flashymoa · 14 hours
Can anyone explain what is sicktember? I'm seeing a lot of people post with that tag. I'm guessing it's related to September month with sickfics, but why September? Any thoughts on that?
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flashymoa · 8 days
Definitely one of my favourites😭
Found Me - R!Taehyun
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tw: vomit & crying followed by lots of fluff
Taehyun was not feeling good. He was drained from just half a day of work after constantly waking up with stomach cramps and needing to use the bathroom. He wasn't sure if he ate something that upset his stomach or if he caught some sort of bug. No one else seemed to be having any troubles and they all ate the exact same things the day before.
Taehyun sighed to himself, resting his head on the wall behind him. The squeaking of Soobin and Yeonjun's shoes shifting along the polished floor made his ears unusually sensitive. He longed to be wrapped up in a cozy blanket after a nice warm shower. It was very chilly in the dance studio and his hoodie wasn't doing its job of keeping him warm. They had all agreed to lower the temperature of the room since they got sweaty from the strenuous activity, but now he was wishing he had objected.
There wasn't anything scheduled for them to do for a couple hours, so they were just messing around. Soobin and Yeonjun were making up stupid dances to entertain themselves and the other two boys had retreated to their phones. Taehyun wasn't interested in doing either. He was focused on the uncomfortable feeling settled in his abdomen and his heavy eyelids.
I want to go home already. My tummy hurts and I feel sick. Hyungies just notice already! He found his thoughts decreasing in vocabulary, subconsciously pouting at himself in the mirror.
Tummy hurts. Why did I think tummy?
"Uh oh."
Beomgyu turned his head towards Taehyun expectantly, waiting for him to continue.
"What?" He asked, after Taehyun blinked at him without another word.
"It's nothing. Do you- Do you think hyung will let me go home? I don't feel good." Taehyun half lied. He couldn't just start rambling about how he was mentally turning into a preschooler when the group hadn't any clue of what that was or why it happened.
He could just feel it within himself. The way his teeth chewed on his bottom lip, the room feeling bigger than before, his toes wiggling in his shoes, and the light haze starting to cloud his mind.
"Well, what's wrong? What's not feeling good?" Beomgyu asked. He could tell something was wrong by the anxious look in Taehyun's owl eyes. Again, it took longer than it should for him to respond.
"My stomach. I was up and down all night because of it, so I'm really tired now, too. I don't know." He added the last part to make it easier to just brush away if Beomgyu didn't take him seriously.
"Oh, sorry I didn't realize. I'm guessing practice made it worse?"
Taehyun nodded, suppressing a whimper from a sudden cramp around his middle.
"C-Can you tell Soobin hyung? 'm going to the bathroom." He said hastily, getting up from the floor and speed walking out the door.
"What was that about?" Huening kai asked.
"Taehyunnie feels sick." Beomgyu mumbled back. "Hey, Soobin hyung! Yah! Stop trying to touch each other's butts!" He called out.
"What do you want Gyu?" Yeonjun chuckled, his hands perched on his hips.
"Somethings wrong with Taehyun. He told me he doesn't feel good and wants to go home. Apparently, he was up most of the night." Beomgyu explained, side eyeing Kai, as he should've noticed his roommate getting up so much.
"Don't look at me! I slept like a corpse and had weird vivid dreams all night." Kai defended with hands up.
"I knew something was up." Soobin murmured. "Where'd he go?"
With that, Soobin exited the studio and walked to the mens bathroom. He stood outside the door for a moment, listening for anything out of the ordinary. What was the point in that? If Taehyun was sick he wouldn't be throwing a party in there. Soobin shook his head at himself and pushed the door open. The very first stall was the only one shut, with quiet crying coming from the other side.
"Taehyunnie? Are you okay?" He asked, taking a step closer. The noise stopped abruptly for a second and turned into what sounded like someone pretending they didn't need to catch their breath.
"If you want me gone that's fine, just tell me."
Soobin's hands fidgeted with anxiety after hearing Taehyun's strained voice.
"Open the door for me, okay?" He encouraged, glancing to the side when another figured entered the space. It was just Yeonjun. He looked to Soobin to confirm if Taehyun was in there.
"Yeonjun hyung is here, too. You don't sound good in there, Taehyun."
Concern grew on Yeonjun's face when he heard Taehyun whine something incoherent and jumbled. It was followed by some shuffling and then sitting on the floor, Taehyun peaked his head around the door and looked up at the two. Unshed tears watered his eyes and his hoodie sleeves were spotted with saliva and vomit near the cuffs.
"Oh, honey." Soobin said sympathetically, sinking to his knees. He pushed Taehyun's hood back and felt the heat radiating from his body.
Taehyun whimpered nervously. He wasn't his normal self anymore, he was still Taehyun, just much smaller and more vulnerable. His big self refused to give into the way his little self wanted to be babied by his hyungs. It would completely blow his cover! But, he felt so awful, it was all he could think about.
"Hey, it's okay. We'll take care of you." Soobin said quietly when he saw Taehyun start to cry.
"Here, you can put my sweatshirt on instead." Yeonjun offered, tugging the fabric over his head.
"Let Binnie take yours off for you."
Taehyun gazed up at Soobin and lifted his arms so his hoodie could be taken off. He shuddered when the cold air hit his arms that were damp with sweat. He made grabby hands to Yeonjun, silently asking for his help. Soobin wiped his eyes and mouth with toilet paper before Yeonjun sacrificed his clothes. The hoodie was a couple sizes too big for Taehyun, but it made him feel much smaller, like a little baby.
"Baby.." He mumbled, putting his thumb in his mouth.
"Baby? I mean, you'll always be our baby." Yeonjun smiled, albeit confused at the random word.
"Mm- Tummy hurts. Wanna go ni' night."
Taehyun was so far gone that he didn't catch the quizzical stares observing him. Yeonjun and Soobin weren't sure how to approach what was happening with their friend. It wasn't everyday that they suddenly acted like a toddler. Well, maybe Kai, but that was just aegyo and his personality. This was different. Taehyun didn't seem fully present.
"Baba.." He whimpered, crawling into Soobin's lap and curling up against him.
"Hi, honey. Let's get you home now. You need your rest, yeah?" Soobin said. He thought the odd behavior was some strange symptom of Taehyun's fever, and he wanted to ask a lot of questions, but he didn't think it would do any good for the time being.
Soobin stood up carefully with Taehyun in his arms, supported on his hip. He suggested that Yeonjun gather the other boys and meet up back at home. Taehyun glued himself to Soobin the entire way back to the dorm, falling in and out of sleep. He grimaced now and then when a new smell passed his nose or his head throbbed a little too hard. Eventually, he woke up from the beeping of their highly secure front door and slid out of Soobin's arm to sit on the floor. He watched Soobin kick off his shoes and stared down helplessly at his laces.
"Need help, Baba." He murmured. Soobin smiled softly and kneeled to help him take off his shoes.
"There you go. Do you want something to eat?"
Taehyun shook his head, his tummy still felt weird and hurt a little bit. Soobin watched him slouch away to his bedroom and sent a text to the others that they were home. He could hear some thumping coming from Taehyun's room and went to investigate. Around the doorway, he saw Taehyun on the floor with his upper body under his bed. A pair of old shoes, some books and storage bins had been pulled out and sat messily beside him.
Taehyun kicked one leg up and made an accomplished squeak. The he pushed himself out from under his bed with a dark blue box about the size of two shoe boxes. He didn't acknowledge Soobin, only sparing him a glance before climbing into his bed. Soobin watched curiously as Taehyun popped the lid off his box. His eyebrows furrowed when the boy held a sippy cup up towards him. It was white with a green lid and had a cute graphic of a zebra, giraffe, and lion on the side.
"Where'd that come from?" He asked curiously. Taehyun pointed bluntly to the box which made Soobin smile.
"No, I meant why do you have that?"
Taehyun pointed to the cup and then himself.
"Juice..." He mumbled, lowering the cup and holding it in his lap.
"O-Okay, uhm I think we still have some. Unless Hyuka secretly chugged the rest of it."
A cute giggle came from Taehyun, as he slowly rocked back and forth with a smile. His special Soobie-hyung didn't say anything mean to him!
"I'll uh, be right back. You should change to something comfy." Soobin said, leaving the room promptly after. He had no idea what he was doing, but concluded that it would all be okay if he followed Tae's lead.
When he returned Taehyun was in the exact same spot, still in his regular clothes. He was shivering and his eyes were all droopy. Soobin had almost forgotten why they came home in the first place. Taehyun seemed to brighten up for a few minutes when they got home, but his energy had clearly diminished.
"Here's your juice." Soobin said softly, crossing the room and sitting down on the edge of Taehyun's bed.
Taehyun took the sippy cup back and held it up to his mouth to bite. Soobin watched curiously until he eventually took a couple small sips. The older got up and grabbed a clean sweatshirt and sweatpants to help him change into.
"Do you need help changing, baby? Is that why you stayed on your bed?" Soobin asked, as he guided the little out of bed.
"Need 'elp." Taehyun repeated. He whimpered when he was stood on two feet and got hit with a bad dizzy spell.
"It's okay. We'll be quick." Soobin reassured. "Arms up, tyunnie." Taehyun was very easy to change and clung to Soobin like a koala bear when they were done.
"Cutie. Would you like watch a movie?"
"I take that as a yes?"
"Movie." Taehyun whispered.
Soobin chuckled affectionately and picked Taehyun up into his arms. Like a nervous rabbit, Taehyun burrowed his face into Soobin's shoulder and remained that way until they were sat on the sofa. Soobin kissed his head, draped a soft starry blanket over his back and played with his hair. Taehyun was rarely this cuddly, so he was going to enjoy it while it lasted.
"There's a lot of movies to choose from. Do you have any ideas?" Soobin asked.
"One with kitties." He requested cutely.
"Hmmm kitties you say..." Soobin exaggerated his thinking expression by holding his chin.
"Aristocats? There's also Hello Kitty and The Cat Returns."
"A-istocats." Taehyun picked.
"Sounds good to me."
They cuddled together as the movie played out. About twenty minutes in, Soobin noticed Taehyun squirming around every so often. He suddenly started whimpering and urgently tried to get off of Soobin. He stumbled onto the floor and only took a few steps before collapsing.
"What's wrong?!" Soobin asked, a hint a fear in his worried voice.
Taehyun lurched, starting to heave and gag. Some sort of hidden Dad instincts Soobin didn't know he had kicked in and he snatched Taehyun off the floor and ran with him in his arms to the bathroom. They didn't make it to the toilet, instead Taehyun threw up into the bath tub. He sobbed between each round, his stomach aching and throat burning.
"Oh, I know sweetie. You're okay, Tyunnie. Just breathe, it's okay." Soobin cooed, taking down the shower head and turning on the water.
He avoided spraying Taehyun in the face and aimed the water so it rinsed the mess down the drain. Taehyun continued to cry, using the tub edge as a pillow. Soobin got him to sit up and collected some of the water in his hand to help him clean out his mouth. He felt like a father taking care of his child, he didn't care what mess was made, just that his baby was okay and taken care of.
When the tub was rinsed out Soobin shut off the water and gathered Taehyun in his arms. They sat on the floor together, letting the adrenaline slowly diminish. Taehyun sniffled, no longer sobbing. He was completely worn out from his day. Regressing out of no where was tiring in general, add a fever and tummy bug on top and Taehyun would say he felt like he was going to fall into a coma.
"I'm so sorry you're sick. You'll feel better soon. I told the others to grab some popsicles and medicine to help you feel better." Soobin said, taking Taehyun's mind off of throwing up.
"Baba bed." He murmured. "Tired."
"Honey, why are you calling me baba? I don't mind, I just don't know why you've been acting like this." Soobin asked. He was desperate to know what was going on with him. Taehyun whined and took a minute to gather his thoughts.
"I'm weird, I know it's weird. My mind turns little like-like a kid. It makes me feel better when everythin's too much." Taehyun confessed, breaking off into shoulder shaking sobs. Soobin hugged him closer while he let his words sink in.
"Shhh, it okay. Tell me more, love."
"I can't help it, hyung. I'm sorry! Please don't hate me! Little Taehyunnie needs you!" Taehyun couldn't stop crying. He was overcome with the fear of rejection.
"We'd never hate you. Never! I just need you to explain it a little more, it's okay." Soobin said, guiding Taehyun to rest his head on his shoulder.
"What do you do when you feel like a kid?"
"Borrow Ningies plushies and hide in my bed. If no one's there I watch kid shows all alone a-and wish someone would take care of me." Taehyun let the words tumble past his lips. It was so relieving to finally talk about his secret, but it was just as terrifying.
"I get so lonely and small that I just cry til it all goes away. Everything gets harder to do and more confusing...It's so scary telling you this."
"I know, but I'm so glad you did. It sounds familiar. I think my psychiatrist told me about it when we started going over trauma stuff. It's Age Regressing right?" Soobin spoke softly. Taehyun's heart filled with stars at his words. He knew. His hyung knew! It was like he had been falling for miles and just landed in a strong secure set of arms.
"Aha, I can see how hard that would be to talk about. You're precious to us, Taehyun, and you always will be. You're never alone. You can always come to me when you feel little." Soobin said lovingly.
He coddled Taehyun for awhile longer, whispering sweet reassurances into his ear and rubbing his back. With the comfort of being taken care of and held, Taehyun quickly grew sleepy again.
"Bed." He murmured. "Tired."
"I'm sure you are. C'mon, you can sleep in my room."
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flashymoa · 13 days
Do you know Haerin from NEWJEANS? She made a live for her birthday but she had a bad cold and she sneezed like 6 or 7 times (You can search it on YouTube if you want, there’s a video with more than 100k views) but I feel like it would be a good idea if you write something inspired in that situation but with Beomgyu or Yeonjun. Since Beomgyu’s birthday is on spring it would be because of rhinitis. And with yeonjun, since he was literally catching cold every 1 or 2 months maybe it could be because since his birthday is in September the weather will probably start changing and that’s why he caught a cold. And everyone in the chat would be like “Oh it’s so sad that he caught a cold on his birthday” and stuff. And maybe some members could say like “Beomgyu/Yeonjun don’t sneeze on your gifts” and “Do you need a break? I’ll talk with MOA while Beomgyu/Yeonjun takes a little break”, that would be nice to say after a sneeze. and maybe the sickie would say “I swear I took medicine but I don’t know why it hasn’t worked..”. I’m not the anon who asked for snz in the first place but I just saw your post and decided to give you this idea, hope you like it. 😊
You're so kind❤️ Thank you for the idea!✨
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flashymoa · 14 days
I don’t know how to send DMs 😭 is it okay if I tell you everything here?
Go to my profile and look at the top right corner, there will be a total of 4 icons. There is a '+' signed message icon (like the one we see on messenger), click on that and you can dm me. It's also okay if you tell me everything here, but it would be better for me if you dm, I'm asking cz I've never written or thought of writing a snz, and I don't have a kink for sneezes, so I don't read much snz fics, that's why I might need to discuss a few things I might get confused about while writing. It's okay if you say it here tho, I just prefer the other way
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flashymoa · 15 days
do you write snz or just emeto? I was just thinking, these days most of the TXT sickfics are ab throwing up and i think I haven’t seen one about allergies smt like that since 2022 😭 Sneezy TXT fics come back 🙏🙏🙏🕯️🕯️🕯️
It's not just snz but as a whole TXT sickfic posts are really less compared to other kpop groups like SVT, SKZ or ATEEZ.
I hadn't thought about writing a snz but you seem like you badly want to read one. So I guess I'll write one. Allergies then? Like pollen allergy. And you can select which member you want to be the sick one, and if you want any specific member to be the sickie's main caretaker. It's better if you dm me and let me know your preferences or any plot you want. And don't worry, even if you dm me, I won't mention your id when I post it since you asked anonymously here.
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(just a random pic I wanted to add cz he looked funny and cute at the same time lol)
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flashymoa · 15 days
your soobin icon is so cute!! loved the pictures you chose <3
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flashymoa · 17 days
Hey off topic but you need to change your pfp and banner bc people might think you're a bot
There are things like bots here? I didn't know lol. I'll change my pfp then, I just kept it since I thought the pyramid was kinda cute. Thanks for letting me know!
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flashymoa · 17 days
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No More Please- Sick Soobin (ft BTS Jin)
Part 2
Link to Part 1->
Sickie: Soobin
Content: fever, vomit/emeto, fever hallucinations, ignorance, hospitals, lots of angst and fluff, a little bit of BTS caring mainly Jin (this is after summing up all the parts)
A little recap of previous part and let's continue~
"What is your problem seriously, why are you so careless?! Does our time or schedule have no value to you?!! This is not expected from a leader."
Soobin tried so hard to hold back his tears. Nothing was going well. First he didn't feel well, his ears were ringing and now everyone was angry at him. Could it be any worse?
Soobin held back his tears, as he tried to explain. "I'm so sorry, hyung. I felt so sick-" before he could go any futher Yeonjun rolled his eyes and said, "Such a drama queen. Now that you can't do anything properly, you're pretending to be sick. What more stories are you gonna tell? You have fever, you threw up etc etc? Huh?!"
Soobin felt betrayed. Even Taehyun was taken aback at this point. He saw Soobin hanging his head low, shoulders tense the whole time Yeonjun was giving him a lecture. Taehyun couldn't just stand and watch. He turned to Yeonjun, "hyung, please stop. I think you're crossing the limits. Soobin hyung isn't like that."
Of course Yeonjun wasn't buying that. He glared at Taehyun and Taehyun gulped in fear. No one dared to speak over Yeonjun, the eldest. Moreover, Beomgyu was on Yeonjun's side. Kai wasn't present and only Taehyun wanted to argue to defend the leader; and Soobin, well he was just trying to find ways to make the situation better.
Finally, Soobin cut off the silence, "Let's start the practice." No one said anything and the dance practice started. Soobin felt exhausted when the practice hadn't even fully started yet. It was just doing warm-ups. But he felt miserable. His stomach was cramping and he felt heavy. Not to mention he was sweating bullets without even doing much workout. But he pushed himself. Because no one was ready to even listen to him.
1 hour passed. As much as Soobin wanted, he couldn't ask for a break because he knew exactly what would happen if he did. Everyone would get angry at him again.
Soobin tried, he really tried hard to go on with the flow. But no matter what he did, he kept messing things up. The dance instructor had warned him a few times already. Not to mention Yeonjun and Beomgyu's constant flares. Taehyun didn't glare, his expression was something Soobin couldn't quite make out.
"Soobin what's wrong with you today? I've lost count of how many times you've made mistakes!" their dance instructor yelled.
"I'm sorry, I'll try more." Soobin muttered in a low voice. Yeonjun became even more annoyed at this. "Yah! Can't you even speak properly?!"
"I'm sorry, I'll do better," Soobin repeated himself, speaking clearly this time. Soobin was getting frustrated at himself. Why couldn't he get things right? He felt like crying but he couldn't cry; he could only look at his members like a pathetic, trying to find a little comfort which he couldn't find. His members didn't have any sympathetic or loving gazes towards him at that moment. He felt miserable.
Another few hours passed. Soobin was barely surviving. The music was playing, and he was dancing totally relying on muscle memory. He felt so hot, sticky and heavy. His stomach was aching more than he could withstand without groaning. At one point he felt like passing out, he wanted to at least sit down.
Soobin knew neither his members not the dance instructor would give him a break. But his body couldn't take it anymore as he sat down in the middle of the choreo, breathing heavily with eyes closed. He felt like throwing up.
Before anyone could utter a word or yell at him, he spoke up, "I n-need a break. J-just 5 minutes please." He trying his best not to stutter. He didn't want to be labelled again as a drama queen.
"You can't be serious right now Soobin, we just had a break an hour ago!" Yeonjun yelled.
Soobin didn't say anything, he got up and said, "I'll be back." He walked normally while exiting the practice room because he had to act like he was fine. Because everytime he wanted to say he wasn't feeling okay, or showed any signs of weakness, he'd be yelled at. He had no choice but to act normal in front of them.
They 5 people who trusted each other like family, yet Soobin didn't know why he felt so lonely. He felt like was alone, struggling to do things properly.
As soon as he exited the practice room he was limping, clutching his stomach. As he made his way to the bathroom, at one point he didn't know if he could make it to the bathroom anymore. His stomach was churning painfully, his body felt so heavy he thought either he'd throw up on the floor right then or pass out. He took deep breaths to calm down, nothing was working. His world was swirling, even walking normally felt like an extremely hard task.
Soobin finally reached the washroom which he thought he wouldn't be able to make it. As soon as he got himself into a stall, he collapsed in front of the toilet, retching and vomiting violently. He squeezed his eyes and clutched his stomach in pain. He gagged and choked as his eyes widened. He coughed, and heaved again and again. Everything hurt. He started crying at some point.
When he finally finished, he slumped against the wall, closing his eyes, his breathing unstable and shaky. He had no energy left. He was sure he had a fever now, the weird stickiness and chills definitely indicated fever.
Soobin needed help, he wanted to call someone to help him but who? Everyone was mad at him, no one cared. Not a single one of his members cared. He felt so lonely. He thought of calling Kai once but immediately thought against it as the maknae was already sick and resting at home. That's when Soobin heard his phone ringing, 'Yeonjun Hyung' it read.
Should he pick it up?
After arguing with himself a thousand times, he picked it up. Soobin was so weak he didn't even have the energy to say hello or hold the phone to his ears. He put it on speaker and let it fall onto his lap.
Yelling was the first thing he heard. "CHOI SOOBIN! WHERE ARE YOU?! DO YOU KNOW AFTER SAYING 5 MINUTES HOW MUCH TIME YOU SPENT?!! HUH?!" it was Yeonjun. Much expected.
But Soobin didn't expect Beomgyu, who was younger than him, to yell at him too. "HYUNG WHY ARE YOU SO CARELESS? DO YOU EVEN HAVE ANY SHAMNE THAT THE WHOLE GROUP IS LAGGING BEHIND BECAUSE OF YOU?" As bad as Soobin felt because of sickness, he felt even worse to be treated like this by his own members. Endless tears were streaming down his face.
Taehyun was speaking now. They probably put the phone on speaker and now everyone was taking turns in scolding him.
"Hyung are you oka-" Soobin hung up. He didn't want to hear it anymore. He was so sick of being scolded. He didn't even know he was sobbing loudly until someone knocked on the door. He didn't answer, he knew it was Yeonjun. He hugged his knees and buried his head over it. He didn't want to be yelled at again.
Someone pushed open the door as it wasn't locked. Soobin thought it would be one of his angry members. He heard someone gasp. "Omg Soobin! Is that you?"
He felt someone placing their hand on his shoulder but he slapped it right away, sobbing even harder, "N-no m-more Please. No m-more- s-scolds."
He took a shaky breath. He felt a hand being placed on his shoulder again, "Soobin! Listen to me," Soobin slapped it away with all the energy he had, "NO!" He was stuttering badly. "Pl-please s-stop- scolding. I-I c-can't take it an-anymore." He was hyperventilating at this point. All of a sudden, his stomach turned as he lurched forward with gag, vomit pouring on his lap as he couldn't make it to the toilet bowl. He heaved again as Jin held him to keep him away from his own mess which didn't help much since Soobin had already vomited on his pants. "I-I'm s-sorry. I'm so sorry p-please d-don't yell." He was a crying, sobbing mess, traumatized in one word.
Soobin didn't know who the person was but that person didn't scold him, rather handed him with such gentle hands, rubbing his back and telling him it's going to be okay. He wanted warmth and this person's warmth pulled him close, making him relax as he was felt like he was freezing.
It was Jin from BTS. He was shocked to see Soobin like that. But before anything, he needed to help the younger out. He cradled Soobin in his arms, gently stroking his sweaty hair and giving back rubs. He could feel the intense heat rading from the younger, indicating the poor boy had a pretty high fever.
After Jin coaxing Soobin for a while, he had stopped crying but still violently shivering and slurring in a feverish delirium. Jin was so sure Soobin was mistreated either by his members, or the manager and whoever had done this to Soobin, he wasn't going to let them go so easily.
1688 words.
Karma waiting in the next part🤧
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flashymoa · 19 days
Today went so bad. Two of my baby bunnies died due to cold, (bunnies are sensitive, can die if you bathe them with cold water) they got wet in the rain and I was out when that happened so I had no idea. Secondly, I have an exam tomorrow, I'm sick, and threw up a few times; my whole body hurts and every time I tried to read nothing was getting into my head. These are the exact same topics I've read and practiced before, and I was just revising but it's like my brain isn't working no matter how hard I tried. Tomorrow's exam is gonna be a mess. I just wanted to share bcz I don't know what to do. I'll go to sleep now
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flashymoa · 1 month
A TXT omegaverse sickfic this time? What do you say? I was thinking of writing a sickfic in which one of the txt members would be an omega. And he's sick but members mistake it as heat because not long ago, they had some kind of vaccination, and a side effect made their pheromone identifying senses weak for a while. So, the members get really worried when the symptoms don't match with heat. So the question is....
Personally, I think Taehyun is the best suited person for that bcz he's so tiny compared to the other members, likes to cling to Soobin's arms like a cat and his occasional purrs are so damn cute.
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flashymoa · 1 month
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Migraine Becomes a Mess (Taehyun)
This was requested by an anon. Hope it finds the anon.
Sick: Taehyun
Caretaker: mainly Kai
Content: migraines, vomiting
After long hours of practice, TXT finally got to get back to the dorms. Everyone was tired. They just wanted to eat something and go to sleep.
The members quickly washed up and settled down for dinner. Everyone was chatting; Kai occasionally burst out his devilishly loud laughs and Beomgyu being loud as always, thereby Yeonjun scolding Beomgyu and Soobin just quietly eating his food because it's nothing new and food matters first of course.
Everything was normal, except the fact that Taehyun felt annoyed of them. He had a headache and they were making it worse. He had had enough. He slammed his hands on the counter and snapped, "Kai can you stop laughing like that?!"
Kai frowned, "Like what?"
"Your damn loud laughter is annoying me to the guts! It's giving me a headache!"
Kai was offended.He glared at Taehyun, "I've always laughed like that Taehyun. What's your problem?"
"It's annoying me."
Kai just clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, "Oh yeah? It's my natural laughter and if it annoys you I don't give a shit."
Soobin spoke up this time, "Manners Kai."
"Manners?! You tell me to bahave but not him?!! Didn't he pull on a fight first?!" Kai was raging at this point.
"Calm down, kai-ah," Yeonjun said. "What Taehyun said was kinda disrespectful but I'm sure he feels guilty. He'll apologize, right Taehyun?" Yeonjun tured to Taehyun for a response; an apology but Taehyun just got up from his seat without saying anything and walked away.
It wasn't intentional tho, his headache had evolved into a serious migraine. And he couldn't even focus on what they were saying right now. He just wanted to get out of the chaos. Go somewhere quiet and dark.
But Taehyun getting up without answering clearly added flame to the fire. Kai was furious, he turned to Soobin.
"Hyung, did you see that?! He is the one that doesn't have manners!!"
He got up from his seat as well, "Yah! Taehyun! Didn't you hear Yeonjun hyung told you to apologise?!" Taehyun winced at the loud voice. It felt like needles pinning his head. He flinched and slammed his palms against his ears, trying his best to block the voice.
Kai was so mad at this behaviour that he was speechless. First he walked away without answering and now he's pretending not to hear, even blocking his ears to show he doesn't care to listen.
"He's becoming a spoilt brat," Beomgyu commented. Soobin or Yeonjun couldn't even say anything in defense even if they wanted to. They guessed something was fishy, probably Taehyun was upset about something but they didn't give it much thought.
Later that night, Kai insisted he won't sleep in the same bed as Taehyun. (Imagine they share a double bed instead of bunk beds)
"I'm not sleeping in the same room as him Soobin hyung. That's final!" Kai huffed.
"Don't be like this Kai. If you be stubborn and do not sleep in your shared room today, the fight would get even bigger."
"No, he started this. Until he apologises I have no business with him! I'm not talking to him, let alone sleep in the same bed."
Soobin put his hands on Kai's shoulder, "Look at me Kai-ah. I know what he did wasn't right. But, please listen to hyung this once?"
Kai just looked away, not knowing what to say. He was mad Taehyun but he couldn't reject Soobin when he was asking like that.
"Um.. okay, but just because you're telling me to. I obviously didn't forgive him."
Soobin smiled at him, "That's good Ning-ning. Go to sleep now. We have to leave early for practice tomorrow."
"Okay hyung."
Kai opened his bedroom door to find it absolutely dark. Normally it'd be dimly lit at night, but it was completely dark. He didn't think much about it as he got ready for bed.
He sarcastically looked at Taehyun and whispered, "Huh. Now sleeping peacefully after insulting me."
Soon, Kai drifted off to sleep but little did he know, Taehyun couldn't sleep one bit. His head was killing him, not to mention the churning inside his stomach.
On top of that, there was a construction going on nearby, the sound of drilling machines increased the pain 10 folded and Taehyun couldn't do anything but cry silently. The pain didn't ease one bit, it was just increasing.
He didn't even know when he started whimpering. And when Kai woke up hearing his whimpers.
"Taehyun, are you okay?" he heard Kai's voice. Was he really asking? Or was it his confused brain setting hallucinations because he was yearning for comfort.
Taehyun looked at Kai's side of bed. It was dark, he couldn't see anything properly. But then he heard it again, "Taehyun? You okay?"
Taehyun only whimpered in response. Kai immediately figured something was wrong.
He hurriedly got off the bed and flicked on the lights to see things properly. Taehyun flinched at the brightness as he buried his head on his knees, hands clutching his head and hair tightly, whimpering louder. He was visibly shaking. Rocking himself back and forth to calm himself down but he was miserably failing.
Kai immediately rushed to his side in worry, "Taehyun-ah, are you crying? What's wrong?" Taehyun sobbed; he couldn't form any words or even look up at him. The pain was too much.
Huening Kai cradled him in his arms and guided his head to rest on his chest. He rubbed his arms gently; stroked his hair as he whimpered and cried. He won't stop clutching his head nor open his eyes. Kai tried talking to him again, "Taehyunie, can you tell me what's bothering you? Did you have a nightmare? Talk to me. I'm right here." But Taehyun won't say a word, he seemed in too much pain.
Kai started panicking, Taehyun won't talk to him or even look at him. He couldn't imagine how much Taehyun was suffering to act like that. He was shaking in his arms like a stray bird in a storm.
"Should I call Soobin hyung? But how can I leave him alone in this state?" As much as he wanted the leader's help, he couldn't leave Taehyun alone in that state.
Kai reassured Taehyun in the most gentle way possible but Taehyun couldn't focus on anything when the pain felt like needles piercing through his skull, when the nausea that had slightly settled down earlier increased ten folded all of a sudden; his stomach just wanted to leap out. Taehyun didn't know what to do.
"Taehyun-ah at least open your eyes, please tell me what's wrong. I can't help you if you don't tell me."
Taehyun tried to follow what he was told. But as soon as he opened his eyes the bright light made everything worse. He was stuck with a sudden wave of dizziness; the world seemed to spin and a wave of nausea hit him on full force.
He felt his throat tighten as he lurched forward with gag. He immediately clamped his hand over his mouth. But it couldn't stop the inevitable as he gagged again and vomit seeped through the gaps of his fingers. Huening Kai's eyes widened at the sudden encounter; nevertheless he didn't let go of Taehyun, rather sat him upright properly so that he doesn't get the vomit on himself.
"It's okay. Let it out. It'll be over soon." Kai tried his best to soothe him. It was his favourite penguin blanket Taehyun threw up on yet Kai didn't feel angry at all. All he felt was worry and sympathy.
Kai rubbed Taehyun's back gently as he retched, coughed and choked on vomit. He was throwing up uncontrollably, barely getting any space to breathe inbetween heaves. Tears rolled down his cheeks as his body tried to get everything out of his stomach.
Kai waited patiently for Taehyun to finish. By the time Taehyun stopped throwing up, the poor boy slumped against Kai, breathing heavily.
Kai asked softly, "Done?"
Taehyun nodded, eyes closed. He was tired and embarrassed. "I'm sorry," those were the first words Taehyun said.
"It's okay. It happens." Kai said as he reached to grab the tissues box from the nightstand with one hand while supporting the sick boy to stay stable with the other. He gently wiped his mouth and nose. Took another tissue to wipe the stray tears. He wiped his hand as well since one of his hands got puke on it.
Taehyun didn't utter a single word the whole time. It wasn't like the throbbing in his head had totally subsided but he felt a lot better.
"Wanna tell what actually happened?"
"Migraine." Taehyun replied while sniffling. His previous crying had left him with occasional sniffles.
Kai noticed Taehyun won't look up, he kept his head hung low. "Is your head still hurting? I'll turn off the lights. But I need to put the blankets in wash first. Can you stay by yourself for a while?"
Taehyun nodded.
"I'm sorry." He apologised as tears formed in the corner of his eyes, "I'm so sorry. I didn't realise I'd throw up until it happened. I made such a mess."
Kai held his cheeks and made him look at him. "Hey, look at me. It's okay. It's not your fault. Don't feel guilty." He saw tears making their way down his cheeks again. Kai knew he was now crying in guilt, not pain. Taehyun's expression clearly showed how guilty and miserable he felt. Kai placed a forehead kiss and said, "It's not your fault. I can just clean it up, okay? I'll be back in a minute."
Kai carefully pulled off the blanket, careful not to spread the mess and left the room to put it in the wash.
Taehyun was beyond grateful that Kai wasn't mad at him. He felt so tired and miserable that he didn't even notice when Huening Kai re-entered the room. He was in a daze. The only thing he felt was a touch on his shoulder and he turned his head to find Kai standing with a glass of water.
"Here, drink this." Kai helped Taehyun drink the water, carefully not to spill since his hands were shaking. Taehyun felt relieved as the water took away the acidic taste and cooled his throat. Kai handed him two tablets. Taehyun didn't even know what it was. He just trusted him enough to take it without a question. "Thanks."
"You gotta wash your hands, I only wiped with tissues. Do you think you can walk?" He could guess the answer already. Taehyun looked ghostly pale and Kai knew how terrible Taehyun's migranes could be.
Kai sighed, "it's okay, I'll get wet wipes."
Kai helped him get cleaned, turned the lights off since it was bothering Taehyun, even wiped his face and neck with a wet towel when he noticed the temperature had elevated.
Huening Kai guided Taehyun's head on his lap while he sat against the headboard, stroking his hair and messaging his head. He knew it won't help that much given the fact that migraines never go away with message, but he just wanted ease his discomfort even if it's a little bit.
Later on that night, Taehyun spiked a fever and Kai practically stayed up all night to take care of him.
The next morning when Soobin went to wake the maknaes up, he found Kai sleeping while sitting, leaning on the headboard, and Taehyun sleeping on Kai's lap. He smiled inwardly, "Who can tell these two were fighting not even 24 hours ago?"
I'll be glad if you leave a comment or show any support. Your reviews encourage us to write more!❤️
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flashymoa · 1 month
Hello! I was wondering if you do requests?
If you do, would you mind writing a Sickfic about Taehyun?? Thank you!!!
Hi! This is the first request I got on tumblr. So, I gave it a lot of effort haha. You didn't mention any specific plot so I just went with whatever I liked. I'm done writing it; just need to add some finishing touches and I'll post it in a day or two. So keep an eye on my timeline! Stay safe❤️
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flashymoa · 1 month
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No More Please (txt Soobin)
Sickie: Soobin
Caretaker: other TXT members
Content: fever, vomit/emeto, fever hallucinations, ignorance, lots of angst and fluff (this is after summing up all the parts)
Everyone was busy at the dorm because the maknae, Kai has had a fever since last night. Everyone was paying attention to Kai, basically doing anything to make him feel better.
"Taehyun, tell Soobin to call the manager and inform him that Kai has a bad fever and he can't come to practice today." Yeonjun said as changed the wet cloth on Kai's forehead. 
"Soobin hyung is asleep i guess." Taehyun replied.
Yeonjun's expression changed to an annoyed one. "Still sleeping?!"
Yeonjun immediately went to Soobin's room and opened the door with irritation. Their maknae was already sick and the leader was still sleeping. So careleess.
"Soobin! Wake up, right now!"
Soobin hummed in sleep and rubbed his eyes sleepily, pulling the covers more. "5 more minutes, hyung."
Yeonjun got angry and yanked the blanket off him, "Get up! Now! You're already late!"
Soobin got up slowly and pouted. Yeonjun closed the door with a loud thud and left.
Soobin winced at the sound and felt his head throbbing as soon as he sat up. He put his head down on his hands, it hurt. It was accompanied by a weird feeling in his stomach. But eventually he dragged himself down his bed and walked to the bathroom.
On the way, he bumped into Taehyun. "Good morning, hyung."
"Good morning tae."
"Wash up and come to the dining table. Beomgyu made your favourite waffles today." Taehyun said.
Usually Soobin would be happy to hear that but right now, the name food made his stomach churn. He just said, "Oh, okay."
Taehyun didn't suspect anything and went to the dining table while Soobin walked to the bathroom. The smell of waffles made Soobin gag into his fist, as he quickly ran towards the bathroom.
He hunched over the toilet and gagged. Nothing came up. He felt sick to stomach but nothing came up as he dry-heaved twice more. 
"What's wrong with me?" He thought as he walked to the sink, and splashed water on his face.
"Soobin! We're getting late!!" He heard yeonjun yelling. "Just a minute!" He replied. He quickly opened the shelf to find the thermometer but couldn't find it. That's when he remembered Kai had a fever last night, so probably it's in his room right now.
Soobin sighed and shrugged it off. Maybe he was fine.
Soobin got ready and left for practice with the members. He already woke up late so he barely had time for breakfast. Moreover his stomach was rebelling with him. He had no appetite, but forced himself to eat at least a toast because he was gonna need energy for practice.
Later on, during the car ride, Soobin deeply regretted it. His stomach wasn't giving him a break. It was cramping and he felt extremely nauseous. "Can you slow down a bit? I think you're going a little fast?" He said in a confused tone because he himself didn't know if the manager was driving was fast or not; he was too sick to focus on anything else.
"What Soobin seriously? We're late because of you! Of course he has to drive fast," Yeonjun snapped on an instant.
"I'm sorry."
Soobin closed his eyes and leaned back to rest his head. He felt so sick. He felt a hand light brushing his arm, "Are you okay?" Taehyun asked.
But before Soobin could answer, Yeonjun clicked his tongue in annoyance, "why would he not? He has slept the most today and didn't even help with taking care of Kai."
"I'm sorry," Soobin apologized again, he felt so sad. Why was Yeonjun snapping at him every now and then?
He felt Taehyun holding his hand and giving it a comforting squeeze. "I'm okay," Soobin assured Taehyun. It was such a lie. He didn't feel okay at all. He felt like he would hurl right then and there.
He took deep breaths to calm down the nausea. It helped a little.
Taehyun was worried about his hyung. Beomgyu was sleeping and Yeonjun was... well relatively annoyed and listening to music. And Kai was on leave.
Soon, the car came to a stop. Soobin was more than thankful that the car ride had finally come to an end. He hurried outside, in the process, he mistakenly stepped on Beomgyu's foot. He cursed under his breath but didn't have the time to apologise as he ran towards the building's bathroom.
Luckily he reached one of the stalls in time. His body lurched forward as a stream of vomit forcefully left his mouth. He couldn't even take a breath as he heaved again, bringing up another mouthful of vomit.
At this point he was shaking from the sheer force his body applied on every retch. He choked and coughed clutching his stomach in pain. He squeezed his eyes shut as tight as possible, hoping it would ease the pain a little as the light was making his head hurt. He rested his head on the toilet seat, he knew it was disgusting but he was too exhausted to care. He felt nausea building up at the back of his throat. Tears leaked his eyes and his body retched again, and again.
After about 5 minutes, it stopped. Soobin took deep, shaky breaths. His eyes still shut tight. He felt lightheaded but he had to get up and go to practice. He got up, his legs shaking as he supported himself leaning on the wall.
Soobin flushed the toilet, and washed his mouth and face in the sink. Oh no, I'm running late. Yeonjun hyung is gonna scold me again! I gotta hurry.
Soobin rushed to the practice room only to meet with an annoyed Beomgyu, a glaring Yeonjun and a worried-looking Taehyun.
Soobin prepared himself for the scolding. He thought Yeonjun would be the one to scold him but-
Beomgyu started, "Hyung, have you forgotten your manners? What kind of behaviour is this, you stepped on my foot earlier while vetting off the van and didn't even apologise?!"
Soobin looked down in guilt. "Sorry, I didn't mean to."
"Care to explain what took you so long?" It was Yeonjun this time. He was clearly not happy.
"I-" Soobin started but was cut off by Yeonjun yelling, "What is your problem seriously, why are you so careless?! Does our time or schedule have no value to you?!! This is not expected from a leader."
Soobin tried so hard to hold back his tears. Nothing was going well. First he didn't feel well, his ears were ringing and now everyone was angry at him. Could it be any worse?
-to be continued
This is my first tumblr post. Hope you show support❤️
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flashymoa · 2 months
One thing I can literally never get enough of in fic is personality shifts when a character is sick.
Characters who are usually pleasant and easygoing suddenly becoming irritable or snapping at their friend over something small. Characters who are normally short tempered reacting to something uncharacteristically calmly because they just don’t have the energy to get worked up.
Characters who are usually confident and attention-seeking feeling insecure and acting standoffish. Characters who are usually reserved and not into physical touch becoming oddly cuddly and affectionate.
Characters who are usually neat losing willpower and letting their space become a mess. Characters who typically don’t bother tidying becoming unusually conscientious about keeping things clean and sanitized in an effort to prevent the spread of whatever they have.
This could go on forever, it’s so basic but I am so obsessed.
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flashymoa · 3 months
Soobin and Beomgyu has been having a hard time with rhinitis lately  
YJ: Are you okay? 
SB: It’s hard~ 
YJ: Shhhh
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flashymoa · 3 months
could you do one where seungmin is super sick (emeto) and chan cares for him for a couple days?
Sickie: Seungmin
Caretaker: Chan
I told y'all lots of updates were coming =)
Seungmin p.o.v
After what felt like an eternity the members of stray kids were finally allowed to have a break. We had been so busy with schedules over the past few months but finally our company was allowing us a few week break. Almost all the members were oin home to visit family. I was excited it had been a while since I had seen my family.
But the night before I was supposed to leave I had started to feel sick. I sincerely hoped it was just from the excitement. The discomfort kept me awake late into the night. It was almost 3 AM when I started to question the possibility that the discomfort of my stomach was a bit more than just excitement. It had changed from a dull ache to a nauseating, aching, just generally horrible feeling. I started to feel nauseous and felt bile creeping up the back of my throat, I climbed out of bed as quickly as possible, the movement jostled my stomach and caused it to churn. I hurried to the bathroom, I was so sick I didn't even bother to shut the door, let alone lock it.
Chan p.o.v
I heard a crashing noise from the hallway. I was trying to figure out who possibly could be up so late, well I guess early. I was about to investigate the sound when my question was answered as I heard a harsh retching and then the sound of vomit hitting water. I hurried to climb out of bed and rushed to the bathroom, where Seungmin was bent over the toilet. I knelt down next to him. “I rubbed his back as he continued to throw up. he whimpered softly. Its okay Minnie. It will be over soon“
“hyung it hurts.”
“I know. Just try and breathe” He whimpered again.
“I know Minnie. Are you done throwing up?” he nodded, “I think so” I helped him stand up and I gently lead him to my room. My roommates already out of the house on their vacation. "Sorry hyung."
"Dont apoloize, You cant control being sick"
"Still, feel bad"
"Sick bad or guilty bad?"
"Both" he admitted softly, he rubbed his stomach. "I'm going to grab a heat pack. It might help with your stomach." Seungmin nodded. I moved the trash can next to the bed. "There's that in case you get sick again bud" He nodded, his skin was pale and looked tinged slightly green. I left the room, only a moment later I heard a "Hyung?" it was weak and sounded pained. The call was followed by an unmistakable gag and then the sound of vomit. I hurried back to the room and started rubbing Seungmin's back as he curled over the trash can, expelling the contents of his stomach.
His body wracked with painful sounding gags, I felt his back muscles tense with the force of the vomit. The force of his vomiting combined with his sobs wretched his whole body forwards. "Min you need to breathe" I whispered softly, rubbing his back comfortingly. He sniffled, "hurts" he said softly. He leaned back against my chest, "done?" 
"Think so. For now at least." He wiped his mouth on his sleeve. "How long have you felt sick for?" I asked him, I gently moved him off my body and picked up the bowl and took it to the bathroom connected to my room to wash it out. "I dunno. Stomach felt off all day. Didn't think I was sick though." 
"Have you told your parents yet? I think the best thing for you right now is to stay home. You need rest." Seungmin shrugged, "it's fine. I-" he swallowed down a gag. He gently rubbed his stomach. "Need this?" I asked handing him the trash can. He shook his head. "I'm tired. Just wanna sleep." 
"That's totally fine." I allowed him to get comfortable in my bed. I went to lay down in a different bed, but he whispered lightly. "What's wrong bud?" 
"With me?" I was confused, "did you need something" 
"Cuddle please" he said softly. I smiled slightly, I climbed into bed next to him. He curled into my side. Thankfully he fell asleep quickly. 
*The next morning*
Seungmin p.o.v
I woke up feeling nauseous. Thankfully not as bad as I did last night, but enough that I knew I only had a matter of time before I threw up. Chan hyung was still asleep, and I felt bad waking him up last night, so I was very careful to not wake him up. I remembered that Chan was the only other one still at the dorm. All the others had already left. Chan had ultimately decided not to go to Australia, and was going to stay at the dorm. Which I was very happy about, especially because I was starting to wonder if it might be best for me to not visit my family. Especially with how sick I still felt. 
I went to the living room, I took the garbage can with me as the nausea was growing. I sat on the couch, I considered watching a movie or playing something on my phone, but the thought of doing anything made me feel dizzy and I didn't want to make the nausea worse. 
Chan p.o.v 
I woke up a bit later than usual, this didn't surprise me, especially with how much Seungmin was tossing and turning last night with his fever. I was surprised that Seungmin wasn't in the bed next to me. I got out of bed and went towards the living room area and saw Seungmin laying on the couch, his eyes closed and the trash can was next to him. I noticed the smell that showed he had thrown up at least once that morning. I couldn't quite figure out if he was asleep or not. But I did very quietly remove the trash can and I cleaned it out. When I got back Seungmin was sitting up on the couch, rubbing his eyes. "Morning" I said, he flinched at my voice. "Hey hyung" his voice was rough, I assumed it was from how many times he had thrown up. He noticed the trash can was clean. "You don't have to clean up after me hyung" 
"I'm just taking care of you. There's nothing wrong with that" I rubbed his back. He smiled somewhat shyly. "I just want you to feel better." 
"Thanks hyung. Uh, I don't think I'm going home this week" 
"That's fine bud. I was going to suggest that" 
“I just feel really awful” he admitted softly. “I know its not fun to be sick. Especially with a stomach bug” Seungmin nodded, he suddenly clamped his hand over is mouth. I moved the trash can right under his chin. he gagged and gently pushed me away, he vomited into the bin. I placed a comforting and on is back. I kept it there the whole time he was getting sick. “Chan hyung?” I looked at him. “Can we watch something?”
“of course” I helped him get comfortable before putting a movie on the tv. e seemed content, so I went to clean the trash can out. When I returned I sat next to him. “Tank you so much hyun.“
“No problem"
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flashymoa · 3 months
Take it easy, take a breath
A school au featuring a sick Taehyun with a stomach bug.
Everyone in the classroom or even outside it knew that Taehyun was a good student, —the best as the teachers said— always worrying about his grades, his projects always won the first place, his tests had the perfect score all the time.
Everyone thought he was just a prodigy, but only his closest friends knew how hard he worked, and how it always ends up catching onto him.
When exams period finishes and they have a few days of vacation Taehyun sleeps. He could spend all his break sleeping and only going out of his room to eat when his mom calls him to do so.
This time feels... different.
Midterms are starting tomorrow and even if Taehyun did study in advance he still feels it isn't enough, but he just can't seem to focus. Spring is around the corner but he feels hot, as if it were summer, the air in his room feels stuffier, his head feels heavy and there's a weird feeling deep down in his belly.
Okay it's a sunday afternoon, maybe just this once he could take a break, so he closes his books as he sighs deeply when a wave of dizziness washes over him, going to his bed and covering himself with the covers, now feeling really cold.
Taehyun didn't know when he had fallen asleep but he woke up at night, a figure standing on the doorframe, it was his mother telling him that dinner was ready.
He got out of bed feeling a little better, maybe it was just exhaustion so after eating he could sleep again and be in perfect shape for tomorrow's exam.
When he sat down both of his parents looked at him with concerned faces.
"Honey, are you feeling okay? you're really pale" his mother placed a hand on his forehead as she spoke. "Yes mom, just tired, you know I have tests this week" trying to reassure his parents was kind of working, they continued to eat their dinner, Taehyun felt full after some bites but he ate just half of it.
"Mom, I'm not that hungry, I'm going to sleep, thanks and goodnight" he grabbed his plate to put it on the kitchen counter and then went to brush his teeth, confirming that yes, he was indeed pale.
Okay, maybe a good night of sleep will get him to feel alright.
The clock read 2:00 am, Taehyun couldn't sleep. His body was or too hot or too cold, and the mattress felt uncomfortably sweaty as well as his shirt, he's sure he had fever dreams all night.
Now the clock reads 7:00 am, Taehyun needs to get ready for school, but his body feels all heavy so that morning he was slower than usual.
He tried to skip breakfast but his mom made him eat at least a sandwich and a glass of orange juice, his stomach feeling weird and now full made his walk to school feel like hell.
"Good morning Taehyunnie, how was your— wow, are you okay? You don't look so good" Beomgyu, his best friend and classmate was always the first one to greet him, now completely worried about him.
"Couldn't sleep that well last night, maybe it's the stress" he sat on his desk and rested his head on his arms, he had to make it until the exam, then he could leave and be miserable in his room.
Beomgyu sat beside him and rubbed his back, it was obvious his friend wasn't okay but he wasn't going to say it out loud and upset Taehyun, a comfortable silence surrounded them until the rest of students arrived.
During class, Taehyun gave up on paying attention, his head hurt, his whole body felt as if he was on fire but freezing at the same time, so he tried to sleep. The teachers saw how pale he looked so they didn't say anything, Beomgyu talked to them too saying that Taehyun was sick but he won't admit it until it's late.
It was lunchtime, Beomgyu didn't have the heart to wake Taehyun and decided to stay with him, he was lucky enough to have something to eat in his backpack.
When Beomgyu finished eating Taehyun opened his eyes and stretched his arms and neck, noticing the classroom was empty and only Beomgyu was there he thought it was a dream until the latter spoke up.
"You looked pretty tired so I couldn't wake you up, how are you feeling?" Taehyun didn't see the point in lying anymore, Beomgyu knew he was sick.
"I feel like crap, I just wanna take that damn exam and go home"
"You are the teacher's favorite you can take the exam another day, go home and rest" Beomgyu tried persuading him but it was to no avail.
"No, it's fine, I can make it".
He couldn't make it.
As soon as everyone was handed the exam his anxiety increased and now he felt nauseous, extremely nauseous.
Halfway through the exam Taehyun stopped writing, feeling dizzy when he tried to read and understand what he had to do, if he kept on trying he would throw up right there and then.
The teacher, a middle aged lady, was walking around the class to make sure no one was cheating, but when she walked through Taehyun's desk she got concerned as she saw the boy looking pale, sweating, with his eyes closed and both of his hands covering his mouth as he tried to take deep breaths to ease the nausea away.
"Taehyun, dear, if you're not feeling well you are excused to go to the nurse's office, take the exam when you know what you're writing, go and rest."
The boy did as told, with one hand still covering his mouth he got out of the classroom but first he went to the bathroom, he was going to puke any time soon.
His things? Beomgyu could help with that, right now the only thing that matters is getting into a stall before it's too late, when Taehyun did so, he kneeled in front of the toilet and waited for the inevitable, leaning forward with a couple of empty gags as all his uniform was absorbing his sweat.
And finally, it started with a wet cough.
His breakfast making a reappearance, that damn orange juice burning everything from inside of him and tasting so gross.
Another cough brought up more while Taehyun held his stomach, trying to catch his breathing but that task seemed impossible when the vomit went through his nose too, chunks and everything.
And to make matters worse, just as he was finishing this first round (he knew it wouldn't be the last one) Taehyun was so exhausted that he felt like he was going to pass out, and he did so but before it happened he managed to text Beomgyu for help.
Bathroom second floor
Sent 12:39
When the exam was finished Beomgyu checked his phone just in case and when he saw Taehyun's text he knew immediately what was going on.
Everyone was dismissed, thankfully almost no one went to the bathroom on the second floor because it was practically hidden, like in a corner of the hallway.
Beomgyu grabbed Taehyun's things and started looking for him.
As Beomgyu was hoping, the bathroom was almost empty, almost because one of the stalls had a pair of legs standing out, the door without lock, it was indeed Taehyun, looking paler, sweaty and on the toilet was still the traces of Taehyun getting sick.
Beomgyu flushed the toilet and used some toilet paper to carefully clean Taehyun's mouth as the younger started waking up.
Still too out of it, Taehyun was muttering something but Beomgyu couldn't quite understand it, just hearing the words "home" and "bed", the older replying to him with a "Yes Taehyun, now we can get you home and you can rest in your bed, it's alright now".
They waited ther for a couple of minutes until Taehyun felt ready to leave the stall, Beomgyu calling a cab to Taehyun's house.
"Hyung 'm still nauseous..." Taehyun muttered under his breath as he was resting his head in Beomgyu's shoulder, they were in the taxi by then, the latter a little bit worried Taehyun might throw up on him but still he didn't have the heart to push him away.
"It's okay, just endure it a bit longer we're almost there".
As soon as the taxi stopped Taehyun got out and went inside the house almost running, while Beomgyu was paying to the driver.
Beomgyu found Taehyun in the guest's bathroom on the first floor, heaving over the sink, the toilet seemed to be so far away in the rush of the moment.
Taehyun brought up some more bile and stomach acid, everything was spinning and his grip on the sink was getting weaker, Beomgyu had to support him until he was able to move away.
"You wanna go to your room or maybe stay in the couch?" Taehyun thought a bit until he murmured "Bed, please" and Beomgyu took him there, Taehyun immediately taking off his uniform and staying only in boxers, laying down on his bed and kicking off the covers. "Hey no, you'll get sicker if you sleep like that, at least put a shirt on" the older tried, Taehyun just grunted and said "No, too hot" Beomgyu then remembered Taehyun was feverish, he had to cool him down so he went to get a washcloth and some cold water, pressing it on Taehyun's chest until the fever looked like it went down.
Beomgyu covered him and let him sleep, texting Taehyun's mother to update her on her son's condition, she replied saying she was relieved he could take care of her Taehyunnie and asking him to stay with her son until she could get home.
Just then, Taehyun woke up and heaved by the side of his bed, a little bit of water and stomach bile came up and he was left dry heaving while Beomgyu patted his back, waiting for the younger to calm down a little and clean up the small puddle of sick.
"M' sorry..." Taehyun said with a sad tone on his voice, Beomgyu ruffled his hair and told him "It's okay, this things happen, are you feeling any better?" to that Taehyun shook his head, "Go back to sleep, I'll put a trashcan near and I'll get you some water" the younger just laid there, trying to get comfortable but with the way everything ached it seemed impossible.
"Here, drink some water, if it stays down you'll try with a pill" Beomgyu handed him the glass of water and Taehyun took a couple of tiny sips, the feeling of the water going down his throat felt heavenly as it soothed a bit of the scratchiness all the puking left him.
When the water stayed down he tried taking a pill, sadly it came back up 10 minutes later so it was to not use.
By then Taehyun was feeling so sick and frustrated that he started crying, Beomgyu once again by his side telling him that it was okay and everyone got sick like this once in a while.
"I'm so tired but I can't rest and everything aches and... it's just too fucking much" Taehyun said between sobs, Beomgyu reassuring him and trying to calm him down.
Taehyun fell asleep after crying, Beomgyu went to the kitchen to find something to eat and maybe a little snack for Taehyun.
At 7:00 pm Taehyun's parents came and thanked Beomgyu for staying by their son's side, he bid them goodbye and left a note on Taehyun's nightstand wishing he felt better soon and to take his meds.
Hours later, Taehyun woke up to the whole room dark, it was past midnight, he felt so thirsty so he tried with the water once again, going back to sleep.
At morning, Taehyun's mom entered the room and felt her son's forehead, the fever was still there but not too high, she left him medicines and a sports drink for him to not dehydrate too much.
Taehyun woke up at 11:00 am, confused about where he was and what time was it, and why the hell wasn't he at school, but his stomach decided to respond to that question as it churned and cramped.
The curtains were closed so his room wasn't that illuminated, he thanked whoever had left them like that, as his head was also hurting like a bitch.
His hand was rubbing circles on his abdomen to try and soothe some of the pain, as the pressure went down a bit more and he knew he had to go to the bathroom to avoid any mess.
When he was done, he crawled back into bed, now he felt like freezing so he took a hoodie he had lying somewhere near his desk and a pair of joggers, and tried to go back to sleep, not interested in what was on his nightstand.
Taehyun tossed and turned but he couldn't get comfortable, so he decided to look at his phone for a while, just then a text from Beomgyu appeared on his notifications.
–Hey Taehyunnie, are u feeling any better?
–Remember to try and take some medicine and to stay hydrated
–I know it might be a little hard now but it'll pass soon, I promise (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
Well, he didn't feel like puking right now, he was feeling thirsty, so he opened the bottle of sports drink and sipped on it carefully, also taking the medicine and a few minutes later he fell asleep again.
What he didn't expect was Beomgyu being there when he woke up, apparently school had already ended.
"Hey, your mom asked me to keep an eye on you today too, how are you feeling?" Taehyun felt his cold hand against his burning forehead, that damn fever ain't going nowhere.
Taehyun shrugged before answering verbally. "Dunno, not like yesterday but not that better, still off". He was pale, dark circles under his eyes, his eyes with no sparkle.
"It's because your body is still fighting that bug, you're probably gonna feel better after a couple of days more"
Taehyun didn't know if he was right, he still wanted to believe Beomgyu tho, being sick was the worst.
They spent the afternoon together watching some movies, sometimes Taehyun fell asleep, or got up to use the bathroom, Beomgyu having to stay behind the door hearing his friend dry heave or retch, if he needed anything he was near, if not he still let him have some privacy.
At the end of the day Taehyun fell asleep again, Beomgyu quietly leaving after Taehyun's parents arrived, no one wanting to disturb the poor sick guy who couldn't catch a break from emptying his guts all day.
Taehyun woke up, it was still dark but he realized he wasn't in his bed, so he went to his room again and tried to fall asleep again, failing at doing so because he noticed how his stomach was hurting, it wasn't bad enough to have him gasping for air or to make him feel nauseous again, but it was hurting and even if it wasn't intense, he knew it was there.
So he spent the rest of his night trying to soothe his discomfort by rubbing his middle; and at some point it worked, letting him fall asleep once again.
The cycle repeated for two more days but this time Taehyun's mom took those days off from work to take care of him, Taehyun feeling much better at the end of the week, finally eating something without it ending in the toilet or making his stomach hurt, having him regretting all his life choices, thinking "oh god why me?"
So, next monday he showed up to school, looking more alive and having to take some time extra after school to take exams and having some teachers summarizing all the things they did during the week Taehyun was asking what he did wrong to deserve that damn bug.
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