#simple shading because the school years been kicking my ass
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Goobers on the mind 🌻
#hey I swear I'm alive#gtws fanart#grian fanart#grian#gtwscar#desertduo#desert duo#traffic life#secret life#third life#? I guess#life series#got my monthly drawing in :D#simple shading because the school years been kicking my ass#also its 2am#can you tell I hate drawing shoes#I've been doodling in a sketchbook instead so I'm a little rusty :(#I shall disintegrate until some time in October hopefully :}#trafficblr#hermitblr#mcyt#scarian#trafficshipping#hermitshipping#i think#just in case :D#chump
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Hey congrats on 900 followers! Would I be able to request the touch starved prompt from your list with the pairing Aiden/Lambert please? Love all your writing!
Hello!! Thanks for requesting this prompt and this pairing! I’ve been on a right Lambden kick recently, so I felt inspired. I hope you like it!
Prompt 13: Touch-Starved
Pairing: Aiden x Lambert
Warnings: None
Prompt List
Lambert was apprehensive about many things concerning Aiden when the two started travelling together. Being stabbed to death in his sleep comes to mind, or having Aiden go all batshit crazy if Lambert dared to beat him at Gwent. Lambert has heard many rumours about Cat witchers in his long life. Cats are batshit crazy. Cats are emotionally volatile. Cats are backstabbing sons of bitches… literally and metaphorically. Cats are bad. Cats are evil, etc, etc. All these rumours circulated in Kaer Morhen long before Lambert even set foot in that ramshackle castle. He was too young to have witnessed the Tournament, but he heard the older witchers talk. Later in his life, when only a handful of wolf witchers were left after the sacking, Eskel gave Lambert a more detailed account of the Tournament.
“The Cats betrayed us, went on a rampage. Killed many wolf witchers in the process. Geralt and I lost many friends that day,” Eskel told him one evening, when the oldest surviving wolf was too far in his cup to notice that he was oversharing. “Radowit’s court mage Astrogarus promised the Cats monopoly on killing monsters within Kaedwen in exchange for attacking the Wolves during the tournament. Turns out Radowit was a backstabbing motherfucker himself. He ordered his soldiers to shoot all of the remaining witchers of both schools in the arena.”
“Lemme guess,” Lambert spoke, his own speech slightly slurred, “pretty boy saved the day?”
Eskel shook his head. “Fled. Mousesack helped him escape the massacre. Poor bastard never forgave himself for abandonin’ our brothers, but what choice did he have?”
Don’t get Lambert wrong. He’s not saying that Aiden is harmless, far from it. The guy’s lethal with his swords, deadly with a pair of daggers, not to mention a stealthy and clever thief. Aiden is mercurial, hot-tempered and a bit feral when he wants to be, and his morals are at best dubious. Whereas wolf witchers had their emotions beaten out of them at a young age, cat witchers feel too much, too strongly. Lambert’s witnessed Aiden flip tables when peasants beat him at Gwent, but he’s also witnessed the Cat shed a tear after bringing the news to a mother that her son did not survive the ghoul attack two villages down the road.
Lambert was apprehensive about many things concerning Aiden when the two started travelling together, but the Cat had never ceased to surprise him. The most unexpected trait Aiden has displayed to date is his insatiable need for physical contact. It’s not like Lambert hates being touched - he’s only human, albeit a mutated one, but still human. He enjoys a hug as much as the next person, especially when said hug comes from one of his brothers (or, dare he say, Vesemir) at the end of a long and difficult year on the Path. Lambert has also never begrudged a bed partner a post-coital cuddle session. Aiden’s need for physical contact is… on a whole different level.
The first time it happened, Lambert almost shoved the Cat off him and sent him packing, until he realised that Aiden was not only hugging him, but clinging onto him. His sharp nails were digging in the soft material of Lambert’s shirt, the fabric creaking in protest under the firm grip. When Lambert looked down, he noticed the pinched eyebrows and tears trailing down Aiden’s face. It wasn’t until a broken sob pushed past the Cat’s lips that Lambert reluctantly returned the embrace, arms wound tightly around Aiden’s trembling body. Aiden eventually settled in the safety of Lambert’s arms, his features softening as he sank back into a peaceful slumber.
Neither mentioned the previous evening’s impromptu cuddling session, but from that moment one, it was like someone had flicked a switch. Aiden came up with every possible fucking excuse to touch Lambert. Their hands would always accidentally graze each other when they packed up camp, or tacked up the horses. Aiden would bump shoulders with him when they were travelling on foot. If they sat next to one another in a tavern, Aiden would press his leg against Lambert’s, and if they were facing each other, a tentative foot would gently nudge Lambert’s shin and linger there. It’s not like Aiden was trying to hide his intentions, either. They rarely paid for two rooms anymore, because even if they did, Aiden would always end up in Lambert’s bed anyway, arms wound around Lambert’s body like a koala clinging to its mother.
Lambert doesn’t hate Aiden’s need for physical proximity, he’s just… confused by it. Aiden rarely takes any lovers to bed, even though he clearly craves physical intimacy. Lambert is more than happy to cuddle with Aiden, especially when they are forced to sleep under the stars and the early autumn frosts begin to settle over the region. It saves them from lighting a campfire, which may attract the wrong kind of attention to them. That’s all that’s ever transpired between the two, though… cuddling. Lambert enjoys the cuddling as much as Aiden does, but for Aiden it seems to be about more than mere enjoyment. The Cat simply refuses to go without physical intimacy which at times can be… alright, it can feel overbearing, but Lambert’s not about to complain, not when most humans turn away from him in disgust and contempt when he tries to chat them up.
Over the course of the next few weeks, Aiden almost develops a form of separation anxiety. He refuses to let Lambert out of his sight, going so far as to follow the man everywhere, and that’s the moment when Lambert snaps.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” he asks, his tone hiding none of the irritation he feels at being tailed by this overgrown tomcat. Aiden stops dead in his tracks, his eyes growing wide at Lambert’s words.
“You’ve been following me since this morning… I have errands to run and it’s hard to do that when you’re breathing down my neck!”
Lambert instantly regrets his words the minute they leave his mouth. Aiden’s shoulders visibly sag at Lambert’s comment, his content expression melting into something sadder and the sight tugs at the wolf’s heartstrings in all the wrong ways. Aiden averts Lambert’s eyes shyly, the tip of his ears turning a pretty shade of pink as embarrassment washes over him. Lambert heaves a sigh. Way to act like a fucking dick.
“Sorry, Aiden. I… I didn’t mean to sound like an ass, but-”
“It’s alright, I… I knew this moment would come eventually.”
“What are you talking about?” Lambert asks, a confused frown etched on his face. Aiden doesn’t look at him when he replies in a voice far too small to belong to the lethal, cocky witcher Lambert has come to know over the past few months.
“You’re gonna ask me to leave for good. I get it. I… I’ll go back to the room and pack my things.”
As Aiden turns around to leave, Lambert’s hand shoots out and grabs a hold of Aiden’s wrist. Before Lambert’s brain has a chance to catch up, he finds himself pulling Aiden into a nearby alley, away from prying eyes of judgemental humans meandering the stalls of the midweek market. Aiden looks so unsure now, so vulnerable like this, and it makes Lambert want to wrap the Cat up in warm blankets and cuddle him and forget the world for a while. Instead, he settles on pressing Aiden’s back against the wall and draping himself around the Cat witcher as much as he can.
“That’s not what I meant,” Lambert breathes in the air pocket between them as he locks eyes with Aiden, “you’ve just been… especially clingy recently. Are you sure you’re alright?”
Aiden averts his eyes once again, but Lambert is quick to grip the other man’s chin and force Aiden to meet his gaze. Even that simple touch pulls a small hiss from Aiden, whose eyes flutter shut as he relishes in the feeling of Lambert touching him anywhere. Lambert purses his lips, eager for an answer.
“Winter is around the corner,” Aiden whispers, his tongue darting out to lick his suddenly dry lips. Lambert’s frown deepens.
His question is met with a pointed eye roll from Aiden.
“And… wolves return to their dens for winter, don’t they? I was just… enjoying the last few weeks in your company before you leave and never come back.”
As the final piece of the puzzle slots into place, understanding dawns on Lambert. He pulls away from Aiden and the small whimper the loss of contact triggers does not go unnoticed. Something old and fragile aches in Lambert’s chest as the meaning of Aiden’s words sink in. Aiden isn’t just worried about being separated from Lambert for a few months, but he’s worried that Lambert will never come back.The wolf links his fingers with his Cat’s, squeezing softly as he leans into Aiden’s space and rubs his bearded cheek against Aiden’s jawline. The latter quickly melts under the soft ministrations, the soft content rumble deepening into a continuous purr as Lambert nuzzles the crook of Aiden’s neck.
“Why didn’t you say something sooner?”
“Yeah, right,” Aiden snorts in response, “cause you’re so good with feelings and shit.”
“Not everyone’s a sappy sentimental bitch like you are,” Lambert teases gently, earning himself a half-hearted slap up the back of the head. “I don’t have to go back to Kaer Morhen this winter.”
Aiden tenses, his soft purring stopping abruptly as he takes in Lambert’s words. Lambert continues to rub his cheek against Aiden’s jaw, his neck, his cheek… wherever he can reach, the action meant to soothe the brewing storm in Aiden’s mind.
“It’s your home,” Aiden offers weakly, “I don’t want… I… it’s your home.”
“I can send a letter to the old man. Let him know I’m alive. We could find a den somewhere else… an attic somewhere, or an abandoned castle.” Lambert nuzzles the spot right behind Aiden’s ear, earning a pleased hum from the Cat. “Or you could come with me.”
“Sure. Cause that’s gonna end well…”
“That’s settled then. I’m spending winter with you.”
Aiden pushes Lambert away, their eyes meeting once again but this time, Aiden searches for any trace of a lie in Lambert’s amber gaze. He finds none, because Lambert is one hundred percent honest in his offer. He would ditch Vesemir, Geralt and Eskel for a year to spend it with Aiden… and the thought should scare him more than it does, truthfully. He’s only known the Cat for a few months, and yet… well, maybe Lambert was dreading the winter as well. How about that? It’s not like he felt equally anxious about leaving Aiden, it’s just… fuck off.
“You mean that?”
“Mhm. Fair warning… I hate the cold. If I’m spending the winter with you, you’ll have to find a way to keep me warm or I will bite your head off.”
In Aiden’s defence, he does keep Lambert warm all winter long. Their cuddling finally turns into something more, and from the moment Lambert and Aiden cross that fateful line there is no going back. Aiden becomes insatiable, always seeking Lambert’s body in some shape or form, never letting the wolf out of his sight again. Lambert may have been apprehensive about many things concerning Aiden when the two started travelling together, but it turns out that all his worries were for nothing. Turns out Cat witchers are still crazy, and feral, and mercurial… a tad possessive as well, something Lambert doesn’t hate... but they’re also the cuddliest sons of bitches on the Continent.
Lambert can live with that, he thinks.
Request a prompt.
#havenwrites#fluff#angst#the witcher#wiedzmin#lambert the witcher#the witcher lambert#lambert#aiden#aiden the witcher#the witcher aiden#witcher lambert#witcher aiden#Lambden#laiden#lambert x aiden#aiden x lambert#aiden/lambert#lambert/aiden#soft#prompt fill#requests open
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summary: I want to get off, but I keep riding the ride, I never really noticed that I had to decide, to play someone's game, or live my own life.
warnings: angst, manipulating behaviour from eren, female reader (i’m sorry i didn’t make the reader genderless), cursing, smoking, drinking. let me know if i should add something else.
word count: 2.8k
A/N: so let me know if it sucked, pls, thank you. also, English is not my first language, so there can be mistakes pls tell me where my dumb ass was wrong

The hand on the waist was the final nail in the coffin for you.
How dare he dance with another girl. How dare he smile at her, how dare he ignore you and act like you weren't there, too.
"This is just pitiful," Marleen snorted, finishing half of her drink in a sip as she watched the same scene unfolding in the living room, those two uncaring of everyone else, like they were throwing it in your face.
You hummed, not really in the mood for taunts and half assed advices. "Which part?"
Marleen finished her drink and threw the cup over her shoulder, over the improvised bar the frat boys did last year with wood panels and boxes. It landed in the kitchen, someone yelling at the brunette as it nearly missed him.
"You. Honestly, for the last time, you need to—"
Frowning, you tensed and turned to glare at her, only to stop staring at the dance floor. "Honestly, Marleen, for the last time, I'm not fucking Jean to get over Eren."
She raised her hands in mock surrender, taking the half empty bottle of beer from your loosened grasp. "Doesn't have to be Jean, pal."
Groaning, throwing your head back dramatically, you couldn't find it in yourself to debate this subject, again.
Not that it mattered. Not like it was supposed to be a fun night at a frat house. Not like you made a fuss about it, dressed in your best leather pants and top, tattoos on display.
Not like you actually tried a bolder look with the cat like eyeliner and actually put on lip gloss, because you knew Eren liked those, said once your lips were pretty like that, coated with too much cherry glitter—
No, it didn't matter, not even as you sat there, feeling stupid as you pulled at your snake bites, wondering if you should get drunk or just go back to your dorm and complain to Annie.
But the blonde was at the party, too, somewhere among the crowd and probably sulking just as you, if you were to guess after seeing Armin with some junior chick an hour ago.
Marleen pushed herself away from the counter, losing her balance as she fell from the chair, but you saw it coming. Rolling your eyes, you caught her arm and steadied her.
Marleen grinned as you let her go, and seized your bicep, squeezing it three times, like a grandmother would with her grandchildren's cheeks.
"God, I love your muscles."
You loved them, too, but often found yourself wondering if Eren would pick you if you looked different, like the pretty, thin brunette wrapped around him on the dance floor.
God, how much can someone dance?
"Anyway," Marleen sighed, fake annoyance and all that, "Someone has to fuck Jean."
You snorted, "Poor you, volunteering like that for society."
She waved you off, pushing your now empty beer bottle into your chest as she left your side with her arms in the air, waving franatically to catch Jean's attention from his seat on the couch, where Connie was trying to explain something with his fingers.
Putting the bottle behind you on the counter, you tried to stop yourself from looking at him. What good did it do to—
He was gripping her waist, his large hands, clad in rings you got for his last birthday, covering her exposed skin. Her arms were in his hair as he bent to say something in her ear—
No, you noticed, he was kissing her neck and she was grinning sideways at Eren.
Scoffing, you tugged at one of the pierces in your nose. You should know better by now, Marleen once chided after cleaning your face off, ruined make up almost dried on your cheeks.
He knows, Annie scolded from beside you two in the small public bathroom after Eren ruined karaoke night and brought his new girlfriend.
He knows you love him and doesn't care. So do yourself a favour and move on.
Yeah, you watch Eren laugh at something the girl said, move on from the crush you had on him since you were sixteen and his hair was still short and he was crying over his parents' divorce.
Sure, move on and forget all the times you helped him, picked the pieces and put him first. Like he did, all those years going down the drain ever since the school year started and he barely acknowledged you.
"You look like shit," someone took the seat next to you, and you sighed before accepting the offered red solo cup.
"Feel like it, too," you looked at Levi snorting as he sipped on his beer. He looked like he just got out of bed.
Right, you scowled at yourself. You've been so busy preparing to let Eren walk all over you, that you forgot that Levi lived in the frat house that hosted the party.
Hange was talking Erwin's ears off, but he smiled and waved at you from where he stood close to the oven, once you looked over your shoulder to inspect who was there. Hange imitated his gesture without turning to see who, exactly, they were saluting.
Levi ignored them altogether, hair disheveled from his twitching fingers. He probably had a nap, you guessed, from the simple black shirt and jeans. Most likely got dragged down from his room by Zeke, or someone.
You knew him well enough, since he bumped into you almost one year ago, in the parking lot where you were smoking, asking for a lighter. Sure, he ignored your bad mood since you walked over to class when Eren forgot to pick you up.
It was just one time.
It wasn't until many months later that he picked a habit of ditching you and your plans together.
Levi was older by two years, and so were his friends, but they took you under their wing almost immediately.
They were protective of you, especially Hange, but no one came close to Levi anytime Eren made you cry or upset you with anything.
Like now, as he glared at the place where you already knew Eren was having fun with the girl. But you chose to look at Levi, chin in the palm of your hand.
Finally, he turned to take you in, his eyes catching onto the fact that you wore the rings and choker he got for you over the last year, then the many earrings Hange and Erwin got you anytime you wanted another pierce.
"Well, you sure look worse than me," you smirked, but Levi frowned at your attempt.
"He did it again?"
You couldn't find it in yourself to get mad at his words, "He just forgot, is all."
Levi snorted, "He should get checked for that Alzheimer he's been sporting for the last months."
You hit his arm, barely touching him, and huffed. "Play nice."
To his credit, he left it at that and let the noise of the party fall over you, both nursing your drinks.
You pondered going to Hange to ask if you could crash over the night with them, knowing Marleen was busy and Annie probably left by now.
"Want to dance?"
Well, then.
Your eyebrows almost reached your hairline as your eyes found Levi's, "Huh?"
He didn't shrug, or rolled his eyes, simply putting down his bottle and staring at you. You didn't want to look over at the dance floor, or be near that sexual tension, but—
But Levi was trying, and you knew how much he despised the parties, or having to interact, or, God Almighty forbid, dance.
And he was asking if you wanted to, because he knew you liked the song that was playing before you even realized what song it was or that you've been moving your head along with the beat for the last minute.
But Eren was th—
You jumped from the bar stool, "Sure."
You were taller than Levi by some good inches, but that didn't bother him. It never did, not even when you made fun of it at game nights or that one time at the carnival when he was the only one to join you in the big rides.
It didn't bother him, not even now, as you let him put his hands on your bare waist and slightly gaze up at you.
Hands around his neck, you let your chin rest near his ear, "You dance like someone's grandpa."
You could only assume he scoffed as he moved his arms around and pushed you closer to his chest.
"That's how you're grandpa danced?"
You shrugged and let him move your hips to the beat, fingers lost in his hair. "Wouldn't know. He died before I was out, kicking and screaming for the last time in my life at my mom."
Levi shook his head at your words, used to your humour and thankful you couldn't see his smile as he put his forehead on your bare shoulder.
You found yourself forgetting about Eren for a while as Levi danced with you and touched your skin, fingers grazing sometimes over your back or spine.
Then he was lost to your mind altogether when Levi caught your eye and you tried to make sense of the look he was giving you.
Marleen said something about his stares, when you couldn't see him watching.
You wet your lips, and he watched your tongue swipe over the pierces. "What, Ackerman?"
He shrugged, "You hate lip glosses."
It was barely there after all the drinks, but the thin, shiny coat with that stupid glitter was noticable enough for Levi to glare at.
And you did, you did hate lip glosses when Levi's arms were around you like that and his hands didn't shy away at the feeling of your muscles like Eren once did, because, damn, what chick wants those abs?
"'m stupid, I know," you mumbled, head titled close to his ear, but he turned to look at you, not even dancing anymore as his mouth was so damn close to yours.
"Want me to buy you another lipstick? What was it, again? R—"
You laughed, and Levi smelt the juice and whiskey on your breath. "Red, yeah. Still don't know how you found that shade, it was so nice, and I finished it too fast."
Levi smirked a little, "Told you, it's a secret. How else am I gonna surprise you?"
You felt him around you, too real, too much, it consumed you, steadily, as his eyes wondered around on your features.
"You surprise me anyway, Ackerman."
He wet his lips, then frowned, having to remind himself you weren't there for him, that you were in that position only because you were hurting again and because he was stupid and reckless and—
"Take it off, please?"
Levi searched your eyes, "What?"
"The gloss crap. Take it off, please."
Levi's breath hitched. "Are you sure?"
You looked down at his lips, "Help me a little, Levi."
Damn you. Damn you and your beautiful face, that irresistible body and that personality and the fact that it made him fall hard. So hard he couldn't deny you, even if it hurt him.
Because you were still hang on Eren, waiting and suffering, uselessly prolonging the inevitable everyone knew its end, but you.
But now you were in his arms and looking at him like he put the stars that formed those constellations you adored so much, on the sky.
Damn you, da—
He would never admit it hurt to press your lips to yours, to feel that cherry lip gloss first, then the punch as he probed at your mouth to get rid of that crap as you so nicely asked him to.
He hardly noticed how the pierces felt against his tongue, all lost to his mind as he gripped your hips tighter.
He would never admit it bothered him how your fingers played with his hair as you moved your face down and kissed him too roughly for his taste.
But it brought some satisfaction to glance over your shoulder at the shocked, angered Eren, his dance partner forgotten as he stared at his hands on your skin.
Good, it felt good. Even when Levi knew you would regret it the next day and go back to sulking over Eren.
But you brought his mouth back to yours and kept his face in your hands and made him ignore how much it hurt while he bruised your lips with too many kisses.
Levi tried to convince himself that things would finally be better, that it was the right move and he wasn't just a rebound. Maybe, if he kept telling himself that, he would believe it, too.
Even as you pecked his lips once, twice, stopped to gulp down breaths of air, like you just surfaced from water, like you've been drowning and finally, finally, you were free now.
But you stayed close, foreheads pressed against each other's while some stupid disco song started playing and Connie's excited yells surpassed even the stereo system.
You opened your mouth, and Levi wondered if he should be the first to say sorry.
"This is nice."
Flinching, you furrowed your brow and turned to look at Hange. They grinned, inches away from your face. Levi scoffed, and took one, two, fuck it—
He almost jumped away from you, putting space, almost making a statement. He glared at Hange.
"Is this our new secret handshake? I have to tell Erwin," they didn't wait, and you sighed as Hange bounced away to annoy Erwin for the millionth time that night.
You clicked your tongue, Hange forgot to tell you why they interrupted... Whatever that was with Levi, who was now rubbing his face in what you knew was annoyance.
Wetting your lips, and feeling no trace of cherry, made you feel worse than before.
"Right, I'm—"
Levi scoffed, hands back into his pockets as he already moved to walk past you. "Don't. I'm sure Jean would like to continue this."
You wondered why his words stung that much, because you were supposed to feel better after kissing someone. Because it was supposed to make you feel something else than sadness and constant self hatred.
Eren was making his way towards you, and Levi was already lost in the crowd before you could try to mend things. And say what, exactly? Nothing made sense anymore, your thoughts scattered all over the place because—
"What was that about?"
He was asking you, talking to you, and it didn't feel as good as you thought it would. Neither could bother to step aside, talk somewhere private, people still drinking and dancing around.
But why would Eren go somewhere private with you? It wasn't right. Nothing was feeling right as he glared down at you, at your swollen lips and flushed cheeks, that even the low light of the Christmas lights hanged around the walls couldn't hide.
Sure, you were broken. Mind blank and fingers twitching to hold onto something.
Eren frowned, "What was that about, with Ackerman?"
You blinked at him. "I'm sorry?"
It wasn't the apology you almost shot at Levi earlier. You sounded too confused and shocked, even for you.
But nothing made sense and Eren was now fuming.
And you were all years for him, straining yourself to hear him over the music and the crowd that pushed your bodies closer. All because you were used to this, dropping all doubts and latching onto Eren. Honestly, you couldn’t remember the last time he was that close to you, couldn’t comprehend the harsh reality.
He was there because it bothered him to lose his play toy, and you were too blind to see it, or anything else beside his eyes as he talked. Blinking, you allowed Eren to take you to the kitchen, something about another drink.
Levi was lost to you as Eren put his arm around your shoulders, barely keeping it there as he started talking about his classes and something his colleagues. You granted him your attention, all of it, never half hearted like he was with you most of the time.
Try all the time.
Because you were better, always so caring and welcoming for Eren to just pick and take whenever he pleased. But he was your friend, you cared too much about him to just let him go or ignore his needs. And he even left that pretty girl to talk with you. Surely, that must count as something.
“Where’s your lip gloss, hm?” Eren inquired, watching you over the rim of his cup as you blinked, head titled to actually think about what he asked. Then,
“Oh, sorry. must’ve worn off,” you struggled to articulate the words, barely thinking them through, feeling small, almost lost under his stare for a moment. Eren smiled down at you, almost cynically, as he put his cup down and took your hand in his.
“Want to dance?”
You nodded, faster than before, with—
It didn’t matter, not in that moment.
Assuring him it was alright, because every little thing was alright to you as long as it was Eren and his hand was taking yours, even if the hold was loose, barely there, like he was seconds away from letting it go.
#eren yaegar#levi ackerman#fanfic#reader#eren x you#eren x reader#levi x reader#hange zoë#erwin smith#reader insert#female reader#aot fanfiction#eren angst#levi angst
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happy birthday | myg
♥ summary: When a birthday foot massage turns into something a bit more interesting 18+ ( established relationship)
♥ paring: slight dom yoongi! x f. sub reader (established relationship)
♥ warnings: SMUT! swearing, female receiving, multiple orgasms , over stimulation, creampie, squirting and use of a sex toy.
♥ a/n: Not gonna lie I wrote this for myself on my birthday because I’m such a simp for Min Yoongi. Also, I apologize that this post is a day late. I watched Day 1 and Day 2 of the MOTS 7 concert and I was so sleep deprived so please forgive me. Enjoy! Feedback is welcome!
You always hated being the center of attention, in a room full of crowded bodies with all eyes on you was never your forte. So, when you explained to your boyfriend of 2 years that you wanted a simple celebration of your birthday, he promised you just that. Your special day consisted of breakfast in bed, shopping, a movie, and dinner at your favorite restaurant. To others, a birthday spent like such would be considered a boring one, but for you, a day spent with Yoongi by your side was perfect.
"This was such a fun day!" Your exhausted body pushed through the door for your apartment, dropping your shopping bags on the living room table. "I'm beat!" Kicking off your shoes, your body collapses on the couch, releasing a heavy breath as your lashes flutter shut to relax.
Yoongi closes the door behind him, chuckling at your animated demeanor. "I'm glad you had a great time,__" Before anything else, Yoongi escaped into the back room, only to reemerge with a few items in his hands, an eager smile stretched across his face. "But it's not over yet."
Your lips curve in question, "Huh?" and the moment your eyes blink open, a romantic flickering of dim orange light begins to dance across the apartment walls along with the soothing scent of lavender. Your brows crinkle together, dimples digging into your cheeks upon realizing, Yoongi lit your favorite scented candle. "What's this about?" You pull yourself up with a toothy grin in observance of the scene before you.
A twinkle of delight shimmers within Yoongi's onyx orbs, taking a seat on the carpet between your legs. "Your last gift of the day." His proud gummy smile gleaming up at you.
It wasn't until Yoongi gently placed your foot onto his lap, removing your socks, that you realized what he was doing. Your cheeks lighten with an innocent hue as his long fingers brush against your tiny toes. "Y-Yoon?" You question, with a rapid heart beat.
"Hm?" He questions, pulling a bottle of oil out of the silk bag only to pour a modest amount into his hand. "You act like I've never touched you before,__" His hooded eyes dart up at you, though only for a second before talented fingers are massaging the warming oil into the balls, arch, and toes of your foot.
"Mhm..." A small moan vibrates from the back of your throat, the newly found pleasure rippling throughout your being, practically melting your body into the sofa. "Feels good~" You purr.
Yoongi takes pride in the blissful expression plastered across your face. "I'm happy you're enjoying yourself." Voice music to your ears as his fingers work between your toes, ankle, and back up the sole of your foot. "Just relax and let me take care of you."
"Okay." Your lashes flutter shut, body loosening up as the soothing scent of lavender sways within your nostrils. Yoongi, being skillful with his hands, takes his time and massages all the spots you seem to like most. He doesn't speak, merely allowing you to fully embrace your very own euphoria.
You're unable to recall a time your body experienced this type of tranquility; with work and school swallowing your livelihood, you're surprised you're able to even manage a relationship with your hectic schedule. Always a paper due, an extra shift that needed to be worked. There were times you barely even had time to sleep...
"SLEEP?!" Realizing your body was a bit too tranquil enough to doze off, your back arches off the couch, frantic eyes darting across the room in search of your boyfriend. Had it already been that long he chose to leave for the night? "Yoongi?"
"Don't worry, you weren't asleep for too long." A teasing smirk pulls across his full cheeks, taking a seat on the floor between your legs again. "Had to wash my hands and get your other present." Unlike before, his demeanor changed. His hooded eyes, a shade darker than normal, tongue lapping across his bottom lip, along with a seductive arched brow. Surely, Yoongi was up to something.
"I thought the foot massage was my last gift." Your head tilts with confusion.
Yoongi chuckles at your obliviousness, placing a pink rectangular box on your lap. "This is just the other part of your present." He nudges you to open it.
You sport Yoongi an -what are you up to- expression, only for your curiosity to become interrupted by the heaviness of the box. What else could he possibly be gifting you with after a day of shopping and dinner? "Okay." Your fingers slowly unravel the bow, careful with removing the lid. The moment your eyes make contact with what's inside, your jaw drops in awe at the objects.
"I saw you googling them a few weeks back. I figured I'd get the set for you." There's a moment of hesitation in Yoongi's tone, your silence instantly forcing him to contemplate his gift. "I-It is what you wanted,.. right?"
Your eyes bounce back to your blonde-haired boyfriend, noticing the doubt trickling across his expression. "Yes, Yoongi, it is!" You praise, heart fluttering that your boyfriend paid that much attention to notice your personal interests. "Thank you so much!" It was a set of 3 clear glass dildos, all shape and length in different sizes, with adorable pink, heart-shaped handles at the end.
Regaining his confidence, his blond head slips between your legs, lips ghosting over the sensitive spots of your inner thighs. “Ya, know..." Mint breath slapping across your skin, causing a delightful shiver up your spine. "We can test them out right now if you want." His jet eyes cutting dangerously at you before placing a kiss on the spot that causes your abdomen to tense deliciously.
With the tempting look in Yoongi's eyes and the grip he has on your thighs, your body heats with desire, feminine core throbbing against the now annoying material of your panties. "I-I mean..." You swallow hard, attempting to catch your staggered breath. "D-do you want to?"
A dimple forms in the crevice of Yoongi's cheeks, snickering at your timid question. "Of course I want to, kitten..." He purrs, fingers working to unbuttoning the metal of your jean shorts. "But today isn't about me, is it?" dark eyes rolling up to you while the echo of your zipper tauntingly fills the room.
If you blinked, you would have missed the dark, carnal switch that happened deep within Yoongi's eyes. Clearly, he was ready for whatever the night had in store. You gulp, "No," You answer back modestly but also notice the rising heat growing between your thighs. "It's about me tonight." You answer back with a nod, slightly more confident than last.
Yoongi snickers devilishly at your reply. "Yes, it is." He pulls at your jean shorts, helping you shimmy out of them. Yoongi gestures at your shirt with a tempting bite of his lip only for it to disappear behind you a second later, leaving your body in nothing but a black bra and panties set.
Your boyfriend takes in the magnificent sight of your hair framing around your adorable cheeks, romantic flames of candlelight across your skin and eyes, and your practically nude body that lit a hungry flame within his core. "Fuck..." Unable to hold back any longer, Yoongi lunges forward, harshly gripping onto your thighs as if to hold you in place while his plush lips place rough kisses and love bites along the innards of your thigh.
"Mhm, Yoon..." Your hips stutter forward, a zap of electricity zipping up your spine, awakening your body with a fevering heat.
As Yoongi's tongue laps across the sensitive parts of your inner thigh, his sneaky index hooks onto the wetness of your panties, slowly sliding down the flimsy fabric before tossing them over his shoulder, not caring where they landed. "Hope you're ready for your gift." His tone holding velvety dominance as his lust-filled eyes peer up at you.
Before you could even mutter a response, Yoongi's crafty tongue laps across your throbbing slit, hands spreading your thighs open for better access. You release a whimper, and the moment his lips latch onto your pulsing clit, your hips snap forward, tongue slipping and sliding between your folds, leaving you a stuttering mess.
Taking his time, Yoongi lapped figure eights around your sensitive nub, large hands cupping at your ass cheeks, sliding you forward into his mouth. "You taste so good, kitten." Words vibrating against your delicate flesh as he spoke.
Even with his tongue moving so deliciously between your slit, body floating into cloud nine, the flame burning inside of you craved more. "S-so good b-but...please~" your walls clenching around nothing in dire need to be stretched. "Inside~." You mewl with a needy wiggle to the edge of the couch.
Yoongi cocks a brow, peeking up at you while working your marvelous wet pussy. "You can't wait anymore, can you." He teases with a confident chuckle. "Your pussy is always so needy for attention." He cheekily mutters, slowly slipping two long digits into the slick of your folds.
"Fuck!" You yelp at the instant pleasure of Yoongi’s curving fingers locate the spongy surface of your inner walls. Back arching off the couch only to roll deeper into Yoongi's thrusts and tongue. "So good..." Managing past the dryness of your throat to whimper.
Yoongi's fingers pump in and out of your gushy slit with ease, tongue attacking your clit for maximum effect. "I want you to cum." the curve of his digits jabbing at your g-spot. You whimper a moan, walls tightening around his knuckles, sending waves of pleasure through your core. "I want your pretty pussy to cum all over my face, kitten."
Feeling your orgasm quickly approaching, the pit of your abdomen tightens in a knot, tight pussy swallowing long fingers, teasing at your approaching release. "Y-Yoongi..." You pant, fog of tears swelling at the corners of your eyes, cheeks a misty hue with thighs opening as wide as humanly possible for your boyfriend's assault on your pussy. "G-gonna cum.... Uughh." Your fingers thread through Yoongi's blonde tresses with a yank, guiding the male's mouth all the places you need him most.
Yoongi snickers at the aggression you have with his hair but doesn't let up. Feeling your soaking muscles clenching around his digits, your fucked out expression says it all, that you're ready to burst at any given moment. "Be a good girl," His fingers pick up their pace, assaulting the sweet spots of your insides at devilish speeds. "and cum for me."
As if on-demand, the tight knot built in the pit of your abdomen finally bursts, sending your body into an eruption of pleasure. "FUCK!" Your back arches off the couch, vision clouded with an assortment of colors, legs collapsing into jelly, as your sopping pussy leaks creamy arousal.
Plunging from the high of your orgasm, your exhausted body plops back onto the sofa, glistening sweat built across your brow with lungs heaving for breath. "So good." You murmur with what little strength you have left.
Yoongi snickers at your weakened expression. "We're not done yet,__" His words are sly as he opens the birthday box that contains a multitude of glass pleasure wands. "Which one should I use on you first?" He takes a second to observe, index tapping his chin in thought. "Got it." Picking out the wand, he knew would send you over the edge.
"H-huh?" Before you could comprehend what was happening, a sudden stretching of something strong and firm slips inside you. "Hmhmm." Your body awakens again, teeth digging into the bottom of your lip as your hips unknowingly roll forward, allowing the glass dildo to plug into your soaking slit.
"You almost forgot about this, didn't you?" Yoongi grins devilishly, the deep ridges of the wand satisfying your greedy entrance.
Your body shutters with delight at the feeling, lashes fluttering as your neck rolls back. With your body still processing the high of your first orgasm, you feel a new wave of arousal collapse over you. "You wanna make me cum again, Yoongi~?" Your once shy innocence, now engulfed by the sparks of lust dancing within your hazed eyes.
Yoongi wiggles a brow at your confidence. "You know it, kitten," he answers back almost too quickly. "Let's see what this thing can do." And without the need for direction, Yoongi slips the rigid object back into the hilt of your core, tilting at just the right angle.
"Shiiiiiit." Yoongi picks up his speed, your ass cheeks bouncing on the glass dildo as he rams it in and out as if it were his profession. Your walls take a liking to the newly discovered object, aroused and clutching tightly around the ridged glass, welcoming it deep within your pussy like the slut it was.
Being the generous pussy eater that he was, Yoongi positioned his mouth against your overwhelming heat once again, plush lips latching onto the sensitive nub, nibbling and sucking all the while thrusting your new favorite toy into your shameful entrance.
A new wave of pleasure zaps through you. "F-fuck, Yoon!" Unapologetically, you grab at your boyfriend's blonde hair, pulling and yanking at the tresses as if your life depended on it. Your brows furrowed together and teeth tugging at your bruised lips as your foggy gaze peers between your legs at the man feasting upon you as if he were starving. "Yoongi, s-so good." Your neck rolls, the familiar tightness in your abdomen returns, threatening to rupture your release.
Your pussy is gushing, sending streams of milky arousal down the shaft of the dildo and onto Yoongi's glistening chin. Even though he couldn't feel your muscles tightening within you, he knew you were reaching the peak of your second orgasm; your words slurred, legs shaking uncontrollably along with the death grip you had on his hair. Yoongi smirks, your incoherent and shaken state, stroking his ego.
Your body uncontrollably humps into Yoongi's mouth, hips matching the rhythm of the glass wand slamming into the wall of your cervix, hitting all the spots you need it most. "P-please..." You're a whimpering mess. "Baby, m-make me cum again...wanna so bad..." Addicted to the taste of release, you plea your boyfriend to fuck another orgasm out of you like that dirty whore that you were.
More than happy to oblige your request, Yoongi stiffens his tongue, lapping over your glistening clitoris at record speed while your soaked pussy sucks in the rigid wand. "Cum,__" He orders with a stern tone.
As if Yoongi's voice was the switch to your light, the tightness within your abdomen snaps on queue. "Shit!" You're crying out again, white noise clogging the tunnels of your ears as your vision fogs with an explosion of different colors. Your lashes flutter the tears from your eyes all the while attempting to catch your staggering breath as the second orgasm pulls from your body. "W-wow,..." Your nearly horse voice stutters out. "T-that was great I-"
The moment your glossy orbs stutter open, you're immediately met with an immaculate sight. It was none other than Yoongi standing proudly naked before you. Smooth, ivory skin that seemed to glow under the romantic candlelight. A hard chest that sculpted into a lean abdomen, showcasing a happy trail of hair leading down to the object you desired most to see. "We're still not done, kitten," Yoongi smirks devilishly, gripping at the base of his thick shaft, standing proudly.
You gulp, the curve of his impressive dick bobbing against his lower abdomen, thick veins protruding from the sides of its girthy shaft. Hungry, Your eyes follow up to the summit of it's red, angry tip, slit oozing delicious pre-cum. You lick your lips at the sight, aroused walls clenching around nothing.
Yoongi stands over you, stroking his monstrous dick with a bit of dominance. While he patiently took care of the needs and desires of your body, Yoongi's dick grew angry and more impatient against the fabric of his boxers. Finally freed, it was more than ready to plug deep into the warm, wet sleeve of your walls. "Tell me what you want, kitten." Yoongi's voice dipping an ungodly tone.
"I-I..." You know precisely what you want, for your boyfriend to fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk in the morning. The heat and slick of your previous orgasms, still fresh between your legs, ready to be put to good use, but you wonder if your body can take it—the anxious build-up of another orgasm. You swallow hard at the thought, eyes faced with the perfectly crafted perfection, which was Yoongi's hard dick, a erection you didn't want to go to waste. "I w-want." Your eyes flicker back up at Yoongi, shimmering orbs glowing with desire and lust. "I want you to fuck me, Yoongi." Your voice, dripping with confidence.
Leaving no time for his response, Yoongi pens your legs back with a growl, using his free hand to align his angry tip to the soak of your heated entrance. His hooded eyes cut to you, giving one final look, "Happy birthday, kitten." and as quickly as the words fell from his lips, Yoongi sends his hips soaring forward, plugging his dick deep within your walls as if he were a missing piece to your puzzle
You wince at the sting of his stretch, girth unmatched to any finger or sex toy that could be purchased. "Yoongi~" Due to the multiple orgasms your body endured, the stretch of your entrance was met with a tasteful mix of pain and pleasure. Your orbs slamming shut, releasing a stream of lovely tears from the corners of your eyes.
"Fuck your so tight." Yoongi grunts, gripping onto your thighs as if to hold you both in place. "So fuckin' wet." He leans in, his button nose ghosting over yours as his lustful jet eyes peer into your glossed orbs. "My perfect peach." It was then his lips forced onto yours, tongue dancing within your mouth to give you the sweet taste of your arousal.
You moan into Yoongi's mouth, welcoming the taste of your own pussy as thick thrusts pump into your core. "S-so good." You're a whimpering mess, hips rutting forward as the song of slapping skin echoes throughout the living room.
Typically, Yoongi was slow and patient when making love to you, but something about watching your pussy orgasm and your lips moaning his name awakened a carnal side of him, hidden deep within his psyche. "Sorry, I'm so rough...mhm." Yoongi grunts, eyes rolling while your juicy walls hug around his hostile dick.
"I-its okay..." Your fingers grip onto Yoongi's shoulder blades, nails digging into his flesh as he pounded into the spot that made you see stars. "Fuck, just don't stop." Your walls begin to clutch around him, along with the tight build-up of the familiar knot in your abdomen; however, this time is different. A pressure building behind the structure of your pubic bone that you desperately want to find the reason behind. "Y-Yoongi...." Somehow your release feels out of reach "I-I don't think I-I c-can." You whimper, feeling as though your maximum peak was untenable.
"Y-yes, you can, kitten." Yoongi huffs out, placing kissing and love bits along the lobe of your ear and the curve of your neck. "Cum for me again." Knowing exactly what would bring you over the edge, Yoongi snakes his arm between the two of your sweaty bodies, fingers locating the ball of your clitoris, slowly swiping across the needy nub before attacking with rougher speeds
"Naha!" An electric jolt zips throughout your body, causing your back to arch off the couch. Your senses are on fire. The sweat dripping down your flesh, Yoongi's breath puffing into the shell of your ear, skin rubbing against one another as his thick dick takes you savagely. Was there ever a better feeling than this?
Like a volcano about to erupt, your body begins to shake, unholy moans screeching from your throat, as the knot in the pit of your abdomen becomes incredibly tighter as a sudden urge to pee spikes. "F-fuck Yoon, I... I-I t-think I'm gonna..." And just like that, the build-up inside you snaps, an explosion stronger than ever before. "Fuck!" Your soaking pink muscles push out, liquid squirting out like a waterfall as colors of red, purple and blue, fog your blissful vision, body going limp
Your warm wetness sprays across Yoongi's pelvis, lines of pearling liquid trickling down his flesh. "Kitten, did you just...?" He silent for a moment upon realizing what exactly just happened. You squirted, the evidence of your unholy release trickling to Yoongi's shaft, still plugged into you. "So. Fuckin. Hot!" The carnal need to release overpowers Yoongi, large hands grabbing hold of your hips, and he snaps his thrusts at record speed. With your walls sucking in Yoongi's girth, the tease of release trickled throughout his body. "F-Fuck, kitten, gonna..." He releases a throaty grunt. "Shit!" One final thrust and he was over the edge, ropes of semen coating your insides like a painter, his canvas.
For a moment, Yoongi's body is in tranquil bliss, limply plummeting onto the couch to lay beside you. The two of your eyes following the shadows of candle-light flames dancing around the walls as you gasp for air. "Wow." Yoongi snickers with a toothy grin. "I can't believe you squirted." He comments proudly.
You giggle. "I didn't even know I could do that." Responding between breaths.
"Well, know that I know how to make you squirt," Yoongi pulls you into his chest, fingers caressing your hair as he places a kiss atop of your glistening forehead. "I'll be sure to fuck that glass dildo into you more often." His lips pull into a smile while taking in the beautiful sight, which was you... "Happy Birthday, __."
a/n: this is the first time I’ve posted a smut that is this detailed. So, if you have any pointers or recommendations on how I can improve, please don’t hesitant to reach out. Thanks for reading! ♥
#yoongi smut#min yoongi smut#yoongi fluff#min yoongi fluff#min yoongi x reader#yoongi x reader#yoongi fanfiction#yoongi oneshot#bts one shot#bts fanfic#bts smut#yoongi imagine#bts imagine#bts x reader#yoongi x you#yoongi x y/n#min yoongi x you#min yoongi smut#min yoongi x y/n#min yoongi one shot
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Hi! I saw your post about requests! :) could I get some BOB head cannons of what it’s like to date them while also being is easy company? :)
I’m so so SO sorry this took so long, and I hope you like it 🤞🏻also, I couldn’t do all of them because school has been keeping me very busy. If you want to send another request, and i’ll do more for you when I have time 💕 Enjoy!
Dick Winters
generally very private about his relationship
mom and dad™ of easy co.
i want to say that he puts you on his team during missions, but i feel like he thinks it’s unprofessional
so he probably puts you on a team with someone he trusts and that he knows won’t take unnecessary risks *cough cough* Speirs *cough cough*
doesn’t mean he doesn’t get worried though
give this man a massage please, he’s stressed af
you’d never want to jeopardize his position though, so you’re generally okay with it
however, sometimes you get a little lonely
Dick notices this and tries to clear out a slot in his schedule in order to spend some quality time with you
treats you like any of the other men, except when you’re alone
king of stolen kisses behind crumbling walls before a battle
very healthy relationship overall 12/10 would be an amazing father
secretly wants to get married when the war is over
i’m not saying he definitely proposed on V-E Day but he definitely did it
cries at the wedding, especially since it’s been so long since he’s seen you all dolled up because of the war
also cries because he’s finally getting to marry the love of his life
drunkenly told Nix at his bachelor party about how amazing you would look at your wedding and then went on and on about the specific shade of your eyes
Nix never lets him forget it
Lewis Nixon
this man
let’s be for real here
he has NO idea how to display affection at all, especially because of his past
so he does what any rich boy would do
showers you in gifts that you don’t need
it’s not that you’re ungrateful for them, you just wish he would understand that you don’t love him for his money
i feel like everyone forgets that he’s lowkey rich
can’t relate Nix
he will buy you anything he sees you look at for more than a second
always has them delivered by some random Private
the men tease you RELENTLESSLY for it
“hey Y/N, what did that overflowing wallet buy you this week?”
“Shut up Tab”
is always worried about you
especially since he usually isn’t on the battlefield since he moved to staff
you’re fine
you can definitely handle yourself after Sobel’s training what a fucking dick
takes you out on small simple dates when you guys actually have weekend passes
the guys always help you get ready for your dates (they see you as a little sister it’s really cute)
Ron Speirs
this man
oh wow
the flavor
never really got to see you until Dog Co. was basically absorbed by Easy Co.
definitely thinks he’s not good enough for you
when you first introduced the Easy Co. men to him, they thought the exact same thing (they changed their minds after a while though)
secretly is a cuddle monster
will 100% sneak into your foxhole to cuddle and will slit anyone’s throat that mentions it
this man has arms and legs like an octopus when it comes to cuddling
will pull you back into his arms even if you need to use the bathroom and will not be letting go
steals you pretty things for absolutely no reason (Ron, no)
the man is like a freakin magpie
the men of Easy Co. grow to like him more when they realize how happy he makes you and how he doesn’t hurt you
he actually values their opinion on your relationship a lot
he knows Easy is like family and you’re like the younger sister
doesn’t show it though
pushes you away when he feels insecure
surprisingly domestic
Carwood Lipton
wholesome but to the max™
you’re both so in love i feel like i’m going to throw up rainbows
signed up for the paratroopers together
i feel like Carwood is the type of person to marry his high school sweetheart
so yeah, you guys are that™ couple
best aunt and uncle of easy co.
Lip worries about you just a littleee more than the other men
he’s just a worry wart in general
almost threw hands with Sobel once when Sobel insulted you
he will not stand for anyone insulting his gal
isn’t as private as Dick is with his relationship, but is known to hide it from superior officers other than Nix and Winters
aka Sobel
was 100% willing to get kicked out of the infantry to defend you from Sobel
thinks a lot about how good of a mom you’d be, especially when he sees you caring for the men
is also a cuddler, though not nearly as clingy as Ron
just a loose arm to tuck you into his side, especially during Bastogne
prefers having you on his team, not only because he cares about you, but also because he admires your skill and accuracy
you’re a damn good shot, and he’d scream it from a mountain for all to hear
so proud of his gal
George Luz
you’re either the jokester and the stoic couple, the shy kid and the jokester couple, or the jokester and the jokester couple
there’s no in between
cracks terrible jokes just to see you smile
still tries pick up lines even AFTER you two are dating (even the guys shake their heads)
you two are the entertainment for easy co. let me tell you
you’re also the only person that can get George to shut up
you must thank him in kisses he takes no other currency
clingy baby™
it’s like dating a 12 year old boy sometimes
he can be so immature but it’s kind of endearing at times
everyone is immediately accepting of your relationship because it just makes sense and you’re both good for each other
wants a hug and a kiss even if you’re just leaving the dining hall to go to the bathroom
just give the man what he wants or he’ll pout all day until you kiss his cheek
you guys once had a match of how long you could ignore each other once
he was surprisingly dedicated
but he broke
he snapped like a twig after everyone went to sleep
he dived into your foxhole and begged you to talk to him
he kept snuggling closer to you until you talked to him again
Joe Toye
rough on the outside, soft on the inside
brings you flowers when he asks you out (surprisingly very traditional and respectful when he asks you out)
everyone has a good time when Toye is with you, he loosens up a lot more
loves when you pet his hair and he can just stare up at the stars while laying in your lap
he’s just as bad as Speirs when it comes to cuddling
a cuddle bug but won’t admit it
actually might be worse than Speirs when it comes to cuddling because he can actually sneak into your bunk while you’re sleeping
also wants to fight Sobel when Sobel insults you and actually almost threw hands
he almost got court martialed and was 2 steps away from getting up in Sobel’s face before Guarnere and Luz stopped him
hands down the dumbest thing he has ever done
you were so mad at him for it
you didn’t talk to him for a week
you felt bad because he was always giving you those puppy dog eyes from across the dining hall
Joe gets teased by the guys for being sweet on you
“at least I got a broad! the rest of ya’ can’t really say that much.”
will not hesitate to let you win during arm wrestling
he’s not allowed to arm wrestle with you anymore because the guys know he’s just letting you win
you’re his #1 fan during arm wrestling
look at those arms tho
Joe Liebgott
y’all thought Toye was soft
the way Joe acts around you is definitely bullying material for the other guys
Lieb drinks respect women juice
thinks you’re so cool
would probably walk up to random people and be like “that’s her. she’s my girlfriend. can you believe how lucky i am?”
thinks it’s so cute when you show off your brand new jump wings to him
you just looked so excited
he wasn’t even staring at the wings when you started rambling about how happy you were, he was just making this stupid in love face
definitely grabbed your face and kissed you hard after that
he wants SO many kids????
ya know those lists that lots of girls have on their phones and it’s just a bunch of future baby names??? that’s Joe
this man has 8 names
4 girls names and 4 boy names
he plans to use every name
just wants to live the domestic life with you after the war
will freeze his ass off and take your watch just so you can get some extra sleep
another cuddle monster (they’re multiplying)
whispers really cute things in german to you until you fall asleep
has also almost fought Sobel for shit he said to you
David Webster
you help him fit in more with the other guys
please teach him the art of socializing
yes, the men have stolen his journal to read all his terrible poetry about you
still gets shit for it to this day
shares his chocolate bar with you
longing stares but from across the room
doesn’t actually take you out until the war is over because he wants to do it right dammit
has little to absolutely no relationship experience
please teach him
or better yet, struggle with him and get made fun of by all the guys
they actually accept Web more now that he’s with you
cuz Easy Co. loves you
sends letters all the time when he’s sent to the hospital
everyone teases him that he acts like he’s more likely married to Liebgott than to you
you’re the only reason the men will stop teasing him
definitely more badass then him
you radiate boss energy and that’s what easy co. likes about you
especially Web
everyone’s like “that’s my girl!”
and he just smiles in the corner with the rest of them
Bill Guarnere
weak for his girl
arm wrestles just to get your attention (flexes all the time for pete’s sake)
also wants like a gazillion children and talks about it constantly with Liebgott
this man wants an army of little Italian kids
no one makes fun of you or Guarnere for his actions to get your attention because they don’t want his fist in their face
people who have almost punched Sobel for making fun of their girl: let’s add Guarnere to the list
you didn’t ignore him, you just told him off for being an idiot
if i could describe it, he sulked like a puppy that got told no more treats
so proud of you when you get your jump wings
probably makes a toast about it at the celebration
he was so drunk but it was so cute
literally will do anything for your attention
chugging three bottles of whiskey so Y/N will pay attention to me??? pass the bottle bitch
not a massive cuddle monster but enjoys PDA and the occassional ass slap
probably has slapped your ass in front of company before
this boy has no morals smh
don’t worry, you get him back though
Frank Perconte
worry wart but multiply it by 1000x
is always bothering you to brush your teeth
not because he’s scared your breath stinks, but because he cares about you and your oral hygiene
now gets bullied about oral hygiene and his relationship with you
ft Skip. “oh Y/N, take me away my princess. did you brush your little pearly teeth??? i would never want your perfect smile to be ruined.”
Skip has been chased multiple times around Toccoa for this behavior
will fight anyone that thinks you’re not a good shot
is amazed how good you are at darts (knows you’re better than Buck)
does share a foxhole with you
is NOT part of the monster cuddler club because he knows when to stop
has not arm wrestled for your attention but will if so needed
always needs attention
whiny 12 year old boy P.2
sometimes it’s like you’re dating Luz as well
Luz has purposefully third wheeled before
yes, you heard me
likes spontaneous dates
would fight Sobel for you but isn’t stupid enough to almost do it
Buck Compton
realized he had heart eyes for you before his old girl broke it off with him
the other Easy men were like “dude, what the hell are you waiting for. GO GET YOUR GIRL!”
let’s you win at darts
is also stupid and needy enough to arm wrestle for your attention
actually wins though
wants you to kiss his guns (absolutely not sir)
jealous and protective
jealous af around Winters
gets teased a lot about it by the other men
but they can see why he’s insecure about it, Winter’s could sweep any girl he wanted to off her feet
indeed a cuddle monster
will only share a foxhole with you in Bastogne
no one else
radiator of heat and thus a good cuddler though
will only let you make fun of him without repercussions
wants you to move in as soon as the war is over
always demands to be in your unit during an attack
will keep you safe at all costs (and one of the reasons why he got shot in the ass again)
Floyd Talbert
people use to bully Tab for his condom shipments
now they bully him for the way he acts around you
tough guy??? no. absolute stick of melted butter when around you
thinks you’re a saint
so does the rest of Easy though, so I guess it doesn’t matter
they had everyone from Easy give him a pep talk just to ask you out (Trigger even barked at him)
he was actually worried you would reject him
no one will ever reject that man lol it doesn’t make sense
not necessarily a cuddle monster
likes when you sit on his lap
can’t explain it, it just makes sense
will also arm wrestle for your attention
will honestly do anything for you
you need me to bring you Jupiter in a jar???
sure babe I’ll be right back
has specific pet names for you
his favorites are buttercup, angel, and beautiful
Babe Heffron
does not get bullied for being in a relationship with you because everyone loves him
not a single person in this company, including you, would hesitate to sacrifice their life for that replacement
whines a lot to you when you don’t give him attention
will arm wrestle for your attention and loses
has not had the chance to fight Sobel before but I feel like he could if he wanted to
will tear Dike to shreads if he even mutter one hateful word against you
cuddle monster #2323293
enjoys being the little spoon and the big spoon while in the foxhole
shares his food with you during meals
will not hesitate to get shot in the ass for you
also will not hesitate to get shot for you in general
is like an angry 6 year old baby when you don’t pay attention to him
is known to give the silent treatment when you’re too busy to talk to him for days
wants you to meet his Ma in Philly after the war
has many hopeful dreams that include you after the war
will only share chocolate with you and Gene
give him a hug, even when he says he doesn’t need it
Eugene Roe
this man has so many pet names
he is not afraid to use them on the battlefield, especially if you’re bleeding out because he’ll know you’ll answer to them
“darlin’, mon amour, ma mie, ma belle, ma chérie”
please stop Gene, it’s embarassing but also like don’t stop
get us a defibrillator his heart stopped while he was looking at you and we need to do CPR NOW-
thinks you’re the most beautiful girl ever
is not dumb enough to arm wrestle for your attention
he just makes this grumpy or upset face and you catch on quickly
he’s also not dumb enough to fight Sobel
is always worrying about you
especially in Bastogne
always jumping into your foxhole to check for any wounds
probably lost his sizzuhs that way
always has extra bandages just for you
treats you with tender care
Donald Malarkey
is not dumb enough to fight Sobel for you
doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to punch him though
is dumb enough to arm wrestle for your attention
it lowkey depends on the day though
i mean
he doesn’t need to arm wrestle for you to admire his arms
like, have you seen that gif of him taking of his shirt???
loves cuddles in your foxhole but is not a cuddle monster
he’s a big baby when he gets tired
loves it when you take care of him
has definitely fallen asleep once on your shoulder during watch
would run up Currahee with full gear 3 times just to see you smile
he needs a hug. give him one now.
likes to rest his chin on your head
also wants you to move in (and maybe get married) after the war
treats you kindly, but he’s still a sarcastic little shit
kiss his muscles
that was literally so long i can’t believe i finished
#dick winters#lewis nixon#ronald speirs#ron speirs#carwood lipton#george luz#frank perconte#joe toye#joe liebgott#david webster#bill guarnere#buck compton#floyd talbert#babe heffron#eugene roe#donald malarkey#band of brothers#band of brothers x reader#band of brothers headcanon
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This Is Brought To You By
The door opened to a rustic cabin, the natural wood glowing amber thanks to a roaring fire. Worn dark leather seating seemed hazy thanks to said fire light, each piled with plush pillows and draped with cozy throws or blankets. A low table had been laid out with candles, a bottle of wine was being kept chilled in a classy and slightly modern ice bucket with two glasses just off to the side. The only splash of color amongst the glow of the fire, the natural wood and stone textures were a small handful of red roses, loose petals just lightly scattered about. With the help of the slow jazz playing softly in the background, it made for a very romantic atmosphere.
"Well, hello there." the male voice was a slightly low purring drawl, drawing attention to the male figure sprawled across an almost stereotypical bear rug. "Deadpool here. Hopefully, while reading this, you're hearing the voice of a certain sexy male Canadian. I'm sure you know the one. And I don't mean the short, hairy one with anger issues and kitty claws and a fondness for cigars. Unless of course said angry man is being represented by a beautiful, beautiful wild Australian man. Because if then, well, lather me in hot sauce and spank my Chimichanga. But I'm getting off track here."
Fingers drummed against a knee, drawing the attention to the missing and familiar red and black outfit, and more importantly, to the lack of proper attire.
"Yes, my current outfit has to do with the reason we are here today. It's come to my attention, that it's been some time since we last met, or that our beloved writer has written anything involving our favorite woman. And more importantly, our favorite woman when involved with me." a single white rose was plucked from behind, waved about as if a magic wand, and dragged across a scarcely clad male thigh that was pocked with fresh wounds that were instantly scaring. "As such, I decided to… encourage our beloved writer into bringing us all together once again."
With a dramatic wave of limbs, he moved from reclining on his side, that screamed 'Paint my like your French women', to leaning back on his elbows. The pale pink satin nighty, the atmosphere, and the pose would have been more than alluring were the one in said pose a woman. With the male, the nighty was rather comically stretched across his frame, though covering everything important, the sheer robe with fluffy cuffs only adding to the oddity of the entire situation. It clashed with the fact that he still wore his iconic red and black full head cowl.
"Now, our lovely writer might say otherwise about my encouragement, calling it nagging, whining or say I simply began to annoy her until she finally relented. Ignore those words and continue to read mine with the amazing drawl of a voice provided by the Canadian sex symbol; my pal, my bosom buddy, Ryan Reynolds." the white rose bobbed to the beat of the low music, tapping against a hip every so often.
"Now, back unto the reason why we're here. Honestly? I was lonely and wanted some cuddles with my lovely, lovely Kagome." noticing that it was just the male lounging in the open living space, he was quick to wave a hand. "Don't worry, don't worry! My girl is currently enjoying a much-needed hot bubble bath. One, I wish I was taking part of, but felt this little conversation was, at the time, more prudent. How could I feel that? Simple. I had the desire that everyone read this in Reynolds voice, nothing more and nothing less. Though if we are asking for more, and I know what you all want, I on the other hand, wouldn't mind lathering my girl in rich and real Canadian maple syrup and eating my midnight pancake snacks off of her, but maybe later. So while Kagome is taking this time to prepare for a very adventurous night right here on this vegan friendly-faux-bear fur rug, I'll fill that time with hanging out with you lovely little readers. Because without you, though more so my unannounced arrival and delayed departure, we wouldn't be here right now."
Happy humming could now be heard from behind a closed door just off to the side, the male giving a little jiggle in his spot in excitement. The rose momentarily used to fan himself, though just how useful it was as such, needed to be questioned at a later time.
"Now I'm sure there are a few things you all wish to talk about; my last movie with the fridge trope, which I myself can only say thanks to the writers for that one. Thanks guys, I've always wanted more trauma and torture to sprinkled in my life." a finger was wagged, tongue tisking against his teeth, though the sound was slightly muffled due to his mask.
"Or when my next film will come out, and if so, will it be part of the Marvel Universe. This is where you show your true love and devotion. I ask you, lovely readers, to go out and use the internet, haul out the trolls if need be, and ask, beg, and cry for me to be part of Marvel. Not that I want to, not really, it's just principle. What with their large budgets, CGI teams, writers, directors and a full cast. Honestly, a whole school of mutants gone save for three at a single extended time? For what purpose, 'cause I doubt they all went on some sort of field trip or vacation, but what do I know, I failed out of 5th grade. But, not really." his head tipped to the side, possibly staring in the direction of where the bathroom was, it was hard to tell with his face actually covered to know for sure.
"I mean, who wants to be part of that depressing team? All that self-sacrificing for the greater good?" he gave a few bobs of the rose in his hand as his head tipped back, almost as if in contemplation. "Though let's be honest, we all know I would survive an alien with a California Raisin on steroids for a chin, snapping their fingers. And then I'd introduce said alien to my Desert Eagles Mark XIX while recruiting Ant-Man to tickle where the sun never shines before becoming… Anti-Ant-Man? I honestly don't know what to call him in his Ultraman form, wait, does that make him a magical-boy or a science-boy? Right, Ant-Man shrinking to tickle where sun don't shine for hurting my favorite Web-Head super bro." the rose now tapped where his mouth was, though again, it was hidden by his mask. "And it would be super hot to watch Kagome kick his ass. I wonder what she would wear… Something skin tight? Revealing? Her old school uniform?"
A door opening, even though quiet, drowned out his muttering, the candles flickered as steam billowed out of the bathroom before quickly dissipating the further it billowed into the open space. "Are you talking to White and Yellow again?" a female figure left the dark bathroom, her form covered with a short semi sheer dark pink bathrobe of her own. Her hands were raised just enough to free her hair from beneath the robe, though she paused when she really took a look at the sprawled out male. "...I thought that was supposed to be a gift for me?"
Snickering, he trailed the rose down from his mouth, his neck, down his chest stopping just above his stomach. "Don't you think I look sexy in this?" it was always so amusing to tease and rile her when he wore risqué outfits, namely hers.
Finishing in freeing her hair, she eyed his form. Yes, his skin was pocked and disfigured from him constantly getting open sores and his abilities nearly immediately healing them. But beyond that, his form was all carved muscle, no doubt from years of being a mercenary. While yes, he was larger with the shoulders strong, he had a slight swimmer's build. It didn't lack-
"Ah, sorry for the intermission. Our writer took a few days to… deal with life I guess. How boring." shoulders shrugged, waving off the confused expression from his fairer companion. "Of course, it would happen when describing my awesome and amazingly sexy self." an actual pout could be seen through his mask.
"I will admit, you are sexy." the purring drawl from Kagome drew his attention again, her words and tone revealing she either decided she was going to ignore him going off tangent or just that she was used to it at this point, body freezing when her hands began with removing the sash that kept her own coverings secure. "I'm just not sure that shade of pink is quite your color. Maybe you should stick to your usual colors?"
The moment, the robe dropped and pooled around her feet, revealed a feminine figure dripping in curves with subtle musculature that showed she kept up with her own training, he froze. She wore a set of red and black satin and lace that covered pale skin. It covered a little more than what most would normally deem sexy lingerie, with slightly wider straps, but they accentuated her curves, drawing attention to them. And the thin ribbons that accompanied and mimicked, as well as help the lace that helped cover stiffening peeks, made her look more like a present just waiting to be unwrapped.
"Well, what do you think of my gift to you?" legs crossed slightly as hands once again rose to lift her hair to both reveal her neck and shoulders as well as lift her chest, she stood posed before him, basking in the golden glow of the fireplace behind him.
The white rose that had been resting near his hip instantly perked up, a white petal flying off at the somewhat harsh and sudden movement. Despite it being a mask, the white 'eyes' widened as the mask shifted to show that his jaw dropped.
"I'll take your silence as a, 'I likey'?" she giggled as she dropped her hands, they followed the curves of her body, no doubt drawing his gaze from behind the mask to follow with. Slowly, with a slight predator grace, she lowered to her knees and began to crawl up his form, leaving a trail of kisses behind her that glittered from both the fire light as well as her own abilities to help heal him.
Tossing the rose without a care, he reached forward to trace her curves for himself, not stopping as her own hands reached forward to lift and remove his mask. Lips curved up when she reached forward to kiss him. It was sweet, a simple press of her lips against his own. His smile grew when he quickly ended the sweetness by reaching for that delightful curve of her ass that shook playfully in his grasp.
The gasp that was let out was easily and eagerly swallowed, tongue dipping between lush lips to tangle with her own. With where his grip was, he pulled her closer to settle in his lap. Trailing lips away from her own to nip down her jaw and neck, he smirked against her warm skin.
Pausing, brown eyes narrowed as he turned away from the purring woman in his lap. "Oi, what are you still doing here? This ain't no peep-show! Go away. Read a book, play a game, watch a movie. I hear that new one about a guy named Guy wanting to be free or something, is worth the watch. And if my pal Ryan is in it, ya know it's good. Now," a hand reluctantly left the span of leg it had been caressing with a waving motion. "Shoo."
Turning away, leaving behind the couple and the sounds of giggles and kissing echoed loudly over the crackles and pops from the fireplace. A quick squeal that turned into laughter that was followed by a masculine whine at the sound of fabric tearing just set the pace of what was to come. And who was in charge of this nights shenanigans. A door closing muffled the sounds as the cool evening draped across the forest, leaving only the crickets in the distance and even further off cries of wolves the only sounds to echo.
Message delivered, though the exacts of what the message actually was seemed to have been lost. But it had been shared, and that seemed to be all that had been important. It did leave questions of what the future held, and if there would be any further important messages that would need to be shared. Who knows. Guess the game of 'wait and see' was going to have to be played.
AN: Don't ask. Please don't. I will say this, I was at work when I literally/figuratively heard Deadpool/Ryan Reynold's voice pop out from no where and bug me until I started writing this down. And when I lost the flow for a few days, it came back until I managed to finish it. So now I'm posting it here and cleaning my hands of it. I hope you can find some enjoyment in, I know I'm going to enjoy the peace and quiet.
As always; read, enjoy, and please review! - BunnyWK
#fanfiction#crossover#Inuyasha: A Feudal Fairytale#Deadpool#Wade Wilson#Kagome Higurashi#anime#marvel#comics#movies
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𝒩ℴ𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃ℊ ℰ𝓁𝓈ℯ ℳ𝒶𝓉𝓉ℯ𝓇

𝒩ℴ𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃ℊ ℰ𝓁𝓈ℯ ℳ𝒶𝓉𝓉ℯ𝓇 , Chapter 1
Summary: Rosary Woods used to spend her summers in Hawkins. Now years later with untimely death of her father, she sent to live with her grandparents. Coming back to a place that use to give her pleasant memories but now full with dark secrets she hopes never see daylight. Her plan was simple easy till one night she finds a drunk boy full of curls and after life never the same.
FYI: This is my 1st fanfic. I do have dyslexia so if something wrong let me know. If you like it let me know same if you don’t. #Foodie be out this week too. ** Side note I’m looking for some talent ** tag list open
𝑀𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐿𝒾𝓈𝓉
Tagged: @alagalaska @nottherightseason @alias-b @screensirenfic @linkispink1995 @staticscreenwriting
How the hell did all this happened. How the FUCK this happen. How did I end up alone on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere? Cold as hell with a runny nose from my tears and sharp pain of betrayal. I know now. It all started a couple of months ago. When I was tossed into this hickory town. Where one night find a stupid blue eyes boy drunk out his mind. With your stupid Mother, Mary's attitude had to help him. Now that drunk piece of shit made you fall for him to drop kick you in a small amount of a few months.
My brown eyes fill with glittery tears, tried to think back on every step that lead me here what was it? What did I do wrong? What I would do to go back to that night in October. Go back to that day I met that boy that came out of nowhere and changed my life
The fall air left a warm scent as I walk out the greyhound in my short denim overalls with a plain white short-sleeved shirt and black and white converses with black laces. My long midnight black wavy hair dancing with the wind with my red heart shades on, taking my around at my surroundings. Even though I have been here many times, this was the first time I came that wasn’t summer visits.
Those had an arrival and departure two way this time though was a one way. It was a lot different than home, Florida. It’s always sunny and things to do unlike here. Flipping my cassette player back on I walk over to the rusted metal benches and wait for my ride. I didn’t want to be here. However, when you have no other choice what can you do. My life stuffed in my dad's old beat-up army bag. I lend back hoping this was a dream and I wake up home with my dad not here. I didn’t hate here I just hate why I’m here. The two-day bus rides a dread and didn't help. Still, I’m stuck with nothing to do but cruise under the radar till graduation. Toss the cap in the air and by the time it's back in my hands I have another ticket to somewhere else.
I gentle tap took me out from my inner monologue into reality. An older woman in her 60s with short curly golden frost hair bright red lipstick that got bit on her front tooth in a flower print long dress. In all, she was the fifth unseen golden girl or what I know her as grams.
“‘HELLO ROSARY. You hear me call for you over there by the car” Grams shouts into my ear. Looking up at her I smile and move my bag out the way to hug her tight.
“ Sorry, the meds got me all out of it. Hi, grams it good to see you” I said holding onto the strap of my bag. She gave me a nod and kiss my cheek leaving an imprint.
“ Oh shut I forgot. Sorry, we couldn’t get your flights no airport close by. Sweetie. Grab your bag we can go home” Grams says walking and talking to the car. Tucking my shades in my pocket I follow her music still playing in my ears.
“ Where Papa at,” I asked looking out the window.
“ Oh, he at the diner checking on things. But he will be back by dinner. I sign you up for school. You start tomorrow. Your car will be ship here in two weeks so the bus to school till then” Grams said pulling up to the house. “ Look, honey. I know things have been hard the last few months but coming here can be your fresh start. So it’s up to you what you do. Stay sane try to be different better you dear” Grams said getting out of the car. Simply put it don’t fuck up this time.
“ Yes. Ma’am. I’m gonna the perfect granddaughter” I said with a eat shit grin.
“Don’t do that it’s tacky. I did not mean what I said that way sweetie. Huh lord, I need my soaps. Drop your stuff in your room” Grams said walking into the house.
My room more like a guest room. They tried though I give them that the last time I been here was years ago when I was 11. Then after that was with my dad across seas. By then the damage was done. Walls were eggshell white with a few pictures of me by dad and them that set on the wall by the window. The bed was against the wall with a small glass nightstand with a trunk in front. Probably the same one my dad had when he was my age. The small closet across the bed and an old oakwood dresser. This will do I’m sure in no time she can make it homie. I push my hand on the bed testing out the string a bit. This is my life now. Better just get used to it. Anger bubble deep in my chest as it slowly starts to hit me. This is a life I don't want. I wanted the life I had before one that was far from perfect but he was there. I toss my bag beside me with a bit of force and scream into my hands.
It took no time till I was done. I change up the pictures and some more on my dresser. A few things on the nightstand then to top it off my mint condition organized record collection in a purple crat that sat beside my dad's 1960s Gibson Hummingbird Fixed Bridge acoustic guitar.
“ So you all done. It’s not much but we go somewhere someday. Sorry, papa wasn’t here. After Benny passed away our place been the hot spot. Back to the glory days, he says” Grams said with a chuckle. I sat down beside her legs cross under me and started to flip through Good Housekeeping
“ So Benny no more. Anything else happens since I have been here last” I asked getting comfortable.
“Let's see. That Will kid you babysit a few times went miss for a week or so. Last year. And that’s about it. I don’t pay much attention to those things. Papa and I are going to bible study tonight. I know you not up to it this week. So you don’t have to go but I am looking forward to next week” Grams said. I ruffled my hand into my deep chocolate hair and nod yes.
“ I would love that. Thank you. That reminds me. I have to fill up on my pain killers. If it’s not much to ask can you please take me one day this week? Or may I go into town myself” I asked taking out my pill bottle?
Still, months later the pain reminds the same. Even the memories still were in tack as if it happened minutes ago. A tear rolled down my face just reliving it. Grams hold me tight smoothing me and rubbing my back as I let out a heavy cry. My dainty finger claw into her shoulder blade as tight as possible. I didn’t hate that I was here I just hate the why.
DADDY!!” I shout out. My body was soaked with a cold sweat and tears still running down my cheeks. Too weak to even move, I bend over cup my hands into my face, and scream.
Always the nightmares. Always the same two each night. Back home I would find a party or smoke or wave to ride but here. NOTHING. I promise a new me I remind myself. One that is not set to explode any second. One that took all their demons and bury it in the deepest hole. This me doesn’t let them loose but keep them hidden tight. That won’t break and burn everything she touches. This me be gentle, kind, and read the Bible instead of throwing my fist. I promise my father that even my estranged grandparents will be better.
After a good pity party, I decided to stay wasn’t gonna help me. I needed to out. I toss on some navy blue gym shorts pull down my Scooby-Doo t-shirt, which was getting a little bit smaller than last time I warn it years ago, decided for a walk.
Grams and Papa came back from church just after 11. Just missing the kids trick or treating. I stay back gave an empty smile say hello few folks who came by or heard over the rumor mill I was back. None who I really care about. The clock blink, 3:00. The cool breeze comforts me like a blanket over my shoulders. Music played close to mute. I thought about it all. If he at peace would I see him again. Could I make it to June in this town?
Far ahead of me on my way back, I saw a figure laying on the crisp grass. After the stories, Grams told me I wonder if it was anything important. As I got closer I saw an outline of a person. I stop and slow my walking this time with caution. Till I was right beside him. He was rocking back and forth humming some song no shirt tight-ass pants and hair messy with no shoes. This boy diffidently was fucking or having a good time. Part of me envies him and that freedom. Another knew it was because even if I don’t say it out loud he beautiful mess. Totally my type and that what it got tricky he was a reminder of the past I was hoping to leave behind. Flipping my hair out my face I got down to eye level and gently touch him.
“ Hey Hey you alright, “ I asked shaking him a bit.
He looks up and grins at me with a sleepy doozy grin. His eyes sparkle in the night sky and for a second I forgot he was drunk. My stomach did this thing I only ever felt a few times before. Back when I was happy. I shook my head and look around for help or at less to see if he drove or had friends. No luck. Part of me thought it be best to leave but then I saw it. Right below his eyes the old bruise and cuts. My jaw tightened till it clicks.
“ Mommy. Mommy” he said touching my face. I felt the cold touch of his ring against my lips. I tap it to the side and wrap his arm around me to get him up. Praying to God he, not a psycho, or I will regret this. He started to kiss my neck all while calling me mommy. Kinky mother fucker
“ Yeah Hot Wheels, not your mommy come on almost there,” I said helping him back home. He giggles and tried to be a handy hand reaching my hip and butt.
“ Holy shit your you are your a doll baby” he slurred into my ear.
Praying any god’s that my grandparents don’t wake up to him almost knocking everything down. I put my hand to his mouth and a finger to mine so he shut up. On the first day of this new me, I’m playing babysitting to a drunk man child. With ease, I toss him on my bed. He cuddles with one of my pillows squeezing my old grumpy carebear and drifts to sleep. I waited a second before I went and made my own special hangover shake and a bucket for the morning. Taking more time time to clean his face a bit and hand as gentle as I could. Time blink at 3:58, I sat on the floor against my dresser and watch him sleep. Wondering if a boy like that had nightmares too.
I woke up two hours later. Still on the floor face left with a carpet imprint. The boy from this morning now turns over to the other side against the wall sound asleep. I got up from my spot on wobbly legs grab some things and head to the bathroom.
As the cold water hit my face I kept thinking about before till the face of baby blue came into mine. His eyes look like way mine when I look into the mirror and it puzzles me. Never have I found someone else that had the same eyes as mine. Apart from me wonder what was behind those eyes. I shack it off as I dry my hair. If the boy's eyes look like mine then that means on things, his demons were just as bad. I change into tacky stuck in time uniform and walk back deep in thoughts when I stop. The boy was gone. I rush out of my room almost tripping over my own foot, empty. Nothing change in my room just the note. It wasn’t till I sat and smell the faint scent of cologne and cigarettes. It wasn’t a dream he was real. I laugh at myself there no way I will be seeing him again.
He couldn’t remember much just that her face was half cover by her loose curly hair that shines against the streetlight. The innocent big brown eyes that went with a sugar-sweet smile. Even though she was nowhere close to his mom. He couldn’t help but think about her. He never saw someone that beautiful before. Holding on to her tight sniff her in, honey and vanilla. He wanted to stare at her as long as he could but as soon as he hit the twin size bed he was out.
“Fuck am I” he hissed holding his head trying to think what happened last night. Last he remembered was making out with some blonde at the Halloween party or was it sex. His eyes look at the cup and bucket. Brown eye. He slowly picks up the note and read it:
Sleepy Head, First off we did not have sex and no I don’t know you. What I can tell you is this you were drunk and laying on someone's lawn alone. I live on Church street and Maple Lane. If it’s before 6 and your reading this back door
He laughs at the note and put it back where he found it. It was still early Neil wouldn’t be awake if he left now. He thought maybe he leave a thank you but it decided against it. He promised himself no attachment just to graduate, save up, and leave. No room for nothing else. Before he left he heard noises from the bathroom. Sound like a peaceful lullaby. Inching close he peaks in to see a figure from behind the curtain. Shaking his head he slips out and all his Mary way her black and white Adidas flip flops whistling her lullaby.
#fanfic#80s#short story#stranger things fanfiction#stranger things imagine#stranger things#st fanfic#rosary x billy#billy hargrove x oc#billy hargove x oringal character#billy hargove x reader#billy hargove imagine#billy hargrove#angst#darce montgomery x oc#darce montgomery imagine#darce montgomery x reader#darce montgomery#nothing else matters#rosary woods oc#rosary woods
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Moonwatcher + plants
-Moon is used to being alone. It doesn’t really bother her to spend her time somewhere away from other dragons, if anything, it’s a bit of a relief to be away from them, to get some silence both mentally and literally.
-This leads to her spending a lot of time in her room or the library, eventually just turning into her periodically borrowing scrolls and then returning to her room to read them
-With all this time to herself, she starts to notice how barren and closed in it is, not the most friendly environment.
-She starts gardening at a certain point, beginning with small, shade friendly gardening pots in her and Kinkajou’s room. It’s nice, to be surrounded by living things that don’t demand anything from you except some water and sunlight.
-Kinkajou is delighted by it, being best friends with Tamarin means she knows a healthy amount about plants, and is more than willing to help push Moon in the right direction in the beginning.
-This also brings Moon and Tamarin closer together too. It’s... nice, to be included and to feel like you have something in common besides just both having a mutual friend, and Moon finds herself really enjoying Tamarin’s company. Slowly, Moon starts joining Kinkajou and Tamarin’s hangout sessions together.
-(Most of these hangout sessions involve lying in a pile together braiding flowers together and exchanging information while snacking on fruit. It’s the most relaxed fun Moon’s had in years)
-When she’s older and has her own place to live with Winter and Qibli, she starts filling the house with plants,
-It’s lovely at first, and then turns more into clutter, especially since there’s only so much sunlight to go around, with every window and patch of sunlight crowded full of pots, each reaching to the sun.
-With a small intervention from Qibli and Winter, she transfers quite a few outside, lining their house with bright flowers and thick leaves opening out to create a soft little wall of green.
-The crown jewel of her gardens is the greenhouse, built as a surprise gift from the combined efforts of Qibli/Winter/Kinkajou
(Qibli distracts her by taking her on a celebratory birthday travel to the Sand and Sea Kingdom to look at rare books and say hi to Turtle while Winter puts his scavenger sanctuary building skills to use and Kinkajou, in her words, “provides moral support”.)
-Moon adores it. The humidity and the greenery remind her of the rainforest, and if she closes her eyes, it feels like being a small dragonet again, waiting for her mom to come and see her.
-It becomes her baby and stockpiled full of her favorite jungle plants, each one cared for meticulously until they fill the whole space, leafy vines crawling up the glass over neat beds of verdant plants and bright flowers.
-The more she works on the greenhouse, the more it becomes her safe space when she’s stressed, or angry, or especially: worried or anxious.
-At her worst, she’s fallen asleep there, curled up between the rows of plants and letting their soft rustling coax her into rest.
-(There’s a bunch of scenarios you could do with this, maybe her greenhouse burns down sometime or w/e, go wild)
-Moonwatcher also learns how to cook through her garden, having plenty of herbs/vegetables/fruits now to make into... something.
-Since cooking in Pyrrhia is more for show than every-day life, a lot of what she makes is simple snacks for Qibli/Winter, things like jam/dried fruits/fried vegetables/occasionally little tarts and pies.
-(Qibli snacks on all her carrots and she pretends to be mad about it but makes a note to plant more for him and not-so-secretly leaves them out in their common space)
-Qibli is keen to learn along with her and help, though his baking skills in the kitchen are a bit... lacking.
-(you cannot possibly tell me this man would have the chops to follow a recipe properly, I’m sorry but Qibli is 500% the person to go “we can just add [vague, nonsensical amount of necessary ingredient] and it’ll be fiiiiine” and have his baked goods turn out completely weird, if he doesn’t manage to set on the oven on fire in the process anyway cause he forgot about it. He’s not hopeless but he can only cook like maybe basic cookies and any sort of thing that follows a “just fry it for like 10 minutes” recipe and that is it)
-Moon kind of balances this out, but most of her cooking sessions with Qibli are more about them just having a good time together rather than,,,, producing something edible.
-Winter is better, but doesn’t really enjoy cooking that much, though he’ll help if asked. Mostly he’s happy to eat what Moon makes, as well as occasionally (of her own volition) getting her to help cook food for his scavengers
-Since both Qibli and Winter are away quite a bit (Qibli’s still very much dedicated to Queen Thorn, and Winter has been known to spend days away at the scavenger sanctuary), part of Moon’s way of welcoming them back is by presenting them with pre-cooked food she’s made
-(Both of them also bring her food along with them, just Winter pensively snacking on some fish jerky when he’s focusing or Qibli popping raspberries in his mouth while he flies)
-Moon also keeps a bowl of fruit out for guests, which Kinkajou gleefully exploits
-(Kinkajou and Tamarin (slash now with Anemone) start having their hangout sessions at Moons house solely for the fruit, like yeah there’s probably more in the rainforest, but is it filled with the same kind of love and attention??? I think NOT)
-Moon hesitantly but still firmly and kindly helping teach Peacemaker about strawberry growing,,, observing him carefully always out of the corner of her eye,,,, always unsure of what to make of him or what to do,,,
-Peacemaker and Moon’s relationship starts and somewhat rotates around their gardening together, he views her as an older sister/mentor and Moon,,, doesn’t know how to feel about him, but always makes room for him anyway, and tries to do right by him
-He can’t understand why she keeps him at wing-length away, for a while he doesn’t even know to be hurt by it since he just assumes that’s how Moon is, but the older he gets and the more he sees her with her partners and her friends it starts to unnerve and frustrate him, especially because of how much he looks up to her and respects her
-Hope will always be his mom first and foremost, but Moonwatcher’s been there in his life basically since he was hatched, she’s basically family to him so why does she always act so weird around him? Did he do something to her that he forgot?... Why does she look scared of him sometimes? What does she even have to be scared of?
-Despite her failings, Moon isn’t truly cold with Peacemaker, and she’s definitely a wonderful teacher. What she is with him is calm, patient, and empathetic, but also occasionally too quick to scold/shut him down, and doesn’t engage with him as much as he, maybe, wants her to.
-She knows, deep down, that Peacemaker is a completely different dragon, she’s seen his future and knows what he’ll become (a peaceful, relaxed strawberry farmer who dies happy and loved), but it’s so hard to not catastrophize about him somehow turning out like Darkstalker, or the spell on him somehow being broken/worn down
-Whether Moon ever tells Peacemaker about Darkstalker is up to you tbh, I’m not really sure if she would or just let it hang there uncomfortably until Peacemaker accepts it or gets so frustrated he either makes her tell him or stops seeing her
-Either way, she has her garden, her friends, and her family, and it makes her happy and keeps her safe and centered
This was supposed to be pride content about Qinterwatcher but I couldn’t get it out fast enough (thank you June, for completely kicking my ass. How homophobic of you >:/ ) and it turned into a study on Moon (as well as me trying to figure out what the jade winglet would do after school). I hope you enjoy this anyway, even if it is now July!!! I tried to sprinkle in a bunch of Qinterwatcher anyway, though a lot of it is Moon-centered (you can also read some Kinkamoon into this if you’d like lol)
(as always I encourage you 500% to use this headcanons in your writing or your art or w/e, no credit needed but please send it to be me if you do I Will Actually Cry)
tl;dr: how to grow a social circle and two excellent boyfriends in 6 easy steps, starring Moonwatcher and her fam
#wings of fire#wof#moonwatcher#Qibli#winter#kinkajou#peacemaker#tamarin#wof headcanons#my headcanons#see guys I swear I still make content#(just very slowly now apparently)#(fUCKIGN SIDE-EYES THAT SANDWING HEADCANON LIST THAT'S BEEN IN MY DRAFTS FOR LITERALLY 5 MONTHS)#hope you guys like this- I'm a little nervous about it honestly ^^;;#character stuff like this has been a bit of my weak spot#at least with wof#I know it's not as thought-out or intricate as the tribe stuff
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hehe glad i could make you laugh, oooh that sounds awesome! yeah id love to be tagged it sounds great :)
YES the differences are so fucking weird. like, they do know they're the same age right? i feel like its just an exagguration of how much the persons role in the group matters, like we see chan being held up as such a mature, old leader while jungkook who is literally the same age, is still babied etc. like enha hyung line is basically the same age (if a bit younger) as chenle and jisung but somehow the rules are different?? as you point out, still legal but still bizarre. hehe yeah, i mean where else are we going to rant? quora lol. mmm, hopefully more people can just write less smut abt people who are barely adults
ah, no prob it didnt take long. yeah i think thats right (i keep forgetting you know my url lol) mmhmm :( i think if that happened irl there would be some major trauma going on. knock wood it never happens to you or me lol (/hj)
hehe same! oooh glad Redemption For Cheese was realised! yess we cant rllycomplain that theyve written/produced too much good music lol. yeah, ive dragged him into being a stay so *dusts hands off* mission accomplished. mmm yeah, they tend to have a certain vibe but tbh it couldve worked if they were any other group but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ahh ur one step ahead of me on the stages of listening to ssick i think, still not convinced but thats okay! hehe, it had to be said. yesss the itch in the back of my brain is very satisfied by sorry i love you, felixs vocals deserve to be appreciated! (side note i feel like hes trying to sing more like his speaking voice, sorta husky, but tbh i wouldnt be mad if he sang like in glow, his sweet honey vocals made my life lol. but i think ive heard him say he doesnt like singing like that cos it makes his normal voice less husky, so what can you do)
> YES SOMEONE SAID IT. seungmin rap KING, he sped thru that rap like it was nothing, he deserves more rap lines. i do like how they gave minho some melodic rap lines this comeback, my guy deserved to show off those skills that made him not be eliminated (flashbacks to stay collectively wanting to murder jyp) and we already know changbin can sing, my man murdered masked singer. hyunjin can obviously sing as can jisung and felix, and i want to hear chan rap more! i feel like he started as part of 3racha (as a rap unit not producing) and then just became a vocalist (which im fine with, but it could be nice to hear him flex his rapping skills) and was partially replaced by hyunjin. anywayyy
back to album talk. lmaooo sad music to twerk to PERFECTLY describes silent cry. yes secret secret is and will always be, a masterpiece. hehe glad i could make you laugh :) i just felt like they have similar vibes. putting off skz stuff bc of not having time to cry IS the kpop stan life summarised. oh my beloved track, red lights. ahh thats okay, we can have different opinions, but by god the lyrics are *chefs kiss*. *banging on table* TWISTED AU TWISTED AU TWISTED AU. yess id love to see ur take on it! sdfghjkl it would have been glorious
no no! not stupid, just able to predict my brainwaves. ooooh thats so cool! makes me want to go there (wherever there is lol) yeah the waves are pretty good here, but none of my familys a surfer, so we dont rlly enjoy the full potential lol. YES moving on to gone away, it is indeed a heartwrenching track, but the vocals and the bloody key change? makes me want to brave being sad just to listen to it. mmm yeah, good point :( i feel like ive just gotten used to overthinking so much so that it doesnt matter what mood im in, ill do it anyway, so might as well just do what i feel like doing anyway.
yeah i think ur right! it is quite comforting knowing that all the tracks will get the love they deserve. i feel like also people assume kpop is just one genre which is utter bs. there are so many different vibes and feels and songs, i couldnt get into kpop (of which i thought only the bright cheerful present day bts stuff existed smh) until i heard gods menu so... idk where i was going with this but yeah. :)
YES FUCK YG, theyre literally on the brink of being kicked out of the big three and they are holding their salvation hostage without letting them do ANYTHING. idek what thought process goes thru their minds but arghhh its so infuriating. yess lisa's cb will be awesome but ot4 is the gold standard here.
hehe, glad u could get to this point. no no! u dont sound like a cult member at all lol yeah, i loooove some of their songs but the whole 23 members thing is getting to me. thats prob a common problem with nctzens but what can i say? im a simple girl with a limit to how many korean boys i can give my money to. atm im just trying to get into ateez and finish memorising enhypen's faces. also kard is kinda sucking me into their fandom atm, as well as eric name lol. ah what can you do? ooh thats good!
hehe i love it too! its exactly like online penpals, that was rlly well put. aww ty! hmm im okay, recovering from a bad case of rsv so thats fun. im doing okay mentally, starting therapy soon (after having to convince my mother that its not just smth i can brush off). physically i wont go into, basically i should be doing stretches to help but they dont completely fix it so my lazy ass doesnt do them, plus i got told recently im going to be stuck with this condition for the rest of my life so thats fun! ah, before you type smth dw abt me ill be fine. the weather atm is cloudy but warm, its been raining on and off today which is good for the garden. uhh i just finished reading sunburnt veils and im in the middle of prom theory which is rlly good. ummm ive got a concert tonight? that i may or may not be able to sing in (bc of the whole rsv thingo) and uhhhh idk. my dog is cute? im drinking tea rn? ive got a school dance coming up?
wbu? hows ur day going, how are you? whats the weather like on ur end? done anything interesting lately? found smth that makes you rlly happy? just any random thing youve been dying to tell someone?
no no! dont apologise, i love these exchanges. i think im happy to continue them for a long time :) on the other hand, if you get tired of them, feel free to just not answer at any time. goodness gracious this was a long ask haha hope it isnt too annoying
<3 w.a. 🐺
sorry it took me a bit to reply, i was fixing my theme ;n;
yeah, i figured it was because of the roles too. my friends and i still get taken aback when 3rd gen idols are the same age as 4th gen ones. in my head it doesn't add up sometimes. PLS THE RANT AT QUORA SKJDK tbh tho it's just going to be normalized as the years pass? esp that the boys are growing older and the amount of explicit fics will just increase. i might have to start blocking tags.
i had to look up the previous ask to remember what we were talking about xd i hope the events in champagne problems never happens to anyone. realistically, it probably happens a lot. damn i really won't wish that pain on anyone. dragging your brother into being a stay i whEEZED JFKSA additional noeasy music enthusiast o.o and ALL I CAN SAY WITH YOU GUSHING ABT FELIX IS AHA WHIPPEEEED OML can't blame you tho, i also want to hear felix sing more in other shades (if that makes sense HAHA) i really hope they'll do the role exchange in the next comeback :( or like in the near future bc i know they can do it :( the day i hear seungmin rapping it i will respectfully pass away. minho was given more lines this comeback thank fUCK i could rmb my irl being vocal abt her frustration. i don't get why minho barely has center time/lines in title tracks??? like the line distribution in the past eras just made me ???? if seventeen can balance lines with 13 members why cant a group of 8 do the same? moving on. i haven't watched the stray kids show simply bc i don't want to cry HAJS but i've seen clips. imagine if skz debuted without minho and felix?!?!? i rmb another irl catching bias feels towards changbin bc of the masked singer only to find out that the man's a rapper. i love how skz's vocals were highlighted this comeback :c there were a lot of mellow tracks! i find it cute when chan sings/raps bc it gets kinda obvious that he's a foreigner? the accent (im not even sure if it's the accent) it just shows. "putting off skz stuff bc of not having time to cry IS the kpop stan life summarised." CORRECT.
abt the twisted au o.O i'll inquire my irl if she wants to write it or not. if she doesn't want to, i'll do it. i miss writing twisted aus <3___<3 and i also miss going to the beach with my friends :' ) but it's starting to get cold here and i don't think i'll be able to enjoy the beach as much as i would if i went beaching in the summer. so maybe next summer? gone away really has an sm-ballad vibe. the thing about skz being a self-producing group, their songs don't sound like typical jype songs? and i just appreciate that bc in all honesty im not a fan of jyp groups at all. PLS the overthinking. i wish i could mute overthinking.
anyone who assumes kpop is just one genre obv hasn't listened to a single track. if kpop was just one genre why do i like some tracks more than the others??? oh you've only recently become a kpop stan? tbh im not a fan of the bright songs of bts either. i liked their older ones *chefs kiss* really matched high school vibes. yg has good artists and they're just wasting the talent ~.~ that strategy they have will get tiring eventually. people will stop waiting on blackpink and move on to newer more active groups ://
HAHAHAH yeah the 23 members is pretty overwhelming! it was the reason i didn't bother stanning before quarantine started. i don't regret stanning tho, met my ult bias in that group <3___<3 i don't really purchase albums unless i like the tracks xd ohhh getting into ateez just in time for the comeback! let me know what you think about them! i was fond of them at some point but grew out of it. good luck with memorizing enhypen! it took me a while to distinguish to people there XD i haven't checked out kard yet but chan plays their songs during lives and they're sexc hype music me likey *u*
i had to look up rsv im sorry. i'm glad you're recovering! please rest more and don't stress yourself out. bro i wish i could go to therapy too bc i have weird issues i can't justify and i need a professional to tell me what's the reason behind it. stuck with what condition btw? what happened? i'm sorry in case i just forgot. yesterday was a bit rainy for me too :(( it's not the type of rainy that makes me anxious so B) oh concert! good luck and i hope you'll be able to sing but i also don't think it's best for you rn :c what's your dog's breed? and yes i just finished drinking tea too. AAAAA i miss school dances :(( the last one i was supposed to have was cancelled bc of covid.
i was less productive today and i'm teetering between being mentally stable and becoming a hermit again. i'm anxious with a lot of things atm so like : D not the best state. today it was a bit sunny but not hot hot which was nice. i changed my theme today bc i couldn't wait for sept. 1st. and no i haven't found anything that makes me happy HAHAHA shit like that's hard to identify. don't have anything to say too, i'm just thinking about why i'm procrastinating too much atm T_T and i'm listening to this rap song atm and one of the rappers sounded like han.
it isn't annoying! i enjoy the long exchanges but i do admit it takes me awhile to type down a reply. so if i get more busy, it'll prolly take a bit longer for me to reply.
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the dark side - jj maybank x shoupe’s daughter, ch. 1
w/c: 1.9k
summary: catherine shoupe has the perfect life. when she gets hired by heyward to run groceries, she has a new coworker - jj maybank. as the deputy’s daughter, she can’t help but hate him. but when jj decides to bring her to the dark side and woo her over, cat not only has to hide her activities from her father, but also hide who she really is.
warnings: none for this chapter
a/n: i’m super excited for this! making it up as i go.... posting may be slightly delayed/irregular since i’m busy with working and moving but who knows i’ll probably waste my time and work on this more than i should
Cat’s feet and back ached, and the sun felt good on her cool skin as she stepped out of the overly air-conditioned grocery store she had been in since they opened that morning. She sat down on a bench in a shaded area between the store and a coffee shop, resting and enjoying her fifteen minute break.
The same thing. Every day, five days a week. Cat would be the opener for the grocery store, getting there at four in the morning and working until ten. It was smaller, a hippie fresh market type of place with fresh produce and organic products. Very Kook-y. It drew tourists and locals alike, as well as a bunch of people her age, working for grocery delivery services.
Morning shifts in the summer were nice because they drew more of the local crowd. The working class, like her, though still kooks. Moms grabbing their groceries after dropping their kids off at school, working professionals stopping by for premade sandwiches or donuts for their coworkers. That particular morning, her dad had stopped by for his own lunch and spent entirely too long chatting with her.
Cat enjoyed seeing people, asking them about plans for their days. She often suggested the best surfing spots and restaurants to the non-locals, while striking up easy conversations with the regulars that frequented the market in the mornings. After work she often took her brother out to the beach. It was her mission this summer to teach him how to surf. In the evenings, if her dad wasn’t working, she would help her mom cook dinner and they would have a big family meal. It was repetitive, but perfect and full of things and people she loved.
After her fifteen minute break was up, she went back inside, but her manager pulled her aside before she returned to her checking lane.
“Hey, Catherine, come see me in my office?” Mrs. Lee’s voice rang out.
There was a brief nervousness that made Cat’s stomach roll over, but it quickly vanished once she saw the smile on the store owner’s face. “So you know Heyward, right?”
“Of course,” she answered, smiling at the thought. She knew the man and his son well - they were always in and out, buying groceries for their customers. “He’s awesome. What about him?”
“He and I are partners now,” she continued, obviously excited about the development. “He’s looking to hire some new people to deliver groceries. I know you love being out on the water and talking to people, so I figured I’d ask to see if you were interested. It’ll come with a bump in your pay, too.”
“Yes!” she said, perhaps a little too eagerly. “I’m definitely interested. Does he want an interview?”
Mrs. Lee laughed. “He said if you were interested, you’re on board automatically. He knows you’re a good worker. I’ll call him and let him know and get back at you, okay?”
“Sounds good! Thanks, Mrs. Lee,” Cat said, smiling back at her before leaving her office.
Going back to her checking lane was almost bittersweet, knowing that lane three had been hers for almost two years. As soon as she flipped her light back on, a local came through, eagerly starting up a conversation and letting Cat know how his son was doing in the summer little league baseball series.
After she got off, she cranked the AC on in her car and began the drive home. The place was flooded with tourists, the summer season officially in full swing. She lived right off the main strip, which was fun and convenient, but could get annoying when anyone and everyone was there.
“Hey Cat!” her brother greeted her as she got home. He was sitting on the couch, watching TV.
“Hey Tyler! Want to go out for ice cream later?” she asked, and he nodded excitedly. “I’ll make us some lunch then we can go after that.”
“Okay!” she heard him respond as she jogged up the carpeted steps. She walked past her parent’s bedroom and then into hers, kicking off her shoes and changing into flowy shorts and a basic tee before going back downstairs to make lunch.
The rest of the day was pleasant and uneventful. After they ate lunch, she took Tyler to the ice cream place two blocks away. He got birthday cake while she got peppermint, enjoying the cool sensation on the hot day. They walked on the beach, her brother talking nonstop about the video game he was playing, while Cat smiled and faked listening.
She was really listening to the sound of the waves lapping at the store, and the voices of those who lounged on the beach. Some were playing in the ocean, some were playing games in the soft sand.
Her father was off work at six, so once they returned home, it wasn’t long until her mother got off work and they started prepping dinner. Cat’s mom was laid back, always smiling, which she loved. She left her work at the office, unlike her father.
Being the daughter of a sheriff’s deputy was odd. Cat didn’t mind it. There were rules in place, of course, but she hadn’t any urge to break them. There were people from her school out doing drugs and drinking most nights of the week, but Cat had never touched any of that. She had a curfew, but she didn’t really mind it.
Her dad got home right before dinner was ready. He pulled Cat towards him, kissing the top of her head before kissing her mom on the lips. “How are my ladies this evening?” he asked, grinning. A patch on his uniform read Shoupe in bold letters, and he was still fully clad in his uniform.
“Pretty good,” Cat answered, stirring the sauce that was simmering on the stove.
They made light conversation until her dad went to change out of his work clothes while Cat and her mom set the table and plated up dinner.
“How was work, Cat?” her dad asked when they were sat down and eating.
“It was good. The usual. But, I got a new job!”
“Oh?” her mom asked, taking a sip of wine and raising her eyebrows.
“Heyward and Mrs. Lee are working together now, and Heyward needs runners. So he wants me. I get a pay bump too.”
Cat was smiling, but it dropped when she saw her dad’s face. Her mom noticed too, casting him a glare, and he spoke. “That’s great, honey. But be careful, okay?”
She couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Her father hated her going near the Cut. Not that she had much reason or urge to, but she knew it could be rough down there. He often worked down there, on the south side of the island, and constantly told stories about shoplifting Pogues and underage drinking. “Dad, it’s Heyward’s. It’s basically Figure Eight.”
“I know, I’m just saying,” he said, raising his hands in surrender.
“Can you take me on the delivery boat sometime?” Tyler asked, luckily rerouting the conversation.
The issue was luckily dropped, but Cat still felt bad. She didn’t know why - she was seizing the opportunity, something her parents had always encouraged. Cat had been working ever since she was old enough. Her father always told her, a good work ethic is the most important thing you can have. They were urging her to save up for college, and now she was essentially being promoted.
Mrs. Lee had texted her during dinner. Heyward wants you to start tomorrow! Meet him at 9, wear whatever you want.
She responded to the text before settling down in bed with a book. At ten, before she went to bed, her father stepped into her room after knocking softly on her door.
“Hey, dad,” she said, and he walked over to sit on her bed. Cat pulled her feet up to give him some room and put her book down on her nightstand.
“I’m happy for you, Cat,” he said, smiling at her. “Just be careful, okay? With all the boat traffic now and going everywhere… Heyward’s a good guy. I trust him.”
“I will, dad. You know me. I grew up on the water.”
He smiled again. “Yeah, you did. Have fun tomorrow, okay? Good night.”
“G’night, dad,” she said as her father stood and left the room.
Cat woke up early, not used to getting to sleep in since she usually was at the grocery store before dawn. Her parents had already left for work, leaving Tyler in front of the TV as normal. She made a smoothie before changing into shorts and a t-shirt.
“Bye, Ty!” she called as she left the house at 8:30, closing the back door behind her before heading to her car.
It was about a 20 minute drive to Heyward’s from her house. When she got there, she quickly located him on the dock, filling a gas can. As she stepped onto the dock, he gave her a wave, and quickly hurried over.
Heyward gave her an impromptu ‘training’. How to read the orders, how to use the boat’s navigation. It was simple, and she knew most of the people who had put in orders for that day. “Right now I have two people who shop and two of you who run and deliver together, each day,” he was explaining. “Here’s your work shirt, I don’t give a damn what pants you wear as long as your ass isn’t hangin’ out.”
He thrust three t-shirts of different colors towards her, each with the Heyward’s logo printed on it before taking her into the office to discuss her pay and scheduling. Since she was already in the system, it went by quickly, and she ran her printed schedule to her car and slipped into her new work shirt before returning to the dock.
“There’s those sons of bitches getting back now,” he said, waving at two people who stood on a white boat pulling up to dock. “Catherine, go ahead and start carrying over the groceries in the cooler over there, time for your first run.”
She went inside the small building and started pulling bags out of the ice, full of produce and goods from her store. She noticed Heyward’s son, Pope, standing on the boat, and he held out his hands to take the bags from her to load.
“You working here now?” he asked, and she nodded. Cat had always liked Pope; they went to the same school until high school. He was quiet and witty, which she appreciated, and they had even sat together at lunch one year.
As soon as she finished handing Pope the groceries, she took his outstretched hand and climbed onto the boat.
“Hey Catherine!” she heard Heyward call. She turned to see him, grinning at her. “These are your new coworkers. Have fun.”
Pope grinned at her, but Heyward said coworkers. Plural.
A blond boy came into her line of sight, smirking. Cat’s heart sank as she recognized who it was, and she considered getting off the boat, but couldn’t bring herself to move or speak. It was someone she hadn’t seen in quite a while, and she was okay with that.
JJ was the first to speak up, his voice smooth and cocky. “Hey, kitty Cat, long time, no see.”
taglist: @letsgofullkook @stargazingstarkey @sortagaysortahigh @jjsmentalpolaroids @ims0golden @jjmaybcnks @shawnssongs @queenk00k @broken-jj
#jj maybank#outer banks#obx#outer banks fanfiction#jj maybank imagine#jj maybank fanfiction#deputy shoupe#daddy shoupe
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The Reason
It’s finally done @lemonlushff!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
NFSW fic smut smut smuttttttt :) only for the beautiful lemon herself!
Also posted to my AO3 HEREEEEEEEEEEE
@dangerouspompadour @lemonlushff @willowandfog @cstormsinukagblog @keichanz @littlestuffstohide @clearwillow @ruddcatha @hnnwnchstr @smmahamazing @wolverine1092 @inuyashaloverforever @xfangheartx @umacaking @bluejay785 @murdergiraffe @superpixie42 @shnuggletea
“Kagome are you even paying attention?”
“Hmmm?” Kagome hummed, still not pulling her eyes from their drop dead sexy best friend personal trainer who was helping Sango’s boyfriend Miroku.
“I told you that if you don’t pay attention you’re gonna fall and scrape the shit out of your face,” Sango chastised again realizing Kagome still hadn’t bothered to look away from their friend Inuyasha. “Kagome!!!”
“Huh?” Kagome finally said but the attention grabbing call of her name made her misstep and literally eat fire as she skid down the treadmill. She yelped and Sango grabbed the emergency clip out before it caused any more damage to Kagome’s body.
“Kagome! This is what I was trying to warn you about!! God, are you okay??”
“Just super embarrassed,” Kagome winced as she tried to push Sango away as she sat up and touched her face in hesitation. Her hand was grabbed by a clawed hand before she made contact and she looked to the side to see very angry annoyed eyes glaring at her.
“Idiot--this is why they have fucking clips when you fall to stop the treadmill. Come on,” Inuyasha chastised as he helped her rise.
“Wa-wait! I can go get myself cleaned up; it’s not that big of a deal!”
“Uh huh; Sango, you take over spotting your weak ass boyfriend while I handle this,” he said, clearly ignoring her the way she had ignored Sango. Karma was a bitch. An ironic twisted bitch who was clearly laughing at her. She often wondered what in God’s name she did to piss her off.
Inuyasha pulled her into his office and closed the door pulling a first aid kit out from his desk. Kagome knew she was already five shades of red. How embarrassing. He probably caught her gawking at him like a freaking teenager that just hit puberty, too. This day couldn’t have gotten any worse.
It wasn’t her fault--really--it wasn’t. At least that’s what she told herself, anyway. She was just...well…
It all had started when she graduated from high school. She had finally summoned the courage to sleep with her boyfriend Koga. They had done handys and fingering but never removed clothing. She had decided before going off to school, she wanted to take the next step--even if they did break up, she could say her first time was with her high-school sweetheart.
Kagome was super self conscious about her body and was why it had taken her so long to summon the courage to sleep with him. Firstly, she was naturally curvier. She had larger breasts, wider hips and because she was short, she felt like it made her look bigger. Secondly, she had a couple of scars on her arms and stomach from a fire she had been in when she was younger in her childhood home that took the life of her father. They weren't terrible but they were enough for people to stare for an extra moment if they weren’t covered.
Anyway, when her shirt came off he stopped kissing her and grimaced at her. It was a real mood killer. They argued, she got dressed, he said things weren't really going to work out between them anyway and left. It was the next day she saw he had changed his profile picture to him and another girl wearing their swimsuits by the pool. The girl, who was tall, lean, had perfect skin that showed perfectly through her emerald bikini, literally took her breath away. Firstly, she was upset because he clearly moved on… within twelve hours of their breakup. It made her question if he was secretly talking to that girl on the side and then secondly, it made her feel even more self-conscious.
Kagome was utterly humiliated. They had been dating for two years, said they loved each other, everything… and he grimaced at her scars she couldn't hide. They weren't bad… well, she thought they weren't but obviously she had been wrong.
A month later she packed up her things and moved in with Sango in an apartment for college. Her best friend was always there for her--she was two years older than her and treated her like her younger sister. When the incident happened, Sango drove home immediately and spent a week with her. Kagome didn’t have the heart to tell her mother what happened other than her and Koga broke up.
Sango never cared for the wolf demon--but he seemed to make Kagome happy so who was she to tell her friend her true feelings. Kagome knew Sango didn’t care for him and appreciated her support throughout their relationship. After the week was over, Sango took some of her things she didn’t need for everyday that way Kagome didn’t have to move too many extra things when she moved in with her for school.
When Kagome arrived in Kyoto for school, she was overwhelmed--it was so different from Tokyo. Not to mention college was already so different from highschool. Highschool they had uniforms, thankfully that covered Kagome’s ‘problem areas’ as she referred to them. College was more lax and there were girls wearing crop tops, tank tops, shorts, mini skirts, jeans…
Kagome developed extreme anxiety. She stuck mainly to Sango. Sango understood and never pushed her to open up. But she did introduce her to her closest friends she made at school--her boyfriend Miroku and his roommate Inuyasha.
Originally she couldn’t even sit in the same room as the guys without freaking out. Eventually she got used to Miroku since he was dating Sango and Sango had him over for dinner the most. Sango had coaxed him to be friendly--Kagome felt almost a little too friendly--with her. It caused him to be smacked, kicked, and punched by Sango sometimes but it did end up helping Kagome get out of her shell she had created around her mind and heart.
Sango then started to make it a point to invite Inuyasha over more. Something that made Kagome panic further. He was so… handsome. Mouth watering. He had the softest beautiful silver hair, bright amber eyes, soft twitchy cute doggy ears, and by the Gods was he fucking ripped. Like. She would climb him. If she wasn’t about to have a panic attack around twenty-four seven about showing her body. She had seen pictures of his ex from Miroku. She was a ten out of ten. Kagome considered herself barely a four. According to Miroku, his ex, Kikyo, was actually a three due to her being a ‘cheating whore’. Inuyasha hadn’t bothered with dating since they started college. Something she and him seemed to have in common.
He, someone so outrageously gorgeous that it should have been a sin, would never see her as attractive let alone beautiful. She would always be ‘Sango’s kid friend’. Not that he ever referred to her as such outloud, but… who was she kidding herself? They argued all the time. He had a cocky attitude but she could see through the act he put on. He just brushed people off so that if they left, it wouldn’t hurt. Something she had come to understand all too well.
In the short time they had become friends, she had really grown to care about him. In more than just a friend kind of way. But she neither had the courage or the confidence to act upon her unspoken desires. Instead she just pinned from afar...
And here she was: sitting in his office as he cleaned up her chin, hands, and knees from the most embarrassing fall she could have ever taken. Tears filled her eyes. Damnit. What had she done in her past life to deserve this???
Inuyasha was a simple guy. Well, simple as far as his parents were loaded as fuck and rather than use them for money, he preferred to work for what he had and prove he could provide for himself.
He had agreed to go to school for business so that he and Sesshomaru could work for his father but he also had dreams of owning his own business. A gym. A dojo. Something of his interest. While he went out here and there in college, he did keep his head low outside of work and class. His freshman year he met Miroku and they ended up rooming together. They had partied so hard, he almost failed out. He was thankful he got his shit together but that scare was enough to chill him out a bit.
Even though Inuyasha got his shit together, Miroku still went out constantly. It wasn’t until their senior year, Miroku met Sango and he settled down. Unlike Inuyasha, Miroku could sweet talk his way through school. It was nice from having Miroku ask nightly to go out and having to turn him down to just asking if they could have Sango stop by. They still went to the bar here and there, a party or two in a month, but they were definitely more controlled especially with a female in their little pack.
He hadn’t been looking for a serious relationship--his high school girlfriend had kind of fucked him over. Cheated on him with some other dude. He didn’t mind random hook-ups (if he ever got offers, he was still an asshole and never actively looked for some tail). But, he wanted to finish school before finding someone to be with--well at least until his undergraduate had been completed. But he wasn’t actively searching for a girl even when he began his master’s program in the fall.
That was before he met Kagome though. The moment he saw that rare beautiful gem he couldn’t get her out of his head. She was curvy--the natural way. She didn’t shy from food and she didn’t work hard at the gym daily to maintain her figure. Perfection was what he would refer to her body as. It literally gave him wet dreams like he was a fuckin’ teenager.
It’d only been a couple months since he met the gorgeous woman. It took her some time to open up. When he originally met the girl, he heard her heart race and her face paled as she ran into her room. Miroku asked Sango if they had done something to offend her. Inuyasha knew better to know she wasn’t offended; she was fucking petrified.
Sango explained in detail what Kagome’s ex had done to her--how she was already a little self conscious about her looks in general and how he put the final nail in the coffin. The entire summer she spent with Sango, she stayed in the apartment. She didn’t want to go to the freshman orientation let alone do any of the meet and greets.
It had explained Sango’s absence over the summer and explained why she had only come over to their place instead of them venturing over to hers.
It enraged Inuyasha, deeply from within, that someone had made Kagome feel so unattractive that she had to literally hide in her room when men were near. It took a couple weeks for her to get used to Miroku’s presence and then gradually, she was alright being in the same room with all of them. She slowly came out of her little shell but wore baggy clothing to hide that delicious body from him.
It drove him insane.
He fantasized about ripping those ugly baggy black sweatpants from her body and destroying her oversized hoodie nightly then taking her round supple breasts in his mouth, kissing all up and down that taunt stomach and then settling between her luscious thighs and exploring how she tasted. Teaching her every hour of every day how beautiful she actually was.
Yea, he was fucking attracted to her. Probably not even the correct word but, close enough. But her looks weren’t the only thing that made his dick hard. He was used to girls trying to butter him up. Being overly submissive or pleasing. It didn’t matter to him because they were just a quick screw and he never wanted additional contact with them. This girl however, she was fiery. Feisty. She never bent to his attitude; she often called him out on it. They could argue for hours
She was also kind. Sweet. Caring. Funny… Fuck he had it bad for her.
She had gotten comfortable enough to be around just him after Sango and Miroku went to bed. He hoped he could get her even more comfortable enough to show him her damn skin again. Even at the gym she wore looser pants and a zip jacket that flowed. He could just barely make out where her breasts and ass dipped.
He noticed the way she looked at him when she thought he wasn’t paying attention. Fuck he could smell the way her thoughts turned. It made it harder to keep himself from fucking taking her right then. But this--this little accident was his way in. This was his opportunity. He wasn’t going to waste it.
Studying her face, he could see her utter embarrassment. Sighing, he spoke gently, “ Hey, it’s okay. It happens to everyone.”
“Sure… you just said I was an idiot.”
“Since when do you take that lying down?” he hummed, dabbing a rug burn on her with an alcohol swab.
“Since you are right in this instance…” she hissed from the contact.
“Nah; I’m just mad you don’t take your safety seriously. And I was worried you hurt yourself worse than you did,” he said after swiping the alcohol against her cheek. “Alright, shed your pants and jacket.”
“Wh-What?!” she stammered.
“You heard me. You may not have demon hearing, but I know you heard me,” he added twitching his ears hoping to make her smile. Unfortunately he got the opposite effect; she gaped, her heart pounded and he was slightly afraid he was going to give her a heart attack. “Nothing to be blushing about, Kagome. I just need to see the extent of the damage for the accident report I have to fill out as the manager in charge.”
He put down the wipe and took her hands in his and pulled himself to have her legs between his. Even though he hated the idea she got hurt, this was the opportunity to change her. To change them--their relationship. He wanted to be the one to heal her--and he wanted her to be the one to heal him. Inuyasha wanted to finally let someone in his heart--he wanted it to be Kagome.
“Kagome, just relax. There’s nothing to be scared of. I’m not here to hurt you,” he said gently like he was talking to a scared doe.
“Y-You don’t understand--I--I--”
“Breathe,” he said as he lightly cupped her cheeks and stared into those beautiful bright blue eyes.
She closed her eyes and followed his instructions thankfully. Once her heart rate decreased he got up and locked the door. He sat back down in his rolling chair and took her hands back in his. “Kagome, I swear I’m not going to think any differently of you if you shed your outer layer of clothing. We’re friends. We can trust each other okay?”
She swallowed and nodded hesitantly. He could smell the lie in the nod but she shakely went to unzip her jacket. He let her do it so that he wasn’t coming on too strong and she wasn’t even frightened. She pushed it off her shoulder and squeezed her eyes shut--like she was scared of his reaction. She also stood and hesitantly pushed down her pants to reveal her Soffe black shorts that just barely covered her bottom. Silently he thanked the Gods she had her eyes closed because he went hard instantly. She was wearing a bright green sports bra under her Addias jacket and shit. He had only seen her once without a bunch of baggy layers on but this was fifty times better. He got a full view of her sexy body.
He couldn’t help but look for the scars that Sango mentioned--the reason Koga and her never… well… fucked. He found one on her stomach and it wasn’t bad. It was barely the size of a hand. Quietly he scooted his chair to the side of her and pulled at her arm. She cringed slightly but kept her eyes closed as she allowed his inspection of her arm. Again, there were some scars on her upper arm around her triceps but nothing she should be this scared over.
“Kagome,” he said softly.
“Yes?” she whispered nervously.
He wanted to make sure she realized how foolish she was being but didn’t want her trust in Sango to shatter for telling him what happened. So… he played dumb. It wasn’t like she could smell lies afterall.
“Why are you so anxious?”
“I--I--I’m not.”
He tapped her nose and her eyes shot open and locked eyes with his. He kept his expression as neutral as he could before he countered, “You realize I can smell your fear and lies right? So...let’s try this again. What are you afraid of?”
“I--Inuyasha--please--” she started crying.
Sighing, he knew he was gonna have to show her he knew exactly what was scaring her. He knew he had to be subtle though. His hand brushed the underside of her arm as lightly as he could to gather her attention again. She shivered and looked at him in freight.
“Are you scared of your own scars?” he asked leadingly.
Her lip being enclosed between her teeth was as good of an answer as any. He brushed his hand on her tricep again and then slowly lowered it to her side; he knew he was being bold but he needed her full attention. She jumped and watched him closely as if she was scared he was going to make some dickish remark. It slightly hurt she didn’t trust him but he couldn’t blame her--he understood all too well how trust was easily shattered. If anything, it made him want to hunt down the jackass who made her heart that fragile.
“There’s nothing wrong with them Kagome. They are a part of you. They have a story.”
“They--They’re ugly. I--I’m ugly--” she said, starting to sob. He cut her off by grabbing her chin missing her abrasions.
“Kagome--there’s nothing about you that’s ugly. I don’t know who the fuck told you or made you feel like you were ugly but let me set the record straight right here and now; you are the most beautiful and sexiest woman I have ever met.”
Her breath hitched as she stared into his eyes. He gently wiped the tears in hers away with his thumbs as his hands shifted to cup her cheeks.
“Y-you can’t mean that--I’ve seen Kikyo…I know she was gorgeous. I’m nothing compared to her.”
“Let’s get one thing clear--Kikyo is a thing of the past. She was an important part but she isn’t here anymore and even if she was, it’s over. I hope I can meet the jackass who made you feel so low. I’ll make sure he’s pounded so hard he’s as ugly as he made you feel,” he growled.
“Listen to me, Kagome. I know we haven’t known each other for long. But… trust me when I say this; I care about you. I wouldn’t lie to you about this. Honestly, you make it hard for me to behave myself,” he added with a hinting smirk.
She looked confused until he nodded down towards his cock and she turned into a tomato.
“You can’t be that surprised. We’ve only hung out everyday since you were comfortable enough to stay out for dinner with Miroku and I,” he winked. When she giggled he added, “Also don’t act like you’re a little angel either--I could smell you from your room ‘taking care’ of yourself.”
“Wh-what?!?! How--”
“I can smell when you lie, Kagome. I know you’re a smart girl… you shoulda known I’d be able to detect that,” he smirked as he pulled her back between his legs. She gasped and blushed looking at the door. “I’m not gonna force anything on you. We can act like this never happened or…” he offered as he stroked up her leg and grasped her thigh.
She whined and met his eyes, more flushed than blush evident on her face, “B-but we’re-- we’re in public…”
“And I have a lock on my door and they think I’m treating your injuries. No one’s gonna come in.”
“I--I don’t wanna mess up our friendship, Yash… I… I really care about you too. I know you’re not looking for anything serious and I really wasn’t either but--” she swallowed as she placed her hand over his to which he intertwined their fingers to her surprise. “I--the fact you are trying to help me--I can’t overlook--well--I--I like you… I couldn’t bare if we messed this up--”
He leaned forward and caught her lips in a gentle kiss, trying to soothe some of her worries and to reassure her of other thoughts. Pulling away he cupped her cheek, “Yea, that was true. Then I met you. I haven’t been able to get you out of my head for the past two months. Let me tell you--cold showers are the only type I can take now to clear my fuckin head… unless I have already blown my load in the pants.”
Her giggle was music to his ears. “We can take things slow, but I have to warn you--if we start anythin’, I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to stop. I can barely stop myself right now. I can’t even get myself to stop touching you. I promise I will never hurt you the way that asshat did. I can promise you that I do plan to take this seriously. You aren't just a hookup. You're Kagome. My best friend. The most beautiful girl in my life, inside and out. And I want to show you how beautiful you are and prove to you again and again how you shouldn’t think of yourself as anything less."
“I’m sorry. I just--my ex--I--”
“He was an asshole who deserves to have the shit beat out of him.”
“I just… it was supposed to be our first time. Then he saw my...well my scars and it just put a big damper on everything. I just, after that, I got in my head. I guess. He started seeing some girl that we went to school with--Ayame. She’s just so beautiful. Perfect.”
“But you are perfect--you are beautiful, Kagome. Don’t let that jackass take this kind of experience away from you. Don’t let him make you unable to fall again. I may have only loved once and it may have hurt, but that won’t keep me from you. I can confidently say that nothing will ever keep me from you in that way.”
Biting that sweet lip as her eyes lowered in lust was all he needed for an answer. His lips pressed firmly against hers and then began to move in a heated dance. She moaned and he took it as an invitation to search her mouth with his tongue. He couldn’t believe how she tasted--like strawberries and honey. Gods, he'd never be able to go back to being alone again. A life without sweet Kagome. But he didn't want to come off needy or clingy. He planned to prove to her though how he planned to worship her for as long as she’d let him.
As the kissing became more feral, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her erect to press her body against his. Whether her whine was made from shock or desire, he took the opportunity to make sure she felt how much he affected her by rubbing her core against his hardened length. She whimpered as he set her down on his desk but encouraged her to keep her thighs wrapped around his hips.
He wanted to go slow but fuck--it had been a minute for him. With Kagome plaguing his dreams he hadn’t gone out for a ‘quick fix’ in months. Firstly, no one caught his attention if he even made it out of the house and secondly, his pesky desires kept him pinning for her at her house trying to entice her to come out of her shell so he could get himself in her own head. He had even called his brother to talk with him about his ungodly need for this woman. It freaked him out and had wondered if it was a full demon thing he was having a hard time processing. He didn’t want to involve his parents, but knew he needed to talk to someone… his asshat brother was unfortunately the lucky candidate.
Sesshomaru was an ass, but a helpful one. After some teasing and exchanged insults, he explained his demonic half had likely found its mate. Inuyasha didn’t quite understand but after Sesshomaru had described how he found his own wife and mate--it made sense. Their mate’s scent never left their minds. Their mate haunted their dreams. They had to find a way to be close to them and earn their trust. The idea of their mate hurt or upset killed them. The constant need and want to mate with them… Inuyasha was a goner.
He swore he would take things slow with her though. While his demonic half was just beneath the surface, he tried to make sure it knew that Kagome was still fragile and by rushing anything, including mating, it could ultimately hurt her. It complied. For now.
Tentatively he ground into her as they kept kissing. His fangs started nipping her lips and tongue as she got more adventurous. He could tell she was warming up to him, in more ways than one. Her scent was slamming into him and fuck if it didn’t make him want to throw something in her but this was for her. Not for him.
He felt her hands brush against his chest tentatively and it took all he had to hold on to his own needy pitiful whimper. Fuck. It was going to be harder than he thought controlling himself. He did forewarn her though--not that he should take advantage of not having any self control.
His lips left her mouth and caught her cheek then he trailed down to her jaw nipping her chin. She moaned as he laved his tongue down her neck and then over her collar bone. He didn’t want to push her to remove anymore of her clothing but he did want to pleasure her, even if he was left high and dry. He knew according to Sango, she was ready to give it up to Koga before college and wanted her first time to be with someone she loved. He wasn’t going to force her to fuck him on day one.
“Just tell me if I should stop Kagome,” he said huskily as he raised his hand to cup her breast. She whined and arched into his grip as he stroked the pebbled nipple with his thumb. He brushed his other hand against the scar on the right side and stroked it lovingly. Her initial tension brought on from him stroking her scar melted as her moaning resumed with the pinching of her breast with one of his hands and the other began to sink down into her shorts and brushed her wet folds tenderly.
“Y-Yash--wait--” she panted. He pulled back, scared he went too far, but she hesitantly pulled his hands back to grasp her bra. The flushed and heated expression of uncertainty she gave him killed him. He tugged, testing to see if that’s what she really wanted--letting her again, take the lead. She bit her lip and lifted her arms above her head as she closed her eyes. The bra was suddenly lifted over her head and fuck… He thought maybe he blacked out for a moment--he likely did because all of sudden his mouth was sucking on her bare breast hard. Her hands were clasped to the back of his head holding him to her and his hands resumed their previous antics; teasing her other mound and pushing under her pants fingering through her soaking wet lips again.
“Inuyashaaaa--” Her sexy voice nearly made him cum right then. Shit. He needed to focus. He needed to… well...fuck. Her hands were suddenly shifting down to her pants. His demonic half was trying to emerge at full force. Damnit all. He wasn’t done with her and he didn’t want to push too far. Fuck. He was a goner. His demon literally demanded he be buried within that tight wet pussy. He paused having to try and regain himself.
Kagome had experienced these kinds of sensations and desires before--but nothing like this. Gods he knew exactly where to touch her. He knew exactly what she liked already; it was exhilarating. She knew he was by no means inexperienced and why should he be? He was a fucking God. She was lucky he didn’t actually have a girlfriend. That he actually wanted her--not just physically. Well, that part was the part that made her the happiest. When he confessed he couldn’t stop thinking about her though, that he cared about her, that he would take things slow… she swore her heart would beat right out of her chest.
It finally dawned on her what he meant by ‘showing her’ how beautiful she was. He was going to pleasure her. Honestly, it had been a minute for her. While he said she ‘took care of herself’ she honestly hadn’t been able to… complete the deed. She lost that kind of confidence to even really fantasize about a man in that way. She could only see Koga’s hesitation and disgusted face whenever she would get started or even just about to finish. But now--now she would never be able to see the look of horror again. She’d only see those bright burning amber eyes that seemed to memorize every inch of her. His soft but intense touches, his meaningful carasses, even if he never wanted to do this again, she would never forget.
As his hand descended into her shorts, she couldn’t help but shift herself so she was bare before him. She heard a hitch in his breath and the growl that followed only made her hotter. She met his eyes and saw they were tinging red.
“S-sorry,” he said as he pulled away slightly. She grabbed his shoulders, fearful of why he was stopping.
“What’s wrong??”
“N-nothing. You’re perfect. It’s me,” he said uneasily.
“What?? What do you mean?”
“My inner demon is trying to emerge. It wants to take you. I just need a second to get back under control. You just smell so fucking good.”
“I-I do? Why does… I mean…”
“It’s a lot to explain.”
“If you talk about it, I’ll listen,” she offered, keeping her arms around his shoulder but lifting her hips to rock against his. The motion made them both moan and neither seemed to be able to control their continual movements to alleviate the pressure they both were feeling.
“It’s a demon thing,” he said shortly, seemingly unable to control himself as he dipped his face to the juncture of her neck and began to suck on his sensitive skin.
“Ahhhhhh, re-really?”
“Mhm, it wants you. Just as much, if not more than I do,” he added with a sharp bite that pinched her.
“Oh! Inu--”
“Like that?”
“Yes,” she sighed.
“Good,” he grinned into her shoulder as he dropped quickly to his knees, kneeling between her spread thighs. He gripped her legs and threw them over his shoulders as he dug his tongue between her wet folds.
“Oh Gods!” She never experienced anything as good as Inuyasha eating her out. His fangs nipped at her sensitive nub and she wailed loudly; the fact they were only in his office with a basic door between them and other people had completely been forgotten.
She heard his breathy chuckle as he continued to stroke her. As he teased her, the places that made her make the most noise he seemed to circle back to the most. He would bring her to the edge only to pull back. She was fairly certain she snarled at him at some point earning a raised eyebrow and smirk. She noticed his eyes were completely engulfed with red as he stared at her with interest, but he seemed to be in control still. If his full demon had managed to emerge, she knew he wouldn’t be as amused with her demands.
He finally encircled her clit in his mouth and sucked hard as he thrusted two fingers into her weeping core. Her fingers laced through his hair holding him there as she felt the tall tale signs of her impending orgasm and like hell would she let him take it away from her again. She moaned and writhed but refused to let go as she felt her walls begin to twitch around his now drenched fingers.
“Ughhhh, Inuyashaaaaa!!” she yelled as she succumbed to the blissful pleasure of his mouth on her overly stimulated nub. She finally came down and had to push him away when he tried to continue because she felt like it was too much. She was too hot. Too horny. Too sensitive.
Catching her breath as he raised to catch her lips in a quick peck before he smiled at her before resting his forehead against hers.
“Yash, that was--”
“Oh, don’t worry, I heard you perfectly,” he joked as he wiggled his ears again for her. She swatted him and then took one of the soft appendages in between her fingers and massaged it lovingly. The rumble that emerged from his chest made her heart feel so light. Sighing, she closed her eyes and leaned against him. His arms wrapped around her and she felt his still very evident arousal.
“Uhm… Inuyasha?”
“Hmm?” he hummed, clearly still enjoying her feather light touches as he sank down to rest his head in her cleavage.
Nervous, she swallowed, still rubbing his ears, hoping it would give her some confidence, “Uhm...I--uh--that is--are you going to…”
His golden eyes looked up at her in a questioning stare. It made her flush; how was someone so attractive? Even a look made her swoon.
“What is it, Kagome?”
“Are you uhm… not going to undress?” she said, pretty sure if he didn’t have his ears he would have missed what she whispered completely.
“Is that what you want?”
“I-I mean--I--I thought--”
“We can go as far as you want Kagome or hold off until you are ready. I want to rebuild that confidence you should have,” he punctuated with a kiss to her chest as he began to work his mouth back up to her neck. She shivered in delight and started to lose her breath again.
“Yes, Ka-Go-Me?”
She huffed at his cockiness and enlisted a deep chuckle from him as he finally lifted his head to kiss her lips. Before he could break away, she traced his lips with her tongue and brushed it against his fangs. She encouraged him to delve back into her mouth as she softly placed her hands on his shorts he was wearing and pushed down.
He stopped kissing her and looked into her lust filled eyes, “Are you sure?”
“I...I really like you, Inuyasha. I don’t want to just--leave you hanging like that,” she confessed.
He kissed her again at her admission and then studied her closely as he spoke. “I really like you too, Kagome. Really. I swear, I’m not that guy. I’m not someone who will walk out on you for not jacking me off or giving yourself to me. This isn’t something we have to do. I’m a grown man. But trust me when I say this, I’m not going to say no if you want to. I want to. But only if you are actually ready.”
“...Only with you,” she whispered.
Smirking, he pulled back and lifted his shirt over his head and wrapped his arms around her naked body. He nudged her with his hips to silently give her permission to continue to push down his pants.
She resumed her previous actions, slowly and carefully. Once his shorts and boxers were on the floor, she locked eyes with his large hardened cock. He must’ve smelled her panic from seeing how ‘well-endowed’ he was, because one of his hands started threading through her hair as he whispered huskily in her ear, “I’ll go slow.”
She nodded her consent as he pulled her hips to line himself up to her center. He pushed in slowly as she was still perched on the desk. One of his hands was on her backside, kneading and rubbing soothing circles to keep her relaxed while the other hand held her head to his as he continued to kiss her. His distractions worked as she only felt a pinch and stretching of her womanhood being invaded. Overall, it wasn’t as bad as everyone made it seem.
Once he was fully seated within her tight warm pussy, he pulled back from her lips and breathed heavily. “Fuck,” he groaned.
Panting, full, and desperate for movement, she rolled her hips to test the waters and by God she couldn’t believe the amount of pleasure she got. Moaning, she felt him shift and begin to slowly pull out and thrust back in until he was fully seated within her again. He began to pump in and out of her in a rhythm she could barely keep up with because she was so overly stimulated. She felt like her insides were melting. His body was a flame and hers a candle. They went hand and hand and moved like they were dancing--well--not necessarily that choreographed. It was far more desperate, needy, and the sounds were grunts, moans, and cries.
Her hand was on his shoulder and the other on the edge of the desk to keep herself perched up to him. Her ass was hovering over the edge as his hands held it as he controlled her movements. She was so close it was unbearable. Wailing and writhing in his arms, she wanted him to do--something, anything. Covered in a fine layer of sweat and her core weeping from the uncontrollable hunger she was feeling, she reached down between them to touch herself.
“That’s it,” he growled, still driving into her.
She snapped her head up and stilled her head to lock eyes with a very demonic looking Inuyasha.
“I know--I’m fine. We’re… in sync. Don’t be afraid,” he soothed, slowing down just slightly but not ceasing his thrusts into her body.
“I’m not afraid; I know you would never hurt me,” she said, lifting her hand from between them to stroke his purple jagged lined cheek. “I just knew you were fighting to stay in control.”
“My demon and I agree on our current premise,” he added as he dropped his lips to nibble and suckle on her neck again. Her breath hitched and she shot her hand down to her nub once more beginning to stroke it as hard as she could.
Her walls grabbed a hold of his hardened length and she tried to match his now frantic pace of plunges trying to make herself release.
“Cum for me Kagome,” Inuyasha purred in her ear.
That was all she needed as she felt like she burst. By far, it was the most powerful orgasm she had ever experienced. Not that she had a lot to compare to--but she knew she would never be able to have anyone but Inuyasha again.
Her mind was so mushed out she barely realized they were still fucking until she felt him shudder. She was able to pull herself together enough to lave his own neck and nibble seductively pushing him into his own surging release.
They stayed locked together, bodies intertwined, panting breaths, as they exchanged sweet simple loving kisses. He finally pulled out of her and set her down gently before he nuzzled her cheek with a gentle purr. She stretched up to rub his ear again and kissed his cheek before bending down to start redressing.
She had all of this thanks to Koga. As odd as that sounded since he had been the underlying cause of her horrible summer and self image issue. But Inuyasha and her had only been friends for a few short months and he had pushed to get to know her in ways no one else did. Sango had always been her best friend and sister, but Inuyasha had somehow become more. She didn’t want to use the ‘L’ word and scare him off. But somehow she almost felt like somehow he felt the same. Like some odd external or even possibly an internal force, he had become so involved with her life. He was such a big part of her that she could never imagine separating from him. As they dressed, she caught his hungry eyes still lingering over her body and she did the same to him.
She only put her jacket back on and left her pants on the floor. He smirked down at her lovingly as he took her hand and pulled her close into another heated kiss before he switched the door lock open. What made her swoon was it looked like he was the one who was finally ready to take on the world… with her right by his side.
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Trouble (chapter 4)
>>>Catch up with master list here!<<<
word count: 1.9k
story summary: You’re nothing but trouble and Harry can’t help the fact that he wants a taste.
warnings: Language // Mentions of past smut // Harry is a cute little jealous jelly bean
chapter summary: A piece of your past comes back.
a/n: Lots of supporting characters in this one which is pretty great writing them. I’m in love with them all and very protective of them at this point.
Harry should have known you'd be there with your back pressed tightly against a tree. One hand laying on some frat boy's chest as he chatted you up outside on the quad.
He rolled his eyes, his dark sunglasses shading him from the sun and everyone knowing he was staring at you talking up some asshole.
He couldn't help it. Ever since you two hooked up, you had avoided him like the plague. Every time he stepped into the living room and you were there, you'd find some reason to run to your room.
Even at parties when he'd usually go out for a cigarette with you, you'd quickly put yours out and go back inside.
He had no idea what the hell he'd done to get you to fully stop talking to him. Sure, you guys weren't best friends by any means but you were always friendly. At least said hi to him when he walked in the front door. Now you were avoiding him and it was driving him crazy.
"You fucked her and you still can't stop staring?" Lex asked with a laugh, pulling Harry away from his thoughts of you and back to your guys' group of friends.
"You got it bad, man." Finn said with a smile, taking a hit from his cigarette before Rose walked up to the group with Elena following shortly behind her.
"Who's got what bad? Do I need to get tested?" Rose asked, plopping down on the sun-warmed grass, taking Finn's cigarette from him to take a hit before giving it back.
"Ew, stop fucking doing that." He complained, handing the cigarette back to her. A proud smile on her face as she got it back, knowing it worked every single time.
"Seriously, what are we talking about?" She asked as she let out a puff of smoke.
"Nothin'." Harry mumbled out as he stretched out on the grass. His long legs crossed in front of him as he rested on his elbows.
"We're talking about how the British twat has a hard-on for Y/N still." Link said as Addie rolled her eyes, laying her head in his lap when she laid down on the grass. His fingers running absentmindedly through her dark hair.
"You guys hooked up?" Elena asked, her head snapping towards Harry.
A short nod of his head was all it took for her face to fall. Staring off into the distance, glaring at you still flirting your ass off with some jock.
"Oh, they didn't just hook up," Finn said, glowing from the fact he had managed to weasel out all the dirty little deals of yours and Harry's night together. "They had crazy sex. I mean, shit, the details were enough to get me going."
"What the fuck, Finn? You're so gross." Addie complained as she kicked her brother in the arm with her outstretched leg. His annoying laughter being cut off when you finally made your way to the group, sitting down on the grass in the free spot beside Harry.
Not at all missing the glare you were receiving from Elena and the rest of them looking at you with those annoying shit-eating grins.
"What was that about?" Lex asked as you handed him a flyer. Everyone in the group who was sitting up inching their way towards Lex to read the piece of paper.
"Omega Chi is having a glow party this weekend!" You said excitedly as everyone ohh and awed at the news.
"Fuck yes." Finn cheered as he ripped the paper out of Lex's hands.
"Wot's a glow party?" Harry asked, sitting up, his arm slightly brushing yours as he reached for the flyer in Finn's hand.
The sparks erupting in you even from the slightest touch from him. Making you bite your lip. Really, it was so stupid. You had no idea why the hell you were this attracted to him.
"It's a black light party where you paint neon paint on each other." You said with a smile as he finally handed you back the paper you had been given.
You really had been trying your absolute hardest to keep him off your mind but with this party coming up, you couldn't help but wonder if that meant he'd be touching you again. Even something as simple as painting on you had your thighs clenching.
The sound of your name broke off the rest of the conversation. Your head swiveling around to see who was calling out for you.
You squealed, eyes wide, as you scrambled from your spot on the ground toward the person yelling and waving to you like a maniac. You ran full force, arms thrown around him as he spun you around in a hug.
Everyone in the group looked towards Harry, whose face had fallen slightly at your departure. A sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach that he didn't even want to admit was there. He hated feeling like this for no reason.
You two had hardly even talked since that night. He really needed to put it out of his mind.
"Fuck, that hurts." Finn said, handing Harry his cigarette. Not even bitching about the fact someone else was stealing another cigarette from him.
"Nah," Harry lied as he took a hit from the cigarette before handing it back. "We're not together or anything. She doesn't do serious shit. Made it pretty well known too."
"We'll see about that." Rose hummed out, her eyes moving back towards you but Harry's stayed fixed on her. What the hell was she talking about?
His thoughts were quickly interrupted from wandering off too far when you pulled your new friend over to the group. His arm around your shoulder as he walked with you.
"Guys, this is Austin. He just transferred here from my hometown community college." You said with that bright smile on your face as you looked at him.
Harry hated to see you looking at anyone like that. Anyone besides him. Which was stupid because he was pretty sure you'd never look at him like that.
He hated the feeling, jealousy, that was burning up his esophagus from the pit of his stomach. He swallowed thickly, reminding himself that everything with you would have to be strictly physical.
"Yeah, we used to have a lot of fun back in the day." Your new buddy said, pulling you closer into him, making Harry thankfully he had sunglasses on to hide his eye roll. Fucking prick just had to rub it in.
"She was a great cheer captain. Even got us to nationals last year. Too bad we all got wasted the night before, right?" He asked with a laugh as you swatted his chest.
"Shut up, they don't know about the cheering." You grumbled, feeling your face heat as everyone looked at you.
"What?" Rose asked, perking up at the news that someone may possibly know you better than her.
"Yeah, I used to cheer."
"Hot damn. Go get your outfi-" Finn started but was quickly cut off by Addie kicking him on the shoulder… again.
"Yeah, this is why I didn't say anything." You said rolling your eyes but not missing the playful smirk forming across Harry's lips. Feeling your cheeks heating as you felt his eyes burn into you.
"Well, we were pretty great. I'll have to show you guys the videos. You know, from when we weren't hungover." Austin said with a smile, ruffling your hair with his hand before pulling away from you.
"Okay, gotta get my stuff together and into my new apartment. Just wanted to check out the campus." He said, making you pout up to him.
He had been one of your closest friends before you had met Rose. Of course, he was also a guy on a cheer squad in a small town, the guy could have used all the friends he could get his hands on back then. You were sure in a bigger more open-minded place he would really flourish.
"Oh my God!" You squealed, eyes widening when you caught a glimpse of another man walking towards you two. Throwing a slap on the now laughing Austin's shoulder.
"You didn't tell me you brought him!" You yelled as you ran past him, hugging yet another guy.
"Jesus, how many people does she fuck?" Elena scoffed.
Harry's head whipping around to her so fast you could hear his neck crack as he glared at her through his glasses.
"Damn, someone's bitter today." Finn commented as everyone else stared at the now slightly blushing Elena.
"What the fuck?" Rose asked quietly to her as you walked back up to the group.
"Guys, this is Akiro." You said as you pulled the other guy up to the group. "This is Austin's boyfriend."
Harry had never heard sweeter words in his whole life. Letting go of a breath he didn't even know he was holding in, making Finn laugh silently from beside him.
"They're high school sweethearts. Wish we didn't grow up in a shit town. You guys could have been Homecoming king and king." You gushed, pushing them together.
"Yeah, the gay linebacker and the gay cheerleader. A romance novel in the making." Akiro joked, his arm going around Austin's shoulder.
"Well, we got to get going. It was good seeing you again, babydoll. We'll catch up before this one leaves town. He's just here helping me unpack." You nodded your head, hugging them both before they turned to leave.
"Damn, they make a hot couple." Rose said, Addie agreeing with her as you sat down back in your spot.
"Yeah, they were adorable in high school. The only problem was they were the only out couple so they got a lot of shit." You sighed, leaning back to rest on your elbows.
Your eyes closing as you soaked up the sun. Only opening them slightly when Harry mimicked your position.
"Still got that cheer outfit?" He whispered in your ear as the group carried on another conversation.
Your cheeks immediately heating when you turned to look at him. The smug smile on his face and playfulness dancing in his now uncovered eyes.
"Maybe I do. Maybe I don't." You said, smiling at his eye roll.
"Maybe I'll find out. Yeh?"
"Possibly. What's in it for me?" You asked, genuinely interested know what you'd get if you pulled that old thing out of your closet.
Well, what you'd get minus a mind-blowing orgasm.
"I'll pretend y'haven't been avoidin' me all week. Blushin' every time y'walk out 'f the room 'M in." He smiled, that annoying dimple popping out as your eyes widened.
"Whatever. I do not." You lied, trying your best to ignore your cheeks heating yet again at the fact he noticed you being so weird with him.
You just couldn't help it. You were so into him with knowing so little about him. You were afraid if you got to know him better you'd catch feelings.
"Sure, y'don't, love. Careful, someone might think y'got a crush on me or sumthin'." He said smiling widely as he laid back flatly on the ground. Your eyes widened as you looked at him so content with himself.
Did you have a crush on him? You didn't think so but at the same time, you couldn't deny the fact you were drawn to him like a magnet, couldn't get your mind off how he touched you. How you wanted him to touch you again.
You swallowed the thought down. Knowing you were playing with fire. You didn't do relationships for a reason. You didn't do getting close to people for a reason and you'd be damned is some pretty boy with nice eyes and a great smile made you forget what it felt like to be the one with your heart ripped out and torn into pieces.
#Harry Styles#Harry#Harry Styles x Reader#Harry Styles x You#Harry Styles x Y/N#Harry Styles Fanfic#Harry Styles Fanfiction#Fanfic#Fanfiction#Writing#Mine#Trouble
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Polaris by unremarkable_house
The X-Files, MSR, Rain King
Mulder and Scully attend Holman and Sheila's wedding in Kroner, Kansas.
Tagging @today-in-fic
Part One: Mulder and Holman
“Platonic intimacy is the foundation of my relationship with Agent Scully, Holman, and risking physical intimacy affects both parties. I don’t want to take that risk unless we are both willing.” There is a condensation of intent that settles around the patio of the Kroner Prairie View Ballroom and Suites where Fox Mulder and Holman Hardt - weatherman, meteorologic anomaly, crack relationship analyst, and now very newlywed - share their conversation during a small break in the matrimonial festivities.
It is also something Mulder has never admitted out loud, his desire for something more, and he feels the uncomfortable humidity of it fill the blissfully mild Kansas air. Holman has made it vexingly clear that he expects him to dish on the so-called Mulder-and-Scully-relationship while the blushing bride and redheaded FBI agent were otherwise occupied. Apparently, he and his buddy the weather wizard had a special affinity for these kinds of chats.
“Are you really worried that you wouldn’t be compatible in bed with someone who looks like your partner?” Holman is projecting a bit of his newfound sexual confidence with Sheila, but he doubts he’d have any trouble if Agent Scully came to bed instead. Or both. Holman’s eyebrow quirks appreciatively.
Mulder is not worried about his level of attraction to his long-suffering and comely partner, he does get to look at her every day after all, but he is worried that the weight of their traumas could make the next level of intimacy challenging. He didn’t need a degree in psychology from Oxford to figure that out, he need look no further than his own baffling sexual history. Plus, he knows how much energy she puts into maintaining their professional distance, especially since Antarctica. And Diana. As always, part of how he shows her he cares is by respecting that.
“There is something to be said about the fact that it’s been six years and no one has even mentioned sex. With each other or otherwise. Maybe she’s just not that into me.” He shrugs, also thinking that really isn’t the case. Although it had been not-so-helpfully suggested by a Gunman or two before. As if any of them had any real experience with women outside of chat rooms and computer labs.
Because Scully hasn’t left him either. Hasn’t ever expressed an interest in a life outside the X-Files. Hasn’t ever, ever let him down. She stands entirely too close to him on elevators and drinks from his coffee cup when she’s in a rush. She waits up for him in the middle of the night, she lets him watch her sleep. She rises like the Phoenix time and time again. She touches the stars and toils in the basement. And she kissed him on Tuesday.
Though she would be seriously perturbed if she heard him acknowledge any of that out loud. Especially that last part.
But he was allowed to acknowledge it, right? He had to, or else they were never going to get past this bizarre phase where their relationship was even a secret to themselves. Will they or won’t they? Are they or aren’t they? Damned if he knew.
They didn’t even have the X-Files anymore. The entire pretext for their relationship hovered over the razor’s edge, completely unprepared for Salt Lake Cities and Diana Fowleys and meaningless days spent tracking down literal piles of shit. He made it clear he wasn’t ready to handle anything personal and then they RSVP’d to a wedding together.
Polaris or utter chaos. Scully had once called him unfathomably capricious.
“Yea, but don’t you want to just take her in your arms and kiss her?”
Holman’s aggressively simple advice is reflective of a man who got everything he wanted. Easy words from someone who finally found safe harbor.
Three months ago, he was offering Holman dating advice. Now Holman was freshly married and all Mulder’s gotten were a few chaste kisses he wasn’t supposed to think about. Cosmic justice or just complete fucking irony?
Sighing, Mulder looks back through the windows where Holman and Sheila’s wedding reception is just getting into full swing. Dazzling lights, disco balls, even a few novelty lasers spin dizzily over the guests as they start feeling the liquor and therefore, the groove. Scully is in there somewhere and his eyes scan for her instinctively, but he doesn’t see her red hair in the crowd. She must still be in the bathroom or surely she would come to find him out here, right? Mulder couldn’t believe the amount of insecurity he had been feeling since she came out in that dress and asked him to help her zip up the back. He needed a drink, big time.
“It’s not just about kissing her -” Above them, the full moon is in dazzling brilliance. Not a cloud in the sky, not a hint of chill in the breeze, downright perfect humidity. On Holman Hardt’s wedding day at the end of April. Figures. “I don’t sit around and pine for Scully the way you did for Sheila. We are in a relationship, have been for years, I guess. We are not just partners, I know that. And not just friends. But it’s about being with her all the time - forever - I think. I want to keep that possibility alive.”
At whatever the cost, he doesn’t add, an onslaught of near-misses hurtling past them like a vengeful comet wrought by some dissatisfied god. The weight of the knowledge that he would follow her anywhere - and she, him - whether they liked it or not. Something that was beyond what a ring or social status could ever symbolize, objectively speaking.
It was as simple as wanting Scully like air to breathe, simple as obeying the laws of gravity. A purely biological necessity. No need to complicate things. And no need to scare her off by being as lousy a lover as he was a friend. If all she ever needed from him were chaste yet unforgettable kisses, he would be honored to provide. Ad infinitum, if that’s what it took to keep her in orbit. No need to define the bonds that connect them. Just the need to stay connected.
A light in the sky from which he could chart his course.
Mulder looked hungrily back into the pulsating throng behind him, seeking his personal universal invariant. As much as he wanted her to return so he could end this candid and hyper-intimate conversation, he especially did not want her to overhear how pathetically punch-drunk he was after just the smallest morsels of her affection. He was supposed to remain coolly and Mulder-ish-ly aloof. It was part of their unspoken agreement for partaking on this exclusive jaunt they had both surreptitiously cashed in their vacation days for.
“I’ve kissed her a couple of times, though.” Except for that, of course. Holman gives him a high five. Then he says in the wistful way he’s been saying everything tonight:
“You know, I’ve been in love with Sheila since I was in high school; I was completely infatuated.” Mulder knows, but not really. Who could be in love with someone with a voice like that? Who consistently kicked you under the rug to date the people you detested the most? To him, the sexiest thing about Scully was that she willingly spent time with him. That and she smelled like a secret garden and her skin was as soft as a petal. His own luscious Atropa belladonna; look but don’t touch. It was a fitting match considering his life was rotely defined by his personal, unattainable longings.
“I think it's different, Holman. I love Agent Scully--” more of that condensation settles. “I have for a long time. As a friend first. But I'm not lovesick. I'm not…” he trails off because to say he’s not also in love with Scully isn't the whole truth. But it’s not the same. “I'm still working on being in love with her in a way that is most fair for her. For us.” He looks up into the starry night and grips the edge of the stone wall that he is perched on. “I tend to be a bit overbearing and unpredictable.”
And incomprehensible and dog-headed and nebulous and borderline unreliable - but he’s not really interested in listing all the ways he’s failed Scully or why he knows he’s badbadbad for her. The reasons why she shouldn’t be wearing a short navy blue dress at a private and completely voluntary event with him tonight. Why he should have done the gentlemanly thing years ago and convinced her to get out and save her reputation, to save herself from a lifetime of pain. Should have resisted the tender, irresistible way she always pulled him back to her. Should not have RSVP'd to this damn wedding, at least.
Instead, he spirited her away from the world living into the world of the half-dead and always searching.
Then again he’d probably be dead ten times over, considering the numerous occasions she’d saved his ass over the years. But life without Scully would be a fate worse than death.
He’s seeding the rain cloud, he knows. These are the kinds of words phrased in such a way that he’s been avoiding admitting - let alone thinking - for years. It’s admissions like these to people like Holman that will force him to pay the piper. He envisions Holman and Sheila forcing them to slow dance beneath the dizzy lights to Fools Rush In. He’d prefer a Whiter Shade of Pale, himself. Something a bit more subtle.
“Loving someone isn’t about being fair, Agent Mulder. My life has basically been at a standstill until I finally got my chance to be with Sheila. I wasn’t willing to move forward with any decision in my life if it meant missing a chance I might have with her. I accepted a job in the same town I grew up in, for Chrissake, because she was here! And yes, there were times when I resented the fact that she refused to see me as more than a friend and instead chased after the people I liked the least.
I have a few buddies from high school who got pretty sick of my laments for a woman - who you will probably agree - is completely out of my league.” Mulder resists reacting, different strokes and all. “The fairest route would have been to save myself the drama of Sheila’s many romantic interludes and settle down with someone else - you might not know it but I’m quite the catch in a small town like this - but I was determined to wait until it was my turn. Now those same guys from high school are here dancing at our wedding!
Look at me! I’m married to the most beautiful woman in Kroner! In all of Kansas, probably! And we are already talking about starting our family right away!”
Holman, glowing with pride like the light of the moon with his arms outstretched, has a nostalgic, faraway look on his face, back to his days as the awkward teen in love with the prom queen. Indeed, Holman had received his just rewards for patience, diligence, and the honor of a respectable life.
Scully is his reward too, Mulder knows. Has always known, since the day she walked back into his basement office after spending thirty-six hours hiding in the rain forests of Puerto Rico with no food or water and scared to death that the kill squads were going to find them and use extreme force. He was constantly falling in love with the versions of herself that she shed with each tragedy - always a moment too late. Always under her sharp and disapproving eye. She wore her newfound vulnerabilities with a sign that read: “Danger, Stay Back”. That she refused to be worshipped just made her easier to love. He’d had no clue dignity was such a turn on.
Mulder was just worried he hadn't paid his dues with such noble qualities as Holman’s. His many wrongdoings play with a sad soundtrack in his head, as sad as the desperate way she always looks at him when they’ve cheated death yet again. She had been particularly unzipped by his recent near-drowning and nick-of-time rescue in the Plantagenet Bay. The Gunmen published it in their quarterly and referred to Scully as the Babe of the Bermuda Triangle. He still felt kinda bad about that one.
Was it just Mulder or was the moon shining a little more brightly right now?
“One of the best days of my life was when Sheila started working at the station.” Holman gets another dreamy look upon his face as he recalls the day. Mulder remembers too, it was chronicled in the local paper. That and a portfolio of other newsworthy weather events Holman was responsible for sat neatly collated within his X-Files. And now including their invitation to the blessed Hardt-Fontaine nuptials. It wasn’t every day he got to hang out with one of the curiosities from his wonder cabinet.
Unless he counted Scully which he explicitly and vociferously did not.
“May 11, 1992: residents of Kroner, Kansas, report witnessing a rare quadruple rainbow,” He recites.
Mulder has a similar best day of his life, but he doesn’t recall any meteorological event that marked the moment. It wasn’t even a full moon. Just a regular March afternoon that he had been antipathetic about.
Holman grins. “Some reported seeing a fifth arc as well, but it was never substantiated.” Then his face grows cloudy. “That same day, while we were catching up, was when she told me she was moving in with Darryl Moody and that they were ‘engaged to be engaged.’” He spits the last words out like venom. And that would explain the subsequent supercell lightning storm that knocked Kroner off the grid for three days (also in his files).
“She just wanted to be friends,” he bemoans before becoming annoyingly cheerful again, “but being her friend was the next best thing because here we are! Sheila recently told me that the best relationships are rooted in friendship so if that’s what it took to get here, I wouldn’t change a day.”
Mulder, dipping his chin to his chest, was appalled he found that so pathetically endearing. And a little bit wounding. Were he and Scully not rooted in friendship? For someone who was so quick to believe, he knew he was certainly wanting for a little more faith in the matter. Because here we are, he thinks, together, in other lifetimes, always.
In this particular lifetime in Kansas, there might be drinks and dancing and more than one excuse to touch her companionably and then maybe a little more familiarly, as soon as she finished up inside and he could end this awkward conversation with the groom.
“Don’t let some bad luck cramp your style, Agent Mulder,” Holman says, reaching the end of his proselytizing. “The future will be as bright as you make it.”
Following Holman’s gaze up into the night sky, Mulder finds that the heavens are now alight with the ethereal trails of meteors, dainty and otherworldly, glittering their way across the universe.
Mulder sighs again, equally entranced by and indifferent to Holman’s bizarre skills. “Easy for you to say, Holman.” But Holman just laughs the contented and mirthful laugh of a man in love. To him, everything is limitless: life, love, the weather, and now the entire galaxy.
And though there was once a time where Mulder would have imprudently coveted the ability to touch the unthinkable like Holman Hardt, tonight he is content to reach only one star.
WIP, I hope. There should be a chapter for Scully + Sheila and another for Mulder + Scully. Fingers crossed! Mad love to my favorite fanfiction of all time, Parabiosis by Penumbra. This story includes some loving references to that masterpiece. Made with the utmost respect. Thanks for reading.
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*Yoongi centered fic with a shared OT7 plot*
CH.1.1 CH. 1.2
**Operation: What’s eating blue!?***
“Stop, this stopped being a you, thing and became a us thing the minute we chose to show up here tonight! You gave us an out and we stayed...we will always stay...”
1.2 K Sneak Peek
Pairing: Yoongi x OC
Genre: Sugar baby AU/Suspense/Smut/Angst/Roomate AU/FWB AU
WC: 7K
Nonsexual Warnings: Mentions of drug use (Molly/weed/)Strong language/ Alcohol addictions/ brief mentions/ speculations of domestic violence/abuse
Sexual Warnings: Oral (M & F receiving) power bottom Min Yoongi, cum play, breath play, spanking, dirty talk, Slight overestimation, sex toys (Cock rings....) Semi-public sex (A chill little blow job in the car) The sexual warnings are for both parts of CH.1 so the smut is split in half!
NOTE: Just to clarify the dynamic Yoongi and the OC are roommates who hookup on the side, they are BOTH sugar babies to two separate people! So yes, that would imply that Yoongi and some of the other boys who are also sugar babies are Bi. There is no MxM but there is mentions of it occasionally….as well as some harmless ot7 flirting! Also all of the boys are introed, Tae and Joon just play a lager part here!
I guess, fuck where do we even start? Maybe, will go back to where it all technically started, which was the last time things felt...somewhat normal yeah?
So, that would be...hmm...about 2 weeks shy of you heading into Junior year at USC right? The day your boys picked you up at the airport, and the three of your treated Blue, aka TaeTae to brunch!?
Well, wait let’s back track a little it all started much eariler than that, because you weren’t even aware of your brunch plans until later in the day. So Initially the day in question kicks of with you, in oversized blacked out CHLOE shades, hungover as fuck, sat in at the airport one Sunday afternoon. Smack dab in the middle of Terminal 6, in a bar called Blu2o sipping on a Bloody Mary, scrolling aimlessly through Snapchat. While simotaniously being told for the very first time ...that you’ll be attending a “Haute Couture” themed charity auction...on Tuesday! Yup, the day after tomorrow! Thank god he can’t see your damn face right now, biting down on your straw to muzzle yourself!
“No, babe it’s fine, I’ll just hit Rodeo tomorrow morning, and I’m sure my nail and lash girl can fit me-Oh you...haven’t gotten... what ...your wearing either?” Parroting the words back In slow motion as if it would make the words sound better or something!
Oh for fucks sake! Bringing your forehead flush to the marble bartop already feeling a full blown migraine brewing at the nape of your neck. Giving yourself a couple moments to self compose, this man is so damn unorganized it’s unfucking real. His personal assistant better be the 2nd highest paid person within his entire company because…..This is far from new, I don’t even know why your suprised and I’d say you don’t get paid enough for this....but ya do! So you suck it up, lose the attitude and slip right into your “Yes sir” or maybe I should say ‘Yes daddy” voice.
“Don’t worry about it, I know your busy. I totally get it, your a 28 waist right? Of course, I remember...I remember everything you tell me….Ohhh your gonna let me put you in color too???” Eyes flickering up to the notification from your bank, noting a cute little 12k wire pending.
“Yeah, no, I see it, that should be good. I was thinking Versace or Cavili for you anyway...they have good prints to fit the theme, and if all else fails I have my card too…yup..just landed about..hmm... 30 minutes ago actually. Of course, stop apologizing, Sunday's are always your golf days, I get it, hey, tell the guys I said hi and enjoy your day. Text me later if you feel up to it..k....bye..”
Were you actually getting a little flustered there towards the end? It's the slight accent, isn't it? Honestly, it didn't take much for you to slip into “character” with him, even after barely being together a full month. For one he wasn’t an asshole, had a decent sense of humor, and he’s really fuckin hot...however there was one, little, well shit, not so little issue...you noticed while with him recently. Which, then sparked quite a few questions while also answering some that had been rattling through your head since the day you met. But will circle back to the fact that you spent a week on vacation with a man, while dressed in some of the sexiest pieces of 2019 couture! Yet..you barely got touched once outside of a couple chaste kisses and hand-holding while at the two fashion shows you attended together… so, yeah, yeah!
A low groan in frustration rattled from your throat as you continued scrolling through Snapchat, trying to come up with some possible outfit scenarios in your head! It’s kinda funny, how mynute all of that seems now though, how your definition of “Stress” that day was you trying to decide if your sugar daddy was gay, while also finding time to fit in a self-care day, shopping, and getting your books for school!! The fact that, that was what you considered migraine worthy, fuck, what you wouldn’t give to consider multitasking your only maltitude of “stress” again …..
Just in your own little world, mind swirling with a couple of stylists you’ve met along the way, considering the idea of them pulling some vintage pieces for you instead! What you should be doing, is scrolling through your contact list and texting said stylists, instead you find yourself more and more distracted. Getting lost in the mounds of snap updates from Jimin as he “modestly” sunbathed in a private villa in Italy. Then later sharing a glimpse into his shopping spree from Versace, no doubt a good 20k worth of Italian luxury spread out along the plush white sheets. Sending him a cheeky little “That’s my boy” with a couple of smug winky faces in response!
It’s still kinda crazy to think, things like that are considered normal within your world now, the fact that you aren’t even surprised at the number of gifts. Or, simply the fact that your barley 21-year-old best friend is sunbathing in Italy on someone else’s dime. Then again, you just got sent 12 thousand dollars to spend on an event that would last maybe all of 5 hours, while sitting next to a stack of Louis Vuittion luggage from your first class flight in from Vegas, technically. Opting to land there first after a long 15-hour flight, checking in at The Four Seasons for not even a solid 24 hours before coming home! Honestly?There was no real reason for the pit stop except it gave you an excuse to see a friend while also allowing you to unwind in one of your favorite hotels!
That sentence alone is actually absurd when you really think about it, the idea of you casually booking flights and suites in 5-star hotels as if you’re ordering off the damn dollar menu at Mcdonalds! You, the girl that was working two jobs at the Groove and mourning a piece of shit cheating ex boyfriend her freshman year of college.....is now reminiscing about catching flights to chill with friends and last minute finding dresses for Couture themed galas.Like, what the actual fuck is life.... Oh my bad, life at the moment is constantly being paranoid that you and your friends will get arrested! Life in this moment however...was a fucking perfect!
The friend you where meeting in Vegas was Hoseok by the way, the redhead was currently vacationing in Sin City for the next couple of days, typically residing in LA as well. Just Chillin’ before the semester starts, living his best life, which revolves around “OFF-WHITE'' shopping sprees, private dance lessons, and constantly taking thirst trap pics for his 10’s of thousands of followers online. He randomly texts you saying “I miss your face” you text him saying “I land at 8 tonight bring a bottle and sushi to room 605 at The Four Seasons hotel '' Simple!
Your initial flight, the one that was 15 hours, was originally from Paris, where you spent the last week or so with Jeong-su, being arm candy, sipping wine, sightseeing and of course shopping!. Barley 32 hours ago your Snapchat looked pretty damn similar, if not worse in comparison to Jimin’s but what can I say, you can’t be in the home of Givenchy and Gaulthier and not go to Givenchy and Gaultier!
What your life is, what you and your friends do, I mean, I think it’s safe to say it’s pretty self-explanatory yeah? The average 20 something-year-old in college isn't flying themselves out of the country or going luxury shopping without a little help. In your case, it’s typically thanks to a person you commonly refer to as “Daddy” now, the context behind the word however….is where you and your friends may differ from others…..
But that’s your business, your concern and more importantly your choice, and honestly for a while life seemed too damn good to be true...I guess looking back on it now, I guess that’s because it kinda was!
Sat at the predominantly empty bar alone, more than content by the silence, twirling your straw between your lips, as you scanned back over the shit show that was your schedule for the semester! Getting more of a migraine from that, then shopping or even the fact that you're still hungover and drinking on an empty stomach at half-past 12. Shooting a quick text to your redheaded best friend cursing him out for getting you drunk off your ass on a bottle of Yamazaki 12.
“Can I get anything else for you beautiful? Another drink or maybe an appetizer? We have damn good loaded queso fries if I do say so myself!” Waving the menu in your face playfully, the warm, inviting voice in front of you was the bartender, who’s had his eye on you since you swayed in. Even if you looked like crap for your standards you knew to most you were the farthest thing from it as you swayed into the bar like you owned the place. In your heels, and tiny little black dress, while an airport assistant trolied in your luggage behind you! Ohhh Blair Waldorf would without a doubt be proud!
“Mmmm…” Lips pursed in a slight pout as you raked over the menu, honestly, you were hungry and they have bomb ass fried pickles…..”Actually, yeah, I’ll get-”
“ 3 tall shots of whatever top-shelf Tequila you have, also add whatever she’s been drinking to my tab, along with an order of fried pickles with extra ranch…please and thank you!” Smoothly sliding his black card, and ID across the marble bartop for review.
The look on the bartender’s face was fucking priceless, torn between shitting himself and maybe….nah, just straight shitting himself! Skin flushed, the sense of panic was clear as day, wondering if he’d overstepped that fine line between customer service and filtration. Considering whoever the person behind you is, clearly knows you well enough to know your food order. A forced bashful smile playing along his lips as he bowed out in acknowledgment, sliding the gentelmen back is ID and whispering out a faint “Yes sir, coming right up…”
The base vibrating through your ears instantly had you readjusting your posture, a strong tingle running down your spine, back arching ever so slightly. A playful smirk playing along your lips as you slowly laced your tongue back around your staw, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“You sure you wanna do that? My tastes are pretty expensive..” Tone blatantly flirtatious, yet you still hadn’t bothered to even turn around, that’s when suddenly you hear a deep arrogant chuckle rumbling low in his chest. Only...this sounds a little brighter? And like it’s coming from your left instead of behind you…
“Mmm, I’m sure we can handle it baby….”
You could feel the air shift behind you, it felt warmer, and there was a strong mix of scents flooding through your nose. Leaning back in your seat, pleasantly finding your shoulders, the back of your neck, and your head, cradled against a lean wall of silk. Sighing contently, naturally letting your body melt into his frame, nose running into your face as you smiled so hard your cheeks hurt. That’s when a gangle of veiny, porcelain limbs wrapped around your shoulders pulling you even tighter against him, only to find brown, sharp, cat-like eyes staring down at you, though a pair of translucent designer shades. Seemingly a little bit amused at how excited you are to see him. Long dark wavy locks falling messily into his face, a tiny silver hoop dawning his button nose. Tongue playing at the corner of his mouth, letting the tiny silver ball slip between his lips. This angle lets you really appreciate how sharp, yet soft his features were, an oxymoron that honestly makes no damn sense unless you see him in person….jawline sharp enough to cut glass yet he has the cutest cheeks ever when he smiles. It honestly makes no sense whatsoever and he’s one of the many reasons you have trust issues. Well, that and your line of work, considering the number of men you find out are married and still try and sneak around with you.
Then, as if to just make his presence known, there’s another pair of hands making their home along your body, gently squeezing your thigh. Except, he’s polar opposite to the person I just described, the man behind you is your roommate Yoongi, the man who just took a seat to your left, is your other roommate Namjoon! First off, he’s tall as all hell, and an offensively perfect shade of brown, he can’t even go into the burbs without being asked what self-tanner he uses. In which he smugly replies “Genetics” letting them sit there and try and google said company that makes that brand of self-tan. Streams of meticulously placed colored neo-traditional tattoos paint his skin, accompanied by deep dimples, and bleach blonde hair styled into an undercut, sides buzzed into the perfect fade.
“So you gonna get up and give me a real hug or what???” Placing a kiss in your hair as he pulled back, giving you room to hop out of your seat and right into his arms.
The Full thing is coming soon, this is from summer 2019, I just have to edit, and reread the full thing again! I also wrote the first 3 parts all at once..sooo if your exicted show this some love anddddddddd come let me know!
Love you as always,
#Yoongi#yoongi smut#yoongi au#yoongi x reader#namjoon#namjoon au#taehyung#taehyung au#bts au fic#bts au#bts smut#kpop smut kpop au#kpop au#min yoongi
40 notes
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Pairing: BakuDeku, DekuBaku Switch
Type: One-Shot
Prompt: Twin Stars Week/Day 2-Pro Heroes
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Mentioned smut, ANGST , Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Post-Canon
Read on AO3
"Don't let it be forgot, that for one brief, shining moment there was a Camelot." - Jackie
The morning dew has yet to clear. Kyoka finds her gaze drawn to the gleaming drops against the lush green expanse of the lot. It goes out for as far as her eye could see, trickling even into the thicket of oak trees beyond the yard. A wisteria looms over the black gate in the distance, lavender falls obscuring an entire section of it. The fog of the night has begun to lift, but only just. The world remains in a sleepy gray.
Fitting, she supposes, for a day like this.
She turns back to the great white house that stood high above her, taking in the roman pillars on either side of the porch, the double wooden doors, wrap-around porch, and just the sheer majesty of it overwhelms her.
She looks down. 'Trespass and you die.' said the welcome mat. If anything, at least she knows she has the right house. Kyoka steels herself.
The dark cherry wood of the door opens just as she lifts her hand to knock again. A face stares out at her, and it takes a moment for her to recognize her old friend. Age had done him a favor. Grief threatens to take it away. He's blessed with smooth skin, few wrinkles courtesy of his quirk, only a hint of crow's feet.
But his eyes are dull. She remembers them as gleaming rubies-keen, cut sharp enough to kill-always staring at their target with a startling intensity.
This is the color of muddied blood, sickly with dark rims beneath the gaze. Still, she smiles, opening her arms to tug him into a tight embrace. He doesn't resist. There was a time when such a show of affection would've meant small explosions and screaming, but the morning's silence goes uninterrupted till she dares to murmur,
"Hello Kats. It's good to see you."
He pats her shoulder, still silent as he inclines his head to tuck his chin over her head. His grip tightens once, twice, then he releases her, wordlessly drawing back inside to clear the entryway. She follows. Behind her the door shuts with a creak as she looks about the foyer, quick eyes darting from the marble staircase by the wall, to the glistening chandelier above their heads, then out to the halls. She follows the sound of his fading footsteps, taking her time as she prowls looking from photo to photo of bright smiling faces, a happier golden time.
All the while ignoring the oppressive knells of tragedy that ring out in every corner, rattling her ears till she has to cover the jacks with her hands to reduce the pressure.
"This is a nice place Kats." she calls out, to distract herself. Minutes pass. She doesn't think he's going to answer when a low, raspy voice sounds out,
"...That's right. You missed the housewarming. You were-,"
"In America, covering the war."
She finishes her snooping. Tucking into the dining room where he waited, she looks at how he looms over the bar cart at the other end of the room. The gray cast through the window bathes him in a gaunt light, placing shadows where there should've been none, dimming his usual glow till he himself was a shade. Kyoka makes her way to him slowly, but with each step, the vision steadily gets worse.
Katsuki is by no means an unattractive man, but there's something off. An...unstableness to him. The rumors swirl in the back of her mind but she pushes them away. Time may have made them grow distant, but she still thinks she knows him. Knows what he's capable of. At least, when it comes to her.
"Sorry about that again. Oh, um, just water please," She nods as the man gestures to the drinks on the rolling bar cart.
He puts her drink at the right hand seat of the head of the tables. She take her place with grace, placing her tape recorder and notebook down primly. Gazing out the window, she patiently waits for him to settle with his whiskey.
There are no words of judgement spoken aloud as he takes a hearty swig.
She can feel his eyes on her, and hear the flicker when he turns away, following her gaze out the window to the rolling lush grass, down at the brown bunny who sniffed around in the dew.
"Are you ready?" She asks after a lengthy silence. The clink of ice in his cup is booming.
"As I'll ever be."
Licking her lips, she turns to him, hand already settled on the tape recorder. He doesn't shift his gaze from the hare in the lawn. There's something indiscernible moving around in his eyes.
Clicking the record button, she begins,
"July 25th. 8: 12 AM. I'm sitting with Katsuki Bakugou hero alias Ground Zero, the Symbol of Victory, here at the number one hero's dining room table. It is a gray day, with a fog settling between the trees surrounding his grand estate and dew still lingering on the blades of grass,"
She stops, considers, concedes.
"There is a rabbit in the yard. He stares out at it instead of me as we begin this interview...Mr. Bakugou how are you feeling today?"
"... It's 'the Wonder Duo's' dining room table, and 'their' grand estate. My name isn't the only one on the deed. And if you're gonna call me that the whole time, we're ending this shit now."
Scarlet eyes flicker to her and there it is. There's the man she knows. The vicious one who would bite and snarl and rip things apart so long as he would win.
"What's going on with you Kats?" She feels emboldened to ask now. "Are you ready to talk about this today? Because if you need to shift this interview slot, I can talk to my boss and have him send someone else-."
"I'm only doing this because it’s you Phones," he says. A hand goes up as if to brush through his hair, hesitates, then drops back down to handle the glass of whiskey. "The others, I-," He looks outside once more. "I can't talk to them.They don't know me. They didn't know him. You've seen us at our worst, and I..."
He falls silent and says no more. There's a vein working in his neck. She could hear it. The quick thump thump thumpof blood flow. She wants to give her quirk to him so he could hear it too: the reminder that he is alive to sit there and say what he needs to say.
Instead, she presses the urge into her grip on the recorder, starting anew.
"July 25th. 8:16 AM. I sit here with Katsuki Bakugou, hero alias Ground Zero, at the Wonder Duo's dining room table. It's a gray day but," She glances out to the clouds overhead. "The sky shows signs of clearing....Kats,"
She waits until the man looks at her, twin rubies dull in the light. Kyoka tries to put the ball in his court.
"Tell me about your husband."
"You know the story of how we met. Childhood friends. We didn't get along around puberty, but we were stuck together throughout UA whether I liked it or not. You were there. You've seen the worst of it."
"I never understood it though. Kirishima and Mina were childhood friends and they-,"
"Were different from us. Or rather Izuku and I were different from the rest....We were always different. Complex. Simple and easy would've bored us I think."
Ice clinking. Fabric rustling as he rolls back the sleeves of his thermal. She takes a deep breath.
"....When did it change?"
If he could, he would gouge out his eyes and swallow them whole so he wouldn't have to see this crap.
"I didn't know they were dating." Mina mumbled into her cup of tea. He doesn't look up from where Deku has an arm slung around Round-Face's shoulder, plush pink lips pressing a kiss to her cheek.
Katsuki sneered.
"They deserve each other," He took a vicious bite from his apple, enjoying the crunch between his teeth as something raw and ugly reared its head within his gut. He felt sick and angry all at once. He wanted to retch. He wanted to fight. He wanted to take Izuku and....and...and...
He didn't know, and that was the worst of it.
"Kacchan! Let me go!" Deku's wrist was rough beneath his grip. The kid had scars, more than Katsuki could even count, all over his arms. He was beginning to suspect that he got them on purpose to look stronger than he really was. If that was the case, he had no qualms about laying down a few marks of his own. Lord knows he was good enough to do it.
"We're sparring nerd! Or are you trying to slack off now that you've got your little fancy ass quirk? You can't take up All Might's mantle if you're not willing to work."
That shut him up the rest of the way to the training room.
"I was supposed to have a date with Ochako tonight," The third-year muttered as he stripped off his shirt. Katsuki looked over the muscles in his back, how they flexed beneath the expanse of tan skin, shoulders covered in dark little constellations.
(And he burned.)
There was a thrill of satisfaction at the words. He swallowed it down lest he say something stupid.
But the feeling was so addictive he couldn't help but do the same thing all over again the next 'date night'. If Round Face wanted to distract the future #2 hero, she'd have to fight Katsuki for Deku's time.
It would have to come to a head eventually. He didn't expect it to take a whole fucking year, but he was nothing if not diligent. When Katsuki opened the door of his apartment one night to find Deku, bulked up from his time as Miruko's side-kick, lingering in his entryway, rain sticking his dark curls to his forehead as his eyes ran red with tears, he knew his work had finally paid off.
It was all he could do to hold back his victorious laughter as he pulled Deku in, peeled the wet clothes off his back, and pressed his advantage.
A hand pauses the recording.
"You broke them up?"
"I didn't break anything. Those two were doomed from the start. Two blatantly gay kids playing 'Heterosexual High School'. I did her a favor. Isn't she with that girl from Class B?"
"I...You're a homewrecker Kats. What an asshole. No wonder she still shit talks about you."
"She still hasn't gotten over it?"
She wants to laugh, but as soon as the impulse rises, the situation bears down on her once more, sobering her amusement into something bittersweet.
"She didn't when I last saw her...But...I mean things are different now aren't they? I don't know how she feels."
His tiny stutter of breath almost gets lost in the 'click' of the recorder. Scarlet eyes return to following the hare.
The first couple months were a disaster. They were either called in for work, rained out, or something. Katsuki wasn't one for religion, but he couldn't help but feel as though karma had a gun to his head and was shaking him down for all he had.
Impromptu dates were the only option. They could never plan anything out, so they went on instinct, feeling their way through the darkness of the unknown, sprinting through each new thrill. It suited them. They weren't boring people, so the typical dating process wasn't up to their speed. Their dates had to be thrilling and unusual.
Katsuki loved each and every one.
But he had a favorite. This one stuck out cause it was the least expected, jarring in how its sheer inconvenience contradicted how much laughter bubbled out of his throat.
After all, not many people could say their boyfriend snuck into their hospital room, escaping from his own by the skin of his teeth, to take them on a date. But there Izuku was, a bouquet of 'Get Well Soon' flowers in his hand still dripping water onto the floor, bandages wrapped all over his chest disappearing below loose sweats. His house slippers scritched against the floor as he approached Katsuki's bed, green eyes alight with a certain glint that Katsuki knew meant trouble.
He was smiling before the shitty nerd could even speak.
"Hey hot stuff," That saucy wink only confirmed his suspicions. "You wanna get out of here?"
"Fuck yes."
His leg was broken in three different places, but that didn't matter. Deku hooked his arms under Katsuki's body bridal style, mindful of his own broken ribs, then leapt out the open window, curtains a flutter behind them as they went through the sky. He'd remember the way the wind whipped at his face, how his leg throbbed as the painkillers that made him drowsy began to wear off, but it was the hands clutching him tight that imprinted on his mind.
It didn't matter how much time passed. He'd be able to sketch those hands from memory. He knew their touch like he knew his own. Every mottled scar and each crook in his fingers, he could see them even if he went blind. There was no touch he knew to be gentler.
Even as they landed, and the ground quaked beneath the force of Deku's feet, he was brought down so softly, as if he were a thing to be treasured.
There was a picnic already set up. He could see the large tartan blanket from the sky. (Later he would find out Shitty Hair and Pinky helped out, but for that moment, his eyes were on the tall figure of his man with his broad back to him as he faced the world, spine strong and straight as the tree trunks that surrounded them.) The little details like the picnic basket, his old Victrola and a box of his vinyl were the ones his eyes had missed. He could smell spicy takeout from the Indian joint he and Kiri always went to, and a steadily burning teakwood candle that was definitely Mina's special touch.
A sudden fondness for his friends rose quick, but he tamped it down, fighting back the smile on his face.
He lost when Deku turned.
His grin was cheeky as he held up a bottle of jack, and Katsuki knew that was definitely the other man's idea. No one else paid attention to what he preferred to drink, just taking a single sniff, scrunching their nose and running away before he could convince them to try it.
"For the pain!" Deku said excitedly, knowing damn well their nurses would have their heads if they found out.
Ice clinks in the glass. Kyoka looks at the dregs of dark liquor at the bottom.
He couldn't pinpoint the exact moment the realization came. They ate in relative comfort, drank more than they were supposed to well into night, watching the stars flicker into existence as the moon made its arc through the dark sky.
It might've been when they set their favorite record to play and Izuku lifted him up. Strength was always effortless when it came to him. It made Katsuki feel safe. He didn't need the protection but it didn't hurt to indulge for once, laying his cheek against a firm, barrel chest and enjoying the warmth of an embrace as they swayed. His feet dangled in the air, alcohol dulling the pain of the broken one into a mild thrum that was lost to the tingling sensation of something going right for once.
Yes, that was the night Katsuki realized this was who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
He stops talking. The tattoo around his finger is as bright as any ring, a simple neon green circlet, neon green lightning bolt where a diamond would've been. Kyoka licks her lips. The recorder is held tight in her hand, knuckles turning white till she realizes and loosens her grip. The two are silent. She searches for something, anything to say, but is interrupted by the thundering of little feet on the stairs, shoes slipping on the marble floors as wild shrieks rang through the hallway.
"Dad! Dad!"
And then comes the deluge. There are six of them, tumbling through the door still in their nightgowns, bedheads wild atop their heads and sleep still in the nooks of their eyes. They clamber around them, only a few sparing a curious glance at her before turning to their apparent father.
(When did this happen? Where was she for this part of their lives? All these tiny faces were unfamiliar to her.)
Katsuki holds the glass far from their reach, despite the only contents being ice, and smiles for the first time that day, shoving back all the grief and fatigue to quirk his lips.
"What's going on brats?"
"It's Aurore," The oldest, she presumes, starts with a confident bang. "Her quirk won't shut off! She broke the sink!"
As if hearing her name, the girl, the true oldest, question comes in.
Floats in, rather. Kyoka watches in mounting horror as the teen, no older than fifteen, comes over with terrible wails, black tendrils bursting from her hands like whips. But even this couldn't keep her attention.
No, it's the pink lightning all over her body that sets off alarms in her mind. She'd seen this before, in a different color.
"Her...Her quirk...it looks a lot like De-,"
Katsuki's hand slams down on the recorder, resounding slap making them all jump. He doesn't look at her as he gets up, one long lean line of power and authority.
"I've gotta take care of the kids. Come back tomorrow."
Then without another glance back, he takes the crying girl by her wrist, tugging her out to another part of the house. The other children follow, casting glances at her with wide bulbous eyes. Confused, and a little hurt, Kyoka collects her things and leaves.
The hare is back. She thinks its warren is nearby. It's resting in the grass, uncaring of the exposure as she stares. The fog hasn't lifted. The sun stubbornly refuses to come out. Katsuki answers the door even before she walks all the way up to the great white porch. They go back to the dining room from yesterday. He has a pitcher of water set out for them both. She doesn't even think of the eerie silence until he explains,
"The kids have gone to their Grandma Inko's for the weekend."
"Oh, I didn't mind! You didn't have to-,"
"I think," he says softly. "That she needs them more than I do right now."
There are no words that she can say to that. Slipping into the easy folds of professionalism, she sets her recorder on the table. He looks out to watch the hare.
She begins.
"July 26th. 8:01 AM. Same place as yesterday, with the same fog. The house is empty-,"
"You can't write about them. The kids." He says abruptly. She sends him a look, forcibly erasing the last couple seconds from the tape. "Sorry, but I wanted to make that clear. The kids are...They need to stay safe."
"You have my word," She murmurs. He nods. She restarts.
"July 26th. 8:02 AM. Same place as yesterday, with the same fog. Katsuki sits at the head of the table, staring out the window at the same rabbit." She slides her gaze around the room, settling on a photo propped on a side table. She was there the day that photo was taken. She could hear the fireworks, the applause, the sweet, sweet music they danced to that night.
Twin smiles look back at her, imploring her to ask.
"Kats, tell me about him. If you could tell the world what you want them to remember about your husband, what would it be?"
It's a strange question. He turns at the sound of it, then follows her gaze to the portrait.
At once, he reaches for the whiskey on the rolling cart.
The day of his wedding, he was nervous. It would turn out to be a fine affair; there wasn't a doubt in his mind about that, but that was only if Izuku didn't come to his senses and realize Katsuki was a selfish, rude prick with a temper and a mouth to match. He panicked. He fumbled over something as simple as his tie. His hands were shaking.
And he started to cry. It was only his Dad in the room, and Masaru was a complete bumbling mess when it came to tears, so the man left and, out of all the people he could've found to help, he found his wife.
Like he said. Complete bumbling mess.
Katsuki held back a scream when the old hag appeared. He nearly didn't invite her. She was the bridezilla of a wedding with no brides, paying strict detail to every fucking thing under the moon. But as soon as he saw her, the tears stopped short. He seethed instead, recoiling angrily as she fretted over him, tying his tie as she did back when he was a child.
He blinked. He hadn't heard his name pronounced like that since he was child. It turned his insides into mush, soft and malleable, quieting his curses till he was looking down at her with wide, blinking eyes.
(And wasn't that a wonder? She was a giant in his eyes once upon a time, but now she craned her neck to fix her gaze upon his face, weathered hands pressing against his cheeks as they did when he was a boy.)
"You're more like me than you're father. I suppose I need to be the one to tell you how not to screw this up-,"
He wanted to protest, but she pressed a finger to his lips, shushing him before smoothing out the lapels of his jacket.
"There's no marriage advice that applies to all couples. What worked for me and your father may not work for you and my darling Izuku, but nevertheless," Fingers paused, hesitated, then squeezed his shoulders. She pressed a firm kiss to his forehead."It must be said. Your passion is your greatest asset, but your temper is your worst. Never spend an entire day angry. Talk out your problems.
"Let yourself love him. Let that love consume you whole till it feels like there's nothing left but that warm, sticky feeling. And let him love you in return."
Everything was golden that day. Ivory and gold. He remembered how the champagne flowed freely. It went down his mouth in waves, sweetness sticking under his tongue, traces of it on the curve of Izuku's lips when he kissed him.
Katsuki wasn't a dancer but he danced that night. There was never a moment when there wasn't a hand at his waist, or his own wrapped around a firm shoulder. But, no matter where his steps strayed, he always found himself back in the same embrace, held tight against a firm chest, nose brushing against the smooth curve of a neck smelling of pine and sandalwood.
"I love you," And if he could, he would tattoo the words onto his heart, to have and to hold until he took his last breath.
That day, in that glorious, reception hall of gold and ivory and pale white roses, they had their peace. For one brief, shining moment, there was a Camelot: a fairy tale in which greatness was golden, and they had the King Midas touch.
There would be none like it ever again.
"I was at your wedding," Kyoka says wistfully. "The press was in a frenzy for any pictures. TIME said it was bigger than the royal wedding. You two single-handedly brought a small city in Japan under the scrutiny of the world..." She sighs, recalling the breathlessness of it all, of sitting in the pew and feeling the tides of history wash over her skin. "It was a gorgeous ceremony."
"...Yes," he replies, eyes flickering away from the photo. "It was."
The honeymoon was in Nice, France. It was strange. They weren't bombarded for photos. Either nobody knew them or nobody cared. They spent their days rolling around in the cool sheets of their hotel room, or laid out on the hot pebbles of the beach, toes in the rolling water of the tide. They would whisper secrets the other already knew in the dark, nibbling on cold pizza out by the shore, staring out at the vastness of the ocean as night brought them into its cool embrace. Izuku was a light even in that darkness. He was warm when the winds were cool, and still as the earth when the tide threatened to plunge them into the depths of the sea.
He could never turn it off, that thing that made him so bright. His moral arc was unshakeable, bending ever towards his idea of justice and peace. A symbol of strength in times when others were weak.
When Katsuki was weak.
Izuku said once that Katsuki was his image of victory. But age and experience taught him that the top spot wasn't everything. There was something greater than victory to strive for. It tasted just as sweet, but it was deeper, more profound.
He couldn't put a name to it but that...that thing was what he saw in Izuku. It was an innate glow. Every smile, twinkle of his eyes and even the smallest twitch of his crooked fingers bled with it.
He thought he could taste it on Izuku's skin. He certainly tried. When they lay in bed at night, he traced the map of the heavens with his lips, following each mottled scar that formed a road, memorizing each speckled freckle that formed a constellation against a tanned sky. With each kiss, each swipe of his tongue, he would taste the salt of his sweat but there would be something sweeter looming just beyond. He could spend hours searching for it, but Izuku, in all his niceties, was an impatient man.
The taste would barely brush his palette before the man would push him back into the soft mattress, set upon him with a vigor, and thrust into his heat till he saw fireworks.
Kyoka takes a long, heavy sip of water, resisting the urge to hide her cheeks behind her hands.
He thought he could see it sometimes. There was a little girl going around Nice, the local thief. They saw her pickpocket an elderly couple and immediately sprang into action. But she was fast. In a blink, she could cross the distance Katsuki made with ten steps.
She couldn't control her quirk though. So when they started nearing the beach, and she looked back at them with fear, there was only one deadly end that could be made. He tried to yell at her to stop, but that only made her jump. Before he could reach her, she was drowning. He was in the waves in an explosion of red and gold, but Deku came from nowhere, black whips surrounding her little body till they lifted her out of the teeming waters.
He carried her to shore, back against the halo of the sun. Katsuki could see it then, in that moment. It wasn't the electric green glow of One for All, but something more. Colorless and without a name.
(Did that sound insane? Maybe he was insane.)
He rescued that little girl, listened to her tragic backstory of abandonment as Katsuki sat fuming off to the side, eyes watching for any sleight of her tiny hand that could lead to Deku being hurt.
(It never came. Not even in the years after. Even accidentally, Deku was the one person Aurore could never harm.)
Their time in Nice, though enlivened by the incident, slowed back down after that. Deku had made a name for himself, helping out in minor incidents because of course he did. Le lapin vert, or Lap-V according to the hipster kids that skated around. He was a hero, even on their honeymoon, simply because he knew no other way to be.
Katsuki didn't fight it. He didn't mind so long as there was a familiar arm slung over his waist in the night, steady breath on the back of his neck and that deep, profound feeling of safety.
They were golden. They were good.
Then they returned to work, spent years dedicating themselves to the tireless cause of justice, picking up orphaned children and taking them in as their own, picking up falling buildings, picking up society as a whole and carrying it on their backs until....
Unti Izuku died, and all things golden and good died with him.
He takes a moment. She allows it, watching with weary, burning eyes as he slips a worn pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He at least has the decency to get up and open the window, smoke filtering out into cool morning air, blending into the drab gray.
"Thought you gave up smoking."
"...It comes and goes."
He watches the rabbit in the yard. The rabbit watches him back.
He had the day off. He could still remember how warm the bed was that morning. The sun's light had cast their bedroom in a blissful glow, one in which he lounged in like a cat, stretching out his limbs with a great, silent yawn.
He had kissed Izuku's forehead, soft and tender with affection he wouldn't dare display if the other man were awake, then went to put on a pot of coffee. The children were still asleep, as they were wont to do those early summer mornings. Half-days at school meant they didn't have to go in until a little later, leaving the house in a comfortable silence punctured only by the scritch of his slippers and faint chimes of the Corinthian bells hanging outside the window over the sink. It was soon joined by the rumble of the coffee maker, and a tired sigh as a strong arm wrapped about his waist.
Izuku mumbled his 'good morn'ng' in the same tone he used every day.
(He didn't realize how much he would miss it till he struggled to recall the string of syllables in his mind, searching for the exact lilt on the vowels, that low tired thrum that sent shivers down his spine, as he stood alone in the silence of the following mornings.)
They had coffee and toast, talking about nothing of importance. Class A gossip. Hero Politics. The kids.
Izuku took his shower. Katsuki washed the dishes.
Izuku left. Katsuki kissed him goodbye.
"I love you," Izuku said. His eyes used to search Katsuki's own whenever he said it. He wasn't sure what the man was looking for. Confirmation? Reciprocation? Whatever it was, he had stopped looking after the fifth year of their marriage. That morning, as many others before it, there was nothing but a warm, steady gaze that made his lips curl and heat climb up the back of his neck.
That morning, as many others before it, all he said back was, "Later, nerd."
(He'd regret not saying 'I love you' more, but especially in that last moment. He'd replay it over and over again in his mind, just thinking about 'what if's. Other words he could've said to encompass the vast wealth of his emotions, ones that could properly define the black hole created in his chest when Izuku left him behind.)
The call came in the afternoon. The kids had left for school an hour before. He waved them off as they boarded the bus, then entered the study to try and get a handle on his paperwork. His coffee had gone cold when his phone rang.
That was the first red flag. It wasn't his cell. It was his work phone. They didn't usually call him in if they had Deku and Shoto on the job. There was an unsettling feeling in his gut but he pushed it away, thinking it may have been a call about a promo opportunity.
He slid his finger against the cool glass.
Then Kota's panicked voice rang through the speaker and he felt the world slowly tick to a deafening halt.
"-Kugo! It's All for One! He's alive! He's here! Shoto and Creati are fighting him now but Deku is-! Deku is-!"
He had never thrown on his uniform faster. He was about to rocket out the door when his phone rang. His private cell. Something compelled him to glance at the screen, instinct warring for a say with his mind already calculating the route he would take. Seeing his old teacher's name flash only cemented the dread building in his gut.
Aizawa wasn't the type to call him unless it was something serious. He picked up the phone, flying one-handed as he did so, adjusting his balance so that he didn't crash out of the sky.
"He's at Musutafu General. He's asking for you. I know they're calling you into the field, but he says it's urgent. He says....He says 'All Might would want you to have it.' That it.."
A shuddered breath. "That it can't die with him."
He was on a course for the hospital before the line clicked. He didn't bother with the door, heart racing as he burst through a random window in a showering of glass. He was screaming; he knew it by how hot his throat was, the frightened eyes they sent his way as he marched through the building, boots scratching up the white linoleum floors, threatening to start a fight until Present Mic found him, clasped him by his old, wrinkled hand and led him into a private room.
His Izuku was there, lying in a bed, with no one around but Aizawa. No doctors. No nurses. No one who could help him. Katsuki was set to turn the entire place into a bonfire when green eyes turned to him and his sparks spluttered to a slow freeze.
"Get out," He ordered the extras. He couldn't even hear them when they complied, blood roaring in his ears like the sea.
(The sea. They used to go out and stare at it. Watch the sun drop below the gentle tide. What he would give for just onemore sunset.)
Izuku drew him close with nothing but his steady gaze. He was beautiful, even like this. Even as blood spattered his cheeks, leaking through his heavy bandages, as his eyes looked beyond him to see a greater, brighter horizon.
(Oh, how lucky he was to get to know God's favorite star.)
"Kiss me goodbye," It was a quiet rasp, easy as their mornings. He knew that tone, that series of syllables, mottled with something deeper than sleep.
He couldn't deny him when he was like this.
Katsuki pressed their lips together as he had countless times before, pushing every word left unsaid into this kiss, seeking a brief refuge in the dying warmth of his mouth.
'I love you...i've loved you...i will always love you'
Katsuki watched it go dim, that colorless, nameless thing. It slipped from Izuku's lifeless body to travel with his soul, off to a place he couldn't reach.
"What did he look like?"
"...Excuse me?"
"You said," She clears her throat, tar and oil in her mouth even as tears burn in her eyes. "You said Izuku was there, but what...what, um,...Can you describe to me what you saw?"
A silence yawns into the morning, stretching between them like the years passed. Katsuki looks at her evenly. When she turns away she still feels the scrutiny of his gaze. His voice is grinding gravel.
"You want me to talk about the body." He says it slowly, as if that would lessen the blow. "How the bandages couldn't hold him together? The way his legs were snapped, the hole in his gut that let you see clean through him? Do you want to hear about how his arms were slipping away from the bone? Do you want to hear about that Jirou? Do you really want me to describe what I saw? Or do the sick fucks of the world want to know what it looks like when a hero falls? What the Symbol of Strength looked like when he finally couldn't carry...couldn't..."
He sniffs. Wipes at his eyes. The tar in her mouth turns to ash, bitter and dry. She's never hated herself more than she does now.
"What happened after the hospital?"
He looks to the window. That rabbit hasn't left.
One for All pulsed in his veins as his sorrow joined his rage in a vicious cacophony.
They told him after, what he did. They told him of how the city burned in a blaze of terrifying glory. How he destroyed entire skyscrapers in his chase till he finally caught up to the man that took the sun from his skies. They told him how the newscasters were forced to stop broadcasting. The Hero Commission thought the imagery of the Symbol of Victory doing what he did best was too graphic for the public.
That was the worst part of it. The greatest triumph of his career and there was nothing to show for it but the shadow of a dead, lesser man.
He didn't remember any of it. He woke up to the blood on his hands, to the burned, ripped up pieces of a man once so feared lying at his feet, features unrecognizable from the dark, scarlet mess of blood, guts, and brain matter.
He didn't remember anything other than the face Izuku wore when he died. The fine curl of his lashes against the paling cheeks, how his freckles stood stark against his skin, lips blue but turned up into one final smile as he took his last breath.
He was golden, even in death. He was good.
"Are you crying?"
She sniffs, rubbing at her eyes as a sense of shame comes over her. She was meant to be comforting him, and here she was, falling into his reluctant embrace, pressing her nose against the sweet scent of his skin and acrid smell of smoke.
"I'm sorry...I just...I-,' She throws professionalism to the wind and breaks down in sobs, tumultuous racking things that make her chest hot and her eyes ache.
For a moment, she wonders what made her think she could do this.
But it wasn't her choice at all was it? Her supervisor demanded it of her, thrusting the assignment her way thinking that since she was 'close to the man's husband; she'd be able to get the job done'. With no regard for her feelings, or how she felt about the situation.
At the end of the day, she isn't even the one that mattered. This broken man before her-this dying fire-, is a scoop really worth putting him through all of this? Whatever she's feeling, he must feel ten-fold. He sits alone in this huge empty white house, drowning in memories of a golden time long gone, etched into every hall, haunting him at every corner, and here she is rubbing salt into the wounds.
Oh, she's a horrible person. A terrible friend. She has half a mind to throw the recorder out the window, but Katsuki slips it towards himself before she can even try. Crossing over to the window, he pulls out another cigarette.
"Go home Phones. Get some rest. We'll be back at it tomorrow."
She sniffs once more, collects the rest of her things, and finds her way out. From the driver's seat of her car, she can see him, a slim thing in one of the many grand windows, arms crossed as he leans out on the railing, a trail of smoke rising from his lips
Digging out her camera, she snaps a photo of the widow in the white house. She has to fight off the urge to retch the entire ride home.
"I don't smoke."
She glances up from her glass of water, warily eying the way he turned the recorder in his hands.
"31 minutes and 46 seconds in, you can yourself saying 'Thought you gave up on smoking.' Delete that part of the tape. I'm a pro-hero. The second half of the Wonder Duo. Kids look up to me. I don't smoke."
With that said, he slides the recorder back to her, takes a pack of cigs from his pocket, and lights up, reclining in his seat with shut eyes as the steady waft of nicotine fills the air.
Kyoka presses the starting button, and begins,
"July 27th. 8:30 AM. The dining room table again, with the grand old windows overlooking the yard. The fog doesn't seem to want to lift."
Twirling one of her ears with a finger, she looks at her notes, eying one question in particular her supervisor had underlined three times. There's no way she's going to be able to walk into his office without asking, but she's not sure if their friendship would survive the question.
"Did you regret it? Killing that villain?"
Scarlet eyes blink open but they are unseeing, glued to a spot just above her shoulder.
"Depends on who's asking. You, or the Tokyo Times?"
"...The Tokyo Times," she answers. There was nothing Kats hated more than a liar. She expected him to watch her with disappointment, to turn away and treat her coldly for the rest of the interview, but he simply shut his eyes once more.
"My actions were considered a necessary precaution to ensure the safety of the citizens of Japan," His voice is dull, clinical. She knows a practiced statement when she hears it. They were bland. The thump-thump-thump of his heart was at neutral pace, no emotion spurring it into action. "In order to preserve the peace of this new era, the greatest evil of the old had to be destroyed. I thank my fellow pros, the Hero Public Safety Commission, and all first responders for what they did that day. If he were alive,"
Katsuki pauses. The ice in his cup melts slowly beneath the heat of his grip, diluting the liquor it floats in.
His voice goes low, but does not shake.
"If he were here today, I am confident my late husband, Midoriya Izuku hero alias Deku, would be proud of what we accomplished as a city."
She does her duty in writing down what she could, scribbling a note to get a statement on other involved parties as soon as she could.
"Tell me how you felt about the funeral." She says as her pencils scratches.
"It was a ceremony worthy of a hero of Deku's statu-,"
"No." She lays a hand on top of his. "Tell me how you felt about the funeral."
A vein in his neck jumps. She can hear his heartbeat quicken with the rising fury.
"I hated it," He spat.
When a hero died, they received what was called an 'Akira Service' named after the first shining man made of light that decided to take up the mantle of 'hero'. It was a nationwide affair, drawing in colleagues, elites and politicians all intending to pay their respects with speeches, prayer, and moments of silence.
It had turned into an opportunity for influencers to rub elbows long before Katsuki was even a thought in his parents mind. The first he had ever been to was during high school for Best Jeanist. He was still young then, unsure of what was going on.
The second he had gone to was for All Might. Deku was with him for that one, as they were not only the man's protégées but had recently burst through the top ten ranking. They stood in a crowd of thousands, surrounded by vultures and wolves, with nothing but the other and a few scattered friends for respite.
"Do not let my funeral be like this," Deku had whispered to him, after the third fancy insurance company head came around to cozy up to them. "This is hell on earth. Hi! How are you?"
Katsuki couldn't reply then, when one of the Commission's higher ups approached with a false, wide grin, but he made that promise in his heart. He was sure that Izuku would do the same if Katsuki met his end first.
But if All Might's funeral as the retired Symbol of Peace was huge, then Izuku's death as a young, active hero-the Symbol of Strength made into a martyr- was beyond measure. People flew in from all over the globe to 'pay their respects'. It seemed like everyone Izuku had ever met had come out of the woodwork.
(It was strange, because when one of them traveled, the other wasn't too far behind. Izuku had hardly met anyone that Katsuki didn't eventually meet himself, and there were a lot of unfamiliar faces in the crowd that day.)
He intended a quiet service for those close to them. For it to be done quickly and efficiently as possible, that his husband's body would be cremated and the ashes buried in the grounds of their home, beneath the wisteria tree, where Katsuki could go every morning and pay his private tributes.
They stole that right from under him. They locked him up for 'his own safety' for days on end and by the time he was released his private cell, stumbling into the arms of his parents, he was politely informed that 'due to the nature of the situation, preparations were already underway for the burial of his partner Midoriya Izuku hero alias Deku, if we would like to be a part he would be expected to show up at the following address in the morning dressed appropriately for the followings series of events-'
Sorrow didn't taste bitter. He wasn't sure where that idea came from, but he knew it was wrong. It tasted like nothing. It tasted like his taste buds shutting down before the rest of his body, like a muggy fog he was constantly stumbling through, blind to the path, reaching out to find his way.
Sorrow tasted like what it meant to lose, and to be lost all at once.
His only grace was that he wasn't alone through this. He had his parents behind him, Inko at his side weeping into his shoulder, the kids with bowed heads and red eyes. All gathered around the oakwood casket that was still and quiet, muted in the wake of the winter sun.
He had his friends. Eijirou would maintain his quirk for as long as he needed to, beating back paparazzi with his gentle sternness as they made their procession through the streets. Sero blocked off a 'safe' area for family and friends during the service, tape strong with Kaminari's electricity latched onto it, crackling when anyone got too close without Eijirou's go-ahead.
Mina had organized what she could. Whatever control she, Inko and Mitsuki could wrestle from the Hero Public Safety commission, they did. She was the one that stressed over the tiny details, of white roses vs calla lillies and the order of speeches, that made sure the family was the first to be notified of everything that went on, that argued on their behalf when they couldn't keep up and halted the entire process until they agreed to release Katsuki, that they acknowledged that he needed to be there.
She, and the rest of the squad had-.
"Are you crying again Phones?"
"I am so, so sorry Kats. You needed me and I...I didn't show up. I missed it," She heaves through a sob, ears filled with a static that made her head hurt with something other than a deep-rooted resentment. He doesn't look her in the eyes. His heartbeat increases. She feels his toes tapping against the floor as he struggles to find the words to say.
(And here she was again, acting selfishly when Kats was the one who needed the help. When had she become this person?)
"It's not your fault. You had work-."
"That's no excuse. You went to him when he needed you. Mina dropped a modeling gig in the middle of Rome to come home."
"What you do is a little more important than-,"
"No." She brings her hands to the table, eyes willing him to look at her, to see how serious she was. It's not until dim scarlet flicker to her watery gaze that she continues, "I want to fix this. Please tell me how to fix it."
"...You can't bring him back."
"I would if I could."
"I know, but you can't." His cigarette is snuffed out against the marble floors, ash ground out under his heel. He pulls out a pack of tissues from his pocket and an envelope along with it.
"If you really want to help me out, publish this letter along with the article." he says. The white glides along the table, easy as a leaf on the wind. Curious, she unfolds it, wiping away the lingering blur of tears. Voice clear in the silence, she begins to read,
"...And it is with great pride and sense of accomplishment that I announce my retirement from the hero profession for good. It is evident now, more than ever, that the world is ready for a new era of peace, and I look forward to seizing my final great victory by raising those heroes. Yours, in service....Bakugou Katsuki hero alias Ground Zero....What the hellis this?"
"A resignation letter," Kyoka says to her supervisor, wincing. She hates it when he yells; the decibel levels are horrible on her ears. She gets the shakes, tucking herself in tighter.
"There's no way the Hero Commission is going to let their new #1 retire! Has his agency even approved this? We're not publishing this shit! They'll have my head! I asked you to go out there and get me a story Jirou! Not whatever this is!"
The letter is thrown into the air as his hand slams onto his desk.
"I can't believe this! You were chosen because I thought you'd be able to play on his weaknesses! I thought you could make him spill his secrets! A hero gone insane! The Widow: A Murderer! That was the angle I wanted then you come back here with this piece that makes him seem so-! ...So human! That savage Bakugou Katsuki! Our Symbol of Victory! No, you go back to that bastard's house and-"
She watches him rant. How his cheeks turn red with his rage. How fast his heart beats as he begins to fully get into the swing of it.
And she thinks back. She remembers how excited she was when she first got this job, how the squad had thrown her such a huge party. She remembers how proud of her Denki was and how he kissed her that night.
She remembers how the first date she had to blow off turned into twenty. The loneliness she felt when he finally broke up with her, swearing to always be friends. But she wasn't seeing much of her friends either. Then she started travelling abroad.
People started getting married (she's still alone.)
People started having kids (does she still have a chance now at 42?)
Then people started dying, and she was filled with nothing more than regret. The man is still screaming at her but, for the first time in her life, the world goes quiet.
"I quit." Kyoka says.
Collecting her things, she snatches the article out of the man's hands and walks out. The sound of the door slamming on his spluttering gives her a little thrill. She can't help but grin, kicking her feet into a little skip as she goes through the doors, and breathes in the fresh air of freedom.
As for her article , she publishes it anonymously with Put Your Hands Up News.
Her alias? Phones. It fits her she thinks.
The Priest: There comes a time in man's search for meaning when one realizes that there are no answers. And when you come to that, horrible unavoidable realization, you accept it or you kill yourself. Or you simply stop searching...I have lived a blessed life. And yet every night, when I climb into bed, turn off the lights, and stare into the dark, I wonder...'Is this all there is?'
Jackie Kennedy:...You wonder?
The Priest: Every soul on this planet does. But then, when morning comes, we all wake up and make a pot of coffee.
Miles away from the rush of the city, Katsuki sits on his porch, water and a cigarette in hand. That damn rabbit is back again. Doing nothing. Looking at him.
He stares right back.
Inside, the children are playing. Their shouts and laughter ring high in the air, over the bluster of the early autumn winds. He thinks the noise will scare the rabbit away but it perks up, craning its ears to listen. It looks at him once more, nose twitching and black eyes curious. He nods at it, then, for a brief ludicrous moment, thinks he sees it smile.
"Later nerd," he says. (Because, even after all the 'what ifs', it turns out that there are no words more fitting than those two.)
Katsuki watches it as it hops back to the cover of the forest, disappearing under the lavender falls of the wisteria tree. There was a certain lightness in his heart with each step the thing took. Snuffing out his cigarette, he lingers on the steps of the porch as the children wander out to join him. They run barefoot in the wet grass.
He waits. He watches.
They scream. They laugh. They look to him with great expectations.
Katsuki slips off his shoes and goes to join his children in the cool, morning dew. The fog lifts within the hour. The sun is out by noon.
The day is golden.
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I Found
Chapter 5
Sorry this is so long. But it made no sense to split it up. I promised @c-a-v-a-l-r-y som Ovi and I didn’t want to let her down ;) also tagging @alievans007 and @hemmyworthy
“I've got a bone to pick with you,” he says to Ovi three hours later. It was a conversation that would be best done in private, but with thousands of miles and countless hours separating them, face time was the next best thing. “A big fucking bone.”
The kid looks good. Taller. Muscled. More mature in the face. It is surprising how someone can change in the course of just a year.
“What did I do?” Ovi laments. “I didn't do anything.”
“Cut the shit, kid. You know what you did. What was the first thing I told you? When Esme gave you her email and her cell number?”
“To make sure that I didn't accidentally send her anything dirty off the internet. And to make sure none of my friends got my phone and sent her dick pics.”
“Okay. What was the second thing I told you then? Do you remember? The second and more important thing.”
His brow furrows as he strains to remember. Then his eyes widen when he realizes his mistake.
“Yeah, you got it now, don't you, mate. You figured it out. I specifically told you not to message her about serious shit. That if you got any chatter about bullshit going on over there that you were to get a hold of me. Not her. So why the fuck up?”
“I don't know,” Ovi laments. “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I don't know why I did it. I just did. I didn't mean to. It just happens.”
“That's the kind of bullshit excuse guys make when they fuck someone else or knock someone up.”
The kid frowns. “What?”
“Never mind. Point is, you opened a whole can of worms over here, mate. You really stirred the shit pot. Can you guess what happened? Can you just guess?”
“You got into a fight?”
“You're damn right we did. And this wasn't your normal fight about leaving the seat on the shitter up or leaving dirty socks on the bedroom floor or drinking the last of the milk straight out of the carton. This was the kind of shit show that happens when your girl asks you if she looks fat in what she's wearing and you say the wrong thing. This was almost months...if not years...of me sleeping on the couch, kid. And I'm sorry but I kind of like sharing a bed with my wife. You're lucky I can't reach through this thing and strangle the ever loving shit out of you.”
“I'm glad you can't. That ending would not be good.”
“No. It wouldn't. You really freaked her out, kid. She's fifty shades of fucked over here. And not fucked in the fun way. Her nerves are all over the bloody place now. She's freaking the hell out. And I'm the one that has to do battle against that demon. Not the particular hill I want to die on.”
“Die? Why would you die? She's going to kill you? I don't want her to kill you because of me. Let me talk to her. Let me...”
“It's a bloody saying, mate. But with the state of the things over here, she just may smother me in my sleep or poison my food. I know you didn't mean to do it, but fuck mate, what a goddamn mess.”
“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause trouble. I just thought...I don't know...I just thought maybe it was better to talk to her. So you wouldn't get upset with me.”
“So I get upset with her instead? Well played, kid. Well played. Don't let it happen again, okay? You come to me. If it is shit like this. She doesn't need it. She's got enough shit to deal with. Don't add to her plate.”
“I'll call her. To apologize.”
“Just leave her alone for now. Let her come to grip with things. It's not a good time right now. She's not in a good place. So do me a favour and just hold off, okay?”
“Okay. I really am sorry, Tyler. I didn't mean to cause trouble. I just thought maybe she could help so I wouldn't have to come to you. Please don't hate me.”
“I could never hate you, mate. You know that. So what's up? What's going on? I only got so much out of her before shit hit the fan.”
Ovi delves into a tale of increasingly suspicious and frightening behaviour. What started out as simple hang ups on his cell and home line had someone transformed into dead animals left at the front door, graphic images sent to his email of dead bodies blown apart by bullets, warnings to watch his back when he was out on the street; that he better have eyes on the back of his head. And within the last two days things had really stepped up: extremely vivid descriptions of how and where he would meet his untimely demise.
“Let me guess,” Tyler says. “The bridge.”
Ovi nods. He looks as if he may cry. Or throw up. Or both.
“Mother fuckers,” Tyler mutters, and rakes a hand through his hair. “Did you tell the guys watching you all this? What did they say?”
“They said to just ignore it. That it was probably just someone playing a sick joke.”
“Rookies. You always take this shit seriously. Did you call Nik?”
“She's the one who told me to call you. But I got scared and I called Esme instead.”
“Scared of me? Why?”
“You get so angry. You get so angry and you said the doctor said you're going through a lot of stuff and...”
“Yeah my brain's mighty fucked up but that doesn't mean you keep shit from me. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, kid. You should know that by now. Outside of this, how are things going? How's school? What about the cute girl that you said you've been checking out for a while?”
Ovi is clearly relieved with the change in conversations. And he willingly and happily dives into tales of both his school exploits and his social life. The kid's become the hell of a story teller since coming out of his shell'; leaving no stone unturned, no details (even the most trivial out). And his face is content and his voice animated and it's almost enough for Tyler to forget about the shit the kid is dealing with. Alone, without the protection and the guidance of his father, with nothing more than servants, maids, and bodyguards to give him necessary human contact and care. It's a shit life. Sure, the money was great. And everything that came with having that kind of money. But how do you live day in and day out knowing what kind of prick your old man is? Knowing he's responsible for putting drugs out onto the streets and into the hands of vulnerable kids? Always having it on your mind that he was capable of killing another person?
That last part hits hard. He was that man. He was more than capable of taking a life. He'd shown it hundreds of times. And he wonders if he'll ever tell his daughter about that side of him. About his mercenary days. And how she would react to the news. It would suck coming from someone else, he supposed. Honesty was the policy. But how to tell your kids about something like that without totally fucking them up? Without them hating you?
That last part is a brutal kick in the nuts. The thought of his daughter hating of...thinking less of him...well it fucking kills him. And he briefly closes his eyes and struggles to get that thought of his mind.
“Tyler?” Ovi's voice. “Are you okay?”
He gives a reassuring smile. “I'm fine mate. Just a killer headache. It's been a long day. So there's nothing on the girl front? You haven't made your move yet? What's wrong with you?”
“I'm nervous,” he laments. “I don't know what to say to her.”
“I'm going to have to give you some pointers when I get there. Light a fire under your ass.”
“You're coming? Here?”
“Looks like it. But there's a lot to work out. I've got to get a hold of Nik and make some arrangements. It's going to take a few days at least. And my wife won't let me come alone...”
The kid's entire face lights up. “All three of you are coming? I get to meet the baby?”
“I'm not making any promises, okay? There's things that Esme and I need to talk about and work out. But she's pretty adamant about not letting me go alone and I've learned to pick my battles. Do me a favour, would you? Send me those pictures you got. Did you take any photos of the shit sent to the house?”
“Of course. I do remember some things you told me.”
“Send those to me too. What about the calls? You get any numbers?”
“All unknown numbers.”
Tyler knew it was too much to ask for things to be simple for once.
“I want you to send me anything and everything you have. And don't breathe a word of this to anyone around you, got it? Not a word. Not what's happening, not who you've been talking to. Don't even say my name. Less people know, the better. I'm still not sure if those fuckers know I'm alive or not. But let's just be on the safe side for now.”
They know, he thinks, as Ovi rambles some more about school and the girl he likes and how excited he is that he's going to be getting pointers from someone with experience. His friends know shit, after all. They're just as green and awkward as he is.
They know I'm alive. That's the only reason for this. They're trying to get me back there. And if they know I'm alive, they'll figure out my name. And once they know my name, nothing will be able to stop them from finding out where I am. Where I live. With my wife and my child.
And suddenly, it all becomes so much more serious than he initially thought.
“What are you doing?” Esme asks later, as finds him at the kitchen table, the laptop open in front of him, a pen and a pad of paper off to the side. “Watching porn? Learning new moves? You have to write them down so you'll remember?”
“Smart ass,” he grins, and she stands behind his chair and rubs his shoulders before pressing a kiss to the top of his head. He watches as she crosses the room; the way she has to stand on her tip toes to get a coffee mug down from its shelf. That simple movement and the stretch of her arm causing the bottom of her t-shirt to rise up. Not only revealing a slice of the tattoo that covers her entire left rib cage, but gives him a peek of that ass clad in a lacy pair of black boy shorts.
“Don't you have any clothes of your own?” he inquires, as she pours a mug of tea from the pot she'd prepared before heading for a shower. “I swear that's all your shit taking up the room in the closet but you're always wearing my things.”
“I like your shirts better,” she replies. “They smell like you.”
That sounds like a good enough reason as any, he supposed.
“Baby asleep?” he asks, as she slips into the chair across from him.
“Finally. She was hungry again. She is your daughter. A bottomless pit for a stomach”
“She's growing,” he reasons, a hint of sadness in his voice. “I see it every day. How much she's changing. She pays more attention now. She looks for us when we talk to her. She smiles.”
“And before long she'll be bringing her first boyfriend home and asking to go on birth control.”
His eyes narrow as he stares at her. Long and hard.
She smiles and innocently sips her tea.
“Did your father go gray at an early age? Did you give him wrinkles? Cause him to drink excessively?”
“He had five kids altogether. I'm the second last. So he was already a wrinkly, gray haired, borderline alcoholic before I came along. And you know why ? Because had three boys before me.”
“Yeah, I'm sure that is exactly what caused his issues. The three sons that came before the first daughter. “
“You don't know my brothers,” she reasons.
It's true. He doesn't. They've never actually come face to face. He's seen pictures and vice versa and he's briefly chatted with them on the phone, but he knows very little about them. Nor do they know much about him. All they really did know was that their sister went on a 'business trip', hooked up with some random Australian, and never went back to Colorado. He was a mystery to them; ex army, someone that travelled a lot for work, got mixed up in some bullshit that ended up with him in the hospital and needing months of recovery. They knew his name. What he looked like. His age and where he was from.
But that's where the details stopped. Their wedding was small and secretive. She didn't tell her family there was a baby on the way until the last month arrived. Or why she had to be 'laid off' from work. It was messy and complicated; a lot of little white lies gathering into one huge fib. But it was for their own good.
“They're bat shit insane,” she adds. “They're savages.”
“My kind of savage or...?”
“Baby, there is no one out there that is your kind of savage. They're normal savage. They're normal human beings that do normal human being things. And we're...well we're...”
“Fucked up?”
“Well I was going to say complex but you always have had a way with words.
Leaning back in her chair, she stretches her legs out and rests her feet in his lap. Quietly sipping her tea as his one hand disappears under the table; dragging his knuckles slowly up and down the top of her foot, then along the bottom. Slowly, methodically. His eyes focused on that pad of paper as his right hand mindlessly scribbles and doodles. He's hard to read; a million and one things going through that beautiful head of his. Memories of his previous life. The things he's seen. The things he's done. Replays of conversations that they'd had today on the beach, the argument that they'd found themselves embroiled in. And more than likely some thoughts of Ovi and what ever had happened during their behind closed doors face chat. It wasn't cause for concern when Tyler fell quiet; he was a man of few words, the strong and often silent type. It was when he grew quiet and he got THAT look. Where his brow furrowed and his eyes darkened and he'd absentmindedly (and repeatedly) dragged his top teeth along his bottom lip. That twas when you should worry.
“What's up?” she asks casually. This is a thin line to teeter upon. Like walking across thin ice that you can hear cracking under your feet.
“Just tired,” he replies with a small smile, tilting his head to the side and causing his hair to fall across his forehead.
His knuckles continue to brush against her foot; over each toe and down the instep before travelling onto the ankle and down onto her heel and over the bottom. In the past few months he'd become increasingly needy when it came to physical touch. Both seeking it and giving it. Not that that wasn't a welcome change. This is a man who'd had to learn what it was like to love again. And to be loved. “It's been a long day,” he adds. “Too much sun. Always make me tired, you know that.”
She nods slowly, both hands clasped around her mug, the rim pressed against her lips.
“I'm sorry,” he says. “About our fight earlier. For some of the things I said. I didn't mean them. I say shit when I get upset. I lash out when I'm pissed off. Always at the people who don't deserve it. And I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that.”
“I know. But to be honest, you were pretty tame. You've said a lot worse over a lot less.”
“Maybe. But I still hate myself for doing it. I shouldn't have snapped like I did. I just wasn't expecting it, you know? It caught me off guard.”
“It's okay,” she assures him, and rubs her toes against his stomach. “And I'm sorry too. It probably wasn't the best time or place to bring all that up.”
“To be fair, that's kind of our history. It's how we met. Letting things happen in the wrong place at the wrong time. Seems to be our go to.”
“Remind me to never tell our daughter that. We're going to have to come up with a really good story for when she asks where she came from. Do you really want to be telling her she was conceived in some flea bag motel in Dhaka while you were trying to rescue a drug dealer's son?”
“Not exactly something you want to tell your kids. We're definitely not a love story that someone would write home about.”
“I don't know. It's the thing movies are made of, don't you think? Two people falling in love in the midst of some crazy shit? Surviving things that would kill most mortals? I'd watch it.”
“Would there be nudity?” he teases. “I'd watch if if there was nudity.”
“If it's about us, there'd be tons of nudity,” she says with a wink, and he can't help but chuckle. Their sex life has always been epic. Right from the very beginning.
“And I'm sorry for bringing Austin up,” she adds, and he glances up at the mention of his son. “I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have stooped that low.”
“You didn't stoop low. You had a right to bring him up. I know I don't talk about him much. And you know I don't like to talk about him. But you were right. I do think that way. I do feel guilty at times. I feel like a shit father who is forgetting about him. Who doesn't love him anymore because I brought another kid into the world to take his place.”
“She isn't taking his place, Tyler. That isn't why she's here. She's here because two people fell in love and they made something so incredible together. There's no other reason. She's here because she's meant to be. And she's here as her own person. She isn't a replacement.”
“I know. I do. But I can't help but think that way some time. My brain is fucked up. All those fucking pills...” he jerks his head in the direction of the microwave stand. Where a wide variety of medications prescribed in his name take up residence in a locked drawer. Pills for the pain. Pills to help him sleep. Pills for anxiety. Pills for depression. Pills for every single fucking thing under the sun. “...they fuck with my head. Some days I can't even remember what day it is.”
“That's not the pills. That's old age.”
He smirks. “First a Viagra joke and now a crack at my age? Do you want a divorce?”
“Not particularly, no. I kind of like having you around. I think I'll keep you.”
“Yeah? Good. Because I kind of like hanging out here. The food's good. I get my laundry done. I get laid on a regular basis. Things could be a lot worse, I figure.”
“You mean like sleeping on the couch for the rest of your naturally born life?” she teases, and he nods in agreement. Once again they fall into a comfortable silence; no noise except for the tick of the kitchen clock, the slight drip of the tap, and the hum of the laptop's fan. “So?” she eventually asks. “What are you doing?”
Sighing heavily, he turns the laptop to face her. The screen displaying one of the photos that Ovi had sent him: a headless cat with its blood smeared on the front door.
She grimaces. “I won't lie. I wish it was porn you'd been watching.”
“Ovi sent me these. And a whole bunch of others. Just weird and creepy shit for the most part. But whoever is doing this isn't messing around. It's all very deliberate.”
“You don't think they're just trying to scare him.”
“This goes above and beyond just trying to scare someone. This is bonafide psychotic bullshit. Whoever is doing this, they're after him. They're sincere with their threats. They're too invested in this. It's not just some passing fancy or some kid doing shit because they think it makes them look cool. This is the real deal. This is scary shit.”
“So he's definitely in danger.”
“No doubt in my mind. Maybe if it just went as far as the hang ups and the pictures, I'd say it's just someone fucking around. But the dead animals? The threats? The letters? That shit is very real.”
“Someone attached to Asif? Or even someone pissed off at Ovi's father?”
“This is definitely someone that's pissed off that Ovi got away and Asif died. Don't get me wrong; Nik had every reason to shoot him in the fucking head. But it is coming back to bite us all in the ass.”
She nods slowly, considering his words. “What's this?” she inquires, as she leans forward and picks up the note pad.
“Just some research I've been doing. Names mostly.”
Her eyes study what he has scrawled, eyes narrowing at one particular name. “Farhad? That one sounds familiar.”
“It should. That's the little fucker that shot me in the neck and nearly killed me.”
“Hmmm...” she traces a finger over each letter, as if committing it to memory. “...no last name.”
“None that any of my contacts could come up with. I'm sure I'll be able to find him if I put some feelers out.”
“Why would you want to? To kill him?”
“To talk to him. He's probably behind this bullshit. Why would you say kill him right off the hop like that?”
“Well, I wouldn't exactly blame you if you wanted to kill him,” she reasons. “Or if you did kill him. I think it's a reasonable response considering he almost killed you.”
“I'm not out for revenge. I'm out to help Ovi. This isn't about me.”
“But revenge isn't always a bad thing,” she gently argues. “And I think in this case...in our case...it's the only natural response.”
Tyler frowns. “He's a kid.”
“That shot you in the neck.”
“He's still a kid.”
“Why does that matter? Look at what he did.”
“He was only doing it to impress some drug lord dick head. Now he's probably up to shit thinking he's big and bad because he did supposedly kill me. But he's still a kid. A fucked up kid. But still a kid.”
“A kid that tried to fucking kill you!” she snaps, and he blinks at the anger in her voice. It's the first time she's ever truly snapped at him. Not the little flip outs she has when she has to tell him twenty times to do something or when she's tired and he's getting on her last damn nerve. This was different. This was rage. Vehemence. And those were the eyes of a woman possessed.
A woman out for blood.
“Well he didn't succeed did he? I'm still here. It's water under the bridge.”
“The bridge. The fucking bridge! Always the fucking bridge!”
“The bridge? What the fuck...?”
“The bridge! The bridge where he shot you! The bridge where you almost fucking died! I was on that bridge too! I was the one that held you when you were dying. I was the one that had your blood all over me. I was on that fucking bridge too, Tyler!”
“I know,” he rubs and squeezes her foot in an attempt to settle her down. “I know you were. But just calm down and...”
“Don't you fucking tell me to calm down,” she snaps, and yanking her foot out of his lap, pushes her chair away and jumps up with so much force that it nearly topples over. “Don't you do that. Don't you act like my feelings aren't valid!”
“I wasn't. That's not what I was trying to do. I know you were there. I know what you saw. And I wish every day it never came down to that. That you never had to see that. But I can't go back and change it. Didn't you say that to me today? That I can't go back in the past and change how I did things? This is the same thing.”
“No. It's not. It's the same damn thing at all! Don't you dare try and downplay this.”
“Esme...settle down...just take a breath...take a breath and let's talk about this calmly. Reasonably. Please...” he reaches for her and she slaps his hands away. “I'm not the enemy here, love. I'm not the bad guy. Don't push me away. You've been trying to do that for almost a year now. And I haven't gone anywhere yet.”
“How can you just sit there and be so calm about this?” she snags the pad of paper. “How can you act like this doesn't matter any more? That this name...this fucking name!...doesn't mean anything to you.”
“Because it doesn't. He isn't the first person that has tried to kill me. And he probably won't be the last.”
“Jesus Christ, Tyler. Are you really trying to normalize this?”
“It's the nature of the beast. All part of the job. You knew that when Nik dragged you into this. You really think he's the first asshole to try and kill me?”
“He's the first asshole that's tried to kill you right in front of me!”
Sighing, he runs his hands over his hair and through his hair and then leads back in his seat, arms crossed over his chest. “Maybe you should stay behind. Maybe it's better if you and the baby stay here.”
She stares at him incredulously. “You have got to be kidding me.”
“If shit hits the fan, which it probably will, it's probably best if you're not there. You went through it once. You don't need to see something like that again.”
“So you just wander off like you're fucking John Rambo and I stay with our baby...your baby...while you get killed?”
“What is this obsession with me getting killed? Do you really have that little faith in me?”
“Oh don't you play that card with me. I'm the only one around here that has had faith in you.”
“Then what the fuck is going on? What is happening right now? Because I honestly have no idea.”
“You're not a stupid man, Tyler Rake.”
“Well I must be because I have no fucking clue what you're going on about.”
“You almost died. You're not just some random of the street. Not some guy I was just randomly fucking. You're my husband. The father of my child. And you have the gall to ask me why I'm so upset? Oh I don't know Tyler. Maybe I'm upset that I saw you get shot in the neck and you were bleeding out all over me. Maybe that has something to do with it, do you think?”
“Okay settle down. Just settle down. Before you say something totally stupid you'll regret. I get it. I do. But you've got to let it go.”
“I'm never going to let this go. Not until this piece of shit...” she tosses the pad down onto the table. “...is lying dead in the street. I want revenge. You deserve that.”
“I don't want that. We got revenge when Nik killed Asif. Isn't that enough?”
“No. It's not. It won't be enough until that little bastard is stone cold dead and in hell where he belongs.”
And with that, she storms out of the room.
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