#silverusso asks
rosie-tyler · 1 month
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merv606 · 1 day
Do Terry’s staff think/know he’s in love with Daniel or do they think he’s just an eccentric and evil billionaire? What do Tom and Peggy think?
I think maybe a bit of both 🤔
They know he’s obsessed - and to do what he’s done is beyond excessive (not even considering the moral ethical and legal implications) which they chalk up to having too much money.
Tom and Peggy know him a bit better - as good as anyone can anyway - and they know they have never seen him like this.
He’s never gone even remotely close to this level of deranged.
From the WIP so should appear in the actual story - meaning spoilers obviously
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yenforfairytales · 1 year
Might be a hot take, but I’ve always thought that Johnny is Kreese’s weakness, and Daniel is Terry’s. Like, I know some people think Terry’s weakness is Kreese (and to some extent, yes), but Daniel seems to be his absolute obsession, his total undoing. Kreese at least had the best friends/comrades in arms thing, but the Daniel thing is just plain weird from any side. This once 17 year old brat has such a hold on Silver that the man threw away 30+ years of peace at the mere mention of his name. It was never about Cobra Kai. It was always about Daniel.
YES. I completely agree. And as more time has gone by since Season 4 came out, I've noticed even the more casual fans have noticed. Someone took this screenshot from YouTube, but I've seen similar comments on reddit too.
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And Kreese, being another master manipulator, knew exactly what he was doing when he brought up Daniel to Terry again in 4x01...
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There was literally no reason for Kreese to bring up Daniel LaRusso unless he knew that Terry would care. Why would Terry care. 👀
Kreese knows how to get people to come to him. How to dangle something that they want in front of them that only he can seemingly give.
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When no other tactic worked on bringing Terry back into the fold, Kreese brought out the big guns and dropped Daniel's name.
Not to take away at all from the love and friendship that Terry felt towards John. But it became nostalgia and obligation, ultimately ruining their bond.
Little side note-- the fact that we watched Kreese make others do what he says in order to get what they want for three seasons made the prison scene in 5x07 even more satisfying:
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AND the first person to play the uno reverse card and use this tactic against Kreese was Daniel. Terry's student. You gotta love it.
There's always been a little Cobra Kai in you...
I mean, we could speak at length about the parallels between Kreese and Terry and their star students Johnny and Daniel. The narrative mirrors and foils. But it's precisely their respective relationships with their students that is more compelling.
Anyway. I'm going to quickly list examples of Daniel's hold on Terry and then focus on the meat of the issue.
Terry falls apart and goes ALL IN on everything Cobra Kai only AFTER Daniel rejects his apology.
Terry gives Daniel multiple warnings to not interfere but never tries to gets rid of him like Johnny or Kreese after no warnings at all.
Terry dated a woman who looked a lot like Daniel with similar values.
Terry treats Kenny near identically to Daniel as a student but in the sincere way he wishes he had with Daniel.
Terry loses his cool when Daniel wants to surrender and walk out of his life.
Terry tells Chozen he considers Daniel his only rival. As in Equal.
I'm sure there's plenty I'm forgetting but you can find posts in the silverusso tag about all these topics and more. x.x
Now, let's get to one of the most important and defining scenes for Terry's arc. And again, it's a direct result of Kreese's manipulation:
Kreese, knowing what makes Terry tick and how to get him further on his side, comments that Daniel really knows how to hold onto a grudge. As if he doesn't. Anyway, it's twisting the knife into Terry again when he's clearly already low.
You don't think Kreese noticed how hurt Terry was at the rejection?
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He notices everything. He learned in Vietnam from his Captain how to use love against someone as a perceived weakness. Many thoughts on that.
The way in which Kreese says, "So... what now?" Tells me that he told Terry this was going to happen. You also have to remember their conversation leading up to the garden scene:
Terry was damn near close to defending Mr. Miyagi and Daniel over Kreese's own personal grudge. To the point where Terry was rolling his eyes and sighing over his friend being overdramatic about what happened in the past.
He was tired of hearing about it.
I'm sure Daniel told Terry the truth about that Halloween night. And look who Terry seems to side with...
Kreese wanted violent retribution and Terry was the one that talked him down. It was Terry's idea to apologize to Daniel and we'll just allll get along. Easy peasy. Surely, Daniel would forgive him.
But, Daniel proved Kreese right in Terry's eyes. As I'm sure Kreese hoped would happen. Couldn't have worked out better. I bet on the car ride over to Miyagi-Do, Kreese was complaining how this was a waste of time and LaRusso isn't the sweet kid you remember etc.
From that day forward, Terry is determined to prove Daniel wrong. About him, about Cobra Kai, about everything. Terry is going to make Cobra Kai work and help kids and he'll be the best sensei ever and Daniel will be sorry!
You'll be sorry you weren't a part of it!
I firmly believe that Daniel is Terry's true weakness and he didn't even realize it. But Kreese did.
And if Daniel had seen it, then he could've had Terry eating out of the palm of his hand.
The one movie quote they haven't used in the show yet is, "For person with no forgiveness in heart, living even worse punishment than death."
I'm hoping they'll use this with Daniel realizing he can help heal himself, and Terry, by forgiving him. Of course, Terry will have to do something more to redeem himself. I'm just saying.
And then maybe Terry can see that Daniel was his weakness all along, but there's still time to make him a strength.
One could argue that he already felt that way while he was being arrested. The way he was looking at Daniel... That awe. Daniel LaRusso got the best of him, again, all because he couldn't let him go.
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Here's to hoping that Season 6 ends our suffering lmao.
I mean, who else has ever given Terry Silver goosebumps?
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bramblesbriars · 4 months
I wish we could see Daniel wear something other than blue in CK : / Blue is absolutely NOT his color and makes him look dull and washed out. Or rather, the shades of blue they put him in. Put our boy in jewel tones! Even though he is not tan like he was as a teenager, he is still olive-skinned, and his undertones are warm. Rich reds, scarlets, warm pinks, jewel-toned greens, blues and purples would suit him wonderfully. Mustard yellow! Rust and copper! Turquoise blue and emerald green! All great colors for him that will flatter his skin complexion and his dark brown hair and eyes. He is a gold-toned guy, not silver. Unless the type of silver is called Terry. Then that suits him well ;)
This seriously made me think about the color schemes and why they decided to do this (or may have, I'm just guessing). I agree Daniel doesn't really look good in the blue tones, really at all. He kind of blends into the background, and he's someone, given his feisty personality, needs to be front and center. But I assume the choice was made because of the white/blue association with Miyagi and Miyagi-Do? It contrasted with Cobra Kais brash red, black and yellow scheme so it needed to be softer to show that peaceful heir. That's just my guess. But it's run its course and Daniel just looks...bland.
You're absolutely right that he would be handsome in vibrant reds or greens. His skin tone is perfect for that. The first thought that came to mind was the outfit at the end of Karate Kid 2 when he fought Chozen. The ruby blazer! I always thought that outfit suited him so much better than some of the others (though it was a little big on him, but that's a given).
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I hunted and searched for a picture of Daniel/Ralph in ANYTHING remotely green and turned up nothing. I'm so distraught. I feel like emerald would look amazing on him or just anything green in general. That it would bring out his eyes way more than anything blue ever would.
As far as gold/yellow, I did find one image, and he looks good. It suits his olive tone surprisingly well, and I honestly wouldn't have thought so. But I'm officially a believer.
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As far as silver, well-
The color might not look good, but I agree Terry definitely looks good all over him. ;)
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silverusso · 3 months
Love Me Like An Enemy but Daniel runs off with Mike and they get married and Terry is bitter and angry that he’s not ever going to be invited for a threesome. Trish and Geoffrey start a podcast!
some men just want to watch the world burn
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aurborsau · 10 months
The Auction
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Content warnings: omegaverse, NSFW, porn with plot, cunnilingus, medical kink, slight angst, vaginal sex
Paring: Terry silver/Daniel LaRusso
Word count: 2.8k
Summery: EIGHT IS ENOUGH AU ~ After the tragic loss of his mother, Daniel becomes a ward of the state and is forced to participate in an auction for unclaimed Omegas.
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After his mothers untimely death. Daniel found himself with no place to call home. His father (whoever he was) remained oblivious to his existence, and his aunt callously turned him away. Left with no where to go, He ultimately gets sent to an overcrowded group home, where he had to keep his true identity as an omega a secret, the only other person who knew was his mother, and he had hoped the secret would die with her, but as fate would have it, the other boys in the home began to catch onto his scent and before he knew it, he was packing up his things and being sent to a facility for unclaimed Omegas where his fears of being mated to some Alpha jerk would become a reality. Soon enough, he would become simply a commodity, auctioned off to the highest bidder for them to do god knows what with him.
The place was relatively nicer than the group home, he found solace in having his own room, even if I felt more like a jail cell then anything. The walls were painted an eggshell white that matched the rest of the few pieces of furniture, there wasn’t a window in sight. (He could guess why that was) The room was lit solely by a Recessed light, creating a somewhat clinical ambiance in the otherwise dimly lit space. He wondered how many other omegas had lived there before him, and where they had ended up.
It came the night of his first auction and Daniel thought of every excuse under the sun to try and get out of it but they explained that it was very important for him to be there tonight, leaving no room for any exemptions. The day was spent getting prepared for his new Alpha. That included getting some kind of purity exam — whatever the hell that was.
✧ ✧ ✧
The doctor began by checking the boy's vitals and blood pressure, and then demanded he undress. Daniel’s eyes went wide at the order. He outright refused at first. But with the threat of calling in security, Daniel stood up, having no choice but to remove his clothes as instructed, his eyes glued to the ground as he felt daggers being shot onto his cold naked skin. He positioned himself on the table, placing his feet in the stirrups, trying to conceal his body as best he could with his hands.
The doctor swiftly moved behind the scared boy, gently moving Daniel’s shaking hands aside and placing his own cold, gloved hands on his budding breasts. Massaging in circles gently, making Daniel gasp slightly at the tenderness of his growing breasts as he examined for anything irregular.
The doctor then sat down in the chair in front of him, slowly easing a gloved finger into his tight core, making him squirm and gasp around the intrusion. A pleased sigh coming from the doctor when he hit the hymen. Muttering a simple “you passed.” As he checked him off on the clipboard, Before cleaning up and exiting the room, leaving Daniel feeling dirty and guilty as he laid out on the padded exam table like a lamb, awaiting slaughter.
✧ ✧ ✧
Later that evening, he sat in the bathtub until the water ran cold, His mind reeling from the events of earlier. He hung his head over the side of the tub, tears falling onto the porcelain below, The sound of his sobs echoed in the empty bathroom. He was told to get himself clean for his new alpha, but he couldn’t bring himself to even touch his own body. The body that would soon belong to someone else.
Suddenly, a knock reverberated through the steam filled bathroom, one of the nun’s voice following after. “You’ve been in there far too long now, it’s time to get out. The auction starts in only an hour.”
He towels off and exits the bathroom, where she was waiting for him by his bed, holding what could only be those customary robes reserved for omegas. Only these were sheer, too sheer, with no other piece of clothing in sight. “Where are my under garments?” He panicked. “You won’t be needing those.” She hands him the robe. “Now, I expect you will get dressed and be downstairs in ten minutes.” With that she left him in his own shock, having no choice but to follow the orders given to him. He slips on the sheer white fabric over his damp skin, his small breasts peaked through the material, clear as day.
With a shaking hand, he slowly twisted the door handle open, trying to cover himself the best he could as he made his way down to the main floor where the auction was held.
He watched from the curtain as the many alphas filtered in, all wearing expensive suits and holding a glass of champagne as they mingled among himself. Daniel wondered which one of them he would be going home with, Practically gagging at the thought of having to actually mate with one of them.
They called the first omega on stage, a timid girl who got sold for fifty thousand. They put him at the back of the line, making the wait even more excruciating. His anxiety intensified as he observed others ahead of him, his heart raced as the line got shorter. “We move on now, ladies and gentlemen, to our last item for auction. Our youngest - most desired, virgin, male Omega.” In a moment of panic he was pushed onto stage, his heart racing as he walked centerstage, the lights blinding him as he tried to make out the faces of the hundreds of Alpha’s awed faces in the crowd.
“We shall start the bidding at 50,000 dollars. Do I hear 50,000?” Almost immediately, a number raised in the air. His eyes going wide at the outrageous price, all for him? The bids just kept getting higher, numbers were called out almost inaudibly fast as many hands raised. “Do I hear 130? 140?” Suddenly, a man from the back, calls out “500,000.” The words hung in the silence, Like this stranger already owned him and was just waiting patiently for his moment to strike. The room went still as heads turned to get a glimpse of the generous bidder. “$500.000, going once, going twice… sold to our esteemed Mr. Silver." In an instant, he was whisked away from the glaring spotlight, ushered into a private room where he crumpled into a corner. Like a frightened animal awaiting its fate, his eyes remained fixed on the locked door, his heart beating out of his chest.
Footsteps were heard over the deafening silence. With a decisive click, the lock turned and the door swung open, revealing three men entering the room. Two of them were burly looking security guards, and the third man was freakishly tall and dark-haired, exuding an aura of dominance in his wake.
He walked closer to the boy’s shaking figure, the strong smell of cigar smoke and whiskey hit his nose almost instantly. Trembling, he instinctively curled into himself, his head tucked between his knees.
“My name is Terry Silver.” The man knelt down infront of him. “What’s your name, sweet boy?”
His lips shook as he bid himself not to cry. “D…Daniel.” His voice wavered as he continued to hide his head. “What a nice name.” the man’s deep, raspy voice reverberated through the dimly lit room. “Can I see your face, Daniel?” he lifted his head just slightly, allowing Terry's calloused hand to graze his delicate cheek. The touch was light, gentle even, the chill of Terry's rings against his skin sent shivers down his spine. “Gorgeous.” The man appreciated. “Absolutely breathtaking.” His hand traveled down his neck and taking hold of his shaking shoulder. Concerned by the boys trembling, Terry swiftly removed his jacket and draped it over the boy's quivering frame. Daniel instinctively pulled the jacket close, seeking solace in the comforting scent of the alpha's musk. Terry then turned his attention to the guards, and with hushed whispers he pulled out his wallet and handed each man a hundred dollar bill. With a nod they left the room, closing the door behind them. The alphas scent grew stronger with nowhere to dissipate. It was overpowering, clouding his senses and judgment.
Terry pulled up a chair and beckoned for the boy to come over. Despite feeling fear in the air, he found himself compelled to make the older man happy. Terry's eyes roamed hungrily over Daniel's slender form as he drew closer, his hand firmly grasping Daniel's bony hip. "I know I'm not supposed to touch you until our wedding…" A surge of desire evident in Terry’s voice as his hand ventured further, gently squeezing Daniel's thigh, “but your body. It drives me crazy.” Terry confessed, Daniel’s scent once sour with fear, now configured into arousal, with something else he couldn’t quite put his finger on. "The moment you stepped onto that stage, I knew I had to have you. I could smell you from a mile away.” Terry sank down onto his knees before him, slipping off the jacket he gave the boy and letting it fall to the ground behind him. The heat between Daniels legs grew as the Alphas large hand slid under his robes. With the touch of his skin against his thigh, Daniel came back to reality in an instant, snaking away from the man’s delicate touch. “I…I can’t.” His breathing became ragged. “Don’t be shy. I don’t want to hurt you. Just a little taste.”
reached out again, this time placing both hands on Daniel's hips, guiding him back towards him almost in a playful manner, his rough hands sending shivers down his spine. Terrys skilled fingers undid the tie on his robes, making Daniel yelp in surprise as the cool air hit his sensitive skin. “Sir, don’t.” He pleaded weakly as he slipped off the rest of his robe. “Don’t argue with your Alpha, sweetheart. I know what’s best for you… trust me.” *‘Your Alpha*.’ that word sent shivers down his spine, the idea of giving yourself over to someone body and soul, should have sounded like some kind of nightmare, but now only made the heat between his legs intensify, a choked out whimper leaving his lips when he felt himself grow wet between his legs. Terry threw his head back, absolutely reveling in the smell of his sweet Omega’s body, readying itself for his Alpha. Terry's eyes darkened as his gaze locked onto his beautiful body in all its glory. His hands moved up to Daniel’s small chest, feeling the tremble beneath his touch. "You're so responsive,”
His eyes moved down to the proof of Daniel's desire between his legs now. He groaned as his hand trailed up Daniel's thigh, teasing the outer labia of his cunt. Daniel couldn’t do more than whimper as he was fondled. He let his eyelids flutter close in an attempt to hide himself from his true desires, The sound of his moans only made Terry grow bolder. His rough fingers dipped into the slick heat of his core, causing Daniel to cry out in pleasure. "Your scent... it's driving me crazy,” His voice was rough with desire as his thick fingers teased the sensitive folds of Daniel's sex, spreading his slick up to his sensitive clit. It felt like a jolt of electricity shot through him as he doubled over onto the alphas shoulder in defeat. Terry moaned in satisfaction as he felt Daniel’s hips rock forward onto his fingers. He kept them moving, circling and teasing his little nub of flesh that had the poor thing falling apart in his hands. The pleasure was an all-consuming sensation that coursed through every fiber of his being. “I can't take it anymore, Terry. Please..." he begged, not quite knowing what exactly he was asking for. “Be patient, baby. Let me show you how good it can feel." With that, he slowly began to push a finger inside Daniel's tight heat. He gasped at the sudden invasion, his body tensing up around Terry's digit.
Terry continued to push in slowly, His finger twisted and curled, hitting his g-spot dead on. Making Daniel scream out in overstimulation. A sensation he wasn’t familiar with, but welcomed nonetheless. Terry increased the pace of his thrusts, his rough fingers curling deeper inside of him only to be taken away in an instant. “No, no, why’d you stop?” Daniel whined. “Because I want to taste you, Danny. I want to feel you on my tongue." He slowly removed his fingers and licked the juices off his digits one by one and groaning lewdy at the taste. "Now lie down on the ground for me, baby.” Daniel nodded in agreement as he slowly got down on the ground, the wooden floors cold on his back as he stared at the ceiling, shaking as he anticipated what the man was going to do next.
Daniel watched as Terry moved between his legs, his heart pounding in anticipation. The older man's hands ran up his thighs, stopping just short of where he needed them most. "Look at me, Danny.”
he inclined his head weakly to make eye contact with the man before him, the fluorescent lights casting an eerie glow on his pale, handsome face. He looked... hungry, almost ravenous, His piercing blue eyes were filled with an insatiable desire, like he was a lion who’s been deprived of food for days, only to find himself face-to-face with a succulent gazelle that’s been released into his cage.
Terry gently eased his trembling, legs open and slowly poked his tongue out and ran it along the small slit of Daniel's cunt.
A shudder ran through his body as the warm, wet tongue ghosted over his sensitive clit. A gush of slick running down the mans chin as he continued his torment. Daniel’s hips lifted off the floor involuntarily, seeking more contact with the invading tongue as it traced his clit. He bit his lip hard, trying (and failing) to suppress the moans that threatened to escape his throat. He threw his arm over his face in an attempt to quiet himself, but Terry couldn’t have that. Stopping his relentless tongue, he pulled Daniel’s arm away from his face, “no baby, I want to hear all those pretty noises your making for me," he commanded softly. A loud moan escaped his lips. And although embarrassing to Daniels ears, It only served to encourage Terry as he lapped up his slick, drinking it down like water. Daniel felt himself nearing the edge. His fingers dug into the floor, trying to find some kind of anchor as his body shook in anticipation. “I… I can’t. I’m so close.”
"Good, come for me, baby. Come for your Alpha," Terry purred, his tongue never ceasing its rhythmic dance around Daniel's sensitive nub.
As he felt his orgasm building up inside him, Terry moved his hand between their bodies, slipping two fingers inside him. The dual sensation was too much for Daniel to handle, and he cried out in pleasure as his body convulsed around Terry's fingers. He groaned, his eyes rolling back in his head as he reached his peak. His entire body tensed up as he felt hot liquid shoot out from himself, almost like he was peeing - it was intense, more intense than anything he’s ever experienced. Sure, he’s had orgasms in the past, but they couldn't compare to the level of intensity he felt in those few fleeting moments of bliss. The room was filled with the intoxicating scent of the Alpha’s addicting pheromones, making him feel a newfound closeness with the man he was obligated to call his mate.
Daniel's body trembled from the aftershocks of his orgasm. He was breathless and completely exposed, his legs trembling as he tried to regain some semblance of control.
He looked down at Terry, gasping at the sight of his drenched face, his collar stained with his own fluids.
"I- I'm sorry" he said softly, his cheeks burning with embarrassment.
Terry chuckled softly as he wiped his face clean with an embossed “TS” handkerchief stuffed in his pocket, his eyes never leaving Daniel's. "There's nothing to be sorry about," he said, his voice low and raspy. "I love the way you taste.” He leaned in, capturing his lips in a tender kiss, Daniel could taste himself on the mans tongue, forcing itself into his mouth in a fierce, possessive kiss. Maybe… being mated wasn’t as bad as Daniel thought it was going to be, especially if it was going to be like this all the time.
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Based off of an anonymous ask: “Eight Is Enough!Daniel but make it Omegaverse. He’s not quite of the legal age, but he’s been promised to, and is engaged to, Mr. Silver: an older, wealthy Alpha who asked for his hand. They will be married when Daniel turns 18. Until then, they are allowed to meet and have supervised visits during their courtship, as Daniel is an Omega, and it is not considered proper for them to be left unattended with an Alpha if they are not married. Mr. Silver is of course very delighted and charmed by this sweet boy, and can’t wait until he is truly his, body and soul…”
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ereiniel · 2 months
Chapters: 8/30 Fandom: Karate Kid (Movies), Cobra Kai (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Daniel LaRusso/Terry Silver, John Kreese/Terry Silver, Mike Barnes & Johnny Lawrence, Daniel LaRusso & Johnny Lawrence, Daniel LaRusso & Mr. Miyagi, Jessica Andrews & Daniel LaRusso, Johnny Lawrence & Mr. Miyagi Characters: Daniel LaRusso, Terry Silver, John Kreese, Mike Barnes (Karate Kid), Johnny Lawrence, Mr. Miyagi (Karate Kid), Jessica Andrews
Chapter 8: The Dojo is now up!
For those of you who are just now discovering this fic, thank you for joining me on this journey, and I hope you enjoy the ride.  For those of you who had/have been following, thank you so much for your patience while RL got in the way for me.  Enjoy this chapter!
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“Twenty-five percent?  You can’t be serious.”
“Do you have a better idea?”
Kreese glared at Terry.  “How about zero percent?  Offer him something else.”
“What do you suggest, then?” Terry asked.  “I offered him a business opportunity as an incentive to come here, so there’s his business opportunity.”
“How about giving him a real job.  Something that will actually benefit us, gain us something, help us win.  Or, you could just pay him off, like you do with everyone else.  Kids like that don’t take much to impress.”
Terry bristled.  “It’s not just about the money, Johnny, or the business opportunity.  It’s about Cobra Kai.  That’s the benefit, right there.  Mike Barnes is the key to our success.  He’s Johnny Lawrence’s roommate, so he’s perfect for this.  There is no one else.  Without him, we can’t bring Cobra Kai back and hurt Lawrence in the process.  Two birds with one stone.  Send him back home every day with his head full of Cobra Kai, and that’ll really mess with them both.  Mike Barnes will become a constant reminder to Johnny Lawrence of what he walked away from when he left you and this dojo behind.”
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 year
for the relationship ask game - 11 (Barry & Cisco), 34, & 47
11. [Barry and Cisco] have just stumbled into a fairy ring, and they've forgotten they ever knew each other! What happens now?
My mind went right to that episode of s3 where Barry got amnesia and fell in love with Iris all over again. In a world with Barrisco endgame...he'd be falling for Cisco (all over again, ofc, because he had a crush on Cisco the whole time in this version of events). And since both of them lose their memories, Cisco would be gushing about Barry too.
But of course they'd both try to disguise it as "friendly banter," because neither of them wanna scare off the cute guy who seems to really like them (platonically, they think. Oh, these lovable idiots).
Caitlin and Iris realize that these two will get their memories back by kissing. And both of them know that Barry and Cisco have been crushing on each other for ages, and are still flirting now, but...how to convince them to go for it?
So shenanigans ensue, in which Caitlin and Iris try to set them up, except those plans go a bit awry. But also, in a way, those plans still succeed, because Barrisco fall more in love with each other until one day they go for it and kiss. And all is well!
(Except they "forgot" where the fairy circle was, so the following week, Caitlin and Iris get stuck there 😉)
34. Are there any well-known fanon relationships (not canon), that you just can't stand?
Oh boy. There's quite a list for this one. And mind you, this is only fandom ships that I have a strong opinion on:
Snowbarry, Zutara, Tokka, Zukka, Silverusso, Samhawk, Irosami, Makroh, Cykesquill (not Aurametis ofc 💞 I’m talking about Athena x Simon), Harringrove, Obikin, Anisoka, Narumayo, Dramione (not that I particularly care about HP nowadays, but still)
(I'm not discoursing about these btw, and anyone who tries is getting blocked ✋ the anti tags are there for a reason)
47. Answered here!
fanfic relationships ask game!
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msfbgraves · 3 months
Thinking of Daniel as Dr. Neal Eberhardt and terry when he was in nam getting injured and falling in love with the doctor taking care of him and it just flirting but they have to keep it secret very secret and it cute as hell
Ah, yes, one of the great romantic tropes! Sadly, I suck at writing it - truly, I cannot pull that one off - but maybe somebody else in the fandom can cook up some delicious Silverusso for this prompt?
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dykesynthezoid · 2 years
for the wip game, "easy pickings". daniel and his trauma is my favorite genre of ck fic to write
Ah yes!! Yeah that one I only have a little bit written for so far, but the basic concept is just, ruminating on exactly how vulnerable Daniel was to Terry’s manipulation in tkk3. Just the bitterness surrounding “wow, it was so easy for him to do that to me.” Sweet baby Daniel was pretty naive (understandably!) and idealistic and he’d never really been burned before, not by an adult or a teacher. So he just; didn’t know any better. And ofc none of that is his fault; Terry put a lot of work into his machinations, too! It was a conscious effort! It’s not like Daniel tripped and fell into it, it was all meticulously planned. But there’s a fatalistic aspect to that too; like. Maybe he was just doomed. Maybe that was always how it was going to happen, and Daniel never stood a chance. Which; that sucks. That fucking sucks.
And the fic is basically s5-ish Daniel trying to deal with all that (not entirely successfully). He’s in a state where he’s still not really Talking About It; not getting into the nitty gritty, not being open about how it made him feel, and especially not touching on the (in the fic) implied relationship he and Terry may have had.
Which. Of course makes him kinda messy! Bc he’s not really Dealing, is he. (He also keeps trying to ask Robby if Silver did or said anything weird when Robby was at Cobra Kai but like, without actually saying what he’s really asking, and Robby is like ????? And just looking at him like he’s grown a second head).
There’s also a lot of focus on Daniel’s relationship with men in general, how they always seems to feel entitled to his space and time and attention and to the right to manipulate his body, too. And how all that relates to the budding thing he’s got going on with Johnny as well.
Eventually they’re laying in bed one night after hooking up and Daniel finally says something like. “Do you ever feel like; like you didn’t even have a chance? Like as a kid; it was just too easy, for someone to swoop in and ruin it?” And Johnny is like. Well, yeah. Of course. I think that all the time. Every goddamn day.
And Daniel realizes oh right. Of course Johnny understands that feeling. He knows it intimately. If they have anything they can truly understand about each other; that’s part of it. And in its own way, that’s a comfort to Daniel, a reminder that he’s not alone. Shame can only thrive in isolation. He doesn’t feel so twisted up inside knowing he’s not the only one.
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wantedtourist · 2 years
I know Terry was big mad but I think he was also turned on while fighting Daniel? He seemed. . excited. Not felt this uncomfortable watching scenes with my parents since Game of Thrones.
wait which fight? but yea u right he's just Like That for danny boy and he's never been subtle about it to him :) :) :)
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merv606 · 1 month
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Danny boy looks so good on his back!
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yenforfairytales · 1 year
Sure sure, Daniel has a bratty, sassy, flirty ‘Jersey’ side—but folks seem to forget just how sweet, earnest, naive, and innocent he was in the KK trilogy. One of my favourite scenes is in the first film at the start, when Daniel sees a dog in his flat complex and moments later fetches water for it—without being asked! What an angel. Anyway, this sweet innocence is probably why Terry had him totally blindsided for a while in KK3, and did it with such ease. And because Silverusso has always had my heart, let’s not forget this clueless, adorable Danny is exactly the one that piqued Terry’s demented, decades long obsession. That sweet and spicy combination is just so winning—along with the looks. I don’t blame Terry for being totally overwhelmed by the boy, it was inevitable. Terry Silver is the very definition of whipped. Lol.
Yes! Completely agree. Daniel is a perfect mix of tough but sweet. Slutty but innocent. It's a maddening blend.
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He stands out. Unforgettable to everyone he's ever met even 35yrs later.
Oh, anon, are you me? Daniel giving the dog some water is one of my all time favorite scenes too!!
It's so subtle. Miyagi saw that in him. When he gifted Daniel the bonsai embroidery and Daniel said he'd understand if Miyagi ever wanted it back. And Miyagi smiled, "I know you understand." HUUUUU 😭 brb crying
There's other sweet examples, but Daniel is so thoughtful!! The most thoughtful and considerate.
Sure, his temper can override that sometimes, but even though he has attitude, he remains observant and so empathetic that he feels guilty about everything and can't sleep unless he apologizes.
That's a sensitive soul who never wanted to fight anyone and ended up constantly under attack. But look how much everyone loves him and will do anything for him. HIS LOVE SAVES PEOPLE. His forgiveness. He's truly a light.
Not to get off track but, another favorite innocent moment of mine is in kk2 when they're getting on the airplane and Daniel goes, "Airsick? What's airsick?!" :U
Just super loud and confused. Lmao
Again speaks to his innocence at that time. Maybe more Jersey street smarts than book smarts but the poor baby went through like a lifetime of maturity in one year because of the events of all three movies.
A little heartbreaking that CK Daniel is so... world weary. He's quieter. He's more observant. Meaning, he's more calculated in every interaction. Ten times smarter than when he was a kid.
I definitely blame Terry for that. He broke Daniel's heart. And according to Jessica, it took him some time to recover. (Although we know it was not completely)
Luckily for everyone, Daniel is such an angel that he never lost his sweetness or his instinct to help others even if he is cautious. He's willing to forgive but he tried his damndest to become people and business savvy as to never get hurt again.
He's intelligent. He's refined. He's a leader.
The irony that the parts of Daniel that Terry liked best he helped destroy. That trust and innocence. The irony that Terry was denied the forgiving nature of Daniel he knows is there because of his own actions.
Terry remembered that sweet, naive boy and imagined being forgiven right away and was legit shocked at Daniel's anger. Not necessarily at the rejection, but at Daniel's angerrr.
Daniel's comment about Terry being in a padded cell really struck a nerve.
I will say this - both men would not have such hurt and anger after 35 YEARS if there was no love involved at all.
The reason Daniel could forgive everyone else was because he never loved them. They were never friends.
He loved Terry. He mourned someone who never existed. And Terry wouldn't care so much about being forgiven if he felt nothing either.
One day someone will have to do a gifset of all the times Terry and Daniel eye-fucked each other in CK. There were so many secret smiles y'all.
I think they missed each other as much as they're mad at each other.
This sweet innocence is probably why Terry had him totally blindsided for a while in KK3, and did it with such ease. And because Silverusso has always had my heart, let’s not forget this clueless, adorable Danny is exactly the one that piqued Terry’s demented, decades long obsession.
Let's think for a moment the picture that Kreese painted to Terry about this "punk kid" and his sensei.
Some prissy troublemaker that unfairly beat up the Cobra Kai students and made a fool of Kreese.
Then Terry meets Daniel and he's tiny and sweet and can barely meet Terry's eyes.
They spent months together. Terry's not stupid, he quickly learned the truth. He just desperately wanted to make Kreese happy.
And then years later, we see that Terry doesn't believe Kreese about the past anymore. He scoffs and rolls his eyes!
And if Terry was being honest with himself, he'd admit that he wanted to be a sensei(but couldn't because of his father's business) and loved having his own student. I and others think he was a little hurt when Daniel didn't want to be in Cobra Kai anymore and quit.
(Terry was like Bill in Kill Bill. "I... overreacted.")
That sweet and spicy combination is just so winning—along with the looks. I don’t blame Terry for being totally overwhelmed by the boy, it was inevitable.
Who wouldn't love having Daniel's full attention? Daniel was like... enamoured with everything about Terry. He did everything he said.
That's intoxicating.
Terry already thought of himself as godlike. Wealthy. Handsome. Powerful. Getting away with crimes and tricking this sweet young thing.
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And then said sweet young thing looks up to you and hangs on your every word? AND he's actually a pretty good student, a fast learner?
BUT Daniel has enough attitude that he does give Terry a bit of a challenge. All the more sweeter for when Daniel eventually gives in. What fun!
Terry Silver is the very definition of whipped. Lol.
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What is this?! Terry, explain!!!
Where were you going with this??
"That was beautiful!"
35 years later...
"You were powerful, free..."
Legit Terry would have done anything Daniel asked if he had been greeted with a warm reception in CK.
Lest you all forget! Terry was happy to see Daniel again. He was not happy to see Kreese.
Terry called Kreese his weakness because he was a weight around his neck and had to be removed. But Terry refused to get rid of Daniel, who all but jumped on Terry's back like a spider monkey and caused more trouble for Terry than Kreese ever did! Amazing!
I was going to say more about that and lost my train of thought.
Still waiting for the au where Daniel reigns in the righteous anger a bit and manipulates Terry to be on his side over Kreese's.
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bramblesbriars · 2 months
Any photo inspiration for how Daniel and Terry look in your excellent fic Middle of the Night? Were you inspired by Ralph or TIG’s appearances in KKverse or their other movies?
Oh I have PLENTY. Too many to post here. I do have a Pinterest board that I will try to link. Hopefully that'll work.
But for specific references I love using plain old Daniel from Karate Kid 3. He's strangely thick in that movie, so he's perfect for the fic.
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(I looked for gifs and couldn't find any. Am sad 😔 )
As for Terry. Well-
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He takes inspiration from an entirely different Terry. I imagine the MOTN Terry wearing his hair down more than KK3 Terry would. And the trench coats, definitely wears trench coats. Hence McCain. His curls and fashion sense just match better for what's going on in my head for KK3 Terry.
I wish I could find better pictures of Daniel. The image I have specifically of him is when Terry first meets him and Daniel is wearing those burgundy sweat pants. They just make his hips look particularly wide.
Anyway. 🤔
Those are the main references I use for MOTN! Leaving the link to my horrid Pinterest board below for ya'lls enjoyment. Or terror.
Thanks for the ask and the support! I always appreciate it! ☺️
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silverusso · 4 months
KK3 should have ended with Terry and Mike railing Daniel into oblivion but one can dream!
who knows, maybe it happened after the credits. maybe that's why daniel says "mike fucking barnes" 👀
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aurborsau · 10 months
Ooo…I like fem!Silverusso, and also fem!Dani Silverusso. For the latter…maybe Dani is in high school, but she’s poor, so she’s had a wealthy benefactor pay for her to attend this fancy school. Dani has met Mr. Silver a few times, and she got quite the crush on this handsome, charming, older man. Still, she doesn’t think an older, wealthy man like that would pay attention to a high schooler like her…Little does she know that Mr. Silver wanted to pay for her tuition in the first place because he found her so sweet and innocent and pretty, and is only waiting for her to grow up a little more before he takes her as his own, and make her his. But he can play with her a bit before then, can’t he?
So good! This reminds me of Fifty shades of grey au. Their dynamic just fits so well. And not to mention FIFTY SHADES OF SILVER. I mean cmon it was made for them.
Dani steps in for her sick roommate Jessica to interview business owner/entrepreneur Terry silver for their campus paper. He’s instantly enamored with the young girl and tries to get close to her any way he can: volunteering at the church she attends, sending flowers and various gifts to her house every single day. Dani never got this kind of attention from a man, so understandably, it scares her away. She buried herself in homework and helping Mr. Miyagis (failing) business while he’s away, trying her best not to think about Terry and his sexy voice and dreamy smile. She snaps out of her daydream when the door to the shop opens, revealing a familiar face. Her heart skips a beat as her eyes lock with the very man she’s been trying to avoid all week, Terry Silver.
He makes an order of ten of their finest bonsai trees and a date. ‘A date? No way a man like Terry wants to go on a date with me. He’s probably doing it to get with my roommate Jessica.’ She reasons. Expect disappointment and you won’t be disappointed.
Though, when Terry arrives to pick her up it was nothing how she expected. He was… kind. Actually listened to what she had to say and didn’t just try to get in her pants. (No matter how bad she wanted it)
Later that night when he dropped her off, he pulled her into a passionate goodbye kiss. Dani would have enjoyed it more if only it didn’t feel so… final.
She curled up in her sheets that night, mind racing with thoughts of the older man. His grip on her waist the entire night, eyes never leaving her form. She imagined what it would be like to sleep with him. His tall, muscular body entrapping her own, like a blanket trying to snuff out a fire.
She tried desperately to push those unholy thoughts aside, even if they haunted her in her dreams.
The next week was spent practically staring at the phone, waiting patiently for a phone call from the man who swept her off her feet. But a call there was not. She couldn't help but wonder what she did wrong. Had she misread the signals? Was Terry just playing games with her? Did he not find her unattractive? The uncertainty gnawed at her, only fueling her insecurities.
Jessica suggested going out clubbing with her, get her mind off of that asshole and find some other guy to mess around with. The whole thing sounded too… chaotic, but that seemed to be the only thing to rid her mind of Terry. After her fifth shot she decided she had enough with waiting for him to call her back. Finding the nearest payphone, she dialed his number. ‘Voicemail, of course’ after leaving a not so heartfelt voicemail that she will most likely regret in the morning, she went back to her friends. A new face joining in. Johnny Lawrence all grown up. Last time she saw him was in middle school, she almost didn’t recognize him with all the girls hanging off of his shoulder. later into the night, they reminisced on old memories and Johnny admitted his adolescent crush on the girl. If she was any less drunk she would have shied away from his touch, but right now all she wanted to do was forget about Terry, and Johnny was a good distraction. Though, she started to come back to reality the second his hand reached under her skirt. She attempted to pull away from his grip but her struggling and pleas were rendered useless. Panic started to set in just as a familiar face came to her rescue. Pushing Johnny off of her, Terry stands 6’5 in all his glory and she swears he looks taller under the fluorescent street lights illuminating the alleyway. Dani falls to her ass onto the wet pavement below, staring up at the man she convinced herself she hated now looked like some sort of Greek god that just stepped out of a playgirl magazine, his hair messy and wet from the rain earlier, and his muscles rippling under the sheer fabric of his tight shirt.
His massive arms easily wrapped around the expense of her body to hoist her up, guiding her to the car he has waiting upfront.
The next morning, she wakes up in Terry’s bed, in nothing but an oversized tee-shirt, not remembering a thing from the night before. Panic starts to set in at the thought that she might have lost her virginity black out drunk. Terry steps out of the shower in nothing but a towel hanging low on his waist. He assures her nothing happened between them and apologized for his behavior the past week. He explained that he was scared of his own feelings and that he should have stayed away from her but the pull he feels towards the girl is too strong to resist.
Slowly, but surely he introduces her to his sadistic world.
(Ok this is getting too long. But I’m obsessed with this au.)
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