#siena x kate
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diva-calderu · 13 days ago
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Kate Sharma x Siena Rosso
For @torturedpoetskywalker
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justviwriting · 9 months ago
For the Bridgerton Gay Week 2024 (@lgbridgertonqa)
Title: Secret Dreams Pairing: Siena/Kate Characters: Siena Rosso, Kate Sharma Rating: T Words: 2.3k Summary: While performing at a ball, a beautiful woman catches Siena’s eye – and for some reason, Siena is mesmerized by her.
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celebh0ttie · 1 year ago
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darklinaforever · 1 year ago
Was Anthony in love with Siena, and she with him ? (Because I've seen a lot of people ask this question, the answer to which is quite obvious...)
No. He liked her / had some forms of feelings for her / cared about her, and was used to her, but was clearly not in love with her.
Especially since their relationship was above all something very, very carnal, and not really emotional, something essential when talking about being in love. Anthony never seemed to talk to her about his personal demons in relation to his life and his family either.
Even when he sought to assure Bénédict that Siena would be taken care of if he ever died during the duel against Simon, it was more a way of honoring his word to her than out of love ; Anthony rightly attaches great importance to these things as his honor and duties.
Siena was the one thing Anthony had for himself even outside of his family. It was therefore an obvious way of escaping one's responsibilities concerning them ; Hence why when Siena finally leaves him for good, Anthony is finally ready to take charge of his role as viscount by choosing a viscountess, as has been expected of him for a while now.
According to season 2, Anthony explains that he never wanted to succumb to the blind delight of being in love, and even needs this feeling explained / described to him (by Daphné, his own little sister) that he doesn't really understand. So it's obvious that Anthony never felt true romantic love before Kate came into his life.
Jonathan Bailey, the actor of Anthony, himself once explained (at least it seems to me) that his character, before meeting Kate, had always established relationships in which he was certain that he would never fall in love with the womans involved.
Kate is described in the show as a woman unlike any other Anthony has ever met, by the latter himself, as well as as Anthony's real true love by Violet, during a scene where Anthony truly cries for the first time since the death of his father, upon learning that Kate has finally woken up from her coma.
As for Sienna, she also cared for Anthony, liked him / had some form of feelings for him, and was used to him. Quite obvious since she cries during their final separation. But she clearly wasn't in love with him either.
For what ? Because she was looking for stability, a way to secure her future life through a relationship with a man who would take care of her / provide for her needs. This is what Anthony represented above all in his eyes.
It's also very revealing that when he announces that he has to stop dating them, the first thing Siena says is that he had promised to always watch over her. Love or simple affection is not a question here.
Especially since Siena seems after a while to end up wanting the company of a man who values / prioritizes her in a general way, in addition to financial security. Especially since a man who prioritizes Siena, technically offers the latter much more certainty / security of the financial situation, which she must obviously understand / know.
Things she wants / needs, and which Siena eventually realizes, Anthony could never fully give her ; because of all his repeated empty promises in season 1, to always prioritize his family, and not take responsibility for her, without forgetting the commitment problems that Anthony seemed to have on the relational level in general (and of which we spectators, will learn the depth and the reason in season 2, the latter having always avoided romantic feelings since the death of his father).
Hence these reasons, why Siena ended up changing men at the end of season 1, without telling Anthony (which is still quite vicious for me but he is not better with her anyway), with the aim of putting him against the wall and finally stop their relationship (which was already going straight to the wall) for good.
But essentially, while Anthony primarily used Siena to escape responsibility, Siena primarily used Anthony for financial stability. Despite the few feelings they had for each other, their relationship was mainly based on a transactional exchange.
Through their primarily sexual affair, Anthony could escape his responsibilities as viscount, and Siena could achieve financial stability. In short, a relationship of toxic dependence (destined to be ephemeral on Anthony's side) has established itself between the two characters. A relationship therefore doomed to failure, and where romance did not really have its place, despite an attachment having developed between them with the time.
The answer to the initial question is therefore ; No. Anthony and Siena were not in love with each other. They certainly liked each other, were used to each other and above all dependent on each other. But not in love.
Siena left Anthony to live a better life for herself, and thanks to that, Anthony was finally able to take responsibility for his marriage. Thanks to this he was able to meet Kate, the real true love of his life, in addition to being the first to really introduce him to Love.
I can't even understand how people could believe that Anthony and Siena were in love with each other. Kate is obviously the one and only from this point of view.
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fitrahgolden · 5 months ago
To React: Chapter One
This was actually my first attempt at a multi chapter story. I posted it in December of ‘22 and deleted that chapter last summer. I'm giving it another go. Huge shout out to @lookingfts for helping me flesh out this story and for continuing to give me feedback on my ideas.
To React
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Kathani Kaveri Sharma, 26
Member of Smythe-Smith Dramatic Society - props and set design
Manager of Palette Arts and Crafts Supply
Watercolour artist by commission
Anthony Bridgerton, 29
Solicitor at Bridgerton, Danbury, and Frederick Solicitors law firm
Benedict Bridgerton, 27
Member of Smythe-Smith Dramatic Society - writing, directing, acting
Published writer - poems, plays
Oil and watercolour artist by commission
Siena Rosso, 25
Member of Smythe-Smith Dramatic Society - acting and singing
Social media influencer
“I can’t keep doing this. I deserve more. So do you, though I know you won’t let yourself believe that. You need to figure out what you want. We both know it isn’t whatever the fuck this is. Anthony, you need to let me go.”
They were standing in the tiny foyer of Siena’s flat. She hadn’t even let him get all the way inside before she told him they needed to talk. They had gone back and forth for about fifteen minutes before Anthony realised he didn’t know what he was fighting for. Everything she’d been saying was true.
Maybe it was just because he was the one that was usually doing the breaking up. And that’s what this was. A real breakup. Not some lover’s quarrel that would inevitably end with them making up, fucking in some ridiculous place like his mum's garden during a dinner party or her dressing room at Smythe-Smith Dramatic Society.
“Right.” He looked down, around, anywhere but at her, feeling like a twat, holding the roses he’d brought to her place, the bouquet she ignored as she wasted no time getting into what had obviously been weighing on her for some time. “Um, so, I’ll go.”
Her eyes were wet with unshed tears. His eyes weren’t, which probably said something. Siena put a hand up to his cheek, which was thick with stubble that one could almost call a proper beard.
“I really wish you all the best, Anthony.” She sounded… tired. So damn tired.
“Thanks, um…” He took half a step back away from her touch, telling himself he didn’t need any comfort. “You, as well.” He turned to leave, but stopped. “Would it–You’ll probably still see me at shows. You know, for Ben.”
Siena nodded. “Of course.”
“I’ll keep my distance, though. At wrap parties and things like that.”
“I’m not worried about it, Anthony.”
“Right.” He stepped out over the threshold. “OK. Bye. Um–Yeah, bye.”
Anthony had made it halfway down the hallway before realising he was still holding the damned roses. He tossed them in the bin at the top of the stairs without a backwards glance on his way out to the street.
The next morning, Siena sat up in bed and turned to her bedside table, where she kept her "I Woke Up Like This" kit: A brush, floss, bottle of water, mascara, and lip stain. Once she was armed for the internet, she posted a quick video to her feed.
"Good morning, guys! I'm gonna level with you. I'm going through some personal stuff right now but I just wanted to hop on here to let anyone who needs to hear this know: You are worth it. No matter how hard it may seem, stand up for yourself. You are your biggest advocate. Love you guys! I'm off to SSDS for rehearsals. Make sure to buy tickets for our upcoming show! It's a revue of Shakespearean comedies! It's gonna be so much fun. Link in my bio! Check in with you later today. Mwuah!"
"OK, guys, I think we can call it a day! Thanks for everyone's hard work! Now, let's go drink!"
Benedict's dismissal was met with cheers and applause by the cast and crew, scattered onstage, in the audience, and backstage at the Smythe-Smith Dramatic Society. As everyone gathered their things, most preparing to walk down the street to the pub, Benedict caught up with Siena, who was moving slowly, putting her bag strap over her shoulder.
"Oh, hey, Ben."
"You were great today, as usual, but I just wanted to check in because you seem a bit down. I don't know, low energy? Anything I can help with? Are you unhappy with the show or–"
Siena scoffed and shook her head. "You haven't spoken with your brother?"
Anthony. Of course. Benedict rubbed the back of his neck. "Ah, no. What did he do this time?"
Siena paused thoughtfully. "Nothing, really. It was just time to finally… I don't know, free ourselves, you know?"
Benedict didn't know. He narrowed his eyes. "So… You guys broke up."
It wasn't a question. It was a statement, an indication that this didn't seem like news. They fell out all the time. But Benedict knew better than to point that out.
Siena sighed. "Yes, we broke up. But this time is different.”
Benedict smiled a little at the cliche.
“No, Ben, really. I sort of had an epiphany a few weeks ago. How can I claim to be all about self love and respect while being in a relationship with a guy who has made self-loathing his entire personality? If he doesn't think he deserves anything good, what does our relationship say about how he feels about me?"
Benedict's face sobered. He opened his mouth to respond but nothing seemed right.
"Sorry, I know he's your brother–" Siena waved a hand and made to turn away but Benedict stopped her.
"No, no, it's fine. I do understand what you're saying. I just… I’m sorry he made you feel that way."
Siena shrugged, “I appreciate it.” A small smile formed on her face. “It’s weird. When I woke up this morning, in some ways, I already felt better than I have in a year and a half. I hope it's the same for him. I think it will be. I'll always care about him, you know?”
Benedict nodded slowly. “Come here, babe.” He pulled Siena into a bear hug that made her chuckle. She backed up and put her hand on his shoulder, shaking him gently.
“But, really, we don’t have to talk about your brother. We're meant to be drinking, right?”
Benedict relaxed and took Siena’s bag off her shoulders to carry for her.
“Right. And yours are on me tonight.”
Three weeks later, on a Sunday evening, the members of SSDS were celebrating a successful run of “The Comedy of Errors, and Then Some” backstage at the theatre. As always, Benedict made sure the wrap party was catered well and had an open bar. Such was one of the benefits of having a trust fund baby as the most active member of your drama club.
Once Siena had changed, she cautiously entered the gathering, scanning the room for who else may be here in addition to the players and crew.
“He’s not here,” came a voice from behind her.
“Jesus, Ben! Do you need to start wearing a bell?”
“Sorry, honestly didn’t mean to startle you. You just looked… worried?” Benedict raised his eyebrows
Siena nodded reluctantly. “Thanks.. I… Yeah, I was wondering if he was here,” she admitted. How has he been? I haven’t really seen much from him online or anything.”
“To quote the man himself,” Benedict dramatically pulled out his phone, took a deep breath, and uttered, “‘I’m fine.’” 
“Ugh, fuck off.” Siena gently pushed his shoulder as they shared a laugh. “He’s always fucking fine,” she lamented, rolling her eyes.
Benedict shrugged. “Yep. Haven’t seen him much. He came to a show, of course. Left a donation. Same as ever. Mum was complaining that he hasn’t been at the house, citing work every time any of us even hints at a family get-together.”
“Same old shit.” Siena ruefully shook her head.
“Same old shit, indeed. Anyway, we don’t have to talk about him, remember? Can I get you a drink? Some food? You have to eat something. This place I ordered from is fucking excellent.”
Benedict offered Siena his arm, and after she took it, he led her to the buffet table.
“Every place you pick is always excellent, Ben.”
Kathani sat on one of the folding chairs at the edge of the party, thinking it was probably time to say her goodbyes and head out. She was opening the art supply shop she managed in the morning, and had already had too much to drink, if she was being honest. She needed to pack for Bridgwater so she could catch the train right after work. Mary and Edwina always insisted she didn’t have to visit every week, yet every time she made the trip, there was a laundry list of things with which they needed help. And lately there was the ongoing conversation of where Edwina wanted to go to university. Ultimately, Kathani wanted her sister to pick anywhere she wanted. But if Edwina stayed in Somerset, she could live at home with Mum, which would be great not only for Mary but also for their family finances. Edwina had spoken excitedly about the aspect of coming to London. Kathani had been careful not to discourage her–not yet, at least. However she always found herself in a spiral about everything that would need to change to make that happen–without contacting Mary’s parents. Mary can’t stay three hours away from her daughters by herself. How would they pay for Edwina’s tuition? If Edwina lived with her, that would help, but her flat is tiny. Could she afford a bigger place? She could leave SSDS and have time for a proper second job. Maybe put more effort into marketing her paintings?
“Hey, mind if I sit here?”
Kathani’s thoughts were interrupted by Siena Rosso, gesturing towards the empty chair next to her.
“Not at all. Brilliant job tonight. The whole run, actually, as always.”
Siena settled into the chair and smiled as she took a sip of her drink. “Thanks. It’s Kate, right? Beautiful work on the sets. Likewise, no surprise there.”
“It’s Kathani, actually, and thank you.”
“Oh. Sorry, I could have sworn–”
Kathani waved her off. “It’s fine, I went by Kate for a while. Decided to go back to my given name. I realised I actually couldn't be arsed to care too much about making white people more comfortable with me.”
“Ah. Sorry.”
“On behalf of all white people?” Kathani teased.
Siena held up her hands. “Just me, I’m afraid.”
“Well, apology accepted.” The two women shook hands in mock seriousness, laughing. “I’ll just have to collect my reparations one at a time, then.”
They sat in comfortable silence for a few moments before Kathani spoke again.
“Isn’t Benedict’s brother usually following you around at these things?” Kathani’s voice was a little tight as she asked the question, falling short of her goal to sound only mildly interested.
“Ah.” Siena shook her head, resigned. “Nope. Not anymore.”
Kathani's eyebrows shot up, something like longing awakening within her and making her heart stutter. She schooled her features before tentatively offering, “Sorry?”
“No, it’s good. I mean, thanks, but… I ended it. It was the right thing to do. Um–” Siena suddenly looked away, sheepish.
Kathani narrowed her mirthful eyes. “But…?”
“What?” she responded innocently.
Kathani held her hands up. “Hey, you don’t have to tell me, I can just tell there was more you were going to say. And I’m a neutral-ish party.”
“Well, Anthony isn’t here to defend himself, is he? So, I’ll gladly ‘yes and’ any shit you want to say about him.” Hearing how terrible a partner Anthony is sounded like exactly what Kathani needed.
Siena laughed, “Ha, no. Actually, it’s nothing to do with him. Not directly, anyway.”
Oh, well. “No?”
“Yeah, I’m just… I don’t know…” Siena struggled to articulate her thoughts, gesturing vaguely at her own body.
Kathani smiled as realisation hit her. “Lonely? Missing a warm body in your bed? Getting tired of your vibrator?”
“Jeez, yeah. Yes, OK?” Siena looked around as if anyone might be paying attention to them. No one was, of course.
“Hey, no judgement coming from this direction,” Kathani said. “Actually… I think I may be able to help with that.”
Siena raised an eyebrow, amused, but perhaps also intrigued. “You think so, eh?”
Kathani shrugged, biting her lip. “I, um… I was actually about to head out.” She looked over at the exit before meeting Siena’s gaze, holding it.
“OK,” Siena said softly before swallowing.
Slowly, giving Siena time to stop her, Kathani raised her hand and pushed a lock of Siena’s hair behind her ear and smiled at her, her eyes dropping to Siena’s mouth.
“Smooth,” Siena whispered, her eyes similarly trained on Kathani's lips.
“Thank you,” Kathani replied under her breath before leaning in and kissing her.
Siena was still for a few moments, but right before Kathani took the hint and pulled away, she felt Siena’s lips move against hers. Kathani cupped the back of Siena’s head and deepened the kiss once Siena opened her mouth to allow Kathani’s tongue to mingle with hers. Once they pulled back for breath, Kathani stood and held out her hand. After Siena took it and stood as well, she said, “Let me get this out of the way now. I actually do have work in the morning, and I’m going to visit my family afterwards.”
“Two tried and true excuses? Impressive.” Siena's eyes twinkled.
“I know. But if tonight goes well, maybe we can catch up next week?” She ran a thumb over Siena's knuckles
They shared a grin before Siena nodded. “Yeah, take me home and let’s see how we fare.”
The following week, SSDS met up to discuss their next show. Benedict noted that Kathani and Siena were sitting together and tried to remember if he’d ever seen them looking so friendly. Of course, all the members knew each other to some degree. But it was a pretty big group, and Kathani tended to stick with her fellow props and set design crew. But the twosome were certainly friendly tonight, smiling and whispering throughout the meeting and then finally, once everyone was dismissed, leaving together, hand-in-hand.
Anthony was leaving a date’s townhouse when he received a video call from Benedict.
“What?” he huffed as he jogged down the front steps.
Benedict looked to be trying to make out Anthony's surroundings. “Well, well, well. It’s only 9 o’clock. Couldn’t even stay for tea?”
“Right. Hanging up.”
“Wait, wait! I have news,” Benedict announced in a singsong voice.
"Sure, you do. Go on, then."
"Seriously, though. I'm only telling you this because I work with them and if something comes up on Siena's Instagram or something, I know you're gonna feel betrayed or some shit."
"Siena can do whatever she wants," Anthony said, defensive.
"I know that. But does that mean you don't want to know if she's hooking up with someone I know?"
Anthony slowed his steps. After rolling his eyes and running a hand over his face, he relented.
"Fine. Who is it?"
"You remember Kathani Sharma, right? She does the sets."
Kathani Sharma. Kate. Of course Anthony remembered Kate. Last year, Benedict dragged him to SSDS bowling. Well, more like his brother casually mentioned he was going bowling, and Anthony grabbed his bowling bag and declared, "Fuck, yeah, I'll come show you theatre kids how it's done!"
A couple of hours later and he was as frustrated as he was mesmerised by the woman he ended up on the same lane with. Anthony would never say she was better than him. Never. But facts are facts, and she blew him out of the water on that particular night. And with such unabashed glee, as well. "That's not even my highest score!" she had crowed, a grin gracing her striking face. As far as Anthony was concerned, he was playing against Kate and Kate alone. And she seemed to be on the same wavelength. That night had been shaping up to be the most fun he'd had in a long time before it was suddenly cut short when Siena, who had been playing several lanes away, sauntered up to him and started whispering in his ear about how much she missed him. Before he knew it, he was in the back of a car with Siena, a thought circling in the back of his mind about not giving Kate a proper goodbye–and a quieter yet more persistent thought that he shouldn't have left at all.
Benedict's smug smile greeted Anthony as he was pulled back to the present, a stranger jostling passed him where he'd stopped on the sidewalk.
"Yes, I remember her. Like I said, Siena can do whatever she wants. No need to keep me updated. I've gotta go."
"I'm sure you do. The night is young and all that."
Back at his penthouse, Anthony felt like the worst cliche, and a bit of a creep, if he was being honest. What bothered him most was that he didn’t know why he was behaving this way. In the history of his on and off relationship with Siena, he’d never been particularly interested in who Siena spent her time with when they were “off.” Sure, he got a little jealous when he happened to see a social media post featuring her and someone else looking cosy, but it passed quickly. He had his own company to keep him plenty occupied. And, anyway, he always took comfort in the assumption that they would eventually resume the exclusive fuckery that they called a relationship. But that door was finally firmly closed, and here he was, googling “Kathani Sharma London” and sorting through the results.
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midnightrings · 1 month ago
Fandom: Bridgerton Characters: Siena Rosso, Kate Sharma Pairing: Kate/Siena Rating: T Words: 710 Summary: Siena relishes a moment of happiness with Kate by her side.
A/N: Written for a friend, but I also wanted to share it over here. Happy Valentine's Day! :)
-> You can also read it on AO3
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Birds were chirping outside as the morning sun was sneaking its rays of light through the closed curtains, dimly illuminating the room.
Siena knew that she was expected at the theatre for rehearsals soon – but there was still time. Only a small moment of time, perhaps, but she would cherish every second of it; would relish all of its beauty and sweetness.
Soft fingers were drawing circles around her hip as she felt the touch of tender lips brushing across her jawline, whispering words of affection and endearment.
Siena closed her eyes as she let her arm wander around Kate’s body, pulling her closer – to feel her warmth; her comfort; her love. To lose herself in a world of peace, where no troubles ever intruded their bliss.
Then, she felt Kate pull away and immediately, Siena’s eyes flung open again.
There was a sweet smile on Kate’s face as her dark eyes were observing her with tenderness. When she sat up, a strand of hair fell into her face. Siena was watching her quietly as Kate brushed the strand back behind her ear – mesmerized by her beauty and grace. Her heart was wrapped in rapture as she was unable to comprehend how she deserved to wake up to such joy every single morning.
But that joy was soon disrupted, as Kate told her in a quiet voice that she needed to leave. Siena immediately reminded her that there was still time, but Kate simply replied that she had an appointment to attend at noon. She stood up then and Siena reluctantly let her leave her embrace with a sigh.
She watched her silently as Kate was walking over to the window. When she opened the curtains, the morning sun dipped Kate’s soft skin in a warm light, framing her body as streaks of her long waves of hair almost appeared golden. Siena wished someone would capture this image – to paint a picture of her as she stood there, the beautiful shape of her bare body glistening in the sunlight.
Kate then remarked what a beautiful day it was, turning back around as she gave Siena a soft smile – and Siena knew that she could not let her leave; not yet.
Of course, she would see her again tonight, but the waiting always felt like agony. The secrecy of their affair did not allow them much time together. And as sweet as their clandestine moments together were, they were also short and fleeting. Siena longed to see her every minute of the day – to talk to her; to hear her laugh; to feel her soft skin and gentle hands; to kiss her as they forgot about time entirely.
She started another attempt at convincing Kate to stay, but Kate merely replied with a small smile, reminding her again that she had no time as she pulled over a dressing gown.
Kate was a dutiful woman. And while Siena admired that, it also presented the danger that Kate would purposely drown herself within her responsibilities. Siena had noticed that quite early on – and she had also noticed that Kate longed for more; that she needed encouragement to indulge in her own desires; that she needed someone to save her whenever she was drowning herself again.
Siena then threw the blanket off her body and stood up, walking towards Kate – but before she could say a word, Kate immediately reminded her yet again that she could not stay and that there was no point in trying to convince her otherwise.
Siena merely replied with a cheeky smile. Then, she raised her hand and let her fingers softly brush across Kate’s cheek as she stood on her tiptoes, leaning into her ear.
“Stay,” she whispered in a husky tone.
It was only a single word, nothing more. Yet as Siena pulled back, Kate’s expression had changed – her dark eyes now glistening with desire as she stared at her silently with parted lips. Then, barely noticeable, Kate nodded.
Siena smiled and before Kate could change her mind again, she pushed her hand into her hair, pulling her into an eager kiss. Kate wrapped her arms around her body and Siena could hear her chuckle as they both fell back onto the bed, forgetting about time.
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apinchofm · 2 years ago
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there goes the last great european dynasty - part five
a night at the opera and an escape to the country
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kanthonyficrecs · 10 months ago
Collection: Holiday
A most ridiculous Tuesday by PenguinofProse Rating: T Status: Complete Summary: In which Kate and Anthony get stranded in a storm whilst out hunting.
all the way home, i’ll be warm by alljustrunaways Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: A series of loosely connected holiday one-shots set during Kate’s first Christmas in England.
Bridgerton, Actually by folklauerate Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: Join your favorite family of eight siblings as they navigate love, loss, joy, grief, and the holiday spirit in a Love, Actually x Bridgerton AU!
Christmas Eve Will Find Me by Mx Kate B (katelai) Rating: E Status: Complete Summary: After a painful breakup with Anthony, Kate began to see Siena casually, which was exactly what she had needed at the time. However, the holidays have a way of putting things into perspective, and Kate is realizing that she wants more than a regular hookup. Then one day at the Christmas village in town Kate runs into Anthony and starts to question her decision to end things.
Creaming the Well by PenguinofProse Rating: T Status: Complete Summary: In which Anthony invites the Sharmas to spend some time at Aubrey Hall over Christmas, and it does not turn out as he expected. Featuring festive shenanigans and an assortment of festive family traditions.
every time a bell rings by starkswinterfelling Rating: M Status: WIP Summary: Christmas Eve, 1945. Anthony Bridgerton, after a lifetime of unfulfilled dreams, disappointment and sacrifice, reaches the end of his tether. A timely meeting with a strange, mysterious woman puts into perspective the vast reach love can have, and shows him that he really has had a wonderful life. An It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) AU.
Home For Christmas by Mx Kate B Rating: G Status: Complete Summary: It’s Christmas Eve and Anthony is stuck in an airport, afraid he won’t make it home on time. When he runs into Kate there, he’s content to stay as long as it’s with her.
how it glistened as it fell by Moomin_94 Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: Forced to see one another at Christmas and yet he still thought of her every week in between. And despite that, the very last person he wanted to see as his flight disappeared from the flight board was Kate Sharma. And even less did he want to see her leaving the car rental line with the very last set of keys in her hand
In Or Out by kateandanthonyaremyparents Rating: E Status: Complete Summary: Kate is on a race against time to be at grand central station at midnight. Anthony asked her to meet him there. For what she didn’t know. All she knows is that his lack of true commitment is making her wonder how *real* their three year long relationship truly is..
messy as the mud on your truck tyres by Moomin_94 Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: Seven years ago Anthony broke up with Kate over the phone and they went their separate ways. Until she comes home for Christmas, and then all bets are off
milk and honey by cutebutvirgo Rating: E Status: Complete Summary: Kate and Anthony decide to stay home for Edmund’s first New Year’s Eve.
Secret Santa by PenguinofProse Rating: T Status: Complete Summary: Anthony doesn’t mean to tell Kate Sharma all about his secret Santa. But it turns out he can’t say no to an opportunity to prove her wrong.
Package Deal by ramarro Rating: T Status: Complete Summary: Anthony and Kate live in the same building. Kate gets a lot of parcels. Anthony accepts them for her. A silly little Christmas oneshot.
To Grandfather’s House We Go by jashman19 Rating: G Status: WIP Summary: Anthony Bridgerton is trying to make it home for Christmas Day but is held up when, in the woods, he is led to a beautiful woman who is cursed to perpetual sleep.
where the love light gleams by suitsusboth Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: Overwhelmed by her job and getting sick of the city life, Kate Sharma decides to make a impulsive trip upstate in the dead of night. Perhaps not her wisest plan considering it soon got to 1am, it had started to snow, and she had no place to stay…Luckily for her this cute guy emerges in her time of need and offers her a place to stay. Did she mention he lives on a Christmas Tree farm? lovelight farms au
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lookingfts · 5 months ago
Is Kate and Benedict your favorite non-canon couple? I think they're mine. I mean... It's probably anyone and Kate honestly, but Benedict is probably number one.
1. Kate and Benedict
2. Kate and Siena
3. Kate and Simon
Yes, I would say Kate and Benedict. I never really got into non-canon couples in previous fandoms, but everyone on Bridgerton is just too attractive. I enjoy fics that have Kate x anyone and Anthony x anyone - of course, preferably when Kanthony are together and have each other's blessing. I've always tended to write Kate being shared, but I honestly would love to write a night of Kate x Benedict and Anthony x Sophie.
I would say I'm probably Kate x Benedict, Kate x Tom, and then Kate x Siena. Tom has a special place in my heart and I like how he has a different vibe with Kate than Anthony does. Kate and Siena would absolutely hit it off as friends (with benefits). Kate and Benedict would have chemistry, though I don't think they would actually last long term, but mostly I just think Benedict is hot. Like Anthony is the hottest man on the show, imo, but Benedict is a close second. And sometimes I just want to enjoy hot people being hot.
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dreamstone28737 · 11 months ago
7, 10 and 16 for the fic writing asks x
Thank you for asking, dearest!!
7. How many ideas for fics do you have right now?
I have an idea that goes with Lavender Haze (another flashback story that involves Siena and a jealous Kate at the beginning of her relationship with Anthony), and one that’s actually a flash FORWARD in which I peek into the day Edmund is born. 🥹 Depending on how motivated I get, that latter one might be next!
Last summer, I had a never-ending flow of ideas for stories and I feel very dried up right now. But it’s the spring semester, the time of seasonal depression and burnout. So hopefully summer will rejuvenate me. 😂
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
When I wrote “Can I Ask You a Question,” I wrote Anthony’s little pre-proposal, just trying to capture a quiet moment between them. Then I immediately thought it was the most boring thing I’d ever written and thought everyone would hate it, and people actually seemed to really enjoy it! it ended up sparking a lot of requests for Anthony’s actual proposal, which peer-pressured me into writing “My Whole Life.” 😂 I genuinely thought people would hate “Question” because nothing really happens, it’s just vibes — and it ended up my best performing story.
16. At what point in the process do you come up with titles?
Oohh, so I start with a really stream-of-consciousness outline like “Kate and Anthony are doing this. Then Anthony goes here, and while he’s gone Kate is like blah blah blah.” And when I figure out what the story is actually about, I pick a title. Right now I’m working with the titles on Taylor Swift’s Midnights, so I pick which Midnights song best fits the vibe. Then I have a ton of fun picking the most fitting lyric from the song. So far, I have not worked backwards from a title.
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zorilleerrant · 10 months ago
okay we got Eloise/Cressida which makes sense. and Eloise/Penelope which like good, I wasn't the only one who saw it. but Kate/Francesca for some reason??? not Kate/Eloise? Charlotte/Eloise? okay I didn't think of that but I can see it. Edwina/Kate which does have a pretty strong canon basis. Penelope/Kate??? also someone has tagged 'canon lesbian relationship' and that's not what that tag means. Genevieve/Penelope, which also makes sense. Daphne/Cressida??? which may make more sense if you've read the books probably. Siena/Edwina, huh. Francesca/Penelope? okay now there's Eloise/Edwina but still no Eloise/Kate. oh! finally a Violet/Agatha. (there's been a bunch of OCs and x reader but I'm not counting those. and I'm not counting background characters because no one has included Mary Ann yet) (also there seem to be a LOT of genderswaps) Eloise/Genevieve which I can see but I'll take convincing. hm... Violet/Portia. why is there a Shadow and Bone fusion series; wouldn't that just be a regency AU. Daphne/Eloise? alright many of these seem to just be like. there are lesbians mentioned in the background of canon ship fics. the most of them are Eloise/Penelope which makes sense to me. but I'm still wierded out there aren't any Eloise/Kate
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hiatuswhore · 3 years ago
𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝑀𝑜𝓊𝓉𝒽𝓎 𝒪𝓃𝑒 — 𝐵𝓇𝒾𝒹𝑔𝑒𝓇𝓉𝑜𝓃
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♕ A/N: One shot? More parts? Feedback please!!!!
♕ SUMMARY: Oh, the most scandalous season of the year has come to pass. After quite the successful year for the Bridgerton’s the eldest son plans to throw his hat in the ring. Concurrently the Sharma sisters do just the same. One a spinster, the other hopeful romantic, and the middle daughter? What can be said about such a force that is not said when she enters the room. Good luck to all who pursue her.
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YOU LIGHTLY TWIST IN YOUR DRESS RELISHING IN THE GENTLE SWAY THAT OCCURS AS IT CATCHES AIR. Standing between Kate and Edwina you struggle to fight the grin off your lips. Lady Danbury introduces the three of you to the Queen who stands before you with a pensive stare. You care little to impress her or anyone in attendance really, only to make the most of your travels while your younger sister secures a love match.
“And may I present her daughters, Miss Sharma, Miss (Y/n) Sharma, and Edwina Sharma. My two personal special guests for the season.” Lady Danbury says, though you curtsy the grin does not leave your lips as the Queen meets your gaze. She narrows her eyes at the sight which fuels your amusement as Kate offers a proper smile and Edwina appears in awe.
“A high honor, indeed. I hear you have made quite a journey to join us again after all these years, Lady Mary. If only you had extended the courtesy of offering your Queen a final farewell before you left,” The Queen’s passive aggressive nature makes your smile widen before your lips move faster than your mind can consider.
“If I may? Why should one bother with dreadful goodbyes when we can relish in shocking hellos,” You cut in earning patronizing looks from both your siblings, mother, and Lady Danbury.
“Miss (Y/n) Sharma is it? Some must call you brazen,” The Queen says, tilting your head you chuckle at her false compliment. It does little to stifle the fire that drives your family near insane.
“Some say a mad woman but who am I to correct the Queen?” You tease as your mother rushes to apologize for your incorrigible manners. The Queen raises her hand, halting your mother.
“No apology needed,” The Queen says, a light chuckle leaving her lips as she eyes you. “Maybe there is hope for the Sharma’s yet. Good day Miss (Y/n).”
You curtsy to the Queen as she makes her exit before all eyes fall on you. Lady Danbury announces her love of a challenge before your mother begins her fruitless lecturing.
“Fret not Lady Mary. I believe your mouthy daughter has managed to charm the Queen,” Lady Danbury says and you shrug your shoulders, looking at your mother with a matter-of-fact expression. You immediately excuse yourself from your family before they can stop you. The music’s quaint and you giggle at the sight of a man struggling with the influx of women who surround him. You do not realize how long you watch the circus in front of you until the man meets your eye. His eyebrows furrow as you chuckle and continue on but Lady Danbury catches your elbow.
“You are quite the mercurial creature aren’t you?” Lady Danbury says as she brings you between herself and your mother.
“Oh do I love the influx of compliments here,” Your sardonic smirk earns a soft chuckle from Danbury. Before silence can ensue, Kate points to the man in the sea of women with familiarity.
“The Viscount? I do not believe I have yet made an introduction?” Lady Danbury states but your eyes stay on the women who crowd him.
“Are London ladies always this subtle?” You ask but your mother nudges your side, muttering about your poor manners.
“I believe you Miss (Y/n) will make this year’s social season rather interesting,” She says and you mock a half curtsy as you tell her you aim to please. Before any of you can utter another word a man joins your side. He stands slightly taller than you and his hair hangs slightly below his ears in loose curls. You cannot deny how handsome he appears in his suit with the piercing stare of his light eyes.
“Duke of Wales, I see you join us this evening. Please meet my honored guests. Lady Mary and her daughters. Miss Kate Sharma, Miss Edwina Sharma, and Miss (Y/n) Sharma. Are you entering this season in hope for a match, Lord Beauregard?” Lady Danbury wastes no time and you once again find yourself curtsying. He offers a kind smile before locking eyes with you.
“Duke of Wales until one of my many cousins conceives an heir of course. It is wonderful to meet you all. William Beauregard. I do indeed hope to seek a match. Miss Sharma, may I?” He asks, holding out his hand you grab much like you grab your sisters. In reality you have no real choice, with no tie or public courting to another so no real power to reject him. Neither of you say a word as you walk to the dance floor to join the others. When you both reach an open spot he places his hands on the appropriate spot of your upper hip and in your opposite hand, “You look lovely tonight.”
“And thus worthy of this dance?” You ask as you carefully count your steps in your head. All of your practicing with Kate comes to fruition as you manage to not step on his feet as much as you do with your elder sister.
“Of course not. I just wish to compliment you. I hope I did not offend,” He says, spinning you around when you turn back facing him your usual grin sits on your face. Your family and Lady Danbury watch the two of you and mutter amongst themselves. “You jest?”
“Rather challenge. Any man who considers me a prospect for marriage has to be capable of many things,” You state, your mocking tone’s nothing short of confusing but still William appears with intrigue.
“Then I must inquire what some of those capabilities are,” He asks, tilting your head back a short audible laugh leaves your lips. You doubt him, rightfully so as most men run for the hills after just mere minutes of conversation with you.
“First and most certaintly my capricious nature. No one can quite figure me out even I am confused on the matter,” You state but as he insists you continue, it brings you pause, the songs nearing an end but the Duke’s eyes stay on you. “I have no idea what I want with this life. I have no intention to marry or seek love, at least not now and I only entertain this drivel to appease my mama.”
“Why not stay back in India?” He asks as the song stops, you both curtsy. Backing up you chuckle once more, your mocking nature staying at the forefront of your tongue, “And miss this opportunity to travel? Thank you for this lovely dance my Lord but I do insist your pursuits of marriage with me will be fruitless.”
“Good day Miss—Sharma,” He trails off as you already journey back to find Edwina on her way to the dance floor. Lady Danbury and your mother trail off leaving you and Kate to linger about. Kate wastes no time in asking you about your experience with the Duke.
“I can assure you if he still has interest in me after that the Duke is without a mind,” You joke, taking Kate’s arm she lectures you no differently from Mama. She drones on about the importance of finding a man to wed you. You roll your eyes and follow her lead around the room. “For Edwina yes a love filled marriage but sister why can’t I be like you. You seem happy, are you not?”
“Besides the point sister—“ She says but stops mid-sentence as her eyes stick to the dance floor. You follow her gaze to the Viscount seemingly struggling with the young lady on the dance floor. It resembles your many practices with Kate which you would find every excuse under the sun to not partake in.
“How did you meet the Viscount? He seems rather high strung. If I may be so lucky maybe I will be able to vex him before the seasons end,” You say as two of you watch him, before she can scold you the two of you watch him exit the room. Kate says nothing before exiting the exact same doors as the Viscount, you consider following her before finding yourself a glass of wine. You wander the emptier corridors to escape the lion’s den, the art and vases take your eye but you find the feeling of them beneath your fingertips most pleasurable.
“Oh my apologies I was not aware anyone was in here,” You flinch as you whip around to find William in the doorframe of the unoccupied room. He speaks fast as he says he will go before muttering another apology. The stir in your chest makes your eyes roll as you call out his name.
“Mister Beauregard. You can stay if you like. It’s not my home so who am I to dictate who goes about where,” Shrugging your shoulders you turn back to the portrait in front of you. The frame beneath your fingers reveals intricate patterns with meticulous detail.
“I am not Mister Beauregard, only William,” He says, holding out his hand as he wears an inviting smile which you accept.
“And I, (Y/n).” You say, smiling back before silence consumes the room. The candles light the room but it still remains dim. You know if someone was to discover the two of you unchaperoned there could be a large scandal. “Shouldn’t you be attending to many eligible ladies bringing desperate horror to your night of search. The way they flock to the Viscount I can only imagine the line at your door.”
“As dreadfully true as your words are in actuality it is the mothers that bring the true horror. Constantly listing off all the reasons why I should consider their daughters,” He says but as a laugh leaves your lips he questions what you find funny in his words.
“Am I supposed to feel sorry for you? Oh no I am the Duke, a man free to do what I please, constantly at the whim of no one?” You ask, taking his glass from his hand you walk over to the couch taking a seat.
“I was not trying to feign hardship, rather partake in your uh—banter. I fear I am uncertain how to speak with you,” He says, taking a seat on the arm of the opposite end of the couch. Finishing his glass you tilt your head back on the back of the couch to take in the high ceiling.
“Fear not, I already warned you of my nature as well as my intentions. I take little serious and enjoy moments of serenity just as much as I relish in chaos. This Lady Whistledown character of London. Rather a sneaky minx, I love that,” You explain, turning your head on the side you enjoy the view of the ceiling with William silently observing you in the corner of your eye. At first he says nothing and the pause between the two of you stills the room as you watch the ceiling and he watches you.
“You are an enigma Miss (Y/n). It’s rather refreshing,” Breaking the silence he watches as you move your gaze from the ceiling to his smiling face. Though he looks at you, you note the far off look in his eyes. You consider asking where his mind travels off but instead leaves him on his mental voyage. You shrug your shoulders telling him to tell your mother that. “I suppose your mother does not share my sentiment.”
“To my mother I am a mannerless wild child. I am fortunate she is not cruel but I know she does not understand me nay she does not try to,” You say, bring your elbow up onto the couch you support your head with your hand. Your fingers drum against your cheek as you are certain you will soon have to rejoin the party.
“Well then if not in your presence to court you may I be in your presence as your friend?” He rises to his feet holding out his hand to you once more. Your eyebrows furrow as you find yourself once again charming an individual of a station far above your own.
“This will not aid you in your search for a wife,” You point out glancing between his easy going expression and his waiting hand.
“You are not the only one who has been put in this season without a choice,” He says but still you do not move from the couch. The glint that flashes across his eyes you know all too well before he mimics your troublemaking tone, “Also you assume yourself to have ever been an option for yours truly.”
Your jaw drops as you fail to fight the large smile that overtakes your features, slapping his hand away you rise to your feet. You cross your arms over your chest before sizing him up, he places his hands in his pockets smirking at your expression, “Color me impressed the oh so wonderful Duke of Wales.”
The rest of the party you and the Duke find yourself in proximity around the party. Between every dance that pulls you both away from each other you find yourselves laughing at whatever nonsense the other concocts.
“William! You have no idea the joy it brings me to know another man of English nobility is here to weather the dreadful storm of women hoping to secure an advantageous marriage,” You say nothing as the Viscount greets William. It only takes mere seconds before you learn the close relationship between the two families.
“Anthony meet Miss (Y/n) Sharma. Miss Sharma this is Viscount Anthony Bridgerton,” William says, curtsying you make no attempt to speak as he stares at you. He narrows his eyes before realization strikes his features.
“Miss Sharma, you were laughing at me earlier. May I ask what was funny?” The question makes both you and William chuckle. Anthony’s gaze bounces between the two of you, “Fast friends I see.”
“Well my lord, the question tis not what was funny but merely what was not funny. First you manage to find a woman who dances worse than I but your best act was your stammering as you tried to maintain multiple conversations with a crowd of women. How can one not laugh at the wondrous show you put on tonight? Bravo!” Your kind smile and clapping hands does not falter despite the verbal lashing you give out without reason. William bites the inside of his cheek as he eyes his old friend closely. Though he does not say it, your humbling words may come of benefit to the ever arrogant Bridgerton.
“You speak with such hostility. Do we have some history I am forgetting?” He asks, shaking your head you scan the room for your sisters.
“Not at all, Mister Bridgerton. As I have warned your dear friend, my erratic nature can be off putting to many. I ride the border of blunt and rude. Like balancing on a verbal tightrope, heaven knows which way I’ll lean each conversation. Good day to the both of you. It has been a rather wonderful night, might I say,” You do a final curtsy before leaving Anthony in utter confusion. He watches you walk off before turning to William who speaks up first.
“Every question you may have I promise you seeking out answers only arises more questions,” William bites his bottom lip as amusement takes his features. Anthony wastes no time in asking about your place in the social season. “That is the plight our dear quandary voices no interest in marriage or even love. She plays this game for her dear mother with no intention to win. She does come with two sisters.”
“That makes her my perfect bride,” Anthony says, watching as you join your mother, his shoulders fall at the sight of the arm you hang onto. Kate catches his gaze on you, she mutters something to you to which you follow her gaze. Anthony makes no attempt to look away as you look up, mischief sits in your eyes before you raise your head high and turn back to your sister who glares daggers toward the Viscount. Kate’s not the only one to notice the watchful eyes, Lady Danbury and your mother stand together just a few feet away.
“Well Lady Mary it seems the mouthy one has gained the attention of not only the Queen but both the Duke of Wales and the Viscount. As I said, she will make this an interesting season indeed.”
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nellisdownterrible · 1 year ago
I’m gonna be honest, if Sienna DOES come back and goes ANYWHERE NEAR Kate or Anthony, I’m getting a pickup truck, inserting myself into the show and running her over, Ludacris style.
I didn't know there were rumors in 2022 of Siena returning for Bridgerton season 3. I really hope it's not true. But that would surprise me a lot, given the positive statements made by Kate's actress regarding the Kanthony relationship.
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fitrahgolden · 5 months ago
Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, Anthony Bridgerton/Siena Rosso, Siena Rosso/Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma Characters: Anthony Bridgerton, Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, Siena Rosso, Benedict Bridgerton Additional Tags: Pansexual Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, Pansexual Siena Rosso, Unhealthy Relationships, Anthony and Siena and Kate all sleep together but not at the same time, NOT a love triangle, This made sense in my head, I don’t know how theatre groups work Summary:
Siena Rosso finally ends her toxic, on and off again relationship with Anthony Bridgerton. After Anthony finds out Kathani Sharma was Siena's rebound, he becomes interested in this acquaintance of his, who works with Siena as well as his brother at the Smythe-Smith Dramatic Society.
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Thank you @lookingfts​ for helping me flesh out this story and for continuing to give me feedback on my ideas.
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alcottsangel · 3 years ago
.。・:*:・The Bridgerton Love Interests as Eyeshadow Palettes・:*:・。.
✿ Kate Sharma ✿
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✿ Edwina Sharma ✿
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✿ Simon Basset ✿
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✿ Theo Sharpe ✿
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✿ Siena Rosso ✿
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newtonsheffield · 3 years ago
I actually liked the addition of Sienna in s1. It sets up a very good contrast to the kind of love Anthony finds with Kate.
Sienna was an escape for him, a way to feel any kind of relief/peace far from the burden of responsibilities and the fear of dissapointing everyone around him. But deep down he craved more, it wasn't going to last because no matter what Anthony is not the kind of person who abandons his loved ones.
With Kate he finds an acceptance for who he is as a person but with the scope and encouragement to grow. It's lasting and secure and after a decade of being lost he found someone to anchor him. It's like coming home, your problems don't dissapear but you find the strength and courage to fight your demons in the safety and warmth of your loved one's presence...
My babies are going to fall in love on screen, I am not ready😭😭😭
This is exactly it.
For me, the Addition of Siena actually adds to the Kate and Anthony storyline. I think it’s a really good foil in a way as well as reinforcing Anthony’s wariness of the kind of pull he feels towards Kate.
Because he’s felt this drawn to a person person and it was for nothing, it still didn’t make him feel any better.
I’m not making any comparison between Kate and Siena, there’s no need to: Their circumstances are completely different and I think Siena was right in a lot of ways: You shouldn’t have to change everything about yourself to love someone. Anthony and Kate grow in their relationship because of each other, because they’re allowed to be their truest selves. Not because they have to. And there’s a real difference between growing and changing.
And I think the main difference is that Anthony learns to love himself with Kate. Not just her.
Just one person’s opinion.
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