#silly blocky style :}
callmehluzara · 1 year
me and my sleep paralysis demon
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seagullcharmer · 8 months
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 3 months
magic system that involves complicated and intricate hand positions vs artist who doesn’t draw hands
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worm--teeth · 1 year
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The great fairy!!!! ( ͡👁️ ͜ʖ ͡👁️)
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chiropteracupola · 2 years
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these guys again.
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lm-tomatito · 2 months
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Sharing my pfp because I think it looks pretty cool✨ tried a bit of a different lineart style, like it's my usual bold lines but they're more blocky here? I guess? Anyway, love him a lot, my favorite silly guy♡
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mirgompillow · 9 months
Dear Person,
You know what, I'll just post this on Tumblr, :(( No idea how to use this web tho aahem ahem anyways, if you need some references, you're in the right place buddy
(also the reference channel has some small details in there as well)
Here are the two fully rendered commissions that I just had previously! Edit: These are just examples of how I'll draw your character (Shading and style only!) These aren't my characters 😔
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Oh hey an actual sun man, :)) he looks hella silly
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Wait hold on, emo moon? That can't be right bro
Alright here, let's say that I'll post these sketches for more character reference.
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SUN MAN, though you wouldn't exactly need him for the art since it's nighttime as well
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MOON MAN, he could be a court Jester honestly
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A very badly rendered one, Never posted this but eh, it's fine
Alright for the descriptions, (SUN AND MOON) as you can see, both of them don't look robotic, no endoskeletons on their limbs can be seen, and they all look fleshy in a way. The eyes have two eyelids (you'll see in the reference channel), a wide grin with a blocky set of teeth, and a red mouth and they also have lips. They also wear slippers instead of shoes, you can see the back of their feet. :)) And honestly bro, you can do anything with em, make em wacky and chaotic, even calm bro?? anything is fine :)) For the Moonman, he's honestly just canon Moon but hella snarky and even more intelligent than in-game, he's like those evil cartoon villains that would snitch on you by order, he also has a silly personality, and he can honestly steal your cheese if you're not careful enough. He's just a night jester with a charming snide personality who can entertain guests in carnivals. He mocks, he jokes, he entertains, hell he'll even laugh at you for tripping over a rock, but dw man he helps you after that.
And this one is nothing, just look at this for entertainment purposes :)) ( Put here just for fun )
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He's very awkward when it comes to dates as well
Anyways bro, thanks for coming in here, never had this event before so I'm quite new to this stuff :))
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istherewifiinhell · 12 days
and what is tf without its duplicitous little guys...
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[ID: Starscream framed in the doors of the decepticon base, others looking on. Caption boxes: As Starscream departs, his fellow decepticons look on many thoughts pass through their minds… Thoughts that go unsaid for now, thoughts that will smoulder, thoughts that say Starscream was right... Treacherous thoughts! And Starscream smiles! END]
its tfuk storyline THE ENEMY WITHIN, which spans from no 13 to 17! dang. spring 1985. this posts a bit beefy but also deeply silly :D 👍
Script: Simon Furman art: John Ridgeway (13) Mike Collins (14-17) Colours: Gina Hart Letters: Richard Starkings Editor: Sheila Cranna Original Series Edits by Shelia Cranna and Ian Rimmer, editorial notes and assistance by James Roberts, Collection Edits by Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon, Collection Design by Shawn Lee
Well. its time i enter the den of that snake who haunts my tf experience, simon furman. and as i still dont have digital remastering to complain about. may i just say. i cannot stand getting so much preamble about how great these comics are, how legendary this writer, how influential this run is, etc etc before youve even let me see a single line he wrote. and i find this a perfectly tf fan style behaviour... that and gushing rapid fire and at length about future plot points, that i, as first time reader. HAVE NO FUCKING CONTEXT FOR. keep it real tf fandom.
context, production and continuity notes only please, if there was any interesting quotes from creatives, process notes, art details and lore fuckery to be explained, might i suggest. AFTER THE FUCKING COMIC.
[i walk off stage grumbling] turtles wouldnt treat me like this-- ALRIGHT START THE SLIDE SHOW
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[ID: Megatron and Starscream yelling at each other. Megatron: My orders will be obeyed without question, Starscream. I will not tolerate these attempts to usurp my authority… Starscream: Ha! There comes a time when even the mightiest rulers must be challenged. Megatron. Your plan to wait and observe is both weak and stupid… We must strike now and destroy utterly our enemies, the Autobots! END]
calibration check: COMPLETE
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[ID: Ravage skidding to a stop, outside the Decepticon base. Its a graceless and very cat like pose. He's thinking "...Outside! A barren, featureless desert and I'm being chased by someone who can become a fighter jet! This may call for a major reassessment of my loyalties!" END]
god SOMETIMES hes a funny cat....
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[ID: Action panel, Starscream streaking low. Trailing end of his sentence "...Gone?" Ravage is popping out from ground calls out "Surprise, SUCKER!" END]
and hes got JOKES?
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[ID: Starscream standing on a rocky cliff, facing away, musing to himself "Hmm, a pity. Ravage would have made an excellent ally. Still, I must thank him for one thing..." END]
this is just here cause...damn if i cant hear that in perfect screamer voice. 👍
anyway brawns been in a workplace accident
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[ID: Pov shot, in a wobbly line style, as if the viewer, Brawn's, vision is swimming. Prowl, Windcharger and Bee are standing over him. Bee: Brawn..? Brawn? Look! He's opening his eyes. He's all right. Soon have him back to work! END]
shaking my head. someone get the union rep. also i just realised that isnt prowls torso. thats windcharger??? whys he uncoloured lol.
and he nearly kills a coworker and gets outta dodge
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[ID: A hole in a metal wall, warped and torn. Brawn silhouette seen walking out of it, to the wilderness outside. His unusual and blocky toy model shape adds to this tableau. END]
this image. is so beautiful. your laughing, he almost killed someone and your laughing? i am... im imagining the little asscheeks, u know like the meme?
end disc 1. (no 14)
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[ID: Large dramatic illustration of Ravage, crawling through the desert, one injured leg leaving a trail behind him. He yells "STARSCREAM! I'll see you destroyed for this! I'll make you suffer for daring to attack me and for not making sure that you'd finished me off!" END]
HOT CAT. special delivery did anyone order the image of the hot cat.
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[ID: Megatron appearing before Ravage, wreathed in a beam of light. Ravage looks up and is stunned in the corner. "M-Megatron?" Megatron: We have returned just in time-quickly, Ravage, which Autobot did this to you? Ravage: N-not… Autobot… was… END]
i love this panel. its like hes the patron saint of furries. mother megsy comes to me. WHO DID THIS TO U. booktok ass.
anyway we got two bots on a rampage
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[ID: Caption box: The traffic cop fled, but already Brawn had turned his attention to the car. Brawn speaks to the car "Well? You're free! Off you go, then…" A beat panel, as the car obviously does nothing. A close on Brawn's clenched fist, which is very simple/abstract. He rages "You ungrateful imbecile! If you won't take that brand of freedom…" Driving his fist down into the car, crumpling it. "TAKE THIS!" END]
damn king. okay. i love his little fist. i love they drew the fuck outta this fucking THING
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[ID: A stylish illustrated panel on a human fighter pilot, completely obscured by the large visor and oxygen mask on their helmet. Outside the cockpit glass, and reflected in their visor Starscream is flying pass, seeking missiles trailing him. The pilot screams "NOOO!" END]
GOD DAMN. also. [pattern recognition activates] fdghjd the way only three fingers are visible on that hand, and how thick they are. turtle hand.
(no 15) oh rampage over. bummer!
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[ID: Caption box: …Plunging the unprepared Starscream into a wild tail spin! Over the desert, he's spiraling downwards, tail wings on fire, streaking smoke behind him. He yells "Screee! S-sensory overload! C-can't handle it!" END]
cheers mate.
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[ID: A sleek silver robot, the ancient Cybertronian "Tornado". The design has a mix of boxy transformer legs, hips and chest, but shapely arms, waist and calfs. He's on the ground, propped up on his arms, twisted at the waist, and legs stretched across the page, very vintage scifi cover style. END]
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[ID: Megatron on the video screen at the Autobot base. Megatron: So you see, it seems we have a mutual problem… Do you not agree with the simplicity and neatness of my solution? Optimus: Perhaps, but it remains to be seen if Brawn is willing to participate in such a trial… END]
what the fuck is wrong with you two... skype ur enemies!!! i do like that toy model oppie looks like hes permanently squinting in suspicion
theyre pitting their loose canons against each other... (hmm. phrasing.) anyway brawn is healed of his work place accident rage imbalance but they dont. trust him now? and megs just wants screamer dead lol. this optimus is a lot more... cryptic, or. not harsh persay. just cuts the bullshit. interrupts people. gives orders. the fact that he becomes less friendly and chatty when not usamerican... IS. pretty funny.
(no 16) normal duel to the death things
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[ID: Brawn taking cover in the desert, as Starscream flies above. Brawn thinks "What does it take? I'm running out of ideas and stamina - If i don't finish this soon, he'll nail me for sure!" END]
mm hmm. have you tried switching positions
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[ID: Brawn collapsed on his front, propped up on his arms, at the mouth of a cave. Starscream flying above calls out "And now I have the pleasure of finishing you off!" END]
oh! okay looked like it worked
(no 17) happy endings for everyone (?)
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[ID: Caption box: But no hint of emotion is shown by Optimus Prime - His expression is unfathomable. Dark and moody close-up on Optimus, who, naturally, doesn't have much of a face to emote with anyway. END]
i mean... i should think so. ive always said that about him
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[ID: 1. Starscream goes down in fire and smoke, Ravage, in the small bottom corner, thinks "HA! 'Highflier!'" 2. Megatron laughing heartily, eyes closed and grinning widely, "Hahaha's" written behind him. He says "Forgive my exuberance, Ravage but this little episode has resolved itself so neatly. We have destroyed an Autobot; taught Starscream the error of his ways, and given you your revenge on him." END]
and hes STILL got jokes. you know what. this is a beautiful friendship they crafted. the ruler and his loyal spy. a spy who tells shitty jokes and the jovial plotter. okay. cute. fun. extremely funny that sounders isnt relevant to it in the slightest, also.
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[ID: 1. Mirage and Brawn propped in a doorway, at the Autobot base. Mirage holds up Brawn by an arms and around the back, Brawn leaning on the doorway. Two Autobots in the fore are in shock, one asks "B-but Brawn? We saw..?" Mirage replies "You lot going to stand there stammering, or are you going to give us a hand?" 2. Brawn now seated, leaning back, Mirage leaning forward, a hands tenderly resting on Brawn, as they look at each other. Various Autobots looking on. END
gee mirage how come u get all the minibot baddies... why the fuck is this so tender......
anyway this is a little. meandering. and strange. probably not as. completely off the wall out of no where evocative moody dream like emotional drama. as man of iron. but still leagues better than 1-4. lol. and they gave me a lot of vectors for robot yaoi. apparently.
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esperanzagalaxy · 2 years
Hello! For the RQG requests, bc you said to get specific, I would like to req Wilde falling asleep at his desk and Zolf trying to get him to bed withouf waking him up
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 RQG requests #31! i was actually unsure about how to go about this one because i didn’t want to do something too literal and boring, but i also have trouble connecting with zolf and wilde. surprisingly, it didn’t take that long to think of something that felt both very me, and very them, so here it is! sometimes you just gotta get a little silly to make a drawing work. i’m very happy with these! despite how messy they look, they didn’t really need any fixing. thank you for your request! enjoy! <3
 fine brush pen and alcohol markers on  yellow paper.
 ID under the cut!
[ID: a four page comic of zolf and wilde. it's drawn with sketchy black lines and shaded with grays. zolf is depicted as strong, fat, with a serious face, blond hair pulled back in a bun, and beard in a single plait. he's missing both legs below the knee and is on a wheelchair, wearing a sweater and a folded blanket over his legs. wilde is tall and skinny, with finer features, a white button-up and dark trousers. his long brown hair done in a loose braid, and it has a broad white streak running from the top to the tips of the left side. the comic is as follows:
page 1, panel 1: zolf's profile in the foreground to the left as he passes near a doorway, and sees wilde sitting slumped over his desk. panel 2: a shot near wilde, who's shown sleeping over some writing. zolf peeks from the doorframe.
page 2, panel 2: zolf's face looking towards the viewer, with a finger to his lips, making a pensive face. around him, in blocky mauve letters, reads "what shall we do with a sleeping oscar?". page 2, bottom half, and page 3, top half, without corners: four doodles representing the possible plans.
option A is labeled "the sack of potatoes". it shows zolf moving forward with wilde slung over his shoulder, his feet dragging behind them. a list below the doodle rates: "practicality: 3/5. hilarity: 2/5. risk of waking: low".
option B is named "the reverse sack". it's the same base drawing, but zolf is smiling lightly, and wilde is slung over his shoulder but the other way around. he's flailing and cursing, kicking his legs. the list below says, "practicality: 3/5. hilarity: 5/5. risk of waking: certain".
option c is "the mummy". zolf is carrying wilde, bundled up in a sheet with little hearts, smiling in satisfaction while wilde, with only his eyes uncovered, gives him the stink-eye. the list says, "practicality: debatable. hilarity: 7/5. risk of waking: certain".
option d is "baby time". it's the same base drawing again, but with zolf looking calmer, carrying wilde bridal style. his legs hang over the side of the wheelchair, and his head is resting against zolf's. the list below reads, "practicality: 2/5. hilarity: 1/5. risk of waking: null".
page 3, bottom half: the panel is a shot from above zolf's shoulder as he wheels himself over next wilde. wilde is seen sleeping peacefully, looking tired.
page 4: a full page panel with wilde sleeping, his head resting against zolf's chin. he's fast asleep. the panel starts below zolf's eyes and only the lower half of his face is visible, as well as his left hand holding wilde's leg. text above the panel reads, "right, then. let's get ye to bed". end ID]
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cozylittleartblog · 2 years
Do you have any tips on drawing the Swatchlings?
frankly i am happy that i have gotten good enough at drawing these bird boys (gender neutral) that someone wants my opinions. anyway
i see a lot of fun ways to draw swatchlings tbh and i don't really know what you want tips on Specifically so i will just make notes on a few of the main things i think about when i draw them, most importantly: just make them bitches broad and fluffy, man. they're all canonically Ripped, but an important thing to remember is that they are likely completely covered in feathers! that's going to smooth out those muscular details, so you wont be able to see them, just the broadness of them.
my style is all based in gesture and shapes, so i use a lot of blocks so they look nice 'n sturdy. it's okay if you don't nail the anatomy on the sketch, i am constantly nudging things around all the way into the coloring phase trying to get the shapes right. frankly i would probably bulk out even this Example Bird if i were drawing them all the way. i usually add more fluff or muscle or chub or whatever when i detail them but the absolute bare bones of them is dedicated to blockie
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i give mine these sort of vestigial wings on their arms to make them look softer, and i think about how feathers move and stick out on real birds to help inform how they'll sit on these birds, too. and i carry the soft, pointed feather shapes into the fingers so they also look soft.
tip for drawing Soft: don't get caught up making too many individual strands or feathers, soft things tend to come together in big tufts. you want big gentle shapes, not a bunch of little ones. unless you want your bird to look wet or scared in which case you're doing a great job and you've probably just drawn spamton instead
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their faces are really tricky so i think of them as these kinda... non-euclidean semi-hollow pentagonal cones. there's five "planes" with the top two dedicated to eyes and the bottom three dedicated to mouth placement. sometimes you can see the far eye even though, in real life, you would not be able to see that "plane" of their face. you don't always have to understand things sometimes they just look cool, especially when characters are cybernetic birds made out of Magical Darkness. there is no rule about when to draw one or two eyes. it's just whatever looks better.
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biggest and bestest tip of all about drawing swatchlings! very important! write this one down in your most favorite gel pen and Really Big! give them either tails, or tail coats. i don't care that canon has neither, canon is wrong. you can switch it out, even - my birds have tail coats as part of their standard uniforms but they can wear their real tails out on special occasions.
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lastly, if you want to stick closer to a canon interpretation, i would not try to make the birds too unique, when they're on the job anyway - they like being coordinated! tasque manager is very particular about keeping them coordinated as well. but if you just want to have fun then you can make your birds as fun and unique as you want :) even though i draw them all about the same i personally love love love seeing super funky swatchling designs, making them different colors and species and such.
course summary:
make them Large. make them Fluffy. use really broad, blocky shapes and draw big, thick tufts of feathers instead of trying to detail them too much.
their heads are silly magic nonsense. draw a triangle and get funky with it. no rules, only vibes. if it vibes it stays
they always need some kind of tail or tail equivalent and i don't care what Anybody else says
if you want to follow canon, draw all the birds except swatch just about the same. if you're just here for a good time, throw that out completely and have fun with it.
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callmehluzara · 1 year
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Party person from gasa4!!! :]
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becca4leafclover · 4 months
the problem with it being a Minecraft Movie is that movies are a lot more widespread and generalized. There's too much of an audience that will watch the Minecraft Movie, and they're going to be incredibly critical of it because of the way Minecraft works being rather odd to people who dont know it (and there's probably a LOT of people who don't know it, because while Minecraft is the #1 sold game of all time, it's also still a game most people over 30 don't know because its out of their generations.)
If they make a "realistic" Minecraft Movie, they're going to lose their actual playerbase though, because we want Block Game! Yes Jason Mamoa looks like Steve but I think players would riot if there was a live-action Minecraft Movie. But if they make it blocky animation or something, that's too stylized to realistically appeal to the greater audience. Disney 3D animation is one thing, the people and world and items all being made of cubes I think is too much of a stretch.
There's also the method of storytelling- Minecraft, as a game, has no plot. THAT'S THE ENTIRE SELLING POINT OF THE GAME! Any stories told within Minecraft are usually made with interpretations of the player, and often use ideas or mechanics not in the vanilla game (whether that is characters, builds, mods, or just the story itself not following the rules of the game)
And with this I think of Minecraft: Story Mode. Because that game literally was an early prototype of how this can all go.
Now don't get me wrong, I love MCSM! It's what got me into fandom in the first place and everything has gone downhill from there /lh. But the fact is, that 1. the storytelling was, well not the greatest, and 2. it's major plots all revolved with things that are straight up impossible in vanilla Minecraft. (The Witherstorm still is one of the coolest forces of destruction I've ever seen, but imagine THAT being summonable in the Block Game without mods? no way.) Not to mention the portal halls and world hopping, the specially enchanted flint and steel? Or don't get me started on what MCSM S2 was- if there's too much straying from the base game, the nicher the mechanics and genre get, and the more and more portions of the Minecraft playerbase you lose.
So whoever is producing this Minecraft Movie, kind of has to choose which audience they're going to cater to and which they're going to lose: the general greater movie-watching audience, who are probably only willing to tolerate a more "realistic" movie style or typical storytelling experience, or actual Minecraft fans in the blocky format and the general weirdness of telling a story in Minecraft.
A Minecraft TV Show can EASILY solve this conflict of genre!
These are wildly successful! When I'm describing Starlighter I literally tell people I help to make a TV show in Minecraft! This is not new! (The entire reason I got thinking about this was a photo of a fan meeting Aphmau, MumboJumbo, Valkrae, and a few more MCYTs I don't remember, in New Zealand where supposedly the Minecraft Movie is being filmed).
Making an official Minecraft TV Show, whether its on Netlfix or Cartoon Network or something else, narrows down the audience they're having to appeal to to an audience that ALREADY ENJOYS NICHE AND STYLIZED THINGS! Cause this can just be treated as a cartoon! I think of Tangled: The Series or the Big Hero 6 TV show that have their big original original format where the characters are introduced have their serious story, but these cartoons are allowed to be more stylized and silly (and yes ofc they have their serious plot but it's not the same as the formality of their full movies) or even The Owl House that had a darker, more grotesque (not in a bad way) style, but was still wildly successful because the audience for it was already prepared for weird new styles and worlds and don't mind (in fact I think a lot PREFER) unique storytelling styles like what Minecraft kind of needs!
I dont know where I'm going with this I just finally cracked the code of why I can't bring myself to be excited about the Minecraft Movie when I think it's going to be doomed, and it's because it's in the wrong format for what it needs. I can't believe they're reinventing the wheel with this JUST MAKE IT AN ANIMATED TV SHOW MCYT IS LITERALLY RIGHT THERE...
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sm-baby · 8 months
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My minecraft characters aren't all blocky like yours, so I've never drawn sillies in this blocky style yet... was fun for a first attempt though!! I hope you like her :)
Aughhh ToT I see so many hardworking individual strokes!! Chicken scratch but good! THANKS SO MUCH THIS IS SUPER COOL!
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zinkadear · 13 days
I've known about the Fall Guys mode coming to Fortnite for awhile, and have been looking forward to it. The original game is fun, and I played it for awhile after first getting it. However, I hardly do anymore, and it's for a reason that most people will find silly.
I hate the character design. When it comes to video games, I prefer to play as attractive characters whenever I can. In Fortnite, this is why I main Lorenzo, Midas, etc. The ones I find cutest are my favorites. Might be shallow but whatever. Everyone enjoys different things.
It's why I barely play Lego. Even though the open world survival stuff is way more fun to me than Battle Royale or the other official modes, I don't like the blocky look. If we had the exact same game in the original Fortnite style, it would be my favorite thing to play.
So initially, I thought a Fall Guys mode in Fortnite would be great. Finally I could enjoy the game with a nice look and characters I love. Then I found out they're making bean versions of all the skins, just like they did with Lego. And that makes me think we won't be able to use the original ones. I'm extremely disappointed if that's the case.
It's a dumb thing to complain about I know, but I'm very picky about art style. And it sucks because the mode will be fun, but it's gonna be practically the same thing as the separate game. Bringing it to Fortnite if we can't have the Fortnite style kind of defeats the purpose in my opinion.
Lego makes sense because that whole brand is based on blocks. With Fall Guys, it's more about the obstacles and environment, and they already have their own style in the main game.
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astropithecus · 8 months
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One of my favorite things about Douglas Adams' description of the Hitchhiker's Guide is that "large, friendly letters" is meaningful to almost everyone, but means something slightly different to each of them individually.
I play with this geometric lettering a lot in my doodles, it's Memphis Design-inspired and owes a lot to the classic Midway Pac-Man logo. It was born directly out of Adams' choice of words. As a typography nerd, the emotions conveyed by typefaces is a topic of interest, and iterating on this lettering has been an ongoing attempt to express "large, friendly letters" using my own typographic vocabulary. I've just recently started re-reading Hitchhiker and decided to render the memorable phrase in the lettering inspired by it.
I see this style as playful, but stolid. None of the formality of a wispy, graceful script, or the pretense of serifs - something blocky and accessible and down-to-earth. Uncomplicated. Not as aggressively assertive as an industrial grotesk, though, or as coldly impersonal as a gothic - something kinder, something with whimsy. Whimsical but not erratic or silly - metered, reliable, instilling a sense of trust that makes the admonition not to panic feel sensible, rational.
What do you think, did I nail it?
I kind of want to clean up the lines and spacing in illustrator and make it into stickers. Let me know if you'd want one.
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angeliteonfridgeduty · 5 months
btw i have sworn undying loyalty to you because ur cool
also what is sekaiju (is that how you spell it??) about? how do you play it/what genre of game is it?
sekaiju / Sekaiju: a World of Creatures (yes thats how you spell it) is basically a roblox game where you mainly collect creatures via beating the absolute solver hell out of them until they drop their children first evo's. yeah these things also evolve. basically gameplay is kinda like pokemon except you play as the pokemon
also there's bosses yeah they give out tiny editions of themselves and free weaponry and some of them are hard as hell yeah uh
there's many islands which you can purchase with ingame currecy or unlock via doing overly specific things. unlockable ones are generally secret tho
there's also one with a minigame which is basically murder mystery sekaiju edition
aside from all that the whole thing also has a ton of secret stuff and a ton of lore. ill attempt to not significantly spoil anything but among the things we have there's a guy mashing people together, an alien that killed a lesbian and caused a large chunk of sekaiju lore to happen, a guy whose pet cat monched on a dead god and fucking mutated, and Heaven Except Hey Where Did All This Water Come From
and of course, we have a bunch of silliness, because silliness is mandatory
overall, silly creechur collecting + fighting game with lots of lore and a bunch of other activities like trying to find hidden stuff and Local Murder Mystery
the model style is very blocky btw
also you can beat up the literal creators of the universe for shits and giggles
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