#simon is a more serious guy .. serious but still lighthearted and kind
thefunniestguy · 2 years
Good morning I think Simon would become the most amazing father figure to Finn , thank you
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televisor-reviews · 5 years
Everything Of Note I Have To Say About “Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil” Season 4!
As I’m sure you’re aware, the great animated series Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil has recently concluded and I have a ton to say about it... So I made a list!
1. Spoilers...
2. Duh...
3. Before anything, I absolutely loved it! This was the finale this great show really deserved.
4. Let’s start from the beginning: I’ve been watching Star Vs. for a few years now when a good friend of mine recommended it to me. At first I was resistant because the advertising for it at the time was god awful, but luckily I was convinced otherwise and been loving it ever since.
5. The show premiered when I was a teenager, going through all the cliche teen shit. So seeing a show that portrayed the overly dramatic life of a teenager without being one of those stock teen dramas was a good change of pace.
6. In particular, I remember being amazed that it could be so relatable while still being able to have it’s upbeat and fast-paced fantasy/sci-fi action sequences and world while also having a good mixture of mature and juvenile humor. I mean, all of that would seem to work against each other and yet this show made it work in spades.
7. Actually, the way Star Vs. uses it’s fictitious setting to complement its down-to-earth characters while juggling great humor reminds me a lot of a different Disney property: Guardians Of The Galaxy. GOTG, I think, is the perfect film to study if you want to ever write for sci-fi or fantasy because director James Gunn understood that you can have as wild and crazy of a world as you want but you still need to write your characters as genuine as possible. If you don’t, you’ll get something like Avatar (the movie); a film that everyone remembers liking because of the incredible world and even better effects, but no one can name a single character or plot-point. The universe still needs to be grounded by the characters or else it’ll become forgettable and un-relatable. Star Vs., thankfully, does not have this problem. I love the characters, their trials, their tribulations, all because they feel real despite the world in which it takes place.
8. That isn’t to say there isn’t a reason to set a story in a fantastical world or that there isn’t an issue with being too relatable. If anything, the world of the show helps to make it more entertaining, less monotonous, and more unique. Without it, Star Vs. would be another Pretty Little Liars or Zoey 101 or Dawson’s Creek or any other boring teen drama out there. They’re practically identical because they start off too similarly! They all follow around relatively normal teenagers in a relatively normal world with their relatively normal life and god do none of them stand out. So Star Vs. separates itself by still keeping its characters pretty wacky and the universe as crazy as Daron Nefcy’s imagination!
9. Even by a storytelling perspective, this makes more sense because there is objectively more that can be done! By the end of Zoey 101, Zoey and her lame crew basically did everything they could do without jumping the shark too much. In comparison, there are countless adventures Marco and Star could go on even past the series finale.
10. And because the number of future adventures are countless, part of the tragedy of the show ending is that we (the audience) don’t get to experience them alongside these characters we’ve learned to love so much. Keeping that door open leaves a much longer lasting impression on the audience, as apposed to the ending of Zoey 101 in which... wait, what happened again? I don’t remember. Anyways!
11. I love the comedy in this show! From the very beginning, the humor was very lighthearted and yet mature because it had to be. It had to have a tinge of maturity to it because the target audience isn’t little kids like it would be for a show like My Little Pony or SpongeBob. Star Vs., with it’s doomsday atmosphere and constant teen drama, was definitely geared more towards older children/preteens. The ones more likely to watch a show like Gravity Falls or Rick And Morty and this audience will not tolerate childish humor. They can appreciate it sprinkled in here and there but if used too much, they’re taste will sour. This is because as they are maturing to to start maturing into adulthood, there is the natural need to separate from childish things with the added childishness of wanting to totally separate from it. That’s why on The Loud House, a punchline could literally be poop and why that is not something you’d see very often on Star Vs.
12. With that said, the show still needed the humor to be incredibly lighthearted because otherwise this show would be so depressing! The worlds in which these characters live in and know are constantly changing, evolving, and almost blowing up. For Christ sake, many important characters die in this finale! The only one who died in Gravity Falls was the villain and in this, the villain isn’t even one of them! Seeing Marco and Star still be able to crack jokes to one another and making each other laugh keeps spirits high. God knows Hekapoo can’t do that now!
13. Speaking of Marco and Star, I have been a hardcore Starco defender from the very beginning despite the show constantly trying to convince me otherwise! There are so many perfect pairings in this cast that any one of them could’ve worked if Nefcy were top change her mind. If it ended with Star x Tom or Marco x Janna or Star x Janna or Marco x Hekapoo or Marco x Tom or Marco x Kelly it would’ve worked perfectly well.
14. But lets not kid ourselves, it was always going to end with Marco x Star. Their relationship and chemistry is unmatched, they might be the only couple in existence to say a joint line like “With or without magic, we were always meant to be together,” work and come off as not only sincere but true. I don’t even believe in the whole “soul mate” mumbo-jumbo, but I’d be damned if they are not that!
15. I audibly squealed in delight when they finally got together. It was like the build-up of four season culminated in one scene.
16. Though it wouldn’t really surprise me if I was alone in this assessment because I am a sucker for a good romantic movie. I saw La La Land in theaters, I cried at Love, Simon, I actually really love Love Actually. And though I do think Star Vs. pulled off relationships better than most, take my opinion with a grain of salt because the build-up itself was a little grating.
17. I have a huge issue with “will-they, won’t-they” stories! It’s the same issue I had with The Office and Friends and The Big Bang Theory and Sailor Moon and That ‘70s Show and every other show that has this dumb trope! Of course they’ll get together because otherwise I wasted several hours of my life wondering about it! Star Vs. isn’t as bad about this as most others but it’s still there and it’s still annoying.
18. It does this better than most because of three main components: it’s relatively short, we get plenty of Star and Marco being all lovey-dovey with each other once they do get together, and they do have genuine chemistry together. They have so much chemistry that Star’s ex literally told Marco that they were clearly into each other. If only they could’ve avoided the trope.
19. Okay, this next point is a little personal but it did effect my feelings towards this show’s finale so I think it’s kind of important that I mention it. Around the time the Star Vs. was ending, I was just entering my first real relationship and around the time I watched this finale, we lasted long enough that we could start taking the relationship a little bit more seriously. Now before anyone says anything: everything’s going great (she actually made me my header) and I am absolutely still in a honeymoon phase with her. But I think you could imagine how a lovesick teen just entering a serious relationship would be effected by this show that ended with lovesick teens so in love that they’d happily sacrifice themselves for the other.
20. I may or may not have also been high while watching this and that may or may not have effected my viewing experience. Don’t be a narc!
21. I love what this last season did with Ludo. Push away the fact that they somehow keep talking Alan Tudyk into these rolls he clearly does need to do and yet still does a great job at it (did you know he was King Candy in Wreck-It Ralph? Why? Why did he do that? Why is he so good in it? This guy’s casting decisions are so weird). The character of Ludo was a generic comic relief villain (see Doofenshmirtz) but was usually fine if only because he made for a good contrast and was way more interesting compared to Toffee (played by Michael C. Hall, another actor who does not need this job). But season four made Ludo a million times more interesting by showing his obsession with the wand exactly what it is: and unhealthy obsession that he needs to get over. And I like where he’s left by the end, clearly still not doing too great but is making strides to get better. As someone who has known many addicts in my life, this hit home a little.
22. Actually, I think a large part of season four was specifically meant to fix the first two mediocre seasons. Just look at my new favorite episode of the series: Britta’s Tacos. In this episode, Star and Marco find themselves back on Earth after a year of being on Mewni and catching up with all of their friends and seeing what’s changed. Watching this episode, I was reminded that as good as the first couple of seasons were, the latter half of the series was a ton better! The characters, character arcs, stories, everything, everything was better once they went up to Mewni. So seeing them go back to Earth and challenging the writers with rewriting their past characters to be more interesting showed just how much the series has improved. Could you imagine characters as uninteresting as those nerds I don’t even remember the names of being introduced in the much more interesting latter seasons? I couldn’t! So I appreciate that they went back and made sure every character in this show was interesting... except for Toffee, he still sucks.
23. And of course, the character that improved the most, hands down was absolutely Jackie Lynn Thomas! She was as bland and boring as a love interest got and that bothered me from the very beginning. How is it that in a show this imaginative and unique they still felt it necessary to use this tired cliche. So bringing her back, the writers had to do something to make her more interesting and it was apparently really easy. All they had to do was keep the character herself basically the same but now she’s a lesbian. And somehow, just adding that one extra layer made her feel so different, so interesting, so complete. I think that’s what it was, she just felt like an incomplete plot point and giving her a girlfriend completely separates herself from being important to the plot and adds that extra layer to make her seem more finished as a character.
24. I’m actually really surprised by this recent trend of LGBTQ+ characters in kids cartoons. You’d think that of all mediums, kids cartoons would be the last to fully integrate a controversial minority but they’ve been some of the first. Steven Universe really started this trend but I feel like The Loud House was the first to show and say it outright. Star Vs. doesn’t do it that well (and I’m willing to bet that was because of higher-ups over at Disney) but I appreciate the sentiment anyways. They never call Jackie and her girlfriend a couple or show them kissing, the most they do is have them hold hands and though I guess that’s enough, I wish they were able to go further. Whatever, I already wrote about why this representation in kids media is important, go read that.
25. For a while, Star was my favorite character in this show. I just have a real soft-spot for upbeat female badasses (and I am very happy this has become more of a trope recently), I think Janna might’ve taken the throne. It’s not that Star stopped being interesting or anything like that, I just really love Janna and her “Jannanigans”. Plus, I do really like the “cute girl who’s into weird shit” trope too. She’s not my favorite version of this trope (see Raven from 2003′s Teen Titans), but she was always a delight whenever she was on screen.
26. Tom is probably the most obvious example of “boring character was made interesting” that the show has. In the beginning, he was the standard bad boy archetype but, over time, was given more personality and started working off the other characters much better. Sure, he and Star worked great with each other as to be expected, but I think the real standout relationship he had was with Marco. I have never seen bromance as strong as what those two have. Their little musical number at Queen Moon’s cornonation turned talent contest might have been the greatest piece of animation ever made (change my mind). And this I know people agree with me, I cannot exaggerate just how much literally everyone I have ever spoken to loves Marco and Tom. It just works so strangely, it has to come off as genuine.
27. I think the series was supposed to go on for another season. I say this because Kelly was too good of a character to waste like they did! She was a great character with tons of personality and amazing chemistry with Marco that was seemingly building up to something... only to drop the ball at the end. She isn’t given much to do, she doesn’t have a final scene with Marco, she isn’t even given a good ending. The most we got was Ponyhead theorizing what her life would be like just to cheer up Star. If that was all they were going to do with Kelly, that’s just a waste of perfectly good build-up.
28. It’s very strange how on the nose these metaphors in the show got at times while still seeming perfect. I guess it had to be on the nose so that the younger audience could catch on to them but I’m not sure what the’ll do with the knowledge that magic=nuclear power. Also, the monsters kind of changed metaphors, originally they were clearly meant to be Native American stand-ins but later on they kind of changed into African American stand-ins. Not that they’re histories (in America) are all that different but it was a noticeable switch. It’s not like Zootopia where any given animal could represent any number of races depending on the scene in question, this was definitely what Star Vs. was going for and I’m not sure if it totally worked. It didn’t NOT work, I guess.
29. I actually don’t like the whole “blowing up the magic” thing. It was something Star made up in a temper tantrum and goes totally against the theme. The whole time, the show was going on about how important integration is and how “separate but equal” doesn’t work and whatnot. So destroying the only way they know how to travel through different dimensions seems contrary to that point. I get that drastic times need drastic measures but I get the feeling that in a theoretical season five, Star and Marco would work to bring back the magic. Or maybe find a more scientific way to travel through dimensions... like some kind of portal gun. We already know this takes place in the same multiverse as Rick And Morty, it’s not that crazy an idea.
30. Another reason I think there was originally going to be another season is because the whole “Mewmans are humans” thing that came right out of nowhere! I mean, it makes total sense and I’m totally down with this plot point but it seems like that would be a much bigger deal than the characters make it out to be. My god, they don’t even let Marco finish explaining this. How the hell did that cave painting get to Earth if they didn’t run into Glossaryck until they got to Mewni! Explanation please!
31. I wish destroying the magic didn’t also mean killing off Glossaryck and Hekapoo. I don’t really care about any of the other characters literally made out of magic, but those two are just so likable and such fan favorites, it’s just a shame to see them go. Though I do really like that they’re reaction to the whole thing seems to just be a mild shrug. I get the idea that since they’ve lived for millennia which would make them more okay with dying. It’s easier to live a full life if you can’t die.
32. I like how Mina’s story ends: defeated and yet still refusing it. Her whole speech about having good ideas really says something, like these issues will never be fully defeated because everyone thinks that they’re right. It’s a bit more of a bittersweet moral than “bad always loses because they’re bad” but is an important lesson that I think kids need to learn. Especially in this political climate. Good god, just end me!
33. Holy shit, I’m up to 33! My Wakfu one only made it up to 25 and I am nowhere close to done yet!
34. A psychotic part of me really wishes the finale had Star and Marco die in each other’s arms in the Magic Dimension. It’d be the ultimate show of love as they’re sacrificing each other for one another and be the ultimate ending. I mean, what more is there to care about after the main two characters are dead? It’d be very bittersweet and much more emotionally taxing on the audience but it’d also be more classic. Like Romeo and Juliet or Bonnie and Clyde, they’re love was just too strong for this world.
35. With that said, that part of me is absolutely wrong! Having their dimensions merge was clearly what the series was building up to with it’s hopeful tone, the power of love being a big theme, the message of integration, and (of course) the promise they made to Meteora and Hispanic Meteora. It seems so obvious in hindsight and yet I still didn’t see it coming, I guess that’s a sign of a really good plot twist.
36. My god, everyone is such a dick to Queen Moon. Like let her be in love you jackasses. I had such a hard time liking anyone who worked against her (which is why I really like that Hekapoo had reservations on both sides the whole time) and this includes Ex-Queen Moon. I really can’t grasp my mind as to why she thought this was a good idea, it clearly wasn’t from the very beginning. Maybe if the show gave her time to explain herself I’d be singing a different tune but she never really does and I have a hard time forgiving her even after her apology.
37. This is just a reminder that Starco is best ship. Repeat, Starco is still best ship.
38. The ending reminds me of Titanic. I mean, two young lovebirds meeting each other, growing closer, and falling in love all the while a looming threat of destruction and death is above them. The epic scale of their problem being brought down to earth by the almost normal love story happening in the midst of it all. Their ever ready willingness to sacrifice everything for each other. Their world forcing them to cling to each other for protection. The grand scale of everything around them making their love seem grander than it would be without it. Yeah, there are more and probably better examples I could turn to for comparison (Romeo And Juliet, Les Miserables, Spartacus) but Titanic was the first one to come to mind and I’m sure my subconsciousness has a good reason for that.
39. I continue to have problems with this finale but I get the sense that I’m nitpicking because this was still an amazing end to a great show. When I think about this ending, the first word that comes to mind is deserves. This is the ending that the story deserves, that the characters (minus Kelly) deserves, that the show itself deserves. It really is a fantastic finale and I’m so grateful that I got to experience it.
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on FUCKING kissing. and other shit
i’m still just. as bowled over as i knew i’d be about getting to have the triumphant nice gay kiss of resolution. like, i dont think i’ve seen that in any movies ive watched. not that many of them like, have a gay mc in the first place. usually you maybe have a couple peripheral side cast gays w a lil subplot and they get to say “i love you” or something. idk. or for some reason whats up with dramas where like, the initial Gay Encounter w kissing is often also a sexual encounter which is fine but the point is its like “oh, wow drama” right. and then the bit where they maybe manage to actually come together is like, too solemn for kissing? its also fine to have other moments of physical intimacy besides kissing, thats fantastic tbh. and i can’t say “wow what a trend in Major Releases W Gay Love Stories At The Core” because there’s not enough fuckin data for any real trends. but anyways maybe the ol Finally They Kiss thing is more seen as a like, ~romance genre~ thing rather than serious movies. idk. anyways getting sidetracked
my point is i think thats the first movie Gay Kiss Of Resolution that i can remember seeing. and it gets me, man. it hits me hard. i’m like. electric. not just because its like “wow this is a new one for me” obvs but because i’m gay and i like things that are very gay and very sweet and cute and that was all of that. so much in that film was ferociously endearing. like, thank god for gay love getting to be charming and nice and lighthearted and even exuberant. yeah babye
and for the past couple months ive been thinking on twitter threads about ppl who were Gay Teens Coming Out years and years ago who went to see the film w a parent or other sort of relation and it prompted a discussion where the parent is like. when you came out, was it bad? was i very bad about it? and they said how the answer was well, kinda, yeah. and getting to have this whole talk about a decade or so after the fact, because the movie shows such earnest support, and the recognition of the failing of anything less than the fullest kind of support.
like honestly i liked a lot that like, the issue wasn’t that simon was particularly worried about rejection, or some terrible kind of abuse or violence like gay kids who had to keep it a secret because their parents might even have pulled shit like kicking out a gay kid, like implying they’d even kill them if they’re gay. and he wasn’t exactly worried about like, hate crimes or anything either. because its not like the Awful kind of homophobic reaction isnt a concern anymore, but it isnt to everyone, and it wasnt always to everyone. its not even accurate to say that noncishet people prior to like the late 20th century always were rejected, always were closeted, always were miserable. there’s all kinds of stories and it’s nice to hear all kinds of them. like, the Gay Tragedy was as we know the only way to get a gay story of any kind past the rigid catholic moral guide for Film back in the day, and not so shocking that thats the kind of gay story that tends to be most palatable to the heterosexuals. and they have, what, like atonement and shit or something? and yet also i’m not saying that tragic gay stories should be off limits, or dramas, or anything. just that of course movies are limited to Bury Your Gays, Kill The Trans Kid, Show The Tragedy Of Not Being Cishet Coz That’s What’s Gritty And Real And I’m Okay With Them If They Die. we deserve every genre and plot structure. it would improve all of them.
anyhow like i was sort of getting to. i really appreciate how simon like, isn’t ashamed of being gay, isn’t in denial about it, isn’t afraid of his parents or friends or community finding out, doesnt feel particularly endangered re the idea, but still feels like he can’t. i really liked the bit where he upsets his sister cuz he’s so fuckin stressed about having just been outed and his privacy invaded in front of his whole damn school but he’s like super conflicted about like, why would i be upset at being out, why would i be ashamed just because i didnt come out before, etc etc. and i liked that he felt his coming out to his parents went badly just b/c it was a bit awkward. because the small issues are just as big a deal, people wanna act like the defining part of being gay is a certain level of agony. and so you get ppl questioning if love, simon is “necessary,” like a gay protag has to be justified for the technical benefits it might afford, like if its not about suicide or self loathing or ostracization or violence or being disowned or etc etc, its not REALLY about being gay, and it can’t possibly help gay kids because its just unrealistic. because even if you have worse problems, seeing an overall happy gay love story where he gets the guy and has all the support of family and friends and community put out there will just be meaningless to you. and obviously its just as pointless to argue that this is the be all and end all of gay films, like we only needing ONE gay romcomdrom type film, we only need ONE gay y.a. movie, this is THE gay film for those categories now people, it’s over. like jesus we’re owed so many. give us the nondystopian y.a. movies back, and make em gay!!! GAY
anyways what is the point? i like that it was shown its difficult to come out even if you only expect “small” bad issues, because even having to have the smallest fear that the people in your life will think less of you, or love you less, or see you as any bit of a disappointment or flawed, is really fucked up and difficult. like i said, it was way too real when simon was just a bit uncomfortable when his dad made just a bit uncomfortable gay jokes. i like that he felt fucked up over being outed even though he wasn’t necessarily ashamed of being gay. and i mean i know part of it was that he was afraid that the other guy was gonna get scared off since that was being exposed too, but i liked that element also, because of the tension between the joy of getting to like...Be Gay with a guy you like and enjoy it, but also know that the whole thing is tenuous and uncertain and you’re both a bit afraid and the whole thing might crumble at any moment because it’s not easy to take “privately being gay” into it being everyones business and public knowledge. because even the little shit you have to deal with is a concern, and even in the most “it’s probably totally okay” situations, you don’t KNOW that its okay, because homophobia is still the default even amongst like. the libs who think they’re totally not homophobic.
and plus yknow the whole thinking you’ll be treated different thing. like coming out is going to HAVE to be some Big Deal and you’ll have to be imposing something on everyone who knows you when really you’re just being the fuck yourself. and the idea that suddenly everyone’s gonna be uncomfortable with you or think you’re someone else or just look at you different because they were cool with you when they thought you were straight. and anyways
also i seriously forget the dude’s real name but i love that it was the first guy simon thought might be blue. damn i know they said it like fifty times in that one scene lol...but anyways yknow i’m like “hmm walking in on him maybe messing around with a girl could just be Gay Crisis shit yknow” and it was and thats kinda fun lol. like, i’ve read some fics in my day!! that is not a nail in the coffin!!
anyways what i want to say is getting a sweet triumphant gay kiss scene is just. so fucking beautiful for the soul. i’m fuckin reveling in it. now that ive been writing about it for half an hour i should go ahead and try to get my rewatch in, right. yeah
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splattershotsundae · 6 years
Ink is Thicker Than Water --- Chapter 5: I give it a 10
Toda spent most of his afternoon wishing he felt well enough to pace. Finding out that Orvokki was still alive was no small news. She was a cruel woman, and visions of what she was like, and what she thought like still stuck with him and plagued his sleep. Another thing to worry about was Simon… They’d logged off in a huff, and he was genuinely worried, both about how they were and about… how they really thought about him.
A motion from his skope caught his attention and he took a sharp breath. Simon was back online.
T: hey
S: Hey.
T: I'm sorry about earlier. i was freaking out bout Orvokki, and I forgot and gt a little carried away. T: we decided we still arent going to do anyhting right now.
S: ... Ok.
T: ... u doing ok...?
Toda sighed a little after he sent it. He should just ask them... He was probably freaking out over nothing. Simon had told Jill that she was strong, in and out of battle, hadn't they? And hadn't they told him that they thought Rank was just a letter and a number, before they played Rainmaker? ... But when they lost at Blackbelly, they took that pretty hard... He'd thought it had something to do with what Yuri had said to them, especially with the conversation the two of them had had afterwards... but was that the case?
S:... Not really. S: But there's not much we can do.
T: Yeah...
T: can i ask u something?
S: Yeah, sure.
T: when did u know that u liked me? How long had we knon each ohter? T: Im not trying 2 b gushy, just curious.
S:... S: Call me shallow, but I'm pretty sure I was going to yell at you for bumping into me until I saw your face. S: when I said I'd always found you cute... I... Wasn't kidding. S: I kind of thought it would just be a fling...but here we are.
His breath caught in his throat, and it felt like his stomach had dropped a few inches. Oh no. Any other time he would've been a little flattered, but... no no no...
S: what really got me was... Getting to know you though... You've been a good influence on me. S: I wouldn't trade meeting you, or how I feel, for anything in the entire world.
T: Ive been a good influence on u?
S: Yeah.
He paused, looking at the message. What had he done that they'd think was a good influence? He typed a response, trying to make it sound lighthearted.
T: how so? hvae I... inspired u to make more puns or smoething? :P
S: Ha, maybe that in addition. S: ... I was starting to forget what trust felt like. S: well, except with Jill. But the point is, I needed some mutual trust... You and Bato sort of reminded me. You guys got me to open up. S: I'm sure there are other things here and there but... That's what comes to mind first.
T: ah...
S: Are you ok?
T: yea mi fnie
Toda winced; he'd sent that way too quickly... Quit stalling and just ask already, for crying out loud.
S: .... Toda...
He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, his face flushing, then took a deep breath. Here goes nothing…
T: We told Jill about the conversation we had the other day; we were trying to explain why w weren't going to tlak to 3, and we sort of back ourselves nto a corner. T: wen we told her you had sort of said not to mention it to hr, she said it was because u thoght she was weak T: Because she lkies to batle for fun, and u battle to win T: she thinks taht u think that makes hr weak
S: ... She... Still thinks that?
T: Thats what she said... T: ... So ou don't think that?
S: Did you think I do?
T: I didn't at first, cause I told u right when we met that B nd I play for fun T: btu seh said if u hd liked m from the start tehn u would have askd us anyway T: I still didn't wnat 2 tihnk that u thought liek taht T: btu i wsa...
S: i domt anytmore Damn it.
[SloshMasterV3 is offline]
T: wiat no! His fingers trembled. He didn’t mean to make them upset again, he just… He took another deep breath and wiped his eyes. At least he had an answer… Sort of...
He read their last message again; they didn't anymore... So had they used to?
A chime pulled him from his thoughts.
[4PawzAndMeow is online.]
J: re u the reason theres a new barrge of sobs comin form S's room?
Toda's heart sank. Oh no…
T: ... Probbly...
J: O J: I... wasn't bein serioos.
T: u soundd pretty serious
J: i ment th@ i didnt think u were Y... sry
T: oh
J:... U dint brak up wih thm did U?
T: no no T: no I didn't
J: @ lest theres th@
T: yah...
He glanced at Simon's tab. He needed to apologize again... But… it could be hours before they came back online…
T: hy Jill T: can I cme ovr? T: I want to say sory to thm. T: or hve a chance to
J: say sorry 4 wh@?
T: how abot if thy dn’t wnat to hear it I go to yuor room an we cn talk
There was a long pause.
J: yeah K. J: th@ works.
T: k T: be theer soon
J: k
He took a deep breath, then got his shoes on, slipped on his Splattershot Jr’s holster, and went on his way, taking his time so he didn’t wear himself out. He thought all the way over, running through his head his apology over and over again. How much should he say? Probably everything. As he drew near to the Grace house, he took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
Madeline opened the door, blinking in surprise. "Toda?" She asked. "Simon and Jill didn't say you were coming over."
"Afternoon, Mrs. Grace." Toda said, probably more formally than he needed to. "Jill invited me over about an hour ago?”
She paused, glancing over her shoulder for a second, then stepped aside to let him in. “Alright, just don’t bug Simon right now, they’re… not feeling so good today.”
He felt a twinge of guilt; That was the exact reason why he was here. "Thank you.” He said, peering around as he entered.
It was still quite a mess, the floor was scuffed and stained in a multitude of places, the stairs had no railing, bullet holes in the walls, the drywall on the ceiling was cracked, and Madeline’s prized roller was resting beside the stairs instead of hanging on the wall, at least for the moment. It looked like a warzone, and to be fair it sort of was. He gave a nod toward Madeline, then carefully made his way upstairs, managing to avoid grabbing for the railing that was no longer there.
He carefully stepped up to Simon’s door, a lump in his throat. He could hear faint sobbing on the other side, and he briefly considered skipping and just talking to Jill… when he saw her staring at him from down the hall. Her gaze flitted from him to the door and back again expectantly.
He took what felt like the millionth deep breath that day and knocked softly on the door.
“Go AWAY!” They shouted immediately.
He flinched, glancing for the stairs and praying Madeline hadn’t heard that. "Simon?" When there was no reply he steeled himself and continued. "Simon, I.. I wanted to apologize for earlier. I would have sent a message on Skope, but you were offline and… " He looked down at the floor. “The question was personal, it… I hope it didn’t feel like… an attack. When Jill.. When she told me about your past, it... Kind of struck a nerve with me. There was this kid I was sort of friends with for a while, named Benny; I think I referred to him once as a 'Luna-wielding ass'... It's a long story, but I should have known better than to think that you would think like that. I know you're not like that, I know that isn't you. I'm really sorry."
There was a long pause before the door opened a crack, and Simon stuck out their hand. Gingerly he took it, grip loose, just in case they wanted to pull away. However, their grip tightened, and they flung open the door, pulling him into an embrace.
He squeaked and stumbled as he almost lost his balance, but then squeezed them tight, resting his chin on their shoulder. "I-I'm really sorry." He repeated.
"... Nothing’s getting easier..." Simon whispered.
"No, it it isn’t..." He agreed. "... You'd think we would've earned a break at this point, huh?"
"You would think..." They agreed with a sigh. "... Well, while things are this difficult, if this 'Benny' shows his face you let me know so I can punch it."
He smiled just a little bit. "I will... Thanks."
"No problem... You don't even have to tell me why." They said quietly.
He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "... Is there someone I should keep my eyes out for?" He asked. "So I can return the favor?"
Their grip tightened around him. "Roderick. You see that bastard you can punch him as hard as you like."
"Gladly." He muttered with a small nod.
"It's a deal then." They said.
"A deal.” He agreed. “… Can we sit down? I had to do a lot of walking and I’m kind of worn out...”
“I’m not surprised, it’s awfully late.” They said, edging over to sit on the foot of their bed.
“… Wait, it is?” He asked, pulling away.
“… Yeah, Toda, it’s like, 10. Dude, it’s dark out and it’s summer, what time did you think it was?”
“I dunno, 6? 6:30?” He said, feeling his cheeks flush.
Simon slowly put one palm on their face. “Did you even set up a ride home? The trains are going to close soon.”
“… I forgot to tell my mom I was leaving.” He admitted.
Their other hand joined the first. "… Okay, I can ask my Mom if she'll drive you home-" They broke off for a long moment. "... You're probably not going to be comfortable with that."
"... Not really." He said, breaking off eye contact, sure his ears were flushed by now.
“How about I ask mom and dad if you can sleep over, and then we play some video games downstairs?
He smiled at that, nodding “Yeah… I need to call my parents too.”
They smiled. “Okay, meet me downstairs soon.” They said,
He nodded, absently adjusting his cap as he watched them go… They were still so cute…
After a moment he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “… Hey dad, it’s Toda. Can I stay the night at Simon’s house?”
Toda sat up with a snort, rubbing one of his eyes as he tried to figure out what was going on.
"Of course it's still a problem!" Jill was shouting.
"Shhh! Keep it down! He's still sleeping!" Simon replied.
"And already it's all about him!" She snapped.
Oh no. He remembered now. He’d spent the night at Simon’s house, after coming over to apologize… apparently there was still friction between the twins however… He grabbed his squidvader cap and started to put it on.
"It's not all about him! What's this 'it' you keep talking about anyway!?" Simon snapped, he could hear them pacing outside.
"I... I don't know, but.. This isn't working!" Jill replied.
"No SHIT. But I'm not just going to sit here while you yell at me for every mistake I've ever made." They said angrily.
"Maybe you should apologize for once!" She huffed.
His hearts sank a little. “Oh no...” He abandoned tucking all his tentacles into his hat and stood, quickly making his way to the door.
"I thought this might be the one time you'd be ok with it!" They exclaimed.
"You broke your promise!" She said.
"Ok, First off, We shouldn't be having this argument right now, and second of all, I thought you /liked/ Toda!"
"I do!! I do! He's the nicest kid you've ever dated. But I'm tired of you being so selfish and hypocritical!"
"Hypocritical? How am I-"
"You talk about how you want to be just like mom, just as good as mom. But when it comes down to it, you /have/ to have me with you, and you only use our squad as a dating device!" Jill shouted. “None of us deserve that!”
Toda flung open the door and peeked out, having to use one hand to hold his hat on. Both Jill and Simon turned to look at him, looking rather embarrassed.
“… Hey Toda~” Jill said, tone cheerful, but posture anything but.
“… Sorry.” Simon said, looking away.
"... It's okay." He mumbled, still a little bit groggy. He looked between the two of them… they were both obviously upset… He was never good at helping during something like this, that was what Bato was good at… Right, be like Bato. He squared his shoulders, then stepped up and put a hand on Jill’s shoulder. “It’s… okay to be upset.”
“Upset? I’m more than upset!” She said, pulling away from him. “I’m furious!”
“Tell me something I don’t know.” Simon huffed. “We should just leave it.”
“Leave what, the squad!?” She snapped. "You'd probably LIKE that! You can just as easily find a cute and/or muscular and dumb boy to replace me by tomorrow!"
Toda flinched a little bit at her tone, pressing himself up against the wall. "Jill… Can you maybe take a deep--”
"ADMIT IT! YOU DON'T WANT ME!!!" She interrupted.
"YES! I! DO!!!" Simon snapped back.
“Jill I--” Toda tried to cut in.
"THAT'S NOT TRUE!!!" They screamed back.
“Simon---” He tried again.
"I-I DIDN'T LIE, I JUST DIDN'T TELL YOU!!!" Simon hollered, slightly wavering.
“ENOUGH!” Toda snapped, flushing with embarrassment. “… Sorry, I… You’re not going to get anywhere if you keep screaming at each other! Jill, what’s really wrong?”
Jill was silent a long moment. “… I… I’m lonely, and I’m worried I’m going to lose Simon to you…”
Toda’s ears drooped. “I’m not trying to take them away… I’m sorry you felt that way...” He slowly looked at Simon. “… Simon, what about you? What’s wrong?”
They looked at him a long moment, then sighed. “… I… I’m scared I’m going to lose you too Jill, but… I’m scared that if we get involved, we’ll.. die. It’s dangerous out there, and I don’t want you to be left without me, or to be without you, or both of us to be gone, and our parents are left in a ruined house all by themselves...”
Jill was quiet for a long moment. “… So you aren’t… just scared of me being hurt?”
They shook their head. “No, of course not. I’ve been hurt out there just as easily…” They sighed. “I’m sorry, for… saying that you were weak once… I didn’t know it had stuck with you and I didn’t know just how much I’d hurt you. You’re not weak, and trust me, I’ll never say you are again. You’re stronger than me in a lot of ways.”
She paused, then huffed. “No I’m not...”
“Yes you are.” Simon pressed. “You’re stronger in will and in joy, and… maybe physically, I’m not sure.”
She started laughing, then wiped at her eye before holding out her hand, palm down. “To Splattershot Sundae.”
They smirked, and put their hand on top of hers. “To Splattershot Sundae.”
“To Splattershot Sundae.” Toda agreed, putting his hand on top of theirs.
There was a long pause, then Jill put her other hand on top and spoke in a deep voice. “I’m Bato and I’m totally here.”
Toda laughed. “Dear Judd, that’s spot on.”
"... We good Jill?" Simon asked.
"We're much better. I'll... Try to talk with you if something comes up, rather than just blow up." She said awkwardly.
“I would appreciate that.” They huffed. “… Hey, where’s mom and dad, they hate it when we fight.”
Jill got a gleam in her eye. “Mom got… /the call/”
Simon’s eyes went wide. “Really?”
"... The call?" Toda asked, glancing between the two of them with a confused look.
"The call's just what we call it when Mom suddenly gets dragged in to more work, but she can't legally tell us what it is." Simon explained. "But in this case that's good news… perhaps a battle’s around the corner."
He smiled. “Oooo, that is good news!”
"And then Dad's off to regular work." Jill asked.
"Seems we've got the house entirely to ourselves." Simon shrugged. "As well as the burden to make breakfast, I think."
Toda's stomach growled a little bit at the mention of breakfast and he blushed, rubbing the back of his neck.
Jill giggled. "It seems like a cereal morning to me!” She said, then sprinted down the hall. “Better come after me quick or I’ll put ice cream on it!”
“Jill, no!” Simon yelped, running after her.
Toda laughed and ran after them, letting himself smile.
Toda is Knitter’s character.
Simon and Jill are Shuckle’s characters.
Splatoon belongs to Nintendo.
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cuppachar · 7 years
Hey there. A while ago you posted a fic rec post and said you might do one for original fic too. Just wondering if you're still planning on doing this as i'm curious as to what you like reading?
Hey there nonnie! I did say that didn’t I - my bad. Work and uni kind of got in the way. Anywhoo, how about a list now?
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(some will be NSFW)
General fic
House Rules  by Jodi Picoult - A teenager with aspergers who is obsessed with forensic science. And then the police come knocking. ‘Jacob’s behaviors are hallmark Asperger’s, but they look a lot like guilt to the local police.’
Losing You  by Susan Lewis . There are so many stories interwoven into the tragedy that occurs the night Oliver accidentally runs Lauren over. Like the reason Oliver was even behind the wheel that night, despite the fact that he’d been drinking, in the misguided attempt to save his  mother from herself, the toxic relationship between his dad and alcoholic mother, and Lauren’s own relationship with her mother and the secrets she was keeping from her. All come to a head that night and are slowly and painfully peeled back, exposing harsh truths and the damage they can do to each other and the consequences of those actions.
I have a soft spot for Barry Lyga’s books, particularly the  I Hunt Killers series. This features the son of a serial killer over 3 books. Also, the audiobooks narrated by Charlie Thurston make it even better. He seriously nails ‘dear old dad’s voice perfectly. Think Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds, but younger and much more psychologically damaged.
Barry Lyga also wrote Boy Toy . This is quite a taboo subject but very emotionally hitting. It’s about a young teen (17?) who finds out the woman he lost his virginity to when he was 12 - his teacher - is being released from prison early. The story flits between present day and when he was 12 and the following months/years. It was sometimes uncomfortable reading but refreshing to read from a male point of view.
Split by Swati Avasthi . This starts with Sixteen-Year-Old Jace Witherspoon arriving at his estranged brother Christian’s apartment after being beaten by his dad. They haven’t spoken in years. Christian has built his life up again after years of abuse and had hoped his younger brother escaped it. Of course, with Christian out of the way, Jace takes the brunt of it. After an incident with his dad and some unspecified event (that you learn about as the book develops) Jace arrives hoping to tentatively re-build his relationship with the brother who walked out on him. This book deals with domestic and child abuse.  Also fits perfectly into my love for protective brothers in books.
Last Seen Leaving by Caleb Roehrig . This was an interesting read with a mystery that keeps you turning the pages. The main protagonist’s ex-girlfriend has disappeared.  Nothing seems to make sense. As well as the mystery factor it’s also a story of self-discovery for the MC.  This is really a gem of a read. The only issue I had with it is the characters seem much older than they are depicted in the book, but that’s really only a slight issue.
Lisa Henry (aka @thisdiscontentedwinter ) and J.A. Rock have written some of my fave books. The above recs were more YA and these are definitely not: The Good Boy  (and it’s sequel) is both an angsty and kinky read. Lane’s parents have been found guilty of fraud. His mother is in prison and his dad’s on the run. Lane - suspected of being involved and wholly innocent - has been left with nothing and ends up trusting the wrong person. Physically and emotionally hurt and traumatized, Lane is taken in by the one person he never thought would help - Derek, one of the victims of the fraud. It’s a dom and sub story, pupply play and some BDSM. This was one of my first forays into MM fic and remains one of my faves.
When All the World Sleeps is probably my third favourite of the pair. It features a guy who sleepwalks. And when he sleepwalks he kind of does some serious shit. Like setting fire to Kenny’s house. With Kenny inside. Now he’s back home after serving his time and lives in a cabin by himself where he chains himself to the bed so he doesn’t do anything stupid. Like kill someone. Too bad people wont leave him alone. Then there’s the cop who doesn’t believe him. Cue some sexual tension. Of course, after some retribution from the townsfolk leaves the MC unable to save himself, the cop can’t quite rightfully leave him alone and chained up at night. so he agrees to do it for him. And the more time they spend together the more they fall into each other’s lives. Dom and Sub.
Less kinky and much more lighthearted is the Playing the Fool series. I think I have recced this before. This is seriously one of my fave series. Henry is a con-artist who has witnessed a mob-hit in the middle of his own hustle. Mac is the FBI agent who is tasked with finding the errant witness. Need I say more? Well, I will because no matter how many times I read this series (3 of them) I end up cracking up every time. Henry is a hoot. Charming to everyone except Mac who he enjoys winding up. They’re a perfect pair. Kind of. 
Of course, it’s not all a laugh a minute. You can’t have a Lisa Henry and J.A. Rock without a little angst thrown in. They sprinkle just enough  of Henry’s backstory throughout the series to explain some of the reasons he is the way he is without giving too much away. If any character is going to stay with you after you’ve finished reading, it’s going to be Henry.
Oh, and I suggest you read it with the audiobook too. I love Nick. J. Russo’s voice.
I still have plenty of the author’s other works yet to read in my kindle.
Five in a Bed series by M.A. Blisher - this is polyamorous. Domestic Discipline. And Daddy kink. One of my guilty pleasures. But there is a backstory to Danny and heaps of psychological angst so it’s not just a pwp offering.
Shadow of the Templar  series by M. Chandler . Jeremy Archer. Art Thief. Simon Drake. FBI. UST galore. Actually, there’s not a lot of sex in the series. A lot is fade to black scenes. And that’s what makes the series so great. It’s not pwp. It doesn’t need sex to make me want to read the series. There’s actual plot. Cases. Action. And the fact that Jeremy and Simon both circle in and out of each other’s orbits. There’s selfishness, there’s conflicts of interest. There’s feelings. There’s sacrifices. And really, with their backgrounds and history, Simon and Jeremy existed before they were even Simon and Jeremy. * excuse me while I immerse myself in their orbits *.
Although I am yet to read all of the series, I quite enjoy the Voices  series by Sarah Masters  - psychic and detective. working together. smexy times. Enough said.
Old School Discipline  by  Misha Horne - if you are familiar with this author then you’ll know spanking will be involved. And I just love characters who have smart mouth’s and bratty characteristics.
I still have plenty, but I’ll keep those for a later date 
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popcultureforlosers · 8 years
Shadowhunters S02E03: Parabatai Lost
This is a very special show. Here are my favorite parts from it
HOW did we not get the scene where Magnus finds out Alec did ill-advised magic and is now in a parabatai coma?? I honestly feel like something has been stolen from me & the show writers should apologize to me personally via twitter
Jace, looking for his stele first thing after washing up on shore, then realizing he should probably also check to see if Clary is still alive. it’s called priorities 
classic “this isn’t what you think”
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why doesn’t that ever work
“She was a sweet kid.” “No she wasn’t.” Luke's inner bitch is really coming out this episode
when you only see the mustache through another’s eyes
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“Oh great, Clary’s safe, we can all go home now.” Magnus, KILLING IT as usual
Clary describing Alec’s current state as being “stuck inside some kind of nightmare and now he can’t wake up,” which in layman’s terms is called ‘a coma’
Jace’s face when he realizes he walked into the one bar in NYC that isn’t only full of werewolves, but specifically werewolves whose relatives he also happened to kidnap
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Jace has now reached full horrible no good very bad day status
“Hey mom I got your messages, I just want to let you know I’m not dead” classic opening line when calling ur mom from college i know I’ve said it at least a dozen times
Raphael telling Simon that Camille is his ‘sire’ and I’m just like
“Whose side are you on?” *removes metaphorical sunglasses* “I’m on the side of the law” Luke laying on the tough guy police officer vibes so thick I thought I accidentally changed it to CBS
“Shut up Raj”
the fact that they decided it would just be easier to cast two slightly younger looking men to be 18 year old Alec and Jace, probably based solely on the fact that they already have to shut down filming at least once a day to shave Matthew Daddario who looks like he had a five o’ clock shadow at birth amirite
seriously, why won’t Raj shut up
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the doctor talking about Jace’s blood: “whatever’s going on with this guy, it’s not normal.” this is some very serious and scientific medical vernacular going on here I hope none of the audience got lost
why did Luke bring Maia to the hospital with him to find Jace, when she clearly just wants to kill him? I’m starting to think maybe Luke isn’t very good at his job? Like either of his jobs, cop or pack leader, this plays into poor decision making for both
when Clary and Simon find Simon’s mom and she’s just having a cup of coffee in a nice coffee shop and...it’s a little anti-climatic? like i thought she’d be doing shots in the werewolf bar with Tayto at least
Why didn’t Luke just flash his glowing green eyes and tell the other werewolves to ‘stand down’ like an hour ago? it really would have saved a lot of time
when you realize that Alec’s parabatai coma is really just a series of flashbacks and an excuse to see young Izzy bossing Alec around which is honestly ok by me 
just when you think Alec is dead and then he’s...not #yay
Browbeaten Jace is definitely not my favorite Jace
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Sassy Jace (sometimes known as Sassafrass Jace, when he’s feeling a touch more lighthearted) is probably my favorite although I do also really enjoy You’ve Got to Be Kidding Me Jace which is not to be confused with I’ve Had Enough of This Shit Jace. Which is your favorite?
some people think i’m being too mean to Clary in my recaps so I just want to end this by saying Clary is the best that ever lived pls don’t hate me the end
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bachimagines · 6 years
Sticky Smell Good
"Any idea when you'll need picked up?" I glanced over at my brunette best friend. She had agreed to drive me to the laundry mat, even though it was going on 12:30 in the morning. Lately both of us had been pulling extra shifts at Maybelle's Tea shop in order to pay off our new office set. Unfortunately, extra shifts meant less time in the office and more time trying to catch up on cleaning.
    "Only two loads, and the dryers here are kick ass so I think your break should be good." I tried to calculate the time on my hands. Since it was later at night May would be more understanding of Adrian leaving work for a few minutes.
    "You got it lass." Adrian pulled up in front of the laundry mat and pulled into one of the fading parking spaces. I watched as she twisted her keys out of the ignition and popped the truck. She unlocked the doors and stepped out into the warm night air. I followed her out and around to the back of the car.
    "Are you helping me carry them in?" I questioned slipping my hands in and under the rim of a new plastic basket.
    "Of course I am! Half of it's my stanky clothes!" Adrian shot my a bemused look before pulling one of the basket from the trunk and balancing it on her hip so she could grab the plastic bag with our laundry soap, and dryer sheets in it.
   "Show off..." I mumbled under my breath.
    I scooped the basket out of the trunk and clung it to my chest as hard as I could, otherwise my arms would get super sore and our clothes would end up on the ground. Adrian slammed the trunk shut and led the way to the door, she jerked it open and stood with her back against it, allowing me to slip into the building in front of her.
   "Thanks Addy." I called over my shoulder as I stepped into the well lit room. She grunted in response and eased the door shut behind me. I shuffled over to my favorite row of washers and set the basket into one of the cheap plastic chairs they had screwed to the floor. She followed me in and set the second basket down beside the first. She stood straight and I heard her back emit several popping noises, though it was better than usual. Normally her spine sounded like a bowl of Rice Crispies. Ew.
    "I'll see you around one thirty?" Addy questioned turning to face me. I resisted smiling. She was never someone I would call a girly girl, but she could certainly pull it off in her work uniform. Between the black dress pants, the cleavage her button up shirt showed and the delicate matching silver bracelet and necklace. I smiled wryly.
    "Yep, yep, yep." I threw my arms around her neck and hugged her tightly. She snaked her arms around my back and hugged back before stepping away and rolling her eyes.
    "Behave." She commanded before heading outside. My eyes followed her until she was in the car, and even then I didn't get to work until her tail light were out of my sight. First thing was first. I whipped out my cell phone and punched in my unlock code before opening YouTube. I needed music, else I'd go insane from the silence. I skimmed through my saved playlists before selecting one filled with techno music. I couldn't help but sway my hips around to the upbeat music.
    I killed the first two songs separating our colors, lights and darks and tossing them into washers. We didn't always separate them by colors, but there was enough to do so and I'd have extra time to spare if she wouldn't be back until one thirty. For a dramatic flare I spun in a circle while I poured the laundry soap. Not a drop hit the ground. I smiled and poured it into the first machine before filling a second cup. I splashed it down into the machines bowls as well before starting on the final cup. Idly I wiggled my hips again, my body moving on it's own accord to my music.
    "Hello?" A voice called out.
A males voice.
I jumped.
     I whimpered softly. Laundry soap was winding it's way down my collar bone and into my cleavage, the front of my shirt was damp and several splatters had hit the floor when I'd jumped. Suddenly my techno music didn't sound as fun and upbeat.
    "Excuse me Miss, are you okay?" The voice asked after a minute of me not moving at all. I kept my eyes locked on the ground and slowly turned to face him. All I could make out was the tips of his shoes. They were grey and white, they looked like some kind of skater shoe. I kinda wanted to stomp on it.
   "Oh! Oh no... I'm sorry!! Hold on!" The tips of his shoes disappeared and his shoes squeaked along the tiled floor. I sniffled and resisted the urge to burst into tears. A moment later his shoes were back in my sight, but what shocked me was his hand lifting my chin up. I squeezed my eyes shut and froze in place.
    "I oh... um... miss?" He questioned tapping my shoulder.
    "What?" I whispered, the goop continued oozing down my front. It has almost halfway down my stomach.
    "Here?" I peeked through my eye lashes at him and found his hands half way to my face, both stuffed with handfuls of paper towels from the restroom. I grabbed them and darted around him and into the bathroom. I slammed the door shut and twisted the lock before stripping my shirt over my head and tossing it into the sink. I sniffled and began furiously wiping the cup of soap off of my breasts. After several minutes I had rinsed the soap out of my shirt the best I could and pulled it back on, despite the fact that there was now a giant wet spot consuming my entire front. My face was 50 shades of red as I opened the door. I almost didn't notice the grey object hanging off of the handle. I paused and stared at it.
    I lifted my gaze and scanned the room. The boy was sitting on top of a washer that was running, his eyes locked on his phone screen. I blinked for a moment, before taking in the fact that he was sitting there... without a shirt on. My gaze shifted to the grey object hanging on the door knob again.
    "Um... why is y-your shirt over h-here?" I called out. He looked up for a moment before twisting his torso to look at me. I think I preferred the view of his back more, at least then I could breathe. Normally backwards hats didn't do anything for me, but his was perched on top of his head, and the goofy smile that decorated his lips made me consider him being a nice guy. He turned more and I felt my cheeks heat up more, nipple one in view.
     "I figured if you wanted or needed a dry one you could use mine." He continued to grin across the room at me. I blinked and slowly looked down at his shirt. Without looking up at him again I picked up the shirt and backed into the bathroom again, pulling the door shut with me as I went. Before the door was fully clicked shut I was already jerking my shirt over my head. I didn't like the damp spot it had been forming on my chest. I jerked his over my head and felt my face flush.
A: It was still warm.
B: He smelled like men's deodorant and shampoo, with a faint hint of dog.
    I scooped up my t-shirt and headed out into the main room again, this time he was already looking my way. I held up my hand in greeting and shuffled toward him. I didn't have a choice, he was sitting on a washer beside the ones I had loaded myself.
    "I didn't mean to scare you earlier." He smiled down at me and swung his legs lightly back and forth.
    "S'okay. I just wasn't expecting anyone else to be here this late, normally it's empty." I replied staring down at my hands. I tossed my shirt in one of the washers and dumped part of a cup of soap into the machine before closing it and starting all three in a row.
    "I get that. I needed to do a load, but my washer won't be in a working condition till tomorrow." He smiled again. Up this close I could see the light yellow tint that accompanied most peoples teeth, not to mention his canines. I looked away from him to my phone where it was still shouting techno music from it's tiny speaker. I snatched it and switched it off before sitting in one of the plastic seats across from the washers.
    "I'm Joey by the way." He chirped happily. I glanced up and him and back down, I didn't wanna talk to him. I wasn't sure I could even. My eyes landed on the solid grey shirt that was covering my chest. I heard him slide off of the washer and land on the floor.
    "Simone..." I replied. Joey reach out his hand, the smile never leaving his face. I slapped my hand into his and swear my heart attempted to beat out of my chest. His fingers were long and bony, and they almost completely curled around my wrist. But all around it was pleasant, it was also the closest I'd ever came to holding a guys hand. Most of my teenage and adult life I'd preferred girls, not completely for em, but I sure as hell preferred them. Joey pulled his hand away and crossed his arms over his chest before dropping into a plastic chair beside me.
     "So what brings you here this late?" He asked. My bright blue eyes flicked up and met equally blue ones.
    "My friend and I live in an apartment, but there aren't any laundry units there." I pouted. It was one of the things we'd hoped to have in an apartment complex, but it just hadn't happened.
    "Ohhhh, why so late?" He asked. I frowned.
    "Extra work lately, so we haven't had time in the day to get out and do it. Like I've only been off twenty minutes, long enough to get home, get the clothes and get here." I nodded determinedly. Tomorrow was mine and Adrian's day off, but we'd both opted to rest instead. Ya know do break day things. Play some games, play cards, bake cookies watch some anime... well in my case at least. Adrian would probably hoard up with a bottle of water, some chips and kill the next book in the series she was reading. I rolled my eyes. I'd seen her go through a four hundred page book in one day, she was serious about her reading.
    "Wait... did you eat?" He asked. Quizzically I looked up at him.
    "I had lunch?" I offered, granted lunch had been earlier. Like waaaaaaaayyyy earlier. On cue my stomach let out an audible growl. Joey's face broken into a grin and a lighthearted laugh escaped from his mouth.
    "There's a fast food place open down the road, I could run and pick up something if you wanted?" He jerked his thumb toward the window. I raised my eyebrows in surprise.
    "Really?" I hoped I didn't look to hopeful but based on the look he gave me it was obvious.
    "What do you want?" He asked. I shrugged slowly. I didn't know anything good enough to request something.
    "Ohh-kay. Do you like onions? Pickles? Olives? Bacon? Cheese?" He rattled off a short list.
    "Ooooohhh dill pickles, and black olives!" I couldn't resist smiling. Joey grinned back at me before standing up and picking up a hoodie I hadn't noticed before. He slipped his arms into the jacket and zipped it up to his collar bone.
    "Be back in a little bit." He grinned at me and darted out the door. I watched him curiously as he climbed inside his car and pulled away. My heart was pounding as I turned back around and dialed Adrian's number into the receiver slot.
// Joey is going to get me food.//  I typed out into the phone. I hit send. I didn't expect her to reply so soon.
// Who is Joey?//  Adrian replied.
// This guy that's at the laundry mat with me...//
// . . . // I wrinkled my nose at her reply. Was she mad? Was she going to kick my ass when she came to pick me up? I shuddered at the thought.
// I want a last name and a picture.// The message popped into my inbox and I smiled. Of course she would want that much. So if I went missing she could hunt him down and.... I shuddered again. Adrian; my scary ass mother-like, best friend.
// I'll send one when he gets back.// I sent her back.
// Mmk. Gtg May's here.// Adrian sent back. I gazed at her message before locking eyes onto her profile picture. It was one of me, her and her little brother and sister at the zoo from a few years ago. I wasn't aware of how long I'd been staring until the washer buzzer's sounded off. One right after the other. I jumped at the noise and stared at the machine.
    "Stupid thing." I mumbled standing up. I wandered to the corner of the room where a basket on wheels was leaning up against a wall. I grabbed it and wheeled it back in front of the washers before eyeing them. Four of them were full, three of them were mine. I glanced out the window. There were no signs of headlights. Nervously I opened the first washer and began pulling out the clothes. Joeys jeans, shirts, and boxers all slapped into the bottom of the basket. I wrinkled my nose and opted to just pretend I was doing my sisters laundry. I made my way between the dryers and washers twice, on my final walk headlights streamed in through the window. I glanced out it, almost tempted to hide behind the washers. I watched as they flicked off and Joey popped out of the drivers seat, a white bag clutched in his hand. Nervously I turned away from the door and shoved a few coins into the dryer before hitting the on button.
    "Sorry that took so long! Longer line than I expected this late!" He chuckled and headed right around toward me.
    "S'all good... hey um... would you mind if I took a picture of you...? To send to my friend?" I blurted out. Joey's eyes widened in surprise.
   "Sure?" I gazed at him for a moment before pulling out my phone and snapping a shot of him. He smiled brightly, and mock posed, holding the bag of food with the label side out. I hit send in Adrian's chat box.
    Meanwhile Joey pulled out several napkins and laid them out on top of a closed washer. I glanced up at him through my eyelashes and watching him curiously. He pulled out two similar white packages followed by two large boxes. I stepped closer and sniffed the air.
    "I wasn't sure if you wanted rings, or fries so I got a box of both." He explained popping the tabs on both boxes. The alluring scent of fresh fries, and crispy onion rings filled my nose. Drool on the other hand filled my mouth.
    "Can I have some of both? Please?" I asked nervously, I didn't want him to think I was being greedy but they both looked good, and I mean REALLY good. He just chuckled and pulled out several little containers filled with ketchup and ranch. There was also another one that appeared to be filled with BBQ sauce. He popped the lids off of all of them and set them in the lids for the rings and fries. Carefully he examined one of the white packages before setting it over, closer to me.
    "-ate -ight -inner is -erved!" He declared. I attempted to resist smiling, instead I looked up and found him with several fries hanging from his lips. My lips twisted upwards and several giggles escaped my belly.
   "Thank you Prince Charming!" Joey's eyes widened at my remark.
   "That's a new one." He chuckled, swallowing his fries. He unwrapped his white pack, and I found myself gazing at the best looking burger ever.
    "Holy crap... how much do I owe you?" I asked turning to unwrap my own pack. Sure enough it was a burger as well. White gooey cheesy was melting all over a fat patty, and pickles seemed to have been piled onto it along with dark olive slices. I had to swallow a mouth full of saliva before I could even take a bite. I stood there chewing in a wonderful bliss, only partially aware that Joey was beside me munching away too. We continued chewing in silence, the food was that good!
    "-ow long -have you been out -ere for?" He questioned, stuffing a few onion rings topped with ketchup into his mouth. I swallowed a mouthful and dabbed at my face with a napkin.
    "About four months. We came out here with some savings, and Adrian wanted to go to school out here. So... here we are!" I threw my arms out wide before tucking them back against my side. "I don't mind, but I mean it was a big change. We've been so busy we haven't made it back out toward our parents yet... I mean it's nice out here but... I miss my mom..." I sighed and leaned my hip into the washer, idly picking up a fry and drowning it in one of the containers of ranch.
   "Sounds rough... do you two know anyone out here?" I shook my head. "Oh... why... why did you come out here?" Joey asked softly. I felt my tummy clench.
    "Because Adrian's my best friend... and I wasn't ready to let her go... I didn't wanna lose her." I mumbled. Joey was silent for a minute before he began breaking up pieces of fries and placing them on one of the clean napkins. I watched as he arranged them into the form of a stick figure offering it's shirt to another one. I felt my cheeks burn with the strength of my smile.
    "Now you know someone else out here!" He grinned up at me and I smiled right back at him.
    "I'm kinda glad we've been working out butt's off lately." I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of the broken fry picture. Quickly I renamed it 'Meeting Joey' and saved it into my phone. He raised an eyebrow and resumed munching on his burger. We lapsed back into silence while we finished eating, at some point in time the driers buzzed. I glanced over and ignored it to finish my food. I wasn't ready to walk away from the cute crumbs yet.
    "Your number." Joey stated wiping his mouth off and crunching up his wrappers. I looked up, a confused expression layered on my face.
   "My number?" I asked.
   "Yep. That's how you can repay me, I'd like you're cell number." His bright blue eyes lingered on me carefully. I blinked. My number? A guy was asking for my number? Then again, I was still wearing his shirt.
    "Oh... when do you want this back?" I asked tugging at the hem of his shirt. He lifted his shoulders.
    "Next time you see me's good."
    "Oi, dip shit. Time to go." My head snapped up at the sound of Adrian's voice. She was leaning just inside the doorway, her arms folded across her chest. I felt my lips break into a wide smile.
    "ADDY! This is Joey!" I gestured to him, and the to her. "Joey this is my friend Addy!" Joey lifted his hand in greeting and smiled widely.
    "Heey there!" He called out. She raised an eyebrow before picking up one of the baskets on a chair and heading over to me. She tapped me on the back of the head lightly as she passed me.
    "Nii-san?" I questioned. She glanced over her shoulder at me.
    "I have to get back to work dip shit." Oh. Oh. Oh. I brushed my fingers on my pants hoping to eliminate any crumbs as I rushed over to the dryer to help her pull things out and shove them into the basket. She lifted it and headed for the front door, I followed her until I could get to the other empty basket. I snatched it up and headed back to the dryer.
    "She always that... distant?" Joey asked carefully. I shook my head.
    "I work a lot, she works more. She's just super sleepy... and honestly... lonely." I rolled my eyes and raked a load of bras into the basket. He nodded beside me.
    "I suppose that makes sense." He let out a deep sigh and tucked a slip of paper into my jean pocket before stepping back and over to where our trash was laying. Adrian came back it and gathered up our laundry soap and dryer sheets. She headed over to me and shoved them into the second basket. I backed out of the way so she could grab it and head outside, she always took charge when she was in a rush. I knew better than to get in her way. I glanced up at Joey as Adrian headed back outside.
     "Thank you Joey..." I smiled. He grinned back and held out his arms. I don't know what possessed me but I lunged into his embrace. He snaked his arms around me and hugged me against his chest tightly.
    "Hope to see you soon Simone, perhaps when things cool down for your friend a bit. Maybe things won't be as rushed." He released me and I reluctantly stepped away from his warm arms.
     "Ok...oh, don't you need my number?" I asked. A playful glint sparked in the depths of his blue eyes.
     "Nah." He waved at me before gathering our trash and headed for the nearest can. I watched him for a minute before heading out the door. I hesitated at the thresh hold and glanced back at him. His eyes were already on me.
     "Sweet Dreams Simone." He called out, his lips turned up in the smile I was already going weak for. I waved dumbly and darted out the door and into the passenger seat of Adrian's car. She glanced at me, I thought for sure I was in trouble, until I noticed the mischievous twinkle in her eyes as well. I decided to ignore it, and instead focus on the fact I may have made a new friend.
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