timesimmer · 24 days
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House Stagfield
King Agan was shocked that the negotiations between himself and King Henri I were taking this long. He had hoped that their long-standing alliance and his marriage to King Henri's youngest sister would help things go his way. But every letter with new terms that he sent came back rejected. It wasn't till King Agan and Queen Letha made a journey to Lyonfleur to speak to the King in person that the negotiations were finalized.
Princess Emma of Aethelmark married Prince Henri II of House Clarillot. While she had known her cousin as a child, it had been years since they had seen each other, and now they were to be married. Not only that, but she would one day be the Queen of Lyonfleur, something that she had been told since childhood but never really believed would come true. But as they placed the rings upon each other's fingers, she could feel her destiny slipping into place.
Crown Prince Henri II of House Clarillot married Princess Emma of House Stagfield
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lilabella12 · 2 months
1317 - Day 1
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Evan is up before dawn the next day - he has a promise to fulfill. He makes some gruel, it's the only thing he can afford right now and leaves it out for the children when they wake. Then he saddles up and takes a ride to his brother's homestead.
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When he finally gets there, he can't believe his eyes. Everything his brother worked for for the last decade is gone.
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Alll that's left is a pile of smoldering ashes and some of the walls of their home. He can't let the children see this. The fire even consumed some of the nearby woods and the straw roofs... the only thing left untouched are the unfertile soils of the farm.
It takes him a while but he finds Emma.
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Her clothes are burned up, but she feels cold and stiff to his touch. he does the only thing he can for her now - he brings her home.
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Of course Daniel and Eve are devastated when they get the news.
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Daniel: "I should have gone back, I knew it. I'm so sorry, mother..."
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Evan: "You did the best you could, Daniel. You saved your siblings, I told you last night."
Eve can't even speak, her tears shake her whole body.
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Daniel: "But I could have done something!"
Evan: "And perish in the blaze as well? You would not even recognize the house, Daniel."
Daniel: "But it's our home! Where will we live now?"
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Evan: "WIth me. You will stay here, with me. And Eve and Ian, Flora and Ida."
Daniel: "You will take care of the five of us all on your own?"
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Evan: "Yes, Daniel. I will."
After this day the house will get a little cramped, but he will manage. He promised his brother to help whenever he can, so he does.
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It has been a while since Jayden died, and after a few weeks, Tara is feeling too weak to stand as well. Leah, who has turned 13 a few days ago, takes care of her mother until she passes.
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Now all alone in the house and responsible for her two brothers, she vows to get them through this. Whatever it may take.
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poll under the cut ⬇️
So, just as I wrote before, here's a bit of background information for the last few posts. I've had baaaaaad luck with the dice for these past 2 years.
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NONE of the Sims who aged up to adults made it, either with a bad age up roll (red) or bad famine roll (pink). Evan is now the only one who can even take care of anyone if we exclude Leah, who is off in another part of the country and probably doesn't even remember her family that well.
So, I wanted to make the story a bit more interesting, not ONLY starvation due to famine so... my mind made up that thing in the last post and the beginning of this one. I hope it wasn't too much to take in, I did enjoy making this story happen.... I would love to know how you all think about it.
Famine is not over yet, but most of what I wanted to tell is done. For now we will combine sidehousehold 2 & the main household. Now the big question is, do you think Evan needs some help with these 5 kids (and a horse) or should we make him do this all alone until Daniel and Eve (the oldest of the bunch) age up?
I'm not opposed to remarrying him, I kinda think he deserves it, but I'm not sure how to integrate it into the story (yet). Also he might have some baby tries left over. So this is where you come in.
Feel free to leave a message as to why you chose how you chose or to tell me how you feel about the story, I love engaging with other simblrs!
After this post is up, I will take a short break just to see the results so I can incorporate them, then we'll be back to regular posts.
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timesimmer · 8 days
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Blackburne Household
In the early morning hours, Alaric slipped out of his home. He hated leaving his family like this but he had stayed long enough. He quickly made his way through the lines of trees traveling for miles till he saw the soft lights near the campsite. Nadya was standing outside of her tent looking around the darkness, a worried look on her face. He moved from the shadows of the trees and made his way over to her.
"What is wrong?" Alaric looked her up and down trying to see if she was hurt.
"I can't let you do this," Nadya shook her head back and forth. "Your family needs you here."
Alaric put his hands on her shoulders and bent down to look her straight in her eyes. "No, they will be fine. Edward has Selena now to help around the farm. The boys will be able to help out more as they grow up."
Nadya looked into his eyes and asked the question that had been on her mind since he told her that he was going to leave with her. "Why? Why do you want to be with me?"
Alaric ran his hand up and down her arm as he looked at her, "Because I love you. Those who call spellcasters monsters have never met someone as wonderful and special as you. You are my life now."
Tears fell down Nadya's face as she jumped into Alaric's arms, snuggling her face into his shoulder as he pulled her closer.
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timesimmer · 12 days
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Blackburne Household
As the rest of the Blackburnes did their daily chores, Alaric snuck off to be alone. He felt bad that he wasn't helping around the farm but every since Elsa taught him how to read, a new world opened up to him that he could not get out of his head. During his last trip to the market, he found a rare book on the magic that was supposedly used to be within this land. The vendor scoffed at him and told him it was a book of fairytales, but Alaric wasn't so sure.
The book talked about the Whispering Woods that boarded the edge of the kingdom where rituals would take place. Alaric decided to venture into those woods and as he passed through the trees he heard the whispering voices, muttering strange words he did not know.
As he went further into the woods, Alaric could make out a stone arch that led into a clearing. The whispers became louder as he stepped forward. He saw three figures gathered around a fire, their hands in the air as they chanted. All of a sudden he stopped in his tracks as the flames of the fire grew showing the faces of the figures gathered around.
"Nadya," Alaric whispered.
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timesimmer · 1 month
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Hicrest Household
Wyatt Hicrest thought he was happy with his life. He was able to travel to new places and make money doing what he loved. All he needed was his lute and his trusted dog. At least, that was what he thought until he met Rowena Blackburne. He was captivated by her right away and surprised by her talent on the lute with such little experience.
Wyatt knew that his time in this little village was coming to an end, but he could not leave without her. He took the long journey into the countryside to meet with her brother, and after a long conversation, Edward finally agreed to give him Rowena's hand in marriage. Eden didn't like the idea of letting her youngest daughter go so soon but couldn't deny how happy and in love Rowena seemed to be. With Wyatt's scheduled departure coming even closer, he and Rowena heard to the church with the rest of the Blackburnes and exchanged their vows.
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timesimmer · 1 day
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1305 Birthdays and Deaths:
I have a lot of side households outside of the Blackburne siblings, so I decided to recap some of the birthdays and deaths here instead of making a bunch of smaller posts on each family. This list will not include anyone from my main household or any of the Blackburne siblings and their families (Smith, Hicrest, and Alaric's family)
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Lord Trystem Davenport - Age: 31 / Lifestage: Adult
Prince Henri Clarillot II - Age: 21 / Lifestage: Young Adult
Prince Geoffroi Clarillot - Age: 3 months / Lifestage: Infant
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King Agan - Age 45 / Cause of Death: Infection
Queen Letha - Age 45 / Cause of Death: Sudden Death
Lady Joan Davenport - Age 1 / Cause of Death: Illness
Princess Mary - Newborn / Cause of Death: Low Birth Weight
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timesimmer · 1 day
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House Stagfield
King Agan was tired of his youngest son's antics. Drinking, gambling, and out at all hours of the night. He had even heard rumors of Evrard having illegitimate children with lower-class women.
He called upon his advisor who suggested a match with the eldest daughter of the Fullerthall nobles. A close ally to the king, whose coin could help out the kingdom in future ventures. King Agan called Fiora Fullerthall to court with her father and arranged the marriage to his son Evrard.
A month later Evrard stood at the front of the church wishing for a way out of this. He wasn't the heir, who carried if he got married and had children. He turned in saw the woman who his father had picked standing before him. She wasn't bad looking and Evrard thought that it might be fun to bed her. But to be tied to her for the rest of his life was not what he wanted. Both Evrard and Fiora said their vows without emotion. Before they knew it, they were married. They walked back down the aisle, wondering what the rest of their lives would be like.
Prince Evrard of House Stagfield and Lady Fiora Fullerthall.
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timesimmer · 5 days
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Hicrest Household
As the sun rose over the village of Lumenvale, Rowena and Wyat Hicrest started to get ready for the day. Like he did every morning, Wyat came around from his side of the bed and wrapped his arms around Rowena's stomach. Both of their hands roamed over her bump, feeling the kick of their child. Soon after, Wyat left to gather with other bards and try to earn some coins for the day.
As Rowena moved around their home she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. Suddenly she could feel something wet puddling down by her feet. She prepared herself for the arrival of her child. A pang of fear came through her as she thought of the last time she gave birth and the loss of her first child. She couldn't go through that again. As she gave a final push, she could hear the cries bounce off the walls of the room. She held her beautiful daughter in her arms, checking her fingers and her toes. She was absolutely perfect and healthy.
One of their neighbors was able to track down Wyat and told him to rush home. He was overjoyed to find both his wife and child healthy. They both decided to name her Eloise and spent the rest of the day together watching over their beautiful baby girl.
Eloise Hicrest (1305 - )
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timesimmer · 5 days
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House of Clarillot
The bells of the churches rang out throughout the Kingdom of Valois in the early months of 1305. The town criers ran to different points of the city Lyonfleur and shared the important message from the castle.
Hear ye, hear ye, good people of Lyonfleur
By the grace of the Divine Watcher and the blessings of our esteemed King Henri I, a joyous occasion has befallen our beloved kingdom!
This very morn, Princess Emma, has brought forth a healthy son, a future pillar of Valois!
The young prince, strong and vibrant, has been christened Geoffroi, the First of His Name!
Let the bells peal with jubilation! Let the streets run with merriment! Let every hearth glow with pride!
A grand celebration shall be held in the coming days to mark the birth of Prince Geoffroi and the continuation of the Clarillot lineage!
May blessings continue to shower upon the royal family and upon all of Valois!
Long live King Henri I! Long live Prince Henri II and Princess Emma! Long live Prince Geoffroi!
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timesimmer · 8 days
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Blackburne Household
Alaric and Nadya didn't need a church or an officiant to stand before them. They knew the love that they had for each other would last the rest of their lives and possibly even after. They said their vows under the huge oak tree as the morning sun peaked over the hills. They kissed as a new day began and got ready to travel to their new lives together.
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timesimmer · 12 days
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TW: Death
House Clarillot
As the family gathered in the game room, Queen Marie complained that she was dizzy. As she got up to retire to her room for the night she collapsed on the floor. The King's court wizard rushed to her side and could feel her life force slipping away. He used his powers to try and push death back but it was too late. The Queen was gone. Her body was placed in the family tomb alongside the past Kings and Queens of Valois. King Henri, I spent hours mourning his wife in the tombs before he was led up to his chamber by his men.
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timesimmer · 17 days
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House Stagfield
Lady Genevieve Gilbert bowed before King Agan as her father looked on behind her. Her pulse was out of control as she kissed the hand of her king and father-in-law. It was the day of her wedding to Crown Prince Philip and the day that she would become a princess.
Her wedding itself was somewhat awkward. She had only seen Prince Philip a couple of times since childhood and now this man standing before her was about to become her husband. They both said their vows to the Watcher, looking to the side quickly as they caught each other's eye. As he slipped the ring on her finger, Genevieve felt her heart skip a beat. She was shocked as he pulled her toward him and placed his lips on hers. As she walked back down the aisle as a wife, princess, and future Queen of Aethelmark she tried to settle her breathing as she walked toward the future that was picked for her, hoping that they could both find some happiness in this new bond.
Crown Prince Philip of House Stagfield married Lady Genevieve Gilbert.
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ecoamerica · 3 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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timesimmer · 19 days
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Blackburne Household
Alaric went out to forage in the meadow and as he looked up in between the long strands of grass he could see a woman leading a horse down the trail. She was unlike any woman he had ever seen before. Her long black hair flowed down over her bare shoulders and the sun glinted off of the gold jewels on her clothes. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. Alaric knew that he had to talk to her.
Alaric could see how hesitant she was as he approached her and tried to think of something to say that showed he was harmless. They talked about her beloved horse, something that Alaric had always wished they had on their own farm. The conversation was was natural and Alaric found himself wanting to talk to her all day. He didn't know what it was about this girl, but he knew she was special. The sun started to dip lower and they both knew it was time for them to leave. As she started to move away, Alaric realized there was one thing he never asked her.
"Wait," he said as he rested his hand on to her horse's mane. "I don't even know your name."
She stroked her horse's nose as he nuzzled into her hand and smiled. "Nadya. My name is Nadya."
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timesimmer · 29 days
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TW: Death of a newborn
Hicrest Household
In the early morning hours of 1303, Rowena jolted out of bed in a sudden pain. It was a pain that she had never felt before and hoped to never feel again. Before she knew it, a wet feeling was dripping down her legs, and she suddenly realized it was time. She quickly woke up Wyat, and in his panic, he went to fetch the midwife. Rowena could tell something was wrong before the midwife told her anything. After hours of labor, Rowena could do nothing but stare at the empty cradle where her daughter should be.
Isabelle Hicrest (1303-1303) -- Stillborn
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timesimmer · 1 month
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House Mulland
Lord George Mulland was found dead late in 1302. While his daughter, Lady Catelyn, was overwhelmed and distraught by the news of her father's death. Her husband, Trystrem Davenport, had already contacted the lawyers about transferring the titles and lands to him as the only male heir.
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House Gilbert
Lord Cyrus Gilbert was overjoyed to finally reach an agreement with his majesty the King. His daughter, Lady Genevieve Gilbert, will marry the Crown Prince and Heir to the throne, Prince Philip, this time next year. As the richest noble house, Lord Gilbert knew that this alliance would allow his family to grow not only in title but also in power. King Agan was happy to be adding a fine young lady to his household, but now, if he could only finalize his own daughter's betrothal to the heir of his ally's throne, then he would be truly happy.
Baron George Mulland (1235-1302)
Prince Philip & Lady Genevieve Gilbert
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timesimmer · 1 month
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Smith Household
Upon arriving back home, Ornelle could feel the contractions beginning. She worried that it was too soon, that she was not ready for this pain again. But before she knew it, it was time to push. She was overjoyed to hear the crying of her new baby girl in her arms when suddenly she felt another need to push. After a few moments, the midwife told her that there was another child ready to be born. As Ornelle looked down at her two beautiful girls, she knew raising two babies at once would be a challenge, but a challenge that she was excited for nonetheless.
Eden Smith and Elizabeth Smith
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