#sigh...my chest hurts
peridyke · 8 months
feeling bummed out today as you can probably expect. I have no idea if we can even get financially compensated for what we lost renting this damn biohazard and I'm scared of potentially having to resort to a non-permanent living situation very soon in an area I'm not familiar with. I'm sad that I haven't been able to focus on my art as much as I'd like to because of my housing based malaise. I haven't even told any of my friends I might be leaving soon cause idk when "soon" even is
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pinklemonslices · 4 months
i can’t imagine how niko must have felt in the goodbye scene. crystal is leaving for london and so are the boys, and sure edwin is just a mirror away, but. she’s all alone again. she was a shut-in for so long and then she finally found friends and finally got more comfortable with being herself again, and then boom. they’re all leaving.
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stardust-kitten · 15 hours
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eiraeths · 5 months
my heart has not gone under 120bpm in about twenty minutes and laying on the floor has not helped i fear it may be my time
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cosmic-ships · 3 months
Logs onto hellsite™
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........I just got here don't make me fucking feel bad.
I don't walk into your house and dump steaming garbage on your floor, so don't do the same to mine.
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
Why am I half asleep before 12, I've literally only been aware for like 8 hours. 11 pm is rhe worst, I'm always slumped
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hikeyzz · 1 year
i keep having dreams where everything worked out and he really loved me. and then i wake up and feel the aching hole in my chest and remember. it didn't work out, and he didn't really love me. took "in your dreams" a little too literal on that one.
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kabra-malvada · 7 months
Mi mom basically told me I am going to hell over a chicken breast, how's ya'lls morning been?
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I think I huave covid
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peridyke · 8 months
ok good news: the landlord visit today apparently went very well and wasn't scary at all (I wouldn't know because I was standing in an alley in the rain the whole time because I have problems) and she brought over some dehumidifiers and stuff. bad news I feel like we are past the point of dehumidifiers even doing anything because I feel like the house itself might genuinely be unsafe to life in and that it desperately needs inspection. BUT if we get it inspected there's the possibility of them being like yeah you legally cannot live here because it's unsafe and then we'd be kind of fucked. I'm also scared of even bringing up the possibility of inspection to the landlord because I don't want her to turn on us. anyways this is still a huge mess but hopefully the dehumidifiers do something
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ok myb i'm a bit scareds lolz
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strxnged · 2 years
i did an assignment its almost 2am i think you're not supposed to stay awake when they give you hypnotics? or was it just sedatives i think it was just sedatives but yeas i am tired and nauseous and my throat hurts and i finally told people about the breakup and i am cold very cold why am i so cold
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sensitivegoblin · 11 days
Tw sucide
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onyxmustdie · 2 months
sometimes i'm smacked in the face with a reminder of someone i care about and other times it just sneaks up on me. it's a very strange feeling. they haven't crossed my mind but that's because they haven't left it in literal months. what do i do with that? what do i do? all i want is to go see them but they live all the way in europe. what do i do with this? why are my worries and my thoughts and my dreams and my writing and every single thing i do focused around them? what do i do with this? it feels like the only thing that can help is just seeing them and talking to them but for god's sake we are so far away.
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mollyrolls · 2 months
molly they could never make me hate u (i welcome all insanity in the drunk walk home tags)(behave however u see fit i support u in all things)(in fact i encourage it)
yeah... you say this now
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