#silvio ricci ikepri
aishangotome · 2 months
Silvio Ricci: Even If I Were To Lose My Entire Fortune
From A Hidden Oath: King of the BEAST (2024 Election) - Collection Event
Thank you @dark-frosted-heart for providing the SE video!
On the disheveled bed, the heat of our passion still lingering, I take Emma's hand as she lies limply, face down.
I fasten the bracelet, which I decided to give her at first sight, onto her wrist, and her eyes widen as if they might spill over.
Emma: Huh, this is...
Silvio: It's for you.
(As I thought, the sparkle of the jewels suits your delicate wrist.)
Emma: Thank you... I'm happy, but what's the occasion?
(Even after all this time as my woman, it's just like you to not accept gifts without a reason.)
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Silvio: I was on a business trip and happened to find a rare gem that's hardly ever on the market.
Silvio: It looked like it would suit ya, so I ended up buyin' it. If ya don't want it...
Emma: Of course I want it! If that's the case, then I'll gladly accept it.
(You look so obviously happy for such a small reason...)
(You react so cutely that I end up buying anything I think might suit you.)
Emma's brow furrows suddenly.
Emma: ...But I'm in trouble. I'm running out of places to put all the gifts.
Silvio: I gave ya a room to store them before, didn't I?
Emma: That room is...
(...No way.)
I'm surprised myself, even though I'm the one who gave them to her.
Silvio: If there's no space, we can just build a new room. Or how about a whole new mansion?
Emma: Please don't!?
Silvio: Ha, it's none of your business where I spend my money.
Emma: That's true, but... then, how about you give me fewer gifts...?
I can't help but find Emma's flustered state adorable, as she anxiously runs her fingers through her bangs.
(...I guess when it comes to someone you cherish, you want to do everything you can for them.)
(You're still too serious, as always.)
(Just think of it as my way of showing affection, and learn to accept it without a fuss.)
Silvio: If ya say that, but then I stop givin' ya presents altogether, wouldn't that feel strange too?
Emma: It's true that I'd wonder what's wrong, but I wouldn't mind at all if the presents stopped completely.
Emma: Because the thing I want most is you, Silvio!
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Silvio: You're so shameless...
Emma's straightforward words suddenly triggered a memory deep within my heart.
(Things, love, everything... I used to think I could get anything with money, but...)
In front of me, Emma narrows her eyes, holding the bracelet up to the moonlight with a smile overflowing with happiness.
Emma: But this bracelet is truly beautiful...
Emma: I'm so happy that you thought it would suit me. I'll treasure it.
Silvio: You shoulda just accept it graciously from the start.
Emma: Hehe, sorry. But please, really, keep it moderate from now on, okay?
Silvio: I'll keep it in mind... Geez, you're a woman who doesn't care about money at all.
(She's happy, but then she makes sure to remind me... She's quite persistent.)
(...Every time I talk to you like this, I realize painfully that the love I bought with money wasn't real love.)
Emma: Ah, but it's not that I don't have desires. There's something I want every day.
Silvio: Huh? That's news to me. What is it, tell me.
(I thought I knew everything about you... Damn, did I not look hard enough?)
As I press her for an answer, Emma mumbles something, as if holding back...
Emma: The thing I want every day is... you, Silvio, right in front of me!
Emma suddenly sits up and hugs me with a bright smile, and damn it, my heart skips a beat.
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Silvio: You're always playing with my heart like that...!
Silvio: You've already said that. Give me a serious answer.
Emma: I'm completely serious. The only thing I truly, truly want from the bottom of my heart is you, Silvio.
Emma: I love you so much, Silvio, that I can't help but tell you every day.
Silvio:...Ah, is that so?
(You're laughing with such a happy face... It's made me soft.)
(... Maybe you really would love me even if I had nothing.)
(Well, I'd love you even if you had nothing to your name.)
(You're the only one who makes me feel this way, not easily accepting gifts.)
Blaming the hot emotions that filled my chest, I grabbed Emma's chin and stole a kiss.
I had only meant to peck her lightly, but once I touched her, the overflowing feelings made it hard to let go.
Emma: Mmm, Silvio...?
Silvio: Not yet. I'll give ya what ya want most.
Emma's eyes were wet with heat, as if she were enduring the remnants of our passion, but I changed the angle and savored her mouth.
Each time she grasped my shirt longingly, the sound of the bracelet chiming pleasantly echoed in my ears.
Emma: W-wait a minute. What's gotten into you all of a sudden...?
Silvio: Ah... In other words, one more, no, as many as you want.
Silvio: I'll make a room big enough for as many gifts as I want to give ya. Look forward to it.
Emma: You're not listening to anything I'm saying!?
Silvio: Shut up! Just give up already.
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(This is my way of loving. Even if you tell me to stop, it's not a feeling I can easily suppress.)
(Even if I were to lose my entire fortune in the future, I would still love you.)
While silencing her with a kiss, I embraced my beloved fiancée with the resolve that had lit up in my chest.
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being silvio ricci’s the sluttiest thing a man can do 😩
this man is fine jesus christ 😮‍💨
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etheries1015 · 1 year
I'm saving all of my gacha tickets for a rates up Silvio gacha...one in which I am convinced will NEVER COME!!! He didn't get one for his birthday, OR for his route release! (Although i'm pretty sure only ikevamp has the route release rates up...but still! His birthday never got one!) Cybrid what in the world is this blatant favoritism?! I have 50 pulls just sitting in my inventory waiting for his time to shine!!!!
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tenmasumeragis · 2 months
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Late Silvio and Rio for Ikepri's 4th Anniversary! Happy (belated) 4th Anniversary to Ikepri!
Art commisioned to lisheren at twitter!
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dicenete · 4 months
IkePri Suitors!
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I shaded these quite quickly o.o I just wanted to get this out of my system xDD
But here we are ^^ I tried to color pick the skin colors from the sprites, and well there aren't much diversity here.
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chevlvrs · 5 months
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My feminist kings
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kitsurei17 · 6 months
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Silvio is protective of his bun
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lorei-writes · 7 months
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Happy Valentine's Day <3
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memoria-99 · 2 months
Fights in the halls IkePri ver.
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 2 months
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You've Got Some Nerve Trying to Buy Me
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
Not proofread.
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Two nights before Silvio's birthday一
A bunch of nobles and merchants showed up at his villa for the party, and there I was, facing him, not as his fiancée, but just as another businesswoman.
Silvio: "........."
Emma: "........"
(The wig totally completes the disguise. Even he shouldn't recognize me like this.)
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Silvio: "What are you doing here?"
(He totally recognized me!)
Emma: "I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just here for some business negotiations."
Silvio: "Hey, throw this one out."
Emma: "Wait, please don’t, Prince Silvio—I mean, ahem!"
I cleared my throat exaggeratedly to cover my slip.
He looked at me with a mix of exasperation and annoyance, his expression hard to read.
(Calm down. He might have noticed, but the others probably haven't yet.)
(In any case, I haven't lied.)
(I'm here to negotiate business with him.)
Emma: "You're just brushing me off without even hearing me out? You seem pretty different from what I heard."
Emma: "I heard you were a man who took business negotiations seriously."
Silvio: "Oh?"
(The atmosphere changed.)
Silvio: "If you say it's all business, I won't hold back. Don't complain if every single hair of yours ends up being mine."
Emma: "I came here with that resolve from the start."
(I was right to guess that he'd take on anyone in a business meeting.)
(It's going to be fine. If I stick to my plan, everything should go well.)
Earlier this morning一
Emma: "What? No letter again today?"
Carlo: "Yes, I'm sorry."
Carlo, who had just returned from Silvio's villa, bowed his head apologetically.
Emma: "Sorry if I came off like I was accusing you. It's not your fault."
Carlo: "But I promised I'd bring a reply! And yet, here I am like this."
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(Carlo looks really tired. He must be very busy.)
(A schedule that requires him to stay holed up at the villa must be quite demanding.)
Five days ago, Silvio suddenly declared that he would be staying at his villa for a week for a business meeting. Without giving any particular explanation, he retreated to the villa, as he had announced.
Carlo had been acting as the messenger, exchanging letters with Silvio, but since two days ago, the replies have completely stopped.
Emma: "There's nothing wrong, is there?"
Carlo: "Um, there are some issues, but I think the main thing is just that he's super busy."
(If that's the case, I can't really complain.)
(But it's still lonely not being able to see him for a week. The whole villa retreat thing was so sudden.)
Carlo: "Lady Emma."
(I shouldn't let Carlo see me like this. I don't want to make him feel awkward.)
Emma: "I'm fine! Could you please deliver today's letter to Prince Silvio?"
Carlo: "Yes, of course."
Carlo: "........."
(What is it?)
Carlo: "Lady Emma, how about going to see Prince Silvio yourself?"
Emma: "But Prince Silvio said not to come to the villa."
Carlo: "Yes. I've been strictly told not to bring you, but that doesn't mean you can't go there yourself."
Emma: "What do you mean?"
---------Flashback Ends--------
(So, I ended up making a plan with a somewhat desperate Carlo.)
(And now here I am, barging into the villa.)
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Silvio: "So, what is it that you want to sell? If it's something trivial, I'll throw you out immediately."
His gaze was sharper than usual.
It looked like other people at the party had noticed the conversation, and their attention started to focus on us.
(I'm getting nervous.)
(But there's no turning back now.)
Emma: "Before that, let me first discuss the payment."
Silvio: "Ha?"
Emma: "If you like my product, I'd like to request your birthday as the payment!"
Silvio: "Huh?"
Despite his incredulous tone, the room was buzzing with excitement.
A little farther away, Carlo nodded vigorously with his hands clasped in front of his chest.
(I can cook Silvio's favorite food and help him with his work.)
(As long as it's something that makes him happy, I can offer it as my product!)
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Silvio: "Look, you..."
Merchant 1: "Please wait."
Merchant 1: "Shouldn't the opportunity for this business negotiation be offered to everyone present here?"
Merchant 2: "You're right. We would also like to celebrate on the day if permitted."
(If permitted? What does that mean?)
(I thought every year, merchants and nobles would crowd in to celebrate his birthday.)
Despite my confusion, voices of agreement rise from the merchants.
Merchant 3: "If we can have Prince Silvio's birthday, I don't mind giving this up."
Merchant 4: "Same."
(Crap. What should I do? Everyone's getting into it!)
Merchant 1: "Prince Silvio, what do you think?"
With the words of one merchant, all eyes turned to Silvio.
Silvio: "Damn it, talking about buying someone's birthday and whatnot. You guys are saying whatever you want."
Silvio: "Since when did I become a product?"
(He's right. His birthday isn't a commodity.)
(Every year, he makes time to celebrate with me despite his busy schedule.)
(This year, I thought I'd go to him to ask for time, which is why I proposed this negotiation.)
(But if I can buy his time, it opens up a whole new situation.)
As I reflected on my own naivete and was about to back down,
Silvio: "Well, it’s not so bad to be on the receiving end once in a while."
Silvio: "As you all said, the opportunity for business negotiations should be given equally. So, we’ll decide it by auction."
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Silvio: "The one who bids the highest for me will get my entire birthday."
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ Part 3 ╎ Part 4
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reroseshi · 3 months
Was bored so have these freshly baked ikepri memes lol
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(Hopefully i these haven't been done already lmao if yes i'm sorry)
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ROTTEN [affectionate..]
as much as I hate them, I do love them. also Jude is pirate adjacent. you're telling me you can't see that man running a ship?
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neerons · 4 months
Clavis & Chevalier “I can’t swim” Michel
He didn’t want to wet that royal blue coat for that fool of a brother 🤣
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shatcey · 10 days
Damn door
Silvio's, no, his whole family's, habit of opening the door with his foot is well known.
But this line adds a bit of color.
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It's like he ALWAYS opens the door with his foot and at last meets the door he can't open…
(irritation) Arggh… I have no choice but to use my hand… How annoying…
Silvio's route
🔝 Start page 🔝
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caffedrine · 2 months
Silvio Ricci - Beyond the Connection Between the Past and the Present – Event Summary
This is mostly a summary for me - I make no promises on the accuracy of what’s happening. I’m not nearly fluent enough to get half the jokes/innuendo much less accurate plot points.
Many things in this world are more impossible than the fantasy stories written in books. Emma reminds herself of this as she watches the passionate battle between Silvio and his younger self, Chibi-vio.
Silvio shouts that there is no way in hell he’ll lose to some snot-nosed kid who only knows how to doggy-paddle. Chibi-vio snaps back that Silvio is annoying, it’s not his fault Silvio started late. And if anything, he should let go of his leg. Silvio shouts back that just because he’s small doesn’t give him the right to take shortcuts. Chibi-vio laughs derisively, it’s Silvio’s own fault for not choosing the route. For an adult, Silvio is very stupid. Silvio calls his younger self a brat, and Chibi-vio tells him to bring it.
Chibi-vio shouts that he’s just caught his tenth fish, and the score between them widens even more. Silvio notes that this proves that Chibi-vio is a true brat, he only cares about shitty quantity over the quality of Silvio’s larger fish. Silvio advises that if he aims for victory, even if by numbers, always go for the ‘big one’.
Chibi-vio is amazed at the fish Silvio pulls out of the water – the color, the shape, and the size! He thought that fish was legendary. Both he and Silvio gaze at it in awe.
Emma recounts the day – first, they had raced on the beach, then they competed who could swim faster to a nearby isolated island. Next, they competed over who could row a boat faster, then they climbed trees to see who could reach the top first.
This fishing battle was just the newest contest between the two.
Chibi-vio complains that Silvio is just some rich guy who jangles a lot. He has absolutely nothing in common with him. And all he wants to do is play games! Silvio insists this is the better way of doing things.
Emma is trying not to laugh at Chibi-vio’s antics. The memory of him calling Silvio ‘some rich guy’ still brings on giggles.
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(Picture this for Chibi-vio, but less rich)
She is a bit put off by Silvio going all out against a child, but that is Silvio’s way. Besides, Chibi-vio seems to be enjoying himself. She remembers stories she heard about Silvio’s childhood where he had no friends or opportunities to play. Maybe that’s why neither version of him is holding back.
Emma calls out to them, if they collapse in the sand, they’ll dry all up. She brought them jelly snacks and water.
Silvio remarks that Emma is very kind, and Chibi-vio reluctantly thanks him. She thinks that he’s not sure what to make of her, he’s been watching her as much as he’s watching his adult self.
Silvio snaps at his younger self, telling him to watch it, he’s claimed that big piece. Chibi-vio snaps back that he saw it first, so it’s his. Silvio shouts for Chibi-vio to stop kicking him, calling him a bad child. Chibi-vio snaps back that he’s also a bad man.
Emma cuts in, saying that she won’t give snacks to a child who won’t get along with them. Grumbling, Chibi-vio gives in.
Both of them start eating quietly, giving Emma a chance to get a closer look at Chibi-vio.
Again, they are so similar. Even Chibi-vio has a beautiful way of eating that makes her fall in love. His hair is soft and silky, and his eyes droop a little. He looks like a miniature of Silvio – and she wonders if his reactions are the same.
Chibi-vio jerks away from her hand touching his cheek. He demands to know what she thinks she is doing. Emma apologizes, explaining that she wanted to try something. Chibi-vio turns red and starts walking away, wondering aloud what she wants to try.
Maybe the reason he’s embarrassed by her touch is different, but it’s the exact same reaction Silvio has.
Very cute.
Silvio is gloating, what is even with that reaction? Chibi-vio looks so stupid when he gets upset over such a little-
Silvio nearly leaps in the air and jumps away, shouting at Emma for hugging his arm so suddenly, even after he told her to warn him. Emma asks what she has said or done that implies that she’s listening to him. Chibi-vio points and laughs at Silvio, asking why he’s so shy even though he’s an adult. Silvio shouts at Chibi-vio to shut up, this one is special, and he is no way at all embarrassed when anyone else grabs him.
Besides . . .
Chibi-vio is appalled. Emma can’t believe Silvio would just grab her and kiss her in front of a child.
Shaking and pointing, Chibi-vio demands to know what this rich man, no, wait, this rich pervert thinks he’s doing with this face-hugger display. Silvio asks who is the shy one now.
Emma grumbles over Silvio’s lack of maturity. On the other hand, she enjoyed the kiss, so maybe it’s catching.
Very softy, Chibi-vio says not to do this, and Emma begins to nod. Suddenly Chibi-vio shouts not to embarrass him, he’s sure he can kiss Emma without feeling embarrassed, unlike a certain pervert. Before Silvio or Emma can react, Chibi-vio jumps Emma and lightly kisses her cheek.
Smirk, smirk, Chibi-vio has absolutely no problem kissing Emma, in fact, he enjoyed it. It’s a cute reaction, but Emma doesn’t think she likes this.
Silvio shouts at Chibi-vio to not touch his woman without permission. Roughly, he grabs Emma’s face and begins wiping at her cheek with a cloth. Emma complains and Silvio tells her to endure it, after all, he’s being nice to her.
He calls this nice?
While Emma whines and rubs at her cheek, Silvio whirls on Chibi-vio. He lunges at Chibi-vio, grabbing him, and begins to wipe a Chibi-vio’s mouth. Chibi-vio shouts at this rich pervert to let go and stop.
If Silvio is a rich pervert, that makes Chibi-vio a moody pervert. And stop squirming!
Emma begs them to stop fighting as Chibi-vio screams as Silvio.
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chevlvrs · 5 months
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