#silly weird and violent old men who kiss and make everyones lives worse together
harlowehearse · 3 months
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I am allowed to draw them soo out of character and somft. As a treat.
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crowkingwrites · 5 years
Battle of the Bands (Ch.14)
Pairing: Robb Stark x Reader, Jon Snow x Reader, Viserys Targaryen x Reader, Ramsay Bolton X Reader
Summary: You just moved into the city for the first tie all by yourself. After you get your dream summer job working for a small magazine, you find yourself in the middle of the city’s rock festival: Battle of the Bands. Local rock bands throughout the city compete to win a record deal that could change their lives. Your job? Get close to them and write about them online.A single girl in the city surrounded by rocker boys during the summertime. What could possibly go wrong?
Words: 1737 // AO3 Link
Chapter One // Chapter Two // Chapter Three // Chapter Four // Chapter Five // Chapter Six // Chapter Seven // Chapter Eight // Chapter Nine // Chapter Ten // Chapter Eleven // Chapter Twelve // Chapter Thirteen
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Jon was still on your mind. You liked how he cuddled you. You liked how he kissed you. You shook your head violently. Now was not the time to daydream about Jon. Now was the time to figure your shit out. Well, it would be a lot easier if you had friends on your side.
You texted the most reliable person you knew, hoping they could help.
You to Loras: [Something serious is happening. Tell Renly to be The Scene office. I think we might be getting sued.] Loras: [….good afternoon to you too? Getting sued? What?]
Good you had Loras. Renly was on his way, no doubt. Now Margaery.
You: [911.] Margie within seconds: [Where are you? I can get you. Whats wrong?] You: [I fucked up. Viz is gonna take down The Scene for that article I wrote. He’s gonna sue and I’m going to get fired.] Margie: [That’s…bad. That’s bad dude. We’re going to figure it out. Whatever happens, I got your back.]
Margie’s on board. Then again, Margie’s always been on board with you for anything. Best friends are funny like that. One moment, you’re helping her throw up in a bar in a part of town you’ve never been in before while also texting a thirst trap. The next moment Margie’s helping you potentially go to court.
She was your ride or die, and right now, you’d rather die than text Jon about Robb. As much as you hated it, you needed Robb. This was his magazine.
You to Jon: [That article about Viserys. He saw it and he’s gonna try to take me and The Scene to court. What do I do?]
The anxiety settled in like an old, toxic friend. She made your skin crawl, and your heart beat erratically. You felt so stupid. You put yourself here. You did this to yourself. This was all your fault and you could have prevented it, but you’re stupid. You’re so stupid.
You: [Ramsay told me. How do we tell your brother? This is bad. I’m panicking]
Robb wouldn’t forgive you now. Robb was so fucking stupid for hiring you in the first place. He was definitely going to fire you now. You wish you could punch yourself. If you had been more careful, this wouldn’t have happened. If you had been less slutty and flirty with everyone, this wouldn’t have happened.
You heard the door to the office click open. Your eyes landed on Robb who was holding his face. You quickly texted Jon one more time.
You: [Never mind. He’s here at the office. He knows. I think he’s going to fire me.]
Robb glanced your way before heading into his office. All was quiet save for Robb shuffling things around his desk. You stood there, waiting for your sealed fate. You took a step towards his office, but hesitated. Maybe he needed space.
“So you know,” Robb said from his office, breaking the silence.
“I know?”
“Viz texted me this morning. He sent me threats,” Robb explained. “He’s at Roose Bolton’s office. I think him and Ramsay are working together on this one.”
“They’re not,” you corrected. “Ramsay’s on our side.” Robb walked out of his office with a scowl on his face. He closed his eyes and exhaled.
“You know what? I don’t wanna know. I don’t care,” Robb continued gathering papers and looking through desks. “What we need to do now is call a lawyer.”
“Okay! Great! Let’s call him!” You clapped. Robb slowly blinked.
“I’m looking for his card. I don’t have his number on my phone,” Robb pushed past you. He went into Sansa’s desk and looked through her contacts on her computer. You sat at your own computer and started to print out what you could. Your notes. Your articles. Anything that could help you now.
Your anxiety continued to pump through your veins. Why hasn’t he fired you yet? Why was he so angry that Ramsay was on your side? How were you going to make it through today?
“Oi! I’m here!” Renly greeted. Your anxiety was partly relieved to hear Renly’s voice. You sighed and turned to see your mutual friend. “We’re getting sued?”
“Yes. Viserys threatened us this morning. I’m trying to call the family lawyer, but I can’t find his number.”
“Did you talk to Jon?” Renly asked. “Didn’t he need Petyr last month for—why are you looking at me like that?” Robb glared at Renly. His hands gripped tight at the pile of paper he had in his hand.
“Yes. I tried to talk to Jon. I went over to his apartment. He was busy,” Robb glared at you for a moment, but then let it go. He slammed down the pile of papers and returned to his office. Renly looked at you and inched closer.
“What happened?” Renly whispered.
“Jon and I were…kissing when he saw us,” you bit your lip.
“Oh. That kind of busy,” Renly continued whispering. “Are you okay? You looked freaked out.”
“Oh? Oh. No, no, no. I’m fine. I’m fine,” you said.
“You’re speaking too fast. You’re not okay. What happened?” The anxiety built up slowly over time, but it only got worse. Your self-loathing voice spoke louder than everyone in the quiet room.
You were so stupid. You were so stupid. You were so stupid. You were so stupid. You were so stupid. You were so stupid. You were so stupid. You were so stupid. You were so stupid. You were so stupid. You were so stupid. You were so stupid. It just kept repeating and repeating. Your wet eyes and short breath gave you away. Now, you looked weak.
“Hey,” Robb snapped his fingers in your face. “I’m not going to fire you.”
“I’m not going to fire you. Just help me find Petyr’s phone number, alright? Start with that.” You eyed Sansa’s computer again. For a social media influencer, she was very responsible. You darted towards her clean, IKEA-bought desk and searched through her contact list once more.
You hadn’t met Robb’s eldest sister yet, but you had a feeling you would like her. She had pictures of her friends and family all over her desk. One picture caught your eye. Her, Jon, and Robb all together in a silly photo booth. Robb and Jon made a moustache with Sansa’s bright red hair. All three of them were laughing.
And here you are, watching a very upset Robb scrambling to get everything together.
You didn’t see your boss. You didn’t see a potential boyfriend. You just saw Robb trying to keep it together while he spoke with his father on the phone.
“I know. I know!” Robb stressed. “Do you think I care? Jon punched me today. How about that for problem child huh?”
You came into this family, this city, and ruined everything. Jon and Robb were brothers, now they were fighting. Ramsay couldn’t chase his dreams anymore. Viserys was losing his career. All because of you.
The realization didn’t hit as hard as a ton of bricks. You made a soft ‘oh’ sound, and turned back to Sansa’s computer. Renly had noticed.
While scrolling through once more, you saw a weird nickname: LF
“Littlefinger?” you said quietly to yourself. You clicked on his name to see Petyr Baelish’s face, phone number, address, and work emails. Bingo. Robb ducked into his office again as he argued with his father on the phone. You quickly printed out the contact information and left it on Robb’s closed door.
You wiped away the tears in your eyes as you headed out the door.
“Hey! Where are you going?” Renly asked. His knitted eyebrows told you everything.
“I can’t be here. I’ve ruined everything. I think I should just go,” you confessed. Renly put his hand on your shoulder.
“Do what you have to do, ok? Take care of yourself first. Never mind Robb. He can be an ass sometimes,” Renly patted you. Both of you heard another rise from Robb. Something crashed and Robb yelled a very loud ‘Fuck!’ in his office. Renly hugged you goodbye, and you left the office.
It was a short ride home considering the day you had. After receiving texts from Jon and Ramsay, you just flat out turned off your phone. The world needed to be quieter for just a moment. You needed to think.
When you opened the door to your apartment, you found a calm Margaery sitting on your couch. She immediately ran up to you with a warm embrace and a cup of chamomile tea. She kissed your head and you felt your anxiety melting away into nothing.
“So, you had a shit day,” Margie half-smiled. “Do you need to talk about it?”
“I think I realized something,” you said quietly. “I came to this city to live with you and get out of my parents’ space, right?”
“Yeah! And its been so much fun!” Margie patted your knee. “I love having you here. Loras loves having you here. And of course, the men—
“I’ve hurt people,” you interrupted. “I’m having fun, but I’ve hurt people. Did you now that Jon punched Robb over me? That’s what Robb said. Ramsay? He has to work a straight job now because of me.”
“You don’t know that,” Margie sat closer to you. “Nobody knows who kicked out Ramsay’s band, ok? That’s not your fault.”
“Yeah, but what if I wasn’t here? Robb’s magazine wouldn’t be in the shit hole. Ramsay would still have a band. Viserys would still have a career. The Stark brothers wouldn’t be fighting—
“Whoa. Listen to me. Viserys is an asshole. Who cares about him? Not everything is your fault. Stop doing this to yourself.”
“You ended up in the hospital and I ignored it for a boy, Margaery,” you put your face in your hands. All of the words pouring out made your chest tight.
“And I forgave you! It’s fine! Really! You’re scaring me. What’s going on with you?” Margie stressed her last sentence to you. You had enough.
“I think I need to move back home,” you confessed. “I ruined everyone’s lives here. I don’t belong here. I need to go back home.”
Note to Self: Because when you find yourself the villain in the story you have written It’s plain to see That sometimes the best intentions are in need of redemptions  Would you agree?
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