#sib rambles
kreideprinzalby · 1 year
It's been hours since the 4.1 livestream and im sitll thinking about "Wriothesey, Where did you take my siblings!?"
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spadem00n · 2 months
goodbye pink Mira era, hello sunset gradient Mira era!
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bluerosefox · 3 months
Genie Gave Me a Brother AU
-Slams DPxDC door open and tosses AU idea on table-
Tim's parents send home an artifact that is said to able to grant wishes! While being curious about it Tim messes with the artifact and when he 'solves' it, according to legend one must solve it to get a wish, he wishes he wasn't alone anymore.
The object glows bright and as he shields his eyes he can hear.
'So you have wished it, so it shall be!'
He gets his wish in the form of a recently reincarnated ghost!King (who entered the DC world for a reincarnated vaycay... he should had known something was going to happen because CW was encouraging the break) Danny whose just a baby/toddler right now.
Basically, big brother Tim and baby Danny adventures in Gotham after that.
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daisyachain · 2 months
I’ve made this post before but I can’t be bothered to find it. In what we commonly consider a ‘traditional’/patriarchal European society, the paths in life are: marriage with children (acceptable), bachelorhood (frowned upon, locked out of certain professions/roles), spinsterhood in servitude to parents (probably suffering), religious servitude. An unmarried person is a servant either of the local lord, the Lord, or the parents. The parental relationship has a built-in hierarchy of the senior parents and the underling child. All pressures push down and toward marriage as a form of (highly limited for women) freedom.
One of the few ways around this system is the sibling relationship. Sticking with a sibling can provide an avenue to independence from hierarchy via a peer relationship, a person who moves in with a married sibling is protected under the auspices of that marriage (though somewhat dependent on the sibling) and is not automatically subordinate as with aristocracy/religious orders/parents. I’m interested in the sibling relationship as a kind of lifeline or shield against the buffets of social expectation specially in a world where there is some kind of censure against unmarriage and in which marriage is seen as the final step in growing up. Siblings are the playmates of childhood, they are biological family, to remain part of s biological family unit is acceptable, to remain unmarried is not, the sibling is the last line of defense against a spouse without submitting to hierarchy and/or could be read as the last line of defense against growing up.
This isn’t coherent. I like the idea of two siblings choosing to remain close into adulthood not because they necessarily like each other that much, but because they understand the consequences of abandoning someone to social forces. Siblings as a kind of delayed maturation, a sign that something is wrong, a failed evolution, a vestigial relationship, you’re supposed to be close growing up and then split into different clans, but they have failed to do so and have closed the loop to return to childhood.
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raycatz · 4 months
There's a headcanon from a while back that Warriors braids people's hair as an idle / to connect / to decompress. May I propose other small physical connections and comforts, like Legend giving back scritches?
If someone is seated on Legend's bedroll with him during downtime and they're just dozing or he sees someone who's tense and decompressing he'll reach a hand out and rub their back. If they respond well he'll give scritches. He doesn't have to ask or talk about what's bothering someone that way and can still give comfort. I think the motion would be soothing for him as well.
Wild will give scritches too but watch out because he'll start tickling and poking when he gets bored. Good hefty pats and a slight shake. Giving Wolfie / horsie pats to everyone haha!
Sky has the best hugs to sigh troubles away into and he will hold those who need it.
Time's hugs give strength. A hug that fills one with confidence.
Twi will give massages. Also the same kind of pats Wild gives and hair ruffles / scalp massages but he has better control of his own strength when messing with people from being big brother to the kids in Ordon. Wild's pats lean towards playfully riling someone up, and while Twilight's can also be that, they're more secure and comforting as well.
Hyrule and casual touch! Sitting just near enough that something is touching be it an arm or leg or leaning fully into someone. He'll get into the space of those who allow it and will take their hands and massage their palms or press their hands between his to keep them warm. We've seen him in the updates the past year or so grabbing Time's shirt when he made a breakthrough with Twi, and nudging an elbow at Legend when laughing. I think it's something he'd do more often the more comfortable he is with the chain. Resting an elbow on a shoulder, hitting an arm with the back of his hand to get someone's attention, offering a hand for calf stretches, playful rough housing, etc. I love it for him.
Four with the back scritches as well. I like a headcanon I've read in sister_dear's works where Four doesn't usually like people messing with his head, ruffling his hair, etc. But, I can see him accepting a palm to his forehead or over his eyes when he has a headache (from Twi specifically!), and doing so for others. He'll press his face to people like a cat and lean. Like Sky, he'll hold people. It's what he's found works. (He is little so finding a way to do so can be awkward but so help him he will protect those he cares for!!!)
Wind ruffles and braids hair as well. Also full out rough housing, play wrestling, trying to pick people up, etc. I can also see him sprawling over those he's comfortable with. They're his pillow now. Whoever he's fallen asleep on is no longer allowed to move. They have to deal with the fact that he heats up in his sleep too. (Space heater Wind.) But I think his slowed breathing and trust would be a comfort.
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wildflowercryptid · 10 months
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now that kieran's champ look dropped, i could finally draw their mjverse designs for indigo disk. there's a 1 year timeskip between the 2 dlcs in my canon so i wanted to make them look a lil different to show that passage of time, ( carmine's not here bc i don't really see her look changing much. )
some info about what juliana and florian were up to during that 1 year gap under the cut! ⤵
JULIANA : after attaining her champion title and helping solve the team star situation, juliana's skills as a battler have become pretty well known around paldea. this new status initially ostracized her a bit from her peers, much like what nemona experienced, but she was able to show others that she was still just as approachable as she was before by tutoring some fellow students that wished to improve their battling skills. she's also realized that she really loves teaching others and is pretty damn good at it, too.
besides battling, juliana has also found a love of art thanks to hassel's art class. if you couldn't find her at the academy's battlefield, she'd most likely be working on a new piece in the art room. as a result, a lot of her clothes have speckled with paint ( like her favorite sneakers. ) seeing her passion for art and hoping to help her hone her skills, hassel took up the position as her mentor and is a great source of encouragement and support for her. juliana has also started dating penny soon after the end of post-game story.
FLORIAN : after getting back to mezagoza from his trip to kitakami, florian was a bit of an emotional wreak ( to say the least. ) he spent well over a month languishing over what happened with kieran, most of it spent moping around juliana and his shared dorm room while listening to heartbreak playlists. the rest was spent coming to the realization that his skills as a battler were still severely lacking. his last battle with kieran was an extremely close call, he only barely won with the skills he had gained during his journey through paldea. with how things were, there was no way he could fufill the duties of a pokémon professor if he couldn't effectively protect the pokémon entrusted to him, let alone himself or others he cares about. he couldn't keep resting on his laurels, he had to work towards improving himself.
so, for the past year, florian's poured himself into improving his battling skills with nemona and his sister's help. while he still isn't on their level, he's become quite the formidable battler. ogrepon, which he's given the nickname "pon-pon," has also become a staple of his team. the rest of his time is dedicated towards studying in the hopes of becoming pasio's next pokémon professor, being the most interested in mythology and terastallization. he still talks to arven frequently after he ( finally ) graduated, along with becoming friends with ortega and atticus. he even dated ortega briefly, but it was very clear that florian was still hung up on kieran so the relationship didn't last long, ( they're still good friends, though. )
when cyrano approaches the cavallari siblings and asks them to come to blueberry academy as exchange students, florian accepts the offer without hesitation. this could be his only chance to reconcile with kieran so there's no way he'd pass it up. juliana is happy to tag along since a school that focuses on battling sounds right up her alley, that and she's still peeved about not getting to go to kitakami. though, she's a little concerned for her brother and what may be waiting for him when they get there.
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compressedrage · 4 months
Inspired by the fact that is Mother's Day today, I had a thought
How much do you think the CG understand about traditional family dynamics?
I'm sure they understand a lot, since they exist on a computer with easy internet access, and they definitely watch movies together. I just wonder if (for example) they ever think about how the RYGB don't have parents. Where'd they come from? We don't know, and they probably don't either! They just existed on a stickfights webpage before Orange busted them out!
Or take Orange. Does he ever think about how the closet thing he has to a father is Alan? The one who killed his friends, tried to kill him, and then chilled out over the course of five months? Sure, everything's okay now, but still.
I just wonder if when they talk to Purple, who's an Outernet stick who had actual parents, they ever stop and think how different their lives were.
Traditional family dynamics must seem pretty foreign to them.
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i've convinced myself that Sunny is a serial gossiper, except the only other dragon that knows is Clay bc they're best buddies <3
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sweeneydino · 7 months
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No plz
Plz I'm impressionable-
I can't- I mustn't, I'm stronk I can't plz
I've held on for this long- please don't do this to me
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I can't-
Old man yaoi- oh no
Mustn't fall
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cottoncandysprite · 1 year
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kreideprinzalby · 1 year
Genshin 4.0 Thoughts
So I finished the Chapter IV Archon Quests (And some of the major World Quests) for 4.0 a while back and like very other long-time Genshin fan whose been playing since it's launch in 2020, it's been a joy just going through the new nation and for the first time in so long I finally felt like I'm having fun in Genshin again. To the point me, someone who will admit never 100% completed any Genshin area or region, 100% COMPLETED THE FONTAINE 4.0 AREA IN A WEEK, it think that says something about how far we've come from the early days.
There will be talk of 4.0 spoilers under the cut so be warned!!
Funny enough, I've never made a post like this since 2021 when Inazuma went live. Mostly for a lot of personal reasons (college courses, moving away from home, etc.) and how i felt about the game post-Inazuma / pre-Sumeru wasn't exactly positive. Plus the initial backlash Sumeru had soured my mood to the point i was just playing through the game just for the sake of it. But that was before the Archon quest finished, and while I'm not going to talk about Sumeru's exploration aspect (no one mention tunnels in the desert to me ever again), The Archon quest was a MASSIVE improvement and showed how the story of Genshin can be good when they take their time. It did make me hope the next region would take a page from how Sumeru handles it's characters. Besides that tangent, So what is it about Fontaine that's making it so fun?
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Well for starters, the water exploration is VERY fun. Even without Fontaine characters the atmosphere and just overall game-play feels smooth and easy to control. I found myself mindlessly swimming around just taking it all in. It's probably also why I felt motivated to 100% the area since 4.0's area is small and feasible to do.
Surprising no one, Genshin's soundtrack for Fontaine is fantastic as always. I could pinpoint some songs the 4.0 livestream played but the rest are still beautiful to listen too. Especially the vocals in the underwater tracks or even just the songs that play in Fontaine's countryside.
Staking a page out of Sumeru's Archon Quest, the first two acts of Chapter 4 really set a new high bar. Mostly because they mystery of why the Nation of Justice treats trials like a spectacle plus the the looming threat of the entire nation being flooded and dissolved away with only Focalors remaining makes for a chilling mystery.
As a fan of Ace Attorney (and Danganronpa unfortunately/lh) the trials section are so much fun to play thru. The way we get to piece it all together, granted with not much penalty, felt like we were uncovering a case before our eyes. And hey! the traveler got to talk some more! also shoutout to Paimon's Groucho glasses staying for that 1st half.
Even though Genshin is no strangers to killing off NPC's at this point, something about how the methods of murder are done here feel eerie. From the jumpscare of the Box being crushed with someone inside to the fact PEOPLE IN FONTIANE JUST, DISSOLVE? so there was a Serial Killer going out murdering girls in a way that leaves nothing behind is very scary to think about even with the lack of blood and gore onscreen.
Of course the real stars of the show are the Fontaine characters we have already met. It's nice to finally see Lyney & Lynette after the Teyvat Trailer showed them nearly 3 years ago, and their dynamic is so nice to see (even if Lyney is rizzing us up lmao). I also love the direction they're going with Navia, Clorinde, and even Neuvillette with how they came across from the teasers.
As the 5th Archon we've met, I already love Furina's personality and dynamic she's got with the traveler. We haven't had an Archon whose been an outright rival to us since they've either been helpful to us from the get-go (Venti, Zhongli, & Nahida) or or straight up tried to kill us for exisiting (Raiden Shogun / Ei). Furina not only is committed to acting al high and mighty every chance she gets, but also really seems to want to show off how grand she is. I also love how we get to see a lil' bit into her psyche and how underneath that bravado she's really just scared her people will judge her if she didn't act like a god fit for the land of Justice. which makes me really excited how were going to convince her to devolve info about the traveler's twin.
Less serious but i love that Arlecchino is called the "Father" and is King in her home we love a GNC queen <3. That being said I am a bit excited to how they portray her since the way Lyney and Lynette talk of her is very much rose-colored since she saved them from horrific circumstances and they trust her with their life, but that remains to be seen
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But if that's what I think is good, whats some stuff I think could have been better?
Even though the water exploration is fun, I wouldn't say the puzzles and some of the underwater power are balanced. The Bullet Barnacles took me way to long to figure out before i took too much damage and since underwater you done have access to hearing other than specific areas your characters are just dead until you revive them. Plus the Sonar you get from the Seals feels weaker to use then say the Crab or Manta Ray power-ups. Plus the time trials and such are just your normal fair for genshin 'secrets'
The Pneuma and Ousia mechanic for the Meka enemies feels a little janky in combat. Maybe because from the start we only have Lyney & Lynette (and the Hydro Traveler) that can use this system right now make be why, but the targeting on certain Meka enemies looks like they hit them with the correct energy but doesn't stun them. Maybe it'll get better once we have more Fontaine characters but for now it's just another combat mechanic.
This is more of a nitpick, but there's one story moment that has one of the worse timing in Genshin. You've prob seen how people reacted to the Traveler seemingly random hostility towards finding out Lyney & Lynette are Fatui (or at least part of a Fatui household since House of Hearth raises Fatuus Soldiers), and normally that would make sense since they spent an entire trial trying to defend them but that omission of crucial info almost cost them the case. BUT, from the players perspective not only hours before were they JUST friendly to Childe, a Fatui Harbringer that despite being friends they are still wary of and now suddenly is willing to treat him like any old friend now in Fontaine makes it come across as cruel to the twins and weird in context. Why would the traveler, whose a twin themselves, show a lack of compassion two twins that opened their heart about their (surprisingly dark) backstory? It's not a horrible choice but it's definitely a weird writing choice in this instance. Especially since you have to finish Act's I & II to seen Lyney's Story Quest, and the traveler is somehow okay with them now? It's just weirdly timed is all.
I need more Freminet PLEASE I JUST WANNA SEE THE BOY!!
That's pretty much all I got. Hopefully I'm more hopeful of Fontaine's hype to the end, especially with how great Sumeru's story quest went. So we'll just have to wait & see what 4.1 and 4.2 gives us!
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spadem00n · 1 month
you ever have one of those nights where a pokemon of all things gives you gender affirmation? yeah.
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bluerosefox · 3 months
"Daddy! Mommy's is having Ellie!"
Everyone in the Batfam knows Jason keeps secrets.
Secrets he'd take to his grave a second time if he had to.
But to think one of those secrets would be about the fact he had a secret family.
And the only reason the Batfam found out was because apparently their secret (grand)daughter/sister-in-law Jazz/Jasmine was in labor and their (great)grandson/nephews Danny (Daniel) and Dan (Dante) called him while on a Red Hood job with the rest of the Batfam to panicky tell him their baby sister Ellie was on the way early.
Red Hood books it away from the fam to his bike while asking to put Kori or Roy on the phone.
Oh boy.
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rantceratops · 1 year
Rotating Vee and Hunter’s lost relationship dynamic that we were totally robbed of in my head and. Just having thoughts.
So in regards to the basilisk thing, I personally don’t think Hunter actually knew directly about the project. I know that the Golden Guard was Belos’s right hand, but Belos still kept many secrets from Hunter, and I cannot see any good reason why he would have let Hunter in on that project. He only let Hunter in on things on a need to manipulate basis, and this doesn’t seem like one.
Not to mention, Hunter as the Golden Guard was not shown in any of Vee’s flashbacks when she told Luz of her origins. We see Warden Wrath and regular coven scouts, as well as Belos himself. And yeah, you could argue, maybe Hunter was just a coven scout at the time and was one of the scouts with Wrath, but honestly? I don’t think so. If the creators had wanted us to make that connection, they would have just straight up shown the Golden Guard standing there or made sure his hair noodle was sticking out of a coven mask like in COTH.
If anything, I could only see Belos using Hunter to lead the search to try and find the escaped basilisks, without disclosing any other information about them other than just, find them and bring them back. And Hunter would of course obey. But even this thought might be wrong, given that when we see the basilisks hiding from the coven, we see only Belos himself with some elite scouts(the cone mask shape seems to be a higher rank?) seemingly out looking for them.
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I’m so sad we got robbed of the plot with Vee being uncomfortable with Hunter around the house because of his association with the Emperor’s Coven. I’m assuming she would have just found out at some point that he was with them, that he was the Golden Guard. And I absolutely still understand her being uncomfortable with him just because of the association itself, even if he wasn’t directly involved. (Or perhaps she could potentially recognize his voice from when Belos sent the Golden Guard out to round up the basilisks for him.)
And I am so sad that we missed the development of them working through this uncomfortableness and eventually becoming good friends, maybe even feeling a special kinship because of both being created and used. I think Vee would, with TIME and talking, absolutely sympathize and understand how Hunter felt, and he her, because they both were created artificially and used by Belos.
GOD I love them. Vee’s little “Hang in there, Hunter!” just hits so much more knowing there was supposed to be a whole little plot there.
(Note that this is just my thoughts, Hunter COULD have very well been involved directly, but to me it just doesn’t seem to be the case? I could see it far more likely that if anything Belos sent him out after them, but did not directly involve him in their creation. Either way Vee has more than enough reason to be skeptical of/dislike/hate him at first, that’s for sure.) (Warden Wrath seems to have been the head of the operation, as an interesting fact. Not really relevant, just interesting.)
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healerelowen · 4 months
A small bit to a large piece of the puzzle of the Scrybes being autistic:
Notice how none of them use an overhead light?
P03 could easily use overhead lights for the factory, but no, blue LEDs up and down the halls. While researching though, the light overhanging the table in act 3 could be an overhead light, but let’s be honest, it’s so dim it’s really hard to tell. Grimora, in both acts 2 and 3, is depicted with candles with a green flame. She could use something brighter, install a lamp perhaps, but she chooses candles. It could be for aesthetic reasons, which is a likely possibility. But in context of this argument, it could be both.
Leshy does use lanterns as depicted in all three acts of the game, however, they are candle lit. This and the fact that Leshy is the only Scrybe that uses the Old Data to keep himself in the dark, so to speak. Although that can be argued to be just for “ambiance” and “mystery”, it could also factor with this too.
For Magnificus, there’s a bit of an odd bit with his final fight in act 3 with it being taken place in a literal white, glaring void. But in act 2, he uses both candles and natural light from windows. Also for act 3, he didn’t exactly choose to be there, and he definitely didn’t want to be in that place to begin with.
No overhead lights. They icky.
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smol-cr0w · 2 years
Hello fren!! Has anyone told you they're proud of you today?! Well im proud!! and i think you are so smart and cool!! even if you were really sad or scared or anythin' today, i still am proud! maybe if you gots the energy we could get sum water an a snack!! whats your favorite snack? ooo thas a good one!! ok thanks fren, have a good day!!
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