#sick soobin
flashymoa · 17 days
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No More Please- Sick Soobin (ft BTS Jin)
Part 2
Link to Part 1->
Sickie: Soobin
Content: fever, vomit/emeto, fever hallucinations, ignorance, hospitals, lots of angst and fluff, a little bit of BTS caring mainly Jin (this is after summing up all the parts)
A little recap of previous part and let's continue~
"What is your problem seriously, why are you so careless?! Does our time or schedule have no value to you?!! This is not expected from a leader."
Soobin tried so hard to hold back his tears. Nothing was going well. First he didn't feel well, his ears were ringing and now everyone was angry at him. Could it be any worse?
Soobin held back his tears, as he tried to explain. "I'm so sorry, hyung. I felt so sick-" before he could go any futher Yeonjun rolled his eyes and said, "Such a drama queen. Now that you can't do anything properly, you're pretending to be sick. What more stories are you gonna tell? You have fever, you threw up etc etc? Huh?!"
Soobin felt betrayed. Even Taehyun was taken aback at this point. He saw Soobin hanging his head low, shoulders tense the whole time Yeonjun was giving him a lecture. Taehyun couldn't just stand and watch. He turned to Yeonjun, "hyung, please stop. I think you're crossing the limits. Soobin hyung isn't like that."
Of course Yeonjun wasn't buying that. He glared at Taehyun and Taehyun gulped in fear. No one dared to speak over Yeonjun, the eldest. Moreover, Beomgyu was on Yeonjun's side. Kai wasn't present and only Taehyun wanted to argue to defend the leader; and Soobin, well he was just trying to find ways to make the situation better.
Finally, Soobin cut off the silence, "Let's start the practice." No one said anything and the dance practice started. Soobin felt exhausted when the practice hadn't even fully started yet. It was just doing warm-ups. But he felt miserable. His stomach was cramping and he felt heavy. Not to mention he was sweating bullets without even doing much workout. But he pushed himself. Because no one was ready to even listen to him.
1 hour passed. As much as Soobin wanted, he couldn't ask for a break because he knew exactly what would happen if he did. Everyone would get angry at him again.
Soobin tried, he really tried hard to go on with the flow. But no matter what he did, he kept messing things up. The dance instructor had warned him a few times already. Not to mention Yeonjun and Beomgyu's constant flares. Taehyun didn't glare, his expression was something Soobin couldn't quite make out.
"Soobin what's wrong with you today? I've lost count of how many times you've made mistakes!" their dance instructor yelled.
"I'm sorry, I'll try more." Soobin muttered in a low voice. Yeonjun became even more annoyed at this. "Yah! Can't you even speak properly?!"
"I'm sorry, I'll do better," Soobin repeated himself, speaking clearly this time. Soobin was getting frustrated at himself. Why couldn't he get things right? He felt like crying but he couldn't cry; he could only look at his members like a pathetic, trying to find a little comfort which he couldn't find. His members didn't have any sympathetic or loving gazes towards him at that moment. He felt miserable.
Another few hours passed. Soobin was barely surviving. The music was playing, and he was dancing totally relying on muscle memory. He felt so hot, sticky and heavy. His stomach was aching more than he could withstand without groaning. At one point he felt like passing out, he wanted to at least sit down.
Soobin knew neither his members not the dance instructor would give him a break. But his body couldn't take it anymore as he sat down in the middle of the choreo, breathing heavily with eyes closed. He felt like throwing up.
Before anyone could utter a word or yell at him, he spoke up, "I n-need a break. J-just 5 minutes please." He trying his best not to stutter. He didn't want to be labelled again as a drama queen.
"You can't be serious right now Soobin, we just had a break an hour ago!" Yeonjun yelled.
Soobin didn't say anything, he got up and said, "I'll be back." He walked normally while exiting the practice room because he had to act like he was fine. Because everytime he wanted to say he wasn't feeling okay, or showed any signs of weakness, he'd be yelled at. He had no choice but to act normal in front of them.
They 5 people who trusted each other like family, yet Soobin didn't know why he felt so lonely. He felt like was alone, struggling to do things properly.
As soon as he exited the practice room he was limping, clutching his stomach. As he made his way to the bathroom, at one point he didn't know if he could make it to the bathroom anymore. His stomach was churning painfully, his body felt so heavy he thought either he'd throw up on the floor right then or pass out. He took deep breaths to calm down, nothing was working. His world was swirling, even walking normally felt like an extremely hard task.
Soobin finally reached the washroom which he thought he wouldn't be able to make it. As soon as he got himself into a stall, he collapsed in front of the toilet, retching and vomiting violently. He squeezed his eyes and clutched his stomach in pain. He gagged and choked as his eyes widened. He coughed, and heaved again and again. Everything hurt. He started crying at some point.
When he finally finished, he slumped against the wall, closing his eyes, his breathing unstable and shaky. He had no energy left. He was sure he had a fever now, the weird stickiness and chills definitely indicated fever.
Soobin needed help, he wanted to call someone to help him but who? Everyone was mad at him, no one cared. Not a single one of his members cared. He felt so lonely. He thought of calling Kai once but immediately thought against it as the maknae was already sick and resting at home. That's when Soobin heard his phone ringing, 'Yeonjun Hyung' it read.
Should he pick it up?
After arguing with himself a thousand times, he picked it up. Soobin was so weak he didn't even have the energy to say hello or hold the phone to his ears. He put it on speaker and let it fall onto his lap.
Yelling was the first thing he heard. "CHOI SOOBIN! WHERE ARE YOU?! DO YOU KNOW AFTER SAYING 5 MINUTES HOW MUCH TIME YOU SPENT?!! HUH?!" it was Yeonjun. Much expected.
But Soobin didn't expect Beomgyu, who was younger than him, to yell at him too. "HYUNG WHY ARE YOU SO CARELESS? DO YOU EVEN HAVE ANY SHAMNE THAT THE WHOLE GROUP IS LAGGING BEHIND BECAUSE OF YOU?" As bad as Soobin felt because of sickness, he felt even worse to be treated like this by his own members. Endless tears were streaming down his face.
Taehyun was speaking now. They probably put the phone on speaker and now everyone was taking turns in scolding him.
"Hyung are you oka-" Soobin hung up. He didn't want to hear it anymore. He was so sick of being scolded. He didn't even know he was sobbing loudly until someone knocked on the door. He didn't answer, he knew it was Yeonjun. He hugged his knees and buried his head over it. He didn't want to be yelled at again.
Someone pushed open the door as it wasn't locked. Soobin thought it would be one of his angry members. He heard someone gasp. "Omg Soobin! Is that you?"
He felt someone placing their hand on his shoulder but he slapped it right away, sobbing even harder, "N-no m-more Please. No m-more- s-scolds."
He took a shaky breath. He felt a hand being placed on his shoulder again, "Soobin! Listen to me," Soobin slapped it away with all the energy he had, "NO!" He was stuttering badly. "Pl-please s-stop- scolding. I-I c-can't take it an-anymore." He was hyperventilating at this point. All of a sudden, his stomach turned as he lurched forward with gag, vomit pouring on his lap as he couldn't make it to the toilet bowl. He heaved again as Jin held him to keep him away from his own mess which didn't help much since Soobin had already vomited on his pants. "I-I'm s-sorry. I'm so sorry p-please d-don't yell." He was a crying, sobbing mess, traumatized in one word.
Soobin didn't know who the person was but that person didn't scold him, rather handed him with such gentle hands, rubbing his back and telling him it's going to be okay. He wanted warmth and this person's warmth pulled him close, making him relax as he was felt like he was freezing.
It was Jin from BTS. He was shocked to see Soobin like that. But before anything, he needed to help the younger out. He cradled Soobin in his arms, gently stroking his sweaty hair and giving back rubs. He could feel the intense heat rading from the younger, indicating the poor boy had a pretty high fever.
After Jin coaxing Soobin for a while, he had stopped crying but still violently shivering and slurring in a feverish delirium. Jin was so sure Soobin was mistreated either by his members, or the manager and whoever had done this to Soobin, he wasn't going to let them go so easily.
1688 words.
Karma waiting in the next part🤧
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snowbaamgyu · 3 months
Soogyu emeto draft
WARNING ⚠️: this includes references to emetophilia so,, if u don't like emeto this way please don't read!!
It all started when Soobin announced he felt sick after eating dinner, he obviously overdid it with how much food he could handle but, after being starving the day before and today for a photoshoot he thought he deserved to eat just a little more.
For Beomgyu those words made everything in him start running faster, excitement and anticipation made him immediately start creating scenarios on how Soobin's discomfort would progress.
"Take some pepto and go lay down, you'll be fine" Yeonjun advised him, sure Beomgyu didn't want any of his members hurting but when it came to someone feeling nauseous he couldn't help but get a bit excited about it. When he watched Soobin doing as Yeonjun told him to, deep in him he wished that damn pink liquid didn't make effect.
Soon after everyone went to their rooms, Beomgyu had the luck to share room with Soobin so when he finished washing up and went to his bedroom, his heart started thumping faster at the sight that greeted him.
Soobin was laying on his side, curled up, with his shirt raised a little reveling his slightly bloated stomach, it wasn't that big of a difference but knowing Soobin usually had a flat belly you could notice there was something going on. The final touch was Soobin's face scrunched up in pain, sweat pooling in his forehead, shaky deep breaths, useless attempts to calm down the revolution inside his guts.
"Are you feeling better? The medicine should be kicking in by now" Beomgyu took the courage to ask without his voice showing any emotion other than worry. "No, I feel bad, worse if it's possible." Without saying anything, Beomgyu made his way to the older's bed and positioned himself beside him, in a spoon way.
He wanted to touch him, try to feel the rumbling, Soobin's stomach made a sick gurgling sound. He couldn't resist it anymore.
"What are you doing Gyu?" Soobin asked as he felt the other's hands making their way to his abdomen, his aching stomach felt a slight pressure and a burp made its way up. "Just trying to help, maybe rubbing it will make it better, don't you think?"
Beomgyu kept rubbing circles, adding pressure, and Soobin kept burping each time Beomgyu pressed into a specific spot, if you asked Soobin, it was indeed relieving each time some air came out, he felt like a deflating balloon. But things changed when the younger applied more pressure than necessary out of curiosity of what would happen, his answer was a really big burp that almost turned into a retch, Soobin desperately taking his hands off and sprinting to the bathroom, having to stop midway because another retch made its way up and vomit slipped through his fingers. Beomgyu obviously followed after him, not wanting to miss out anything, he watched as Soobin's back convulsed trying to suppress another gag as he continued his way to the bathroom to at least finish there, Beomgyu shamelessly went behind him and just stood there at the door frame when Soobin immediately lifted the lid and started retching again, a thick and large wave of undigested food making a sickly splash sound.
Soobin knew someone was behind him, watching what was currently happening, so he turned around a bit until the next wave came, and saw Beomgyu, the latter just watching with curious sparkly eyes that desired some more, that wanted to be closer to the scene displaying in front of him, wanting to help his hyung clean his chin which was covered in vomit and spit, little chunks at the sides of his mouth, vomit-snot running down and pooling on his cupid's bow, wipe away the tears that the effort brought to his eyes and down his cheeks, but also the desire to feel how he convulsed with each gag. Beomgyu wanted to be close.
And Soobin let him, he extended his arm in a "take my hand" way and Beomgyu understood the invitation, and as soon as he positioned himself behind Soobin once again he put his hands where they were before but didn't move them or anything, he was just there hugging him. When Soobin brought up more undigested food Beomgyu fully hugged him, wrapping both arms almost possessively around his middle and resting his head on the space between the older's shoulder blades, inhaling deeply even if the smell was one of the worst, Beomgyu just wanted to be there, close.
Fifteen minutes went like that, the door was locked the moment Beomgyu entered the bathroom so the rest of the members took care of the mess Soobin made earlier; Beomgyu was still hugging Soobin who at that moment had run out of something to throw up so once the retches were reduced to dry heaves Beomgyu stood up, the younger didn't have any bad intentions, he did as he had thought so, grabbing a towel and dampening it a little to carefully wipe his hyung's face, whispering sweet nothings from time to time to let him know everything is okay.
The two of them got out of the bathroom after Soobin washed his teeth and went to the older's bed again, this time the tummy rubs were gentler and without thinking much about Beomgyu's behavior Soobin just fell asleep with the image of his dongsaeng caring deeply about him.
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bamgeut · 11 months
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SOOBIN | #VisualFocus (CUTE Ver.)
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moamidzyism · 4 months
there is a special place in hell for “moas” that aren’t ot5
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ox1-lovesick · 1 year
twt 'moas' saying we should be happy because he got a decent amount of lines in the other songs? The point is that Big Hit doesn't value Beomgyu and his skill at all. Him not having lines in his own damn song is just ridiculous, especially considering how well his voice would've suited that song. There were so many lines they could've given to him, but instead they'll go to someone who's already been singing for half the song. I'm not saying that the members who got more lines don't deserve them; they absolutely do, but Beomgyu deserves to sing too. He's a member of txt—not a feature, not a backup singer, but a member of the group, and it's far from the first time he's been treated like this. The fact he has to plead and beg Bighit to let him play Blue Spring—a song HE PRODUCED—on the guitar for Moas says more than enough.
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yeonjunsbxtch · 2 years
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Sick of You - Choi Beomgyu
Summary: You hated Beomgyu, more than anyone. All he was to you was a scheming playboy that hated you just as much. It made you sick to think your best friends boyfriend hung out with him. You always felt he was a bad influence. Until one night you found yourself at the club for your best friends birthday party, when Beomgyu saved you from the unthinkable.
Genre: Smut + angst
Warnings: clubs, drinking, bars, swearing, victim blaming, drugging, asshole!Beomgyu, pet names, unprotective sex, teasing, arguing, alcohol, marking, hair pulling, enemies to ???, pinning, switch!beomgyu, switch! Reader, fingering, choking, praise, dirty talk, manhandling, name calling
Pairing: Beomgyu x fem!reader
Word Count: 6k+
*summary, genre, word count and warnings are not final and are subject to change
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feverishly-kpop · 11 months
TXT - Sick Team
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“You’re still running a good fever” Yeonjun sighed, settling the thermometer back on Soobin’s bedside table.
“I figured as much. I feel…weird…” Soobin replied sadly. “How’re the others?” Soobin couldn’t help but worry about his dongsaengs even after 36 hours of being sick in bed.
“Kai is still staying with his family. I told him not to come back until everyone is feeling better. Taehyun is starting to feel better. He said he hasn’t been nauseous at all today.” Yeonjun hiccuped, unconsciously rubbing his stomach. “Gyu’s been sleeping all day. He called manager-hyung and said that he was feeling better but was put straight back to bed the minute hyung walked in and got one look at him.”
Soobin chuckled at that before grimacing with pain as his head throbbed. “His temperature is manageable though?” The discomfort was evident in his voice.
Yeonjun nodded, pushing Soobin’s hair from his forehead. “I’ve been keeping an eye on it. Nothing to worry about. High enough to make him a little uncomfortable but low enough that it’s not keeping him awake.”
Soobin let out a deep breath. Yeonjun hadn’t noticed how tense Soobin had been but wasn’t surprised. Anytime the members weren’t feeling well the leader was on edge. Even when he himself was sick too.
“You should be asleep too” Yeonjun said softly, adjusting Soobin’s blankets around him before heading back to the door.
“Hyung” Soobin called after him, causing Yeonjun to turn around. “How are you feeling?”
Yeonjun rolled his eyes. He thought that he had been doing a better job hiding his own discomfort. The last thing Soobin needed was more to worry about.
“I’m totally fine…” Yeonjun began but was immediately interrupted by Soobin.
“Bullshit. Tell me what’s wrong” Soobin said. It wasn’t often that he pulled rank as leader with Yeonjun but when he did he left no room for Yeonjun to defy him.
“I’m a little feverish. And my stomach is a little weird. No big deal” Yeonjun replied.
“Hyung…” Soobin said with a sigh, gesturing for Yeonjun to come back into the room. “You’re sick. You need to rest.” Soobin slid over in his bed. Before Yeonjun could give it a second thought he found himself laying down and snuggling into Soobin’s side, Soobin’s feverish warmth melting some of the chill that he couldn’t seem to shake since he had warmed up.
Just as he was about to doze off there was a soft knock at the bedroom door followed immediately by the sound of the door opening, revealing Taehyun holding Beomgyu to his side, rubbing his arm.
“He had a nightmare. I told him you were both just fine but he didn’t believe me…” Taehyun said softly, still trying to comfort Beomgyu.
“We’re all good, Gyu! Come here. You shouldn’t be on your feet” Soobin said as he sat up, dismayed to see Beomgyu looking so unwell. “Hyunnie, you shouldn’t be up either.”
Taehyun shook his head quickly. “My fever broke earlier this afternoon and hasn’t come back. I’m happy to help. Especially now that I’m the only one who isn’t currently burning up from the looks of it” he added, gesturing toward Yeonjun, who was distracted with his crying dongsaeng.
“Thanks,” Soobin said quietly with a smile as Taehyun stepped out of the room. Within a few minutes Yeonjun, Soobin and Beomgyu had managed to get comfortable enough to get back to sleep where they stayed until Yeonjun was roused by the door opening again.
“I told you not to come back yet” Yeonjun said, his voice thick with sleep but Kai only smiled sadly in response.
“Taehyun told me that he was feeling better but that you were sick now,” Kai replied as he softly laid a cool compress across Soobin’s forehead and one on the exposed area of the nape of Beomgyu’s neck. “I thought he might need a hand” he added as he wiped Yeonjun’s rosy cheeks with the third cloth before laying it across his forehead. “Now go back to sleep before you wake these two up.”
“Thanks, Kai, goodnight” Yeonjun said softly before dozing off again.
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ryxiez · 2 years
。ₓ Sick as a… Bunny? ₓ。
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≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪
Genera ➛ sick comfort, fluffy, tiniest bit sad
Paring ➛ sick!Soobin x gn!reader
Word Count ➛ 900
Warnings ➛ nicknames (baby, baby boy, love, my love, bunny, binnie), soobin just has a cold
AN: this is not edited so I apologize for any mistakes in advance
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪
"Binnie?" You call out as your hand turns the door knob and you enter the dark room.
Only about a half an hour ago you received a text, but it wasn't from Soobin, you hadn't heard from him all day. It was from Beomgyu, who proceeded to inform you about Soobin's current condition.
Hyung has been hung up in his room all day
Apparently he woke with a bad fever, but also every other condition of a cold
He's been begging for us to not tell you, he said he doesn't want you to worry, but he hasn't eaten
Sorry for bothering you, I just can't help but worry about him
It felt like your heart dropped into your stomach when you skimmed over the text. You thought Soobin was just busy all day either learning new choreography or recording new lines for another song.
However you couldn't have been more wrong and you couldn't help but feel a bit guilty.
You quickly threw on your shoes and jacket in less than a minute then rushed out the door. Your job as his significant other was to take care of him, not to let him suffer on his own.
I'm on my way now
Now here you are, in his dorm room doorway. The room felt cold, a fan pointed in the direction of the bed, curtains were closed, and lights were on the lowest setting possible but not entirely turned off.
"y/n?" Soobin mumbled as he maneuvered around in his bed to face you.
You made you way over his side, kneeling next to the edge of the bed.
"Why didn't you tell me you were sick baby?" You asked while you put your hand on his forehead.
He felt like he was burning up a lot.
"I- I'm sorry." He apologized, stumbling on his words.
"No it's okay, I just want to know. You had me worried when Beomgyu texted." Your heart melted, and his apologetic nature, but he did nothing bad.
Your hand now rested on his cheek, to which he leaned into, needing nothing more than your touch right now to feel better.
"That's exactly why I didn't want to tell you, I didn't want to bother you with a little cold." He whined a bit before he turned away from you to cough.
His words pulled on your heart strings and your hands instinctively reached out for one of his own. Lacing your fingers together, you brought his big hand hand to your lips to leave a soft kiss on his knuckles.
"Binnie, please don't ever think you could be a bother to me. I care about you too much to ever leave you feeling terrible on your own." You paused and brushed the loose strands of hair, that were slightly sticking to his sweaty forehead, out of his face. "I love you so much bunny, I want you to tell me everything that you can."
His eyes became glossy, he wanted to blame the slight tears on the fact his body was in pain, but he knew deep down it was all because of you. You made him feel like he never had before. Nobody has ever loved him as much as you do, besides, his members, but that's different, and he is forever grateful.
"I love you so much too... I don't know what I was thinking." He replied with a small frown of regret.
He brought the hand you were holding close to his chest and placed it close to his heart. His heartbeat didn't feel too fast, but it didn't feel normal either, you knew you needed to calm him down to rest.
"Do you need me to get you anything, love?" You asked quietly before you placed a kiss to his hot forehead. "Did the boys already give you some medicine?"
He nodded to your second question before answering the first, "Can you please just hold me? Everything hurts."
You swear your heart almost skipped a beat as you stared into his adorable brown eyes. They looked almost sad, but relieved now that you were finally here.
"Of course baby boy." You cooed before climbing into the bed behind him.
It was warm under the covers which felt nice with the cold air surrounding you, a perfect temperature for Soobin and for cuddles.
Settling under the covers, you reached your arms around his neck to hug him close to your chest. Your head plated atop his head while he snuggled into you more, finally getting comfortable.
Soobin let out an audible sigh before closing his eyes and wrapping his own arms around your waist. Legs eventually tangling together. He's tried to rest all day but he couldn't seem to be at ease without you right next to him.
"Thank you... you always know how to make me feel better." He mumbled into your chest.
"I'm always here for you my love. Please get some rest so you can feel better. I'll take you out wherever you want tomorrow if your up to it." You offered quietly before shutting your own eyes.
That night Soobin dreamt of you and your warm smile making his heart whole, finally feeling his body at ease with you here again.
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fairyofshampgyu · 1 year
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Crying over gyu :(☹️ I love him😭
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simpjaes · 2 days
ppl who don't like yeonjun's solo have worms i don't make the rules :/
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blackhairedjjun · 5 months
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i should be sleeping but i can’t stop thinking about this tweet bc i noticed too :(
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flashymoa · 1 month
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Migraine Becomes a Mess (Taehyun)
This was requested by an anon. Hope it finds the anon.
Sick: Taehyun
Caretaker: mainly Kai
Content: migraines, vomiting
After long hours of practice, TXT finally got to get back to the dorms. Everyone was tired. They just wanted to eat something and go to sleep.
The members quickly washed up and settled down for dinner. Everyone was chatting; Kai occasionally burst out his devilishly loud laughs and Beomgyu being loud as always, thereby Yeonjun scolding Beomgyu and Soobin just quietly eating his food because it's nothing new and food matters first of course.
Everything was normal, except the fact that Taehyun felt annoyed of them. He had a headache and they were making it worse. He had had enough. He slammed his hands on the counter and snapped, "Kai can you stop laughing like that?!"
Kai frowned, "Like what?"
"Your damn loud laughter is annoying me to the guts! It's giving me a headache!"
Kai was offended.He glared at Taehyun, "I've always laughed like that Taehyun. What's your problem?"
"It's annoying me."
Kai just clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, "Oh yeah? It's my natural laughter and if it annoys you I don't give a shit."
Soobin spoke up this time, "Manners Kai."
"Manners?! You tell me to bahave but not him?!! Didn't he pull on a fight first?!" Kai was raging at this point.
"Calm down, kai-ah," Yeonjun said. "What Taehyun said was kinda disrespectful but I'm sure he feels guilty. He'll apologize, right Taehyun?" Yeonjun tured to Taehyun for a response; an apology but Taehyun just got up from his seat without saying anything and walked away.
It wasn't intentional tho, his headache had evolved into a serious migraine. And he couldn't even focus on what they were saying right now. He just wanted to get out of the chaos. Go somewhere quiet and dark.
But Taehyun getting up without answering clearly added flame to the fire. Kai was furious, he turned to Soobin.
"Hyung, did you see that?! He is the one that doesn't have manners!!"
He got up from his seat as well, "Yah! Taehyun! Didn't you hear Yeonjun hyung told you to apologise?!" Taehyun winced at the loud voice. It felt like needles pinning his head. He flinched and slammed his palms against his ears, trying his best to block the voice.
Kai was so mad at this behaviour that he was speechless. First he walked away without answering and now he's pretending not to hear, even blocking his ears to show he doesn't care to listen.
"He's becoming a spoilt brat," Beomgyu commented. Soobin or Yeonjun couldn't even say anything in defense even if they wanted to. They guessed something was fishy, probably Taehyun was upset about something but they didn't give it much thought.
Later that night, Kai insisted he won't sleep in the same bed as Taehyun. (Imagine they share a double bed instead of bunk beds)
"I'm not sleeping in the same room as him Soobin hyung. That's final!" Kai huffed.
"Don't be like this Kai. If you be stubborn and do not sleep in your shared room today, the fight would get even bigger."
"No, he started this. Until he apologises I have no business with him! I'm not talking to him, let alone sleep in the same bed."
Soobin put his hands on Kai's shoulder, "Look at me Kai-ah. I know what he did wasn't right. But, please listen to hyung this once?"
Kai just looked away, not knowing what to say. He was mad Taehyun but he couldn't reject Soobin when he was asking like that.
"Um.. okay, but just because you're telling me to. I obviously didn't forgive him."
Soobin smiled at him, "That's good Ning-ning. Go to sleep now. We have to leave early for practice tomorrow."
"Okay hyung."
Kai opened his bedroom door to find it absolutely dark. Normally it'd be dimly lit at night, but it was completely dark. He didn't think much about it as he got ready for bed.
He sarcastically looked at Taehyun and whispered, "Huh. Now sleeping peacefully after insulting me."
Soon, Kai drifted off to sleep but little did he know, Taehyun couldn't sleep one bit. His head was killing him, not to mention the churning inside his stomach.
On top of that, there was a construction going on nearby, the sound of drilling machines increased the pain 10 folded and Taehyun couldn't do anything but cry silently. The pain didn't ease one bit, it was just increasing.
He didn't even know when he started whimpering. And when Kai woke up hearing his whimpers.
"Taehyun, are you okay?" he heard Kai's voice. Was he really asking? Or was it his confused brain setting hallucinations because he was yearning for comfort.
Taehyun looked at Kai's side of bed. It was dark, he couldn't see anything properly. But then he heard it again, "Taehyun? You okay?"
Taehyun only whimpered in response. Kai immediately figured something was wrong.
He hurriedly got off the bed and flicked on the lights to see things properly. Taehyun flinched at the brightness as he buried his head on his knees, hands clutching his head and hair tightly, whimpering louder. He was visibly shaking. Rocking himself back and forth to calm himself down but he was miserably failing.
Kai immediately rushed to his side in worry, "Taehyun-ah, are you crying? What's wrong?" Taehyun sobbed; he couldn't form any words or even look up at him. The pain was too much.
Huening Kai cradled him in his arms and guided his head to rest on his chest. He rubbed his arms gently; stroked his hair as he whimpered and cried. He won't stop clutching his head nor open his eyes. Kai tried talking to him again, "Taehyunie, can you tell me what's bothering you? Did you have a nightmare? Talk to me. I'm right here." But Taehyun won't say a word, he seemed in too much pain.
Kai started panicking, Taehyun won't talk to him or even look at him. He couldn't imagine how much Taehyun was suffering to act like that. He was shaking in his arms like a stray bird in a storm.
"Should I call Soobin hyung? But how can I leave him alone in this state?" As much as he wanted the leader's help, he couldn't leave Taehyun alone in that state.
Kai reassured Taehyun in the most gentle way possible but Taehyun couldn't focus on anything when the pain felt like needles piercing through his skull, when the nausea that had slightly settled down earlier increased ten folded all of a sudden; his stomach just wanted to leap out. Taehyun didn't know what to do.
"Taehyun-ah at least open your eyes, please tell me what's wrong. I can't help you if you don't tell me."
Taehyun tried to follow what he was told. But as soon as he opened his eyes the bright light made everything worse. He was stuck with a sudden wave of dizziness; the world seemed to spin and a wave of nausea hit him on full force.
He felt his throat tighten as he lurched forward with gag. He immediately clamped his hand over his mouth. But it couldn't stop the inevitable as he gagged again and vomit seeped through the gaps of his fingers. Huening Kai's eyes widened at the sudden encounter; nevertheless he didn't let go of Taehyun, rather sat him upright properly so that he doesn't get the vomit on himself.
"It's okay. Let it out. It'll be over soon." Kai tried his best to soothe him. It was his favourite penguin blanket Taehyun threw up on yet Kai didn't feel angry at all. All he felt was worry and sympathy.
Kai rubbed Taehyun's back gently as he retched, coughed and choked on vomit. He was throwing up uncontrollably, barely getting any space to breathe inbetween heaves. Tears rolled down his cheeks as his body tried to get everything out of his stomach.
Kai waited patiently for Taehyun to finish. By the time Taehyun stopped throwing up, the poor boy slumped against Kai, breathing heavily.
Kai asked softly, "Done?"
Taehyun nodded, eyes closed. He was tired and embarrassed. "I'm sorry," those were the first words Taehyun said.
"It's okay. It happens." Kai said as he reached to grab the tissues box from the nightstand with one hand while supporting the sick boy to stay stable with the other. He gently wiped his mouth and nose. Took another tissue to wipe the stray tears. He wiped his hand as well since one of his hands got puke on it.
Taehyun didn't utter a single word the whole time. It wasn't like the throbbing in his head had totally subsided but he felt a lot better.
"Wanna tell what actually happened?"
"Migraine." Taehyun replied while sniffling. His previous crying had left him with occasional sniffles.
Kai noticed Taehyun won't look up, he kept his head hung low. "Is your head still hurting? I'll turn off the lights. But I need to put the blankets in wash first. Can you stay by yourself for a while?"
Taehyun nodded.
"I'm sorry." He apologised as tears formed in the corner of his eyes, "I'm so sorry. I didn't realise I'd throw up until it happened. I made such a mess."
Kai held his cheeks and made him look at him. "Hey, look at me. It's okay. It's not your fault. Don't feel guilty." He saw tears making their way down his cheeks again. Kai knew he was now crying in guilt, not pain. Taehyun's expression clearly showed how guilty and miserable he felt. Kai placed a forehead kiss and said, "It's not your fault. I can just clean it up, okay? I'll be back in a minute."
Kai carefully pulled off the blanket, careful not to spread the mess and left the room to put it in the wash.
Taehyun was beyond grateful that Kai wasn't mad at him. He felt so tired and miserable that he didn't even notice when Huening Kai re-entered the room. He was in a daze. The only thing he felt was a touch on his shoulder and he turned his head to find Kai standing with a glass of water.
"Here, drink this." Kai helped Taehyun drink the water, carefully not to spill since his hands were shaking. Taehyun felt relieved as the water took away the acidic taste and cooled his throat. Kai handed him two tablets. Taehyun didn't even know what it was. He just trusted him enough to take it without a question. "Thanks."
"You gotta wash your hands, I only wiped with tissues. Do you think you can walk?" He could guess the answer already. Taehyun looked ghostly pale and Kai knew how terrible Taehyun's migranes could be.
Kai sighed, "it's okay, I'll get wet wipes."
Kai helped him get cleaned, turned the lights off since it was bothering Taehyun, even wiped his face and neck with a wet towel when he noticed the temperature had elevated.
Huening Kai guided Taehyun's head on his lap while he sat against the headboard, stroking his hair and messaging his head. He knew it won't help that much given the fact that migraines never go away with message, but he just wanted ease his discomfort even if it's a little bit.
Later on that night, Taehyun spiked a fever and Kai practically stayed up all night to take care of him.
The next morning when Soobin went to wake the maknaes up, he found Kai sleeping while sitting, leaning on the headboard, and Taehyun sleeping on Kai's lap. He smiled inwardly, "Who can tell these two were fighting not even 24 hours ago?"
I'll be glad if you leave a comment or show any support. Your reviews encourage us to write more!❤️
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snowbaamgyu · 4 months
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OMG this is like sickfic, I can't believe gyu told us a story when he actually was sick poor baby :(
Soobin is so caretaker coded 🥺
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bamgeut · 11 months
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Soobin getting dolled up by Ahyun
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tomorrowxtogether · 2 years
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12/10/22 TOMORROW X TOGETHER WORLD TOUR <ACT : LOVE SICK> IN JAKARTA ©OCEANING_ | Do not edit, do not crop logo.
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So, Can i request a TXT Yeonjun emeto Fic? Thanks
I know this request was like... a year ago. And I'm sorry! If you're still around, anon, hopefully this finds you.
Sickie: Yeonjun Caretaker:  Soobin Content: emeto, stomach aches, nausea, disorientation
Yeonjun felt like he was going to die.
Figuratively speaking, at first. Some amalgamation of anxiety, excitement and probably some sort of exhaustion, if Yeonjun could feel it. They’ve been in the practice room for the greater part of five hours, working and reworking and re-reworking a potential run-through for his solo performance on Studio Choom. It wasn’t for another month, more than enough time to finetune everything once they begin using props and marking the stage’s dynamics. He has time, this is his main agenda outside of preparing for their upcoming tour.
But after dancing for five hours? Yeonjun thinks he’s going to die, quite literally.
He’s got the TXT practice room to himself now, with Kai and Taehyun off with friends and Beomgyu napping at the dorms, and he’s seen Soobin pop up once or twice to drop off water or watch the progress. But outside of the first hour and a half with the choreographer, Yeonjun’s completely alone.
And he’s starting to feel off.
As the music begins once again from the speakers, the choreographer’s moves on the screen resuming from the start, Yeonjun makes his way over to where he’s put his water bottle. And he trips over his own sneaker, almost lands headfirst onto the floor.
“Agh,” he complains to himself. “Feet, come on.”
Is he tired? Is that what it is?
Yeonjun reaches his water bottle and unscrews the cap, wondering why his throat feels kind of tight. Not allergen tight, but an odd feeling, almost restrictive, as if something in his throat is what’s giving him issues. With a deep sigh, he subdues whatever may be bothering his insides in exchange for taking a sip.
And it’s an awful idea. The moment the warmed water passed over his tongue and down his throat, he could already feel it threatening to come back for a return visit.
“Come on, come on,” he mumbles to himself, his fingers gripping the water bottle.
As he takes another sip, he realizes quite quickly what he’s experiencing here—and it’s just… nausea.
His stomach feels unsettled, and the moment the water touched it, it shattered something solid in him. His mouth feels wet already, saliva beginning to pool around his tongue. He swallows roughly to subdue it.
It doesn’t work, anyway.
Immediately, the floor doesn’t seem so solid, and neither does Yeonjun’s resolve. With shaky hands, Yeonjun swallows again, and thus begins the internal monologue of: don’t throw up – don’t throw up – don’t throw up–
And it doesn’t work. His stomach immediately summersaults and he barely has time to put the water bottle on the counter before he rushes to the small trash can, hunching over. It’s barely two feet from the ground, but it helps. He gives the can a rough spit, but it doesn’t do anything.
Immediately, Yeonjun is angry. After all these hours of working to get this done and his timing has to be the worst. He doesn’t have time. This is a non-issue.
And his stomach seizes up again. A cramp the size of a tsunami waves across him and cause him to curl down further, bringing the tall member to hover barely over the can. He doesn’t have time to focus on another wave of cramps before he just feels it come pouring upward. Warm, thick, and full of chunks, and it reeks. It felt like undigested breakfast, warm tea and cold rice working its way into the trash can at an alarming rate. Yeonjun feels shaky, so he places his hands on his knees to brace himself as another mouthful rips its way up. The noise he makes is inhumane, annoyed by how his stomach hurts, his his back is throbbing, how he has to deal with all of this in the first place. He didn’t make these plans, for sure; he wanted to be done, go home.
He coughs up another heavy mouthful, breath heaving with each effort. He hurts, aches, and he’s not getting any relief as his body continues to expel everything his stomach may have contained over the past week. Barely another cough in, a hard spit, and he’s back to coughing up bile and stomach acid once he feels himself running empty.
He feels woozy. His vision spins for a moment, and the sound of the choreographer from the speaker goes almost silent for a solid few seconds. Yeonjun’s vision blurs, then returns as another cramp seizes him. Another mouthful. He’s so shaky, he can feel himself almost willing his knees to keep him up while he spits another mouthful.
And after a moment, it stops. He’s spent, exhausted, and he crumples almost immediately to kneeling on the ground. Without a napkin and with no strength to get a tissue from the box on the side table, he merely uses the back of his hand to wipe at his mouth and spits another rough mouthful into the trash can.
“God… that fucking hurt,” he mumbles to himself.
The choreographer’s voice is too loud. The speaker is a little ways away, the remote nearby, but Yeonjun can’t bring himself to make it over there. His head feels too disjointed, almost feeling far too faint. And hot, everything feels so overwhelmingly hot. Sweat plasters his shirt to his back, and the air in the room isn’t cool enough to combat how his temperature must have spiked.
Tilting over, he merely lays down on the floor and pulls his phone from his pocket. When he opens the screen, the bright light brings the nausea back so he turns it back off. Just a few minutes, he tells himself. He’ll just wait, rest a moment, he should start feeling better in a few minutes. His eyes close.
Yeonjun isn’t sure when he fell asleep or what happened, but he awakens to Soobin’s voice on the phone and a hand gently stroking his hair. He groans, only to hear Soobin’s deeper voice hushing him softly.
“It’s okay, hyung. It’s okay, you’re okay.’
Yeonjun, strangely, believes him. A brief chill runs down his spine, but when he curls in more, he can feel the heat of Soobin’s thigh underneath his head, and the comfort of a thick sweatshirt draped over him. He just pulls his hands into the fabric more. It’s oddly very comfortable here, and with Soobin’s long fingers combing through his long locks, he almost begins to drift off again.
As he settles, he hears Soobin’s voice begin again. He must be talking to someone; Yeonjun’s vision is blurred and teary when he tries to look up, so he gives up quickly and closes his eyes. “Yeah, he just woke up for a moment. Mhmm… he hasn’t since I’ve been here, but he’s not mumbling anymore.” A pause. “Yeah, I’ll wait here.” And then: “Yeonjunie?”
“Mm?” Yeonjun mumbles in acknowledgement. He tilts his face but doesn’t open his eyes.
“Think you’re awake enough to tell me what happened?” The request isn’t unkind and Soobin’s keeping his voice low, almost as if he senses Yeonjun’s growing headache. His fingertips rake along Yeonjun’s scalp and it’s so gentle and comforting that it almost lulls him back to sleep.
“’M up…” Yeonjun grumbles. His mouth feels full of cotton. It takes him another moment before he just sighs. “Dunno… tired.”
“I know… were you feeling sick all day?”
That receives a grunt and the smallest of head shakes. Yeonjun doesn’t think he felt terrible all day; actually, things were going well for the first few hours, he’s sure. Soobin doesn’t push him further, but he does pause in his hair rubbing to place a hand on Yeonjun’s forehead. Yeonjun whines, trying to tilt his scalp back to Soobin’s hand, and it gets a small chuckle from the young man as he returns his head to scratching his scalp.
“Yeonjunie?” the older one hears again, but with a soft groan, he merely pushes his head back into the sweatshirt and falls asleep again.
When he wakes up again, he’s once again struck with an overwhelming urge to vomit. He pushes himself upright, eyes opening to bright white lights, and the nausea rushes to turn his stomach inside out. And immediately there’s a hand on his shoulder, leaning him forward. He can briefly feel a bucket in his hands before he sticks his face inward and gags. But only a stringy mouthful of water and spit and bile escape him. He groans, but it turns into a gag and he manages to cough up a little more bile. With a strained cough, he spits, and feels the edge of a cup placed on his lips.
“Take a mouthful and try to rinse,” Soobin’s voice cuts in softly.
It’s commanding enough but gentle at the same time; even when speaking like authority, Soobin’s voice is always so soothing. He truly is a fantastic leader. Yeonjun just does as he’s told, taking in a sip and relishing in the sensation of cold water on his tongue before he feels something gritty and slimy in his mouth. It’s almost enough to make him gag again, but he shuts his mouth to try and avoid thinking about what it actually is and just spits the water into the bowl. He rinses a second time, before Soobin tells him to just sip slowly.
“What—” but it takes Yeonjun a moment. He still feels dizzy, he thinks; not really any pain, but he doesn’t feel very secure sitting up. His head leans forward, and a gentle hand directs him to a shoulder. Judging by the scent from earlier, it’s Soobin again. “What… did I miss?”
Soobin sighs softly, and brings the cup back to his lips. “Another sip. Yeonjunie-hyung, you’re sick, you know.”
With that, Yeonjun just groans. He doesn’t have the time, but he guesses his body made sure he did.
“Your fever’s going down, though… But this is the third time you’ve thrown up in here. The hospital’s going to keep you to get you hydrated again.”
It is? Yeonjun doesn’t even recall throwing up in here, much less being brought in here at all. That gets him to raise his head, eyes open to face Soobin. As they make eye contact, their leader smiles, relief showing in his eyes. “Feeling more awake? You’ve been out of it for the better part of three hours.”
“What happened?” he mumbles.
Apparently, as Soobin explains, Yeonjun answered his call. When he hadn’t come back for the two to leave or answered his texts, Soobin had called his phone and, half-asleep, he answered and mumbled about his stomach hurting. Soobin pieced his location together by the choreographer’s voice in the background and found him. A medical check in the practice room, a trip to the hospital in the van, blood work, and vomiting three times while asking the same question was what led them to that moment.
But he was lucid now. His skin, albeit pale, was slowly regaining its honey soft color. And he’s being held overnight, IV pushing Tylenol and saline through his veins to keep him hydrated.
With a groan, he merely puts his head back on Soobin’s shoulder, which gets a laugh from the younger leader. “Thanks, man.”
“For what, taking care of you?”
That elicits a small nod while Yeonjun closes his eyes. He’s exhausted, even though he’s been sleeping on and off this whole time.
“You don’t even have to ask, Yeonjunie. I’ll always take care of you.”
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