forty three%) and non secular music (forty%). The strong sense of neighborhood that characterizes Sentinel character types - whose work ethic and want for order stems from their belief that life is essentially about sustaining the social fabric for the nice of all - could clarify their affinity for these two kinds, each of which regularly include messages in reward of service, whether or not to a higher power or to 1's fellow human being. The ambivalence that Sentinels are likely to have for well-liked entertainment - so much of which strikes them as a waste of beneficial time - may additionally clarify why music must embody no less than a bit of didacticism to carry their attention for long. Frankly I do not care if the music is pop or rock. Just the tune and the lyrics needs to be my taste and wise. I follow 4 rock bands :Disturbed, Evanescence, anhbindon235.wikidot.com Breaking Benjamin and Within Temptation, trigger I simply feel calm or nice or excited by their music. I am only speaking concerning the songs, not the live shows because I stay in India and I've by no means been to any concert events. One of many essential reasons I do not like pop music much is as a result of they're always so cliched. It is both love songs or partying or medication or sex. I'm just feeling so damned bored with trendy pop music. I am also afraid that rock is creating those type of attitudes and that's why I stick with solely 4 bands. When you guys may suggest a brand new tune for me, post your comment on cretoxyrhinamantelli@gmail. com.
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lbailey1234-blog · 6 years
drarry; finding out
Hermione Granger was currently stuck in detention with her two best friends in the entire world, and Malfoy. It was stupid they had to be in detention anyway. They had gotten in a bit of a conflict in care for magical creatures, and now the four were trudging through the forbidden forest, trying to find some nest, even Hermione hadn’t heard of. She could only assume Luna would now what it was, it seemed to be one of those types of creatures.
“This has to be illegal,” Draco began as he made heavy footsteps through the forest, his wand giving off a light. “I mean, it’s the bloody FORBIDDEN forest, hear that, forbidden!” “Get over it Malfoy,” Ron scoffed, his wand also held in front of him, “We’ve all been in here before,” “Yeah,” agreed Harry, he had a strange tone in his voice, like teasing, but not a trace of true hostility to be found, Hermione found it interesting. “You’re probably just throwing a fit because it’s with us three,” Draco let out a small noise of amusement. “Yes, that must be it,” his wand pointed at Harry, lighting up his face. “Especially because of you,” it was almost as if he was about to laugh, but then turned back to trudging through the forest. “What are we looking for anyway?”
“You know as much as I do,” Hermione sighed. “I don’t think it even exists.” “He does not know as much as you, he knows as much as a bloody house-elf,” Ron spat. Hermione and Draco both rolled there eyes. “For one thing,” Hermione began, “Don’t insult house-elves like that!” Draco scoffed at Hermione remark. “House-elves are intelligent! They know a lot!” Draco defended. 
“Yeah,” Ron insulted. “A lot of evil stuff!” The four 6th years both went quiet for a second when they heard a twig snap. The four Hogwarts students held there wands towards the sound. Hermione saw from the corners of her eyes that Draco and Harry scooted closer together. “What could that be?” Ron whispered. Hermione made a quiet ‘shush’ noise. “Whatever it is, it could hear us, so hold your tongue!” Hermione whispered to Ron. He looked confused. “Why would I hold my tongue right n--” “She’s politely telling you to SHUT UP!” Malfoy snapped. The other three made shushing noises. “Sorry, just saying,” The blonde said defensively. Out of the woods came another person. Hermione’s first reaction was that it was Voldemort, but that wouldn’t make sense. He wouldn’t be on school grounds.  
“Forbes? What are you doing?” Malfoy barked. Standing in front of the Gryffindors. His wand was no longer shining with the light, as he had whispered ‘nox’ and had his wand held in front of him. “Ending something for the Dark lord. Something you should be doing!” The girls called out, her wand also held high.
“Forbes,” Draco said, almost sounding worried, or as if it was a last resort. “What’s stopping you?” She said, her wand raised. “You could kill the three of them,” She seemed furios. “Yet, you haven’t,” Hermione had thought of this, of course she had, but still, maybe Malfoy wasn’t a blood-thirsty killer. “Forbes, don’t do this,” Draco said, his head shaking. “We both know you won’t be able to, you’ll get hurt,” Hermione held back a scoff. That’s what he cared about, his fellow Slytherin getting in trouble. “Sorry, Malfoy,” The girl said, Hermione seeing a smirk appear on her face. “Crucio,” She pointed her wand at Harry and he bellowed over in pain. Ron and Hermione ran to Harry’s side, Draco pulled out his wand again, pulling it behind his head. “Makenna!” He cried out. “STUPEFY!” He called, Makenna dropped her wand, and fell to the ground. Hermione felt rage, Harry had finally stopped wrenching in pain. Draco ran down by Harry’s side. “Get AWAY!” Hermione shot at Draco. “‘Forbes, you’ll get in trouble’ just--get away,” She saw Draco’s face fall, but didn’t care. “Granger, I-Please don’t. . .is he going to be okay?” “Yes, he just needs to wake up, he’ll be up in a few moments,” “‘Stupefy,’” Hermione heard a nasal voice say from behind her. “It was smart, except for the fact you missed. You really are a chicken, or maybe a ferret,” She teased. “Ferret, that suits you more, couldn’t even do something that’d hurt me, weak,” “Forbes, I swear,” Draco’s voice was trembling, Harry was just starting to get up, and Draco had a strange glint in his eye. “Walk away,” The girl, Makenna Forbes, let out a nasal laugh. “Funny.” She raised her wand and a yellow light came out. Harry fell down in pain. He was knocked out cold, but seemed to still be breathing. The location where the light hit had burned off the shirt. There seemed to be a red, vein like lines appearing on his chest. It reminded Hermione instantly of a lightning strike mark. “ABLEGO HEADMASTER!” (In latin, this means to send away, so you get the jest,) Draco called out, flicking his wand. The Slytherin girl disappeared with a scream. “What the bloody hell is Ablego?” Ron asked. Draco was still standing, looking at Harry, not coming near him due to Hermione’s angered scowl. “I-She-I sent her to wherever Dumbledore was, it’s, what’s wrong with him?” Draco asked, Hermione had never heard such sincere in the Slytherin’s voice. “I have no clue, I’ve never seen anything like this, we need to take him to Hagrid’s, can you do that spell thing?” “I can’t send to many away, it’s the law of the spell, I can send Harry and one other,” Daco rambled, clearly nervous, a bit shaky, “I-I-I don’t know why, it’s just how it works, I guess so underaged witches and wizards can’t cheat the Appariate system, I’m not sure, I can’t, I can’t seem figure everything out,” “Hermione,” Ron said, stepping away from Hermione and Harry, “You go with Harry, explain everything to Hagrid, I’ll catch up with you, it’ll take me around 15 minutes,” “Okay,” She grabbed onto Harry’s hand. “What’ll this feel like?” Hermione asked, worried. “Strange,” Draco said, his voice shaky. “Not painful, but very strange, a bit like floo powder, but way more weird,” “O-Okay,” Hermione said, gripping Harry’s hand. “Ready,” She was still mad at Draco, and didn’t want to have to see him again for the next month. How could he be worried about someone who wanted to kill Harry, more than Harry? Slytherins, she scoffed to herself. “Ablego, Hagrid,”
Ron was stuck with Malfoy now, that sucked. “Hagrid’s is that way,” Ron pointed into the direction in the forest, where a small light could be seen. He then pointed a few inches to the right. “And that’s the way to the castle,” Ron told Malfoy shortly. Malfoy’s jaw dropped. “Ron, please, I just want to make sure he’s fine,” Draco said. Ron was having a problem with telling if Malfoy was being sarcastic, if he cared, or if he didn’t care at all. Ron shook his head. “Hermione’s mad at you, not to mention, I just don’t like you, you should go make sure your little friends not in trouble,” “You can’t stop me,” Draco told Ron, Ron was baffled at how much he cared as Malfoy began to walk in the direction of Hagrid’s. “I can actually, I could Stupefy you,” Ron teased, “but, I may miss, so maybe I can’t stop you,” “Shut up, Weasel!” The Slytherin turned to face Ron. There seemed to be tears in his eyes, maybe the ferret was just stressed. People stress cry, even people with ice blocks as hearts. “I was--just shut up!” Malfoy turned back around and began to jog through the forest. Ron followed him, not seeing much other choice. “What the hell is your problem?” “Please, Weasley, leave me alone,” He said between breaths. They were already next to Hagrid’s hut. “Just, I know Hermione is probably going to kick me out, I just need to see him,” “Why?” Ron asked again, extremely confused. Why was Draco Malfoy of all people caring? Draco barged in through the door
Draco was done with the Weasel’s stupid questions. He just needed to see Harry. They’d been dating since fourth year. When everything had gone down, and Cedric had died, Hary needed someone, and he was alone on the train, everyone else staying away from him, and Hermione and Ron got pulled away into another compartment for a few moments. Draco was there to comfort him. He started to tell him that things were going to happen soon, that there were very bad people coming for him. Then, a few days later, Draco received a owl message. It was from Harry. They wrote back and forth. Then, when they saw each other again in fifth year, they made it official.
 That led to a lot more sly remarks, and teasing. Apparently though, Harry didn’t actually need help in potions. Draco had teased him about it forever, until Harry laughed and told him the truth. Draco’s eyes almost began to water again at the thought, but quickly shook the thought away and looked down at his boyfriend. His vest was ruined and on the floor, and his white undershirt was next to it, also burned through. His chest had a large red, tree shaped mark on it. The spell must have basically struck him with lightning. Draco had to do his best to hold back any tears. “What is HE doing here,” Hermione snapped, her eyes pointing towards Draco. Ron shrugged. “I told him to go back to the castle, he wouldn’t listen,” “Probably just wants to make sure his friend doesn’t get in trouble for MURDER!” Hermione yelled. Standing up away from where she was, crouching next to Harry, and looking Draco in the eyes. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN MURDER!?” Draco yelled, he kept telling himself, don’t let your eyes water, don’t put worry in your voice, whatever you do, but he could only keep it contained to an extent. “DID HE DIE? IS HE GOING TO DIE? PLEASE,” He turned to Hagrid, who was in his kitchen, mixing something. “PLEASE TELL ME HE ISN’T GOING TO FUCKING DIE!” “Wow, you really do not want your friend in trouble,” Hermione mumbled quietly. Draco snapped. “DO YOU REALLY THINK, HONESTLY, I CARE IF MAKENNA FORBES GETS IN TROUBLE?” “Yeah, I THINK YOU DO!” Hermione yelled. “‘Eh now, Yeh need ter quiet down, er yer’ll wake ‘em up,” Hagrid said, his giant hands making a quiet down motion. “Sorry,” Draco mumbled. Giving a nasty look at Hermione, than turning away, facing towards Hagrid. “I’ll leave,” He said. “Just, tell me he’ll be okay, then I’ll leave,” Draco said, much calmer, yet, he really didn’t want to leave, but if that’s what it took to know if Harry was okay, it’d be worth it. “‘e’ll live, but there's no tellin’ ‘ow long ‘e’ll be sore, or ‘e’ll be in pain, but ‘e’ll live,” Hagrid said. Draco wiped his eyes quickly, trying to keep his social standing up. “One more thing, what’s that your making, and will it help him?” “Yeh, ‘Arry ‘ere has some internal damage, he needer drink this, it’ll be painful, but only fer a little while,” Draco wiped his eyes again, cursing himself for not doing a better job of hiding his emotions enough. “Okay,” He paused, taking a shaky breath. “I’ll leave,” He made his way for the door. “No,” Someone croaked. “Don’t leave,” Draco turned around, it was Harry he was slowly sitting back up. “If it’s going to hurt, I don’t want him to leave,” He looked at Hermione and Ron, who were helping the green-eyed boy sit up. “Why would you want---” Her eyes went from Harry to Draco. Draco could practically see the light bulb shine. “You two, what?” She then took in a deep breath. “Fine,” Draco walked over next to his boyfriend, Hagrid following behind, holding the mixture in a cup. “This’ll hert ‘Arry,” He said, “But when it’s over, yer’ll just be sore,” Harry nodded then looked at Draco, fright hidden in his eyes. Draco kneeled down next to Harry, linking hands. “It’s okay,” Draco whispered. “It’ll be okay,” Harry nodded, then took the drink from Hagrid, determination on his face, then took a sip. It looked as if the mixture hadn’t taken affect, then he began to howl in pain. Draco quickly grabbed the remains of the mixture, placing it away from them. Harry was squeezing his hand extremely tight. “Hey, Harry, Harry, hey babe, hey, Harry,” Draco said quickly, leaning close to his face. “Hey, look at me, okay, just look at me, don’t think about anything else, okay?” “Mmkay,” He said, trying to calm down. Tears were brimming his bright green eyes. He was still shaking in pain, holding back the tears. Draco decided to try and tell him something. “Hey, hey, remember on the way back home from fifth year?” Draco tried to let out a small laugh. “Remember when I was turned into a-slug-like-thing?” Harry let out a tear streaked smile. “Y-Yeah, you sent me a H-Howler,” He tried to laugh, “it wasn’t completely my fault,” “Whatever,” Draco laughed. He leaned his head on Harry’s, who seemed to be feeling better, maybe the pain had passed. After him being calm for a few more moments, Draco lifted up his head and smiled down at his boyfriend. He wiped away the tears plastered on the messy-haired-boys face. “Thanks, slug,” “Shut up, Potter,” Draco smiled. He had almost forgot Hermione, Ron, and Hagrid in the room until he heard Hermione clear her throat
It’s been two weeks since the accident, and Hermione finally brought up the him and Draco talk. “The amount of tormenting, teasing, a name-calling, he has done,” She said out of the blue one night while she, Ron, and himself had been studying for there Potions test. “I know, but--” “He has said horrible things about me, Ron’s fam--” She listed. “I know! Listen,” Harry said, being as calm as possible. “He is really a nice person, you need to get to know him,” Then there was a bunch of bickering. In the end, Hermione agreed to give Draco a chance, along with Ron.
//this is an old work, so please don’t judge, heh thanks :)
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ashalaughs · 2 years
An Annotated List of Men’s Tinder Profiles Part 13
Tough times call for making fun of dudes on the internet. Transatlantic edition.
1. I drink a lot of pink lemonade and I don’t CARE who knows!: You do you, boo
2. I once accidentally stole a diamond, wanna know How?: Yes but not enough to talk to you
3. What kind of my type are you? The kind that starts riots, the kind that rides bikes irresponsibly, or the kind that want to escape into the woods and become a swamp witch?: Truly, a man of very specific tastes
4. Iam an uncomplicated person. I like to improvise and I like to know.: These seem like contradictory impulses.
5. I am a better cook than all aliens of the entire universe: A bold and totally unverifiable claim
6.  Aussie boy looking for a lovely local lass to teach me how to play the ugly stick: Is this…a euphemism?
7. Latino (original one, from Latin Europe :P): Who will explain to him that’s not what that means?
8. My dad always said “you want a lady on the streets but a freak in the sheets!” However I just want a freak everywhere!: What a fascinating father son relationship
9. I always face others sincerely and give others a smile! The countries that impress me the most are Iraq and Afghanistan!: I guess I’m just really curious about what work “impress” is doing in this sentence
10. I bet I can cook better than you your mum and Nan combined I will prove it if you let me. I have made Mike Tyson milkshake and cookies at 1:45am: I’m impressed but also neither of those things require cooking
11. I like my women, like I like my sake: cool, unfiltered, and on someone else’s tab: I truly cannot parse this one
12. Low-key looking for my Lady Macbeth: who isn’t longing for the kind of spouse that pushes you to murder?
13. Looking for fellow LGBTQ mental health and human rights activist with 0% hypocrisy: I mean, good luck buddy.
14. ONS/FWB is fine. If you’re drunk, desperate, or don’t care. But no fucking Tory. Even miserable pricks like me have some standards: Had to include this one for being hilariously British
15. If you’ve read “The Art of Seduction” and “The Prophet” we’ll probably vibe: A truly wild combination of books
16. PS: I absolutely do not look like the The Tinder Swindler and I have no enemies: Convincing!
17. Bras are like best friends. They are close to the heart and always there for support. Be my bra.: Classic tinder: a laboured simile that suggests a strangely non-reciprocal relationship
18. It’s a race and I always finish first: Can’t say he didn’t warn you
19. Not into myth… NO Medusas plz: An unnecessarily grand way to say no uggos but okay
20. Roses are red, violets are blue / This brown man’s arrange marriage is due / If you can save me from it, I’ll cook curry for you: Please someone save the poor woman who is supposed to marry this fool
21. For girls trying to find a guy in his mid 30s on a dating app it really truly is shopping at the discount rack. The sweater looks great from a far however it has a hole in it or one arm is longer than the other. Now it’s a perfectly good sweater, however it’s up to you to deal with imperfections: Love a man who will compare himself to a shoddily made garment
22. Hate – Wheelie bin teeth (1 black 1 green 1 f**g missing): Is this a thing you encounter regularly?
23. Already in love w another woman but need sex and intimacy from someone else before she falls in love with me too: This does not contain nearly enough information and also sounds like the plot of a terrible movie
24. There must be male models on this app because nobody matches with me and my mom says I’m pretty handsome. This is bs. Not vaccinated and never will be: Yes, male models are the only possible explanation for this mystery
25. I’m challenging, confident, stubborn, carry ½ the empathy I should, driven to always be trying or doing new things, exercise in someway three times a week, and eager to find similar: If you know any cold-hearted fitness girl bosses, hit this guy up
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recentanimenews · 4 years
FEATURE: Food Fight! Conquering Chinese Cuisine with True Cooking Master Boy
  'Tis the season to be jolly, but even when your goal is to shine a light on older series for the sake of connecting new fans to catalog titles, Santa-themed anime is hard to come by. With that in mind, “Cruising the Crunchy-Catalog” is setting aside our holiday cheer and dashing through the snow with our regularly scheduled programming.
  Since the weather is turning colder, we figured a good way to warm up is with a hot-blooded action series about ... the fine art of Chinese cuisine? Head's up, folks! True Cooking Master Boy is coming at ya!
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    What's True Cooking Master Boy?
  Based on the "gourmet battle" manga by Etsushi Ogawa, True Cooking Master Boy (known as Shin Chuka Ichiban! in Japan) is a fall 2019 TV anime with direction by Itsuro Kawasaki and animation production by NAS with cooperation from Production I.G. Crunchyroll describes the story of the series as follows:
  During the 19th century China, the protagonist, Liu Maoxing, wins the title of Super Chef and is the youngest to do so in history. His master, Zhou Yu, suggests that he broaden his skills as a chef even more, so he goes on a journey around China with his friends Shirou and Meili. Mao’s mother, Bei, had wished for everyone’s happiness and fought against the Underground Cooking Society. In order to continue his mother’s wishes and protect the Legendary Cooking Utensils from the Underground Cooking Society, Mao and his friends go on a journey...
  True Cooking Master Boy is a direct sequel to the earlier Cooking Master Boy TV anime, which ran for 52 episodes from 1997-1998. But do not despair, gentle readers, because thanks to a little exposition and a few flashbacks, it's easy to dive right into the story, which picks up with Mao having his first encounters with the cooking underworld and embarking on a quest to prevent the legendary utensils from falling into the hands of evil-doers.
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    Iron Chef.
  The central conceit of True Cooking Master Boy is that well-cooked food is a force for good in peoples' lives, and by extension, the protagonist, Super Chef Liu Maoxing, is a hero who spreads happiness through the power of his culinary efforts.
  True Cooking Master Boy is a “gourmet battle” story, and that means that every conflict (regardless of the stakes) is ultimately settled through the power of cooking. This means that the main characters demonstrate increasingly improbable cooking skills, secret techniques, and “fighting styles” with all of the pomp and circumstance one would expect from a story about brawling martial artists.
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    No Reaction Like Overreaction.
  An essential element of the “gourmet battle” story is the pattern of action, running commentary, and over-reaction, and this pattern repeats (sometimes multiple times) in the structure of every cooking contest.
  It plays out like this: a chef engages in an unorthodox culinary technique, other characters observe the action and prime the audience with exposition (“That's a forbidden underworld cooking tool! How does he know how to use it?”) to ratchet up the tension, and then everyone reacts with world-shaking surprise at the deliciousness of the food that is produced.
  It's a simple but effective pattern that applies equally well to the actions of both heroes and villains, and it transforms something as relatively uncomplicated as cooking a meal into a dramatic struggle of epic proportions.
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    Escalation and Absurdity.
  The other key element to a “gourmet battle” story is that every plot development, no matter how exaggerated and silly it appears at first blush, must be played completely straight within the context of the show, and True Cooking Master Boy is absolutely sincere in its execution.
  There is no winking at the camera or breaking the fourth wall when True Cooking Master Boy presents concepts as patently absurd as legendary cooking utensils that were forged from the heart of a meteorite or a secret, evil organization dedicated to conquering the world through food. Even the most ridiculous developments are treated with a sense of gravity, and this tension between tone and content makes True Cooking Master Boy a joy to watch.
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    Order Up.
  Crunchyroll currently streams True Cooking Master Boy in 204 territories worldwide. The series is available in the original Japanese with subtitles in English, Spanish, Latin American Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, German, Russian, and Arabic. At the time of this writing, there are no home video releases for the TV anime or English language adaptations of the original manga, although a second cour of True Cooking Master Boy is scheduled to begin broadcasting in Japan in January of 2021.
  If you're in the mood for a tasty bit of diversion that is earnest and melodramatic in equal measure, and if the series is available in your area, then please consider checking out the adventures of Mao and his fellow culinary masters in True Cooking Master Boy.
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    Thanks for joining us for this week's installment of “Cruising the Crunchy-Catalog.” Please be sure to tune in next time, when we get a bit more meta-textual with Anime-Gataris, a fall 2017 TV anime ostensibly about a fledgling otaku attempting to prevent the high school anime club from being shut down.
  Is there a series in Crunchyroll's catalog that you think needs some more love and attention? Please send in your suggestions via email to [email protected] or post a Tweet to @gooberzilla. Your pick could inspire the next installment of “Cruising the Crunchy-Catalog!"
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      Paul Chapman is the host of The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast and GME! Anime Fun Time.
Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
By: Paul Chapman
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imsarabum · 7 years
{Final Chapter: PART 30} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Vampire!AU, Fantasy, Angst, Smut
Summary; N/A.
“And in the end, he had everything he had only ever hoped of having; her, only her - for the rest of time.”
Warning: Although this chapter doesn’t have an M rating, there are some scenes of slight mature/sexual content.
This is the final chapter to this series! If you would like to read my author’s note, I have placed it at the end of this post after the chapter for those who wish to see it~ Thank you, and I hope you enjoy IWSY’s final chapter ^^
{Part 1} // {Part 29} {Final Chapter: Part 30}
If someone had told you back when you had first moved from your grandparent’s house in the countryside, to the bustling and uneven streets of the city that your life would have ended up this way; you probably would have offered to pass on the name and telephone number of a psycho-therapist for their own good. You had completed University and interned at a few companies – before landing yourself as the CEO’s personal assistant at the Jeon Corporation; which just so happened to be one of the largest leading corporations in the world of medical supplies and blood research. Upon joining back then, you just considered yourself as nothing more than a mere ‘plain Jane’ – a country-bumpkin kind of girl who had more or less nestled into city-life, renting her own run-down apartment and looking after one bitch of a cat, Mugsy; while trying to deal with her cold-hearted, unforgiving and formidable boss of almost eight months, Jeon Jungkook. At that time, you didn’t know anything about Vampires or domitors – the only Latin you spoke were the words you had ignorantly spoken in your common tongue; and you sincerely thought that you’d happily, yet unfortunately, live out the rest of your years alone; perhaps becoming everyone’s favourite crazy cat lady as a result of never being able to open up to anyone about your past.
Yet - you couldn’t have been more wrong; not even in your wildest dreams.
Since the night Jungkook had asked you to marry him; and after saying yes to him, your life had changed immensely. But this time – contrary to most times in the past you had been subjected to a great degree of change, your life began changing in small yet progressive ways; for the better. As news of your change into a Vampire-domitor hybrid swept to all corners of the Eternal Kingdom, your name was in the mouths of strangers you never thought your actions would affect – inspiring and amazing many…yet agitating and enraging the few who adopted the same mindset as Yoongi. However, since fully recovering; Jimin had given you some invaluable advice that you had heard many times before in the past as a human – but it rang true for you even more, now that you were in a seat of undeniable strength and power.
“Lion’s don’t lose sleep over the opinions of sheep. And that’s all they are – sheep that blindly follow one damning ideal…they’d do well to remember how that fared out for Yoongi, in the end” he had told you this during one of your many heart to hearts that you both found yourself engaging in when you took it upon yourself to visit him and Taehyung in their boutique. Things were good – more than good. In fact; they couldn’t have been better, as Taehyung and Jimin both became the older brothers that you never had.
When it came to your working life – despite Jungkook wishing you would take the entire duration of your pregnancy off work to rest, everything remained just as it was before. You were still his personal assistant, you still made him coffee first thing in the morning at the office – and you still welcomed and greeted each of his clients as they came to join in on meetings with the company’s CEO. There were, however, slight changes to your office life. For one, the entire office knew of you being not only Mr. Jeon’s personal assistant, but you were now also his fiancé – his ­bride to be. At first, the atmosphere that surrounded the office was a little more than what could be described as ‘strange’ – but as the months went on, and as your baby-bump began to increase in size; everyone just became used to the sight of you both strolling in and out of work together in the morning and the evening.
You did, of course, keep your professional working relationship with Jungkook in the office…but only sometimes. You often found yourself grinning at the fact that – more often than not, Jungkook would take it upon himself to clear his office desk to lay you down on top of it, spreading your legs open wide to reveal that perhaps, you had chosen not to wear any panties that day. For – since becoming pregnant, you found that you didn’t possess any cravings for food or the likes as you heard was quite the usual for pregnant women; Vampire and human alike. Instead, it was almost like you were in a constant state of heat. For want of better words – Jungkook found himself with an extremely beautiful, extremely seductive, and extremely horny Vampire bride-to-be; never able to say no to you as he just couldn’t help himself, either. It was only when you decided to playfully sit in Jungkook’s lap in his office chair after unzipping his work pants to lower yourself down on top of him – letting Jungkook feel every inch of his member being swallowed by your warm heat between your thighs…that things became more than risky. As it turned out, the position of you straddling him with your office skirt hiked up around your waist and your pregnant bump against his abdomen was what really got Jungkook’s rocks off as he controlled your movements from beneath him. To put it quite simply, there were times that perhaps both of you moaned and panted a little too loudly; leaving questionable and awkward looks of shock on the faces of your fellow co-workers once you left his office to go about your duties. Yet – you smiled and waved at them as you passed them by, as you thought to yourself – “I don’t know if it’s because I’m pregnant, or if it’s because I’m a Vampire…but I would NEVER have done anything like that if I were still human…” And as much as this thought greatly piqued your curiosity, both you and Jungkook rather enjoyed the act of risking getting caught too much to care.
As for your younger brother Cassidy, you and Jungkook began visiting him religiously every Sunday – as if the institute he resided in were a church and you were both devout believers. In the beginning, it took Cassidy a little while to warm up to the new face that was Jungkook; but upon you telling him that Jungkook had helped you defeat Dracula; Cassidy not only relaxed in the knowledge that the one who murdered both of his parents was finally no longer at large – but he took to Jungkook like a fish to water. In the weeks that followed, Cassidy was introduced to more than just Jungkook – with Taehyung and Jimin coming along to meet your own flesh and blood; and both of them were more than blown away by the sheer artistry your brother possessed in his drawings, which in turn, always put a beautiful smile on Cassidy’s face. Both you and Jungkook had decided that – after you both married, that the two of you would begin working on getting Cassidy out of the institute; as he had the loving family of the Jeon’s who could more than support and take care of his needs outside of his four walled confinement. You had since begun to finally realise that – Cassidy was never crazy, as he was labelled by so many in the past; he was just absolutely terrified of Yoongi. And now that he knew Yoongi was no longer a threat to either you or him? Cassidy seemed to become more docile – more approachable, and more like the little brother you remembered him as. You did, however, decide it was best not to tell Cassidy that you, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin were all in fact Dracula’s too; for the time being, at least. It was in those moments that you finally understood the troubled waters that flowed through Jungkook’s heart when he didn’t immediately tell you that he was a Vampire. Thus, you decided upon waiting for the right time, but somehow – you knew that everything would be alright. As a final note in regards to your family, Jungkook wanted to honour your human ancestral customs, wishing for a taste of how it felt to be a sweaty, nervous man asking for your hand in marriage from your grandfather. Although he wasn’t asking for permission from your father, your grandfather was still young for his age despite being in his late seventies; yet, both of your grandparents rather enjoyed Jungkook’s company – with Serrena and Jeonju coming along to introduce themselves in turn; and it was the perfect image of a ‘happy family’ you could have only ever hoped for. And of course, upon Jungkook engaging in what he referred to as a ‘man-to-man’ talk, your grandfather was more than happy to partake in the act that was ‘giving you away’ - to be wed to Jungkook in the near future.
As for deciding the fate of the three rogues – Namjoon, Seokjin and Hoseok; you were more than happy with how things had played out, as you granted Seokjin and Hoseok their wishes of allowing them to return to the way they were before Yoongi got to them; human, once again. Namjoon, however – wished to now remain a loyal Vampire by your side…and the Jeon family accepted him with open arms as one of their own. A part of Namjoon did want to return to his poor family who still believed he was either missing or dead, but an even bigger portion of him wanted to be a part of something that you were essentially leading – wanting to make sure that no Vampire would ever have to be subjected to the same mistreatment he had forced upon him. Jungkook offered Namjoon a job at his company in the psychological evaluations department for rogues that willingly turned themselves in to be rehabilitated with manufactured blood. And in the end, Namjoon couldn’t have been more happy with how things had turned out for him; as all he wanted to do was to help lost souls…just like you had helped him.
When you had just entered the seventh month of your pregnancy, it was finally time for you and Jungkook to tie the knot after months of planning, organising and putting together a rather unconventional wedding. You didn’t have many human friends that you could invite to attend – thus leaving only your grandparents, your co-workers and your old landlord along with his wife that you had since told that you wouldn’t be moving back into your little apartment, as you would be moving in with Jungkook, permanently as his wife. However, this wasn’t just any wedding; it was the wedding of the future King and Queen of The Eternal Kingdom – a real thought that would someday become your life that you still found to be an extremely hard pill to swallow. A royal wedding consisted of the Eternal Kingdom’s council in its entirety, plus all of Jungkook’s family and extended family; along with any known associate families that had ties with the Jeon’s; making the entire body count somewhere over eight hundred souls that would attend to witness the marriage of the Prince and his bride. And not only that, you weren’t just a bride…you were the now widely known and widely revered, respected and loved Vampire-domitor hybrid…who would one day rule the Kingdom by her Kings side as Queen (Y/N) – the first of her name.
Of course, your wedding dress was hand-made by none other than Taehyung and Jimin – creating the perfect dress to suit your heavily pregnant body in a white-flowing, Grecian style gown that swept to the floor in a waterfall style cascade. When you first laid your eyes on it – you found yourself almost reduced to tears at just how beautiful it was; with its sweetheart-style, Sabrina neckline with tiny, charming sparkles that created a shimmering illusion in the lace that covered the top of your chest and the lace bodice down your back. Upon slipping it on your body on the morning of your wedding – with the help of your two bridesmaids, Hyeja and Chaewon, you couldn’t stop looking at yourself in the mirror while you observed how elegant you looked with your baby-bump actually looking as if it were a design as part of your ensemble. You had read somewhere that during pregnancy, women were supposed to ‘glow’; and as you stared at your reflection with Jungkook’s sisters smiling behind you, you could truly see your own glow as it radiated around your body in happiness. Even to Jungkook, as he thought about how truly stunning you looked walking down the aisle of the grand, holy Vampiric ecclesia that resided in the main Eternal Kingdom’s castle which had been decorated in white and gold to symbolise the bringing together of two Vampires. He knew that for as long as he would live, he would never forget the sight of you walking towards him with everyone’s eyes on you – the way you smiled at him, the way your eyes lit up with slight nervousness and giddy excitement towards his open hand to take yours. The whole ordeal was a rather tender-hearted experience, especially since the only souls that Jungkook would have ever chosen as his grooms-men were right there beside him; Taehyung and Jimin – all three of them dressed in black suits, with Jungkook donning his golden Princes’ crown, encrusted in emeralds, rubies and sapphires to honour royal Vampiric tradition. A normal Vampire wedding consisted of no bridesmaids or grooms-men; but Jungkook wanted to honour the life that you came from – and you wanted to honour the one you had just been pulled into. Therefore, you both decided to begin your life together by undergoing one of the most important rules to the secret of having a happy marriage; compromise.
A vicarius from the Eternal Kingdom’s council was chosen to be the one to wed you both; and was instructed to perform a slightly different ‘run-of-the-mill’ wedding. In the world of Vampires, no rings were exchanged at the altare – rather, it was the joining of hands and sipping blood – that was passed off as wine for the sake of human guests -  from the other’s golden chalice that was traditional to custom. Yet – both you and Jungkook decided that there was no harm in also incorporating a few traditional humankind customs; as he presented you with the most elegant, but simple wedding band in the form of a rose-gold, single diamond ring for you to wear on your left hand. Admittedly, you did feel uncharted levels of nervousness as you performed the joining of the hands and sipping from Jungkook’s chalice, as it was quite a complex procedure with many rules and customs to adhere to; especially with so many Vampires watching you from behind. But somehow, all of your worries withered away like dying rose-vines in the winter when you saw Jungkook smiling right into your face – feeling his gentle touch on your hand as he helped you wrap the royal cloth around the both of you; and ultimately, how delicious you found the blood from his chalice to taste, especially as you peered into his deep, mahogany pools that sparkled whimsically in the candlelight that shone from the altare table in front of you both. When you had first began consuming the manufactured blood for the sake of your baby, you were a little unwilling as you imagined the taste would be one you wouldn’t favour. However, upon tasting it – you came to realise that perhaps since turning; you had grown a primitive taste for blood in itself. That, and the fact that you knew it would be the best form of nutrition for the life inside you – was all you needed to submit to the act of drinking blood. And as soon as you and Jungkook were announced as husband and wife; Jungkook completely surprised you by sweeping a lock of your hair behind your ear and placing his lips right on yours – as if to put a final seal on your marriage in the eyes of over eight hundred, as they all stood up to engage in a round of applause. You couldn’t see at that time, but a tear of happiness escaped Serrena as she watched in the front row; and Namjoon sitting just a few rows back – with a beautiful smile plastered on his face from the sight of happiness that was you and Jungkook; Prince and Princess of the Eternal Kingdom. Not only that, but you were now the daughter-in-law of the current King and Queen, and in time; both you and Jungkook would take on the reign of the throne, for generations to come.
“Jungkook – put me down!”
After the wedding celebrations had gone out with a bang – with the majority of the guests returning home and you and Jungkook retiring to one of the grandest bedrooms in the palace, you currently found yourself being held in Jungkook’s arms, very fittingly ‘bridal’ style; just outside of the castles very own, makeshift ‘honeymoon’ suite. Unfortunately, due to the room’s grandeur - Mugsy was not allowed to spend the night with the both of you as Serrena probably would have had forty-fits if anything were to be ruined beyond repair. Thankfully, however, Taehyung and Jimin took the liberty of ‘cat-sitting’ for the night, leaving you and Jungkook alone to have a private celebration without the watchful eyes of Mugsy peering over at you both.
“Oh no, Mrs. Jeon – I can’t have that~ You’ll have to stay right where you are for the time being, I’m afraid” Jungkook gave you a whimsical smirk as he pushed open the door with his elbow – adoring the sound of your laughter as you found yourself feeling rather pink in the cheeks at the sound of him calling you ‘Mrs. Jeon.’ You had planned on teasingly protesting for just a little while longer, but you came to be at a loss for words at the sight of what could only be described as a perfect, Cinderella style room; the walls being a cream, smooth textured stone, with the high ceiling being panelled in oak-wood squares that gave the entire room the feeling of being perfectly frozen in time. As Jungkook noticed your awe-struck face, he placed you down on the stone floor to allow you more time to gaze at the sheer elegance of the room – finding yourself mesmerised by the detailed, intricate and brilliantly designed stone fireplace that had already been lit in wait of your arrival. And – when your eyes finally laid themselves to the bed just opposite the gentle fire, your mouth formed itself into a dazed smile as you took in the dark-wood bed-frame with its posters that had been draped with sheer, white fabric; to compliment the gold and royal blue bed-sheets that lay upon the super king-size mattress that was more than fit for a King, and his Queen.
“Do you like it?” you heard Jungkook’s low whisper as you felt him come up behind you, pressing his chest to your back and snaking his arms around your front – resting his hands on top of your bump; something that he had grown extremely fond of doing.
“…it’s – it’s perfect, Jungkook” you couldn’t hold back a full-toothed smile as you took in the rest of the room – it’s old-style, antique stone and wood furnishings that made you feel like you had taken a step back in time. “You did all of this – for me?” you turned your head, seeing him nod eagerly as he returned your smile.
“I wanted today to be one that you would never forget. I wanted to make you feel like the princess you truly are – for you are, my princess now~” there was a patronising, double entendre to his tone as he raised his eyebrows to you –making you want to blush even harder in turn.
“But – that also makes you my prince, right?” you gave back as good as you got with a playful look in your eye, seeing Jungkook bite his lip at your response. “After all, female Vampires are stronger than males – which makes me the more dominant one now, correct?”
Jungkook let a rather devilish chuckle escape his lips at your blatant boldness, something he would never want to change about your character – before he once again, scooped you up into his arms and began carrying you towards the bed. “Hmm~” he let a low hum escape his throat as he gently lay you down on the mattress, his body just above yours as he peered deep into your eyes. “It’s true – you are much, much stronger than I. And soon – you and I will not be Prince and Princess, rather; we’ll be King and Queen…” his words trailed off as he began gently removing your delicate jewellery from your neck and wrist – placing them aside before returning his stare to you. “To every Vampire that resides in this realm, and to me – you will be my Queen…but you have always been the Queen of my heart. And that is something…that will never change, no matter what may happen in the future.”
Somehow, his words instilled great power to surge through you in that moment, as you flicked your eyes to his fingers that were beginning to remove your wedding dress – slowly pulling it down your chest to expose your body to him. As you felt yourself heat up under his movements, you thought more about what he had said just then, before you spoke up with your voice wrapped in silk that was absolute music to Jungkook’s ears.
“On the outside, I plan to be your Queen – for both your eyes and the eyes of others” you breathed heavily as you watched Jungkook swiftly remove his white shirt, letting it fall to the floor to allow you to see his body above you, before he began sliding his hand between your legs – gently caressing the skin of your thighs. “But when it’s just you and I…” you moaned at the sensation of his hand coming into contact with your clothed centre as his eyes never left yours, “When it’s just you and I…you are the one and only King; and I surrender completely to you…my Prince”
No sooner had your words left your mouth, Jungkook felt fire like no other ignite inside him, as all he ever wanted, all he had ever wished or hoped for – was right there in front of him with a wanton look on her face; only for him. To Jungkook, there was no other being on earth or in the worlds beyond his that was as perfect as you – not just aesthetically, but in every other form and aspect of how someone could be. And as he kept his eyes firmly locked on yours – watching them change from their normal pigment into the colour that seemed to only appear when you either exercised your Vampiric prowess, or when you were being radically seduced by him; he felt like the richest being alive – the happiest, the luckiest and the most loved soul in the history of time itself. Everything that you had both been through – the good, the bad, the worse and the downright ugly; it all led to that moment right then. In the beginning, Jungkook would have rather died that to have you subjected to the same life as he. But when he really thought about it, he wanted to spend every single day with you, watching both you becoming parents, seeing your children grow into adult Vampires that held the same morals as the two of you, living through the good and bad times that often came with life – no matter if you were a human or a Vampire. He knew that none of that would be possible if you were to live out the rest of your days as a human by his side; and the pain of your inevitable death would have in turn, been the death of Jungkook himself. As Jungkook removed the last of your clothing – he began skimming his hands over your stomach, feeling the slight movement of his future son or daughter inside that put the biggest grin on his face known to the world. You – as a pregnant female Vampire, knew the physical sex of the life inside you; but you decided on keeping it a secret until birth, despite Jungkook begging you close to fifty-million times a day to put him out of his misery. Yet – you decided to keep just this one thing to yourself, for now.
Jungkook’s lips pressed themselves to yours as you gasped into his mouth – feeling his tongue slip inside as he swallowed your small sounds of hedonistic desire. While you took it upon yourself to begin roaming his bare back with your hands, Jungkook thought about the future; your plans to eradicate any and all Vampires who were like Yoongi – to help them see the error of their ways; to help them realise that life, all life – was precious, and should be respected no matter what. Before you walked into his life, Jungkook had absolutely no idea where he was going; no compass that pointed in any direction to help him decide what he wanted to achieve. You had given him emotion, you had given him life, love – feelings and all the things he secretly wished for. In around two months time, you would also be giving him something new; fatherhood. All of that – gave Jungkook the most important thing he could have ever found, something that most humans and Vampires alike spend their whole lives searching for. You had given him purpose to carry on – and he planned on being with you, every step of the way.
“(Y/N)…” Jungkook said your name as he let his lips linger for a second longer, loving how that – even though you were a Vampire, you still possessed the natural, pink hue on your cheeks that he always managed to gift to you in moments such as that one. “You’ve given me so much…and you’ve never asked for anything in return” he whispered gently with such emotion in his voice that mirrored itself in his eyes. You knew the look he was giving you – one filled with deep, pensive thoughts.
“I’ve never asked for anything, because you…you are the only thing I need. I…I love you, Jungkook” you took his hand in yours and laced your fingers with his, feeling him tensing over your body as to not lay his entire weight down on your pregnant stomach.
“No matter how many times I hear those words coming from your mouth, I’ll never tire of hearing them” he let the most beautiful, bashful smile appear across his face – similar to that of a love-struck yearling. “I love you too, (Y/N) – and I hope you won’t tire from hearing me say it to you, every day for the rest of our lives. You don’t mind me doing that, do you?” he tilted his head as he waited for your reply.
“This dummy…” you laughed inwardly, knowing that he already knew what you would say, but knowing that he wanted to hear it from you directly. When you thought about it, you knew that your future with Jungkook would be a rollercoaster of excitement, happiness and adventure; especially as you had both decided on having lots of babies and helping them grow up in the best way you both could both knew how. You knew that soon, Cassidy would be able to be by your side. And, although your parents weren’t there to witness the birth of their grandchildren, you smiled at the thought of them being in their own paradise in the world beyond – perhaps being able to look down upon you and your family…being proud of the strong, tender-hearted woman that was, and would forever remain; their daughter.
In response to Jungkook’s question, you blinked softly at him – giving him a single kiss to his cheek as you smiled so radiantly back into his face, that it could have almost put the sun in her sky to shame.
“You want to love me for the rest of your life?” you asked, seeing him nod his head slowly as he began leaving trails of damp kisses along your collarbone – before letting you feel his sharp fangs that protruded ever-so-slightly as he dragged them across your skin; leaving you feeling absolutely euphoric in the wake of his havoc he wreaked upon you. You opened your mouth, gasping and panting at the sensation, before you uttered words that you meant with all of your heart – words that you believed in now, and words that you would believe in until your end of days.
“Jungkook,you know that I won’t stop you…
…I won’t ever stop you.”
~ The End~
Authors Note;
I’d just like to begin this authors note by thanking each person who always messaged me every single week without fail to tell me how much they loved IWSY! You guys really don’t understand how much just even a little bit of encouragement means to a writer. Seriously - there were some weeks that I was so overworked with University and my job that I really felt like not continuing with my writing sometimes, but you guys always lifted my spirits. So thank you, so much! ^^
Over 30 weeks ago, I received an Anonymous request from someone asking for a Jungkook Vampire!AU smut - but since March 2016, I had already been planning to write a VampireAU! series. So when I saw the request, I thought that there was no time like the present and I combined the request with what I wanted to do! I spent a lot of time coming up with lore; taking lore from the current Vampire genre (not just in FanFiction) and trying to create my own unique twist on it; everything from the history of Vampires to the Latin that I chose to incorporate as Vampiric terms to make the story as authentic as I could! It’s funny to me, because I took IWSY really seriously - mapping out family trees and history diagrams that sit on my desk for me to refer back to; dates, times, numbers and Latin terms etc. that all were used to help IWSY become the story that it is.
IWSY has been the longest chaptered series that I’ve written, and IWSY has really become part of my world for the past 30 weeks; the endless dreams and daydreams about this world that I’ve had are shocking! And, although it was a little stressful to produce one chapter a week for 30 consecutive weeks with work and University to do as well, it was more than worth it for me. Especially seeing how much you all enjoyed reading it ^^ It made me so happy, you have no idea!
Anyway, I really hope that you enjoyed this last chapter of IWSY. As I’m sure you can tell, the last chapter was always going to be a ‘wrap up’ chapter - just nicely trimming off any ends that were perhaps still hanging by a thread. In the future, I do plan on doing a 2-3 chaptered mini series of Vampire Taehyung and Jimin when they first met each other - for all the VMIN lovers out there! ^^ It will purely be a boy x boy/boys love Vampire!AU - so I hope that you’ll like that too, should you wish to read it. I don’t know when this will be - but I promise it will happen ^^
Thank you very much for reading IWSY - and I’m so glad that we could all connect through our love for BTS through this little story^^ Every single one of you are amazing people, and I hope you can all realise this and know that you are just as strong, beautiful and powerful as Y/N was in IWSY ^^
And although I Won’t Stop You has ended, I won’t ever stop writing ^^ (my dad jokes are awful please forgive me but I promise I mean well)
- Sara
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cynicinafishbowl · 7 years
Any bit of chapter 12 you want to do. This obviously has nothing whatsoever to do with the auspol references in it.
HERE YOU GO, FAM (under the cut)
“This is Darcy.”
“Darcy, Elizabeth. You’ve got a leak.” [interesting that the first thing she did when someone started asking questions they shouldn’t have been asking is she called Darcy to warn him.]
There was a moment’s pause. “No we don’t.”
“Look, Minister, [she’s calling him ‘Minister’ - she’s annoyed] I just got into my office to find some journalist named George Wickham [lol fuck that guy] dropping hints about something that’s happening today. I didn’t engage, so I cannot be certain if he meant your thing or some other thing, but I’m willing to guess it was your thing.” [come on, Lizzie, this is clearly you being concerned about/for him]
“Why does that name sound familiar?” Darcy mused, and the sound of typing came from his end of the call. “Oh right. I knew of him at university. Seemed like a bit of a dick.” [given that I got rid of their sordid backstory, that’s as far as the animosity goes]
“Well he’s a journalist now, so I think it’s safe to say that that continued,” Elizabeth commented. “If you’re confident that you don’t have a leak, then I shall wait with bated breath for whatever other fresh hell is coming today. [there’s always some variety of fresh hell to be let loose] But if I were you, I’d set wheels in motion sooner rather than later just in case.” [COULD YOU BE ANY MORE OBVIOUS, ELIZABETH? COME ON!]
“I’ll keep that in mind, thank you.”
Elizabeth ended the call and then opened up a number of twitter feeds, keeping an eye out for any posts that shouldn’t be there, while waiting for the inevitable BBC tweet that there was a leadership challenge underway. All things considered [the greatest prevaricating statement in existence], it was surprisingly swift and bloodless. The PM had been concerned with the challenge he had thought was coming from the Home Secretary, which meant that the votes he thought he needed to muster were not in fact the votes required. He conceded defeat like a gentleman, in front of a small cadre of reporters from news outlets that Elizabeth had selected. There was a show of unity behind the new leader. It was nothing like the 2015 ousting of Australia’s sitting Prime Minister [lol remember that time Tone got fucking dealt with by Malkie?], an affair so acrimonious that there had been a gelato flavour created in its honour [delicious], and generally the ne plus ultra [good phrase] of what they were very much not trying to go for over at Westminster.
This was not, however, the way things would have played out naturally [I mean, this was some light to moderate betrayal]. The moment some backbencher tweeted that there was going to be a party meeting because there had been a leadership challenge (Elizabeth made a note to send some underling to yell at him - one did not just tweet politics willy-nilly [Donald?]), she put her heels back on and made her way over to the party room where MPs were milling about waiting for the whips [in retrospect, I think that the word ‘’Whips’ should have been capitalised] to show up. Mr Gardiner had learned over the years that it was best to have a threatening presence [Like Darth Vader lurking in the corner, reminding people not to get ideas] reminding the major players that there were lines that were not to be crossed, and that any comments to the press, should they feel driven to provide them, should be measured and considerate, and in no way the sort of thing that Boris would have said about Theresa [Honestly, the lad just needs to declare a challenge and be done with it]. Nobody wanted to go back to the way things were in those days. [is this my IN NO WAY SUBTLE commentary on post-Brexit politics in England? Clearly]
She entered the room to hear the PM asking, in an almost disappointed voice, “Et tu, Darcy?” [I love a good ‘et tu’]
Darcy raised his eyebrows as if to say ‘I’m doing what needs to be done’ [and I also love expressions speaking eloquently], and left the soon to be ex-PM, walking over to Elizabeth. “What are you doing here?” he asked. [secretly delighted that he got to chat with his work crush] “The ballot hasn’t even happened yet.”
“I’m here as a silent threat, to remind everyone to comport themselves like adults.” [Darth Lizzie]
“What, you’re worried that Brutus is not, in fact, an honourable man?” [the shadiest line in any Shakespeare play. A line so shady that I thought it was actual Cicero. That was some serious betrayal when I discovered that I was wrong]
“Heavens no,” Elizabeth laughed. “The Brutuses [I am torn about this pluralisation. On the one hand, ‘Brutus’, having the vocative ‘Brute’ is clearly first declension masculine, which means that the plural ought to be ‘Bruti’. That said, I feel that the line scans better if  it is pluralised as if it were third declension masculine. Ignore me] are not my concern, for Brutus is an honourable man. I’m more worried that Julius won’t take twenty-three stab wounds like a champ.” [I did Latin at school for six years, and by god, I’m going to milk it for all it’s worth]
“In this case, I can say with certainty that Julius is a terribly sound chap.” [the return of ‘sound’ness]
“There’s ‘sound’, and then there’s ‘he was just stabbed in the back twenty-three times by his fellow senators [harsh]’.” Darcy did not look guilty in the slightest as she continued, for indeed was Brutus an honourable man [I’m having way too much fun with this line]. “Not to mention the fact that one of the backbenchers already tweeted that a challenge was underway, so the cat’s rather out of the bag as it were. If I’m here glaring at people, they’re less likely to tweet things, and that makes my job significantly easier in the long run.” Darcy was looking at her in an odd manner [yeah - heart-eyes] as she surveyed the room sternly as yet more MPs filed in. “It’s probably not good for your image to be seen to be too chummy with the media relations demons,” Elizabeth pointed out [concerned for his career - adorable]. “If you want to be respected by your peers as the next Foreign Sec, you probably shouldn’t be chatting with some chit [she’s never letting that one go] from the civil service.” She smiled insipidly at him, before catching sight of the MP who had posted the first tweet and glaring daggers in his direction.
“That assumes that I expect my peers to do anything other than resent me for being some young hotshot who got one of the top cabinet posts after the political equivalent of five minutes in the Commons [once again, Darcy reminds us that he’s a clever lad with more than the average dose of self-awareness]. They’re going to dislike me regardless, and are you really never going to let that comment go? It was not my finest moment, and I apologise once again most sincerely for any offence it caused,” Darcy said in a put-upon manner. [poor lad, he just wants her to like him, and meanwhile she keeps bringing that up]
“There was no offence, Darcy [there was some offence, at the time, she has since gotten over that offence], it was bloody hilarious [not so much at the time, but definitely later]. I just keep bringing it up because it makes you uncomfortable, and a large part of my job is making cabinet ministers uncomfortable [that and she likes him, even if she won’t admit it]. Since you’ve become nicely adept at avoiding media gaffes, I have to make do.”
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sylumspeed · 7 years
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So I got invited to take part in a 5 week course designed to deepen my faith with my fellow believers...
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Yeah, sounds like a plan.  At least at first.
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But wait...
...this is clearly going someplace hysterical.
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It’s always reassuring to hear that ‘your feedback and opinions will be valued’.
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Really, seriously?
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Yes, indeed!  For a big thing that’s going to be presented to another bigger thing, to actually help with the formation of ideas!
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Uh-huh, heard that one before.
Pretty sure you don’t want my ideas, feedback, opinions, point of view, experiences or any other form of communication.
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I know St. Teresa of Avila stood up to the Inquisition.
But this is worse.
And as anyone with even an inkling of Catholic background and/or knowledge will understand, fires aren’t just for marshmallows...
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Trust me, I’m absolutely NOT the conformist you’re looking for, and though I knows me the Latins, I don’t need a proctologist either, thank you very much.
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I therefore respectfully decline your invitation on the grounds of mental health, and offer you instead this gesture of my sincerity...
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...as I flee the building.
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