#since Lars was 15?!?!
squidsquadlove · 9 months
Kraken podcasts: Really, Bellemare is there for his face-off ability and to create competition for bottom-six forwards. We could see him on waivers if Shane Wright and Tye Kartye have really good training camps. Me: Shane! Tye! I would be SO sad to lose Bellemare but-- Bellemare: Good mooooooooorning, everybody! :D Media: :D :D :D Bellemare: My name is Pierre-Edouard Bellemare! Let's do this! 😜👅 Media: ::startled into delighted silence:: Bellemare: Who's the first one? Shoot, shoot, shoot!
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thestralluvr · 1 month
Lars Pinfield x reader headcanons part 2
his glasses are constantly breaking, lenses falling out, arms breaking, the bridge has literally snapped but he refuses to buy another pair.
avoids cameras like the plague.
a tech geek, he’s revamped a vintage camera.
his favourite movie is Vroom (1988), his favourite character is Ringe.
you’d think he’d own a super cool vintage car then, right? wrong he’s got a total shitbox that’s falling apart at the seams.
like the door is literally held together with duct tape.
his favourite show however, is drag race. his all time favourite queen is definitely jinkx.
cryptid believer, he’s definitely pulled all nighters researching them and comes to you with blood-shot eyes in the morning like “hey y/n did you know-“.
even working in the paranormal field he’s still a skeptic when it comes to hauntings, a fake until proven true kinda guy.
sets your alarms 15 minutes before you have to actually get up in order to get those mandatory cuddles in.
he adores the domestic moments between the two of you, even something as mundane cooking or cleaning together.
not big on pda unless he’s jealous 🤷 if someone’s flirting with you and not getting the hint he’ll wrap his arms around you from behind and kiss your neck, he can be possessive and it’s really hot.
but other than that, it’s usually hand holding, a quick kiss goodbye or hello, maybe an arm wrapped around you or hand on your thigh and legs entwined when working together.
but alone? he’s all over you, he can’t get enough.
his version of borrowing from people is secretly taking it then discretely putting it back when they realise what’s missing, he’d never admit it was him 😭.
poor babe puts a lot of pressure on himself.
he’d never admit if he was struggling with a certain calculation or something wasn’t adding up.
but you know, you can always tell.
so, when the moment arises you quietly ask him to join you for a break outside, 9 times out of 10 he’ll be able to figure out what he was stuck on once you’ve helped him clear his mind.
he’s forever grateful for you, what may seem like little things to you mean the entire world to him.
less sappy, you know that tiktok trend of boyfriends sleeping like they’re dead, got the plague, pharaoh’s curse, clutching their pearls? well that’s him.
his arms crossed over his chest, he’s ready for his coffin.
you’ve had to check if he was breathing a few times 😭.
if you’re american, he definitely mocks your accent.
if you’re not, you both secretly mock others’.
he’s constantly bumping into things, he doesn’t have much luck with corners i’m afraid. but hey, he’s tall with very gangly limbs i don’t blame him.
you’re always there, band aid box in hand with an unimpressed look on your face.
lars pinfield is the LEADER of the sassy man apocalypse.
the sass from this man, you swear you’re getting premature greys!!
in his hipster phase (referring to part 1) he got a septum piercing but he’s had it flipped up since.
the first time you saw it you were so taken aback.
“since when has that been there?!?!”
“uhh 2012?”
i think he’d have an industrial too but that’s just my opinion.
hopefully this was okay!!! i feel like you can definitely tell i’m australian by my writing 😭
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pancreasman · 10 months
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I made more fankids…
And a rival and best friend for Artie…
More info under the cut
Y’all already know my Shadamy kids but Sunny is now a former G.U.N. agent. She quit. The reason why is a mystery.
We got some Knuxouge kids! Mirage, Warden, and Prickle. Mirage was meant to become the next guardian of the master emerald, but ended up passing it down to her little brother Warden who wanted it way more than her and became an actual G.U.N. agent like her mother. She takes after her mother in that way. She’s ultra tall and Warden is mad cause she was already taller than him at one year younger. Also she’s trans. Good for her. Warden is the “serious” one who is really dedicated to being the next guardian. He’s got the braincell of the three and is a short king. Prickle hates everyone and likes to be alone in nature. Despite Warden being the next guardian, Prickle is the most in tune with the emerald and angel island in general and often communicates with Tikal’s spirit. But nobody else can see, so for example, Rouge sees him talk to himself and is like “who tf is he talking to”
Tailsream kids! Lars, Specs, and Posy. L.A.R.S. stands for Laboratory Assistive Remedial Software. He is an ai that Tails made shortly before Specs was born to help him in the lab that turned out to be sentient. After specs was born, Lars dedicated himself to protecting her and being the perfect big brother. So Tails was like “Welp, I guess I have two children now.” and adopted him. They say he’s “15” just because that’s how he looks and acts. Specs is best girl. She’s very safety-minded and polite and she carries around a seemingly bottomless backpack full of anything you could ever possibly need. She’s called Specs after her glasses but also for how she would help Tails in his workshop and list of software “specs” for him. Posy is a little monster who revels in creating chaos, but she’s cute so she gets away with it. Also, she likes to drag Prickle around to act as her Guinea pig and he lets her because he’s too nice to say no.
The Silvaze Twins! They both live with their mother in the palace since they never know when the future will go to shit again, and Silver is usually there with them acting as Royal consort. Ember was born a few minutes before her brother, making her heir to the throne, which both are 100% fine with. Ember strives to be the best heir possible and takes her job very seriously. She loves to study and also practices fencing as neither she nor her brother inherited their parents psychic or pyrokinetic abilities. Her brother, Cinder, on the other hand, hates being in the palace and prefers to goof off most of the time. He’ll often try to cause trouble around the castle, which Ember will usually try to stop, except when he occasionally convinces her to join in. While Ember enjoys more classical studies, Cinder is fascinated by dimensional science and time travel and longs to explore all the countless dimensions out there.
Finally, some neighborhood kids. While Sunny’s main group is Mirage and Ember, Artie has these two weirdos. There’s his best friend Peppy, a reckless, energetic mouse who loves going on misadventures around town but is often betrayed by her own clumsiness. She and Artie are constantly arguing over who is the other’s sidekick and often have to save each other’s butts, but one thing’s for sure is these two idiots are inseparable. Spot, on the other hand, is the local delinquent and Artie’s official rival. Why? Idk, it doesn’t really matter. After all “all heroes have a rival” although this rivalry is often forgotten in favor of teaming up to get the job done or just to hang out. However, they still definitely hate each other and don’t like each other at all. They totally don’t enjoy the bantering or have a crush on the other at all. Pure rivals
Also, Sonic doesn’t have kids, he’s just the cool pseudo-uncle who visits a lot and babysits. And they all definitely have big family get-togethers and family dinners all the time. Because found family is the most important family of all. Anyway, thanks for reading imma go nap.
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erenaeoth · 5 months
Hiii! I'm here to read your ramble about TK8's story. Personally I've tried to keep my expectations as low as possible. But I still ended up disappointed. So what's your take? Gimme the good, the bad, and the missed opportunities.
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Tekken 8 Story Thoughts
hello hello hello. Tekken 8 spoilers ahead, I'll put them under the cut.
First off, I have to say I'm having a really good time. I enjoyed playing through story mode, I enjoyed the character episodes. I'm loving customising characters, I'm looking forward to my fight stick arriving and learning some cool new combos and playing with mates.
Everything feels really nice, looks very cool (aside from some giant shoulders and oddly proportioned necks), and I adore little touches like Jin and Hwoarang getting to wear each other's clothes.
Story mode.
Well, what can I say.
It's as I feared, really. Honestly, all I can say is that there's a deep lack of appreciation for the skill of writing in the video game world. One day, perhaps Tekken will hire people who care about stories, about plot, about character development and character presentation. There is no conflict in the Tekken 8 story. I know this sounds weird given that 90% of it is Jin and Kazuya punching each other, but here's an example of what I mean:
Leo meets their father for the first time in nearly 15 years. It happens off screen.
Lars goes from wanting to kill Jin, to forgiving him. It happens off screen.
Kazuya goes from having life ambition 'kill Heihachi' to developing a philosophy that advocates the enslavement of the world to his will. It happens off screen.
Hwoarang travels back from the Middle East with one eye; Claudio decides to stop being conniving and instead genuinely help Xiao; Lee builds airships and perfects battlesuits; the UN decides to work with Yggdrasil despite Lars gunning down their troops in TK7. All of this happens off screen.
And still Kazuya and Jin do not manage to have a single conversation. The closest we get is in chapter one, where Kazuya accuses Jin of being just like him. Jin fears, rightly, later, that Kazuya is right, but he's essentially told that if he chooses to be nicer, then no they're not the same. There's no consequences for his actions as head of the Zaibatsu, no real conflict between Jin and any of the people he's hurt, not even Alisa, who sits down for a heart to heart with him and never brings up the way he forced her to hurt Lars and spoke of her as merely a tool and not a person. There is conflict in this story but no Conflict. No drama. No points of difficulty that require meaningful resolution.
And instead we have trite versions of a story that boil down Jin's conundrum to one of acceptance of a force that has destroyed his life, literally torn apart his friends, eaten people, and been a source of torture to him. He's told 'just accept it's a part of you!' as if this is about a surface level appearance, rather than a violence that has destroyed everything he loves, and that he can see the consequences of in Kazuya. I think Devil Jin was treated poorly and tritely in this story, and that if one wants a 'redemption' acceptance for this devil power, it has to come with interrogation and recognition of the way it has hurt Jin and those around him. It canonically hospitalised Hwoarang, and there's no awareness of this in the story.
That said, I really, truly loved this line from Jin to his mother's apparition.
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It moved me emotionally in a way that no other video game cutscene has, and for all its misdoings, I'm so pleased this was included in Tekken 8. This is a deeply Jin line to me, written by someone who understands him. Jin's suicidal tendencies have been a recurring theme ever since Devil first awoke, and post-TK6 this is exacerbated further. There's no one on earth who hates Jin more than Jin, and him needing the desire to live as an important part of his strength against Kazuya, is really well done. I wish we could have seen more from Jin conencting with his uncles, Xiao, and Hwoarang to achieve this state of mind, but I commend the sentiment anyway.
When he asked his mother and she granted him the ability to help him, I thought for sure this was going to be about purification. In a way I suppose it was, but I was very tired and unimpressed by Angel Jin. From the overdesign to yet another emphasis on pure violence to defeat Kazuya, I was just completely uninterested. This uninterest was momentarily suspended when they lost their Devil powers, something I thought was brave and interesting of them to do. Somehow this changed absolutely nothing though, and Jin and Kaz don't even pause for a conversation really before they go on.
I do think it's in character for Kazuya to consider his Devil a tool to use for an end, but I think that's much more something he'd say than actually feel. He's had Devil's power with him since he was five years old, and he's relied on it time and again to save him, I think internally he'd be terrified of losing it. Devil is all that's stood between Kazuya and Heihachi for all his life. There's some trite remark about Devil Jin trying to 'protect Jin'. This is only true in so far as DJ awoke when Heihachi gunned Jin down. Devil Kazuya, however, has kept Kazuya alive all his life, and given him the strength to survive in a world where he's constantly been at Heihachi's mercy. Kazuya's desire to live is absolutely what fuelled him all his life, and his need for power comes out of that survival. His infatuation with power grows beyond this, and after Heihachi's death, we see how warped and out of control this grows, but I feel there are deep inconsistencies in the Tekken 8 story because no one ever sat down to really think about Kazuya's relationship with his Devil, and what that might mean for what they were spinning for Jin.
That said, someone was drinking the good stuff when they wrote this:
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This is Kazuya's only good line in Tekken 8, in my humble opinion. It's the one moment where they let him have a tiny bit of actual characterisation. They hint at tying his motivations back into experiences linked to fear and lack of control. It's such a shame, because they acheived this much better in Tekken 7, where they drew clear parallels between the childhood trauma Kazuya faced and his final fight against Heihachi. And yet they leave his motivations again in obscurity in this game, leaving the majority of people, including Jin, none the wiser for why he is doing this other than to be evil for evil's sake.
Why does Jin never ask him about Jun? Or mention that he's been seeing his mother? Why does he not talk about purification linked to being a Kazama? Why has he got so much time for thinking about his own difficulties, but never seeks to ask about Kazuya's? One of the reasons I love Kazuya as a character is because he revels in his own villainhood, and will never volunteer a justification for his actions in the way Heihachi or Jin would. He would rather be seen as cruel than as weak. And it's weakness to him to admit or even evaluate within himself why it is that he needs to be all powerful. But that means that, narratively, he needs a foil to play across from him, and ask the questions that will otherwise never be raised. He needs someone like Jin, or Jun, or Lee, who knows him or has the interest in understanding him, to force him to speak about his past.
There's so much missing from this game, I don't really know where to start. I was discussing this with friends, and we feel like someone on the team had some vision, and was trying to do something interesting, but they were largely shot down at every turn by whoever watched Blood Rebellion and wanted that but 2 hours longer and no cute refridgerator scene.
I can't believe I played all of Tekken 8 and I still don't know if Jun is alive, or why Jin isn't being held accountable for his actions, or why Jin and Kazuya even have any beef. Tekken 7 left us with so many questions and Tekken 8 answers basically none of them. At least they managed to tie more of the cast into this game? But then why did everyone just forget about Zafina and Claudio when they collapsed? Don't they care? Where did Hwoarang go? He got on a bike in that fight then never had a battlefield fight or appeared in front of the Sanctum at Yakushima. Why don't Victor or Raven care about Lars defying them last game? Is Raven salty that Jin blew up a helicopter with him (maybe) and all his men in it? Does Jin hear Azazel return to life? Is he affected by it? That MF was talking in his head for months. If Kazuya could have defeated Azazel so easily, why did he just waltz off in TK6?
I do like the idea that the 'two evil stars colliding' as the end of Azazel being Jin and Kazuya destroying each others devils, forshadowed in TK6 and brought to conclusion here, but all the meaning and interest in this is destroyed by whatever they're trying to do with Reina. I cannot expressed how frustrated I am with her as a character. I suppose perhaps she's from the Devil-Human Integration period of research Heihachi undertook, though my understanding was that he never retrieved Devil cells that were needed for the research, or he would have injected himself with Devil. Perhaps Reina was part of a programme that continued on where Steve and the supersoldier programme were left off. I don't know. I just know that it takes a way a lot of impact that could have meant exploring a devil-free Tekken game in future.
One thing I do Not want to see, is Tekken 9 waltzing in with Kazuya suddenly being a good guy, teaming up with Jin and fighting Reina. Not without serious weight and reflection on his actions, or discussing the corrupting influence of Devil over him. And I've lost a lot of faith in Tekken really understanding their characters or story-writing enough to do this.
I didn't even get on to character episodes, but I think I've rambled enough for one day! Thank you for the asks.
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xyoonx · 3 months
𝐎𝐂 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬 # 🪻
Featuring: my OC, Edwin Anselm. (VEGA-1228)
Fandom: Lovebrush Chronicles.
Warning: might contain spoilers of Cael's cards + future worlds/stories.
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Name: Edwin Anselm
Codename: VEGA-1228
Given Name: Edwin Dahler.
Age: 20
Pronouns: He/Him.
Birthplace: planet named “Cosmos”.
Appearance: tall, lean, gloomy. Has long black hair which is usually tied up. Purple eyes.
Personality: calm, reserved, observant. Can be grumpy, sarcastic, impatient, and lazy at times.
Major: Astrophysics.
Hobbies: Writing. Researching topics he finds interesting. Learning cooking recipes.
Likes: Space, writing, learning new stuff. dumplings, hehe.
Dislikes: bugs, bossy people, people who are too clingy, people who simply just can't follow a simple schedule.
birthday: December 28.
Pets: Beanie.
MC: sister (?). He saw her grow up since the day Cael took responsibility of looking after MC. Edwin continued to see MC as his sister since then.
Cael: Guardian. Edwin doesn't remember how he came to be, or who his exact parents are; but his most primary memory is of Cael bringing him to meet MC.
Alkaid: Friendly. They are good friends; they hang out after class often and chat about physics theories and all. Alkaid inspires Edwin to be more outgoing.
Clarence: somewhat hostile. Edwin doesn't like how Clarence appears to be strict and bossy, and Clarence doesn't like Edwin’s lazy ass either. But, they get along as time goes by.
Ayn: Friendly. Edwin does not talk to Ayn much, neither does Ayn, but they are still on friendly terms.
Lars: Unknown. Edwin knows Lars to be a manga fan as MC describes.
𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲
All he remembers is meeting MC when she was 15. Edwin remembers himself to be 17 by that time. He can't remember anything else about his childhood.
𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲
Edwin, also known as Adjutant Vega, worked under Prefect Silver until he lost his life in a battle whilst harvesting a world. To preserve his memories, Prefect Silver was suggested to convince the Chosen One to make a bionic of his Adjutant. Thus, several bionics resembling Edwin were made. The bionic VEGA-1228 had his memory erased and then sent to Earth to accompany MC as she grows up; some of his cognitions were also modified so that he can appear to be more humane; such as aplearing more sensitive to others' miseries, and more sympathetic to people. Recently, he has made several choices of his own will against his master, which is unlikely for a bionic like him.
𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞
He is a loner who doesn't have many friends. Alkaid is his closest friend (or so he thinks). And Ayn, William, O'Connor are acquaintances who are on his good terms. He is also one of the top students in his major as he is able to memorise things easily and able to do a large amount of sum in his mind.
(Students call him a “robot” as a joke.. get it?)
Has shown signs of psychic dreams. He often goes to Cael to tell him about his weird dreams, but Cael says it's merely a dream, and that there are no other hints behind it.
Can fight well despite not being so athletic.
There's actually another bionic, VEGA-1227, who is now actively working as the Adjutant of Prefect Silver.
Affection Items: Puzzle cube, kaleidoscope, assembling robot, book of physics. Dumplings.
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jhilsara · 4 months
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I Can See You
Pt. 1/ Pt. 2/ Pt. 3/ Pt. 4/ Pt. 5/pt. 6/Pt. 7/Pt. 8/Pt. 9/ Pt. 10/
Pt. 11/ Pt.12/Pt.13/Pt. 14/Pt.15/Pt.16/Pt.17/END
Mariana Jimenez-Watson or MJ works in a normal pub living life paycheck to paycheck. Nothing exciting happens to her except the occasional drunk getting thrown out. She's 24 working away and finds a wrench thrown into her very boring life. His name is Hobie and she thinks maybe, a little excitement isn't awful. In fact she might start to crave some change for once.
Small moments of Hobie meeting his world's MJ. AKA I made an MJ variant and I think she's neat.
Chapter 6
It’s late, or early. She isn’t really certain. She is more than sure she's exhausted.
MJ is dragging her feet trying to get home at three in the morning. She’s ready to pass out after the shift she'd had at the pub. It had been a long night and it doesn't help that she's been on edge at work since some creepy man had tried to attack her. Not the highlight of her time working as a bartender.
The police did eventually show up and apprehend the man. Andy and Lars had stayed behind to call him in and also explain what happened. Her lead manager that had been dismissive of MJ's worries was promptly fired after. The owner apparently was not made aware of any of her concerns. Lars also wasn't alone as the bouncer anymore. The owner had hired two security posts for every night now, hoping to dissuade another incident.  
MJ's therapist had more than enough to unpack with her that month. She did feel leaps better after the owner profusely apologized about the lead manager ignoring her worries. That made her feel more supported.
Truly after her long shift, she just wants to go home. She was making plans to herself to put on her big hoodie and crawl into her warm bed after the hottest shower. Maybe even have a little snack. 
She slides her key into the door and is almost drooling at the thought of her soft, plushy bed. She shuffles in and trips over something in the entryway. She looks down and almost screams when she sees Hobie leaning against her wall and bleeding out on her floor. It looks like a crime scene with the lights off.
She throws her bag on the ground and turns on her light. She squats down in front of him checking his pulse making sure he’s alive. She moves to grab his face, holding it gently to make him look at her. His face was dirty, caked in blood and grime. Blood dripping down his forehead and lips. 
“Hey, hey, Hobie. I need you to look at me right now.” She pleads, voice a little pitched.
He barely peels his eyes open, he’s looking at her, but not really. More like he’s looking through her. He grunts in response. His eyes are blurry and she doesn't think he knows where he even is. 
“How long have you been here?” She asks moving his hand to look at the wound he’s been clutching at his side. There’s a decent pool of blood underneath him that looks to have been sitting there for a while.
“Couple a minutes, an hour… I don’t know…” He murmurs, his head lolling off to the side. His eyes start closing again, clearly a losing fight to stay awake. Which she needs him awake because she has no idea if he has a concussion. 
“Hey, nu-uh, you can’t do that right now. I need you to be present with me okay? I don’t know where you’re hurt.” She whispers to him. She holds his head back up, forcing him to look at her. Her brows furrowed in concern.
He nods his head, struggling to keep his eyes open. He's only half listening to her, but he is doing as she asks. 
Since finding out Hobie was Spider-Man he had started a habit of using her home like a 24/7 clinic. The first time he rolled into her home she yelled at him as he tumbled face first into her rug. She had to learn how to clean and dress wounds on the spot. She chastised him all the way through it. He scared the living daylights out of her and on top of that he just sat there laughing like it wasn't a big deal.
This though, this is the worst she’s seen him. There's so much blood and he doesn't look okay at all. His eyes can't focus on her and the distant look in his eyes scares her.
She moves to grab her medical kit, “What happened?” she prods trying to figure out what trouble he got into. 
“Not a big deal,” He tries to shrug but hisses in pain, “just got nicked by the Goblin is all.” He replies slurring his words together.
She bends down next to him and gives a disappointed look. “It is a big deal if you’re bleeding out on my floor.” She tells him with a slight scoff. “Can you take your shirt off or do I need to cut it?” she asks him digging around for her safety scissors.
He gives a soft chuckle but does as he’s told. His top clings to his skin and it's sticky where his bloods dried. He groans in pain as he peels the dried blood off of him with his top. “We should go on a date before I strip for ya.” He teases.
She rolls her eyes, “If you’re coherent enough to joke I should be meaner to you.” She mumbles to herself.
She grabs some alcohol to clean up his injury with from her medical kit. She soaks up a soft hand towel to start cleaning around his wounds.
“Oh come on, ya love it.” He says reaching for her hand so she’ll look up at him.
Her fierce gaze flashes to him and his face falters a bit. She knows she's being harsh, but she's never seen him so beat up. It scares her. Maybe it's because she childishly believes he's invincible. This is a hard moment as she realizes he can get hurt.
“What I would love right now, is for you to shut up so I can clean you up enough for you to take a shower without bleedin’ all over my bathroom.” She states giving him a pointed look. 
He nods his head silently and lets her work.
She cleans the area surrounding his wound, he’s mostly stopped bleeding but it’s a nasty gash. Once it’s clean she can disinfect. She looks closer at his wound and assesses his face too. He’s got a few good scraps along his brow bone and one of his piercings definitely looks like it’s caused some damage. Almost like his eyebrow piercing ripped out.
She quietly continues to work, ignoring Hobie’s grunts and hisses of pain as she cleans his face. Her brow furrowed in concentration. She's afraid if she pauses and looks him in the eye she won't be able to finish. She wants to scream at him to be more careful, but she also just wants to hold him tightly and protect him.
“Anywhere else that was bleedin’?” she asks him softly.
He shakes his head no. She pats his thigh reassuringly. “Go take a shower and let me know when you’re done. I need to bandage you but you need a shower first.” She tells him.
He groans but lets her help him stand up. “Don’t leave a mess in there alright?” she teases him lightly.
“No promises, I’m pretty grimy.” He jokes as he shuts the bathroom door.
She smiles and turns to grab the discarded pieces of his suit. She throws them in her washer and waits to run it when she can grab the rest of it from the bathroom. She moves to set up the couch for him to sleep on.
There’s no way she was letting him go back this late after just dressing his injuries. She grabs her spare sheets and blankets, preparing the couch for him. She throws one of her pillows down for him as well.
She hears the bathroom door creak after a while and turns to see him poking his head out. He already looks a lot better. Relief washes over her and she relaxes a bit. She grabs the medical kit again and goes to wrap him up.
Hobie leans his weight against her bathroom counter. He's just in a towel wrapped lazily around his waist.
She takes a deep breath and adjusts her eyes up. She forgot to give him clothes. Her face is burning but she tries to refocus on bandaging him.
“You look better already.” She comments. She grabs the gauze and bandages to wrap him. She’s so close to him, eye level with his broad chest. She should be used to it by now but her ears are burning. She can feel his eyes on her, and he gives a halfhearted chuckle.
“I feel better that’s for sure.” He murmurs.
She starts to wrap him, eyes trying to keep focused on her task, and not lower to where the towel is barely hanging on his hips. She's definitely not looking over his toned body. She can keep her eyes focused, this is not the time to be checking him out. 
She’s so intentional with every motion. She’s slow and deliberate, making sure she treats his wounds correctly.
She doesn’t notice him move until she feels him brush her hair off her shoulders. The action has her taking a shuddering breath. She looks up at him questioningly.
His own face is in scrunched up in thought. He keeps her hair between his fingers as he looks lost in his own head.
She finishes wrapping his chest before looking back up at him. She gently uses her hand to make him turn to look at her.
“So serious, what’s rattling around in that brain?” She tries to joke, but it falls into more of a genuine question. Her voice quiet.
He looks at her face and meets her question with silence. Contemplating his own response. He stares at her and he’s doing that thing again. He’s looking at her in a way that feels like he’s peeling back layers of her soul, exposing herself to him. She feels barren and unguarded, it scares her.
“Nothin’. Just thinkin’. Brain got all rattle remember?” He says softly tapping his brow. He immediately regrets it, hissing as he hits his own injury.
She gives a soft giggle and lets it slide for the moment. She reaches up, “Let me bandage that, your piercing got pretty fucked right there.” She tells him focusing her attention on that.
He hums in agreement. His hands coming down to grip the counter edge. His grips is so tight it leaves small cracks along her counter. Clearly trying to hide how much he's been hurting tonight. He's a good patient in that he never complains, but sometimes she wished she did. Maybe he just has a high pain tolerance or maybe he just doesn't want her to worry. She'd worry regardless though.
At the end of the day, she'd still rather him crawl into her window every night regardless of his injuries. At least she'd know he was alive. See his chest rise and fall as he breathes.
When she’s done she looks at him, his eyes have just been burning holes into her. She flushes for a moment, she was so lost in thought she didn't notice him staring. Their faces are so close, too close. She swallows hard and takes a step back, “I’ll uh, I’ll grab some spare clothes you’ve left here before… I can just throw your suit in the wash.” She tells him softly, her face burning.
She turns to go into her room, grabbing his clothes and returning to shove them in his hands. He hands over his own dirtied and blood-stained suit to her.
“Thanks Mariana.” He tells her softly pulling her into him with a one armed hugged. For someone so injured, his grip was still strong. 
A chill runs down her spine at him using her name, “It’s no big deal.” She mutters returning the embrace.
She moves away to close the bathroom door and she leans against it. Her head hitting the door as she looks up trying to control her rapidly beating heart.
He can’t keep looking at her with those big brown eyes that crack her open. If he does she might have to acknowledge the fact she’s starting to like him.
She doesn’t think she can handle those far too big feelings right now. So, she shoves them down, under the surface. She can’t think about him like that.
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
CAA is omnipresent?
A wonderful friend has dug up some interesting information that I am about to share about CAA.
Jan 2023: The move cements the separation of their assets from the pan-European Wild Bunch AG film group, which was created in 2015 out of the merger of their original French company Wild Bunch and Germany’s Senator Film and is now majority-owned by German entrepreneur Lars Windhorst. This means Wild Bunch AG no longer owns its 20% stake in the independent standalone international sales company Maraval and Chioua and their 15-strong team launched in 2019 under the banner of Wild Bunch International (WBI). The company is now been majority owned by Maraval and Chioua and its staff, with CAA also holding a 20% stake. The pair are in the process of securing a new name but the public dropping of the Wild Bunch moniker marks a decisive move for them and their team as they continue to build the new company.
DEADLINE: Wild Bunch International has existed as a standalone company since 2019. Why have you decided only now to split from the iconic brand name you created in 2002 but no longer own? BRAHIM CHIOUA: When we created Wild Bunch International in 2019, Wild Bunch took a 20% stake in exchange for allowing us to use the Wild Bunch brand in our name under a signed three-year agreement. We had a second commercial cooperation deal for the same period under which Wild Bunch International continued to sell and manage Wild Bunch’s international catalogue for a fee, and also had access to the group’s back-office services, for which we paid a fee. This deal came to an end in November 2022 with a get-out clause for both parties. We opted to buyout Wild Bunch’s equity share.
DEADLINE: You have always worked closely with CAA. How does this move impact your relationship with the agency?
MARAVAL: CAA has been an historical partner and they allowed us to start the new company three years ago. Our relationship is probably one we are the most proud of because this goes beyond a simple business relationship. Together with Roeg Sutherland’s team, we built a unique business model of synergies and connection in term of promotion, financing , talent representation that benefit the talent and the producers we are working with such as Alice Diop, Nadine Labaki, Claire Denis, Rebecca Zlotowski, Ladj Ly, Jacques Audiard or Gaspar Noé for example.
DEADLINE: As well as continuing to work on international sales, the new company seems more directly involved in producing... MARAVAL: International sales is no longer our only activity. We’re much more involved as active co-producing partners whether it’s through Le Collectif 64 or Wild West. It’s not like in the past when a company such as Fidelité would come to us with a film, and we would say ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Now, we participate in the development, financing and packaging of projects. Changes in the industry meant we had to reformat ourselves. We don’t have to sell the films produced by Getaway Films, Wild West or Le Collectif 64 because with those companies we’re wearing a co-producer hat with an active role. We need to find the best solution for each film, which won’t necessarily involve us selling it internationally on a territory basis.
It's interesting that WBI separated from WB AG in November 2022.
In the end of March 2023 they revealed their new name Goodfellas
February 2023: Still WBI has boarded sales on Amelia's children
November 2021: Former NBCUniversal Vice Chairman and CAA Co-Founder Ron Meyer Named CEO of Wild Bunch
So, CAA has 20% stake at Goodfellas (former WBI), their partner WB AG is run by a former CAA co-founder Ron Meyer. Another ex-CAA co-founder Michael Ovitz is one of Jinx partners. Omnipresent CAA
More about WB AG:
It looks like transatlantic cooperation, that's why pairing up an American actor and a European actress makes sense to attract not only domestic but also an international audience. As we know Chris is not well-known in Europe, if he wants more international fame and financing for the Kelly project from a non-US company, this pr rl might be a good chance for him.
Industry people have been informed about WBI and WB AG deal since 2019, Seb and Aly, Chris and Lily, and now Chris and Alba appeared in 2020. Actresses are from Europe.
The industry is changing due to many factors. Chris is trying to survive like many actors. He doesn't have his Marvel role too. It's a new start for him, he needs to build a solid foundation. Industry-wise, he is not RDJ or DJ, he doesn't have a pull to make people go to watch his movies as a lead, he needs pr.
Chris' case is also different because of Amelia's children and his 2 movies. And we don't know about Jinx marketing plans.
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the-andromeda-effect · 7 months
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While Caliban is up with Adira, the men are down at the Gatehouse talking.
“Wait, so she really IS Riona Kalavati?” Marcin shook his head slightly, trying to get it to sink in. Lars had brought he and Pietre into the gatehouse to talk privately, after Caliban headed back to the mansion after the status update. That one piece of information was giving Marcin the most problems digesting. No matter who she was, if Caliban wanted her protected, he’d do so, but how Mircea Kalavati’s wife could ever become Caliban’s wife confounded him.
“No, Riona Kalavati died in that house we raided where the Marabioli’s were holding hostages. Remember, we had a hit job there because someone was trying to start a war between the families? That was Riona that wanted to start the war to get out of her marriage, according to Mircea. Adira is the woman you saw who came out with the boss, the one that he was protecting, and put in the line of fire to keep her safe. Didn’t you hear, Lars, they’ve been married since before Riona disappeared? Theron can show you the paperwork and the marriage certificate is framed in the boss’s office. You need to keep up, Marc, or you’re going to get replaced on the security detail.” Pietre elbowed him with a slight smirk, having understood very well what Lars was telling them, and what it meant. “So, Svarog and I are going to stay here, and help Theron figure out who helped that bastard hurt the boss’s wife? Sounds like we’ll also be working out if there is anyone else working against him?”
“That’s the plan. You can understand how in just over twenty-four hours after being freed from the Marabioli house where she was held prisoner, to be drug across the lawn of her own home with a gun to her head might be a bit…stressful.” Lars inclined his head to add emphasis. “Marcin, you’ll be coming with us to Caliban's cabin in the mountains. Caliban wants to take her up there for seclusion and to recover from the trauma. The newly married couple would also like some time alone together, since that has been in short supply lately. You and I will take shifts. Since it’s just going to be the four of us, we are getting the luxury of not having to share a room and getting to stay in the guest rooms that he usually reserves for his friends.” He rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "I can tell you that Mrs. Andros is terrified of thunder, but she will do fine as long as the boss is with her if we have a bad storm. Otherwise some hand holding might be in order. That storm we had last night was not a fun experience for her.”
Marcin nodded. He was now understanding what was going on, if still a little confused why Caliban was somehow married to Mircea Kalavati’s wife. That seemed like a good way to start a war with the Kalavati family to him, but he was not going to challenge the boss. “Hand holding I can do. She seems like a very sweet woman.”
“She is. Don't ask me how this all got started, I don’t know. Given Caliban’s temperament at the moment, I wouldn’t go asking him either. It is clear that he cares for her, and I would venture deeply. Theron seems to have affection as well. So our two bosses want this woman looked after.” His lips thinned as Lars smiled. “During the storm Caliban didn’t release her even after she’d fallen asleep. Whoever she started life out as, she is Adira ANDROS now.” His brows rose to add emphasis.
“Is she okay?” Pietre asked. He’d been wondering. Lars hadn’t really said and they knew that she’d been taken out of the gatehouse by Caliban and Theron caging her so that she didn’t have to see the blood and body from the earlier violence.
“As best a woman that lived under routine beatings from Mircea Kalavati, then a kidnapping by the Marabioli clan, and now almost getting shot in the head by her new husband’s guard could be doing. That is to say, physically she is fine, but emotionally I won’t venture a guess. Neither Theron nor Caliban are letting anyone near her. I guess we will know when we leave tonight.” Lars sighed.
“You two take care of her up there with Caliban. We’ll ferret out the traitor or traitors to the boss, so it’s all safe when you get back. There is just something wrong with this whole situation.” Pietre looked between the other two men.
“I don’t disagree. Kondrat was way too confident for him to be acting on his own. He was having help from somewhere and thought that whoever it was, they were going to cover his ass. For him to have pulled her right from behind you, that means he knew he was going against the boss.” Marcin shook his head slightly. "So that means we have at least one other person.”
"Which is why the five of us will be Caliban’s eyes and ears for a while. He needs to focus on Adira. Right now she's clinging to him but she could just as easily get spooked and then we'd have to hunt her down and hope Mircea didn't find her first." Theron joined the other three men. With Adira resting and Caliban packing, he'd decided to see how everyone else was doing.
"Ther, so you think that Cal is in danger too? Do we need to step up security in general when they come back?" Pietre asked, the question having been growing in his mind.
"I don't think there's a threat to Cal, yet. That yet may change. Any leak or someone working for another family is bad news though. It weakens us," was Theron's answer.
"I'm going to address the elephant in the room, so don't shoot me. How did Cal go from entering that house to kill Riona Kalavati to exiting with his new wife?" Marcin knew that he was in dangerous territory but if he was going to unequivocally have Caliban’s back, he wanted to understand. Theron had the answer, he was sure. He only hoped that he didn’t die for his curiosity
Theron chuckled before explaining how absolutely everything the previous day had happened. When Caliban had started feeling attraction to the beautiful brunette, he couldn't say, but the chemistry had been obvious even to him from early on in their meeting. He had no reservations about the arrangement or relationship. If he had, he would have voiced them to Caliban personally..
"I believe she is going to do Cal and the organization a world of good. She seems honest and trustworthy. As you can see, he's a little protective. Truthfully, we both are." Theron chuckled.
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allmoshnobrain · 11 months
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
part 15 of ? | masterpost
word count: 2546 | ao3 link | fic's playlist
Cliff let out a sigh. “It's just that... We kicked him out of the band.” I just went silent, completely unable to react to that bombshell. This had to be some kind of joke, right? He couldn't be serious.  “Clifford,” I managed to speak, my voice shaking in a whisper. “What the hell are you talking about?” 
✦ summary: After a wild night of partying, Nore receives shocking news over the phone that will forever change her relationship with Metallica and her friends.
✦ on this chapter: dave mustaine x female!oc, james hetfield x female!oc, oc is cliff's cousin, +18, language, slice of life, angst, recreational drug use, drinking
✦ a/n: Hi! I ended up releasing this chapter a little earlier this week than I had planned, but things are gonna become a little bit more complicated in the plot from now on... So I hope you enjoyed it! Feedback is welcome ❤
✧ through the darkest hour, your grace did not shine on me ✧
“Nore, they’re on the phone!” I heard Leanne call me from the living room.
It had been a few days since the guys left, and they were calling for the first time. I was washing dishes and chatting with Leanne in the kitchen when we heard the phone ring, and she rushed to pick it up.
I quickly dried my hands and dashed to the living room.
“Yes, she's right here,” Lea was saying when I arrived. She chuckled softly. “Love you too. I'll hand it over to her, okay? Bye.”
I grabbed the phone from her.
“Hey, Nore.” Cliff's voice came through the line.
“Hey, Cliff,” I said, a smile forming instantly on my face. I couldn't help but grin when I heard his voice; man, I really missed him. “How are you guys doing?”
“Oh, we're good. Lars is still a pain in the ass, Dave and James have already argued like three freakin’ times... You know, same old shit,” he said, and I chuckled softly. “Hey, Dave wants to chat with you. I'll hand it over to him, alright?”
“Sure thing,” My heart raced a little when I heard that, my smile growing even wider. “Catch you later, Cliff.” 
“Later, Nore.”
“Hey.” Dave's voice came through the phone seconds later, and I couldn't help but feel all the butterflies in my stomach that I always felt when I heard his voice. Only now it was a thousand times worse, because I couldn’t touch him or kiss him. His voice would have to do for now.
“Hi, Dave. How’s it going?”
“I'm good, and you? Already missing me?” he asked, his voice full of smiles. I chuckled softly.
“You have no idea,” I murmured. “So, how's it going over there?”
He spilled all the details; how they made it safe despite downing loads of drinks during the trip, how they crashed at the producer's house, but trashed it so bad they ended up in some shitty place with almost nothing to eat.
“It's not that bad, but I think it’s best for you that you stayed there,” he said jokingly “It's been kind of crappy, but it'll be worth it. We've got some gigs next week, should be cool.”
“Will you guys be gone for long?”
“Dunno, sweetheart. Probably a little while,” he paused for a few seconds, then said: “Miss you, Nore.”
“Miss you too.” I replied, then joked: “That's why you guys gotta finish this album quick, so we can meet up again, right?”
“Alright, alright.” he chuckled softly. “Gotta bounce now. Rehearsals starting over here... James and Lars say hey.”
“Oh, cool. Have fun, you all.”
“Love you, Nore.”
“Love you too, Dave.”
With that, he hung up, leaving me still yearning for him, his voice not having lessened the ache of missing him at all.
The weekend when everything would change forever kicked off so calmly it made me clueless about what was in store. Things took a detour when Joe showed up at Leanne's place out of the blue, inviting us to another party with a huge grin on his face. 
“C'mon, it's gonna be a blast. I promise you'll love it.” he grinned, leaning against the doorframe while lighting a cigarette. 
Leanne glanced at him, a slight smile on her face, hands on her hips, and hair tied up in a ponytail. We had planned to spend the weekend cleaning the house since we had no specific plans in mind. But I knew Lea well enough to know that was out the window — she couldn't resist a fun night out. 
“Better be worth it, Sinclair,” she chuckled, then teased: “'Cause I'm giving up my cozy house for this, you know?” 
“Whatever, drama queen.” he grinned at her, then turned to me. “You're coming too, right, Nore?”
“If you guys are going, count me in.” I said, grinning back at him. 
“Awesome!” he jingled his car keys excitedly. “So, hustle up 'cause the party starts in an hour. And I wanna get there early to see if I can offload my... Special goods.”
I raised an eyebrow with a smile, and Leanne and I hurriedly went to change into our party clothes.
The party went down at this fancy guy's house in the suburbs, one of Joe's well-to-do friends. Lea and I didn't really know many people there, but the place was huge, filled with young people like us, all excited and ready to socialize. Joe seemed to be quite popular; everyone was always seeking him out with smiles, looking for his stash of "special stuff." I knew Joe's family had plenty of money, but that didn't stop him from dealing all kinds of drugs at the parties we hit up. Well, he usually covered the tab for drinks and drugs, so no complaints there. 
That night, though, he was pushing something different. Leanne and I were already feeling a bit buzzed, enjoying the free drinks at the party, but Joe was focused on his business. I watched curiously as a group of girls walked away from him giggling, and Joe watched them with a grin, counting the money he had just earned.
“Hey, wanna spice things up tonight?” he said, putting his arm around Leanne's shoulders. She glanced at him, a playful smile on her face. 
“What are you talking about now?” 
“You know, I'm adding some variety to the menu to attract a wider crowd. And this,” he handed a little package to Leanne. I got closer, curious “just arrived. Straight from Colombia, baby. It's all yours if you wanna give it a shot.” 
“Hey, is this another one of your tricks to ‘keep your customers loyal’?” Leanne asked. I raised an eyebrow when I noticed the package contained cocaine. Well, there was something I had never tried before. “'Cause I'm already giving you enough money buying weed.” 
Joe laughed. 
“If I get you addicted to anything, Cliff will murder me. I'm just trying to amp up the party.” 
Leanne stared at the package, looking undecided. She looked up at me.
“So, Nore? What do you think?”
I shrugged. As much as I knew Cliff would probably disapprove of it, I couldn't deny that I was curious. 
“I won't tell Cliff if you won't.” I looked up at her, an almost mischievous smile on my lips.
“You're a troublemaker, girl.” she laughed. “Alright, let's give this thing a shot!”
I woke up all of a sudden, the sun smacking my face, and this annoying, persistent noise going off non-stop. I frowned, realizing it was already morning, and I found myself crashed on Leanne's living room couch. My mouth was dry as hell, my head was throbbing, and I had no clue how I got there. Last thing I remembered was being at the party – we were pounding drinks like crazy before Joe offered us some cocaine to try. After that, it all turned into a blur of laughter, more drinks, and excitement.
As the annoying noise kept on, I slowly figured out it was the phone ringing. I jumped up to answer it, yelling in surprise when I accidentally stepped on someone. It was Leanne, who was passed out on the floor. 
“Ouch,” she groaned, her voice all slurred. “Oh, you're up.” 
“What the hell are you doing down there?” I asked, too surprised to think of anything else, noticing how hoarse my voice was and how dry my nose felt. She groaned. 
“Taking care of your drunk ass. You threw up, and you were too heavy to haul to bed.”
 “What? I don't remember any of that.” 
“Yeah, we went nuts this time,” she grumbled. “And what's that damn noise?”
I blinked, realizing the phone hadn't stopped ringing. My mind felt like mush, unable to focus on more than one thing at a time. I got up, being careful not to step on Leanne again, and answered the phone. 
“Damn, finally.” Cliff's voice greeted me. I furrowed my brow. 
“Well, good morning to you too, Cliff.” I said, and he laughed. 
“Hey, Nore. What happened to your voice?” 
“I... I got too wasted last night, I think,” I croaked, my voice wobbling. “Hold on, lemme grab some water.” 
I rushed to the kitchen, snagged a glass of water, and went back to the phone.
“Alright,” I told him, back on the line, and quickly chugged the glass. “So, how are you guys holding up over there? Everything cool?” 
“Well…” Cliff hesitated. “Sort of. And how 'bout you guys?” 
“We're okay, just dealing with a hangover,” I furrowed my brow. “But 'sort of'? What happened?” 
“Uh, it's just that... Nore, actually, I'm calling to tell you something. It's about Dave…”
“What happened to him?” I felt my heart clench with worry. “Is he alright?” 
“I hope so,” Cliff let out a sigh. “It's just that... We kicked him out of the band.”
I just went silent, completely unable to react to that bombshell. This had to be some kind of joke, right? He couldn't be serious. 
“Clifford,” I managed to speak, my voice shaking in a whisper. “What the hell are you talking about?” 
“He... He bailed on the band.” 
“That’s not what you said,” I said, my voice getting louder as I grew more and more nervous. Leanne sat on the floor, giving me a puzzled look, brows all furrowed up, concern all over her face. “You said you kicked him out!” 
“Nore, chill out, okay?” he said, with a sigh. “You don't know how bad things got. He caused too much trouble…” 
“We always cause too much trouble!” I said, now definitely shouting. “That has never been a reason for anything!” 
“Where is he, Cliff?” I asked, gripping the phone like my life depended on it. “I gotta talk to him!” 
“He's not here. We sent him back.”
“When does his flight land?” I asked, already getting ready to sprint to the airport. Cliff stayed silent, and I let out an annoyed grunt. “Cliff, when's he getting here?” 
“Well... Actually, we got him a bus ticket.” 
“Wait. You sent him back alone on a bus? ” I yelled, furious. Thank goodness I was talking to Cliff on the phone because I swear I'd be capable of physically attacking someone right now. 
“Nore, come on. The decision's been made, even though it's a rough one…” 
“He's your friend, damn it!” I shouted. “You know what? Fuck off!” I hung up the phone and stormed off to my room. 
“Nore, what happened?” Leanne asked, following me, all concerned. I turned around, tears welling up in my eyes. 
“They kicked Dave out of the band, Lea,” My voice trembled as I tried my hardest not to cry. “They ruined everything!” 
“Hey, it’s alright. Come here.” She came closer and gave me a hug. I sniffed, my eyes welling up with tears. I was so, so worried about Dave, alone, sad and angry on a trip that I knew would drag on for days. It hurt not being able to be with him right now. And it hurt even more that the ones causing all of this were the friends that he and I had learned to call family. 
What the hell were we gonna do now?
The final blow to my peace came much later that Sunday night. Leanne and I had ordered pizza for dinner and were watching some random movie together, just hanging out and chatting. I knew she suggested it to cheer me up, and I really appreciated the effort.
When the phone rang, I looked up and jumped to answer it, hoping it might be Dave. I hadn't heard from him yet, and I was just getting more and more worried about him.
“Nore.” a voice greeted me, but my stomach sank when I realized it wasn't Dave. It was James, and I almost felt relieved to hear his voice before remembering I was pissed at all of them.
“James. What's going on?” I asked, coldly. In all the months since we had met, I had never been cold with James. It hurt me, but I was too hurt myself to care.
“Nore…” he said again, and it hit me that he was upset, probably drunk, his words slurred and dragging. It sounded like he was on the verge of tears over the phone. “I'm sorry. Please.”
“What?” I asked, totally caught off guard. I knew James. He never apologized, and he sure as hell didn’t make drunk, almost tearful calls when he messed up. When he was happy, he was very kind, but when he wasn't okay, he became closed off. Monosyllabic. As if he put up a wall and didn't want anyone to try to cross it.
It almost seemed like he was hurting too from Dave being kicked out, but I didn't wanna jump to that conclusion too quickly. I knew him and Lars were the ones calling the shots for the band. So if Dave got kicked out, I could bet it was with James' approval. And that made me furious, but at the same time, I couldn't help but worry about how hurt he sounded.
“Are we still friends?” he asked, his voice almost desperate. “Or do you hate me now?”
“James, I don’t… I don’t hate you.” I answered, my chest tight with heartache. “But this… Why did you do this to him? He is your friend. I thought…”
“No, I don’t want to talk about him. I don’t know how- Nore, I don’t know what we’re gonna be without him. But we had to, Lars said we had to and I… I believe him.”
“Well, fuck Lars.” I groaned. 
“He knows what he’s doing, Nore.”
“Well then fuck you too.” My voice got louder and I frowned. This was so frustrating and it made me so, so angry. How could they do that to Dave? How could they do that to us ?
“No, no, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” he answered, genuinely sounding like he was on the verge of tears.
“He is your friend, James. What are we gonna do now?”
“I don’t know. I just don’t want you to hate me.”
“I told you I don’t hate you.” I said, tears welling up in my eyes. This wasn’t fair. I didn’t want to hurt James, but I knew how much their decision would have hurt Dave. And I couldn’t bear to think about him, alone and sad and angry, betrayed by the only true friends he ever knew. “But we’re family, James. This was his dream too.”
“You think I don’t know that?” he said, sounding angry for just a moment before his voice broke again. “Fuck, Nore. Everything’s a mess without you here. Miss you like hell.” he blurted, and my heart raced at his tone; hushed, heavy, like a confession that was too much to be kept in the dark. Like things he would never say in daylight, if he were sober and we weren’t miles and miles apart. “I’m so fucking selfish because I fucking miss you. You should be here. With me.”
He then hung up, leaving me speechless in the dark, my heart racing as I tried to process what I had just heard.
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namboobieslover · 1 year
Kintsugi: the beauty of broken things || MYG
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Summary: Yoongi and Minnie have been friends for quite some time now, almost... 15 years? 15 years since they ran into each other in that music classroom by an unlucky (or not) mistake. They've grown close, but both of them have strong characters and insecurities that will have to be put aside when Minnie falls into her own lie, risking her job in the process. They have 3 days to feel comfortable and make everyone believe their role as the young engaged couple or she is fucked :[
Pairing: musical producer! Yoongi x lab tech/science nerdy! f reader au; non-idol! BTS members make a brief appearance
Genre: fluff, angst, kinda slow burn (?), best friends to fake couple au, constant unresolved sexual tension, two idiots too proud to openly speak but pinning each other
Word count: so far, almost 25k but still unfinished
Warnings: use of bad language, mentions of insecurities/low self-esteem, anxiety, trauma; light use of weed, little smut if you scrutinize, SFW
Masterlist: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // ...
A/N: hi there! this one it's my first story to be uploaded, a way for me to de-stress from uni exams. I'm not a native English speaker, so please forgive any grammatical mistakes :/
As Yoongi said, you have to put your work out there to learn about it, so... feel free to give some feedback (as positive as you can, please). The story is halfway done, but as I have to proofread most of it and apply the holy Grammarly, uploading will have a normal pace
I'm not fully confident of my writing abilities or English use, but it is what it is, I guess
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CHAPTER 1: Surprises and planning
Word count: 7'1K
-Sup, loser.
I roll my eyes while I flop into the sofa.
-I mean... I'm not asking for big parties but, you know, a little more enthusiasm when seeing your bestie wouldn’t hurt. Don’t you think?
The only answer I get is a loud exhale of air.
-Someone is susceptible today…
Min Yoongi.
We’ve been friends for maybe… 15 years? And what a ride.
We first met in high school, at the sweet age of 12/13. With all the hormonal stuff and changes going around… such a happy stage of life to remember, yikes.
We didn't have anything in common; he was an artistic soul while I considered, or I would like to consider myself, as a science girl. But little me saw too many talent shows with great singers and decided to give it a shot.
-Hi! It’s here where the choir practices?
-Yeah, here is where all the magic happens -I would’ve never expected such an ironic answer from such a cute-looking girl- Are you new or lost on your way to another place?
-New or that’s what I intend to be. I signed the paper in the hall and someone emailed me the instructions. Told me to come to Mrs Lars's classroom.
-Oh, then you are in the right place. She is in the storage room looking for the materials we’ll be needing today.
-Okay class -a sweet voice fills the room interrupting our conversation- please take a seat.
I signal the seat next to the girl asking nonverbally if it’s taken, and she answers that it's not occupied.
-So… today we have lots of new faces. Instead of having personal interviews with each of you, I thought that maybe it would be better and easier to have you join us for today’s lesson. That way you’ll see how we work, a light version of course. After I dismiss the class, as I told you in the email, please stay a little longer and perform a song of your liking. Any questions?
A boy asks if they have to stay at the auditions if they aren't new.
-If you want to, you can stay but if you prefer to leave, that's okay too. That reminds me: for the ones that aren’t new, welcome back; I'm happy to see you again. To y'all my pupils, I wish for a good and healthy year. Any other doubts?
Silence is the answer.
-Then, we’ll start.
The 60 minutes pass fast. The teacher is really fun and makes all the music technicalities more approachable to everyone in the room. We play some games to get to know each other's names while learning a little bit about music structure. 
-Well done. That’s all for today. See you next day.
A lot of students start picking up their books and bags, and I bid goodbye to Nelly, the one with a loving face and a smart mouth. She is… interesting to say the least, but also nicer than expected. 
And friendly enough to ask my dubitative ass to exchange numbers…
Now, the moment of truth: the audition. Not gonna lie, nobody here will be the next Céline Dion but they are okay. That makes me even more nervous, and it shows when my turn comes. Luckily (ironically) I'm the last one. My voice is shaky and even if I am doing terribly, they all keep a smile on their face, which I thank deeply.
Like everyone else, I don't receive any type of feedback from Mrs Lars. She just tells us the following.
-Thanks to any single one of you for showing interest in my subject. Everyone will be accepted in this class; the “audition” was just a formality to classify you in the range that fits you the best. Music is a language that unifies all humans, and even if most of them haven’t been gifted with an incredible voice or the ability to play an instrument, I won't deny the chance to learn it anyways. There’s always a role that fits you the best and I’m sure that while communication runs in both directions, we’ll have a good year. Today you saw how my class works; if you still want to join me and your classmates, the only thing needed is to send me an email by the end of the weekday to confirm it. I will reply with indications, information and advice to improve your natural talent and I want you to practise for a couple of weeks to get used to that routine and the work method. Then, you’ll be divided into groups with people who share your characteristics to work together with the things in common and have healthy feedback. Also, you can ask me when needed or use the music studios to train. I’m sure your parents will thank me -she laughs- Does that sound good?
-Yes Mrs Lars -we answer in unison.
-Ah, and also, if you don't think this is your thing and want to choose another activity, that’s okay. Not receiving the mail of confirmation I previously had talked about, will be understood as the desire to not continue. Feel free to do it if you want to; no hard feelings. This will take a lot of energy and free time, so… make sure that all the effort goes to something you like or you’ll end up despising me and music itself. Any questions or doubts?
As nobody speaks, she dismisses the class.
It took me a couple of days to decide whether I should join music or look for another option, but animated by my parents and the possibility of this helping me with my scenic fear, I choose to keep going with the idea.
Apparently, my vocal range is mezzo-soprano-contralto, which is why I have a difficult time in a higher register. Once I knew that, everything changed for me. Singing was easier and less damaging; just better. I wasn’t that good but for once I felt like my efforts were taking me somewhere.
I still needed a lot of practice, so I would usually spend some time during lunchtime (with the teacher’s permission) doing so in the rehearsal room. Unluckily, one day when I went to my usual spot, the class was already occupied by another person, so I met with my teacher to know what had happened. 
-I’m sorry sweetheart, it’s my fault. I have such a big cold that the headache is making my head pound and I can’t even think straight. Would it be inopportune if I reserve the room after class so you don’t have to skip today’s practice?
-That sounds good too.
-Okay, then I will write your name in the folder -she says reaching for it hung on the wall. She seems a little confused when looking at today’s schedule 
-Isn’t it possible? -I ask her.
-Oh no, everything is fine. Seems like I’ve already written the reservation in your name earlier. Must’ve forgotten to tell you when I did that, I guess that just in case, to offer you a resolution to this problem.
-Then, I’m noted to the main classroom after class?
-Yeah, you are good to go.
-Thank you.
As told, I went to the said place and started my warming exercises. After some scales, I tried “Million Reasons” by Lady Gaga, struggling with the highness of the bridge. I was stuck with that part for some days by then, and my frustration was almost visible in the form of smoke outing my ears.
I was on my…¿20th try? When an unknown voice scared me when the song finished.
-Well… that was…interesting.
-Fucking hell, you scared me.
-Not more than you did to me with your vocals.
-Excuse me?
-Apologies accepted.
Is a boy around my age and size. He wears rectangular glasses and a mostly black outfit, which contrasts with his pale skin perfectly. His eyes are quite small but ooze tons of coldness. He impassively walks to the piano in the corner and starts to get things out of his backpack.
-Mmm… What are you doing?
His dark orbs peer at me with a pensive aura, but he dismisses those thoughts and gives me rolling eyes.
-Yeah, I could have guessed that.
-I am not the one asking the stupid questions here.
-What I meant -he interrupts me by playing some notes- As I was saying -he does it again.
I approach the instrument he is in and put down the keyboard cover, giving him enough time to retract his hands. Ups his sight and boy, is a furious one.
-Are you crazy? -he shouts- You could have harmed me!
-Chst, nobody with two functional cells doing synapsis would have that bad reflexes so please, stop crying, you little baby.
-Excuse me?
-Apologies accepted -I deliver the sentence the same way he did to me, with a pompous smile on my face while I sit proudly in a nearby chair- Also, you deserve it. That’s what you get when trying to mess with me.
-Oh, was I disturbing you? Sorry, I didn't want to. I’m so distracted -what he says in a pitying tone doesn’t match the challenging look in his eyes and the smirk he isn’t even trying to hide.
-I can tell -I bark back the same way- Anyway, as I was saying before you decided to be a cretin, what are you doing here?
-Judging based on your singing skills maybe…you aren't aware that this is a music classroom? You know, where musicians do their thing -speaks ironically
-Of course I know where I am. My doubt is what are YOU doing here at this time. I made a reservation with Mrs Lars.
-Me too.
-That’s impossible.
-No, it’s not. Since I did. You must be wrong.
-No, you are -I fight a little offended.
He rolls his eyes.
-Okay. Let’s search the classroom schedule Mrs Lars keeps in her office and you’ll see your mistake -decides while clapping his hands together and getting up.
-You must mean YOUR mistake -I clarify while imitating his gestures.
I follow him to said office, where he signals to a folder hanging on the wall. He goes through it while searching for today’s schedule and once he finds it, aggressively puts his finger in the initials “M.Y”
-As I was saying, you are the one wrong -he says proudly.
-What? Those are my initials!
-No, they are not. They are M.Y. as in Min Yoongi.
-No, they are M.Y as Min Young Mi.
We look at each other kinda confused.
-I guess Mrs Lars must have committed a mistake while writing our names because of the similarities -he thinks out loud.
-You think so? -I reply as ironically as I can. He rolls his eyes.
That evening was the beginning of what we like to call “The Valerian War”. As stubborn as we were, any of us was willing to give in to the other. None offered to leave or neither changed the reservation for the evenings that followed, so we played mental resistance war, and it got so bad that we needed some valerian infusion to support the evils that we did to each other so that the other would surrender.
Some favourites were him cutting my microphone wires or playing a recording of my voice on the school’s radio for everyone to listen to. I gave back by making good use of a 2x3 glue thrift offer. I was almost sent to the other world when he had to walk back home with the piano’s bench cushion glued to his butt or with music sheets united to his hand.
Eventually, with little acts of kindness by both sides, we started to open up and help each other (he assisted me in musical stuff while I improved his anger management) and we reached the point where we were looking all day to that moment of the evening. It took almost a year and a lot of Nelly’s talks to finally admit that we enjoyed spending time together. Slowly but surely, we started meeting out of school till becoming besties. We had a lot more in common than we thought.
-Call me stupid but-
-Stupid -he interrupts me without hesitance.
-Min Yoongi, be careful with your words, I have your mom on quick dial.
-So childish that is almost sad.
-Would she think as childish that you signed a big contract with an important company and didn’t say a word to your family? I guess I can just ask her -my tone is a mockery one.
The keyboard typing stops followed by a dry laugh.
-You dirty bitch. Must be desperate to threaten me with that.
-It’s just that… I’m frustrated.
-No. Well… That too. But no.
He quietly laughs.
-Maybe I can lend you a hand.
-Yeah, in my neck to cut the flow of air? -I ask acidly but then my black humour needs to make an appearance- Actually, that’s not that much of a bad idea. One lifetime occasion where I would let you commit the desire of killing me without getting angry about it; I promise.
-Mmm, kinky. If that’s what you want… -he spouts with a teasing tone and a smirk.
I’m no stranger to letting my intrusive thoughts win over me and make it aaaall the way to my mouth without realising it, so when he answers I have to replay the last section of our conversation to understand what he means.
-Ugh, you are disgusting.
-Yeah. I think how disgusting it is that I know you so well, that I am genuinely not surprised about you having a choking kink.
-I… I don’t have a choking kink -I defend myself by putting a brave face on when I actually kind of like that stuff.
-Yeah, right -he answers in a disinterested way, turning back to his computer- Just so you know…next time you try to lie as much as you are doing, tell your red cheeks to not make an appearance. It gives it away.
I take advantage of him not looking at me to raise my hands and check if they are matter-of-factly red, which are. I clear my throat in the need of changing the subject.
-Till now all you said has been really helpful, you know? -I say rolling my eyes
-Till now you still haven’t said a word about your problem, apart from your need to get laid, of course.
-The thing is that I messed badly with my boss -I purposely ignore the last sentence and he lets out a little laugh because of it.
-What makes you think that?
-It’s not something she said or did. Actually… It's my fault.
-I doubt it… but would you mind explaining? -he still has his back facing me while clicking the unwired mouse, something that will make the next thing I have to say a lot easier.
-Do you remember when you got appendicitis and had to stay at the hospital? And then when you needed help when sent home?
-How would I not remember?
-Well… The thing is that to convince my boss, which I already told you, is a hard one… I had to lie. A lot.
That seems to catch his attention because finally turns to face me.
-When you mean a lot, how much are we talking about? You said everything was okay with you taking those days off.
-I think we have already established the point that I am a ‘liar, liar, pants on fire’.
-So… What did you tell her?
-Mmmm… I knew some of my coworkers asked her for some days off because of a friend or a relative being sick, and she always rejected them except when they talked about fiancés, husbands or sons; that kind of stuff. So to make her accept my petition, I made her believe it was about my fiancé.
-You said what?
-I basically said all the truth but omitted that you are only my friend. I completely made up a story about my hardworking fiancé, who fell sick, and has no other family around than me to take care of him… It was a little white lie, but when I was back to work everyone was nice to me, even my boss.
-Why don’t you tell them that you broke up? 
-That was my plan, I swear. Buuuut, I started to talk a little bit here and there about him being an asshole, like getting ready to break the news, you know? Buuuuut that made them even nicer to me! Never knew criticising a partner would unite us that much.
-My surgery was last year…have you been lying to them for that long?
-And didn’t they suspect anything when a year passed and still no wedding was in sight?
-Yes, but I explained how as we were both busy with our respective jobs, trying to save money for it, and having some trouble in our relationship… had decided to take it easy.
He seems lost in thought, with the elbows resting on the armrests of his chair and fingers brushing his chin. Then laughs, crossing his arms over his chest.
-Well, well, well. When I think that you cannot surprise me anymore, here you come.
-Yeah, really funny how this will end with me getting fired.
-Don’t be silly. They’ll never know.
-That’s what I thought till my company decided to celebrate a ball to raise funds for their project about breast cancer. And everyone expects me to bring my said fiancé to meet them.
-OMG you are such a loser.
-I don’t know why I came here expecting some support. Seems like today is not the day you want to deal with my stuff -I get a little angry because he doesn't understand how bad this is and how much I’ve been stressing the last few weeks trying to find a solution.
-Minnie, you know that’s not it -he quickly answers.
-Don’t worry. It’s my fault. By now I must have put in my mind that while you are working don’t wanna be bothered by others' banal stuff -I recollect my bag and start my way to the door.
I feel his hand wrapping around my wrist, trying to stop me.
-Stop it. I don’t wanna bother you.
He sighs and uses that hitch as a way to put me closer to him and after that, sit me again on the couch.
-Yeah, you are a pain in the ass, but even like that… you’ll never bother me when it’s about struggling with something, so… don’t say that.
-That’s how you made me feel.
-And I’m sorry about it. When it comes to words, we both know that I’m not the best to be sensitive.
-Except with your lyrics -I half-joke to reassure him. 
I feel bad to react this way because he has a life too and here I am burdening him with my problems; all because I am so weak that I drown in a cup of water.
-Yeah, except for my lyrics -says way softer.
-Ugh, I’m so messed up -I groan while hiding my face between my hands and laying back.
-Yeah, a little bit but, what are you going to do?
-What do you mean?
-I know you, so I expect you to have something in mind already -he says palming one of my knees while still sitting in his chair.
I drop my arms to my sides, tired.
-No. Well, technically yes, but not anymore.
-I had a plan but not anymore because things didn’t go the way I expected.
-How is that?
-Don’t wanna hear you say anything about “I warned you”.
-This is going to be good -he whispers loud enough for me to hear it, but after giving him a death stare, motions his mouth getting zipped and throws the key away.
-The obvious solution is to have someone pretending to be my fianceé. After wondering who would be the best option I asked Jim to fill that role because, you know, we were kinda hooking up.
-What did he say?
-Like cartoons. I was almost able to see smoke in his dashing foot.
-Told you so -whispers again with a smirk.
I want to save energy, so my only answer is to roll my eyes. It's not like I could deny it because he, in effect, told me that. 
When I started to meet Jim, equally scared of commitment as me, Yoongi warned me about how he would never be the one for me. How under the sweet gestures and amazing chemistry, we were only two people wasting time. How he could, maybe, let me down when I truly needed him. He wasn’t wrong. While explaining this whole issue to Jim, he was losing all the colour on his face because I told him that he would have to pretend to be in love. Pretend. I didn’t love him either but I was expecting the both of us to put on a little show of it.
But Yoongi knows that behind the façade I put saying that I don't want serious business, the reality is that I'm just searching for the right person to let my defences down. But to find it and as a scientist, I must do trial and error. Right?
-Then I contacted everyone in our group but all of them are occupied with close notice, and since my family is away, I can’t ask a cousin or something. Not to mention how weird it would have been -I shake my shoulders trying to shake the disgusting image of my mind.
-What about a random person or a gigolo? 
-I don’t have enough time to teach somebody the full ass history of how we fell in love or the money to pay for it. Also, I'm trying to avoid paying for another human till I'm 70 and alone, with the only company of my 5 cats. Thanks.
-That’s all?
-I started to pretend that I’m falling sick to have an excuse, but everyone seems suspicious of me. If that doesn’t work, I’m fucked up. For real. That’s my last chance.
-As I see it, that’s not your last chance. You forgot about something.
-I did?
To say that I am confused is an understatement.
-Yeah you fool -he smiles widely and reclines in his chair with crossed arms.
-I…don’t…follow you.
-You what? -My confusion is at the ceiling level.
-Me -He repeats with open arms- You forgot me.
Is this what I think it is?
-Stop frowning -and I do at his call- I can't believe you didn’t try to ask me.
-You are joking, aren’t you?
-No -he turns to the computer shrugging.
-Wait, wait, wait -I turn him to face me by the armrest- You, Min Yoongi, THE Min Yoongi, are offering to be my ‘date’ for an event at my workplace?
-God, don’t put it like that. But yeah, the answer is yes. I don’t know why it seems so unbelievable to you.
-I didn't ask you because: 1) I was ashamed, 2) you and I aren't precisely the most comfortable with touching or sweet words, and 3) and the main: aren’t you visiting your hometown this weekend? I know how much you’ve been looking forward to it.
-Yes, I was. But you are crazy if you think that I would let you lose your job for it.
-But you’ve worked so hard… you deserve that break.
-Listen and stop being stubborn. I know that your job is as important to you as mine is to me, not to mention that if you are in this position it is because of me. So… the fair thing is to be the one helping you out of this situation.
-You realise that we will have to pretend that we are in love, right? -I say carefully.
-I pretend that I like you every day so, I don’t think it will be that hard. 
I know he says it to make me laugh and take the iron off the matter, but I can’t help smacking his thigh while giggling. 
-What preoccupies me is you; would you be able not to fall in love with me?
We both laugh, knowing that it’s impossible.
I’m completing my look with sparkling earrings and I look at myself in the mirror. Not bad.
I’m wearing what I consider my slutiest outfit: a baggy long-sleeve dress with a deep v-neck and which long is mid-thigh. The cloth resembles black silk but falls beautifully around my curved body, adjusting in the places it should to remark my features. I added all the sparkly accessories because they contrast greatly with my tanned skin and the dress itself, but I guess all seems blurred compared to my boobs. Those girls are looking great tonight. 
My hairstyle and makeup are a little basic, but enough to make me feel pretty.
While applying perfume someone rings the doorbell. I’m ready on time, so taking all my stuff and a false pink fur coat, I open the door.
I have to admit it, he looks stunning. Yoongi is wearing black skinny jeans with a white t-shirt tucked in, black combat boots and a green bomber jacket. All prettily completed with silver accessories and his long ginger hair slightly gelled back on the sides. My favourite look on him.
-Why aren’t you wearing high heels?
That comment is enough to get me out of my trance, but I understand it; that’s the only part of my outfit on display.
-Is bad enough to be wearing ones for the ball, so yes, thank you, I won’t be torturing myself tonight -I explain as I close my house with the key.
-You were the one who had the idea of dressing in the clothes the other likes most.
-I’m wearing everything you asked for except for the heels. Relax.
-Let me see.
-Hell no, it is freezing here. You’ll see once we get to the discotheque. C’mon.
-I don’t trust you. At all -he whispers but follows me to the taxi stop.
This is part of the amazing plan we made together on Tuesday night. Not the best idea but…it will have to do the work.
The ball is on Friday so we have a couple of days to make us believable as a couple. Tonight, Wednesday, part one is in development. We’ll go to drink (a lot) and dance in a public place and act as partners in love. Is like practice for the real situation and luckily, as I suggested, dressing in a way the other likes will make it easier to dissociate the image of best friend that we find disgusting to act in love with.
We have two days to be comfortable with holding hands, him holding me for the small of my back, me hanging into his arm, hugging and… kissing. Not fully making out, like little pecks. Or at least that’s the order both of us come together to decide as necessary to give the ‘’living in the honeymoon stage of relationship’’ vibes.
Tomorrow we will work on our love story, pet names and all that stuff. Maybe we’ll have to buy some alcohol for it too.
-Should we…maybe…start? -he asks, looking the other way.
-I think I need a couple of quick shots before.
-Thank God, me too -laughs.
I signal to a bar near us that won’t make us change our direction fully, and he agrees.
-Please, four shots of tequila -Yoongi orders to the bartender, and I am grateful for that amount.
Since I am the one using his help, I want to invite him. He gives me bored eyes and tries to take my money away from the counter, but I push him a little bit and open my coat to let my neckline on the view of the young bartender.
-Please, accept my money. You can keep the change as a tip -my voice is as sweet as I physically can and I bat my eyelashes. It works because he takes my money a little bit flustered and his only answer is a nod. I laugh to myself and close the coat again, turning to my friend, who is downing his first little vase.
I take one making cheers in the air before ingesting the hot liquor.
-You know… what you did is not fair.
-What do you mean? -I play dumb.
-You know what I mean -he says before drinking his other drink- That poor boy… I would be surprised if he doesn't end up hard as wood.
-Why is that bad? Dozens of men look at my ass or boobs without any intention on my side or dressing to “provoke” them. It’s not my fault that in this patriarchal society, women are so fucking sexualized that men think it’s okay to do it. He would have looked at them anyway if I weren’t wearing the coat so excuse me for using that in my favour instead of against me - I drink my last shot.
He looks at me kind of speechless, but after clearing his throat he says “When you are right, you are right”.
The cold air receives us in the street, but the burning sensation in our stomachs is a great contrast. We decide to go walking to the discotheque since it isn’t that far and after ten minutes of comfortable silence, I start to feel the alcohol quicking in in the form of an unexpected laugh.
-What happens? -Yoongi seems confused but laughs too.
-This situation… is ridiculous.
-I know.
-But again, thank you. You are saving me from a good one. I owe you.
-Don’t be stupid, we are best friends. You take care of me and I take care of you. That is how we have always worked and how it will always work.
-Wow, alcohol is getting into you too? You are speaking mindlessly.
-A bit. A long time has passed since I last drank something; work has been… crazy.
-Same for me. Maybe it is a good moment for…you know.
-First step?
-Yeah, first step. Are you okay with that?
-Of course.
We look at each other's hands and making a brave move, I'm the one initiating the motion. His are colder and slightly bigger but feels surprisingly comfortable to intertwine fingers and sense his even colder rings brushing with mine. That heat difference sends a shiver through my body.
It’s not like we have never held hands in other contexts. We do, for example, while walking in a street full of people or in a comforting situation and stuff like that, but it is our first time to do it without a physical or emotional need.
-How do you feel? -I ask cautiously.
-Weird, not gonna lie.
-Me too.
-But it’s not the first time we held hands and I have to say that luckily you feel warm.
-Yeah, you are freezing man -the tension weakens and we start to walk again, still hand in hand.
-I forgot my coat and when I realised I was already too far. I expected to be in a taxi and drunk so I didn’t take it so seriously. Now I’m regretting my choices.
I can’t stop a laugh and he does the same, showing a gummy smile.
-I can work with that. Grieving for my frozen-to-death fiancé is a good excuse to go to the bloody fundraiser alone.
-Then, who would listen to your nonsense anxious babbling?
-You aren’t my only friend, you know that right?
-They simply can’t compare. Even Nelly. 
-Yeah, they can’t compare because nobody reaches your level of pettiness.
-That’s what we have in common you and I, my friend.
Our bickering continues till we reach our destination, where it is time to start the practice. Reading my mind he offers his arm for me to cling to it while still holding hands; a typical pose of couples who’ve been together for some years.
-IDs? -the bouncer asks us.
Once he checks that we are above 23 (a way to only let in adults) the heat receives us when we cross the door. The decoration is beautiful and serious, way different from what we are used to.
-Everyone here seems a little off, don’t you think? -Yoongi asks me.
-Yeah, I guess the age requirement takes away the younger spirit. You know this place is for people who want to have a good night but not that “wild”.
-If this is what awaits me once I establish a serious relationship, I’m definitely staying single.
-Bold of you to assume that you’ll find someone who can keep up with your antics. It’s not like you are turning love proposals all day.
His elbow pinches at my ribs for making fun of him and I laugh.
-You are one to talk… Also, I have some game so… your words don’t offend me miss “Please help me because my ashole of a hookup can’t even pretend to be in love with me”.
-Yeah, that was because he knew that once he started pretending, it wouldn’t be pretending anymore and I’m too much of a woman for him.
-Sure -his eyes are mocking me.
-Let’s grab some drinks, stupid.
He straightly asks for a whiskey, his favourite drink, but I order a rum with coke. He offers me to taste it and I’m dumb enough to do it, gagging at the flavour.
-You have an easy gag reflex, maybe now I understand why Jim dumped your ass so easily.
-Don’t worry hun, it’s only related to alcoholic drinks and he surely dumped me but my ass felt a great loss to him -I cheer my drink with his.
He gives me an unreadable stare while swallowing the odd savoury liquor.
I hate to admit it, but he looks smoking hot tonight. I can’t put my finger exactly on what it is, but something of him making dark humour about Jim while staring at me in that mockery way and gulping whiskey like water… is entrancing. Am I that sex deprived or what?
He frowns one eyebrow trying to guess what's on my mind and just the possibility of him being able to decipher my thoughts has me blushing.
-Is hot here. I’m going to the wardrobe to leave my coat - I excuse myself while getting up from the stool.
-Want me to accompany you?
-Oh, no. Don’t worry. I don’t think it will take me that long.
I join the wardrobe queue a little anxious. Just thinking of what awaits me these days stresses me; it’s really out of my comfort zone. I take the coat for the smiley girl behind the counter to take it.
-Wow girl, you are stunning.
-Thank you, I hope my… boyfriend thinks the same -the b-word gets a little stuck in my throat.
-If he doesn’t… take him to the doctor. That would mean he has his sight damaged. Or better, come back and I’ll make sure you have a good time -she says winking and giving me a little key with a number.
-I’ll keep that in mind -I answer a little flustered and return to where Yoongi is waiting.
He is turned to face me, elbow resting on the bar and cup playing in his hand in circular motions. He eyes me up and down and licks his lips, and I have to put all the effort in me to keep walking like nothing and not choke on my air.
He must have noticed my nervous state because this time, decides to directly ask.
-Oh, I was a little shocked -I answered because… well, that is true- The girl in the wardrobe made a move on me suggesting that if my partner doesn’t like me or something, she will take matters herself to give me a good time -that is also true.
-She did?
-Yeah, why is it so hard to believe? -I am a little offended and I chug down the rest of my drink.
-Not that is hard to believe, but… Do you like girls or something now? -he seems genuinely curious, trying to assure me that anything I say next, will be well received from him.
-No, this isn’t me coming out; sadly I’m still into men. Just… is nice to have someone complimenting me even if I’m not into girls -a change in his gaze is noticeable, and that’s what makes me realise that maybe he feels like I’m implying something else that I’m not- Anyways, I thought that she was nice and a funny anecdote. Do you want anything else to drink?
I can almost see him shaking his head to get rid of whatever was going on there and nods, chugging the remains of whiskey, which makes his Adam's apple move up and down. He has a nice side profile, I’ll admit that too. 
Once we have refilled our vases, we start a little conversation about our works and how excited he is that his first mixtape is in the final steps to be published. Only the photos and the design of the cover are missing, which will be arranged on Friday morning, previous to the gala.
-I can’t believe that you didn’t let me listen to it.
-I want you to see the final product, to see the full concept like the rest.
-Still… I can’t believe that you are doing this to your very first fan. I guess from now I will have to fight with all your new fans for a little attention.
-Like you ever had it… -he smirks and I hit him in the arm.
-Maybe I should start stanning other rappers, Namjoon is doing great with his mixtape. At least he appreciates me a little bit.
-Yeah, he would appreciate having you under his sheets. Well, he and the rest of the boys of the studio.
-Don’t be silly, we are just friends.
-Yeah, because no friends in history have ever hooked up, right?
-Not me at least.
-Because you are good at friend-zoning without even noticing. It’s really fun to watch them all try to have a date with you. I will tell you more, we have a bet going on.
-What? Stop joking.
His gaze is devilish, but his face remains serious; that’s how I know that he is being honest. He funnily grins while drinking and I just blush.
-Seriously? I don’t know Yoongi, that seems fake.
-Kinda is, kinda not. At the start, when they first meet you, they, believe it or not, wanted you as something more than a friend. After some time trying and failing, they accepted that it was impossible. However, it is still a joke to make moves on you to see if you notice but I know that if you give them any signal, they would be moving their tails like the dogs they are.
-That's what the bet is about? For how long has it been going on?
.Around… I don’t know. Two years maybe?
To say that I'm speechless is an understatement.
-Who’s in that bet?
-All the group?
-Even… you?
-I guess… but I like to think of myself as a judge in all this. It wouldn’t be fair to them if I played at their level since I’m your best friend.
-Oh my god, you are so full of yourself.
-You think you can win against the others with that dumpling-like skin and that skinny body of yours? You wouldn’t be able to handle me. Jungkook or Namjoon? Definitely.
-I would prove it to you, but once you get a taste… you can’t go anywhere else.
Scarlet cheeks are my only answer to that.
-And what’s the prize of that bet?
-Free pass with you if you want it too.
-Ugh, and you are part of that?
-Now you are the one full of herself. If I win maybe I’ll be able to trade that for some equipment my studio is missing.
-I’m not an object you can use to “trade”.
-Of course you aren’t. Of course.
He pats my head messily and I can see a glint of fun in his eyes, which in Yoongi’s language means that he feels a little tipsy. He’s not the touchy type at least he has some alcohol flowing through him.
Honestly, I know that I should be a little angry with this whole bet thing but I am not. Yes, is a little weird that all of them are in this but at the same time… I know they would never hurt me or take advantage of me in that way. Also, I have to admit that sometimes I do second checks of them because… holy cow, they seem like some greek marble-carved figurines that came to life. So.. am I the one to blame?
Not to mention how lovely and protective of me they all are; I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have had their support for whatever stupid thing I was trying or a warm hug if I needed it. I guess this thing is a friendly joke I wasn’t aware of but thanks to alcohol-induced honesty in Yoongi…I’m going to have MY fun with it.
-Now that you have told me this, who has won? You are destroying it.
-I suppose the first you flirt back to and I told you because… two years?? At this point, we all know that the bet was never going to end. Why? Now that you know, is your interest in any of those assholes?
-Who? -I know this caught him by surprise.
-You will have to give me more drinks and a couple of dances to know that. Decide your strategy while my trip to the bathroom -I laugh at him and make my way to the service room.
I’m not interested in any of them, but as I said, it’s my turn to have some fun with it and poor Yoongi, he’s my first victim. We have some bond to do to look like a couple, right? Well, I will take this as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
->Chapter 2
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picturejasper20 · 1 year
How many ¨townie¨ episodes does Steven Universe really has?
For those who have watched Steven Universe or heard about the show, you probably have heard more than once how Steven Universe has too many ¨townie¨ episodes: Episodes that focus on the lives of people who live in Beach City and feel like they distract from other more important things.
But how much of this argument is actually true? How many ¨townie¨ episodes does the series Steven Universe really has? Well, i have been doing some numbers and here is what i found:
My criteria to what defines a ¨townie¨ episode is an episode that mainly focus in the lives of people living in Beach City. Not the Crystal Gems nor recurrent important characters like Connie since they contribute to their characters arcs or plot. I would also like to exclude Lars and Sadie episodes because Lars gains some importance later on and Sadie’s arc is tied to Lars’ arc.
Townie episodes from Steven Universe:
Season 1: 5 Frybo-Peedee 15-Onion Trade-Onion 18-Beach Party-Pizza family 31-Keep Beach City Weird-Ronaldo 47-Shirt Club-Buck 50 Political Power-Mayor Dewey
Season 2 56-Love Letters-Jamie 59-Rising Tides, Crashing Skies-Ronaldo 65-Onion Friend-Onion 66-Historical Friction-Jamie
Season 3 85-Drop Beat Dad-Sour Cream 89-Beach City Drift-Kevin 90-Restaurant Wars- Pizza and Fryman family 91-Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service-Kiki
Season 4 108-Future Boy Zoltron-Mr.Smiley 110-Onion Gang-Onion 111-112- Gem Harvest- Uncle Andy 121-Rocknaldo-Ronaldo
Season 5 133-Dewey Wins-Dewey 144-Letter to Lars- The city in general. Total number of ¨townie¨ episodes: 21 Percentage from the all the series episodes (160 episodes): 13,12%
So, from the total 160 episodes the series has, the ¨townie¨ episodes represent 13,12% which it isn’t that much if you ask me. I think it is more or less the average ¨filler¨ you can find in an animated show- in fact,i would argue that it is a bit smaller.
But lets go a little deeper, shall we?
Some of these episodes are related to the character arcs or contribute something to the main characters. These episodes would be: Season 1-Political Power- Homeworld Gem arc Season 2- Love Letters- Garnet episode Season 2-Onion Friend- Part of Sardonyx arc (Amethyst) Season 2-Historical Friction- Part of Sardonyx arc (Pearl) Season 4- (Double part episode) Gem Harvest- Steven and Greg’s family Season 5- Dewey Wins- Related to Connie and Steven’s fight arc and showing consequences of the homeworld abduction from Season 4
If we cut these episodes out, we would have 14 ¨townie¨ episodes left. 14 townie episodes= Around 9% of a total 160 episodes from the show.
The previous percentage, which was 13,12%, wasn’t that big. Now we have 9%, which is less that 10%.
And this doesn’t include episodes that foreshadow certain things or explore certain habits from Steven that become important later in SU Future, such as it is the case with ¨Keep Beach City Weird¨ and ¨Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service¨.
In conclusion
-Does Steven Universe has some episodes that are ¨townie¨ episodes?
-Does Steven Universe has too many ¨townie¨ episodes as some people seem to claim?
Well...No. I would argue that these claims are exaggerated since the percentage of townie episodes represent between 13%-9% of the total number of episodes from the show, which is 160 episodes.
And even then, some of these episodes do contribute to the main character arcs and foreshadow certain things that become important later on, as it i mentioned earlier. I think this also depends on people’s criteria, but i still believe that the percentage wouldn’t be that big regardless of that.
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practically-an-x-man · 2 months
4, 11, 15, 17, 37
For Jimmy and Lars?
Thank you so much!!
OTP + Character Asks
4. Their favorite show to watch together?
Honestly, I think any sort of popular sitcom - the US or UK version of the Office, Friends, Parks and Rec, etc. Jimmy's obviously never watched or heard of them before, so all the jokes are new and hilarious to him, and Lars thinks his reactions are cute even though he's seen it all a dozen times before. Plus, after a long day of research, it's nice to wind down to a show that doesn't require too much additional brainpower, y'know?
11. Who leaves notes in the other one's lunch? (Bonus: what do they say?)
Oh, Jimmy would absolutely do this. And not just because logic says it has to be him, since he doesn't need to eat anything himself. I could see the notes being a mix of just nice little reminders or compliments, and sometimes a silly pun or doodle.
(Lars, in turn, will sometimes stick little notes between the pages of whatever book Jimmy's reading for him to find as he reads)
15. Who's the first to cry during movies that don't seem sad?
Jimmy for sure - he just tends to fixate on these little details that other people don't notice, like seeing a Black doctor in the background of a shot or even something as simple as the Bellas in Pitch Perfect (so many women allowed to pursue a higher education!), and would just get overwhelmed at how much more accepting the world has become from his time.
17. Who is more competitive?
Gonna go with Lars here (though maybe I've just been watching way too much Taskmaster... lol)
37. Who wanted to see Oppenheimer; who Barbie? Did they switch opinions after?
Hm... both of these concepts are after Jimmy's time, so I think he'd be equally down for either one (though maybe he'd be more inclined to Barbie since Oppenheimer is just a really long, dark movie). Lars, I think, would go with Oppenheimer, since he strikes me as the history type.
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mysticstarlightduck · 2 months
Vaguely Summarized WIP Tag!
Thank you so much for the tag, @talesofsorrowandofruin!!! (Here)
Rules: Summarize your WIP in 15 2-5 word bullet points (as if you were trying to summarize it in 15 seconds).
I'll go with my WIP Of Starlight and Beasts since its finally leaving the Plotting Stage and developing into a First Draft!
Hey... maybe we should be a bit more concerned about this amount of monsters... just maybe
Teen with unaddressed issues must save the world from a bunch of rich grownups' mistakes. Is disturbingly thrilled about it
Random kid lost in the woods with no memories and the power of✨Glowing Anime Magic ✨ has a terrible, horrible, no good very bad set of days. Also, he makes a friend.
Guess we're together on this now! (a.k.a. None of us should have ever, ever been left unsupervised and now it's your problem)
"The Insane Evil Queen been making a lot of sense lately and it makes me seriously uncomfy"
The power of friendship and bullshitting your way through potential war crimes
Dragon Girl Has Way Too Much Fun and Things Burn (:
Someone, please make the twins stop trying to kill each other
Turns out the "good plan" was not, in fact, "a good plan"
Jekyll and Hyde level existential crisis, yay
(game show voice)... And the "World's Worst Mother" Award goes to -!
"How to Survive: Dungeons, Misery, and All Things Not Nice With Your Bestie in 2 trauma-inducing steps, Second Edition".
... Who's gonna tell the King?
Breaking News: Local man has no idea how he has gotten stuck with these idiots but they're his idiots
Family Issues and Swordfights while the world crashes down
Tagging: @kaylinalexanderbooks @littleladymab @cabbojage @lassiesandiego @little-peril-stories @oh-no-another-idea @thepeculiarbird @rickie-the-storyteller @crowandmoonwriting @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @gummybugg @forthesanityofstorytellers @doublegoblin @aalinaaaaaa @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @elshells @clairelsonao3 @anyablackwood @tabswrites and OPEN TAG
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lucero-is-here · 1 year
Headcanons: Douglas family (first focusing on Angela for a while, before the entire family)
Requested by:
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Angela and the triplets:
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The triplets go by: April, May and June.
I’ve binged watched people play through the entirety of season 3- SO LET’S GO-
1 - Angela picks up a lot of hobbies. Besides the few she picked up in season three (photography and painting kinda), she also tried out pottery, candle making and even making small puppets are some point. She carved the designs in the candles, saying it was fun and everything.
2 - Angela has really good spice tolerance.
3 - Angela is a workaholic. She focuses on her work a lot and takes a lot of pride in her work too.
4 - Angela gets at most 6 hours of sleep a day- even when Lars is trying to make her sleep that doesn’t really work does it?
5 - she doesn’t trust people easily. She will work together with them, but she doesn’t trust them at all. She knows it when people trust her, and that trust won’t ever be returned.
6 - Angela is an overachiever. In school, she was constantly striving to do better than she was, even when she was already doing extremely well. She has become extremely competitive and always wants to win.
7 - pilates. She definitely does pilates. And she’s really good at it. (The triplets try to join her but they always fail- it’s so funny watching them try to copy Angela-)
8 - Angela has tried learning to play instruments. She tried playing the drum set Lars had once, and decided she didn’t like it and gave up.
9 - she has a lot of different kinds of earrings. Besides the hoops she usually wears, she also has some studs. During Christmas, she has this fun little pair of Christmas themed earrings she wears to celebrate.
10 - she can cook. She can cook really well. The Douglas family basically loves her cooking so so much- she’s a better cook than Lars too lol-
11 - Angela bas rough hands and slender fingers- she keeps her nails short so it’s more convenient and comfortable for herself during work.
12 - Angela tends to fidget about a lot. She constantly needs something to do- so she focuses on her work most of the time.
13 - she’s trying to learn another language on the criminal case version of duolingo- and she has gone off track and is now trying to learn at least 3 languages now- AND SHE IS SOMEHOW DOING REALLY WELL-
14 - her closet has some really nice outfits- she has turtlenecks, dresses- sweaters- those kind. She basically mixes and matches.
15 - she has a black headband with white polka dots on it- and she wears it every now and then to keep her hair in place-
(Everything from now is the Douglas family headcanons)
16 - there was a time Lars and Angela took the kids to swim, and Lars specifically had no intention to get wet. Until the triplets pushed him into the water.
17 - June is the most chaotic of the triplets. One time, she stole a grenade from Jonah’s office and tried to throw it at a suspect they were arresting- They had to stop her and bring the suspect to a different holding cell since she removed the pin-
18 - besides their parents, the triplets bother Jonah the most. You can always find them in Jonah’s lab, bothering him or trying to climb him like he’s a tree- Lars walked in on June hanging from Jonah’s arms while she swung about. Another time, April and May were pasting stickers on Jonah. He had so many stickers on his face you couldn’t see his face-
19 - the triplets cover everything in stickers. They slapped a sticker onto Elliot’s computer, they slapped a sticker into Carmen’s hair, they completely covered Jonah with stickers- And they somehow taped someone to the wall (rest in peace Jack- he’s not dead but yeah).
20 - the triplets also bully Jack a lot. They cut off part of Jack’s hair once- and Jack cried about it.
21 - the Douglas family have little tea parties together and it’s adorable- they make Lars dress up as a pretty princess. Jonah joined these tea parties once and was dressed in a tutu.
22 - June cut off her bangs for fun once, but it looked really bad- so Lars, Angela and the other two of the triplets tried to help style June’s hair to hide the badly cut bangs-
23 - Angela tries to feed the family (Lars and the triplets) veggies- it almost never works- in the end they eat it against their will, and Angela can swear she always hears them grumbling about it.
24 - The triplets draw on the walls. Angela and Lars saved this one wall for them to draw on, and sometimes get them these step ladders so they can draw properly-
25 - the entire family watches Bluey together lol- Angela really likes watching it in particular, she cried watching it at least ten times already.
That’s all for now-
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evengirlierballs · 11 months
What are your NITW headcanons?
I HAVE A LIST: 1. Gregg is trans and might realize that after they start living in bright harbour 2. Bea and Jackie are the best two characters to ship don't @ me. 3. The Janitor is a cryptid who just shows up to fix things when people are going through difficult transitions, hence is obsession with fixing doors. He's always helping people through thresholds of uncertainty 4. Germ is. 5. Gregg and angus will eventually break up/join a polycule after seeing what else is out there, since right now theyre the only gay boys in town to their knowledge. 6. Mae is Nonbinary (directly disproven in a statement by the creators, i simply do not care) 7. Gregg and Mae and Angus are all supposed to be fat characters!!!! I continue to re-iterate this and display it in my work. Most people dont have a problem with angus being fat but they will often draw gregg as a twink and mae as a female twink, but:
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THIS BOY IS WIDER THAN HE IS TALL LIKE GOT DAMN how are people still pretending that he's a twinklet. all i have to say is NUH UH! and for mae, her clothes are often depitcted as too small and i just like the idea of her form matching gregg's as their connection is strong. 8. Gregg clearly prefers physical activites like skating, biking, smashing cars with bats, crossbowing, knife fighting, archery (etc) but I also totally feel like he's a nerd you know? like he'd totally have a fun night with angus and mae and bea playing DnD or something, He may not have always been into that stuff, but Angus would totally get him into it. 9. [SPOILERS AHEAD] I believe that obnoxious church group was part of the secret town cult. We never get to know all of who was a part of the conservative uncle cult, and what we do know about the members is vague at best. But, there's a small list of people i noticed who don't show up for the final day of the game before band practice, it could just be a coincidence, ya know, theyre just sleeping in or something, But i wouldn't be surprised if those shitheads who refused to house bruce bit it at the bottom of the well. For a while I also thought Bea's dad and Aunt Molly were part of the cult, but in the weird autumn edition, both of those characters are encountered during the final day/cutscene on mae's puter. 10. Mae's grandad and that older union dog lady (sasha? i think?) were totally slonkin' each other's shit silly style between/at protests. 11. If you smack gregg's knife enough times in the knife fight scene, it'll break! and he'll replace it with a much cooler orange knife. This isn't a headcanon, this is just a fun fact from me! Lar! 12. Angus is definitely the top, he's just soft about it. and gregg is just a hyperactive bottom. 13. In the scene where mae attends the party in the woods with her friends, The eternal idea of, "a douchebag with an acoustic guitar who does nothing but bring it to parties to play one song" is referenced. It is my personal headcanon that that guy is playing wonderwall. 14. my cat is currently trying to attack my butterflies hold on 15. When pastabilities opens, the gang will all get a delicious meal there, and it will be revealed that pastabilities has a local music night every tuesday, and as a result, Mae and Gregg convince bea and angus to finally play out, and they go to pastabilities to perform their first ever (mini) (unnoficial) (local) concert.
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umbreonwolfy · 6 months
15 people, 15 questions
Aaahh, thank you for the tag, dears! @xceanlynx and @awiniverse love doing these haha~
1. are you named after anyone?
Nope! I'm just a metal haha
2. when was the last time you cried?
This morning haha! Happy tears tho. Two of my closest friends sent me really sweet messages casue of the holidays and I was very touched.
3. do you have kids?
Nope. Closest thing I'll probably ever have is my niece, cause we joke she's my kid anyways.
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
I was a runner and a dancer growing up (I absolutely count dancing as a sport). I focused on Hip-hop, Tap, and Jazz mostly when I was at a studio. I did some other sports too but never for very long.
5. do you use sarcasm?
Mmm, sometimes? I'm more of a pun/silly jokes kind of guy tbh.
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
Usually their voice or what they're wearing (I look out for people whos fashion is cool to me or if they have things on them that are similar to my interests)
7. what’s your eye color?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings all the way.
9. any talents?
Hhhmmm, I guess my improv dancing?
10. where were you born?
USA -_-
11. what are your hobbies
Crafting (sewing, embroidery, collages, things like that), dancing, singing, and writing.
12. do you have any pets?
Not yet! I just moved into a new place that allows pets so I'd really really like to get a dog soon.
13. how tall are you?
5'6" (167cm) I think anyways. It's been a long time since i was measured haha
14. favorite subject in school?
Math, Chemistry and Psychology!
15. dream job
I wanted to be a vet for a LONG time growing up. Now I'd love to be able to do something just part time like work at a bowling alley or train dogs or just work with numbers/spreadsheets.
No pressure tags: @ykimchi @distressedplantmom @mbjw @suburbanlegnd @l3visbby @slippedawayintoamomentintime @q2-taehyun @christmasslights @coffeeisaritual @sadwetcatray @lesseraphins @p3rih @kabuki-after-midnight @thedankestone @seal-sleepover @another-shameless-fangirl @terrendactyl @lars-theman-themyth-thebitch @scumbag-ish @starryoong @these-emo-thoughts @dramalets
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