#Venue Liability
coolwastelandtree · 1 year
Artists and Performers: Navigating Hold Harmless Contracts
In the realm of cultural trials, the limelight frequently shines brightly on the players and their admiration-inspiring creations. Yet, behind the curtain, a vital element of their adventure remains hidden from the audience's eyes: the legal agreements that govern their interactions with occasion organizers, venues, and collaborators. Among these criminal constructs, the "Hold Harmless" settlement emerges as a giant participant, raising both possibilities and demanding situations for artists and performers. In this composition, we will dig into the depths of hold inoffensive contracts, unraveling their complications, and offering perceptivity into how artists can effectively steer this legal geography.
Understanding Hold Harmless Contracts: Unveiling the Concept
At its core, a hold harmless agreement is a legal settlement that objectives to allocate obligation and legal responsibility between events related to an activity or event. Often known as an indemnity agreement, it safeguards one celebration from felony claims or monetary repercussions resulting from the movements or negligence of the other celebration. This contractual tool reveals enormous use inside the leisure industry, where artists, performers, and event organizers are seeking to control capacity dangers and uncertainties.
The Dual Nature of Hold Harmless Agreements: Beneficial and Perilous
The Benefits:
Hold harmless contracts extend a guard of protection, assuaging the enterprises of artists and players as they showcase their bents By outlining particular scenarios in which legal responsibility is waived, artists advantage of the self-assurance to test creatively without fearing legal repercussions. This aspect becomes specifically applicable in physically demanding performances or exhibitions that carry essential pitfalls.
Furthermore, artists collaborating on tasks discover solace in hold harmless agreements. A dance troupe choreographing a complex recurring or a set of musicians composing a symphony can be cognizant of their inventive synergy, understanding that their prison interests are safeguarded through a clear allocation of obligation.
The Perils:
However, the advantages of holding harmless contracts come hand in hand with potential pitfalls. Artists can inadvertently signal away their rights and claims, finding themselves sure by means of clauses that absolve event organizers from even the gravest instances of negligence. These contracts demand careful scrutiny, as a poorly negotiated agreement can leave artists unprotected and financially inclined.
Navigating the Maze: Strategies for Artists
1. Thorough Examination:
Before appending their signature, artists have to meticulously examine the agreement's language. Seeking prison suggestions is advisable to ensure complete information of the phrases and ability ramifications. This step prevents any unpleasant surprises down the street.
2. Negotiation Power:
Artists must remember that contracts are not set in stone. Open dialogue with event organizers or collaborators can result in at the same time useful modifications. This ought to involve adjusting legal responsibility clauses, establishing limits to indemnification, or incorporating shared responsibility frameworks.
3. Insurance as a Backstop:
Considering the unpredictable nature of the leisure enterprise, artists ought to contemplate securing legal responsibility coverage. This acts as a protection internet, supplying economic support in the occasion of unforeseen criminal battles or claims.
Expert Opinions: Voices from the Industry
Renowned artist and performer, Julia Anderson, shares her perspective on hold harmless contracts: "As artists, our primary attention is on developing magic for our audience. However, it's important to find the stability between creativity and safeguarding our pastimes. Hold harmless contracts are a double-edged sword – they offer protection but demand careful consideration."
Conclusion: Harmonizing Art and Legalities
In the end, the journey of artists and performers is one encumbered with passion, innovation, and the need for legal acumen. Hold harmless contracts, even though elaborate, function as critical equipment for balancing danger and artistic expression. The key lies in a thorough know-how of those contracts, strategic negotiation, and a proactive approach to criminal protection. By embracing those standards, artists can stride hopefully onto the stage, specializing in their craft at the same time as their felony foundations remain rock-solid.
So, the next time you are surprised at an enchanting performance, keep in mind that behind the scenes, artists have no longer mastered their craft but additionally the art of navigating the prison symphony that accompanies their artistic journey.
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deadpanwalking · 9 months
its if someone else proposed to their bf or gf at your wedding you fucking idiot
Why would I be getting married at all if I couldn't even commit to the bit?
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ladykailitha · 2 months
Icarus Part 15
This was really popular last WIP Wednesday so it got down before the others did. So tada! The meeting with Vickie!
If you guys aren't getting notifications for my works, could you let me in know in the comments? Because I've been seeing it's been hit or miss lately, thanks!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14
Steve wasn’t sure what he was expecting when he walked into Eddie’s mansion. Both bands were meeting with their shiny new agent, Vickie Cameron. But whatever it wasn’t the woman sitting on Eddie’s big, black leather couch.
She had a stylish, curly, red bob that framed her angular face. Her bright green eyes were knowing and mischievous. Her clothes veered toward Bohemian in darker shades. Her smile was calm and welcoming.
Steve could feel the tension bleed out his shoulders as he sat down between Simon and Spence.
“You must be Abbadon,” she greeted warmly. “I’m Vickie Cameron, I understand that I called in the nick of time?”
Eddie who had come in behind him, smiled at her. “That’s right. She kept trying to shift blame on Abby here. Bob was awesome, though!”
Vickie looked to Chrissy and Robin in askance.
“The Fallen’s producer,” Robin explained. “He was there to prevent liability.”
Vickie nodded and then clasped her hands together. “I understand that not all of Corroded Coffin is here today?”
Jeff shook his head. “Gareth Hughes is currently in a ninety day program.”
“Eddie had to get special permission to talk to him about changing agents in the first place,” Brian explained. “It’s in our contract that all of us have to sign off on major changes.” He glanced sideways at Eddie and then Jeff before hanging his head.
Eddie sat down on the floor next to Shane, crossing his legs like the bassist. “But he was onboard one hundred percent.”
“That’s good,” she said with a smile. “I’m assuming it was that lovely little clause that prevented him from being replaced on tour?”
Steve looked around at the Corroded Coffin members as tension filled the air. Jeff and Eddie were radiating anger while Brian seemed to shrink in shame.
“I didn’t think it was fair that he would get replaced like he didn’t mean anything to us,” Brian hotly defended.
Jeff’s lip curled. “Dude, Gareth voted for us replacing him! He knew had made a promise and broke it. If we don’t punish him somehow, someway, he’s going to keep doing it!”
Brian’s chin began to wobble and he let out a shuddered breath. “I know. It was stupid. But it’s too late now. Let’s just focus on what we’re here for. Please!”
Steve shared looks with his band before they all agreed to just move on. But Steve made sure to make a mental note to talk to Eddie about it, because it was clear Eddie was really upset by the move even after a few weeks.
“Since you’re planning on touring together,” Vickie said, sitting up straight, “that makes the contacting for venues easy. Getting suites for two big bands might prove a little tricky at the moment as I don’t have the clout yet.”
“That’s fine,” Shane said from his perch on the floor. “We like to bunk all together if we can. It makes harder for people to try and pap us if there’s almost always someone there in the room.”
“That makes sense,” she agreed. “Will Jim Hopper be coming with you to function as your head of security?”
Robin nodded. “He’ll be the only one with knowledge of their real identities. His daughter will also be joining us as costumes director, but she has only dealt with their alter egos.”
Vickie nodded back. “That’s perfect. I’ll be just handling contracts and the legal eagle side of things, which is the main reason I need to know their real identities so no one can forge anything claiming to be a member of the band.”
Everyone nodded or murmured their agreements.
She looked at Eddie. “I know this your home, but would it be all right if I spoke to The Fallen alone?”
Eddie nodded and hopped to his feet. “Come on, Jeffy and Bri-Bri, let’s go raid my liquor cabinet.”
The other two men were to their feet in seconds and followed their lead singer out the door like ducklings in a row.
Vickie smiled after them. “They’re going to be fun. I can tell.” She turned back to The Fallen members. “Do you feel safe enough to remove your masks so that I can meet you properly?”
Steve and the other members looked around at each other before Shane took off his mask first. Then Steve and Spence together. Simon was the only that remained with his mask still on. Steve leaned over and whispered in his ear and rubbed his back encouragingly. After a moment or two Simon removed his mask too.
“It’s hard trusting someone new,” Vickie said with a reassuring smile. “Especially after harrowing experience that Abbadon went through earlier today. Giving that much power to any ex is hard, but if half of what Celeste says is true, she’s the last person in your lives that should have any kind of access to your secrets. So no judgments, okay? If you don’t feel comfortable being unmasked around me, that’s fine. I hope I’ll earn your trust in the future.”
Immediately Simon put his back on. Spence and Shane shared a glance before Spence put his back on, too. Only Shane and Steve left theirs off.
Vickie didn’t comment, only nodded her approval. “I had somethings to go over with you all so we can all get on the same page.”
“Why aren’t you calling us by our real names?” Simon asked, leaning into Steve’s side.
“Are any of the Corroded Coffin boys in on the secret?” Vickie asked, leaning forwards on her knees and clasping her hands together.
They all shared concerned glances, before Robin spoke up.
“Eddie is,” she said carefully, her shoulders squared against the tension in the room. “He guessed though, he wasn’t told.”
“But Jeff Laurence and Brian Martin aren’t read in?” Vickie pressed.
They all shook their heads.
“Then that would be why I’m not calling you by your real names,” she said clearly, sitting up straight. “There is a chance they might overhear a name or two and put it together who you are.”
Steve let out a shuddering breath and his lip quivered. “Nancy–she almost called me by my real name right in front of our producer. She almost outed me without a single thought or care. I–I’d never been more frightened in my life when she nearly slipped up. She had been so mad at me and I just wanted to get out of there, but I forced myself to stay there and listen to her.”
Vickie stood up and knelt in front of him, taking one of his hands as his friends offered their verbal support.
“I hate how much power she had in that conversation,” she murmured. “Agents like managers and PR firms are tools to help you navigate a job which constantly changing. That goes for actors, artists, athletes, comedians, and musicians of all walks of life. They should be supporting you, not making you miserable.”
She stood up. “And that goes for everyone, Corroded Coffin included. This is meant to be a partnership and it’s my job to sure it all goes as smoothly as possible.”
Simon removed his mask and looked her in the eye. “If you’ve got Abbadon’s back, you’ve got my vote of confidence.”
Everyone but Vickie turned to him, impressed. Simon was their Cowardly Lion. He was afraid of his own shadow outside of their personas on stage. It was only under the bright lights of the stage and behind his red mask that he truly came alive.
This was a big deal for Simon and his bandmates and Robin were proud as hell for him.
“So what did you need to go over with us?” Shane asked from his perch on the floor.
Vickie cracked her knuckles with a grin. “What I understand is that because your personal and professional lives are separate you need a little help fend off the trolls and influencers, is that right?”
“Aren’t they one and the same?” Spence asked with a snort. His mask was still on despite Simon’s bravery, he wasn’t ready to take that step yet.
“Only in the way that jackals and coyotes are both dogs I guess,” Vickie replied. “They act similar but have different motives for why they’re doing it. But I’m here to handle that.”
“I’m sorry to make you take on PR duties as well,” Robin said ringing her hands together. “But the more people who know the worse it’s going to be to keep a lid on everything.”
Vickie shook her head. “This is a good thing. Because I don’t have a lot of clients to juggle, I can do the PR for you guys. Simpler is always best.” She looked around the room. “I also understand that one of you is in a high profile relationship?”
Steve raised his hand. “Ish. Eddie and Steve are dating but it’s not public and with Eddie’s past history of sleeping with anything that moved, he can’t be seen with a roadie or the tabloids will explode.”
Vickie tapped her lip thoughtfully. “That is a conundrum to be sure. I’ll put together some plans and meet with Eddie and ‘Steve’ later in the week.” She put air quotes around his name. “Now, here are the other things we need to go over.”
Talk turned to the other things on her agenda and by the time it was over with all four members of the band were maskless, and eager to take her on.
Vickie, Robin, Chrissy were all sitting in Vickie’s office, popping the cork of a bottle of champagne to share between them. Chrissy poured the bubbling liquid into the three glasses and handed one to each of Robin and Vickie.
“Here’s to the three baddest bitches!” Robin said, raising her glass.
“Hell yeah!” Vickie crowed.
“Damn right!” Chrissy said, as they all clinked their glasses together.
They all drank and Vickie smirked around her glass. “So the industry is abuzz with news about Nancy Wheeler and Corroded Coffin pulling out of her firm.”
Robin and Chrissy leaned in close, clutching their glasses of champagne.
“Ooh,” Chrissy cooed. “Do tell.”
Vickie took another drink of her champagne and let them sit in it for a moment. “Apparently word is out that Corroded Coffin had vouched for her to The Fallen and when she was rude and dismissive of their unique requirements, Corroded Coffin decided that she wasn’t for them. And now huge acts are pulling out too in solidarity to The Fallen.”
Chrissy winced, but Robin nodded sagely.
“She sounded so sincere when I spoke to her,” she said, shaking her head sadly, “but my boys picked up on her hostility right away. All she had to do was put the past behind her, the way Abbadon seemed to, but she let her prejudices blind her and it led her to this.”
Vickie pursed her lips together. “I can see how some heavy hitters might like the bulldog approach that she took to her work, but not everyone has that tough of a skin. And while some part of me feels sorry for her, she absolutely dug her own grave.”
“Eddie was telling me some of the things she said to Abbadon,” Chrissy said, twisting the glass her hands. “It sounded like to me that she wanted him to absolve her of all her wrong doing without owning up to it in any way.”
Robin nodded. “That’s what Bob said, too. There was no apology and it didn’t sound like she ever intended to give one. So cheers to Vickie Carmichael, who sent the dragon running back to her lair!”
“Cheers!” Chrissy agreed to Vickie’s flush of pride.
“Thank you, ladies,” she said demurely. “I’m grateful for the opportunity to work with your boys. They all seem like good people. And yes that includes Gareth. I was able to meet with him without the other boys around and while he has some real problems to deal with, he’s a good person at heart who was led away by the high alcohol promised him.”
Chrissy nodded. “I wish Brian had let Gareth heal while they went on tour. I think it would have shaken something loose to see his friends perform without him.”
“To new beginnings!” Robin said, raising her glass.
“To new partnerships!” Vickie agreed, raising her own glass.
“To friends old and new!” Chrissy said.
They clanked glasses and drank deeply to their new future.
Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Tag List: CLOSED
1- @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence
3- @goodolefashionedloverboi @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @irregular-child @blondie1006
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7- @iamthehybrid @croatoan-like-its-hot @papergrenade @cryptid-system @counting-dollars-counting-stars
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9- @machete-inventory-manager @useless-nb-bisexual @stripey82 @dotdot-wierdlife @kal-ology
10- @sadisticaltarts @urkadop
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pop-punklouis · 1 year
Why didn't Louis cancel? It was 100% up to Louis to say that his insurance company won't allow the show to proceed and thus trigger the force majeure clause of contracts with the venue, local promoters. He would have cancelled and would have been proven right. Now he is open to liability lawsuits as this is US! I mean it was really legally up to Louis to prevent injury to his fans.
the hail legitimately started 3 minutes after the announcement was made. hail and extreme weather no one expected to be as large and as menacing as it was. not sure where a cancellation during that time would’ve made any difference. but you weren’t there, obviously, so of course you know everything about the show and what should’ve been done in that time of chaos and panic 💋
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a-d-nox · 1 year
what's a mars return?
did you know that you can check more than just your sun's return? any time a planet transits and becomes exactly conjunct your planet (it is in the exact sign and degree it was when you were born), you undergo a planetary return. mars returns happen roughly every 2 years (unless there is a retrograde too). my mars return is coming up this august and i couldn't be more thrilled to shed the lessons of my 2021 mars return chart and step onto a new battleground.
but what can a mars return chart show you?
what are you passion at / what you desire to do. your confidence and lack thereof. sex. what makes you angry / frustrated / aggressive / competitive. your impulsive behavior. where you are dominant / a leader. the challenge(s) you face.
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ego, leadership, self-confidence, sex life, focus, creative passions, authority, dominance, individuality, leadership development, dignity, awareness of other's intentions, and self-expression desires/passion.
frustration, passion, desire, lust, anger, survival instincts, care for your unit/squad, where you feel most powerful, your blood family, passionate/lustful instincts, fertility, adaptability, relationship with your mother, menstruation, and habits.
communication about what you want, verbal inspiration of others, debates, arguments, how you antagonize others, the determination of your mind, physical health, perception, short trips, ground transportation, diplomatic mannerisms, aggressive mannerisms, and profanity.
who you lust over, who you're attracted to, your reception of others' love, empathy/sympathy for others, pleasure, self-love/pleasure, compromise, values and moral drive, and possessions.
passion, desire, confidence, ambition, lust, sexual desire, anger/combativeness, aggressiveness/competitiveness, athletics, temper, impulse, dominance over other, activity / physical energy, and violence.
luck at pursuing your passions/desires, wins/successes, opportunity to move into leadership roles / win, who is willing to follow you, expansion of you empire, knowledge of the things you desire / are passionate about, wisdom gained from previous experiences, air travel, how you seek justice, exploration of foreign land, and spoils/profit/gains from what you win/achieve.
hard work, challenges/struggles, what the absence of your father/fatherly figure is like (mars has no father - read that myth here), lack of confidence, delays in you passions/desires, physical limitations, physical discipline, responsibility for others, physical effort, self-control, physical stability, endurance, emotional detachment (battle compartmentalization), and grudges.
allis, fluctuation in attitude/confidence, online arguments, physical uniqueness, rebellion, unplanned/sudden occurrences (surprise attacks), independence, freedom from others, p0rn0graphy, shock (usually of the traumatic variety), (battlefield) chaos, disasters scenarios, and fans/followers.
creative plans/strategies, camouflage and how you blend in, over-sensitivity, selflessness/egoism, retreating, intuition, deception/lies/manipulation, passionate inspiration, and fascination.
physical transformation, power, sex, 0rgasms, destruction of others, death, intensity, physical magnetism, physical regeneration, infatuation with other, obsession with others, seduction, manipulation of other, how you plans evolve and change, and the liabilities you remove from your life.
how you approach life, physical body, confidence, the initiative you take, your ambition, your behavior, physical alterations, individuality, and passion.
impulse spending habits, passion projects / side hustles, your work ethic, material possessions (spoils), stability, giving/receiving, and resources.
communication, your strategic mind, your perceptions, interests, ground transportation, social media (the arguments you get in and your followings), and short journeys.
homes/houses (raiding homes that aren't yours or location of your own home), family/family roots, and the foundation of your plans foundations.
children, talent for arguing or your passions, creative plans, risk-taking activities, hookups, pleasures/desires, and strategy games you play
physical health, fitness routine, your duties towards others, your hygiene, and analytics/strategy.
long term relationships, physical attraction towards others, partnerships, allis, known enemies, and negotiations.
major physical transformation, sex, death, changes of heart, your partners resources/assets, seduction, secrets, spiritual transformation, surgery/operations, and trauma (ptsd).
(battle) wisdom, morality/ethics, foreign environments / long journeys, travel, and learning about leadership / your passion.
your legacy, your reputation, long-term goals/plans, mission, responsibilities towards others, authority, expertise, and leadership.
allis, gains, desires, awareness of other's intentions towards you, groups you lead, politics, and interaction with others.
mental healing/health, hidden weaknesses, hidden enemies, k!nks, fears, losses, closure from tense situations, repressed memory, past challenges, and mental restrictions that become physical restrictions.
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© a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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seospicybin · 1 year
These are purely works of fictions. There is now way it represent Stray Kids in any way.
* S for smut. F for fluff. A for Angst.
Sweet & Sour. (s) Sour fruits? No worries, Hyunjin knows how to make it sweeter.
White Heat. (s,f) Part I / Part II / Part III Dating Hyunjin is not easy and it isn’t easy for him too because he had to be away from you, that’s why he took some pictures of you to keep you close with him.
Petals. (f, mild smut) You always believe that kissing Hyunjin is like kissing flower petals, but can you tell the difference though?
Blush. (s,f) You once promised to grant a wish of Hyunjin, and to your surprise, his wish is to make a nude painting of you.
Venus. (s,a) When Hyunjin first sets his eyes on you, he knew that you would make a perfect muse for his paintings, but as time goes, you begin to question whether it’s love or a short-lived infatuation that he has for you?
Hunger. (s,a) Hyunjin is a popular kid at your campus but when you finally met the man, your heart created something inside you: a hunger for him.
Saturn. (s,f,a) Realized that Hyunjin’s true love will always be his art, you decided to move on with your life to only cross path with him once more.
Pluto. (s,a) Part I / Part II / Epilogue Knowing that your life will end soon, you choose to have your desired death by making a pact with the devil with a red hair, Hyunjin.
Vesper. (s,f) Part I / Part II You’ve been praying every night for someone like Hyunjin to come and when he finally did, you doubt that he would approve your job as a stripper. 
One Dance. One More Dance. (s) If it wasn’t because of your support, Hyunjin would have been given up to be a painter. One day, he finally get to sold one of his paintings and he decides to celebrate it by getting himself a lap dance.
Collateral. (s) I.N x reader x Hyunjin. Part I / Part II / Part III / Part IV Working at a magazine, you met Hyunjin who instantly becomes the muse of your late-night writings filled of your wild imagineries of him but a different man started to fulfill that fantasies for you. And he was the one you worked for, the editor in chief, Yang Jeongin.
Liability. (s,f) A spin-off of Collateral series.
Three of A Kind. (s) Bangchan x reader x Hyunjin. Part I / Part II / Part III Late night drinking and a card game, plus two pretty boys? what’s the worst that could happen?
Aces High. (s) Bangchan x reader x Hyunjin. On your birthday, you put your two boyfriends to a test to find out which one of them knows you better and as the celebration continues, they take their turn to put you on a test.
On Tour. (s,f,a) Hyunjin x reader x Felix. I. SOUNDCHECK / II. OPENING ACT / III. UNPLUGGED / IV. HIDDEN TRACK / FINAL. ENCORE. Your best friend, Felix, is in a rock band and he takes you to join him on tour as the band’s photographer. On the road, you learn how to deal with his bandmate, Hyunjin, who’s not very welcoming of you. 
Rewind. (s,a) Seungmin x reader x Hyunjin. Part I / Part II As a part of a research team that works on a memory-erasing machine, you work alongside the professor whom you greatly admire and a computer geek who relentlessly flirts with you. But the one that you want is the one that you can’t have.
Dark Red. (s,f, horror, thriller) Part II Seospicy's halloween special.
0325. (s) skz x reader. SIDE A A series of short fics inspired by Stray Kids songs.
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liulith · 6 months
Attention, dear Voxtek customers!
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Voxtek inc. would like to remind you that prolonged use of audio devices may cause temporary OR permanent hearing loss.
If you're not careful, you might end up like the 1,7% of the human population with noise-induced hearing loss. You're no longer human, so be smarter than those suckers!
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Voxtek issues the following recommendations:
Use well-fitted headphones or earbuds that cancel outside noise
Headphones and earbuds can reach as loud as 100 dB or more so a safe level would be 50℅ to 60℅ of the maximum volume. When listening to music, try to keep the sound at or below 70 decibels.
Buy our [$99.666] premium Noise Cancelling Earplugs to use at noisy venues!
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Voxtek excludes all liability for personal injury, bankruptcy, damage to property, divorce or death resulting from misuse of its products and no refunds shall be offered. Should you disagree with these Terms and Conditions, Voxtek reserves the right to silence you as its own discretion :)
As a last recommendation, we strongly advise you to take this quick hearing test.
Trust US!
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askagamedev · 5 months
Hello. Do you think having a game programming YouTube channel can be useful as a portfolio? Like recreating game mechanics from existing games or creating new ones, and explaining my thoughts and decisions through the videos. Similar to Artstation for artists, but in this case for programming.
I do like the idea of having an online portfolio where a candidate can showcase their skills, but I am not sure that a youtube channel is the ideal platform for it. I can see good gains to be had from doing so, but there are also non-trivial drawbacks. I'll explain what I mean.
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First, doing personal game development projects earns top marks. There's no better way to stand out as a candidate than to have experience doing that work already and game development is no exception. Show us that you can do the job by doing similar work. Earning experience as an amateur will translate to leveling up as a professional.
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Second, there's definitely a lot of benefit to practicing communication skills which you get from posting for public consumption. My own personal ability to communicate has improved significantly since I began this blog. The regular practice of posting to the blog has honed my skill at taking difficult, technical, and/or complex concepts and conveying them in an intuitive and understandable way. These are extremely helpful skills in a professional setting, especially when communicating with others who are not versed in the technical or design context.
There are also two drawbacks I see here.
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The first drawback is in the choice of platform. Video production is extremely time-consuming - at the very least you will need to record the needed footage, write and record the commentary, add any needed visual bits (e.g. intro, outro, key art, transitions, etc.) and (most time-consuming of all) edit each video together. Most of these skills are not directly transferable to game development and are the primary reason I decided against going the Youtube route for myself.
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The second drawback is in the public-facing nature of posting your work. If you get hired by a game company, you will become a corporate representative to the players of that company's games 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Your personal public posts will likely be read and dissected by the game's fans and used as potential ammunition against your employer. It is not abnormal for public blogs and the like to need shutting down (either temporarily or permanently) once you get hired. It may become a legal liability and that's not something you want to deal with while juggling a full-time job. I avoid this by staying anonymous but it's a double-edged sword - I must also forgo the benefit of having a public portfolio that I can show to potential employers.
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That's basically the rundown. There's a lot to be gained from doing personal game dev work and posting it publicly, but you don't need to go all or nothing. There are really good skills you will develop by doing so, but you should absolutely be mindful of the major drawbacks of doing so in a public venue. I would encourage you to consider these issues and find a solution that you think will work best for you.
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She stands before him, clothes in garments of flaming fire, inspiring terror & making body & soul terrible, full of frightening eyes (…) - The Book of Lilith - Barbara Black Koltuv
Delta Of Venus - Anaïs Nin / Helen of Troy Does Countertop Dancing - Margaret Atwood / 'Fire No 1', 2013 - Logan White / The Diary of Anaïs Nin, Volume IV (1944-1947) / Fantasia / Old Me - 5 Seconds of Summer / not angry - Ikumi Nakada / Labyrinths: Selected Stories & Other Writings - Jorge Luis Borges / Candle 2000 - Vladimir Kush / Angel On Fire - Halsey / unknown / A Burning Hill - Mitski / Liability - Lorde
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prac-ticalproblems · 4 days
for the asks. for a while i had an idea spinning in my head of spy, engie and scout going on a sort of hitman mission (spy blending into the crowd, others working in the background) and finding out that they have to kill the guy from sex bomb or something idk i wanted it to be silly
SO TRUE, thank you dearly for the ask btw 🧡
I have some very strong feelings abt this prompt, the ideas are firing! Let’s go!
Screams immediately, almost getting them caught, because he thought he felt a bug crawl on his leg in the vents.
It is his untied shoelace brushing against his calf.
Scouts job is to literally ‘scout’ the opposition. See who should be a problem, who won’t. Nullify any threats and keep an eye out for an escape plan.
Scout, in fact, does not do this, and instead chats up with the ladies while squinting in the direction of the exit sign and saying it’s “good enough” over his ear piece.
When one of them lets it slip that Tom Jones is playing after the openers at this venue, he is starstruck about meeting his idol on stage! He shows off his massive tattoo in vigor, scaring the women away.
He races up to their safe room, to tell the guys the news, and learns what they’re actually here for.
He is inconsolable for maybe 40 full minutes, while the two men try to awkwardly calm him down.
Spy is the one who suggested the vent as their entrance point. He partially did so to get away from Engineer. They have been bickering endlessly about anything since entering the car, and he thought it’d be an easy out. Engie was too big to fit in the vents like him and Scout.
He did not take into consideration that the Texan is big, true, and extremely stubborn. They take an extra 5 minutes to get him out and to go another way because Spy said he couldn’t do it.
With that out of the way, Spy takes an overhead view of the back stage, gauging how the security will be, who to worry about, who will be a liability to the target, their main focus.
He almost growls when he hears Scout yells through the very good quality speakers with a mouth full of food to meet at the safe room Engineer has set up in, to hear the urgent news.
He sighs, long and drawn out, before explaining their mission, in full, to the other man.
Scout is devastated, at having to kill his ‘father’. Spy grimaces at the word.
“If you are going to be a liability for this mission, then go sit in the car. A job is a job, and I don’t leave things unfinished.”
He glares, arms crossed as he looks away. Acting like he didn’t feel a little bit guilty.
He knew damn well he would not fit in that vent, but he came out with a cocky grin because he pissed Spy off.
Engineer is here because it’s an opportunity to try out his new EMP invention on the unsuspecting public!
He really doesn’t care about the mission as much as Spy, but since he’s here, he supposes he could act as the man behind the chair, wiping the footage of their presence across the film.
When Scout interrupts his dissection of the blueprints to the building for the best escape plans, (since Scout didn’t really do it) He nearly jumps out of his skin.
Usually his workshop was locked. Someone storming in was not on his quota.
As Spy and Scout’s altercation goes by, he tried to interrupt the both of them, to no avail.
After finally, finally calming down Scout down, he gets his words in….
“Er…. You both know that it’s a Tom Jones impersonator… right? It’s on the file…”
The room’s silent for a bit.
“Oh.” “Oh, then let’s go get ‘im then!”
The job was done. Maybe it was to subpar standards, but at least, passing
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curatorofvibes · 2 years
Venus-Saturn (Blooming)
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Artwork by Nalyk1010
The title of this playlist is, “Learning To Love Me… again” with the theme of a single flower in a garden going through a full bloom, albeit late, it’s happening nonetheless. To me, this single flower is a representation of the listener of this playlist. The tears shed throughout this journey by the listener is the water needed for the flower to grow. The sunlight is represented by the listener finally seeing their worth and deciding to choose healing and to no longer hide who they really are. The beauty of a garden, in my opinion, is that it is never finished. It goes through cycles of birth, death, and renewal, proving that there is always space and opportunity to change and grow. Through the gentle, nurturing hands of the gardener, this process is handled with care and grace. My hope is that the listener of this playlist and reader of this post, cares for themselves as a gardener would care for their garden.
Now time to explore this 2h and 43min garden. I hope you all enjoy!
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The way I picture this playlist coming to life is from the setting of a garden, the home of this single flower being introduced and so to do that, I used the song, “Garden (Say It Like Dat)” by SZA. To me this song in terms of this playlist represents insecurity and dependence on others for love and validation instead of looking within yourself and growing your self-love. With SZA using the words, “Need you…”during the first few lines of the song and, “I need your support now.” but most especially, “Hope you never find out who I really am, ‘cause you’ll never love me.” …
Going into the next song, “12:21” by Yana Perrault, the realization of probably never finding love or being loved for who you truly are hits with the line, “Will I ever find love and a name that feels familiar.” You can’t help but want to speed up the process of finding love, “I wish I had all of the answers.” Like dang, why can’t I just jump to the solution of what it takes to be loved. I also used this song as a representation of rushing to find the one because you feel like you’re running out of time, “And I wish the world wasn’t ending. We don’t have forever, ain’t getting no younger. Girl, keep it together.” …
Moving onto the song, “You Should Know Where I’m Coming From” by BANKS, you start thinking, “Maybe I’m the problem?”, “Maybe I’m just too hard to please.”, “Maybe I’m just better off alone for eternity.”, “Maybe finding true love in this lifetime just wasn’t meant for me.” Still, you can’t help but crave love. So you isolate yourself (the song “People Watching” by Conan Gray is a representation of this self-isolation and yearning) and the days when you choose to do the opposite, you try to fake it so that you can try to feel something, but you end up feeling like a “Liability”…
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When you get to the song, “OverHeated” by Billie Eilish it goes from feeling like a “Liability” to feeling judged for who you are, most especially for your looks. You feel like all eyes are on you. You start comparing yourself to others and even you yourself start judging those who fit the beauty standard out of anger for not feeling like you fit in. It all becomes kind of overwhelming and you just wish to escape it, wish it didn’t exist. Have you ever thought of it from the perspective of, they’re not judging you, but you’re judging yourself? Be kind to yourself, give yourself grace. There’s a quote by Zen Shin that I feel is applicable here, “A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms.”
Eventually you learn that, “Tears Dry On Their Own” and hey, flowers do need water to grow. You’re growing. You’re healing. It feels like the lyrics from the song, “Lilith” by LUX AGAPE, “I started feeling without shame. I know now I was always free. I was always pure energy.”...
While the self-love journey is beginning, you can’t help but still have some doubts creep back in about love from others because of what you’ve already endured and what you fear when it comes to the topic. I used the song, “Dangerous” by Asiah to start off the representation of those doubts pertaining to this playlist. You think that, “It’s dangerous to love. It’s dangerous to trust.” And, “I’ve been building up a wall that I can’t break.” Allowing someone the opportunity to see the real you and not knowing how it’s going to end can feel dangerous. It’s the fear of the desired unknown.
The song after “Dangerous” is, “Peur d’aimer” by Franglish. This song is asking why do you fear love? In representation of this playlist it’s asking the flower to confront its fears by asking itself the questions that may seem tough, but necessary to learn how they ended up in the position that they are in now, and how can they heal and grow from it. It is also asking the flower to decide what it is they want out of love and to believe that it is possible and out there waiting to meet you halfway. Break down that wall and allow yourself to be vulnerable.
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Then we get to the song “Sunflower” by Tamino and Angèle. From Verse 1, “Down by the banks, a sunflower blooms. Reaching into the clouds, ever young and ever-growing. Defying the hardest winds’ blowing.” To, “Taken up by devotion.” And from the last few lines of this song, “Now I water the ground in which she stands and shield her from every storm.” To me, this song is representing the strength of the flower to bloom in spite of their fears and doubts. I know Tamino is probably singing about watering and protecting another flower, but in this playlist I’m choosing to use those last few lines as a representation of the flower watering and protecting itself.
The song, “I’m Old Fashioned” by Ilene Woods was slipped into this playlist specifically for Venus-Saturn natives. When I think about this natal aspect in a chart, I think of someone desiring a traditional love and what would be described as having old fashioned values when it comes to love.
To describe a shift in perspective I used the song, “Angles” by Mick Jenkins, Noname, and Xavier Omär. This is the beginning of starting to see all that you’ve been through from a different lens. Rather than being hard on yourself about the heartbreak that you’ve endured and the lack of self-love that you once had, you see it in the light of, I needed this to happen in order to bloom. “Had to get to know myself before I claimed I loved me. Nobody else, just for myself, got more myself just for me. Growing everyday, I'm growing everyday.” I feel like the song, “thank u, next” by Ariana Grande is the most perfect song from beginning to end of a representation of that shift in perspective. Most people would probably bash their ex’s and never see a past relationship or friendship in the light of: I needed to go through that heartbreak or encounter that person to help the process of learning to love me. Throughout the song Ariana is thanking her ex’s for everything that they’ve taught her and put her through because it led her onto the path of meeting someone else (spoiler alert: herself) and recognizing how remarkable that person is.
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The song, “Flower (In Full Bloom)” by Luna Li and Dreamer Isioma represents the transition into really boosting yourself up and taking back your power. With lyrics such as, “You don’t own me.”, “When I think about all the things that I can do, I know I will go on thriving without you. ‘Cause I’m in touch with my heart and body too.”, “I don’t got nothing to prove.” Remember when I brought up flowers needing water to grow? This song points that out with this line, “What’s the point of planting flowers when there’s no rain?” ...
Soon we get to the song, “Flowers” by Miley Cyrus and this song in my opinion is similar to “thank u, next” because we see Miley choosing to not despise and hate what she’s been through with lyrics such as, “No remorse, no regret. I forgive every word you said.” We see her, just like Ariana, coming to the realization that hey, I’m here for me, and I’ve been here all along. I forgive myself for the negative and self-destructive thoughts I once identified with. I can change those thoughts and beliefs, I no longer have to be that person. I also don’t need to depend on someone else to be myself and do the things that I want to do, “I can buy myself flowers. Write my name in the sand. Talk to myself for hours, say things you don’t understand. I can take myself dancing. And I can hold my own hand. Yeah, I can love me better than you can.” Try giving yourself the same grace that you would give to your own child. This quote by Michelle K. displays this sort of grace, “I treat myself like I would my daughter. I brush her hair, wash her laundry, tuck her in goodnight. Most importantly, I feed her. I do not punish her. I do not berate her, leave tears staining her face. I do not leave her alone. I know she deserves more. I know I deserve more.” I feel like this is when the self-love portion of this playlist has reached its strongest. I also would like to add that you’re the only one who hears your thoughts and has to live with them, so you might as well make it a beautiful and comforting place to be.
To cap off this playlist it ends with the song, “Late Bloomer” by Mereba. Even though all of the other flowers in the garden bloomed before you, you still made it! You’re still here! Forget a specified time to grow, what matters is that you still bloomed despite all that you’ve been through. Everything that you’ve been through was essential in the process of you becoming this healed, beautiful, radiant flower full of self-love, self-worth, and self-validation. You now know that you are able to be loved for the real you. It starts with you choosing to love being yourself and accepting love from others. At the end of the day, “Late bloomers still rise.” ...
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I also would like to share these two posts on Venus-Saturn aspects that I liked reading. The first link can be found by clicking the word, “Venus” and the second link can be found by clicking the word, “Saturn”.
“The little flower which has bloomed once, blooms forever.” - Neville Goddard
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captain-hawks · 1 year
attack on titan masterlist
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* — contains smut
— levi ackerman
liability - The tables are turned when you save Levi during a mission, nearly getting yourself killed in the process. He’s furious, but you don’t quite understand why.
waking reverie* - Sick and tired of overhearing the sounds of you fooling around with a fellow squad leader, Levi decides to confront you afterward at a particularly inopportune moment.
reciprocal sin* - It’s inappropriate, this unspoken arrangement between yourself and Captain Levi. And yet as the polarity between right and wrong begins to disintegrate under his steady, burning, gaze, you can’t quite bring yourself to care.
precision* - In which a dark, quiet corner of the bar and a glass of bourbon finally earns you Levi Ackerman’s undivided attention.
#rambling: l. ackerman
— jean kirstein
trace the outlines of your dreams* - Jean saves you in the midst of a bloody battle, and in the aftermath, you both figure out some important things—the impending end of the world be damned.
best friends & bad ideas* - Big aspirations and even bigger dildos—in which a poorly thought out plan makes it incredibly hard to act like your feelings for Jean Kirstein are platonic. Not when they’re anything but. And especially not when you’re half naked in his lap.
ghosts of you and me* - You weren't exactly planning on fucking your musician ex-boyfriend in the backseat of his jeep in the parking lot of a concert venue months after your painful breakup. And yet—
broken ac*
pre-concert sex*
daddy kink*
band!au jean (unconnected drabbles and fics)
jean x reader x reiner brat taming*
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jessicanjpa · 9 months
Twilight Advent Calendar 2023 Event
Dec. 18 - What are some things the Cullens do every time they move? Does anyone have any rituals re: leaving a location or starting at a new one?
It's kind of a bittersweet time, even when the move has been scheduled and has nothing to do with someone having an accident. It's always a bit jarring to bring their cover stories to a sudden stop after 4-6 years of pretending to be completely human, growing up, etc. Those personas are essentially "dying," and dying young.
They gradually retreat from human society beforehand; they really are busy but they also do their best to fade from public view like that instead of just disappearing overnight. Sometimes they talk about the move (to a fake destination), sometimes they don't. Some random thoughts:
-Carlisle and Esme take some quiet time alone together. They find a favorite lookout point or other special spot (sometimes even a public place like a cafe). And they just talk about everything that's happened, new things they're hoping for, their worries and ideas about the kiddos, etc. And then they just sit quietly and silently say goodbye in their own ways. It's sort of a spiritual moment they share, just one without words.
-The moves are the hardest on Rosalie, especially if they're just starting over right away without any break or vacation. It's a bit easier for her if there's something to look forward to, so between Emmett and Esme (and Rosalie herself) this is often the case.
-I wrote Rosalie and Emmett burying a time capsule full of keepsakes when they left the Olympic Peninsula in 1940, and I'm toying with the idea that they do this every time—not sure yet.
-Like Carlisle and Esme, everyone tries to visit their favorite local spots one more time. For Edward it's usually his meadow or cave or whatever was his Brooding Place. For Rosalie/Emmett it's usually a human venue like a dance club.
-Like @miss-morgans-lover said, Jasper is very busy in the weeks before a move. He actually sort of likes the nitty-gritty of managing everyone's identities, erasing paper and electronic trails, deleting pictures from databases, being the liaison to Jenks, etc. He likes to contribute in a concrete way that helps keep everyone safe, and for the most part he's enjoying the challenge here in the digital age. He takes his responsibility for putting the fear of God into liabilities like Jenks very seriously. Bella, why on earth would you take this away from him??? Back off.
-Carlisle still has a lot to do, even though Jasper has taken on a good share of the load he used to bear re: identity management. He generally keeps a handful of identities active at once so he can store valuables, keep in touch with old colleagues (he loves "aging" himself in those letters/emails), and keep his investments going with as little fuss as possible. He also has to pay his dues: preparing his CV, going on interviews, being the new guy at work again, etc. It's always hard for him to be the new guy; he likes the challenge of starting younger every time, but he always has to hold back and re-earn the respect he's become accustomed to.
-Emmett always introduces/tweaks a new vampire-level sport for everyone to try at the new location. It's his way of cheering everyone up and giving a bit of meaning to whatever the new place is. Whenever possible, he finds a way to match the sport to the location.
You can find all of the #twilightadvent23 prompts here!
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astrojulia · 1 year
Transiting Pluto sextile your natal...
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During this transit, you can make efforts to improve your home and eliminate unnecessary clutter, focusing on what is truly important to you and your family. Your emotional range may feel narrower during this time, but you have the opportunity to fully experience and harness the power of your emotions. You can delve into your deepest psychological side and gain a better understanding of your true motives and unconscious impulses. This may lead to intense and concrete emotional experiences, but you will have the ability to handle them.
This transit is also perfect for exploring personal growth and human potential, without getting all abstract about it. You'll naturally approach people with more emotional depth, which is awesome. This transit can bring positive changes to your personal and family life, as well as your inner psychological world. You might find new ways to connect with your parents and family and have some creative breakthroughs.
Even if you don't have a crush, this is a great time to go out and discover one! You'll not hold back when you're interested in something. You're all in or nothing, and that's what makes you so effective. Your strong will and conviction will help you achieve important goals and prove yourself, even if you think you don't handle pressure well.
You’ll prefer to do things your own way, though, and can only tolerate those who follow your rules. But that's okay, because your strong will is usually an asset rather than a liability during this cycle. Just being in your presence can have an effect on others, especially when you know what's right and can easily convince others of your point of view.
You'll always pursue the truth, even if it's just your own truth. This period can help you tap into what gives your life true meaning and passion. At the same time, you can see through insincerity in others and unmask the reality behind appearances.
The type of information you get during this time really depends on the questions you ask. You're not afraid to look at things on the surface until you're sure you have all the facts. That's how you avoid surprises. Whatever you're interested in, you have a chance to really dive in and get results. This period can be a powerful opportunity to reshape your mind and focus on what's really important, letting go of everything else. If you take time to reflect, you might even make some significant discoveries.
You're generally making great decisions now because you really take the time to consider all your options. Once you've made up your mind, you stick to your guns. Some people might think you're being stubborn, but you just know you're right. You'll listen to advice, but if your mind's made up, you won't change it. Your words have a lot of conviction behind them, and that can be pretty influential.
You might find yourself talking a lot during this period, especially if you have something to say. Short trips can help you recharge and get your mind going. All in all, it's a great time to develop your mind and find more meaning in the world around you.
If you're trying to make a deal but others are dragging their feet, you're pretty good at convincing them to come around with your persistence. And while you might enjoy reminiscing about the past, you tend to focus pretty hard on one person at a time. Right now, you're getting a deeper appreciation for what really matters and you might find yourself getting rid of things or people that don't fit with your values.
But by focusing on what's truly important to you, you can make a bigger impact and amp up your charm. This is a great time to get your finances in order, whether it's making smart purchases or reorganizing what you've got. And if you're determined, you might uncover some real treasures by digging deep into any resources you've got.
When it comes to relationships, things are getting deep and transformative. You might make some new friends or even find yourself a significant other who becomes a big part of your life. Your existing relationships can also become more fulfilling, as you learn more about yourself and what you need. It's all happening pretty smoothly, and you're going to appreciate the people in your life even more.
This cycle is all about perseverance and strength, and you've got it in spades. You go after what you want without hesitation, and if you stick to a clear path, you can achieve amazing things. Even in intense situations, you can handle anything that comes your way. You've got great instincts and can weigh the consequences of your actions, which earns you respect from others who follow your lead. You're not afraid to take risks that others might shy away from, but you don't rush into things without thinking them through first. Even if things don't go as planned, you've got what it takes to make it through.
This is your time to take charge and do things for yourself, rather than just sitting back and letting others do it for you. You've got the power to achieve great things and make a big impact on the world around you. Your energy levels are high, so you can put in a lot of effort for a long time, which means you can make real progress towards your goals. So go out there and show the world what you're made of!
During this time, if something's removed from your life, it's usually replaced with something better, which strengthens your trust in the process. Moving forward becomes easier when you're not afraid to let go of what's holding you back. You don't necessarily need to subtract to progress, but committing to a plan and ignoring what's irrelevant can lead to greater success. It's essential to focus on what's most gratifying and provides lasting satisfaction. This cycle is an excellent opportunity to make changes and position yourself for success that lasts.
Whatever you do during this time, it's likely to work out in your favor. You can grow and move beyond limiting conditions without looking back. This can help rebuild your confidence and deepen your understanding of yourself and the world around you. Travel and studying can be particularly enjoyable and broaden your beliefs. Probing below the surface can have a profound impact, so don't be afraid to dig deeper.
Knowing exactly what you want can make a huge difference in how much you enjoy this intense focus that's available to you. You're a real go-getter, and when you're feeling secure, you can totally achieve some major goals. Sometimes, though, you gotta lose a little to win big, you know? And this cycle might make it super obvious that you need to get rid of some stuff that's holding you back. But that's cool, because you're totally feeling the urge to reorganize and streamline things for maximum efficiency.
This is also a perfect time to lay the foundation for long-term success by tackling any fears that might be getting in your way. You can totally break free from any toxic patterns that are holding you back from achieving your goals. And even though you can see those negative forces and self-doubts clearly, you're using them to motivate yourself to be even more badass.
You're totally in charge right now, and you've got the power to reshape your world however you want. You're a great leader when you know exactly what's going on, and there probably won't be too many surprises to throw you off track. But even if something crazy does happen, you're totally ready to roll with it and find a way to make things work, no matter what it takes.
This is a super creative time for you, and you're buzzing with energy. You're eager to try out new things and explore avenues you've never tried before. You might even get into astrology and metaphysics as ways to uncover spiritual truths. You're primed to venture into higher realms, and you might meet some cool people who can guide you on your journey.
Things might be pretty chill during this phase, unless you're feeling extra rebellious. If you're willing to go against the norm, there's some sweet opportunities to shake things up. You've got a lot of influence when you're being your unique self, and you won't compromise your awesomeness for anyone.
Even if some wild stuff happens that totally messes with your routine, you've got this. In fact, some big changes might come your way during this time that could completely change your path for the better. You're not one to make waves unless it's necessary, but you can roll with the punches like a champ.
And yes, you might encounter some ups and downs, but the unpredictability can actually keep things fresh for you. You tend to thrive on change, and this is the perfect time for it.
This is a time when you might feel drawn towards the deeper meaning of life and all things spiritual. It's like a door has opened up and you're eager to walk through it and explore new paths. This phase can be impersonal at times, but it's important to pay attention because it can have a big impact on you.
Your imagination is firing on all cylinders, and you're likely to attract a lot of creative energy that you can work with. You might even have some vivid dreams that give you some direction in life. You're able to plan and dream big, and you're not held back by limitations. Your intuition is strong, and you're able to sense what needs to be done without over-analyzing it. You're open-minded and accepting of all sides of life, even if they seem conflicting. Unexpected experiences may come your way, but you're able to handle them with ease. You have a broader perspective on things now, which helps you accept what comes your way.
It's time to make some moves in your life and reach your goals! It's all about embracing change and transformation, especially when it comes to your mental and spiritual growth. Say goodbye to old habits that have been holding you back, and make way for some major success.
Things may be happening slowly, but trust me, they're happening. Sometimes it takes letting go of what's not important to make room for something new and amazing. You'll find that by tackling the big issues, you'll be able to replace small, surface-level problems with some serious substance.
So dig deep and ask yourself the tough questions - you're sure to find the answers you need. You're pretty brave, so don't be afraid to face any challenges that come your way. You got this! But be prepared, it might take some serious effort to reach your goals, and you may have to let go of things that seem important to you. In the end, though, it'll all be worth it.
During this time, you may feel like the universe is conspiring to help you heal old wounds and put past issues to rest. It's like you have a magic touch that can transform pain into wisdom and growth. Maybe you'll reconnect with someone from your past who has the power to give you the closure you need, or maybe you'll finally achieve a long-standing goal that has eluded you until now. Whatever the case may be, you're feeling like the universe is on your side and you're ready to seize the opportunity with both hands. Your heart is full of hope and determination, and you're ready to make the most of this chance to move forward and leave the past behind.
This is a time for you to explore your deepest desires and embrace your independence and sexual freedom. You have a strong urge to break free from past restrictions and redefine your identity. This transformation can be quite dramatic, and you may find yourself shedding old limitations effortlessly.
With your newfound confidence in your sexuality, you are ready to take on the world and explore new horizons. You may find yourself drawn to new experiences, people, and opportunities that are exciting and liberating.
This period offers you a chance to explore your true self and discover what you really want out of life. You can let go of any inhibitions or fears that have held you back in the past. You have the power to transform your life completely and embrace your authentic self.
It's important to approach this transformation with an open mind and heart, and to be willing to take risks and try new things. You may encounter challenges along the way, but with your newfound confidence and independence, you can overcome anything that comes your way.
It's time to get excited because destiny is calling you! All the hard work and effort you've put in is finally paying off and you're about to receive some amazing rewards. Get ready to walk through some doors of opportunity that will help you achieve your life's purpose. You might even meet someone super important or join a group of people that will guide you on your path. Or maybe something epic is about to happen that will completely change your future! Keep your eyes open because big changes are coming and they'll have a deep impact on you!
This time period might make you face some old patterns or issues that are holding you back. It's time to let go of those old habits or beliefs and turn them into something positive to propel you forward. You might need to confront some past traumas or emotional baggage, but trust me, it'll be worth it. This transit might even bring up some past connections or karmic stuff that needs to be dealt with. Take a moment to look back on your journey so far and see how it has shaped you. Use this chance to let go of what's not working and find a new path to success.
You've got some amazing opportunities coming up! This is your chance to show the world a new side of yourself. You can totally switch up your look or just try out new ways of connecting with people. And guess what? These changes will lead to some seriously positive shifts in your life.
Right now, you're feeling extra motivated and determined to succeed. You're not afraid to go after what you want, and you're not about to let anyone hold you back. You've got this inner strength that just radiates out of you, and people are taking notice. You're making all kinds of great connections and getting lots of support from important folks.
You might even feel like making some big changes, like moving to a new city or trying out a new career path. And you know what? It's all totally doable. You're ready for whatever comes your way, and you're not afraid to take risks.
Plus, you've got some serious skills when it comes to helping others. You might find yourself drawn to teaching or advising, or even discovering a new talent for healing. Whatever you do, just remember that you've got the power to make amazing things happen.
This is a time when your home life and family situation might be going through some changes. You could be feeling the urge to transform your living space and create a cozy, nurturing environment for you and your loved ones. It's a great time for home renovations or even moving to a new place that better fits your lifestyle. You might also feel a stronger connection to your roots and ancestors, and want to explore your family history. But, be prepared, this transit can bring up some emotional issues from your past that need to be dealt with before you can move forward. Don't shy away from it, confront those feelings head-on, and let go of any emotional baggage holding you back. That way, you can create a solid foundation for a brighter future.
This period can really shake things up in your love life and partnerships. You might feel a strong urge to revamp the way you interact with others and create more genuine, fulfilling relationships. It's a perfect time to address any lopsided power dynamics in your relationships and strive for more give-and-take. You'll also get in touch with what you really want from a relationship and might even want to try out new ways of connecting with people. Just be aware that this transit can also bring up some deep-seated issues with control and manipulation, which you'll need to work through to move forward. Take the time to strengthen your bonds and lay a solid foundation for future relationships.
This thing that's happening right now could totally shake things up in your career or how people see you. You might really want to change things up and make your work life more meaningful and fulfilling. It's a great time to take a look at any unfairness or negative stuff that's been going on at work and make changes so you can be more successful and happy. You might also figure out more about what you really want from your career and how to make that happen. Just a heads up, this transit could also bring up some tricky power dynamics or other issues that you need to deal with to move forward. Take this time to make your professional life stronger and better than ever!
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olet-lucernam · 7 months
A Hollow Promise [22] chapter v, part iii
main tags : loki x original character, post-avengers 2012, canon divergence - post-thor: the dark world, canon-typical violence, mentions of torture
summary: In the aftermath of the Battle of New York, the Avengers need a few days to build a transport device for the Tesseract. With the Helicarrier damaged and surveillance offline, SHIELD sends an asset to guard Loki in the interim: a young woman who sees the truth in all things, and cannot lie.
Even long presumed dead, her memories lost to her, Loki would know her anywhere.
And this changes things.
Some things last beyond infinity. And the universe is in love with chaos.
(Loki was never looking for redemption. It came as an unexpected side-effect.)
chapter summary : despite his chains, loki begins gathering his pieces on the board. astrid works on escaping her own confines, and mitigating the damage of disasters to come.
recommended listening : venus in gemini, dezi
“So. What do you think?”
The question rang slightly in the room, ricocheting against metal plates and graphite-grey walls.
Arms folded, facing out into the open floor, Fury allowed the slight turn of his head and expectant silence to serve as invitation.
After a moment, Alethia- sleekly attired for the autumn chill like a native Manhattanite, in black skinny jeans, mid-heeled ankle boots, and fine-knit turtleneck sweater of berry wool- pushed herself off the wall, stepping forward.
She and Romanoff had been on the roof before Fury called them into the VERITAS testing area, drinking coffee in the cold and soundscape of noise above the city. Alethia had stripped the long wool coat she had been wearing when she arrived inside, draping it over one of the chairs, but Romanoff was still wearing her camel leather jacket, curls soft and mouth faintly pursed, eyes fixed on Alethia’s back.
Glancing over the two of them, Fury could easily understand why Romanoff had identified with her. The resemblance between their circumstances was self-evident, but the subtler physical similarities were in the details; it was written small, in the simple facts of their heights, their builds, the way they moved- a confident ease with a slight tension underneath, like a dancer waiting to fall into the right steps.
They matched nicely against each other. Fury could envisage sending them out into the field together, on intelligence retrieval and social reconnaissance- Romanoff’s ability to assess and assimilate, and Alethia’s eye for truth and steel nerves, would make for an invaluable combination.
Fury’s eye flicked back to Romanoff where she remained in place, exuding a faint anxiety like the vapours from paint thinner.
He knew that Romanoff wasn’t unaware of her bias. But neither did that awareness make her immune to it.
Rather than letting it become a liability, Fury had warped it into an advantage; if Alethia saw the truth in all things, it was better to offer her a favourable truth, in the form of a handler who wanted her recruitment to be successful for reasons beyond fulfilment of mission parameters.
Alethia halted- coffee cup still in hand, its heat-sleeve stamped with SHIELD’s eagle insignia- before the centrepiece of the room, head tilted consideringly, the sheen of her curls shifting across her shoulders.
The wide chair was set on a high swivel, aggressively angular, constructed from darkly brushed titanium, strict right-angles, and heat-sensitive fabric. A biometric plate was affixed into the centre spine, metal cuffs locking at the armrests, leashed with black electrical cables; a unit reminiscent of a cranial halo capped the structure, winged forward to encase the temples of its occupant. Immediately behind where Alethia stood was a large, simple control centre, inset with a touchscreen display.
“The fruits of your labour.” Fury announced with a wry twist of aplomb. “Thought you might like to see it. Ninety-six variables in total, monitored and analysed by a unique algorithm, based on and verified in efficacy by your contributions. Say hello to the alpha version of VERITAS- the Verification Enhancement for Response Input Technological Analysis System.”
“Stars. If that acronym were any more tortured, the Geneva Conventions would have something to say about it,” Alethia quipped, almost more to herself than the room.
“It was the initial code name for the project,” Fury replied with the intonation of a shrug, unfolding his arms and stepping forwards, the leather drape of his overcoat shifting with the motion. “We’ve got a few like that. But, if you feel that strongly about it- give it a new name. The DNA of it is mostly yours.”
People tended to be more reluctant to destroy or abandon that which they felt personally invested in, Fury found.
Alethia gave a quiet hum from the back of her throat, and lifted a free hand to skim the closest cuff of the chair.
“You think so.”
“It wouldn’t have been possible without your input,” Fury admitted, “not on this time scale. Maybe not even in this generation-”
“It was your design, Nicholas. So- congratulations,” she lifted her voice to call out. “It is a highly sophisticated piece of scrap.”
She rapped a fingertip against the cuff, two neat taps.
“I hope that you’re satisfied.”
Fury took a long moment to study her.
In most cases, he would avoid rising to the bait. Not unlike another troublesome asset that came to mind, Alethia had an element of narcissism to her character- and worse, just cause for it; like Stark, she acted like she knew more than anyone else in the room because, most often than not, she did. Fury’s general policy was that they did not feed egos, particularly those attached to individuals that liked to provoke. Indulging it was a short-term solution that would result in long-term headaches.
Alethia was an exception. Unlike other consultants, they had little information to use as leverage, her available history alarmingly sparse- something that happened approximately never, given SHIELD’s not inconsiderable reach and resources. And as Alethia had deduced with irritating accuracy during their negotiations, the threat that had brokered her cooperation- to flag her with every agency that SHIELD had backchannels with, threatening her meticulously cultivated anonymity- was a card that could only be played once.
Romanoff’s evaluation had found that the most effective strategy was to play her game. Alethia would speak in circuitous riddles and rhetoric, but the more you paid attention to her words, the more you engaged, the more threads she would cast out to watch you follow, chasing towards the truth that she was hinting at.
It was a power play- but one that Fury could tolerate. The rules were consistent, for the most part, and Alethia played fair.
“That the most advanced lie detector system in the world,” he answered patiently.
“Nicholas, you couldn’t even use me properly.” Smoothly, she pivoted to face Fury, unimpressed and unusually direct. “This machine can’t talk back when you’re asking the wrong questions. If not scrap- it is a monument to irony.”
“With regards to what?”
Alethia pushed off the chair, shoulder set, a strange pressure gathering in the air.
“SHIELD is a monster. You might be the hand feeding it, but you are not the one holding the leash.”
She flicked her head back towards the gleaming chair.
“Call it Cassandra.”
With that parting shot, Alethia cut a path out of the door.
Romanoff shifted her weight, as though moving to follow her- but Fury halted her with an open palm and quelling look.
Six minutes later, Fury emerged onto the rooftop.
The Base- codenamed in recognition of its legacy as the original headquarters of SHIELD, after it was established on the foundations laid by the SSR- would have been an imposing building in any other city. Within the cloistered, oversaturated streets of Midtown, however, the broad tower block of dark stone and glass panes blended in amongst the billboard-plated skyscrapers and storefronts that lined the avenues, glossed over like any other corporate office building on the island. At over a dozen storeys tall, the roof was far enough above street level that the coordinated chaos melded together into a rush of tires on asphalt and idling engines and a miasma of passing chatter, punctuated by the distant blare of car horns, sirens, and rattle of construction work- a cocktail of sensory overload, diluted down to a half-ratio. The rubble of the Incident had been cleared, its smoking wounds cleaned and under repair, returning the great aortic chambers of the city to full capacity.
Alethia stood near the edge of the roof, gazing down at the traffic below, vanilla hair and underdressed torso caught in a cross-breeze. As the wind twisted around her, Fury thought he caught a snatch of a high-contrast melody- something that rang of Rodgers and Hammerstein, and the golden age of Broadway showtunes and classic jazz standards.
“For someone who was so determined to keep her mouth shut when you got here, you’ve sure got a lot to say,” Fury interrupted, projecting his voice above the rush of traffic and whip of the winds, strolling up behind her.
“For someone who demands answers at every opportunity, you’re not very willing to listen,” Alethia retorted swiftly, knocking back the dregs in her cup and setting it on the raised edge of the roof. From the drop of liquid left on the plastic rim, it seemed that Romanoff was continuing to keep her sweet with a supply of matcha lattes.
“I’m listening now.”
“Ah, right. Like you were with the Tesseract?”
Fury’s visible eye narrowed.
“What did you mean by that jab? About monsters and leashes.”
Alethia drew her bottom lip between her teeth, glowering, eyes burning like a golden-hour sun behind storm clouds.
Eventually, she filtered out a shallow sigh, her expression cooling.
“There is a principle,” she began slowly, dark lashes lowered as she watched the traffic below, “in regards to statecraft, that you cannot design a seat of power solely with regards to what will allow one individual to do good- but must also consider what will prevent another from accomplishing evil, if they were to acquire the same position.”
Alethia looked directly at him, sombre in a way that she only was once she had given up any attempt to fight or undermine.
“I would strongly urge you to consider what evil could accomplish in your position, Nicholas.”
“Implying that you don’t think I’m evil,” Fury observed, with some intrigue.
It was an unexpected, and interesting concession; Alethia had made no secret that she held SHIELD wholly in contempt, and Fury by extension as the one at its helm.
“I think that you’re a manipulative, opportunistic bastard with few scruples and broadly altruistic intentions, which makes you very good at your job,” Alethia answered, glancing away with a dismissive air. “I also think that you’re arrogant enough to think that you’re paranoid enough, and about the right things, rather than what fits your worldview and skillset.”
Fury absorbed on her appraisal. He had received less scathing evaluations, but he found himself oddly unoffended by it.
“So what should I be paranoid about?”
She looked to him with a slow blink, her expression hard, more resolute than angry. Her irises seemed deeper than the usual hazel, verging upon amber, despite the flat light of the overcast midday skies.
“I told you. You are not holding the leash.”
The meaning clicked.
Fury’s initial, instinctive reaction was outright scepticism.
SHIELD was strictly compartmentalised for a reason. Trust was a commodity both coveted and scorned in the industry, and any system worth its salt in resilience did not merely trust in the integrity of its participants, but enforced it. SHIELD was no different. Its structure split its various branches and operations in such a way that its design could trap and isolate the first hairline-fracture roots of subversion, before they could sink deep enough to alter the fabric of the organisation, or its directives.
The structure of the organisation was not of Fury’s making, but it was one that he had maintained and improved upon since he had been appointed as director, and it worked. A certain level of grime was to be tolerated- in an organisation like SHIELD, entrenched as its operations were within the global network espionage, geopolitics, and commerce, both legal and black market, there was no such thing as clean hands, and even less so of a clean house. It would be the height of naivety and idealism to believe otherwise. But Fury would have detected the swells of a schism forming, of acceptable margins for disagreement becoming an unacceptable division. The sharks may circle, and there would always be blood in the water, but they would never get close enough for a bite.
SHIELD’s identity, and its purpose, was as secure as they had been when Peggy Carter and Howard Stark had founded it.
Common sense dictated that he should verbalise none of this to Alethia.
“So what do you recommend? Tell me what I should be looking at.” Fury began consciously convincing himself into a counter position that he could justify- that there was more to gain than to lose in hearing her, that it was eminently for Alethia to have noticed a risk that they had failed to assess.
Truth was the only shield that held against Alethia. If he didn’t believe it, then neither would she.
The irked tightening of her eyebrow was not encouraging.
“I know you’re humouring me, Nicholas, but let’s ignore the subpar charade otherwise for now.” Alethia shifted into resigned slant, arms folding against the brisk air. “Alright. First. You need a stricter delineation between personnel files, and dossiers on civilians and associates. Especially in regards to storage and access permissions. The keys to unlock one door should not work on another. It’s a security risk, and more than a little alarming that I have to bring it up. Second- stop kidnapping people. Human rights and due process aside, it’s a good way to build up ill will with the very people you may need help from in the near future. Less vinegar, more honey.”
“They are people of interest-”
“Stop kidnapping them.”
“So you’re telling us to ignore the risks-”
“I am telling you that the secret is out,” Alethia interrupted sharply, “and that the bell can’t be unrung. So- exploit it. Instead of trying to wrench the curve backwards, stay ahead of it. Advise the appropriate legislative bodies. Drive the drafting of fair laws to cover the hypotheticals that have become realities- just like with every other advancement in history. Provide evidence for public trials. Give people due process if and when they violate the law, and stop kidnapping people on the basis that they might, possibly, at some point, become a threat. Offer them the resources to help them control their abilities, instead of the choice between constant intrusive surveillance, working for you, or getting disappeared to a facility that doesn’t legally exist.” She paused, with all the ominous inertness of an active hotplate. “And get some actual oversight.”
“This may be hard for you to believe, but we have oversight.” Fury replied, wondering exactly how inept she was under the impression SHIELD was.
“Your oversight is faceless, tried to nuke Manhattan, and has yet to face any questions in regards to it.” She said flatly, staring at Fury with a particularly blank contempt. “Get better oversight.”
Regrettably, she had a point.
Although, Fury was slightly more concerned with where and how, exactly, Alethia had acquired that information.
“I am well aware of their shortcomings,” Fury answered evenly, “and, frankly, I’m a little insulted by the implication to the contrary.”
“Nicholas,” Alethia sighed, part impatience and part resignation, seething, “I don’t like you. But that does not make me intellectually dishonest. There is a reason why I am talking, despite the fact that you are proving incapable of listening. I know that you know. And I am aware that you are not unreasonable. Or- entirely incompetent.”
Fury ignored the qualifier. It was impressive that she had held out this long without a thinly veiled insult.
“But you don’t trust me.”
Alethia smiled slightly, in a way that declared I would have to be an idiot.
She wasn’t entirely wrong.
“You and yours are not answerable to the public,” she said simply, combing her hair out of her eyes as the wind picked up and tossed it into disarray. “And the Avengers have to be, if the project is going to be sustainable. You had a good idea, but- SHIELD is not the right organisation to execute it. It is not what you’re good at, or suited for.”
“Protecting the world from threats that it’s not ready for?”
“By sealing truth in the well. Yours is a war of cloak and dagger- a necessary one,” Alethia added with a pointed glance in Fury’s direction, as though daring him to accuse her of being unfair, “and you’re good at it. But you cannot protect the public by keeping them ignorant ad infinitum. And treating people as though they’re helpless children won’t help them develop critical thinking skills. It will just keep them- reactive, and uninformed, when the situation forces their awareness. This is not a terrorist cell with a glowing cube that defies the established laws of thermodynamics. This is an entire world that has been emerging for decades, and is past being kept a secret.”
Fury felt his chest expand with a deep, slow breath, his gun holster tightening briefly, leashing in his thoughts.
“So. Stronger protections for our data, more outreach to enhanced individuals, focus on laws, improvement of oversight.” Fury concluded. “Those are your recommendations?”
“It’s not a panacea,” Alethia said, lifting one shoulder, “it’s a safety net.”
“It’s a pretty reasonable report.”
“I’ve learned to lower my expectations.” She lifted her face to the open air, soaking in a sudden break of sunshine from between the clouds, warming her colours and sharpening the contrast between her golden complexion and fair hair. “Nothing that I mentioned should offend your sensibilities overmuch. Although, I notice that you omitted the no kidnapping clause.”
Not for the first time, Fury resented that Alethia was so determined to distrust SHIELD. In some respects, she reminded him of Maria Hill, driven and intelligent and unapologetically argumentative, first to point to flaws that no one else would mention due to adherence to chain of command.
The crucial difference was that Hill was capable of doing what she was told.
“I never thanked you,” Fury decided to say, eventually. “For guarding Loki."
It seemed gracious to acknowledge it, as they neared the end of Project VERITAS.
“It’s unnecessary to,” Alethia stated tonelessly. “You would have forced the issue if I had refused, and I had my reasons to say yes.”
“Such as?”
Alethia lowered her gaze, to cast it out over the city, serenely blank.
“Some that you wouldn’t understand. Others that- you probably wouldn’t credit.”
“Well, I might surprise you,” Fury murmured, before shrugging. “That was a pretty good pitch, by the way.”
“Oh- thank you,” Alethia said, the lightness of her cadence surprisingly devoid of sarcasm. “I spent a considerable amount of time refining it. Including editing out a point about SHIELD’s double standards, hypocrisy, and lack of self-awareness over the concept of unbridled, unknown power in the hands of obscure organisations with dubious motives. I thought it might be- unproductive?”
“Smart call,” Fury replied dryly.
Alethia’s mouth flicked into a smirk, before fading into something more solemn.
“But this doesn’t guarantee that you will take my advice, does it?”
Damn right. A good argument makes you a good orator, not a good strategist.
“You knew it probably wouldn’t. So why make the case?”
This time, Alethia laughed outright, sudden and disorientating as a sun-shower.
“Sometimes,” she said through a luminous smile, “I really just want to walk away, and let all of you die.”
But she wouldn’t.
That much had been proven, by the warnings she issued about the Tesseract, by the fact that she had taken up watch over Loki despite the considerable personal risk, by the arrogance-clad counsel that she offered an organisation that she openly abhorred.
Fury let his mouth quirk.
This, he could be satisfied with. Even if SHIELD had not acquired Alethia’s loyalty, her cooperation was no longer a complete impossibility.
And Fury was reluctant to slam any door shut forever. So long as it was left ajar, he could allow the matter to rest as success enough.
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im-a-king-baby · 1 year
I am re-reading ELYN now, so I will ask for some insights soon with a fresh memory 😊
But for now, maybe I can send you a flower ?
Hi!! I hope you enjoyed reading it again!
Here is an epistolary section that never made it into the fic (I had a few spares, just in case 😄):
PopIdolLive shares TEN Fun Facts about Simme to celebrate the And The Next World Tour announcement!!!
Simme is Swedish and Venezuelan. His dad was Swedish but moved to Venezuela where he met Simme’s Mom and they had two kids before moving back to Sweden when Simme was ~3. Simme has credited his Mom’s insistence that they spoke Spanish at home as how he managed to keep the language!
His first ever single Como Este had a mix of Spanish and English lyrics and that blend has continued across three albums, but fans are still waiting for Simme to record a song in Swedish. Simme has blamed this on a lack of Swedish songwriters in L.A. (sad, but true!)
During Simme’s first tour (the Chaos tour!) his crew had an in-joke called ‘Stop! Hammer time!’ where they had to stop at any hardware store they passed on the road and buy a hammer. When the tour split into two buses it became a competition to find the most interesting novelty hammer and they started signing them and giving them to fans at stage door when the buses ran out of hammer space! (eventually this stopped when the label lawyers found out and got scared about liability)
Also on the Chaos Tour, since they didn't have a set tour schedule the merch t-shirts were left blank on the back and the crew would write on wherever they played each day making each one a collectors item (The rarest is the single one for 'Jimmy's House' which has never been sold, but signed shirts from 'LaGuardia Airport Lounge' and 'A Starbucks in Leeds' have hit five figures at auction!)
Simme wore a silver bracelet throughout the Honesty tour which he hasn’t confirmed was a gift from the Voice 2024 runner-up Alfonso Perez but it did appear shortly after they were seated together at multiple events and a photo leaked of them having an intimate kiss in a limo driving away from the AMAs.
Speaking of romantic entanglements, Simme attended a prestigious Swedish boarding school where he dated the Crown Prince of Sweden for nearly three years! They looked adorable together, but broke up after graduation so that the Prince could go into the army and Simme could move to L.A to pursue music.
It has been Noted by the fans that Simme gets less dressed on each album (a jacket on Simme, an unbuttoned shirt on HH, shirtless on ATN.) There is a running fan theory that album 4 which the fans have dubbed ‘the CENSORED album’ will feature Simme fully naked (with the title covering up enough to keep it decent!) staring at the camera.
And if the idea of fans naming albums feels unlikely, we have precedent! In an interview during the Honesty, Honestly press tour the interviewer commented that Simme was released in December 2023, and HH was dropping just over a year later in January 2025, Simme grinned and said: ‘And the next March 26!’. The fans latched onto this, referring to album 3 as And The Next so consistently that it ended up being the name chosen for the album! (which actually came out in June 2026, so only a few months late!)
On the bridge of Relentless Simme names twenty five cities, all of which were visited during the Chaos Tour. When this song is performed live, Simme always includes the name of the city he's performing in on the list (except for Portland, when he got mixed up and said Atlanta instead! Oops!)
Simme returned to his home country of Sweden towards the end of the Chaos Tour, but was unable to play there when he was touring Honesty, Honestly due to scheduling conflicts with Stockholm venues (boo!). The current ATN tour schedule doesn't have Sweden dates listed but there's plenty of time for more countries to be announced so watch this space!!!
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