timesimmer · 1 day
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1305 Birthdays and Deaths:
I have a lot of side households outside of the Blackburne siblings, so I decided to recap some of the birthdays and deaths here instead of making a bunch of smaller posts on each family. This list will not include anyone from my main household or any of the Blackburne siblings and their families (Smith, Hicrest, and Alaric's family)
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Lord Trystem Davenport - Age: 31 / Lifestage: Adult
Prince Henri Clarillot II - Age: 21 / Lifestage: Young Adult
Prince Geoffroi Clarillot - Age: 3 months / Lifestage: Infant
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King Agan - Age 45 / Cause of Death: Infection
Queen Letha - Age 45 / Cause of Death: Sudden Death
Lady Joan Davenport - Age 1 / Cause of Death: Illness
Princess Mary - Newborn / Cause of Death: Low Birth Weight
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timesimmer · 1 day
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TW: Newborn death
Blackburne Household
As they got ready to complete the chores around the farm, Selena stopped in her tracks. The pain that she had felt since the morning was getting worse. As she told Eden and Edward about what she was feeling, they both whisked her back inside to ready for the arrival of the baby.
While Edward expected to wait in another room as he did with the birth of Alexander and Thomas, Selena begged for him to stay. He pulled her closer and rocked her back and forth as he rubbed his hand up and down her back. As Selena could feel the time to push coming closer, Eden pulled Edward to the side. She told him that it did not look good for the child and to pray to the Watcher that Selena would survive. Edward stayed by Selena's side hoping for both his child and wife to be safe. During her final push, the child appeared but neither of them could hear a cry. Edward tried to push his sadness to the side and checked on his wife who was exhausted but healthy. Edward held on to Selena as they both cried for their child. She whispered into his neck that she had hoped to name their son Holden after his father. He nodded his head and agreed with her. Their son's name was to be Holden and he assured her that his father would take care of him in the skies above.
Holden Blackburne (1305 - 1305)
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timesimmer · 1 day
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House Stagfield
King Agan was tired of his youngest son's antics. Drinking, gambling, and out at all hours of the night. He had even heard rumors of Evrard having illegitimate children with lower-class women.
He called upon his advisor who suggested a match with the eldest daughter of the Fullerthall nobles. A close ally to the king, whose coin could help out the kingdom in future ventures. King Agan called Fiora Fullerthall to court with her father and arranged the marriage to his son Evrard.
A month later Evrard stood at the front of the church wishing for a way out of this. He wasn't the heir, who carried if he got married and had children. He turned in saw the woman who his father had picked standing before him. She wasn't bad looking and Evrard thought that it might be fun to bed her. But to be tied to her for the rest of his life was not what he wanted. Both Evrard and Fiora said their vows without emotion. Before they knew it, they were married. They walked back down the aisle, wondering what the rest of their lives would be like.
Prince Evrard of House Stagfield and Lady Fiora Fullerthall.
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timesimmer · 1 day
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Hicrest Household
Rowena and Wyat have enjoyed seeing how much Eloise has grown in the past three months. While Rowena has enjoyed living in Lumenvale, she still misses Eastcliff and hates the fact that her family does not get to see her daughter grow. Rowena was shocked when she woke up to find a cake that Wyat had saved up to buy from the baker for her birthday. Her 21st birthday was finally here, although with everything she had already been through she felt much older. Rowena spent the rest of the day eating cake and spending time with her daughter and husband.
Rowena Hicrest - Age 21 / Lifestage - Young Adult
Eloise Hicrest - 3 months / Lifestage - Infant
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timesimmer · 3 days
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TW: Newborn Death
House Stagfield
The kingdom of Aethelmark was excited to learn of Princess Genevieve's pregnancy. They all hoped that Prince Philip would be granted with an heir to the throne to show the strength of House Stagfield and of Aethelmark.
In the middle to the night, Princess Genevieve could be heard letting out a loud scream. It was too soon. The baby was not supposed to be due for months to come, but the royal doctor was telling her it was time to push. She wished for her mother to hold her hand and tell her it would be alright, but instead, she was alone. She was able to hold her baby who was so small in her arms. She gave her the name of Mary before the beautiful baby girl took her last breath. Princess Genevieve felt completely alone as those around her stated that she would one day have more and that hopeful the next one would be a boy. Genevieve didn't care about any future children, she wanted Mary her first child who was taken from her too soon.
Princess Mary of House Stagfield (1305-1305)
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timesimmer · 3 days
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Blackburne Household
Edward was encouraged after that night of seeing his father's spirit. He began to work harder and stopped second-guessing his actions. After a particularly good harvest and selling more of his woodwork, he made enough money to buy a mare for his family. It had been a long time since riding a horse and as he mounted he felt slightly uneasy but hoped the skill would come back to him.
Eden was still saddened by Alaric's departure. Selena took Eden to the side and told her the news of her expecting a child. A light that they hadn't seen in Eden's eyes in a while appeared again as she placed her hands on Selena's stomach and talked about her wish for a baby girl. Even Ornelle who traveled from the village to visit their mother was overjoyed with the news about Selena's first child.
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timesimmer · 3 days
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Blackburne Household
As Edward tucked in his boys for the night, a strange noise could be heard from outside. As soon as he stepped outside, the spirit of his father, Holden, appeared before him. Edward rubbed his eyes not believing what he was seeing. Holden opened his mouth to speak and as he did, Edward could feel his words echoing around him, almost as if they were being carried on the wind.
Edward, my son,
Look at your hands, strong and calloused. Remember the harvest you brought in, the roof you mended against the rain. Your spirit, Edward, is as sturdy as the Blackburne oak.
I know you have suffered my son. Elsa's absence is a wound that aches. But your sons, growing taller with each passing day and their laughter warms the hearth just as you do.
Selena, with child in her belly, brings new life to your home. A chance to love again, to build a future stronger than the past.
You fret, wondering if it's enough. But know this, Edward you are a good man, a strong father. You provide, you protect, you nurture love within these walls.
The path ahead may twist and turn, but fear not. The lessons etched into your soul, the love you carry - these are your guiding stars. You are doing well, Edward. More than well.
Rest easy, my son. I watch over you, just as the moon watches over the fields.
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timesimmer · 5 days
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Blackburne Household
Eden had become inconsolable for the past 3 months ever since Alaric disappeared in the middle of the night. It had been Edward who had to break the news to her, telling her of the conversation that he had with Alaric before he left to be with the woman he loved.
While the rest of the household also missed Alaric, they still had the farm to take care of. Selena jumped into her new role as a mother to two toddlers. Edward was amazed at her ability to read and how she would sit down with the children and tell them incredible stories. They traveled to the village as a family and participated in a contest where their cow Butter won first place.
Late one evening, Edward came up to bed to find Selena rubbing her stomach. When she caught sight of him, she called him over and put his hands on her stomach. When he looked into her eyes, a tear rolled down her cheek as a bright smile crossed her face. While Edward worried about providing for another mouth to feed, he was so excited to be having a child with Selena.
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timesimmer · 5 days
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Hicrest Household
As the sun rose over the village of Lumenvale, Rowena and Wyat Hicrest started to get ready for the day. Like he did every morning, Wyat came around from his side of the bed and wrapped his arms around Rowena's stomach. Both of their hands roamed over her bump, feeling the kick of their child. Soon after, Wyat left to gather with other bards and try to earn some coins for the day.
As Rowena moved around their home she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. Suddenly she could feel something wet puddling down by her feet. She prepared herself for the arrival of her child. A pang of fear came through her as she thought of the last time she gave birth and the loss of her first child. She couldn't go through that again. As she gave a final push, she could hear the cries bounce off the walls of the room. She held her beautiful daughter in her arms, checking her fingers and her toes. She was absolutely perfect and healthy.
One of their neighbors was able to track down Wyat and told him to rush home. He was overjoyed to find both his wife and child healthy. They both decided to name her Eloise and spent the rest of the day together watching over their beautiful baby girl.
Eloise Hicrest (1305 - )
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timesimmer · 5 days
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House of Clarillot
The bells of the churches rang out throughout the Kingdom of Valois in the early months of 1305. The town criers ran to different points of the city Lyonfleur and shared the important message from the castle.
Hear ye, hear ye, good people of Lyonfleur
By the grace of the Divine Watcher and the blessings of our esteemed King Henri I, a joyous occasion has befallen our beloved kingdom!
This very morn, Princess Emma, has brought forth a healthy son, a future pillar of Valois!
The young prince, strong and vibrant, has been christened Geoffroi, the First of His Name!
Let the bells peal with jubilation! Let the streets run with merriment! Let every hearth glow with pride!
A grand celebration shall be held in the coming days to mark the birth of Prince Geoffroi and the continuation of the Clarillot lineage!
May blessings continue to shower upon the royal family and upon all of Valois!
Long live King Henri I! Long live Prince Henri II and Princess Emma! Long live Prince Geoffroi!
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timesimmer · 8 days
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Blackburne Household
Alaric and Nadya didn't need a church or an officiant to stand before them. They knew the love that they had for each other would last the rest of their lives and possibly even after. They said their vows under the huge oak tree as the morning sun peaked over the hills. They kissed as a new day began and got ready to travel to their new lives together.
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timesimmer · 8 days
When the Sims write the storylines for you!
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timesimmer · 8 days
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Blackburne Household
In the early morning hours, Alaric slipped out of his home. He hated leaving his family like this but he had stayed long enough. He quickly made his way through the lines of trees traveling for miles till he saw the soft lights near the campsite. Nadya was standing outside of her tent looking around the darkness, a worried look on her face. He moved from the shadows of the trees and made his way over to her.
"What is wrong?" Alaric looked her up and down trying to see if she was hurt.
"I can't let you do this," Nadya shook her head back and forth. "Your family needs you here."
Alaric put his hands on her shoulders and bent down to look her straight in her eyes. "No, they will be fine. Edward has Selena now to help around the farm. The boys will be able to help out more as they grow up."
Nadya looked into his eyes and asked the question that had been on her mind since he told her that he was going to leave with her. "Why? Why do you want to be with me?"
Alaric ran his hand up and down her arm as he looked at her, "Because I love you. Those who call spellcasters monsters have never met someone as wonderful and special as you. You are my life now."
Tears fell down Nadya's face as she jumped into Alaric's arms, snuggling her face into his shoulder as he pulled her closer.
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timesimmer · 8 days
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Blackburne Household
3 months later Edward looked down the aisle as Selena walked toward him. He looked out into the crowd and saw the loving faces of his mother, sisters, brother, and sons. They were all shocked when he announced his intentions to marry again, but it had already been almost two years since Elsa's passing. They said their vows and as they did Edward could feel this overwhelming love for Selena that passed over him. Something he had never felt before. It was not as if he didn't love Elsa, but this just felt different.
The family gathered around to congratulate the happy couple. Selena was overjoyed to see Ornelle and Rowena again, her best friends in childhood and now her sisters. Edward was grateful to Rowena and Wyat for making the long journey from Lumenvale to Eastcliff for their wedding. Selena put her hands on Rowena's stomach and smiled as she felt the child kick. Selena couldn't help but smile at her friend's joy. As the family continued to talk Selena took a step back and imagined the day if she was lucky when she would be able to carry her and Edward's child.
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timesimmer · 9 days
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Eventide - Six Medieval Dress Retextures 👑
Hot Girl Bubonic June continues with a few dress retextures I made for fun based on Sifix meshes! I adore all of Sifix's dresses and I wanted to see if I could transform her Altaira and Johanna dresses into something almost completely new! I can not take credit for the incredible mesh work, but I did completely repaint everything else from scratch! I hope you enjoy these and have fun dressing up your sims.
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Enjoy! Tag me if you use them! I'd love to see your sims dressed up!!
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timesimmer · 10 days
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TW: Newborn Death
It looks like Edward's night with one of the ladies of the House of Blossom was indeed memorable. Edrea Bright gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Juliana. Due to the baby being illegitimate, she was given the last name of Bright which is given to all illegitimate children in the city of Lumenvale. However, while the mother seemed to be recovering fine after the birth, the baby was very sickly, and three months later she passed away.
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timesimmer · 10 days
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Blackburne Household
Alaric took another step forward, his eyes trained on Nadya before him. The girl that he met in the meadow, with who he felt such a strong connection chanted with the others around her as the flames grew higher. Alaric noticed almost a blue spark coming from Nadya's hands. As they started to move around the fire, Nadya's eyes locked on Alaric standing next to the arch. She came to a sudden halt and the sparks from her hands disappeared. As the others stopped their movements the large flames of the fire died down. Nadya looked back at the other two and whispered something to them. Before Alaric knew it they disappeared between the trees. They both walked toward each other in silence, both waiting for the other to speak first.
Nadya held her arms behind her back and took a deep breath before she spoke, "Will you report us to the King?"
Alaric stared at her in shock, "Why would I report you?"
"Oh power is illegal here in Aethelmark," she takes a step back and puts her hands together. Nadya took a breath and as she pulled her hands apart a blue orb appeared floating between her hands. "We came here to use the magic left in this land to strengthen our power before we leave."
"Leave?" Alaric took a step forward, "Why would you leave?"
A sad smile came over Nadya's face as she looked down at the glowing orb, "Many believe spellcasters are monsters. Some in the village have become weary of us."
Alaric moves to stand behind her and touches her arm. He could feel the power of the orb vibrating through her. "You're not a monster," he whispered. "You're beautiful."
Suddenly, Nadya closed her hand and the orb disappeared. She turned around and placed her hand on his chest as Alaric pulled her closer by the waist. "My heart isn't in leaving you, but if I stay it would only put you in danger," Nadya said as she tried to pull away.
Alaric tightened his grip on her waist and pulled her closer till their lips touched in a soft kiss. He moved his hand from his waist and caressed her face as the kiss became more passionate. Finally, they parted slightly, both trying to catch their breath. Alaric looked into her eyes knowing that there was no way that he could let her go,
"I'm going with you."
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