#sigma theta chi
elliott-artin · 1 year
Check out the new batch! White carnations, anyone? 
SuessenSpot on Etsy
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gamma-xi-delta · 2 years
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. | Kappa Chi Chapter | New Initiation Presentation (Fall 2022)
Published by MKProductions
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redacted-coiner · 3 months
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Alpha, Beta, Omega
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Gamma, Delta, Epsilon
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Zeta, Eta, Theta
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Iota, Kappa, Lambda
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Mu, Nu, Xi
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Sigma, Pi, Omicron
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Phi, Tau (Pandynamic)
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Atypical scents, Xenosecondary (𝚾/Chi), Typical scents
Flags Found Here(link) & Scent Ones(link)
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These Flags were made by @omegai I'd highly suggest checking them out! DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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melabea · 3 months
More Dynamic Symbols
(pt: More Dynamic Symbols /end pt)
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[ids: 12 images; all grey colored lowercase greek letters. in order: chi, delta, epsilon, eta, gamma, iota, kappa, lambda, mu, nu, omnicron, phi, pi, psi, rho, sigma, tau, theta, upsilon, xi, and zeta. /end ids]
Personal Dynamic Symbols.
all symbols are these lowercase greek letters (chi, delta, epsilon, eta, gamma, iota, kappa, lambda, mu, nu, omnicron, phi, pi, psi, rho, sigma, tau, theta, upsilon, xi, & zeta) colored grey & in the font "RocknRoll One".
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omegai · 3 months
My Dynamic Flags
[pt: my dynamic flags]
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Alpha | Beta | Omega
Gamma | Delta | Epsilon | Zeta | Eta | Theta
Iota | Kappa | Lambda | Mu | Nu | Xi
Omicron | Pi | Rho | Sigma | Tau | Upsilon
Phi | Chi | Psi
xenosecondary/dynamic chi
anons phi & tau
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Princess - Frat! Tyler Galpin x FEM! Reader
Literally all I can think about is Frat Boy! Tyler. OMFG I need him out of my head.
Summary: As the presidents of Alpha Sig and Theta Chi, you and Tyler have to Co-Host the annual ASA/THETA CI Halloween party together
Warnings: Tyler is a bit of an ass, language, smut, mirror sex, Dom Tyler, unprotected sex (USE PROTECTION PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!) not proofread!! 🫣
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You ran over your mental checklist, checking to make sure that everything was set up perfectly for the annual Alpha Sigma and Theta Chi Halloween dance. 
As President of ASA, you had more responsibilities than others, having to overlook food, music, drinks, and decorations. Your duties were supposed to be shared with the Theta Chi President, Tyler Galpin, but you had guessed the guy, whom you hated, had no plans to help you out., even though the party was at his fucking frat house.  
Your phone buzzed. 
where r u???? we were supposed to start getting ready 40 min ago!
you typed a reply to your best friend.
Tyler never showed. 
what an asshole
You laughed at the message before doing one last check that everything was in place. 
As you turned to leave the big room that was designated for the party, you saw Tyler in the doorway. He was looking around the room, at all of your hard work, that he would more than likely take credit for. 
“Looks good, Princess.” You rolled your eyes at the nickname he’d given you freshman year. His signature pretty smirk stretched across his lips sent a flutter through you. 
“Thanks for helping, dickhead.” You pushed past him. locking the door to the mansion. 
The two of you stood in silence with him smirking at you and you glaring at him. 
You knew he was going to bring up the duo costume you were required to do, and Tyler, being Tyler, had basically forced you into being a Prince and Princess. 
“Can’t wait to see you in what I picked out.” 
That was another thing. In the midst of you doing all the heavy lifting, Tyler got costume duty. You had yet to see what he had chosen for you to wear. 
“Tyler, I swear to GOD-” He stepped closer to you, his large hand reaching up to move a fallen strand hair behind your ear. 
“Don’t worry, Princess.” His voice was low and smooth. “I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.” His eyes glanced down at your parted lips and then back to yours before winking. “After you, M’Lady.” He let you pass him as you walked down the stairs of the frat house, decorated to a “T” for the spooky holiday. “See you tonight!” You got into your car and drove the short way to the ASA house. 
“Holy shit.” You stepped out of the bathroom, wearing a pale pink princess costume, complete with a fully boned corset. Your friend stared at you, mesmerized by the gorgeous dress Tyler had picked out. You had feared Tyler was going to give you a slutty nurse costume or something like that, but he had, of course, surprised you. It fit you like a glove, the sparkly pink corset extenuating your waist perfectly. You had pinned up your hair in a pretty updo and topped it with the beautiful gold gown Tyler had given you. Complete with your simple but pretty makeup, you looked like a million bucks. 
“Holy shit! Galpin has great taste.” You couldn’t help but blush, your cheeks mirroring the color of your dress. Your friend was dressed as Dorothy, the rest of your friend group completing the Oz gang. 
You glanced at yourself in the mirror, wondering what you would look like next to him. Maybe even on his arm... 
You had to get there early to welcome the guests and you were already running late. Your phone buzzed.
I’m outside, princess. 
You had to reread the message Tyler sent before replying. 
What kind of prince would I be if I didn’t take my princess to the ball in a carriage?
“Tyler’s outside.”
You showed her the messages and her eyes widened.
“Shit! What do I do?”
She rolled her eyes.
“Go!” You glare at her and she shrugs in reply. “He’s hot.”
When you got to the main entrance of the house, you paused. Through the window you could see Tyler and an actual fucking coachman. Tyler had rented a horse and carriage ride for the two of you.
“And here the lovely lady is.” His devilish smirk was back, contrasting the large gold crown atop his head.
You had to admit, he looked handsome in his costume, a white medieval blouse with a dark blue cape attached to it, a fake sword sheathed at his waist.
You fought off the little voice in your head that said he always looks handsome.
Tyler held his hand out to you as you got closer to the white carriage. You couldn’t help but blush under his gaze as he took in your costume, suddenly nervous.
As we settled into the carriage, Tyler leaned into your ear, whispering in a low voice that gave you goosebumps, “You look absolutely beautiful.” His hand was still holding yours from when he helped you into the carriage but neither of you let go.
You’d assumed that Tyler would have the coachman go straight to the frat house and when you asked he said,
“What kind of royals would we be if we didn’t make a grand entrance?”
“Tyler we have to be there fir-“
“Don’t worry, M’lady. It’s handled.”
After a carriage ride through a nearby park, the party had been going on for around 40 minutes and Tyler asked the man to bring you to the house.
Your heart beat when the driver slowed down, the horse coming to stop in front of the grand staircase. Once again, Tyler helped you like a gentleman. As you walked up the steps, his hand slipped from yours which made your heart sink, just a bit.
The wide doors were open, the music blasting, sorority girls and frat boys everywhere.
Your breath caught in your throat when you felt Tyler’s hand on your lower back, guiding you further into the large room.
To be honest, you had felt like you were in a cliche. Like in a Disney movie when everyone stops to watch the beautiful girl, or in this case, you and Tyler.
His hand gripped you a bit tighter and he pulled you closer to him.
A group of girls in skimpy costumes immediately formed a half circle around Tyler, telling him how great the party was. You tried to slip from his grasp to go find your friends but Tyler pulled you back into his body.
“Thanks ladies, but you’d have to thank my lovely Y/N for the party. After all, my little princess planned everything, didn’t you?” You suddenly felt shy in his presence, like he was forcing you to be praised, which, in a weird way, was attractive.
“Yes.” Was all you could manage out. But, it was clear that the girls were only interested in Tyler, and not the decorations you had meticulously hung around the space.
“Alright girls, I’d love to stay and chat but M’lady needs a drink.” He flashed his million dollar smile and led you away from them.
You felt so awkward. Having spent the last hour with your rival who was undoubtedly also whom you had fantasized about for four years. It felt surreal. You downed a shot of Tito’s, not wanting to think about it anymore.
Of course, because of course he had, Tyler had hacked your Spotify and added a slow song to the party playlist you had curated. When you heard the music your eyes widened, embarrassed that you had forgotten to double check your playlist. You hadn’t realized that the floor had cleared and that Tyler was standing in the middle of it.
“Y/N.” You looked to your friend, frantically trying to find the device to change the song.
She motioned with her head to where he was standing, causing your mouth to fall open. Everyone was watching.
Tyler held his hand out to you, grinning.
“Girl if you do not dance with him I will kill you wi-“
You cut your friend off by slowly walking to meet him.
“May I have this dance?” You rolled your eyes before placing your hand in his.
“Yes, you may.” His grin widened and he pulled you in close, placing one of his hands on your back. You brought your free hand to his shoulder.
”Everyone is staring at us, Tyler.” 
“I’m pretty sure they are watching you, babe.” 
“What? Why?” Tyler’s hand left your waist to tilt your chin up to him, his thumb just barely touching the bottom of your lip. Your breathing went ragged. 
“Because you look fucking gorgeous.” He opened his mouth to say something else, but stopped himself. He brought his hand back to your waist and smiled at you. 
Of fucking course Tyler could dance. Except for actually fucking sucking, he was perfect. More people took to the dance floor with their dates, which made you more comfortable.
Tyler could feel you relax in his arms. He removed his hand from yours, bringing it to your waist, pulling you in closer. You now were swaying awkwardly with your hands hovering over his chest. He was trying not to laugh at your flustered self, your cheeks pink and how you wouldn’t make eye contact with him. Tyler knew he made you nervous, hell that was the reason he was such an ass to you, so he could watch the effect he had on you. And dammit if you didn’t have the same effect on him.
He wanted so badly to dip his head and kiss you but knew it probably wasn’t the best idea. 
“Sweetheart just put your arms around my neck.” Your heart beat faster at the new nickname but you did as you were told. Unfortunately, this meant that when you looked up, you were basically nose to nose. You watched, mesmerised by him, how his eyes travelled to your mouth, how his tongue darted out a bit to wet his, the slightest tighten of his grip around you, how when he looked into your eyes once again, his pupils were blown and his smirk was back. 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 
You cannot be turned on right now. Not by Tyler Fucking Galpin!
The universe seemed to read your mind and the slow song ended, leading you to unwrap yourself from his grasp. He looked a little startled as you smoothed out your dress. 
“I gotta go find my friends.” Before he could respond, you were gone, leaving Tyler alone amongst his drunk classmates. 
You had been successfully ignoring Tyler, your heart, and the slight ache between your legs for the past few hours, mingling with friends, being a good host, ect. 
Suddenly you felt a presence behind you and thinking it was Tyler, you didn’t turn around. 
“Do you wanna dance?” A voice that did not belong to Tyler surprised you and you turned around. In front of you stood a blonde guy, dressed as Fred from Scooby Doo, who you vaguely remember seeing at other parties. The first thing you thought was 
He is not as attractive as Tyler.
Not wanting to be rude to the guy you agreed and followed him to the dance floor.
The two of you danced to the upbeat music, his hands resting on your waist. 
You forgot about Tyler for the time being, getting lost in the music. It felt nice, dancing with someone random, having fun.
Unbeknownst to you, Tyler had been watching you dance with your new friend. He was pissed. He had been so generous. Bought you a very nice dress, rented a carriage for the night, slow danced with you at a fucking frat party, and this is how you were thanking him? He was glaring daggers at the blonde guy who you had been grinding on for the past minute. Tyler snapped when the guy turned you around, trying to pull you in for a kiss. 
“Oh fuck this.”
He hightailed it to where you were, wrapping his hands around your waist, pulling your back against his front. 
You were startled to say the least, ready to turn around and slap whoever just grabbed you but when you heard Tyler’s voice in your ear, your heart stopped. 
“The fuck do you think you’re doing Princess?” His lowered voice sent shivers down your spine. Tyler’s eyes locked on your dance partner who was standing in disbelief at the two of you. 
“Listen man, I didn’t know she-” Tyler interrupted him. 
“Get the hell out.” He didn’t wait for a reply, promptly turning the two of you around. His large hand grabbed yours, leading you up the stairs. 
“Tyler! Where are we going?” You tried to shake your arm from his grasp, but he just tightened his grip. He led you into what you figured was his room. “Tyler we were just dancing!” You jumped as he slammed the door. 
“Oh really?” His fingers grazed your arms, his hot breath on your neck. “You were just dancing with him?” You look up and realize that you are in front of a mirror. Tyler’s eyes are on yours. He still looks devilishly handsome, his crown sitting perfectly atop his head. 
You, however, look flushed, from the dancing, your cheeks reddened, your chest straining against the tightened fabric of the corset, the tiara on your head slightly off center. 
Tyler’s eyes scan down your body and you feel his hand travel to your lower back, right on the tie of your corset, playing with the strings. You can hear the music from the party downstairs but all you can concentrate on is Tyler. The heat radiating off of his body, the featherlight touch of his fingers on your waist, the way his eyes were locked on yours. 
“Were you avoiding me,” his voice lowered as he dipped his head further into your neck, “princess?” Suddenly, Tyler pulled you flush against his body, causing you to gasp. “Answer me.” You had to look away from him, far too embarrassed to hold his gaze.
Tyler laughed. 
“I’m gonna ask you a few questions and I’d like you to answer honestly.” His hand slides up your waist, up the fancy pink fabric of your corset, skimming over the hot skin of your chest, and up to your chin. Tyler tilts your chin up with his fingers, bringing your gaze back to his before his hand settles gently on your throat. 
“Do I make you nervous?” His mouth was right by the shell of your ear, his voice sending shivers down your spine. All you could do was nod. “Use your words, princess.” Heat rose to your cheeks. 
“Yes.” Tyler grinned. 
“Now why is that, baby?” Your body subconsciously reacted to his words, rolling your hips back into his ever-so-slightly. He chuckles and his lips graze your neck.
“Be-because I…” His eyes lock on yours through the mirror again, a evil grin spread across his lips.
“Because you…?” His lips return to your neck, finding a spot to behind your ear, pulling it between his lips. You gasp, your hips rolling back into his again.
You remain silent, because you are embarrassed, you tell yourself. Not because you are too enthralled in Tyler’s movements. His hand on your throat tightens and your eyes meet his.
“Don’t make me ask again.”
Your arms erupt with goosebumps and you are certain Tyler can feel the heat radiating off of you.
Still, you don’t answer, hoping to remain neutral to his touches.
“Hmm.” You can see a wicked glint in his eyes. “Guess I’ll just have to fuck the answer out of you then.”
Your eyes widen at his vulgar words but you can’t help your body’s reaction. You can feel him, all of him, pressing into your back.
His mouth returns to your neck, his lips and teeth finding any available skin to mark.
You try to conceal the sounds that are coming from your mouth, to no avail. Tyler already knows the effect he has on you. The effect you have desperately trying to avoid the entire night.
“Tyler…” His lips leave your neck and you turn to look at him. You take him in, his beautiful eyes, his swollen lips, his permanent smirk, and the fucking crown that seems to be superglued onto his perfect hair.
His gaze locks onto your lips and your heart races.
Before you can finish your sentence, his mouth is on yours. Tyler’s kiss is hungry. You moan into his mouth and feel him smirk.
Not breaking the kiss, Tyler turns you to face him. You barely register the fact that he’s backed you up against his door. Your hands travel to his face, bringing him impossibly closer while his bring the fabric of your dress up. You break the kiss when you feel his touch on your bare thigh.
“Oh what’s wrong, Princess?” Your blush is permanent and you can’t meet his eyes, only watching where his hands have come to rest on your skin. “Afraid that I might find out how you really feel about me?”
You want to say it.
You could feel your arousal. And soon, Tyler would too. And his suspicions would ring true.
“Just say it and it will be so much easier, princess…” One of his hands leaves your thigh to return to your neck, bringing you to meet his gaze again. “I’ll give you what you want either way.” Your thighs squeeze together, Tyler’s hand caught in between them, making him laugh. “Sweetie you’re only hurting yourself here. The quicker you say it, the quicker-“
“Tyler, please.” He stops at your words.
There is silence for a few seconds.
“I need more than that baby.” His hand slides up your thighs, making you gasp.
“Oh a pretty lady like you shouldn’t use words like that. Try again.”
You glare at him and suddenly his knuckle drags against your core. You spasm, struggling to keep the curse words from leaving your mouth.
You look at him again and the fucker is grinning.
“Tyler…” You pause to collect your thoughts, and whatever is left of your dignity before continuing. “I’m attracted to you. And I don’t want to be so I was- I was avoiding you.”
“So you like me?” The grin hasn’t left.
You don’t respond right away so Tyler brushes his knuckle against you once again.
“Yes.” You whisper.
“Would you like me to touch you now? I think you earned it, don’t you, princess?”
You can’t help but nod.
He’s gone from your vision in less than a second, on the ground between your legs.
You could take a picture, Tyler Galpin in between your awaiting thighs, a crown sitting atop his head while he looks ready to devour you whole.
His hands slide up your thighs to your underwear, which you had matched the best you could to the corset he’d provided. Tyler groans as the lacy pink fabric comes into his view.
You step out of your panties, wobbling a bit on your heels, but Tyler steadies you. He hooks one of your legs over his shoulders, taking you in. You flush at the fact that you can feel yourself practically dripping for him. You make eye contact with him once more before he dives in.
Tyler’s mouth latches onto your clit, sucking it like his life depends on it, making you let out a strangled moan. Your hands grab onto the back of his head, pushing him further into you. Tyler’s tongue licks up your cunt, dipping into you slightly before swirling around your clit. You gasp, unable to find words, and so he does it again. And again. You feel your release coming, tugging tighter on his hair and his mouth latches onto your clit again, sucking it through your high.
Your gaze travels to the mirror where you see yourself against his door, gasping for air, while Tyler is seeking purchase between your thighs. The sight pushes you over.
As your euphoria hits you, Tyler’s younger is there, making sure he gets every last drop that comes out of you. You struggle at the sensitivity but his grip on you tightens, forcing you to his mouth.
When he’s sure he has licked you clean, he stands, grinning again. He follows your gaze to the mirror.
“Oh… little princess likes to watch herself get fucked, now does she?” He doesn’t wait for an answer before pulling you closer to the mirror, placing your hands on it.
“Don’t move.”
He stands behind you again, gaze on yours while he pulls your skirt up. You hear him undo his belt and zipper. You close your eyes.
“Eyes on me, Y/N.” Your eyes open instantly, finding his in the reflection of the mirror.
And suddenly, you feel him. You have no idea what to expect, not being able to see him, but your body is ready, cunt dripping once more.
“Count of five?”
You nod.
“Five. Four. Three-“ Tyler thrusts into you, one hand gripping your waist, the other next to yours on the mirror.
“Asshole!” You struggle to adjust to his size, trying to calm your body down after he went two seconds too early.
“I’m full of surprises.” He slams into you again, eyes locking in on yours.
His hand once again finds your clit, rolling it between his thumb and pointer finger as his hips slam into yours.
You desperately try to contain the noises, but how can you when you are watching him fuck you like that? The sight of him alone could make you come. The two of you, a prince and a princess, the gold crowns sat atop your heads, a perfect match.
You moan his name as he pinches your clit, coming once again as he groans into your neck.
“God you’re so fucking pretty, baby.” He keeps drilling into you, fucking you through your high while chasing his. You watch him in the mirror, head hurried into your neck, his strained hand on the mirror, fingers barely touching yours, his other hand deep within the fabric of your dress.
Tyler spills into you, letting out a deep “Holy shit.”
His head leaves your your neck and he grins at the sight of the two of you, mostly you, too fucked out to care about what comes next. You whine as you feel him pull out of you, zipping his pants back up. His hands return to your waist, pulling you back into him.
“So girlfriend, why don’t we go rejoin the party?” He kisses your neck, leading you to the door.
“Tyler… give me my underwear.” He grins.
“You know what, princess? I think I’ll keep ‘em for now. That way if you talk to another guy, you’ll feel me dripping down those pretty thighs of yours.” He winks at you before leading you back down the stairs.
:) god I’m so goin’ to hell.
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m0nberry · 7 months
So I made it more interesting. Here, have an expanded omegaverse with 24 dynamics for each letter of the Greek Alphabet. Just to make it extra fun we gave each dynamic a super power. Feel free to use this to add some zest to your omegaverse content :)
Alpha: super strength
Beta: invisibility
Gamma: pyrokinesis
Delta: clairvoyance
Epsilon: technopathy
Zeta: wind manipulation
Eta: flight
Theta: nullification
Iota: enhanced senses
Kappa: hydrokinesis
Lambda: durability
Mu: animal speech
Nu: probability manipulation
Xi: elasticity
Omicron: hypnosis
Pi: circular force fields
Rho: shape-shifting
Sigma: telepathy
Tau: super speed
Upsilon: fog control
Phi: plant manipulation
Chi: healing
Psi: telekinesis
Omega: empathy
Have fun and diversify your dynamics :)
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psychidion · 7 months
Which Greek letters are seen on this kylix?
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Image description: Early form of the Greek alphabet on an Attic black-figure bowl
This kylix is part of the collection at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens.
Letters on the top side as far as I can tell:
Alpha Α
Beta Β
Gamma Γ (yes, it looks like a lambda, but that's how they used to write it)
Delta Δ
Epsilon Ε
Digamma Ϝ (super strange to see this- but maybe it's not written in Ionic)
Zeta Ζ (yes, it looks like an iota, again it's how it used to be written)
Eta Η
Theta Θ
Iota Ι
Kappa Κ
Lambda Λ (slightly older form again)
Mu Μ
Nu Ν
Omicron Ο
Pi Π
Rho Ρ (this one threw me off so badly, because why is that an actual R)
Sigma Σ
Tau Τ
Upsilon Υ (sometimes written like a v)
Chi Χ (but like a cross)
honestly have no idea what this extra O is standing for, maybe a miswritten Phi Φ? Although it's clear on the bottom side...
Psi Ψ (chicken foot type).
They are missing Xi Ξ and Omega Ω!
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bosses-stay-flawless · 4 months
Women’s History Month!!!
HBCUs: To the sisters in every HBCU, we don’t rep the same thing, but I recognize the values and your legacy of service and to my fellow AKAz Pinky’s Up!!! You know if you know!!! Ivy & Pearl Girl…
My sisters speak my language:
Alpha - Α α Beta - Β β Gamma - Γ γ Delta - Δ δ Epsilon - Ε ε Zeta - Ζ ζ
Eta - Η η Theta - Θ θ Iota - Ι ι Kappa - Κ κ Lambda - Λ λ Mu - Μ μ
Nu - Ν ν Xi - Ξ ξ Omicron - Ο ο Pi - Π π Rho - Ρ ρ Sigma - Σ σ/ς
Tau - Τ τ Upsilon - Υ υ Phi - Φ φ Chi - Χ χ Psi - Ψ ψ Omega - Ω ω
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luiz-henrique · 7 months
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Obra Dedicada à (...)-:
1-: Maçonaria Russa com sua Grande Loja em Moscou e na sua Vertência Negra ( " Seletiva e Mais" ) e Comando Maçônico Vermelho , com Toda a Integração de Lojas Maçônicas Russas .
2-: Ao Grande Escritor Michael W. Ford , Fundador da Ordem de Fósforo : Heósphoro ( Nome Grego - Romano do qual Surge a Insurgência do Nome Lúcifer ( Luxiferus ) , e Também da Ordem do Dragão.
3-: À Illuminati Organization , com Séde na Grã- Bretanha.
" A GRANDE CLAVÍCULA -: LIVRO QUATRO 🍀 está Composta nos Seguintes Capítulos ou Secções (Seção : Secção ) -:
A , B , C , D , E , F , G , H -: Onde H se Divide nas Sub- Secções (...)-: H- ALPHA , H- BETA , H- GAMA ( GAMMA ) , H- DELTA , H- EPSILON , H- ZETA , H- ETA , H- THETA , H-IOTA , H-KAPPA 💎 , H- LAMBDA , H- MU , H- NU , H- XI , H - OMICRON 💎 , H- PI (π) 💎 , H- RHO : PARTES PRIMEIRA E SEGUNDA , H- SIGMA : PARTES PRIMEIRA , SEGUNDA , TERCEIRA E QUARTA 💎 , H- TAU INVERTIDA ( Todas estas Acima , Escritas até o Momento : 21 de Novembro de 2023 ) ...,
A Obra como Todas as Seguintes Mencionadas que Escrevi (...)-:
Sim dou Permissão para Quem quiser publicar Sem que Este meu Passageiro Referencial Ganhe Nada em Troca , Após Verificarem o Contexto , com as Condições das Obras Não Serem Alteradas e de Nestas Terem o Nome do Autor , escrito deste módo -: HENRICH , de Codinome : CHYREN .
Pois Nenhuma Foi Publicada dado que no Brasil estou em Situação de Escassez e Penúria Econômica ou Calamidade Mais Abrangente , e Não Foram Registradas os Direitos Autorais por Causa do Assédio e Discriminação da ABIN em Brasília no Distrito Federal Contra meu Referencial , eram para serem Registradas na Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro.
E para Todos que Enviei -: Nem Squér Leram , pois Não tem Interesse no Assunto e Algo Mais e para Não lhes Carregar o Celular 📲 , as Jogaram na Lixeira 🚮🗑️ , Sem Lerem o Contexto.
Entretanto -: Os Seres que Não Procedem desta Terra 🌎🌍 , me disseram que Estas Obras não são para a Mentalidade Enraizada dos Enfáticos desta Terra , Não Foram Perdidas , Estes as Tem de Forma Amplificada e Outras ao INDIZÍVEL...,
Quem está Perdido é Tal Esquema Mundial Mais que Passageiro...,
e que nas Margens de 4 Anos e Meio Após o Referencial que Outros destes Elaboraram para ser chamado Luíz Henrique ser dado como morto...,
Algo Acontecerá Vindo por Detrás dos Véus da Ocultação ( Envultação : Envultar ) , onde Governos que Foram Contatados -: Já com o ELO DE CONTATO ROMPIDO...,
estarão Sem o Saber das Multidões , em Intercessão Contatal com Enviados das Forças Superiores do Além desta Terra 🌎🌍...,
para Receberem Ordens que Devem ser Cumpridas no Antecedente ao Armageddon que é um Nome Metafórico da Faixa Dimensional Onde seu Mundo Deverá ser Varrido com a Terra Intacta , pois por Detrás da Terra Hão Mundos por Detrás de Mundos e Mais...,
Assinado : HENRICH (...)-:
CHYREN !!! ! !!! "
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piratewithvigor · 2 years
Kenny Alpha
Kenny Beta
Kenny Gamma
Kenny Delta
Kenny Epsilon
Kenny Zeta
Kenny Eta
Kenny Theta
Kenny Iota
Kenny Kappa
Kenny Lambda
Kenny Mu
Kenny Nu
Kenny Xi
Kenny Omicron
Kenny Pi
Kenny Rho
Kenny Sigma
Kenny Tau
Kenny Upsilon
Kenny Phi
Kenny Chi
Kenny Psi
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psionic 👩🏼‍⚖️ machines ⚖️ what did you think coke was its a radionic 🏛️ device 📻 (the material is inside the can is the transmitter) *mind power seduction* 💔 they're psychometricians 🥼🩺
💉 (my work differs from others on the internet because i choose not to include ugly stuff but only beautiful things) *aesthetics* 🌎 global politics are based on ingredients
the 5th element is silence
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anaerobic respiration
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anaerobic respiration
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anaerobic respiration
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anaerobic respiration
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anaerobic respiration
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anaerobic respiration
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anaerobic respiration
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anaerobic respiration
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anaerobic respiration
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anaerobic respiration
you don't think i have anything to do around here i told you i'm going to town you've got something to do you're busy already you'll have a life
god! was discovered in beijing then at once dispersed into (china korea japan mongolia tibet vietnam cambodia laos thailand philippines malaysia taiwan indonesia) which formed the original thirteen confederate colonies in the patriarch of dixieland. *sorority* 🤸🏻‍♀️🤸🏼‍♀️ i'm going to town what do you mean?
shaking your ziyi zhang little asian ass like a swastika you'd think you were a monk
stephen hawking (feng shui) and stephen hillenburg (cheugy) both died from *motor neurone disease* in 2018 umbrella (blanket terms) *novus ordo seclorum* thanks for the minor distractions of physics and chimera like amusement of the cartoons (i'm reol) *campaigns* we're running a poll 🗳️ not a train 🚂 you're making me blush (🔮🪄😵‍💫) *we're making progress* 💱
all grecian alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu nu xi omicron pi rho sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega goodbye
my take on uvalde
riddle me this (you baldy) *tamp tamp* i'm (political not) *masochists* you don't want to see the (federal) *version of me* i'll give you the (maya) *chavez* the shit y'all put me through (saving your whole world like i'm) *james bond*
maya i'm peaking right now like i'm on ecstasy chavez
replace society with the jews imagine that going through your mind as a zionists then to think we'd be better off to create a zionists police state
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wutbju · 7 months
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According to the 1941 Vintage, Thanksgiving Day brought something new to the Bob Jones College campus.
Bob Jones College tried something new this year. Coach Holmes started the boys playing soccer--played "up East," but unknown around here. Talk about a ball game—wow! With fellows like Craig, VanDam, Grubb, and Lynch, who know what the game is all about, the society teams were whipped into good shape by the second round, and the folks saw some hard soccer. Even the girls tried it. Chi Delta Theta was the champion, clinching the championship on Thanksgiving Day with a hard victory over the Phi Beta Chi Bulldogs. In the girls' competition, Sigma Lambda Delta "topped the league."
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stalkermom3-blog · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Kappa Alpha Theta Panhellenic Recruitment T-shirt size Small White Black Logos.
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daydreaming-maiden · 10 months
Logically I really should keep working on Colony Delta stuff, but I'm thinking about completely new colonies.
Known Keves Colonies: 0, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 29, 30
Known Agnus Colonies: Gamma, Delta, Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota, Lambda, Mu, Rho, Sigma, Tau, Chi, Omega
A new Kevesi colony could just have any number. The Greek letters that haven't been used for Agnian colonies are Alpha, Beta, Epsilon, Kappa, Nu, Xi, Omicron, Pi, and Upsilon. Heck, these new colonies could use the same names if it's set in a different time period than the main game or Future Redeemed, as existing ones since names get reused, Nikol and Glimmer are from older incarnations of colonies 5 and Gamma.
Anyway someone remind me to think about this after I come back from sleep and working on college stuff.
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seeking-sisterhood · 1 year
My Alumna Initiation Journey
Join me on my journey as I seek sisterhood through the alumna initiation process. Alumna initiation means that I can join the sorority even though I've already graduated college. My journey is prompted by my desire to have the experience of sisterhood, to make new friends, to share in the traditions that makes the members sisters, to place myself in an environment where I feel like I belong and to share the connection that can only be obtained with sorority membership.
I spent many years afraid of the 'what if.' But after my most recent birthday, I've decided to stop living in fear and to take a leap of faith. Week 1 begins with a quick internet search of the organizations that offer alumna initiation. The following sororities were listed as offering alumna initiation membership, Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Phi, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Delta Phi Epsilon, Delta Gamma, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Phi Mu, Pi Beta Phi, Tri Delta, Tri Sigma.
Some of the groups had applications for alumna membership for me to express interest. The applications I completed were for Alpha Chi Omega and Tri Delta. The next thing I did was to reach out to all of the local area chapters to find out if I could meet with the group and begin getting to know sisters. To do this, I sent out emails and sent private messages through social media. Next, I did a deep dive into each sorority's website to learn more about their founders, history, mission statements and philanthropy. I used this information to help me narrow down my list and to rank them in order of what I'd like to affiliate with.
Now, I wait to see if I get invited to attend an upcoming event.
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