#since the muse for my main blog has been extremely low
supercreig · 5 months
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It's not such a huge deal for me, but when I reblog ask memes, I hardly get anything in my inbox for them, which makes me wonder if I'm just really intimidating somehow, if it's because I have anon off (which I do because I have major trust issues on this godforsaken website and I will only turn it on upon request of mutuals I am close with and can trust, and then I turn the option back off), or maybe no one sees me reblogging them somehow, or people are unsure what to send. I can also reblog ooc/mun memes and get nothing in my inbox.
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wormb0i · 7 months
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[ hello ! a little PSA ]
i am putting this blog on ( semi ) hiatus — activity will be extremely low and sporadic, and i will prioritise answering to my mains first and foremost whenever i'm around here.
sadly my yuuji muse has been on the goddamn floor for a while and i literally blank trying to come up w responses. this was imminent, i've been thinking about it for a while. i'm sorry ;;;
i also have a looooot going on irl since i'm moving out of the country soon, so i don't need the added stress of forcing myself to write something that just isn't coming on top of all of packing my whole life away, getting all of my paperwork done, wrapping things up and so on.
this is only for this blog, though ! it's simply a matter of low muse and forcing myself to write vs enjoying it — i will still be around in my other blogs ( @cvrseduser / @kimuromou ), so pls don't hesitate to interact with me there ! i'm logged into my mumu on mobile so i'll be easier to find there, and also discord of course.
thank u for understanding !
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witchail · 3 months
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( i've already forgotten the time i've lived as human... beyond this vague memories was an appetite for "the desire to be loved by someone" as i shivered in the cold loneliness.)
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# 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐋 - independent, low-activity, extremely canon divergent portrayal of C.C., the immortal gray witch, from the code geass franchise. inspirations from re;surrection and the untranslated r2 novel will be present, with focus being on character development rather than scripted events. beloved by ailli (she / her / 25+ / pst. ) permanent mood : vibing.
icon template : poetryrph, hyruleshop theme + graphics : hyruleshop
PSA : it has been a very long time since i watched the anime. i do not remember much aside from selective memories i have for c.c. scenes / moments. i have watched re;surrection and while i do not agree with the pacing and the convenience of it, i am inspired by the character depths c.c. was given. i do not follow canon or fanon portrayal, and frankly i am just here to vibe.
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01. hello, hello, once again i will reiterate this is an extremely private and likely very slow activity blog. i work very strange and inconsistent hours, and thus availability has been rather scarce. discord is available to mutuals, where i eagerly await to plot / chat / geek out about our muse. also duplicate friendly.
02. due to my work schedule, shipping is not a priority in this blog and it shall remain reserved for close friends who are interested in plotting something beyond the ship. i am ship-exclusive, so i only ship with one version of said muse. once again be aware that i am very low-activity.
03. needless to say, i am someone who adores plotting. i love complex plots, plots that compliments canon, plots that derails from canon, i think plotting is great. my motivation for threads is honestly influenced by context, and if we have that i can definitely go ham. of course, i know not everyone carries my same preference, but i will do my best to accommodate.
04. please be aware : i have grown extremely tired with drama / gossips circulating around the rpc. i will follow / unfollow people at my own discretion and would prefer to stay away from any spectacle or public showcasing. frankly i am just here to write, have fun with mutuals, and preferably not pick sides. my current stance on call out is rather neutral, and i would prefer to make my own conclusion rather take on the pressure of public outcry. i take this level of judgement seriously.
05. keep in mind : i do not do character exclusives. i do not have the energy to commit to anyone's portrayal nor do i want to make anyone expect / wait from me in general. as mentioned above i am really busy, so i cannot and will not do an exclusive writing with any character. i do practice having mains, but even then i am just a very chill and lazy blog lmao.
06. i ask that you tagged your nsfw content, particularly anything involving nsfw imagery. due to the nature of my job, i have free access to tumblr and would prefer not to see any nsfw visuals if it can be tagged and avoided. i am very attentive when it comes to adding tags in my filter list, and if the untagged offence happens repeatedly : then this will be one of the few reasons i will unfollow.
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primumincaelo · 5 months
about the mun!
Name: i go by Dust! Age: 26, almost 27 Pronouns: he/they Sexuality: gay-ace Single Or Taken: single and a lil unsure about the mingle Hobbies: doodling, writing, cosplay... i also participate in a rocky horror shadowcast group and that's been really fun! Favourite Colour: probably purple tbh? Fandoms: ― Current: uhhhhhh hahaha mostly just hazbin hotel these days, my audhd ass is hyperfixated babey ― Past: oh boy there's a lot. good omens, south park, adventure time, stranger things, gravity falls, steam powered giraffe, welcome to night vale, camp here & there, homestuck, nbc hannibal, doctor who, sally face..... there's still more but i'll stop there easfrgth Other Blogs: my main is onhigh (canon div angel dust), i also have disventura (hazbin au wednesday addams), clawtender (sinner oc; blog is still kinda wip efsrdgth), incisura (fallen exterminator oc; low activity), and then i'm working on a super secret trio muse blog for my heavenly muses (which includes st peter - currently at pearlkeep until the mini mumu is done!). i also have a multimedia mumu, dustified, but since hazbin has consumed my brain i haven't really used it much. Favourite TV Show: hazbin prolly atm Do You Cosplay?: ABSOLUTELY I DO i've been doing it for like 12 years. i'm in the process of putting together luci and adam, plus i've cosplayed angel before! Favorite Media: i dont entire get this question? uh... i like watching youtube a lot? Favourite Book: i don't really read all that much? i've recently started house of leaves, it's been pretty good so far Favourite Band: i'm here to post Detour North propaganda (i'm actually, genuinely friends with the singer, we were in high school theater together). technically they're not together anymore but their music still goes fucking hard. also huge fan of will wood/wwatt, waterparks, calypso, front bottoms/flat stanleys, flatsound, hozier, ricky montgomery, tally hall/miracle musical, ghost, chonny jash.... again there's a lot here, i'll stop before i make this too long Favourite Movie: bright young things from 2003. i can't remember when i came across it but it's been a comfort movie since i first watched it Do You Have Pets?: we have a black cat named wednesday! she's still a junior, only about 2 years old i think, she's a stupid lil thing there's not a thought in that head Favourite Animal: opossums or raccoons i think :3 Do You Play Any Instruments?: i took piano lessons from grade 6 up until i graduated high school, i took a couple months of violin lessons, and i can kinda pluck at a ukulele, but i'm by no means extremely good at any of them lmao Favourite Hellaverse Character(s): hhhhh lucifer and adam. no hesitation. i thought when i came back i'd be right back to angel dust? nope. lucifer and adam come in and sweep up the title like it's candy from a baby
tagged by: @brokendreamscreation (ty!!) tagging: uhhhhhhhhhh you <3
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americanedpsycho · 7 months
WHAT  MADE  YOU  PICK  UP  THE  MUSE  YOU  HAVE  ?   before may 2023, i had no idea who patrick bateman was. i had been on a break from tumblr since 2021 because of uni & other reasons, so i had been missing tumblr rp. i also felt, the year before, i was going through a villian arc myself lmao ( again, personal reasons). i had an urge to read american psycho when i was chilling on my bed one afternoon even though i never heard of it before. my ooc friend bought me the book for my birthday and well, here i am.
IS  THERE  ANYTHING  YOU  DON'T  LIKE  TO  WRITE  ?  apart from the inappropriate types of writing, i really hate writing unplotted starter calls because immediately my brain directs itself to first time meetings and i find those a bit tedious if it's repeated over a number of excessive times. that's my main point right now.
IS  THERE  ANYTHING  YOU  REALLY  ENJOY  WRITING  ?   i haven't got a chance to write it out properly yet but i really want to dig deep into his psychopathic frame of mind when he loses it. i think it gives me a chance as a writer to dive deep into a psychopath's mind. i am also really enjoying writing him in his family and his college verses atm. i think they are also a bit of a breather, considering he isn't too much of an ass until he starts his murders at college.
HOW  DO  YOU  COME  UP  WITH  YOUR  HEADCANONS  ?  inspirations and whenever he is in the mood to share with me. it's also key terms like family, choices etc that help me brew up some headcanons.
DO  YOU  WRITE  IN  SILENCE  OR  LISTEN  TO  MUSIC  ?  most of the time, it has to be in silence or if i am watching tv in the background, it has to be low. i get easily distracted if i'm listening to music, but if it is songs from the movie, then i do get inspired more to write, but i mostly write in silence.
DO  YOU  PLAN  YOUR  REPLIES  OR  WING  THEM  ?   pre-planned. winging in replies are rare because tbh he possesses me into do what he wants me to write, so he knows what he is going to say. he does have weird mood swings so if you think he has changed his mind about something or if he is suddenly being erractic, his planning and not mine.
DO  YOU  ENJOY  SHIPPING  ?   i do. with my other characters i have written in the past, i have adored shipping. tbh when i first created patrick's blog, i was going to rule out shipping because of the type of person he is but i knew that relationships with bateman are always going to be somewhat unbalanced, although not as extreme, but unbalanced. i decided to be like okay, open mind and no expectations but it seems to have worked out well.
WHAT'S  YOUR  ALIAS/NAME  ?   my name is lauren and you are absolutely free to use it. i love my name! i did go by an alias but i scrapped that and i have been using my real name.
AGE  ?   25
BIRTHDAY  ?  9th june
FAVORITE  COLOR  ?  always loved the colour purple / lilac and navy blue.
FAVORITE  SONG  ?   my favourite song ?? it varies. currently my favourite is cherri cherri lady by modern talking.
LAST  MOVIE  YOU  WATCHED  ?  society of the snow on netflix. buggered my mind but patrick enjoyed lmao.
LAST  SHOW  YOU  WATCHED  ?   literally finished hannibal series on netflix.
LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO  ?   fire burning by sean kingston.
DO  YOU  HAVE  A  TUMBLR  BEST  FRIEND  ?   i can't rule one but i have many tumblr besties.
stolen from :@bravevolunteer tagging: you.
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stcries · 4 months
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back on my bullshit, so here's the nefarious headcanon post i alluded to earlier
for those who don't know, dr. nefarious is a muse i've rped for at almost six years, as i started writing him back in november of 2018 on his own single muse blog. i was 15 at the time, and the posts are rather embarrassing to look back on due to how my writing style has changed, but i still hold him dear to my heart.
these headcanons were all created when this blog was active, i'm simply transferring them over to this blog now. THIS POST IS EXTREMELY LONG, and contains ns4w headcanons, so read at your own risk.
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being a robot, dr. nefarious is powered by electricity. there’s a certain mechanical part in his chest area that supplies these charges. It’s pretty much just his heart. if it were to be severely damaged or removed from his body, nefarious would technically ‘die’. he can be brought back however if he can somehow get another source that supplies him electricity or the piece is put back in his chest.
even with a electrical pump for a heart, there’s another type of energy that nefarious needs in order to function properly. oil and other such liquids acting somewhat as fuel. he usually needs a regular fill up once every few days, but sometimes daily if he’s been injured/in recovery. it’s sort of like his blood, if he loses a lot of it, he can very quickly become at risk of dying.
more so, there is yet another way for nefarious to get energy, but this one isn’t necessary for his survival. he can consume regular human foods and liquids and store them inside his body for later usage. it’s kinda like a last resort type of thing. if his electrical pump is damaged and he doesn’t have enough oil to keep himself running, then his body will begin to use up the natural energy from the food he’s been storing as fuel instead. yet his body will only do this is he has no other form of energy.
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here's a diagram showing all of the information above (thanks 15 year old me) ... you'll get to the yellow + grey stuff if you read downward, trust me.
before nefarious turned into a robot, he was really sensitive behind his ears. if someone was to pet them, then there was a good chance the scientist would start purring happily. it was a commonly used method among the other galactic rangers in order to help calm him down if he was in a bad mood or overworking. somehow, nefarious purring has actually transferred over into his robot body as well. however, since he no longer has ‘ears’, there are other places that when pet will get him to purr. there are only two known areas, the small screws on the sides of his head and the long wing-like appendages on his back.
nefarious has to keep himself from getting wet from any main source of water. his body will rust up like other forms of metal, causing his joints to become stiff and make him nearly immobile. when this happens, a few drips of oil and a quick clean will set things right again, but it still doesn’t make things any more enjoyable for nef.
nefarious’s original green goblin-ish species is very low in numbers, only reaching a couple thousand at the most. this is because of an apex predator that was introduced to their planet and ended up reproducing so much that they started wiping out nefarious's species as a source of food.
neffy has tried to fix his own injuries by himself in the past without lawrence’s help. yet this usually led him to screwing it up and just making the situation worse. he knows the basics of surgery and how to perform it on other creatures, yet he can never seem to perform it correctly on himself. whilst most of the stuff he does is only basic first aid, he’ll more often than not find proper help once he’s away from the battlefield or away from prying eyes.
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nsfw headcanons below.
nefarious has both male and female genitalia, both in his original form as well as robot form. it’s something his species has evolved to have due to their numbers declining in the past thousand years in an attempt to preserve themselves. his robotic body is still equipped with both genitals nowadays, but they are hidden in his pelvic area with two detachable plugs/compartments. all nefarious has to do is open one of the trap doors and tada, there they are. if I could describe what they looked like in simple terms, just imagine a glowing green tentacle as his penis and a smaller glowing green opening behind it to work as the vagina.
seeing as he has both reproductive organs, it means that nefarious is able to bear/birth children. though he’s never done it before, his system still allows for it to happen. if he was still in his organic 'squishy' form, he could be able to gestate the children to full term. however, given his robotic composition nowadays, it is likely that the embryo would have to be extracted from himself and put into an artificial womb instead. metal and wires don't exactly give much room for growth.
however, nefarious's species cannot just reproduce on the fly like others can. in order for nefarious to become pregnant, they have to have entered a sort of heat. this heat happens around every 5-6 months. it’s during this time that the species’s body releases a special chemical that attracts mates for the mating season. when nefarious's species mate during this period, it is almost certain that they will become pregnant soon afterwards.
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zhylia · 6 months
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# ZHYLIA - independent, low-activity, crossover intended portrayal of the twilight princess's iteration of zelda. hylia + shiek connection shall remain incorporated in this blog, with personal liberties taken and inspired from other games. canon divergent and likely very whimsical understanding by ailli ( she / her / 25+ / pst ).
other blogs : asterites, glacierites icon credits : sibylsource, demonxseringfx theme credits : hyruleshop
PSA : it has been a very long time since i last absorbed twilight princess lore / content. i do not remember, nor do i have any intention of following any canon / fanon interpretation of princess zelda. this blog shall primarily serve the purpose of crossovers and au interactions with friends. nonetheless, if you want to explore twilight princess stuff, let me know and i will do my best to learn.
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01. hello, hello, once again i will reiterate this is an extremely private and likely very slow activity blog. i work very strange and inconsistent hours, and thus availability has been rather scarce. discord is available to mutuals, where i eagerly await to plot / chat / geek out about our muse. also duplicate friendly.
02. honestly, if you're following this blog you are likely following my main blog over at asterites. therefore, my rules are pretty much the same here as it is over there. just be respectful and we are good. no triggers, just a very chill blog. also pls tagged your nsfw imagery.
03. due to my work schedule, shipping is not a priority in this blog and it shall remain reserved for close friends who are interested in plotting something beyond the ship. i am ship-exclusive, so i only ship with one version of said muse. once again be aware that i am very low-activity.
04. needless to say, i am someone who adores plotting. i love complex plots, plots that compliments canon, plots that derails from canon, i think plotting is great. my motivation for threads is honestly influenced by context, and if we have that i can definitely go ham. of course, i know not everyone carries my same preference, but i will do my best to accommodate.
05. please be aware : i have grown extremely tired with drama / gossips circulating around the rpc. i will follow / unfollow people at my own discretion and would prefer to stay away from any spectacle or public showcasing. frankly i am just here to write, have fun with mutuals, and preferably not pick sides. my current stance on call out is rather neutral, and i would prefer to make my own conclusion rather take on the pressure of public outcry. i take this level of judgement seriously.
06. keep in mind : i do not do character exclusives. i do not have the energy to commit to anyone's portrayal nor do i want to make anyone expect / wait from me in general. as mentioned above i am really busy, so i cannot and will not do an exclusive writing with any character. i do practice having mains, but even then i am just a very chill and lazy blog lmao.
07. i ask that you tagged your nsfw content, particularly anything involving nsfw imagery. due to the nature of my job, i have free access to tumblr and would prefer not to see any nsfw visuals if it can be tagged and avoided. i am very attentive when it comes to adding tags in my filter list, and if the untagged offense happens repeatedly : then this will be one of the few reasons i will unfollow.
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gibraltarborn · 11 months
greetings! this is a low-to-mid-activity rp blog for my neanderthal oc, flint. shes not part of a specific fandom just an original character. :). written by robin (they/he, 22, jewish-american)
please read the rules and information provided! thank you!
NO NSFW/SEXUAL CONTENT ALLOWED. None at all. The muse is a child, and a complex one at that who has trouble communicating due to the nature of her predicament. Violence is the only thing that may occasionally be present but it won't be complete gore/extremely violent just typical stuff associated with someone being a hunter-gatherer.
shipping also isn't happening. at least not romantic. familial or platonic relationships are ENCOURAGED! be flint's mother/father figure! be her brother/sister/sibling figure! be other loved ones!!
crossover and original character friendly (i would hope so). also, this blog will probably be very non-selective since i'm hoping that'll make getting partners/interactions easier.
mun is 22. muse is 10. i have no problem interacting with minors!
please read any of the information i have posted about my muse to make things go smoothly! i appreciate it!!!
i'm going to be direct and say that i am absolutely not an expert on neanderthals, their culture, their history, or even prehistory in general. i just really like this sort of stuff so i invested a lot of time into trying to get things right. but that being said i might make mistakes/assumptions since neanderthals have not be on this earth in a very long time and way before me!
if there is ever any issue with me, my muse, something i said (whether IC or OOC), please talk to me about it! communication is important and im always trying to improve myself. if anything comes up i'd prefer to handle it in privately and quickly to keep both of us comfortable!!
have fun! <3
Mun Information
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hi! my name is robin. im 22. im in the EST time zone. been rping on this platform for roughly 10 years somehow. first time using this character in particular but i love her a lot so im psyched to do it! i use they/he pronouns. my discord is bunnie_rabbot and is always open to talk. hope to have some fun!
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collidingxworlds · 2 years
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SEMI-HIATUS WARNING ! (please read & like the post if you do)
I’ve been pondering this for a couple of weeks now and I’ve decided to put this blog in semi-hiatus, at least until March.
I have a few full months ahead of me, between exams and graduation, and that won’t leave me much time to write. Also, as some of you might have noticed, my activity here has been low for a while, since I’m mostly focused on my other blog. My inspiration is mostly focused on that one, since the muses are much easier for me to write, while I’ve been struggling with the characters I have here.
What does this mean?
Replies will still be written, but the queue will be much slower. I plan to schedule 1-2 replies per week, depending on how much time I have and on my motivation
I’ll still answer to asks / IMs, but I’ll be slow (you’ll have better luck finding me on my other main blog or on Discord)
I’ll be open to start new threads, but I’ll be extremely selective with them and they will be exclusively plotted threads
I won’t be posting memes, of any sort, and I won’t be on dash almost at all, so if I don’t send you any asks, it’s merely because I’m not around. Please, don’t take it personally
Related to that, if you want me to see something, please tag me in the post or send it to me (IMs / Discord)
I’m planning to keep all my threads, but if you’d rather pause them till I come back or drop them and start something new when normal activity resumes, that’s perfectly fine with me! Just let me know if you want to drop stuff, so I won’t reply to it!
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding!
- Scotty out !
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goblincaptain-a · 2 years
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𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗜𝗡 𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗧 𝗠𝗢𝗠𝗘𝗡𝗧, 𝙃𝙀 𝙆𝙉𝙊𝙒𝙎 𝙃𝙄𝙈𝙎𝙀𝙇𝙁 𝘼 𝘾𝙊𝙒𝘼𝙍𝘿. independent & selective rp blog for CAPTAIN / MAJOR K.P. HOB of dimension 20's A COURT OF FEY & FLOWERS. written by ash / they them / 25+. no knowledge of the lore required, general fantasy is accepted ( check below the cut for rules / general information on k.p. ).
01. i like to keep a low follower count, so i will not follow everyone back. if i softblock or block you, feel free to ask me why, as long as you’re ready for the answer. i am incredibly sporadic activity. i have a lot of other blogs that fluctuate between hyper fixations. do not follow me if you’re under 21.
02. drama is a no from me. let me know if you believe i’m interacting with an actually harmful person and i’ll consider what my next steps are. don’t follow me if you write/support billy hargrove, tate langdon, or nate jacobs ( including multis ). do not follow me if you write 13rw muses, teen wolf, the 100, stranger things, game of thrones / all spinoffs, or vampire diaries/all spinoffs muses (excluding multis). no gross behavior with minor muses, either, thanks. i also won’t follow you if your pages are too hard to read ( ie. extremely small font, light text on dark background, etc. ). it’s not hard to make your rules accessible for others.
03. shipping is open, however the main ship on this blog is hob / rue ( of which i do not have a main partner for yet, so if you're interested... ). k.p. is a hobgoblin, most likely over a hundred years old, if not way over that, so just be aware of the age difference, if we discuss a ship.
04. y’all call me ash. i’m well over 21, i’ve been writing in the rpc since 2014. i have too many blogs. i work full time and so my writing can be up and down. i appreciate any and all patience given. icon border is by villainsrph.
k.p. stands for knickolas pnackleless. i cannot make this up.
he is a member ( now previous member ) of the goblin court, one of the many courts of the fey, ordered to look at viscountess grabalba.
towards the beginning of the bloom ( the biggest fey event of the season, where people find love, gossip, and much more ), hob is particularly uptight, and has an obligation to his court. he is honor bound to the goblin king, and does anything he can to be of service to his court.
he does not think of himself ever, does not follow his heart as he tries to do whatever he can for others, often putting his own feelings aside. he has a low self esteem and is self deprecating quite often. he is a terrible liar, and thus speaks plainly and bluntly most times.
for a description, he's much taller than an average goblin, standing at seven feet. he has a canine or lion like face and a wide, toothy mouth ( two fangs stick out ). he has big, furry ears that swivel as he is alert and listening. his legs are digitigrade, meaning they bend closer to a cougar's legs, and a deer tail in the back. his arms are incredibly long, as well, and his fingers have sharp claws at the end. clothes wise, he's always wearing a traditional military uniform, complete with all of his metals of battle and courage he's collected over his years of service, but only on top - he does not wear pants.
tl;dr: he's part of a story that's just bridgerton with fairies.
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thebestplayer-arc · 1 year
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welcome to #THEBESTPLAYER , i’m sasha ( he / him ) and this is an independent , private and very selective rp blog for ian fleming’s james bond. my portrayal is film ( the dani.el crai/g collection ) and headcanon based with influence from the books which i have started to read. whilst this portrayal is a more present timeline ( with james having been born in 1968 , i do have a verse that adheres a little more to the books but this is request only as of right now. affiliated with @swannbond SIDENOTE : this blog has a secondary muse : remus evans  extremely slow reply.
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ACTIVITY : this blog is low activity and now my main blog , i am a full time university student who is neurodivergent with two disorders ( mental illness ) that can make both communication ooc and writing difficult at times. because of this my activity might fluctuate meaning some days i might be able to write quite a bit , others i might only be able to reblog pictures / character study posts etc or i might not even be on the dash at all.
FOREVER & A DAY : whilst i do have to change certain aspects of this part of james’ canon in order to make it work with the daniel craig collection , i do consider the events that take place in it to have been his first mission as 00 agent and because of this , they play a big part in how he sees himself in his main verse. irwin wolfe , sixteen and reade griffith are three people that haunt james relentlessly.
AGE : in my main verse i play james at the age of fifty-three and this is not up for discussion. whilst i have and will play around in james’ other verses where he is younger , i will not age him down in his main verse. i’ve been asked to in the past and tbh it annoys me. there is no reason that james cannot be a 00 agent in his fifties. it’s also impossible for me to write james as a 00 in his twenties ( as i have been asked before ) when james was a commander in the navy before he joined mi6. to write him as a 00 at the age of 20 would erase that background and a large part of who james is.
SKILL LEVEL : james is considered to be the best at what he does and the youngest person to be appointed 00 status in history. he is highly skilled with an extensive naval background. james is a valuable agent and whilst his methods don’t always play by the rules , he tends to get results. he is not easily beaten and the way i write him will reflect this. he’s been a 00 agent since he was 38 and he’s now 53. he has experience in this field and he has made a name for himself. That being said he can be beaten , it’s not impossible. i am always up for plotting things out etc , but please don’t assume james is defenceless because he’s not.
FACE CLAIM : my face claim is danie/l cra.ig and i have no plans to change this. whilst i do enjoy the other bond films ( although i haven’t seen some of them in YEARS ) , it is daniel’s portrayal that i like the most. he encompasses for me who james is.
ALCOHOL DEPENDENCY / SUBSTANCE ABUSE : these themes will appear on this blog. during skyfall it is mentioned james has alcohol dependency and substance abuse problems and daniel craig has spoken about this in an interview and has admitted to playing james a little closer to the books where james does consume benzedrine ( amphetamine ) , mixing it often with alcohol. i consider this to be a part of james i do not want to erase and so it will appear on my blog. it will always be tagged accordingly : drug use cw , drugs cw , substance abuse cw , alcohol cw , alcohol dependency cw etc.
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fxrtunas · 2 years
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An RP multimuse blog for Allan Kier, an original NPC based on the FFXIV world!
current draft count: 50+ current inbox count: 80+
owed starters: 0 owed asks: 8
Guidelines (UPDATED 9TH NOV):
hewwo!! call me termi (25+, any pronouns)
Allan is a non-wol oc btw in case the following information is confusing!
am a filthy multishipper hehehe
hey look at allan’s sausage fingers in the pic above
this is p much a multimuse blog but all the other muses basically revolve around allan so expect to see 80% of allan content kljalksjf
allan is likely to gravitate to extremes for what he wants, so torture/manipulation/etc. may be present on this blog!
i am v bad at rmbering all ffxiv lore but i will do my best ljaflksjf
i tag 'trigger tw' for any sensitive content!
i have a busy irl and other commitments! bc of this is i am naturally very slow and will take random hiatus’!
pls don’t rush me into replying to things or remind me in any way ;w ; this is a hobby for me and i tend to withdraw and get slower if i feel stressed fjlkdjsg
i do drop threads quite a lot; this is just to keep drafts from getting bloated. the reasons range from not knowing how to repond, not having the muse for it, it was a casual thread, or feeling like our muses’ relationship has progressed past that in other threads! it’s nothing personal at all, and i’m always happy to initiate new stuff!!
^ that being said, i tend to keep drafts if its the only one we have between our muses and/or we have anything planned for it!
my main rp partner is @echobled​ so replies to their muses tend to be prioritized!
feel free to turn any prompt u sent that i answered into a thread!
i have a very low social battery so if you see me around on the dash and not responding to dms, it’s nothing personal! i’m probably just mentally drained and its easier for me to do small stuff while i recover ;w ;
Permanent Interaction Call (like at ur leisure no matter how long its been :3c)
Gentle wishlist ;w ; (pls also feel free to send me ideas u wanna do for ur muse!!)
Replying to one of my open starters is the easiest way to interact with me! i love doing one-liners as much as multipara/novella stuff, and oneliners require much less brain so! its my fave way esp since it can Evolve into smth more so don’t be afraid to jump in on em!
i love angst, hurt/comfort, romance, smut, and dark themes the most, but am happy to rp everything else, those are just faves kljaklsjf
open to familial/platonic/antagonistc dynamics and pre-est stuff if we can plot chemistry ;w ;
allan is an original NPC! the easiest way to look at him is as a blue sidequest giver LKJASLKFj completely missable, u get like. idk a handshake or a kees on the cheek (or more) LKJASKLFj but he does have a backstory that helps lend darker elements to plotting. its v flexible too in how light or dark it can get to make sure i don’t go too heavy with my rp partner if that’s not what they prefer. that being said, i did mention i love dark themes, so hmu if that’s what ur interested in!!  also love to explore deeper plots connected to my rp partner’s muse too!!
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Allan Kier (main muse)
Age: appears mid to late 20s Gender: cis male Orientation: gay Eye colour: purple Hair colour: purple Skin colour: light brown Height: 170cm | 5'7 Notable features: tattoo on his right cheek (further back, mostly hidden), several dotted scars on left side of waist, a long scar from his left shoulder blade to his lower right back Job: Astrologian (abilities similar up to lvl 40; grows or changes class depending on story) Alignment: chaotic neutral
Brief History:
Not much is known about his earlier life. However, he lived in Sharlayan for a significant amount of time as a low profile arcanist.
Was secretly banished from Sharlayan for [redacted].
Went to Ishgard since he had some contacts there, making it easier to hide from [redacted]. However, due to starting over completely and relying on those contacts, he owes a major amount of debt that he pays off with his special ability, [redacted].
At some point during this, he becomes an Astrologian.
After the Dragonsong War, he travelled around more often, figuring it's safe to do so after the time he spent in Ishgard. He still revisits Ishgard to deal with his remaining few debts every so often.
More on Allan!
Asclepius (the Ancient Allan is a shard of):
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Gender: cis male Orientation: asexual demiromantic Eye colour: glowing pale purple Hair colour: orange/light brown Skin colour: light brown Notable features: scar down his right eye, tattoo on his right temple Job: DRK (more proficient as a WHM, but abandoned it) Special abilities: soul sight - able to see and interpret the essence and shape of souls at will. prophetical sight - receives uncontrollable visions when he rests; this ability only got more wild in his waking time the closer the sundering came. Brief history: 
was known to have talents in medicinal care and healing, and had prophetic visions that would lead him to isolate himself often. 
was even offered the Seat of Emmerololth which he turned down quite fast. 
after receiving visions of the Final Days and the Sundering, he disappeared from society for some odd years, then came back as a DRK and sought adventure in an effort to forget all that he had Seen. 
he was running around... somewhere... when the Sundering happened lkJKALSJF 
he is p much a v big hermit and had like one (1) friend that returned to the star (verse dependent, he could also have Azem as a friend but... that’s probably it....... wheeze)
more on asclepius!
Selene (shard of Allan in the First)
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Age: appears in her late 20s Gender: cis female Orientation:lesbian Eye colour: red Hair colour: black Skin colour: light brown Height: 196cm (6′4) Notable features: jagged scar from her chest to her left hip, scar on the back of her left thigh, another three scars across her right shoulder blade Job: BLM main (abilities up to lvl 80)
Brief bio: 
born of Eulmore to high-ranking soldiers in the army, Selene served and protected her home for many years. 
she defects to the Crystarium after learning the dark truth behind Eulmore’s inner machinations and rejecting them.
more on Selene!
Naila (Voidsent shard of Allan)
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Age: ??? (appears in her mid to late twenties) Gender: ??? (she/they mostly) Orientation: aethersexual (she will lay with anyone to have aether basically LKJAFK) Eye colour: gold Hair colour: purple Skin colour: light brown Height: 150cm (4′9) Notable features: the biggest floofiest tail. her voice will also become quite gutteral/demonic when indimidating someone or when she loses control (either from anger/pleasure/shock). Job: WAR
Brief bio: 
the person that summoned Naila into the Source swiftly met an end when they prepared horrendously poorly for her arrival. Now Naila runs around in their body. 
she doesn’t necessarily need aether considering she’s in the Source, but she still has a craving for it. 
she only wants to have fun; she found the Thirteenth boring and dull but the Source? The Source is full of people she can play with to her heart’s content. 
recently, she’s caught a whiff of aether so enticing, so delicious that she’s can’t quite bring herself to think about anything else. 
she otw to eat Allan
more on naila!
Asclepius 2.0 (yet another shard of Allan)
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Age: early 30s Gender: cis male Orientation: pansexual Eye colour: purple Hair colour: black Skin colour: brown Height: 209cm (6′10) Notable features: long scar across right cheek to right eye Job: ??? FSH
Brief bio:
bascially a reincarnated shard of asclepius that has fragmented memories of ancient times 
what shard who knows
he is vibing and just wants to fish 
was p much mistaken as one of the Fourteen upon recruitment but then they found out he’s just a normal dude back in ancient times so they just kept him subservient LKJASKLFj
more on asclepius 2.0!
Mahalina (Allan’s sister)
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Age: appears late 20s/early 30s Gender: cis female Orientation: asexual panromantic Eye colour: emerald green Hair colour: magenta Skin colour: brown Height: 192cm (6′3) Notable features: very scarred up body, indicative of heavy torture. she wears heavy-duty make-up to hide burns on her face. Job: GNB
she’s a filthy pvper LKJAFSLKSJf
a big sister so she takes on responsibility a lot + has/had a lot of pressure from her mother when in sharlayan, so she can seem v snobbish and arrogant. she loosens up a bit during post-hw!
starts her search for allan during post-hw as well and finally finds him in post-sb T___T
then she suffers a near-fatal injury and disappears during ew... smadge...
more on mahalina!
OTHER BLOGS: @omnirush, @chacss
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Downtown Revamp - A complete overhaul of Downtown from The Sims 2 Nightlife
It’s finally here! This is going to be a long post, please read everything before you download, as there is quite a bit of information to go over! Let’s get started!
First, a picture of the finalized Downtown!
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Click here for a relatively complete imgur album of all the lots!
*The pics are not in order. I seriously cannot be bothered going through 140 pictures. Sorry!
*Please note that some of the venues may look different in the final download than the pictures. This is because after building everything I went through and picked/replaced all of the CC that I felt wasn’t 100% necessary to use in the hood, thus some of the color schemes of the lots may differ, especially on interiors.
What is this?
 If you haven’t been following me for the past few weeks, I took on a project to completely renovate all of Downtown from The Sims 2 Nightlife. This means all lots have been completely remodeled and updated. No more fugly Maxis lots! I had three main goals for this project - First, to update everything to look good and be fun to play, second to have each lot offer a unique “experience”, and third, to keep the original feeling of the lots in tact. 
This comes in two versions - a Subhood version that you can add to your existing hoods, like you would with a traditional Downtown, and a Main Hood  version, so you can play my updated Downtown as a main hood if you’d like!
General Information:
I renovated every single lot (except four lots which I removed from the hood, more on that later). Downtown had a special way of reusing the same idea for multiple different lots - I stopped counting how many dark vampy dance lounges with raised or lowered dance floors there were. Three freakin bowling alleys? As I mentioned earlier, I wanted each lot to have its own reason for you to come visit, and there were four lots that I ultimately felt offered nothing and wouldn’t be missed if they were taken out. The following lots are not in this Downtown:
Lost in Love Hedge Maze
The Corner Shoppes
Comandgo Emporium
Aside from those four lots, every lot has been renovated - Including Residential lots!
This is not populated. There are no townies and/or Tricou ghosts.
There are a few unavoidable NPC’s that have spawned when I made this such as a busker and the New Year’s Toddler. There are also a few stray animals that decided to spawn, but those could not be avoided. All in all, don’t worry about this adding tons and tons of NPC’s to your game - I did my best to ensure the hood was empty.
This hood does include custom content. Sorry if you don’t play with it, but there’s just some things that I couldn’t go without. I tried to use only what I felt was necessary to make the hood look and play nicely.
This was built in the Ultimate Collection, so unfortunately I don’t know exactly what is “required”. Recommended at the very least to have NL, H&M, BV, FT, UNI, and AL. 
Custom Content info & Download links/Instructions below the cut :)
UPDATE: You can now download all Downtownies (Except dead Tricou’s) easily to add to this hood! Check out the post and download here!
Custom Content:
Firstly, a HUGE thank you to all of the following CC creators who have so kindly allowed me to include their CC in a single download folder. Below are links to the individual pieces that were used, along with their creators blogs/profiles as well. There are also some important pieces of information and disclaimers about certain sets and defaults below. Please read everything before you bork up your game and blame me. 
Custom Content used in this hood/Credits:
**You do NOT need to download the following items one by one. These are credits. All but ONE of them are included in a single download folder included with both hood versions**
*Those with a * next to their name are Default Replacements.
Pub Bottle Recolors and *Clothing Rack Defaults both by @withlovefromsimtown
Better Nightlife, Tarmac Hood Deco, and Matching Road Floor Tiles by @criquette-was-here
A few recolor sets from @cluedosims AKA @shastakiss
Community Phonebooth by nicvncnt
*Linden Trees, Seasonal AL Pond, Tower of Communism Skybox, and The Emerald City Skyscraper Set all by @lowedeus
Skyfix by @simnopke
Hood Deco Buildings by @dulcinean-alien
Criquette Horizons by @witheredlilies​ and @criquette-was-here​
*Terrain Default Replacement by @dramallamadingdang​
Invisible Driveway Recolor by Roddyalexio
*Invisible Stop Sign Default Replacement by Psychosims
4T2 City Living Murals by @moocha-muses​
Simlish Neon Signs by @polllinationtech​
Some (excluding the DFR) items from the Bespoke Build Set by @honeywell-mts​
Public Bathroom Deco by @nekosayuri​
Vampire Gravestones by @tony-veis​
*Low Poly Tree Defaults and *Edited Defaults of Criquette’s Rural Road by @peppermint-ginger​
I do not claim any of the included CC as my own. If I mistakenly included CC that you created and you do not want it included (Though I contacted those I was unsure about) please immediately reach out to me and I will remove them :)
Additional credit to the amazing and dear Mootilda for this extremely helpful tutorial :,)
Important CC Info:
DISCLAIMER: There are SOME default replacements in this CC folder. They have been marked in a separate folder with “-DFR” in front of their names. If you have your own defaults, simply do NOT add them to your downloads. 
Note about Bespoke Set: This does NOT include all of the items in the Bespoke Build Set. If you already have it, do not add these folders to your game. If you do have it and plan on getting the rest of the pack later on, just delete these two folders and install those from MTS. The items included in this folder are the following:
Wall Coverings
Floor Edging
If you do not wish to use the entirety of BBS, then just use the items in the folders I have provided, as these are the ones that are necessary in Downtown :) Thanks again Honeywell!
The Roads that I use in this hood do not have a grass median between the road and sidewalk. The way my DFR’s work is that that space needs to be filled in once the overlays are placed. If you do not use a DFR OR if you use something different, you may have to remove the filled in section. You’ll know what I mean when you load it up. Also, if you don’t use these defaults, there may be random rugs in the road, that is just the game replacing unavailable content.
If you don’t plan on using the Phone Booths that are included, you will want to go back through the lots and add back the EA default phone booths. I am not sure if your sims will be able to get back to their home lot if you don’t download the custom ones, since I deleted the original vanilla booths. 
Excluded CC:
I used these recolors of Numenor’s stairs. You WILL need to download these (be sure to properly download them) as they are NOT included, since Numenor does not allow this.
CC Download Instructions:
CC is included with both versions of the hoods.
Instructions: Download the zip file for the hood version you want, unzip it with your preferred zipping program, and extract the contents into your downloads folder. Don’t forget to check your Default Replacements!
Download Instructions:
If you want the Subhood version - Download the DTWN Subhood zip, unzip with your preferred program, and extract it to the following folder, depending on which version of the game you have:
DELETE THE D001 Folder, or move it to a safe location. This is the original Downtown.
Ultimate Collection:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Double Deluxe\EP2\TSData\Res\NeighborhoodTemplate
Disk: C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Nightlife\TSData\Res\NeighborhoodTemplate
Once this is installed, load up the hood that you wish to add the new Downtown subhood to, and add it as you would with the vanilla Downtown. Note that you will know it’s the right one as the thumbnail will be different.
If you want the Main Hood version - Download the DTWN Main Hood zip, unzip with your preferred program, and extract to the following folder, depending on which version of the game you have:
Ultimate Collection: Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Neighborhoods
Disk:  Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Neighborhoods
Hood Download Links:
*Links include CC
Main Hood
If you have trouble downloading, let me know and I’ll throw in an alternate link :)
TOU: I guess I need my own TOU now. Please don’t be an asshole, don’t steal my lots or hood and claim it as your own. Use common sense. I am fine if you renovate one of my renovations and want to post it yourself, just give me credit and link to this original post. Also, do NOT redistribute the cc folder included. This is meant only for Downtown, only saying this as I wish for the creators to get all the credit.
Thank you all once more for your interest in the project! I can’t wait to see what you all do with this! Please feel free to tag me in screenshots, renos of my renos, etc...
Additional thanks to everyone at PleasantSims’ discord for the interest and motivation for this project, especially to Sabrina, Melting Magnetz, Crosimmer, Yeetus, and much more!
Keep an eye out for my next project. Thinking of moving on to Bluewater Village or a Vacation Hood!
Enjoy and have fun :D
- Mike
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thiscrimsonsoul · 2 years
{out of paprikash} So... my laptop decided to fry its harddrive this morning, and that means a lot of very negative things for me. Explanation and bit of a rant below, but I can’t promise how much writing I will get done tonight. It depends on time, mood, muse, and whether I even feel like being here, given my extreme mood drop. I will try to do what I can.
This has hit me hard for a number of reasons. First, I’ve been so busy that I haven’t backed up my files in six months. That means I’ve lost six months of writing progress on various projects, six months of work on Tumblr (files with tags, info dumps, headcanons, icons, reaction gifs, anything I’ve updated in my archives... it’s just how I organize my brain), and six months of music and photos.
The most heartbreaking of these losses is the writing/editing progress I’ve lost on various WIPs, but also I lost an entire folder containing pictures and videos of a pet that died recently. I had removed them all from my phone already, thinking they were archived on my computer, but hadn’t backed them up yet. It’s like losing him all over again. I also had pictures from my grandmother’s birthday, going out with my dad to our favorite pub, and other family things I can just never get back.
Understandably, and especially given that lately I’ve just been hit with one thing right after the other for several months now and I’m exhausted, this has very much taken me down and made me feel quite defeated. It is especially infuriating because I was planning on backing up all my files today, since I would have some time to finally do it and I just had a terrible feeling like I needed to do it soon. One more day... could have changed so much for me. But here I am.
I do have a backup laptop that I am using right now, but it is very old, very slow, and it has the processing power of a drunken snail. I can’t do the majority of daily things I do with my main laptop on this one, but at least I can still work and answer email so I won’t lose my job and I can do basic writing. No games, nothing with pictures or videos, but just basic stuff. But of course, that won’t help me get any of my files back. My dad is going to work on the drive to see if anything is salvageable, but there is absolutely no guarantee at all that it will be.
But the worst part... is that as of midnight tonight, my students have their first two forums assignments due. Which means... by tomorrow... I will have 600 forums posts to grade by Thursday, and now I have to do that on a slow, old, clunky computer that freezes up or shuts itself off if you so much as look at it funny. To give you an idea, it usually takes me about an hour and a half to grade one section of students. I have five sections. And that timing was with my fast-as-hell main laptop. On this slow ass boi? Who knows how long it will take me now.
And lastly, I cannot be without a fast, reliable computer. My entire job is online. The majority of my hobbies are as well. So... I will have to run out in the next day or so to purchase a brand new computer, having very little time to research which one I want to buy and paying full price because there are no sales going on right now to speak of. This is going to kick my finances in the ass like you would not believe. And when I get it home, I will have hours’ if not days’ worth of installing, configuring, file populating, organizing, anti-virusing, and settings adjusting to accomplish ASAP.
I will likely be getting the new computer Wednesday, since tomorrow I have to work all day, and I need tonight to try to do some research on what to buy. I’m not going to go on hiatus from all my blogs because I think doing some writing will help keep me sane, but my activity may be low until I get the new computer and can situate myself with it.
I’ll update on my other blogs as they are scheduled this week to let you know what’s going on. Please bear with me and sorry for yet another reason why I can’t just be here to write like I want to. Eventually the universe has to run out of things it can fuck up in my life, right? Right?  R i g h t ?
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lupinzapezit · 3 years
hello i thought it was probably time for a state of the blog update so,,, if you wanna know where ive been and whats happening read below (tw for mental health / s.uicide mentions)
if you do read, please like this post just for my own knowledge
okay so first of all i rly hate to be making this post because i absolutely hate being that person in the rpc who just constantly whines and guilt trips people over their own mental health without taking steps irl to work on it. im not gonna go into a lot of detail bc frankly its a lot and i dont super feel like it. (also i feel like its only kinda acceptable when the Big Blogs post a lot of ooc which i am definitely not, like my value is only tied to how much content i output but thats something im working on in my own time and not anyones fault persay)
basically i had a lot of shit happen at the end of 2019 that cause me to go into a very low period and while i was working on improving from that time, obviously the world had different plans plus last year was my final year of uni. i moved out in february this year in the hopes that it would continue to help me heal but along with the fallout of some other events, it’s left me incredibly alone and with a fraction of the support network i once had. june was extremely rough for me where i attempted twice and nearly didnt make it to my 21st birthday.
pretty much with working in customer service and australia being in and out of lockdown constantly (which makes my work much busier because people contact us when they cant go into stores), ive barely had any room to breathe or to try and work through things? and because writing is tied to my goal career of film and thats been difficult as well, you can probably guess why ive been struggling lately to be on tumblr and to write.
now dont get me wrong i adore my muses and being able to write. bucky has been an extremely fun and interesting character for me to explore. i literally never thought i’d end up writing a marvel muse and its caused a lot of hesitation due to how i approach him and feeling insecure. which is fine! thats natural! and ive been doing my best not to project those insecurities onto the dash and my partners but because of how poor my mental health is lately, that means ive just been very inactive. tumblr has always felt like a place where if you’re not constantly active then you lose people and while i know that’s not necessarily the case, it’s still a struggle. when i am here, it just feels like yelling into a void which is not a great motivator.
so what does this actually mean? tbh i’m still trying to figure that out. i made this blog initially with the intent of it being quite small and focused on character exploration n the like and i do still want to keep that goal. there’s a lot to bucky i still very much want to write and explore which i havent because of various reasons. i dont necessarily want to leave but i feel increasingly unsure about my presence which sucks because i have made some very good friends in the last year and a bit stint ive had on tumblr since leaving my old main rpc. i dont really want to give up this passion. 
for the time being, i’m probably still going to be low activity and my presence on the dash will be minimal. if that turns you off, feel free to soft block or unfollow. you can tailor your own experience the way you want. replies are probably going to be more queued and i wanna put a stronger emphasis on longer threads and character/dynamic development as i originally intended. again thats not everyone’s cup of tea so if you wanna leave then feel free. but atm i dont really feel connected to my partners and mutuals which sucks and i wanna improve on that. btw if you are reading this and youre down with this, message me and say hi!! i know that tumblr rp has developed this culture of not approaching people (and i struggle w this too) but the easiest way to plot with me is just to ask.
so yeah! tldr; brain extremely sucks, been feeling very disconnected and uncertain about my muse/writing capabilities/general self esteem, trying to work on that by taking things at my own pace and having bigger threads/metas more infrequently. i’ll still be more active on discord of course but hopefully these steps will help me feel a bit better about being here. 
thanks for reading all of this if you did, i really appreciate it :)
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verumking · 4 years
things a new rp partner should know about me !
fun new meme here ! write 3-5 things a new rp partner (or those who want to be) should know about you and tag 3-5 people! it should be related to rp and not to other interests.
tagged by:  @kissafist, @noirtux & @re-no​ ( thanks bbs! ) tagging: man idk who hasn’t been tagged yet, but this is super useful so feel free to swipe from me!
I.   I am a 100% LOW MAINTENANCE roleplayer, and I expect the same of my partners! With IRL responsibilities and a general dissatisfaction with my writing, my slowness with any form of reply ( both ic and ooc ) has become inevitable at this point, and I find myself more compatible with rp partners who don’t mind me replying later than the norm. My slowness does not equate to my commitment for our interactions however-- I absolutely adore all of Yozora’s interactions so far, and I absolutely look forward to more!
II.   I am EXTREMELY SELECTIVE with following duplicates, if at all. I’ve had situations on this blog and other muses I’ve roleplayed in the past 9+ years, where I’ve had my headcanons, original lore, edits/manips, aesthetics and my artwork stolen and recycled for their own portrayal. Particularly since my lore and general portrayal of Yozora has been something I’ve built from the ground up, with the lack of any substantial canon at the time of me writing this, I’m unlikely to follow back purely for my own comfort. But rest assured that I am in full support of other Yozora blogs and will be rooting you all from afar!
III.    I DO PRACTICE MAINS, and I allow up to two mains of the same muse. I don’t actively practice exclusivity at the time of writing this, but I am open to practicing exclusives with those I have heavily interacted and plotted with, and will likely approach you about this myself if I see the potential. 
IV.    I used to be very romance-friendly on here, but now I’ve dialled romantic interactions back, and you’ll RARELY SEE ROMANCE on here unless it’s something we have heavily plotted out. Yozora is a chronically unromantic person and it will take a lot for him to fall in love, and I want that to be reflected in how many interactions he has of that nature. That being said, I’m not averse to exploring potential ships, and I’m absolutely happy to discuss it with you if you can see the potential between them. But of course, chemistry is key, and I require at least several non-romantic interactions ( be it plotted or threaded ) before establishing a definite ship.
V.    I am HUGE ON PLOTTING, but because my portrayal for Yozora is built entirely upon my own lore and analysis of the slither of canon Nomura has given us... I tend to go ham. I will ramble, and expect you to ramble just as much about your muses! I absolutely love reading other’s headcanons and working out how our portrayals can fit together. Yozora is extremely crossover friendly, and I love exploring his development outside of the world I built for him. 
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