#sierras anons :33
inf3ct3dd · 11 months
Omg I saw this thing a while ago about getting a necklace with Ellie’s initials on it to wear around your neck but Ellie sees that it says “ew” and is so dramatic abt it and I just feel like that’s so loser ellie
“Omg my initials are literally ‘ew’! That’s so gross! And you have it around your neck!”
Otherwise I think she’d be so happy if you got a necklace with just an “E” for her! Puppy eyes and blushing and stuttering when she looks at it<3
ellie would honestly think its SO FUNNY if u just had a necklace that said “ew” on it. like she would literally burst out laughing and not even realize it was her initials at first but then she’d get all sappy about it.
and if your name starts with a??! she’d never shut up about the fact that “if we got married our initials would be ‘ew’ and ‘aw’!!!!!”
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dreamtydraw · 1 year
hii! it's me again!
I didn't know you were also into obey me!! <3
the stickers look absolutely adorable!! <33 I'm definitely going to get them in a get the chance!
I wanted to ask, who is your favorite brother??
Hello plant anon ! Always nice to see you !
Glad to know you like the stickers ! I had a lot of fun.
Assume i played most of the well known free otome, because i did.
I always been into obey me since it first came out, but it's not my favorite game and i stopped playing for real last year. This is one of the rare time where i mainly enjoy an otome just by watching the content and not really feeling a need to draw stuff about it, the game is already too moe. I still read fanfic tho, the fandom is great for those.
My favorite bros are Mammon and Beel, i first started playing BECAUSE of Beel lmao. I also have a soft spot for Diavolo and Barbatos.... Also the asmo simps got me but i only like the fanon version.
Since you got me to talk about om, lemme reshare here some stuff i made with my mc Sierra !
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Ehehe my babygurl
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Dog Anon. Hey guys, I need some name ideas for the Madrigals' dogs, I already have names for Alma's, Julietta's, Pepa's, Luisa's, and Isabella's, I also have an idea for a name for Bruno's dog, but I'm not sure about it (Arenosa, Spanish for sandy) think you guys can help me out? I'd love to hear your ideas
AYO❗❗❗ I like Bruno's, very cool, very cool <33 Actually have some names. But feel free to use another, these are just some suggestions <33
Dolores- Inigo
Camilo- Nico
Mirabel- Pedro...or Milargo
Antonio- Sierra. Or Diego. Idk.
Felix- Bronco
Agustin- Esteban
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chosenimagines · 2 years
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Ich habe 119 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
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#thank you anon – 10 Einträge
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Longest Tag: 33 characters
#fred and george weasley headcanon
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
Me again 👉🏻👈🏻 I hope I don’t annoy you guys but I have to make an announcement to make...
It is a big thing for me even tho I already said that I have this thought for a while
I am going to comeback!!!
And I think I will keep this blog but I won’t post much on read of roses 
But I will make some changes and will create an even more complex request system
And of course I want you all to be a part of this so comment, inbox me and dm me everything you think should be a part of chosenimagines and I will gratefully choose everything I like to incoperate into my plan
I can’t wait to read all of your ideas 
And before I forget you can text me if you want to be part of certain tag lists
This part is more specific for the ones I used to tag
@virginsvcide  @reidsbookclub would you still like to be a part of the Criminal Minds Taglist ?
And now for my former mutuals if you like you can be on the cym tag list and/or get on any other tag lists you can tell me that?
@tchatso @emsilverblades @the-second-tonks @bookaddictedhufflepuff @snoopitude @doctorspenceryeet
Of course anybody else can ask to be on any taglists^^
I hope you are as excited as I am
15 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 7. September 2022
19 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 16. Februar 2022
Not another love
Fandom: [1] (F) Harry Potter Teaser: Sierra Malfoy is a divorced single mum who shops for her 11 years old child (her oldest out of two) and meets in Ollivander’s shop her old school crush Harry Potter. After a moment of surprise they started talking… Prompts:  (A)121 I can’t trust myself with love I don’t want to hurt you as well AU: - Tropes: (32) Single parent OC:  Reader named Sierra Malfoy
Warnings:  Divorce | Betrayal | Cheating
Language:  English/German Request: Yes/No by animeangsteng
Link for Request board & the request
A/N:  I am sorry that I quit before I could write your request. But now I am back and I hope this will meet your standards
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It had been an eternity since the smell of wood and polish had touched her nose. It has been way too long... "Mrs Pucey, it's nice to see you again after all these years!" Ollivander greeted his customer and former apprentice. Suddenly the thought of how sad and unfortunate it was that she had broken off her apprenticeship passed through his head. She was a such talented witch when it came to dealing with wands finding their wizard!
"It's also nice to see you again, Mr Ollivander.", Sierra replied. She gave the wand maker a smile and tore him out of his thoughts with her voice. He immediately noticed that her smile was covered by a sad shadow.
"But the name is no longer Pucey! It's been Ms Malfoy again for a few months now.", Sierra explained. This explained the sad smile on her lips. Ollivander gave the young woman an encouraging look. "I'm sorry.", Ollivander replied honestly. Then the older man was seized by curiosity, "If I may allow myself the question, how did it come to this? On your last visit, everything was fine and you were still in love." A sigh came over Sierra's lips. Her last visit at Ollivander’s was a while ago. At least three years! Since then, a lot has changed in her family environment. That was already a year ago...
"That's what I thought.", Sierra finally confessed. "But apparently a woman who has given birth to two children is neither attractive nor worth anything. Otherwise you wouldn't cheat on them several times and that over the past two years!" A crooked and sad smile sat on her lips. Ollivander opened his mouth to comfort his former apprentice, but the doorbell rang.  Sierra's 11-year-old daughter hesitantly pushed her way through the store. The mother stretched out her hand to her child, which the young witch immediately took. Then she turned to the wand maker one last time. "You can't do anything about it.", Sierra added. "But it's been a few months now and I'm fine. I have made my peace with it." Sierra squeezed her daughter Lucy's hand before gently grabbing her shoulders and pushing her gently into Ollivander's direction. "Just go with him! Mr Ollivander will introduce you to some wands. You know how this works." Lucy nodded. "The magic wand chooses the wizard.", she quietly quoted her mother and also the well-known wand maker because it is what he always say. Sierra nodded. "Exactly.", Sierra confirmed her daughter. After these words, Lucy disappeared between the high shelves. Ollivander did not   follow the girl directly. Before Ollivander went after the witch, he turned to Sierra once again. "If anyone is worthless, it's Adrian and his disgusting behavior and not a strong woman like you, Ms Malfoy!", he wanted to get of his chest. Now a honest smile lit up Sierra's face. "Thank you, Mr Ollivander." It came from the bottom of her heart, but there was still something on her tongue. "But not feeling useless and worthless after such an experience is almost impossible. He also called me worthless countless times!"
Sierra happily winked at her old schoolmate. "What an honor!", the young mother laughed. "Harry Potter. The ex-chosen one and the best Auror of the ministry. And not to forget the husband of the most famous Quidditch player in England." Embarrassed, Harry rubbed his neck and smiled crookedly. "Former auror and ex-husband.", he confessed. Suddenly, Sierra's grin became very soft. "I'm sorry." But Harry waved it off. Apparently, he didn't take it so hard. "You don't have to be!", he clarified. "Ginny has now known for a year and a half that she likes women and she has also found a girlfriend in Luna. I am happy for them! For both of them. I want her to be happy." Sierra nodded. "Of course! It's glad that Ginny knows that now. But you also seem to be doing well," she noted. "Yes," Harry affirmed. "I loved her very much, but if she's not happy in a marriage with a man, I won't hold her back. And in addition, I have also noticed that I only love her as my best friend and that’s what we are. Everyone is happy and that's the main thing." With these words the topic didn’t need to be discussed more for both divorced wizards. "That's really good to hear! But what are you doing here, if I may ask?", asked Sierra. As casually as possible, she stuck a few strands of hair behind her ear. This was an attempt to distract from her suddenly heated cheeks. Harry always had the same effect on her as when she was at school. It was incredible! "On my very last mission, my magic wand broke! But as the new teacher in Hogwarts, it's beneficial to have a functioning wand.", Harry said, laughing. Sierra giggled along. It was as if she was 16 again! "Teacher at Hogwarts?", she tried to focus on Harry's words. The experienced wizard nodded proudly. It couldn't fill him with more pride than to be able to teach in the first place he had called his home! "In front of you stands the new teacher for defense against the Dark Arts! It is rumored that he will be teaching at Hogwarts for more than a year because he survived death twice.", Harry joked. Laughing, Sierra shook her head and wiped her forehead. "There is clearly no better teacher for these lessons than you! And now I know that my child will have the perfect teacher for such an important subject. I still vividly remember the hours of Dumbledore's army!" A wheez escaped Harry at this statement. Then he shook his head as if he couldn't believe it. But no one knew what he couldn't believe until Harry said it out loud! "After all these years, I still can't believe that a Malfoy has joined us!" For this, Harry received a clearly annoyed look from Sierra. Her father's reputation and her brother's former reputation haunted the woman through every situation in her life. As if she had to be the same just because of that cursed last name... Cursed in the truest sense of the word! "I'm sorry to get you off your dream cloud, but I'm not my dad or the teen Draco!", Sierra snapped and crossed her arms. "And if I may remind you of my mother, who also owns the surname Malfoy." From both wizards, the thoughts wandered to the story between Narcissa and Harry, when she had protected him from Voldemort. Sierra had stood right next to her mother and heard every single word! Now Harry's features were flooded with regret. "I know and I'm sorry! That was another stupid thought that didn't let go of me in my youth and apparently hasn't let go of it completely even now.", added the well-known Potter.  After a moment of silence, Harry spoke again. "I'm looking already forward to seeing you again, Sierra." A tender smile pulled the corners of his mouth upwards. Sierra's anger smoked away and she returned his smile.  "I feel the same way!"
Suddenly, Harry chuckled quietly. Sierra tilted her head because she didn't understand why he had started laughing. But she didn't have to ask, as Harry clarified it on his own. "I just had to think about our school days.", he said, looking dreamily into the air. "We really had a lot of beautiful moments together. Also some who were very tense!" You could see that he actually wanted to say something. Instead, he bit his lip and slid his fingers embarrassed as he felt through his raven-black hair. Harry let his gaze wander through the store before he managed to. "Because of this tension, Fred and George always said that you were in love with me.", Harry concluded what he had started. Sierra giggled. "Funny that you mention it! I actually had quite a crush on you in our fifth year." “Mommy! Let's go now. I already have my wand!", Lucy squealed and pukked her mother's sleeve. Sierra looked at her daughter with a mild smile, while Lucy continued to talk to her. But first, the witch turned again to her friend. "Goodbye, Harry! Hopefully we'll see each other again." Harry couldn't respond because Lucy mercilessly pulled her mother out of the business. Now Harry could only wave at Sierra.
A few days later, an owl fluttered through one of the high windows of the Malfoy residence. Sierra lived there with her two daughters since the divorce. Draco and her mom lived in other houses and their dad was still in Azkaban. So the three witches had the whole property to themselves! Frowning, Sierra rose and took the letter from the bird's beak. From whom should the letter be? She had only written a letter to her mother and brother yesterday. She removed the wax seal, which did not belong to anyone in her family, and took the parchment from its envelope.
Dear Sierra,
I can't believe I'm saying something like that because I've always hated divination. But I think it was a sign that we met each other today. I decided for myself this morning that I am ready again for a new love or at least to meet new people in this regard! An hour later you are standing right in front of me. The girl - today, of course, the woman - with I was head over heels in love in the fourth and fifth year! When I saw you, all the old feelings came right back and I thought maybe it was finally my chance. Or our chance! However, you want to see it. But now I've talked enough about it! I am writing you this letter because I wanted to ask you if you are interested in going out with me. Maybe it's stupid to calculate my chances just because you said that you felt something for me at the time!
It was really nice to meet you again after all these years!
Love Harry
Her heart tensed as Sierra laid down the letter. It was filled with such pretty, but he was not the first man in her life to wrap her around her finger with wonderful words. Sierra was not willing to give away her heart again! Above all, she could not expect her children to let someone into their hearts who might disappear. She didn't want to take the risk! Not when it was about her children. With a heavy heart, Sierra picked up parchment and feather to write Harry an answer.
Dear Harry,
This letter is probably not the answer you expected, but it wouldn't be fair to write anything else. I'm sorry, but I have to disappoint you! Unfortunately, I cannot accept this kind of invitation. But if you would like that, we could meet for a coffee. On friendship basis, of course, I would be happy to see you again! It has been far too long.
Best regards
Sierra Malfoy
After she had written the short letter and the ink had dried on the parchment, she gave the sealed envelope to the recovered owl. For Sierra, this wasn’t a matter of fact anymore. At least for her mind. Her heart and soul cried in silence.
The lightning lit up the entire sky for a second, which was shrouded in thunder clouds. When the thunder sounded just a blink later, Sierra was glad that her 5-year-old Amy was already sleeping soundly and was keeping her midday rest. Amy was terrified of thunderstorms and after that hectic morning, Sierra needed a moment to take a deep breath. As soon as she had dropped on the armchair, a heavy knock echoed through the villa. A soft sigh slipped over Sierra's lips as she walked to the door. All the exhaustion was suddenly forgotten when the tired mother opened the door and froze. Harry Potter was on her doorstep! "Harry?!", she gasped. "What are you doing here?" "I don't get it! I just don't understand your answer.", it burst out of the completely soaked Harry, who immediately stormed into the house. Confused, Sierra followed her old schoolmate into the dining room, which he headed for. "I'm confused. What exactly don't you understand?", Sierra replied. Harry abruptly turned to the young woman. "I don't understand why you wrote this to me. Why can't you go out with me? It sounds like you want to in your letter, but something is holding you back. If it is not like this, please look me in the eye and tell me that and I will leave. But if it's not like that, please tell me the truth!" demanded Harry to know. Passion blazed in his eyes and it also flared up in Sierra. "It just doesn’t work. Okay?!" Harry shook his head. "Nothing is okay! You're dodging me." he accused his former classmate. Then she snorted. "Yeah and?" His manner made them defiant. What he could do, she could do anyway! "I know you're hiding something from me! I just don't understand why." This caused all the dams in Sierra to break. "YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY I WON'T GO OUT WITH YOU?! MY HUSBAND CHEATED ON ME FOR YEARS! I MARRIED HIM AT THE DEMAND OF MY FAMILY, FELL IN LOVE WITH HIM, HAD CHILDREN; WHICH I LOVE ABOVE ALL AND ALL THIS TO BE LIED TO AND CHEATED ON." Tears poured down her face and she fell to her knees. Sierra lacked the strength to keep on his feet. It was just too much!  "I can't trust myself with love. Not again! And I can't let my kids be hurt by me possibly being left by someone I might love again."
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Always: @the-second-tonks
Harry Potter: @imabee-oralizard@reader-inserts-and-others-thing
29 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 12. September 2022
I only got the chance to watch Merlin once so I am currently re watching it before Netflix is taking it down on December 14th
Everyone in Germany who has Netflix and loves Merlin take this last chance to watch it *sob* sob*
46 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 23. November 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
The Big Bang Theory characters‘ sexualities
Leonard straight
Sheldon asexual =>sexrepulsed
Amy bi-curious demisexual
Penny straight
Bernadette straight
Howard bisexual but doesn’t want to admit it and tries to appear as straight as possible
Rajesh bisexuell closeted because he is into Howard and knows how hard Howard tries to be straight demi-boy
62 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 18. April 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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elite-amarys · 8 months
HAI LINUX :3333 HAI!!!! HEY!!!!! HAI!!!!!! HOW ARE EACH OF YOU??? :33 -torracat anon
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silvermistcosmos · 1 year
ohhhh hello miss sierra^^ i got your name for the kfn exchange event so i wanted to come and introduce myself and say hiii! how are you doing??? nice to meet you<33
i’ll be a kind of frequent anon here until i post my drabble for you❣️ so if you’re accepting anon emojis, can i have this one ‘🐰’???
hope you’re having a nice day!! take care bub🫂
this did NOT just take me this long to answer! 😭I am sooo sorry!! omg
but oh my gosh, hiiiiii, I am doing awesome! growing up and making decisions sucks but~ i'm dealing haha and it's nice to meet you too! how are YOU?? I hope you're doing fanspankintastic! 💞💞
you can of course have the 🐰 emoji! I'm super excited ^_^
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virescent-v · 2 years
2, 11, 24, 27, 28, 30, 33, 35, 38, 44, 51, 58, 65, 70, 71, 72, 77, 80, 84, 91, 93, 95, 99
Hi Anon! This is so many! Find the answers under the cut so it doesn't eat up everyones feed lol.
2. Which planet  is your favourite?
11. What was  your favorite class at school?
Science or English.
24. Favorite  song?
Sleeping Sickness by City and Colour
27. Favorite  color?
Purple, black, or blue. If it looks like a bruise, essentially lmfao.
28. What kind of  music do you like best?
Like indie/alt? I guess. I like so many different types of music.
30. What book  did you last read?
I'm going to assume you don't mean anything that relates to school, so Count Your Lucky Stars. I have a lot of books on my tbr though that I need to work through....
33. The last  person you spoke to.
Does my cat count? Otherwise, my work bestie Sierra.
35. Where would  you go on your dream trip?
I want to go to so many places abroad it's unreal. Can I be vague and say Europe? Ugh. Top three? Ireland, South Korea, India.
38. Where did  you go abroad last time?
Honduras? Mexico? Somewhere in the Caribbean. I can't remember which was last lol. It was all on the same trip and it was years ago.
44. Favorite  Christmas Food.
Good ol sugar cookies. Use to make them by scratch with my nana every year. And I consider cinnamon rolls Christmasy because my mom would make them for breakfast every year for Christmas and that's basically the only time we ever got them lol.
51. Favorite  Actor / Actress.
Currently, if you couldn't tell by my blog, Paget Brewster lol. Also a huge fan of anything Jessica Chastain does. Lauren Graham. Hailee Steinfeld. Florence Pugh. God, I love women.
58. Do you  prefer to take pictures or be in the picture?
I prefer to take them. I have a better eye for angles and lighting than my friends lol.
65. What was  your first job?
I was like a home-health companion for an elderly woman. Hung out with her, made sure she took her meds, helped out around the house, took her for trips and such.
70. Favorite  pizza?
Extra cheese and extra pepperoni. Classics.
71. Are you  afraid of the dark? Negative. Love it.
72. Are you  afraid of heights? Kind of, yes. If it's like stationary? Like standing on something high up. But like rollercoasters and stuff no.
77. Salty or  sour? Just the right amount of salty lol.
80. Apple or  pear? Apples!
84. Cap or hood? Hood. I look terrible in hats.
91. Pen or  pencil? Pens.
93. Writing by  hand or on a computer? Recently, computer.
95. The last  thing you did in the kitchen? Danced? lmfao. I made breakfast after work.
99. What’s your  favorite series? I have so many! The ones I find myself rewatching though are SVU, Gilmore Girls, Brooklyn 99, CSI. Also love All of Us are Dead which is a Korean zombie series. Currently making my way through Criminal Minds!
:) Thanks for getting to know me!!
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td-scenarios · 3 years
Not a request, but I was wondering who you liked writing for the most??? Who don't you like writing for/aren't really looking forward to getting requests for them?
Oh! Cody, Dakota, Mike, Manitoba, Zoey, Courtney, Sammy, Jasmine, Noah, Scott, Shawn, and Justin are probs my favorite characters from the series so I definitely enjoy writing them the most!! I also write DJ, Owen, Sierra, Heather, and Lindsay very easily so I enjoy writing for them. Then, as I stated earlier, I'm not a Duncan fan. I also don't really like Gwen, Beth, Harold, Staci, Lightning, Dave, Max, Sky, and Rodney, so they're not my absolute favs to write for. Then most of the Ridonculous Race cast I don't look forward to, but that's mostly because I've watched that season the least amount of times and I fear making them out of character.
My opinions won't effect my writing and I'm not saying it is not okay to request chars I don't like! Those request just may take longer. Thank you so much for asking! I hope you have an amazing day, Anon!!! <33
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inf3ct3dd · 1 year
ellie (garfield lover) x reader (hello kitty lover) IS CANON
realest ask ever. SO REAL. also this reminded me of @tokoissick on instagram so i js like…had to share
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youngfcs · 3 years
Oiii Cib!! Então eu estou com muita dificuldade de encontrar uma atriz vietnamita ou que tenha ascendência e eu queria saber se vc pode me ajudar? Muito obrigada!!
Olá, anon! Vou ver se consigo encontrar algumas opções :)
Lana Condor (15-23)
Sierra Deaton (23-30) - descendente vietnamita
Patti Harrison (24-30) - descendente vietnamita
Courtney Reed (27-35) - descendente vietnamita
Alice Svensson (25-28)
Dianne Doan (21-30) - descendente vietnamita
Kelly Marie Tran (24-32) - descendente vietnamita
Michelle Phan (25-33) - descendente vietnamita  
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wildflower-vol-6 · 4 years
I’m about to be very annoying, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want: for the song ask thing, ALL OF THEM
HoLy sHiT aNoN-
1.    a song from the year you were born- U + Ur Hand by P!nk (YES I WAS BORN IN 2006, YES I AM 14, THE SECRET’S OUT) 2.    a song that reminds you of school- Bang! by AJR idk why lol 3.    a song tied to a specific moment in your life- Scars to Your Beautiful by Allesia Cara 4.     a song that is not sung in your native language- Lo Mismo by Maitre GIMS and Alvaro Soler 5.     a song over 5 minutes long- Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen 6.     a song under 2 minutes long- Pizza by 5 Seconds of Summer 7.     an instrumental- I don’t rlly listen to instrumentals all that much 8.     a classical piece- Fur Elise by Beethoven 9.     a song with no percussion- I wanna say Sunflower Vol. 6 by Harry Styles but idk 10.   something you’ve heard performed live- Priceless by for KING & COUNTRY 11.   something you’d give ANYTHING to hear performed live- Just One Yesterday by Fall Out Boy AKA my favorite Fall Out Boy song 12.   a song by an artist who’s from where you’re from (town/city/state/country)- bad guy by Billie Eilish cuz I don’t know any singers from my state 13.   a song made suddenly precious because of a special someone- Freaks by Jordan Clarke (from my bestie @icesage-indigo​ cuz I’ve only ever had one boyfriend and... that did not go well) 14.   a song made suddenly awful because of a special someone- Senorita by Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello cuz my siblings were oBsEsSeD with it 15.   something to BELT SHAMELESSLY/do DIVA HANDS to- Girl On Fire by Alecia Keys 16.   something to SCREAM ALONG to- Kiwi by Harry Styles 17. �� a song for raging- Bad Blood by Taylor Swift 18.   a song that demands lipsyncing into a makeshift microphone- Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi 19.   the last song you had stuck in your head- Last Christmas by Wham! 20.   a song you’re dying to master all the words to- Little Do You Know by Alex and Sierra 21.   a song that you could SLAY at karaoke- Miss Jackson by Panic! at the Disco  22.   a song you can’t help but dance to- Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon   23.   a song that makes you want to dance on a table- Oops... I Did it Again by Britney Spears  24.   a song that makes you wanna STRIP- I’M A VIRGIN- but Strip That Down by Liam Payne and Quavo holy- it’s so good   25.   a song with a great music video- Who Do You Love by The Chainsmokers and 5SOS   26.   a song that makes you act out the music video when you hear it- Perfect by One Direction 27.   a song with counting- She’s Kinda Hot by 5SOS 28.   a song with spelling- Stack It Up by Liam Payne  29.   a song with lots of clapping- Shake It Off by Taylor Swift 30.   a song 40 years older than you- Paint It Black by The Rolling Stones  31.   a song you wish your parents didn’t know the words to- Perfect by Ed Sheeran AND Adore You by Harry Styles  32.   a song whose lyrics shocked you once you were old enough to understand them- English Love Affair by 5SOS 33.   a song you have ZERO patience for- My Oh My by Camila Cabello 34.   a song you’d like your favorite artist to cover- a Harry Styles cover of Human by Christina Perri   35.   a great song you discovered thanks to a movie- Immortals by Fall Out Boy  36.   a great song you discovered thanks to television- I can’t think of one lol  37.   a song you’re ashamed to have in your music library- idk 38.   ok what’s the song you were too ashamed to even post for #37- *sweating* OKAY OKAY I’LL TELL YOU- it’s Hair Up from the first Trolls movie THERE I SAID IT- 39.   the most played song in your music library- I don’t think I have one, maybe Broken by lovelytheband 40.   favorite disney song- I Won’t Say (I’m In Love) from the Disney Hercules movie 
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lexi-howards · 3 years
Was your anon about chase and madelyn? There’s been no indication they broke up... of course it’s always possible since we see like 0.005% of celebrities lives and it’s mostly fake but there’s no reason to believe anything has changed.
no it was about jonathan and sierra<33
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pb-seeker · 7 years
¡Hola! Me fascina vuestro trabajo, es una currada tremenda
¡Hola anon! Te he incluido algunas rubias, puedes desecharlas si quieres pero como dijiste que solo era una preferencia, pues puse un poco de todo.
Alisa UenoAshley HolatCharlotte WesselsCharli XCXBryden JenkinsFreja Beha ErichsenGrimesJenna McDougallJess BowenJuliet SimmsKreayshawnLights PoxleitnerLuanna PerezMeghan CollisonNatalia KillsScout Taylor-ComptonSierra KayStaz LindesTallulah MortonTaylor JardineTaylor WarrenZoë Kravitz
Esperamos que nos digas si te ha servido alguna sugerencia, de lo contrario puedes volver para que busquemos más opciones. Los likes de todo aquel al que le guste, rebloguee o le de uso, serán agradecido
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onenall · 6 years
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"Assange: 'Q Anon Quarterly' Magazine" by Sierra (NZ) - 8.3.18 Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 8:33 PM EDT on August 3, 2018 Awake17, said to be Julian Assange's Twitter account, has tweeted an amazing mock cover of a magazine titled 'Q Anon Quarterly'. https://twitter.com/backchannel17?lang=en Here are some of the headlines... 'Donald Trump: The Man Behind The Posts?' 'The Tampa Rally: Q Goes Mainstream' '44 Q Proofs: Will 45 Be The Biggest?' 'The President's Fascination With The Number 17' It makes sense that Q proof 45 will be the biggest - President Trump is the 45th President. There are actually a lot more Q proofs than that, so Assange must be referring to the most important ones. And President Trump mentioned the number 17 several times during a recent rally. It was done in a manner that would have made no sense to the unawakened public, but it was a major 'shout out' to his massive Q fan base. Also note the use of gold lettering on the 'Number 17' in the mock headline. Maybe a hint about the USA gold standard currency about to be announced? I am pleased that Assange included Praying Medic on the cover, describing him as a 'Q Decoder Extraordinaire'. I agree with this description. Praying Medic is a humble intelligent man who puts a lot of time into his Q research. The results speak for themselves in his rapidly-growing subscriber base. Last night there were 1,000 new subscribers on the Great Awakening Board. It's a great place (excuse the pun...) to read the thoughts of world Patriots on the Q posts, and to feel part of the Q community. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/ WE are Q! Where We Go One We Go All. Love and Light Sierra (NZ) Via IDC: Terra Zetzz at 8/03/2018 09:17:00 PM
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lauseoizoeng · 6 years
From IDC
“Trump: Darkness to Light” by Sierra (NZ) - 7.17.18 Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 7:33 PM EDT on July 17, 2018
Yesterday something extraordinary happened during President Trump’s press conference at the White House. The Anons are abuzz! Watch this short clip…
President Trump says that he ‘has full faith and support for America’s intelligence agencies’ and at that precise moment, the light in the room dims and goes out.
Trump says, 'Oops, they just turned off the light. That must be the intelligence agencies.’ The light comes back on and President Trump asks if everyone is okay. Then he says, 'It’s okay’.
Darkness to Light! It is the clearest signal President Trump could possibly give that he is about to eradicate the dark cabal forever. And he promised we would know the truth THIS MONTH…
Here is Q Anon post number 1595…
’…July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.’ Q
Q Anon often uses the phrase 'Darkness to Light’. That’s why the Anons were so excited over what happened during the press conference when the lights dimmed. Q Anon might not be posting but they are still communicating with us.
Finally, One Who Serves answered this question during James McConnell’s recent channeling:
Questioner: 'Did the Queen surrender to President Trump?’
One Who Serves: 'We cannot say that directly, but we can say that you are on the right track…’
Keep that phrase in your heart as we move swiftly forward: 'Darkness to Light’. The Alliance has ALREADY WON.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light Sierra (NZ)
Terra Zetzz at 7/17/2018 09:12:00 PM
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So my bad anon, I totally ended up screwing up your ask and shiz by accident but i promise i got it- you wanted me to answer all questions so you got it:
lets get personal.
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
Its been varying a SHIT ton over the last two months especially, but ATM i currently love:
Body on Fire by Maggie Rose
Too Many Love Songs by Maggie Rose (notice a trend?)
B-A-B-Y by Carla Thomas
I Don’t Believe You - Pink
Life of the Party - All Time Low
Little Do You Know - Alex and Sierra
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
um, all the people I’m gonna meet at ClexaCon in April! Celebs, other fans, and all! IM SO EXCITED ITS GONNA BE THE BEST FUCKING WEEKEND.
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
There isnt a book next to me? theres random magazines on the kitchen table. page 23 is an add for Poise Impressa bladder leakage shit lol
4: What do you think about most?
I kinda really want to plead the fifth on this, but probably two things: how I want to make my work ethic better and make a better difference and how I dont feel I can do that until I get my personal shit together. And how I really want a certain someone to be at my side while I do that so I can be on theirs too. guess thats 3.
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
From my lil sis: “Okay, np”
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
lmao it depends. If im really exhausted, then i may sleep without a shirt. If im with a SO then I will sleep naked, but I dont ever do that myself unless I’m just that hungover or something. So clothes it is. 
7: What’s your strangest talent?
I honestly dont know lol. erm... let me get back to you on that. Does it count if my left leg is wayyy more flexible than my right? dont ask me why. i have no clue 
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
girls are a gift to the world. boys are a gift to the world. 
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
Not that I am aware of. Fun (not fun) fact: I’m way more afraid of not being spoken of than being spoken of poorly. idk man. if anyone has written a poem or song about me, plz feel free to share
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
holy shit, i have no clue. usually im more of an air drums person. in that case, yesterday. 
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
not that i reminder? maybe a coin or something as a kid? its very possible.
13: What’s your religion?
if i identified with anything, it would be an agnostic universalist.
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
hanging out with friends and family
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind, but i do have a secret desire to be in front of it. my insecurities currently outweigh my ego in putting myself in front of it, but if someone asked me to do it, i prob would. people just dont ask.
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
Halestorm. Without a doubt.
17: What was the last lie you told?
oh god. I probably told one while canvassing today. I said i donated to one of the organizations that i represent but i dont. oops. did it to convince people that they are good orgs to donate too (in my defence, they ARE and they are wonderful orgs, i just dont have the money to donate)
18: Do you believe in karma?
yes, but i dont really use karma for consistent rationalization
19: What does your URL mean?
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
Greatest weakness? I’m loyal to a fault and will fight for what I want till the bitter end. I’m recently admitting that I have the martyr complex, im pretty sure. Strength? You get me passionate about something, you gain my love, then I’m all in. I’ll work my ass off for whatever that is. 
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
Kat barrell and Natasha Negovanlis, as of rn. but i love so many others
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
23: How do you vent your anger?
i dont. i bottle it up and try to avoid it. I’ve been trying to go to the gym tho; that helps when i actually do it. writing helps too, when i do it. Definitely need to find a better way to deal with my emotions. its harder to find time during adult life mayn.
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
comics, poetry books, my own writings, quarter collection... probably something else im not thinking of
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
Yes and no. 
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
Sound I hate? loud city noises, particularly construction shit. Love? ... I hate myself, but the sound of people I love telling me they love me too. SHUTUP ITS A SOUND I SAID NOTHING WHAT
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
Usually its “What if I didn’t fuck up?” or “What if I was reincarnated into something?”
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
I wanna believe in ghosts but i cant say i do. Aliens: hell yeah.
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
Right - kitchen towel and my ECU bag and keys. Left - magazine and table
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
my house’s normal smell. and food i just ate.
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
My own mind at its worst. Or, physical place, probably a mental hospital.
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
I cant say; I’ve never been West. So East for now until I see the West.
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
I like never think about this. um. Zayn is cute?
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
Finding a reason to breathe. Sometimes its family, friends, work, money, power- I think everyone’s meaning of life is different.
36: Define Art.
anything you make to express yourself or help yourself heal.
37: Do you believe in luck?
I kinda have too, I was an athlete.
38: What’s the weather like right now?
dark and cloudy.
39: What time is it?
7:07 pm and im totally running late to pick up my sis. (update - finishing this around 11:11 ooo make a wish cause i had to go get my sis so)
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
Yes. Never “crashed” but have hit someone before and have been hit.
41: What was the last book you read?
A poetry book by Lauren Zuniga. That counts.
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
No, but I like the smell of paint. 
43: Do you have any nicknames?
Laur-Laur, jiggles, cheesecake, Lo-ren, bean-bean.. others I dont think I should name i guess
44: What was the last film you saw?
Baby Driver
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
Injury? Concussion. worst fucking thing of my life. it really was my fault though.
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
oh god yes. if you know me, you know i always obsess. right now, carmilla and wynonna earp are my top two. easily.
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
bisexual, preference for women, fight me
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
I honestly dont know
50: Do you believe in magic?
I want too.
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
yeah. Well, yes and no. i dont hold a grudge to never have them apart of my life usually, but i never forget what they did to me. never.
52: What is your astrological sign?
53: Do you save money or spend it?
lol spend. i need to save. so bad.
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
55: Love or lust?
I know this may shock people that know me, but love. lust isnt any good without it. thats what i would pick if i had to choose, but i rather like the idea they exist together. they can exist separately, but they go best together for me personally.
56: In a relationship?
no, but i hope things will get better.
57: How many relationships have you had?
ones I actually really loved being in wholeheartedly? 1. total? 4. I’d say 5 but im not really counting one of them lol.
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
hell yeah
59: Where were you yesterday?
work and then home feeling down. then i played my video game, Just cause 3, till midnight
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
62: What’s your favourite animal?
kangaroos and zebras
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
... be a huge fucking dork and hope they dont fucking hate me
64: Where is your best friend?
.......the ones talking to me? charlotte, greensboro, greenville, raleigh (NC), texas... the one not talking to me? ... virginia/dc area
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
any of the ones with funny text posts/memes on wynonna earp and carmilla
66: What is your heritage?
im a white asshole with some native american in me. Choctaw. I need to learn more about my family history AND remember it.
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
finishing up playing my name
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA dear fuck yes. duh. oh my fucking god im laughing so hard at this.
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
loyal to a fault and there at your beck and call? yeah. not always the best listener? nah
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
I’m gonna save the fucking dog and my boss can kiss my damn ass.
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
I’d definitely tell people. At first I wouldn’t know how, and id contemplate if its important enough to tell or not, but eventually i would. id start with those close to me. idk if id want to tell everyone. id want to travel a damn lot with those i love. go new places, try new things, build as many memories as possible. because hell yeah id be afraid. I’m terrified of death and the afterlife; not knowing what happens after we pass. 
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
I think love is built on trust, so love. trust isnt always built on love.
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
love on top, beyonce. literally saved my life freshman year of college.
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
kinda a big one, especially for myself lately. um. I think a great relationship has a good foundation. because in the end, every relationship faces struggles and is gonna be “tested”, for lack of a better word. and what can we turn back to when we feel things arent where they need to be? the foundation. its like a house; if somethings wrong with it, but the foundation is still sturdy, its probably possible and worth fixing. if the foundation is cracked, its more risky; if the foundation is completely crushed, then its probably not a great relationship anymore.
77: How can I win your heart?
Unless you’re the person who currently has my heart right now, you can’t. or if you’re a dog. dogs win my heart. if you’re a dog, congrats. the person who has my heart has to share. sorry, i dont make the rules.
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
how is this a question? the craziest fucking people in the world are the most creative. Yes, yes, and more yes.
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
this is intense. hmmmm. making a tumblr and going back on it in college. yeah. it led to my last relationship. best damn thing that ever happened to me.
80: What size shoes do you wear?
10 or 11
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
I’d want someone else to write a poem or something about me. i dont want to be buried. cremation bitch (after taking my organs out for science of course)
82: What is your favourite word?
currently i really just like cussing. fuck.
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
the name of my current ex. 
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
We accept the love we think we deserve.
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
i legit am trying to look at my iphone to see what last played in my car, but its being an asshole. I wanna say the last i remember is Craving you by Thomas Rhett. im already listening to wayy more country than i usually do lately.
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
in order: purple, blue, red
87: What is your current desktop picture?
A quote that says: “i know you’re sad, so i wont tell you to have a good day. Instead, I’ll simply advice you to have a day. Stay Alive, feed yourself well, wear comfortable clothes, and dont give up on yourself just yet. it’ll get better. until then, have a day.”
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
Can I make an entire building explode? preferably -cough- a building that houses certain gov officials i am not happy with -cough-?
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
Any question that I know would upset someone. I’m working on trying to not be honest to a fault. to be honest when need be, and to know when i dont need to be brutally honest. im terrified of being too honest again in general.
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
honestly, scream and be frozen in fear. idk man. wheres my baseball bat when i need it? idc if they arent doing anything, they need to GTFO of my room.
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
holy crap. wow. a half hour? idk. theres a lot. a recent one is the hayley kiyoko concert though. that concert was just absolutely phenomenal. 100/10
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
I wouldnt erase any horrible experience, because they made me who i am and helped me learn what i know. if i hadnt experienced what i experienced, that one thing not happening can change my entire life.
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
Honestly, right now, I wouldnt. and i dont think i ever would. i get too starstruck easily and have way too much respect and awe for the celebrities i like. i honestly do think of them as higher beings than me (not gods but like, ya know, out of my league lmao) so nah. now if we become friends and theyre a cuddler? then yes i will SLEEP next to them. SLEEP.
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
i have that crazy urge to travel like a crazy person rn, so if i only had one free plane ticket, i’d go somewhere i otherwise couldnt right now, like italy. i really want to go to italy one day.
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
not that im aware of, but who knows
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
...actually yes! I was severely dehydrated once and my mom had me drink 3 bottles of water back to back. then we got in the car and as she started driving, i got sick, so she pulled over and i sat there getting ready to vomit when a cop pulled over and was like “hey, you okay?” and my mom just explained i was sick, and as he walked over to look at me thats when i threw up ALLLLL that water. he stepped back so quick and was all like “do you want me to call an ambulance?”. it was great. thats how you get rid of cops. throw up in front of them (sarcasm)
98: Ever been on a plane?
Yup! ive flown to new hampshire and kansas before.
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
probably some long ass rant about how fucked up the world is and how we need to turn around our governments and get them to work back for the people, not for fucking corporations and capitalism, or the capitalistic aspects of socialism. 
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