lifehurts34 · 5 years
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trashedfear · 5 years
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protector/protectee meme.  //  @shvtvpricky​  //  status: accepting.                 “if anything happened to you…”
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          “ then what? you’ll throw the party ? ” brow raises and smirk fills lips before richie laughs-- head shaking it off.  ( isn’t this how you have always been? shake it off. push it away. make some JOKE because it’s better than being vulnerable, than letting the truth shine through. it was always so much easier. )   --but there is something in the raw honesty to ricky’s words, the open nature of his voice. and he can’t ignore it, can’t just go along with the bit. 
          instead, expression softens and richie sighs, bringing hand up to press thumb and finger into eyes, rubbing before letting his body slump a little. 
          “it’s fine. really. m’gonna be fine, you don’t have to worry. i’m gonna be old, fat and bald when i kick it. ya got more years sufferin’ my shit yet.” 
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anomaliae · 5 years
“I paid $40 so I better die.”
halloween asks // @shvtvpricky
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Few things made Josie burst out in laughter. She’d smile at the rare joke that actually got to her, but she’d hardly ever laugh. But Ricky had managed to defy her norm. A laugh bubbled up in her chest, a grin cracking over her lips as it spilled out. It was short but genuine, which was rare for her. “Hate to say it, but I think someone scammed you out of $35. I only paid $5. I mean, this is a public high school fundraiser. Anything over $10 seems a little steep for a haunted walk on a football field.” 
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losermade · 5 years
@shvtvpricky said:  ❝ i’m going to dress up as the grim reaper because i feel like death. ❞
    “I said you didn’t have to come” Richie looked over at his twin with a raised brow, adjusting his glasses as he sighed and sat down “I mean it’s not gonna be the biggest deal, besides- mom will fuckin’ kill me if you get more sick”
     A small go around the good neighborhood for treats, and all heading back to Bills house for a small horror movie marathon, a perfect night, but his own twin wasn’t feeling the hottest and he would feel bad leaving him behind- but, who knew. 
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mindshatters-blog · 7 years
it’s @shvtvpricky‘s birthday today so here’s a starter 4 the boi
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          IT’S ALMOST MIDNIGHT. jax can’t sleep. he woke up with a throbbing headache and it just . . . would not seem to go away. he woke up and took some pills, trying to will the headache away. he looks at the clock on his nightstand and groans. he knows he WON’T get back to sleep any time soon. so, he glances over across the room to where the window is, noticing the LIGHT on in ricky’s bedroom and knows that his friend is awake. he doesn’t need the light to tell him that.
he crawls out of bed and GRABS the walkie talkie, pressing the button and talking into it: “ hey, ricky. are you awake ?? ” he let’s it go and stares out ; he HAS to ask, even though he already knows the answer to that question. he doesn’t wait for the answer before heading to the window and opening it. he grabs a blanket from his bed and walks out onto the roof. THERE, he will wait for his friend, knowing he’ll probably come out to meet him ---- ricky would come, because he always did.
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distraughtdenbrough · 7 years
Ricky: “Yeah, we’re best friends, but I’d fuck you if you asked.”
Will: “What?”
Ricky: “What?”
Rocky: [Without looking up from her book] “He said he’d fuck you if you asked.”
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derryrosie-archived · 7 years
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                “It’s because I do care Ricky!” Elizabeth huffed, looking over at him and running a hand through her hair. “Why does no one in this family think I care? If you got hurt I’d be the one caring you to the hospital! Richie sure as hell can’t and mom and dad don’t give a shit so don’t say I don’t care.” // @shvtvpricky​ liked
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fearloved · 7 years
( ✉ → sms ) i dropped my pzziza o nt eh floror im fuckgin pissed /shvtvpricky
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[ ✉ → Ricky Tozier ] : Are you drunk or high?[ ✉ → Ricky Tozier ] : Or both?
text message starters. // accepting.
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trashedfear · 5 years
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          brows knit together and richie is quick to move-- hands reaching to grip at the front of ricky’s shirt, yanking him closer and expression is set HARD. “ have you no idea that you're in deep ?! ” eyes narrow slightly and he searches, seeks answers in the others eyes, going on before giving him even the chance to reply, “ seriously, do you have any idea how deep this shit is gonna go? how much more fucked up it’s gonna get if we stay?! ”
@shvtvpricky heart’d for a lyrical inspired thing.
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clownlike-blog · 5 years
“ why? why would you want me?”
          THERE’S AN OVERWHELMING CHILDISHNESS to the way it stomps its foot on the ground , fingers curled to fists sent downwards with the gravity of annoyance the more questions come out of the boy’s mouth.  finally there’s a second of silence , the earth gone completely still as the jingle of bells fades , distorted , into the air.  but it’s still partially there , the sound , much akin to the ringing of someone’s ears but just enough to drive anyone mad when trying to find the source.
          “ BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS TALK BACK.  BLAH , BLAH , BLAH - ” one hand is raised, cupped to make the shape of a mouth as fingers move together and then separate to give the impression of talking with those last , final words.  “ WASN’T IT NICE FOR THE MOMENT , RICKY ?  THE SILENCE ?  OR WERE YOU STILL TALKING TO YOURSELF INSIDE THAT LITTLE HEAD OF YOURS ? ”  it frowns , stalks forward and bends with arms straight at its side again , “ BUT THIS TIME , YOU DON’T WANNA SHARE , DO YOU ? ”
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losermade · 5 years
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Richie vc: WHAT THE FUCK !
I hit another milestone and I am so thankful for everyone who I have had the pleasure to meet and call my friends ! I love you all so much and you’re all dear to my heart so thank you for being you and making my days a little brighter !!
The Losers I Adore !
@trashmanaged/@spaceb1y || @lovermade || @tokenoffered || @losesher/@clownbatted || @loseshim/@behvvie || @rosescut || @prcsumptuous/@richtozicr|| @derrygymnast || @notxbullshit || @shotbled || @alldeadrock || @leadslosers || @shvtvpricky
Honorable Mentions and Wonderful People !
@feargrown || @trashmouthtm || @itsdeadlights || @fxxkingazebos || @wasbraver || @inhalcrs || @leechfeared || @bvlymrsh || @braveryinfear || @evilwiithin 
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anomaliae · 5 years
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As horrible as Derry had been for the first few years living there, Josie had come to enjoy the town. Maybe not the bizarre disappearances or the way everyone seemed to forget, but it had truly become a home for her. The Colette family never sent her away. In fact, this had been the longest she had ever spent with one family, and she was only a short while away from “aging out”. Even if she was never adopted, this was certainly the best alternative. 
While she never could forget about Melody and the others, she learned to play along and move on. It took a year, but eventually, she was able to lower her walls. She brought her grades back up and became a star student in school. She aced every quiz and test and easily became the favorite of her teachers. This had prompted them to often ask her to tutor students who struggled with the material in their lower level classes. So, that’s what she did. And that’s what she was waiting to do as she sat in a quiet corner of the library, her notes spread neatly in front of her. 
While she wasn’t exactly shocked to see Ricky Tozier approach the table, she was alarmed. He was popular and she was the kind of student to go unnoticed. They were the same age and had once been in the same class when they were younger, but she wondered if he remembered her. Clearing her throat gently, she straightened her back before tossing him a faint smile. “Are you here to get help for Mrs. Elm’s biology class?” 
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distraughtdenbrough · 7 years
@shvtvpricky gets to see will two weeks after their breakup.
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     “ i don’t want to talk to you, rick---ricky, “ will’s pissed because of all the people they don’t want to run into : ricky tozier is the number one person. he can’t even look the other in the face anymore. “ i swear to god i will beat you to a bloody pu--pulp. “ his fingers clutch the bat just in case. hell, he was about to throw his bat into his duffel bag since he was headed home from baseball practice, but now he was just being stopped. 
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dessertion-blog · 6 years
what type of anime character are you?
tagged by: @mutedviolet (thank uuuuu ♥♥♥) tagging: @scythesque, @shvtvpricky, @dearsunshinc!!
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     ❝ What?! No, I’m not! ❞
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stcnleybxy · 7 years
❛ nah - i love being your personal doorman , really . ❜ /shvtvpricky
Passing through the door that the other held open for him he isn't too sure if he's being genuine or not. Half turning to his friend then to look at him properly, he decides that maybe it's best if he just ignores the comment. They didn't have time to bicker about it anyway. "Let's just move on. We'll be late." he responds instead, somewhat impatiently. If there was something Stan couldn't take it'd be being off schedule.
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