onenall · 6 years
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... https://www.inmediahk.net/node/1042292 ... Question: What gives you your sense of superiority? Saying no to elitism/ control/ limitation/ power over. [Even though it's someone I used to know, but really we did not know each other.]
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onenall · 6 years
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... https://www.inmediahk.net/node/1042292 ... Question: What gives you your sense of superiority? Saying no to elitism/ control/ limitation/ power over. [Even though it's someone I used to know, but really we did not know each other.]
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onenall · 6 years
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... http://coyoteprime-runningcauseicantfly.blogspot.com/2018/09/jfks-executive-order-11100-abolishing.html
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onenall · 6 years
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(180923/reading weibo) https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4287371082722662
Atrocities during the cultural revolution/
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onenall · 6 years
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... http://www.loveinactionnow.com/q-posts-for-9-20-18/
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onenall · 6 years
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... http://www.loveinactionnow.com/reflections-on-9-11/
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onenall · 6 years
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Tribute from Architects & Engineers For 911 Truth to Daniel Boone Barnum regarding his efforts SEEKING TRUTH about 911 * * * Dan Barnum: The Moral Compass of AE911Truth As of August 15, 2018, Daniel Barnum, FAIA, a member of the Board of Directors who served our organization faithfully for six years, is no longer with us. We were informed last week that he passed on peacefully after a brief struggle with aggressive cancer and a six-week hospital stay. We are so deeply saddened by this news. An architect of high-rise buildings and other structures throughout his career, Dan was one of our most devoted AE911Truth board members. He was a quiet but powerful presence at board meetings — a voice of reason and conscience who seemed to always guide us to a right solution through the many difficult issues we faced and decisions we had to make. He is absolutely irreplaceable, and we will miss him greatly. Before the dust had settled in Lower Manhattan, Dan discerned from watching the destruction of the Twin Towers that the official version of what happened on 9/11 was false. He had become well-practiced in detecting lies when he served in U.S. Naval Intelligence in Vietnam. There, he knew as soon as the alleged Gulf of Tonkin incident was reported that the war was based on a fabrication. As a man of integrity, Dan wasn't content to keep the facts about 9/11 to himself. After he joined AE911Truth and delved further into the irrefutable evidence for the controlled demolition of the three World Trade Center towers, he became a persistent advocate for that evidence among his fellow building professionals in his Texas community, throughout the State of Texas, and at the national level. With a mix of earnest, unwavering insistence on truth and gentle compassion for those who weren't ready to hear it, Dan made it his mission to educate any and every architect who would listen to his message. He both sought out and accepted speaking opportunities on AE911Truth's behalf at state and national architecture conventions. And even though he was rebuffed by those who were afraid to upset their worldview, Dan never gave up looking for receptive minds and hearts We each spent quality time alone with Dan on separate occasions and found him to be every bit as mild-mannered, soft-spoken, empathetic, and genuinely kind in person as he was during our long-distance teleconference calls for board meetings. During our visits with him, we saw that Dan was always willing and available to connect deeply with everyone he met. He truly cared about the future of this world and strove to make it a better place — right up until his passing. We sorely miss Dan at AE911Truth and we suspect his absence will be felt throughout the 9/11 Truth community. We hope Dan's passion for truth, justice, and peace will continue to be a guiding light for our work here and lead us to success in our mission. To our tens of thousands of AE911Truth supporters, Dan was most visible and notable for leading our campaigns to have the American Institute of Architects endorse a new investigation into the destruction of WTC 7. Dan’s closing remarks at the 2016 national convention in Philadelphia — delivered alongside Bob McIlvaine, who lost his son on 9/11 — best sum up what this remarkable man stood for. With saddened hearts, Richard Gage, CEO, and Kelly David, COO, on behalf of the AE911Truth board, staff, and volunteers ******** Video Link: http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=vNRM1HHBhnbuxWnUx80cO1pdRMRSTTvY (1 minute 43 second clip) "How Long Do We Want to Go On Living Based on Lies" "The Truth Will Set Us Free" For more information about what really happened, go to: https://www.ae911truth.org/
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onenall · 6 years
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... https://phibetaiota.net/2018/09/robert-steele-letter-to-atlantic-monthly-donald-trump-is-neither-a-tyrant-nor-lost/ .
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onenall · 6 years
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(180803) . . . (QAnon: watch out for sky event)
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onenall · 6 years
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"Assange: 'Q Anon Quarterly' Magazine" by Sierra (NZ) - 8.3.18 Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 8:33 PM EDT on August 3, 2018 Awake17, said to be Julian Assange's Twitter account, has tweeted an amazing mock cover of a magazine titled 'Q Anon Quarterly'. https://twitter.com/backchannel17?lang=en Here are some of the headlines... 'Donald Trump: The Man Behind The Posts?' 'The Tampa Rally: Q Goes Mainstream' '44 Q Proofs: Will 45 Be The Biggest?' 'The President's Fascination With The Number 17' It makes sense that Q proof 45 will be the biggest - President Trump is the 45th President. There are actually a lot more Q proofs than that, so Assange must be referring to the most important ones. And President Trump mentioned the number 17 several times during a recent rally. It was done in a manner that would have made no sense to the unawakened public, but it was a major 'shout out' to his massive Q fan base. Also note the use of gold lettering on the 'Number 17' in the mock headline. Maybe a hint about the USA gold standard currency about to be announced? I am pleased that Assange included Praying Medic on the cover, describing him as a 'Q Decoder Extraordinaire'. I agree with this description. Praying Medic is a humble intelligent man who puts a lot of time into his Q research. The results speak for themselves in his rapidly-growing subscriber base. Last night there were 1,000 new subscribers on the Great Awakening Board. It's a great place (excuse the pun...) to read the thoughts of world Patriots on the Q posts, and to feel part of the Q community. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/ WE are Q! Where We Go One We Go All. Love and Light Sierra (NZ) Via IDC: Terra Zetzz at 8/03/2018 09:17:00 PM
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onenall · 6 years
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Done! And so it is!
180722/ Via email from The Intenders of the Highest Good The Vision Alignment Project
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onenall · 6 years
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. http://sananda.website/the-arcturian-council-via-daniel-scranton-july-18th-2018/ .
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onenall · 6 years
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... Via http://www.loveinactionnow.com/latest-posts/ ...
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onenall · 6 years
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onenall · 6 years
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onenall · 6 years
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... https://ascensionenergies.com/2018/06/02/this-car-is-powered-by-salt-water-920hp-top-speed-217-5-mph-373-miles-tank/ .
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onenall · 6 years
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“Why the New Financial System” by Ron Giles - 5.30.18 Entry Submitted by Ron Giles at 7:56 PM EDT on May 30, 2018
Do we know enough about the new financial system to have faith in what is being bequeathed to us? Probably not. Let’s take a look.
At the base of this new Gold Backed financial system are the Block Chain Technology and the Quantum Computer. This is the most advanced computer technology ever devised to support the transfer and use of currency as a medium of exchange. It is said to be unhackable.
For some of us more senior Americans, we can remember when our paper money was said, Silver Certificate. It was printed right on the dollar notes we used every day to make our purchases. My parents told me about Gold Certificates way, way back in their days. That was ancient history to me. Real Old.
I didn’t know what a silver certificate meant but I was told you could go into the bank and demand a piece of Silver in return for the certificate. At the time I wondered why anyone would want to carry heavy silver coins when paper was so much easier. It was an antique remnant of when the public needed to believe in the, Value of the dollar. It deteriorated from Gold Certificates to Silver Certificates to Fiat currency backed by zippo, but it worked at the store so who cared. I should have cared. Then the Federal Reserve started printing money out of thin air and inflation was born anew and prices began to go up. It has not stopped.
It could be said then that historically our money was backed by precious metals in the beginning. Coins were once minted with silver but in 1964 they had more value as silver than the coins had for exchange. They were taken out of circulation and from then on coins were minted with metals of little value.
This whole process for the public was the equivalent to the frog in the pan of water on the stove – it would jump out if the water was too hot, but starting with cold water and heating it up over time the frog would just enjoy the water until the heat made the legs in operable and they could not save themselves by jumping out. The public had no idea of the deceit foisted upon them. Most still don’t. We call it, being asleep.
A few weeks back I posted the reasons why we needed the Global Currency Reset – GCR.
“Why New Gold Backed Currencies Reset” by Ron Giles - 5.13.18
It should be obvious now why the GCR needs to happen, however, the tools that needed to be in place to facilitate this objective have not been available until now. The tools are the Block Chain Technology and the new Quantum Computer. Together they provide the security against unlawful use of money in transit and outright theft. It all has to do with the digital Gold Certificate that is digitally married with each increment of currency. This digital Gold Certificate is the way that secures not only the value but the authenticity of that individual piece of currency. In the new system it is impossible to transfer any money without the accompanied digital certificate. A million dollars would have a million certificates that are transferred with the each dollar. To be transferred, the certificate has to be recognized by the computer before it is sent. To be reflected in the receiving account the computer needs to recognize the digital certificate at which time the transfer is completed and logged. If there is no authentication of the Gold Certificate it is rejected and flagged for criminal investigation. Any currency introduced into the system would require authentication and a Gold Certificate to be a part of the new financial system. That will be a long process of reconciliation as old money cannot and will not be accepted until it is clear, clean and with no criminal ear markings. Even ancient Trust Money will be acid tested to be sure it is not dirty money. If they cannot be certified clean, they will not be accepted into the new financial system. Collateral accounts on Bonded baby footprints, - humans - will need to be zeroed out and the assets sold and distributed to the human population. Absolutely no dirty money by any such Cabal activity will be permitted in the new financial system. So to the Cabal, say good bye to your ill-gotten gain. It’s ours now, so bid us a dew, because you will be gone.
The use of cash is not a problem. Each printed Gold Backed note has a serial number corresponding to the digital Gold Certificate. The quantum Computer keeps track of all notes by their serial numbers and no duplications would be accepted. The notes will go through a counting machine and the certificate will be transferred to the serial number on the note. That note will go through a reverse process to attach the certificate back to a digital note in the system. This stops counterfeiting and stops the introduction of any unauthorized non-Gold Certificated piece of currency into the Financial System. Normal business would continue with new technology available for merchants to quickly scan paper currency for authorization before accepting the note for a purchase and then depositing it into the bank. Slick as a whistle.
The level of security involved in the use of Gold Certificates provides a system that is self-contained and eliminates laundering of money gained by illegal means, IE: drug money., sex trafficking, stolen money, bribery, etc., as the money can be traced for 40 transactions, before and after the transfer of money. This is accomplished by the Digital Gold Certificate. Banksters have already tried to steal money but many have already been caught and arrested. They were stupid. Where would they store digital money and how would they use it except outside in the black markets. Even the actual notes can be traced as hot money and cannot be reintroduced without detection. With the new Bio-metric Technologies, coming out, account hackers will be a thing of the past as well as the fraudulent use of credit cards. It’s coming folks - Hallelujah.
We are eliminating major criminal activity with this new system of Gold Certificates and Gold Backed currencies. It is huge and will be the means of securing our financial dealings well into the future. It is wise to be proponents of this new system with all of its certified value and security. The Cabal shills and trolls will fight against it and try to discredit it. When they do, it is showing us there losing hand. Being on the right, Light side is wonderful. Let’s rejoice.
I hope this helps to understand why we have had to wait until all of this technology and security has been put into place. We would not be secure in our persons with lots of money, nor secure in our use of that money until now. Could we be that close? Maybe a few temporary blocks left but I think the dam will break soon and we will be unleashed on the world.
Love and Lighting the way
Ron Giles
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