#since I can’t hide out anywhere cause we have no break room lol
nsfwitchy2 · 2 months
I love my manager asking me to answer the phone and then following that with, “Sorry I know you’re not on the clock right now”
Girlie I have answered like. Four phone calls today. It’s good lmao.
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whitelacepants · 3 years
Title: Unconditional
Word count: 1,212
Pairing: Percy/Nico
Summary: Nico comforts Percy after he and Annabeth break up.
hey there! i tried a more formal approach this time with like, a title n everything lol. but yeah, this is part 2! sorry it took so long, lost motivation for a second there. but it's almoat 5am and i finally finished this damn thing. sorry if the spacing is fucked, tumblr is weird. I'll probably post these on ao3 once i figure out how to do that. but yeah, anyways, have fun reading, let me know what you think!
"I didn't think you'd be up. Thanks for being here."
Nico hums in acknowledgement. Percy wraps his arms tighter around Nico's waist as he runs his fingers through Percy's hair in a comforting gesture. The legs surrounding Percy's body are warm from how long he'd been lying between them, thin and more muscular than what he's used to but still comfortable. Their relationship has evolved from one of friendship to an agonizing balance on the line of something not quite platonic but not quite romantic.
They're in Percy's cabin, back at Camp Half-Blood for a couple weeks to help get a few new demigods settled in, per Chiron's request. It's been a few weeks since the...incident, between Nico and Annabeth, and the aftermath has taken it's toll on both of them, Percy the most.
"Percy, what's going on?"
"...I wanna break up."
A silent room.
"Where is this even coming from? I've given you everything you needed!"
"No, Annabeth, you've given yourself everything that you needed."
"That's insane! I've been there for you ever since you showed up in this damn camp."
"Yeah, you've been there to insult me every step of the way, and you thought kissing it better would make it hurt less."
A raised voice.
"You've changed since we came back from...from Tartarus."
"Yeah, a place like that'll change a person."
"No. No, no, no, this isn't about that. No, this is about Nico, isn't it? Fuck! I knew I should've kept an eye on him. He's been all over you ever since he came out!"
"He has not! Shit, I thought you supported him!"
"I do! Just not when he's trying to steal my boyfriend!"
"He hasn't stolen anything, Annabeth! You lost me!"
Shattered glass.
"Percy. Percy wait-"
"I'm leaving, get off me."
"Wait! P-Please wait, we can- I can fix this, just wait-!"
"Goodbye, Annabeth."
"Wait, I just need-, I need time to think!"
"For fucks sake, you can't think your way out of this."
"No, please! I can-, I can fix this, I can fix you!"
Splintered wood.
"I never needed to be fixed. I needed to be accepted."
Locked door.
Percy heaves a heavy sigh. He speaks again, slightly muffled into the hip of the boy he's holding.
Well, man now, Percy thinks.
"You...I don't know why, but you make me feel safe."
Nico chuckles at that, light and airy. The 3am delirium must be getting to him.
"You just broke up with your girlfriend of, what was it? 5...6 years? And I'm the only one that's 100% on your side, of course you feel safe with me." Nico dissolves back into giggles at that and Percy soon joins him.
"No no no! It's differennnt!" he says, chest rumbling with giddiness.
"How is it 'differennnt'?" Nico mocks in a lower voice, and they both laugh at his poor impression until they're gasping for breath. 
"I do not talk like that-!"
"You totally do."
As their laughter fizzles out, they feel more than listen to each other's breathing even out. Nico goes back to stroking Percy's hair, crown to nape, lightly scratching from time to time.
"Seriously though," Nico says,"how is it different?"
The night is quiet, save for the stray harpy screech or the crash of waves against a shore, and Nico waits patiently for Percy to answer him.
"I just…," Percy starts, and Nico listens.
I never feel like I have to hide from you. When I'm with you, I don't feel like I have to cater to this idealistic version of myself that everyone seems to have created in their heads. To you, I'm not "Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon, Hero & Saviour of Olympus". I'm Just Percy.
"With you, I feel raw," he says, his throat tight. Nico starts to shift but Percy holds him tighter.
"Hey, hey, I'm not going anywhere, just let me…" Percy's arms give a little and Nico moves further down the bed so that his upper back is supported by the pillows behind him as he cradles Percy's head to his chest. Percy takes a deep breath and when he lets it go, it's shuddering rhythm moves through the both of them like thunder in a storm.
"I just, I can't keep faking everything, you know? I can't keep pretending like I haven't been affected by the shit I've gone through. It's like half the camp sees me as some great hero who can do no wrong, and the other half expects me to be this-, this stupid jokester that's completely clueless to serious situations and it's so infuriating," he says,"especially with Annabeth. I've had to put on this mask of indifference for nearly 4 years since we got out. I've hidden almost every genuine emotion I've had. I can't do it anymore." he finishes with a huff, and with a start, Nico realizes that the front of his shirt is soaked through with tears.
Curse Percy for being a silent crier.
"Aw, mio tesoro, look at me," Nico says. He gently guides Percy's face up, cupping his cheeks and lightly brushing away the steadily falling tears. They make eye contact, bright green against deep brown, looking into each other's souls.
"You will never have to hide your true self from me."
A dam seems to break inside of Percy as his tears start falling faster. Nico just holds him, tries to sooth him as best as he can. Sometimes that's all you can do, Nico knows that. So he strokes his hair and waits.
After what feels like hours, Percy calms down. His eyes have dried up and he lets out a sniffle every few minutes.
"I'm sorry."
"Oh, don't worry about it," Nico says,"I never liked this shirt anyways."
"What? No, no, not for crying on you," Percy moves to look at Nico's soft smile, tightening his arms around him as if he was afraid Nico would disappear.
"I'm sorry I can't be what you want me to be right now."
Nico's hand falters for a second before picking back up. 
"What do you wanna be?"
Yours, Percy thinks. But I don't know if I deserve you yet.
"I don't know. But I don't want you to go."
"Trust me," Nico chuckles,"I'm not going anywhere."
"But, you've waited so long already and-"
"-and I can wait a little longer, love," Nico says. "I don't wanna force anything on you, ok? If you want more of a relationship than we have right now then that's cool. But it has to be something you genuinely want. Don't focus on me. Focus on yourself."
Percy is speechless. Not for the first time, he wonders how Nico can be so young yet so wise.
Lots of emotional pain, probably, his mind supplies. He doesn't want to think about who or what might've caused that so instead, he snuggles his face back into Nico's ruined shirt, dryer than it was before.
"Thank you," he says into Nico's chest.
Nico cradles his head, and as they drift off to sleep, Percy lets himself be relieved that he can trust Nico with the knowledge of every single piece of him, and can let the layers upon layers of mask and shadow be peeled away like a roselily in bloom.
tag list: @readwithlivvy @darkastcookies
(also, constructive criticism on this is totally cool, i feel like i didnt do a good job on this one lol)
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bokutosworld · 4 years
i won’t say (i’m in love) | kageyama t. 
pairing: kageyama tobio x gn!reader
wc: 1,935 words. fluff, high school crushes. hinata being a wingman lol. 
summary: an encounter at kageyama’s favorite spot in school leads him to meet someone that makes him feel all sorts of confusing feelings. 
a/n: so if it’s not yet obvious by the title, this was inspired by the song from hercules, i won’t say i’m in love :D this idea has been on my drafts for quite some time and i finally had the chance to work on it yaaay 
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The first time Kageyama saw you, you were in front of the vending machine he frequented.
It was lunch break, and with ten minutes left before the next period, he figured he could get his favorite banana milk. He was walking towards the area that hid the machine away from prying and hungry eyes. Kageyama was confident that no one was familiar with its spot, especially since the machine always seemed to never go out of stock of his go-to drinks. But boy was he wrong.
The instant that he rounded the corner, he heard the recognizable thud of the drink box falling and someone getting it from its confines. He took a peek and saw a glimpse of a student cheerfully sticking the straw to the pack, humming as they take a sip of the milk. With a contented smile, the student walks off and passes him, giving a side glance and showing off a smirk to Kageyama.
How odd, the setter thought. Though he didn't dwell on it for any much longer, opting to get his own share of the milk. However, when he stood in front of the machine, his heart lurched upon seeing the red light that indicated not available. Kageyama's eyes shoot wide open and he whipped his head towards the direction you went, sending a glare to your retreating back as he realized you took the last milk. Oh, he was furious and poor Hinata was on the receiving end of that sour mood for the rest of the day.
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Since that unfateful encounter, Kageyama has been noticing your presence everywhere. And it was an understatement to say that he didn't find you annoying. He remembers how you went under his nose to grab that last box of milk and it still infuriates him.
Whenever you walk by in the hallways, he can't help but follow you with a pointed look on his face. To any outsider, Kageyama looked as if he was sending curses towards your way, at least that was what Hinata thought. But actually, the setter was trying to figure out who you were and why he hadn't seen you in the campus before that day. One day, his curiosity finally got the best of him and he asked Hinata about his concern.
"Huh? What do you mean you don't know Y/N," the orange-haired boy replied. Hinata gave his friend a puzzled look, and as if the cogs in his mind stopped turning, a teasing grin made it way to his face. "Ah, so that's why you've been looking at them like a madman recently. You're so dumb, Kageyama! How could you not recognize them, they're literally our class president."
Hinata was right. That time, Kageyama was dumbfounded when they returned to the classroom and saw you chatting with your friends in the corner. He was entranced by you and the way you were laughing at one of the jokes that he hit his hip in the sharp edge of the desk. He shrieked, causing you to turn your head towards him with worry cast over your face.
It didn't hurt that bad. He was massaging that spot on his hip when you silently stalked towards him. You stood by his side, placing a hand on his back and asking if he was okay. It took all of Kageyama's willpower not to lose his composure in front of you, but Hinata caught on his actions. In that moment, an idea popped up in Shoyo's mind.
"Hey, Pres," he put an arm around Kageyama's shoulders, wiggling his eyebrows at him. "Can I ask you a favor? Can you bring my friend here to the clinic and get his injury checked out? I'm sure it's only minor but we can't be too sure." Kageyama angrily nudged Hinata, a string of stupid, you idiot falling on his lips.
"Yeah, no problem. Come on, Kageyama, let's get you to the nurse."
He was immediately flustered. Kageyama swears his face has never felt that hot when you took his shoulders and wrapped them on your own, acting as his crutch as the two of you walked to the clinic.
Kageyama cleared his throat, his eyes looking at anywhere but you. "H-hey, I'm not completely paralyzed. I can walk on my own."
You laughed, "It's fine. You can rely on me sometimes, you know. Besides, I don't want our star player sitting out of the games." A moment of silence clouds over the two of you on the rest of the way, but just before entering the clinic, you say, "I know you love volleyball. You should enjoy it without any injury."
Kageyama thinks that maybe you were much more than a milk thief after all.
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Hinata doesn't know what happened after he sent you and Kageyama to the clinic. But he has a slight idea about what changed when he sees that his teammate has been talking more to you at every chance that he gets, walking by your desk and starting up conversations when he can.
In mornings, he notices that Kageyama always has two packs of milk in hand. And when you enter the room, he sees how he lights up, a shy smile forming on his face as you wave a hand and walk to his desk. He couldn't believe his own eyes when he watches Kageyama give you the other milk and he comes to a conclusion that he bought it just for you.
In gym class, Hinata observes the way Kageyama is extra pumped up to be against you in the 100m dash activity. He sees the playful taunts he sends your way and how you gladly react to them and indulge Kageyama in his competitiveness. He honestly thinks Kageyama won't let you off the hook but he's shocked, when just a few centimeters away from the finish line, he fakes a trip and falls down on the ground. You pass him in high spirits, jumping up and down as you exclaim that you won against the King of the Court. And Hinata knows that the normal Kageyama would be pouting and pissed off at his loss.
But this wasn't a normal Kageyama. He figures that this was a Kageyama in love. 
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The pair was assigned to set up the net and prepare the gym before practice started. They were in the storage room getting the equipment when Hinata started teasing Kageyama about his little crush.
"I don't know what you are talking about." The taller boy strongly denied all the accusations that Hinata was throwing at him. "Just shut up and help me here."
Hinata chuckled like an evil villain and continued to spew obvious facts. "You give them milk every morning. You unconsciously make them laugh with your not so funny jokes. You look out for them during gym class more than their friends does. You make time before practice to say goodbye before they go home."
"So, what is your point?"
His friend smirked, "Kageyama Tobio, you have a crush."
Kageyama stood frozen, his hands went limp by his sides at the sudden realization. He was aware that in his recent interactions with you, he'd sometimes feel sick, like he'd get nervous around you, his breathing becomes unstable and his palms get sweaty.  He has noticed it himself how the surroundings would turn brighter whenever you walked in the hallways or how his own heart would beat twice as fast whenever you were approaching him in his desk.
He didn't know what that feeling was called. He didn't want to give it a name. But Hinata just had to point it out. Frustrated that his friend called him out on his adoration for you, Kageyama stayed silent and started playfully punching Hinata. The poor boy was only saved when they heard footsteps come in, and Kageyama was quick to push Hinata away and avoid your gaze when you walked in.
Hinata was grumbling as he walked out of the scene, leaving you two some time to figure out your mutual feelings.
Kageyama immediately crouched down and hid his face on his hands, making you laugh at his awkwardness. He inquired in a muffled voice, "How much of that did you hear?"
You answered him truthfully, narrating the moment when you stopped to hide behind the doors was when you heard Hinata starting to tease him about his little crush. "I'm honestly flattered, Kageyama. Though I am also surprised that Hinata was watching us closely. Or should I be creeped out?"
He glanced up at you, standing from his position and going off on a tangent about how he also thought that Hinata was looking into things too much. He complained that instead of thinking about his love life, Hinata could've used that time to practice his spikes and jumps.
At this point, Kageyama was rambling and though you thought it was endearing, you needed him to pause and breathe. "Can you stop talking for literally ten seconds?" This seemed to work as he shut up and straightened his back, his eyes gazing straight into yours.
Kageyama realized, "Why are you here anyway?"
You smiled and brought out something from your pocket. "I wanted to give this to you." It was the banana milk that he loves. "I saw that it was the last one in the vending machine. I figured you'd want to have it. Have a drink before or after practice."
You thought it wasn't humanly possible to see eyes literally sparkling, but Kageyama was giving you proof of that as he excitedly took the drink from your hands. The corners of his mouth turned upward in a soft smile, and you thought that was the prettiest that he has ever been. He remembers the moment he first saw you and laughs, "You didn't have any problems before taking the last available milk for yourself."
It was your turn to get shocked, hiding a blush behind your palms. You also recall that incident, "Stop, I didn't do that on purpose. Was it my fault that they haven't restocked on that day?”
Kageyama scoffed, "Yeah, right." You pouted, crossing your ams on your chest as you looked away from him. "Thank you."
He has put the straw in the opening of the pack, taking a sip of the milk when you asked him for the second time. "So, you like me, huh?" Kageyama almost choked on his drink, and you laughed before patting his back to help him calm down. Some liquid were spilling from his lips and you were quick to wipe it with your hand. The action was enough to render Kageyama speechless, so he put some distance between the two of you.
You were taking some tissue from your bag to give to Kageyama when you also shared a confession of your own. "If it makes you feel any better, I like you too."
"I'm free this weekend. If you want to take me out a date, you know my number." He looked at you expectantly, the words yes, I'd love to go out with you resting on the tips of his tongue but he wasn't able to let it out. Because in a few seconds, you boldly took a step closer and pressed your lips to his cheek. His face felt warm and his heart was beating like crazy.
"I'll be expecting your call, Tobio."
In that moment, the feelings that he kept on a tightly closed lid were overflowing and it was the affirmation that he needed to know that he was already in too deep for you.
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yourmidnightlover · 4 years
pain reliever
TW: descriptive talk abt period cramps ig?, talk abt cysts, mutual pining lol
Summary: in which spencer and Y/N love each other but refuse to tell each other. Y/N's having major period pain, the effect of a cyst, and spencer comes over to comfort her.
WC: 3,744
A/N - this one’s a bit of a rollercoaster. it has three different POV’s so just bear with me please!
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don't get me wrong, working at the BAU is amazing and definitely has it's perks, but it also has several downsides too. one of those pesky little downsides includes the amount of time off we have.
meaning we don't have much downtime.
this was one of the rare occasions when we were able to have two weeks off, the result of a very strenuous case.
this time was so exciting, spencer and i planned to go out to a movie he'd been dying to see. nobody else wanted to go with him and were being absolute jerks about it, so i automatically stepped up to go with him.
i went to bed the night before we were supposed to go out after showering. i was actually excited to be able to spend some time with him.
i couldn't help but begin to have feelings for him soon after i joined the team. i mean, who would be able to resist those amazing curls, the sweet smile, kind spirit, not to even mention how smart he is.
he didn't know that, of course. and i planned for him to never know. i was able to keep it a secret for 5 and a half years, and i didn't plan on stopping that streak anytime soon. i didn't want to ruin the friendship i had with him by confessing my undying love for him only to confirm my fears of it being unrequited.
i woke up groaning, the effect of an intense pain on my neck, back, and uterus. I almost immediately knew what that meant, sadly.  
i ran to the bathroom, only to find my suspicions confirmed. my period has always been irregular but about a year ago, i started getting terrible cramps when it wasn't anywhere close to the time for my period.
i went to the doctor to find out a cyst had grown on my left ovary so i started taking birth control per my doctor's request. the only thing about the birth control i was on was that it made me sick when i was on the green pill, so i had to stop taking it.
not taking it meant my period was always a surprise. but hey... at least i wasn't pregnant i guess.
when i took the birth control, it also lessened the cramps. not taking it also brought them back. sometimes not even the extra strength mydol was able to subside the terrible cramps that would ripple throughout my body.
those cramps meant that i needed to cancel my plans with spencer. i could only hope he wouldn't take it as me not wanting to spend time with him.
although, i certainly didn't want him to see me like this.
i decided i would take a shower in attempt to wash the dirty feeling off of my body. I could just call him after i got out and tell him i have a bug or something.
i took my time washing myself, letting the hot water soothe my aching muscles. cysts normally only affect the uterus area and cause discomfort at most times, but it always becomes severely worse during that time of the month.
luckily, my doctors helped create an appointment for a procedure to remove the cyst. the only catch being that the appointment is still 6 months away.
i finished showering and wrapped a towel around my body before popping two mydol's in my mouth and swallowing. i grabbed my cell and quickly dialed spencer's name.
"Y/N! hi. what's up?" he asked sweetly. i could hear the excitement in his voice.
"hey, spence," i started, already feeling terrible for the sad news. "i won't be able to go out today. i really, really wish i could. i came down with something and don't think i'm well enough to go out. i'm so sorry," i murmured, already regretted having to cancel.
"oh... that's okay. are you alright? do you need me to take you to the doctor?" he asked all worried. i giggled softly.
"no, that's alright, spence. thank you though. i think i'm probably just gonna get some house work done in the meantime," i declared with a sigh.
"you're planning on cleaning when you're sick? another reason to never doubt the strength of a woman, i suppose," he quipped, another laugh erupting from my chest, this one being louder.
"that, spencer reid, is why you're my best friend," i said with a smile.
"that and the fact that you actually listen to my incessant babbling and rambles," he remarked.
"i actually happen to enjoy those rambles, doctor. don't sell yourself short," I demanded in a sweet tone.
"thank you, Y/N. you should get some rest. don't overexert yourself," he said sweetly. "in all the years i've known you you've only been sick a number of times, so i would imagine you really don't feel too well," he declared. "goodbye."
"goodbye, spencer. s-sorry again," I stammered out.
I hung up the phone before actually getting dressed in some proper underwear. I threw on some loose shorts and skipped putting a bra on, my boobs were really sore, opting for just throwing a tank top on.
i started with doing the dishes from last night. the medicine was kind of kicking in, not fully taking the stabbing pain away but lessening it enough to where it would be manageable.
once the dishes were done i started doing the laundry, taking breaks in-between loads. during the breaks i made sure to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated.
part of me was debating going to the store to pick up some dark chocolate, ice cream, kale chips, and some chinese, but i decided against it.
i'm sure if i went out i would immediately regret it and have the pain 10x worse, just because that's my luck. so, suffering alone it was.
once i finished all of the laundry, i sat down on the couch. i had been going for about three hours, and definitely felt the toll it was taking on my body.
i turned on FRIENDS and grabbed a heating pad from a bin in my living room. i placed the pad on my upper back and groaned at the heat.
before i knew it, i was dead asleep.
i didn't buy it.
she never gets sick, and when she does it's like she's dying. she doesn't laugh when she's sick, and her voice wasn't as nasally.
don't get me wrong, something was obviously wrong with her, but she wasn't sick sick. maybe another sick.
what else would cause her to cancel plans with me? she's never done that before.
although, there was one time where she mentioned her needing to go to the doctor for a consult about a cyst. maybe it was the cyst?
wait... her uterus. the cyst was on her uterus.
we were on a case a couple months back, and this unsub was hard to track down. when we managed to figure out where he was, she ended up having to chase him down. she had to run a mile for at least 7 minutes before actually getting him. he was only 25 and was an exercise fanatic.
after catching the guy and bringing him in she had a hard time hiding her discomfort. even at the station, abut an hour later, she was still grabbing her lower stomach in pain. when i asked her what was wrong she told me about the cyst and where it was.
although, the cyst never really affected her energy level since then. she was able to go out on cases and perform perfectly fine.
the only thing that it could've been would be her- ohhh!!
i should get her something. food. she loves food.
she's probably in a lot of pain right now because of that. she shouldn't have to handle that pain 24/7. she was so sweet, and caring, and generous, and loving, and undeserving of any sort of discomfort.
to be honest, i've had the largest crush on her since after she joined the BAU. who wouldn't?
she's such an amazing person. just being around her lightens my mood. not to mention her beauty. don't get me wrong, i absolutely love her mind and everything about her personality, but the beauty she beholds is beyond anything i've ever encountered. then again, maybe the feelings i have for her boost that beauty in my eyes.
it was that beauty that kept me quiet. why would someone with beauty as ethereal as hers even look at a guy like me? it's like she's not meant for this world. she's too good for this world.
i'm in too deep now to share my feelings. i would do anything to keep her light in my life, even if that meant keeping all my love for her bottled up.
my heart ached at the thought of her in pain that i can't help her subside. the least i could do is be there for her.
i quickly grabbed my keys- yes, that's right. i'm driving for her. what kind of man am i?- and headed out of my apartment.
i went to the grocery store and picked up some of her favorites, dark chocolate, mint chip ice cream, kale chips, and... chinese. she loves chinese, so surely that's what she's craving. if she doesn't want it i would gladly get her whatever it is she does want.
i would give her the entire world if i could.
after picking the items up, i made my way to her place and pulled her key out of my pocket after she didn't answer my knock the first couple times. We had both decided to give each other a copy of our keys for safety purposes, result of me becoming the designated driver after a girl's night out gone wrong.
long story short, all the girls left with someone, leaving Y/N stranded at a heavily populated bar. if the girls weren't drunk when they left then i know i would've scolded them for leaving her in such danger. hell, they were FBI agents and left a friend who wasn't in her right mind alone in the middle of the night.
the only reason i was able to pick her up was because she drunkingly called me, slurring her words together. that's a story for another time.
i held the bags in one hand and the chinese food under my arm while i unlocked the door and quitely walked in. i saw her laying down on the couch, looking so peaceful.
spencer looked at you as you slept. he noticed the heating pad laying on your back as your face was partially smushed from the couch. he'd never seen anything so adorable.
he pushed a strand of hair out of your face as he gently tapped your shoulders to wake you. you squinted at him in confusion for a second before you finally spoke.
"spencer? wh-what're you doing here?" you questioned him in disbelief.
you had no idea why he was here. you had told him you couldn't go out, right?
"me being the amazing profiler i am figured out what was actually wrong," he gloated. "i brought your favorite snacks and came with chinese food. if you want something else i could always go back out and-"
"did you drive?" you squeaked.
"why wouldn't i? you're in pain right now, that's the least i could do to somehow help you," he gushed.
you felt tears pricking your eyes at his confession. how could someone be so selfless and kind as to put themselves though something they hate doing for you?
"hey-hey, what is it?" he worriedly questioned.
"i-it's just... th-that's so sweet, and nice, and you hate driving, and you're such an amazing person, and i don't deserve you," you sniffled out, the tears flowing past my eyes as you sat up on the couch to give him a place to sit.
He grabbed the heating pad that fell off your back and set it on the coffee table before wiping your tears. His arms wrapped around your shoulders as you lightly cried into his shirt for a few minutes before pulling back.
"sorry about your shirt," you whined.
"don't worry about it. and i truly think it's me who doesn't deserve you, Y/N," he said softly. "now, let's dig into the food. i'm actually hungry right now, i had to smell it the entire way here and it's been taunting me ever since," he said seriously, eliciting another laugh out of you. "oh! there she is! i love hearing your laugh," he smiled.
"oh, you're just saying that," you waved him off as he feigned offense with a loud gasp.
"are you accusing me of lying, Y/N? i'm terribly offended," he shot his hand over his heart in an attempt to mock pain as he groaned.
"i would never, spencie," you taunted with a smirk before getting an actual cramp.
your face contorted slightly in pain as you bent over in an attempt to ease the discomfort. it felt like someone was stabbing your entire lower stomach and punching you all at once. the pain and sudden movement made your head begin to throb intensely, so you didn't know where to put your hands. your stomach or head? you chose stomach.
spencer felt horrible as he watched you go through such pain.
"what hurts, Y/N/N? let me help you," spencer pleaded.
"head. really bad," you groaned.
he got behind you as his hands found your temples and began massaging them gently, being able to subside the pain pulsing in your head. while your stomach still hurt, the pain became bearable again, allowing you to sit up and face spencer. he saw that your eyes were full of tears once again and his arms flew around you.
he hated that you had to go through that... every month too? your pain tolerance has always been high, something spencer learned after you got shot in the thigh and didn't even shed a tear, so he knew the fact that tears were in your eyes had meant the pain had to be terrible.
"food?" he said softly, you nodded eagerly, still being wary of the headache.
he went into your kitchen and put away the ice cream, chocolate, and kale chips before getting the chinese. he grabbed you a water bottle from your fridge before exiting the kitchen and sitting beside you on the couch.
"why didn't you tell me they were this bad?" spencer wondered.
"i didn't want you to worry, or see me like this," you shrugged.
it was true, you hated anyone seeing you hurt or weak. you prided yourself on being tough and strong enough to withstand most things. the fact that a measly monthly period was breaking you hurt your ego more than you'd like to admit.
for spencer, he didn't care. the only thing he wanted to do was make sure you were okay and be there for you when you weren't. he was determined to help you through this time. it made him feel... important. he enjoyed caring for others as it gave him a sense of purpose.
"Y/N, i don't care what state you're in. i always enjoy seeing you. and i'm always here to help you. asking for help makes you stronger than you'd think," he soothed you.
one thing you loved about him was that he always had a way with words. he was able to make you feel safe in the most dangerous situations, calm in the most chaotic, comfortable in the most destitute, and all with words.
you ate your food rather quickly after realizing you hadn't eaten all day. you were unashamed of eating that much, too. you'd become so comfortable with him over the years that you didn't feel embarrassed over something as routine as eating as you normally would with others.
after spencer finished eating he insisted on cleaning up rather than you do it yourself.
and to think, you thought you couldn't fall deeper in love with the man and here you were, falling deeper the longer he stayed.
little did you know that spencer was already madly in love with you.
he came back and sat beside you gently, looking at you with the utmost adoration that you couldn't see since you were back to being doubled over in pain.
"let's get you laid down, hmm?" spencer suggested as he gently rubbed your back.
"mhmm," you agreed, sitting up far too quickly. your back shot out in pain as you tried to straighten out, bringing a groan to your lips and causing you to twist your torso in an attempt to avoid any more hurt. "i guess i can just stay here," you said, resuming the doubled-over position.
spencer wanted to cry himself seeing you so defeated. you were the most strong-willed person he knew and here you were, giving up on something. he wouldn't let that happen.
"you'll be more comfortable in the bed. i'll carry you since you can't get up, okay?" spencer suggested.
you hummed in defeat as he swiftly scooped you up, leaving your body folded up as you swung your arms around his neck. he laid you down on the bed gently as you groaned at your back stretching out.
"turn over on your stomach," spencer ordered.
"wh-what? why?" you wondered.
"you'll see when you do it, ms. stubborn-pants," he teased.
you groaned and flopped onto your stomach, reaching to cuddle the pillow your head was resting on. spencer secretly wished he was that pillow.
his hands fell onto your back, applying light pressure right between your shoulder blades.
"ohh, this is what you were gonna do," you hummed in content as his hands continued to work their magic. he gathered your hair and pulled it to the side as he worked his way up to your neck. "ugh that feels amazing, spence," you groaned.
spencer huffed a laugh at your enthusiasm, him being happy that he can subside some of your pain. if doing something as simple as giving you a massage made you happy, he was happy.
spencer worked his hands back down to your shoulders and worked out nearly every single knot on your back. you felt your breathing slow from the relaxation and didn't even realize how good of a distraction your hands on her body were. if only you could massage my boobs, you thought with a laugh.
"umm... what?" spencer questioned.
"hmm?" you questioned, suddenly realizing that you had said that out loud. "i didn't say anything," you said, your voice raising an octave as you spoke.
spencer knew what he had heard, but decided to drop it to make you more comfortable.
"right, sorry," he said with a smile. maybe you did have feelings for him.
he continued the massage and noticed you were asleep after about ten more minutes. He sighed as he watched your hair move with each breath you took. he relished in the fact that he helped you achieve something, that he was useful for something.
"god, i love you so much," he whispered. "i love you so much, i don't even think i could tell you how much i truly love you."
you were awake. you heard him. you heard every word. you were in that weird between stage when you weren't really asleep, but you weren't necessarily awake either.
"i love you too, spencer," you spoke.
spencer shot up at your words, realization hitting him as you stirred in what he assumed was your sleep. you rolled over onto your back and looked into his eyes.
"i love you so, so much, spence," you smiled, noticing the shocked look on his face.
"y-you do?" he babbled.
"of course i do. how could i not?" you quipped, noticing his utter nervousness.
"i-i can't believe it. you love me?"
"how many times do i have to say it? i love you, spencer reid. i love you," you said as the shocked expression on his face turned into one of pure happiness and joy.
"i love you, Y/N Y/L/N. i've loved you for so long..." he trailed off, bringing your body into his arms.
"and fyi, i mean the romantic way if you didn't catch that," you joked.
"good because that's exactly how i meant it," he said, pulling back to look at you once again. "ca-can i kiss you?" he asked as his hands were balanced on the back of your neck.
you nodded eagerly before his lips crashed into yours passionately as you placed your hands on his face. the feeling of his sharp jawline with his scruffy facial hair something you've been wanting to feel against your skin for far too long.
spencer tugged gently at your hair, bringing a soft moan to your lips, allowing his tongue to enter your mouth gingerly. he was immediately granted dominance as you allowed his tongue to travel into your mouth, investigating it thoroughly.
you were both in a state of euphoria as you delved into each other's presence in a new manner. both of you knew this discovery would change your relationship, but you had both gone through every scenario in your minds in the many years' past.
you finally pulled back at another sharp pain in your uterus.
"ouchhh," you grimaced.
"are you okay? what can i do?" he wondered eagerly.
"just cuddle with me?" you asked with pleading eyes.
"of course i can," he smiled.
he moved up to the headboard and laid his head on one of your pillows after getting underneath the covers. after he opened his arms, you rested your head on his chest and threw one arm over his torso, interlacing your legs underneath the sheets. he brought one arm around your waist as the other drew you closer across your shoulders. You nestled your head into his neck and inhaled his comforting scent.
"you smell good," you giggled.
"thank you," he laughed at your compliment.
"spencer?" you asked.
"yea, Y/N?"
"you're my pain reliever."
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softenerescape · 3 years
Feedee Teasing
Part 1: Greed
So this greedy whale wants some food does she?
Look at yourself! Look at all that flab! You’re disgracefully obese and you still just want to eat more and grow fatter?!! Hungry for more to fill your shamefully huge overhanging gut are you piggy? Well okay then you bloated cow if that’s what you want then maybe it’s time you were taught a lesson! You really want more food? You’ll get more food alright! Open wide piggy! Let’s just stuff you so full of fattening treats that people will stare in horror as you swell up like a big fat human shaped balloon shall we? Give you all you can eat, yes even you porky! And then more, and more, and MORE. Strapped down and forced to eat, eat, eat! A never ending flow of sinfully fattening cuisine to stuff you full to the brim, overfull, until you swear one more bite might just make your stomach explode, a 24/7 overfed sow, so much food you’ll swear you can feel yourself getting fatter by the minute as you’re wheeled from restaurant to restaurant, buffet to buffet, and made to eat and eat until all the food is gone as everyone stares aghast in morbid fascination at the size of your belly spilling out in front of you, at your huge bloated body slowly but steadily bursting the seams of your clothes as you gorge yourself on dessert after dessert until every last one is gone.
Well?! Is that enough fucking food for you greedy-guts? Poking your belly makes you burp! Nope, there’s still room in there! Off to the next place. Do you like donuts? Four dozen for starters? Doesn’t matter how ridiculously full you are, you’re going to eat them ALL. Everyone knows you’re probably too helplessly horngry to resist anyway haha! Greedy gluttons as naughty as you never can say no can they? So why not wash them all down with full cream milkshakes! Just hook you up to the drink machine and pump you up until you can’t take any more? Sound good you obscene tub of lard?! Then everyone can watch you blow up with fat until you burst from your clothes, until you’re so fat not even your shoes can fit your bloated round feet! What’s the matter piggy? Too full? But that’s never stopped you before! You’ve gotten too fat to move? Well no matter then you’re not going anywhere till you’ve eaten every last donut in the store. Aww you’re so heavy your chair has collapsed. Damn you’re a complete fucking whale aren’t you? Don’t think that means this is over! We’ll just have to haul you around on a big 1 ton trailer or something. All that obscene fat wobbling unsteadily down the road as you travel to your next awaiting feast. I know! We’ll put some mattresses on it, several cause one won’t be wide enough before long, maybe soft rubber ones so we can hose you down between feedings. Haha we can do that at a carwash, imagine the looks you’ll get! Huge soapy obscene fat rolls as thick as a man’s waist glistening in the sun!
Where next? The chocolate factory? Okay and then the ice-cream factory! Think you can eat it all? Well you’d be in no position to refuse now that you’re a massive helpless fat blob! You’re so fucking greedy it’ll probably only take you a couple of weeks. We’ll make you eat yourself so fat and round it’ll be a struggle to wiggle your arms. So much blubber! Unable to do anything except watch yourself grow and grow until you’re the fattest woman there ever was and ever will be. Swelling up fatter, and fatter, and FATTER until you’re nothing but a gigantic horny round butterball. Constantly tempted with so many naughty tasty treats. You can’t help it that they taste so good can you? You can’t help it that they make you swell up like a balloon! A big horny balloon.
Whimpers and moans muffled by huge handfuls of cake as you feel your enormous bloated body expand by the minute, plumping up, up, up, as your huge overstuffed stomach extracts calories from ungodly amounts of food, forcing them unceremoniously into your fat reserves. So huge and FAT that you’d wonder if you might actually burst whilst your titanic belly digests your next meal, oh dear! Yes indeed you overfed sow, that’s far, far too fat for your own good! But even then it’s a good bet you’d STILL be hungry, wouldn’t you porky? Look at yourself and admit it haha! Guess we’d have to launch food at you somehow from a distance, no way we’re risking getting any closer to a girl who’s clearly so greedy she’d be in danger of eating so much she could blow any second lol!
That’s what happens when you’re such a shamelessly naughty greedy glutton! Be careful of the path you’re starting down fat girl! That appetite of yours is clearly already out of control! You better put down that box of donuts before it’s too late!
Part 2: Gluttony
You waddle to the fridge. I can hear your panting and wheezing and grunting for the effort of moving your gelatinous body. You're addicted to glutting that doughy body. You're never full, even when you're not hungry. You chew and slurp and pour thousands of calories down your throat. Meanwhile, your fatty form pleads for mercy. You know what the doctor said. You're already morbidly obese -- even with all your supposed dieting -- and your cholesterol is still climbing, your sugars are all off. You're so massive that you're winding from the effort of standing on your weak knees in front of the fridge.
Do you even care? You can barely hold yourself up, and you've only been standing a couple minutes. You're far too greedy to pull your lips away from the quart of cream you're sucking down. Instead you ease yourself to the floor, heavy body still landing with a thud. That feels so much better on your pained joints, doesn't it? Now you can focus on how turned on you are. How good all that cream swelling your blubber feels. You switch arms because one starts to tire, moving on to the next quart of cream with ease. You suck down more than your greedy mouth can hold. Two trails of cream seep from your greasy mouth corners. What a thirsty piglet.
Underneath the mountain of growing lard, you squeeze your thighs together. It just feels so good, your empty hog brain can barely process it. You feel sparks shoot from between your legs and crawl up your spine. You toss the second empty and your gut gurgles. All that gas rolling around just makes you hungrier and hornier. As if you aren't always hungry and horny, right? You used to pretend that, once upon a time. Good to see you've slipped so far into the pit of hedonism that you're incapable of thinking that deeply. It doesn't matter anyway, right? Eating and cumming over and over while you bloat and grow... that's how you'd rather spend your shortened life.
You reach your stubby arms into the fridge and pull down a mess of Tupperware. Most people don't have this many leftovers in their fridge, you know? But I keep cooking and cooking for you, making more food than you can handle. For now, at least. These fridge raids keep happening more frequently... is your appetite getting that much more insatiable? You don't think about that, though. You don't think about anything. You just tip container after container into your desperate maw. You make a giant mess, but it doesn't matter to you. Under the food stains and drippings, you feel pleasure. Your gut gurgles and gas slips out of you, but you barely notice. I hear your wheezy sniffing. It sounds shockingly close to real pig grunting. You smile dumbly at the wretched smell and suck more slop down.
What's happened to you? Is the old you still hiding under all that sweaty, stretch mark littered flab? Is the old you screaming, begging this new gluttonous monster to stop? Or since resigned, submissive to your gassy, growing form? A bassy belch rolls off your tongue. You're drooling -- is it from the taste or your room temperature IQ? It doesn't matter, because you work the cap off a two liter, and greedily suck it down. You get even gassier, and your smile looks dumber and dumber. Pleasure is painted across your features. Your eyes aren't even focused, just glazed over and half lidded. Are you high, or is that all you? Not to mention the trail of slobber and food remnants coating your chin, and the bits hiding in the chins below that. You've hardly got a neck anymore. Your body just keeps blowing up, and you can't even stop yourself. The better it feels, the less you fight. And from the looks of it, it feels heavenly.
You have no appetite control, that much is obvious. Just like your self-control and discipline, it has withered away. You force gas out of your gut with your thick fingers, then resume cramming in calories. I bet that feels so good, doesn't it? Look at how hard your nipples are. Those swelling tits. I bet you're making your undies pretty wet too. Too bad I can't see them between gargantuan thighs and an overfed sphere of a gut. Another belch rolls off your tongue and your eyes practically end up in your skull. Your stomach is too stretched to ever be normal again. Even if you stopped your constant grazing and night long stuffings, your capacity is through the roof. We can't eat the same meals any more. If there's not an excess of fats, sugar, butter, or bubbles, you won't be full. You need to be full to the brim, and more. And if bleary eyed fullness doesn't stop your over-indulgence, a piddly salad never will.
You just keep sucking down all that grease. Don't think too hard about it. Keep growing. Get dumber. Get fatter. It's okay, piglet. Nobody is judging you. Nobody knows that you used to be a quarter of this size. That you used to walk without breaking a sweat, that you could see your toes before, that you used to eat healthy. Don't think about before. Think about now, or nothing at all. I'll keep cooking for you, making sure my sow gets all the necessary nutrients, like lots of carbs and sodium and sugars. All you have to do is tip another Tupperware in your mouth, crack another soda open. The weight will pile on, and you'll get all the pleasure you need.
Let's see how long your body can handle it, shall we?
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
Reader is alone in their room throwing a rubber ball against the wall which at one point rolls away but is returned to them. Looking up they see a single eye ball, Buddy is slowly making themselves visible again. Buddy is covered in healed scars and wound. A soft whine and a wag of a tail. Black and Red pop in for the daily check up and see whats going on Remeber self care is best care :o - Cold Anon
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Thanks for caring for me Cold, but like- You really do be breaking my heart with these beautiful angst concepts ;^;
TW/Tags: Feels (angst lol) // mentions of animal abuse // d r a m a (also a little different from what you originally thought off-) // cursing // plot twist that was pulled straight out of my ass- (I can't blame y'all if this seem boring or uninteresting lol, but it was the only plot twist that I felt like it was fitting).
Broken smile [Yandere!Among Us x Reader - Headcanon]:
Can you imagine your shock at seeing the familiar eyes looking at your own with nothing but relief and sorrow? Can you imagine seeing your little warrior walking inside your room slowly and clumsy due to his wounds.
You jump out of bed and go hug your best friend, despite knowing fully well that he hasn't recovered fully from whatever hell he clearly went through. He was anticipating the impact but it still hurts him despite his best efforts to hold it in-
You haven't come off of your bedroom that day, most of the crew was too busy to notice that you weren't doing your tasks, but of course they would notice before everyone else-
"- Babe, have you seen [Y/N] anywhere? I have a feeling we haven't talked much."
"- That's because we didn't. They haven't gotten out of their room ever since this morning-"
"- What?? Black, you should have told me sooner, come on, we need to see if they're okay- Wait!"
"- W-What is it??"
"- Where…. Black, where is M.Red?"
Instead of going straight to checking how you were they decided to search for their child since Mini Red just suddenly disappeared-
They eventually found him, and scolded the young child for giving both of his parents a heart attack, when asked where he was, M.Red said something quite surprising:
"- I was playing doctor with the doggie!"
You heard loud bagging on your door, you didn't really expect anyone to call you so late, they probably noticed you haven't attend to any of the tasks in the spaceship (although let's be honest, you're more surprised it took them 24 hours to notice that instead of realizing your lack of presence sooner-).
You recognized that friendly family that you have grown to appreciate over the past month, Red and Black has been nothing but sweet with you and M.Red is such a energetic kid-
You didn't want to get out of your room, so instead you welcomed them in, and as soon as their eyes looked at the medicines and the space canine laying on top of it all covered in wounds, they understood what happened.
He came back. The stupid dog came back, yet in their hearts there was nothing like hate or anger at the sight of the severely damaged dog.
No, on the contrary, there was pity inside them mixed with somewhat of a relief.
Well, don't get me wrong, they hate your dog still, he is nothing more than an immense rock in their path yet there is something so, well, "heartwarming" about seeing you reunited.
It's so fun to see their loved one so happy even if it's because of… That dog.
You didn't come out of your room at all that day, you just wanted to be with your friend and take care of him, you took first-aid kits on medbay to take care of his untreated wounds. Buddy came back all patched up yet whoever did it clearly didn't do a good job at it in the first place! You were glad someone at least tried to help, yet there was something very worrying about his condition-
If someone tried to fix him up, it was because he was hurt in the first place. Buddy is a smart boy yet he wouldn't be able to properly recover those wounds on his own.
So when you brought the topic to them, you didn't expect a small hand be raised in such a excited way- M.Red was so proud of his work despite the fact he doesn't know anything about treating a wounded space animal, and honestly he didn't care- He saw it all as a fun game, in his eyes finding the dog in such a small and convenient finding place was nothing but a fun game, he not only found a good hiding spot to play hide and seek with Black, but also the dog, which he only saw as a toy.
To put it promptly, Buddy was waiting to die by the hands of the gremlin child, yet he was delightfully surprised to see the child so excited about helping him get his wounds treated, despite the fact they did it for their own twisted little amusement. At least the kid liked him more than his parents did.
Both of his parents were hesitant in letting you know that their kid had found the dog before you did, since it could be considered kinda weird for their kid to be able to find your dog in a isolated tiny spot of the spaceship that was completely off the cameras view and only accessible by the ventilation system- They lied about their child randomly founding the dog walking around instead of actually founding the filthy thing's hiding place.
No one can go in the vents unless they were small or a shapeshifting monster, and their child just happened to be both at the same time-
Either way, after finally being reunited with your dog, everyone expected things to go back to normal, even Buddy seemed tired of this nonsense, yet things never did go back to the way they were.
It was interesting how much of an impact you had on your crew. People didn't give you that much attention, yet whenever you changed your behavior it seemed to take over the entire mood of the ship. You may be thinking I'm exaggerating, yet it's not hard to believe it, is it?
After all, think about it, your dog just came back hurt from something that has done a great deal of damage to him. Something or someone made him hide away from everyone else so he could catch a break.
Buddy was a brave boy yet he was careful enough to see when a fight wasn't worth fighting. Buddy ran away and managed to hide for so long, he must have seen something or someone that was capable of scaring him from even coming back unprepared.
You mentioned that at your meeting and everyone seemed shocked at your claims, and even more surprised by how you sounded so… Angry. You sounded like someone that was calm now, yet was holding enough anger to fight anyone if not everyone in the cafeteria if they gave you the smallest hints of being the one that has hurted your doggie.
Even though he was kinda weirded out by your demeanor, the poor thing thought that he had caused you so much pain that him coming back wasn't the best thing he should have done. You were the same person as when he ran away, yet you sounded so mad…
And you rightfully were. You have been beating yourself up and feeling depressed thinking your sweet boy has died and when he comes back he is wounded to the point of not being able to walk properly. You have every right to want to beat the shit of whoever did this, even if they weren't human to begin with.
You felt like you had every right to judge every single person sitting in front of you, anyone in this room could have hurted Buddy and you knew it. The arguing was so strong that you had to be calmed down by Red, Black and Buddy at the same time.
One person in particular seemed to be pointing you out as "obviously the killer" that has orchestrated this whole charade as a way to throw everyone off, you almost did slap a bitch that day-
Others seem to understand your condition. You literally just lost your dog and he came back all bloodied and wounded. You were hurt and pissed at whoever the culprit was, even if you weren't sure of who it was.
And there was a strong intuition indicating that maybe the culprit that hurted your dog, was also the monster going around killing your crewmates. But sadly, Buddy has also changed after the incident.
Buddy didn't seem to recognize who.was the culprit, and if he could have blamed Red and Black, he knew that it was neither of them that had attacked him. Someone else has taken him by surprise, and was smart enough to cover their scent and human disguise, so he wouldn't recognize them if he managed to get away. Which he is glad he did, yet he is afraid he won't be of any help this time around.
He could blame Red and Black, since clearly they were going around killing everyone, but he somehow knew that they weren't involved with his case. He felt like it would be unfair to put the blame on them for his case in particular, they should still be thrown off of the spaceship but not for him.
But for all the different people they killed along the way.
And also… Maybe he did feel pity for the child, maybe he just felt like he was in debt with the kid for helping him out- Maybe if the circumstances were different he could have been friends with the little rascal (if the child had also decent parents and a therapist-).
You seemed to have noticed how Buddy hasn't openly barked at anyone, how he hasn't pointed anyone out yet, which was a little disheartening since it meant that this would be a lot harder than expected, yet you hadn't given up yet, you were determined to make justice for your dog, for everyone that had died.
Some of your crew were with you, some weren't, yet you didn't care at all- You would make sure to take care of your boy with more love and affection, you won't let this happen to him ever again.
And while you had found some sort of hope from this situation, Red and Black were concerned if not freaked out at the idea that someone else had started a hunting spree, and apparently with you and your dog as their target.
Red had asked their son if he was the one to hurt the canine, yet he said that he found him like that, hurt and bleeding. Black was feeling anxious as he couldn't smell the scent of someone of his kind hiding in between them, I'd they were also disguising themselves, it meant that they were being extra careful by flooding themselves with extra scents to blend in with everyone else.
This was way more than concerning, it meant they were in danger, you were in danger! And the culprit was being one step ahead from everyone else, since they have probably already found out about Black being an alien that has also invaded the ship, and that Red and M.Red were involved with the killings.
There were apparently three imposters among your crewmates.
Okay sorry Cold, but now I noticed that although I tried to compile your both asks into one, it feels like I may have not done the best ;-; I'm sorry. I could totally redo it and make the Reader sick and all- If you wish boo
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blackberry-gingham · 4 years
Hiya! Could you write a little something about Paul dating a girl who is a big bookworm? She can’t go anywhere without a book in her hands. She’s just very timid and polite and Paul just instantly falls for her! Thank you so so much, my love <3
Oh it's SO cottage core time lol.
Thank you for sending this in!!! I love bookworm reader type stuff 🥺🥺 enjoy!
Today has been very bizarre indeed.
Paul sits on a worn leather bench in the hall of a recording building all by himself. He's brought his bass and some music sheets he's been working on, fully prepared for a little practice and recording with the lads.
He checks his watch once again. It's 12:38, over half an hour past when John told him they were going to meet up for practice. Paul huffs and thumps his head against the panel wall behind him. Damn that John...
"Well, this is a waste", Paul slaps his knees and stands. He does a quick stretch, and an old office door creaks open. You poke your head out to see what all the ruckus is about.
"Hello? Is everything alright out here?"
Paul nearly jumps out of his skin at the sound of your voice, "Oh, pardon me! I uh-", he turns to face you. He's seen you around here before plenty of times when he's come to record, but never found the time to talk with you. Not that he ever thought he could, that is.
You always seem to be reading everywhere you go.
And yet, that fascinates him. Your clothes are stylish, but simple and comfortable. You don't appear to care too much for loads of makeup or elaborate hairdos. Just... the natural beauty of you alone has his interest peaked. So different from the other girls he usually runs into...
Not to mention you've never before come to ask for an autograph or just to talk with any of the four of them! You're like a puzzle he wants to solve. He's so use to being hounded by girls, the one woman he meets that doesn't seem to care much for him, has him on his head.
You wouldn't know what to say to that, except that you're quite use to him and the other Beatles being around. Thus, you're simply not too caught up as a ravenous fan girl type.
No, you rather prefer books and your soft classics to rock n roll and it's stars.
"Oh, Mr McCartney... I'm sorry sir, but we don't seem to have a studio scheduled for you today... Uhm, is there some mistake?"
Paul leans on the wall, trying to be casual, but failing miserably. He paints on what he hopes is a charming smile, "Something like that, but it's alright! Say, haven't I seen you here before...?"
You smile kindly, although you see through his act, "Yes sir, I'm an assistant here. See?" You come out of the doorway and gently click your door closed behind you. Sure enough, your name is written in bold block letters on the glass.
Paul reads you name aloud, letting it roll off his tounge. "What a lovely name! Say, I'm about to head out, but can I autograph something for you, for the trouble? I didn't mean to scare you, haha. Uh... That perhaps!"
He gestures to a ragged old tome cradled in your arms. The pages are yellowed, the spine well worn, and the color coating has begun to chip away. Just barely along the cover, one can faintly make out the title, Pride and Prejudice.
You hold the novel tighter to your chest and turn slightly away to shield it. "Oh! Um, thank you but I couldn't... This is an original copy from 1813, it's practically a treasure! Er uh, not that I wouldn't wa-"
"From 1813?", Paul interupts you, not with the intention of being rude, mind, in fact quite the opposite. His eyes are wide and it's clear you've captured his attention for sure now.
"That's right! I just love books, you know... I'm something of a collector haha", you run your delicate fingers over the top of the hardcover and for the briefest of moments, Paul wonders what those fingers would feel like through his hair.
You continue, "I'm actually only here to bring some books home from my office, I was just leaving when I heard you out here"
Paul snaps out of his daydream, realising now that he's sad to see you go, "Heh, right then! Well I suppose I shouldn't ke-"
An ear splitting crack of thunder shakes the building, followed immediately by a heavy torrent of rain that you can hear even through the brick exterior. Your face falls, "Oh no... I'm sorry Mr McCartney, but I really must be going, tsk now I need to figure out how to get my books safely to the car"
"Would you like some help? I've all day freed up you know!", Paul's heart beat quickens as he awaits your answer.
You think for a moment. Well, you could use some help moving the boxes... Besides-
Your eyes focus on Paul who, if he's even trying to hide his excitement, is doing a very poor job of it. If he had a tail, it'd surely be wagging.
-he seems harmless.
At last you accept and usher Paul into your office. "Do you think we could find something to cover the boxes from the rain?"
Paul thinks a moment then promises to return in a jiffy. True to his word, he's come back with what appear to be drum tarps. He drapes the sturdy leather over both stacks, then stands back to appreciate his work, "There now, surely Ringo won't mind since it's for such a worthy cause"
You laugh heartily, and in that very moment Paul swears he'll remember the beautiful melody of it all his life. You clear your throat, trying to compose yourself, "Ahem, well then, my car is just this way"
Paul hoists his boxes up with a touch more effort then he was anticipating, but he'll be damned if he lets that on in front of you. He grits his teeth and hopes it's not too far as he follows you through the hallways to the back lot.
"Oh! Are those encyclopedias too heavy? I'm so sorry, I should've split the load...", You turn to check on him. He looks a bit red.
"They're fine!", Paul wheezes.
You don't believe a word, but you figure he'd rather carry on then stop now. Besides, you're nearly there. Finally, as promised, you exit the building and stand beneath the small awning.
"Alright now, it's that green one over there, see? We'll run over quick, and put them in the backseat, ok?"
Paul nods and huffs, hyping himself up for one last push.
The two of you race to the car, just barely able to see where you're headed through the down pour. You balance your boxes on your knee with one hand and shove your keys into the lock with the other. Without a second wasted, you fling the door open and push the stack inside with Paul's right behind you.
You slam the door closed and jump into your car for cover while Paul joins you in the passengers seat. You're absolutely soaked and Paul doesn't look much better. He laughs at the state of himself, but you feel quite bad for putting him up to this in the first palce...
"Uh, Mr McCartney..."
"Oh, Paul please", he laughs
You smile and muster up some courage, "Paul... Um, would you like to come take these home with me? I'd just hate to leave you out in the rain... Besides, I can make you a nice cuppa for your help. And, there will be biuscuits", you bite your lip, and suddenly the dynamic has flipped as now you await anxiously for a yes.
Paul looks at you very seriously, "Well, only if there will be biuscuits", after a moment, he smiles, and let's you in on the joke. You laugh alongside him.
Carefully, you drive through the storm and the city until you reach the edge of town. The rain's not let up, even as you hit the countryside. Paul sings and talks to you a little to settle your nerves, particularly as streaks of lighting and cracks of thunder battle overhead.
Before long you pull into a little dirt lane that slowly turns to cobble. You turn everything off and when the car is situated, you and Paul formulate a similar plan as before to grab the boxes and make a break for your porch.
The plan goes smoothly and Paul follows you closely across the stone path up to the painted white steps of your porch. Now that his eyes have a break from the onslaught of rain water, Paul take a moment to appreciate your little home as you fish out your keys.
The porch is quite small, and surrounded by flowering shrubs. A few vines of English ivy twine around the banisters and railing, creating a lovely frame and backdrop for the two person swing bench hanging just a few feet away. Paul is admiring the little pillows when you interupt him to come inside.
Paul follows obediently through the cottage, absolutely swimming in the atmosphere. Just inside lays a cute little door mat welcoming him to the abode. To the left is a small living room with a fireplace and a bench at the window. Every piece of furniture is tastefully laden with pillows and fluffy throws.
You travel up a short flight of stairs which leads to a single room on the second floor. The walls are made entirely of bookshelves aside from a little niche carved out for a desk and a split stopping just before the large bay window and bed beneath it.
Paul is so stunned at the sight of it, he has to freeze and take in the simple, yet majestic room. He feels as though he's in another world.
"You can just put those over there, I'll go start the kett- Uh, Paul are you alright?"
"Huh? Oh, sure! Over here you said?"
"...If you'd please. Thank you", you smile and leave after just an extra moment to make sure he doesn't fall over or something.
Paul sets to work diligently and respectfully handling your collection, occasionally glancing reverently up at the towering shelves around him. He reads every title, feeling the old binding across the length of his hands. The whole room smells of aged paper and a touch of your perfume, and Paul's never experienced such a wonderful scent in his life.
He's about halfway through his stack of boxes when you come up the old creaking stairway to beckon him down for tea. Paul snaps to attention at the sound of your voice, then scuttles down after you.
"Here, I thought we could dry off by the fire", you hand him a cup and saucer with all the fixings he could want safely placed on the old wooden coffee table behind him. Paul joins you on the wool rug as you fix your drinks then settle in.
"Thank you so much for your help Mr-, er I mean Paul", you smile sweetly, and Paul has never felt so happy to hear someone speak his name.
"No trouble...", He mumbles.
You sip in silence for a while, and suddenly you shiver quite violently. Your cup rattles and spalshes just a touch.
A little embarrassed, you apologize and put down your cup, "I guess I didn't realize how cold I was", you laugh nervously and grab one of your many blankets and a few pillows to surround yourself with.
"No no, don't worry! Here, let me help", Paul hesitates just a second, but when you don't object he scoots closer until you're sitting hip to hip. You smile gratefully, a little blush painting your cheeks as you drape the rest of the blanket over Paul's shoulder.
"Thank you...", daring to take a risk, you cuddle into his side.
Paul welcomes you, holding you tightly and praying you can't feel his heart hammering away inside him. He and rests his chin on your head and places a gentle, tiny kiss to your fragrant hair, lingering just a moment to drink in the scent of it. You smell like paper and wisteria.
"No trouble"
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starlightsearches · 4 years
So my inbox decided to delete every request that I had, but lucky for me I actually copied them all down this time! Here’s three requests that I’ve combined into one story, hope you all love it!
Anonymous asked: Lol you reblogged a head cannon from @historymiss about kylo and his “scoundrel” skills and it is just so funny to think about, I’d love to read a fic by you about it. Maybe reader is some type of smuggler being hunted down by the first order and they get away but not before they impress each other with shady skills?
Anonymous asked: Ooh! How about a prompt? “It’s a hobby of mine to prove you wrong” reader to kylo?
Anonymous asked: kylo x reader “is that blood?” “... no?”
Requests are closed ✨
Kylo Ren x Reader (no pronouns)
Warnings: some angst, language, mentions of sex pollen 😏, mild horniness, not a happy ending 🙁
There's no light at all in your hiding place, just the hard press of metal against your spine and the sound of your own breathing. You close your eyes, not that it changes the much, fill your lungs as quietly as you can manage and then hold your breath, listening closely to the sounds of footsteps as they move past you, the modulated mumbles of storm troopers as they head towards the exit of your ship. It's not easy to track their movements just by sound, but you don't think they found your stash, thank gods. If they all get off your fucking ship, you can be on your way in no time.
"Search completed, sir. No sign of the fugitives." You can just barely hear one of the troopers report to some silent supervisor, and your mind catches on the last word. Fugitives? Who were they looking for? Some people would pay a lot of credits for information like that. Despite its chaotic beginnings, today could still be a lucky one. You press your ear closer to the false wall that you hide behind, furrowing your brow in concentration.
"Complete searches of the rest of the ships, they’re here somewhere," there's a second voice now, and as soon as you hear it, ice floods your veins. You'd recognize that voice anywhere. Shit.
Your previous confidence in your hiding place leaves immediately, but you can't move, your sense of self-preservation still convinced that he might slip up this time. You're startled from that delusion almost immediately by a loud pounding sound, and then the panel covering your little shelter gives way to blinding light.
You land on your hands and knees with a loud smack, the impact driving spikes of pain through your bones. Someone—a trooper you assume—is on you immediately, yanking your hands behind your back. As soon as your eyes adjust, he's in your line of sight, filling your view with an expansive blackness.
"You again," he's crouched down beside you, the words almost quiet enough to be a whisper, and said with a kind of reverence that might only exist in your imagination. It's been a long time since you last saw Kylo Ren, but it feels like no time at all.
"We can't keep meeting like this, Commander," you reply, coating your words in a healthy level of sarcasm to hide any trembling that could break through, "People might think that you're in love with me."
He doesn't respond, because he never does, but he lifts his hand to your face, rubbing his thumb roughly against your cheek, the seam of his glove scraping against your skin. "Is that blood?" he asks in the same even tone, raising his hand to eye level; you can just barely make out the dark red smear against the black leather.
" ... No?" And then after a beat, "well, it's not mine." Nothing changes in the man before you, but you hear a modulated snicker from behind, and the trooper mutters an apology when Ren shoots him what you have to assume would be a glare if you could see the face behind his mask.
"Search them," Kylo Ren stands to his full height, and you follow close behind, yanked to your feet unceremoniously by the trooper. Some might find this situation humiliating, being cuffed and patted down on your own ship, but you're able to ignore it rather easily, choosing instead to keep your eyes trained on Ren. He returns your stare, his arms crossed tight over his broad chest, fingers flexing rhythmically against the swell of his biceps. No, being handled like this doesn't bother you at all, but you think it might bother him.
Your weapons are removed one by one, and it's a few minutes before the trooper is satisfied, attaching the cuffs to your wrists and giving you one final shove to signal the end of his search. "Should I take them back to the command shuttle?"
Ren stays silent, and your mind kicks in to lightspeed as you try to come up with a plan. If they got you off this ship, your chances of escape would diminish greatly. You'd need to stay aboard, but how? Fighting both of them wouldn't be an option, especially not weaponless. You'll have to make this up as you go and hope things play out in your favor.
"Leave the prisoner with me for interrogation," he says to the trooper, and you stifle a sigh of relief, "I'll need to search the ship again." You try to keep your emotions in check as you watch the trooper walk towards the exit, following him around the corner and out the door with your eyes. It's just you and Ren now. You could make this work.
He breaks the silence as soon as you're alone, plucking the thoughts right out of your head, "you're not going to escape."
"That's funny, I think you said that the last time we ran into each other," you keep your reply light, your tone laden with a healthy dose of mockery so he won't look any deeper. It's not easy to play tricks on a man with powers like his, which is why you've got to keep him distracted, uncomfortable. After all, this is your arena—he'll have to play by your rules.
He takes you by the shoulder, pushing you further into the ship with a shove that's probably meant to be harsh, but there's no heat behind it. "You can't get away from me," he says, more emphatically. His fingers press deeper into your shoulder, a heavy grip to emphasize his point, like that’s all it would take to keep you with him. He should really know better by now. 
You shrug out of his grasp with a little twist, turning to face him in the small corridor, chest to chest, your bound arms sandwiched between you, your own reflection staring back at you through the eyes of his helmet. "I wouldn't count on it, Commander. It's become a hobby of mine to prove you wrong." Your voice is barely a whisper, the heat of your breath creating little clouds of fog on his mask—you're closer than most would dare to be. It's dangerous, the way you get in his space, dangerous how you challenge him, but gods, do you like it. 
He chooses to ignore you again, refusing to take the bait, and instead continues his path down the hall, pulling you towards the cargo hold. It's mostly empty right now, with a few scattered transport bins littering the corners—just empty enough to fool any asshole who might try to poke their nose into your business.
"What are you hauling?" Ren asks, unconvinced by your sparse collection, searching the hold with slow, methodical movements.
"I don't know if you could tell, but I'm actually between jobs at the moment," you kick a crate of broken blasters to sell your lie, but it's clear he's not convinced as he walks the length of the hold, searching for any signs of hidden compartments. You take the chance to look around, as well, seeing if there’s anything that might aid your escape, or at least help you get the damn binders off. It’s a waste of time—there’s nothing in here for you, and even if there was, you wouldn’t be able to get to it without Ren noticing. You look back at him, just for a moment, checking to see if he’s distracted enough to ignore your scheming. By then it’s too late—you hear the sound of the panel lifting first, and it's only a second before he's opening the crate hidden beneath, too quick for the cry that rips from your chest but gets caught on the way out.
"Spice, really?" He reaches a gloved hand towards the container of the innocuous-looking yellow powder and your heart threatens to leap out of your throat, your feet moving towards him of their own accord.
"Don't touch that!" The words finally break free as you throw yourself at him—you don't really have a choice. The impact is hard, hard enough to upset his balance as he stumbles backward, catching you in his grasp, his hands gripping at your shoulders to steady you, too. You’re anchored in his arms, but your breathing is coming hard and fast, the adrenaline making home in your veins even if the danger has passed.
"Afraid I might contaminate your supply?" he whispers the question, the words coming low and mocking through the modulator in his helmet. He thinks it's his turn to get under your skin.
"That's not spice," you say, breathing hard, panic still coursing. "It's a highly potent kind of pollen used to, uh, stimulate arousal. Getting even the smallest amount of it on your skin or in your lungs can create an effect that lasts for weeks." He goes still against you, solid as stone, but you can feel his heartbeat running rampant through his body as he realizes the meaning of your words. Neither of you dare to move, afraid of worsening your already precarious situation, even though you’re well out of reach of the container. The tension has sucked all the air from the room and you stutter, trying to bring it back, "there's a king in the Kazyk sector who pays me good money to haul it for him."
"Is it contraband?" His gaze flits from you back to the powder, and then back again. Even though you can't see them, the pressure of his eyes weighs on you, bringing a heat to your cheeks.
"Depends on who you ask. It is expensive, highly coveted, and notoriously hard to transport. It can cause . . . complications when moved, if you're not careful."
"Complications?" You feel yourself flush, your entire body uncomfortably warm—the temperature control on your ship must be malfunctioning. It's only made worse by your proximity to Ren; you can feel his heat passing through the thick fabric he wears, smothering you.
"Do I need to spell it out for you, Commander?" You had wanted to mock him again, using his title like that, but the whisper that leaves your parted lips is absent of any ridicule, your words so soft and wanton that it sends a shiver up your own spine. You can't help but wonder if he's blushing under the mask—if his thoughts are currently consumed, like yours are, by images of bodies intertwined, heady moans passed between parted lips, his hands—ungloved—exploring every inch of you . . .
Your wrists tug against their restraints, unbidden. It's a good thing that you're still cuffed, because if they weren't, you're not sure what would stop you peeling back those layers he wears, taking off that stupid helmet, finally revealing his face. What would he look like, laid bare before you? What would it feel like to be encircled in his arms with nothing between you but desire?
You ball your fists, fingernails pressing crescents into your palms as you try to remove these thoughts from your mind, forcing yourself out of his grasp with a sharp tug, trying to breathe again. Gods, what is wrong with you? Some of the pollen must have gotten into the air and made its way into your system. You turn back, hoping to confirm your theory, but the little pile of yellow powder sits undisturbed, and the air in the cargo hold is heavy and still.
"Just put the lid back on it. I'm not hauling anything else," you command, and to your surprise, Ren obeys, replacing the cover on the container gently so as to not disturb the powder beneath. He grabs you again, by the arm this time so that he can keep his distance, thank gods, not that it helps you cool off—the heat stays trapped beneath your skin for much longer than you’d care to admit.
He takes you through the rest of the ship, stopping occasionally to open one of the many hidden storage compartments scattered throughout, cracking locks, breaking codes seemingly without even trying. He finds all of them—even the ones you made yourself, ones you were sure nobody would be able to locate without your help. It doesn't matter anyway; you were telling the truth before. You're not hauling anything else.
You lean against the wall, watching as he rips away the edge of another panel in the floor, finding it empty, and you roll your eyes. "Not to be a dick, but can't people like you just feel if I'm harboring fugitives on my ship?" He looks up at you, and you hope he can’t see the way you’re still shaking, hope he can’t feel any of the shame you’re trying so desperately to hide. You need him off your ship—no more complications, no more interference.
"People like me?" he asks, with the slightest hint of laughter, just barely detectable behind the modulation. So he does feel it—your embarrassment, the leftover yearning that you can’t seem to elude.
You roll your eyes again, as if the movement itself could create the nonchalance you’re trying so hard to mimic. You want to be annoyed at him. You want to be unaffected, cool despite what just happened. But it’s not working. "You know what I mean. Couldn't you just sense them?" 
"I know you're not hiding the people we're searching for,” he admits, sliding the floor panel back in place, “and I found all of these- "he gestures vaguely down the hall, the evidence of his handiwork littered along the corridor "-on my own." It’s hard to be sure when you can’t see his face, but you think he might be smug about it all. 
You furrow your brow, thoughts humming, trying to piece together this interaction in a way that makes sense. When that fails, you resort to mockery. 
“. . . So you've been ripping my whole ship apart for what? Just to show off?” Your heart jumps when you see him freeze—the physical changes slight, but not beyond your notice—a slow smile spreading across your face. You’ve got him now.
“You are trying to show off, aren’t you? I have to admit it, I’m impressed,” he stays where he is as you move closer, the visor of his mask trained on you, his muscles taut like he’s ready to run. Who would have thought that, in this scenario, you’d be the dominant one?
“That’s not-” he stutters—you can hear it through the vocoder, and you laugh, just a short, breathy thing. You shouldn’t let yourself get distracted from the goal at hand, but this is much more fun.
“No need to be embarrassed, I tend to have that effect on people. Everybody loves a scoundrel.” You flash him a cheeky smile, and he bristles, folding his arms over his chest again and standing to his full height. You can see the tension in him, practically pulling him apart. He wants to run from you. He wants to stay. 
“Not me,” he says like he wants to believe it, but you can’t miss the way his voice shakes.
“You especially, Commander. The Order and its people are far too proper for someone like you. There aren’t enough scoundrels in your life.”
The silence that follows your words fills the space, leaving little room for air. Maybe you’re hallucinating, but he might inch closer, his fingers twitching, maybe to reach for the latches in his helmet, maybe to bury them in your hair.
The sound of pounding footsteps against the durasteel floor shocks the breath back into your lungs, but even as the trooper dashes into view, Ren doesn’t pull away.
“Sir, there’s a problem,” the trooper huffs, and after a pause, Ren rips his eyes away from you. The trooper hesitates, now, realizing that he’s barged in on what probably looks to him like a private moment. “Uh, there’s a small band of Resistance fighters attacking the troops, we believe they’re here for the fugitives.”
Ren’s immediately on the move, his cloak snapping from the speed of his departure, and you and the trooper glance at each other for a moment before they follow after Ren, and you do too, curious to see the commotion. Despite his limited headstart, Ren seems to have vanished from the corridors of your ship, no trace of him at all, the only sounds echoing through the hallway coming from your own footsteps and the soft jingle of the trooper’s movements. 
The jingling. You’re almost to the door before you realize what that sound means, and you want to smack yourself. You can see the keys now, out of the corner of your eye. Escape had never been closer, and you almost missed it. You choose to ignore the voice in the back of your mind that reminds you about what had caused you to become so distracted. You don’t have time to think about it now. You have a plan.
The trooper startles when you yelp, tripping over nothing before you go sprawling, landing on the floor with a clang. You watch him from the ground as he stares back at you, hesitant, glancing towards the exit before his eyes fall to you again.
“A little help?” You sell it, make it look like a struggle as you try and fail to find your feet, but the trooper still doesn’t move just yet, and you resist the urge to roll your eyes. Then he takes the bait.
“Thanks,” you mumble under your breath, falling into him as he pulls you to your feet, bracing yourself against the duraplast of his uniform before pulling the keys from his belt with a deft tug and tucking them into your palm.
He doesn’t even notice, running as soon as you're stable, and you follow behind, spinning the key in your palms angling it just right until you hear the snap of release. You catch the cuffs, trying to limit the noise they make as they fall from your sore and stiff wrists. You’re free. 
The trooper exits the ship immediately, off to help his comrades, but Ren is still by the door, deflecting the odd blaster fire. Most of the fighting is far past your ship, on the other side of the yard, but one or two stragglers have decided to aim his way. You watch from around the corner, listen as the sounds of fired shots ends with strangled cries. You move in behind him, getting close, holding the cuffs in place as best you can. 
“Looks like the fight has moved on without you,” you announce your presence, and he turns to look at you, but your eyes are on the saber, burning bright and wicked by his side. “Impressive, but not very useful long range. Blasters are more . . . versatile.”
He gives you a hard look—a searching look—before raising his hand, the fingers flexing in his gloves. Your blaster, the one the trooper pulled off of you earlier, nudges past you on its way to his hand and you jump out of the way, hardly noticing the smooth movement with which he fires, the bodies dropping even from this range as he shoots into the crowd with perfect accuracy.
You’ve never seen him in action like this before. Despite the number of times you had come face to mask with Kylo Ren, he’s never used his powers on you. Something about the realization is frightening.
“We need to leave,” he says, interrupting your thoughts, “back to my shuttle.” He’s looking at you again, head inclined, like it’s a question instead of a demand. And the stupidest part of you wants to go. You force that part of yourself to be quiet. 
He deactivates his saber, drops your blaster and reaches for you, his hand stretched out the same way it had only a few moments ago, but there’s none of the same power behind it; you still feel the pull.
“I know,” he says, and the cuffs fall from your hands because there’s no point in hiding anymore, “but . . .you still could-” he swallows hard enough for you to hear through the modulator, “-we still could . . .”
You walk towards him, your footsteps slow and even and he trembles, his fingers shaking again for an entirely different reason, and they don’t stop, not when they meet your waist, not when your hands grip both sides of his helmet, trying to find a hold against the cold metal.
“I’ll tell you what, Commander,” you say with a whisper, pulling him closer, close enough to rest your forehead against his, “I’ll go with you . . . the next time you catch me.”
It’s a smooth movement, unexpected—first you pull him close, pressing a kiss to the front of his mask, imagining the way his lips must be flushing in response, imagining what it would be like without the ridiculous apparatus in the way. He’s unbalanced, a little surprised, and when you push him back he doesn’t anticipate it, falling, flailing, until he lands with a thud in the soft mud outside of your ship.
“Until next time, Commander!” you call down to him as the hatch lifts, running to the cockpit as fast as your legs will carry you. You’re in a panic as you start up the ship, a shake in your hands that makes it hard to hit the right controls but you don’t stop until you hit lightspeed, trying your hardest to breathe.
You plug in the right coordinates and sit back in the pilot’s chair, brushing your hand across your cheek, picking up the stray moisture that lingers there. You don’t remember when the tears started. You’re not sure how to stop. It seems like today isn’t your lucky day after all.
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themurphyzone · 4 years
3, 4, 13, 26, 27, & 34!
Thanks for the ask @plutonis! I’m sorry this is gonna be long cause I’m gonna rant about a WIP concept that may not ever come to fruition. 
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
I honestly don’t know. I think it’s just easier for my work to be noticed in a small fandom than a larger one. 
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
I borrowed a lot from skimmingsurfaces and SylviaW1991. I was inspired to write my first PatB story last year from their works. 
Pluto listens to me scream about torturing mice, plus her works are always great if you like that bittersweet/downright tragic vibe. 
@deez-art for kickstarting the PatB Disney AU trend. 
Big shout out to everyone in Air Mice Nyoom for the mutual support!
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
My first posted fic was for Phineas and Ferb way back in 8th grade, but I did fill up quite a few notebooks with Pokemon stories. My writing has improved a lot over the years, mostly because I never attempted to post my Phineas and Ferb/Sonic Underground crossover on the net. I was in middle school and we were all dumb at that age XD
That one still haunts me...I think I still have it somewhere in a notebook. 
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
Can’t say. Everybody in this fandom is so nice and I love hearing what people love about my stories.  
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
From the ending of Eurydice:
"Just say narf, just say narf.
We're alright, we're okay, so let's say narf.
You and I will have tomorrow nights again.
No matter what happens, I'm always your friend…"
I’m proud of my happy ending okay they needed it.
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
I have a WIP concept for a 101 Mice based off 101 Dalmatians, which would’ve involved a number of OCs (yes, including a group of OC Brinky kids.), but it might not get anywhere tbh. Mostly because I don’t really deal in OCs unless they’re minor characters.
The concept: The villain would’ve been an OC named Malicia de Vil, who’s a niece to the original Cruella. Basically she’s an eccentric rich woman who became interested in breeding mice to create fur trimmings for accessories and dresses (since the story takes place in southern California, an entire fur coat would be impractical), and ACME Labs took the generous funding they were given by her to create Project Gloss, which would’ve raised hundreds of baby mice to adulthood until their fur was ready for collection.
To accomplish this, the gene splicer from the failed Project BRAIN would be reconfigured to splice genes that favor long, lush fur, and sentience was just a throwaway side effect this time around. However, the mice subjected to this experiment were much younger than the ones used in Project BRAIN, and many didn’t survive.
Brain is in the middle of his usual plans of world domination when someone brings in 2 survivors of Project Gloss just after the gene splicing. They’re left in a different cage across the room and are squeaking from hunger and cold. Pinky is immediately drawn to the babies since he’s got a bad case of Empty Nest Syndrome since Romy left home, and so does Brain but it’s not like he’ll admit it. Brain warns about getting attached, but nope these are Pinky’s babies now, so Brain unlocks the cages for his friend so he can go care for the babies.
Still trying to salvage the plan, Brain goes into the gene splicer room to obtain a few spare parts for his machine...then he hears a tiny, weak squeak, and discovers a small, barely alive, gene-spliced mouse baby. Brain tries to steel himself against it and tries to gather what he needs first then retrieve the baby immediately afterward, but the squeaking suddenly stops and Brain panics, immediately dropping the plan in favor of warming up and reviving the baby. Thankfully, she survives.
Pinky is confused when Brain shows him the 3rd baby, but he quickly accepts her along with the other two. Brain is highly emotional at this point and just plops against Pinky, and he finds that Pinky has already named the two babies he was taking care of Colby Jack and Pepper Jack.
Pinky asks what Brain named the baby he’d brought in, and Brain tells Pinky he can name her if he wants, but Pinky says it’s only fair if they get to name 2 kids each, and Brain’s only named Romy so far.
So Brain concedes and after some deliberation, settles for calling the infant Amygdala (nicknamed Amy for everyday use), after the portion of the brain that controls memories and emotions. Pinky accepts the name and they sleep the rest of the night.
Brain researches the details of Project Gloss soon after the babies’ adoption and realizes that their new charges will be raised only for their fur and will be killed for it once they’re grown. So the mouse family stow away with a young intern couple who are essentially this AU’s versions of Roger and Anita so the babies can be protected. The interns, while they don’t speak mouse, care deeply enough to allow the mice to hide in a purse so they can be smuggled out of the lab and into their home. A hidden camera catches them at this though, and Malicia de Vil is highly displeased and orders the interns’ positions terminated, though neither of them are particularly upset about this.
3 months later, Colby, Pepper, and Amy are thriving, and their big bro Romy even drops in for a visit every now and then, much to Pinky and yes, even Brain’s delight. While Pinky loves his family, he also craves a date night with Brain, and they go out to dinner. Romy is having a movie night with Bunny at their own place. The babies are tucked in and asleep, and the interns are just cuddling on the couch.
Then somebody breaks in, non-fatally injures the human couple, and steals the mouse kiddos. Halfway through their dinner, Pinky is overcome by panic and thinks something is terribly wrong. Brain tries to reassure him the kids are just asleep, but Pinky won’t listen and rushes out the door in the direction of home, so fast that Brain can’t keep up. Brain stays behind to get the half-eaten meals boxed up and paid for, annoyed with Pinky for breaking the date night. 
By the time Brain gets back, Pinky is a complete mess, the humans are just calling 911 to report a break-in and injuries, and the kids are nowhere to be found. 
Eventually Brain finds a lead that points to the de Vil mansion, and the two set out to rescue their kids. They also recruit Romy and Pharfignewton’s help in the journey. 
This took way too long to type lol XD 
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bitchynaruto · 4 years
Missing Scene - The Country Between Us (CH.3)
Embarrassingly I forgot to include this scene in ch. 3 which is actually kinda important to Sasuke’s headspace and his relationship with Suigetsu + coping. ANYWHOM, it’s included now in TCBU but here is a quick link to just read the one-shot instead of rereading the entirety of the chapter again lol.
Anyway this scene takes place after Suigetsu is recruited and right before Karin is recruited into Taka. More under the cut!
Night comes and the terrain grows more dangerous in the cover of darkness. Sasuke agrees with Suigetsu about finding a place to rest, and remembers the location of a nearby town at the midway point between Orochimaru’s hideout and prison.
“Thank fuck I’m giving my back a break from the dirt,” Suigetsu says with a relieved sigh. Stretches his back until it pops before shrugging his shoulders enough to loosen the joints. “You must really be liking me today to rent us a room for tonight, eh, Sasuke?”
Honestly, Sasuke was growing tired of sleeping on the hard ground, but Suigetsu didn’t need to know that.
“We’ll see,” Sasuke replies, the corners of his mouth twitching despite himself. “I can still leave you outside if I feel like it.”
“Cold. Ice cold. I like that in a man.”
Sasuke gives a tch and a roll of his eyes, letting the comment slide off him like water. Whatever energy he has for tolerating Suigetsu’s games is at the lowest threshold, and he doesn’t much feel like indulging them any further tonight.
They make their way into town. It’s out in the open and small, quiet and glowing with lanterns and the insides of homes, lighting up the dirt paths. Noise travels from the center of town, where a few food shops are still open, and people surrounding a bar that also serves as an inn. When they step inside, the place is loud and filled to the brim with people, alcohol staining the air and burning his nose. All of the rooms for the night are taken except one, but there’s only a single bed and a couple cushions to use as a makeshift one. Sasuke takes it anyway.
The woman in charge of the inn takes the money with only a mild look of contempt for the two men standing before her, until she leaves to clean up the room. Suigetsu is already at the bar attempting to order something, only to be slid a cup of water that makes him hang his head in shame even as he takes the drink. A curl of Sasuke’s lips escapes him at the scene before him, amused, until a light of reflecting metal catches his attention. 
Across the bar, a man with a Hitai-ate, carved with the symbol of a leaf dead center, hangs his head back and laughs loud and drunk without a care in the world. 
Sasuke’s about to flash his Sharingan, fingers twitching to his sword, before he realizes the man is too drunk to notice him. There’s only two other Leaf Shinobi surrounding him, one with his head pressed flat against the table while the other is matching him shot for shot. Only then does he relax his muscles, take a deep breath before making his way towards Suigetsu.
Now tell me, Sasuke, a familiar voice echoes within his mind, I thought I taught you better than this.
The voice has Sasuke stilling, narrowing his eyes. Now that he knows Orochimaru is a figment of his mind, and cannot harm him aside from manipulating memories and visions, he’s no longer caught off guard. Won’t let himself be fearful again. That doesn’t make him unweary, or stupid enough to believe Orochimaru won’t do anything less than cause a scene.
You really think I would allow any harm to fall on my precious vessel? Sasuke-kun, you disappoint me. I pegged you smarter than this.
Taking a deep breath, settling the anger and annoyance burning through him, Sasuke finally asks through gritted teeth, “Get to the point.”
I believe your enemies are vulnerable in front of you as you speak, and yet you’ll let them pass you by without taking an opportunity to better yourself. Shameful.
“If they get in my way, I’ll kill them,” Sasuke points out, knowing Orochimaru can sense the truth in that statement. “Right now, they’re not in my way.”
Don’t be so shortsighted. There is a reason why your paths crossed, and it is ignorant of you to believe otherwise. Knowledge, Sasuke, is power.
As much as Sasuke hates to admit it, the snake has a point. It is strange that Konoha Shinobi would be out so far from the Land of Fire, even though this were in fact a mere pitstop on the way to or from a mission. If there’s more of them near here, Sasuke shouldn’t make light of their increased presence.
Afterall, Sasuke’s a wanted man.
Sasuke makes his way through the crowded bar towards the booths and tables where the men talk amongst themselves. Most of the patrons are drunk, or are older than him, and pay him little mind—in fact, actively ignore his presence. It doesn’t take him long to settle into the table behind the men, back towards them as he focuses out the abstract noise of the other patrons aside from his target. 
None of the men notice him either. 
“I swear, I can’t wait to get back home,” one of the men drawls out, clearly on the verge of drunkenness. “Nobody makes katsudon like my girl does.”
“Don’t torture your poor lady by coming back home,” the other says through fits of laughter. “She’s probably having the time of her life without your ugly ass there.”
“Oi, fuck you.”
The men at the table burst out into a fit of full-bellied laughter to which Sasuke rolls his eyes at. He should have realized they were too drunk and off-duty to give anything worthwhile for Sasuke to pick up on. Listening to Orochimaru has never yielded in anything positive, and to do so now only proves his point further.
Don’t turn away now. 
But Sasuke’s already standing, about to leave the table and go upstairs into bed. No more entertaining Orochimaru’s desires any longer. Sasuke may have to deal with the snake slithering in his thoughts and mind, but that didn’t mean he had to act on them.
Sasuke’s about to head over towards where Suigetsu’s at, until a name has him freezing.
“Danzō’s a little crazy over this Orochimaru business anyway,” the third man says on the quieter side, sounding more sober than the rest. “How long has he been dead for now? What we really should be looking for is that traitor, Sasuke.” 
The man spits Sasuke’s name with so much venom and hatred, but it’s only a fraction of what Sasuke feels for them. Cute, in its own way. 
“You know our orders,” one of them slurs. “Find the prisoners and rescue them. Strengthen Konoha in our numbers.”
Sasuke’s blood turns to ice at that statement.
“What do you think he’s doing with them all anyway?”
“When’s the last time you’ve been in Konoha? Can’t go anywhere without an ANBU breathing down your neck or walking the streets. Not hard to figure out where they’re all ending up, and then we get stuck on these boring rescue missions. It’s unfair.”
“Shut up,” the more sober one seethes, smacking the other with the palm of his hand. “You’ve got a loose tongue. If we continue to do well, hell, maybe we’ll be assigned to hunt down that bitch Uchiha. Think of how fun that’d be.”
“Finally, it’s time someone put an end to that cursed clan,” says the other. “I’ll give the Hokage that much. Nobody has come close to bettering Konoha this much since the Senjus were in charge.”
The others murmur in agreement, laughing, and Sasuke’s already stomping past the group, fuming. Heartbeat pounding in his ears, the hatred and rage surging through him is all he can feel, all encompassing. 
All of them had wanted the Uchihas gone from the start. They didn’t need to know the details, but they had accepted Danzō’s role in the decimation in the clan—had even claimed his decisions made Konoha better, stronger. Sasuke’s read the journal belonging to the second Senju, has read the vile words of hatred without any fancy words hoping to hide away their true intent. 
After the massacre, so many of Konoha’s people looked at him with sympathy or pity. Approached him in ways they never had before. Sasuke had thought it came from their inability to understand his situation and trying their best to mask it, to push through it in order to offer their best sympathy to a boy who had lost everything in a single night. He knew the village thought of him as a survivor, a relic of an extinct and powerful clan, a piece in the machine to showcase the village’s strength and superiority to the rest of the world. 
Reality crashes into him and shatters the last illusion he had about Konoha. None of them approached him because of the tragedy of what happened, they only approached him because he was nothing to fear on his own. A fledgling Uchiha to control and use for Konoha’s own benefit.
Like Orochimaru had chosen him.
Now you understand why I sought Konoha’s destruction, Orochimaru’s voice slithers through his thoughts, I was made by Konoha. Only I could understand the pervasive nature of its being, and knew to avoid anything worse birthed from that village, it would need to no longer exist.
“Shut up,” Sasuke snaps as he goes up the stairs towards his room. Second on the left if he remembers the innkeeper correctly, but it’s hard to focus with his racing thoughts and Orochimaru’s voice. “Your reason for destroying Konoha has nothing to do with my reasons for my mission. We are nothing alike.”
You may say that now, but Konoha birthed your hatred and anger also. We are cut from the same cloth. Perhaps you believed you could fulfill your mission without me, but you’ll soon realize you still need me, my precious Sasuke.
He shuts his eyes so tight until all he can feel is his pulse pushing against his. The laughter comes back, echoing, and the muscle in his jaw threatens to jump right out.
“Sasuke?” Suigetu’s voice comes through as he steps inside the room. When he opens his eyes, the other has a glass of water in his hands, quirking a single brow at him. “You good?”
The laughter cuts off like a scratch of a record, and Suigetsu’s presence delivers the silence Sasuke had been seeking. 
After a moment to revel in the quiet, Sasuke answers, “Fine.”
Suigetsu eyes him a moment before he shrugs, moving to take off his shirt and get into his sleep pants. As always, the other doesn’t care for modesty, and as he’s changing into his sleep pants, says, “I saw you hanging around those Konoha jerks and thought you were getting into trouble.”
“No,” Sasuke replies. “Trouble usually finds me.”
“You can say that again,” Suigetsu says with a feral grin. “Never a dull moment with you around, Sasuke.”
Sasuke eyes him, and the anger and hatred burning through him has smoldered. “Is that why you came with me? For a good time?”
“Yeah, but that’s not the only reason.” That piques Sasuke’s curiosity, gets him to keep listening—the blatant honesty of Suigetsu surprisingly being one of his more endearing traits. “Nobody else has the balls to kill Orochimaru, not even that pesky Hokage of yours could. You woke up one day and figured it was time for that old bitch to die.”
A quiet huff of air leaves past his nose, lips twitching upward momentarily. “It wasn’t as simple as that. I spent a lot of time researching on ways to kill that snake, trained until my body gave out, and waited until he was at his weakest.”
“And modest, too.”
“Not modest,” Sasuke replies. “Just telling you the truth.”
“Either way people tried to kill him, and you were the only one who didn’t fail. Orochimaru tried to make you his bitch, but you came out the other side,” Suigetsu shrugs, turning to Sasuke with a smirk on his face. “ I listen to you and I don’t hear a bullshitter. I hear someone who can get shit done.”
Sasuke stares at Suigetsu, at the way the words fall off his tongue and the heat in the pools of his eyes. The longer he does, the further the grin split across the other’s face continues to grow. Suigetsu steps closer and closer, until he’s standing in Sasuke’s personal bubble.
Funnily enough, Sasuke doesn’t care.
“What?” Suigetsu asks, tilting his head down towards Sasuke. A pleasant warmth spikes in him, electrifying in a way the overwhelming anger from earlier drowned out anything good. “Said too much?”
“No, just enough.”
“You had a point, before,” comes Sasuke’s words as he undoes the belt holding his white tunic together. Doesn’t break eye contact with the other, not even when Suigetu’s gaze drops to where his hands are pushing the fabric away. “Weeks after we first met.”
“Remind me what point I made, my brain’s forgetful around men who look like you.”
“I was holding back before.” Sasuke chuckles, dark and deep. Hooks his fingers into the waistband of Suigetsu’s pants and pulls him close. From this close, he can see his own reflection in Suigetsu’s dilated pupils, a mirror of his own eyes staring back at him. “Abstaining from what I really wanted for some idea of a nobler cause.”
Maybe he was holding onto an outdated notion of what he must do to make sure the Uchiha were avenged. Taking off the head does nothing if the claws are still attached and the venom still surges throughout the veins within the body. 
Konoha created Danzō, Orochimaru, and Itachi. It is not enough to simply take out the leaders when the village itself is the poison. 
Which is why the Leaf Village must be destroyed. Only through destruction can the world be purged from its insidious beliefs that plagues not only the Land of Fire, but the entire world. Anyone who stands with Konoha is as guilty as its leaders, and deserves equal punishment for the crime of passivity for believing in the sham that is the Will of Fire. 
“Not anymore, though.”
Three words are all the other needs, and Suigetsu is all over him. Hands roaming over him with enthusiasm. When Suigetsu presses his mouth against him, he is reminded that this is his body. His choice. 
Everything up to here has been ruled by other’s actions besides his own, but now he’s truly broken free and can see the future with clear eyes.
Sasuke’s mind and body is his own.
No going back to how it was before.
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Kitsune | iii. spring
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Jung Hoseok/Reader [F]
Genre: Demon Hunter AU, Action, Romance, Enemies to Lovers, Japanese Federal Era 
Warning(s)!!: Contains Heavy Violence & Blood + Death [Rating: PG-13]
Words: 9k
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Summary:  Demons: man-eating, murderous monsters who would kill anyone for the blood of humans: be it man, woman or child.  They have no need for comrades. Known cannibalize and kill other demons if they so choose. Demon Hunters are tasked with eliminating any and all demons without question, but what would come to pass if they were told that a demon saved a human life? Views, values and relations become altered and absolutely nothing seemed human anymore.  Never sharpen a blade too much, lest you become the wounded.
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Series Index | i. demon | ii. winter
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a/n: annnnnd we’re back with the next part of Kitsune!  This is a pretty dialogue-heavy part; towards the end especially, but for all the stuff I crammed into this chapter, I think it’ll make sense for Taehyung to talk his head off LOL. Time to put your big-people pants on, cause here we go >:D
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t.list: @kathrynwynterbourne @tiredjedi @kaekae-93 @multycoloredtaco @sunshinechim-98 @baojinnie @perpetually-single @lexi-tries-art @fallingjungwoo​ (want to be added for future parts? Tell me!) 
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The same evening of the day Fuuta spoke to Hoseok and entrusted him with a glass spider lily, Taehyung also paid him a visit. Coming by his room for a chat about what was asked of them.  He already knew Hosoek wouldn’t bend so easily and would need a small push of persuasion to do anything regarding you. So, as a token of a friendly chat, Taehyung had brought with him a small gourd of sake with 2 brilliant red painted ochoko with him for the two men to leisure with. 
The samurai slid open Hoseok’s door, catching him in the middle of polishing the only sword of his in use.  “Have a drink with me for a bit, Hoseok.” Hoseok wouldn’t turn down perfectly good sake, even if he knew that Taehyung wasn’t just here to have a drink with him. 
The two sat in silence, both nursing on their own red ochoko of sake before Hoseok broke the silence enveloping the two warriors. 
“Are you trying to get me drunk to agree to relocate that fox?” Taehyung chuckled at Hoseok’s curt tone, sipping on sake with a relaxed, content grin and shut eyes.  
“Not necessarily.” 
It wasn’t commonly known among Hoseok’s peers because of the distance he placed between him and them, but although he is a warrior he was a simpleton when anything liquor is involved.  His constitution for alcohol was anything but strong.  Easily the most vulnerable lightweight Taehyung knew.  It also wasn’t known just how gut-spillingly open Hoseok was when intoxicated.  It was those factors that lead him to hardly ever having even a bit of liquor.  He only ever drank in front of people he deeply trusted- a small few to be sure. 
Taehyung sat and listened to the woes of his friend silently.  If Taehyung was anything, it was a listener.  He listened to and heard many things as he filed them away into his memory.  A strong skill to be certain, as Taehyung’s memory is something most people can’t comprehend- it’s as if he never forgets a thing he’s learned.  
Hoseok spilled his guts about how uncertain he is about Fuuta’s request to move you somewhere else.  He was frustrated by his lack of information and the fact that Taehyung and Fuuta both kept hiding things from him.  He expressed the urge to break the glass flower Fuuta gave to him because he just knew it was linked to you somehow.  
Taehyung would be lying if he said he didn’t feel the slightest bit guilty about it all.  
He stayed completely silent the whole time with only assured head nods to show he was listening.  He eventually watched as Hoseok took the stages down before he was nearly at his pass-out limit.  Slowly rolling into the territory of drowsiness, Taehyung cut off his intake and loosened his obi around his waist.  Pulling Hoseok’s futon set out onto the floor, Hoseok was already sleeping in a blissful drunken heap on the tatami.  Dragging him to the futon and tossing the blanket on him, Taehyung silently left the hunter to sleep in a dead-drunk state.  
Only lightly laughing in relief.  It had been some time since he had caught a glimpse of the open, sour-mouthed Hoseok he used to be.  Drunk Hoseok always felt like a trip back in time to Taehyung. A trip back to a time where everything wasn’t drenched in sorrow or anger.  A time he often found himself dearly missing. 
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Hoseok was rudely awakened by a harsh shove to his shoulder.  Ignoring it once was a mistake because after the initial shove followed a sharp kick.  Yelping he shot up and pried open his heavy eyes.  Looking up and seeing Taehyung grinning above him, he sneered back. 
“Bastard,” Hoseok hissed as Taehyung innocently shrugged as if he did nothing wrong. Not at all guilty about the fact he got Hoseok drunk.  Rubbing his head and tossing his tangled mess of auburn hair, Hoseok pulled his legs to ta cross-sitting position.  Pulling his kimono sleeve to his nose, he sniffed it and winced.  “I smell like sake,” he grunted.  The scent of the strong rice-wine purging straight through his clothes. 
“Yes, you do.” Taehyung chuckled in agreement.  “Get up. We’re going into town.” 
“Because I told you so.” 
Hoseok rolled his eyes before he started rolling his kimono off his shoulder.  Letting the fabric gather and hang off his hips from the loosely tied obi around him.  Taehyung grabbed Hoseok’s arm, helping the headache-hungover man up.  Taehyung whistled in awe at Hoseok’s physique, something he did often in good fun- resulting in Hoseok to roll his eyes.  Not like Taehyung’s body was any different than his.  Taehyung was probably more fit than him, he just didn’t flaunt it. 
Changing without a word with Taehyung loitering in his room with him, Hoseok didn’t question the samurai about why he was being forced to go into town.  He knew he wouldn’t get an answer anyway.  Taehyung was too good at deflecting and avoiding questions; Hoseok wouldn’t waste his breath. 
When both men had made it to the entrance of the compound, Hoseok stopped walking and sneered.  There you were, dressed casually in your standard priestess-like garbs and your hair tied back with a ribbon much like Taehyung’s and a parasol open over your head. Hoseok briefly thought that Taehyung was the one who tied your hair back in the first place. 
Some demons can easily become burned by sunlight.  Some consider the sun lethal in specific cases.  You would never effectively die by being in the sun, but too long in its light does bring a spec of discomfort you wish to avoid.  
You heard their footsteps as a wind of cold blew in small breaths past you.  Winter was already sapping the once spring-stuck stime the compound had been stopped in.  Turning, you saw Taehyung strolling closer and you didn’t seem to be shocked to see Hoseok at his back- frozen in his steps. You returned the glare he offered you.  Neither two of the party of three were pleased. 
Taehyung had more or less forced you to leave the compound today along with him and Hoseok.  The hunter, however, seemed to be left in the dark about your accompaniment until now. 
“Hoseok,” Taehyung called with a stern voice without looking back at him. “Don’t lag behind.” Hoseok bit his tongue. He could tell that if he even thought about fighting back on the topic that is you joining them, Taehyung would take him to the dirt until he screamed mercy and complied. The samurai would get what he wanted and that was the end of it.  Hoseok simply returned to walking, his steps albeit more dragging now, as both of them soon stood before you. 
“Glad to see you listened to me, Y/n,” Taehyung spoke to you.  You just looked away from him.  “Come now, you cannot possibly be angry at me.” You scoffed at him. 
“I can and will be.” 
Taehyung simply chuckled as he turned to Hoseok who was staring off somewhere; scanning anywhere that wasn’t in your specific direction. 
“Now then,” the samurai started, “shall we be off?” He gestured for you to leave first, even the gentlemen’s rule of thumb- ladies first.  He moved Hoseok by nudging him forward by his shoulder before the three of you started the walk into town.  A walk that seemed longer than usual because of the tense atmosphere. 
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Hoseok had his arms tightly crossed in place across his chest.  Out of all peoples, why had they run into a group of rowdy rugrats? Hoseok tolerated children at best- most being just too much for his patience to handle.  Of course, pair that fact together with how much of a people magnet Taehyung is, the entire ordeal spelled disaster in Hoseok’s case. 
You didn’t seem to mind the children- acting rather indifferent actually.   You’d scold them when they tugged on your kosode sleeve or try and grab your parasol from your grip.  You answered questions they fired, but you didn’t engage any further.  You never sought the attention and the constant brow crease you tried to ease was a clear indicator of that. 
Taehyung, however, completely fawned over the children.  In his day to day life as a civilian, Taehyung was the complete opposite of his ever strict, samurai alter-ego. If anything, his talent for being able to effectively separate the two made Hoseok envious.  Hoseok wasn’t as personality flexible as his friend, and he often wished he was.  Memories of the past flooding in his head and how he used to be.  Of course, the memories of ‘him’ followed with the past. 
Hoseok’s mood plunged further as he squeezed his eyes shut- willing away the past from his mind; at least trying to.  His grip unconsciously whitening his knuckles on the hilt of his sword.  No intent of ever drawing, but using the cold of his scabbard to remind him that he was in the now- the period of his life that revolved around fighting and killing demons.  He had been away from his trade too long- he was losing his focus. 
He wasn’t cut out for dealing with kids.  For escorting demon’s around- he glared at the side of your face, eyes following the curve of your redlined cheeks.  Watching the winter air puff around your lips with each exhale. He wasn’t cut out for complicated bonds or being kept in such a people-infested place.  
“Keep growling and the children will cry,” you spoke out of nowhere at Hoseok’s side.  Hoseok grit his teeth as he stood beside you with a three-foot distance between you both.  He narrowed his eyes at your face as you did nothing but stare forward.  Not even looking in his eyes. “I’m a demon and I do not frighten them, yet with that look on your face,” you finally looked at him, a scowl painted on your features. “You’ll send them running off as if you were the demon and not I.” 
Hoseok’s eye twitched as he just barely restricted himself from reaching out and clasping his hand over your throat.  Daring you to speak more nonsense towards him about how to act in front of humans.  The audacity you had to even think that one would look at him, a human man, and consider him as frightening as a monster. You directed your attention back to the front as you watched Taehyung speak to some random shop keeper as a child tugged on his hand. 
“Like it or not, Taehyung is one of the few things you and I have in common.” 
“Do not compare me to yourself. Not unless you want me to ruin your kosode.” 
“You would never be able to strike me.” Hoseok looked at you as he sucked in a harsh, chilled breath of offense.  “We’ve proved that before, haven’t we?” 
“Have you forgotten that both of those cases ended with me pinning you and you hardly able to move?  I could have killed you given the chance.” 
You offered him nothing after that.  True, both cases set you both on equal ground.  The first time you fought was when you had trapped him and the other leaders in a spiral of fire.  You charging him and the fight brought to a halt when Hoseok pinned you and Fuuta called it off.  The second when you sprung into his room and he had his sword blade hovering in front of your eyes as he pushed on your throat.  
You flicked your chin up in a small, slow fashion as you looked up towards the sky.  The weather had begun to cloud as the sun started to become hidden.  Something about the clouds made your eyes narrow and your lips twist into a frown far deeper than the one you had given to the hunter at your side.  Hoseok had moved to look up as well- it looked like the sky to him. Just the normal, cloudy to the full overcast winter sky. Bland and grey. 
You lowered your head down again as you closed up your parasol, the sun hidden from any uncomforting rays.  You called out to Taehyung when your parasol snapped shut in its flimsy wooden design. 
Taehyung had been with you the better part of a year now, and the tone in which you called him alerted him to come to you immediately. Quickly apologizing to the child tugging on his arm and dismissing them to go on and play elsewhere, as well as leaving his conversation with the shopkeeper, he was at your side quickly.  Standing with you and Hoseok in the streets as you looked at him with something behind your eyes Hoseok couldn’t identify. 
“What is it? What do you hear?” Taehyung asked you as if he knew exactly why your tone had shifted.  You were a demon and as such your senses were heightened to a level far higher than humans.  Sure, some humans can have exceptional senses of smell or hearing or sight, but it would only occasionally be one sense.  As opposed to you, your sense of hearing and sight and smell was that of your wild counterpart- a fox. 
“I can’t tell, but it’s loud and it’s not just one something.  It’s a lot of them and it’s getting closer to the town center.” Taehyung nodded before he looked around.  The streets were quiet for the middle of the day, not many people out as the cold weather were too off-putting for the selling season.  “I think we need to get back to-” You cut yourself off when you quickly covered your ears, wincing and dropping your parasol to the frozen ground.  Hoseok jumped as Taehyung quickly grabbed your shoulders. 
“What is it?!” 
“It’s too loud!” The sound of metal clashing and scraping in your ears, vibrating into your skull and shaking your very foundation.  It sounded so close now and you could start hearing screaming along with all the noise.  You looked to tell Taehyung, but as he whipped his head around, you knew that he could hear those noises now too.  The sounds you heard were far closer than you expected as the two men besides you heard it all. 
Hoseok had pulled his sword from his hip as Taehyung took out his own- a bit annoyed that he wasn’t in his proper battle gear at the current moment. If he had been, he wouldn't just have his sword to rely on- but other weapons and techniques of defense on his side. However, his blade would have to do.  
Turning your head, your hair seemed to spike at the ends as you saw a ball of flame barreling down the city road.  People rushed into their homes or business place to escape the fire before they were then forced out of it as torches were thrown through windows, burning buildings from the inside out.  
“A mob of bandits,” Taehyung seethed under his breath.  
“What do I do,” you asked him, grabbed the back of his kimono.  “I can’t kill humans!” You yelled over the volume increasing chaos.  Hoseok side-eyed you as you seemed torn between your options.  He hadn’t witnessed you actually deny attacking humans, as you had sprung on him more than once without thought.  It was odd, and irritating to see you struggle with the decision now. 
Though, now is when it really mattered the most.  
“You have authorization from Kim Taehyung, Leader Swordsman and successor of Lord Fuuta Tono. Defend the city and take down the bandits under any means necessary. Are my orders understood?” 
You hesitated before you dropped his kimono fabric from your hands.  You moved to stand at his side and not behind him any longer.  Placing yourself between the bodies of Hoseok and Taehyung as you bore your fangs at the threat approaching in a wild flaming rage. 
Hoseok watched as your eyes spread out wider and your irises expanded.  Your red cheek markings widened and became jagged along your cheeks and your hair stood on end like cat fur.  Your claws sharpened with your tense, locked fingers as your neck and lower jaw bulged with wide, feral veins.  You looked nothing like the human-demon you previously were before.  You were much more demonic and feral looking than before- truly the fox demon specimen. 
You let out a hiss and growl as Taehyung slowly counted beneath his breath. He was a strategic man, and everything had a precise start because not even he and his calculations could see when something would end.  He shifted in position as he counted from five.  Each second down he moved and you and Hoseok followed.  When zero hit, the three of you split. 
Taehyung took off down an off-street road to cut off any other proceeding bandits as he followed their echoing manic laughter and crackling torches.  Hoseok began to sprint down the main road, facing the enemy head-on as he began to take down horses they road on before going for them.  You had begun climbing.  Scaling buildings and throwing balls of blue flames down below like a fire-shooting catapult before you jumped from whatever height you were at and landing in the center of the mob.  Igniting the center of thieves in a violent explosion of blue fire before the real attack began. 
Bandits fell one by one with ease at the hands of you three.  However, something snatched your attention when you picked up the scent of smoke from behind you in the distance.  Shoving a bandit off your arm, you whipped around and stiffened to see a plume of black smoke rising into the sky far beyond where the battle is taking place. The compound that temporarily had the barrier of protection down and left everyone inside vulnerable had been set ablaze by some unknown enemy.  
The bandits were just a decoy.
Plowing through the band of thieves, you lept over their spears and swords before running down the road back to the compound. 
“Y/n! Get back here!” Taehyung shouted before he was forced to disarm the bandit he had been fighting and shoved the tip of the man’s sickle into his own neck, kicking his bleeding body out of the way as he gargled and choked on blood that pooled in his mouth.  He hissed in annoyance as you just kept running further, ignoring him.  “Hoseok!” Taehyung yelled, watching as Hoseok had sliced the chest of a rather ignorant and clumsy bandit.  “We’re regrouping at the compound.” 
Hoseok looked over his shoulder, shocked to see the smoke so far off.  How had someone snuck past them?! He grits his teeth. 
“Get back to the compound! Now!” Taehyung growled as he pushed his way out of the mob before Hoseok was running after him, not willing to test the limits of Taehyung’s rage. 
“Taehyung! Wait!” Taehyung was far faster than Hoseok was, the hunter was pushing his limits trying to at least keep the samurai leader in his sights. Taehyung was nimble, taking out anything and anyone that even tried to get in his way. The closer they got to the compound, the fewer bandits they saw.  Hoseok felt a prick of something in his gut- his sense telling him that whatever was at the compound probably wasn’t a bandit. 
Taehyung ran through the compound entrance, Hoseok at his heels as he halted immediately at the front gardens. Wisteria leaves were blown from their branches and scattered on the grown and the fallen bodies that littered the once beautiful sight. The ground dyed red in blood and bodies crumpled and shredded in a frozen massacre. 
Both men’s eyes were blown wide, not expecting to witness such chaotic devastation.  Taehyung tightened his hold on his sword as he clenched his jaw and forced himself to pass by the bodies and enter into the compound. It was no better inside than out.  Bodies of servants and guards slouched against walls or split in two with a torso in one room and a set of legs in another.  Heads had been severed from bodies and arms torn and tangled with detached legs.  Hoseok covered the bottom half of his face with this haori sleeve of his free hand- the stench of the place gag-inducing. 
Both men rushed through halls and rooms and holes in doors to Fuuta’s quarters when they got closer’ the harsh winter breeze could be felt in the halls.  The door had been blown clean out of its groves- in fact, the entire wall was blown wide open.  It was a miracle the wall didn’t crumble into rubble with the lack of foundation and support. 
Rounding the corner, Taehyung skid with his heel, Hoseok not far behind.  “Lord Fuuta!” He shouted, his voice catching and body stopping when he entered through the demolished wall.  Hoseok was soon skidding to a stop beside his frozen friend and comrade in arms before he too froze.  His body stiffened at the sight of the once spotless, organized room.  
The back wall had been demolished, showing the spring-zapped winter yard. Fuuta’s once decorated desk was cleanly ripped from the wall and broke into two splintered halves.  The far-right wall had been slashed and the closet door buckled in its groves, some clothes inside hanging loosely in place.  The left wall had rock shaped holes and dents punctured into it. 
However, it was what lay outside the busted out back wall and beyond it that made the two men fill with dread.  Blood began to pool in puddles on tatami before it began to smear into dragged textures out into the yard.  Following that blood, it was easy to find what produced it all.  
Out laying in the cold was Fuuta and Shiro, still and cold as blood still leaked from their once warm bodies.  Fuuta was on his back, staring at the sky with dead eyes as blood dripped from his lips and eyes, his throat torn open and kimono stained.  Shiro was lying chest to chest on top of Fuuta- most likely to try and protect him.  Her back was slashed open with gashes far greater than any weapon could cause.  The blood seeping slowly into her kosode inch by bloody inch. 
In front of their bodies, stood you.  Motionless as you stared down at them.  Hands at your sides as your arms were hanging motionless, your sleeves swishing in the breeze.  Your hair had come undone as it blew in whisps.  Your back was turned to the men in a semi-diagonal stance as you could smell nothing but the blood of your first family- your first parents. 
Taehyung was the first to move.  He narrowed his wide-legged stance and sheathed his sword slowly, letting the tip of the hilt click into place in its scabbard.  Taking small steps through the room and back to outside, he stood beside you. He glanced at your face, seeing nothing there.  
Your eyes looked down at Fuuta and Shiro’s bodies, unmoving and dazed.  They were glossed over in a film-like emotion. Taehyung stepped back a single stride, looking back towards Hoseok. 
“Come,” he told him in a soft, yet stern command.  Hoseok only nodded slowly as he sheathed his sword and took in the deathly quiet estate.  Coming to stand at your opposite side, Taehyung walked closer to the bodies.  He lifted Shiro up and off her beloved husband’s chest and lay her on her back to face the same sky Fuuta did.  He placed her hand in Fuuta’s and then gently closed both of their eyes.  
Standing back up, he pulled his scabbard from his waist and knelt to the ground before both his feet were folded under his rear.  Laying his sword horizontally in front of him, he placed his fingertips on the cold ground and bowed.  His forehead touching the dirt Fuuta and Shiro- his Lord and Priestess use- to gleefully grace; he closed his eyes in prayer. 
Hoseok moved to mirror his senior’s actions.  Bowing and lowering his head to his once-proud leader. 
Taehyung raised his head looking back at the face of Fuuta.  “Thank you for all you’ve taught me,” he spoke before he stood. He grabbed his sword, slinging it back onto his waist before he looked at Hoseok raising off the ground.  “Go and check on the city. The bandits were just a diversion- with their goal accomplished, I���ve little doubt they’ve already fled.” 
“Understood,” the low voice of Hoseok spoke. He snuck a glance at you before his eyes widened at your face.  He’d never seen a demon look so miserable- it’s as if you could break into tears at any moment. He shook it off before his shoulder passed yours, leaving the bodies of his leaders behind and not looking back at you for a moment. 
“We’ll have a proper burial later, alright?” Taehyung placed a hand on top of your head, a heartbreaking smile on his lips.  
You simply nodded, one single crystal clear tear dripping from your bottom eyelashes. 
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The next week was… Chaotic to put the term into the simplest form. The burial Taehyung spoke of was something Hosoek couldn’t picture him doing unless he witnessed it.  It was a big step for someone who personally remained hidden or small in trying times.  Instead, he watched as Taehyung had buried the bodies of the dead- including their fallen lord and his wife.  
After sending out separate calls for the leaders to reconverge at the main estate away from this town in the mountains, he ordered Hoseok and you to follow him until he said otherwise.  It was still unofficial, but as of the moment, Taehyung was the highest standing rank in the organization. Hoseok just continued to give up more of his time he could spend out fighting to follow after Taehyung. 
You had been mute since the day Fuuta and Shiro died.  In fact, you had even regressed to your fox form.  Trailing along with Taehyung’s ankles like a loyal pet.  You never spoke, and hardly even lifted your fox colored eyes past the human knee.  You never even bit or growled at the children who would yank on your tail, or try to ride you like a horse when you followed Taehyung into town. You would only occasionally leap to rest on his broad shoulders- a way of showing exhaustion or annoyance.  
You never even showed signs of refuting when Hoseok neared you.
Hoseok should be glad about your silence, as your voice and opinions were the polar opposite of his and grated on his nerves.  However, your silence seemed to irk him as well.  Your silent animal form frustrated him just as much as your human-like, loudmouthed persona.  It seemed there was no happy middle for him and his ideals towards you- a demon. 
Taehyung burned that compound to the ground.  
The walls and the gardens burned.  The trees that began to lose their wisteria blooms carried flames on their branches instead of petals and the compound weakened as the fire spread.  Taehyung stood at the compound’s perimeter, watching as the roof caved inward and the supports crushed one by one into a single level mass of debris and destruction.  The heat put out by the fire was significantly different from the winter chills as ash rose into the air, falling like faux snow. 
Taehyung turned, his hair blowing in long, loosely tied threads in the hot and cold winds as he moved to mount his horse, you jumping up the arm he offered down to you as you lay in front of him, your paws digging into the saddle of his steed.  He turned to Hosoek who sat on his own faithful mare beside him.  He trotted, ready to take off. 
“Let’s go. We have to get to the main estate as quickly as possible.  We’ve no time to waste.”  
“Of course,” Hoseok agreed, pulling on the reins of his horse, and kicking back his heels.  “Lead the way,” he said, holding back the urge to announce with it a sassy ‘my lord’.  In truth, he didn’t know what to address Taehyung as.  His name, like normal, or something that fits his new unofficial title waiting for him back at the main estate.  He was soon to be his overall leader, not just his comrade and friend.  He would need to address him with faithful, unwavering loyalty- honorifics included.  
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It was a three day trip on horseback to get away from the town and into the busy city of the main estate. The townspeople of the small town that held the burial site of his fallen lord, were told by Taehyung that he wouldn’t be returning and to let the compound at the far end of town rot away.  
He instructed the villagers to never step foot inside it’s fallen perimeter and to treat it as a cursed place that one should never tread.  Never try and clean it up, never allow your child to play inside its crumbling walls, never be a curious adult and venture inside.  Just let it rot away with time. 
They all trusted Taehyung and promised to follow his orders and warnings alike before they sent him off with heavy hearts; Hoseok following behind him. 
When Taehyung and Hoseok caught sight of the city from over a cliffside they had been traveling down, they slowed their horses as they entered the city’s north entrance.  Hoseok hadn’t missed being in this city, still far too busy for his taste.  As he rode beside Taehyung, only a horse clop or so behind, he could even see your fox fur stand and tails flick in hyperawareness with all the ruckus around. 
Finally arriving to the estate, Taehyung was greeted by Bunji who had sent word that he was already in the city.  He was sat on a large stone, legs crossed and hands in prayer that was looped with prayer beads.  He opened his eyes and halted whatever mantra he was currently mumbling to himself when he heard the clopping of hooves. He was quick to remove himself from his meditation and stand on his two feet as Taehyung slowed his horse to a halt, Hoseok mimicking his motion.  
“Master Taehyung! Welcome back!” He greeted in the same boisterous way Hoseok remembered and didn’t miss.  Taehyung dismounted his steed as you leaped to his shoulder before leaping onto the ground.  Shaking out your fur and stretching. Taehyung worked with his horse's saddle, untying his small bag from its side as he then pets at the neck of his faithful horse.  
“Bunji,” Taehyung started, earning the monk’s undivided attention. “Have the other’s arrived yet?” 
“Yes, Sir.  However, it seems as though Tsutsui has gone into town from some shopping.  Shall I call him back?” 
“Yes. I’m putting a meeting into order immediately.  We’ve no time.” 
“Yes, Sir!” Bunji was quick to take off, heading back to send word for the medical specialist to return.  Hoseok walked up to Taehyung as he watched the samurai release a sigh.  
“Hoseok, if you would, take the horses back to the stables.  I’m afraid I have much to prepare for.” 
“Of course,” was Hoseok's only reply.  He could see the invisible weight pushing down on his friend’s shoulders as he took the reins of his and Taehyung’s horses before leading them towards the back.  
Hoseok had gently pulled the reins over and off the ears of the horses once they were by their individual stable before pulling out the mouthpiece.  He unbuckled the leather saddle and instead threw a cloth over their backs before persuading them inside and shutting their stable door.  They whined at him as they shoved at his shoulder with their nose, nipping at his clothes as he swatted them away playfully.  Feeding both of them a carrot or two, he left soon after.  
Entering the estate, it wasn’t long before he ran into someone.  Kaori, walking around the halls in her daily kimono.  He remembered the female counterpart of Taehyung as one of the few leaders he’d be able to tolerate and maybe respect if put on the spot.  She held herself with enough dignity that Hoseok prided her in. 
“I see Taehyung has brought you back with him once again,” she softly spoke as she stopped to speak briefly with him on her way towards the meeting room. “He’s called a meeting so suddenly it’s a bit concerning. I do wonder what it is he’s planning to tell us all.” She looked at Hoseok.  “Perhaps you may enlighten me? Surely you know what is going to take place.”  Hoseok bit the inside of his cheek as he straightened his shoulder and took a small, nearly unnoticeable breath. 
“I believe it is in my best interest not to take Taehyung’s job away from him.  He’ll let you know in due time.  It is not my place to say.”  He lowered his head. “Excuse me,” he spoke before he was on his way in the opposite direction Kaori had been heading. In truth, he wasn’t sure where he was walking.  Weaving in halls, probably walking in a circle.  He didn't know what to do at the moment.
Was he supposed to attend the meeting like Taehyung had him do before? Or was he supposed to just hang around and wait it all out until a new order was given to him?  Right now, his only order was to accompany Taehyung and serve as his guard and comrade until further notice.  He finally stopped to sit on the outside walkways of the garden.  He sat for a while just thinking.  
His lord was gone and so was his lady.  All those people in the compound were slaughtered, but it didn’t look like it was done by just anybody. People had been split into two or had their heads crushed.  Hoseok cupped around his chin as his finger bent around his lips that dipped in a frown.  It was no human that broke into that compound.  Besides, Fuuta wouldn’t have fallen at the hands of bandits.  It was unlikely that everyone would’ve died even in the event of a bandit rush.  
The smell of that compound was musty and bloody.  It was no human- that he knew.  But now the question lies on what demon did the deed.  Taehyung probably told the townspeople that a bunch of bandits with wild boars broke in and killed them, but Hoseok was no fool.  Taehyung was simply reassuring the people that there was nothing more to fear, as he and Hoseok and yourself had taken out the bandits. They were the simplest go-to excuse. 
However, the look in Taehyung’s eyes as he lied to the people, as well as the way they looked when he watched the compound burn and even when he found everyone dead, they moved like he was hiding something.  Hoseok was curious about so much but had zero answers to any questions he had. What was Taehyung hiding? What demon attacked the compound and how did they locate it so quickly when the concealing spell had just been removed a day prior? How did they know that Fuuta was at that specific location? 
He sighed as he soon picked up on small taps from his left.  Lowering his hand from his chin, and resting his arm on his knee, he watched your fox body worked its way down the hall.  The small blue of your fire that never burned wrapping in small flames around your tails and paws.  You stepped towards him and stopped not far from his sitting form. ��
“Did Taehyung send you?” He asked with a tone you were familiar with when confronting him.  Cold as the snow.  You merely dipped your head in confirmation.  “Don’t tell me he’s going to make me actually sit in on another meeting?” Your head fell and rose once more.  He sighed before he pushed himself up, straightening out his haori.  He looked down at you.  “Fine.  Lead me there. He’s probably getting impatient.”  You merely turned and started down the hall, him following you.  
This is the second time he’s had you lead him.  He’ll probably never forget the first time he followed you, as you pounced on his in his Inn room and lead him here to his estate. As he walked, he grew anxious.  
What could Taehyung possibly want him to attend this meeting for?  He was only to relay the message of Fuuta’s passing and announce his succession.  It was nothing Hoseok hadn’t seen or known already.  Perhaps he wanted him there for the reason that he was present during it all.  Perhaps he needed someone else to clarify and back him up in case someone tried to call it a bluff. 
You sat in front of the meeting room doors, waiting on Hoseok to catch up with you.  He stood over your small, animal form before announcing himself and sliding the shoji open.  Just like before, the leaders were sat among a table. The only difference being that Taehyung stood at the head of the table while the others sat in their rightful place and Fuuta was absent. 
Hoseok simply took the seat that belonged to Taehyung, earning a small click of the tongue from the monk across from him.  He gave an eye roll towards Bunji. 
“Alright,” Takaki’s shrill voice cut into the silence once Hoseok had taken his seat and you had trotted to sit at Taehyung’s ankles, “we’ve all gathered.  Now, what is it that you’ve called us here for, Taehyung?” 
Taehyung’s eyes traveled to each leader, making eye contact with everyone, even Hoseok as he saw that look in his eyes again. Taehyung tucked his hands together in his sleeves, as he had changed out of his armor and even let his hair down.  The kimono he wore was one Hoseok recognized in blues and yellows.  
“I have called to order a meeting of the remaining four leaders to announce a few important changes that will be happening immediately.”
“Four? You speak as though you are not including one of us,” Kaori spoke.  Everyone knew there were five leaders that worked under the lord.  Taehyung just closed his eyes and nodded once only to reopen them.  
“Yes, I will come to that.  Bare with me.” He cleared his throat lightly as your tails flicked opposite of each other.  Taehyung looked down at you for a moment before lifting his head again.  “Just over a week ago, our Lord Fuuta and Lady Shiro, along with the entire headcount of the northern compound were killed.”  A deathly silence filtered into the room, replacing the seriousness that was there before.  It vibed with small panic and somber sorrow.  “In light of the recent grim events, I will be stepping out from my position as a leader and taking my place as Fuuta’s rightful successor. 
“Lord Fuuta was killed?” Tsutsui asked. 
“I had heard that town had undergone a bandit’s raid, is that related?” Takaki asked, keeping his composure about him. 
“That’s impossible! Our Lord would not fall to the hands of a simple ruffian!” Bunji announced as he moved to stand in protest. Takaki was quick to shut him up by pulling on the back of his thick prayer beads, pushing them again his neck and lowering him back down to his rear. 
Taehyung raised his finger to his lips, mirroring the same method Fuuta always used among them to keep peace within a meeting of his children.  Bunji quickly settled.  Taehyung lowered his finger as he replaced his hand back into his sleeves at his front.  
“Yes. The raid took place at the entrance of the town and happened when Hoseok, Y/n and I were already out.  We had taken care of most of the thieves ourselves, but they were simply a distraction.  By the time Y/n had noticed something wrong and retreated back to the compound with Hoseok and myself, the culprit had already done his deed of slaughter and fled. The damage done was not that of a human attack- the one who killed the people of the compound along with Lord Fuuta and Lady Shiro was absolutely demonic.” 
“Do the townspeople know of it?” 
“No.  I told them that a second band of thugs and wild boars raided the compound.  I left them strict instructions not to go to the compounds remains either.  I burned the entire building to the ground myself after properly laying to rest the people who died there.” Some leaders looked at Hoseok, knowing he was present as well, for confirmation.  
“It’s true.  The compound was demolished and Fuuta was buried with Shiro, along with all the others.” 
“Do we have any leads on who the demon who killed Fuuta is?” Kaori asked. 
“Yes, I do.” At Taehyung’s proclamation, Hoseok raised his eyes to him with shock.  He knew? “I’ve had many nights to sit and think about it all.  Fuuta did not raise or teach a fool, I am abler than many think.  Fuuta shared many secrets and wishes with me, and I with him.  Today, I shall share a wish and a secret of his to me in light of his passing.” The attention on Taehyung was absolute, no one dared to look away, Hoseok especially.  
The seriousness in Taehyung and the way he stood, holding himself.  It was so surreal and clean cut.  It was like the Kim Taehyung, Hoseok knew and grew up with wasn’t there anymore.  It was truly the heir to the throne Fuuta left behind. 
“Among his many years of hunting and the founding of our organization, it is a well-known fact that we are not recognized as an official unit of power by the government.  However, it is unlikely that the military power of the capital would truly lash out as we have a direct connection to nobility through Fuuta as well as Kaori, the daughter of a wealthy conglomerate, sitting so high up in authority. With all that in mind, it should come as no surprise that certain demon’s despised Fuuta for creating an entire army against their kind.  He created a force made specifically to eliminate and destroy demons.” 
Taehyung looked down at you who had still been sitting at his ankle.  He reached down and picked you up. 
“This small fox is the same demon woman you all met one year ago that Fuuta and Shiro had taken in and raised.” There was a small murmur of recollection.  “She has taken on this form for a reason, but she is still Y/n and is still a demon who has sided with us.  She remembers the scent of the demon that lingered in the compound that day and will be beneficial to us.” He set you down onto the table, where you sat in front of him facing the others.  
“The demon who is most-likely the demon who killed Fuuta and all the others is named Zath. He is a terrible demon who has been around for longer than we have.  I won’t share it all, but of the things Fuuta had told me about him and how he knew the demon, it’s not farfetched to assume it was Zath who ended his life.”
“And what should we do about it?  Should one of us hunt him down?” Tsutsui asked, knowing that no matter what, it wouldn’t be him doing the tracking and killing- as it was not his forte.  He already saw enough work in his future by adding more reinforcement to his medical camps with the temporary lack of leadership chairs. 
“Yes, however, it will not be one of the four leaders. I shall be assigning someone else to do this, as this will lead onto the one wish Fuuta passed to my shoulders.” Taehyung reached into his kimono pulling out two objects.  One of which was a wooden play piece of the game of Shogi- the rook.  The other was a hair stick that once belonged to Fuuta.  “This Shogi rook is the one thing Fuuta gave to me when he announced me to the chair I sat in only a week ago.  As you all know, Fuuta had a tradition of giving someone something as a token of future success- you all possess such an object from him.”  
It was true.  The prayer beads Bunji wore were his gift.  Takaki was given a set of leather sheaths for his sai.  Kaori was given her hair comb with a rose carved onto it.  Tsutsui was given an engraved, rare metal rod for luck in his medicine.  Taehyung was given the strongest piece of Shogi, the rook. Along with the five of them, Hoseok was given something as well, that glass flower.  Hoseok began to question something and he lightly jolted when Taehyung looked at him. 
“You were given something as well, weren’t you, Hoseok?” He spoke with a small smile.  Hoseok nodded as he pulled out from a small pouch his glass flower, wrapped in a cloth to keep it from breaking.  Small gasps were sounded around him from his leaders.  Even you were looking at the flower, still astonished he had it.  “It was Fuuta’s hope that one-day Hoseok would take my place as the swordsman leader and I don’t disagree with his opinion.” 
“Wait, Taehyung-” Hoseok tried to interrupt.  
“However, even though he is strong, Hoseok isn’t strong enough to take my place yet.” Even if it was a fact, it still shot through Hoseok’s ego to hear it said aloud.  “In simple terms, he’s got a long way to go before he could hope to replace me in full confidence, so I will be giving him a mission that will require him to build his strength.  Once it is completed and he returns to me, only then will he be able to pridefully sit where I did.” 
Taehyung looked at Hoseok and his unsure face.  Hoseok never strived for a seat at his table, in fact, he hardly ever thought about what would happen if he were offered one.  Now, here he is, sitting in a chair that previously belonged to Taehyung, his best friend, and might soon belong to him.  
“Hoseok’s mission is not easy, and there are two conditions that will be included if you agree to take it.” Taehyung smiled at his friend.  “That being said, it is up to you if you wish to embark on the task I will give to you or not.  If you do not wish to, you are welcome to decline and return to your lower-ranked status. I will not force it upon your shoulders, as I know Fuuta would not have either.” 
“I’d like to hear the mission first, if you don’t mind,” Hoseok apprehensively requested.  
“Of course. Your mission will be to track down and kill Zath. The endgame is to have him eliminated for many reasons; however, all you need to focus on is killing him for the name of our fallen lord.  In regards to that, it would be a requirement for you to take with you someone who could track him down, or alert you to when he would be present.  To that end, I would instruct Y/n to accompany you on your mission as your partner.” 
Your head shot up to look at Taehyung as your ears flicked at his words.  Hoseok’s eyes widened as his jaw nearly dropped.  You moved to look at Hoseok as he looked back at the fox that was you.  He would have to work with you? If he took on this mission to succeed Taehyung’s chair, he would have to work with you and be your partner to hunt down the demon that took Fuuta’s life? He clenched his hand around his second, unused sword’s scabbard. 
“I do know of your past, Hoseok, as you know.  We’ve been friends for years, and I know the horrors you’ve seen and the trust you’ve lost.  I know the full depths of your hatred for demons, and that makes you an excellent demon hunter.  A fine swordsman with two blades, one that does not truly belong to you so you choose to never draw it in battle.” Hoseok’s jaw set at the hit to his past that Taehyung knew so well.  “You keep that second blade with you as a reminder as to why you fight. So, accepting Y/n- a demon fox- as your partner in this mission must be difficult for you to imagine.” 
Hoseok knew that hunting down that demon alone would be nearly impossible.  If Zath was as strong as Hoseok imagined with the ability to take down Fuuta and everyone else in so little time, Hoseok on his own would surely die.  And tracking him would be a nearly impossible task in itself, because how could he track a demon he didn’t know a thing about? You, however, knew his scent, as Taehyung had explained earlier.  You would be the only lead someone could use in trying to track Zath down. 
Taehyung looked away from Hoseok and around to his new subjects of which he used to stand beside as equals.  
“Now, I’d like to ask for your consent to properly take place as the leader of this organization.  I wish to ask for your blessings to take over where Fuuta left off if you all would let me.” He untucked his sleeves from his front as he lowered his back and head to bow respectfully.  There was silence before Kaori spoke first.  
“I offer my blessing,” she spoke with ease, raising her hand in approval. 
“I wholly offer mine as well!” Bunji announced, raising his hand along with a set of blue beads of prayer used to plead well wishes from the heavens.  
“I see no better time than the present to allow the one practicing for this position to finally take it, even if the situation is grim.  I’ll offer you my blessing,” Tsutsui easily agreed.  
“You’re a better fit than I, I’ll support you as the new lord as well,” Takaki finished.  
It was when Taehyung stood straight again that he knelt down and sat at the head of the table.  He placed his Shogi piece of the table and prayed to it, thanking Fuuta for guiding his path through this one piece of a strategy game.  He then raised the hair stick and looked at Kaori.  
“Would you mind? You’re far better with hair than I am,” he chuckled as Kaori rose from her seat and moved to stand behind Taehyung.  She pulled his long hair from his loose locks and began to pull it back.  Brushing it out the best she could, she was soon taking the length of it and folding it onto the back of his head.  
“The hair stick if you would,” she asked as she reached around his head as he offered it to her.  She placed it between the folds of neatly tied up hair and pinned it in place.  Stepping away from him, she took back to her seat. Your tails swished as you looked at him.  He picked his Shogi piece back up before he offered it out to you. 
“Y/n, take this.  As a gift from Fuuta to me, and me to you.”  You slowly reached out and lightly took the piece between your teeth, taking it from him and carefully placing it in front of you by your blue flamed paws.  “I think the rook suits you perfectly,” he chided with a pet to your head. He looked up again.  “As of the moment, all has its place.  You all are more than welcome to leave as you wish.  Take your time to grief as well, performance can be hindered by sorrow- do not neglect yourself from your emotions.” 
Taehyung began to stand again as the other four leaders exchanged looks.  They quickly got up and out of their chairs, Taehyung shocked at their quickness.  His eyes widened when they all gathered at the back of the room in a line, from right to left lining up in order from ranking.  Takaki, Kaori, Bunji and Tsutsui, all standing and facing Taehyung before taking to their knees, pledging allegiance to their lord.  
Hoseok watched them from his chair before he closed his eyes and made a decision for himself.  He stood from his seat as he looked at Taehyung before walking to the far right of the line of leaders.  He soon knelt beside them. 
“I’ll accept your mission and will work alongside Y/n to hunt down the demon Zath and return back to you and take my place as your fifth leader. I agree to work hard and prove myself as the next swordsman leader you and our late Lord Fuuta both can be proud of.” Hoseok declared as he lowered his head.  You had turned to face him on the tabletop, taking the Shogi piece into your jaw again and lowering your head, almost agreeing with Hoseok. 
Takaki raised his head.  “As the head ranking leader, I speak on behalf of all present leaders of now and the future.  We shall serve you as loyal and faithful servants until the time of our death.  You have our vow as the new Lord.  May you depend on and accept us as your new children, Lord Taehyung.” 
Taehyung smiled as he composed himself, feeling the stinging sensation of tears in his wide eyes.  
“I will disclose any further information regarding the Zath mission to Y/n and Hoseok at a later time, for now, you both shall remain here and rest. As for the rest, I look forward to working and leading each and every one of you. Please, be safe on your journeys.” 
“Yes, of course.  We wish you the best as well.” 
The sun fell below the horizon that day with a new lord, a new leader, an empty seat with a future promise to be filled and the unsuspecting alliance of Y/n and Hoseok.  However, it’s the future of the alliance between the two of you that Taehyung worried for, as he would soon be sending you both out on your own together without him to mediate.  
The entire idea- though the only way he could resolve the Zath issue at hand- gave him a terrible headache. 
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
How would you react if your celebrity crush came to your door?  Uh, I would die. Thankfully, I’m never the one who answers the door, so at least I wouldn’t be caught completely off guard. But if Alexander Skarsgard just showed up at my house, I’d be caught off guard no matter what let’s be real. I’d be shocked and stunned and a complete mess. I couldn’t just let him leave without talking to him, but omggg I’m such an ugly mess. D: Has your mom/dad ever walked in on you kissing or anything more with somone?  No. Are there any musical instruments in the room you're in?  Nope. Are there any in your house at all?  There’s a keyboard piano. What electronics are in your room? (DVD player, CD player, etc) TV, laptop, iPhone, Nintendo Switch. 
Do you have a box anywhere with special items you'll to keep forever in it?  I have too many boxes like that.  Do you have cordless phones in your house or not? Yeah. If a horrible rumor was started about you and you found out who started it, what would you do with the person who started it?  I honestly don’t know. I’m not confrontational, so I’d be really nervous to confront them about it but like also I couldn’t just not do anything... I really don’t know, though. Are there any keyboards in your house that aren't being use?  No. Do you know who Draco Malfoy is?  Yeah. If you had to, would you rather dye your hair red or black?  I’ve been dyeing it red for the past 5 years. Do you have any pictures of yourself on your bedroom walls? No. Does your dad collect anything? Nascar and other sports stuff. Do you like all the new Disney movies like Wall-e more then the old cartoon ones, like Snow White and the Lion King? I just love Disney. Do you ever press flowers into books so they'll flatten all nicely?  No. If you had a chance to marry Mason Musso, would you?  Nah, I’m good. I forgot about him...remember Metro Station, ya’ll? Are the socks you're wearing your favorite color? What about your shirt? My socks are white, which I don’t consider my favorite color. My shirt is black, which is one of my favorite colors. What's better, a desktop or laptop? Explain.  I prefer laptops, which are all I’ve had since like 2005. It’s been especially nice the past few years since I’ve had to spend a lot of time in bed. Do you know what 'elaborate' means?  Yes. What about evidently?  Yes. What's the most you'll pay for a pair of shoes?  I’m not sure because to be honest I haven’t bought a pair of shoes in several years, my parents buy me stuff like that still for my birthday and Christmas. I’ve been very fortunate. Especially my dad cause he loves shoes and gets excited about buying them not only for himself, but for my brother, mom, and I.  Do you prefer kisses on the nose, cheek or forehead?  Forehead kisses are cute. How many people do you know in your english class?  Have you ever stolen a question from another survey while making one? I don’t make surveys. What can a guy do to prove he's a gentleman? Just shows he genuinely cares and is kind.  Is there someone who makes your stomach feel weak?  Sick, disturbing people. Do your parents still hide chocolate eggs around on Easter for you? lol I’m 31 years old that’d be weird. What do you typically do on Easter Day? We have Easter dinner. Does it annoy you when people say the wrong form? The wrong form of what? The person you have a crush on is drunk and goes to kiss you you know they don't realize what they're doing,but do you kiss anyways? I don’t have a crush on anyone, for one. Second, no I wouldn’t. They’re not in a clear state of mind so I wouldn’t want to do anything with them in that state.  Do you prefer new questions in surveys or the typical name, age, etc? New questions, definitely.  Is there anyone you literally need to exist? God. Do you know what the difference between 'your' and 'you're' is?  Yes. If it's snowing, is Christmas extra special?  It doesn’t snow here, but I would LOVE to experience snow on Christmas.  Do you know what AFV stands for?  Yeah. Do you think 30$ for a pair of jeans is cheap?  That’s expensive to me. The jeans I used to get were like $20 something. I say used to because I haven’t bought a pair of jeans in like 3 years. I haven’t worn them in 3 years either, I’ve literally just been wearing leggings. Do you have any special plans for spring break? Spring break isn’t a thing for me anymore since I’m not in school anymore, but no I didn’t do anything around that time of year. That was also when shit hit the fan and we went on lockdown/quarantine.  Think of any one of your friends'. What is their mom's name?  What is their favorite movie and TV show? When is the last time you two hung out one on one?  Have you ever exchanged presents with this person?  Have your parents ever told you a frightening lie about something so you wouldn't do it? Nah. Name a very well known bar in your town. Nah. Would you have a career you can't stand if you made a lot of money?  No. If I was absolutely miserable, I’d have to try and find something else. I know sometimes you don’t always have the luxury and have to take the job you can to make a living, but I’d definitely want to try. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt to say goodbye?  Yes. Do you think it's stupid when people have x's in their username? Ha, I did that a lot when I was a teenager. Hell, I still have usernames with “x” or “x3″ in it. What would you prefer to get from a guy/girl: flowers, a hand written poem, a picture he drew of you or a nice night out? I’d love to receive any of those, it would be sweet. What does your hotmail username mean? I’ve never used hotmail. Root beer or orange soda?  Eh, Root Beer I guess. Do questions about sex in surveys make you uncomfortable?  Not really, I just don’t have anythng to say. Do you any shirts with any kind of images of food on them?  No. Do ever have days when you feel really ugly?  Everyday. If the last person you spoke to on AIM/MSN kissed you,what would you do? I haven’t used AIM in over 10 years. It’s not even a thing anymore. Do you remember why you made the last mistake you did? I’m a mess. Do you plan on seeing the Hannah Montanna movie? Ha, I saw it. Did you check how many calories the last thing you ate had?  Nah, I don’t care about that. If you were interviewed for your best talent, what would that talent be? I don’t have any, sooo. Do you know the chicken dance?  Yes. If a random person asked how old you are, would you tell them?  A random person? Probably not. Although, I guess I do that in surveys... What are you looking foward to?  There isn’t anything. Do you ever wish you had a different family?  I’ve never, ever wished that and I never would. I love my family, I’m so blessed to have them. They’re my everything. Different friends?  I don’t have any, so. Do you ever have days when you just want to stay in bed all day long?  That’s what I do most days. Is turkey the best part about the holidays? I do like it, but it’s the sides that really do it for me.
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krsnlove · 5 years
Surprise [final]
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A/N: This final chapter in this small lil’ series took a surprising turn but I am happy with it. That has to be enough, right? LoL. 
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Rashad x Hana, Liam x Riley
Tagging: @alj4890​ @lodberg​ @thecordoniandiaries​ @vickypoochoices​ @rafasgirl23415​ @texaskitten30​ @cocomaxley​
He didn’t have time to cry over her.
Because crying meant…
It would confirm Rashad’s worst fear.
That reason alone was enough.
The image of his beloved, laying in a pool of her own blood, unconscious, is enough to break him.
He forces down the cry in the back of his throat as if it will dispel the fear hanging in the air.
“Sir, the ambulance is on the way…”.
The staff’s muffled voices fill the room.
Delicately picking up Hana’s body from the cold marble floor, Rashad can feel his hands shaking beneath fragile frame and attempts to steady them as he makes his way out of the room with Hana laid across his arms.
“Move!,” he yelled, immediately causing a rift in the group of bodies that have gathered.
The next few moments happen all too quickly.
Paramedics soon surround him.
The foyer of their home is in a frenzy as various questions were asked by the medical personnel.
“Does she have any allergies?”
“How long has she been like this?”
“Is she currently taking any medication?”
Rashad answers their questions without hesitation. It was odd how that act alone brought some comfort. He knew of a few nobles who lived an isolated life away from their spouse.
He couldn't imagine living a life away from Hana.
Yet, in this moment, it felt as if they were strangers as Rashad begins to fade into the background as he helplessly watches her being carried into the ambulance by others.
Rashad looks to his butler.
“We’ve brought the car around for you to follow them to the hospital.”
Rashad nods his head and makes his way to the ambulance car instead.
Ignoring his butler’s protest, he climbs into the front passenger of the emergency vehicle.
“Have them follow us,” Rashad demands. The butler agrees to the instruction knowing it was futile to tell him otherwise.
A few seconds pass after Rashad’s initial instructions are given when the vehicle finally begins to move away from their home.
Riley busied herself with the dull process of reviewing the guest list of the upcoming ball for the third time. The growing exhaustion while in the final trimester of her pregnancy prevented her from being productive.
Her eyes shot open, unaware it had closed until she saw Liam’s concerned face staring back at her.
“How about a nap?,” he suggested. Liam didn’t wait for an answer as he stood from his seat and moved walked towards her.
“No, no,” she protested despite the yawn that escapes her mouth. “I’m fine,” she insists while forcing the best non-exhaustion look she can muster.
“I’m awake. See?”
“You know that is one of your best fake looks I’ve seen so far,” Liam’s voice full of amusement as he escorts Riley up from her sitting position.
“I am getting rather good, aren’t I?,” Riley teases. She chose not to comment on Liam’s sneaky escort to their bedroom.
It was no use.
Riley couldn’t deny the thought of closing her eyes for an hour appealing at that moment.
Or, she thought silently with glee, for a few days.
“You win Liam,” Riley admitted as he pulls the covers over her, no longer fighting the exhaustion. She was forewarned the final week of her pregnancy would be full of fatigue.
Softly placing a kiss on her forehead, Liam retrieves her phone sitting on the vanity set nearby and sets it on Riley’s nightstand.
“Text or call when you wake up my love,” Liam soothed before leaving the bedroom.
“Mmpff,” Riley grunted.
If the world were to end in the next moment, Riley would sleep right through it. No amount of noise or apocalypse could wake her up.
She felt weightless despite her protruding stomach. Clouds. Clouds were all she could dream about. The white cotton-like material surrounded her. Or maybe it was the 1,000 count thread sheet she laid on.
Either way, Riley allows herself to be submerged by it.  
It all seems to end too quickly, which wasn’t any different from anything else these last 38 weeks since she and Liam’s child prefers her bladder as a trampoline.
Struggling to free herself from the man-made cocoon, Riley waddles towards the powder room.
It should be a quick trip.3 or 5 minutes at the most she calculated.
Riley wipes the liquid running down her leg in a daze. She just needed to wash her hands and then she would be back in that warm cocoon and---
Her eyes widened at the realization.
“Riley!?,” Liam’s voice calls out to her from the other side of the door.
“Liam?!,” Riley answers in relief.
“Love, we have to get to the—,” Liam begins.
“The hospital!,” she screams. “I think my water just broke!”
The sound of Drake’s voice emits from the earpiece of the forgotten phone laying on the carpeted floor as Liam rushes into the powder room.
“...the phone and he said Hana was rushed to the hospital...it’s not—-it’s not looking good Li. I’m on my way over there right now.”
“Hello?,” Drake’s voice is drowned out by Liam’s authoritative voice calling out to Bastien.
“What?,” Rashad croaked.
The words echo in his ears, swirling around in his conscience.
The cold air of death rushed passed him in the foreign hallway of the hospital.
It felt surreal.
He and his beloved created someone out of their love.
And he didn’t even know it.
Was it possible to mourn for someone you never met? Let alone only knew of their existence until a few seconds ago?
“And my wife?,” Rashad manages to force the words from his mouth as he looks to the doctor for answers.
“We’ve stopped the bleeding for now but we’re taking her into surgery soon.”
Rashad’s throat felt dry as the image of finding Hana’s lifeless body laying on their powder room floor.
“Can I see her?,” he croaked.
Rashad can hear the answer in the doctor’s hesitation.
“I need to see my wife,” he bit out.
The doctor looked at him with pity and began to lead him down another hallway.
“They’re prepping her for surgery so you’ll have to be--”.
Suddenly, the intercom of the hospital comes on with an announcement:
“Code Blue, Room #269. Code Blue, Room #269.”
“Have you decided on a name yet, love?,” Liam whispered as his newly-born daughter lay across his bare chest.
Riley carefully blew her nose as another set of fresh tears built up in her eyes, watching her husband with their daughter left her in a bubbly mess.
“Not yet.”
“You were great you know,” Liam reminded her for the third time in the past half hour.
“I was thinking,” Riley said with a quiet chuckle in an attempt to change the subject, “How about you choose her first name? I can pick her middle name.”
“Would you be okay with that?,” Liam asks with concern. “She already carries my family name. I am completely okay with you naming all our children. It is only fair,” he teases with a wink.
“I know. But I’m sure. I love you Liam. Her name is important to you just as much as it is to me.”
The smile on Liam’s face only deepens.
“I love you, Riley.”
“I know,” she replies, matching his smile.
“Would you be okay if I named her after my mother, Eleanor?,” Liam asks. Riley felt like her heart would burst at hearing her husband’s humble request.
“I know she has two other grandmothers but I--”.
“Eleanor is beautiful, Liam. I think it fits her.”
His eyes look back down to the miniature sleeping beauty and places a soft kiss on her head.
“Eleanor Middle Name Rhys,” Liam said out loud. “I like it,” he agrees. “Have you picked out a name?”
Riley nods her head with a slight smile.
“I have.”
Rashad can hear Drake’s muffled voice in the distance. All other sounds were drowned out. He may as well have been in another part of the country.
Anywhere but here.
Anywhere with Hana.
But not here.
Not in a strange building where death was keen on taking everyone he loved away from him.
Not on the cold tile floors of a hospital wing where he sat helplessly.
Not in the same hallway where in under one hour he was told to mourn for both his unborn child and his wife.
Anywhere but here, Rashad pleaded quietly.
Anywhere but here with my child and my Hana by my side.
“Our daughter will have incredible women to look up to, won’t she?”
“With you as their mother and her namesakes, I know she will,” Liam agreed.
“I can’t wait to tell the others,” Riley didn’t care to hide the emotion in her voice. “Have you seen my phone?”
“Bastien brought it along with mine. Actually…,” Liam’s thoughts go back to the conversation he and Drake were having just before Riley went into labor.
His eyes widened at the realization.
“Liam? What’s wrong?”
Rashad didn’t want to do this.
He barely had enough strength to pick himself off the hospital floor.
The long walk to the hospital room reminded him that this should have been a happy occasion.
He, too, was supposed to welcome his first child into the world with the love of his life.
He, too, had rushed his wife to the hospital for immediate care.
He, too, should be sitting at his wife’s bedside while carrying the newest member of their family in his arms.
But here he was, childless and without his Hana, congratulating another couple.
The solemn looks on their close friends weren’t lost on Rashad. Her best friend sat up from her hospital room, remnants of her heavily mourning reflects on her face as her husband tries to console her.
“Rashad, I--I’m so--,” the words aren’t able to come out.
But he knew.
Words would never suffice but Rashad acknowledges the sentiment with a slight nod.
Silence fills the room as the former group of eight, now seven, stand in Riley’s hospital room unsure of what to say or do next.
It was unbearable for him to stand here, without her. Before Rashad can quickly dismiss himself, a soft cry coming from the bassinet fills the room.
He closes his eyes, not wanting to be reminded of the child he has lost.
“Would you like to hold her?,” Liam’s voice comes from behind him.
Rashad doesn’t say anything, waiting for the others to answer.
“We’ve decided to name her Eleanor Hana Rhys,” Liam continues as he picks up the fussy child from her bassinet. He walks around Rashad, attempting to catch a glimpse of his friend’s face.
“We wanted her name to have the influence of strong, beautiful women.”
He forces himself to stare at the floor of the hospital room to help alleviate the formation of tears in his eyes.
“Would you like to hold her?,” Riley’s soft voice asked from behind him.
Rashad nodded his head vigorously, allowing the tears to freely fall without hesitation.
Liam carefully places her into his arms before patting Rashad on the back in a comforting manner.
The tiny human in his arms begins to open her eyes while letting out a yawn. Her eyes stare at him with a curious expression when a brief smile comes across her lips.
“Eleanor Hana Rhys,” Rashad repeats her name.
“Strong and beautiful is right,” he whispered while quietly sobbing and rocking his late wife’s namesake in his arms.  
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hqwkeyes · 5 years
Hey I loved you’re Natasha fic!! Would you maybe write one with R super worried about Nat cause she gets news that Nat’s mission went bad or something like that but with a happy ending? Angst to fluff is my favorite lol, thank you!!!
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Word Count: 1,897
Warnings: injury, mentions of blood (literally one line), slight angst, fluff, Peter being cute
A/N: Hi there! Thank you so, so much to the anon who requested this! I’m so glad you enjoyed my last Nat fic (it means a lot to me!), and I hope you like this one just as much! Also, there isn’t too much angst because I didn’t want to make myself cry (I’m sorry). I hope everyone else likes this as well! Happy reading!
You received word from Steve about an hour ago and haven’t stopped pacing around the exit to the launch pad since then. They should be arriving soon, so why isn’t the medical team out here ready to meet them yet?
As if on cue, you get a message from Sam stating that they are five minutes out and that they will be bringing Nat up to the med bay themselves. You tell him that you will be waiting for them when they arrive on the quinjet.
They arrive two minutes earlier than expected, rushing Natasha out on a stretcher. Steve is swiftly yet carefully wheeling her inside as he tells you to stay downstairs while the doctors work with her and that Bucky and Sam will fill you in. Clint comes in behind them, helping Steve get her upstairs as quickly as possible.
You try to follow them, but Sam grabs you by the arm.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. Cap’s orders,” he tells you, earning him a sharp glare. He and Bucky sit you down in the common room and begin telling you the details of the mission and where things went wrong.
“We were supposed to be in and out, Steve and Nat go in as a team and then split up. He got the weapons and she retrieved the stolen intelligence files,” Bucky explains.
“Clint and I were lookout and getaway, and Bucky was backup. The whole mission went well until we were all heading back to the quinjet,” Sam tells you with a solemn look on his face.
“Steve and Nat were exiting the building when I heard shouting. They must’ve heard it too because they bolted, and she damn near knocked me over in the process,” Bucky says with a light chuckle at the end.
“Anyway, the guards came outside and started shooting. I think Steve was grazed by a bullet but he wouldn’t let me check it out. It’s probably healed by now anyway.”
“Can you get to the part where Nat got hurt?” You know you should be more patient with them—less rude, too. They understand, though, and Sam picks up with the story again.
“Yeah, sorry. She was below me but then she just went down. She got back up quickly and kept going, but she was shot two more times. Apparently there were snipers on the roof, but they couldn’t have been that great because neither of them got a kill shot in.”
“So she got shot three times? The leg and where else?” Your tone is demanding.
“She’s gonna be fine, Y/N.” Sam’s voice is calm, and the hand on your shoulder brings you back to Earth for a moment.
You nod. Stand up. Pace around a bit. Then, you make a break for the elevator.
Bucky is fast on his feet, catching you at the metal doors that just began to open. He holds you against his chest, not to restrain you, but to soothe you—it is a warm embrace.
She cannot die. She cannot die. She cannot die.
You don’t even realize that you’re crying until you pull back and notice the tears staining Bucky’s shirt. You mumble an apology, but he offers you an understanding smile. You bury your face in his chest again, and he holds you there for a while. Sam joins in too, hugging you.
Not too long after you’ve settled down—to the best of your ability, at least—Clint and Steve came in. Steve’s arm was bandaged up, likely from the graze that Sam mentioned earlier.
“She just got out of surgery a few minutes ago. Dr. Cho said that everything went better than she expected it to and that Nat will be asleep for a little while,” Steve tells the whole group, but he faces you. He knows how stressed you must have been the past few hours.
You audibly sigh in relief.
“Doc said to come back in the morning. She should wake up then,” Clint adds. You engulf him in a hug, and you can feel the vibrations through his chest as he chuckles, wrapping his arms around you.
“You okay, kid?” He asks as he pulls away, and you nod.
“She’s a fighter,” you mumble, and he ruffles your hair.
“Damn right, she is. I took out the assholes who shot her while we were retreating, though.”
“Of course you did.” For the first time today, a genuine laugh escapes you.
“It’s getting late. You should get some rest, Y/N. All of you should. It’s been a rough day,” Steve says in his Captain voice, and Sam whines like a child about not wanting to go to bed yet.
You decide to take his advice, bidding everyone goodnight before getting ready for bed. Rather than sleeping in your own room, though, you fall asleep in the chair at Natasha’s bedside. You feel safer by her side anyway.
The following morning, you’re startled awake by someone shaking you. You look up to find Sam, a small grin on his face.
“I should’ve known you would come here,” he says.
“I couldn’t sleep without her.” Your statement is paired with a slight shrug. Sam’s smile widens as Natasha stirs.
“I’ll come back in a bit with the team,” he tells you, patting your shoulder before exiting the room.
“Thank you, Sam,” you call to him.
“No problem,” his voice echoes from down the hall.
You turn to see Natasha’s eyes fluttering a bit, trying to open but failing a few times before finally getting it right. She lifts an arm, shielding her eyes from the light. You immediately dim the lights in the room to better suit her eyes. She looks over at you, slightly alarmed. Once she realizes where she is and that you’re here, she visibly relaxes.
“Hi baby,” you say softly.
She tries to speak, but her voice is hoarse and her throat is scratchy. You’re quick to get her a glass of water, helping her sit up a bit to take a sip. She’s wearing that smile that she’s reserved just for you when she’s finished drinking, and you could swear it could light up the whole compound, let alone this room.
“I got shot,” is all she says, smile still plastered to her face. A breathy laugh leaves her lips, and it’s the prettiest sound you’ve ever heard.
“I know. Sam and Bucky told me what happened on the mission.”
“Did you sleep here?” Her voice is soft, still recovering from not being used for a while.
You nod. “I couldn’t sleep without you,” you tell her bashfully. She stretches an arm out and places her hand on your knee.
“I’m glad you were here.” She takes deep breath before scooting over in her bed to make room for you. You scold her for moving too much when you notice her wince, but she dismisses it as she pats the spot beside her.
You noticed a thick bandage wrapped around her shoulder, so you deduced that she must’ve been shot there. Carefully, you climb into the bed beside her, as you don’t know where her third wound is. You decide to ask, and she points to her abdomen on the lower right side.
“You really are a mess, huh?” you joke, and she begins to laugh before she winces again, nodding slightly.
She’s softer right now, more vulnerable. She lets her walls down around you and only you. Okay, maybe around Clint, too, but not to the same degree. You love it, though; you get to see a side of her that very, very few people have the pleasure of seeing.
She’s playing with your hair when your eyes meet. A smile breaks out on each of your faces, and you lean down a bit to kiss your girlfriend. Despite all that she’s been through in the last 24 hours, her plush lips still somehow taste sweet.
A quiet “aww” pulls the two of you away from each other slowly.
Natasha’s face lights up when she sees the entire team standing there, including Peter, Scott, and Carol.
“How’re you feeling, Romanoff?” Tony asks.
“Like I’ve been shot three times,” she deadpans, and you can hear Sam snickering in the back.
Peter leaves a vase full of flowers and a Get Well Soon balloon on her bedside table.
“Oh, thanks, Pete. You didn’t have to do that for me,” Natasha tells the young boy, her cheeks dimpling as she smiles.
“Oh, it was nothing. I’m just really glad you’re okay.” She gives him a light hug, and Steve is chuckling at the fear in poor Peter’s eyes—he’s afraid of hurting her.
Everyone sits around the room and chit chats for a while, with Wanda and Carol sitting at the foot of the bed, minding Nat’s wounded leg. Clint is sitting beside Nat, holding the hand that you’re not and stroking her hair.
Dr. Cho comes in a little later to tell her that the she’s going to put her in the same chamber she used on Clint a few years back to regenerate the tissue later on in the day.
The gang all leave to get lunch, despite Peter’s wishes to stay back to hang out with Natasha and yourself. Steve wanted the two of you to have a little bit more alone time, and he promised to bring something back for the two of you.
There’s a deafening silence in the room once they’re all gone, and it gets you thinking.
“I really thought I was gonna lose you,” you confess. “I-I saw all the blood dripping from the stretcher, and the rags—Steve tried to hide them from me but I saw them. I was so worried, I almost took Bucky down to get to you.” That last part gets Nat laughing again, but this time she laughs through the pain.
“I’m right here, my love,” she whispers, and you close your eyes and relish in the sound of her voice; the voice you thought you might never hear again.
You press a feather-light kiss to her forehead.
“I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you,” you mumble.
“You don’t have to. I’m right here, Y/N. I’m not going anywhere. Some amateur snipers can’t take me down for good.” Her tone is serious, her grip on your hand tightening.
“Look at me,” she tells you, tilting your chin to face her. “I’m right here. I’m okay. In fact, I’m more than okay because I have you here, and a supportive family getting us lunch.” The last part earns a laugh from you, which brings a smile to Natasha’s lips. She leans in and kisses you again, cupping your cheek with her free hand—the one on the arm that isn’t wounded.
The jingling of keys catches your attention as well as Nat’s, and you both pull away to see who’s in the room.
“Sorry, Steve forgot his keys,” Bucky mumbles awkwardly before leaving the room with a wave. The two of you wave back, giggles spilling out into the hallway for him to hear.
Natasha leans in and kisses you again. The kiss is short and sweet, followed by a peck on your nose.
“I love you,” she says, gazing into your eyes.
“I love you too, baby,” you say, grinning broadly as you gently tug her closer to you, cuddling until your food arrives.
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wintrcaptn · 6 years
Champagne Kisses | Steve Rogers
Summary : it’s been a few years since you have last seen Steve. And the moment your see him turn up at your door, feelings resurface.
A/N : I got bored. And I don’t even know anymore. It’s trash but oh well! Lol. *drake Walker inspired me*
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It had been a few years since you last heard from the Captain himself. And when he showed up at your door, different emotions washed over you completely.
Anger had overpowered most of the other emotions, and as much as you wanted to slam the door in his face, with everyone disappearing, you knew you had to let him in.
The second Steve met your gaze, he let out a sigh of relief. As everyone vanished, fading into the air and dropping like ashes, his thoughts immediately fell to you.
But standing in front of you, knowing that you were safe, he felt like he could finally breathe again.
“Are you going to let us in or do we need to pitch a tent out here until you do?” Nat asked, raising her brow.
You cleared your throat and waved them inside. Glancing away from Steve gaze.
“It sure hasn’t changed since the last time I was here.” She muttered, walking down the hall toward where her old room.
Bruce made his way in and the second you saw him, your eyes lit up.
“Banner!” You exclaimed, throwing your arms around him. “I thought I’d never see you again.”
He flashed a soft smirk, awkwardly embracing you. “You and me both.” He stated. “I really need some coffee though. It’s been a crazy few days.”
You let out a soft chuckle and nod your head. “I get it.”
And just like that, you were left alone with Steve.
Immediately, your stomach began to churn. Even with all the anger you had for him, you cared for him. Though he would never know.
For years, you were always drooling over the Captain. Especially, every time he came back from missions, wearing his suit.
But the more time you spent with him, training, missions, even grocery runs, you started to slowly fall for him.
Steve was an old soul. Mostly having to do with him being born decades ago, but he was charming to say the least. It was hard not to fall head over heels for the man.
He took a seat on one of the couches, holding his gaze on you. It felt as if they were burning through your body, creating heat to radiate all around you.
“Can we talk?” He asked, his voice soft with pain hidden just slightly.
You met his glossy blue eyes, fighting to keep your walls up as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“There’s nothing to talk about.” You muttered.
Steve’s eyes held yours, and in that moment you could see just how tired and hurt he was. The bags under his eyes indicated that he wasn’t getting much sleep, and the lines that formed around his face.
Seeing him like that was hard. Sure, he was always brooding and hard on himself, but you have never seen him like this.
And just like that, you were back to letting him in.
“Fine. But we need drinks first.” You said.
His eyes followed you as you strode across the room, grabbing two glasses and a bottle of whiskey.
As you made your way back over to him, you sat in front of him and poured the alcohol beverage into the glasses.
“Alright.” You sighed, before taking a swig and feeling it glide down your throat. “What do you want to talk about?”
Steve reached for his cup and watched the liquid swirl around. This wasn’t easy for him to say the least.
“Us.” He finally spoke, breaking the small silence that had occurred. Glancing up and meeting your gaze.
You swallowed hard, not knowing what he meant or where this conversation was going. This was all new to you.
“I never meant to leave without saying goodbye.” He muttered, still holding your gaze. “I just—if I came back and saw you, I don’t know if I would have had the strength to leave.”
Those last few words had forced a shiver to ripple down your spine, causing chills to cover you completely. You almost forgot how to breathe.
Steve pulled himself to the edge of his seat, giving you all of his attention.
“I distanced myself from you because I thought it would be easier.”
“Easier than what?”
“Easier than admitting to myself about how I felt.” He said. “I have lost everyone I have ever loved. And i promised myself never to let anyone in. And the more I pushed you away, the more you pulled me in.”
This wasn’t your intentions, you weren’t expecting to sit there and let him back in, but the more his words sunk into you, slowly, your walls began to break down.
“You have no idea how happy I was to see you open the door.” His voice shook. “I can’t lose you.”
Without realizing, you were both sitting at the edge of your seats, inches away from one another.
The way his eyes glossed over, you could see how much this hurt him, almost as much as it hurt you.
“You didn’t lose me.” You said. “Like it or not, you’re kind of stuck with me. I’m not going anywhere.”
Steve’s lips twitched into a soft smile, feeling as if the weight of the world had dissipated in that moment.
You knew you shouldn’t cave in. Letting him in would give him the power to break your heart all over again and that was the last thing you wanted. But his trance was hard to ignore.
And before you knew it, you felt yourself slowly leaning closer to him, but immediately caught yourself and pulled back.
“Alright, I declare this a stress free zone.” You said before realizing the bottle of whiskey had finished.
Steve ran a hand through his hair. “I’m not sure what that means.”
“It’s time we catch up. Three years is a long time, Captain.”
“Does this mean more drinks?”
You flashed a cheeky grin and propped up to your feet. “Very much so.”
You sprinted down to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of champagne.
“The wine cellar hasn’t been restocked in years, so we will have to make due with what we got.”
Steve nodded, trying not to smile like an idiot as he watched you from his seat.
Though he was exhausted, and had a million things running through his mind, he couldn’t help but feel at ease with you.
“And maybe we can even play a drinking game!” You exclaimed.
“Oh no.”
“Hey—you don’t even know what the game is yet!” You chuckled.
“Let me guess, you’re about to tell me?”
Your lips curved more at the edges, as you refilled the glasses with the champagne.
“It’s called never have I ever. You say something you haven’t done and if the other person has done it, then—“
“They take a drink.”
“See! You’re a natural.” A soft chuckle escaped you both. “So whoever has had the least drinks after—let’s go five rounds—wins.”
“I don’t know about this...” he drawled out, running his hand through his hair. “You sure you want to go up against me in a drinking game?”
“That sounds like a challenge. And I accept!”
Steve’s brows raised with shock but peaked with interest and decided to give it a shot. “You’re on. So start.”
You hand him his glass while he looked at you expectantly.
“Guess I better make this first question count then.” You pondered your thoughts for just a moment before flashing a cynical smile. “Never have I ever been called Captain.”
Suddenly Steve shook his head, trying to hide the smirk as he took a sip of his drink.
“That’s cheating.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Your turn.”
“Alright. Never have I ever gone dancing.”
“Wait, seriously? You havent?” You asked, a bit intrigued.
Steve nodded, and sighed as the memory of Peggy filled his thoughts. “No. Unfortunately, I haven’t had the chance.”
Quickly, you took a swig of the champagne. “Guess we will have to change that.”
Tension built from there on. You could feel yourself yearning to touch him, even caught yourself glancing at his lips from time to time.
Didn’t help having alcohol mixed with your feelings. It was beginning to heat things up. And you were felt more confident than before.
“Never have I ever imagined someone in this room naked.” You said.
Steve’s body immediately tensed, as he held your gaze with his. He waited for bluff, hoping you’d break and change the question. But you held it together.
He took a long drink from his glass, not once tearing his eyes away from you. It made your legs clench together as part of you wanted to jump into his lap, in that very instant.
“You never go easy on me, do you?”
As you let out a soft chuckle, you shook your head. “Not a chance.”
“Fine, you want to play dirty, then let’s play dirty.” He smirked. “Never have I ever wanted to kiss someone in this room.”
You swallowed hard, lightly nibbling on your lower lip.
You hide your smile behind a drink, as Steve leaned back in to his seat.
“Don’t look so smug, Captain. We still have one more round.”
He waved for you to go. His smile never faltering.
“Never have I ever dreamt about the two of us hooking up.”
“You really play for keeps. I’m impressed.” He smirked.
Steve locks his eyes with yours, while he takes a sip.
Your mind was hazed with the buzz from the alcohol, you weren’t sure how you were still going. Growing into a giggling mess.
“I still have one more question left.” He muttered. “Never have I ever gone skinny dipping.”
A smile spread across your face. “Ha! That makes both of us.”
“What? You’ve never—“
“Nope. So that means I won!”
He shook his head but didn’t fight it. Instead, he had only one thing on his mind, you. Nothing else mattered in that moment, and he wanted just a few more moments of that peace.
“Thank for this. I really needed it.” His voice was soft.
You gently placed your hand over his. “I’m always here for you. But enough of that, what do I win?”
“Win?” He was taken aback. “I didn’t know we were playing for stakes.”
“It’s the rules. You owe me something, mister. How about a kiss?”
“A kiss? Are you—are you sure about this?” He asked.
“I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do. So if that makes you uncomfor—“
He cuts you off with his lips. Closing the distance between you with a longing kiss. You could feel it all the way down to your toes.
It didn’t take long for you to motion back, kissing him with hunger as his hands grasped your waist, pulling you on to his lap.
Everything felt as if it had disappeared and you two were all alone. Wanting nothing more than to take him right there and then.
Steve pulled apart from you, his forehead pressed against you as he tried to catch a breath.
“You don’t make this easy.” He whispered.
Steve furrowed his brows, cupping your face with his calloused hands.
“I love you, Y/N.” He said. “Not a day went by that I didn’t think about you. I even flew out here a few times, ready to knock on your door—but I made sure you were safe. I always made sure you were doing alright.”
If you were sober, you knew you’d never let him off this easy. Instead, you would have him work for your forgiveness. But your mind was clouded and you already caved into him.
“We have tomorrow to talk about everything, but for now, just kiss me again.”
Without another word, Steve pulled you into him once again and held you close as his lips molded into yours.
“You know, if you really wanted to kiss me, you didn’t have to come up with this game.” He teased.
You rolled your eyes at him and chuckled. “And instead of imagining me naked, why don’t you take these clothes off of me?”
And suddenly, you could feel Steve shift under you, as his eyes darkened with desire.
“How about we take this somewhere private?”
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helenaswriting · 4 years
ships for @why-the-heck-am-i-here!
@why-the-heck-am-i-here: “Okay I really really want a ship thingy for marvel, Harry Potter and stranger things pls!! Imma send it here because I want to tell you as much about myself as possible 👉🏻👈🏻. (Feel free to post it still lol! Okay so my name is Bailey and I’m 5’9 (v tall) I currently have kinda short black wavy hair but I’m always dying it! Imma do pink next ;). I have green eyes and I tend to always do big thick eyeliner and smudged eyeshadow. I dress more on the oversized grunge side of the fashion spectrum, tho I would love to go more alternative. Okay now that that’s out of the waaayyy. I’ve always been described as the cool one kinda. I’m laid back but at the same time always up to do something stupid lol. I’m definitely always up for some fun but also a good ol nap. When I’m not doing anything like that I’m drawing or binging any show/movie I can get my hands on! Anime sign me up! Horror sign me up! Romantic sign me up!! You get the point. Back to drawing tho, that is such a big part of my life. I’ve been drawing since I can remember. Rather it’s just doodling or going out side with a canvas and some watercolor I’m always doing something new with art! I even have a small business. And if I happen to get a cool idea I’ll sketch it out on anything! My pets are also a big part of my life. I have a Pomeranian puppy named kuma and a GIANT Akita named Harlow. Their kinda stupid ngl but that means they take after mom 😣. Oh there’s music! I’m literally always listening to it or wishing I was listening to it, some times if I can’t I’ll start humming a song without realizing. Lastly id say I’m really touchy, I like to hold hands and get hugs 🥺. SNUGGLING IS THE BEST AHHH. Just some little facts; I’m a slytherin 🚨🚨 My favorite marvel character is rocket I’m a sucker for sandwiches My favorite color is black I always imagined myself sneaking my dog into Hogwarts as a pet (probably the Akita because 🙃) I’m a master a video games! Pokémon is my bff That’s all I can think of! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I HOPE IM NOT A BOTHER 👉🏻👈🏻”
hello!! you aren’t a bother at all and thank you for your request! i just did marvel and harry potter, if that’s alright? i’m very sorry, i just had so many considerations for stranger things and couldn’t make up my mind :( i hope you still enjoy reading these headcanons!! <3
· so, let’s start of with marvel! · as i was reading your description, i was considering many ngl, but i just have to go with bucky, because y’all would really be a power couple. · so the two of you meet very randomly, and a little cliché, at a blockbuster. (rip blockbuster btw). · you’re browsing shelves of movies, just taking a good look when you spot this tall guy, with shoulder-length brown hair, eyes on you, flustered when you spot him and you just kind of smile to yourself. · you spot the metal hand he’s hiding in his sleeve, (knowing who he was, though it wasn’t something you minded,) as you strike up a conversation with him, about the movie he’d quickly picked up when he saw you heading his way. · “the 40-year-old virgin, huh?” · “what- uhh, sorry?” · you nod to the dvd in his hand, realising that was the movie he’d randomly picked when panicking, though he wouldn’t admit he was, even later when you become a couple. · bucky and you end up leaving with each others numbers on your phones, and though he has a hard time admitting it, he’s very giggly and happy. · i mean he just got a really cute girls number, what was there not be ecstatic about? · anywho, so fastforward to after a little too many dates where he asks if you want to make it official. · it’s actually a really sweet moment. · you two are sitting at a fountain, no one around, your head on his shoulder as you just listen to the sound of the water behind you, a comfortable silence between you two. · he then kisses your lips, and you’re both feeling over the moon. · so this guy loves everything about you. · you both kind of have the same energy in a way, both laid back and though he might not have the same amount of coolness as you, you two just click and fit perfectly. · there’s never awkward silences between y’all, you’re practically soulmates, and that’s what steve and sam say too when they meet you and see you together. · if bucky has to go shopping for new clothes he always brings you along for advice, ‘cause he really likes your style and the vibe you have. · and you love styling him, since he goes along with almost everything. · for only you, of course. · bucky always hypes you up and admires your art, kissing your temples as you draw or paint, looking at your art. though he thinks your the art. · btw he absolutely LOVES your pets, and he spoils them by giving them too many treats sometimes, but he can’t help it. · yes, he is a big dog lover.  · is it just because they are your dogs and seem to have some of your personality? · maybe.  · he’s a soft boy with you, always there for you, holding you close whenever he can. · and this guy is also very touchy. · there’s nothing he loves more than laying on the couch with you, snuggling and cuddling as you watch a movie together or playing video games. · you almost always end up talking through movies, not being able to focus, but y’all don’t really mind.  · and you always kick buckys ass in video games, and when he get’s sad about losing you make up for it with kisses and loads of love <3. · he loves listening to music with you too and you showing him songs you like, since he’s not all that up to date with modern music and what’s popular nowadays. · bucky LOVES holding hands with you btw. · he only really uses lots of pda if he’s jealous of some guy checking you out, but he always holds your hand, proud to have you by his side as his lover. · he just appreciates you so much, and is so thankful that you support him and are there for him, especially when he’s going through dark episodes of trauma and PTSD. · all in all, you’re a real power couple, always strong together and you both rely a lot on each other. the trust and bond the two of you is so deep and stunning, and you’re a real dreamy, grunge couple.
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· now to the world of harry potter! · okay, so honestly how can i not ship you with the obvious person who came to my mind first- draco malfoy.  · so the two of you are childhood friends and meet in your first year at hogwarts, befriending the boy. · we all know that draco is quite the dramatic person sometimes, and you two are quite different in that sense. · sure you have the same slytherin qualities, but since you’re waaay more laid back, sure up for a little trouble, but nothing with major drama, draco is the opposite. · he’s meddling himself into things that are unbelievable sometimes, getting into trouble for the most dramatic things.  · but you’re always there to help him. · you grow to be best friends, and many from the other houses judge you for that due to his reputation. · but the thing was that they didn’t actually know him the way you knew him, as a best friend, though you wanted to be more, and let’s be honest draco has had a crush on you since your third year at hogwarts. · he asks if you want to go to the yule ball with him, and that’s when you both crack at the same time to tell each other you want something more than to just be friends. · might i add draco is very enchanted by your dress, which i personally imagine to be this black or grey, puffy gown. · no matter what you would be wearing, he’d love it and think you look gorgeous. · “draco, i-” · “i have to tell you-” · “oh,” you both say at the same time. · “you go first!” · “no, you, you.” · “i insist you speak first, i-” · but he interrupts you by placing his lips on yours and god are there loads of butterflies in your stomach. · from that night, you’re a couple, but it’s not something you disclose to many people in the beginning, despite draco being so fond of pda. · fond of pda doesn’t even begin to describe it honestly. · once you’re a couple he can’t stop showering you with kisses, hugs, gifts, chocaltes- everything. · infront of anyone, anywhere. · btw he loves shopping with you and for you, and simply must give you really extra clothes worth god knows how many galleons, but he doesn’t mind at all. · whenever you gift him something it’s usual small, but very personal, and god this boy may seem tough and ready to square up, but he becomes so emotional when you give him a present- no matter what it is. · also he loves giving you art supplies, insisting on buying your watercolour paintings so he can have them on display both in his dorm but also at home, though his parents may not be to fond of it. · he’s your number one supporter and inspiration. · draco is very proud to have you, and WILL show you off whenever he can. · he thinks and knows you deserve it, for everything you put up with. · aka him. · draco is the sort of person who has a facade for most people, you being one of the only ones, if not the only one, to be able to break down that facade. · he knows that he can be difficult sometimes, since being emotional is something he’s bad at showing just because it’s something he hides a lot, but he knows he can trust you and be himself around you. · and he knows that you’re always there for him. · and draco is always there for you. · you two have a lot of fun and are always pulling pranks or getting into trouble. · on a date you two went to explore the dark forest, luckily not getting hurt, but even if it was scary, it was funny as well. · afterwards you retreated to your dorms, sitting in the common room, having movie marathons, which annoyed the other slytherins since you two hog the tv quite a bit. · he also loves sneaking up to your dorm and taking you out on midnight walks. · sometimes you take your dog along, and it’s all just very cute. · all in all, you are such a great pair, strong, fun and troublesome, yet sweet and tender.
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