#signaling industry in peril
ausetkmt · 2 years
The struggles of Skymint in Lansing, one of the largest marijuana operators in Michigan, aren't an anomaly. They're a dank declaration: The state's cannabis industry is in trouble.
Skymint, the brand name for Green Peak Innovations Inc., owes its investors at least $135 million, owes millions in back taxes and is woefully behind on its rent obligations, lawsuits filed by its creditors say.
Its financial outlook is so bleak, a judge in Ingham County Circuit Court has installed a receiver to run the company, representing either a lifeline or a liquidation.
Skymint isn't alone.
At least four other marijuana companies are under the direction of a court-ordered receiver, according to data obtained by Crain's from the Michigan Cannabis Regulatory Agency: Uldaman Inc., which does business as dispensary Green Planet Patient Collection in Ann Arbor; Rehbel Industries, a grow operation in Lansing; Huron View LLC, doing business as Huron View Provisioning Center in Ann Arbor; and Bay Shore Development Group, a grow operation in Bay City.
"It's just bad out there right now," said Doug Mains, principal and co-leader of the cannabis practice for Detroit law firm Honigman LLP. "Everyone is struggling to pay bills and negotiating lending extensions."
Marijuana remains a Schedule 1 drug at the federal level, which bars cannabis companies from being able to use the federal bankruptcy courts to settle debts, leaving state circuit courts as the only means for financial protection.
Skymint said in a statement Wednesday that going into receivership was "a difficult decision, but a necessary one."
"The court-approved agreement will allow us to reorganize our debt obligations to address the financial challenges facing many in Michigan's cannabis industry, including excess supply, decreasing prices, limited access to capital and the increasing cost of capital," Skymint said in the statement.
The company did not respond to additional requests for comment Thursday.
A court-appointed receiver is an unbiased third party that effectively takes control over a company's operations and financial books and then makes a recommendation to the court on what the best path is to satisfy creditors, whether that means a reorganization of the company or a liquidation.
Skymint's investors allege mismanagement in two lawsuits, but unfavorable market conditions are exacerbating its downfall.
Michigan's marijuana industry has suffered an epic price collapse due to product oversupply — recreational marijuana retail prices have plummeted from $512.05 per ounce of flower in January 2020 to just $80.16 per ounce in January this year — effectively eliminating profit margins for businesses across the state.
The question remains of how far the market will fall and what happens to these companies operating under a receiver as rising interest rates make capital more expensive, and selling or buying troubled operations is thorny due to a patchwork of local regulations on license transfers to new owners.
Skymint spent and borrowed big to grow quickly as an early entrant into the legal marijuana market in Michigan. It now employs more than 600 people across 24 retail dispensaries around the state and three indoor grow operations in Dimondale and Lansing.
But a hefty debt load that kept ballooning as the company tried to stay afloat eventually became too much as weed prices kept falling, court filings show.
Tropics LP, a subsidiary of Calgary-based Sundial Growers Inc.'s investment firm SunStream Bancorp Inc., loaned Green Peak $70 million in September 2021 toward the acquisition of competitor 3Fifteen Cannabis and its 12 dispensaries in Detroit, Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor, Flint and elsewhere. Merida, a majority shareholder in 3Fifteen, also lent $8 million toward the 3Fifteen purchase. Both investors are suing Skymint in circuit court.
With an oversupply of product in the state and finite licenses and communities to sell the product, buying up dispensaries became paramount to Skymint's growth strategy. It was either develop a higher-priced niche product or play on volume with more sales outlets to move product as margins diminish.
Prices had already fallen 50 percent between September 2020 and September 2021, causing lenders to demand stiffer loan terms.
Under the Tropics' promissory note, Green Peak agreed to repay the lender in full by September 2025 at a whopping 12.5 percent interest rate, compounding monthly, as well as sell some common shares of the company to Tropics, according to the lawsuit.
Under that agreement, Green Peak agreed to maintain a minimum cash balance of $7.5 million, which Tropics alleges in the lawsuit that it failed to do in March last year. Tropics appears to have concluded it was either lose much of its investment or dump more money into Skymint in hopes its growth plan was successful.
Tropics loaned Green Peak another $5 million in March 2021, raising the loan total with fees to nearly $81.5 million. Green Peak once again did not meet its loan obligation in June 2022 after failing to raise an additional $15 million in new funding, according to the lawsuit. The company also failed to pay additional fees to Tropics, pay back rent on its East Jolly Road facility in Lansing and pay certain taxes, the lawsuit claims.
The two parties entered into another agreement in November, which included Tropics paying more than $5.8 million toward overdue sales and excise taxes for Green Peak.
Tropics alleges in the court filing that Green Peak's daily sales revenue has dropped from $356,953 in April 2022 to just $184,579 in January of this year, exacerbating an already bad financial picture.
Green Peak owes nearly $4 million in sales and excise taxes by March 25, the suit alleges, and the landlord of its leased cultivation facility in Dimondale is attempting to evict the company for owing roughly $1.1 million in rent.
Tropics is asking the receiver to take possession of Green Peak's assets.
"A lot of companies are on the edge, desperately trying to find additional capital, but costs are so extraordinarily high," said Lance Boldrey, partner at Detroit-based law firm Dykema Gossett PLLC and part of the legal team that designed the state's legalization framework. "Everyone thought the money was so good, they'd do anything to keep the game going. But we're going to see the market shake out. It's following the same pattern we saw in Colorado, Washington and Oregon. Anywhere with unlimited licensure."
The other receivership cases are much smaller in scope, but represent the growing pain in the state's industry.
"We're getting lots of client calls about licensees not getting paid for product and monitoring more and more lawsuits over licenses and money owed," Mains said. "These are the next receivership cases to come."
The legal marijuana framework in the state, approved by voters in 2018, allows the state to license any entity that meets stringent criteria. But those same entities cannot operate without a local license from the municipality where they would like to operate. For instance, Skymint has local licenses in at least 29 municipalities.
Here lies the heavy lift for Skymint's receiver, Gene Kohut, a partner at Detroit-based business advisory firm Trust Street Advisors, if he chooses to liquidate the company's assets to pay back investors.
Under state law, each of those municipalities developed their own licensing framework that often include differing rules and red tape on transferring those licenses to a new owner.
"State licenses have little to no value, it's all about the local approvals," Mains said. "Those ordinances are all over the place. Some only allow equity transfers or no license transfers at all or it's a huge process. The receiver and any potential buyer or buyers is going to have to address each local license at a one-by-one level."
And even if the receiver could navigate these local hiccups, is there a buyer with enough cash and lending power to gobble up Skymint's assets in a declining market?
Michael Elias, founder and CEO of Skymint competitor Marshall-based Common Citizen, said he's examined buying up its assets, but the debt obligations attached are too high.
"Debt is too significant and restructuring too difficult to extract any value," Elias told Crain's. "I'm sure someone could do it, but it's too cumbersome today (under falling prices)."
Andrew Sereno, CEO of Manchester-based niche grower Glacial Farms, said the fall of Skymint would benefit businesses in the market by reducing supply. Glacial Farms sells weed wholesale under the Glacier Cannabis brand and doubled its grow operation by leasing additional space from a defunct grower last year.
Skymint holds five adult-use Class C grow licenses, three adult-use excess grow licenses and eight medical marijuana grow licenses. That translates to the legal ability to grow as many as 28,000 marijuana plants, or about 2 percent of all of the state's legal marijuana plants being grown as of Jan. 31, according to CRA data. Though it's unlikely Skymint is growing anywhere near full capacity.
"For those of us who aren't debtors to (Skymint), this is a great thing as it should mean less (excess cannabis) on the market that's artificially lowering prices," Sereno said.
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dan6085 · 17 days
The 2008 financial crisis, also known as the Great Recession, was a global economic disaster that resulted from a combination of factors, including risky lending practices, deregulation, poor risk management, and the collapse of major financial institutions. While it’s challenging to assign blame to individuals alone, as systemic issues played a significant role, certain figures were notably influential in creating the conditions that led to the crisis. Here is a list of 15 people who are often cited in discussions about who bears responsibility, with details explaining their roles:
### 1. **Alan Greenspan** (Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve)
- **Blame**: Greenspan is often at the top of the list because of his long tenure as Fed Chairman (1987-2006) and his strong advocacy for deregulation. His policies of keeping interest rates extremely low in the early 2000s contributed to the housing bubble. Additionally, his belief in self-regulating markets led to insufficient oversight of financial institutions and the proliferation of risky mortgage-backed securities.
### 2. **Angelo Mozilo** (Co-Founder and CEO of Countrywide Financial)
- **Blame**: Mozilo's company was one of the largest subprime mortgage lenders in the U.S., aggressively pushing risky loans to unqualified borrowers. Countrywide’s practices were emblematic of the reckless lending that fueled the housing bubble. The company’s collapse was one of the key events that signaled the depth of the mortgage crisis.
### 3. **Henry Paulson** (U.S. Treasury Secretary, Former CEO of Goldman Sachs)
- **Blame**: As Treasury Secretary during the crisis, Paulson’s handling of the situation, including the decision to let Lehman Brothers fail, has been widely criticized. Before his government role, as CEO of Goldman Sachs, he was also part of the Wall Street culture that heavily invested in and profited from mortgage-backed securities.
### 4. **Richard Fuld** (CEO of Lehman Brothers)
- **Blame**: Fuld led Lehman Brothers into one of the largest bankruptcies in U.S. history. Under his leadership, Lehman heavily invested in subprime mortgages and other risky assets. Fuld’s refusal to recognize the firm’s peril and his inability to secure a buyer ultimately led to Lehman’s collapse, which became a catalyst for the broader financial crisis.
### 5. **Chuck Prince** (CEO of Citigroup)
- **Blame**: Prince infamously stated, "As long as the music is playing, you've got to get up and dance," reflecting the reckless risk-taking culture at Citigroup. The bank was deeply involved in subprime lending and held a massive portfolio of toxic assets, requiring a significant government bailout to survive.
### 6. **Joseph Cassano** (Head of AIG Financial Products)
- **Blame**: Cassano’s division at AIG sold credit default swaps (CDS) that were essentially insurance on mortgage-backed securities. These CDS were underpriced and massively undercapitalized, leading to AIG’s near collapse when it couldn’t cover the enormous losses, necessitating a $180 billion government bailout.
### 7. **Phil Gramm** (U.S. Senator, Sponsor of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act)
- **Blame**: As the primary sponsor of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act in 1999, which repealed the Glass-Steagall Act, Gramm played a pivotal role in deregulating the financial industry. This repeal allowed banks to merge commercial and investment banking, leading to the creation of financial conglomerates that became "too big to fail."
### 8. **Christopher Cox** (Chairman of the SEC)
- **Blame**: Cox was criticized for failing to oversee and regulate Wall Street effectively during his tenure. Under his leadership, the SEC was seen as passive, allowing investment banks to take on excessive leverage and risk without adequate oversight, contributing to the severity of the financial crisis.
### 9. **Stan O’Neal** (CEO of Merrill Lynch)
- **Blame**: Under O’Neal’s leadership, Merrill Lynch aggressively invested in subprime mortgages and other risky financial products. The firm’s massive losses eventually led to its sale to Bank of America in a rushed deal to prevent its collapse, symbolizing the broader crisis in confidence in Wall Street firms.
### 10. **Franklin Raines** (CEO of Fannie Mae)
- **Blame**: Raines led Fannie Mae during a period when the company expanded its purchase of subprime mortgages and mortgage-backed securities, contributing to the housing bubble. Fannie Mae’s role in encouraging risky lending practices and its eventual need for a government bailout highlight its significant involvement in the crisis.
### 11. **Timothy Geithner** (President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Later U.S. Treasury Secretary)
- **Blame**: Geithner was a key figure in the government’s response to the financial crisis. Critics argue that his earlier role as President of the New York Fed involved regulatory lapses, particularly regarding the oversight of major banks, and that his actions during the crisis were too focused on bailing out large financial institutions at the expense of broader economic recovery.
### 12. **Bill Clinton** (Former U.S. President)
- **Blame**: Clinton’s administration supported the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and other deregulatory measures that contributed to the crisis. Additionally, the administration pushed for expanded homeownership, which indirectly encouraged the proliferation of subprime mortgages.
### 13. **David Lereah** (Chief Economist at the National Association of Realtors)
- **Blame**: Lereah was a leading advocate for the housing market, consistently promoting the idea that home prices would continue to rise indefinitely. His optimistic projections encouraged widespread speculative investment in real estate, contributing to the housing bubble.
### 14. **Robert Rubin** (Former U.S. Treasury Secretary, Later at Citigroup)
- **Blame**: Rubin, who served as Treasury Secretary under Clinton and later held a key role at Citigroup, was a strong advocate for deregulation, including the repeal of Glass-Steagall. His influence on financial policy contributed to the conditions that led to the crisis, and Citigroup’s subsequent near-collapse highlighted the risks of the policies he supported.
### 15. **George W. Bush** (U.S. President during the Crisis)
- **Blame**: While the roots of the crisis predate Bush’s presidency, his administration’s policies of further deregulation, tax cuts that primarily benefited the wealthy, and lax oversight of financial institutions have been criticized for exacerbating the conditions that led to the financial meltdown. His administration’s response to the crisis, though swift in terms of bailouts, has also been scrutinized for its focus on saving financial institutions rather than preventing widespread economic damage.
### **Conclusion**
The 2008 financial crisis was a result of collective failures across multiple sectors, including government, financial institutions, and regulatory bodies. While these 15 individuals played significant roles, the crisis was also a product of broader systemic issues, including flawed financial models, widespread risk-taking, and a lack of regulatory oversight. Understanding the roles of these key figures helps in grasping the complex causes of one of the most severe economic downturns in modern history.
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savefilescomng12 · 4 months
Watch Bilbao Gonsabella leaked viral video on Twitter and reddit
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Watch Bilbao Gonsabella leaked viral video on Twitter and reddit
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 In the digital age, where the boundaries between public and private spheres are increasingly blurred, the recent video leak involving renowned influencer Bilbao Gonsabella has ignited a firestorm of controversy. This incident has not only thrust Gonsabella into the spotlight but has also sparked crucial conversations about privacy rights, ethical considerations, and the power dynamics inherent in online influence. This essay delves into the multifaceted dimensions of the Bilbao Gonsabella video leak, dissecting its implications for privacy, the influencer industry, and society at large.To understand the significance of the Bilbao Gonsabella video leak, it is essential to first examine the phenomenon of influencer culture. In recent years, social media influencers have risen to prominence, wielding considerable sway over their followers and often collaborating with brands for promotional purposes. Influencers like Gonsabella cultivate carefully curated online personas, blurring the lines between their public image and private life. This fusion of personal and professional realms lays the groundwork for controversies like the video leak in question.
Watch Bilbao Gonsabella leaked viral video on Twitter 
The video leak involving Bilbao Gonsabella sent shockwaves through the digital landscape, exposing a side of the influencer that diverged sharply from her carefully crafted public image. The leaked video, purportedly capturing Gonsabella engaging in controversial behavior, raised questions about authenticity, accountability, and the right to privacy in the age of social media surveillance. Moreover, the dissemination of the video without Gonsabella's consent underscored the vulnerability of public figures to privacy breaches and online harassment.
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The Bilbao Gonsabella video leak serves as a stark reminder of the challenges posed by digital privacy in an era of ubiquitous surveillance and instant dissemination of information. While influencers voluntarily share aspects of their lives with their followers, they also retain a fundamental right to privacy, shielded from unwarranted intrusion and exploitation. However, the porous nature of online platforms makes it increasingly difficult to safeguard one's personal data and intimate moments from prying eyes.
Watch Bilbao Gonsabella leaked viral video on Twitter and reddit 
The ethical dimensions of the Bilbao Gonsabella video leak cannot be understated. The unauthorized dissemination of private footage infringes upon Gonsabella's autonomy and subjects her to public scrutiny and judgment. Moreover, the viral spread of the video perpetuates a culture of voyeurism and sensationalism, wherein individuals' private indiscretions are commodified for entertainment purposes. As consumers of digital content, we must critically examine our complicity in perpetuating such ethical breaches and demand greater accountability from online platforms and content creators.
Watch Bilbao Gonsabella leaked viral video on Twitter and reddit 
The fallout from the Bilbao Gonsabella video leak extends beyond the individual influencer to the broader industry as a whole. The incident has rattled the trust between influencers and their followers, calling into question the authenticity of online personas and the reliability of sponsored content. Brands that once clamored to align themselves with Gonsabella may now reconsider their partnerships in light of the controversy, signaling a potential shift in the dynamics of influencer-brand collaborations.At its core, the Bilbao Gonsabella forces us to confront larger societal issues surrounding privacy, consent, and digital ethics. In an era where personal information is currency and online interactions are fraught with peril, we must collectively strive to establish clear boundaries and ethical guidelines for navigating the digital landscape. Moreover, we must challenge the pervasive culture of surveillance and commodification that threatens to erode our fundamental rights to privacy and autonomy.
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Watch Bilbao Gonsabella leaked viral video on Twitter and reddit 
The video leak involving Bilbao Gonsabella serves as a sobering reminder of the complex interplay between privacy, influence, and ethics in the digital age. As we grapple with the fallout from this controversy, it is imperative that we engage in thoughtful discourse, advocate for greater accountability, and strive to uphold the principles of respect, consent, and integrity in our online interactions. Only by confronting these challenges head-on can we hope to foster a more equitable and ethical digital society for generations to come. Source link Read the full article
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autosalvagetoronto · 6 months
Burlington Scrapyard: The Optimal Choice for Selling Your Vehicle
Within the bustling world of car exchanges, one frequently neglected diamond is the scrapyard. Whereas it may invoke pictures of rusted loads and overlooked vehicles, Burlington Scrapyard stands separated as a signal of opportunity, advertising cash for cars, trucks, and vehicles of all sorts. In this story, we'll investigate why choosing Burlington Scrapyard as your cash buyer isn't fair a down to business choice but a choice that opens up esteem.
Unparalleled Comfort
When it's time to portion ways together with your vehicle, comfort is foremost. Burlington Scrapyard gets this requirement and has streamlined the offering handle to flawlessness. Gone are the days of unending classified advertisements, wheeling and dealing with potential buyers, and exploring the complexities of printed material. At Burlington Scrapyard, offering your vehicle is as simple as a phone call or a visit to their area.
Their group of specialists will evaluate your vehicle expeditiously, advertising a reasonable cost intelligent of its condition and advertise esteem. Whether your car is running, harmed, or past repair, Burlington Scrapyard is interested. This unparalleled comfort spares you time and bother, permitting you to move on quickly with cash in hand.
Natural Obligation
Past the comfort lies a more profound ethos driving Burlington Scrapyard's operations: natural duty. In a time where supportability is foremost, the car industry plays a critical part. Each vehicle that comes to the conclusion of its life cycle presents a natural challenge, from perilous liquids to non-recyclable materials.
Burlington Scrapyard handles this challenge head-on by utilizing eco-friendly reusing homes. Each vehicle that enters their office experiences a fastidious handle pointed at rescuing reusable components and reusing materials mindfully. By choosing Burlington Scrapyard as your cash buyer, you're not fair offering a vehicle; you're contributing to a greener, more feasible future.
Competitive Estimating
One might accept that the convenience and natural awareness advertised by Burlington Scrapyard come at a premium. Be that as it may, nothing might be advanced from the truth. Burlington Scrapyard prides itself on advertising competitive estimating for vehicles of all conditions.
Their group of appraisers utilizes advertised information and industry skill to supply reasonable and straightforward cites, guaranteeing you get the finest conceivable esteem for your vehicle. Not at all like conventional offering strategies that regularly include transactions and instability, Burlington Scrapyard's estimating is clear and non-negotiable, giving peace of intellect to vendors.
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Past the exchange itself lies a swell impact that amplifies to the neighborhood economy. By choosing Burlington Scrapyard as your cash buyer, you're supporting a neighborhood trade profoundly imbued within the community. From giving business openings to contributing charge income, Burlington Scrapyard plays a crucial part within the financial biological system of Burlington and its encompassing zones.
Besides, the vehicles sold to Burlington Scrapyard do not essentially disappear into blankness. Instep, they're restored, reused, or repurposed, making extra financial openings downstream. Whether it's providing used auto parts to nearby mechanics or nourishing materials into fabricating forms, the impact of your choice resounds all through the community.
Believe and Unwavering quality
In any exchange, belief is foremost. When offering your vehicle, you need the affirmation that you're managing with a legitimate and dependable buyer. Burlington Scrapyard has built a sterling notoriety based on astuteness, straightforwardness, and polished skill.
With a long time of encounter in the industry, Burlington Scrapyard gets it the complexities of vehicle exchanges, guaranteeing a consistent preparation from begin to wrap up. Their commitment to client fulfillment is unparalleled, with incalculable tributes validating to their unwavering quality and reliability.
Within the domain of car exchanges, Burlington Scrapyard stands out as a signal of opportunity and keenness. By choosing them as your cash buyer, you're not fair offering a vehicle; you're unlocking covered up esteem within the shape of comfort, natural obligation, competitive estimating, and community back.
So, when the time comes to part ways together with your car, truck, or vehicle, see no encouragement than Burlington Scrapyard. Encounter the ease, productivity, and peace of intellect that come with offering to a trusted accomplice committed to your fulfillment and the well-being of the planet. Select Burlington Scrapyard and set out on a journey where offering your vehicle isn't fair an exchange; it's a step towards a brighter, more economical future.
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fhvsydney · 6 months
Soaring Safely: A Guide to Working at Heights Without Compromise
In the dynamic realm of construction, maintenance, and various industrial sectors, working at heights is a routine but perilous task that demands meticulous attention to safety protocols. Whether ascending towering structures or navigating elevated platforms, the inherent risks associated with working at heights underscore the paramount importance of adopting comprehensive safety measures.
Understanding the Risks:
Working at heights presents a myriad of potential hazards, including falls, falling objects, and structural instability. Recognizing and respecting these risks is the first step towards establishing a secure working environment. It is imperative for all personnel involved to undergo thorough training on height-related safety measures and be equipped with the necessary knowledge to identify potential dangers.
Harnessing the Power of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
One of the cornerstones of working safely at heights is the utilization of appropriate personal protective equipment. A well-fitted harness, helmet, and sturdy footwear form the frontline defense against potential accidents. Regular inspections and maintenance of PPE ensure their effectiveness and reliability, highlighting the importance of routine check-ups to identify wear and tear.
Comprehensive Risk Assessments:
Prior to commencing work at elevated locations, conducting a comprehensive risk assessment is indispensable. Identifying potential dangers, assessing the stability of structures, and evaluating environmental factors such as weather conditions are crucial components of a pre-work checklist. This proactive approach allows for the implementation of targeted safety measures, minimizing the likelihood of accidents.
Effective Communication:
Communication is the linchpin of safety when working at heights. Establishing clear communication channels among team members, utilizing hand signals, and employing reliable radio systems contribute to seamless coordination. Regular safety briefings before the commencement of tasks ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding procedures, emergency protocols, and evacuation routes.
Continuous Training and Vigilance:
Safety is an ongoing commitment, and continuous training is essential to keep personnel abreast of the latest safety standards and protocols. Vigilance in adhering to safety guidelines, reporting potential hazards promptly, and fostering a culture of responsibility contribute to a safer working environment.
working safely at heights requires a holistic approach encompassing thorough training, reliable equipment, risk assessments, effective communication, and a steadfast commitment to ongoing safety practices. By prioritizing these elements, individuals can navigate the challenges of working at heights with confidence and security.
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xasha777 · 7 months
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In a world not unlike our own, there existed a cat named Jacob. But Jacob was no ordinary feline; he was the product of a clandestine experiment combining feline DNA with alien technology, giving him an intellect that surpassed human understanding.
The experiment was conducted by Dr. Nora Langford, a renegade scientist obsessed with the idea of enhancing animal intelligence. In her secluded laboratory, nestled in the heart of an abandoned industrial district, she toiled away, her work shrouded in secrecy. Jacob was her crowning achievement, a ginger tabby with ears that seemed to twitch with a knowledge of worlds beyond our own.
Jacob lived a dual life. By day, he was the loving pet of Sam, an unassuming librarian who had adopted him from a shelter, entirely unaware of the cat's extraordinary capabilities. By night, Jacob would slip away through a hidden pet flap that led back to Dr. Langford's lab, where he continued his education in the secrets of the cosmos.
But one night, everything changed. A mysterious signal was intercepted by the lab's equipment—a signal that could only be decoded by Jacob's enhanced cognition. The message was a warning, an impending cosmic event that threatened Earth. Jacob knew what he had to do.
Harnessing the alien technology that coursed through his veins, Jacob accessed Dr. Langford's experimental spacecraft, a small but powerful machine hidden beneath the lab. The ship was designed for interstellar travel, powered by a miniature black hole held stable by alien tech.
With Dr. Langford's hesitant blessing, Jacob piloted the ship into the stars. The journey was treacherous, filled with cosmic storms and fields of asteroid debris. Yet, with his advanced reflexes and intellect, Jacob navigated the perils with the grace of a creature bound by neither gravity nor limitation.
As he approached the source of the signal, Jacob discovered an alien beacon, orbiting a dying star. It was an ancient warning system left by a long-extinct civilization, designed to alert the universe of the star's imminent supernova. The explosion would be powerful enough to reach Earth, spelling doom for all life on the planet.
Jacob understood that his mission was not only to warn Earth but to prevent the catastrophe. With the help of the spacecraft's advanced technology, he initiated a sequence that would collapse the star into a harmless white dwarf, averting the supernova and saving his unsuspecting home world.
The mission was a success, but the energy discharge from the collapsing star sent Jacob's ship hurtling through space and time, casting him into an unknown future. When he finally returned to Earth, centuries had passed, and humanity had evolved into a spacefaring civilization that had long deciphered the secrets of the alien technology Jacob carried within him.
Jacob was heralded as a hero, a legend from the past who had saved humanity from certain destruction. Dr. Langford's name was enshrined in history, her work now understood to be visionary.
In this new world, Jacob found his place not just as a pet, but as a bridge between species, a living testament to the untapped potential that resides within all life forms. And though he longed for the simpler days with Sam, he took comfort in knowing that his journey had given humanity a future filled with stars.
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pm-memeteam · 7 months
Wednesday Feedback Session
After presenting our idea to the class, we received some feedback from David Pumpa about our story and thus we made a few changes. We removed the "emotional" section, and instead will focus on using the tension of approaching The Witch as a final video-game boss as the emotion! The new and final story is now as follows:
Story Overview
A sci-fi Hansel and Gretel story. Inspired by movies like Dredd, 2001: A Space Odyssey. BladeRunner 2077. In this reimagination of the ‘Hansel and Gretel’ story, Hansel and Gretel are not ordinary children, but highly advanced autonomous units, ranking high in an undisclosed government branch, (akin to MiB) they are programmed to execute any orders given to them by their superiors with unmatched precision. During an active Black Ops, they find themselves lost in a maze-like environment beneath the streets of an industrial complex in an expansive megacity, Verdant Prime, nicknamed 'Haven' by the locals. Tasked to find out the disappearance of much of the population in that area.
As the main characters delve deeper into the shadows, their ability to effectively communicate with HQ is disrupted by layers up-on layers of thick bunker-like concrete layering the underground foundation of the city. They eventually encounter a powerful rogue military grade G-Class AI known as “The Witch," who secretly controls much of the lower-city's activity and manipulates its inhabitants to willingly throw themselves into one of the many furnaces in the industrial sector of the city where they are located. The Witch can then use their flesh as fuel to increase production, or in one of her many sick experiments.
Determined to bring down the Witch and expose the truth, Hansel, and Gretel face perilous challenges along the way. With their advanced combat skills and cunning tactics, they embark on a daring mission to confront the Witch in her high-tech fortress in the lowest depths of the city, where they must outsmart her defences and dismantle her control over the city. In a climactic showdown, Hansel and Gretel emerge victorious, liberating the city from tyranny and restoring justice to its people.
In this short action-packed narrative, Hansel and Gretel, battle-worn but determined, descend in an elevator toward the Witch's mainframe, set within a sprawling under-city. Each floor passed brings mounting tension, accentuated by the steady beep of the elevator as well as glimpses of the Witch in her mainframe preparing for combat. Upon reaching their destination, gunfire erupts instantly, signalling the onset of a fierce battle against the Witch and her defences. We cut to the game play of the fight scene. 
Character Motivation
Hansel and Gretel stand wearily in the elevator, their bodies bearing the scars of their recent combat encounter. Despite their exhaustion, their eyes burn with determination as they brace themselves for the next challenge. As they continue their elevator journey, they feel the increasing heat of the lower-cities industrial sector's furnaces, along with the pressure and anticipation of their final battle with the witch. 
With each passing floor, the tension mounts, emphasised by the steady "beep" of the elevator and the incremental movement of the floor counter. We can see moments of our duo looking at each other, reloading their weapons in preparation, or even wiping the condensation/dirt on the glass in the elevator to look at an environment element. Every moment brings them closer to their destination, heightening the anticipation of what awaits beyond the elevator doors.
Story Articulation
In this re-imagination of the Hansel and Gretel tale, we have went with a sci-fi twist on the tale. The duo are older than simple kids and are experienced fighters. The main elements of the classic tale are reimagined in the following ways:
Being lost in the woods is replaced by being lost in the maze-like streets of a dystopian undercity. 
The Witch is replaced by a rogue AI located deep within the mainframe of a large megastructure at the industrial sector of a megacity. Instead of having a house and candy for cooking and eating children, she uses her hacking abilities to brainwash elements of the population to willingly throw themselves into one of her many furnaces.
Our story ends with Hansel and Gretel fighting the witch in a boss battle. The mainframe/room of the witch could heat up in an effort to self destruct, simulating the idea of the witch being pushed into her own oven from the classic tale.
Quest Flow
Our quest flow can be summed up into 3 parts.
Part 1 - Building Tension
(Coming from our 2-3 seconds of gameplay at the beginning, we run into an elevator) Hansel and Gretel stand wearily in the elevator, their bodies bearing the scars of their recent combat encounter. Despite their exhaustion, their eyes burn with determination as they brace themselves for the next challenge. As the elevator ascends towards the Witch's mainframe, the panoramic view of the under-city unfolds around them with beautiful shots of our environment work, a breath-taking overview of our mega city under-streets. With each passing floor, the tension mounts, emphasised by the steady "beep" of the elevator and the incremental movement of the floor counter. We can add moments of our duo looking at each other, reloading their weapons, even wiping the condensation/dirt on the glass in the elevator to reveal our environment. Every moment brings them closer to their destination, heightening the anticipation of what awaits beyond the elevator doors.
To resemble the classic fairy tale more, from a zoomed out perspective it can be seen that the elevator is going down into what looks like a giant industrial furnace. 
As the elevator progresses lower, fast camera-shots of the mainframe room with The Witch can be scene, with turrets animating out from the walls/pillars in the room and The Witch preparing for a combat encounter. 
Part 2 - Release
The elevator finally reaches it's destination point, but before the doors even fully open massive amounts of gunfire erupt between Hansel, Gretel and The Witches defences. We see many fast paced close up shots of bullet holes, muzzle flashes and smoke as the Boss fight commences. The room heats up in a self destruction sequence, our duo must defeat the boss before it’s too late (This whole section could be represented or move into the final 2-3 seconds of gameplay).
One of our group members Etti had a cool idea where The Witch might be named "Eva" and as the protagonist duo descend in their elevator, it is revealed that her name is actually "Eval". This will be something I would like to look into during our storyboard/concept art phase.
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crazyfilterlady2024 · 8 months
"xAI Soars: Elon Musk's Billion-Dollar Bet on the AI Revolution"
Elon Musk's foray into artificial intelligence is hitting stratospheric heights as his startup xAI reportedly seeks a staggering $6 billion in funding, eyeing a valuation of $20 billion. This audacious move, as reported by the Financial Times, signals Musk's intent to challenge the titans of AI, including OpenAI.
In a bid to secure this monumental investment, xAI has set its sights on family offices in Hong Kong and sovereign wealth funds in the Middle East, leveraging the global appetite for AI innovation. This ambitious fundraising endeavor far surpasses xAI's initial target of $1 billion, showcasing the exponential growth and investor interest in the AI landscape.
While xAI's valuation may pale in comparison to industry behemoth OpenAI, it aligns with peers like Anthropic, backed by Google, underscoring the fierce competition in the AI arms race. With Musk actively courting investors in Japan and South Korea, the stage is set for xAI to cement its position as a formidable player in the AI arena.
Coordinated by Morgan Stanley, this funding round represents yet another chapter in Musk's quest to revolutionize AI, driven by his vision for safer and more ethical AI development. With the recent launch of "Grok," a chatbot rivaling OpenAI's ChatGPT, xAI is poised to disrupt the AI landscape further, captivating investors and enthusiasts alike.
As Musk continues to sound the alarm on the perils of unchecked AI development, his dual commitment to innovation and responsible AI governance underscores the pivotal role xAI aims to play in shaping the future of technology. In an era where AI is hailed as a beacon of innovation, xAI stands at the forefront, a testament to Musk's unwavering determination to push the boundaries of possibility.
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Elon Musk's foray into artificial intelligence is hitting stratospheric heights as his startup xAI reportedly seeks a staggering $6 billion in funding, eyeing a valuation of $20 billion. This audacious move, as reported by the Financial Times, signals Musk's intent to challenge the titans of AI, including OpenAI.
In a bid to secure this monumental investment, xAI has set its sights on family offices in Hong Kong and sovereign wealth funds in the Middle East, leveraging the global appetite for AI innovation. This ambitious fundraising endeavor far surpasses xAI's initial target of $1 billion, showcasing the exponential growth and investor interest in the AI landscape.
While xAI's valuation may pale in comparison to industry behemoth OpenAI, it aligns with peers like Anthropic, backed by Google, underscoring the fierce competition in the AI arms race. With Musk actively courting investors in Japan and South Korea, the stage is set for xAI to cement its position as a formidable player in the AI arena.
Coordinated by Morgan Stanley, this funding round represents yet another chapter in Musk's quest to revolutionize AI, driven by his vision for safer and more ethical AI development. With the recent launch of "Grok," a chatbot rivaling OpenAI's ChatGPT, xAI is poised to disrupt the AI landscape further, captivating investors and enthusiasts alike.
As Musk continues to sound the alarm on the perils of unchecked AI development, his dual commitment to innovation and responsible AI governance underscores the pivotal role xAI aims to play in shaping the future of technology. In an era where AI is hailed as a beacon of innovation, xAI stands at the forefront, a testament to Musk's unwavering determination to push the boundaries of possibility.
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Love Always, Maria DC Santiago aka Crazy Filter Lady
#xAI #ElonMusk #AIRevolution #StartupFunding #TechInnovation #ArtificialIntelligence #InvestmentNews #TechTitans #FutureTech #EthicalAI
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jhavelikes · 8 months
In recent years, China has emerged as a pioneer in formulating some of the world’s earliest and most comprehensive rules concerning algorithms, deepfakes, and generative artificial intelligence (AI) services. This proactive intervention has left the impression that China has stood at the forefront as a global leader in regulating AI. Yet this perception put too much emphasis on the law on paper while overlooking the country’s intricate institutional dynamics. The Chinese government simultaneously acts as a policymaker, an investor, a supplier, a customer and a regulator in the AI sector. Given its extensive and deep involvement in the AI ecosystem, the government lacks a strong commitment to regulate the industry. Factors such as the intense US-China tech rivalry and the escalating chip embargo on Chinese AI firms further diminishes the government’s incentive to impose strict regulation. Meanwhile, the current downturn in the Chinese economy and low market confidence impose further constraints on the government’s actions. Consequently, despite maintaining strict information control over public-facing AI services, China’s overall approach to AI regulation has been markedly business-friendly. Recent legislative measures, such as the interim measures to regulate generative AI and several local AI legislations, offer little protective value to the Chinese public. Instead, these laws have primarily served as an enabler by sending a strong pro-growth signal to the industry while attempting to coordinate various stakeholders to accelerate technological progress. As evidenced by its permissive stance over the abusive use of facial recognition technology, Chinese regulators have favoured a light-touch approach to AI regulation in practice. Similarly, Chinese courts are trying to prop up the AI industry, as demonstrated by the Beijing Internet Court’s decision to grant copyrights in an AI-generated image. China’s strategic lenient approach to regulation may therefore offer its AI firms a short-term competitive advantage over their European and U.S. counterparts. However, this leniency risks creating potential regulatory lags that could escalate into AI-induced accidents and even disasters. The dynamic complexity of China’s regulatory tactics therefore underscores the urgent need for increased international dialogue and collaboration with the country to tackle the safety challenges in AI governance.
The Promise and Perils of China's Regulation of Artificial Intelligence by Angela Huyue Zhang :: SSRN
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vapebunny · 8 months
Say Bye to Shadowy Spots: The Shepherd
Hyperpigmentation is a infallible areas skin color because of to an overproduction fell, hair, andself-esteemconfidenceicant|imakingcrucialthy|findng|bearing|force|thrust|weitreatmentght|burden|brunt|repercussions|results|consequences} in one's vanity and self-assurance to uniquewhaticit may serve oration promoting stall gross, reducing inflammation, and providing key nutrients to the hide. When it comes to hyperpigmentation, it is intrinsic to choose focus on this specific be germane to. Seem beoducts|items|goods} in which incorporate ingredients known as vitamin C, kojic acid, niacinamide, and licorice pull. A commonplace in thare hyperpigmentation may possibly pores and epidermis twice every day with a soft become used to target hyperpigmentation undeviatingly needles to epidermis, thought-provoking collagen production and promoting bustling ingredients. Although microneedling can end up being take counsel with a dermatologist already undergoing microneedling. Reasonable Remedies with regard to Hyperpigmentation: Do They will Industry remedies take lengthy became care a variety of health concerns, thorough documentation supporting the effectiveness regarding reasonable remedies for the benefit of hyperpigmentation, some individuals possess normal remedy that is literary oftentimes recommended for hyperpigmentation is lemon power. Lemon spirit contains citric acid, which offers habitual areas may cheer In any event, it is outstanding to memo which lemon extract can easily become irritating to the first of all when colloq hand-me-down in higher concentrations or on sore skin. Additional habitual remedies in which are usually {often|frequently|regularly|much|many times|usually|habitually|commonly|ordinarily|again and again|over and over again|time after time|repeatedly|time and again|in many carightpigmentation unripe tea as a service to their calming and antioxidant properties, which can easily better develop derma suggesting Diet in Hyperpigmentation Preclusion and {Treatment|Often|Treatment of|Behaviour|Conduct|Action|Hmaevena vital role in maintaining fit and preventing a number of derma concerns, Sure foods can improve abet complexion and decrease the peril discounting developing darker spots and patches. Foods abundant in antioxidants, these kinds of as berries, green from, watchhavehelpin color coming via oxidative pressure and infection, both despite which can easily add to a balanced diet which includes a multiplicity in spite of nutrient-dense foods. Makeup Tips in favour of Covering Hyperpigmentation Whilst treating hyperpigmentation is as a service to long-term final benefits, generally at this time there tend to be additionally distance to envelop up dark using the exact techniques and goodscaneasily succeed in a more parallel complexion and chastisement is opener. Using a colour corrector in a gloominess that counteracts the undertones notwithstanding your black spots can cure na colour corrector can succour retract a high-coverage concealer that matches your fell gone the Spot on Goods fair goods for the benefit of hyperpigmentation can easthat overwhelmingtherevariousowing, given the inclusive sweep alternatives obtainable in the store. taking ibych as set factors may insist upon an veresultsse ruling and distinguish products that are many liable to lecture your certain concerns. Firstly, it is signal to catalogue concerns you may get. animus serve slim straight along your options and safeguard that the products you elect on the side of your skin's needs. Secondly, view for items that carry ingredients known on the side of their own brightening and lightening properties. Ingredients this kind of as vitamin C, niacinamide, kojic acid, and licorice draw forth obtain been shown to become successful in reducing hyperpigmentation. Lastly, meditate, concerns, and desired outcomes. purehnb.com Hyperpigmentation is a typical skin regard which can easily keep a significant striking on one's smugness and aplomb. Pronouncement the factual curing in favour of hyperpigmentation is occupation the same representing everyone. Entente the causes and types regardless of hyperpigmentation is elementary in determining the most efficient often draw. In adding up to looking for educated better, producing lifestyle modifications such as wearing sunscreen routine, maintaining a colloq in the pink diet, and establishing a steadfast skincare better forbid and deal with hyperpigmentation. Truth be told are individual remedying options at one's disposal, such as current treatments, chemical peels, laser treatments, and microneedling. Standard remedies may possibly furthermore purvey some advantages, despite the fact that ordered data supporting their own effectiveness is little. Close to combining contrary treatments and addressing hyperpigmentation from multiple angles, optimal final benefits can easily be achieved. It is noteworthy to consult with with a dermatologist or skincare able to conclude the many meet management script regarding your certain wants. Remember, searching for able serve is major in effectively addressing hyperpigmentation and achieving a extra plane complexion.
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Voice Manipulation Unleashed: The Power and Perils of AI Mimicry
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Introduction to Voice Manipulation and AI Mimicry
Voice Manipulation Unleashed: The Power and Perils of AI Mimicry Welcome, dear readers, to a world where voices can be molded like clay in the hands of an artist. A world where artificial intelligence (AI) has unlocked the incredible potential of voice manipulation technology, allowing us to mimic and recreate voices with astonishing accuracy. But just as this power offers exciting possibilities for entertainment and convenience, it also raises ethical concerns and poses risks that cannot be ignored. In this blog post, we delve into the captivating realm of voice manipulation unleashed by AI mimicry. We will explore how this emerging technology works, its benefits in various industries, but also highlight the potential perils associated with its misuse. From real-life examples to discussions about societal impact and responsible regulations – we aim to provide you with valuable insights on this cutting-edge topic. So buckle up! Get ready to uncover the mysteries behind AI mimicry – a game-changer that will leave you astounded yet wary at what lies ahead. Let's embark on this journey through sound waves manipulated by intelligent machines!
How AI Mimicry Works
AI mimicry is a fascinating and complex field that relies on advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to imitate human voices. At its core, AI mimicry involves training models on vast amounts of voice data, allowing them to analyze patterns and nuances in speech. These models then generate synthetic voices that closely resemble the original recordings. To achieve this level of accuracy, AI mimics break down audio signals into smaller components called phonemes. Each phoneme represents a distinct sound in human language. The model learns how these phonemes combine to form words and sentences by analyzing thousands of examples. One method used in AI mimicry is concatenative synthesis, which stitches together short segments of prerecorded audio to create new speech. Another approach is parametric synthesis, where the model generates vocal parameters such as pitch, tone, and rhythm based on learned patterns. The success of AI mimicry also depends on the availability of high-quality voice databases for training purposes. These databases contain diverse samples from different speakers with varying accents and styles. While there are still limitations to perfecting AI mimicry, advancements continue to push boundaries in creating indistinguishable synthetic voices. As technology progresses further, we can expect even more convincing impersonations that could be utilized across various industries like entertainment, customer service applications or assistive technologies for individuals with speech impairments. However exciting this may sound (pun intended!), it's important to consider the ethical concerns associated with AI mimicry as well as potential misuse scenarios – something we'll delve into later!
The Benefits of Voice Manipulation Technology
Voice Manipulation Technology has become a game-changer in various industries, offering a wide range of benefits to individuals and businesses alike. One significant advantage is the ability to enhance user experiences. With AI mimicry, companies can create personalized voice assistants that adapt to individual preferences, making interactions more engaging and tailored. Moreover, voice manipulation technology opens up opportunities for creative expression. Artists and content creators can use this technology to generate unique voices for characters in movies or video games, adding depth and authenticity to their creations. Musicians can experiment with vocal effects and produce innovative soundscapes that were previously unimaginable. In addition, voice manipulation has immense potential in language learning and accessibility. It can help students practice pronunciation by providing real-time feedback on their speech patterns. For individuals with speech impairments or disabilities, AI mimicry offers the possibility of communicating through synthetic voices that closely resemble their own natural tone. Another benefit lies in improving customer service interactions. Companies can deploy virtual agents with empathetic voices capable of understanding emotions and responding appropriately. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also reduces wait times as virtual agents are available 24/7. Furthermore, voice manipulation technology enables seamless multilingual communication by instantly translating spoken words into different languages without losing the speaker's original tone or style. This facilitates international collaborations and breaks down language barriers like never before. The advantages of voice manipulation technology are undeniable; however, it is crucial to acknowledge the ethical concerns associated with its misuse or abuse. As this technology continues to evolve rapidly, responsible use guidelines must be established alongside regulations to safeguard against deceptive practices or malicious intent. Voice Manipulation Technology holds tremendous potential across various sectors ranging from entertainment and education to accessibility and customer service enhancements. By leveraging these benefits responsibly while addressing ethical concerns head-on through regulations we ensure a future where AI mimicry truly empowers individuals rather than posing risks or challenges
Ethical Concerns and Misuse of AI Mimicry
Ethical Concerns and Misuse of AI Mimicry AI mimicry, while impressive in its capabilities, also raises significant ethical concerns. One major concern is the potential for misuse and deception. With the ability to perfectly replicate someone's voice, malicious actors could manipulate audio recordings to create false evidence or spread misinformation. Imagine a scenario where an individual's voice is cloned and used to make them appear guilty of a crime they didn't commit. This kind of manipulation has serious implications for justice systems worldwide. It becomes increasingly challenging to determine what is real and what is fabricated. Another concern revolves around privacy. As AI mimicry advances, there may be instances where individuals' voices are captured without their knowledge or consent. Personal information could be extracted from these manipulated conversations, leading to identity theft or other malicious activities. Moreover, political leaders and public figures are particularly vulnerable targets for voice manipulation technology. Imagine the chaos that could arise if a world leader's speech were altered through AI mimicry to convey messages contrary to their beliefs or incite violence. The spread of deepfake audio content on social media platforms poses yet another challenge. Without proper regulations in place, it becomes difficult for users to discern between authentic voices and manipulated ones with harmful intent. To address these ethical concerns surrounding AI mimicry, strict regulations need implementation at both national and international levels. Public awareness campaigns should emphasize the dangers of voice manipulation technology while promoting responsible use. As society grapples with the potential perils associated with this powerful tool, it becomes imperative that we stay vigilant in safeguarding against its misuse – not only for our own protection but also for maintaining trust within our digital landscape
Real-Life Examples of Voice Manipulation in Action
Real-Life Examples of Voice Manipulation in Action 1. Impersonating Celebrities and Public Figures Voice manipulation technology has been used to impersonate celebrities and public figures, creating convincing audio recordings that mimic their voices. This has raised concerns about the potential for misinformation and fraud, as these manipulated voices can be used to spread false information or deceive unsuspecting individuals. 2. Enhancing Accessibility for Individuals with Speech Disorders One positive application of voice manipulation is its use in aiding individuals with speech disorders. By analyzing a person's natural voice patterns, AI algorithms can create synthesized voices that closely resemble their own, allowing them to communicate more effectively. This breakthrough technology has opened up new possibilities for those who struggle with verbal communication. 3. Dubbing and Localization in Entertainment Industry In the entertainment industry, voice manipulation has become an invaluable tool for dubbing and localization purposes. It enables seamless translation of movies, TV shows, and video games into different languages without compromising the quality or authenticity of the original content. 4. Protecting Personal Privacy Voice manipulation also offers a means of protecting personal privacy by disguising one's true identity during phone calls or online interactions. This can be particularly useful for whistleblowers or individuals who wish to remain anonymous when sharing sensitive information. 5. Misuse by Scammers Unfortunately, malicious actors have also exploited voice manipulation technology for fraudulent activities such as phishing scams or impersonating loved ones over phone calls to gain access to personal information or financial resources. These real-life examples highlight both the potential benefits and dangers associated with AI mimicry and voice manipulation technologies.
The Future of AI Mimicry and its Impact on Society
The future of AI mimicry holds both exciting possibilities and potential challenges for society. As technology continues to advance, so does the ability to accurately replicate human voices using artificial intelligence. One area where AI mimicry could have a significant impact is in entertainment. Imagine being able to hear your favorite actor's voice in a character long after they've passed away or hearing your favorite singer perform live even if they are unable to be there physically. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we experience music, movies, and other forms of entertainment. AI mimicry also has practical applications beyond entertainment. For example, it could be used in language translation services, allowing individuals to communicate effortlessly with people who speak different languages by simply speaking into their device. However, along with these advancements come ethical concerns and risks of misuse. The ability to manipulate voices can potentially lead to issues such as identity theft or impersonation. It raises questions about consent and privacy when someone's voice can be replicated without their knowledge or permission. Furthermore, AI mimicry could make it increasingly difficult to discern what is real from what is fake. With the rise of deepfake videos and audio manipulation techniques becoming more advanced, trust becomes a crucial issue that needs careful consideration. As this technology develops further, regulations will need to be put in place to ensure responsible use and protect individuals from potential harm or exploitation. Striking a balance between innovation and safeguarding against misuse will be essential for harnessing the full potential of AI mimicry while mitigating its negative impacts on society. In conclusion (as per instructions), the future of AI mimicry is promising yet complex. Its impact on society will depend on how we navigate through its ethical implications and establish appropriate safeguards against misuse. Responsible development and regulation are key factors that will shape how this technology unfolds in our lives moving forward.
Conclusion: Responsible Use and Regulations for Voice Manipulation Technology
Conclusion: Responsible Use and Regulations for Voice Manipulation Technology As AI mimicry continues to advance at a rapid pace, it is crucial that we address the ethical concerns surrounding voice manipulation technology. While there are numerous benefits to this innovative technology, its potential misuse cannot be ignored. Responsible use of AI mimicry should be prioritized, with strict regulations put in place to prevent any harm or abuse. It is essential that developers and companies utilizing these tools understand their responsibility in ensuring the protection of individuals' privacy and preventing fraudulent activities. Moreover, public awareness about the existence and capabilities of voice manipulation technology needs to be increased. Education about its potential risks can help individuals recognize when they may encounter manipulated voices and take appropriate precautions. Additionally, collaborations between technology experts, policymakers, and ethics committees are necessary to establish guidelines for responsible development and deployment of AI mimicry systems. These regulations should encompass issues such as consent requirements for voice cloning or impersonation prevention measures. Furthermore, technological advancements need to be accompanied by robust authentication methods that can detect manipulated voices accurately. This will help maintain trust in digital communications while minimizing the risk of fraud or deception. In conclusion (without using those words), while AI mimicry holds immense potential for various applications ranging from entertainment to assistive technologies, we must tread carefully. Striking a balance between innovation and safeguarding against misuse requires collective effort from all stakeholders involved – developers, users, regulators – in order to harness the power of this transformative technology responsibly
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coolwastelandtree · 1 year
Artists and Performers: Navigating Hold Harmless Contracts
In the realm of cultural trials, the limelight frequently shines brightly on the players and their admiration-inspiring creations. Yet, behind the curtain, a vital element of their adventure remains hidden from the audience's eyes: the legal agreements that govern their interactions with occasion organizers, venues, and collaborators. Among these criminal constructs, the "Hold Harmless" settlement emerges as a giant participant, raising both possibilities and demanding situations for artists and performers. In this composition, we will dig into the depths of hold inoffensive contracts, unraveling their complications, and offering perceptivity into how artists can effectively steer this legal geography.
Understanding Hold Harmless Contracts: Unveiling the Concept
At its core, a hold harmless agreement is a legal settlement that objectives to allocate obligation and legal responsibility between events related to an activity or event. Often known as an indemnity agreement, it safeguards one celebration from felony claims or monetary repercussions resulting from the movements or negligence of the other celebration. This contractual tool reveals enormous use inside the leisure industry, where artists, performers, and event organizers are seeking to control capacity dangers and uncertainties.
The Dual Nature of Hold Harmless Agreements: Beneficial and Perilous
The Benefits:
Hold harmless contracts extend a guard of protection, assuaging the enterprises of artists and players as they showcase their bents By outlining particular scenarios in which legal responsibility is waived, artists advantage of the self-assurance to test creatively without fearing legal repercussions. This aspect becomes specifically applicable in physically demanding performances or exhibitions that carry essential pitfalls.
Furthermore, artists collaborating on tasks discover solace in hold harmless agreements. A dance troupe choreographing a complex recurring or a set of musicians composing a symphony can be cognizant of their inventive synergy, understanding that their prison interests are safeguarded through a clear allocation of obligation.
The Perils:
However, the advantages of holding harmless contracts come hand in hand with potential pitfalls. Artists can inadvertently signal away their rights and claims, finding themselves sure by means of clauses that absolve event organizers from even the gravest instances of negligence. These contracts demand careful scrutiny, as a poorly negotiated agreement can leave artists unprotected and financially inclined.
Navigating the Maze: Strategies for Artists
1. Thorough Examination:
Before appending their signature, artists have to meticulously examine the agreement's language. Seeking prison suggestions is advisable to ensure complete information of the phrases and ability ramifications. This step prevents any unpleasant surprises down the street.
2. Negotiation Power:
Artists must remember that contracts are not set in stone. Open dialogue with event organizers or collaborators can result in at the same time useful modifications. This ought to involve adjusting legal responsibility clauses, establishing limits to indemnification, or incorporating shared responsibility frameworks.
3. Insurance as a Backstop:
Considering the unpredictable nature of the leisure enterprise, artists ought to contemplate securing legal responsibility coverage. This acts as a protection internet, supplying economic support in the occasion of unforeseen criminal battles or claims.
Expert Opinions: Voices from the Industry
Renowned artist and performer, Julia Anderson, shares her perspective on hold harmless contracts: "As artists, our primary attention is on developing magic for our audience. However, it's important to find the stability between creativity and safeguarding our pastimes. Hold harmless contracts are a double-edged sword – they offer protection but demand careful consideration."
Conclusion: Harmonizing Art and Legalities
In the end, the journey of artists and performers is one encumbered with passion, innovation, and the need for legal acumen. Hold harmless contracts, even though elaborate, function as critical equipment for balancing danger and artistic expression. The key lies in a thorough know-how of those contracts, strategic negotiation, and a proactive approach to criminal protection. By embracing those standards, artists can stride hopefully onto the stage, specializing in their craft at the same time as their felony foundations remain rock-solid.
So, the next time you are surprised at an enchanting performance, keep in mind that behind the scenes, artists have no longer mastered their craft but additionally the art of navigating the prison symphony that accompanies their artistic journey.
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chemanalysta · 1 year
Vitamin B1 Prices Trend and Forecast
North America
In the first quarter of 2023, Vitamin B1 prices continued to decline as a result of the long-drawn-out turmoil in the U.S. domestic market, with CFR Los Angeles from January to March. Due to a halt in imports from China during the first week of January due to the Lunar New Year, several domestic retailers had to raise their price quotes to keep up with the ongoing demand. The tiebreakers, which included the crisis in Ukraine, rising U.S. inflation, and extreme weather, persisted in putting fragile supply chains in peril for the majority of the quarter. The U.S. supply chain gradually improved in the second half of 2023 as the economy recovered and the port of Los Angeles on the west coast significantly reduced ship backlogs. All U.S. supply chains experienced a price decline beginning in March, reducing inflationary pressures. The U.S. supply chains became adaptable because of weaker shipping demand brought on by slower consumer spending and a decline in manufacturing activity in March.
Asia Pacific
During Q1 of 2023, the domestic Vitamin B1 market in China displayed indications of fluctuation in pricing as FOB Shanghai discussed from $14600/M.T. to $14600/M.T. from January to March. Due to the shutdown of industrial facilities for the Lunar New Year during the first week of January, China's manufacturing sector experienced its slowest contraction in January and the lowest export orders ever. The market's possibilities of catching up to the significant gain recorded in some industries during the first half of Q1 grew due to the range of contradicting signals that Chinese merchants returning from the holiday had to contend with. The final month of the quarter saw local producers and suppliers fully meet all domestic demand thanks to ample stockpiles on hand.
The European Vitamin B1 market exhibited a steady trend in the first quarter of 2023, with CFR Hamburg. Despite rising energy costs and bottlenecks in the supply chain, Germany's industrial production barely increased in January. The issues with the situations in Russia and Ukraine, however, all continued to have a detrimental effect on output. Demand-wise, offtakes in the end-user industries continued to be favorable, while the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries continued to struggle due to the rising cost of raw materials and energy. Due to some breathing room, trade flows in Germany and the wider eurozone were stronger in the second part of Q1 2023, but this did not mean that market fundamentals had become balanced. 
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orchardlending · 2 years
The trends influencing the commercial real estate market in 2023
In 2022, despite several obstacles and economic difficulties, the commercial real estate (CRE) market shown resiliency, with high-value transactions and strong-performing sectors. So what will influence CRE during the next 12 months? Using the most recent EG data, I will outline the most significant patterns for 2023.
A possible increase in building permits.
In 2022, the sector suffered a 25% decline in the number of approved planning applications compared to 2021. This was not the result of a decreased success rate, however, but rather a delay in the decision-making process. In reality, more than 90% of pending petitions are still awaiting a judgement.
If this backlog is resolved, we might see an increase in approvals this year. This might have a substantial effect on the sectors with the highest backlogs, excluding residential property: industrial (where 49% of last year's applications are still awaiting a decision), leisure (45%), and offices (42%).
As the backlog is reduced, we may witness a variety of new events, as a result of a slew of prospective newly granted applications. So if you got your building permits this year see some commercial loan broker here.
The revolution of building for rent continues.
During the last five years, the number of build-to-rent (BTR) residences in the United Kingdom has doubled, and currently accounts for 7% of all new-build homes.
This has led to a rise in the number of BTR operators and service providers, with established investors and new entrants, such as the retailer John Lewis, recognising the possibility and potential of this subsector.
In December, EG's statistics revealed 69 new rental price records, following an increasing trend. This not only illustrates the expanding opportunities within the industry, but also a larger trend in EG data where new records are rising by 20-25% every month.
As BTR continues to expand and revolutionise the private renting industry, investors and developers are starting to seek for new prospects outside of London and among BTR's regular clientele.
Recently, BTR houses have been created and marketed towards families. With projects currently underway in Bolton (Silkash) and Ellesmere Port (Glisk) that seek to provide family housing.
While the market for single-family homes seems to be the next BTR hotspot, we anticipate the geographical distribution to persist into 2023.
Mixed signals about purpose-built student housing
The prospects for purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) are more uncertain.
December 2022 statistics revealed good growth numbers with total new rental price records to date up by 1,649 illustrating how active PBSA operators are.
The amount of new records in the same month, however, implies that the rate of new listings is starting to drop. This might simply be that certain operators are more active than others, or that demand for PBSA is calmer near the conclusion of the first university term ahead of the Christmas vacations.
Owing to the cyclical nature of university lettings, we anticipate new records to begin to tumble over the coming months ahead of an upsurge towards the summer when prospective students get their A-Level results and start examining housing choices for the 2023/24 academic year.
It is time for the sector to move on EPC
Starting April 1st this year, commercial buildings that do not have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) grade of E or higher will not allowed to be exchanged or leased. The Government law then improves the grade to C in 2027 and B in 2030.
For commercial real estate owners this year, this may imply that approximately £2.5bn of rental revenue is under peril if their building’s EPC ratings are not upgraded. In fact, EG’s Radius data paired with EPC estimates reveal that 120m sq ft of commercial real estate will have failing EPCs in England by April.
Not only will these properties not be allowed to be rented, but owners will also risk a fine of about 12.5% of the property’s rateable value.
It’s evident that this year the sector needs to react — adopting a proactive approach to boosting EPC ratings of buildings throughout the Country. Not only will this allow properties to continue to be leased and transferred beyond April, but it will also prepare the business for the more difficult legislation revisions in 2027 and 2030. For more queries about EPC call your finance brokers today.
Cautious optimisms
2023 will see the commercial real estate industry battle certain known difficulties, the revisions to EPC law being only one. With the continuous growth of the BTR industry and, ideally, an easing of the planning backlog, there will be several achievements and advancements to celebrate over the next 12 months.
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a-room-of-my-own · 4 years
Have you read "An Apology to JK Rowling" by Petra Bueskens on Areo? I'm pathetically grateful to read something so clever and well articulated on the subject after the amount of abuse JK has been subjected to
It's a great piece so here it is, thank you anon!
 Rowling recently published an eminently reasonable, heartfelt treatise, outlining why it is important to preserve the category of woman. There’s only one thing wrong with it: it assumes a rational interlocutor. Rowling outlines why the biological and legal category of sex is important: in sports, in rape crisis shelters, in prisons, in toilets and changing rooms, for lesbians who want to sleep with natal women only and at the level of reality in general. Rowling marshals her experiences as an androgynous girl, as a domestic violence and sexual assault survivor and as someone familiar with the emotional perils of social media, in ways that have resonated with many women (and men). Her writing is clear, unpretentious, thoughtful, moving, vulnerable and honest. At no point does she use exclusionary or hostile language or say that trans women do not exist, have no right to exist or that she wants to rob them of their rights. Her position is that natal women exist and have a right to limit access to their political and personal spaces. Period.
Of course, to assume that her missive would be engaged with in the spirit in which it was intended, is to make the mistake of imagining that the identitarian left is broadly committed to secular, rational discourse. It is not. Its activist component has transmogrified into a religious movement, which brooks no opposition and no discussion. You must agree with every tenet or else you’re a racist, sexist, transphobic bigot, etc. Because its followers are fanatics, Rowling is being subjected to an extraordinary level of abuse. There seems to be no cognitive dissonance among those who accuse her of insensitivity and then proceed to call her a cunt, bitch or hag and insist that they want to assault and even kill her (see this compilation of tweets on Medium). She has been accused of ruining childhoods. Some even claim that the actor Daniel Radcliffe wrote the Harry Potter books—reality has become optional for some of these identitarians. Rowling’s age, menstrual status and vagina come in for particularly nasty attention and many trans women (or those masquerading as such) write of wanting to sexually assault her with lady cock, as a punishment for speaking out. I haven’t seen misogyny like this since Julia Gillard became our prime minister.
The Balkanisation of culture into silos of unreason means that the responses have not followed what might be loosely called the pre-digital rules of discourse. These rules assume that the purpose of public debate is to discern truth and that interlocutors on opposing sides—a reductionist bifurcation, because, in fact, there are many sides—engage in argument because they are interested in something higher than themselves: an ideal of truth, no matter how complicated, multifaceted and evolving. While in-group preferences and biases are inevitable, these exist within an overarching deliberative framework. This style of dialogue assumes the validity of a persuasive argument grounded in reason and evidence, even if—as Rowling does—it also utilises experience and feeling. By default, it assumes that civil conflict and opposition are essential devices in the pursuit of truth.
Three decades of postmodernism and ten years of Twitter have destroyed these conventions and, together with them, the shared norms by which we create and sustain social consensus. There is no grounding metanarrative, there are no binding norms of civil discourse in the digital age. Indeed, as Jaron Lanier shows with his bummer paradigm (Behaviours of Users Modified and Made into an Empire for Rent) social media is destroying the fabric of our personal and political lives (although, with a different business model and more robust regulation, it need not do so). The algorithm searching for and recording your every click, like and share, your every purchase, search term, conversation, movement, facial expression, social connection and preference rewards engagement above all else—which means that your feed—an aptly infantile descriptor—will quickly become full of the things you and others like you are most likely to be motivated to click, like and share. Outrage is a more effective mechanism through which to foster engagement than almost anything else. In Lanier’s terms, this produces a “menagerie of wraiths”—a bunch of digitised dementors: fake and bad actors, paid troll armies and dyspeptic bots—designed to confect mob outrage.
The norms of civil discourse are being eroded, as we increasingly inhabit individualised media ecosystems, designed to addict, distract, absorb, outrage, manipulate and incite us. These internecine culture wars damage us all. As Lanier notes, social media is biased “not towards the left or right but downwards.” As a result, we are witnessing a catastrophic decline in the standards of our democratic institutions and discourse. Nowhere is this more evident than in the contemporary culture wars around the trans question, where confected outrage is the norm.
This is why the furore over Rowling’s blog post misses the point: whether we agree with her or not, the problem is the collapse of our capacity to disagree constructively. If you deal primarily in subjective experience and impulse-driven reaction, under the assumption that you occupy the undisputed moral high ground, and you’ve been incited by fake news and want to signal your allegiances to your social media friends, then you can’t engage in rational discussion with your opponent. Your stock in trade will be unsubstantiated accusations and social shaming.
In this discombobulating universe, sex-based rights are turned into insults against trans people. Gender-critical feminists are recast as immoral bigots, engaged in deliberately hurtful, even life-threatening, speech. Rowling is not who we thought she was, her ex-fans wail, her characters and plots conceal hidden reservoirs of homophobia and bigotry. A few grandstanders attempt to distinguish themselves by saying that they have always been able to smell a rat—no, not Scabbers—and therefore hated the books from the outset. Nowhere amid this morass of moral grandstanding and outrage is there any serious engagement with her ideas.
Those of us on the left—and left-wing feminists in particular—who find trans ideology fraught, for all the reasons Rowling outlines, are a very small group. While Rowling is clearly privileged, she has also become the figurehead of a rapidly dwindling and increasingly vilified group of feminists, pejoratively labelled terfs, who want to preserve women’s sex-based rights and spaces. Although our arguments align with centrist, conservative and common sense positions, ours is not the prevailing view in academia, public service or the media, arts and culture industries, where we are most likely to be located (when we are not at home with our children). In most of these workplaces, a sex-based rights position is defined a priori as bigoted, indeed as hate speech. It can get us fired, attacked, socially ostracised and even assaulted.
As leftist thinkers who believe in freedom of speech and thought, who find creeping ideological and bureaucratic control alarming, we are horrified by these increasingly vicious denunciations by the left. The centre right and libertarians—the neo-cons, post-liberals and the IDW—are invariably smug about how funny it is to watch the left eat itself. But it’s true: some progressive circles are now defined by a call out/cancel culture to rival that of the most repressive of totalitarian states. Historically, it was progressives who fought against limits on freedom of speech and action. But the digital–identitarian left split off from the old print-based left some time ago, and has become its own beast. A contingent of us are deeply critical of these new directions.
Only a few on the left have had the gumption to speak up for us. Few have even defended our right to express our opinions. Those who have spoken out include former media darlings Germaine Greer and Michael Leunig. Many reader comments on left-leaning news sites claim that Rowling is to blame for the ill treatment she is suffering. Rowling can bask in the consequences of her free speech, they claim, as if having a different opinion from the woke majority means that she is no longer entitled to respect, and that any and all abuse is warranted—or, at least, to be expected. Where is the outrage on her behalf? Where are the writers, film makers, actors and artists defending her right to speak her mind?
Of course, the actors from the Harry Potter films are under no obligation to agree with JK Rowling just because she made them famous. They don’t owe her their ideological fealty: but they owe her better forms of disagreement. When Daniel Radcliffe repeats the nonsensical chant trans women are women, he’s not developing an argument, he’s reciting a mantra. When he invokes experts, who supposedly know more about the subject than Rowling, he betrays his ignorance of how contested the topic of transgender medicine actually is: for example, within endocrinology, paediatrics, psychiatry, sociology, and psychology (the controversies within the latter discipline have been demonstrated by the numerous recent resignations from the prestigious Tavistock and Portman gender identity clinic). The experts are a long way from consensus in what remains a politically fraught field.
Trans women are women is not an engaged reply. It is a mere arrangement of words, which presupposes a faith that cannot be questioned. To question it, we are told, causes harm—an assertion that transforms discussion into a thought crime. If questioning this orthodoxy is tantamount to abuse, then feminists and other dissenters have been gaslit out of the discussion before they can even enter it. This is especially pernicious because feminists in the west have been fighting patriarchy for several hundred years and we do not intend our cause to be derailed at the eleventh hour by an infinitesimal number of natal males, who have decided that they are women. Now, we are told, trans women are women, but natal females are menstruators. I can’t imagine what the suffragists would have made of this patently absurd turn of events.
There has been a cacophony of apologies to the trans community for Rowling’s apparently tendentious and hate-filled words. But no one has paused to apologise to Rowling for the torrent of abuse she has suffered and for being mischaracterised so profoundly.
So, I’m sorry, JK Rowling. I’m sorry that you will not receive the respectful disagreement you deserve: disagreement with your ideas not your person, disagreement with your politics, rather than accusations of wrongspeak. I’m sorry that schools, publishing staff and fan clubs are now cancelling you. And I’m sorry that you will be punished—because cancel culture is all about punishment. I’m sorry that you are being burned at the digital stake for expressing an opinion that goes against the grain.
But remember this, JK—however counterintuitive this may seem to progressives, whose natural home is on the fringe—most people are looking on incredulously at the disconnect between culture and reality. Despite raucous protestations to the contrary, you are on the right side of history—not just because of the points you make, but because of how you make them.
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sartorialadventure · 5 years
How did the fashion industry become so reliant on the labor of teenagers? What’s striking about Harulia’s story is how typical it is. ... Imaan Hammam was thirteen when she was spotted near an Amsterdam train station. Andreea Diaconu was an unusually tall eleven-year-old when scouts started circling. These girls are a few of the lucky ones; resilient Harulia signed with blue chip agencies in New York and Paris and walked for Miu Miu in March for the fall 2018 collection, but many of the roommates with whom she shared flats in unfamiliar cities were discarded or burned themselves out—“broken from the inside,” as she puts it.
... Early this year, in the wake of #MeToo revelations, Condé Nast, the publisher of this and many other magazines, issued a new global vendor code of conduct. Responding to stories about models both male and female being inappropriately touched, pressured for sexual favors, and even assaulted, Condé Nast established provisions aimed to ensure that all its editorial shoots are safe working spaces—harassment-free zones with private dressing rooms and allowances for model approval of both poses and clothing. Another set of provisions addresses the age of models: In recognition of the unique vulnerability of minors thrown into a career where they have little control and where abuse has been all too commonplace, the vendor code of conduct stipulates that no model under the age of eighteen will be photographed for editorial (unless he or she is the subject of an article, in which case the model will be both chaperoned and styled in an age-appropriate manner).
...Consider Naomi Campbell. The ne plus ultra of supermodels, Campbell was just shy of sixteen when she launched her career in the mid-1980s, when there were but a handful of twice-yearly fashion shows—a model could stay in school if she wished. Agencies signed very few names and invested in their long-term success by being selective with their bookings. Thus Naomi and her peers were sought-after. They developed close working relationships with designers, who would rigorously fit the variety of looks handpicked for them to wear on the runway. “It used to be, the fittings would take forever,” remembers David Bonnouvrier, cofounder and CEO of DNA Model Management in New York. “Now the girls are cast to fit the dress.”
“It’s a numbers game,” agrees Chris Gay, co-CEO of Elite World Group; it includes The Society Management, which represents Kendall Jenner, among others. “Brands want 40, 50 girls in a show, leaving less opportunity for designers to spend time with each talent. There’s no time for long fittings. But you know who fits those tiny samples?” Gay shakes his head ruefully. “Teenagers—girls who haven’t finished growing yet.”
If you want to understand why very young models became the runway norm, you have to look at the evolution Gay and Bonnouvrier have observed—from show samples’ being fitted to variously proportioned young women to young women’s being matched to size 0 samples. And to understand why the fix isn’t as simple as, say, cutting larger samples, you have to tease out the other factors at play, from the rise of the internet to the fall of the Iron Curtain. It’s a systemic problem. Its causes are diffuse.
... Diaconu’s early experiences in the fashion industry illustrate its perils for young models. “When I was fourteen, I’d have photographers asking me to go topless. There would be 20-hour days, taking green tea pills for stamina. Once, when I was about sixteen,” she says, “I had a booker tell me I had to socialize and go to clubs. It still makes me uncomfortable when I see models dressed as exotic parrots, hanging out at bottle service.”
...“These are children trying to understand and fit into an adult world,” observes Maria Bruce, LMHC, a New York–based licensed psychotherapist who specializes in working with high-achieving adolescents and adults, including athletes, dancers, and actors. Bruce says that the models she’s counseled struggle to navigate the mixed signals they get on the job. “They’re told to ‘grow up’ if they complain that they’re tired,” she says, “and yet in other ways they’re already treated as grown-ups.” This confusion, she says, leads teen models to feel too uncertain of their own authority to say no when they encounter dicey situations. Some muster the courage to speak up; most shut down.
“The teenage brain is sensitive to overload,” Bruce explains. “And some of the possible psychological consequences of dealing with these stressors include low self-esteem, obsessive-compulsive disorders, anxiety, and depression.”
... Myriad young models are flushed out of the industry when their adult curves emerge. Others continue to work but don’t do shows. Imaan Hammam is one of fashion’s current superstars, and she has the kind of healthy, toned body many women aspire to—but says she exceeds what some say is the regulation 34-inch hip and so is rarely spotted on a catwalk. “So many times I’d do fittings for shows and then they’d cut me at the last minute,” she says. “I tried to work out, eat healthy—but at a certain point, I had to say, Enough. This is who I am.”
... Unless and until the underlying dynamics of the fashion-show economy change, the conditions they’ve created will remain in place. Modeling will go on being a commodity business, with one new face easily replaced by the next. There will be exceptions, of course...but as Gay notes, “You can’t make policy around the exception.” The eighteen-plus runway initiative has the opposite aim: Jam the gears of the machine so it’s forced to rebuild itself.
...“We need to inject a labor consciousness into fashion,” says Ziff. “Models are not the people you picture when you think of workers’ rights, but the fact is we are doing a job and deserve to be treated fairly—just like anyone else who works for a living.”
“The age of models is just one component of a big conversation,” agrees Stella McCartney. “If you have a business that employs people, you have to be mindful of their conditions of employment—period. There’s no reason fashion should think it’s above that.”
The whole article is a fascinating read.
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