#since I’m so investing in Briars past and their relationship I would think this is the case
nekoro-san · 26 days
(Spoiler chapter 103)
I found it’s interesting both Yuri and Yor have the different mindset even though both of them had living since a child. This make me think, Yor and Yuri didn’t spending much time much to watch TV or sometimes, even have a talk together.
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Yuri and Loid both works for different shady origination.But, Yuri was more brainwashed by propaganda and violence in his group. And his mindset was still the world is not in peace.
This was completely opposite to Yor,too. She was working as a kid and might try to hide everything she could due to her indentity. She work at night to easily hide the blood or evidence and it’s could be bring lot of rumors.
But since working underground for a while maybe it’s made Yor unaware of how the world going ( there are lot of protest and terrorist around )
This made me think that of my theory of since when Yuri was little, ( there was a visual fan comic from Korean artist that fan of Yuri has make a story that has exactly what I thought ) he was bullied from ppl around him. He was bad mouth by kids and people surrounding him rumors Yor “ working late at night”. He might defend Yor by punching those kids, then got scolded because of being “violent”.
But he was silent and endure by himself to kept secret with Yor because he wants to handle this by himself. Even so, his mind only building up to revenge, to eliminate the bad deeds from joining sss when he was growing up.
Yuri only focus in studying, cannot spending much time as a normal kid do. And Yor also working until night and cannot be a normal kid too. And this end up making them try to silence to each other.
Because even for Yor, how many stressed of her assassin job to handle so young, but coming back home to see the kid that she is willing to protect open a big smile, that’s all the world she needs. And Yuri knows it, he knows his smile enlightening Yor a lot.
That’s why even he was having a bad day or not feeling well, he never telling Yor because he doesn’t wants to worry her. The same as Yor endure her pains and not saying anything to telling Yuri.
This make me think Yuri was more parallel to Loid more because Loid also was used to think about how the world is cruel to him. Of course until he meet Franky and changed his mind. And now with Anya and Yor, it’s claim him down more to be relaxed.
It’s quiet sad for Yuri case because he’s still in the stage to not accepting the world is still peaceful for him yet with all the negativity of his works are bringing.
But then, his shown of concern for Anya has changed him, a liitle. Then, Chloe also started to giving him a different direction to his goal. It’s slow but it’s progressing.
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pterodactylterrace · 4 years
Guys Like You Chapter 9
Title: Guys Like You
Chapter: 9
Chapter Summary: What happens when a busy schedule leaves you lonely?
Rating: 18+
Chapters:  {Prologue} {Chapter 1} {Chapter 2} {Chapter 3} {Chapter 4} {Chapter 5} {Chapter 6} {Chapter 7} {Chapter 8}
It had been weeks since Faye had seen Henry outside of work. Henry's schedule was packed with choreography practice, training, filming and hush hush phone and zoom interviews he refused to tell Faye anything about. She was starting to get the feeling he had given up on her and was moving on. Why else would he refuse to tell her anything about this 'project' he was working on? Not a single clue was dropped. He continuously sited 'not wanting to jinx it' as his reasoning for not telling her. She was banned from his house for the last three weeks, finding herself right back where this had all started. Could it even be called a relationship? They had never agreed to be exclusive or anything, so it wasn't like she could lay some sort of claim on the man. It seemed he was drifting further and further away with every passing day.
Briar was taking it harder than her mother was. He was the first male presence outside of her grandfather and uncle she regularly had contact with. To say she had quickly become attached was an understatement. One particularly heartbreaking evening, she had convinced herself he would be coming over and bringing "Princess Kal" as she had dubbed the poor canine. She sat by the front window, clutching her stuffed bunny stubbornly until far after her bedtime, finally breaking down into hysterical sobs when she realized he really wasn't coming. Faye's texts to Henry about the child's expectations went unanswered.
A few days ago, Mrs. Anderson was unable to babysit, leaving Faye no choice but to either call in sick, or bring her daughter with her to work. Last time hadn't caused much of a problem, so hopefully she would be able to get away with it again. Just as long as it didn't become a habit, it wouldn't be a problem, right? It really wasn't, either. For the first hour or so, the child sat in the corner of the makeup trailer, mesmerized by the movie playing on her tablet. Faye had breezed through the battle wounds on some dwarves and applied the prosthetic ears on the elves in that time, her daughter calmly tucked away the entire time.
Then came time for Henry to get into the makeup chair. The second he stepped foot into the trailer, Briar had latched herself onto his legs, sobbing and clutching his pant leg like her little life depended on it. To say Henry panicked would be an understatement.
"I told you she missed you." Faye shrugged. In fact, she had mentioned several times how Briar kept asking about him. It was a bit of a wakeup call as far as her dating life was destined to go. If Henry was only around for a few months and Briar had attached herself so firmly to him, what would happen if Faye actually dated someone and spent even more time with him? Briar would be devastated if it didn't work out.
"I'm so sorry, princess." Henry soothed, detaching the toddler from his leg and scooping her up, letting her continue to cry into his neck. "I've been busy, I wasn't trying to make you sad." He assured, sitting in the makeup chair with the little girl still clinging to his shirt.
Faye may have failed to mention the multiple meltdowns she'd had to endure due to his sudden absence, but why should she bother the man with it? It's not like it was his job to pacify her daughter. She just wished the little girl hadn't grown so attached to him in the short time she had known him.
Briar completely refused to be apart from Henry for the rest of the day, perching herself in his chair while he filmed, staring intently at him as she clutched her bunny to her chest, whimpering unsurely the first few takes of a particularly rough fight sequence. Thankfully, she had calmed quickly, Faye explaining to the little girl that he was just playing pretend and wasn't going to get hurt.
She had reattached herself to him the second he drew too close, practically climbing him like a monkey to cling to his neck again. Faye was past the point of trying to stop her by then. She had been the one dealing with it ever since he had decided to vacate the little girl's life. At least now he could see first hand why Faye had been so irritable with him lately.
He vowed to Facetime later that night to say goodnight to the little girl when he had strapped her into her car seat that evening, the child unwilling to let her mother take her to the car by herself. His promise didn't stop her from sobbing the whole way home. The poor girl cried herself out by the time Faye had pulled into the driveway, half asleep all the way through dinner, ultimately passing out at the table, a forkful of pasta clutched in her chubby fist.
To his credit, Henry had called later that night, well after Briar's bedtime. Again, he apologized profusely for his insane schedule in the voicemail he had left. Faye wasn't in the mood to talk anymore, too drained from her daughter's most recent meltdown.
Now, here he stood at her doorstep five days later, his shoulders slumped in defeat and a pleading look on his face as Faye blocked his entry into her home with her tiny body.
"Can I help you?" Faye asked calmly, crossing her arms and leaning against her door frame.
"Faye, please, can we talk?"
"What's there to talk about?" Faye brushed him off, fixing him with a cold look.
"You're avoiding me."
"Excuse the fuck out of you?" Faye hissed, stalking toward him and shutting the door harshly behind herself. "I'm avoiding you? Are you seriously going to pretend the last three weeks never happened? One second, you're around all the time, the next I only see you at work. You dodge my calls, refuse to see me and break my three year old daughter down into hysteria thinking she did something wrong. Please, go on, tell me how I'm the one avoiding jack shit here!"
"I deserve that." Henry sighed, roughly shoving a hand through his untamed curls.
"Goddamn right you do." Faye hissed, fury burning intensely in her usually wide, innocent brown eyes.
"Please, Faye. Can you hear me out?"
"What's there to talk about? You got bored and you left me behind. I don't want your fucking excuses."
"I promise, I wasn't trying to avoid you, and I didn't get bored of you!" Henry growled, anger taking over his once apologetic face at her accusations.
"Then what the hell is it? Please, tell me why I should be okay with only being in your life when it's convenient to you."
"I've been busy, Faye! My life doesn't revolve around you!" Faye's entire body tensed at his outburst, returning his fiery gaze with a cold stare.  
"And mine doesn't revolve around you either, Mr. Cavill. If you don't have time for us, that's fine. I understand we aren't a priority for you. You've made that much clear. That doesn't mean I have to be at your beck and call whenever you can fit me in. I have my own life. I have a daughter to take care of, and I don't need you breaking her heart every time you can't spare a goddamn second for her."
"I wasn't trying to hurt her. I wasn't trying to push you away." Henry seethed. "You think I enjoyed being away for this long? You think I liked not spending time with you?"
"You make time for the things that matter, Mr. Cavill. Clearly, that's not us." Faye replied, her calm tone slashing through Henry's heart worse than any previous rage or hostility could. These were not words created by anger and meant to hurt him in the heat of the moment. This was coming from a detached, practical place in her mind. This was something she had thought about, long and hard.
"Faye." Henry sighed, his tense shoulders falling in defeat. "I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt Briar. The time I've spent with you two these last few months have been the happiest I've been in years. I understand if you don't want to see me, but I really wish you would. I... damnit, I fucking need you two." He admitted shakily, his eyes falling to Faye's feet, taking notice of the black ink covering the top of her right foot for the first time. Had he really paid so little attention that he hadn't even noticed that? Was he really that detached from something that brought him so much unconditional joy?
"And what am I supposed to do when you vanish again? It's the life you live, Mr. Cavill-"
"Henry. Please, call me Henry." He pleaded softly, each utterance of the removed name feeling like a knife to his heart.
"You aren't tied down to one place. You travel all the time. Why should I let you continue hurting us? What promise can you possibly give us that you won't just leave again?"
"I never left, I've been right here." Henry whispered, unsure hands coming to rest on her hips, slowly lowering his forehead to rest against hers. He had no idea when they had gotten so close during their argument, but he had to admit, it felt good to hold her again. "Please. I promise, I won't vanish again. If I can't be here in person, I'll call, I'll Facetime, I'll send video messages, I'll text. I will do anything and everything I can to be here for you."
"Then what happens when you find someone else?" Faye countered, remaining stiff in his hold, her arms still crossed tightly over her chest, subconsciously trying to block him out and build a wall between them.
"I'm not looking for anyone else." Henry assured, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of her head.
"Doesn't mean you won't find her."
"Then this mystery woman can sod off. I'm not interested." Henry hummed, pulling Faye closer to wrap his arms around her, resting his cheek atop her head, her tension slowly fading away with his embrace. "Can you forgive me for being an ass?" He asked hopefully, peppering the top of her head with kisses.
"This time. There won't be a next time. I don't have time to invest in someone that won't make any time for me."
"I promise, I will make time for you two." Henry vowed, reluctantly taking a step back to look into her face. "Would it be too much to ask to come inside? I sure could use one of Briar's special cups of tea."
"Mmm, you might be out of luck then. She's decided she wants to be a knight instead now." Faye informed him, slipping away from his desperately clutching hands to push the door open, Briar freezing in the middle of charging through the house on her hobby horse, sword in hand when she saw the man standing outside.
"You're back?!" She gasped, dropping her toys and bolting past her mother, Henry catching her as she rushed him, hoisting her into his arms and letting the little girl sling her arms around his thick neck. "I sorry... I be good." She sniffled, her chubby hands gripping his collar tightly.
"Oh, sweetie. Don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong." Henry soothed, rubbing her back softly. "I was the one that was naughty, can you forgive me for being mean to you and your mommy?"
"Don't go." Briar whimpered, burrowing further into his neck, her sobs only increasing at his apology.
"I won't, I won't." Henry promised, smoothing down her wild, uncombed hair, looking fearfully up at the child's mother. Was this what she had been dealing with since he had been away?
"She got it in her head you were mad at her, and that's why you weren't coming around anymore." Faye explained, nodding him inside.
"I'm so sorry." Henry repeated, holding the toddler a little tighter as he slid past her mother, perching himself on the arm of the couch as she sobbed into his neck.
"You understand why I'm not too keen on second chances?" Faye sighed, locking the door behind herself. "I'm not going to keep putting her though this. I don't expect you to change your lifestyle, so when we fall to the backburner again, please, do me a favor and stay gone. It's not fair to her."
"I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I truly have been busy."
"I know. That's your life." Faye shrugged, leaning against the archway to the living room.
"What can I do to make it up?"
"You can't. You just have to understand that this is the last time I will allow this to happen. If you get too busy for us again, I won't open the door the next time you come knocking." Faye's declaration hung in the air, the sureness of her voice leaving no room for argument or further exchange of words. A desperate sort of silence befell the two adults, the only noise in the house being made by the small girl in Henry's arms.
Briar's sobs slowly gave way to small sniffles and hiccups, her tiny hands refusing to release his shirt, unashamedly wiping her nose on the fabric. Henry was the one to finally break the suffocating silence that had taken over the room.
"Could I ask for your help with something?"
"What might that be, Mr. Cavill?"
"Please, Faye. Henry. Call me Henry, or anything else really. I didn't mean to hurt you or set us back months. Call me any number of mean names, just... not that." Henry pleaded, resting his head against Briar's.
"What do you want me to do?"
"I need to shave my head." Henry sighed after a long moment, turning sad eyes up to her.
"You want me to shave your head?"
"You're the only one I trust to do it right now."
"You literally have a hairstylist on set."
"This is different." Henry insisted.
"How is this different?"
"Believe it or not, I like my hair. Shaving it off isn't exactly a fun time for me."
"Is the tape getting to painful to remove?" Faye asked, raising an inquisitive brow.
"I mean, it will be a plus not having to deal with that for a while, but no. I... I have a screen test in a few days. Over zoom, but a screen test none the less."
"Oh, congrats."
"But the role calls for a military style cut." Henry continued. "Which means it all has to go."
"What role is it for?" Faye asked, crossing the room to run her fingers through his unruly curls.
"Mass Effect." Henry divulged, leaning into her touch.
"So you showed up for a haircut?" Faye asked, detangling his hair with her fingers.
"I showed up because I missed you, but it made me realize you're the only one I'm comfortable with doing it. I've been dreading it for over a week now."
"I only have scissors here. The best I can do is a hack job." Faye informed, continuing to play with his hair absently. It was so soft when he didn't try to tame it. The products that kept it in check, looking so neat and orderly, always made it stiff and crunchy. His natural hair was a thing of beauty.
"I have clippers back at my house. You're both more than welcome to stay the night."
"You know Briar won't stay in the guest room." Faye sighed, rolling her eyes.
"I'm fairly certain I'm not in good enough standing with you for us to be doing anything that young eyes shouldn't see." Henry chuckled, looking hopefully up at the woman gently running her nails over his scalp.
"You are not." Faye confirmed around a giggle of her own, playfully tugging at his hair.
"Easy, love, the baby is right here." Henry lightheartedly scolded, raising his brow at her.
"You should have mentioned you enjoyed that sooner. No time to take advantage of it before I chop it all off now." Faye sighed, reluctantly letting her hand fall away, Henry reaching out to pull her closer, looking up at her hopefully.
"What are the odds I can talk you out of a kiss?" He asked, staring longingly at her mouth. Faye smirked and rolled her eyes in mock annoyance, leaning down to allow him to press a slow, affectionate kiss to her lips, reluctantly pulling back when Briar began to stir from her crying fueled power nap against his neck. "There you are, sleepy head." Henry chuckled, easing the child down to his lap instead.
"You here?" Briar asked, rubbing her still red eyes, staring up at him with a wobbly lower lip.
"I'm here. Would it be ok if you and Mommy stay at my house tonight?" Henry asked, wiping away the dried tears from her face.
"I bring Bunny?" She asked, her face finally splitting into a grin when Henry agreed to her request.  
"You go get Bunny, I'll pack you a few things." Faye instructed, Henry reluctantly setting the girl down so she could do as her mother asked.
"Thank you, so much." Henry sighed, pulling the tiny woman against his large frame, dropping his head to rest against the top of her chest.
"For letting you use my tits as a pillow?" Faye teased, running her fingers through his hair again, wanting to memorize the feel of his curls before she had to chop them all off.
"Secuititty." Henry chuckled, pulling her in to straddle his hips, needing to be even closer to her. "Thank you for giving me another chance."
"Try not to blow it."
"I'll do my absolute best."  
@Xxxkatxo @Weallhaveadestiny
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P I C K (S)  O F  T H E  M O N T H: F E B R U A R Y
The Risk by Elle Kennedy 
Dream by Natalia Jaster
Devil’s Daughter by Lisa Kleypas
Enchantèe by Gita Trelease
Huge Deal by Lauren Layne
Scandalous Desires by Elizabeth Hoyt
The Risk by Elle Kennedy
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance, Sports Romance
A sexy standalone novel from New York Times and international bestselling author Elle Kennedy. THE RISK takes you back to the world of hot hockey players, feisty heroines, bro banter, and steamy scenes... Everyone says I’m a bad girl. They’re only partly right—I don’t let fear rule me, and I certainly don’t care what people think. But I draw the line at sleeping with the enemy. As the daughter of Briar’s head hockey coach, I’d be vilified if I hooked up with a player from a rival team. And that’s who Jake Connelly is. Harvard’s star forward is arrogant, annoying, and too attractive for his own good. But fate is cruel—I require his help to secure a much-coveted internship, and the sexy jerk isn’t making it easy for me. I need Connelly to be my fake boyfriend. For every fake date…he wants a real one. Which means this bad girl is in big trouble. Nothing good can come from sneaking around with Jake Connelly. My father would kill me, my friends will revolt, and my post-college career is on the line. But while it’s getting harder and harder to resist Jake’s oozing sex appeal and cocky grin, I refuse to fall for him. That’s the one risk I’m not willing to take.
Why we love it:
a great mix of romance, banter and funny moments
individual arcs on par with the romance development
Brenna is just THE BEST and so is Jake, to be honest
100% lived-up to the hype
kept us intrigued about secondary characters and their stories, especially Hunter and Bubble Butt xD
Trigger warnings: n/a
Dream by Natalia Jaster
Genres: Romance, Fantasy, New Adult
Lyrik is a rogue with skills. In the Kingdom of Winter, he’s a swaggering potioneer who hunts for wisdom—a brew that will shake the world. It’s the only secret he craves. Except for the one boy he can’t have. Nicu is a dreamer with hopes. He’s an impish Royal who hunts for wishes—a legendary star that grants yearnings. It’s the only mystery he desires. Except for the one boy he can’t stand. It’s been three years since they clashed, never wanting to see each other again. But in a land of glittering frost, they might discover something more than wisdom or wishes. Something far more exquisite—and painful.
Why we love it:
as always, Natalia's writing is beautiful, poetic and full on imaginery
story told in alternating 1st person and 3rd person limited POVs which should be a bit tiring but somehow works perfectly
Nicu's POV is delightful to read and it's an amazing journey to see the world through his eyes
all the characters are back together and it's AMAZING
Nicu and Lyrik's story is full of angst but in the end, they just fit together
a beautiful, touching, heart-warming conclusion of the series
Trigger warnings: ableism
Devil’s Daughter by Lisa Kleypas
Genres: Romance, Historical Romance
Although beautiful young widow Phoebe, Lady Clare, has never met West Ravenel, she knows one thing for certain: he's a mean, rotten bully. Back in boarding school, he made her late husband's life a misery, and she'll never forgive him for it. But when Phoebe attends a family wedding, she encounters a dashing and impossibly charming stranger who sends a fire-and-ice jolt of attraction through her. And then he introduces himself...as none other than West Ravenel. West is a man with a tarnished past. No apologies, no excuses. However, from the moment he meets Phoebe, West is consumed by irresistible desire...not to mention the bitter awareness that a woman like her is far out of his reach. What West doesn't bargain on is that Phoebe is no straitlaced aristocratic lady. She's the daughter of a strong-willed wallflower who long ago eloped with Sebastian, Lord St. Vincent—the most devilishly wicked rake in England. Before long, Phoebe sets out to seduce the man who has awakened her fiery nature and shown her unimaginable pleasure. Will their overwhelming passion be enough to overcome the obstacles of the past? Only the devil's daughter knows...
Why we love it:
Sebastian Challon, Duke of Kingston, former Lord St. Vincent, aged like a fine delicious wine and any appearance he makes in this book is a delight
all the side characters and family/friends dynamics between Ravenels, Challons and Westcliffs are so much fun!
West and Phoebe's connection is electrifying and West's scenes with Phoebe's children are THE SOFTEST
Lisa Kleypas at her best
Trigger warnings: n/a
Enchantée by Gita Trelease
Genres:  Romance, Historical Fiction
Paris in 1789 is a labyrinth of twisted streets, filled with beggars, thieves, revolutionaries—and magicians... When smallpox kills her parents, Camille Durbonne must find a way to provide for her frail, naive sister while managing her volatile brother. Relying on petty magic—la magie ordinaire—Camille painstakingly transforms scraps of metal into money to buy the food and medicine they need. But when the coins won’t hold their shape and her brother disappears with the family’s savings, Camille must pursue a richer, more dangerous mark: the glittering court of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. With dark magic forbidden by her mother, Camille transforms herself into the ‘Baroness de la Fontaine’ and is swept up into life at the Palace of Versailles, where aristocrats both fear and hunger for la magie. There, she gambles at cards, desperate to have enough to keep herself and her sister safe. Yet the longer she stays at court, the more difficult it becomes to reconcile her resentment of the nobles with the enchantments of Versailles. And when she returns to Paris, Camille meets a handsome young balloonist—who dares her to hope that love and liberty may both be possible. But la magie has its costs. And when Camille loses control of her secrets, the game she's playing turns deadly. Then revolution erupts, and she must choose—love or loyalty, democracy or aristocracy, freedom or magic—before Paris burns…
Why we love it:
historical fantasy set in 1700s Paris
a game of high stakes played out in the French court of Marie Antoinette
bond between two sisters fighting their way out of poverty with the use of magic
beautiful story
telling and detailed descriptions of Paris life
a great debut novel from Gita Trelease that makes us look forward to her future books
Trigger warnings: n/a
Huge Deal by Lauren Layne
Genres: Contemporary, Romance
Even for a top-gun banker, temptation this hot is quite a gamble, in a sexy Wall Street romp from New York Times bestselling author Lauren Layne. An alpha among the wolves of Wall Street, Kennedy Dawson rose to the top of the pack by striking the right contracts at the right times. But there’s one deal that’s been giving him a run for his money—a pact to never again let his assistant, Kate, get under his skin. She may be smart, gorgeous, and sharp as a whip, but she’s definitely off-limits. Kate Henley isn’t a banker, but she knows a thing or two about risk management—specifically, about managing her attraction to her smolderingly sexy boss. She already fell once, and Kennedy showed no sign of paying a return on her investment. So when Kennedy’s brother starts pursuing her, Kate figures she has the best of both worlds. Jack is charming, rich, very attentive, and the spitting image of his older brother. It’s also making Kennedy think twice. But to win Kate’s heart, he’ll have to broker the deal of a lifetime…and prove he’s worth the risk.
Why we love it:
office romance
slow burn
A++ family dynamic
interesting platonic relationships
a good ending of the series
Trigger warnings: n/a
Scandalous Desires by Elizabeth Hoyt
Genres: Romance, Historical Romance
Can a pirate learn that the only true treasure lies in a woman's heart? Widowed Silence Hollingbrook is impoverished, lovely, and kind--and nine months ago she made a horrible mistake. She went to a river pirate for help in saving her husband and in the process made a bargain that cost her her marriage. That night wounded her so terribly that she hides in the foundling home she helps run with her brother. Except now that same river pirate is back...and he's asking for her help. "Charming" Mickey O'Connor is the most ruthless river pirate in London. Devastatingly handsome and fearsomely intelligent, he clawed his way up through London's criminal underworld. Mickey has no use for tender emotions like compassion and love, and he sees people as pawns to be manipulated. And yet he's never been able to forget the naive captain's wife who came to him for help and spent one memorable night in his bed...talking. When his bastard baby girl was dumped in his lap--her mother having died--Mickey couldn't resist the Machiavellian urge to leave the baby on Silence's doorstep. The baby would be hidden from his enemies and he'd also bind Silence to him by her love for his daughter.
Why we love it:
good historical romance
enemies to lovers trope
good girl/bad guy trope
A++ character development
Trigger warnings: n/a
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