So, Can i request a TXT Yeonjun emeto Fic? Thanks
I know this request was like... a year ago. And I'm sorry! If you're still around, anon, hopefully this finds you.
Sickie: Yeonjun Caretaker:  Soobin Content: emeto, stomach aches, nausea, disorientation
Yeonjun felt like he was going to die.
Figuratively speaking, at first. Some amalgamation of anxiety, excitement and probably some sort of exhaustion, if Yeonjun could feel it. They’ve been in the practice room for the greater part of five hours, working and reworking and re-reworking a potential run-through for his solo performance on Studio Choom. It wasn’t for another month, more than enough time to finetune everything once they begin using props and marking the stage’s dynamics. He has time, this is his main agenda outside of preparing for their upcoming tour.
But after dancing for five hours? Yeonjun thinks he’s going to die, quite literally.
He’s got the TXT practice room to himself now, with Kai and Taehyun off with friends and Beomgyu napping at the dorms, and he’s seen Soobin pop up once or twice to drop off water or watch the progress. But outside of the first hour and a half with the choreographer, Yeonjun’s completely alone.
And he’s starting to feel off.
As the music begins once again from the speakers, the choreographer’s moves on the screen resuming from the start, Yeonjun makes his way over to where he’s put his water bottle. And he trips over his own sneaker, almost lands headfirst onto the floor.
“Agh,” he complains to himself. “Feet, come on.”
Is he tired? Is that what it is?
Yeonjun reaches his water bottle and unscrews the cap, wondering why his throat feels kind of tight. Not allergen tight, but an odd feeling, almost restrictive, as if something in his throat is what’s giving him issues. With a deep sigh, he subdues whatever may be bothering his insides in exchange for taking a sip.
And it’s an awful idea. The moment the warmed water passed over his tongue and down his throat, he could already feel it threatening to come back for a return visit.
“Come on, come on,” he mumbles to himself, his fingers gripping the water bottle.
As he takes another sip, he realizes quite quickly what he’s experiencing here—and it’s just… nausea.
His stomach feels unsettled, and the moment the water touched it, it shattered something solid in him. His mouth feels wet already, saliva beginning to pool around his tongue. He swallows roughly to subdue it.
It doesn’t work, anyway.
Immediately, the floor doesn’t seem so solid, and neither does Yeonjun’s resolve. With shaky hands, Yeonjun swallows again, and thus begins the internal monologue of: don’t throw up – don’t throw up – don’t throw up–
And it doesn’t work. His stomach immediately summersaults and he barely has time to put the water bottle on the counter before he rushes to the small trash can, hunching over. It’s barely two feet from the ground, but it helps. He gives the can a rough spit, but it doesn’t do anything.
Immediately, Yeonjun is angry. After all these hours of working to get this done and his timing has to be the worst. He doesn’t have time. This is a non-issue.
And his stomach seizes up again. A cramp the size of a tsunami waves across him and cause him to curl down further, bringing the tall member to hover barely over the can. He doesn’t have time to focus on another wave of cramps before he just feels it come pouring upward. Warm, thick, and full of chunks, and it reeks. It felt like undigested breakfast, warm tea and cold rice working its way into the trash can at an alarming rate. Yeonjun feels shaky, so he places his hands on his knees to brace himself as another mouthful rips its way up. The noise he makes is inhumane, annoyed by how his stomach hurts, his his back is throbbing, how he has to deal with all of this in the first place. He didn’t make these plans, for sure; he wanted to be done, go home.
He coughs up another heavy mouthful, breath heaving with each effort. He hurts, aches, and he’s not getting any relief as his body continues to expel everything his stomach may have contained over the past week. Barely another cough in, a hard spit, and he’s back to coughing up bile and stomach acid once he feels himself running empty.
He feels woozy. His vision spins for a moment, and the sound of the choreographer from the speaker goes almost silent for a solid few seconds. Yeonjun’s vision blurs, then returns as another cramp seizes him. Another mouthful. He’s so shaky, he can feel himself almost willing his knees to keep him up while he spits another mouthful.
And after a moment, it stops. He’s spent, exhausted, and he crumples almost immediately to kneeling on the ground. Without a napkin and with no strength to get a tissue from the box on the side table, he merely uses the back of his hand to wipe at his mouth and spits another rough mouthful into the trash can.
“God… that fucking hurt,” he mumbles to himself.
The choreographer’s voice is too loud. The speaker is a little ways away, the remote nearby, but Yeonjun can’t bring himself to make it over there. His head feels too disjointed, almost feeling far too faint. And hot, everything feels so overwhelmingly hot. Sweat plasters his shirt to his back, and the air in the room isn’t cool enough to combat how his temperature must have spiked.
Tilting over, he merely lays down on the floor and pulls his phone from his pocket. When he opens the screen, the bright light brings the nausea back so he turns it back off. Just a few minutes, he tells himself. He’ll just wait, rest a moment, he should start feeling better in a few minutes. His eyes close.
Yeonjun isn’t sure when he fell asleep or what happened, but he awakens to Soobin’s voice on the phone and a hand gently stroking his hair. He groans, only to hear Soobin’s deeper voice hushing him softly.
“It’s okay, hyung. It’s okay, you’re okay.’
Yeonjun, strangely, believes him. A brief chill runs down his spine, but when he curls in more, he can feel the heat of Soobin’s thigh underneath his head, and the comfort of a thick sweatshirt draped over him. He just pulls his hands into the fabric more. It’s oddly very comfortable here, and with Soobin’s long fingers combing through his long locks, he almost begins to drift off again.
As he settles, he hears Soobin’s voice begin again. He must be talking to someone; Yeonjun’s vision is blurred and teary when he tries to look up, so he gives up quickly and closes his eyes. “Yeah, he just woke up for a moment. Mhmm… he hasn’t since I’ve been here, but he’s not mumbling anymore.” A pause. “Yeah, I’ll wait here.” And then: “Yeonjunie?”
“Mm?” Yeonjun mumbles in acknowledgement. He tilts his face but doesn’t open his eyes.
“Think you’re awake enough to tell me what happened?” The request isn’t unkind and Soobin’s keeping his voice low, almost as if he senses Yeonjun’s growing headache. His fingertips rake along Yeonjun’s scalp and it’s so gentle and comforting that it almost lulls him back to sleep.
“’M up…” Yeonjun grumbles. His mouth feels full of cotton. It takes him another moment before he just sighs. “Dunno… tired.”
“I know… were you feeling sick all day?”
That receives a grunt and the smallest of head shakes. Yeonjun doesn’t think he felt terrible all day; actually, things were going well for the first few hours, he’s sure. Soobin doesn’t push him further, but he does pause in his hair rubbing to place a hand on Yeonjun’s forehead. Yeonjun whines, trying to tilt his scalp back to Soobin’s hand, and it gets a small chuckle from the young man as he returns his head to scratching his scalp.
“Yeonjunie?” the older one hears again, but with a soft groan, he merely pushes his head back into the sweatshirt and falls asleep again.
When he wakes up again, he’s once again struck with an overwhelming urge to vomit. He pushes himself upright, eyes opening to bright white lights, and the nausea rushes to turn his stomach inside out. And immediately there’s a hand on his shoulder, leaning him forward. He can briefly feel a bucket in his hands before he sticks his face inward and gags. But only a stringy mouthful of water and spit and bile escape him. He groans, but it turns into a gag and he manages to cough up a little more bile. With a strained cough, he spits, and feels the edge of a cup placed on his lips.
“Take a mouthful and try to rinse,” Soobin’s voice cuts in softly.
It’s commanding enough but gentle at the same time; even when speaking like authority, Soobin’s voice is always so soothing. He truly is a fantastic leader. Yeonjun just does as he’s told, taking in a sip and relishing in the sensation of cold water on his tongue before he feels something gritty and slimy in his mouth. It’s almost enough to make him gag again, but he shuts his mouth to try and avoid thinking about what it actually is and just spits the water into the bowl. He rinses a second time, before Soobin tells him to just sip slowly.
“What—” but it takes Yeonjun a moment. He still feels dizzy, he thinks; not really any pain, but he doesn’t feel very secure sitting up. His head leans forward, and a gentle hand directs him to a shoulder. Judging by the scent from earlier, it’s Soobin again. “What… did I miss?”
Soobin sighs softly, and brings the cup back to his lips. “Another sip. Yeonjunie-hyung, you’re sick, you know.”
With that, Yeonjun just groans. He doesn’t have the time, but he guesses his body made sure he did.
“Your fever’s going down, though… But this is the third time you’ve thrown up in here. The hospital’s going to keep you to get you hydrated again.”
It is? Yeonjun doesn’t even recall throwing up in here, much less being brought in here at all. That gets him to raise his head, eyes open to face Soobin. As they make eye contact, their leader smiles, relief showing in his eyes. “Feeling more awake? You’ve been out of it for the better part of three hours.”
“What happened?” he mumbles.
Apparently, as Soobin explains, Yeonjun answered his call. When he hadn’t come back for the two to leave or answered his texts, Soobin had called his phone and, half-asleep, he answered and mumbled about his stomach hurting. Soobin pieced his location together by the choreographer’s voice in the background and found him. A medical check in the practice room, a trip to the hospital in the van, blood work, and vomiting three times while asking the same question was what led them to that moment.
But he was lucid now. His skin, albeit pale, was slowly regaining its honey soft color. And he’s being held overnight, IV pushing Tylenol and saline through his veins to keep him hydrated.
With a groan, he merely puts his head back on Soobin’s shoulder, which gets a laugh from the younger leader. “Thanks, man.”
“For what, taking care of you?”
That elicits a small nod while Yeonjun closes his eyes. He’s exhausted, even though he’s been sleeping on and off this whole time.
“You don’t even have to ask, Yeonjunie. I’ll always take care of you.”
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yeonzzzn · 7 months
👑why is it so heavy?: choi soobin
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pairing: soobin x afab!reader word count: 3.2k
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synopsis: what is heavier than the burdens of being a princess with normal princess duties being forced to marry a man you do not want or have anything to do with? the heaviness of seeing the prince you want being forced to marry a woman he also does not want. what’s even heavier? the weight of not being able to do anything about it.
genre: royalty!soobin, royalty!reader, arranged marriage, forbidden love, modern day royalty au.
warnings: swearing, cheating, one make out session, mentions of sex, one d!ath joke, no happy ending.
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You stared at him. Watching the way his hair parted perfectly and shaped his face. How his smile which showed how bright his teeth were, was enough to melt your heart. 
His cream-colored royal jacket with golden buttons and wave design covering his chest and torso made his tanned skin glow perfectly. His tailor really knew what colors looked and matched him beautifully. 
He shook hands with the king of the neighboring country, giving him a soft bow. 
You couldn’t hear what they were speaking, but that didn’t stop you from tilting your head to give your ear a better listen, even though it didn’t work. 
His eyes finally met yours, his already perfect smile growing even wider at the sight of you. 
But your smile faded seeing his future wife wrap her around tightly around his waist, causing his attention to be brought to her. His smile wasn’t as wide when smiling at her, but it was still perfect all the same. 
He leaned over and kissed the top of her head, her giggles being heard from where you stood. 
Prince Soobin, the man of your dreams. Love of your life. Someone you couldn’t have. 
You turned around, your hands gripping your royal blue gown. 
“Princess,” your caretaker softly said, “You’ll ruin your gown, be more gentle.” 
You adored your caretaker, she’s been with you since you were born. Was there when your mother gave birth to you and watched you grow up and even taught you everything you know. She even knew your secrets, and god bless her for keeping them. 
She leads you down the hall, taking you to meet your father for your daily lunch in the garden. 
If only you saw how saddened the prince's eyes became when you turned your back towards him, watching as you turned the corner and disappeared. 
“Princess,” Soobin sang, peeking around the pillar you stood at. 
The prince was no longer in his princely outfit. Now he wore light blue jeans, black Converse, a white button-up shirt with a black tie, and a brown jacket. 
It was what he liked to call his “normal people fit.” You had to admit, you preferred seeing him like this. Without all the royal glamor. Just normal. No titles. Or the reminders. 
Soobin also preferred you in “normal people outfits.” Mostly the one you’re wearing right now. The dark blue skinny jeans with white sneakers, a soft pink tank top, and a cream cardigan. It made his heart flutter. 
You tilted your head up and smiled at him, the moonlight making his brown eyes pop beautifully. 
“Come here,” he whispered, his hand reaching around your waist and pressing your body to his. Lips connecting to yours immediately. 
You’ve known Soobin your entire life. Your families are really close, both your fathers being lifelong best friends. 
You lived in the neighboring country and only took visits to see the royal Choi family when your father had time, which only happened twice to three times a year. 
But darkness fell to your country, forcing you and your family to flee. The Choi family took you in with no questions asked. Your father was grateful. 
The war happening on your territory was brutal, your family worried you would never be able to return. But alas the war ended a couple of years after. But obviously, your family never returned home. 
King Choi extended his home to your family, setting a good deal with your father for the two of them to just rule over this kingdom together. Your father accepted. 
You were so young when you fled your country, you barely remember what it even looked like. Your older siblings on the other hand, unfortunately, have to deal with that darkness for the rest of their lives.
So you grew up in the Choi’s castle. You weren’t super close with Soobin at first. You both were super shy and always hid behind your parents or siblings when forced to interact with each other. But as time went on, the two of you dropped the shy act and finally became friends. 
Soobin at the age of twelve was then sent off to a boarding school, following in the footsteps of his two older siblings did at that age. 
He was gone for years, not returning home until he was twenty. 
You were in the middle of your studies at the local cafe in town (that you ultimately snuck out to do) when the word got around that Prince Soobin had returned home after eight years. 
You rushed back to the castle, sneaking in through the garden and into your bedroom window, quickly changing into a nice dress and rushing out to greet him in the royal dining hall. 
The first thing you noticed was how much taller he was, your once best friend sprouted up. He filled perfectly into his body and you could tell he took into working out. His jawline was so sharp you swore it could cut into diamonds. He grew up nicely. 
To say that everything was back to normal would be a lie. Soobin was like a whole different person. He was a man, and oh goodness did he send butterflies in your belly. 
Your attraction didn’t go unnoticed by him. No, no, Soobin noticed the moment you two locked eyes again for the first time in eight years. He saw how your pupils dilated, how your chest raised and fell when you looked at him. The unease in your breath when you spoke to him. It sets emotions in place with you that he hasn’t ever felt before. 
Of course, when Soobin was away he had his fair share of other females to fit his needs, but none of them had that one thing he wanted. And all it took was locking eyes with you again after all these years to see you were what he always wanted. 
Soobin and you spent more time together than you normally did as kids. Sneaking out of the castle or into each other's bedrooms at night. It was obvious the two of you felt something. 
He’d steal quick kisses from you in passing during his and your royal duties. Passing notes to you in the halls with times and where to meet him next. 
Soobin filled your heart so quickly. Becoming your first of everything. 
You remember the night he laid you gently on the grass under the moonlight hidden in the corner of the garden. His hands softly undressed you until you were completely bare to him. Your hands help undress him. 
His hands felt so gentle against your skin as he touched you. He touched you with such passion, with so much love. 
The way his bare skin felt against yours sent you into heaven as his hips rolled into yours, biting the edge of his shoulder to keep your moans from getting too loud. 
Your secret relationship was beautiful, perfect, and filled with so much love and care. The two of you were finally ready to come forward about your relationship of almost a year. 
Unfortunately, that wouldn’t happen. 
Both your fathers had other plans. King Choi found the “perfect match” for his son, announcing the arranged marriage. And your father, bless his dear heart, found a suitor for you as well, arranging a marriage for you as well. 
Soobin remembered clenching his fist and yelling at his father at the dinner table that night. You sat silently beside him, eyes locked onto your plate of food. 
“And what if I don’t want to marry?!” Soobin snapped, his fists slamming on the table. 
“And that’s something you can’t control!” the king fired back, “It’s already been done. We didn’t send you off for eight years to enhance your languages and studies for nothing!” 
That angered Soobin even more, “So I am just some thing to be sent off for your own personal gain?!” 
The king sat quietly. Soobin’s mother also sat quietly, her hands in her lap. 
Your family also said nothing. Eyes glancing between the Choi family. 
“You’ll be wed by the age of twenty-four,” his father finally said, “You’ll be meeting your princess in two days. Fix your attitude before then.” 
Soobin said nothing and stormed out of the dining room. 
You were also to be wedded off by twenty-four. You were a couple of months younger than Soobin, meaning you’d be the one to watch him get married off first. 
It’s been two years since that conversation. Soobin was scheduled to be married off shortly after he turned twenty-four in December. Only seven months away. 
You and Soobin kept secretly seeing each other, only now you had to be even more careful than before. 
Soobin’s future wife moved into the castle shortly after they met. Thank god she had her own room though. 
You also met your future husband not too long after the other princess moved in. He was sweet, nice, very caring, could sing, rap, dance, and was a big ramen enthusiast. He looked at you like you put the stars in the sky. 
Unfortunately for him, you wanted nothing to do with him. A friendship, maybe? But nothing more. Soobin felt the same for his princess. She was sweet, and nice, could also sing and dance, and was even a painter. But he could only take so much being around her. 
You two had to fake it until you made it. Praying that one day your families call off the whole thing to begin with. But with only a handful of months left, it was clear your fathers weren’t changing their minds. 
Which just brings you two where you are now. 
Standing in your spot in the garden that overlooked the city below. Soobin’s hands slid up and down your body as he pressed you between him and the pillar. 
His tongue twisted around yours, mixing your salvia together. He rolled his hip into you, feeling his hard length against your stomach, “You never fail to get me so hard,” he whispered against your lips. 
You couldn’t help but giggle, “Now now my love, princes don’t speak so naughty like that,” 
Soobin smiled against your lips, “Can’t help it when you make me feel this way.” 
Soobin always had a small crush on you even as children, it was why he was so shy at the beginning. He took that small crush with him even when he was abroad, thinking maybe that’s why it never worked out with the other females he dated. 
But when he came back home and saw how grown up you become, the way your hair was so much longer, how your body filled out to its curves. The way your breasts look perfect no matter the outfit or dress you wore. You were a woman, a woman he wanted to ruin and keep only for himself. 
Soobin loved you, so so very much. You held his heart in his hands and held the very power to crush it at your will. 
You pulled away from his lips, leaning your head back against the pillar, “Want to hold me while we look at the stars?” 
Soobin kissed your forehead, his hands now resting on your hips, “Anything for you, my princess.” 
Soobin sat on the grass, his back against the pillar and your back against his chest. His hands are wrapping around you tightly. 
You two sat in silence, your head resting against his neck as he was on top of your head. 
“Have you had sex with her yet?” you don’t know what caused you to even ask that question. But with only several months left until Soobin was to be wed to her, your curiosity got the best of you. 
Due to the fact you're both arranged to be married to two separate people, you’ve both spent most of your time with your fiancés if you weren’t busy with normal royal duties. 
“YN…” he said, his arms now falling at his side, “We don’t have to do this.” 
You knew you didn’t. But your brain wouldn’t settle down until the question was answered. 
“I know,” you whispered, “I’m just asking.” 
Soobin bit his lip, leaning his head back against the pillar, “It happened for the first time the other night. She snuck into my room.” 
You just nodded. You weren’t mad or even jealous. You understood it was bound to happen. They’ll be married in months. And if Soobin shrugged her off it would be suspicious. 
“You and Yeonjun?” his shaky voice asked, “Have you?” 
You didn’t lie, just gave him a small nod, “Last night. I wasn’t feeling good and he brought me some tea and read my favorite book to me. It kinda just happened.” 
It would take everything Soobin had to not throw a punch at Yeonjun the next time he sees him. 
But same as you, Soobin understood there was no choice in the matter. Both of you fought your parents until the bitter end and nothing changed. You had to accept your fates. 
“No one can pleasure you like me though,” he said, wrapping his arms back around you, “Only I can.” 
You just rolled your eyes and leaned back into him. He was right, but hearing him act so cocky was silly to you. Soobin knew he was it for you. 
“YN,” he said with a kiss to your temple, “Let’s run away together.” 
You giggled, “That’s a funny joke, where would we even go?” 
Soobin just shrugged, “Anywhere you wanted. We could get away from all this. Live normal lives.” 
As tempting as that was, you knew your fathers would stop at nothing to bring you both home. You’d both be found out and permanently forced away from each other. It would cause too much trouble. You both knew it. 
“Bin,” you whispered, “You know we can’t.” 
He did know. And it killed him. Oh, the things he’d do to have a normal life with you. To leave behind this royalty bullshit. To give up his titles and money and status. He didn’t care. He just wanted you. 
“What if we just, ya know,” you shrugged, “Suddenly die in each other's arms?” it was a joke obviously, Soobin knew it too by the chuckle that left his mouth. 
“You mean like Romeo and Juliet?” Soobin couldn’t help but chuckle again, “That was such a depressing death though.” 
You giggled with him, “At least, we’d be together in the afterlife.” 
Soobin nodded, “Still a terrible way to go out, the way they did.” 
Your phone vibrating in your pocket pulled you back to reality. 
Soobin sighed, “It’s Yeonjun, isn’t it?” 
You nodded. You didn’t have to check to know that it was in fact Yeonjun. He probably went to your room and saw you weren’t there and was looking for you. 
“You should go,” he whispered, standing up from behind you, “What will you tell him?” 
Soobin helped you to your feet, dusting off the grass from the back of your legs, “That I was in the library or something. I don’t know yet.” 
Soobin just nodded, his hands cupping your face and crashing his lips to yours for the final time for tonight. 
“I love you, my princess,” he whispered between kisses.
“I love you too, my sweet prince,” you whispered back, pulling yourself away from him, his hands lingering on your hands as you walked away and his fingertips met with yours and then were gone, watching you quickly rush back inside the castle. 
The months flew by quicker than you wanted. Yeonjun sat beside you, his fingers rubbing against yours, “This is a very beautiful wedding venue,” he said, eyes wandering around, taking in the building and its Greek architecture as the snow fell outside and covered the windows, “I hope our wedding will be this beautiful or even better.” 
You just smiled at him and nodded, “I’m sure it will be,” 
Yeonjun couldn’t hold back his smile and leaned forward to press a quick kiss to your lips, “I can’t wait to marry you next week.” 
You tried to pull the most genuine smile you could, hoping he wouldn’t see the lies that were beneath it. 
How could you be happy right now? The love of your life was going to walk through those doors at any minute and wait for his fiancé. They’d be married soon and everything between you and Soobin would come to an end officially. 
The moment you dreaded finally happened. Soobin walked in, everyone gawking at how handsome he looked, asking if he was ready and nervous. 
If you didn’t know Soobin, you would think he was actually happy right now. But since you do, you could tell he was bullshitting his whole way through this. The sadness in his eyes and the way he looked at you with Yeonjun was proof enough as it was. 
Soobin walked over to you, Yeonjun quickly standing up to shake his hand, “Congrats, man. You’ll be a great husband, I know it!” 
You tried to not roll your eyes at your fiancé’s comment. Yeonjun knew you and Soobin were best friends and he tried so hard since moving into the castle to befriend Soobin too. Saying you’d all be a group of best friends soon enough. 
Let’s just say Yeonjun is still working on that. Soobin wasn’t giving him the time of day in that department. 
All Soobin did was nod and give Yeonjun a fake smile, his eyes darting to you, “You better be a good husband for her. She deserves the world.” 
Yeonjun quickly nodded, placing a hand on your back, “I’ll take good care of her, don’t you worry.” 
Soobin took one last glance between you two and walked away. 
“He looks nervous,” Yeonjun whispered as he sat back down. 
No, he just doesn’t like you because you get to marry me and he doesn’t and he’s being forced to marry someone he doesn’t want. 
The famous wedding music started playing, and your heart nearly stopped. 
The wedding went by quickly, the final vows being told, and Soobin and his princess officially being confirmed as husband and wife. The crowd clapped and cheered. 
Soobin took one final look at you, his eyes telling you how much he loved you for the last time before leaning in to kiss his now wife. 
You looked down at the floor, hands going limp in your laps. 
Yeonjun noticed you, him touching her back, “Baby, what’s wrong? Are you feeling okay?” 
You shook your head, quickly standing up after hearing the rest of the crowd stand as well. 
Except you were the first to leave your seat and quickly leave the venue. 
Soobin’s eyes followed you the whole way, his heart breaking into a million pieces. 
You stepped out into the cold, letting the snow fall onto you. You cried. You let the tears fall and your knees buckle down to the ground, your dress soaking up the wet from the snow. 
Soobin was no longer yours. 
And the weight of that was heavy. 
Why is it so heavy? You weren’t meant for each other in the end. 
So why was it so heavy? 
Why is everything so heavy?
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snowbaamgyu · 4 months
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OMG this is like sickfic, I can't believe gyu told us a story when he actually was sick poor baby :(
Soobin is so caretaker coded 🥺
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wolfytae-exe · 1 year
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thinking about fox hybrid jjun and bunny hybrid soobie :( (separately obv)…
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Sly Bunny, Dumb Fox (F) (D)
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warnings: yeonjun and soobin have animal instincts, reader treats them like pets, unedited drabble
note: ik you said separately but they’re so cute together! i’ll make a separate nsfw version if that’s what you want though Lia💚
paring(s): soobin x reader, yeonjun x reader
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You didn’t expect to come home so late, traffic was a nightmare and so was the grocery store, out of almost every vegetable your bunny would willing eat, that picky boy, you had to search high and low for the baby carrots that were organic and 100% preservative free because Soobin could smell and taste the difference.
Not the mention the inability to get your hands on raw chicken thigh or feet. Your foxes favorite mix that he claims keeps his teeth clean and his bones from aching. You knew Yeonjun just wanted to one up Soobins picky taste and be extra difficult for you. The store is usually in stock with his choice of meat but not today, Saturday was always the worst time to restock.
By time you made it home you prayed Yeonjun didn’t eat Soobin or that Soobin didn’t make a wreck out of the place trying to run from the boy. “Please be a neat and tidy home.” You whispered as your pressed the combination to unlock your door, big brown paper bag in you arms as to reduce plastic that could suffocate Soobin.
You opened the door and almost dropped the groceries at the sight. Yeonjun, your fox, sitting on the floor while Soobin, your bunny, curled into his lap and slept, socked feet kicking from time to time as response to whatever he was dreaming about.
Yeonjun immediately shushed you before running his fingers into Soobins hair to settle the waking boy up. The two were far from tiny, Soobin reaching six feet tall and Yeonjun reaching five-eleven, but in this position they both seemed like the smallest ones in the room. You closed the door to your home and set down your groceries as quietly as possible. You didn’t speak, just took your sneakers off and hung up your purse before walking over and crawling onto the couch behind Yeonjun.
You ran your fingers through the foxes hair, scratching between his ears as he hummed. Although the two were predator and prey they treated each other like brothers, fights only broke out when Yeonjun was either too hungry to push back his instincts or when Soobin wanted to taunt the sensitive fox. They got along with each other and they both loved you, their caretaker, their lover, in there eyes at least, and their best friend.
At some point Yeonjun fell asleep, head in your lap and lips parted. You watched the two cuddle with each other with content and safety, you loved your boys and you knew they loved you too. Good thing they both shared human lives and not their hybrid counterparts. Living without the two of them would be worse than losing any pet.
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flashymoa · 1 month
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No More Please (txt Soobin)
Sickie: Soobin
Caretaker: other TXT members
Content: fever, vomit/emeto, fever hallucinations, ignorance, lots of angst and fluff (this is after summing up all the parts)
Everyone was busy at the dorm because the maknae, Kai has had a fever since last night. Everyone was paying attention to Kai, basically doing anything to make him feel better.
"Taehyun, tell Soobin to call the manager and inform him that Kai has a bad fever and he can't come to practice today." Yeonjun said as changed the wet cloth on Kai's forehead. 
"Soobin hyung is asleep i guess." Taehyun replied.
Yeonjun's expression changed to an annoyed one. "Still sleeping?!"
Yeonjun immediately went to Soobin's room and opened the door with irritation. Their maknae was already sick and the leader was still sleeping. So careleess.
"Soobin! Wake up, right now!"
Soobin hummed in sleep and rubbed his eyes sleepily, pulling the covers more. "5 more minutes, hyung."
Yeonjun got angry and yanked the blanket off him, "Get up! Now! You're already late!"
Soobin got up slowly and pouted. Yeonjun closed the door with a loud thud and left.
Soobin winced at the sound and felt his head throbbing as soon as he sat up. He put his head down on his hands, it hurt. It was accompanied by a weird feeling in his stomach. But eventually he dragged himself down his bed and walked to the bathroom.
On the way, he bumped into Taehyun. "Good morning, hyung."
"Good morning tae."
"Wash up and come to the dining table. Beomgyu made your favourite waffles today." Taehyun said.
Usually Soobin would be happy to hear that but right now, the name food made his stomach churn. He just said, "Oh, okay."
Taehyun didn't suspect anything and went to the dining table while Soobin walked to the bathroom. The smell of waffles made Soobin gag into his fist, as he quickly ran towards the bathroom.
He hunched over the toilet and gagged. Nothing came up. He felt sick to stomach but nothing came up as he dry-heaved twice more. 
"What's wrong with me?" He thought as he walked to the sink, and splashed water on his face.
"Soobin! We're getting late!!" He heard yeonjun yelling. "Just a minute!" He replied. He quickly opened the shelf to find the thermometer but couldn't find it. That's when he remembered Kai had a fever last night, so probably it's in his room right now.
Soobin sighed and shrugged it off. Maybe he was fine.
Soobin got ready and left for practice with the members. He already woke up late so he barely had time for breakfast. Moreover his stomach was rebelling with him. He had no appetite, but forced himself to eat at least a toast because he was gonna need energy for practice.
Later on, during the car ride, Soobin deeply regretted it. His stomach wasn't giving him a break. It was cramping and he felt extremely nauseous. "Can you slow down a bit? I think you're going a little fast?" He said in a confused tone because he himself didn't know if the manager was driving was fast or not; he was too sick to focus on anything else.
"What Soobin seriously? We're late because of you! Of course he has to drive fast," Yeonjun snapped on an instant.
"I'm sorry."
Soobin closed his eyes and leaned back to rest his head. He felt so sick. He felt a hand light brushing his arm, "Are you okay?" Taehyun asked.
But before Soobin could answer, Yeonjun clicked his tongue in annoyance, "why would he not? He has slept the most today and didn't even help with taking care of Kai."
"I'm sorry," Soobin apologized again, he felt so sad. Why was Yeonjun snapping at him every now and then?
He felt Taehyun holding his hand and giving it a comforting squeeze. "I'm okay," Soobin assured Taehyun. It was such a lie. He didn't feel okay at all. He felt like he would hurl right then and there.
He took deep breaths to calm down the nausea. It helped a little.
Taehyun was worried about his hyung. Beomgyu was sleeping and Yeonjun was... well relatively annoyed and listening to music. And Kai was on leave.
Soon, the car came to a stop. Soobin was more than thankful that the car ride had finally come to an end. He hurried outside, in the process, he mistakenly stepped on Beomgyu's foot. He cursed under his breath but didn't have the time to apologise as he ran towards the building's bathroom.
Luckily he reached one of the stalls in time. His body lurched forward as a stream of vomit forcefully left his mouth. He couldn't even take a breath as he heaved again, bringing up another mouthful of vomit.
At this point he was shaking from the sheer force his body applied on every retch. He choked and coughed clutching his stomach in pain. He squeezed his eyes shut as tight as possible, hoping it would ease the pain a little as the light was making his head hurt. He rested his head on the toilet seat, he knew it was disgusting but he was too exhausted to care. He felt nausea building up at the back of his throat. Tears leaked his eyes and his body retched again, and again.
After about 5 minutes, it stopped. Soobin took deep, shaky breaths. His eyes still shut tight. He felt lightheaded but he had to get up and go to practice. He got up, his legs shaking as he supported himself leaning on the wall.
Soobin flushed the toilet, and washed his mouth and face in the sink. Oh no, I'm running late. Yeonjun hyung is gonna scold me again! I gotta hurry.
Soobin rushed to the practice room only to meet with an annoyed Beomgyu, a glaring Yeonjun and a worried-looking Taehyun.
Soobin prepared himself for the scolding. He thought Yeonjun would be the one to scold him but-
Beomgyu started, "Hyung, have you forgotten your manners? What kind of behaviour is this, you stepped on my foot earlier while vetting off the van and didn't even apologise?!"
Soobin looked down in guilt. "Sorry, I didn't mean to."
"Care to explain what took you so long?" It was Yeonjun this time. He was clearly not happy.
"I-" Soobin started but was cut off by Yeonjun yelling, "What is your problem seriously, why are you so careless?! Does our time or schedule have no value to you?!! This is not expected from a leader."
Soobin tried so hard to hold back his tears. Nothing was going well. First he didn't feel well, his ears were ringing and now everyone was angry at him. Could it be any worse?
-to be continued
This is my first tumblr post. Hope you show support❤️
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takeurexam · 4 months
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what are we? -choi beomgyu x f!reader
warnings: fluff, highschool love, mutual pinning
part 2 here
"Where is she?" Beomgyu asks to your classmate because he knew that your classes just ended around this time, and you and him usually walk home together. But you werent answering his messages when he texted you.
Your classmate told him that you were settling some work with the president in the meeting room, so here he is right now, waiting at the door.
'It feels weird walking home without her.' Beomgyu thought as he stared through the buildings window infront of the meeting halls door.
"Okay, so thats it? Thanks for today prez, see you!" He heard your voice echo across the room as a few students walked out the room, but he didnt care, he just wanted to see one person's face afterall.
"Oh my gosh... its Beomgyu!" One girl whispers to her friendgroup as they squeal in unison. He sighs and walks away a little.
'Beomgyu?' You were just dismissed from an meeting and the first thing you heard outside was your close friend's name. 'Oh, I forgot to tell Beomgyu I had an meeting. I probably made him wait.' You walk around and look for the person the girls described: his hair was a little long, brown, he's a tall guy. And had amazing visuals as well. (Something you would never admit)
"Y/N, there you are." Beomgyu smiles at you and waves a little. You smile back and walk to him.
"Sorry, I forgot to tell you in advance, before my phone died." You explain to him why you made him wait and you assumed he probably texted you.
"That explains it all then." He chuckles and ruffles your hair. It was a habbit of his because he was one year older, and he acted like a caretaker to you. (But it lowkey hurt you because you want something else)
"Lets go?" You look at him as the sun hit his visuals, he nods and lets go of your hair and walks out the building with you.
Beomgyu and you became neighbors in 7th grade. This sparked a friendship between you two because of you bringing some food as a welcome requested by your mother.
Walking down the street you both always walk in together, you realized how you two have grown up so much, it had been years since you have met and now you two are seniors together.
"Lost in thought? You usually would be rambling about your day." He notices you staring all over the place, which made him pout because he wanted to hear you mumble about your day.
"Oh! Thanks for reminding me." You both arrive where you two usually wait for a ride to your neighborhood, "Prez Soobin was really strict today. I feel like someone hit his nerve or something." You laugh as he laughs along with you, "I gotta ask Soobin then." He says.
"Hmm.. and Yeonjun and Taehyun usually bothered me about their coffee jelly, but I was really hungry so I bought a few, they even laughed at me and told me to eat and take care of myself. They really act old."
"Huening Kai and I became partners for an activity in maths and he and I couldn't focus because we both were laughing too hard, it was really fun and a mood booster for me."
Beomgyu listened carefully, one thing that you liked about him; he listens. He even comments and proves that he did indeed listen to the details and amuse you.
"What a nice day." He chuckled as you both got in a bus. Beomgyu always offered to acompany you, rain or shine. He was worried that something would happen to you if he wasnt there- if he was sick or out of town, he would ask your parents to pick you up instead because he would die from being worried sick.
'Why have I been thinking about Beomgyu so much today?' You notice and realize that he's been so appealing to you lately.
"Here you go again, leaving me." He chuckles as he snaps his fingers infront of your face attempting to wake you from your thoughts, which worked.
"Sorry." You mumble to him as you feel a wave of drowsiness wash you. He notices and pats his shoulder.
"C'mon, you've been doing alot today, sleep." He pats his shoulder again and you hesitate- because you think you would die from being too flustered.
"Are you sure...?" You hesitate. He dosent answer and just pull your head into his shoulder (gently) which has you dying from joy.
You hope he cant hear your heartbeat beating so loud and fast and butterflies swarming your stomach.
But your thoughts get cut off as you black out.
Beomgyu notices you fall asleep as he smiles and attempts to remain calm as he felt butterflies rushing all around his stomach.
"Young man, are you two perhaps together?" An elderly woman asks him softly as she feared of waking you up.
"Ah.. no." He chuckles, "I wish."
"I hope you two get together. Im betting on it." She chuckles softly and waves goodbye and returning on doing her own thing.
He widely smiled and looked at you and wrapped his arm around your body to prevent you from falling.
"Psst, wake up." Your sleep gets interrupted by Beomgyu, you assume. "Were here?" You mumble as you shake your head to gain your conciousness.
"Yeah." He prepares his bag and waits for the bus to stop.
"C'mon." You and him walk up to the bus door and get down to your neighborhoods stop. "See you tomorrow." He smiles and waves.
"See you, stay safe." You smile and wave back.
part 2 soon :)
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cvpitvno · 2 years
heyy if it's not too much, can i req a scenario of rock band!txt's yeonjun borrowing stealing one of the other members' groupies... yes this is same anon, yes im suffering with invasive thoughts 🥲
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SHARING IS CARING ( yeonjun x afab!gn!reader )
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yeonjun is a force to be reckoned with.
he was the oldest, had the largest group of girls and guys alike standing outside his motel door in the middle of the night begging for a mere sight of him, and had the worst reputation out of the bunch.
it wasn't his love for a mess - in the wake of leaving a motel and setting off for their next show stop, the group's managers would oftentimes be contacted by the motel’s caretakers who would demand compensation for the unruly state of the room yeonjun had left behind the night prior.
no, it wasn’t that.
it wasn't the reckless and borderline psychotic way in which he carried himself on stage - the way he leaned in too close to the multitude of hands that were all dying to get a hold of him or the see-through shirts he wore on stage, the way he rammed into the other members in the middle of songs, or the way he’s racked up quite the debt to his name after breaking multiple guitars in the rush of adrenaline the performance gave him.
the truth was far from that too.
his tainted reputation everyone knew him for came in the form of the one thing that any rockstar became weak in the knees the moment it is mentioned.
he craved it - the intensity, the filth, the sin, and especially the pleasure of taking what was not his - it was something yeonjun couldn’t live without.
the harsh squeaking of the flimsy hotel bed made it obvious to the many fans outside wishing to get a glimpse of the rockstar, yeonjun, balls deep in whatever groupie was blessed enough to be under him at that moment. besides that dead giveaway, the banging against the wall kept an unruly, red-in-the-face, and angry soobin awake on the other side.
“such a good slut for me,” yeonjun grunted, thrusting his hips into yours harshly. “soobin needs to share his groupies more, he’s keeping all the good ones for himself,” his tone lifted at the end, a breath mixed with a laugh as he thought of his quiet leader and best friend having been in this position with you many times before. 
“y-yeonjun, keep it down,” your grip slipped at every thrust, even with your nails digging into the toned muscles of his shoulders, it did little to keep your body from shifting up the mattress with every movement. “soobin is in the other room-”
at the mention of his bandmate's name, yeonjun only tightened his grip on your hips, “i’m the one fucking you right now remember? i’m the one making you feel this good,” his hips slowed, before inevitably stopping. 
before you could question why he had stopped, yeonjun was pulling out of you fully, paying no mind to the mess of arousal and cum that dripped out of you and onto the sweat-soaked motel sheets beneath you, before manhandling you onto your stomach.
“soobin gets you all to himself,” yeonjun aligned his cock with your entrance, teasing your puffed and abused folds with his tip. “it’s only fair for him to share every once in-” yeonjun groaned as he pushed back inside of you. “-awhile,” yeonjun panted. he brought his hand up to the back of your head, griping your hair at the base, pulling hard enough to make you bring your elbows up to support yourself at that angle. 
leaning forward until he could feel your backside mould into his front, yeonjun spoke into your ear, loud enough to travel through the thin walls of the motel room and into the ears of his fuming best friend - “and didn’t you hear?” yeonjun smirked. “sharing is caring after all.”
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i suck at writing actual imagines/fics forgive me 😔
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k-sickies · 1 year
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Fanfic Blog
Requests: Open
Request information: click here
Current number of requests
SKZ: 2
ZB1: 1
Ateez: 1
Currently working on:
Skz request sick Seungmin & I.N
Groups I mainly write for:
SKZ & Ateez
P1harmony, ZB1, TXT, solo artist
Beside that, you can request other groups too as long as they're boy groups.
Fanfics, drabbles, headcanons, reactions
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Bang Chan:
1/8 Migraine - Emeto feat Hyunjin
Lee Know:
2/8 flu - Emeto feat Han + Chan
x reader headcanons
Sick at the amusement park - emeto feat Chan / Hyunjin
Drabble - stomach ache feat Chan
Rest, please - emeto feat Han
3/8 not just carsick - Emeto feat Chan/Han
Leg cramps & nausea- Emeto feat Chan
x reader pt 1 - Emeto
x reader pt 1 (/2) - Emeto
x reader pt 2 - Emeto
4/8 passing out feat Minho
Is just a headache feat Minho
Drabble - stomach ache feat Chan
Upset tummy - Emeto
Drabble - Tummy cuddles feat Changbin
SKZ as caretaker
SKZ as sickies
SKZ - Food poisoning x reader headcanons
SKZ - they have stomach cramps
SKZ - they have UTI
Passing out feat Hongjoong
Drabble - Emeto feat Seonghwa
Drabble - Emeto feat Mingi
Carsick - Emeto feat Yeosang
Sick Woo is Moody Woo
Emeto - feat Yunho
Ateez as sickies
Ateez as caretaker
Unrequited love - WooSang
Drabble - Emeto feat Beomgyu
Fainting + angst feat Soobin
Cold feat Soobin
Snz feat Yeonjun
Drabble - Emeto feat Taehyun
Drabble - Emeto feat Yeonjun
Drabble - stomach ache feat Soobin
Emeto - day off feat Beomgyu and Soobin
TXT as sickies
TXT as caretaker
Our dumb secret - Emeto feat Theo
Emeto + homesick feat Keeho / Soul
P1h as sickies
Emeto headcanons
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spookyji · 2 years
aaa how about soobin and his bunny hybrid scenarios/headcanons ?? we don't get much of them 🥺 it could be soft & domestic or nsfw !!
oo fun ahaha ill do both ^^
soobin n his pretty obedient bunny huff he just wants to take care of u <3 calls u cute n pretty when u do anything, brushes your hair for u and is mindful of your floppy ears when doing so >< gentle petting n sitting on his lap when he does it so cute >< likes to feed u n always likes when u get a little shyyyy hehe n is so protective like no one makes his shy little bunny nervous ahaha (he’s lazy but not when it comes to his cute hybrid <3) always walking on the outside of the sidewalk or behind u n pets ur ears to make u feel better when people stare n sooo many backhugs he’s just a giant >< like he read the manual n went beyond <3 ehehe when u get tired he’ll carry u around n stuff he’s just so sweet n lives for caretaking ^^
soft dom soobin who is all for taking care of his cute bunny tho still >< likes how small u r n the bulge in ur tummy when u get confused as to why u need him <3 morning sex bc bunny hybrid r so horny lol n is reaaally trying his best not to pound u too hard n is really really turned on when ur cute bunny tail brushes against abs or thighhhs >< pets your cute ears when u give him a bj so much praise plsss ~~ cute bulge in ur tummy, floppy ears n cutely aroused features, always needing him to do everything bc it just feels so good n u don’t know howwww >< dumb bunny
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staytinys · 2 years
Secret Garden | 16 | go to sleep
Masterlist | Previous / Next
Choi Jongho x GNReader | SMAU | College!AU | SecretPrince!AU
As someone who hates just about everything his own family stands for, Jongho finds himself entering his freshman year at the very same university his older brother is at… Along with all of his cousins. Being second in line for the throne allowed him some anonymity and he hopes to keep it that way for as long as possible, going as far as to swear his own family to secrecy. And he only wants to hide away the more his lies begin to catch up with him as he meets one of the only scholarship students in the whole of the very prestigious, hard to get in to unless you have money, KQ University.
| warnings: mentions of death, crying, adoption
Word count: 1093
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You sit in front of your parents as your bedroom clicks shut, Jongho waiting in there while you had the discussion you’d been dreading with your parents. You father sets a cup of tea down in front of you and you glance at the mug that Jongho had been working on super gluing back together for your mom sitting haphazardly on the coffee table.
“I just want you to know that regardless… You guys are still my parents. I love you. I just need… Answers.” You clear your throat and begin to explain everything that had happened in the time since the semester started; how Seungkwan was your RA, how you’d met Jongho and Wooyoung, how Soobin had actually written in his will that you’d be Odi’s caretaker and you thought it was a joke…
That was definitely the laugh you needed before getting into the darker side.
As you explained that Jongho had hidden who he was from you, you notice your father shifting, looking rather angry and annoyed as his gaze shifts to the bedroom door separating the three of you from the man in question.
“I understand why he lied… I think I would have done the same, maybe not as long as he had done it, but I get it.” You sigh, “Seungkwan hired a private investigator to dig it up. And within the week of cutting Jongho off, someone told me who Seungkwan was…” You opt to leave out the information that it was Jongho’s brother, not wanting to add fuel to the fire your father looked like he wanted to set.
“I need to know why… If you know anything. And why didn't you tell me!” You’re pleading with them now and your mother wipes away the tears on her face.
She stands and comes to sit next to you, “It was never our intention to keep it from you. Certainly not this long, but we were worried that if your biological father knew that you knew, he would cause trouble. Your mother has kept in touch… She asks for pictures of you, updates on your achievements. She seemed very proud when she found out you were accepted to KQ.” She brings a hand to your face and wipes the tear away that you didn’t even know had fallen down your cheek.
“I worked for them for a few years before you and Seungkwan were born. Neither of them ever had a desire to have children. Both of you were accidents,” you father had a more crass approach but at least he was being honest. “We’d just lost your brother a few months before you were born.”
You knew that… of course you did. Your parents always said they wanted you to know you had a brother. As he continues, he explains that the pregnancy began to drive a wedge between your birth parents. They didn’t want one child, let alone two and your birth father had reached his limit.
It was your birth mother who had the heart to give you away to a couple she knew needed a second chance and that she knew she could trust with you. At least this way, she knew you were going to a good home with a happy and safe couple.
Your father had paid them off, buying a small house for them in a small town six hours away. He signed off on enough funds that they wouldn’t have to work until you were a legal adult. His stipulation was that you were to never know who your biological parents were and you were to be told it was a closed adoption.
As you sit and process the information, you can’t help but to ache at the thought of your family whom you’d never known. Your father didn’t seem you worthy of knowing who he even was. Your mother seemed to want to know you, but didn’t say anything…
Your brother, who knows when he found out, had tried desperately to have some kind of relationship with you, but had gone about it in all the wrong ways. Protective, but destructive.
And you couldn’t really blame him. Based on the information you were told just now, he definitely didn’t grow up in a happy and healthy home. So he showed love in the only way he knew how. That didn’t mean what he’d done was excusable. He could have just spoken to you and you would have been… understanding. At least you would hope that you would have been.
You sigh softly and you turn to give your mom a hug, whispering quietly to remind her that you love her and that she would always be your mom no matter what. You stand up and turn to your father, doing the same and allowing the man who you’d never seen emotional, do the same with you.
It takes all you have in you to separate yourself from him, kissing each of them on the cheek and turning to go to your room with the excuse that you were exhausted from traveling and had a lot to deal with in the coming days after you finally went back to school. But for the next few days, you would be enjoying your time with your parents and Jongho.
You shut the bedroom door behind you and turn to see Jongho setting his phone down and holding up a white teddy bear you know to be your brother’s. You smile at him, climbing onto the bed with him and inserting yourself into his arms, laying against him and pressing your face against his neck as you cradle the teddy bear to your chest between the two of you.
Jongho is surprised but he settles and holds you close to him, helping you to get comfortable. He only pauses when he feels tears beginning to hit his skin and his mouth falls open. He closes his eyes and rocks you slightly, humming softly and turning to kiss your forehead. He whispers quiet promises to you, wanting to make it known that he was always going to be there for you and that he loves you so very much.
The words don’t register with you right away, but when they do, you’re too far gone from the world and half asleep to even manage to make any recognizable word fall from your lips.
“It’s okay. Go to sleep, my love.” He mumbles, guiding you to lay flat on the bed as he reaches over to cut the lamp off. “It’ll be okay.”
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Tag List: @youngestdelacour @kodzukein @jcngh0-hq @noonaishere @layzfeelit @sanccharine @ckline35 @alanniys @atinysthings @oahubliss @soso59love-blog @many-names-yuna @heyimkay @acciocriativity @hwaightme
Send an ask to be added…
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soft-for-yoongi · 1 year
Introduction & Masterlist~
What I write: ✅️
- emeto (some variation of it is in all of my stories)
- nausea
- any stomach illness/bug
- food poisoning
- motion sickness
- passing out/fainting
- overexertion paired with emeto
- over eating
- Indigestion
- sympathy sickness
- burping (only as a minor detail)
- panic attacks (only mildly)
- snz if paired with emeto
- fevers, coughs, chills, dizziness, fainting etc
- mpreg (I am still not sure, I'd probably be shit at it)
- morning sickness
What I don't write (no hard feelings!): ❌️
- age regression
- forced sickness
- severe illnesses
- hospitals
- public illness
- x reader
- hard core angst
- scat
- stuffing
- nsfw/smut
- violence/non-accidental injuries
- groups other than bts
If anything isn't listed and you're curious, send me an ask!! I'm happy to clarify!!
All of my fanfics are listed under the hastag: #soft-for-yoongi writes
My stories range from 500 - 4000 words and I don't do multiple part stories
I only write for bts, but I may post little bits from other groups!!!
MASTERLIST (ongoing)
5+1 Story - 1469 words Emoji Sequence - 795 words Emoji Sequence - 524 words Fake Sick - 1969 words Midnight Queasies - 1102 words Work Out Problems - 806 words Weak Link - 1966 words Mpreg - 593 words But... Sightseeing? - 1142 words Studio Sickness - 1957 words Shower Sickness - 710 words ON Accident - 1538 words Drunken Vlive - 1199 words More Than a Funny Tummy - 3716 words Sick On Stage - 1133 words Stomach Bug - 1887 words
Fire Noodle Mistakes - 1604 words Sick Tae-bear - 885 words Fever Dreams, Hyung's Don't Leave - 1744 words Emoji Sequence - 525 words Emoji Sequence - 479 words
Dizzy Jiminie - 742 words Weight of Perfection - 1496 words Jin + Min - 694 words Sick Minie - 1403 words
Ahgi Namjoon - 1775 words
Hobi-hyung? - 870 words
Just a Cold? - 1227 words
* Currently, no fics for Seokjin 😭😭 ik I should really write some, but he is a very frequent caretaker 🥺
Links for videos/clips and such:
Jungkook feeling nauseous Bam throwing up on Jungkook Jungkook hiccup/burp Jungkook rubbing his stomach Jungkook chicken (vomiting?) Noises Jungkook tummy Yoongi asking Jungkook if he is throwing up cuddly Jinkook during vlive anxious Yoongi - beyond the story Jungkook burping on vlive seasick Straykids Jimin talking about indigestion Jimin on suchwita Jungkook chugging water at an award show Jimin sneeze vlive Kai rubbing Soobin's tummy Jungkook eating 3 icecreams Jimin with the hiccups Jungkook having indigestion on vlive Yeonjun saying he feels sick Jimin thought Jungkook was throwing up
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artscloudy · 2 years
🌸 Moodboards
&Audition finale here
Pics (ot9) here
Christmas (ot9) here
Hwaiting &Audition (ot4) here
Christmas (Nicholas, Ej) here
Baymax glasses??? (Ej) here
As... (Nicholas) here
So cute (Nicholas) here
Date with your sweet boyfriend (Ej) here
Sky blue (Ej) here and here
Pink (Ej) here
As... (Ej) here
Happy birthday (Ej) here
Black (K) here
As... (K) here
Green (Nicholas) here
Black (Nicholas) here
Pink (Taki) here
As... (Maki) here
Flower photoshoot (ot7) here
Black & White (Heeseung) here
Detective kitty (Jungwon) here
Valentine (Jungwon) here
Fairycore (Jungwon) here
Sky blue (Jay) here
Blue (Jake) here
Boyfriend material (Jake) here
Mafia (Jake) here
Hockey (Sunghoon) here
White (Sunghoon) here
Fluorescent (Sunoo) here
Racer (Niki) here
Christmas Edition (ot5) here
Downtown (Soobin) here
Boxer (Yeonjun) here
Kidcore (Yeonjun) here
Mangacore (Beomgyu) here
Orange (Beomgyu) here
Angelic (Taehyun) here
Fairycore (Kai) here
Boyfriend material (Minho) here
Campfire (Hyunjin) here
Ethereal (Hyunjin) here
White (Hyunjin) here
Sky blue (Seungmin) here
Caretaker (Felix) here
Boyfriend material (Felix) here
Yellow (San) here
Maximalism (Taeyong) here
Pastel (Taeyong) here
Tial (Mark) here
Prince (Jaemin) here
Sky (Jeno) here
Green yellow red (Tae, Jin, Nam) here
Dreamcore (Jin) here
Kidcore (Suga) here
Miami (Taehyung) here
Boyfriend material (Jimin) here
Spy (Jungkook) here
Rockstar (O.de) here
Primary colors (Gun.il) here
Pastel (Gaon) here
Black Eye (Vernon) here
Fairy (Rosè) here
Sunset (Rosè) here
Purple (Jennie) here
Old money (Yuna) here
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kpopsickies · 1 year
I’ll be home for Christmas
sickie: Huening Kai
Caretaker: Lea+Bahiyyih 
Bahiyyih p.o.v 
I had just finished up dance practice with my members and hurried back to the dorm, packing up my stuff. My brother would be there within 20 minutes to pick me up. The two of us were going to spend the Christmas holidays with her, our parents thought it was a good idea, especially because we wouldn't be able to spend Christmas with them. I had just finished packing when there was a knock on my door. “Come in” 
“Hey Hiyyih!” I recognized the voice without even needing to look up, “Hey Hikaru!” 
“your brother is here” she said sitting down on my bed. I threw a sweater into my bag. “Should I bring these?” I asked showing her a pair of jeans. She nodded, “they’re cute on you” I nodded and threw them into my bag. “I’m gonna miss you” I smiled at her, “I’ll miss you too, but I’ll only be gone 10 days” She nodded, “I know. You have to send me pictures” I smiled and nodded as I threw the last of my things in the bag. “I’m ready” The two of us walked downstairs to the kitchen, I saw Kai standing in the living room talking with a few of my members, he noticed me, waving, “ready to go Hiyyih?” I nodded and gave Hikaru a quick hug and waved goodbye to the other members. I followed mt brother out the door and to the car, his manager had offered to take us on the 45 minute drive to Lea’s house. Kai sat in the back with me so we could talk, and I wouldn’t be lonely. 
“How are you adjusting in Kep1er?” 
“good, we’ve had a lot of comebacks, I’m tired. I’m glad to have a break” 
“yeah, that makes sense.” He paused, “You and Hikaru seem close” I smiled, hoping I wasn’t blushing. “She’s a good friend for sure” 
“you like her” it didn’t come out as a question. I shrugged, “yeah, she’s a good friend” he gave a knowing smile, “Trust me Hiyyih, I know my sister” I rolled my eyes. “whatever you say. How’re the guys?” I asked, definitely not trying to change the subject. He gave me a knowing look, “they’re good, Soobin and Beomgyu both had a cold last week.” I dramatically leaned away and covered my face as he said that. He laughed, “don’t worry, it’s been a week, I still haven’t started showing signs, so by now I think I’ll be fine” 
“If you get me sick I’m suing you” he rolled his eyes, “ever the sympathetic baby sister” I laughed, he looked slightly less than amused, but I could see the smile under his fake glare. The two of us talked back and forth about life, our groups, comebacks, and so forth. About halfway through the ride my phone rang with a facetime notification, I picked it up and saw it was Lea. I showed the caller ID to Kai before answering it. “Hey Lea” Kai and I said together. “Hi! how close are you guys?”
“about 20 minutes or so” I explained glancing at the gps. “if traffic stays the same” 
“okay, I was just curious, I’m excited to see you guys” She exclaimed, i smiled, “we’re excited to see you too!” 
“why didn’t you call me? I’m older!” Kai said, an over dramatic pout on his face. I rolled my eyes, “hate to break it to you Kai, but you suck at answering your phone. It’s always on silent” I laughed, and Kai shrugged, “fair point” he said. He suddenly sneezed, startling me so much that I dropped my phone, I heard Lea laughing, Kai apologized, laughing a bit as he did. “bless you” Lea said through a laugh. “thanks” Kai said, as he pulled a tissue out of his backpack, “are you sick?” Lea asked, noticing that he seemed prepared. Kai shrugged, “I don’t know yet, but Soobin and Beomgyu had a cold last week, I was just being prepared.” Lea and I exchanged a look through the camera screen. “should I just count on him being sick all week?” She asked me, I shrugged, “probably” 
“check if he has a fever” I side-eyed Kai who turned away and covered his face with his arms, “hiding” from me, I turned the camera so Lea could look, “kai” she said, a warning tone in her voice, “no” he said, we both rolled out eyes at him, Lea shook her head, “I’m going to take a quick run to the store” She eyed Kai with a bit of concern. Kai glanced between us. “girls are so weird” He said looking confused. “see you guys in a few” Lea said waving to us, before hanging up. “why does she need to go to the store?” Kai asked, his eyes glazed over and he turned away from me, “HIAtcHu- IATchu-hh- HiATChu”
“bless you” he sniffled, “thank you” 
“Kai, I think you might be sick” he shook his head stubbornly, “nah, I’m fine” I gave him a skeptical look, “seriously Hiyyih” I shrugged, “whatever you say dude” The next few minutes he spent sniffling, basically constantly, “Kai, blow your nose” I said, trying not to sound too irritated, especially because he looked embarrassed. “I don’t have tissues” I handed a few napkins from the pocket of the car. “here” he took them and pressed them to his face, “when will you admit you’re getting sick?” He frowned, “I felt fine yesterday” his eyebrows creased, “I just had a little bit of a stuffy nose, but I thought that was from it being cold outside” he explained, he blew his nose harshly, I tried not to cringe away from him. “maybe you have the flu, that comes on pretty fast” he looked annoyed, “I know” he sighed, “I was just hoping to avoid it” I patted his shoulder, “if you guys want to send me back to the dorm that’s fine” I laughed, “and make you spend Christmas alone? while sick? No way, that’s mean” He smiled, “thanks”  
“yeah, yeah, I know I’m amazing, but if you get me sick I’m still suing you” he laughed, coughing slightly after. “deal” he held his hand out for me to shake, I wrinkled my nose and shook my head, “nah bro, wash your hands first” 
~el time skipo~
When we got to Lea’s house she ran out the front door to greet us. After hugging me she stopped in her tracks. “You look...” she glanced at me, “like shit?” I said shrugging, Lea facepalmed and Kai glared at me “I was going to say sick” She placed her hand on his forehead, he tried shrugging it off, but she grabbed his shoulder. “stop being stubborn” he apologized, “you have a fever” she explained, Kai shrugged, “I know. I can feel it” he coughed after, thankfully having enough sense to turn away from us. “come on inside, then we can drug you” he nodded, he grabbed his bag from the car. I went to grab mine but before I got the chance he took it and flung it over his shoulder. “Kai, I can carry it” he shrugged, “I’ve got it” I glanced at Lea, once Kai was a bit ahead of us she leaned over to me, “I think he feels guilty for getting sick and is trying to make it up to us. But he’s a boy so using his words isn’t easy” we both laughed at her comment, Kai glanced back at us, looking confused. Which only made us laugh more. “girls are so weird” we went inside, Kai set my bag down on the couch. He took his bag to the room he always slept in. “I’m kinda worried about him” Lea said sitting down on the couch. “yeah, he told me that Beomgyu and Soobin were sick last week. I assume he caught whatever they had. I think he said it was just a cold though, so that’s good.” We both stopped when Kai walked into the living room. “how are you feeling?” 
“okay, mainly just congested” he said, he stood awkwardly in the doorway. Lea stood up, “I got some cold medicine that I want you to take” 
“thanks noona” he said softly, “Kai, how long have you felt sick for?”
“I really felt fine earlier. I wouldn’t have come otherwise.” Kai explained. “It’s okay Kai. We aren’t mad.” Lea said, she rubbed his back gently, we exchanged a concerned glance when he ducked into his elbow with a harsh coughing fit. ”Oppa?” I said softly when he finished coughing, he glanced at me. “I know we had plans of stuff do with this week, but maybe we just have a relaxing week so you can get better, then we can do more fun stuff when you’re better.” He looked between us, “I’m sorry for ruining our sibling time” Lea and I glanced at each other. “Kai, you didn’t ruin anything. You’re sick. That’s seriously fine. Let’s just focus on getting you recovered.” Lea said, taking the roll of big sister. I smiled and nodded, “exactly what she said” he smiled, “you know, for sisters, you’re pretty awesome” We both rolled our eyes but smiled. “Go to sleep” Lea said shoving his head. He laughed, “yes ma’am” 
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bleedsmedry · 11 months
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☾ㅤstatisticsㅤ/ㅤwanted connectionsㅤ/ㅤmusings postsㅤ☽
(  choi  soobin,  he/him,  cis  man,  muse  68  )  look  !  that’s  jude  whittaker  walking  down  main  street  !  they’re  the  twenty  two  year  old  worker  at  the  local  musical  instrument  store  and  they  can  always  be  seen  hanging  around  the  abandoned  ski  lodge.  jj  is  pretty  honest,  short-tempered  and  headstrong,  which  is  probably  why  they  give  off  knuckles  that  are  always  bruised  and  bandaged,  the  sound  of  an  old  yamaha  motorcycle’s  engine  as  it  passes  by  &  screaming  at  the  top  of  your  lungs  vibes.  hey,  now  that  we’re  on  the  topic  of  them,  is  it  true  that  he’s  a  drug  dealer  on  the  side  and  he  loves  to  sample  the  product  ?  eh,  it’s  probably  just  a  rumor. 
born to a housemaid unable to care for him, jude was adopted by the affluential and well-off whittaker family. he was well provided for as a child with ample opportunities given to him, even as the  ‘ adopted ’  son, post birth of his parent’s biological daughter. still, he was never quite like the rest of his family. he didn’t care for the finer things in life, much preferred rough housing in the dirt with his  ‘ poor ’  friends. as soon as jude was old enough to really understand, he knew just how different he was from the rest of the whittaker’s, his parents and sister included. when he began to denounce his financial status, and his family, his parents had thought it to be a phase. some things, though, kids just never grow out of. 
though at his core, jude does actually have a good heart, you’d never guess that just from speaking to him. he’s not exactly the nicest person in the world, typically coming off as cold, distant and uncaring. someone who uses vulgar language and angry facial expressions to express himself more often than not, he can be seen as a bit of an asshole to some. even still, with his kind’ve shit personality and even more shit outlook on life, he feels for people who didn’t have the opportunities he did. who didn’t have the money and things the whittaker’s did. it isn’t pity, no, but instead he truly wishes better for those who had less. still, he can be a huge dick. so it’s best people keep that in mind when approaching.
interests:ㅤ( brief mentions of drug use )
while he’s not one to rattle on about the things he likes, jj is actually pretty passionate about a lot of things. from music to motorcycles to  ( very quietly )  helping out at the local soup kitchen, he spends a lof of time doing things that he actually really enjoys. oh, and of course, who could forget how much he loves the party scene, namely, the drugs ?
important tidbits:
jude hates his family. he’s a whittaker solely in name, not even blood tying him to the people who raised him. many would say he should be grateful, his adoptive parents, in fact, saying just that more than once. he was anything but, though. he often used to wish his biological mother, wherever she was, had just taken him with her instead. when the lawyer told the whittaker’s all the money was being left to his late grandfather’s caretaker ??  well what could jj do but laugh in his families faces. the old man had had a great sense of humor, it seemed. if you asked him, the whittaker’s got exactly what they deserved. 
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I wrote this and stealing is illegal don't try it ~Puppy love~ Mafia Boss!Hyungwon x Border Collie Puppy Hybrid!Minhyuk ~TW, Sexual Content, Swearing, Gun's, Hybrid Trafficking, Pet Names (Puppy, Breeding Toy, My Pet),Minhyuk Gets Called  A House Wife  Once, Breeding Kink, Leash & Collar Use, Master/Pet dynamic, Possessive Hyungwon (In A Smexzy Way),  Being In A Cage, Mentions Putting Minhyuk On Heat Suppressants(Birth Control), Hybrid Heat Cycle, Mentions Of Mating, Death, Locking Oneself In A Room, Mentioned Characters: MX (Shownu, Wonho, Kihyun, Jooheon, Changkyun), ATEEZ (Wooyoung, San), SKZ (Changbin, Felix), TXT (Soobin, Beomgyu) Not Verbally Mentioned But Are Acknowledged, Sex In Front Of Others (The Rest Of MX), Mentions Of Sharing Minhyuk, Rest Of MX Are Paired EX( ShoWhoKi, JooKyun,), Protected Sex(Very Cash Money Hyungwon), Whipped-ish Hyungwon, Most Likely Not Proof Read 
Word Count:1,650
      Everything was cold, waking up in a cold basement that is all Lee Minhyuk has ever known. Being a hybrid meant no freedom, only cast aside to be trafficked to mafias, and people of high power. Sitting in the cold dreading the day he is sold off or put down. Both outcomes not good from his point of view. Bright florescent lights shine above him as he watches potential buyers walk into the room, viewing the other hybrids. A fox hybrid with a freckle under his eye, a cat hybrid with blonde hair and deep voice, and a bunny hybrid with pretty white floppy ears. 
    Looking around Minhyuks dark eyes land a tall figure, one of the most beautiful men he has ever seen. The man looked at the row of cages his sharp eyes landing on the border collie hybrid. Feeling uneasy from his unwavering eyes Minhyuk looked down submitting under the pressure. Workers opened the door to the room attaching leashes to each hybrids collars that lay around their necks. Coming to sit on their knees the buyers introduced each other one by one.   
Minhyuk recognized the tall man as Chae Hyungwon, Leader of the X Clan. They ran half of Seoul's underground crime possibly more, knowing once you go in you don't come back. "How much for the collie?" He spoke, with grace flowing in his words. He looked like royalty, "5 Million dollars Mr. Chae, are you sure you want the collie? He's rather rambunctious-" The head worker was cut off by Hyungwon handing over a duffel bag full of cash. "Bring him to my home in one hour, or its your brains against the wall." A cold glare set in on the face of Minhyuks new owner, one of his fears, yet greatest fantasies finally coming true. 
    It was two hours since Minhyuk seen the man, two hours wasn't the time the caretaker was given. Minhyuk's ears perked up at the sound of a car door slamming outside the building, looking up there where seven masked men. All built wide, strong, and tall, though there was one almost hamster sized, pressing his ears to his head, guns cocking and being pointed at the owner of this horrid building. Pulling down the mask that covered the tallest figures face Minhyuk had realized it was his new master. "I told you bring the hybrid to me in one hour, and you still failed to do that. I was even nice enough to give you an extra 30 fucking minutes. But I keep my end of the deal unlike you dick heads." Minhyuk backed into the corner of his cage, the only home he's even known. Shots being fired was heard but he didn't look instead he felt his cage shake and the door was ripped open like a snack pack. 
    Minhyuk felt long feather like hands intertwine in hair, pulling him from his cage. Darkness covers his eyes, as he is dragged to his feet into a new environment. Minhyuk's ears heightened as a door closed feeling movement he backed into a firm chest. Feeling fingers unbuckle his collar the puppy boy feels hands run through his hair scratching behind his ears eventually falling asleep.  Pulling to a stop the puppy boy is awoken, by large strong hands lifting him.  Still blinded Minhyuk hears a door open, and close he jumps at he coldness under his thighs and fuzzy tail. 
    Dim Lighting comes over Minhyuk's vision. Hands are on his thighs, looking up to the body attached to them. Meeting the eye's of his new master Chae Hyungwon, "Nice of you to finally join me, my pretty puppy~"  looking into the eyes of a prince, Minhyuk left a tint of pink flush against his face. "I'm guessing that the shelter didn't give you my name, let alone anything to take-" Cutting himself off Hyungwon looked at the puppy apologetically. "Forgive me pup I didn't mean to word it like that." raising his had to pat the older boys head, instead the collie boy flinched away. 
    Looking up at the taller man, opening and closing his mouth he finally gets the words out of his mouth. "Master, why did you pick me? O-out of all the hybrids at the shelter. Why me?" looking down at the big hands on his thighs, watching as they inch higher up his legs closing around his growing boner. "Because I knew your parents. Minhyuk, look at me my pretty pet. I made a promise to them before they died, and now after tracking you down you have to live under my rules. As my new play thing~" Whispering the last part into Minhyuk's ears, he looked at the younger man. 
   After a few weeks of living with Minhyuk's new master, he started to catch feelings for him. Knowing that it's not a good idea, Minhyuk couldn't help it and with his heat coming soon he'd knew locking himself in his room would be the best option. Three day's Minhyuk has been locked in his room though given food from the servant's Mihyuk has a different hunger, the pain from needing his master was growing fast. Whining out for Hyungwon he hears the door to his room unlock. "Puppy, I told you those heat suppressants would have helped. Why haven't you taken them?"  Looking up at Hyungwon, Minhyuk looked down in shame. Tears swell in his eye's at the embarrassment, and pain. "W-Want you to breed me- please Master it hurt's."
      Grabbing a hold of Hyungwon's shirt, pulling the younger man down. Looking into Minhyuk's tear filled eyes, Hyungwon picks up the puppy boy. Pushing a door open the two boys had yet to realize the rest of Hyungwon's men in the living room. Unlocking their lips breathing heavily, Hyungwon reaches for the collars buckle but is pulled back by Minhyuk's hand. "Ma-master, please breed me." Looking the younger man in the eyes Minhyuk grabs Hyungwon's hand and wraps the leash around it, the black leather adding a nice touch to his long fingers. Gold hints glitter in the light as Hyungwon looks at the gold plate on the collar reading "Property of Chae Hyungwon", growing harder in his pants Hyungwon pulls the older boy closer to him. 
     "My Pet I would love to ruin you right now but the rest of the guys are in here." Whispering in Minhyuk's ear. "Let them watch then, maybe let them have a go with me?" Smirking at the taller, Minhyuk is pulled closer to Hyungwon. "I don't like to share my breeding toys" almost growling he pulls something from his back pocket. It's a Trojan condom size large, looking up at the younger man with wide eyes. Minhyuk's breath quickens,  ripping the package open Hyungwon rolls the condom down his length. "Do you want this?" looking for any concern in Minhyuk's eyes.
   "Fuck me like you mean it." growing with need Minhyuk grabs a hold of Hyungwon as they share a kiss.  Moving Minhyuk to lay down on the table, Hyungwon slowly pushes his cock into the older boys hole. Groaning with lust Hyungwon pushes his length all the way in Minhyuk. "A-ah~ Master, your so big please go faster, want your cum please." Begging his master, Hyungwon sped up at his puppy's demands. Speeding up, the two boys look over to see Hyungwons men in their own little fantasies by jerking each other off. "My perfect pet, look at me and only me while i make you my perfect house wife." gripping Minhyuk's leash to refocus his lust filled gaze back to his master. 
     Slowing down his hips, Hyungwon gently picks the older boy up wrapping his hands under his thighs. Propping Minhyuk on his hands and knees in doggy style. Hyungwon pushes his cock back in the smaller males hole. Grabbing a hold of the gold and black leash Hyungwon pulls the puppy boy to his chest, and  wraps his other hand around Minhyuk's cock jerking him off. Moaning loudly with his eyes rolling to the back of his head Minhyuk tries warning his master that he's about to cum. "Master please, can I please come? I've been a good boy please." As tears run down Minhyuks flushed cheeks, "Cum for me, my pretty boy. Been such a good pet for me, Gonna breed you nice and full." 
   Hearing the short lived praise, Minhyuk's cum coats Hyungwon's hand the same time he fills the condom with his cum. Maybe some other day he'll breed his puppy full. "Did so good for me baby." Picking up the tired Minhyuk, Hyungwon carries his mate to the bathroom to wash him up. After washing and drying each other Hyungwon dresses Minhyuk in his favorite red pj's. "Hyungwon?" looking shocked both men looked at each other, Hyungwon had never heard Minhyuk address him by his real name, it felt nice. "Yes my dear Min?" coming closer to the older boy laying on the bed, he made grabby hands towards him silently asking to be held while they slept. Looking in each others eyes a moment paused for both, "I love you." both boys said in unison, and finally kissing each other goodnight.
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flashymoa · 1 month
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Migraine Becomes a Mess (Taehyun)
This was requested by an anon. Hope it finds the anon.
Sick: Taehyun
Caretaker: mainly Kai
Content: migraines, vomiting
After long hours of practice, TXT finally got to get back to the dorms. Everyone was tired. They just wanted to eat something and go to sleep.
The members quickly washed up and settled down for dinner. Everyone was chatting; Kai occasionally burst out his devilishly loud laughs and Beomgyu being loud as always, thereby Yeonjun scolding Beomgyu and Soobin just quietly eating his food because it's nothing new and food matters first of course.
Everything was normal, except the fact that Taehyun felt annoyed of them. He had a headache and they were making it worse. He had had enough. He slammed his hands on the counter and snapped, "Kai can you stop laughing like that?!"
Kai frowned, "Like what?"
"Your damn loud laughter is annoying me to the guts! It's giving me a headache!"
Kai was offended.He glared at Taehyun, "I've always laughed like that Taehyun. What's your problem?"
"It's annoying me."
Kai just clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, "Oh yeah? It's my natural laughter and if it annoys you I don't give a shit."
Soobin spoke up this time, "Manners Kai."
"Manners?! You tell me to bahave but not him?!! Didn't he pull on a fight first?!" Kai was raging at this point.
"Calm down, kai-ah," Yeonjun said. "What Taehyun said was kinda disrespectful but I'm sure he feels guilty. He'll apologize, right Taehyun?" Yeonjun tured to Taehyun for a response; an apology but Taehyun just got up from his seat without saying anything and walked away.
It wasn't intentional tho, his headache had evolved into a serious migraine. And he couldn't even focus on what they were saying right now. He just wanted to get out of the chaos. Go somewhere quiet and dark.
But Taehyun getting up without answering clearly added flame to the fire. Kai was furious, he turned to Soobin.
"Hyung, did you see that?! He is the one that doesn't have manners!!"
He got up from his seat as well, "Yah! Taehyun! Didn't you hear Yeonjun hyung told you to apologise?!" Taehyun winced at the loud voice. It felt like needles pinning his head. He flinched and slammed his palms against his ears, trying his best to block the voice.
Kai was so mad at this behaviour that he was speechless. First he walked away without answering and now he's pretending not to hear, even blocking his ears to show he doesn't care to listen.
"He's becoming a spoilt brat," Beomgyu commented. Soobin or Yeonjun couldn't even say anything in defense even if they wanted to. They guessed something was fishy, probably Taehyun was upset about something but they didn't give it much thought.
Later that night, Kai insisted he won't sleep in the same bed as Taehyun. (Imagine they share a double bed instead of bunk beds)
"I'm not sleeping in the same room as him Soobin hyung. That's final!" Kai huffed.
"Don't be like this Kai. If you be stubborn and do not sleep in your shared room today, the fight would get even bigger."
"No, he started this. Until he apologises I have no business with him! I'm not talking to him, let alone sleep in the same bed."
Soobin put his hands on Kai's shoulder, "Look at me Kai-ah. I know what he did wasn't right. But, please listen to hyung this once?"
Kai just looked away, not knowing what to say. He was mad Taehyun but he couldn't reject Soobin when he was asking like that.
"Um.. okay, but just because you're telling me to. I obviously didn't forgive him."
Soobin smiled at him, "That's good Ning-ning. Go to sleep now. We have to leave early for practice tomorrow."
"Okay hyung."
Kai opened his bedroom door to find it absolutely dark. Normally it'd be dimly lit at night, but it was completely dark. He didn't think much about it as he got ready for bed.
He sarcastically looked at Taehyun and whispered, "Huh. Now sleeping peacefully after insulting me."
Soon, Kai drifted off to sleep but little did he know, Taehyun couldn't sleep one bit. His head was killing him, not to mention the churning inside his stomach.
On top of that, there was a construction going on nearby, the sound of drilling machines increased the pain 10 folded and Taehyun couldn't do anything but cry silently. The pain didn't ease one bit, it was just increasing.
He didn't even know when he started whimpering. And when Kai woke up hearing his whimpers.
"Taehyun, are you okay?" he heard Kai's voice. Was he really asking? Or was it his confused brain setting hallucinations because he was yearning for comfort.
Taehyun looked at Kai's side of bed. It was dark, he couldn't see anything properly. But then he heard it again, "Taehyun? You okay?"
Taehyun only whimpered in response. Kai immediately figured something was wrong.
He hurriedly got off the bed and flicked on the lights to see things properly. Taehyun flinched at the brightness as he buried his head on his knees, hands clutching his head and hair tightly, whimpering louder. He was visibly shaking. Rocking himself back and forth to calm himself down but he was miserably failing.
Kai immediately rushed to his side in worry, "Taehyun-ah, are you crying? What's wrong?" Taehyun sobbed; he couldn't form any words or even look up at him. The pain was too much.
Huening Kai cradled him in his arms and guided his head to rest on his chest. He rubbed his arms gently; stroked his hair as he whimpered and cried. He won't stop clutching his head nor open his eyes. Kai tried talking to him again, "Taehyunie, can you tell me what's bothering you? Did you have a nightmare? Talk to me. I'm right here." But Taehyun won't say a word, he seemed in too much pain.
Kai started panicking, Taehyun won't talk to him or even look at him. He couldn't imagine how much Taehyun was suffering to act like that. He was shaking in his arms like a stray bird in a storm.
"Should I call Soobin hyung? But how can I leave him alone in this state?" As much as he wanted the leader's help, he couldn't leave Taehyun alone in that state.
Kai reassured Taehyun in the most gentle way possible but Taehyun couldn't focus on anything when the pain felt like needles piercing through his skull, when the nausea that had slightly settled down earlier increased ten folded all of a sudden; his stomach just wanted to leap out. Taehyun didn't know what to do.
"Taehyun-ah at least open your eyes, please tell me what's wrong. I can't help you if you don't tell me."
Taehyun tried to follow what he was told. But as soon as he opened his eyes the bright light made everything worse. He was stuck with a sudden wave of dizziness; the world seemed to spin and a wave of nausea hit him on full force.
He felt his throat tighten as he lurched forward with gag. He immediately clamped his hand over his mouth. But it couldn't stop the inevitable as he gagged again and vomit seeped through the gaps of his fingers. Huening Kai's eyes widened at the sudden encounter; nevertheless he didn't let go of Taehyun, rather sat him upright properly so that he doesn't get the vomit on himself.
"It's okay. Let it out. It'll be over soon." Kai tried his best to soothe him. It was his favourite penguin blanket Taehyun threw up on yet Kai didn't feel angry at all. All he felt was worry and sympathy.
Kai rubbed Taehyun's back gently as he retched, coughed and choked on vomit. He was throwing up uncontrollably, barely getting any space to breathe inbetween heaves. Tears rolled down his cheeks as his body tried to get everything out of his stomach.
Kai waited patiently for Taehyun to finish. By the time Taehyun stopped throwing up, the poor boy slumped against Kai, breathing heavily.
Kai asked softly, "Done?"
Taehyun nodded, eyes closed. He was tired and embarrassed. "I'm sorry," those were the first words Taehyun said.
"It's okay. It happens." Kai said as he reached to grab the tissues box from the nightstand with one hand while supporting the sick boy to stay stable with the other. He gently wiped his mouth and nose. Took another tissue to wipe the stray tears. He wiped his hand as well since one of his hands got puke on it.
Taehyun didn't utter a single word the whole time. It wasn't like the throbbing in his head had totally subsided but he felt a lot better.
"Wanna tell what actually happened?"
"Migraine." Taehyun replied while sniffling. His previous crying had left him with occasional sniffles.
Kai noticed Taehyun won't look up, he kept his head hung low. "Is your head still hurting? I'll turn off the lights. But I need to put the blankets in wash first. Can you stay by yourself for a while?"
Taehyun nodded.
"I'm sorry." He apologised as tears formed in the corner of his eyes, "I'm so sorry. I didn't realise I'd throw up until it happened. I made such a mess."
Kai held his cheeks and made him look at him. "Hey, look at me. It's okay. It's not your fault. Don't feel guilty." He saw tears making their way down his cheeks again. Kai knew he was now crying in guilt, not pain. Taehyun's expression clearly showed how guilty and miserable he felt. Kai placed a forehead kiss and said, "It's not your fault. I can just clean it up, okay? I'll be back in a minute."
Kai carefully pulled off the blanket, careful not to spread the mess and left the room to put it in the wash.
Taehyun was beyond grateful that Kai wasn't mad at him. He felt so tired and miserable that he didn't even notice when Huening Kai re-entered the room. He was in a daze. The only thing he felt was a touch on his shoulder and he turned his head to find Kai standing with a glass of water.
"Here, drink this." Kai helped Taehyun drink the water, carefully not to spill since his hands were shaking. Taehyun felt relieved as the water took away the acidic taste and cooled his throat. Kai handed him two tablets. Taehyun didn't even know what it was. He just trusted him enough to take it without a question. "Thanks."
"You gotta wash your hands, I only wiped with tissues. Do you think you can walk?" He could guess the answer already. Taehyun looked ghostly pale and Kai knew how terrible Taehyun's migranes could be.
Kai sighed, "it's okay, I'll get wet wipes."
Kai helped him get cleaned, turned the lights off since it was bothering Taehyun, even wiped his face and neck with a wet towel when he noticed the temperature had elevated.
Huening Kai guided Taehyun's head on his lap while he sat against the headboard, stroking his hair and messaging his head. He knew it won't help that much given the fact that migraines never go away with message, but he just wanted ease his discomfort even if it's a little bit.
Later on that night, Taehyun spiked a fever and Kai practically stayed up all night to take care of him.
The next morning when Soobin went to wake the maknaes up, he found Kai sleeping while sitting, leaning on the headboard, and Taehyun sleeping on Kai's lap. He smiled inwardly, "Who can tell these two were fighting not even 24 hours ago?"
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