#sighs what a garbage man (affectionate)
euphietea · 4 months
oliver aiku is the type of guy who has you in his phone as nice ass and texts you every saturday night like it's his religion. can't get enough of you. he usually deletes numbers after a hit or two, but he keeps yours in the back of his pocket. one day he'll even remember your name. he'll call it out when fucking a chick at the bar and realize what a moron he was for doing that. not because she left him midway through - no. all he can think about is how the hell could he even compare that pussy to yours.
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animeprincessforever · 2 months
Chuuya X Reader
Snow White Story
(Whole Collection!!! No Chapters Cause I’m Lazy)
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What you wear
I am (Y/n) and I live in a small kingdom called Suribachi City. My step mother Isabella who is now the queen after my father passed away. My step mother maid me do chores but it never bothered me. One day I was out and doves came flying towards me as I sang into the wishing well. “I’m wishing (I’m wishing) for the one I love. To find me (to find me) today (today)” as I was distracted singing a man appeared next to me and grabbed my hand and started to sing with me till I jumped and ran into the castle. I looked how from the balcony and the man took his hat off and bowed and said “my name is Chuuya Nakahara” I was gonna tell him my name till I heard my name being called out in a angry tone by my step mother. I bowed and said “I got to go sorry.” I ran to my step mother and she said “you brat! I hate you! Go to your room you are not allowed to eat!” I sighed and went to my room. 
Your room:
 ‘Here I go again I guess I’ll read’ I thought. I lied down and started to read as I slowly drifted to sleep. 
Isabella Pov:
“UGH I HATE THAT BRAT!” She screamed then looked at the mirror and said “Mirror Mirror On The Wall Who Is The Fairest Of Then All!” The mirror said “(Y/n)” “WHAT?!?!” Isabella was hysterical “HOW IS SHE? THAT FILTH!” The mirror interrupted and said “a maiden of natural beauty, fairness, love, caring, and affectionate. Thats what makes one the most fairest of them all.” ‘I have to get rid of her’ I thought.
Isabella POV: 
I decided to summon the number one hit man to kill that girl. Surely once she is gone I will be the fairest of them all just as god attended.
Your POV: 
I was singing with a beautiful baby blue bird and helped him go to his nest. All the sudden I turned around and saw a man with a knife. I screamed and fell to the ground and closed my eyes. The man looked at me and said “I’m sorry. I can’t kill you. The queen wants you dead. GO! RUN! And DO NOT look back!” I ran as fast as I could and started to cry as I went deep into the forest. However I got lost in a scary place. I screamed as I saw what appeared to be alligators, demons, and snakes. I collapsed and sobbed till I heard the sound of birds and I looked around. There were birds, bunnies, deer, squirrels, and a turtle. I smiled and sniffled and said “oh. It’s just you guys” I sighed. “Where am I going to go now?” The birds chirped and the animals guided me to a cottage.
The cottage:
“Wow, this place is a mess. I should clean up. Maybe if I do they’ll let me stay!” I said as I looked around and the animals looked at me and then I said “well let’s get cleaning!”
Your POV:
I just finished cleaning and yawned ‘I need to get some rest’ I thought so I went up to the room and lied down and fell asleep.
7 people working by the names of 
Kenji Miyazawa, Doppo Kunikida, Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, Ranpo Edogawa, Gin Akutagawa, Atsushi Nakajima, and Dazai Osamu. As they finished up humming a tune Dazai locked up. “Ugh why can’t I die by suicide with a beautiful woman” “UGH. Enough with that” Kunikida replied. Ranpo said “let’s just go home I’m tired and hungry.
I was fast asleep till memories came flooding back from when I was a little girl. My mother passed away having me. My father raised me till I was 4. He met that women Isabella. She seemed nice at first. We’d play hide n seek, tag, dolls, and sing. At the age of 15 my father took ill and passed away leaving me with my step mother. That’s when things changed. She started to abuse me mentally and physically. Called me filth, garbage, and a waste of space. But I didn’t let it bring me down I was still a princess. Even though she moved me down to a servant I didn’t let it get to me. Cleaning was relaxing and fun to me. I’ll sing and clean. It was my therapy.
As they approached the house Gin gasped and said “someone’s been in the house the door is unlocked and the house is clean.” Kenji said “Oh but the house is nice and shiny now!” Ryūnosuke said “idiot that person or thing could still be here.” Atsushi said “don’t be mean! But someone should check the bedrooms” everyone looked at Dazai and Dazai says “why is everyone looking at me?!?!” Kunikida said “your the suicidal maniac so it makes since that you do it.” Dazai said “fine.” And with that being said and done Dazai made his way to the room.
I made my way up the stairs. ‘’Maybe today will be the day I die’ I thought. As I opened the door I saw a woman. ‘She is Beautiful! Perhaps she is destined to do a double suicide and be my love’ I thought.
I woke up and saw a man wrapped in bandages and a smirk on his face. I quickly got up and bowed “I’m so sorry to intrude!” The man looked at me and grabbed my hands and said “my lady you’re so beautiful! Perhaps you’d like to be my love and com-“ 5 more men and a young woman came up the stairs. And one with glasses interrupted and said “Dazai leave this young lady alone.” Then a boy with blonde hair walked up to me with blue overalls and said “wow you’re so pretty!” I stuttered and thanked him. I quickly said “I am so sorry to intruded on all of you. My name is (Y/n). You see some man was going to kill me and told me to run away from my home. I’m so sorry.” Then they introduced theirselves and the one called Atsushi said “she should stay! After all she has no were to go.” The man named Ryūnosuke said “we don’t even know this woman and yet we are going to let her move in with us?” Then Gin said “she cleaned the cottage for us and made everything look shiny. I think we should let her stay!” Dazai, Kenji, Kunikida, Randpo, Atsushi, and Gin said they were all in agreement much to Ryūnosuke’s dismay. “REALLY?!?! Oh my gosh thank you all so much! I promise to cook for all of you everyday and clean the cottage as some sort of payment!” 
The boy named Dazai looked at me and grabbed my hands.
like this : shipping.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Dazai_x_Waitress
And said “so let me continue my question! Would yo-“ he was interrupted by Kunikida who grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and said “ENOUGH WITH THE SUICIDE!” I giggled and said “I’m flattered but I think I’ll take a pass because I believe I already have that special someone that came from a wish. Unfortunately I don’t think I’ll ever see him again.” Dazai looked at me and said “you have me I’m always here!” I giggled and said “thank you that is super kind of you!” Kunikida said “I’ll prepare a bed for you so you won’t sleep on the floor.” I quickly replied “it’s okay no need to go through all the trouble I’m fine with the floor!” Kenji looked at me with sparkling eyes and said “nonsense you’re a guest!” Dazai smirked and said “she can sleep in my bed~”  Kunikida snapped and said “ENOUGH!” I giggled as I got ready to go bed with the 7 nice people I now live with. I went on the couch and fell asleep. ‘I think I’ll like it here. But that man with ginger hair and a fedora I couldn’t help but fall in love with him’ I though as I slowly drifted into deep sleep.
At last that brat is out of the way. I laughed as I walked to my mirror. “Mirror mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” The mirror looked at me and said “(Y/n)” “WHAT?!?! that little brat was supposed to be dead! Where is she?!?!” The mirror said “she is deep in the forest in a cottage with 6 men and a woman.” I looked at the mirror and snarled “so the hit man failed? Hm. I guess I’m going to have to take care of things myself!” I rushed down into my office and decided to get ‘THE BOOK’ that’s what I need! ‘THE BOOK’ has a list of magical dark spells. Perhaps I should make little miss perfect a visit and give her a deadly surprise! I started to laugh hysterically. “THE BRAT WILL SURELY NOT SEE WHATS COMING!” 
I ushered to the potions and made one to change the way I looked and I mad a special candy apple just for her. However my spell turned me into a wretched old woman. “Ugh! The price I have to pay to get rid of one annoying brat!” I got ready and decided to make my way over to that little brat”
I was singing while all the minors were at the mine shaft. “Whistle while you work doo doo doo doo doo doo.” I sung as I cleaned. Till I heard a knock at the door. ‘I wonder who that could be?’ I wondered as I went to the door and opened it. There stood a little old woman. “Hello dear would you like a candy apple?” She said. I looked at her and smiled. “How sweet. Thank you so much. How much do you need for it?” The little old woman said “it’s for free my dear. All hand made and made with love from just an old lady such as myself doing a good deed.” She smiled and I gave her one back. “Thank you!” When I was about to close the door she said “wait! Eat it!” “I don’t wanna spill my dinner” I replied. “Please give it a try I want to know what you think.” She said I smiled and took a bite. When I took a bite of the candy apple I felt weird. I looked at the woman and she started to laugh as things went black for me. 
Isabella’s POV:
At last she is gone! I am finally free! I am the fairest of them all! No one will ever get in my way.
No Ones POV:
When the minors got home they saw. (Y/n) on the ground. Kenji  said “OH MY!” Gin looked around and said “what do you guys think happened?” Ryūnosuke looked and saw the candy apple. He then said “poison.” Atsushi said “what do you mean?” Ryūnosuke said “simple it’s discolored where it was bitten into. There for there is a type of poison in their.” Kunikida said “I’ll run some tests on it to see where it came from.” Dazai sighed and picked (Y/n) bridal style in his arms while Randpo got a bed ready and Dazai lied her down. However as they were trying to ponder what happened they heard a noise. Gin jumped and put a knife to the woman’s throat. It was Isabella. She said “what do you think you’re doing? I am the queen! Just trying to take a walk!” Dazai chuckled and said “your the queen? I thought queens are supposed to be pretty not old brods.” Randpo said “you did it.” Everyone looked at him. Kunikida said “are you sure?” Randpo fixed his glasses and said “you should know by now. I am never wrong. Besides it’s obvious she was jealous of (Y/n) beauty. There for she thinks if she gets her out of the way she’ll be the prettiest one in the kingdom.” Isabella pushed Gin and said “FOOLS!” As she lunged at them a huge fight broke out as everyone started using their abilities Isabella made a ran for it and went deeper into the forest however as she ran Kenji ripped a tree out and said “sorry! But this is gonna hurt!” He threw the tree as it knocked her off balance as she tumbled of a cliff. They all looked down and saw the witches dead body. 
As they all went back to the cottage they made a nice coffin with flowers for (Y/n) Dazai layed her body in as tears hit everyone.
(What you and coffin looked like: www.redbubble.com/i/magnet/Old-Anime-Coffin-Dead-Girl-Flowers-by-LowBrowContent/105800425.TBCTK)
However Randpo was unfazed. “True love” he mumbled. Atsushi said “huh?” Randpo said “she mentioned there was a man she was falling for I feel  it’s the guy that takes a ride every week around the forest.” Dazai said “WHAT?!?! HIM?!?! But he is so short.” Kunikida said “Dazai enough! We should try it perhaps Randpo is right maybe true love is all she needs.” Gin said “ I know his route. I’ll go look for him.” Ryūnosuke said “I’ll go to just in case.” As the Aktagawa siblings looked for the man everyone else was setting flowers around (Y/n) with tears. Within a few minutes Gin and Ryūnosuke rushed with him.  Chuuya said “what’s with all t-“ he stopped as he saw her. The girl he fell in love with by first glance. He walked up to (Y/n) and said “it’s a shame I saw a future with you.” He bent down and gave (Y/n) a kiss on the lips.
Everything was black till I felt soft lifts on mine. So smooth and gentle. I opened my eyes and saw him. The man I met on that day. I smiled and he starred at me. “My name is (Y/n)” I said. He looked at me and said “Prince Chuuya of Yokohama.” With all that being said Chuuya picked me up and carried me away as I giggled. And we went off away as I said my goodbyes and blew kisses and thanked everyone.
Gin smiled and said “this is so sweet!”
Randpo said “glad she is alive and happier now.”
Dazai said “NO! Why him? He so short! I could of made (Y/n) happier”
Kunikida said “drop it Dazai. It was not gonna happen between you too.”
Atsushi said “I’ll miss her.”
Ryūnosuke mumbled “I hope she visits.”
Kenji said “OH! Someone got on Ryūnosuke’s good side!” 
Ryūnosuke said “shut up.”
The End Chuuya and (Y/n) lived happily ever after
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nevada-wrytes · 1 year
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Chapter 5 - A Black Heart Laced with Neon Green Ribbons
Content Warnings: mentions of violence, cemeteries, and death
Link to the previous chapter and link to the next chapter
Part Two: Curses
There was only so long one could ignore a growing pile of “jobs” and “responsibilities” and “duties” before someone came in and pushed the stack over.
Raven was met with such a situation as he powered on the obsidian tablet that most citizens of the Underneath used to communicate (because cell phones, as they say, were for losers). Immediately, message upon message began popping up, most from annoyed clients who demanded a discount for late services. He ignored them all, even some warbled garbage sent by an unknown sender, but stopped when he got to one name in bold.
Boss (derogatory): Come see me.
A time and place were not specified, yet Raven knew exactly what it meant. He had no desire to go back to the Underworld, much less the City of the Dead, and he definitely did not want to meet with him.
With an weary sigh, Raven took a sip of his drink, finding comfort in the puffs of steam that curled out of the teacup.
Usually, cafés were uncomfortable places filled with too much noise and movement, but this one was nice. It was owned by an old friend, although she wouldn’t like to be called that, who took pride in preserving the ancient space as it had been a hundred years ago in the midst of the Roaring Twenties.
Raven liked the effect that the dark furniture and dim lighting cast, it felt both mysterious, edgy, and easy to disappear in. Among the swamping leather sofas and bursting bookshelves, he was just an ordinary guy enjoying a cup of tea. Maybe he’d pick up a book or put on a record. Life was simple, it didn't matter that Dahlia was dead. It didn’t matter that she was the fourth girl (along with two other guys) who’d met an untimely demise all because they decided to fall in love with the wrong person. Him.
Maybe it is a curse. Maybe he accidentally pissed off some deity and is unknowingly passing the misfortune on to some poor mortals. The fortune teller from before did seem especially ire with him...
Whatever. Now was not the time to genuflect. The glowing red text on the obsidian tablet in his lap provided an excellent distraction.
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” he muttered to the air as he stood up and dusted himself off. He stuck a wad of cash under his used saucer and turned to leave.
And was met with a very dirty, very prickly, broom to the face.
"Heyyyyyyyyy Margie," he casually said, emphasizing the nine Y’s at the end of ‘hey’ to prove his casualness.
The woman behind the broom, an older lady that looked like she was straight out of a boxing match, stared him down. She was taller than him, larger than him, and had biceps that looked like they bench pressed willowy teenage boys just like him.
If it wasn’t for the affectionate tilt of her mouth and the crow’s feet around her eyes she would have given even him a scare.
“Get the hell out of my café you rat." Although there was no real anger behind her words, Raven put his hands up, and backed away slowly.
“I mean no harm, Margi— I’m just stopping by— love what you’ve done with the place by the way.”
“Hmp.” Margi folded her huge biceps over her chest. “Am I s’posed to assume all of that’s true?”
Raven needed a way out of this conversation that contained the least amount of fists to his face. Luckily, Margi saved him the trouble of formulating some brain dead reply.
“What do you want.” A statement, not a question. “You know I don’t serve any criminals no more.”
Raven tried a laugh fit for a guilty man. “Criminal? Who— me? Pfftt..”
Margi gave him a Look.
“WELL ANYWAYS,” he began, as if being louder would erase the awkwardness of the subject, “ignore the details— do you, by any chance, still exchange demonic currency?”
Like every other heartbroken teen, Raven had spent the past few days wallowing into tubs of lemon sorbet and Tinkerbell reruns. He didn’t actually cry, but just the thought of it was enough to make even the most waterproof mascara run.
However, just like any coming of age film, there has to be a point where enough is enough, where maybe the best friend comes in to pull the protagonist out of their moping by the hair and gets them to snap out of it. Unfortunately, Raven has to be his own best friend in this case, and pulling yourself together was much more difficult alone.
Regardless of if he enjoyed it or not, there was work that needed to be done, so he slapped on some kick-ass eyeliner and put on some kick-ass boots to go thlunking through the cemetery— because that was a normal thing to do.
Raven had a complicated relationship with cemeteries. He appreciated the lengths people would go to honor their loved ones, maintaining graves even generations later when there was no one left alive to remember the kind of person the body in the ground used to be, but grave sites also brought about a sort of stillness within him that he absolutely hated.
Even the air was calm, despite it being night and definitely much creepier when the corroded angel statues looked at you with weeping eyes. He felt like he could breathe again, for the first time since— Mother knows how long.
And if he could stay and recharge for hours, Raven felt, with no doubt, he would have enough will to charge into Hell itself and bring back Dahlia, and Rose, and Martin, and River…
Maybe he hated cemeteries because they reminded him of the people he lost. If he looked around, how many of the graves were there because of him?
His chunky boots slammed into the hard packed earth as he walked, a comforting thump in the silence. It had stopped raining ages ago, but the grass was still wet and now that the coolness of the night set in, condensation seemed to hang in the air like wet laundry strung out to dry.
The place was silent, not a rustle of wind or chirp from a cricket to break it up. That was why the voice boomed across the mossy gravestones like an uppercut.
"Oh my my! Don't we have a special guest here tonight!"
A young girl appeared out of the fog as if xe was a hallucination. She sat on top of a giant mausoleum in the center of the cemetery, swinging xer stockinged legs freely. They made hollow thumps when they hit the stone, giving the impression she was moreso a wooden doll come to life rather than a person.
And she did look like a doll, with a tiny figure and ruffled dress consisting of only the colors black and neon green. However, what xe lacked in intimidation factor, xe made up for by carrying a huge metal club that was also swinging at her feet.
Raven stepped closer, near enough to see her delicately painted face.
"Hello, Arcane. Still on gate duty I see."
The girl opened her mouth in what could have been a grin, if someone learned how to smile by listening to instructions of how to move your face muscles rather than seeing the real thing happen in person. Xer teeth were black as coal, and so was her tongue.
"Oh you would like that, wouldn’t you~” She started in a sing-songy voice, but then, after Raven raised a brow, xe cleared her throat, cheeks flushing.
“Nah, I'm just filling in for this Jack kid. Heard you were coming back and just couldn't wait to see ya."
She pushed off the building and dropped down next to him. Or.. not quite right next to him, because she was floating in the air a short, safe distance off, something that requires way too much energy just to remain on eye level with him.
Raven snorted, spirits and their vanities, and tossed her a sack of newly acquired gold.
Arcane snatched the gold out of the air before he had so much of a chance to blink, and began counting the coins. The next few moments were silent, other than the sharp click of metal being dropped back into the bag.
Although Raven really hated his job, one of the few benefits was learning how to read people— and finding a way to use that to his advantage.
Arcane was a wrathful entity— a spirit given flesh with the promises of cold revenge— or something else along those lines. What that meant was she had a passion, but unfortunately xe also had a big, big contract with some Guardian of Death in the way of that passion. So, the sooner she paid off xer debt, the faster she would be freed into the world to wreck as much havoc or despair as she so pleased.
And that, friends, is a very good bargaining chip.
“How many do you have patrolling the perimeter?” In less than a moment Raven had reclaimed her spot on top of a mausoleum as if it were his throne, forcing Arcane to turn quickly if xe didn’t want xer back to him. She looked stricken.
“What? How did you- how did you know that?” The wobble in her voice betrayed her as she clutched the sack of money to her chest like a shield.
Raven tilted his head. “You think I wouldn’t know? Come out, come out, wherever you are, demons.”
A shadow condensed in the corner, spitting out a humanoid beanpole who began frantically signing to Raven, some stuff about begging for mercy which was complete overkill since it’s not like he would actually kill any of them.
“Ah, just Neroli? I was expecting a bigger army for my visit.” He began signing too, now that he needed them both present in the conversation.
Raven didn’t know much about Neroli other than the fact he was some sort of low-tier entity like Arcane, but he did know that the two of them together had a special affinity that he so desperately needed.
"I want a quiet entrance into the Underneath, one that doesn’t appear on any radars, and I know you two can do it. I’m willing to pay handsomely, by the way.”
Arcane sniffed at the ‘handsomely’ part. Xe’d already counted the money and knew it was jack shit compared to what others would pay. That's why Raven was very much counting on his fear factor to get him what he wanted.
"Can't you already portal directly into the City-" Arcane began the accusation with an irritating huff, but was cut off by a warning nudge from Neroli.
The boy looked ready to lay his life on the line for Raven, probably as a thank you for not ending it so soon. (Again, Raven wasn’t going to, he needed them both alive, or, in whatever in-between state they were in currently.)
"Will you open the gate or not?" He forced his voice to sound terribly bored with this conversation, regardless if his entire body was screaming for them to say yes. If he wanted things to go smoothly in the City of the Dead he needed to get in (and hopefully out) quick.
Luckily, neither of them sensed the urgency, and after a private conversation, Arcane begrudgingly agreed.
"Fine, we will. But don’t spread the word that we can be bought for cheap, ya hear?"
Raven agreed with a polite smile, and once the deal was brokered, they all eased back into comfortable familiarity. Arcane switched back to her haughty personality and Neroli poked fun at xer whenever he got the chance. Raven, too, joined them as if they were old friends, enough to keep everyone laughing and chipper until he was through the gateway and in the bleak gray lands of the Underneath.
Tag list: @thebonecarver @victorfrankingstein @confused-as-all-hell @iambecomeyourvillain @brekkercookie @fallen-from-olympus @purpl-cryptid @reyyya @thecurlychameleon @naz-yalensky @thesexypanda-boo @kazoo-the-demjin @twelve-kinds-of-trouble @crime-mastergogo
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lilithfairen · 2 years
And you know what's really gotten me deflated? Something that turned stuff I was really excited about into depressing realizations?
It was watching Kira Kira Precure a la Mode. Watching the show introduce Akira. Then Episode 10, where Akira compliments Yukari's hair, Yukari gives a pretty smile in return, and Akira's response is a dreamy smile and sigh.
That wasn't the least of it, certainly not, especially with Episode 25 having Akira flat-out and firmly declare that she loves Yukari and having that empower her for a badass moment. But it just made me think of so many other stories I'd seen. Games, animes, cartoons, whatever. Stories that clearly wanted the audience to look at female characters and think gay thoughts about them. Stories that set up suggestive scenes, had suggestive dialogue, or even had girls touch each other in suggestive ways.
Stories that could do all of this...without ever having female characters express actual romantic affection, or even having them show explicit attraction towards other girls.
It was watching a show for little girls and seeing that show be able to have a girl who was explicitly attracted to girls, who explicitly said she loved a girl, and coming to understand that this was something that so many other stories were completely unwilling to do, whether it was out of censorship from moral guardians or they just didn't care about anything but fanservice. That something as simple as a magical girl deriving strength from her romantic love for another girl was something I'll probably never see in any other such story, because it's so much more common (especially in "mature" stories) to have girls grope each other without even saying they're attracted to other girls.
And that a story that could manage to do the bare minimum of having a girl be attracted to other girls was not as well-known or beloved as so much fanservice-laden garbage, even a franchise that genuinely vilifies girls having love for other girls.
And with the amount of crap, stalking, harassment I've received from acknowledging how a series like Madoka Magica genuinely doesn't care about sapphic girls when it (quite literally) demonizes such relationships whenever they're explicit and relishes in them when they're "implied"...well, is it any surprise I'm so disillusioned with so much popular media and fandom nowadays.
(Hell, it's repeating again with Bumbleby, where anyone who isn't a fucking idiot can see that they're clearly affectionate for each other, and those fucking idiots are just being fucking idiots because they're pissed off that a girl is actually interested in the other girl instead of giving herself to a man and letting the sapphic ship exist solely for fantasizing.)
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pillow-anime-talk · 2 years
i love girls month ; sixth day.
synopsis: Your boyfriend – Samatoki – hurt you a lot. But your best friend (and at the same time his younger sister) will always help you. 
# tags: scenario; crush culture; sibling battle; verbal violence; mild angst; also fluff; pecks; good ending; sfw?
includes: female reader ft. nemu aohitsugi {hypmic}
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Your tearful face, smudged makeup, and messy hair were the first thing that appeared in front of Nemu’s face when she opened the heavy door to her tiny, one-room apartment. A second later her body felt a huge weight – you cuddled up to her, immediately soaking her black T-shirt and the skin on the back of her neck. She hugged you tighter and started slowly stroking your tangled hair.
“It’s him again, isn’t it?” She asked instantly, although it sounded more like a statement than an actual question. Her face darkened and her eyesight became blank, her senses sharpened. She was nervous and at the same time worried and sad. After all, this wasn’t the first time her older brother had hurt his girlfriend, you. “I really hate him. I hate him so freaking much.”
“Nemu... He said I was useless and only suitable for cleaning and cooking...” You grunted sadly, and her body stiffened. “He was so angry with me that instead of making him some beef, I fried noodles with chicken and vegetables. Samatoki wanted... He wanted to eat something else that’s why he threw his whole plate on the f-floor, and then he told me to clean everything up and make him something normal t-to eat...” You added even quieter than before, and your a year older female friend hugged even tighter your shaking body. “I don’t know what to do, Nemu. I don’t know what I feel about him anymore and what is the meaning of this relationship. I don’t remember the last time he gave me f-flowers or thanked me for anything.”
“... I’ll make you some tea, okay? Take a shower, and I’ll get you some warm clothes. You get sick, Y/N. It’s okay, no one will hurt you. I am with you.”
“Thank you. Thank you very much, Nemu-chan.”
{ ・゚✧ }
Mint tea, a warm blanket and a serving of fresh sandwiches was something you’ve been missing for weeks. Living with Samatoki was, of course, at first something amazing, something interesting, truly wonderful. At the beginning of your relationship and during the first few weeks of your life together, this guy was your ideal; sometimes he cooked for you, he always picked you up from college or work, he always asked how your day was, he was very sensitive, caring and affectionate, he constantly thought about you and assured you of his love, he helped you with cleaning, shopping, he often repaired broken cabinets or throwing heavy garbage bags into the bin under the block. Only after the third month of your living together this beautiful dream come to an end and your partner became cold, mean and completely different from before. It’s as if an evil spirit had entered into his soul or he had an evil twin brother who replace him.
That’s why you were returning to your family home more and more often, staying with your colleague from work, spending your free time in various cafes, libraries and parks, so as not to return to the white-haired man. Very often (sometimes for weeks) you spent the night with Nemu, with whom you had indescribably good contact; she was your advisor, support, your best friend. And on the one hand, it was hard for you to talk about her brother in this way, but on the other hand, after talking to teenager, your heart was always a dozen kilograms lighter. Just like now.
“... And I think you should end it all. You deserve something better, Y/N. I don’t want to see you crying and sad again. My brother should be forbidden from approaching you and all other women. He’s incalculable at this point.” She said honestly and you sighed, sniffling. “I really would like to know why he’s acting this way, what happened in his life, in his work, that he has become like that.”
“I’d like to know that too, Nemu. I would like to help him so much.”
“Now you should take care of yourself.” The fair-haired girl smiled gently, straightening your hair behind the ear. You felt a slight flush on your cheeks, because even though you were always close to the nineteen-year-old, today you were much closer than usual. Maybe it’s that delicious tea? Or a new air freshener with the calming scent of lavender? Or just those cute little sandwiches that were made especially for you? “Please forget that my brother was a good man. This prick doesn’t deserve you, he only hurts you.” She whispered as she slid her hand to your warm cheek.
A gentle kiss on the corner of your lips was a sufficient signal for you to move closer to your beloved friend and to cuddle again into her delicate, beautifully fragrant body.
“You deserve someone better.” She repeated again and you nodded. “Much better.” She smiled slightly and you hugged her neck tighter.
A strange feeling appeared on your heart, but for the moment you decided to hide it deep inside you and instead of thinking about sad things you thanked the girl for everything and offered to watch your favorite movie.
Nemu was more than happy to have you in her arms for the next hours, and she thought about ways to make you like her more than her stupid older brother. 
After all, young girl cared more about you than anyone else, and she hoped you would see her endeavors not only on the friendly way, but also on the more romantic level.
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previous day ; misa amane from death note ♡ next day ; eula lawrence and rosaria from genshin impact
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kjack89 · 2 years
Grantaire eyed Enjolras as he gathered their empty popcorn bucket and drinks. “So what did you think?”
Enjolras didn’t look up. “Are the fanboys cleared out?” he asked wryly. “I don’t want to start an altercation.”
“Since when?” Enjolras laughed and Grantaire smiled before saying, “I’ll take it you didn’t like it.”
Enjolras made a face as he stood, waiting for Grantaire to exit the movie theater aisle first before following after him. “Well, when it comes to the multiverse, it was no Everything Everywhere All at Once.”
Grantaire gave him a look over his shoulder. “Ok, but that’s like comparing My Cousin Vinny to The Godfather.”
“My Cousin Vinny isn’t even a mob movie!” Enjolras protested, throwing their trash in the garbage can. “It just happens to feature Italian Americans.”
“Yeah and Dr. Strange isn’t a movie about intergenerational trauma, now is it?”
Grantaire gave Enjolras a pointed look and Enjolras rolled his eyes, even though he was laughing again. “Touché.”
Together they walked towards the theater exit, and Grantaire glanced sideways at Enjolras. “So you really didn’t like it?”
Enjolras sighed. “You know that I only come to see Marvel movies with you so that I understand the references you make ad nauseam, right?”
“Which is in and of itself a strange way to show love, but an appreciated one,” Grantaire said, nodding. He really hadn’t expected anything different. Pretty much the only Marvel movie Enjolras had ever expressed interest in was Black Panther, though even then his interest had waned when he realized it featured very little about the actual Black Panther Party in the US. “What do you think about the multiverse?”
Enjolras frowned slightly as he looked at Grantaire. “What about the multiverse?”
“Do you believe in it?”
Enjolras arched an eyebrow. “Do you mean do I think that there are multiple universes in which we exist simultaneously, some differing only minutely and some where we have hot dogs for hands?”
Grantaire half-smiled at the reference to one of his personal favorite universes from Everything Everywhere All at Once. “Something like that.”
For a long moment, Enjolras was quiet. “I find it interesting that you’re asking me if I believe in something,” he said finally.
“Just because I’m asking doesn’t mean that I do,” Grantaire said. “And you’re deflecting.”
Enjolras smiled, but it was short-lived, his smile fading slightly as he shook his head. “The truth is, I don’t know what I believe. But I’d like to think that if there was a multiverse, it’d be more like Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Less an exact replica of myself in every universe and more a mantle of the work I do that someone always shoulders.”
Grantaire snorted. “Are you seriously comparing your activism work to being a superhero?”
“Am I wrong?” Enjolras asked, a dangerous edge to his voice.
Grantaire held his hands up defensively. “I plead the Fifth.”
“Good boy.” Enjolras hesitated before asking, “What about you? What do you believe?”
Grantaire shrugged. “I dunno,” he said. “But I have to admit, the thought of there being a me that loves a version of you in every universe gives me a strange sort of comfort.”
Enjolras looked startled. “You think you would love me in every universe?”
“I know that I would love you in every universe,” Grantaire corrected.
Enjolras looked at him closely for a moment before asking with a small, half-smile, “Even the one with the hot dog hands?”
“Especially the one with the hot dog hands.”
Enjolras just shook his head. “You’re a freak,” he said affectionately.
Grantaire nudged him with his elbow. “Yeah but you like it.”
Enjolras shook his head fondly. “So you know that you would love me in every universe…do you think I would also love you in every universe?”
“Of course not,” Grantaire said evenly.
Enjolras stopped walking, his brow furrowed. “And that doesn’t bother you?”
“Why would it?” Grantaire asked. “I don’t need you to love me back to feel like I’m where I’m meant to be.” Enjolras shook his head but Grantaire didn’t let him interrupt. “When I met you, my entire life fell into place, and that wouldn’t have changed if you never went out with me.”
Though Enjolras’s expression softened, he still didn’t look convinced. “I guess that’s fair,” he allowed. “But it makes me a little sad, thinking there’s a me out there somewhere going through his life without loving you.”
Grantaire leaned in to kiss his cheek before telling him, “Yeah but think about it this way: if there are infinite universes, then there is infinite possibility, and infinite chances for us. And that’s not a bad thing.”
Enjolras nodded slowly. “No, it’s not.”
“Even if we have hot dog hands in one of those universes.”
Enjolras rolled his eyes, but he was smiling again. “Even then,” he agreed.
“Besides, we have each other here, in this universe, and that’s enough for me,” Grantaire said simply. “Even if in every other universe, we never figure it out in time, we’ll always have this universe.”
Enjolras smiled and laced their fingers together, raising Grantaire’s hand to his lips to kiss his knuckles. “And that’s all that matters.”
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sixeyesgojo · 3 years
kiss it better
Summary: You had a shitty day at the store. Gojo is here to comfort you <3
Characters: Gojo x Reader
Word count: 1100
A/N: The past few weeks have been super rough - personal matters and on top of that, natural disasters + "I could lose my closest friends thanks to this" type of rough - so I wrote this pretty self-indulgently because I seriously need to be comforted lol. But that doesn't mean you can't imagine yourself in it!! The fanart is fem reader but I don't think I indicated any gender in the fic. Shoutout to the folks who work with customers, you guys are doing an amazing job! Thank you.
This entire fic was inspired by the art by the amazing @yuusagi-chii that I commissioned; check out her blog and leave a reblog on her artworks!! ♥ - posted with permission from the artist
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There had been nothing to do. The whole time, Satoru was just lazing on the couch, legs stretched out on the entire thing, and waiting for you to come home as the television showed nothing but garbage.
As soon as they perceived the sound of your dangling keys in front of the door, Satoru’s ears perked up. He had been so bored all day, not knowing what to do on his free day; he was used to being busy all day, every day, around the clock. The lethargy got to the extent where he cleaned every nook and cranny in your shared home, did all the laundry for the week, reorganized the cupboard where his treasures were stored and even took a nap. Originally, he had planned to kidnap you to go on a date with him but unfortunately, your workplace said otherwise, wrecking his not-so-planned-out plan. Admittedly, it did piss him off a little but there was nothing to be done. Satoru just missed you incredibly much since he was usually gone for most days.
Your heavy footsteps that came from the entrance hall, the way your keys seemed to make louder noise than usual and the soft sigh he could hear all indicated that you had a shitty day so far. It really wasn’t rocket science for Satoru to notice little things about you. Probably entitled customers again, he thought. Satoru was well aware that working in a customer-oriented branch had to be unrewarding, draining even. Still, he wanted to tantalize you a bit, to lighten the mood and ease his boredom a little – he would do that on normal days.
However, ‘normal’ was quickly discarded when he saw your face: a hefty scowl and… were those teary eyes? His previous demeanor immediately dropped and a serious one took over. This was definitely not okay.
Satoru had noticed the last few weeks had been a little rough on you. On normal days, teasing you was his favorite thing to do and quite frankly, it was enjoyable to you as well as it lifted your mood after a stressful shift… but today must have been the tipping point and he knew better than to tease you in times like these. The last thing he wanted to be was the cause of your tears.
“Had a rough day?” Satoru asked as he met you in the hallway, wasting no time to slip his arms around your body. Crushing into his chest, you simply nodded without looking at him. You feared that if you did, tears would fall and you would no longer be in control of your emotions. The entire time you spent at work had been filled with some particularly grumpy customers you had to tend to. You had to deal with utterly disrespectful behavior towards you. Yet, you had to stay friendly and polite when, throughout the day, there had been several instances that made you want to quit your job right then and there.
Today had been terrible, so being in the amenity of your home felt uncommonly relieving. In addition to that, being in the comforting space of Satoru’s gentle hug washed off your exhaustion. It was fine to bask in the solace of his embrace for a moment, wasn’t it? Was it okay for you to give in a little and enjoy the moment for all its worth?
“Do you want to talk about it?” “Just the usual trouble but way worse for some reason,” you mumbled into his chest, just loud enough for him to hear. “Tell me about it, baby. It’s better if you get it off of your chest as soon as possible.”
You breathed out, the emotional dam you’ve built today finally breaking, “It’s just… people suck… They s-snap at me for the smallest things… and I know some of those incidents are just part of the job – I really get it a-and I try so hard to stay polite but… it’s just… very hard.”
Throughout your ramblings – how a customer had yelled at you for a minor mistake, how another one treated you like something lesser because of something that was not your mistake, how people would insist on being right and more – he listened intently to each and every word… All the while, Satoru had gently stroked your back with his palm to calm you down. “Say, Toru…there must be something wrong with me for them… to treat me like this, isn’t there?” you finally asked. “No, honey. You are perfectly fine,” he said, suppressing how pissed he actually was at the people who dared treating you badly. “Their attitude just sucks and they don’t deserve being served by someone beautiful like you. Maybe I should give them a piece of my mind some day…” “I just— I don’t even know. People are so mean… and for w-what? Is kindness in this world really that hard to find?” you lamented, choking back a sob as you buried your face deeper into him.
“Can I help you feel better in any way? Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?” Satoru asked sweetly but the frown on his face made his worry very evident. He didn’t like it at all whenever you came back emotionally drained like this. All Satoru wanted to do was to go and ‘teach them a well-deserved lesson’ but he knew well that it would be against your wishes, so he had no choice but to sit back and be there for you when you needed him the most.
“Let me pamper and spoil my angel for today, hm?” he whispered affectionately, pressing kisses to the top of your head. Finally, you raised your head to look at him. The teary stains on your cheeks and sad expression broke his heart and he swore you could hear it cracking in his ribcage. “I just want you to hold me right now, wanna feel you close to me and nothing more,” you admitted and slung your arms around him tightly.
Promptly taking the chance, Satoru placed a sweet and loving kiss on your forehead. The sensation of his lips on your skin eased a big part of your discomfort away, making you sigh in comfort for the first time in what felt like decades. The effect this man had on you was inexplicable; the way he had the power to make you feel better by simply being there was truly magical. It made your heart flutter in a thousand ways and more.
“Then I’ll have no choice but to kiss it better.”
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Taglist (open): @satosuguslut @assbuttbaek @melonnbar @delammi @silversatoru @princesatoru
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Razor: Pre-Relationship HCs
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THANK YOU SO MUCH ANON [if you’re still here haha]!! Razor is best boy! I can’t pet the dogs but I can pet Razor so therefore he is the best boy. I take no criticism and I’m taking it to my grave.
I’m just gonna make this part my appreciation post and @snowy224 I don’t understand why tumblr won’t let me @ you but you are such a real one it’s kind of insane. I’m almost scared actually but know that no matter how bad I’m feeling or how much I want to throw my fics into the garbage it’s always nice seeing you pop up 💕💕
Semi Part 1: General HCs
Semi Part 3: Cuddle HCs
Semi Part 4: Jealous HCs
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
@hanniejji  @mikeysbike​ @unionwitch @musekala @twistedsunnshiii  @adoring-ghost @asheseiler  @snowy224 @youaskedfurret @childelover​ @xoneaboveallx​ @akaasea​ @stanzastic​
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Razor: Pre-Relationship HCs
You had first met the wolf boy when you had been attacked by a Mitachurl when you were collecting wolfhooks. He had jumped out of the bushes and saved you and ever since then you made sure to visit Wolvendom any chance you could get. Just to meet with the mysterious man and thank him somehow. It then developed into having friendly competitions in hunting and familiarizing yourself with how Razor’s life was and who he was as a person. It made you feel like a kid again, running around, getting mud on your clothes, and sleeping outside under the stars. You almost forgot how pretty the sky could be sometimes. 
It took a bit of time to get used to Razor’s affectionate nature and trying to reason that Razor had only known wolves his entire life, so there wasn’t anything deeper to when he wanted to hold your hand or nuzzle your cheek. It still made you flush pink since you never experienced this before but it was kind of nice. It felt comfortable to simply hold you hand out, wait for Razor to see you, perk up, walk over, and place his chin in the palm of your hand. The cute but sweet act always made you give a small giggle as you petted him and he nuzzled into your palm. 
That was until you started developing feelings for him. It just hit you one day when you saw Razor laugh so hard he was almost crying when you accidently slipped on some mud. He was usually pretty quiet and the only loud noises he made were howls with his lucipals. You stared at him for a couple of seconds before you caught yourself and laughed along with him. On your walk back home you kept thinking back to how happy Razor looked and proceeded to scream into your hands. You were starting to crush on someone who may not even know what a crush was. 
Now, every time he initiated some type of affection it sent your heart rate skyrocketing until you thought you would combust. You could feel the heat starting to overtake your cheeks and you went stiff in his hold whenever he wanted to snuggle together. Your different reactions only made Razor confused and it made him think you were sick or there was some type of danger nearby, which only prompted him to go into protect mode and made cupid himself take an axe and cleave your heart in half. 
Razor’s world is a simple one and yet that’s what makes it so complicated. At first he wanted to hold your hand because it was soft but now whenever he holds it his heart starts beating faster. When you both fall asleep under the stars he always stays awake a bit longer. Both to make sure you’re both not in danger but to also gaze at your features. After spending so much time together he started to feel weird. Whenever you had to go back home he wanted you to stay a bit longer and felt something tugging at his heart. Telling him to go after you but he was still nervous about the big city. 
So when you seemed to be shying away from his usual touches Razor couldn’t help but feel that he must have done something wrong. Did he accidently hurt you? Was there another custom in Mondstadt that he wasn’t aware of? It made him feel sad that you didn’t seem to want to spend time with him.
While you couldn’t sense the mood in the wind, it didn’t take a genius to realize that Razor seemed to be upset about something. His hair that you had at first mistaken as a wolf ear was turned down, his red eyes were sadden, and he looked like a kicked puppy or wolf in this case. It hurt your heart to see your friend so sadden so you quickly rushed over to where he was, dropping the things you had brought so you both could go out adventuring, to make sure he was okay.
“Razor? Are you alright? Did something happen? Are you hurt?” you quickly scrambled towards him and giving him a fast once-over to make sure he wasn’t bleeding anywhere. He only looked up at you with those same sadden eyes and you swore that you would protect his man with everything you had. 
“Do you...not like Razor?” Razor pouted up at you as he seemed to shuffle away from you. Not like him? Where did this come from? You slowly kneeled beside him frowning slightly as you reached over to pet him. He didn’t seem to shy away from your touch, in fact he almost seemed desperate for it. 
“What? Of course not Razor. Where did you get that idea?” you softly scratched behind his ear as you tried to remember if anyone in the city of freedom mention anything about a wolf boy or that they were heading to Wolvendom that might have upset Razor. 
“You. Don’t like being near me,” Razor confessed as he leaned harder into your touch, “This. Don’t do anymore” 
You suddenly dawned on you that he was right. You had been so focused on getting your feelings under control that it did seem like you wanted to scramble out of his hold. But it wasn’t because you didn’t like Razor. It was definitely the complete opposite but it came off wrong. You were mentally kicking yourself for your mess up as you slowly reached over to hold his hands. Something to keep both you and him stable.
“Oh, um...” You laughed awkwardly to yourself, “It’s not like that Razor. Um, how do I explain this..” 
You pondered to yourself and what the best and easiest way to explain that you really really wanted to hold his hand in a romantical sense. You wanted to be more than lucipals? That..didn’t seem right. Razor’s world was simple so the best way would be to say things simply. 
“You see Razor, whenever we’re together I get this feeling here,” you pressed his palm over your heart so he could feel how fast your heart was racing, “that means that I like you. A lot. So much that when you want to um, hold hands, it makes my heart go so fast that I need a minute to let it calm down. It’s not because I hate you, I don’t think I ever could. I just like you so much that I need  a second. If that makes sense...”
“Razor has that too!” Razor suddenly exclaimed as he proceeded to tackle you in his excitement as he took your own hand and placed it over his heart. You could feel his own heart rate racing at the same pace as yours. 
“Ah- I’m glad?” you stuttered as Razor peered down at you grinning. 
“So you won’t leave Razor?” Razor asked as you sighed amused. 
“Never.” You agreed as you watched Razor light up brighter than any star in the sky. Razor grinned down at you and you swore you could see a small wolf tail wagging. What have you gotten yourself into? You might need to check in with Barbara soon to make sure your heart wouldn’t collapse anytime soon. 
Okay. One more Xiao fic and I’m going to take a powernap, I’m so tired. I’m sorry Venti I will write you tmr. I think 3 posts a day is my limit so hopefully I can get to everyone in time. I’m about to go wake up, play alien isolation with friends, and scare the life out of me. Wish me luck! 
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stratiotis-nth · 3 years
He had it all—finally. Dean glanced over at Cas, who was sitting on the rocking chair next to him on their wrap around porch. They’d spent months patching up Bobby’s place together, and were finally able to enjoy their hard work. Dean took a long draw of coffee—the bitter taste never got old.
“Jack and I are going to plant carrots today, I think.” Cas mused in the comfortable silence. The sun was starting to rise, bathing the sky in pale colors. They made Cas glow with ethereal light—even though he was no longer angelic.
“Sounds nice.” Dean agreed, adjusting and readjusting the blanket around Cas’ shoulders just so he had something to do with his hands. Cas, ever indulgent, let him without drawing attention to it. “We can make that carrot cake you like.”
“No walnuts this time.” Cas reminded him.
“Of course.”
“You’ll survive not eating pie instead?” The ex-angel shot him an amused look. Dean managed a look of mock offense.
“I can control my cravings, y’know.” He defended lightly.
“Hm.” Came a skeptical reply.
“What? I managed to control my craving for you for twelve years.” Dean grinned, nudging Cas’ shoulder with his elbow.
“That was less control and more ignorance.” Cas pointed out. But his soft smile told Dean that he was amused rather than argumentative. They had their fights, sure, but this? This was just happy, old-married-couple-like bickering. Dean refused to think of himself as old yet.
“How’s Sam?” Cas asked, stealing Dean’s coffee to take a sip. Dean let him. He’s steal Cas’ bumblebee slippers later in retaliation.
“Good.” He replied, thinking back to the video call he had been on yesterday with his brother and Eileen. “They’re all moved in and settling fine. Sam says they’ll probably come over for dinner on Saturday.”
“That works out well. We’ll have gotten fresh food from the farmer’s market.” Cas nodded, his clear blue gaze fixed on the pale pink clouds mixing with tangerine skies and lavender shadows. A blood orange sun began peeking over the tree line. It was undoubtedly gorgeous, but Dean got a little caught up staring at Cas to appreciate it like he did.
“I’m glad I have you, man.” He said quietly. Cas turned to him with a soft smile. He didn’t often say things like that. Cas had always been better with words, whereas Dean spoke through breakfast in the mornings, letting Cas steal his coffee, and repeatedly adjusting his blanket so he wouldn’t be cold. Things like that. So Cas always seemed so pleasantly surprised when affectionate things slipped from Dean’s mouth.
“I’m glad I have you too, Dean.” He replied, catching Dean’s hand as he made to adjust the blanket and lacing their fingers together, pressing his scarred knuckles to his lips. Dean flushed as he felt Cas’ mouth against his skin, hot air from his nose warming his knuckles. He decided right then and there that he didn’t want to leave. He never wanted to wake up.
“Is Jack awake?” He asked as Cas settled their entwined hands on his arm rest.
“I think he always is now.” Cas said. “He’s only managed to sleep for an hour or two anymore.”
Dean nodded. The kid taking on God’s powers had changed so little about him and yet so much at the same time. Jack didn’t sleep, he didn’t have to eat but seemed to like to. He was in tune with nature in a scarily intimate way—Dean had once caught him talking to a swarm of bees. A full on conversation too, where the bees actually spoke back. Plants thrived around him and even the raccoons that had waged war against Dean and the garbage bins were tame and friendly around the kid. (He suspected Jack had also had a word with the raccoons, because Dean stopped finding his trash bins tipped over and rummaged through in the mornings.) But the kid still liked Lego’s and dinosaur models and eating sugary cereals with chocolate milk (Dean taught him that). He was still innocent, three year old Jack who could be convinced grape juice in a wine glass was actually wine. He was still their kid, just…different.
Dean sighed, letting his head fall on the back of his chair and rubbing his thumb absentmindedly against the back of Cas’ hand.
“I never want to leave this.” He murmured.
“So don’t.” Cas replied evenly.
“I won’t.”
The sun rose to begin a new day, and Dean felt himself smile. His life of blood and sacrifice was over. He had Cas, he didn’t have to hide who he was or how he felt. He had everything he had ever wished for.
So Dean didn’t fight the spell. He ignored the odd moments were something seemed out of place, the tingle on the back of his neck from his years of hunting that told him something was wrong. He didn’t want to leave. He had suffered enough.
Dean Winchester hung by his wrists in an abandoned warehouse, an IV slowly draining him dry. He didn’t see the point of trying to come back to this world—this world without Cas. Maybe Sam would find him, or maybe the jinn had hidden him too well. Whatever. Dean didn’t care. In his head, he had Cas. He had love and freedom and a quiet life with the angel he had loved since the day they met.
He would be dead in a few days, but in his head? It would feel like years.
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half-bakedboy · 3 years
one of the few things (read on ao3)
Pairing: Evan “Buck” Buckley/Eddie Diaz (& Eddie Diaz & Fire Fam) Rated: Gen Summary: “I want someone who’s going to take care of him, love him just as I would without babying him or making him feel like he can’t do things, you know? I want someone who is going to fight for him, not against him, who would literally go through hell for him because he deserves it--” Eddie cut himself off, but Hen didn’t need him to continue.
“You want it to be Buck.” Maybe she should’ve been more surprised or she should’ve asked the question instead of saying it so surely and causing the bit of panic that erupted in Eddie’s eyes, but it was obvious in everything Eddie was expressing.
Or five times that Eddie tells someone else that Buck is Christopher's legal guardian plus one time he finally tells Buck.
Contains spoilers from Season 4 Episode 14: Survivors.
“Hey, Hen, can I, uh, grab you for a minute before…” Eddie trailed off and Hen narrowed her eyes at the rest of the team who had already started excitedly toward the loft. She turned to Eddie who looked… anxious. It instantly unnerved Hen as just a few days ago, he was trapped under forty feet of dirt and almost lost his life, and even then, he let it slide past as if it was nothing.
“Yeah, Eddie, what’s up?” She asked, following him into the changing room where he seemed to deliberate between settling on the bench and standing a few too many times for Hen not to intervene. She rested her hand gently on his arm and smiled openly at him, hoping it would at least get him to stop pacing. “I gotta admit, you’re acting really weird, Diaz,” Hen teased.
Eddie sighed and relented, sitting down as he said, “I shouldn’t be this nervous. Or scared. Or… Whatever is happening in my head.” Hen squeezed his bicep and hoped she looked as confused as she felt. She was sure she must have been missing important details she needed to comfort Eddie like she instinctively wanted to.
“Whatever it is, you can talk to me,” Hen urged, “or I can go get Buck—”
“No!” Eddie said abruptly and Hen’s eyebrows shot straight to her forehead at what she thought was an overreaction.
“Alright…” Hen said slowly, crossing her legs because she was entirely more intrigued than she had been before. If Eddie didn’t want to talk to his best friend, it must have been something secretive and Hen was all for gossip. “You gonna let me inside that crazy head of yours?” She asked once Eddie finally looked up at her.
“If something were to… happen, to you and Karen? Who gets Denny?” Eddie asked quickly like he was ripping the proverbial band-aid off of the conversation. Hen considered him for a moment; the way he refused to look in her eyes and how he rubbed his fingers against the scratches on his face absentmindedly.
“First it would be Karen’s sister. Then, if for some reason she couldn’t, it’s Athena and Michael,” Hen told him.
“And how did you… decide?” Eddie asked, twiddling with his thumbs in his lap which was a habit she had seen Buck do on occasion, but never Eddie.
“It wasn’t really a decision. Karen and her sister made that choice before they even had kids and she’s the kind of person who needs backup plans. Athena and Michael made the most sense after that,” Hen explained. There wasn’t some big talk about it between her and her wife. They trusted few people in their lives, especially with the upbringing of their children, so the choice was pretty obvious when they felt the need to make it. That need came pretty quickly into Hen’s career as a firefighter when she realized she wasn’t as invincible as either of them wanted it to be.
“How did—When did you—” Eddie groaned and scrubbed his hands over his face. “I don’t know what to say next,” he said honestly.
Hen rested a soft hand on his back and reassured him, “You almost died a few days ago, Eddie, it’s normal to put some more thought into these things.” He smiled sadly up at her and it tore into her heart. “Why don’t you tell me what you’re thinking right now?”
“I don’t even know, Hen, I—” Eddie stood and started pacing again before Hen could stop him. It seemed like he needed to move so Hen crossed her arms over her chest and let him. “When Shannon died, my parents tried to take Christopher from me. They—They came here under the guise of support for my son and I and they just—” Hen didn’t know that and now that she did, heat boiled under her skin. She knew exactly what it felt like to have family try to take the most important person to a parent away and all she wanted to do was wrap Eddie up in her arms.
“Your parents are Christopher’s legal guardian right now?” Eddie nodded and let out a huff of laughter.
“I’m not quite sure they wouldn’t try to kill me themselves to get Christopher back,” Eddie joked but it fell flat as Hen stared up at him. Before she could say anything else, Eddie spoke quickly, as if figuring things out in his own mind, “I want someone who’s going to take care of him, love him just as I would without babying him or making him feel like he can’t do things, you know? I want someone who is going to fight for him, not against him, who would literally go through hell for him because he deserves it--” Eddie cut himself off, but Hen didn’t need him to continue.
“You want it to be Buck.” Maybe she should’ve been more surprised or she should’ve asked the question instead of saying it so surely and causing the bit of panic that erupted in Eddie’s eyes, but it was obvious in everything Eddie was expressing. There was one thing she didn’t understand, though. “What’s holding you back?” She asked, patting the seat beside her so she could rest her hand on his knee. He relaxed at the touch.
“What if he doesn’t want that?” Eddie muttered. Hen gave him a look that easily told him he was insane if he thought Buck wouldn’t agree if he was asked. “Okay, then what if—What if it means more than I’m willing to… think about?” Eddie asked, pressing his lips together and glancing up at Hen as if he had just bared his entire soul to her. He might as well have.
She couldn’t hold back anymore and pulled him into the tightest hug she could without risking additional pain to his already stiff muscles. She had always wondered if they were more. She had wondered if the times Buck teased Eddie were his roundabout way of flirting or if those moments when Eddie’s eyes lingered a little too long on Buck when he dove headfirst into danger meant… more. She wouldn’t ask, though, knowing that it was a journey Eddie needed to begin on his own. She couldn’t start that for him, but she would help him in any way she could.
When she pulled back, she said, “I’ve got an attorney who specializes in these kinds of matters. I can give you his number and maybe he can help you out?” Eddie nodded again, seemingly grateful for no extra rounds of questioning, and rested his hand over Hen’s that still patted at his knee.
“Thanks, Hen, just—Thanks.” He let out a long breath just as Buck knocked on the glass surrounding them, gesturing up to the loft and rubbing his stomach to probably indicate lunch was ready. He ran up the steps, tripping on the first one and glancing around to make sure no one had noticed, sticking his tongue in their direction when he realized he’d been caught. Hen laughed, gripping onto Eddie’s bicep as they both stood.
“You sure that’s who you want to parent your kid?” Hen asked. No response came because Eddie was too busy watching Buck in the kitchen, the grin wide on his lips followed by his own hysterical laughter as someone undoubtedly made fun of him. Eddie shook his head and smiled down at the floor before glancing up at Hen, blushing when he realized he had been caught lingering.
“I’ve never been more sure.”
If Carla was asked to choose her favorite clients, she would say it was impossible, but really, her answer was easy. The two men in front of her had spent the day together and still both were hesitating at leaving the residence. They had some more time, but they didn’t want to spend it away from each other, that much was clear. Carla also understood because if she was asked, she would easily say the Diaz-Buckley’s--as she so fondly called them in her mind.
“There’s some yogurt in the bottom drawer that Christopher doesn’t know about, so if he gets all of his homework done, he can have that as a treat before dinner,” Eddie instructed, glancing over to where Buck was leaning against the counter, his legs crossed and his arms over his chest as he stared at Eddie fondly.
“Yes, dad, I know the rules. I’ll make sure he finishes his homework before I let him raid the sugar drawer and spoil his dinner so that you have the hardest time getting him to bed,” Buck teased, winking at Carla as Eddie tossed the empty roll of paper towels in his direction. Buck caught it and sent a glare at Eddie, tossing it in the garbage like the well-oiled machine they always were. “You never let us have any fun,” Buck complained, pouting at Eddie who just rolled his eyes in response.
“Now, boys, don’t make me put you both in time out,” Carla chastised, her eyes darting between both of them playfully.
“Now you’re just threatening us with a good time, Carla,” Buck teased, pressing a kiss to her cheek as he walked past to grab his keys. “I figured Christopher and I could stop on the way home from school and grab some ingredients to make dinner together. You’ll be home by then, right?” He directed at Eddie who nodded almost shyly in return.
“Yeah, the meeting is at three and I don’t think it’ll take longer than two hours or so if everything goes as planned,” Eddie guessed, sliding his shoes on and nudging his shoulder into Buck’s when the other man tried to knock him over. Carla watched on affectionately, leaning her hip against the counter and raising her eyebrows at them as they turned, their arms pressed together even though there was plenty of room on either side of them.
“I’m gonna go get your kid. Good luck?” Buck offered and Eddie laughed, pulling him into a brief hug that, if Carla had to guess, he wanted to hold onto a little longer.
“Yeah, thanks, I appreciate you taking care of him,” Eddie said nervously, holding Buck at arm’s length and gazing up at him as if they were the only two people in the world. Carla wondered when they would start to realize they shared that look every time they saw each other.
“You know I’d drop everything for that kid, Eds,” Buck noted easily, patting Eddie’s cheek as he made his way out of the front door. When it shut, Eddie let out a deep breath and turned back to Carla who gave him what she hoped was a knowing look.
“You gonna tell me why we’re going to see this attorney now, Eddie?” Carla asked, raising her eyebrows at Eddie as his cheeks turned pink.
“After the well incident, I started doing some thinking…” Eddie trailed off and Carla just waited for his explanation. “I hadn’t really thought about my will since I left El Paso. I should’ve when Shannon died, but—”
“You were grieving,” Carla immediately interjected, knowing that Eddie still blamed himself for that-- and everything else--that wasn’t in his control. He glanced up at her and smiled before leaning back against the counter opposite Carla.
“I figured it was about time to think about it again so, Hen, our coworker, connected me with a local attorney who specializes in estate planning,” Eddie continued as if that explained exactly what they were doing. Carla nodded her head to urge him on and he took a deep breath as if preparing himself before he spoke again. “I’m going to make Buck Christopher’s legal guardian if anything were to happen to me,” he admitted, his eyes darting to Carla’s as if waiting for some big response.
“You said the meeting is at three, so we should probably be going,” Carla said, clapping her hands together as she stepped away from the counter.
“Wait, that’s it? You’re not going to question me or—or tell me to consider someone else?” Eddie asked. It was like he was repeating what someone else had already said, trying and failing to talk himself out of the decision that Carla couldn’t agree more with.
“You know your child better than anyone else, Eddie Diaz, and I’ve seen the way that man,” she gestured toward the front door where Buck had just left, “cares for your son. You’ve witnessed it more than any of us. If you believe that he is the best choice for Christopher if—God forbid—anything happens to his daddy, then it’s the right choice,” she finished, leaving no room for argument. Eddie nodded, staring up at her with wide eyes that shined with gratefulness and love. Carla held his face in her hands and nodded back reassuringly, hoping her words reverberated through that thick skull he had.
“You sure you don’t mind coming with me?” Eddie asked. “I—I want you to be there for this,” he added as if he needed to make sure she knew it. She did. She knew that she was just as important to the Diaz-Buckley family as they were to her and wondered how she ever got so lucky.
“I’m by your side through it all, right?” Carla reiterated, holding out her hand for Eddie to grab and dragging him through the door. They had a will to change.
“Hey, Cap, can you spare a minute?” Eddie asked, peeking his head into Bobby’s office with a feather-light rap of his knuckles on the door. Bobby gestured for him to have a seat and when Eddie shut the door behind him, Bobby had to admit he was a bit nervous by the sudden meeting.
“Everything okay, Eddie?” The nod he received in return did nothing to reassure Bobby when he saw the papers in Eddie’s hands.
“Everything is great, Cap. I’m feeling completely back in the game after the…” Eddie trailed off as if he couldn’t even mention the well and Bobby didn’t blame him. Everyone was still on edge from the fear they had felt that day, Bobby included. “I just wanted to talk to you about something,” Eddie began with a deep breath.
“You don’t have to be nervous, kid. Whatever you have to say, we’ll get through it,” Bobby reassured, leaning back in his chair to prepare himself for another member of his family to take their leave. It had hurt when Buck had looked him in the eyes and said those dreaded words, but he had almost been expecting them, but he always knew Buck would be back. Eddie looking in the same direction was a surprise that he wasn’t sure how he would handle. He wasn’t sure how Buck would handle it.
As if sensing Bobby’s own nervous energy, Eddie’s eyes darted to the papers in his hands and back up to his captain’s in panic. “Oh, no! No no no! This isn’t— Fuck, Bobby, I’m sorry. I’m not quitting if that’s what you’re thinking!” Eddie reassured and Bobby would be lying if he said his heart didn’t stop beating for a moment, so he was glad to feel it pump back up.
“That’s incredibly relieving to hear, Diaz,” Bobby said honestly, leaning forward onto his elbows placed on the desk. “Then…?” Bobby asked, holding out one hand for the papers that were slightly crumpled in Eddie’s tight grasp.
“Oh, yeah, I—” As if not knowing how to explain it himself, Eddie held out the papers, crushing them into Bobby’s hand. He had to smooth them out to read even the first sentence.
Last Will and Testament of Edmundo Diaz
Bobby glanced up at Eddie to ask what all of that was about, but Eddie just lowered his eyes to the papers as if pleading for Bobby to read so he didn’t have to explain out loud. Bobby nodded and continued scanning through the all too familiar words before a name caught his eye.
“In the event I shall die as the sole parent or guardian of my minor child, then I appoint Evan Buckley as legal guardian of said minor child,” Bobby read, hoping his shock wasn’t too prevalent on his face. He glanced back up at Eddie who was smiling almost proudly after hearing the words aloud. “Eddie, this is—”
“I’m sure about it, Bobby. No one is going to take care of that kid better than Buck would,” Eddie said quickly and defensively. Bobby rested a hand on the back of Eddie’s that had clenched into an anxious fist on the desk between them.
“I was going to say that this is a great honor for him,” Bobby said slowly, leaning his head down so that Eddie would look at him. “Why are you giving this to me, though?”
“Everyone who needs one has a copy. My attorney, my abuela, my doctor, and Carla, just to be safe,” Eddie explained. Bobby couldn’t help but notice there was a very important person absent from that list. He didn’t need to say anything as Eddie sighed, squeezing his eyes shut. “I can’t tell him yet, it's just—It’s not the right time… for us.”
The us was louder than Bobby thought Eddie had intended it to be.
“I’ll keep this in your file, but you know I have to urge you to tell him before it’s my responsibility,” Bobby said. “You know better than any of us that in this job, things can go wrong faster than they can go right again. Buck isn’t going to let you down with this,” Bobby promised because he truly believed it. He thought that Eddie did, too.
“I know and I’ll tell him. When the time is right,” Eddie said with a nod. He stood up and wandered to the door, turning back to his captain with another small smile on his lips as he added, “And thank you. What you think means the world to both Buck and I which is why I—” Bobby nodded in understanding and opened his bottom drawer to file the important paperwork away.
“Hey, it’s what I’m here for,” Bobby said before adding, just for good measure, “remember that.”
Maddie watched her brother cradle her newborn child in his arms and a warmth she had never known before spread throughout her entire body. Eddie was leaning over, wiggling his finger above her face before gliding it delicately down the bridge of her nose and her pouty lips, her eyes mesmerized by the motion. He let her grab onto it, his face feigning pain as if her small form could ever inflict it. Maddie couldn’t help but notice how Buck was staring at Eddie at that moment and was almost too focused on what a perfect little family they would make when Chim walked in with an armful of drinks.
“So, do we get to tell him now, or…” Chim asked excitedly, smacking his hands on his thighs as he sat on the couch. Buck refused to hand the baby off to anyone else, cradling her in one arm as he used the other to take a large gulp of the lemonade Chim brought out. Eddie watched them carefully as if making sure Buck didn’t drop her while simultaneously eyeing the way his throat bobbed and she suppressed a laugh behind closed lips.
“Tell him what?” Eddie asked, taking a sip of his own drink and gulping almost nervously. Maddie tilted her head at him, asking him silently if everything was okay and he nodded in response, smiling softly at her.
“Well, Buck, as you know, Jee-Yun here is very lucky to have two parents who love her in her life, that will do anything in the world for her,” Maddie began, resting her arm on Chim’s shoulder and gesturing for him to continue just as they had practiced.
“You also know that literally no tomorrow is guaranteed,” Chim said solemnly, reaching to brush his finger down Jee-Yun’s arm. She instinctively reached out to her father and Maddie’s heart squeezed in her chest.
“We were hoping that you would accept the honor of being Jee-Yun’s god—”
“Yes! Oh my god, are you kidding me?!” Buck interrupted, his eyes darting from Maddie, to Jee-Yun, and over to Eddie who had a smile on his face that looked... fake if Maddie had to put a word to it.
“This is a gift that can be taken away at any time, Buckley, remember that, but yes. We want this for her, both of us,” Chim said, holding onto Maddie’s hand and staring up at Buck seriously. No matter what Chim would say, he didn’t need nearly as much convincing as Maddie had been prepared to do to make Buck Jee-Yun’s godfather. It was either him or Albert and neither of them was about to leave that responsibility to the person still sleeping on their couch.
“You’re not gonna judge me if I cry, right?” Buck asked, sniffling exaggeratedly and holding Jee-Yun even closer to him. He looked down at her like she was his world and everyone in the room knew it was true. Maddie couldn’t help but glance back at Eddie who still had that faux smile plastered on his lips. She tried not to be offended as she walked by him, knocking her knee against his and gesturing for him to follow her to the kitchen.
Buck pulled her into a one-armed hug and kissed her cheek before she could pass, whispering words of thanks into her ear. Before they could get too far, he grabbed Eddie’s arm and raised the baby up as if offended he could possibly leave the room without saying goodbye. Eddie pressed his lips gently against Jee-Yun’s outstretched hand and for a moment, Maddie thought Buck was going to toss their friendship out of the window and kiss him even though he had his godchild in his arms. Instead, he let Maddie pull Eddie away.
She crossed her arms over her chest and raised her eyebrows expectantly. When he didn’t speak up and actively avoided her gaze, she spat, “Spill it, Diaz.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Eddie said, mimicking Maddie’s pose and narrowing his eyes in her direction.
“Don’t pull that with me, Eddie. I saw that flash of worry before you pretended to be happy my kid had a kickass godfather, so spill or I bring Buck in here to—”
“No, don’t—!” Eddie sighed, and pushed off of the counter, pulling Maddie further into the kitchen so they were out of sight of Chim and Buck. “He can’t know, not yet.”
“Can’t know what? That you’re in love with him and want him to have your babies?” Maddie teased, eyes widening when Eddie didn’t even bother to convince her otherwise. “Oh my god, I knew it!” She yelled, smacking Eddie a few times in excitement. He rolled his eyes at her, a look she had seen directed at her brother more times than not, but she wasn’t worried, because there was too much affection in the gaze.
“Good to know both Buckley’s need to be the loudest person in the room,” Eddie noted, peeking around the corner to make sure the other two were still preoccupied.
“You can’t insult us anymore, now that I know for sure that you love him!” Maddie squealed, holding onto Eddie’s arm that was crossed over his chest again. “But wait, that doesn’t explain why you’re so…” She mouthed an exaggerated frown and furrowed her eyebrows to mimic his face only for him to roll his eyes again.
“I didn’t look like that,” Eddie complained.
“You’re doing it right now,” Maddie said, pushing at the wrinkles in between his eyes with her index finger so that he might relax his face. He laughed and swatted her hand away, but didn’t let it go far. He held it carefully in his, staring down at her fingers like he was avoiding her questioning. “What’s going on, Eddie?” She asked quietly, ducking her head so he would look at her.
“Remember a few months ago when…” He trailed off and Maddie immediately knew what he was talking about. “I almost didn’t make it out and all I could think about was my kid. You get that now, right?” Eddie asked, nodding his head over to where Buck had finally given Jee-Yun back to her father. Maddie knew exactly what he meant. Nothing else was more important than Jee-Yun anymore.
“What does that have to do with my brother?” Maddie asked. She didn’t mean it to sound unkind, but Eddie blushed and ducked his head again and she was worried that maybe she had pushed just a little too hard. Buck had warned her that Eddie was like that sometimes; open until he wasn’t, guarding every little piece of him to protect himself and Christopher. She had yet to see it but hadn’t yet had the opportunity to really bond with him. She knew that moment was as important as it felt.
“I haven’t told Buck,” Eddie warned before continuing, “but after everything that happened, I decided to make him Christopher’s legal guardian in the case that I… die.” Maddie’s jaw dropped open and she had to hold her hands back or risk smacking him again.
“And Buck doesn’t know this?” Maddie asked because she couldn’t have heard him correctly. Why wouldn’t Eddie have told him? It made absolutely no sense in her mind and her blank stare must have clued him in.
“If I tell him, I have to admit that maybe my reasoning isn’t ‘hey, my best friend should be the one to take care of the most important thing in my life’ and more…” He trailed off with a sigh and repeated Maddie’s earlier words, “more that I'm in love with him and want him to actually have my babies.” The admission made Maddie burst into hysterics, Eddie throwing his hand over her mouth before the other two could hear them. It was too late, though, because Buck wandered around the corner, concern in his eyes.
“I know you and Chim aren’t married yet, but he’s like… right there, Mads,” Buck joked, gesturing over his shoulder where Chim was too focused making faces at Jee-Yun to care about what was happening in the kitchen. His eyes darted back and forth between the two of them with not as much playfulness in them as his words insinuated. Maddie pushed Eddie away with a laugh and a smack to his arm causing him to roll his eyes again.
“Watch it, Buckley, or I might make my new favorite firefighter Jee-Yun’s godfather,” Maddie threatened with a wink at Eddie before she waltzed toward her brother. When she was close enough, she whispered, “Jealousy is a new look for you.” She barely avoided the hand that swatted at her as she went to go hold her baby, leaving the two of them to talk.
She tried not to focus on the way Buck and Eddie worked so easily around each other or how Eddie treated Buck like he was something of utmost importance. She had also never seen her brother fit so perfectly to someone else’s side and the two of them together, playing with Jee-Yun and handing her back and forth until she fell asleep, was almost too much for her heart to bear.
As they said their goodbyes, Maddie pulled Eddie closed and whispered, “The way you saw Buck look at Jee-Yun tonight? It’s the same way I’ve seen him look at Christopher.” Eddie nodded back, his eyes shining in agreement like he didn’t need to be told twice. “He deserves to know,” Maddie urged softly, squeezing his arms as she pulled away.
“I’ll tell him about Christopher, I will,” Eddie promised, glancing over to where Buck placed multiple small kisses to Jee-Yun’s sleeping face.
“Tell him about you, too, okay?” Maddie asked, patting his cheek gently. “He looks at you the same way you look at him.” Eddie seemed too stunned to respond and by the time he pulled himself out of it, Buck was tossing his arm around Eddie’s neck and leaning into him sleepily.
“Ready to head home?” Buck asked as if home was the same place for both of them.
“Yeah, I am,” Eddie responded easily. With one last glance back, he mouthed his silent thanks at Maddie who nodded back and smiled warmly at him.
Once the door shut, Chim wrapped his free arm around her waist and muttered, “We made the right choice, huh?” Maddie smiled, that warmth in her chest spreading further as she glanced at the love of her life holding her infant, then to the door where the first person she had ever loved more than herself had exited.
“We all did.”
Eddie wasn’t expecting the question when it came. He was eating breakfast with Christopher who had spent the majority of his morning complaining that they had run out of his favorite cereal. He half considered asking Carla to pick some up on her way over, but Christopher settled for eggs and toast and was chatting away about his new friends at school, so he let himself space out. Eddie was not much of a morning person.
“…And Alyssa lives with her grandma because her parents couldn’t take care of her. Mrs. Quinn said sometimes that happens and kids have to go live with other people,” Christopher explained and Eddie nodded in response, not really paying attention to the conversation in favor of spacing out at the full plate in front of him.
“That’s great, buddy,” he said absentmindedly, compiling a grocery list in his head that he would have to find the energy to do after his shift. He was grateful that Buck had offered to spend some time with Christopher this weekend because that meant he might be able to get a nap in when they inevitably played Punch Planet.
“Who would take care of me if you couldn’t?” Christopher asked and Eddie froze. He continued to stare down at his plate, his eyes wide as he let the question echo through his mind. “Dad?” Christopher asked.
“I, uh—Sorry, kid, what was that?” Eddie asked even though he had heard the question quite clearly. He just wasn’t sure how to answer.
“Who would take care of me if you couldn’t?” Eddie cleared his throat and tried to come up with an answer. Turns out, Eddie didn’t have to because Christopher already had the perfect one. “I think it should be Buck,” he decided, nodding his head as he grabbed another forkful of eggs.
Eddie’s head shot up and he gaped over at Christopher as he squeaked, “You do?” Something about Christopher agreeing with the enormous decision Eddie grappled over for weeks had his heart beating out of his chest even though he shouldn’t have been so surprised.
“Yeah,” Christopher began as he swallowed his eggs, “he would still make me do my homework before I could have dessert, but he would play video games with me and help me do really cool things.”
And wasn’t it really that simple? Buck would treat Christopher exactly how he deserved and nothing more or less. Eddie had seen it for almost a year—longer if he allowed himself to think about it—and Christopher obviously had no issues with it. Buck fit into their family just as he was, with no expectations or exceptions. Suddenly, Eddie wasn’t sure why he was so nervous to let Buck in on the secret he had held so close to him for such a long time.
“Would you like that? If Buck were to be the one to take care of you?” Eddie asked almost shyly.
“Buck already takes care of me,” Christopher decided and yeah, he was right. Buck already took care of Christopher— and Eddie—so it only made sense. Eddie had known that, but to get confirmation from his son was everything he could have wanted it to be. “Only if you can’t,” Christopher added sternly as if it needed to be said. Eddie let out a huff of laughter, reaching across the table to pat Christopher’s hand softly.
“Yeah, only if I can’t,” Eddie confirmed, “and we’re going to hope that never happens, okay?” Christopher seemed satisfied with that and nodded, taking a bite of his toast and turning his hand so he could hold his dad’s tightly. Eddie wasn’t sure what he had done right in his life to deserve the family he had—Buck included—but he wasn’t about to question it, not when things were so good.
Plus one.
Eddie had been shot. A bullet found its way through Eddie’s shoulder while his blood splattered onto Buck’s face, a heat he wished he could forget but was etched into his mind. He had done his best to keep Eddie alive in the firetruck, pressing his hand to the gaping wound while the other hovered uselessly over his face, a shouted reassurance that they were almost to help. To Buck’s utmost relief, the surgeons had saved him, and he was grateful he was with Christopher when he got the news.
The waiting was the worst of it. He stayed with Christopher because he couldn’t go home without knowing that Eddie’s son was safe each night and every morning and they waited together. Christopher woke him up most days which he tried not to beat himself up about. He did feel a little guilty for how much he apparently snored as Christopher would not stop pointing it out, but he was okay with being the butt of the joke because it meant that Christopher was smiling even though Eddie had still not woken up.
When he got the news Eddie was conscious, it took everything in him not to spend every waking moment at his bedside. He updated Eddie on Christopher’s schoolwork, what he had for breakfast and dinner each day, even little details that he was sure the father didn’t care about, but Eddie listened to them all. He stared over at Buck with so much appreciation in his eyes and Buck almost couldn’t stand it. Not when he had messed up and Eddie didn’t know.
“He doing okay?” Eddie asked, waiting until after he was sure the video call had ended. Christopher had a bright smile on his face that matched the joyous laughter that left his lips the moment he saw his father, but they all knew the last few days had to have been tough on him.
“Better than me,” Buck huffed, “I, uh, kind of lost it when I told him you got shot,” Buck admitted when he couldn’t hold it in any longer. Eddie was falling asleep, his eyes blinking slowly as if trying to keep them open. Buck wanted to stroke his hand over Eddie’s hair and kiss his forehead until he let himself dream again. “I’m sorry, I—should’ve held it together.”
“You were there for him when I couldn’t be. That’s what matters,” Eddie said simply, but that wasn’t enough. He wasn’t enough for Christopher and no one could be except for his father who was currently in a hospital bed for the second time since Buck had known him.
“Still,” Buck began, “I think it might’ve been better for him if I was the one who got shot.” If looks could kill, Buck would’ve taken Eddie’s spot in that bed. Eddie tried to sit himself up as if preparing himself to chastise the man beside him for his words, but Buck retracted them quickly, sensing the discomfort it had Eddie feeling. “I’m sorry, I didn’t—Just get some rest, Eddie, you can yell at me later,” Buck promised, finally relenting to his urges and grabbing Eddie’s hand in his. The touch relaxed Eddie and Buck decided not to think of what that could mean.
He left before Eddie could have the chance to make due on the promise and when Buck could finally come back, Eddie didn’t seem to be in the mood for yelling. He looked too serious considering that’s all anyone had been for the last few days. The sniper was caught and at home, Christopher and the rest of Eddie’s family were preparing to welcome him with the warmth he deserved after his time in the hospital. Eddie patted the bed next to him, said he had been meaning to talk to Buck and it was like ice shot through his entire body.
“So, you might have noticed I almost died. Again,” Eddie said as if it wasn’t playing on repeat in Buck’s head every time he closed his damn eyes. “Yeah, I’ve had a lot of close calls. This one wasn’t even my closest,” he pointed out as a huff of laughter escaped his lips.
“Eddie…” Buck began, but Eddie shook his head.
“Just let me finish?” Eddie pleaded, finally glancing up at Buck with a softness in his eyes Buck wasn’t prepared for. Buck quieted. “After the last time, when that well collapsed on top of me—”
“Which you survived,” Buck pointed out, pressing his lips together when Eddie glared over at him. There wasn’t nearly enough heat in it, but Buck opted to really let him continue that time.
“After that, it got me thinking—you know, what would happen to Christopher if I hadn’t?” Buck was about to interrupt again, reminding him of all of the people—including himself—that wouldn’t hesitate to take care of Christopher, but the words got caught in his throat because he couldn’t imagine a life without Eddie in it just yet. “So, I went to my attorney and changed my will. So someday if I, uh, didn't make it... Christopher would be taken care of. By you.”
“What?” Buck asked through bated breath. He lost the steady beat of his heart, the comforting rise and fall of his chest, and the ability to control the way his hands shook in his lap at the admission. Eddie seemed to notice and turned toward him, holding his trembling fingers in one hand and avoiding Buck’s eyes once again. Buck couldn’t figure out why he wasn’t looking at him, opting instead to stare at the plain white floor as if the tiles were more interesting than the life-changing news he had just shared.
“It's in my will that if I die, you become Christopher's legal guardian,” Eddie explained simply. He said the words with such a clear voice, so sure that it was the right decision, and Buck couldn’t think enough to argue against it.
“I mean, h-how—How does that even work? Don't you—Don’t you need my consent?” Buck stuttered, his mouth barely able to catch up with all of the questions racing through his mind.
“My attorney said you could refuse,” Eddie noted, an upturn to his lips that almost had Buck laughing.
“You know I wouldn’t,” Buck finished for him.
“Nah, I know you wouldn’t,” Eddie said as if proud that he was right. Buck felt a warmth spread throughout him at the thought of Eddie innately knowing him so well. Then all he could think about were reasons why what Eddie was saying didn’t make any sense.
“I mean, he--he has grandparents, other family,” Buck began, but Eddie just shook his head again and held Buck’s hands tighter in his. He could finally feel them settle and equated that to Eddie’s calming touch.
“Yeah,” he let out a dry laugh, “after Shannon left, they all tried to guilt me into giving Christopher to them. It's not what I wanted then, it's not what I want now.” If Buck knew anything about Eddie, it was that when he knew what he wanted, nothing was going to change that. The way Eddie stared so firmly at their entwined hands both scared him and elated him.
Buck hated thinking about it already, but he had to ask, “ If it came to that, w-wouldn't they fight for him?” Eddie considered the question for a moment, but only a brief one.
“I don't know. Maybe. Probably.” When Eddie finally glanced away from their hands, Buck saw the worry clouding his muted eyes. He wasn’t sure how to make it go away and that killed him almost more than seeing Eddie lying just out of reach. “But no one will ever fight for my son as hard as you. That is what I want for him.” There was nothing Buck could say in return, because there was no denying it. Buck would do anything for that kid, but he still had one more question.
“Well, you said you did this last year. Why are you just telling me now?” As if Eddie had expected and dreaded the question, he glanced away from Buck once more, removing his hands from Buck’s slowly. Buck wished he hadn’t.
“Because, Evan,” Eddie began and Buck was sure that was the first time Eddie had used his given name. He had always hated it. It was a token that his parents had given him that they treated like a gift and he usually wanted nothing to do with it, but coming from Eddie’s mouth, it sounded like music. “You came in here the other day and you said you thought it would have been better if it had been you who was shot.” He shook his head and stared at the wall in front of him. Buck tried to meet his eyes, but Eddie wouldn’t budge, letting out a long sigh.
“You act like you're expendable, but you're wrong.”
Buck had never felt a surge of emotions quite as strong as the ones that rushed through him at those words. When Eddie finally pulled his eyes away from the blank wall to meet Buck’s gaze, his eyes held everything Buck had ever wanted to see. The years he spent gaining Eddie’s friendship, his trust, his love, had amounted to something more than Buck had ever expected it to. His eyes screamed that Eddie loved him back.
“Why are you just telling me now?” Buck repeated because as much as he appreciated the answer he received--and would be thinking about it like a spiral in his mind for as long as he lived--there was something more held in Eddie’s gaze and Buck wanted that just as bad.
Eddie cupped Buck’s face in his uninjured hand, licking his lips before he admitted, “Because I’m ready .” It was as if both of them could finally breathe as Eddie explained, “For us to be more. That is, if you—” Buck didn’t let him finish. He moved carefully forward, pressing their lips together gently, twin sighs leaving their mouths as they finally— finally —took that extra step forward.
It was a leap both of them were ready to take, one that Buck had waited for since the moment he saw Eddie’s strength, his bravery, his loyalty, his love. It was that final jump into each other’s arms that meant they were nothing if not family. Eddie had just taken it a year sooner than Buck had expected and that was completely okay with him.
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jayeray-hq · 4 years
How He Shows You Affection: Suna Rintarou
This was a request, but I unfortunately had to delete the original post because it wasn’t showing up in the tags! I hope you see it though anon and thank you so much for requesting!
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Post Time Skip/Manga Ending Spoilers!
Warnings: Just a little hint of implied NSFW but mostly fluff!
How He Shows You Affection Masterlist - Character Masterlist
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Thank you as ever to the amazing and beautiful Tay @deathcab4daddy​ for not only beta-reading for me, but for helping me figure out these stupid tags 😭
He Takes Pictures of You
           The familiar sound of a phone camera clicking had you blinking awake. You’d almost been asleep, but the sound had pulled you from the depths, and you blinked blearily up at your boyfriend. As per usual, he was the clear culprit, his phone out and pointed in your direction.
“Really, Sunarin?” you asked him, your voice rusty from sleep as you watched him pocket his phone, not a single sign of remorse on his features, “Right now?”
             “You looked cute,” he told you with a shrug, completely and utterly unapologetic.
             “I look like a mess,” you countered with a sigh, keeping your voice quiet so as to not wake the rest of the people on the bus.
 EJP Raijin was surprisingly accommodating to their players’ significant others, and from the very beginning they had let you travel on the bus to their away games with Suna if you wanted to. You didn’t get to go nearly as often as you would’ve liked, if you had your way, you’d go to every single one, but unfortunately, you had your own work so the times you could go were rather rare.
 However, for this particular match, you’d made sure to take time off in advance so you could attend. It wasn’t every day that your boyfriend got to play against one of his old senpai from high school, and despite being extremely laid back most of the time, you could tell that Suna had been really excited for it.
 The game against Aran and the Tachibana Red Falcons had been a rather epic one, with the entirety of the old Inarizaki team in attendance for once. Even Atsumu had managed to be there, his own team having gifted him the day off so he could watch. In preparation you’d gone all out, wearing the official EJP Raijin jersey with Suna’s name and number on it, and doing up your hair and make-up, even though the yellow might not have been the best color on you.
 It had been a lot of fun especially since you got to sit right up close with the rest of Inarizaki. However, now several hours after the game on the bus back, you were sure you looked a mess. No doubt the make-up you’d applied so meticulously was smeared across your face, and your hair in disarray. You were very sure you didn’t look anything close to cute, despite what your boyfriend said.
 “Delete it?” you asked him plaintively, though your hopes weren’t very high.
 From the beginning, Suna had made it clear that he thoroughly enjoyed taking pictures of you. Almost every time you’d turned around he’d had his phone out and pointed in your direction. It had been a bit disconcerting at first, but you’d slowly but surely gotten used to it.
 A part of you thought that if Suna hadn’t decided to become a volleyball player he definitely would’ve become a photographer of some kind. He had a gift for it. The only problem was that he used said gift to capture everyone at their absolute worst. You were pretty sure he could make even the most photogenic person in the world look like complete and utter garbage.
 The most annoying part of it was, he was perfectly capable of bringing out the best in everyone if he wanted to as well. He just chose not to. It could honestly be a bit infuriating at times, especially since you knew he had entire folders of you on his laptop looking completely and utterly hideous because he insisted it was hilarious and adorable.
 As his girlfriend it was no surprise that you were the one he photographed the most, which you might’ve objected to except unlike with others he was very conscientious and considerate of your photos. He never posted anything to his social media that he knew you wouldn’t like, and never shared any of your embarrassing photos with anyone.
 When you’d asked him about it once, he’d told you it was because he didn’t want to share those moments with anyone else. It was honestly almost cute, and would’ve been adorable if he hadn’t followed it up by teasing you. He’d gone on to show you all his favorites, which were quite frankly the most hideous pictures of yourself that you’d ever seen chuckling all the while and wondering aloud how such a cute person could take such ugly photos.
 You might’ve objected, except unlike with others Suna also went out of his way to take pictures of you that were surprisingly lovely. At times, he managed to capture things that made you question if the person in them was even you with how good they looked. He always kept one of those photos as his lock screen, claiming he wanted to show off how beautiful you were. Seeing it never failed to make your heart swell with affection, even if he did set his contact picture of you to something completely hideous.
 “Nope,” he told you as he tucked his phone away into his pocket, another no doubt awful picture of you added to his collection, “You know I don’t delete my pictures.”
 You heaved a sigh at that knowing was true, he really didn’t ever delete anything. You quietly resigned yourself to it again, your feelings a mix of annoyed fondness for your boyfriend who insisted you were his greatest muse.
 “Fine,” you agreed with a pout, “but no more tonight Rintarou. I want to sleep.”
 “No promises,” he told you with an amused chuckle, making you huff at him unhappily, “It’s your own fault for being so cute.”
 You rolled your eyes at that, but did allow him to pull you into his side so the two of you were resting comfortably together, snuggled up as close as the seats would allow. His warmth and your own exhaustion quickly began to pull you back under, and you began to nod off again. This time when the camera shutter sound went off you firmly ignored it, feeling a swell of exasperated fondness for your boyfriend who could never get enough.
 He Seeks You Out
             During your relationship with Suna, you’d thought more than once that he was actually more like a cat than a fox the way he liked to claim. You’d never say so to his face, because he’d no doubt find some way to turn it on you, but some of his actions really were positively cat-like.
             If you told others, they would most likely say it was in the way he was so incredibly choosy about who he spent his time with, the way he liked to provoke people, and just generally be a jerk because it genuinely amused him. However, in your case it was actually in the way he sought you out, and then proceeded to drape himself all over you.
             It didn’t seem to matter where you were or what you were doing, if the two of you were in the same vicinity, Suna eased his way into your presence and demanded your attention. At home if you were on the couch, reading a book, or watching TV, he’d lay his head in your lap and stare up at you until you started to pet him before turning his attention to his phone. If you were laying in bed, he’d lay himself on top of you, nearly always knocking the air from your lungs and absolutely refusing to move despite your protests. If you were sitting at your desk, he was behind you, bent over with his chest pressed to your back and his sharp chin resting either on top of your head or dug into your shoulder with his arms around you.
             It wasn’t just at home either. Suna had never particularly cared about the opinions of others, and the fact that public displays of affection were looked down upon didn’t bother him one little bit. He was always coming up to you, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and leaning as much of his weight on you as you could take, his face nuzzled insistently against your face or neck. It was more than a bit embarrassing at times, especially since he didn’t care who you were speaking to or if you were in the middle of something.
             In addition, whenever he was cuddled up to you, he always wanted your hands on him, preferably in his hair. The man went practically limp with pleasure whenever you played with it, scratching your nails gently over his scalp. The only thing he really needed to do was start purring to complete the feline image you had of him.
             The funny thing was that the minute he was cuddled up to you and sure that he was taking up your attention, was he then promptly dozed off. You weren’t quite sure why he was so insistent about sleeping draped all over you, but it was this more than anything that made you think he truly was feline at heart.
             It was honestly kind of cute if you were honest with yourself, with as much of a jerk as he portrayed himself to be, you never would’ve guessed he was the clingy type. However, he really was, even if the way he went about it was a bit annoying, since he didn’t seem to care at all about what you were doing or if his clinging to you made things difficult.
             The two of you had been teased more than once about the way Suna went out of his way to find you whenever he wanted a nap. He’d even referred to you as his personal pillow on more than one occasion, but you couldn’t bring yourself to object. You thought it was sweet, and enjoyed how incredibly physically affectionate he was. Especially since he never protested when you wanted to turn the tables and sleep on him, even if he did tease the hell out of you for it.
             He really was a jerk sometimes, but he was your jerk, and you loved him, just the same way his insistent cuddling let you know just how very much he loved you.
 He Shares His Blackmail with You
             You glared at the blond setter who just looked back with a smarmy grin on his face, clearly entirely too pleased with himself. The twins could be annoying, but were usually fairly respectful when it came to you. Today however, for whatever reason, Atsumu had decided to go out of his way to tease you.
             You were honestly trying to be a good sport about it, but he was frankly getting on your last nerve. You wanted nothing more than to do something that would knock him off his high horse, but had no clue what to do to make him back off. Normally this wouldn’t be an issue, as Kita was pretty good at keeping both twins under control at reunions like this, but unfortunately, he hadn’t been able to make it today. Aran probably would’ve tried to step in, but the man was a little preoccupied dealing with an incredibly drunk Akagi who was stirring up trouble.
             Osamu might’ve helped you, but he was also finding Atsumu teasing you fairly amusing, and was simply watching on. You’d already tried appealing to him, but he’d insisted you didn’t get teased enough at gatherings like this, and it was only right that it be your turn. This, of course, left you with only one option, one you wouldn’t normally resort to, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
             Normally, one would think that your boyfriend should’ve been your first line of defense in situations like this. However, Suna was the kind of man who firmly believed you were more than capable of standing on your own two feet, and would only step in if you asked him to. If things were dire, or your feelings were actually being hurt, he’d do it with no hesitation, verbally eviscerating anyone who tried to mess with you.
             However, in a situation like this, where you were simply being teased, and he was also amused by said teasing, the situation wasn’t nearly as clear cut. What you offered had to be worth more than the entertainment he was already getting, and judging by the amused smirk on his face he was incredibly amused.
             “Rintarou,” you pleaded, giving him your best pout, “Help me?”
             “What’s in it fer me?” he asked teasingly, as Atsumu sputtered at the tactic you’d chosen to use, claiming you were cheating.
             “The love and affection of your beloved girlfriend?” you tried, batting your eyelids at him, making him chuckle in amusement.
             “Nice try,” he told you, his pale citrine eyes gleaming with mirth, “But I’m goin’ to need somethin’ more than that.”
             Your mind whirled, trying to figure out what you were and weren’t willing to offer him, based on how annoyed you were with Atsumu. The man himself wasn’t helping his case, guffawing at what he saw as a failed attempt and only riling you up further. You flipped through several ideas before settling on the perfect thing. Your lips curled into a smirk as you gave Atsumu a slow, triumphant smile that instantly had him shutting up, a wary look settling on his face.
             “Oy, I don’t think I like that look in yer eyes,” Atsumu informed you, leaning back a bit, though you promptly ignored him, all of your attention on your boyfriend who was watching you with interest.
             “Sunarin, if you help me with Atsumu I’ll let you do that thing you mentioned last weekend,” you coaxed, your words heavy with innuendo as you stared him down, “If you throw in Osamu too, I’ll even wear your favorites.”
             “Done,” he agreed instantly, pulling out his phone and pulling up several blackmail photos as both twins squawked in the background, Osamu protesting being dragged into it. It was his own fault, he should’ve helped you when you asked.
             “Since when do ya share that with anyone?!” Atsumu whined. His dignity completely shattered as he stared at his own phone in horror at the images that he’d just been tagged in that had appeared on his timeline, “Ya wouldn’t even give me any blackmail pictures, not even when I bribed ya. That’s unfair!”
             “Suna’s sharing his blackmail collection?” Aran asked, coming over from where he’d finally finished wrangling Akagi, as Osamu let out a low groan of despair, “With who?”
             “With her,” Atsumu told him, pointing at you dramatically, not that you cared a bit. Suna had come up behind you to drape over your back, his phone held in front of you, so you could pick the next few awful pictures of Atsumu to post online yourself.
             “Huh, guess he really must be in love,” Aran mused mostly to himself, though you couldn’t help but agree.
             Suna loved you, even if he did have odd ways of showing it at times. After all the couple that blackmails together, stays together.
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 3 years
(Clone Wars) ARC Trooper Echo x Reader: Sightseeing PART 2
(Requested by the amazing @nahoney22
I hope you likez!!!!
Warnings: some kissy kissy
Word Count: 2,146)
Link to Part 1
   You wrenched the final bolt in, teeth clenched with the effort.  Despite the quick thrum of your heart at the set of boots that were visible from beneath the ship, you kept your focus on the work in front of you.  Finally, the bolt would not screw in any father, and you set the wrench down with a loud clang.
   Swiping the back of your hand across your forehead, you sighed and began to climb out from under the vehicle.  The bright lights of the hangar made you squint, though a silhouette stepped into view.  Those boots you saw before were a few feet from your head.
   The man knelt down, extending his gloved hand in your direction.  You smiled as you took it, and he hauled you to your feet in an effortless motion.  Suddenly, you felt a little self-conscious in your dirtied jumpsuit with grease smeared on your skin.  You avoided his gaze as you brushed off what you could from your jumpsuit.
   “All done?” Echo finally spoke, and you could hear the smile in his voice.
   You finally met his eyes.  It was hard to feel self-conscious when he was looking at you with tender adoration.  One would think you were wearing the most elegant gown with the way his eyes glinted.
   “All done,” you said.  “Thank you for waiting.  You didn’t have to, you know.  You could’ve gone ahead to see the town.”
   Echo shrugged his armored shoulders.  It was so casual, like it was no big deal that he stood in the hangar for forty-five minutes waiting for your shift to end.  He didn’t have a whole lot of time off as an ARC trooper, and you didn’t want him to miss out because of you.  “It wouldn’t have been the same without you.”
   A smile crept onto your features.  There were times when he couldn’t formulate a sentence in front of you, and other times when he could be so smooth and so sweet.  You knew it came from a genuine place and not from someone looking to score a date.  Besides, it had been several months since your meeting, and he still hadn’t officially asked you out.  It became a tradition for the two of you to go sightseeing on the planets you came across, but nothing had been said about them being dates.
   Fives complained about it often enough.
   “I need about ten minutes to shower,” you said.
   Echo nodded.  “I’ll be waiting...if you still want to go with me.”
   “Of course I do.  I just feel bad you’ve been waiting so long.”
   “Like I said, it just wouldn’t be the same without you.”
   “Alright, well I’ll be back in a few.”
   Fifteen or so minutes later, you found Echo waiting patiently as ever near the exit.  You caught up with him, feeling much better about your appearance.  He simply smiled when he saw you.
   “As I’ll ever be,” you said.  The two of you were able to take a military transport into town.  It was a short ride, and the transport was filled with your chatter as you shared information about the planet.  Echo had used his waiting time wisely to read up on some of the cuisine.  He listed off some interesting restaurant ideas, making both of your mouths water. Apparently a festival was going on, so there would be lots of things to see,
   When you stepped off the transport, Echo extended his arm slightly towards you so that you could loop your arm through it.  No doubt the two of you looked like a couple, which was why you waited until getting into town to make such contact.
   Your faced warmed as you observed his profile for a moment.  His eyes were wide and fascinated as he glanced around the ongoing festival.  Citizens wore colorful outfits and masks, bustling here and there.  Cheerful music played by musicians with stringed instruments filled the air.  Many delicious smells teased your senses.  A loud growl from your stomach made Echo’s gaze snap back to you.
   “Hungry?” he asked, amused.
   “I haven’t eaten since before my shift,” you admitted with a bashful smile.
   “Well, we’ll be sure to get something right away then.”  He nodded in the direction of the nearest stand.  “Let’s go.”
   Several happy citizens were leaving the stand with food in hand, smiling and talking amongst themselves.  You caught a whiff of one of the dishes.  “Ooh, we should get that,” you told Echo.  He followed your gaze and nodded.
   “Mm, that does look good.”
   Suddenly, you felt a rough hand grab your shoulder and give you a little shake.  Your heart quickened at the potential danger, but as you turned your head, you saw a gloved hand on Echo’s shoulder too.
   “There you are!” Fives exclaimed, giving you and Echo another affectionate shake.   You exhaled at the realization it was just your friend.  “I was wondering when you two lovebirds would venture out!”
   Your poor companion’s words caught in his throat.  “We’re not-  I mean…”  Echo stole a glance at you, flustered.  Finally, he seemed to gather some resolve as he raised a brow.  “No offense, but it’s none of your business.”
   “Oh-ho-ho.”  Fives chuckled, giving his brother a playful nudge.  “I’m just teasing.  No harm done.”
   Echo rolled his eyes, nudging him back.  “I’m sure.”
   You smiled at the brothers’ banter.  It was almost always like that when they hung out, which was all the time.  Fives had also become a good friend of yours as you got to know Echo better.  The three of you would often eat together at the mess hall or cause trouble at whatever places you found yourselves at on these new planets.  
   “Next!”  the lady at the stand called.  She wore a bright red costume with the sleeves rolled up as she put away the money from previous customers and closed the box.  Only her smiling eyes could be seen behind the matching mask.  “Troops!  We appreciate the protection the Republic has provided our planet.  What can I get you?”
   “We’d like two of those,” Echo ordered, pointing at the menu item that you had mentioned earlier.
   “Make that three,” Fives interjected.
   “Okay, three of those.  And could we also get two cups of tea.  Fives, you want one too?”
   “Count me in.”
   Echo nodded and turned back to the lady.  “Sorry, three cups of tea.  And that’ll do it.”
   She nodded and began adding up the cost.  Echo handed over the credits, and you pitched in to tip the woman.  She uttered her thanks, and the cook behind her started serving up the order.
   “These are our special desserts that are only made during this festival,” she said, packaging up three little cakes.  “You must try some!”
   Echo reached back into his pouch for more credits.  “How much?” 
   “On the house!” she said.  “I insist!  Enjoy the festival!”
   “Oh, thank you!” you accepted the packages, and Fives and Echo grabbed the food and teas.  The three of you headed over to one of the empty picnic tables and claimed your meals.  You sipped the cold cup of tea, smiling at the mildly sweet flavor and how refreshing it was.
   Fives had already dug into his food.  “This is great!” he mumbled through a mouthful.
   “Yeah?”  Echo took a bite of his own.  “Wow, you’re right.”
   Another loud growl sounded in your stomach, making Fives laugh and earning him an elbow in the side from Echo, as you finally tried your portion of the meal.  It did taste good, and it was very filling, though you had just enough room to have the dessert after.
   When you were done, you started cleaning up the picnic table and dropped the garbage into a nearby trash can.  On your way over, you overheard a conversation between the two ARC troopers.  They were trying to speak over the volume of the festival and remain out of earshot of you- to no avail.
   “So, Echo,” Fives said.  “You know you don’t have to do the whole ‘secret relationship’ thing in front of me, right?  Of all people, I’m not gonna’ say anything.”
   “There is no secret relationship,” Echo muttered.  “I was serious before.  We’re not together.”
   “Oh my gosh.”  Fives shook his head.  “Well, you’d better hurry up and claim her.  Or someone else will.  I’m telling you, she likes you.”
   “Shh, she’s coming back.
   You smiled, pretending you didn’t hear a word over your shoulder.  “What is next on the agenda?”
   “I’m actually going to go off on my own again,” Fives answered.  “You two have fun.”  Before either of you could even say “goodbye” for now, he left.  You looked to Echo, shrugging, and looped your arm with his again.
   The two of you did an initial sweep of the festival, checking out the games and activities as well as taking notes on any that you’d like to try as the evening went on.  There was something different about this outing.  You’d been to many places with Echo before, but this time, it seemed he was being a little more forward.  In a good way, of course.  You figured it was because of his conversation with Fives, but even so, you had not expected him to be as confident as he was.  At one point, he removed his arm from yours and took your hand instead, shooting you an inquisitive look.
   You nodded in silent approval of the gesture, giving his gloved hand a squeeze.  The smile on his face was so handsome.  It was nearly impossible to look away.  Pretty soon, the two of you were stopped in the middle of the festival with folks going around you.  He gazed back into your eyes, the smile slowly fading into an expression you’d never seen on him before.  Excitement coursed through your veins as he suddenly gave your hand a tug, leading you through the swarm of people until the two of you were in a small alley between two of the town’s shops.  It gave you a nice view of the festival from where you stood without being crowded out by other people.
   “What’s this about?” you asked, though you had a feeling you already knew.  Echo leaned his shoulder against the wall, glancing down at your intertwined fingers.
   “I wanted to play it cool,” he said.  “But I’m afraid I’ve been playing it too cool.”  His eyes met yours again, and you didn’t miss the way his chest rose and fell with a deep breath, as if he was preparing himself for something daring.  “The truth is... I really like you.  I have since the moment I first saw you.”
   “Nothing wrong with taking your time,” you replied.  “I’ve enjoyed getting to know you.”
   “I’ve enjoyed getting to know you too,” he agreed, your response visibly putting him at ease.  The smile returned to his face.  “I don’t consider any of the time we’ve spent wasted.  And if you’d rather we stay friends, I can do that.  I just...wanted you to know.  I care about you.”
   Your insides were practically melting at his words, though your heart was thudding fast and strong.  From the start, it was like gravity had been bringing you closer together.  You revolved around each other; not quite touching, but never too far.
   Suddenly, gravity brought you even closer.  You took a step forward.  He pushed off the wall slightly to meet you halfway, releasing your hand only to wrap his arms around you in a firm embrace.
   “I care about you too,” you told him softly.  He regarded your misty gaze with another one of his smiles before his eyes fell on your lips with intent.  Echo, ever the chivalrous, shifted so that his back was to the crowd.  Once you were concealed from any curious stares of those passing the alley, his lips caught yours. 
   The kiss was planet-shattering.  It held all the tenderness you would’ve expected at first, and then slowly built up with tension the two of you had been keeping tucked away for some time.  Something snapped, then.  Your lips were meeting his faster, needier; and he was happy to oblige.  
   Both of you were unwilling to part, but the sounds of the festival brought you back.  Echo was still tilting your chin as he pulled away to see your loving gaze.
   “Beautiful,” he murmured.
   “You sure are,” you said with a chuckle.
   He chuckled too with the slightest shake of his head in amusement.  “And she has a sense of humor.  How’d I get so lucky?”
   You pretended to consider his question for a moment, your face scrunching up in thought.  “It sure is a mystery,” you joked lightly, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek.  He caught your lips one more time before you pulled away completely, and you nearly swooned.
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
Hi! Can I request a Jean x Reader fic where reader is Marco's beloved little sister and basically follows the "Im in love with my brother's best friend" trope? And Reader doesn't do anything about it because she thinks Jean only sees her as a little sister (bc that's what he always says) but Jean is madly in love with her too? And hw never says anything until she does something really reckless. (Any Au is okay :) )
omg yes yes!! of course! i hope you like it! 💖 sorry for the waiting, anon!
❁ jean x reader!
❁ modern au!
❁ all are college students (age +18), mention of alcohol, food.
"Y/N, I'm leaving!" Marco was at the door, putting on his shoes. You nod while you look at your big brother, a smile on his mouth when he sees your eyes from behind the kitchen's door, eating some doritos. "Oh, Jean is coming for dinner." You almost choke. You cough and Marco looks at you. "Y/n?"
"The dorito was spicy, sorry." Jean Kirstein is coming to have dinner at your home. Jean is Marco's best friend since the two of them wore diapers. Marco laughs.
“I told you they were spicy. Well, I'll go now, I’m late! Don’t worry about dinner, I’ll cook once we arrive home!”
You don’t like cooking, but you like even less to be alone with Jean while Marco is occupied. Marco never wants you or him to help, which means you’ll be alone with Jean when he cooks. You remembered your room was a mess and your makeup is in the main bathroom. You run to go and order things a bit, just in case Jean needs to use the bathroom and sees all your makeup around. You also entered your room and got changed, using a pretty outfit based in pastel pink clothes.
Jean is just a couple years older than you, but he thinks about you as his little sister, or so does he say. After all, he and Marco are like brothers, so that makes you her "fake lil-sis." You're tired of that sentence. Of that "How's my sis today?". You want him to look at you like a girl, someone to fall in love with. Not someone to apply a fake blood rule. Marco trains football until 8 p.m, so you have exactly an hour to get all clean. Even when you and Marco are really tidy people, it’s impossible to keep all the things in their places. You’re sitting on your bed, moving your legs with nervousness, when you hear the boys entering home.
“We’re back!” Marco yells. You prepare yourself for acting as nothing happens while you go down stairs. Your brother is taking out his shoes and giving his friend house slippers. 
“Hi, welcome.” Your voice comes out more shy than you’ve expected. Jean looks up, his hazel eyes looking directly at yours. You feel your legs weak when he smiles.
“Hi, y/n!” he says. For your luck, you hear another voice. 
“Is y/n here?” Connie’s voice is listened behind Marco.
“She lives here, idiot.” Jean comes in and you look how his tall body is now positioned near yours. Connie smiles and runs toward you, his arm around your shoulders. 
“Jean, sometimes people go and spend nights out with friends, specially if you’re coming.” The boy clicks his tongue. “Long time no see, bestie.” You laugh. It’s true that Connie is one of your best friends, he’s in your math group, and his outgoing personality made him became one of your best friends really quick, and also Marco’s. 
"You're having dinner here?" Connie shakes his head.
"Nah. Today I cook on the shared flat, I don't want to leave Sasha without dinner or she'll eat my chocolate reserves. I just came to steal a couple beers to Marco." Marco points the fridge with his index. Connie laughs. "Bro, I know where your fridge is, but thanks anyway."
They have a trust in each other that you envy, is so natural for them to visit the others' houses, and they're comfortable with it. As you're comfortable with them hanging around your house, seeing Marco so happy. Jean crosses his arms, his arm touching yours for a second. Your braincells disconnect from your body and you enter in a kinda of Jean repetitive thoughts. Connie sits on your sofa, opening a beer.
"Well, I'll go and make some pasta. You guys can play there." Connie takes the remotes, giving one to Jean and another to you.
"Marco, you should play with them." you say. "I'll cook."
"Don't worry! I beat their asses every day, now it's your turn to do the same." he says, entering the kitchen. You sigh, taking the remote. They put a shooter. You sit in the middle of your sofa, giving space to Jean to sit near Connie.
"Fuck, I'm so bad at this..." You say. Even knowing is a cooperative game against zombies, you're always the first one to die. Jean laughs quietly, before sitting next to you. His leg collides with yours in a jokingly way.
"I'll protect you." he says. You know he's talking about the game, but you can't help and start daydreaming about him and you, how his long fingers will take your hand and pull you to his chest, whispering those words on...
"Oi, Jean, you're not that good to protect her! Zombies will kill you two unless I protect you both!"
"Connie you suck at this game." Jean defends himself.
"I'm sure Y/N prefers me to protect her. Or do you prefer Jean?"
He's dead man. He knows perfectly what do you feel. He knows you like Jean a lot, and he has been trying to make you confess. Jean looks at you, his sweet gaze fixed on your eyes. Yo look down.
"I think I can handle it by myself." Connie laughs and Jean roasts him. The game starts. You watch how Jean's fingers change quickly between all the buttons: pressing, touching, moving. You look again to the TV, blushed. You shouldn't be thinking this things. Concentrate in the game, Y/N. Concentrate. The game goes strangly well, the three of you comunicate your plans easily to the others, and it all goes well. Jean rests his back against the sofa, making his t-shirt go out a bit and his sport shorts tighten around his worked body. You can't take your eyes out. You blush again and you feel how your remote vibrates, indicating you're being eat by a zombie. Connie sighs and Jean looks at the screen.
"Fuck, Y/N, sorry." he says. You clear your throat and shake your head.
"I was distracted, sorry." Connie smiles.
"What distracted you, bestie?" he asks. You're going to kill him. You don't answer, getting up and asking what do they want to drink. Jean asks for a glass of water and Connie asks if you could bring something to eat, even when he has to leave in ten minutes. You give Jean his glass and Connie some chips.
"Thank you, bestie." he says. You look at him, faking a smile.
"Eat and be silent for a while, bestie." he nods and eats. Even knowing you're joking, he doesn't say anything for a bit. He's concentrated in the game, as Jean is. You go to the kitchen and ask Marco if he needs soemthing. He shakes his head, preparing the sauce for the spaghetti.
"Weren't you playing?" he asks. You nod.
"Yep. I died." he smiles. Marco's smile is the most bright and beautiful smile you ever seen. You wanted to have a smile like his, but you only have his same eyes and freckles. He looks at you.
"Go, go. Don't leave my guests alone!" you nod and went back again to the living room. The game is finished, with Connie and Jean's stadistics in the screen.
"Look, bunny!" he says "I was the better one to protect you!". It's true that Jean's stadistics are better than Connie's.
"Oi, Kirstein, you're just a bit better... It was luck." he says. He looks the hour on his glass and gets up. "Well, I'll go home now. It was a pleasure." he says. You accompany him to the door. "I wish you luck, bestie. I'm sure you need it." You punch playfully Connie's shoulder before hugging him. "And, mark my words: He's just waiting." Then, he leaves, without giving you the opportunity to ask what the heck he meant by that. You head back to the living room, where Jean is sitting on the sofa. His sweater is on a near chair. It's so big and looks so comfortable...
"Do you want to play more?" you ask. Jean looks at you while you sit, giving him space. He smiles.
"Why not! Do you want me to teach you how to play this one?" he takes a open world game. You know he's really good at them. Marco, Jean and Eren usually play online every saturday, and they want you to join their team, but you haven't played that much. You nod. "Okay, let me..." He moves near to you. He takes the controller and gives one to you, keeping him the other. He enters the game. "Well, choose a character, bunny."
He has been calling you bunny since he discovered how much you like bunnies. They're so fluffy and beautiful, you like them. You have one, called "Wink", because he has a genetic problem that makes him wink one of his beautiful eyes. He was about to be sacrificed because of that, but you saved him in the last moment. He's now a happy bunny with a curious talent. You doesn't dislike the pet name Jean gave you years ago, but it makes him sound like he's calling you a really affectionate nickname.
You go back to reality and choose a cute little girl using a big hat. He chooses a near character and clicks play. "Okay. This is the main city, so now you have to climb here to unlock the map..." he explains you for a while, and you follow his character. Sometimes, when he moves his leg, his knee collides with yours. Now, you're totally stuck in a level.
"Jean, how do I...?" he looks at your character, stuck between two walls.
"Can I?" he puts his hands near your controller and, when you're about to give it to him, he puts his big hands on top of yours, covering them. His fingers pressed lightly against yours. You look at him, but he has his eyes fixed on the screen, as he moves your fingers with his. “You have to move like this, silly...” he says. But you can’t concentrate in anything more than his scent near you, the warmth his body irradiates and his fingers pressing yours sweetly. You feel how your heart speeds up it's beat.
"Y/N!" Marco yells. "Can you take the garbage to the container, please?" he asks. You yell yes in response, getting away from Jean's body. You get up fast. He does the same, suddenly kinda uncomfortable.
"I'll accompany you, bunny." he says. You nod, taking the garbage bag. Jean follows you silently. The container is not far from your house, just a couple crosswalks. You take the bag and start walking. It's dark now, and the street is really quiet. Just your steps and Jean's can be heard. He follows you keeping a distance, his long legs making short steps. "The night is beautiful today." he says. You nod in response. You look at both sides before crossing the street.
"Maybe a little bit cold." you say. He quickens the pace to be near to you. The sweater he took from the chair is around his waist, so he takes it and puts it on your shoulders.
"Use it. I'll take the bag." he says. You murmur a little "thanks" while putting his sweater on. It smells like him. You try to take the bag from his hands back, but he moves. "Jean, give me back the trash." He smiles playfully.
"Take it from me, bunny." he jokes. His long arms move the bag, avoiding you to take it. He's playing near the road, so if you go around him and surprise him from the road, you can take it. That's why you go down to the road, without looking and without noticing a car that is coming fast towards you. The car lights were really low, and that didn't make you realize it was coming. But now, now that Jean yelled your name and the car beeped, you realize you're about to be hitted by it.
You can't move, your body is totally paralyzed. You knew the car was trying to stop, but the high velocity it got is impossible to stop. You thought you'll feel a hard hit, but you felt a soft thing around you.
Jean's body is around yours when you find you two on the street. It takes you a couple seconds to realize what happened.
"Jean, Jean, Jean." you move him. Got he hit by the car? Did he put his body between yours and the car? He looks at you, his eyes searching your gaze.
"Are you okay?" he asks. You nod while he gets up, helping you to fo the same.
"And you? Did it hit you?" He shakes his head.
"I just pulled you against me, that's why we were on the floor." He explains. "None of us got hit. But you have to be more careful, what could have happened to you if I wasn't here? You coul... Y/N?" he asks. Tears are running down your tears. He takes you in a hug, his big and warm body protecting yours.
"Sorry." You say. You feel how he caresses you hair.
"You scared me. I thought the car was going to hit you. Be more careful." You nod. You try to make a joke, to make things more comfortable.
"You're really a good fake brother."
"That's what you think of me?" he asks. Isn't that what he wants you to think? Isn't he the one calling you sis? His hands explore a bit your body, with long caresses from your neck to your low back. His long fingers running slow on your skin.
"That's what you think of me" you answer. He clicks his tongue.
"You never showed any interest in me. I gave up and treated you like a sister. That's what you wanted, no?" You wanted to look at him, but he doesn't let you, pressing your head soflty against his chest.
"I was in love with you, Jean. But you came home and tell my brother how good Mikasa looked and «How are you, little sister?». What I was supossed to do? Compete with an older girl? Make you realize I'm not your little sister?"
He doesn't say nothing for a while. He breathes deeply, before talking.
"Sorry, I was nervous. I thought the car was going to hit you. I thought I was about to see you getting hit." he says. His breath is a little bit irregular now. Taking some valor, you leave a kiss on his chest, where is heart is ubicated. He sighs. "I also liked you. But it didn't feel good, you were my bestie's little sister. I didn't want to ruin my friendship or worse, your relation with your brother. I thought it was better for me to stay away. That's why I treated you like that. I was trying to convince myself. It didn't work." he lets out a little laugh.
"I felt like you were serious about it. That's why I never said anything. But I do like you, Kirstein."
"You're a lucky girl." he says. He keeps your head buried on his chest. "Because I also like you, Bott." he says. He leaves a soft kiss on your hair and, shyly, accompanies you to throw the garbage. There's silence. Once you're walking back, in the same silence, he breaks it. "Should we date, then?" he asks. "We're both adults and we like each other, doesn't it work like that?" he asks. You nod.
"But, Marco?" he says then. Oh, you forgot about him. Marco, your brother, his best friend.
"Oh, true..."
"Well, Marco is home and we aren't." he says. "He isn't going to miss us a couple minutes, right?" his voice getting low as his lips got closer to yours. "You don't know how many times I wanted to kiss those lips or caress this body." he murmurs. You tangle your hands around his neck.
"Why you didn't, then?" you ask. He lets out a little laugh.
"Now I have all the time of the world to kiss you." you feel his soft lips against yours. His hands around your waist and yours tangled on his hair. It feels so good.
"I hope so."
m e a n w h i le
"do you think he confessed?" Connie asks. Marco keeps taking out plates while talking to Connie on the phone.
"They have been out for twenty minutes. I'm a 99% sure he did, and he's corrupting my little sister behind a house." he says.
"He doesn't want to break your sister's relation with you." Connie says. Marco sighs.
"My sister is in love with him. If both like each other, it's none lf my business."
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layniapetrovnaaa · 4 years
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[Part of The Howlett Family series]
I am making this into a series, I haven't figured out all of the parts yet or what order they will go in, but I do have a few more things planned. Also, writing this made me sweat. 
Summary: Laura is at a sleepover, you and Logan take advantage of the empty house, but it doesn't go exactly as planned. 
Warnings: Smut, pregnancy, cursing, alcohol. 
If the on coming morning sickness didn't give it away, then you figured the lack of disposable menstrual products in the garbage would. Logan may be getting old, but some things never leave you, and being wickedly observant was one of them. That being said you also relied upon the fact that he was also very oblivious at times. 
You weren't as much worried about Logan finding out prematurely as you were Laura. The dark haired girl always had an incline to curiosity and mischief, and the worst part about it was that it was always completely innocent, so you could never really be that upset about her occasional findings. 
Logan felt differently however, being the private person he is, and would put locks and/or “keep out” signs on things like your shared closet, bedside table drawers, or his trunk of sentimental objects. You couldn't help but find it humorous. He was fine with her curiosity, just not when it invaded his or your privacy, or when it would embarrassed him (a story for another time...). 
This was one of the only times that you would not encourage that curiosity from your daughter. 
“Have you told him yet?” Cassie, your co-worker, asked.
“No” you sigh, pausing on wiping down the bar countertop. 
Cassie was in her late thirties, she had a sweet Canadian accent that you would only catch if someone pointed it out, and she always had a wonderfully sunny disposition. She was one of those people that reminded you of sunflowers and the color yellow (despite her dozens of tattoos, stark black and white hair, dark cherry lips, and career in bar tending). 
She shook her head lightly as she turned back to the glass she was cleaning out.
“Your going to have to tell them soon, [Y/N]. You can’t keep stuff like this to yourself for long.”
You nodded, eyebrows knit, thinking of how you would confess to Logan and Laura. 
“[Y/N], your man is here.”
“Thanks Joe!” you say quickly so he can hear you as he rounds the corner to the back. 
You head towards the entrance of the bar and see Loan hanging his coat up on the rack. You put your arms around his neck and give him a kiss.
“Hey baby.” he says lowly and quietly. The affectionate tone he used was one that he didn't want anyone else but you (and occasionally Laura) to hear.
You led him to the bar and he sits on one of the stools as you walk around the counter and prepare his usual drink.
As you fill up the glass your mind starts to wander, faintly hearing the sound of Cassie greeting Logan in her usual bubbly manor. 
How would you tell them? 
What would he say?
How would you afford a baby?
What if something happens? 
Still zoned out you follow with the routine, setting Logan's drink down in front of him. He gives you a weird look, as if he was about to ask you why your head was in the clouds, but he was interrupted by Cassie.
“Was Laura excited about the sleepover tonight?”
Cassie had one daughter who was a year younger than Laura. You usually took Laura to work with you until Logan would get done with his job and take her home. One time Laura had been in the back playing with her dolls when Cassie came in with her daughter, complaining to you about how their babysitter had to cancel at the last minute. That was when the two girls were introduced, and they hit it off instantly (despite Laura’s quiet exterior). They would see each other occasionally at the bar, and they would talk on the phone sometimes, but this was their first time getting to hang out together in a traditional sense. 
Logan pulls the drink away from his lips and sets the glass on the counter. He licks his lips and arches his eyebrow slightly before answering. 
“Seemed like it, considering she didn't even say goodbye to me before she booked it into the house.”
Cassie throws her head slightly back and laughs, clapping her hands together once as she does.
“Well I’m glad, I know how...hesitant she can be sometimes.” she smiles, and heads into the back. 
Logan takes another drink, leaning in a little towards you, and looks around the bar.
It was unusually quiet for a Friday night, but you had to remember that it was a small town.
“Hey, you alright?” 
You snap out of your trance, shaking your head lightly as you perk up and take a deep breath in. 
“Yeah, just thinking, that’s all.” 
“About what?” he prods.
“Its nothing.” you give him a tight lipped smile and shove your hands in your pockets.
Your answer doesn't satisfy him, but he doesn't push. He leans back, eyebrow arched, and finishes off his drink. 
You grab the glass and start to take care of it as Logan speaks again. 
“Y’know its pretty quiet round here tonight...why don’t you ask your boss if you can get off early or have Cassie cover for you, cause we have the house to ourselves tonight, and that doesn't happen very often anymore.” 
You turn around and smile, stretching your arms out horizontally on the counter. You lean in slightly and flirtatiously blink at Logan.
“I’ll see what I can do.” you say, looking down to his lips.
You give him a quick peck before heading to your bosses office. 
You could feel the anticipation radiating off of Logan during the drive home, and your could see how tightly his left hand held onto the steering wheel, his right rested on your thigh. 
It had been quite some time since you and Logan actually had sex. Of course you both were insatiable, but you held off a lot of the time for Laura's sake. It was mainly oral pleasure that you gave and received, as it was more inconspicuous. There was once when you two had gotten a bit carried away while Laura was outside playing, but soon she reminded you of the struggles of being intimate while having a child when she came inside to show you the snowman she had built.  
He unlocked the door and stepped inside, quickly using his senses to scan the house for any danger, and apparently you were safe because when you turned back around from closing the door you felt the wall against your back and his lips on yours.
Your hands reach up and hold his neck, your thumbs resting gently on his jaw. 
His hands grip the tops of your hips tightly before his arms move to wrap around your waist, almost as if he was hugging you.
As you kiss your hand moves up the the side of his head pushing him into you before you pull back slightly, his lower lip stuck gently between your teeth.
He lets out a breathy groan and you two dive back in, continuing to make out.
He kicks his shoes off and starts to take off his coat, soon after pushing yours off as well. Thankfully you had taken your shoes off as you shut the door. 
He starts nudging you down the slightly narrow hallway towards your bedroom, never stopping kissing you.
You break away once you make it into the room, and start to undress him, taking your shirt off as well. 
“Jesus--” he marvels.
“--Did your boobs get bigger?” he asks explicitly. 
You feel yourself tense up slightly, but convince yourself to calm down, he probably wouldn't think to much into it. 
“I don’t think so...” you chuckle lightly and bite your lip.
“I got a few new bras the other day, remember?”
His eyes never leave your chest.
“Hmm, well, they look fuckin amazing.” and so he dives in, kissing and nipping at the soft raised mound of your bosom. 
You let out soft breathy moans, and you knew you would have to wear high collared shirts for the next few days.  
Logan always got like this when you were intimate again after a long while. He reverted back to his old, more animalistic ways. 
He lifted his head up to kiss you again, his hands comping up to squeeze and grope your breasts before shoving off your pants.
Your hands roam all over his still toned torso, feeling yourself dampen your black panties even more as you do. 
You remove yourself from him and get down on your knees, occasionally glancing up at him as you start to take off his pants and underwear. 
Ever since Logan's mutation had become less and less prominent he had started taking some of the characteristics that come along with old age, one of them being it took him a little longer to get up than it used to. When it happened for the first time he was annoyed and embarrassed (though he wouldn't admit it, you could tell). You assured him that you didn't think any less of him, that he would still be able to give you the same amount of pleasure that he did before, and that it was completely natural. Logan being Logan wouldn't accept that it was “just natural” (because he thought nothing about him was), but he learned to live with it. 
You slowly started to stroke his member, spitting on the tip and rubbing it around for some lubrication, then spitting on your hand and doing the same towards the base of his cock.
He groans at the contact as you pump him slowly and starts becoming more erect in your hand. You start to pick up the pace, your arm moving up and down fast, causing your breasts to jiggle lightly. Soon you were using your mouth to pleasure him as well. Your lips attached to his tip, and you start using all the techniques that you know make Logan want to implode. 
Staring into his eyes occasionally as his cock finds its way further down your throat. His hands thread through your hair, softly guiding you up and down, moans and groans falling from his lips. 
You continue to jerk him off where your mouth can’t reach, your other hand reaching to squeeze his balls in a pleasureful manor, soon after giving them some attention from your mouth. 
The noises that are coming out of his mouth make you moan around his cock and your panties wet.
A few times you would push yourself further and try to take all of him in your mouth, hollowing your cheeks as you do.
“Ahh that’s good baby.” he sighs, gently pulling you off him.
You release him from your mouth, still working your hand, but slower now, you peer up at him and rub his tip across your top and bottom lip, taking him in your mouth once more for a last taste of him before releasing him with a wet popping noise.
 He pulls you up so that you’re standing, before he speaks. 
 “How the fuck are you so good at that?” he asks rhetorically. 
You giggle a little and kiss him. He grabs your hips and turns you around so that your barely clothed buttocks is pressing against his groin. You turn your head to look back at him so you can continue to make out and he reaches under your arms to squeeze your still pushed up breasts, your hands flying up to cover his.
 Once he releases your lips you start to walk towards the bed, taking off your bra along the way. 
 You lay on the bed, your forearms propping you up, bare stomach and breasts pressing against the soft sheets, your knees bent so that your feet are in the air, arching your back a bit so that your ass sticks up just enough so that your cunt would be easily accessible to him. You look back and bite your lip, giving him your “I want you” eyes. 
 Logan gulps and walks over to the bed his knees creating a dip on either side of your thighs.
 He rubs his hands up and down your bum, occasionally smacking or jiggle it.
 Eventually he slides your panties down to your knees and growls at the sight in front of him.
 “Fuck, baby, you’re really wet.” 
 Usually you needed some encouraging to get to the point where you would be able to have Logan inside of you comfortably, but it was never a time-consuming or painstaking task(you and Logan loved some good foreplay). But lately your hormones had been raging, causing you to not have to put much effort into getting aroused.
 You hum, but then moan when his thumb traces from your clit to your farthest hole, circling it a few times easily because of the natural wetness he had spread around. Your hand makes it’s way into your hair as the top of you back arches lightly, your other hand gripping the pillow. 
 You feel the bed dip slightly lower on the left as he leans over to grab some body oil and a condom from the bedside table drawer.
 He grabs the oils first and pours it on your back and ass, massaging your body as he rubs it in. You sit back up on your elbows, bite your lip, and bring your hair over to one side because you were trying not to get it in the oil.
 “Mmm that feels good.” You moan out sensually.
 You feel his hands leave your back, then they are on your thighs, wiping the excess oil onto the soft flesh. 
 You feel the bed dip again and look to see him reach out for the box of rubbers, but only pulling out an empty box. 
 “Shit. There aren’t any left.”
 “Yeah, remember? They were out last time too.” 
 You immediately regret what you had said, cringing, you squeeze your eyes shut and face-palm. You knew now that he would remember and find out.
It’s quite for longer than you are comfortable with, especially in this potion.  
“Remind me again, when was that?”
“Uhm, that time when Cassie picked up Laura to go watch her daughters soccer game.”
 He sets the box down slowly on the nightstand.
 “How long ago was that? Like three months y’think?”
 It’s silent for a moment as you bite your thumb and stare nervously at the head board in front of you, deciding it was best not to answer. He clears his throat, and you tense lightly.
 “Did you uhm– did you get your period this month?” 
 You stay silent and he gets off of you, both of you sitting to face each other, and slightly covering your body’s with the sheet.
“Is there something you need to tell me, [Y/N]?”
 You feel the tears well up in your eyes when you look at him.
 “I’m–I’m uh–“ you take a deep breath in through your nose, blowing out your mouth, your tears threatening to spill over at any second. 
 “I’m pregnant.” Your voice cracks slightly, and you can’t seem to maintain eye contact with him.
 “Are you serious?” 
 And for the first time in a long time, you can’t tell what he is thinking.
 You get up from the bed and go into the bathroom to retrieve the positive sticks you had hidden, the tears falling as you do, and you quickly wipe them away.
 You come back and hand them to Logan. He grabs his bifocals, they come to rest on the tip of his nose, and he stares at each one of the positive pregnancy tests.
 “Jesus...” he lets out in a shaky breath, running his hand back and forth through his hair. 
 You bite your lip and rub your hands together, slowly but harshly, as you wait for him to say something.
 He looks up at you over the tops of his glasses, noting the fresh tracks of tears on your cheeks. You don’t look at him, only at the tests that lay on your bed, your brows knit together. 
 You bite your lip trying to keep the sob that was stuck in your throat from escaping.
 “How long have you know?”
 “About a month, maybe a month and a half.” You whisper, worrying that if you spoke in your normal tone, nothing would come out.
 You didn’t know why you were crying. Maybe it was the pressure, the expectation (or the lack of it), and you just felt so confused. Confused about what to do, confused about Logan’s reaction, confused about your own reaction, and just nothing seemed to be right.
 In truth, you were scared.
 Logan watched another pair of tears fall.
 “Come here, baby.” 
 He puts his arm out and you throw yourself on to his scarred and hairy chest, finally letting yourself cry.
 “I just don’t know what to do.” You wail.
 “I know, but we’ll figure it out.” 
 Your arms are wrapped securely around his waist, his wrap around your shoulder, one hand running up and your back slowly, the other was holding your head to his chest.
 You listened to the sound of his heart beat and slowly start to calm down. 
 You sit up, pulling your hair out of your face, sniffling, and wiping away your tears.
 “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I was just scared.” 
 “Why were you scared?” He’s asks in a tender tone, one you had only heard maybe three times in all the years you had been together. 
 You were hesitant to answer, shrugging your shoulders lightly before speaking in a low tone.
 “I thought you might leave.”
 “What?!” He says a bit harshly.
 “I would never leave you [Y/N/N]. I would never do that to you, or Laura, or that baby. Never.” 
 You give him a shy smile, faintly nodding your head. Your eyes flick down to his lips as you lean in and kiss him, and the same hunger that was there before starts to return. 
 You separate from him and chuckle.
 “I can’t believe this is how you found out.”
 “Me neither.” He mutters in his grumbly voice.
 “But, it’ll be a helluva story to tell them when they ask how I found out.” 
 You laugh and slide your hand up onto his thigh. He then grabs you and rolls you over unexpectedly. 
 “Ahh! Logan!”
 “Despite all of this, I’m not letting our one night alone go to waste.” 
 He kisses you again, but this time your nose rubs against his glasses slightly. You separate your lips from his.
 “You might want to take those off first.” You tip your chin up as if to point to his glasses.
 “Damn glasses.” He mutters.
 “Mmm I think you look sexy with them.” You say sensually, running your hands up his chest and over his broad shoulders.
 He gives you a look of disbelief and shakes his head before taking them off and reaching to set them on the table.
 “Oh shit! Look at the sheets.” you exclaim, reaching out to run your hand over the spot.
He looks over to see where you had laid and sat, it looked almost wet from the oil that he had put all over your back side.
 “Well we’ll have to wash those tonight.” You sigh.
“That won’t be the only reason.” He says cheekily, diving in to kiss and suck at your neck.
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sisterspooky1013 · 3 years
Only One Choice, Chapter 7
Read it here on AO3 / Tagging @today-in-fic
Saturday brings an unexpected heat wave, the high temperatures uncharacteristic even for D.C. Dana has grappled all week with how to explain her Saturday evening plans to Ethan. Her instinct is to lie, to tell him she’s getting dinner with Missy or has to go into work for an emergency autopsy. But lying makes it impossible to tell herself that what she’s doing isn’t wrong; if she has nothing to hide, why would she be hiding it? In the end, she goes with vague truth and tells him that she’s meeting up with a colleague to discuss some interesting new research they shared with her. Never mind that said colleague is a very handsome and apparently very single man. Never mind that she feels a rush between her legs whenever she pictures his cocky smile. Meeting with a colleague. Interesting research. Nothing more.
She and Ethan spend the morning lying around in their underwear, too overheated to do anything else. The air conditioning hums and sputters, trying to keep up, but it's no match for the sweltering heat.
“Do we have ice cream?” Ethan asks, splayed out on his back against the hardwood clad in green boxer shorts.
“Nope, I ate it all when I was PMSing last week,” she replies from the couch, arms and legs draped off the sides so that no part of her body is touching any other.
They are quiet for a bit.
“Wanna have sex?” Ethan asks offhandedly, and she feels a flush of dread.
“Too hot,” she replies with an equally offhand tone, glad he can’t see her face.
They are quiet again.
“Are you okay, Dana?” he asks hesitantly, his eyes on the ceiling. She waits a little too long to answer.
“Yeah, why?”
“You just...you don’t seem like yourself. Since we got engaged, I mean. You seem kind of distracted. Distant, maybe?”
She takes a steadying breath. She knows he’s right. If she were honest, she’d tell him that she feels crushing guilt for being so infatuated with another man. That she feels like a horrible girlfriend, fiancée, almost-wife, for continuing to seek out interactions with him, but she can’t bring herself to stop. That she loves Ethan, so much, but can’t deny the pull that Mulder has on her. That she feels like she’s cheating when they have sex, because Mulder invariably takes his place in her mind. But she can’t tell him any of that.
She rolls to her side so she can look at him.
“I’m sorry, Ethan. I guess I’m just feeling overwhelmed lately, with work and the wedding. I’ve got a lot on my mind.”
He rolls his head to the side to meet her eye.
“So you’re not having doubts? About getting married?” The pain and worry in his voice is like a kick in the gut.
“Of course not,” she implores, crawling off the couch and across the floor to where he lays. She gingerly throws a leg over his hip and straddles him, placing her hands on his sweat-damp chest and leaning forward to kiss him on the lips. “I can’t wait to be your wife,” she says with a soft smile, and the twist in her belly alerts her to the fact that this might be a lie.
They make love, there on the living room floor. She keeps her eyes open, not allowing her mind to wander from this moment, this man. Not allowing herself to admit that this is a consolation, an attempt to prove to them both that she is in this, with him, for the long haul. Her orgasm is weak and brief, not the same. Nothing is the same, anymore. Not since Mulder waltzed into the autopsy bay and complicated her life.
The heat has abated only slightly by 5:30 as she’s preparing to leave her apartment and head to Mulder’s. She debates what to wear for an agonizingly long time; the temperature calls for a dress or shorts, but she fears sending the wrong message if it looks like she’s intentionally bearing skin. She finally settles on a black maxi dress, a compromise in coverage and air flow, paired with flip flops. Casual, not trying too hard, but not frumpy either.
As she makes for the door, Ethan stops her with a gentle grasp on her wrist, pulling her to him.
“You look beautiful,” he says with an affectionate gaze, and that guilty feeling in her belly is back. Their impromptu living room floor love-making seems to have assuaged his concerns over her demeanor for the time being, but it only served to deepen her own inner turmoil.
“Thank you,” she replies before kissing him on the cheek and escaping the emotional heat of their apartment for the temperate heat of the DC evening.
2630 Hegal Place is a stately brick building that has been decently maintained. It’s not as nice as her neighborhood in Georgetown, but it’s hardly the slum that Mulder suggested it was. She feels a little sick as she rides the elevator up to the fourth floor, taking in the dark wood trim against the yellowing walls of his hallway. She finds apartment forty-two and pauses outside the door for a long while. She has a feeling that walking through this door is a decision with consequences, one she shouldn’t take lightly. She realizes she’s not wearing her engagement ring; it’s likely sitting on the bathroom counter beside the sink. A simple oversight; she’s not yet used to wearing it. Certainly not a Freudian slip of the mind...she has the sudden overwhelming urge to flee. Perhaps she knows exactly what she’s doing after all. She turns to walk back to the elevator when the door swings open, startling her.
“Scully,” he says with a lopsided smile.
He’s wearing dark wash jeans, his top half bare, a bag of garbage in one hand. Her eyes immediately light on the broad expanse of his chest, smooth and dappled with a light dusting of hair. His abdomen is solid, sleek and defined. A swimmer’s body, she thinks with a sigh.
“I was just taking the trash out, you’re a little early,” he says with a hint of embarrassment, passing her to stuff the bag down the chute at the end of the hall.
“Oh, sorry, am I?” she looks at her watch; it’s 5:55.
“Or maybe I’m just running a little behind,” he replies sheepishly, then lifts his arm and gestures for her to enter the apartment, “please, come in.”
She enters a combination foyer and dining room, the kitchen tucked off to the left and the living room straight ahead. The ambiance matches the hallway, dark wood and yellow walls, the ceilings impressively high. The decor is sparse; nothing on the walls and only small trinkets littering the surfaces, a fish tank burbling near the window. She waits to see where he directs her to go. The dining room table seems like a suitably professional place for two colleagues to review work files. He brushes past her to the living room, the shower-fresh smell of him drifting into her nostrils; Irish Spring and Old Spice.
“You can take a seat,” he says gesturing to the couch, “let me just grab a shirt and the files.” He disappears through a door that must be his bedroom.
She sets her purse on his cluttered desk and sits on one end of the worn leather couch, looking around at his few furnishings. She startles when a black blur springs onto her lap with a high-pitched meow, and Mulder re-enters the room with a bankers box tucked under his arm, his torso now covered by a black T-shirt.
“Jesus, Priscilla, don’t assault the woman,” he says as he sets the box on the coffee table and plucks the cat off her lap. “Sorry about that, she has an affinity for pretty girls,” he continues, then directs his next comment to the cat. “We have that in common, eh, Prissy?”
She feels a flush to her cheeks and he takes the cat with him to the kitchen, returning with two beers in its place.
“I hope your boyfriend doesn’t mind me borrowing you for the evening,” he says as he hands her an open beer.
She looks at him with a mildly shocked expression, his mention of Ethan feeling out of place and somehow obscene. Noticing her discomfort, he changes the subject as he sits on the opposite end of the couch.
“This is all I walked away with, one box of the best, brightest, and weirdest X files I came across during my time. About half are those I investigated myself, the rest were left from the previous agents who started the division,” he slides the box down the coffee table towards her and she plucks the lid off carefully to see dozens of neatly labeled orange folders. She pulls a random one out from the middle and sets her beer on the coffee table, opening the file across her lap.
“So tell me why the X files division was shut down,” she says as she leafs through the pages.
“Well, the official reason is that an investigation into a man with green blood resulted in multiple deaths, which was just the last in a series of...mishaps. But the real reason is that I was too close to the truth.”
She lifts her head from the file to look at him. He has his bare feet propped up on the coffee table, his elbow resting on the arm of the couch. He seems so at ease all the time, so comfortable around her.
“The truth about what?” she asks, working to peel her eyes from his plush lower lip.
He takes a deep breath. “A lot of things, but namely a government conspiracy to conceal the existence of extraterrestrial life, even as they’re conducting experiments and research on said extraterrestrials. Perhaps even working with them.”
It’s that same even, factual delivery. Her mouth blossoms into a slow smile.
“Working with the aliens? To do what, open a KMart on Mars?” she teases, and he returns her smile with one that is so devilish it makes her pelvis twitch.
“Read on, Scully. The more you see, the less crazy it sounds.”
He stands and goes to the stereo, and after a few minutes of fiddling around she hears Radiohead begin to play. “You like Radiohead?” he asks, and she gives a half shrug, half nod. Doesn’t love ‘em, doesn’t hate ‘em.
“So this one appears to be about some kind of tree-dwelling insect?” she asks, reading over details of a dead man sucked dry of all fluids and bound up in a giant cocoon.
Mulder returns to the couch and sits beside her, much closer this time, their thighs nearly touching. The heat of his body on top of the warmth of the air makes new sweat prick at the back of her neck.
“Indeed, prehistoric insects that were released from the inner rings of the tree when they were logged. I nearly got eaten up by them myself,” he remarks, reaching over to turn the pages that lie across her lap. She shivers a little despite the heat.
“And what does that have to do with aliens and government conspiracies?” she asks, keeping her head down, knowing that if she looks up at him he would be close enough to kiss.
“It’s not that straight forward, Scully. There are things, many things, on our planet that are unexplainable, and having control over that which can’t be understood by science and intelligence gives you a certain degree of power. Unfortunately, it’s a power that’s most often used for evil instead of good.”
She does turn to him then, getting an up-close look at the greenish, almost-hazel of his irises, the pronounced bridge of his nose.
“There’s nothing that’s unexplainable on this planet, Mulder. Just because we can’t explain it now doesn’t mean we never will. Consider how much science has progressed in the last fifty years alone. Who knows what we deem unexplainable now that will be perfectly understood in another fifty?”
He tilts his head closer to her and her heart speeds up, her lips parting unconsciously. His smirk is devastatingly sexy, and she suddenly doesn’t trust herself.
“May I use your bathroom?” she asks abruptly, looking away.
“Of course, it’s through the bedroom,” he says, hitching his thumb to the door behind and to their left.
She carefully makes her way into his bedroom, which contains a queen size mattress on a mahogany frame, a dresser, and not much else. He’s a man of simple means, it would seem. The bathroom is clean and devoid of skid marks and stray pubic hairs; the seat is even down. When she returns, he’s placed several of the files in a neat stack on the coffee table.
“These are the ones I’d recommend you read. At least they may be the ones you find most compelling,” he says as she returns to her seat, inching just a bit further away from him than she’d been before.
She takes the first from the stack and opens it. “So how’d you get into all this, Mulder? Have you always been into aliens, or did you see E.T. too many times when it came out?”
He doesn’t answer and she looks at him. He’s considering her, pondering. Deciding whether to tell her something.
Continue Reading here
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faerienextdoor · 4 years
general relationship hcs with (some) pastas
Fair warning, I'm using and hinting at mine and my friends’ writing for these creeps :) enjoy  also as soon as i figure out how to open an ask box, I’ll be accepting requests
- oh where to start with this absolute himbo
- he melts around you. like he's your bitch, and you're his.
- he's the type of boyfriend that takes you out in the snow and shoves a handful down the back of your jacket, and laughs until you shove snow in his face
- it is snow war
- it ends with you cuddling him, wrapped in a blanket and content in front of the burning fire he got started just for you <3
- but he also has some weird... habits.
- drinks pickle juice.
- gets his hand stuck in the jar.
- looks at you like 🥺 until you sigh and help him. for the fifteenth time.
- he can cook some basic breakfast foods, and happily breaks out a cookbook to prepare you something as a surprise or to learn something with you!!
- baking with him would be a mess. he forgets flour goes everywhere and now you both look like you took a bath in cocaine
- but the cupcakes are mediocre at best. they aren't absolute garbage, so... cupcake points!
- he worries about how hoodie treats you. he doesn't remember anything when he regains control, but you've reassured him hoodie is just fine.
- and he is
- hoodie is like a rottweiler or a doberman.
- protective. intimidating. energetic.
- but also a giant fucking baby.
- this large ass man lumbers over and drops to his knees. places his chin on your lap and stares at you from the fabric of his mask until you stop what you're doing and stroke his head awkwardly
- you could swear he does those happy grumbled a rottie does.
- hoodie is silent but shows he loves you just as much as brian does. He strokes your hair silently, even places a kiss to the crown of your head as you sink into his beefy arms.
- he smells nice too. surprisingly.
- but that raises the question: if hoodie showers, does he shower with that damn thing on?
- you won't get an answer if you were to ask.
- brian introduces you to his grandma julia. and she dotes on you.
- the immortal old lady remarks that you’re the best s/o brian has brought to her yet.
- a lumberjack man with biceps like a fucking tree trunk
- how'd you land him? give me your secrets (/j)
- he's such a love bug. a tired stressed love bug.
- he finds /every/ excuse to have physical contact with you. it's like a little touch from you reassures him that you're real. you're like a dream to him.
- he's the best for cuddles. He holds you to his chest
- and you get special access to his moobs
- and he gently strokes your head, traces shapes into your back, etc. it's a special intimate moment each time.
- my man's is italian-american but can't cook to save his fucken life
- he always gets your favorite microwave meals though!! he never forgets.
- not feeling good? dw baby he's making it for you <33 shitty low tier bean and cheese burrito coming up
- slowly he learns the basics and surprises you with lunch or even dinner if you're lucky!!
- he loves you so much. and wants you to feel it and know it. all the time.
- god where to start with this bitch
- he's not jeff levels of bad ofc, but he's silent and... weird. creepy, some may say. he doesn't mean to be.
- and he's a hard ass. far more strict than tim.
- he follows you around like a giant fucken puppy and will spook you by grabbing you abruptly and holding you tightly
- you can't escape him. he really utilizes his physical strength
- he loves lifting you up and just... holding you. or carrying you off.
- protective and overbearing.
- but tim keeps him under control.
- he wouldn't want to lose you like he lost his last wife.
- you find pictures of a woman laying around and a small girl that bears a striking resemblance to her and tim.
- tim goes quiet and questioned but eventually caves and tells you about his family
- or what he used to have
- his wife died and his daughter disappeared.
- it broke him and you're all he has left now
- constantly needs your affection in return to his own
- pls love him
- why the fuck would you date him
- he's the absolute worst in so many aspects. But he genuinely tries for you.
- even if his gifts are shitty, it's nice to know he thoughts of you, right? even if it's a half dead flower or a rib torn from a deer caraccas.
- but you get the butt end of his shithead antics. ranch bath, specifically. he smelt like spoiled milk for a week after and you had to cuddle that fucker.
- and don't get me started on mayo bath
- but he still loves finding himself in your arms. or finding you in his. he's demanding affection wise, and will yank you into him for some cuddles. whether you like it or not.
- he isn't one for a lot of pet names, but calls you curse words or "sweetheart" in polish.
- and you get to see the side of him that only shows when he breaks down.
(bit of angst)
- he misses his family and the life he used to have. he'll reminisce what it was like in poland with his mom and family with you, and you sometimes swear you can see his brown eyes gloss over at the memory of her.
- he never talks about his dad, you've noticed.
- don't ask.
- he brushes off heavy conversations with some dumb quip ("wanna see my renegade?")
- he sucks at cooking. god awful at it. but he really tries for you. manages a bowl of oat meal that's edible.
- but he overloads it with sugar and for some reason, salt.
- he's confused. he thinks that's normal (it isn't)
- his idea of a date is napping with you. or rather, forcing you into nap time.
- I mean it when I say this man is strong in a weird fucken way. latches onto you with that iron grip and you won't be able to leave for at least a few hours.
- ethereal wlw woman.
- could break you with her heels. or a flutter of what eyelashes she has.
- you're lucky to have her, and she's just as lucky to have you!
- she's sweet and charming. very smooth and takes good care of you.
- her love language is a mix of physical touch and acts of service.
- she'll cuddle you all night, and then make you breakfast in the morning.
- she loves showering with you when she's comfy enough around you! it's super intimate and she washes your hair.
- massages the soap into your hair, suds spilling down your neck and back as her fingers scrub circles into your scalp.
- it's heaven on earth. such a domestic life.
- it'll take a while for her to settle enough in the relationship for you to see her without her mask
- you make her feel so loved and wanted
- secure, even.
- she's protective but not controlling or overbearing. shes that type of girlfriend that's just a worrywart and relaxes as soon as you're curled up in her arms. you fit there perfectly, too. like you belong there.
- which you do. at least in her mind
- she has such a gentle touch and hold on you. like she's afraid you'll combust in her arms if she holds you too tightly.
- she loves stroking your hair and having you nap
- using her tiddies as a pillow 👌
- she needs affirmation from you when it comes to her scars.
- she thinks that jeff ruined her. permanently marking her once spotless body.
- and she thinks you'll hate her or find her disgusting.
- that's why she freezes if/when you gently slip off her mask.
- she stares at you with those teary green eyes. then leans in and kisses you
- you make all of her worries disappear.
- she's also financially comfortable, but not really rich (on that topic: eat the rich)
- she spoils you every chance she gets. gifts, a nice dinner date, you name it
- she almost spoils you as much as she does her cat Emory
- little shit has the sparkliest fucken collar and acts like he's the shit
- he's your fur baby too now
- oh my god this disaster of an art boi
- he's convinced he's the luckiest man in the world (and he might as well be!!)
- he obviously wouldn't have been the one to confess. but it was really obvious by how he painted and drew you constantly, that some feeling for you was lodged into his beating heart.
- he treats you like the finest china. with the most care a man can manage.
- he's the definition of clingy and affectionate from the very start.
- he curls around your sleeping form perfectly when y'all cuddle.
- his hand dances in your hair, soothing you into a dreamless sleep each night without fail.
- he has a magic touch and a gentle voice.
- and he cherishes you so fucken much. (like a simp /j)
- he shies away from kisses at first, but will hold your hand and melts if you hold his face in them!!!
- he's greek, and often speaks sweet things to you in it. he's so comfortable around you that he speaks in his native language to you. that's an accomplishment.
- he loves when you baby him. helen loves being cradled and loved.
- taking a nap with his head on your chest also hits different. he's so in love with you
- he's afraid of losing you. who wouldn't be? you're amazing and you love /him/ of all people
- he thinks very negatively of himself. please scold him for self deprecating.
- he always worries he'll wake up and you'll be gone.
- so he holds you extra close at night. and follows you around when you leave for any reason. Trails behind you like a lost puppy in need of a gentle kiss.
- which, is what he essentially is
- and also: pls steal his sweater and wear it. he'll cry over how cute you are.
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