#signature drumsticks
spacefoxy · 1 year
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quickquirk · 2 years
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leviabeat · 1 year
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Via Pete Abdou's Instagram
Jon got a new signature drumstick designed by London Drumstick Co. Pete (Volbeat's drum tech) says Jon "will be sure to beat the hell out of them!" The sleeve photo was taken by Britt Bowman.
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jasmines-library · 6 months
hi love! idk if you are interested or not but i had an idea of reader being friends with lilly and severus but also with the marauders untill the oh so fateful day were sev ruined his friendship with lilly and reader. i love the idea of lilly ending up in james's arms and reader in sirius's (they are my boys sorry sev🤭)
thank you and again, only if you want! have a wonderful day lovely!
Only Human
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Warnings: Slurs (mudblood), swearing bullying kinda, negativity but fluffy ending
Word Count: 1.7k
Severus Snape was resting against a tree when it happened. The castle sat opposite him, just a short way across the clear water. The small ripples created by the creatures in the lake and the summer breeze often distracted him from the book that he rested between his knees and his chest as he tucked them up closely. It was this exact reason that he hadn't noticed the band of robe-clad gryffindors trudging up the slope toward him. James Potter led the group, he wore his signature charismatic grin; a smirk that twinged the corner of his lip upwards and made his nose scrunch beneath his glasses, and he had his wand held loosely in his hand. He twisted the delicate tool between his fingers as you would a drumstick. Sauntering over to Severus, he chuckled at his friends, nudging them playfully with his shoulder. 
“Snape!” He jested, calling out to him. 
His head snapped up, but he kept his back planted firmly against the tree as the group of marauders ran up to him. He squeezed his eyes shut, just hoping that they would turn and leave. But they were bored and Severus, who had been particularly troublesome toward them, had caught their eyes. Severus inched himself up against the tree so that he rose to his feet and began to turn back in the direction of the castle. 
James frowned, a look of mock pity set on his face. “Leaving already, Snivellus?”
Snape reached for his wand, but kept his back to them.  “Fuck off, Potter. I don’t want trouble.”
“Don’t you know it’s rude to turn your back to someone when they’re talking to you, Snape.” Sirius asked him. 
Severus whipped around quickly, his wand poised to cast a spell at them but James beat him to it; with one flick of his hand Snape's wand went flying across the river bank. He paled, the four Marauders stepping closer to him. 
“Nice one, James.” Sirius cheered. 
The dark haired boy backed up slowly, setting his gaze. The four of them were edging closer, threatening him with their wands when you spotted them. You had just finished class and were heading over to the lake with Lily, arm in arm. The two of you were over there in seconds when you saw your friends threatening each other. Much to your boyfriend's dismay, you and Severus had been friends from the beginning of the first year. You met him on the train; a shy boy with long hair who didn’t quite seem certain of the world. Lily bonded with him quickly, and you followed soon after. It wasn’t long after that that you met Sirius Black. Charming, brave, daring; he was the complete opposite to Snape, but you supposed that was what drew you to him so much. It was their clash in personalities that made the two clash. It seemed as though they were always doing something to wind up the other.
This time it had gone too far. You were unsure of what Sev had done to wind up the Marauders so much, but you and Lily were skidding to a stop beside them in a heartbeat. 
James caught a glimpse of Lily’s fiery hair out of the corner of his eye. “Lilyflower-”
“Leave him alone, James.” It wasn’t quite a demand, Lily never had that sort of aggressiveness in her, but her voice was firm. She didn’t want her friend to get hurt. 
“Ah, Evans, Don’t make me hex you.” James sighed, a playful twinge on his tongue.
“I’m serious.” Lily repeated when James refused to lower his wand, letting it loll around between his fingers. 
“No,” Sirius smirked. “I am.”
You gave him a hard stare through narrow eyes, and his smirk dropped. “Siri. Please.”
The boy nodded, nudging his friend who promptly pocketed his wand. Severus seemed taken back, his steps faltering. He glanced gratefully in your direction, though his anger and embarrassment were unmistakable in his eyes. 
“You’re lucky that they were here to help you, Snape.”
“I don’t need help from filthy mudbloods.”
You had expected many things from Severus, but those words were not one of them. He spat them with venom; malice intending to bite deep. And bite deep it did. 
You froze, eyes glassing over with tears. Serverus Snape had made an incredibly low blow; as a muggleborn, it was safe to say that it took some time to come to terms with your letter to Hogwarts. You were excited, of course but your parents were far from keen. Lily experienced the same thing with her sister too. Things didn’t get much better when you arrived at Hogwarts either. Some saw you as ‘impure’. Unworthy. Sev knew this and he had chosen to use it against you. Perhaps it was in a moment of spite, perhaps he hadn’t meant to say it at all. But all that mattered in that moment was that Severus Snape was just like the rest of them.   
You could see Sirius glance your way out of the corner of your eye, but when he took a step toward you you backed away. 
“Fuck you, Snape.” You spat back at him, trying to hide the waver in your voice. 
“You should watch your mouth, Snivellus.” Lily glared at him before turning on her heel and making her way promptly back to the castle before anyone else could say a word. 
You were left standing between the two groups, both slightly shell shocked, in silence.
Sirius, now full of guilt, opened his mouth to talk, but you pursued Lily before he could even form the first syllable.
 The tears came flooding in quickly after that. 
Sirius hadn’t seen you for the rest of the day. and that was partly because you refused to come out of the girls bathroom. He had even tried to get Moaning Myrtle to coax you out to talk to him, but still you refused to show your face as you curled up on the bathroom tile. It made his stomach churn. 
His pit of guilt dug itself deeper as he sat in class. Sirius’ leg bounced restlessly during potions and there was just as much ink on the page at the start of the lesson as there was at the end. The detention he was also given didn’t help ease his thoughts. His mind wandered to the worse case scenarios. It was his fault for provoking Snape… What if you never wanted to talk to him again? He was up in an instant when the fateful day came to an end and he could return to the common room. He dragged his feet up to the portrait and muttered the words to open it. Every part of him itched to see your face mingling amongst the crowd. 
At first, he didn’t see you. But he managed to make out the crown of your head resting against an armchair tucked away in the corner by the fire. His face softened when he saw the tear tracks staining your face where you had failed to wipe them away properly.  
You had spent practically the last two hours crying. Everytime the flood stopped, it seemed to start up again. Severus was supposed to be your friend and he had discarded you just like that. The back of your eyes stung, glassy beads threatening to spill again. When you finally braved it enough to make it back to the common room, you couldn’t bear to go up to your room. You hardly spent any time there anyway because you spent much of it lounging around in Sirius’ bed with the other marauders…and you were angry and Sirius. 
No… perhaps angry was too strong a word. Hurt. Hurt by his actions and his and James’ thoughtlessness. Being up in your room would have just reminded you of that. So instead you settled down with a book by the fire trying to distract yourself and let the world move around you. 
It didn’t take Sirius very long to reach you. He crossed the common room in a few wide strides. 
“Love?” Siri asked hesitantly. 
You peeked up at him meekly. Your eyes were red raw and puffy, it made the boy frown. Sniffing, you wiped your eyes with the hem of your sleeve. “Oh.. hi Siri.” you mumbled, not quite meeting his eyes. 
“Oh Lovey. I’m so sorry.” He melted, sliding onto the arm of the chair beside you. 
“ ‘ts okay. It’s not your fault…”
Sirius scowled. You were far too kind for your own good. He knew exactly what you had been through and made him sick just thinking that you weren’t allowing anyone to take the blame for it. “But it is, Dove. I shouldn’t have provoked him. If I had stopped James and just kept my mouth shut then you wouldn’t have had to come over in the first place.”
A tear spilled from your eyes and all of a sudden you broke all over again. “He was supposed to be my friend, Pads.” You blubbered, voice wavering. “He’s just like the rest of them…”
Sirius took your hands in his, pressing a kiss to them. “You didn’t deserve any of this, my love. I am so, so sorry.”
“Maybe they’re right….” You trailed off. “Maybe I am worthless. If Sev thinks so too then-”
“Shh.” Sirius pressed another kiss to your temple as he scooped you up into his arms. Burying your face into his chest you continued to cry. He trailed his fingers over your back. “You’ve never been more wrong in your life, Lovey. You are worth so much more than that. You’re kind, brave and not to mention the most beautiful girl in the world. You’re worth everything to me. Who gives a crap what they think?”
You sniffled, unsure. 
“I mean it.”
You looked up at him, wiping away your tears; a ghost of a smile on your lips. 
“I love you.” Siri whispered, kissing you softly.
“I love you too.” You settled your head against his chest, shifting to curl against him. 
It was there that James and Lily found you later, entwined with each other and sleeping peacefully. Safe within each other's arms.
@hearts4robs @xxrougefangxx
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buttl0rd · 9 months
I'm watching like a hawk for that new kid 🤲 THE BABY
ALRIGHT HERE HE IS!! lemme introduce you to the new kid 👉👉
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this is carroway - he's the best 😎👽
this is gonna be a long post cause i have so much art and content to gush about. i love this kid 👇
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Some fun character details:
he was originally supposed to be like the 90's movie tough bully kid but he's ended up just being a stupid asshole. he probably likes to think he's really cool and tough 💪
has 3 younger sisters, hates being outnumbered by girls
huge foodie and finishes whatever you don't eat. not fussy at all
always leaving his mittens outside. they get all wet and gross in the snow
affectionately ripping on everyone he loves. he's a total asshole but most people know he doesn't mean half the shit he says. the real ones tolerate him 😔🤙
he doesn’t know he’s bisexual (don’t tell him, he’ll find out on his own)
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Hobbies & Interests
Aliens. Carroway is a firm believer in alien life and has an immense interest in UFO sightings, alien communication and all things outer-space. He often brags to his classmates that he has been abducted and probed, and is friends with the Martians that visit South Park sometimes (do any of them believe him?). He has a telescope that he set up in his friend Dante’s treehouse which he uses to spot UFOs in the night.
FUN FACT: His probe is linked with Cartman's. It's the connection that makes it possible for OCs to exist in the same universe as canon characters.
Drums. He has a drum set in his garage on which he practices every day after school. He has exceptional rhythm and is very talented. He keeps drumsticks in his backpack just in case he encounters a drumset or anything he can make a beat with (tables, benches, trashcans, etc.) Neighbors complain to his parents about the noise, so his garage is sound-proofed to the best of Mr. Carroway’s ability. 
Snowboarding. Carroway goes snowboarding every few weeks. His family do snowboarding trips and he LOVES it. He also skateboards and rides his bike when he’s not up in the mountains, kid just likes to go fast. He dreams of being a professional snowboarder when he’s older.
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TFBW: Boarderline
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Boarder is a special flying support unit, part of Coon & Friends. He delivers high-impact quick attacks with his hoverboard and can heal/cure status conditions with his awesome space beams. As a speedster he utilizes the whole battlefield and is constantly moving, making him difficult to hit.
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He was a human that got abducted and genetically modified by Martians to serve and protect the alien race. After battling in many galactic wars he returned to his home in Colorado. His abilities were noticed by the superhero organization, Coon & Friends and Boarder was recruited to join their alliance. He provides support to Coon & Friends in battle.
Inspired by the gear he wears when he goes snowboarding.
His superhero costume consists of a white bodysuit with black tape accents and a big old metal zip. There's reflective blue strips on the gloves, boots and around the edge of his signature spaceboard. He's got these iconic space goggles that protect his face when he’s flying at the speed of light.
His name is a play on words - board (from his hoverboard) and borderline (being only just good enough for Coon & Friends). Allies call him Boarder for short.
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SOT: Skullrogue
Skullrogue is Carroway’s Stick of Truth character.
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He is a rogue-class unit and is quick and sneaky on the battlefield. He has a long black hooded cloak and a skull mask. His main weapon is a pair of daggers that are enchanted with flame magic. He cannot use magic himself but he is proficient with weapons, especially the daggers. He throws them and uses them to stab enemies in the back.
Skullrogue has an undisclosed edgy backstory, like any rogue player. He is mysterious and broody and so cool. He is loyal to the Wizard King and thinks Princess Kenny is hot.
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As a young adult, Carroway becomes a professional snowboarder and competes nationally in competitions. He becomes famous and earns a lot of money from his career, travelling the world for competitions. He makes it all the way to the Winter Olympics, representing the USA in the snowboarding category
After a career-ending injury in his mid-30's, he had to retire from snowboarding early and now lives off his sponsors and used-to-be-a-big-shot money. Despite being wealthy, he moved back to South Park and lives in a trailer (it’s easier than having a huge house). 
He sometimes needs a walking aid to get around and is medicated for chronic back pain.
He was too busy with his career to find love when he was younger, so he stays single and lonely in his 40s. He still goes out and does sport events, commentaries and sponsorships - he remains famous even though he cannot compete anymore. He’s like a living legend in the winter sports community. 
I'm still working on a PCOV design for him so stay tuned for that...
Anyway that's it for now!! I hope you love him 😘
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augustinewrites · 1 year
I don't know if you have written about this before, but I'm thinking about the fushigojos going to Disney, Gojo would be the type of person who wants to buy mickey ears to everyone and megumi being annoyed by it. Or them going to all the resorts so they can take pictures with the characters.
the fushigojos at disney world:
gojo: insists on matching shirts/merchandise, pays extra for the fast pass, makes everyone pose for awkward group photos in the randomest places, cries at firework show, spins everyone way too fast in the teacups and throws up after, leaves the park happy and satisfied bcs he made memories with his favourite people.
fushigojo mom: has the bag holding everyone’s belongings, always has snacks (for those two hour long lines), makes sure everyone remembers to drink water, keeps everyone on schedule so they’re in the right areas when characters make their appearances, spins everyone at a leisurely speed and has to knock back an advil after, leaves the park carrying way too much stuff bcs gojo has no self control.
megumi: navigator/map holder, wanders off whenever he feels like and gives everyone a heart attack, spins everyone too fast in the teacups but doesn’t throw up after, the kid forced to take pictures with the princesses bcs his sister wants to (looks at them like 😕 when they ask him questions), leaves the park double fisting turkey drumsticks
tsumiki: just happy to be there and is along for the ride, will see every character she can and has a little book to get all their signatures, takes pictures of cute food and drinks, LOVES talking to and taking pictures with the princesses, spins everyone at a leisurely pace in the teacups and doesn’t throw up after, leaves the park in gojo’s arms because she had way too much fun and is sleepy 🥺
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jokeroutsubs · 6 months
⚡'Joker Out' New Dilemma: Jure Maček Faces a Rhythmic Crisis"
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In the heart-thumping world of rock 'n' roll, every beat counts, and no one knows it better than Jure Maček, the flamboyant drummer of Slovenian sensation Joker Out. However, behind the pulsating rhythms lies a tale of drumstick drama that threatens to silence the thunderous applause of adoring fans.
Maček, renowned for his electrifying stage presence and jaw-dropping drum solos, has become synonymous with his signature move of flinging his drumsticks into the frenzied crowd during their explosive gigs. Yet, the unthinkable has happened – he's run out of drumsticks!
"I never imagined this day would come," confessed Maček in a half-serious plea. "But without my trusty sticks, I feel like I'm missing a piece of my soul on stage."
Desperate times call for desperate measures, and Maček finds himself at a crossroads. With the UK tour looming large on the horizon, he's left with no choice but to contemplate drastic solutions.
"Now I have to buy new ones. Or ask fans to give them back." (laughs)
But missing drumsticks is only the tip of a global warming induced melting iceberg. Rumor has it that the frontman, Bojan Cvjetićanin, finally took the drastic decision of moving to Finland. Following this decision, Kris Guštin, the brunette guitarist, left Joker Out to join Dutch band K3. Is this the end of Joker Out?
Maček gave a mysterious shrug. "I just want my drumsticks, you know? We'll see what happens next."
As Joker Out's loyal followers eagerly await Maček's (and the band's) next move, one thing remains certain – the beat must go on, with or without his cherished drumsticks. Stay tuned as this melodramatic saga unfolds, proving that in the world of rock, even the most mundane of objects can hold the key to a musician's fate.
Article translation by: IG valohwave
Original source here.
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jaibaisetamere · 2 months
music terms | français - english
assourdir - to deafen/muffle
chanter - to sing
composer - to compose
entendre - to hear
gratter - to strum
jouer - to play
tambouriner - to drum
écouter - to listen
noms (masc/fem)
un accord - chord
un bec - mouthpiece
les bois - woodwinds
un bourdonnement - drone
un cor - horn/french horn (haha)
un gazou - kazoo
un groupe - band
un hautbois - oboe
un instrument de cuivres - brass instrument
un instrument de musique - musical instrument
un instrument à cordes - string instrument
un mode - mode
un orchestre d'harmonie - concert band
un orchestre de jazz
un pavillon - bell (for brass instruments)
un piano - piano
un rythme - rhythm
un saxophone - saxophone
un synthétiseur - synthesiser
un tambour - drum
un tambourin - tambourine
un tempo - tempo
un ton/tonalité - key
un violon - violin
un violoncelle
une baguette - drumstick
une basse - bass guitar
une batterie - drum kit
une boîte à rythmes - drum machine
une caisse claire - snare drum
une chanson - song
une charleston - hi-hat
une clarinette - clarinet
une contrebasse - double bass
une corde - string
une flûte - flute
une frette - fret
une gamme - scale
une grosse caisse - bass drum
une guitare - guitar
une mesure - time signature
une note - note
une pédale - pedal
les percussions - percussion
une symphonie - symphony
une touche - fretboard, piano key
une triade - triad
une trompette - trumpet
alto - alto
basse - bass
majeur - major
mineur - minor
ténor - tenor
cette liste est plus longue que l'autre, j'espère que c'est mieux comme ça :3
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nethhiri · 8 months
Marooned: Chapter 5
Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warnings: Suggestive, implied eye-fucking? lol
A Mutual Rescue
Kid's scowl deepened before evolving into a smirk. "Yeah, I'll fuck you." He lunged for the meat again and you jerked it away.
You were taken aback for only a fraction of a second until it was replaced with cackling so hard it brought tears to your eyes. "That's- That's not-" You couldn't even get the words out. A minute or two passed and you took a calming breath. "What I was going to say, Eustass, was: If you give me a lift off this island when, if, your ship shows up, I'll give a hand to your ship's doctor up to the point you drop me on the next island. And, of course, keep you and your friend alive since your crew probably would like you alive." Your shoulders shook as you kept trying to stifle your giggles. That was the literal furthest thing from your mind. You were focused on getting off alright. Getting off this fucking island.
The redhead considered your proposal. Or, rather, his stomach considered it for him. It cramped with hunger, growling loud enough for you to hear it from across the fire. Did he really have a choice at this point? Actually, the more he thought about it... It was sort of a win-win-win for him. He, and Killer, would survive long enough to be rescued. There would be someone who had medical talent on the ship, since, what you didn't know, was that they didn't have a doctor. As for the third win, it wasn't lost on Kid that although you may be covered in dirt and grime, with unwashed, unkempt hair, that you were hot. You were obviously cunning, tough, and there was a distinct ferocity behind your gaze that reminded him of himself. Not to mention that your little dress, though loose and boxy, gave glimpses here and there of a body he wouldn't be opposed to seeing the rest of. 
"So?" You prompted. "By the way, me and Mini are a package deal so she's coming too." 
"Who the fuck is Mini?"
"She's behind me." You pointed your thumb back in the direction you threw the drumstick. You half turned, expecting her to give some indication that she was there. "She's mad at me," you apologized for her lack of politeness.
Kid would have shared a glance with Killer if he was conscious. Okay... she's hot and .... has an imaginary friend, Kid thought. Usually he let Killer make these types of decisions, but he thought Killer would think you were ho- helpful too. "Deal." Kid gave his signature shit-eating grin, "Consider yourself our newest rookie."
Narrowing your good eye at him, "This is temporary." Shoving the remaining food at Kid, you walked past him to check on Killer. The wound on his head had no signs of infection, however he felt clammy and slightly warm, causing your eyebrows to knit together. 
"You'll be begging me to stay. Just wait." Kid said with his mouth full as you tended to Killer.
If you could roll your eye any harder, you would. "Or you'll be begging me not to leave." 
Kid inspected his dinner to make sure he hadn't missed any meat on the bones before tossing it aside. "Then I guess we'll see, won't we...what's your name anyway?"
You hoped Kid hadn't noticed you pause momentarily while you checked on Killer. There was luckily a good opportunity to stall as you pressed your ear to Killer's chest, systematically listening in different areas. You held your hand up to indicate you needed silence while you did this. Obviously, you weren't going to give him your real name. You had a bounty and you didn't know if your posters were still around or if anyone on the crew had seen them when they had been. You avoided the question. "Did you notice he was hot?" The instant the words left your mouth you knew you should have rephrased. It worked in your favor, however, since the accidental bait distracted him from the fact you didn't give him an answer.
"Aw you hear that, Killer? Girlie thinks you're handsome." Kid's mood seemed greatly improved with a good meal in his belly. More likely, it was because he had realized how very entertaining you were going to be. You had successfully piqued his interest. He liked a woman with a mouth on them, in more ways than one. Regrettably, since he had a lovely view of you bent over his friend, Kid got up and crouched next to you. Though he could, at times, be daft, he knew what you meant. "I guess he felt warm. I don't know." The grin previously on his face was replaced with a concerned look.
You were certain there was fluid in his lungs, probably from being tossed around in the ocean and on his back for too long. "I think he might have pneumonia." A grimace settled on your features and Killer seemed to confirm your suspicion by letting out a weak, phlegmy cough. There was a chance you may be able to make an herbal remedy from some plants you had stored. It couldn't hurt. Hopefully, it would at least prevent it from getting worse until you were picked up. 
A large hand grabbed your shoulder, squeezing in, not a reassuring way, but a menacing one. "I hope you remember that your life is contingent on his." 
I didn't forget. It was unsettling to feel his gaze on you when he was this close. You weren't scared of course. If this didn't work, you could always try your devil fruit powers.
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prettyoddfever · 4 months
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“SJC Drums were the first company that ever approached me. It happened while we were recording our first album, and I remember speaking to the guy on the phone, and just getting this feeling that I could really speak to them anytime of the day about what I needed, and I still get that vibe from them every time. So basically, from the very beginning, they have just been extremely supportive. I’m also a Meinl Cymbal endorser, which turned out to be quite a similar situation. Some of the bigger Cymbal companies aren’t quite as personal, and Meinl have a really great artist relations department. Plus, they make some of the best percussion in the world, so it’s nice to know that if I need something like that, they’re really only a phone call away. Pro-Mark are set to release my signature drumsticks soon, so that’s great too. In general I’m just really into my gear. I’m constantly online looking around for new stuff. Things are always changing, so I like to stay on top of that sort of thing. One day I would love to build a really big drum kit for my home, and never have to move it because of tours etc. We’ll see what happens.”   – Spencer
here are a few random ads from those other brands too:
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and here's the 2008 feature that caused Panic fans to crash Meinl's site
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moralesmilesanhour · 10 months
spidey gang music headcanons no one asked for
the mutual @vhstown rbd smth that inspired me to think abt what I think a music group with the four main spidey kids would look like so HIIIII
Our frontman! Since his origins are in (black) 70s punk, I think his style of singing would be similar to the band 'Death'. Or something like this
I know the general consensus is that he cannot sing and may or may not be disappointed by this but my city now. I personally hc that Hobie is not interested in his voice sounding "beautiful", only that it conveys the text of the song 😁
Gets all the bass-y/growl-y parts
Will give you a mean 3-minute electric guitar solo
Sub-vocalist and rapper extraordinaire!
Tends to lead on the more melodic songs
I think his signature rapping style (once he finds one 🥴) would lean more towards alternative rap with the occasional rapid-fire verse if the song requires that
Can't produce beats for shit but has a good ear and knows what he likes
Think 'DYSBF!' or 'FUNKFEST'; both by 'grouptherapy'
Sometimes will go back and forth with Hobie on a verse and it's very fun
When he starts rapping in triplets it's over
Hobie also taught him to play bass so that they could like...have a bassist
Sub-vocalist #2
Harmonizes with Miles occasionally
I'm gonna assign him as the keyboard guy as well for funsies
Good with words and language in general so he helps Hobie write songs
Directs their music videos because he's also a film nerd (why? Because I said so)
Your friendly neighborhood drummer yktv!!
Part-time screamer if the song requires
Learns songs by ear most of the time but can read sheet music
Does fancy tricks with her drumsticks
The only one aside from Hobie who knows how to fix drums
Sometimes they get Margo to work together with Miles for tech/production stuff
She keeps begging them to become their social media manager
Once they explain to Hobie what social media is, he is squarely against it. Something about being "beholden to the whims of corporations and advertisers".
The band runs an account secretly anyway. Don't tell Hobie.
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hungrywriter · 11 months
Herbs & Hearts (pt. 4)
Raiden x f!reader
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It was finally time for the tournament. Even though she was not an Earthrealm champion, Liu Kang insisted that she follow as she was their healer. Y/n hadn’t been able to hang out with Raiden since that night, as her feelings still hurt seeing him, but not being able to jump into his arms. She was packing her bags when she found her diary from her childhood days. She flipped the pages, and all she wrote about was Raiden. How Raiden always saved the day, or bandaged her wounds after training, or how he would always spend time with her to gossip about the villagers over their favourite tea, oolong. One particular page, however, stood out – it was folded and held a small flower hairpin, as though it held a precious memory.
As she unfolded the page and read through it, the memories of that special incident with Raiden came flooding back:
As usual, Y/n was helping Madam Bo at the restaurant. She was on stock duty that day, so she had to work at the loading bay, to make sure all ingredients were transported to their designated area. It was getting late, and she only needed the delivery woman’s signature for the successful delivery of milk. However, after getting her signature, the woman lingered around, trying to make conversation with her. Y/n knew that the woman fancies her, and even though she was quite good looking, she felt that the woman was way older than her and should be with someone who actually reciprocates her feelings. 
"C'mon, Y/n. How about a drink? I know you're just 14, but I promise I won't tell your mom," the woman tempted, producing a bottle of liquor from her bag. Y/n took a step back, quickly conjuring excuses to return to work. The woman, however, grabbed her arm and insisted she stay.
“Please, stop that!” Y/n screamed, trying her best to be brave, but she was terrified. Even though madam Bo had taught her how to fight, Y/n froze. She had never fought anyone else except for Raiden and Kung Lao during their training. Y/n felt hopeless when she heard Raiden’s voice. Raiden stood in front of Y/n and threatened the woman. The woman tried to act tough but Y/n could tell by the way her hand trembled when holding her liquor, she was scared. The woman scoffed and walked back to her truck and drove away. With the threat gone, Raiden relaxed and checked on Y/n, ensuring she was unharmed. He pulled her into a comforting hug, and Y/n gratefully accepted it.
From his breast pocket, Raiden retrieved a flowerpin and secured it in Y/n's hair, remarking how well it suited her, given her love for all things botanical. Raiden extended his hand, inviting her to join him.
“Come on, love petal. Madam Bo is cooking lamb soup tonight!” He said, excitement gleamed in his eyes. He walked first, while Y/n followed behind. What he didn’t notice was her flustered face and smile. She was grateful to have Raiden in her life. 
From that day forward, Y/n's affection for Raiden deepened, evolving from admiration to a subtle crush that gradually blossomed into love. She found herself thinking of him, sneaking glances, and even slipping extra drumsticks into his meals. Despite many opportunities to confess her feelings, hesitance and fear always held her back. But now, the uncertainty of whether she should still pursue Raiden lingered, after his indirect rejection a few weeks earlier. Y/n decided to wear the hairpin, thinking, why not put it to use? 
“Little flower, are you ready?” Raiden asked, walking closer while offering to carry her bag for her. Y/n nodded and gave him her bag. As he slung the bag on his shoulder, he noticed the hair pin. His face lit up.
“Oh, I remember that! You still look beautiful with it,” He complimented, his hand reaching out to move her hair out of her face. However, Y/n gently took his hand away from her face and told him that they would be late if they stayed around any longer. She walked out of her room, with Raiden following her. Unbeknownst to her, he wore a disappointed expression on his face, which she failed to notice.
When they arrived at the portal gate, Kung Lao warmly greeted them. He slung his arm around Y/n's shoulder and guided her over to where the rest of their group had gathered. Raiden, meanwhile, strolled over to place Y/n's bag on the trolley. As he returned, he couldn't help but notice the broad smile on Y/n's face, punctuated by her laughter at Kung Lao's playful banter. Raiden also observed Kung Lao's hand resting on Y/n's back, with her subtly leaning in his direction. His frown deepened. Had he missed something important? Attempting to join in on the conversation, he approached the group.
However, Liu Kang chose that moment to announce their imminent departure
“Alright, my plant whisperer, are we ready?” Kung Lao jokes, extending his arm towards Y/n. She chuckled and put her arm and pretended to bow.Their laughter danced between them, but Raiden stood in the background, watching and feeling somewhat left out.
"Plant whisperer?" Raiden inquired aloud, hoping to engage their attention. Kung Lao jumped slightly at the unexpected sound but relaxed when he saw it was just Raiden. He exchanged a glance with Y/n before elaborating on their nickname to his friend.
“Well, it was just an inside joke between us. Besides, you have your nickname, I have mine,” Kung Lao explained before walking with Y/n through the portal. Raiden sighed, realising he's distanced himself from his friends lately. He shook his head, resolving to set aside his concerns. For now, his primary focus was on the impending tournament, and he needed to give it his all.
Y/n leaned against a stone pillar, sulkily nibbling on her sweet potato, which she had purchased from a street food vendor. Her gaze followed the younger princess of Outworld, who was walking alongside Raiden through the bustling festival streets. She couldn't believe it. Raiden had only known the princess for a few hours, and he already seemed smitten. Y/n scoffed inwardly. What did the princess have that she didn't? She was a royal, a formidable warrior, and stunningly beautiful despite her 10,000 years of age. In contrast, Y/n was a simple healer, herbalist, and, at best, a decent cook. Insecurities crept into her mind. Perhaps Raiden would be better off with someone like Kitana. She sighed and glanced down at her partially eaten potato. Thoughts of him left a bitter taste in her mouth, and she had no appetite to finish her meal. She was about to discard it when Kung Lao materialised behind her.
"If you're not going to finish that, you should give it to me," he said, eyeing the remaining potato. She laughed at his playful hunger and, despite her surprise, handed it over. He devoured the snack in mere seconds, leaving Y/n stunned. That couldn't be good for him. She scolded him, lightly rubbing his chest, concerned about his well-being. He responded with a sheepish smile before glancing at Raiden, who was still walking with the princess, and then turning his attention back to Y/n, who had reverted to her forlorn expression.
"You know, jealousy isn't a good look," he remarked, patting her back in an attempt to offer comfort. She managed a weak smile, but he couldn't help feeling sympathy for her.
"Was it really that obvious?" she asked, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her shirt, her embarrassment showing. Kung Lao chuckled.
"Oh, sweetie, I think practically everyone at the academy knows," he said, causing alarm to flicker across her face. He hurriedly reassured her that somehow only Raiden remained oblivious to her affections. She sighed, but the sadness still lingered. She straightened up, wiped away her tears, and informed Kung Lao that she wanted to return to her room. However, Kung Lao had other plans.
"No, Y/n, you deserve so much better. So wipe those tears away, and let me show you how a real man treats a woman," he declared, extending his hand. His heart raced, though he couldn't fathom why. He was merely inviting her to spend time together as friends, so why was he so nervous? Thankfully, she accepted his hand, and together, they ventured off to explore the festival.
Things were going well until the pair spotted Raiden winning a small tiger-like plushie for Kitana. Kung Lao noticed the disappointment on Y/n's face and decided to intervene. He paid the vendor to try his luck and surprisingly succeeded in winning the grandest prize the stall had to offer: a massive horse plushie. The plan worked, as Y/n became completely engrossed with her new prize. She embraced the plushie tightly, and the two of them shared joyous laughter, entirely oblivious to Raiden's envious emotions. Raiden contemplated approaching them to reclaim his "petal," but he remembered the presence of a royal family member and chose to calm himself instead. Kitana engaged him in conversation for a while, further distracting him. Yet when he looked back to find his friends, they had vanished. He sighed and continued walking with the princess, but his thoughts were firmly tethered to Y/n.
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sleepytoken · 5 months
heyo! I’ve been listening to sleep token for a while now and I’m familiar with like some of the lore and such, but I don’t know the band members besides vessel very well! I’m big into ghost so I get the anonymous and playing characters theme. Can you tell me which is which and their personalities and the like? Thank you ^^
Hi there! And sure, or at least how I perceive their stage personas c: Since you already said you are pretty familiar with Vessel I will skip over the mighty vocalist, heh. Rant and gifs below!
II : The tiny king of drums. He is insanely talented and known to get really into the music. He will often mime and sing behind his kit, dangling his drumsticks or beating up his poor soundboard. He is both cool and collected but also gets very animated when he’s feeling it. You can tell he pours his heart and soul into every song. He may be the smallest but he’s got a ton of swagger and a very confident and commanding presence. And the biggest blue eyes that he enjoys peering into any camera lens's soul with (and then your own). He is a founding member along with Vessel and has writing credits. He is all about the vibes. What vibes exactly? I dunno but they are weird and wonderful. He is my personal fave...though how can you choose ffs.
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III : The lanky bassist. Now this tall boy is all about the moves and chaos. He is very bendy and jumpy and kicky and he dances all over the place. He is goofy and playful and known especially for his antics with IV and Vessel. Though he will go bother II as well. He is also the most expressive with his wardrobe and paint - especially with the new looks. He can proper headbang now with his hair out which is lovely though it never stopped him before. III is by far the most talkative on stage and will yell at the crowd. You may find him holding his hand out with a question mark on his palm or demanding a pit. Like II he will also mime songs out to the crowd. He’s the lovable goober, sassy and potentially a little shit.
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IV : Mr. Business Casual. He is the guitarist/back up vocalist and his screams will saturate your eardrums with bliss. Affectionately called a fuck boy, this man is the embodiment of horny swagger. He’s a massive tease. He is known for sensually stroking his guitar neck and strap, singing out to the crowd pointing and drawing them in and playing heavily with his mask. Like Vessel, he uses his hands a lot for expression. He has a quieter and more watchful stage presence but still playful, especially when interacting with III, and he has a signature leg raise and twirl. IV also demands kisses and can be found waiting with arms outstretched and on his knees for Vessel to swoop in for a smooch or leaning back hoping for III to come along for a smacker check out the yearning tag for those. He's also often just vibing with II. He has come the farthest with his stage confidence and we are so proud of him. He comes across as a genuinely kind soul and openly shows his emotion and gratitude to the fans.
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And all together now
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From left to right is III -> II -> IV -> Vess
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born-to-lose · 2 months
Shameless + Stevie Rachelle & Cherie Currie concert
Here's the long-awaited concert report from Saturday!
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When I came inside after doors opened, I went straight to the Tuff merch table where Stevie was sitting and checking his phone. He apologized for not noticing us and my friend said she had recently posted her cover of I Hate Kissing You Goodbye and he had commented on it saying she should come meet him at the merch table. He remembered and he asked where we're from and how old we are. When we told him our ages, he said he could be our dad and we were just laughing as if at our last concert together, we both hadn't had a thing with the 60 year old band members 💀
He asked if we wanted to wait with taking photos until he would be wearing his stage outfit with leather pants and we did. I bought a MORC 2024 lanyard along with a purple patch and some CDs. He asked for my name so he could sign them. When I was struggling to open the wrapping, he suggested signing the booklets, letting them dry and bringing me the CDs personally while we went in front of the stage—what a service!
Early on in the set, Stevie introduced us as his new friends and fist bumped us during every other song. He asked us directly if we were having a good time and said they were going to play some of our favorite Tuff songs. For one song, he left the stage to Shameless and they played Blitzkrieg Bop with the guitarist Dennis on lead vocals. Stevie was standing between me and my friend and we were jumping up and down with one hand on his shoulder and the other in the air.
The closing song was Talk Dirty to Me by Poison and I was very enthusiastically singing along. Their drummer Markus gave me one of his drumsticks with the Shameless logo and his signature on it (first time for me!).
We went back to the merch table and he hugged us, asking if we liked the show and if they had played our favorites. I said yeah but pointed out they didn't play Tied to the Bells. He explained that since their sets are one half Tuff songs and one half Shameless songs, they have to decide what to play (he probably knew the girls would be going feral if they had added that to the setlist). I bought the What Comes Around Goes Around shirt and vinyl and he signed that one too. We chatted a bit longer and he brought out two vinyls of Fist First, saying he's giving us them for free because we've been so supportive 😭❤️
Well, we were hanging out in the back with him since doors opened until shortly before Shameless went on stage and then we came back between their and Cherie Currie's set and afterwards we came back again for a while and continued talking outside and in the corridor.
When he gave me the vinyl, he said Tied to the Bells is on it lol. We thanked him over and over again because that was the sweetest thing ever and I totally didn't expect that! Then we had photos taken together as a group and separately.
Around 3 a.m., when Stevie was loading stuff into the van, he stopped by and briefly chatted with us again. We asked if he's leaving and he said he's gonna get some sleep, but he hoped we had a great time and he'll see us soon. He thanked us for coming and hugged us goodbye.
While Cherie Currie and the band (which were the Shameless guys) were playing, Alexx the bassist threw a guitar pick in my direction and I caught it (also the first time for me!). Of course, her closing song was Cherry Bomb and everyone who wasn't even coming for her was singing along now.
Back at the merch table, I noticed Alexx sitting there, so I approached him to ask if he could sign the Shaneless CD I had bought earlier, which he did. We also had a group photo taken with him, but during the first take, he squeezed me so tightly I was in a weird position and couldn't move, so I looked like a gremlin. The second try looked much better and he asked us to tag him when we post the picture so he can share it.
And now for my musician crush of the month: The guitarist Danny kept eye contact with me throughout most of the show. He did those winking, open mouth, sticking his tongue out, wide eyes things and was chewing bubblegum in a weirdly hot way. Especially during suggestive songs, he looked in my direction and uh... I decided I want him.
During Cherie's set, he animated me to sing along, pointing at me and singing into his mic though I didn't know the lyrics to that one 😭 At the end, he threw a guitar pick at me and after I found it on the floor, I put it in my wallet along with Alexx'.
I went outside and asked Danny if he would like to sign my Shameless CD and his response was a bit cheeky and he went to get a sharpie. He asked if I'm aware he didn't play on that album, I asked on which he did play and he laughed and said, "None of them, I'm Cherie's guitarist but the one from Shameless couldn't do this tour so I stepped in." I told him to sign it anyway because I saw him playing with them tonight. I asked for a photo and he pretty much grabbed me by the waist.
I complimented his playing style and we talked about what picks he uses and for which songs he uses which type of pick. Some other guests wanted pictures with him too, so I photographed them and while one guy was already posing next to him, Danny was still talking and I took a photo because his face was funny. He was so startled because he wasn't ready and I took a proper one.
At some point, he left and while they started to pack their things, I asked if he's staying a bit longer and grinned and he was like, "I hope so!"
Outside, I noticed I had lost his pick and was trying to build up the courage to ask him for another one because it must have fallen out of my wallet. Right when I was turning around to ask, he walked past me and gave me his pick, saying with a wink, "Saved that one extra for you" and I blew him a kiss as he walked inside smirking over his shoulder.
When he ran around loading the rest of their equipment into the van, I went outside again and he asked if I'm waiting for him and I was like yeah. I asked if he's leaving already and he said the guys wanted to go to the hotel to sleep already. I asked if he had time for a round of shots and he agreed, so we went back inside and shared a tiny seat by the bar drinking Jägermeister. I asked him about any upcoming shows near here, but he said he'll be playing more in the Munich area where he lives, but I should try to stop by if possible.
After we had our shots, he thanked me and hugged me and although I usually don't like a Southern Bavarian accent, his sounded so cute 😭 He hugged me again right before he left and when he got in the van, he turned around and waved at me 🥺
Then it was time for frustration drinking and I sent him a friend request on Facebook, which he accepted in the morning and so did Stevie 😌
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a-s-levynn · 3 months
If someone is still in need of a pair of ii's signature drumsticks:
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ii Sleep Token x Wincent Signature Stick - Black
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frenetic-amnes1c · 5 months
havent posted here in a while but ive gotten super into cky again and i saw them yesterday.
met jess and chad and theyre so awesome i love them so so so much
also i got a set of drumsticks from jess and the rare cky vol 2 cd, signed by jess and elvis (didn’t get chads signature unfortunately) :)
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