#simerican settlers
fizzigigsimmer · 1 year
To B, With Love
This has taken me forever to build. I have started a new sims save in order to play the Simerican Settlers Challenge, and of course I had to recreate Billy & Max for this.
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Your founder(s) has some farmland and is ready to start a family and find a way to support it. This is the beginning of your journey as a settler, what can you do with it? America is at the beginning of a long depression. Unemployment runs rampant across the US, thousands of people lose their jobs, and hundreds of banks go bankrupt. Jobless and hungry, can your family make it through?
This has been so fun to create, and even though I just started the game play is already hard. Per challenge rules, these sims are living entirely off the grid which means they have to grow all of their food, fetch their water, and sell their produce and crafts for money. Poor Billy out here struggling. He spent an entire day harvesting wheat just to make 60 simoleons. 😆 We’re not going to make it like this fam. Time to invest in a new crop.
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cloudberry-sims · 25 days
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enkisstories · 10 months
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Daniel: "Now won't the neighbors like that... the werebeast and his brat are leaving New Henford!"
Gavin: "It's clever, yes? They will treat you and Tina better while I'm gone, thinking I left for good. Meanwhile we will perform some behind the screen stage magic, that hopefullly will save both the town and the pack."
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Daniel: "Thanks, I hate it! All I ever wanted was you. If you don't come back, I won't forgive that!"
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Gavin: "Now let's pick up Hank and then make you the second Pontiac."
Connor: "The "zeroth president"? He's quite famous, but what for exactly?"
Gavin: "In the face of a neverending stream of settlers from europe, Pontiac occupied Detroit and then talked the colonists into declaring independance from their respective motherlands. That's how the United States came to be. At first it was a mere buffer zone between the Europeans and the native Simericans, but it survived those dangerous decades and grew into a proud nation."
Connor: "Sounds similar to our problem. Tell me more about the story while we travel to Moonwood Mill!"
More alternate History:
- Detroit is the capital of the USS (naturally, these being my Detroit sims)
- In 1811 Tecumseh founded the Federation of Indigenous Simerican tribes
- Spain was able to keep some of their colonies, that in 1820 formed their own country.
- That gives four about equally powerful political bodies in addition to several smaller nations: The Iroquois League in the North, the (very loose) Simerican Federation, the United States of Simerica and the former spanish colonies.
- The end result is a continent as fractured as Europe.
- Gameplay will remain small scale. The sims will receive opportunities to make differences locally, they won’t be able to influence the greater political landscape.
- One possible way for this save to evolve is a massive timeskip into the present after the founding generation has passed. By then each of the Sims 4 worlds will be its own country.
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ladydarling · 3 years
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Andrew Kearney getting in as much time with Bonnie as possible in her final days.
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jessieberusims · 4 years
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So, I’m starting the Simerican Settler Challenge. This is the lot I’ve built for my founders.
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misty-sims · 5 years
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So I started this Simerican Challenge thing and I'm pretty hyped so far even though am as European as you can be.
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tiredtoothache · 5 years
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This is my little old timey save, the Smiths (inventive name ik) I’m doing the Simerican Settlers Challenge and its really fun!
Joseph and Beth make some cute frickin kids...
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sims4historicalhq · 4 years
Historical Sims 4 Gameplay Challenges
http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=578298Here are some ts4 challenges that can give you some structure (and ...challenge...) to your historic gameplay!
Most well known:
The Sims 4 History Challenge (Original Info Post, Updated Info Post)
The Sims 4 Legacy Eras Challenge 
Decades Challenge (Original, Updated) 
Through Time & Space (@tempusetspatiumsims)
Greek God Legacy Challenge Sims 4
Persephone’s Underworld Challenge
Sims 4 Viking Challenge
Ye Olde - Pygmalion Prince(ss) Challenge
Sims 4 Simerican Settlers Challenge
The Settler Challenge
The Victorian Challenge
The Victorian Living Challenge
Dark Victorian Legacy Challenge
The Sims 4 Upgrowth Challenge
Sims 4 American Girl Challenge
Not explicitly historical but could work well with historical gameplay:
Nomad Challenge
The Sims 4 Royal Kingdom (& TS2 to TS4 conversion version by enblithhefair) 
Sims 4 Suleiman (Harem) Challenge (Darker content, probably 18+)
The Sims 4 Immigrant Challenge
The Pioneers Challenge
Build Challenges:
Come Party With Me In Prehistory (closed, but rules still posted)
Sims 4 Building Challenge Dollhouse
Please let me know of any other challenges that should be added!
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sillycaterpillars · 4 years
What happened to the simerican settlers 🥺🥺🥺
unfortunately i’ve decided to discontinue it as to me just getting bored and hating my editing style lol
bUt don’t worry there are gonna be new and better things coming in the future! 💞
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pixelowls · 4 years
so for all my more structured gameplay (history challenge, decades challenge, simerican settlers challenge, the mcc/warwickshire challenge) i always keep notes on what happens on which day whenever i play just for like Science bc god knows i never actually post anything anywhere but like
apparently in september i did like the entire rotation of one of my families in my ts2 mcc-ish save and just..... didn’t write anything down or if i did i can’t find it
not only that but i do not remember playing that family AT ALL
so needless to say when i went to their lot and discovered the rotation was almost over (2 days left out of 8, no i don’t know why i didn’t just play the last 2 days to begin with either) i was very surprised
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cloudberry-sims · 3 years
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Mr. Jonathan Micheal Granger and his wife Ellen Madison - Spring of 1850s. 
Potential current household? 
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enkisstories · 10 months
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Tina: "So is the next thing we should do to build a fence around our property?"
Hank: "Nah. The townspeople will do that for you..."
Rose: "Uh-huh. When the pack makes true on their threat to attack the 1851 Moonwood Trail trek, the settlers will take it out on the easiest target. Your farm. And then mine."
Gavin: "In this case a certain mill and two bridges will burn! Let's see how they enjoy grinding their wheat by hand!"
Hank: "Then you'll be even deader! Don't you see where this is going? I say we pack up and move soon as the snow melts. There's always a spot in the forest people haven't reached."
But that was the problem: The werewolves of the Moonwood had gotten driven to that remote spot, yet the settlers kept pressing on and now there was nowhere left to retreat to.
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Gavin: "Let's pay the pack a visit! The more we know about each side, the better our chances."
Rose: "Good idea. You aren't the most diplomatic of our bunch, though, Gav."
Gavin: "True dat! But I'm raising that diplomat ever since we left Henford-on-Bagley. Remember how Connor gave Matto Black, an actual professional negotiator, a run for his money?”
(Note: Matto = bear, sapa = black, therefore the Simericans have taken to address Matto sapa as Mr. Black)
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ladydarling · 3 years
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Margaret and James Kearney on their birthday, just before the celebration.
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jessieberusims · 4 years
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Meet Siobhan Fraser-Montgomery. One of the Founders of my Simerican Settlers Challenge.
She is: - Lawful Good - Family Oriented - Neat
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Siobhan is the middle of 7 children. She’s a Scotch-Irish Immigrant who came to America with 3 of her 6 siblings, two older brothers and one of her younger sisters. Her sister, Ailis, died on the journey over to America due to illness. Siobhan, Patrick and Killian continued on their travels together. Once they arrived in New York, Patrick fell in with a gang and lost contact with his siblings. Siobhan and Killian left information for him, if he ever cared to look, saying they were headed west to Illinois. 
Illinois was great for Killian, who met a fine woman and married her fairly quickly. Siobhan, however, was left wanting. Nothing seemed to fit her in Illinois. So she decided to press on further west and try to find better fortunes for herself. 
As soon as she was able to hook up with a wagon train, she left Illinois behind. Somewhere along the trail, she met a man named Benjamin Montgomery. He was a hard worker and smitten with Siobhan rather quickly. Being a practical woman, she decided that if Benjamin asked for her hand, she would say ‘yes’. Love isn’t particularly important when you’re one of seven children and know that there’s only so well you can do in marriage. 
She and Benjamin were, indeed, married on the trail to Oregon. The journey was long and fraught with danger. But they managed to make it to their new home relatively in one piece. 
Now, the real work must begin. 
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anotherplumbob · 6 years
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"Once upon a time...when the world was still young and the sims still had their humble beginnings. Before the men from the Old World came with their ships and their so-called progress...the Rahkaros inhabited this land....”
Note: And so it begins my new project. This will not be a history challenge. The thing is I have always wanted to do this: build my sims’ family trees and towns little by little, from the beginning. It will still be a story (with gameplay-driven plots), but my idea is to try and play the different generations on normal lifespan (or at least at a good pace so that I don’t get stuck in generation 1 forever as it always happens to me). 
The first generation is set around the time the first settlers came to Simerica and founded Windenburg. Please note this is not intended to be a lesson on American history at all: it’s Simerican history. And Simerica has its own history and its own rules :)
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noriseyebrow · 3 years
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Just some Simerican Settler stuff
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