#sidekick betrayal?
letters-unsending · 2 years
Prompt 27.
Superhero lost his powers. Supervillain visits.
“After awhile, they all stop visiting, don’t they?”
Supervillain sat in Superhero’s armchair and kicked his legs onto the ottoman. From his spot on the couch, Superhero eyed him, but made no motion to move from his drunken slump. He held his beer by its dew-slick neck and took a long swig before speaking.
“Sidekick texts. Sometimes.” He muttered into his glass.
“He’s getting picked up by [Other Superhero] next turnout.” Supervillain picked at the chair arm and flicked off a bit of debris.
Superhero’s slouch shifted a bit. He squared his shoulders, lifted his head, and turned toward Supervillain, eyes washed through with a clarity Supervillain hadn’t seen in months.
“No, he can’t. Not after….not after,” he whispered. The beer in his bottle sloshed in tandem with the tremor that took his hand. Quieter, he mumbles, “I trusted him.”
“I don’t waste my time with lies, [Superhero].”
“No,” Superhero leaned back and closed his eyes, swallowing down a panicked breath, “you just waste your time here, even though I can’t give you anything, the way I am now.”
Supervillain followed the roll of Superhero’s Adam’s apple, down then back up to the open tilt of Superhero’s jaw. “You can,” he paused, “one day, you will give me what I want.”
Still trembling, Superhero set his beer onto the coffee table, next to a second and third empty one. “Well you should take whatever it is already. So you can go and leave, like everyone else.”
“I can’t take it yet, that’d ruin the fun.” Supervillain smiled, slantwise and wicked-sharp.
“Don’t toy with me.”
“I wouldn’t. This matter is important and I’ve been very,” he rose from his chair, “very patient.
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automeris-io-moth · 1 year
Hostage situation
“I’ve been thinking about what you said the other day,” Hero murmured, clacking the silver spoon at the edge of the table, their eyes fixed still on the full plate before them. 
“Eat, Hero.” 
Their eyebrows furrowed in response, face twisting into a scowl. Hero lifted their head, looking to meet the others' eyes, thinking that, perhaps, they were just as unsure to face truthfully the other as they were. 
Villain was not. Brown eyes which shined yellow under the warm light of the room faced them, straight and unwavering. 
Hero averted theirs once again.
“You don’t care for what I have to say?” 
“Not particularly,” Villain answered, “but if it means a lot to you, go right ahead.” 
Hero swallowed 
“I’ll take your deal,” they answered,quickly, as fast as they could to disguise the trembling of their voice. “I’ll support your case, I’ll make sure it gets to Superhero, to the President and the Ministry of Security, I’ll get Sidekick back to you.” 
Swirling their wine on the cup, white to make good pair with the salmon, Villain nodded, solemnly and slowly, almost doubtfully, and yet the mere hint of a positive answer made Hero’s heart pound inside their chest. Not yet relief but the dread that came right before it. 
“Oh Hero,” Villain answered, the tone of pity melting with their words “but you’ve already done that, my sidekick’s being transported to me right now. A hostage exchange if you may.”
The chain on their ankle rattled as they threw themselves back on the chair, blood pumping inside their ears. 
“Are you letting me go? Am I going back with Superhero?!” 
A moment of silence was followed by a deep, hoarse laugh, rumbling across the room and shaking if ever so slightly the silverware and glasses. 
“Of course not sweet, sweet, dumb thing,” they answered “you’re staying right here with me, with us.” 
Hero’s heart felt like falling from a thousand floors. And a deep, unescapable sentiment of despair felt like a cold sweat inducing fever dream. 
“No!” Hero wailed,  “No, no, no. You said that if, that when you, when Sidekick came back to you you would let me go, you promised! I told you I would take the deal.” 
“You were too late, pet, you took too long, I want to keep you now.” 
I'm very hopefully back, still working on my motivation to keep writing but making a good effort I promise.
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whump-galaxy · 2 months
The Villain finds the Hero’s secret identity and civilian home. They break in, not expecting to find much of use. Instead, they find the Hero’s best kept secret.
The Hero’s child, fast asleep in their bed.
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seaside-writings · 6 months
Prompt #1,254
"Told you I was smarter than you all gave me credit for,"
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stoic-whumpee · 11 months
Trick or Treat!!! (so nice to see you again, my dash has sorely missed you!) 💖🎃💖 - newbornwhumperfly
Thanks for the ask :D
Here's a classic but always fun prompt:
Villain opens the door to find Hero's Sidekick, bruised and battered, barely able to stand. "I'm sorry. I don't know where else to go," they whispered, before fainting right into Villain's arms. Villain can recognise the wounds on Sidekick's body were caused by Superhero's power.
Send me an ask with Trick or Treat and I'll post one of my unpublished prompts!
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writersagony · 11 months
Writing Prompt 90
"Villain, Sidekick, Scientist... does my name really matter, when we're here anyway?"
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wren-l-winter · 5 months
"Don't leave me," the villain whispered, as if she hadn't been the one to slip her favorite dagger between my ribs when I had held out the bleeding, pulsing mess of my heart and asked her to cherish it.
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iwritewhump · 1 year
"This can't be it" + betrayal + left to die
day 3 of @whumptember
253 words
warnings: noncon touch (very minimal)
Sidekick looks back at the paper in her hands, mouthing the address as she looks up. The house is…ratty. And that’s being generous. She shakes her head and looks back at the paper, looking back at the house after reading every number. “This can’t be it. No way this is where Hero wants me to wait.” She says in disbelief. “I mean, there’s no way.” 
She tucks the paper back in her pocket and walks up to knock on the door. It cracks open with a creak and she walks in. 
“Hello?” She calls out, craning her neck to see past the entryway. “Is anyone here?” 
The door slams behind her, she whips around and takes a step back. “Villain?” 
He nods and locks the door, “Looks like Hero made a decision.” 
He takes a step forward, hands in his pockets. Sidekick stumbles backward, slamming against a wall. “What are you talking about?” 
Villain stops. His brows furrow in confusion. “He didn’t tell you?” he frowns. “I guess he wouldn’t. It’s just surprising. I mean, you’ve been with him for how long? Five years?” 
“What are you talking about?” she says, more forcefully this time. 
Villain nods, “Right. Hero is…giving you to me. In exchange for Lover. Bummer.” 
She shakes her head, “No, he-he wouldn’t do that. I-there’s no way he’d do that.” 
Villain scoffs. He takes a step forward and caresses Sidekick’s cheek. She pulls away from him, “Don’t fucking touch me.” 
He chuckles, “Feisty, aren’t you? This is gonna be fun.” 
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I saw you were taking whump requests!! Could you maybe do something where Whumpee is injured but is still trying to go on missions so Caretaker has to sedate them for their own good???
Sorry this took so long. I've been working on a book and all my time goes into 1) my job and 2) the book, which for the time being is an unpaid second job. But here it is at last!
Let's sedate some whumpees!!
cw // sedation w/ fade to black, sedation for whumpee's sake, dizziness, referenced past physical trauma (broken bones, beating), medical language, bad(??) caretaker
(as always, please let me know kindly if there are tags I miss and I will add them)
"Any questions?"
Leader crosses his arms and watches the team digest the mission plan. Silence doesn't settle over the room so much as turn in restless circles like an anxious dog.
Everyone wonders if they should be the one to speak up. Of course there are questions. Or, at least one. Only one that matters.
Is Whumpee really coming along?
No one looks at Whumpee, sitting straight-backed in their seat, arm free of its sling a week too early. The bruises on their cheeks and neck are long faded, but under a careful eye, a yellow tinge still lingers beneath the surface. Stitches weren't enough to make up for the small chunk missing from their bottom left, leaving it misshapen. Thanks to Healer's handiwork, Whumpee is in much better shape than they could be (or should be), but no where near completely healed.
Leader looks at each team member one by one. One by one, they feel his gaze, and Leader watches every pair of eyes drift toward Whumpee's chair. This plan hinges on everyone playing their part to the letter. No room for screw ups. No room for weak links.
Healer bounces a knee beneath the table. In the cool light, her eyes flash almost threateningly.
Finally, Leader looks to Whumpee, who returns his gaze with unwavering determination.
"No questions," they say, as resolute as a charging chariot.
The team is dismissed to prepare for the mission at hand. In the hallway, Healer catches Leader by the crook of his arm, her fury barely reined.
"You cannot be serious."
Leader looks down at Healer's hand, raising an eyebrow. "About?"
"Don't you dare." Healer's voice is more than angry. It's vengeful. "Whumpee should never have been in the field in the first place. They weren't ready and you knew it. But you sent them anyway."
Leader wrenches his arm free. Rather, Healer lets him loose. She can't stand to touch him anymore.
"Whumpee has skills I needed to utilize. What happened was a terrible accident--"
"They were almost killed."
Leader huffs something almost like laughter. "I'm not the bad guy here. We all know the risks. This is a job like any other, and if they can't stand the heat--"
"Listen to me. Whumpee's bones are barely healed. They haven't passed a single stress test since....since it happened. They're too weak to be of any use." Harsh, maybe, but Healer can't afford to be sensitive when Whumpee's life could be on the line. "If they get into trouble, there may not be any getting out. Not like last time."
I may not be able to fix them like last time.
Leader walks away but Healer is right on his heels. "Their role is a stationary one," Leader says, unperturbed. "Very little chance of trouble finding them from a surveillance van. If they want to back out, they need only say the word."
Fury ablaze, Healer steps in front of Leader, blocking his path. She ignores how a dangerous look flashes across his face. "Whumpee would step in front of a moving train if you told them to. To prove that they could. To make you proud. Don't you dare take advantage of that. They are not your soldier."
More than his usual annoyance, the new look on Leader's face puts Healer at unease. But she stands her ground, refusing to step aside. It's not a look of anger, of indignation at her disrespect. It's thoughtfulness. Like he's just been handed a fun new toy. Like he can't wait to see what it can do.
"Loyalty," he says, and the way the word rolls off his tongue makes Healer's stomach drop, "is a valuable gift. To give, and to be given. Whumpee's loyalty makes them an incredibly important asset to the team....and you're right, Healer. You're absolutely right. Whumpee should be safeguarded, given time to heal and regain their strengths. Effective immediately, they're suspended from the mission."
Healer can't find it in herself to be relieved. There's a caveat coming, she can feel it.
Leader lays a heavy hand on her shoulder, and her stomach drops. "We'll be leaving in an hour. Best give Whumpee one more check up, don't you think?"
Excitement runs hot and electric through Whumpee as they practically run to the medical wing. Time for another mission, but more than that. A second chance.
They knock on the examination room door, but don't wait for permission to enter. At this point, this room is as familiar to them as their own quarters. They've spent the better part of a month inside these sterile white walls under Healer's masterful hands.
Healer works at the counter, her back to Whumpee.
"You can't seem to get rid of me, doc!" They hop on the examination table, jarring their sore arm, but they don't let on how much it hurts. They've been practicing.
Craning their neck, they try to peer over Healer's shoulder but can't catch a glimpse of her work. Their thoughts swiftly drift to the mission, and their eyes to the anatomical posters hanging around the room. Skeletal system, nervous system, muscular, endocrine. Diagrams of the human brain. Healer had shown Whumpee what was happening in their body when she healed them from Villain's beatdown, how her powers combined with the medicine she prescribed facilitated almost miraculous repairs.
"Whip up some of your magic so I can get out of here!" Whumpee pinches a corner off the paper covering the exam table. "I still need to get my things ready. Lots to do. I didn't pack enough snacks last time. Or gauze." They shake away the memories. This time, they'll be more careful.
"I just want to make sure you're all set for field work," Healer says. Something clatters on the counter. "Can't be too careful."
Whumpee slowly flexes their sore arm, rolling their eyes. If there's one thing they've learned about Healer through all this, it's that she's inhumanly thorough. No stone unturned, no ailment untreated. Her attention to detail combined with unmatched empathy made her a good medic. The best Whumpee has ever seen, actually. And she tells it straight, the good and the bad, no lies to spare your feelings. Whumpee knows her tough love is the real reason why they've healed so quickly from the worst beating they've ever survived.
"Leader seems to think I'm ready to get back out there. I've got an important role in the plan. You heard him, he said--"
"Leader isn't your doctor."
Healer's voice was hard edges and ice. Whumpee had heard that voice before, usually when she found out that they'd been negelcting physical therapy. Whumpee felt themself shrink a bit in their seat, disappointed to have been a disappointment.
Healer exhales a slow breath, her back and shoulders deflating until she, too, seems smaller where she stands. "But…he believes in you. You've made a lot of progress. I'm very proud of you. You’re gonna do great."
Healer turns around and walks to where Whumpee, ever the model patient, sits on the cushioned table. In one hand she holds a bottle of water, and in the other, she pinches a small paper cup between her fingers. At the bottom, two blue tablets lay like pale snapdragon petals.
She holds out the water and cup. "Down the hatch."
"What's this?" Whumpee asks, but takes both from her.
Healer adjusts the pillow at the head of the table, hair obstructing her eyes. “Pain relief.”
Easy enough, Whumpee knocks the pills back. With the water, they go down smoothly. “That’s it then?”
“Yeah, that’s it.”
Thrill rushes through them. Back in the field. Another chance to prove their skill. Their capability. Their worth.
Leader believes in me, they think. Healer is proud of me. They don’t know which is the sweeter thought.
They jump from the table, mind already back in their room, gathering up what they need for the mission. No sooner do their shoes touch the tile floor than that shock of thrill turns cold, then fuzzy warm, and then the lights are too bright. And the room is tilting.
Their knees buckle beneath them. They reach for something to catch but it’s too late. They’re already falling and the world is out of reach.
Strong arms scoop them up. “Easy does it.” Healer’s voice.
“Healer, I…I feel…”
“I know.”
Grotesque diagrams of flayed human bodies warp beneath the harsh lights. There is something here, in this room where safety could once be trusted. Something wrong.
The horrible images all slide away, replaced by a cold, rectangular sun. Healer is somewhere, close and distant, laying them back on the table with arms too long. Softness embraces their head but Whumpee finds no comfort in it.
Half of what they mean to say is lost, butchered as it passes through the sieve of their tongue and teeth. “Healer...(help)...I'm...(feeling)...wrong."
“Shh, I know.”
Sharp metal gleams on the border of their sight but when they turn to see what instruments of pain and horror await, there are only blurred silver sheets where tables once were, and Healer’s sad eyes.
Then Whumpee understands. And they know they’d take ten broken bones over betrayal's deep, hollow pain.
Maybe there were real words on their tongue, or a scream, or a curse, but all that comes out is a high whimper—weak, pathetic, helpless—that follows them into sleep.
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snippetsnitch · 2 years
(Long time no see, huh? Welcome back to everyone who's still here!! 😊🖤 I was in a pretty awful headspace last year and couldn't bring myself to write anything. But here I am, back on track with the goal of being more active and doing what makes me happy!! ☺️
This prompt is for @chaosgoose! 🤗 It took me an awful lot of time to write it, so I hope you're still on board to see it! 🥺 Enjoy! 🖤)
#11 - Unmasked
(❗TW: Blood, Explicit Physical/Emotional Violence, Sadistic Behaviour❗)
[Hero] could only stare when [Villain] collapsed onto the concrete pavement, their ragged body not being able to hold them up for longer.
Is this possible...?, they asked themself.
Had they finally defeated them?
It didn't seem real, but the crimson light of the evening poured down mercilessly onto the broken figure and, indeed, illuminated every ounce of [Villains] defeated body.
It proved that [Heros] dream had finally come true: [Villains] existence was ending right here between shattered glass, splatters of blood and wasted ammunition. This was the end of a fucking eternity. A violent and bloody game of cat and mouse.
And now, [Hero] had won.
They had won and [Villain] was stripped off every dirty achievement they had worked for in their entire useless life.
It felt so unreal. Here they stood, their own personal hell finally coming to a halt and [Hero] still couldn't believe it. They had nearly lost their mind while hunting this piece of shit down; had rejected friends and their family. Everything to finally put this to a stop. There weren't enough words to describe what [Hero] had gone trough to get to this point. To finally defeat [Villain].
And now, they've fucking won.
Sweet, liberating victory.
All at once, these feelings befell them and reduced [Heros] previous numbness to nothing.
It was fucking over. [Hero] had disposed [Villain]. They were still standing while their enemy was bleeding out on the dirty pavement, as helpless as an infant. Defenseless and alone.
[Hero] felt lighter than a feather.
The recent memory of every blow [Hero] had delivered, every bone they had broken to get to this point made them feel dizzy with triumph. Hell, [Hero] had enjoyed breaking this piece of shit down into a useless pile of human flesh, ready to be eradicated from life.
[Villains] breathing was slow and shallow, probably from the ribs [Hero] had broken. Every breath must've pained their nemesis to an unimaginable extend and [Hero] bathed in that knowledge.
Because the worthless asshole deserved it. They fucking deserved it.
[Hero] knew they shouldn't like this. Seeing [Villain] in pain shouldn't feel so damn good. They should be neutral. Impartial and non-commited.
This was supposed to be a job, nothing more.
It always felt like those doubts weren't really their own. Like it was only the influence of their friends, of [Best Friend] in particular, that made [Hero] hold back their violence. Their social environment was the barrier between them and the overwhelming urge to hurt those criminals as much as they hurt other people.
If it weren't for their friends, [Hero] would loose the control over the anger inside of them.
The seething hatred for scum like [Villain].
Because these assholes deserved to be treated just the same way as they treated their victims.
They were evil and never cared about the damage they did to the people around them.
They hurt other with no prior motive but their own sadistic needs.
And that's why [Hero] hated them. Everything about them.
Their narcicisstic manner, their ruthlessness, their cruel and corrupt actions. [Hero] hated the way people like [Villain] talked and hated the fact that they were able to run away for so long. Hated that [Villain] hid their true identity behind the fucking mask they wore.
That damn mask.
It was a simple black coverage above [Villains] actual face. The people that had encountered the criminal never got to see who was really threathening, hurting and murdering them. Even the mugshots only showed the blank piece of synthetic that covered their face, as if to underline the inferiority of the forces.
The sheer inability to look behind [Villains] façade was something that had kept [Hero] up at night.
Because every stranger could potentionally be the enemy. People who passed them on the street, people who waited on tables, people that led normal, civilian lifes. Everyone and no one could be [Villain] and it had been driving [Hero] insane, because they weren't able to tell.
Well, until now.
You're on the good side.
[Hero] shook their head.
No. They simply lacked the fucking empathy for people like [Villain] that kept investing all of their time to make this world more miserable than it already was.
It felt good to give this trash some of its' own medicine, because they sure as hell did enough damage to everything they put their filthy hands on.
You shouldn't see it like this. Everyone deserves a second chance.
Yeah, that definitely was the voice of [Best Friend]. [Hero] had often told them that they should've become a priest instead of working in the same hellhole of an organisation that [Hero] did their duty in.
It wasn't made for people who thought it was possible to give criminal trash like [Villain] a chance of redemption.
They just didn't deserve it.
[Best friend] was a good person, but too naïve to understand.
They don't deserve to be seen as humans.
A weak cough brought them back to reality.
Right... [Villain].
They had managed to turn onto their back and faced the sanguineous sky, their features still hidden behind their mask.
New anger flooded [Heros] veins at the sight: [Villain] shouldn't be able to move. They should squirm in angony.
Spitefully, they made their way towards them.
"You're not so brave now, huh?", [Hero] jeered and closed the distance between themself and [Villain].
When they saw the twitch in their enemies body, they knelt down, grabbed them by the collar and pulled them up harshly. [Villain] groaned in pain. God, they hoped it hurt.
"Took me long enough to get you."
"L-let go...", [Villain] hissed, trying to move away from [Hero], "You've got what you want. Call your pimps and... F-finish it." Their hoarse voice was slightly static from the mask.
"Why the hurry?", [Hero] asked, lit with a so far unknown kind of destructive energy, "You've got the rest of your life to rot in a shitty cell. Let me enjoy my victory first before they lock you up."
[Villain] wanted to say something, but [Hero] dumped them back on the pavement. Broken bones hit hard concrete and [Villain] gasped violently for air. It felt like justice.
"The fact that everyone left isn't so bad anymore", [Hero] said chattily and put their foot onto [Villains] chest, pressing hard enough to compress their fractured ribs, "It's just you and me."
"You...-! You fuckin' asshole!", [Villain] wheezed. They hadn't got the strength left to struggle. In the dying light, [Hero] saw the blood that colored [Villains] mask darker around their mouth. It sputtered out with every move they made with their foot.
"It surprises me that you haven't bothered to take that stupid thing off...", [Hero] said and leaned down to let their index finger wander over [Villains] mask. They took in their enemies' angry hiss with indifference.
"Now that I think about it: I never knew what you looked like... Don't you think it's unfair that you know everything about my identity, while I don't know shit about yours?"
The shocked gasp of [Villain] was beyond satisfying. [Hero] pushed their fingers underneath the black mask and [Villain] vainly tried to turn their head away.
"N-no...!!", they managed, but it wasn't enough. It wasn't enough to possibly stop [Hero] from taking their sweet revenge.
"You're so emotional", [Hero] mocked, "What, are you so ugly? Or do you have a family to protect?"
When [Villain] didn't give an answer, they just laughed and gripped the mask in their fist. "Well, whatever", they purred, "Let's see who fought me for so long."
[Villains] desperation was intoxicating. When they pulled the fabric down with a slow tug, their enemy writhed violently.
"No [Hero]!!", [Villain] screamed and it sounded like fucking music in their ears, "Stop!! Stop it, [Hero], pleas-"
They didn't get to finish the sentence. With a last and satisfiying pull, [Hero] ripped the mask off and-
And looked into familiar eyes.
A familiar face, covered in blood.
[Villain] tried to quirm away but [Hero] grabbed their chin and turned the criminals' face towards themself.
"W-What is this...?", they stuttered, carelessly letting go of the mask in their hand.
The silence was deafening.
They looked into blazing eyes. Eyes that [Hero] had always associated with light and kindness.
Eyes [Hero] thought they knew.
"Tell me what the fuck this is", they demanded, tightening their grip on [Villains] chin.
The blood was already starting to dry.
The sun was gone beneath the horizon.
The city empty, hollowed.
"Tell me what this is...", [Hero] repeated, not at all interested in their victory anymore.
"...[Best Friend]."
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 1 year
June of Doom day 9
“I should have listened to you” (sprain/defiance/smoke)
 “I told you this would happen! I told you, and yet you couldn’t get it through your thick skull!”
Hero didn’t look up from their spot on the opposite corner of their shared cell. Sidekick paced angrily along the length of their cell, chains rattling with each step. Their face was tight with anger, and Hero supposed they deserved it.
“What in the world made you think they were trustworthy?! They’re a villain,” Sidekick hissed, glaring daggers Hero’s way, “Why would you trust a damn thing they said?!”
Hero had trusted them because they loved them. Hero trusted them because Villain had been kind and considerate when the two of them were alone, had whisked them away on amazing dates after the day’s fighting was done. Hero had trusted Villain because Villain had said they loved them. And now Hero and Sidekick were stuck in Villain’s prison, their organization was compromised, and their allies were none the wiser. And it was all Hero’s fault.
“I should have listened to you…” Hero whispered. 
Sidekick’s response was nothing but cold fury. “Yes. You should have.”
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meraki24601 · 1 year
You're A Liar
Whumptober day 9: “You're a liar.”
Hero’s power surrounded them like a halo. They needed to get it under control before they went in to talk to Sidekick, but that was easier said than done. Betrayal wasn’t something Hero took lightly. The information Sidekick had given Villain could have ended up getting someone killed.
“You can come in, Hero,” Sidekick called through the door. “I can hear you thinking from here.”
Giving up on the more subtle approach, Hero opened the door. “Do you have a minute? I need to talk to you.”
Sidekick sat up straight when they saw the literal heatwaves of Hero’s fury. Their eyes skipped between the possible exits before they spoke. “What’s wrong? Did something happen? I haven’t seen you this mad in a long time.”
“We’ve been betrayed.”
“No way.” Sidekick’s voice broke slightly, and they cleared their throat. “There’s no way. I trust everyone on our team. Do you have any evidence?”
Hero sat heavily in the chair across from Sidekick, “Not enough. I need your help. Villain couldn’t have known what they knew in our last battle if they hadn’t been tipped off. We didn’t pass any information on to the police, and all meetings were held in private, fully secure locations.”
“Did you check if the meeting spots were bugged?” Sidekick turned to their computer, typing as if they were taking notes.
“They’re clear. Do you have a list of all the people who attended the meetings?” Hero folded their hands in their lap. “Also, can you access the list of when people entered and exited the building?”
“I can.” Sidekick’s typing picked up. “Do you have an idea of when it would have happened?” 
“Day of the fight. Villain’s attack seemed too thrown together to have had much time to prepare.” Hero stood, pacing the room as Sidekick worked. They had, of course, already checked those lists. Only two people had left the building after the meeting and before the fight: Mentor and Sidekick. Mentor had been on a video call with Hero the whole time. Hero had even traced a call to Villain from Hero’s phone. The rest of the team needed to be convinced. That’s why Hero had come. They needed to catch Sidekick in a lie. Something that couldn’t have been faked, and Guard would help Hero perform the arrest. 
“Okay. I’ve got the list of people in the meeting that day. It seems like the only person who left the building after that was… Mentor.”
“Mentor was the only one? You’re sure?” 
“I’m sure, Hero. No one else left the building until we left together for the fight. I can pull up the security footage of them leaving if you would like to look at it.”
Sidekick jumped in their chair, “I’m sorry, Hero, but if you’re sure we were betrayed, well, the evidence seems to point to Mentor. I know you respect them. We can look into this together if you want.”
“You’re lying. It’s all lies.” Hero fell to their knees, their fist slamming on the side table with a loud bang. Yes, they respect Mentor, but Sidekick had been their closest friend. “Did I do something wrong? Why would you do this to me? To the whole team?”
“I’m not lying. I’m not a liar, Hero. Look. I’ve got the evidence right here.” Sidekicks breathing was quick. They hid their panic well, but it wasn’t enough to keep it from Hero.
Hero let their hands fall from the now cracked side table and into their lap. Their burst of anger had disappeared just as quickly as they had lost control. All they felt was sorrow. “I already looked at the records, Sidekick. I made copies of both the door records and the video. Even recovered that lovely little phone call. Just stop. You’re a liar and a traitor.”
For a moment it looked like Sidekick was going to keep arguing. Instead, they held out their wrists for Hero to put on the cuffs.
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the-sidekick-club · 1 year
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Rooftop Rendezvous
Written by:
TW: Past Betrayal Mentioned,
❘〣❘〣❘ ★ ❘〣❘〣❘
Lukas’s cheeks were already blushing as he read the message from Alexandria. They had been texting here and there since the night she had broken into his base. But, today, she had agreed to meet him on the roof over the old theater. It was just going to be him and her for at least an hour or two, just talking; even if Mender had been subtly (she literally told him what the perfect date was) trying to get him to ask Alexa out, he didn't want to rush things. The two had agreed to take it slow, and he didn't want to go against that… even if every time he learned something new about Alexa she seemed even closer to perfect. 
He contemplated going in his super suit, but decided that a mask was enough. Quickly, he stuffed it in the pocket of his pants and pulled on a light sweater for the fall air, checking his reflection in the mirror before heading out of his room to the hidden door leading outside. 
But as he rounded the corner to pass the living room, a voice startled him just as he was reaching for the door. 
“And where are you going?” Hirra asked suspiciously. 
“Hirra! I thought you had gone to sleep!” He needed to come up with an excuse. “I’m going out for a long walk and some fresh air.” he half lied. 
But Hirra’s eyes only narrowed suspiciously, which he couldn't blame her for. She seemed to still be amped up about the whole battle against Dragonfly some weeks ago. 
“Okay! I’m just craving some half moon pizza, and just get out a bit. I’ll be back in an hour or two.”
“Yes, I promise. Do you want me to bring you some?” he smiled, but Hirra just shook her head (he knew she would since she only liked his homemade ones, but it never hurt to ask), before saying that she'll be on her way to bed. 
Once Lukas got out and was out of range of his security cameras and mics, he breathed a sigh of relief. Hirra didn't suspect a thing! Normally, he would've told her, but with the whole sidekick club thing, he didn't, since, well… he'd really rather avoid being constantly spied on by 3 very nosey supers. 
He really did need the fresh air, that wasn't a lie; he was incredibly nervous. So, instead of shadow-leaping, he chose to take a walk that passed far too fast, reaching the historical theater after what felt like a few seconds. Taking a couple of deep breaths to steel himself, he placed his mask on (the two trusted each other but decided to keep them on due to cameras), and climbed up the side of the building to the roof. 
"Hi, Shadows!" Alexa said without looking away from the sky. She was on the other side of the roof, her legs precariously hanging off the edge. 
He moved to sit next to her before replying softly. "Hi Alexa, what are you doing?"
She turned to look at him then and smiled involuntarily. "Stargazing! I like looking at the stars, my first sidekick loved space and taught me a bit about it. I don't really understand it to be honest, but she likes it and that's what matters. Nowadays, she even works in the Explorers branch of the GPEA doing… space things. So seeing the stars always makes me think about her. "
Sometimes when the two talked about the past they shrunk into themselves a bit, falling quiet, but neither one minded. But it didn't take long for the silence to break. 
"What have you been working on lately?" Alexa asked after a minute of quiet. 
Lukas narrowed his eyes playfully. "Oh, you think I'm going to tell you all my plans just because you're cute?" 
Alexa pouted at that. "I'm just being polite!" She protested, trying to seem upset through a smile (it didn't work). 
"Sure, sure. Well, I’ve just been taking it easy. Hirra has decided for me that I needed a vacation, or at least a break, after everything with Dragonfly, so we’ve both just been chilling. So, what have you been working on lately? Sidekick Day is coming up, got anything planned for Mender?"
Sidekick Day was the anniversary of the end of child sidekicks in Nizorro, and was celebrated every year through a parade and gifts organized by the agency and mentor heroes. 
Alexa immediately grew excited at the question. "Okay, listen. I'm building her a book nook." She paused dramatically, "But that isn't the best part! I'm also teaming up with a few other heroes to build a mythology themed float, since all our sidekicks are that brand of nerd. It's very loose, and is really just gonna look like what Mount Olympus might; bright white, gold accents, pillars, all that stuff; but I want it to look like it's floating!"
"That’s very cool, but not accurate —"
"— Yes, I know,” Suddenly there were blueprints being shoved in his lap, “but it's cool enough that they won't even care. And, Lukas, think of the puns! A float… that floats. It's literally perfect. Here, look — "
She grabbed the blueprints and began explaining every little detail with excitement. Lukas was already impressed by the professionalism of it all. He was more of a simple pen and paper kind of guy, only making detailed blueprints when absolutely necessary, but hearing her be so passionate and thorough with her design almost convinced him making the tedious prints was worth it. 
"And then we'll — why are you looking at me like that?"
Lukas smirked, immediately noticing a chance to fluster her. "Well, you see, I just fell for you a bit more. You're very passionate about this design and, I mean, don't get me started on the blueprints! When did you even learn to make those?"
Alexa looked away bashfully. "Well, I've always been fascinated by architecture, so I just kind of… figured it out. Watched a couple videos to help refine what I deduced on my own, and then I took a class in college on it, so… yeah."
Lukas nodded. "May I see them?" He asked, gesturing to the prints. 
She nodded, handing them to him carefully. After carefully inspecting them, he gave her a few notes and ideas, which she got adorably excited about. 
"How is Mender, by the way? She looked pretty beat up after everything with Dragonfly." 
Alexa sighed. "She’s doing a lot better. The problem with always bouncing back after bad injuries is that you don't really give your mind a chance to rest. Like, her life was at risk, she thought you two were going to die! But now we're back to work like normal, and she insists she's fine and everything, but I worry about her."
Lukas frowned. "Surely the healers kept her for a bit just to be safe, right?" 
"Yeah, she was there for a couple of days, but that meant she missed work. So now she's trying to make up for missed time, since I did start work on a couple of cases. So, now she might burn herself out after just experiencing severe emotional distress! It's not like we've never been in a life or death situation, but this was the first one she had to handle without me." 
Lukas nodded in understanding before Alexa continued. 
"She did say your puns helped, whatever that means?"
Lukas stifled a laugh, instead smiling mischievously. "Sorry, it's an inside joke."
Alexa glared at him. "You can't have inside jokes with my sidekick!"
Lukas clicked his tongue. "Sorry, we have shared trauma now, so we've become best friends. In fact, after this, I'm going to go talk to her — "
"Are you really? Don't you dare tell her about my plans for Sidekick Day! I don't care how cute your little ponytail and sweater are, if you mess this up — "
By now, Alexa was standing over him, so he had to look up to snarkily reply, "You think I'm cute?"
All the fight immediately left Alexa, replaced with annoyance. "You know I do, I'm sure you read all those sticky notes even if I told you not to!"
Lukas scrunched his face up in false confusion, standing up, so he could see her better. "What? What sticky notes? I don't know wha — "
Alexa huffed. "Don’t play dumb with me, Shadow Man. It doesn't suit you."
Lukas grinned at that. "Oh, am I back to Shadow Man now? Not even Shadows? You know that isn't even my actual villain name, right?"
Alexa whipped around in confusion. "It's not?" 
"Nope. The agency is just too lazy to change it in my files, no matter how many requests I send in!"
"What's the actual one, then?"
"Shadow Wraith."
Alexa blinked, taking in the new information. "So you're telling me I've been calling you by the wrong name this whole time? What kind of nemesis am I?"
“Like I said, you’re a cute nemesis, and you usually call me Shadows anyway. That name’s allowed because it’s a nickname Kim gave me way back in the day. Though, it’s mostly just them and Hirra who call me that. The only one that I ever allow to call me Shadow Man, is Mender.”
“Ah, yes… Mister Shadow Man.” Alexandria smiled, remembering how her sidekick always politely calls him that, though more recently shortened to Mr. Shadows. Lukas also smiled at the name. “So, you’re telling me I’ve either been using the wrong name, or a nickname?” she asked him as they both sat back down.
Lucas nodded. “I don’t know why they’re so strangely stubborn about a name, there have only been a few other times that something similar’s happened, and they resolved that so easily, so I think someone in the agency just don’t like me… which, honestly, is probably the case.”
“What? Who in the agency would do that?” Alexandria asked.
Immediately, Lukas pivoted, “Um… Did your first sidekick teach you all the constellations?” he asked. Alexandria just shook her head, and he laid down, looking up at the stars. “Kim taught me way back! I can’t remember all of them, but I know that one is Aries, which has something to do with a bull that got sacrificed into the golden fleece. And the person who did it is someone they saved, like, what the heck? Over there's Perseus… is that the name of the constellation, or just who it's about? I… don't know, but, hey, at least after everything he goes through, he gets a happy ending! Oh, and that one is Leo, the lion constellation, its story is —”
" — Pyramus and Thisbe, star-crossed lovers. It killed one of them, right?"
Lukas hummed in agreement. It really was a tragic tale, and hopefully not one he and Alexa would experience in any way. 
At this point, Alexandria had laid down next to him, and now they were both stargazing. “I didn’t know Kim was interested in the stars.”
“They used to love them a lot, back in the day… I remember whenever we had fun making designs for our dream base, Kim insisted on having an observatory. Granted, they also wanted a spaceship and pet dragons, so, you know…” he smiled. 
“Pet dragon? Kim wanted a pet dragon?” Alexandria laughed. “How old were they when you made the designs?” 
“They were twelve at the time,” he said, making Alexandria freeze as she heard the words, before she sat back up.
“Twelve? Kim joined you at twelve?!” 
She knew that Hirra was fourteen when Lukas had taken her into his home, not that she knew where Hirra had come from, or anything else about her past for that matter. But that Kim was only twelve when joining him was news to her. She now had so many more questions about both of them. 
“Where did you find Kim?”
Lukas did not answer right away, choosing to sit back up as well. “On the streets of Boreas… it was the middle of winter. They were alone and looked halfway to death. No parents, no money, just the thin clothes covering them and a tiny stolen sandwich in their hands…” he stopped. It had been a while since he had thought about when Kim was young… the betrayal still hurt. Lukas still struggled to understand how Kim could leave Hirra, leave him! After everything they went through together, he would have never guessed that Kim would choose Vulcan…
Alexa noticed that now was not the time to talk about this, and while she didn't like tiptoeing around Kim, especially considering her sidekick's friendship with them, it was clear Lukas needed a new subject. Kim would probably come back as a topic for another time, but not now. 
"And what about Hirra?" 
Lukas paused, trying to think of the right thing to say. This was more Hirra's story to tell, but he didn't want to leave Alexa without an answer. 
"She was… mistreated by her family, and then sent far away from home to… somewhere when they discovered she had powers. Then I, and a few other villains, found her and several other kids during a heist.” He grew silent for a moment, thinking back to the horrors he saw that day. “We rescued her and the other kids. Hirra refused to go to an orphanage or anything, insisting on joining Kim's family. Luckily for her, we were already smitten by her, and, well… the rest is history."
‘If Hirra was fourteen at the time, then that lines up with the sudden destruction of… that place.’ The thought sent shivers up her spine as the memories of the horrible rumors came back alive. 
Lukas paused, a warm look on his face as he thought back. "She did take a liking to Kim quicker than me, though. The first two weeks, she only talked to me while hiding behind Kim. It was adorable in the start, but it did make things hard. But then Kim was out one day, and I was suddenly one-on-one with the biggest spider I had ever seen." 
“What? The great Shadow Wraith was afraid of a little spider?” Alexandria teased.
“Little? It was at least 4 cm! Anyway, I was cornered, but then Hirra saw me. She jumped into action and took the foul beast down. Guess she wasn’t very scared of me after that…”
Alexandria was not able to hold back her laughter at the mental image of Lukas scared of a little bug. And Hirra saving him from its clutches.
He blushed a bit in embarrassment, but brightened when he remembered something. "Hey, guess what?"
"What?" Alexa said, slightly suspicious. 
Lukas huffed. "You have to guess!"
"Hirra stole something from Sa —  um… Mender?" 
Lukas smiled at that. "Good guess, but no. I made you a present as a thank you for the flowers!" He brought out an orb, inside was a light so beautiful it looked as if Shadows had plucked the most beautiful star from the night sky and placed it gently in her hands.
“How…” was all she could say.
“It will burn like that for over 500 years… I could go over the technical part of it, but honestly it isn't as interesting as the item looks.” he smiled. 
"This is way more than flowers, Lukas… I can’t accept this." She tried to give it back, but he had vanished into the shadows, now near the ladder leading to the ground. 
"Well, I guess you'll have to give me more flowers then. What a shame." He then asked nervously, “I hope I can see you again? Sorry, but I promised Hirra I'd be back soon and — "
"Lukas," she began softly, illuminated by the orb in her hands, "of course I want to see you again." 
"Okay, great! Um, bye now." 
She snorted at his less than graceful goodbye and walked over to him. After a moment of contemplation, with the two awkwardly staring at each other, she placed the orb into her pocket and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. 
"Bye! And same here. Mender will have my head if I'm not home soon."
And with that she ran off, jumping off the building and somehow landing with grace. 
Shadows looked towards her slowly disappearing silhouette, frozen and flustered, a red blush going from ear to ear. When he could no longer see her, he turned and climbed down the ladder in silence. Only when his fluster finally wore off, minutes later, did he remember that he can teleport home. 
He doesn't though, because he needs the fresh air… again. Spending time with the most amazing woman on Aiga can make you really nervous, okay? Especially if she kisses you on the cheek.
On the way back home, he received a message from said amazing woman. 
Hey, forgot to ask you this before. But was thinking, since the trio and their club is going to spy on us, why don’t we start a club and spy on them? >:)
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pigeonwhumps · 1 year
Brynn and Gemma
Immortal Cannon Fodder masterlist
@extrabitterbrain @wolfeyedwitch @actress4him
Brynn and Gemma's relationship over the years.
Brynn's supervillain whumper is now called Sovereign.
CWs: mentioned controlling whumper, broken ankle, muzzle, touch-starved, implied abusive parental figure/child abuse (no explicit minor whump), past parental death, mentioned betrayal, self-esteem issues, internalised ableism (courtesy of Sovereign)
"I am–am B–b–black D–d–d–death, and I wu–will r–r–raze your city to–to the g-g-ground an-and ru-ru-rebuild it as-as m-m-my n-new p-p-palace!" shouts the small figure squeakily, and Gemma bites back a laugh, grateful that the kid can't see her face properly. They have a mask made from black sugar paper and a black tablecloth as a cape. A hawk is hovering just above them.
"Isn't that Sovereign's line?"
The kid puffs out their chest. "It-it's m-m-mine n-n-now. I w-work w-w-with him. An-and y-y-you'll n-n-never d-d-defeat us!"
They kick forward sloppily, and Gemma backs up, dodging the blows easily. The hawk swoops forward, and Gemma pretends to fall.
"You're right, kid. You're very strong. I can't defeat you."
"Ha-ha! M-m-me an-and Ho-ho-horus are st-stronger th-than you!" The kids holds out their hand. "H-h-h-however, I-I am a b-b-benevolent v-v-v-villain an-and wu-wu-will not k-k-k-kill you."
Gemma takes their hand and pulls herself up, pushing off the ground slightly so they don't try and take all her weight. Well, that line isn't from Sovereign.
Speaking of the supervillain...
"Br- kid, what are you doing out here? Home, now. It's well past your bedtime."
"No buts. I'll play tomorrow."
Gemma can almost see the kid's pout under their mask as they stomp off. She has a million questions, none of which her nemesis will ever answer.
"My apologies for the child. Shall we get on with it?"
Brynn digs her hand between the bricks, scrambling to find enough purchase to keep herself upright. It doesn't work, and she can't put any weight on her ankle, dropping to the floor of the dingy back alley.
She needs to get back, but she doesn't want to crawl the whole way.
"Hey there. I saw your fall earlier. Do you need help?"
Bryan turns around to see a woman standing at the end of the alley, silouhetted by sodium-yellow streetlights. She narrows her eyes as the woman takes a step closer, hands in the air.
'Horus,' she thinks in her hawk's mind, 'investigate.'
Horus swoops forward, circling the woman, who watches him calmly. Brynn doesn't get any sense of imminent danger from him, and she doesn't really react, even when he perches on her head. Horus thinks she's no threat. A civilian, then?
"Can I help you?" asks the woman, and Brynn nods, watching warily as the woman approaches. She crouches in front of Brynn and pulls out a torch. In the light of it, she can see the woman putting the pieces together, realising who she is. Will she leave now? Swipe out in disgust and try to arrest or kill her?
To Brynn's surprise, she does nothing of the sort.
"You're Black Death, huh? Nice mask." Brynn flinches internally. It is certainly not a nice mask, but Sovereign doesn't trust her to stay silent without it. She can't correct the woman though, not without cutting her mouth open on the spikes – and even then, sound probably wouldn't come out. "I'm Gemma. What have you injured?"
Brynn points at her ankle, and Gemma examines it, wincing. "That's a nasty break. I'll splint it for you, but make sure you get it treated properly later, yeah?" Brynn nods, already knowing she won't. Gemma pulls out a first aid kit and cleans Brynn's ankle with antibacterial wipes, her touch gentle as she splints it.
The care brings tears to Brynn's eyes. The last time someone was this soft with her, she was much younger, Sovereign had just taken her in. He's not like that anymore, though, when he even bothers to treat her. And no-one else ever comes near.
She doesn't need care, she's not a baby anymore, but it's nice.
"I'm just going to find you something to use as a walking stick. Take some painkillers from the first aid kit if you need them." Brynn nods, and as Gemma strides off, pops two pills out of the packet, swallowing them dry.
She leans against the wall and watches Gemma for a while, stroking Horus absently. Who is this woman? Why is she so willing to help? Brynn's done terrible things, not at her own behest, sure, but nobody knows that. She still did them. Why's Gemma helping?
"Alright, this should do. Try it out."
Brynn takes the stick and levers herself to her feet, putting all her weight on the stick and her good foot. She doesn't fall this time.
She signs a quick, "Thank you." Gemma smiles.
"Glad I could help. Anything else?" Brynn shakes her head. "Okay. Well, take this, in case you ever need anything."
Gemma hands her a slip of paper, with an address and phone number on it. Her address? Why would she trust a villain with her address?
Brynn thanks her again and stows the paper in a secure pocket. She'll just have to make sure Sovereign doesn't find it.
It seems to burn a hole in her pocket as she limps off, and all through her meeting with Sovereign. As she collapses onto her bed, splint gone and a new pain in her ankle, she knows she can't leave. Sovereign would be sure to hunt her down if she did. So there's no point in keeping Gemma's address.
She does, though, slipping the little piece of paper under the mattress. She's not sure why she doesn't just throw it in the fireplace, let it go up in smoke, but for some reason she can't bring herself to get rid of the one piece of evidence she has that people will, occasionally, be kind.
Gemma resists the urge to get up as the kitchen window slides open further and a person drops inside with a small thud.
The little thief's back.
She hears rustling outside her bedroom, and knows that when she goes out in the morning, she'll see an empty plastic box that held snackd from last time they 'burgled' her, slightly rumpled bed clothes on the sofabed, and a wide-open window. Possibly a few feathers too.
She worries about Black Death, sometimes. They've gone from an excitable, dramatic small child to a wary young adult who barely talks. And who sometimes ends up in a near-stranger's house for food and sleep. She thinks Sovereign probably has something to do with it, given that they're his sidekick. It's worrying.
But she can't confront Black Death. She doesn't think they're ready to leave him, and she doesn't want to accidentally chase them out of the only place they're definitely getting food and rest from.
She just hopes they get the courage to ask for help sometime.
Brynn bites her lip as she hears the key turn in the lock. Gemma's here.
She was nervous enough about tonight anyway, but now she thinks this might be the same Gemma she's been stealing food from for years. The woman who helped her out, before she'd realised it was a bad idea to let anyone except Sovereign help. And now... she has to own up, right? To stealing? But what if Gemma hates her for it? The team all look up to Gemma, what would happen to her then?
"Hi Gemma," says Lian, out in the hallway. "Kai told you we have someone new, right?"
"Yeah. He and Aaron are still buying snacks, by the way, I came on ahead. She used to be a villain's sidekick?"
There's a glimmer of hope in Gemma's voice, and Brynn wonders who she's hoping to find. Can't be her. She feels a little guilty, for not being the person Gemma clearly wants.
"Yep. Sovereign's, as a matter of fact. Her alias used to be Black Death."
Gemma gasps. "She's here?"
Morfydd gives Brynn a knowing smile, and she squeezes further into Phoenix's side. She's not scared, far from it, she just... wants Phoenix. On Phoenix's other side, Santhiya groans as they fall onto her.
Gemma enters the room then, and Morfydd gets up, running to her and throwing their arms around the retired hero. Gemma chuckles lightly, stroking Morfydd's hair.
"Missed you too. Been a hell of a fortnight, I'm guessing?" Morfydd nods. "Do you and Lian want to come and stay over soon? Get away from it all." They nod again, clutching Gemma tightly. Brynn looks away guiltily, aware that it's her sudden move that's caused all this. And what Sovereign wants her to do will make everything worse.
Eventually, Morfydd pulls away and sits on Lian's lap, where she originally was before Gemma arrived.
"Why does no-one here ever use furniture?" she asks, sounding faintly amused, before turning to Phoenix and Santhiya. "Hey Phoenix, Santhiya. How are you?"
"I'm controlling my powers well, and me and Phoenix went on another date!" replies Santhiya excitedly.
"Finally," mutters Lian. Santhiya flips him off cheerfully, contentedly sitting partially under Phoenix.
Phoenix kisses the top of Santhiya's head, then gives Gemma an exhausted smile. "It was a good date. I think I understand why everyone was so concerned when they first met me now. I'm good, though. Kai says having someone to look after is good for me, and I agree. This is Brynn."
Brynn shies away as Gemma focuses on her. "H-h-h-hi."
"Hey there. You're the newbie then, I take it?" Brynn nods. "Please say you're the same little thief whose ankle I treated a few years ago."
"Y-y-y-yes. Y-y-y-you wwwww w-w-want me to-to be?" Brynn's perplexed. Why would Gemma want to see her again?
Gemma shrugs. "You vanished, I was worried about you. Did I have a good reason to be?"
Brynn shakes her head. "I-I-I'm f-f-f-fine. I-I-I'm s-s-s-sorry I st-st-stole f-f-from you."
"It's fine. I wouldn't have left the window half-open and snacks packed into tupperware if I didn't want you taking them, would I?"
Oh. Oh. Brynn's heart swoops. Sovereign was right. She really is thicker than two short planks.
"Oh. Of c-c-course. Sh-sh-sh-should've known I'm-I'm to-too stupid t-t-to b-b-b-break in." She takes a deep breath, trying to stop the incessant babble that comes out whenever she's upset. If she can't even speak properly she's not fit to speak at all.
"Hey. That wasn't what I meant, little thief. You broke in successfully the first time. The sofa was slept on and some food gone, and there were hawk feathers left behind. Deductive reasoning. It was only after that that I started leaving the window open for you. You're not stupid, far from it. You're just very brave."
"D-d-desperate," she corrects, heart in her throat. "I wu-wu-was d-d-desperate, n-n-not brave."
"Mm. You were both, I think. Do you want a hug?"
Brynn nods, ensconcing herself in Gemma's arms. She hasn't been hugged like this since her parents died, and she finds herself relaxing involuntarily.
That is, until Morfydd speaks, soft but amused.
"Does this mean that Brynn's the child you told us tried to fight you dressed in a sugar paper mask and a tablecloth?"
Brynn goes bright red as the others giggle, pressing closer to Gemma to hide her face. Damnit.
"Yep. That's Brynn."
Gemma looks up and covers Brynn's old mask with a tea towel when she walks into the room, wrapped in a green fuzzy dressing gown. Now Sovereign's in jail, Brynn's finally had a chance to collect the rest of her old things, and the mask is frankly horrifying. Gemma's not sure why she chose to keep it, given the obvious fear it inspires in her, but she doesn't plan on bringing it up unless Brynn does.
"Hey. Come and have some food." Brynn pours herself a small bowl of coco pops and takes a seat, the overlarge dressing gown making her look tiny. "How are you doing?"
Brynn nods. "Ffffff f–f-f-fine. I–I–I llllike th-th-the bu-bu-bu-bed." She inhales a spoonful of cereal. "Wu-wu-wu-when you ff-f-fixed m-m-my an-an-ankle, Ssssssss Sovereign re-re-re-rebroke it. I-I sh-sh-sh-shouldn't have g-g-got help f-f-from an-anyone bu-bu-but him. So-so I d-d-d-didn't kn-know h-h-h-how to-to lu-lu-lu-leave. I'm-I'm s-s-s-sorry."
Oh, god. She should've gotten Brynn out of there years ago, damn letting her make her own choices.
"Hey. It's okay, Brynn. Sovereign was my nemesis for years, and although I didn't know just how awful he was, I know you didn't have a choice. In fact, you're the one who defeated him in the end."
"It-it wu-wu-wu-wouldn't have b-b-been necessary if-if I w-w-wasn't a-a c-c-coward. C-c-can't I j-j-j-just h-h-hand m-myself in-in?"
"No. That's why you're staying with me, to stop you from doing that. It's why Phoenix tied you down at first. You're not going to prison, I don't care how much you think you deserve it."
Brynn squeezes her eyes shut, tears spilling out from under her eyelids. Gemma squeezes her hand gently.
"I m-m-miss them. Ph-ph-phoenix th-the m-m-most."
"You can call them if you like. You won't be disturbing them, if they're busy they just won't answer."
"I'm sc-scared," she whispers. "Y-y-y-you d-d-d-didn't see th-the others' ffff f-f-faces. Th-the b-b-betrayal. Wu-what if th-they– wu-what if Ph-ph-phoenix an-and San-santhiya are-are are-are-are-are–"
Gemma waits, but Brynn just slams her mouth shut and shakes her head, unable to go on. "You won't know until you speak to them, and you have to speak eventually. If it helps, I don't think Phoenix has it in them to hate you."
Brynn picks her phone up and unlocks it with shaking fingers. She stares at the screen, unmoving.
"Do you want me to give you some privacy while you call?" asks Gemma quietly. Brynn shakes her head, squeezing Gemma's hand in a death grip.
Eventually, she presses call, then puts it on speaker. The phone barely has a chance to ring before Phoenix picks up.
"Hello? Brynn?"
"Oh, thank god, you're okay. You haven't handed yourself in. How, um, how are you doing?"
Phoenix sounds exhausted but happy to hear from one of their partners, and Brynn smiles tentatively, loosening her hold on Gemma.
Gemma's relieved, and not just for the regaining of feeling in her fingers. It's good to see Brynn smile and talk. Gemma hasn't seen enough of that.
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Silver Shield - Part 1
So I saw a prompt somewhere (don't have the reference anymore) where it was like "villain gives hero a drug that paralyzes them but they're still aware and hands them over to sidekick who just thinks they're unconscious, what does sidekick do? help them? betray them?" so I took that and kinda put my own spin on it. I think it turned out pretty okay and didn't know where to post it so I thought I'd drop it here. Also if I should tag anything else let me know! Hope you enjoy!
Part 2 Part 3
“It’s in here somewhere, I’m sure of it,” Gecko said frantically, weaving their way around the boxes littering the warehouse floor.
“I trust you, Gecko,” Silver Shield reassured. “You know that, right? If you say Viktorai is hiding here, I believe you.” They continued on, and after a brief silence Silver spoke up again. “We should split up. This place is huge, and if we’re looking for a secret entrance it could take us a while. Stay in contact with the comms at all times. Viktorai could be anywhere, so be on your guard. And Gecko?” he said, grasping their shoulder and turning them to face him. “Don’t do anything stupid, okay?” Gecko gave a sheepish grin and rubbed the back of their neck.
“I won’t,” they said. Underneath their embarrassment, Silver could see how nervous they were. That was understandable. If they were right, this might be the end of it, once and for all. He gave a confirming nod and a comforting squeeze to their shoulder.
“I’ll go left, you go right, we’ll meet at the back,” he said before slipping off between the walls of crates.
The boxes had been arranged in odd clusters and patterns, more a maze than easy rows, so it took about two seconds before Silver couldn’t see Gecko anymore. He made his way carefully, quietly, always on the lookout for trouble, whispering into his comm and listening for his sidekick’s response. A staticky, garbled voice hissed inside his ear, punctuated by heavy breaths.
“Silver, I think – I think I found it! It’s over by the – wait, it’s opening… it’s him, it’s Vik—” The comms cut off.
There was a scream from across the room.
Throwing caution out the window, Silver rushed around the crates, trying to find his way towards the sound of his sidekick in danger. He finally made it to a small clearing in the endless walls of boxes, and the sight of the limp form in the middle made his blood run cold.
“Gecko,” he gasped, lunging forwards to drop to their side. “Gecko, are you okay? Please be okay, come on, you can’t do this to me now.” He was so focused on his sidekick that he never heard the soft footsteps coming up behind him. The cold pinprick of the needle in his neck was the only warning he had that someone else was there. Silver spun around and came face to face with Viktorai. He growled and tried to leap up at the villain, but his limbs didn’t respond like they usually did. They felt heavy and awkward, and try as he might Silver couldn’t control them. Soon enough, he was lying on the floor, gasping for breath.
I’m sorry, Gecko, he thought. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you. I’m sorry I failed.
Viktorai stood above him, laughing at his feeble struggles. “I wouldn’t fight it too much, if I were you,” he said. “The sedative will put you out quickly, no matter what you do. I engineered it myself.” He suddenly grinned. “But of course, I never would have captured you if it weren’t for my loyal assistant Dagger. I suppose you’d know them better by a different name, though, wouldn’t you? What was it you called them? Oh, yes. Gecko.”  
No. No, it couldn’t be. But there they were, standing beside Viktorai, looking down at him with no emotion. Silver tried to speak, but all that came out was a groan. His eyes were closing against his will and he finally gave himself over to the sedative, head lolling to rest on the ground. Gecko worked for Viktorai. He couldn’t believe that, couldn’t believe that his sidekick of three years, three years, would do this. How could he not have seen this coming? And wasn’t he supposed to be unconscious right now? Though Silver couldn’t move, he could still feel the cold floor under him and hear the villains’ voices.
“Good work, Dagger. You did well.”
“Thank you, master.” A moment’s pause.
“I have a gift for you that I think you’ll like.” Silver could hear the smirk in Viktorai’s voice. “You get to kill him.” Another silence.
“Are you sure, master? You’ve waited a long time to get him in your power. You’re willing to let me deal the final blow?”
“Oh, yes. I think you deserve it after spending so much time with the wretch. It must’ve been torture, always having to ‘do the right thing’ and ‘stand up for the good of the people.’ Ugh. Just, do something terrible to him for me, alright? Cut his fingers off or gouge out his eyes or something. Other than that, as long as he’s dead I’m happy. He’ll wake up in about eight hours, but I’ll give you the whole day off so you can do whatever you like to him. Be back at the lab tomorrow evening. The city is almost ours, Dagger, and no one can stop us now! Now, go grab what you need and get him out of here,” Viktorai finished, chuckling a little to himself. Gecko’s – no, Dagger’s – footsteps echoed around the chamber as they left to go get who-knows-what kind of torture tools. Silver felt Viktorai still above him, and suddenly a voice hissed in his ear.
“I know you’re still aware, hero.” He spat the last word out like a curse. “I engineered the serum myself, remember? A mix of muscle relaxants, paralytics, and a few other choice ingredients. Dagger gets the pleasure of killing you, but I get the pleasure of knowing you’ll feel every last bit of pain. I wonder how they’ll go about it. Torture? Drowning? Maybe just a simple bullet to the head. Whatever they do, you’ll know you died at the hands of your most trusted friend. How does that feel?” Viktorai caressed Silver’s cheek with a cold hand. “Goodbye forever, Silver Shield. I’ll be sure to raise a statue in your honour when I rule the city.” He drew his hand back, and Silver was left alone on the floor of the warehouse, helpless, unable to move or make a sound.
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writersagony · 2 years
Writing Prompt 42
As Hero watched Sidekick's interview on the TV screen, they couldn't help but circle back to Villains words, angrily growled to them nearly four years ago. At the time, Hero had thought nothing of it. The ramblings of a person who'd lost a fight. Now, though, they realized they were so much more.
"Nothing good lasts forever."
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