#silber & gold
lunart-06 · 2 years
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The audacjty Gold has over the real thing..
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deutschrapfinest · 2 months
Ich bin immer noch der Meinung,[...] dass Schweigen nicht wirklich Gold ist, sondern alles verkompliziert.
Der Weg ist das Ziel - Dame
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sues-quotes · 1 year
Sie sagen, man solle darüber reden, aber wozu? Es wird sich nichts ändern.
- eigenes
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retropolitan · 7 months
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So, die nächste Band für das Woodbunge-Festival ist angekündigt. Dass man sich in seiner Freizeit auch noch ehrenamtlich um sowas kümmert... naja, so ist das halt bei DIY-Festivals: JedeR muss mit anpacken, sonst wird's nichts. Jetzt gleich weiter in den Proberaum. Sieht so aus, als würde ich heute leider nicht mehr zum Zocken kommen. 😕 Aber das Wochenende ist ja noch nicht vorbei.
Ich lasse euch mal einen Beitrag zum Wochenende da. Zum Beispiel diese Werbung hier für Pokémon Gold und Silber. Ich persönlich habe Pokémon Gold und spiele es auch heute noch ab und an.
(Bildquelle: N-Zone - Magazin, Ausgabe: Mai 2001)
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forexcore · 7 months
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Ich möchte mich kurz vorstellen. Ich bin ein ganz normaler Mensch, der wie jeder andere irgendwann versucht hat sich nebenbei etwas Geld zu verdienen. Und der wunsch vom etwas freieren Leben war geboren. Die Geschichte begann am 18. Januar 2018 .... wir haben jetzt den 13. Februar 2024 und es hat sehr lange gedauert bis man das eigentliche Wissen hat, was man aber auch braucht um an der CFD Börse bestehen zu können. Das war der Anfang von meiner Geschichte und Morgen gehts dann weiter....
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blueboy1103 · 1 year
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How Saudi Arabia Drives the Gold Price?
The wealth built on oil in Saudi Arabia is legendary. For a long time, the kingdom has been preparing for a post-oil era. There are hardly any sectors of the economy or major players in big business in which the Arabs have not been invested for a long time, constantly seeking new investments.
Officially, the kingdom ranks 15th in gold reserves with 3,231 tonnes (as of December 2023), but the official declaration of gold reserves may not be 100% reliable in all countries.
As the USA has recently refrained from disclosing its gold reserves, and external audits of US depots are often very difficult, it is quite possible that there are less than the assumed 8,133 tonnes from 2023.
It is assumed that China and Russia possess significantly more yellow metal than they officially report.
Gold remains the only money, free from debt and inflation. The old JP Morgan made this clear.
But why the thesis that the Saudis drive the gold price? After all, they do not stand out through disproportionate purchases, nor are they among the producers.
Nevertheless, they leverage the gold price by devaluing paper money, particularly the dollar and the euro, through their financial and global political activities.
One factor is the petrodollar. Over 50 years ago, the USA (after abandoning the gold price peg) and the royal house agreed to primarily settle their oil in dollars. In return, the USA promised military protection and access to technologies.
All the dollars the Saudis received for their oil were exchanged at the Fed for US bonds. They received and still receive ongoing interest and eventually the principal amount. This made them a significant financier of the USA; they were and are already a major supplier of black gold. However, they were increasingly troubled by importing inflation with the dollar. They preferred to sell off US bonds, reducing their holdings, and furthermore, to move away from the petrodollar by selling their oil in other currencies. Understandably, they were also disturbed by the fact that the USA, through sanction mechanisms, dictates to whom one may sell oil and to whom not.
The fact that they joined the BRICS alliance in 2024 is also a strong signal towards independence.
All these are not new issues, but now it gets interesting.
While the EU and the USA have been talking for some time about expropriating Russian assets, there is now a backtrack. The current discussion is about “merely” freezing the payment of interest and profits. What and who is behind this?
Russia is a significant creditor of the USA and European countries through its holdings of government bonds. They have thus provided a large sum of loans, which are nothing more than bonds. This money and the due interest are to be withheld from the Russians because they do not comply with the political demands of the debtors.
While it might be a windfall for the cash-strapped European and American treasuries, it increasingly cuts them off from the trust that underpins monetary transactions. And that worldwide. Thus, besides Russia, China and other BRICS countries, as well as England and other industrial nations and partly allies, are observed diversifying their currency reserves at the expense of the dollar and moving further away from the still-world-leading currency. While in 2010, 75% of global trade was settled in dollars, currently it is about 55%! For countries like the USA, which have more debt than GDP, this is a severe blow. Not only do they have to pay significantly higher interest rates to get fresh loans, which are then financed by new loans, but a debtor who uses his debt as leverage for compliance is also less likely to receive money from solvent actors who are unwilling to risk their political independence.
On July 8, 2024, news agencies worldwide reported that Saudi Arabia had announced it would sell off its European bonds if Russian assets were expropriated. This would particularly hit the French hard, who would lose a reliable creditor. With a national debt of over 110%, 50% above the Euro stability criteria, this is a harsh blow. The simple path of new borrowing would have to be replaced by financial restructuring, but the socialist majority in France’s political system knows as much about business economics as a donkey does about algebra.
The French cannot turn to the Russians and Chinese, and they do not trust the USA themselves.
By turning away from the Western credit and sanctions path, the Saudis ultimately promote the rise of real inflation-free exchange mediums like gold, goods, and services. The steady rise in the gold price is quite convenient for them. Because for gold, they can get anything they need worldwide.
Joining BRICS, which is known to be strategically working on a gold-backed trade currency, fuels this process and also shows the future economic orientation of the desert kings. The bulk of the world population and thus future consumption and prosperity lie neither in North America nor Europe. The action is in Asia and the Southern Hemisphere. Russia was forced onto this path and, with only 15% national debt and growing GDP with decreasing import dependency from the West, has no motivation to make a 180-degree turn. When the great partners from the West blow up their pipelines and cut them off from the payment system, they seek new horizons and have already found them with China, India, the Arabian Peninsula, Africa, South America, and many other Asian countries. With a reliable supplier, even during political conflicts like in the Cold War, who also has a full range of natural resources in abundance, one is happy to trade.
If more and more countries decouple from the credit financing system and trade with hard exchange mediums, this naturally means a significantly higher weight for gold. Credit currencies might possibly only be traded with large premiums to offset the many risks.
The military might of the USA loses its terror. Whoever presses the red button first dies second but does not survive; this rule applies in the nuclear age.
The financing of over 800 (!) military bases plus aircraft carrier fleets as visible power presence increasingly bursts the US budget, just like the proxy wars overseas.
In anticipation of a collapsing financial system, not only states but also companies and private individuals are increasingly securing their ships.
So that you are not left in the rain when it crashes, continuously stock up on gold and silver; this has financially secured people well for thousands of years, today and especially in the future.
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kirchnerart · 1 month
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Olympische Spiele Paris 2024
Abpfiff in Paris, aber Frankreich hat sich selbst übertroffen und der gallische Hahn hat nach Monaten der fliegenden Tomaten und härteren Geschossen endlich wieder gut krähen!
Spektakuläre Bilder und die grandiose Kulisse dieser Stadt bleiben in Erinnerung.
Krisen und Kriege schienen mehr in den Hintergrund getreten zu sein, um sich jetzt wieder nach vorne zu drängeln …
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goldinvest · 2 months
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Die Investition in Edelmetalle kann ein kluger Schachzug sein, um Ihr Portfolio zu diversifizieren und Ihr Vermögen gegen wirtschaftliche Unwägbarkeiten abzusichern. Um Ihre Rendite wirklich zu maximieren, ist es wichtig, dass Sie Ihren Edelmetallberater umfassend über Ihre finanzielle Situation und Ihre Anlageziele informieren.
Hier sind die wichtigsten Details, die Ihr Berater wissen muss:
1. Anlageziele: Zunächst sollten Sie Ihre Anlageziele klar umreißen. Streben Sie langfristiges Wachstum, kurzfristige Gewinne oder eine Absicherung gegen Inflation und Währungsschwankungen an? Ihre Ziele werden die Anlagestrategie bestimmen, die Ihr Berater empfiehlt.
2. Risikotoleranz: Sprechen Sie offen über Ihre Risikobereitschaft. Edelmetalle können volatil sein, und verschiedene Metalle und Anlageformen bergen unterschiedliche Risiken. Wenn Sie wissen, wie risikofreudig Sie sind, kann Ihr Berater eine Anlagestrategie entwickeln, die ein Gleichgewicht zwischen den möglichen Renditen und Ihrer Fähigkeit, Marktschwankungen zu überstehen, herstellt.
3. Finanzielle Situation: Geben Sie einen detaillierten Überblick über Ihre finanzielle Situation, einschließlich Ihres Einkommens, Ihrer Ersparnisse, bestehender Investitionen und Verbindlichkeiten. Diese Informationen helfen Ihrem Berater, Ihre allgemeine finanzielle Gesundheit und Investitionsfähigkeit zu verstehen, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Edelmetallinvestitionen mit Ihrem allgemeinen Finanzbild übereinstimmen.
4. Lagerungs- und Sicherheitsbedenken: Besprechen Sie Ihre Präferenzen in Bezug auf Lagerung und Sicherheit. Heimsafes, Bankschließfächer und professionelle Tresorräume bieten jeweils unterschiedliche Sicherheits- und Komfortstufen. Ihr Berater kann Ihnen helfen, die Kosten und Vorteile jeder Option abzuwägen, um die beste Lösung für Ihre Bedürfnisse zu finden.
5. Steuerliche Erwägungen: Steuerliche Auswirkungen können sich erheblich auf Ihre Investitionsrendite auswirken. Informieren Sie Ihren Berater über Ihre derzeitige steuerliche Situation und über alle Steuerstrategien, die Sie anwenden. Er kann Ihnen dann Ratschläge geben, wie Sie die mit Edelmetallanlagen verbundenen Steuerverbindlichkeiten minimieren und Ihre Nachsteuerrendite optimieren können.
Wir von GOLDINVEST sind stolz darauf, Ihnen eine fachkundige Beratung zu Edelmetallanlagen anbieten zu können, die Sie bequem online über unsere Plattform buchen können.
Klicken Sie hier, um einen Termin zu buchen: https://goldinvest.simplybook.me/v2/
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we lost out on #1 most unfriendly country???? TO KUWAIT????
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beurich · 3 months
Anleger optimistisch für Gold und Silber
Der Goldpreis zeigte im Mai eine volatile Entwicklung und erreichte am 20. Mai einen Höchststand von 2.449 US-Dollar pro Unze, bevor er gegen Ende des Monats auf 2.325 US-Dollar fiel. Spectrums Stimmungsindex für europäische Privatanleger zeigt Aufwärtstrend bei Gold und Silber Fallende Goldpreise bieten mehr Kaufgelegenheiten Seitdem Spectrum im Dezember 2023 Silber als Basiswert eingeführt…
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craft2eu · 7 months
Bettina Dittlmann - NICHT NICHTS, ABER VIEL: München vom 23.02. bis 06.04.2024
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imagesonlinegallery · 8 months
Euro Duck in Acryl
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schmuckschmied · 2 years
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baaldigital · 11 months
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Königliches geflügeltes Skarabäus-Armband aus Silber und Gold.
Basierend auf dem altägyptischen Symbol des geflügelten Skarabäus.
Absicht des Schmuckstücks: Antikes Symbol, das die Quelle des Lebens, der Schöpfung und der Existenz darstellt, aus der alle Dinge hervorgehen.
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Something Truly Special in Gold! Complete Set of All 12 Zodiac Signs from the Lunar Series
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Lunar gold coins are collectible and investment items typically issued by various countries or mints to celebrate the Chinese New Year and the associated zodiac signs. These coins are often part of a series that, over several years, represents each of the twelve Chinese zodiac signs (Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig).
Key Features of Lunar Gold Coins:
1. Design: Each coin features an animal from the Chinese zodiac that is typical of the corresponding year. These designs are often very artistically crafted and vary from year to year and from series to series.
2. Weight and Purity: Lunar gold coins are minted in various sizes and weights, often in ounces (1/20 oz, 1/10 oz, 1/4 oz, 1/2 oz, 1 oz) and have a high gold purity, often .999 or .9999 (24 karats).
3. Collector’s Value: Due to their limited mintage and artistic design, Lunar gold coins are very popular with collectors. The value of these coins can exceed the gold value, especially for rare years or special editions.
4. Mints: The most famous series include the “Lunar Series” from the Perth Mint in Australia, the “Lunar II” and “Lunar III” series. Other mints, such as the Royal Mint or the China Gold Coin Corporation, also issue similar coins.
5. Cultural Significance: Besides their material value, these coins also have cultural significance, as they refer to the Chinese lunar year and its associated traditions. They are often used as gifts, especially for occasions like the Chinese New Year.
These coins are of interest to both collectors and investors, as they not only represent a secure investment in gold but also offer a connection to Chinese culture and astrology.
Since only 4,472 examples of each series in the Lunar II were issued worldwide, it is very rare to obtain a complete set.
We are selling the complete set at a very lucrative price despite its rarity — see for yourself:
The rare and sought-after collection comes to you in a high-quality wooden box, as befits its value.
Important! This complete set is currently priced below the individual price of the available single coins!
So, if you manage to purchase all 12 zodiac signs of the series as 1OZ coins, you may end up paying significantly more than for this complete set, of which only a few examples are likely to exist worldwide.
We look forward to hearing from you!
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